Season 3 Episode 2 - The Price of Pleasure

Started by Naira, November 01, 2018, 04:42:22 AM

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Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 06, 2018, 06:09:41 PM


Judy was relieved to see her rant was going over well.
"Right. Let's go with a gold watch, a big one. Add in a belt with a stupidly large buckle, and you'll be good."
She replicated items that met her idea of flashy Syndicate garb and handed them to Alec, before realizing that her own look still wasn't quite there. It just needed a touch of bonus conceit, something about as subtle as the elongated nose on her face. Something like shades! She reached for a pair of aviators from her collection, put them on in a smooth motion, and then turned to leave.
"Let me know when you're ready," she told Alec.


Alec changed into the alternate clothes, glaring down at the ridiculous belt buckle in distaste. It had some kind of animal on it with a gem for its eye. He shook his head as he exited Judy's quarters.

I feel ridiculous. While this certainly won't be my first time at a resort, he told her, it will be the first time I've gone to one looking to draw attention. No, usually he and Aryn went to resorts and spent all their time either, ahem, in their rooms, on the beach, or exploring their surroundings. Alec did hope he could play this part.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 06, 2018, 08:49:42 PM


Alec changed into the alternate clothes, glaring down at the ridiculous belt buckle in distaste. It had some kind of animal on it with a gem for its eye. He shook his head as he exited Judy's quarters.

I feel ridiculous. While this certainly won't be my first time at a resort, he told her, it will be the first time I've gone to one looking to draw attention. No, usually he and Aryn went to resorts and spent all their time either, ahem, in their rooms, on the beach, or exploring their surroundings. Alec did hope he could play this part.


"Just try to think of any mobster flicks you know," Judy advised. "Something like The Godfather, or Goodfellas, or whatever you're familiar with. The Syndicate is basically the mafia but with worse food."
Judy figured that an El-Aurian, of all people, should get her references to 20th-century Earth cinematic masterpieces. Quite the opposite of Dihiq, who didn't really know any art of any medium.
"Let's go," she said with a rap of the cane on the deck. Then, with the swift stride of a New Yorker, she led Alec to the mess hall.

[Mess Hall]

"So, what'd we miss?" Judy asked Aryn and Odelot as she returned to the mess hall.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


Quote from: Four of Twenty on November 05, 2018, 05:19:53 AM

[Mess Hall]

"Thank you, Captain." he said, sitting back down after she had taken her seat. Protocol was everything onboard a Romulan ship. The slightest perceived insult could end up putting great shame on your family's house, or get you tossed out of an airlock. Sometimes both. Mix that with the fact that anyone could be a secret Tal Shiar agent, and you had an environment that nurtured the cunning and loyal.

She certainly didn't beat around the bush, nor did she seem to want to sugarcoat things for him. He liked that. "It's an understandable unease, Captain. Nothing I haven't dealt with at the Academy. I knew what I would be walking into when I elected to stay within the Federation. The entirety of my house was lost when Romulus was destroyed...

His voice trailed off as he looked down at the table. Before he started the Academy, his skin was etched with the ceremonial markings. The designs were physical representations of his mourning. He was a man without a home. Without a nation.

"The Federation gave me my life back, so it only seemed right to join Starfleet." By the time he had graduated from the Academy, the markings were all but gone. Small shadows of a few designs could be seen on his olive skin, but they were easy to miss unless you had an observant eye. Wait. Did she say we?

"Yes, of course. I look forward to it, Captain. If there would be two things I value more than all else, it would be exceeding expectations and proving people wrong." She smiled at him, and he returned the gesture. This was an experienced Starfleet officer. She could help give him insight on how to truly exceed within the Federation.

"Yes, I'm well aware of the potential dangers. There are some weapons that only the military should be able to use. Others still that no one should have access to." He crossed one leg over the other, straightening his slacks in the process. His gaze crept down to his shoes for a minute, catching his reflection in the shine. His attention turned back to the Captain, giving her a reassuring smirk.

"I endeavor to be everything needed, and to exceed beyond that point."

[Mess Hall]

Naira found herself listening intently as the man spoke. She nodded along with each point, only downplaying her gaze as he spoke of the destruction of his homework and the death of his family. That was a difficult topic, one she wasn't sure how to breach at the moment. How does one process such a thing? While she had no love for the Syndicate controlled worlds within the Orion sector, she felt that if such a thing had happened to her own people, it would impact her.

Perhaps Felicity would be able to speak with him about that later.

