Season 3 Episode 2 - The Price of Pleasure

Started by Naira, November 01, 2018, 04:42:22 AM

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Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 07, 2018, 08:03:41 PM

[Red Phoenix - P-ways]

Lyric looked up from where she had been leaning against a bulkhead, brooding. A part of her had wanted Malcolm to follow her, but it was clear he hadn't. She looked at the unknown, but somehow familiar woman who had addressed her, head tilted to the side and one eyebrow lifted. The voice was someone she knew and it only took a moment to connect the dots.

"Oh, hi Miss Leanna. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you at first. The red hair looks pretty on you." She crossed her arms over her stomach, her hands still hidden in the abundant sleeves of her over-sized knit sweater."I mean, not that your normal hair doesn't look pretty. It really does. You look pretty in all the stuff you wear!" She nervously blurted out, gripping her elbows tighter.

The Changeling let out a small huff, as though she were trying to calm herself by breathing. "I... I'm sorry. I'm just nervous about this mission... thing. I can become a bird or a rock, but I don't know how to not act like me." She began to slowly rock back and forth, from her heels to the balls of her feet and back. "Malcolm said these clothes were fine, but I know I'm gonna stick out and do something wrong and someone will get hurt." Her arms loosened from her middle, but her hands tugged at the thick woolen material. "You probably have better more important things to do than listen to me whine. I'm ok.. I'm fine. I-I like your hair." She smiled nervously, hoping she hadn't annoyed the woman too much with her rambling.

[Red Phoenix - Passageway]

Leanna remained just in front of Lyric as the Changeling looked at her before realising who it was and more importantly that it was someone familiar. Smiling when she spoke and complimented the red hair before replying to her.

" Thank you its been a nice change " she said in her usual friendly way, although could tell that something was clearly bothering Lyric and soon found out what it was as she continued to speak. Leanna didn't like to see anyone so upset and nervous as Lyric tried to calm herself and yet could completely understand where she was coming from.

Lea decided there and then that she was going to help the Crewman and hopefully make her feel more comfortable. " I'm always here to listen and if you need someone to talk to Lyric and since we still have a little time before we land why don't you come with me to my quarters so we can sort you out with an outfit that will fit in with the resort but at the same time make you comfortable?".

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 07, 2018, 07:39:36 PM

[NPC - Dr. Chief Kece Lunn - Mess Hall, Red Phoenix]

"Well, I resent that implication!" Malpractice lawyers indeed, as if a professional of his esteem would need to fear such things. With a flourish he readily brandished the hypospray. "Now," he began with his instructions, leaning over, mouth obviously flapping while he administered the vial's contents, "You will require an additional booster, if you will, in approx-" He broke off suddenly as the fine mist of lysol spritzed directly at his face.

He pulled back, the very fine droplets of the disinfectant glistening in the light of the Mess as they seemed to glide through the air between them. He had inhaled with the shock of it all, and had naturally breathed in the sanitizing liquid solution. Lunn's chest heaved as he began to cough and splutter, and his eyes filled with unshed, irritated tears.

"Assault!" He turned on her, his expression horrified, accusing finger pointed.

[Mess Hall -> Passageways]
"The assault here was on my nostrils," Judy uttered dismissively as she took her cane and walked out. Dihiq followed along obediently, happy to avoid the scene (he probably should've taken the medicine, but whatever).

As Judy walked, swiftly and confidently, it was evident that her cane was purely decorative, as much so as the aviators or the hat. She was definitely not in her prime, but she was far from an invalid. In fact, Dihiq had a hard time keeping up with the old professor's pace.

Not so with the corgis. They loved walking. There was so much excitement in the passageways to be seen, so much to smell, so much to do. It was so exciting. They liked going fast, to smell all the smells, mostly because they weren't allowed to pee on the hallways. Pee was nice, but making their mommy happy was nicer, because she gave lots of treats when she was happy.