She was pleased to hear that he was eager to prove himself. She had a feeling that such an attitude would serve him well in terms of gaining the trust of the crew and doing everything in his power to serve Starfleet.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 05, 2018, 02:05:15 PM

[Mess Hall - Red Phoenix]

[NPC - Captain Oliver Winchester]

Recovering from his moment of weakness, Oliver then proceeded to speak to Pieter, quiet words and conversation both personal and professional before he made his way back through the small crowd in what was usually a fairly empty room. As he moved the Freighter Captain noted the shift in vibrations, knowing his ship well enough to feel the change as it went from warp to impulse.

Deciding now was a good time to get back to the Bridge, he quickened his pace but not before informing the room.

" Attention everyone, we've dropped out of warp and are now at impulse"He stated then continued. " S'Ree gave us an estimate of an hour but now that we've entered the system I expect we'll be arriving at the planet within the next 20 minutes, I'll be on the Bridge should anyone need me".

After twisting around in her chair to listen as Captain Winchester made his announcement, she nodded to the man on his way out of the room, before returning to address the Romulan sitting across the table from her, "I believe that's our cue. Thank you for letting me sit and speak with you for a moment."

Naira stood up and looked around the room once more. A number of individuals had already started to disperse, going about their predetermined assigned tasks, but still a number remained talking amongst themselves, picking at the last few bites of their food or idly passing the moments with whatever nervous tick they had.

"I want everyone in position and ready to depart when we land. Remember to stick to your rehearsed backstories and stay with your group. We are guests at this resort, not Starfleet officers, if you think your cover is blown, back off and try to get out. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

She bit down on her dry lips, took a deep breath and her eyes fell on the Chief of Security. While the plan made perfect sense on paper when she worked out feasibility of their backstory, going forward with it she knew it was going to be something they'd hate.

"For the duration of our time on the planet, I will not be serving a direct command role. Lieutenant Commander Adeyemi will serve as the voice of our group when meeting with the dealer and if you find yourself needing to speak with me, you will need to do so through him. While on the planet, I will be playing the part of...his slave."

Her throat felt dry as the words slipped out of her mouth. Never had she thought she would say such a thing, but more than anything, she was glad her mother and daughters were there to hear it.     


Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

Odelot looked up as Judy came back, and pointed to Dihiq.

"Dihiq needs knife.  And Klingon clothes.  Maybe Disruptor."  His eyes widened slightly as he said the word 'disruptor,' apparently indicating the reverence with which he held that particular tool of destruction.

"I am telling Dihiq.  He is only Klingon I met ever that is... V-E-G-A-N or... quiet.  He need to be..."  Odelot paused, sucking in his bottom lip as he considered the right way to express the concept.

"He need to be HARD."

As he said this, Odelot made fists and held them up like a boxer might.

Then he patted Dihiq's shoulder, "Dihiq can be Odelot guard.  Odelot can be Pakled scrapper!  Rich of Salvage.  But lonely.  All money, no girls.  Go to Resort to find girls.  Maybe marry?  Or buy?  Odelot lonely in big black.  Is lonely at top."

He put on a sad face, then winked.  He had it all figured out.  He was going to be good at this.

The Captain returned to give everyone a final briefing.   She was going to be a slave?

Wow.  That was a good one. 

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 07, 2018, 12:54:23 AM


"Just try to think of any mobster flicks you know," Judy advised. "Something like The Godfather, or Goodfellas, or whatever you're familiar with. The Syndicate is basically the mafia but with worse food."
Judy figured that an El-Aurian, of all people, should get her references to 20th-century Earth cinematic masterpieces. Quite the opposite of Dihiq, who didn't really know any art of any medium.
"Let's go," she said with a rap of the cane on the deck. Then, with the swift stride of a New Yorker, she led Alec to the mess hall.

[Mess Hall]

"So, what'd we miss?" Judy asked Aryn and Odelot as she returned to the mess hall.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Aryn's eyes nearly bugged out of her head when she saw Alec's ensemble and she said, You look, umm...

Terrible, Alec supplied. The word you're looking for is 'terrible'. I feel ridiculous.

Aryn tilted her head and shrugged. I wasn't going to put it quite so bluntly.

Alec shook his head and laughed.

You haven't missed much, Aryn finally said in answer to Judy's question. Just finishing our food. Having some conversation.