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 07, 2018, 08:03:41 PM

[Red Phoenix - P-ways]

Lyric looked up from where she had been leaning against a bulkhead, brooding. A part of her had wanted Malcolm to follow her, but it was clear he hadn't. She looked at the unknown, but somehow familiar woman who had addressed her, head tilted to the side and one eyebrow lifted. The voice was someone she knew and it only took a moment to connect the dots.

"Oh, hi Miss Leanna. I'm sorry, I didn't recognize you at first. The red hair looks pretty on you." She crossed her arms over her stomach, her hands still hidden in the abundant sleeves of her over-sized knit sweater."I mean, not that your normal hair doesn't look pretty. It really does. You look pretty in all the stuff you wear!" She nervously blurted out, gripping her elbows tighter.

The Changeling let out a small huff, as though she were trying to calm herself by breathing. "I... I'm sorry. I'm just nervous about this mission... thing. I can become a bird or a rock, but I don't know how to not act like me." She began to slowly rock back and forth, from her heels to the balls of her feet and back. "Malcolm said these clothes were fine, but I know I'm gonna stick out and do something wrong and someone will get hurt." Her arms loosened from her middle, but her hands tugged at the thick woolen material. "You probably have better more important things to do than listen to me whine. I'm ok.. I'm fine. I-I like your hair." She smiled nervously, hoping she hadn't annoyed the woman too much with her rambling.

However, they felt a need to make mommy less than perfectly happy now, because they saw an alarmed-looking person. They were trained to make people feel good, so they just had to tug that way.
Judy followed the dogs, until she realized that they were going to bother a member of the crew. She pulled their leashes in, and apologized.
"I'm sorry if the dogs bother you at all. I can pull them away if you'd like."

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol


Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

The Doctor said the medicine would make emotions 'Easier to deal with,' and 'Easier' was a concept Odelot could definitely get behind.  Everything should be easier.  Easier was better.

After seeing that other officers endured the shot without difficulty, he rolled up the sleeve of his baggy utility jumpsuit and held out his arm, wincing in anticipation of discomfort.

There was no reason to expect discomfort, really.  He'd had shots before.  Quite a few of them, in fact, with a Med Tech at the Technical Services Academy jesting, "No telling where you've been... or where you'll go, neither.  We've got five-hundred broad-spectrum innoculations to get through.  And this probably ain't a fraction of what you'll get by the time you retire!"

As it turned out, there was pressure but no pain.   Odelot didn't smell anything other than Judy's disinfectant.

Satisfied with the process, he smiled at the Doctor and patted him on the shoulder.  "You are a good Doctor.  Odelot feels well."

It was important to encourage people when they did a good job.

Once that interaction was done, he gallumphed out to the area for disembarking, knowing that they'd make a landing soon.  He had everything he needed: One pocketful of latinum- to pay for the expenses a rich Pakled might be expected to incur- and seven pocketfuls of tools and devices.

Odelot liked pockets.

For a Pakled Engineer, Cargo Pockets weren't just a convenience.

They were a way of life.

Malcolm Adeyemi

[Mess Hall - P-Way - Cabin]

After that cock up, Adeyemi slipped quietly out of the mess hall. Usually, he would have bused his own tray and so forth, but he needed to be gone, now. For as powerful a man as he looked and sounded, when it came to Lyric McDaniels, he was quite weak. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.

He passed by a handful of other Starfleet personnel, all of whom had seen the incident. Adeyemi lowered his head and charged past them. Finally, as small as the Phoenix was, he was among new people now who hadn't observed him. He rested a little, walked slower.

When he got to his quarters, Adeyemi's shoe bumped against the door. There was a dull thumping coming from within, repetitive and strident. Sourly, he leaned on the chime, giving it his full weight when it didn't open immediately. The door's interface groaned in protest. Nothing happened.

" =/\= Computer, open door AA-1133. =/\= "

Adeyemi was engulfed in sound and light and pressure. His roommate was playing godawful dance music at full volume, and had programmed a light show in the interior of their room. All of these things would have resulted in disciplinary action on a Starfleet vessel. Here, it was installed for the convenience of the passenger and wholly allowed while they were on this mission.

It took a moment of demented yelling for the computer to quiet everything the heck down, but finally he was in blissful silence and darkness.

"Lights," He barked out, by then very annoyed.

An absolute unit of a Tellarite lounged on the bed. He wore only a pair of Starfleet issue underwear and was a lot hairier than Adeyemi thought was necessary. He was also asleep.

"Jurn. Jurn. JURN!" Adeyemi viciously lashed out with a squat shod foot and hit the Tellarite with a sound one right above the knee.

"Eehhhhh...dammit, man!" Like a great roiling ocean of hairy flesh ,the Tellarite sat up. "You turned off my music!"

"I asked you not to play it so loud that you can't hear the door."

"I couldn't hear nothing, I was asleep!" Jurn paused, yawned, and scratched his stomach.

Not enough discipline off the bat, and being on a civilian ship was simply making it worse. Adeyemi glowered before speaking.

"If I were you, I'd--" The chief began.

"if you were me you'd be a lot better looking!" Jurn said in a booming basso voice. "And you'd've gotten over your silly shyness with that Changeling."

Adeyemi was on his feet before he quite realized it. In an instant, Jurn's shocked face filled his, a limb was grabbed, and the chief's hands made a sharp gesture inward.

Jurn yelped like a wounded dog, albeit one with a hugely deep voice. He retreated to the other end of the cabin.

"You attacked me!" He cried out, shocked.

"Don't talk about Lyric that way, you sack of wine!" Adeyemi said, jabbing a finger the size of a type 2 phaser at his bunk-mate.

"Got it, got it, jeez...I think you broke it." Nothing was broken, however. Jurn sat and did so moodily. "Are we there yet or what?"

"Not soon enough," He said.

The brief fight had left Adeyemi feeling charged up, his heart pumping. It had made him feel powerful. Now that it was over, he realized there was no sport in beating a slimmed down planetoid like Jurn. The man was right, even. He had to get over this thing with way or another.

Felicity Ellis

Quote from: Volskene on November 07, 2018, 09:20:40 PM

The Tholian watched the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember as she searched for what he surmised were clues to her missing contact. Volskene certainly still felt that he was not receiving all of the needed information, but only an idiot with absolutely no concept of security would likely dare divulge the deepest secrets. Even for a throng of obnoxious humanoids, the Federation seemed to grasp at least some idea of classified intelligence, not that much of it was terribly far from being decoded by the Assembly's Intelligence and Espionage castes.

"What makes this engineer castemember so vital?", Volskene inquired. "Surely, my expertise in subspace mechanics excels over most of my humanoid contemporaries. Perhaps I may substitute."

The Tholian continued to scuttle behind as the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember changed direction abruptly. As he searched his thoughtspace, Volskene gave his contact's question some time to weave through. Truthfully, he would liked to have demanded every detail of their plan upon reaching this mysterious "pleasure planet" (he'd overheard the term several times over the course of the voyage and wondered why anybody would consider a planet with an oxygen-nitrogen atmosphere "pleasurable"). But, it seemed Volskene would have to be content with the limited knowledge he gleaned in the immediate timespan. So, responding rather untruthfully, the Tholian said, "Not at this time point." Then, all he could do was listen to the clattering of his six feet on the deck plating.

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

Felicity turned to look at Volskene, unable to keep the surprise from her expression when he offered to substitute for their missing engineer. The Tholian had never before offered his help, in fact Felicity expected he might have been purposely avoiding all scenarios wherein he'd be required to do such unchallenging work.

"When it comes to your expertise in subspace mechanics, Volskene, I am quite sure I know none who might claim to be your equal." They continued down the corridor and she found herself shaking her head, though she was obviously pleased. "We would be grateful for the assistance."