Quote from: Naira on November 07, 2018, 03:32:28 AM

[Mess Hall]

"I want everyone in position and ready to depart when we land. Remember to stick to your rehearsed backstories and stay with your group. We are guests at this resort, not Starfleet officers, if you think your cover is blown, back off and try to get out. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

She bit down on her dry lips, took a deep breath and her eyes fell on the Chief of Security. While the plan made perfect sense on paper when she worked out feasibility of their backstory, going forward with it she knew it was going to be something they'd hate.

"For the duration of our time on the planet, I will not be serving a direct command role. Lieutenant Commander Adeyemi will serve as the voice of our group when meeting with the dealer and if you find yourself needing to speak with me, you will need to do so through him. While on the planet, I will be playing the part of...his slave."

Her throat felt dry as the words slipped out of her mouth. Never had she thought she would say such a thing, but more than anything, she was glad her mother and daughters were there to hear it.

Aryn raised her brows at the captain's announcement of the role she'd be taking. Wow, she murmured. That's going to be tough.

She rose from her seat and took Alec's arm when Naira was finished speaking. Off we go!

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Naira on November 07, 2018, 03:32:28 AM

[Mess Hall]
Naira stood up and looked around the room once more. A number of individuals had already started to disperse, going about their predetermined assigned tasks, but still a number remained talking amongst themselves, picking at the last few bites of their food or idly passing the moments with whatever nervous tick they had.

"I want everyone in position and ready to depart when we land. Remember to stick to your rehearsed backstories and stay with your group. We are guests at this resort, not Starfleet officers, if you think your cover is blown, back off and try to get out. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

She bit down on her dry lips, took a deep breath and her eyes fell on the Chief of Security. While the plan made perfect sense on paper when she worked out feasibility of their backstory, going forward with it she knew it was going to be something they'd hate.

"For the duration of our time on the planet, I will not be serving a direct command role. Lieutenant Commander Adeyemi will serve as the voice of our group when meeting with the dealer and if you find yourself needing to speak with me, you will need to do so through him. While on the planet, I will be playing the part of...his slave."

Her throat felt dry as the words slipped out of her mouth. Never had she thought she would say such a thing, but more than anything, she was glad her mother and daughters were there to hear it.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

After Oliver's departure and with the rush of people leaving and returning, Lea understood the need to enjoy these last few precious moments of normality before the charade began. The atmosphere was almost electric as everyone spoke to one another and finished their meals and she picked up on it immediately as she too finished her own food.

She may be disguised to hide her true identity but that didn't mean anything as she still intended to use her abilities as and when needed especially with where they were going and who was involved. However as the Captain then addressed them all once more, she understood her instructions and the risks they faced and knew it was time to get completely into character as she had every intention of playing her part.

Again Lea also understood the sacrifices and compromises made by others including the Captain but it was testament to how serious this was and why they had to be successful.

The Betazoid also knew she had to make one last stop before they departed for the resort so she turned to Derek as she got to her feet.

" I need to go grab something from my quarters but I'll see you at the rendezvous point" she said before she exited the Mess Hall.

In her haste to get ready she had forgotten to attach the dagger she always wore and knew it wasn't worth the earache from Rixxy or Idris if she didn't wear it. So knowing she had time, began to walk towards her quarters, her mind firmly focused until ......

" Lyric are you okay ?" she asked as she spotted the Engineering Officer near one of the bulkheads.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Odelot on November 07, 2018, 09:36:20 AM

Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

Odelot looked up as Judy came back, and pointed to Dihiq.

"Dihiq needs knife.  And Klingon clothes.  Maybe Disruptor."  His eyes widened slightly as he said the word 'disruptor,' apparently indicating the reverence with which he held that particular tool of destruction.

"I am telling Dihiq.  He is only Klingon I met ever that is... V-E-G-A-N or... quiet.  He need to be..."  Odelot paused, sucking in his bottom lip as he considered the right way to express the concept.

"He need to be HARD."

As he said this, Odelot made fists and held them up like a boxer might.

Then he patted Dihiq's shoulder, "Dihiq can be Odelot guard.  Odelot can be Pakled scrapper!  Rich of Salvage.  But lonely.  All money, no girls.  Go to Resort to find girls.  Maybe marry?  Or buy?  Odelot lonely in big black.  Is lonely at top."

He put on a sad face, then winked.  He had it all figured out.  He was going to be good at this.

The Captain returned to give everyone a final briefing.   She was going to be a slave?

Wow.  That was a good one. 