It was a day for Tholian surprises, it seemed, because shortly after offering his help, he claimed had no questions. This time, she stopped walking and turned to look at him again, her mouth agape for several moments. Volskene always had questions. Perhaps he was sickly? Did Tholians even get sick?

"I... see." It was all she managed in the end. A slight line between her brows appeared as she frowned, but she said nothing further on the matter and took off again in the direction of the Bridge, via the Mess Hall. "We should be docking soon, let's check and see if Lunn managed to finish those pheromone blockers and pick up the rest of the team."

[NPC - Dr. Chief Kece Lunn - Mess Hall, Red Phoenix]
Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 08, 2018, 10:03:39 AM

[Mess Hall -> Passageways]
"The assault here was on my nostrils," Judy uttered dismissively as she took her cane and walked out. Dihiq followed along obediently, happy to avoid the scene (he probably should've taken the medicine, but whatever).

The Chief could do little but glare at the rude woman, though the effect was somewhat diluted due to the fact he could barely keep his burning eyes open. He would have to make do with thinking uncharitable thoughts in her general direction. He could not remember the last time he'd felt so mortified. Not even when the counselor had been made Chief Medical Officer over him, he thought, though admittedly he hadn't left his quarters for three days after that news.

"Good day, madam!" He blustered in her wake before surrendering to another round of dry coughs. Once finished with his little performance, he turned to fix his attention on the Pakled, who had presented his bare arm for Lunn's expert consideration.

Quote from: Odelot on November 08, 2018, 11:32:23 AM

Red Phoenix - Mess Hall

Satisfied with the process, he smiled at the Doctor and patted him on the shoulder.  "You are a good Doctor.  Odelot feels well."

It was important to encourage people when they did a good job.

Once that interaction was done, he gallumphed out to the area for disembarking, knowing that they'd make a landing soon.  He had everything he needed: One pocketful of latinum- to pay for the expenses a rich Pakled might be expected to incur- and seven pocketfuls of tools and devices. 

At those words and the gesture of encouragement, the formerly forlorn Lunn looked up into the face of Odelot. Much of that unwavering arrogance he was known for returned to the doctor's bearing. "Thank you, Odelot." He really did not know what was wrong with some of these people; the man before him could recognise his worth, how could the rest not? "You are very wise." Lunn gave his first fan a nod of approval as he wandered off.

Of all sad words of tongue or pen, the saddest are these, 'It might have been.'
Bio: Felicity Ellis

Aryn Corliss

Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 08, 2018, 08:21:19 PM

[NPC - Dr. Chief Kece Lunn - Mess Hall, Red Phoenix]

The Chief could do little but glare at the rude woman, though the effect was somewhat diluted due to the fact he could barely keep his burning eyes open. He would have to make do with thinking uncharitable thoughts in her general direction. He could not remember the last time he'd felt so mortified. Not even when the counselor had been made Chief Medical Officer over him, he thought, though admittedly he hadn't left his quarters for three days after that news.

"Good day, madam!" He blustered in her wake before surrendering to another round of dry coughs. Once finished with his little performance, he turned to fix his attention on the Pakled, who had presented his bare arm for Lunn's expert consideration.

At those words and the gesture of encouragement, the formerly forlorn Lunn looked up into the face of Odelot. Much of that unwavering arrogance he was known for returned to the doctor's bearing. "Thank you, Odelot." He really did not know what was wrong with some of these people; the man before him could recognise his worth, how could the rest not? "You are very wise." Lunn gave his first fan a nod of approval as he wandered off.

[Red Phoenix - Mess Hall]

Aryn hid a giggle behind her hand at the trials the crew were giving Lunn. It was uncharitable, but he was really such an unlikable man. Though he'd been relatively kind to Alec in regards to his schedule in Sickbay, Aryn almost expected that niceness to come back around and bite them in the bums at some point in the future.

She and Alec queued up behind Odelot for their inoculations, Alec murmuring to Aryn, We're not overly susceptible to the pheromones, but the inoculation won't do any harm. Might as well humor the chief rather than give him anything to get higher on his horse over.

Aryn nodded in agreement and presented her arm to Dr. Lunn once she was across from him. Alec held his arm ready for the hypospray as soon as Aryn was done.

Lyric McDaniels

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 08, 2018, 08:34:34 AM

[Red Phoenix - Passageway]

Leanna remained just in front of Lyric as the Changeling looked at her before realising who it was and more importantly that it was someone familiar. Smiling when she spoke and complimented the red hair before replying to her.

" Thank you its been a nice change " she said in her usual friendly way, although could tell that something was clearly bothering Lyric and soon found out what it was as she continued to speak. Leanna didn't like to see anyone so upset and nervous as Lyric tried to calm herself and yet could completely understand where she was coming from.

Lea decided there and then that she was going to help the Crewman and hopefully make her feel more comfortable. " I'm always here to listen and if you need someone to talk to Lyric and since we still have a little time before we land why don't you come with me to my quarters so we can sort you out with an outfit that will fit in with the resort but at the same time make you comfortable?".

[Red Phoenix - P-ways]

Lyric's mouth opened and closed, a bit like a fish gaping out of water. She twisted at the hem of her sweater.

"Th-thank you, Ms. Leanna. That's really very kind of you." There weren't many on the Starbase that had been as nice to her as Leanna had been, even from when they first met. Even years after the Dominion War, the Changeling was often distrusted because of her abilities.

"Do you really think I can be fancy and sophisticated like you?" Despite her age, she had still led a fairly sheltered life.

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 08, 2018, 10:03:39 AM

[Mess Hall -> Passageways]
"The assault here was on my nostrils," Judy uttered dismissively as she took her cane and walked out. Dihiq followed along obediently, happy to avoid the scene (he probably should've taken the medicine, but whatever).

As Judy walked, swiftly and confidently, it was evident that her cane was purely decorative, as much so as the aviators or the hat. She was definitely not in her prime, but she was far from an invalid. In fact, Dihiq had a hard time keeping up with the old professor's pace.

Not so with the corgis. They loved walking. There was so much excitement in the passageways to be seen, so much to smell, so much to do. It was so exciting. They liked going fast, to smell all the smells, mostly because they weren't allowed to pee on the hallways. Pee was nice, but making their mommy happy was nicer, because she gave lots of treats when she was happy.However, they felt a need to make mommy less than perfectly happy now, because they saw an alarmed-looking person. They were trained to make people feel good, so they just had to tug that way.
Judy followed the dogs, until she realized that they were going to bother a member of the crew. She pulled their leashes in, and apologized.
"I'm sorry if the dogs bother you at all. I can pull them away if you'd like."

A little bit startled, Lyric looked down at the sound of tiny pitter-pattering feet. She dropped to her knees and immediately began to scruffle the corgis about the chins and ears.

"Such sweet furbabies! Lovely fluffy little ones. They could never bother me." As she petted the dogs, her voice fell into the usual light cute babytalk one used with small children and cute animals. Her face beamed, as she forgot about the mission and her anxiety melted away, if only momentarily. She looked up at the corgis owner.

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't even ask first. Thank you so much for letting me pet them. My name's Lyric, eh... Petty Officer 3rd Class McDaniels. I'm an engineer on the Starbase. Uhm.. well usually. I'm supposed to be something or somebody else, I guess."

She kept petting the dogs, but her mood visibly deflated.

Species: Changeling

If you could be anything you wanted, why wouldn't you choose to be happy?

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 08, 2018, 10:19:32 PM

[Red Phoenix - P-ways]

A little bit startled, Lyric looked down at the sound of tiny pitter-pattering feet. She dropped to her knees and immediately began to scruffle the corgis about the chins and ears.

"Such sweet furbabies! Lovely fluffy little ones. They could never bother me." As she petted the dogs, her voice fell into the usual light cute babytalk one used with small children and cute animals. Her face beamed, as she forgot about the mission and her anxiety melted away, if only momentarily. She looked up at the corgis owner.