[Mess Hall]

Dihiq went wide-eyed with horror at the notion of himself as a guard, carrying weapons.
"Um, I'm, a, uh, p-pacifist," he tried to explain.
Judy, who found that Odelot's ideas could easily be the punchline to a corny joke, stepped in to explain in eloquent yet simple terms.
"Dihiq is a lover, not a fighter," she clarified the Cadet's stuttered-through statement. "He doesn't look like the average fighting Klingon because he isn't one."
"Y-yeah, that," Dihiq echoed. He really didn't want to hold a weapon.

Quote from: Naira on November 07, 2018, 03:32:28 AM

[Mess Hall]
Naira stood up and looked around the room once more. A number of individuals had already started to disperse, going about their predetermined assigned tasks, but still a number remained talking amongst themselves, picking at the last few bites of their food or idly passing the moments with whatever nervous tick they had.

"I want everyone in position and ready to depart when we land. Remember to stick to your rehearsed backstories and stay with your group. We are guests at this resort, not Starfleet officers, if you think your cover is blown, back off and try to get out. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

She bit down on her dry lips, took a deep breath and her eyes fell on the Chief of Security. While the plan made perfect sense on paper when she worked out feasibility of their backstory, going forward with it she knew it was going to be something they'd hate.

"For the duration of our time on the planet, I will not be serving a direct command role. Lieutenant Commander Adeyemi will serve as the voice of our group when meeting with the dealer and if you find yourself needing to speak with me, you will need to do so through him. While on the planet, I will be playing the part of...his slave."

Her throat felt dry as the words slipped out of her mouth. Never had she thought she would say such a thing, but more than anything, she was glad her mother and daughters were there to hear it.

Before Judy could comment on the general perception of Pakleds as dim, and how Odelot wasn't dressed the part of a wealthy man, the Captain spoke. Of course, it made sense for the Orion boss to go undercover as a slave, but it still rubbed Judy the wrong way. It was just so backwards.
Quote from: Aryn Corliss on November 07, 2018, 11:47:38 AM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]
Aryn raised her brows at the captain's announcement of the role she'd be taking. Wow, she murmured. That's going to be tough.

She rose from her seat and took Alec's arm when Naira was finished speaking. Off we go!

"Gentlemen, let's go," Judy urged Dihiq and Odelot as she saw the El-Aurian lovebirds leave. As she got up, she handed her purse to Dihiq, effectively making him her personal assistant once more. The Klingon begrudgingly accepted this casting decision, and trudged behind his boss and her corgis. He would have found her comical, with the cane and the canines, if not for his present position.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Malcolm Adeyemi

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 06, 2018, 01:10:47 PM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Lyric looked down at her hands again. Malcolm had started to make her feel a little better, then he did that same pulling away he always did. She wasn't entirely sure what she expected of him, or why she tried to pursue anything with him. Lord knows, he rarely encouraged her, beyond the occasional kind word or two.

"Thank you, Malcolm." Her voice was quiet, with a small waver as she still wasn't quite convinced. However she would do... whatever she was supposed to do. The briefing hadn't quite outlined what role she was to play in all this. Perhaps once she received more defined orders, she would feel at least a little better about this operation. In a steadier voice, she continued. "I'm sure you want to finish your meal and get cleaned up. From the sounds of things, we'll be arriving shortly. I... I'm uhm, sorry for bothering you." The Changeling stood up quickly, and ducked her head. As she scurried out of the room, she wasn't sure where she'd go, but away sounded good.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

"It wasn't a bother--" Food forgotten, he got up, nearly lifting the table off of the deck. Cutlery and cups rattled. Before he could give chase, the captain spoke.

Quote from: Naira on November 07, 2018, 03:32:28 AM

[Mess Hall]

After twisting around in her chair to listen as Captain Winchester made his announcement, she nodded to the man on his way out of the room, before returning to address the Romulan sitting across the table from her, "I believe that's our cue. Thank you for letting me sit and speak with you for a moment."

Naira stood up and looked around the room once more. A number of individuals had already started to disperse, going about their predetermined assigned tasks, but still a number remained talking amongst themselves, picking at the last few bites of their food or idly passing the moments with whatever nervous tick they had.

"I want everyone in position and ready to depart when we land. Remember to stick to your rehearsed backstories and stay with your group. We are guests at this resort, not Starfleet officers, if you think your cover is blown, back off and try to get out. Don't take any unnecessary risks."

She bit down on her dry lips, took a deep breath and her eyes fell on the Chief of Security. While the plan made perfect sense on paper when she worked out feasibility of their backstory, going forward with it she knew it was going to be something they'd hate.

"For the duration of our time on the planet, I will not be serving a direct command role. Lieutenant Commander Adeyemi will serve as the voice of our group when meeting with the dealer and if you find yourself needing to speak with me, you will need to do so through him. While on the planet, I will be playing the part of...his slave."

Her throat felt dry as the words slipped out of her mouth. Never had she thought she would say such a thing, but more than anything, she was glad her mother and daughters were there to hear it.

[Mess Hall]

Suddenly the center of attention, Adeyemi was cognizant of how ridiciulous he looked, half standing, having upset his table. He hurriedly sat, further causing his tray and so forth to clatter.

He felt no more words were needed. He was not one to be usually intimidated by the attention of a room full of crew, but given who he was just speaking with and his feelings towards her, he felt vulnerable.

"Thank you, captain," Was all Adeyemi said, and hoped that would be the end of it.

Felicity Ellis

[NPC - Dr. Chief Kece Lunn - Medical Bay, Red Phoenix]

Chief Medical Officer Kece Lunn had been quite busy, it had to be said. Whilst the rest of the crew gossiped and feasted and cavorted around in questionable ensembles, Lunn had synthesized a serum that would protect their collective virtues. Well, it would help. It would take the edge off, so to speak, make the experience a little less messy. With any luck. The Chief had absolutely no faith in any of them.

"How am I supposed to work under these conditions!?" He cried as he bumped shoulders with his unwilling assistant for the fifth time. The space was quite cramped, and not exactly fit for his purposes, but as always, Kece was a true trooper. But would anyone recognise the sacrifices he made? Be grateful? Oh, no. They were all too concerned about getting their rocks off at some pleasure resort. "Get out of my way, Dex!"

"It's Rex, doctor," the very patient medic reminded him, though the fight had gone out of his voice already.

"Yes, yes, though if I don't get this finished none of you will even care what your names are anymore! You'll be consumed, Tex, consumed by pheromonic fervor!"

Rex mumbled something incoherent, and didn't bother repeating himself when Lunn glared expectantly at him. The poor young man continued lining up the vials in preparation for Lunn's strange brew. He'd been so horrified by the doctor's behaviour that he was seriously considering asking Leanna for a raise, or Winch for a larger slice of the Phoenix's pie, because he wasn't making nearly enough to submit to this kind of torture. He clenched his fists while Lunn turned his attention to the display on a nearby console, the sound of his breathing overly loud and obnoxious to Rex's ears.

"Yes... Yes, I see. This will do." The half-Betazoid let out a long suffering sigh. "It will have to do. I don't know how they can expect so much from me in such a short time. I'm only one man!"

[Mess Hall]

Once everything had been finalised and replicated, Lunn and Rex made their way to a small, cordoned off area of the Mess Hall, just in time to catch the crew as they departed. With haste, and without any help from Lunn at all, Rex began laying out their wares on a table. The Chief himself stood out front and began his pitch.

"A good day to you all, brave crews of the Columbus and the Red Phoenix. If you'd like to step over here, my charming assistant -" He paused mid-gesture as he stared at Rex for just a moment, "...Michael, will provide you with a shot of Kece Lunn's patented Feelgood-Be-Gone, our very own catch-all environmental pheromone suppressant! Step up and receive your very own virtue booster! Lasts for six hours, guaranteed. Madam!" He minced lightly toward an interestingly clad lady, who was using what looked to be an old-fashioned cane and was being trailed by a familiar, malnourished looking Klingon and two fluffy dogs. Chief Lunn ducked his head in a bow. "A little Feelgood-Be-Gone for you, madam?"

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 07, 2018, 05:08:27 PM

[Mess Hall]

Once everything had been finalised and replicated, Lunn and Rex made their way to a small, cordoned off area of the Mess Hall, just in time to catch the crew as they departed. With haste, and without any help from Lunn at all, Rex began laying out their wares on a table. The Chief himself stood out front and began his pitch.

"A good day to you all, brave crews of the Columbus and the Red Phoenix. If you'd like to step over here, my charming assistant -" He paused mid-gesture as he stared at Rex for just a moment, "...Michael, will provide you with a shot of Kece Lunn's patented Feelgood-Be-Gone, our very own catch-all environmental pheromone suppressant! Step up and receive your very own virtue booster! Lasts for six hours, guaranteed. Madam!" He minced lightly toward an interestingly clad lady, who was using what looked to be an old-fashioned cane and was being trailed by a familiar, malnourished looking Klingon and two fluffy dogs. Chief Lunn ducked his head in a bow. "A little Feelgood-Be-Gone for you, madam?"

[Mess Hall]

Judy didn't really appreciate being pulled aside from her swift march (it was easy for her to maintain that rapid New Yorker's gait once she got going, but not as easy to get up to speed anymore), but she appreciated the necessity. When under the influence, she tended to recede back 30 years in her habits, which was the last thing she needed now.

"Let me just warn you, I know a couple of malpractice lawyers," she warned. There was something about the way this doctor talked that just made her viscerally dislike him. "Don't screw the pooch," she added as she cocked her head to one side to allow the hypospray to come.

At this point, she noticed a smell that seemed to be emanating from the doc.
"Ugh! It smells like [spoiler]shit[/spoiler]!" Judy complained aloud as she let go of the cane, grabbed a small can of lysol spray from her handbag (within reach in Dihiq's hand), and released a healthy spritz in Lunn's direction.

"Just get it done quickly," she ordered as she returned the can to the purse.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


Quote from: Malcolm Adeyemi on November 07, 2018, 01:28:11 PM

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

"It wasn't a bother--" Food forgotten, he got up, nearly lifting the table off of the deck. Cutlery and cups rattled. Before he could give chase, the captain spoke.

[Mess Hall]

Suddenly the center of attention, Adeyemi was cognizant of how ridiciulous he looked, half standing, having upset his table. He hurriedly sat, further causing his tray and so forth to clatter.

He felt no more words were needed. He was not one to be usually intimidated by the attention of a room full of crew, but given who he was just speaking with and his feelings towards her, he felt vulnerable.

"Thank you, captain," Was all Adeyemi said, and hoped that would be the end of it.

[Mess Hall]

Naira remained standing while she felt numerous eyes shift back and forth between herself and the Security Chief. It didn't help matters with the awkward way in which he appeared to leap out of his seat, only to sit back down. She understood that what she was asking of them, especially him, was so out of the ordinary that they couldn't be expected to seamlessly pull this off without some awkwardness, but she hoped that he would calm down and act normally while at the resort.

Unless his plan involves flipping tables to catch this arms dealer.

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 07, 2018, 05:08:27 PM

[NPC - Dr. Chief Kece Lunn - Medical Bay, Red Phoenix]
[Mess Hall]

Once everything had been finalised and replicated, Lunn and Rex made their way to a small, cordoned off area of the Mess Hall, just in time to catch the crew as they departed. With haste, and without any help from Lunn at all, Rex began laying out their wares on a table. The Chief himself stood out front and began his pitch.

"A good day to you all, brave crews of the Columbus and the Red Phoenix. If you'd like to step over here, my charming assistant -" He paused mid-gesture as he stared at Rex for just a moment, "...Michael, will provide you with a shot of Kece Lunn's patented Feelgood-Be-Gone, our very own catch-all environmental pheromone suppressant! Step up and receive your very own virtue booster! Lasts for six hours, guaranteed. Madam!" He minced lightly toward an interestingly clad lady, who was using what looked to be an old-fashioned cane and was being trailed by a familiar, malnourished looking Klingon and two fluffy dogs. Chief Lunn ducked his head in a bow. "A little Feelgood-Be-Gone for you, madam?"

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 07, 2018, 05:45:15 PM

[Mess Hall]

Judy didn't really appreciate being pulled aside from her swift march (it was easy for her to maintain that rapid New Yorker's gait once she got going, but not as easy to get up to speed anymore), but she appreciated the necessity. When under the influence, she tended to recede back 30 years in her habits, which was the last thing she needed now.

"Let me just warn you, I know a couple of malpractice lawyers," she warned. There was something about the way this doctor talked that just made her viscerally dislike him. "Don't screw the pooch," she added as she cocked her head to one side to allow the hypospray to come.

At this point, she noticed a smell that seemed to be emanating from the doc.
"Ugh! It smells like [spoiler]shit[/spoiler]!" Judy complained aloud as she let go of the cane, grabbed a small can of lysol spray from her handbag (within reach in Dihiq's hand), and released a healthy spritz in Lunn's direction.

"Just get it done quickly," she ordered as she returned the can to the purse.

Naira waited for the other woman to treated while she began form a line for others to follow suit.

"You do know that they do more than just make people 'feel good,' right?" She allowed a small hint of irritation to slip into her voice at the way in which he attempted to invoke humor at the expense of her species. "In concentrated doses these pheromones can entice any strong emotion. Lust is a powerful tool, but I wouldn't put it passed them to evoke fear or rage if they feel the need for it."


Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

A Doctor arrived and began advertising some medicine Odelot wasn't familiar with.  He approached to see what was going on.  Something about 'pheremones', but that word wasn't in his mental lexicon.  'Feel Good' was, though.

"Feel Good Be Gone?  That sounds bad.  I like to Feel Good.  Odelot does not want Feel Good to be Gone.  Do you have 'Feel Good Be Staying?'"

However, the Captain quickly explained that the medicine would innoculate against a wide range of feelings, like Fear and Rage.

Odelot blinked, not comprehending how such a thing was possible, or why it would be desirable.   The Witch- Judy- did not seem to enjoy the smell of the medicine.  She sprayed the Doctor with a can of perfume and complained as she took her dose.

Now there was a bitter taste in the air.


Odelot thought the perfume spray must be worse than the medicine smell.

"Odelot likes to feel things.  Do I have to take medicine?"

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 07, 2018, 05:45:15 PM

[Mess Hall]

Judy didn't really appreciate being pulled aside from her swift march (it was easy for her to maintain that rapid New Yorker's gait once she got going, but not as easy to get up to speed anymore), but she appreciated the necessity. When under the influence, she tended to recede back 30 years in her habits, which was the last thing she needed now.

"Let me just warn you, I know a couple of malpractice lawyers," she warned. There was something about the way this doctor talked that just made her viscerally dislike him. "Don't screw the pooch," she added as she cocked her head to one side to allow the hypospray to come.

At this point, she noticed a smell that seemed to be emanating from the doc.
"Ugh! It smells like [spoiler]shit[/spoiler]!" Judy complained aloud as she let go of the cane, grabbed a small can of lysol spray from her handbag (within reach in Dihiq's hand), and released a healthy spritz in Lunn's direction.

"Just get it done quickly," she ordered as she returned the can to the purse.

[NPC - Dr. Chief Kece Lunn - Mess Hall, Red Phoenix]

"Well, I resent that implication!" Malpractice lawyers indeed, as if a professional of his esteem would need to fear such things. With a flourish he readily brandished the hypospray. "Now," he began with his instructions, leaning over, mouth obviously flapping while he administered the vial's contents, "You will require an additional booster, if you will, in approx-" He broke off suddenly as the fine mist of lysol spritzed directly at his face.

He pulled back, the very fine droplets of the disinfectant glistening in the light of the Mess as they seemed to glide through the air between them. He had inhaled with the shock of it all, and had naturally breathed in the sanitizing liquid solution. Lunn's chest heaved as he began to cough and splutter, and his eyes filled with unshed, irritated tears.

"Assault!" He turned on her, his expression horrified, accusing finger pointed.

Quote from: Naira on November 07, 2018, 06:32:09 PM

[Mess Hall]

Naira waited for the other woman to treated while she began form a line for others to follow suit.

"You do know that they do more than just make people 'feel good,' right?" She allowed a small hint of irritation to slip into her voice at the way in which he attempted to invoke humor at the expense of her species. "In concentrated doses these pheromones can entice any strong emotion. Lust is a powerful tool, but I wouldn't put it passed them to evoke fear or rage if they feel the need for it."


He turned from his vicious attacker as soon as he caught sight of the Captain stepping forward. He hadn't realised she'd been present, surely she would admonish this disinfectant wielding menace!? It quickly became clear that he might be out of luck in that regard.

"Of course I know, hence the 'catch-all environmental pheromone suppressant' part of the speech." An earnest Kece rushed to reassure her as he swiped at his streaming eyes. He did not want the Captain doubting his ability to keep their people healthy. He hoped that the rest of the crew had been made aware of the extent of the potential emotional manipulation. Although, he supposed a little belatedly, that was technically his job. His throat felt desperately scratchy. "Michael, Michael," he waved the young medic over, "Would you kindly fetch me some water when you have a moment?" His voice cracked as he coughed into his fist, and then decided to glare at the awful lady that had spritzed him.

"It's REX."

"Quite right." With a sniff and still-streaming eyes, Lunn produced the next hypospray and offered it to the Captain.

Quote from: Odelot on November 07, 2018, 07:12:05 PM

Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

"Odelot likes to feel things.  Do I have to take medicine?"

"That is up to Odelot," Lunn responded hoarsely to the Pakled. Secretly, he could relate. He wouldn't mind some Feelgood-Be-Staying right at that moment himself. This was not turning out to be an enjoyable day at all. "These emotions can be strong and sometimes difficult to control. This medicine will not eradicate them completely, so you will feel some things, but they will be easier to deal with."

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Lyric McDaniels

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 07, 2018, 01:00:35 PM

In her haste to get ready she had forgotten to attach the dagger she always wore and knew it wasn't worth the earache from Rixxy or Idris if she didn't wear it. So knowing she had time, began to walk towards her quarters, her mind firmly focused until ......

" Lyric are you okay ?" she asked as she spotted the Engineering Officer near one of the bulkheads.

[Red Phoenix - P-ways]

Lyric looked up from where she had been leaning against a bulkhead, brooding. A part of her had wanted Malcolm to follow her, but it was clear he hadn't. She looked at the unknown, but somehow familiar woman who had addressed her, head tilted to the side and one eyebrow lifted. The voice was someone she knew and it only took a moment to connect the dots.

"Oh, hi Miss Leanna. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you at first. The red hair looks pretty on you." She crossed her arms over her stomach, her hands still hidden in the abundant sleeves of her over-sized knit sweater."I mean, not that your normal hair doesn't look pretty. It really does. You look pretty in all the stuff you wear!" She nervously blurted out, gripping her elbows tighter.

The Changeling let out a small huff, as though she were trying to calm herself by breathing. "I... I'm sorry. I'm just nervous about this mission... thing. I can become a bird or a rock, but I don't know how to not act like me." She began to slowly rock back and forth, from her heels to the balls of her feet and back. "Malcolm said these clothes were fine, but I know I'm gonna stick out and do something wrong and someone will get hurt." Her arms loosened from her middle, but her hands tugged at the thick woolen material. "You probably have better more important things to do than listen to me whine. I'm ok.. I'm fine. I-I like your hair." She smiled nervously, hoping she hadn't annoyed the woman too much with her rambling.

Species: Changeling

If you could be anything you wanted, why wouldn't you choose to be happy?


Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 06, 2018, 08:50:19 AM

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

"Not directly." Felicity actually stepped inside the next room, which was comprised of half a dozen bunks, a small table and a couple of chairs. She stood in the center of the room, her arms folded against her chest. "I'm looking for a missing engineer," she explained to Volskene, her expression and tone showing a little mild irritation. "He wasn't at the briefing." She neglected to provide the name for the Tholian. Considering the fact that he could barely tell the majority of the humanoid crew apart, she didn't believe it necessary to further bombard him with irrelevant information.

She pushed the chair back in underneath the table with a toe, before turning with a sigh and exiting the quarters, arms still folded. "Could be that he never made it on-board the Phoenix at all. And I'm out of time to conduct a search of the engine room and cargo bays."

Felicity emerged back into the corridor and switched directions, heading for the Bridge. "The mission must go on." She glanced at Volskene, wondering how he would react to the upcoming deception and the unusual goings on he was no doubt going to bear witness to at this pleasure resort. "Any questions or concerns you'd like to discuss before we arrive?"

The Tholian watched the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember as she searched for what he surmised were clues to her missing contact. Volskene certainly still felt that he was not receiving all of the needed information, but only an idiot with absolutely no concept of security would likely dare divulge the deepest secrets. Even for a throng of obnoxious humanoids, the Federation seemed to grasp at least some idea of classified intelligence, not that much of it was terribly far from being decoded by the Assembly's Intelligence and Espionage castes.

"What makes this engineer castemember so vital?", Volskene inquired. "Surely, my expertise in subspace mechanics excels over most of my humanoid contemporaries. Perhaps I may substitute."

The Tholian continued to scuttle behind as the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember changed direction abruptly. As he searched his thoughtspace, Volskene gave his contact's question some time to weave through. Truthfully, he would liked to have demanded every detail of their plan upon reaching this mysterious "pleasure planet" (he'd overheard the term several times over the course of the voyage and wondered why anybody would consider a planet with an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere "pleasurable"). But, it seemed Volskene would have to be content with the limited knowledge he gleaned in the immediate timespan. So, responding rather untruthfully, the Tholian said, "Not at this time point." Then, all he could do was listen to the clattering of his six feet on the deck plating.

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