"Oh, I'm sorry ma'am. I didn't even ask first. Thank you so much for letting me pet them. My name's Lyric, eh... Petty Officer 3rd Class McDaniels. I'm an engineer on the Starbase. Uhm.. well usually. I'm supposed to be something or somebody else, I guess."

She kept petting the dogs, but her mood visibly deflated.


Ooh, petting! This was a good day to be a corgo indeed. Bridge and Tunnel both loved any and all attention they got, and more was absolutely merrier. They rubbed against Lyric's feet, licked her palms, and generally allowed their floofy, chubby (in Tunnel's case, more pregnant than just chubby) selves be petted. They were overjoyed.

"Oh, no, keep petting them. They're very sweet, even though they shed like crazy."
Judy paused, took off her sunglasses out of politeness (she dropped the leashes in the process, but the dogs weren't going anywhere), and then returned to talking.
"Oh, yeah, introductions. I'm Judy. Technically Lieutenant Judy Eastman, Chief of Science on the Tempest, but I lost taste for titles decades ago. Even my intern here is supposed to call me Judy."
Judy pointed at Dihiq, behind her. He was growing increasingly unnerved, as he was surrounded by multiple people.
"I need to use the bathroom!" He shot off hurriedly, then set down Judy's purse and darted away. Judy picked it back up.
"Dihiq is... a very unique guy," Judy explained the young Klingon's existence in the most euphemistic manner possible. She had long since learned to compartmentalize her opinion of Dihiq and separate it from her general conduct.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Lyric McDaniels

[NPC Post as Kida and Cage]

[Resort - The Gilded Lily]

Kida thoughtfully selected a tube grub from the platter of assorted delicacies on the table in front of her. She held the still wriggling creature between two long spindly fingers, each tipped in a perfectly manicured hot pink nail, and she studied it intently. Satisfied with what she saw, the Ferengi matron popped it into her mouth whole and bit down with a juicy crunch, letting out a contented sigh.

"The Orions may be lacking in lobes, but their cuisine is on point." She settled back into her chair and cast a glance at her son, who, true to his name seemed... Cagey. He shifted around as though his seat were lined with tacks and kept looking anxiously at the door to the establishment. She sighed and cuffed him on the back of the head.

"Boy, stifle yourself before you embarrass me."

Cage whipped his head on his spindly neck to face her, looking more comical than threatening. "But Moomsie, you said this guy is former Starfleet." He hissed through his sharpened teeth, nearly venomous when he mentioned that hated word. Federation jails were probably some of the nicest in the quadrant, but he hadn't really been in a mood to appreciate that fine point.

Kida just rolled her eyes at him, and adjusted the violently lime Tholian silk scarf around her aged neck. "You think I'd send an invitation to Starfleet Command for our little meeting? I've vetted this guy entirely. He's got no more love for the Federation's police force than you do."

"I noticed you conveniently left yourself out of that little equation." Cage scoffed at her, finally scooping up a bit of beetle snuff to calm his nerves.

"Anything I can exploit for profit is tolerable. That's why I keep you around, my dearest son." She sipped at her drink, chosen because the hot pink matched her nails and dress. Kida loved to dress in the brightest, flashiest clothing she could find. It usually helped distract the competition. She pulled out her PADD and again read over the missive she had sent her potential contact.


To: Hust Kinun

I find myself in need of your assistance. If you're interested in a very lucrative endeavor with a tidy profit margin, come to the Gilded Lily and ask the barman for the Latinum Lady. If not, come anyway, and I might have something of assistance for you. Don't mention this to anyone, we both know how you count the shadows.


If the hewmon didn't show up, that was fine. Plenty of other snakes in the swamp. But Kida felt it in her lobes that'd he'd be there. The latinum in her hidden accounts more than proved she had a knack for this sort of thing.

Species: Changeling

If you could be anything you wanted, why wouldn't you choose to be happy?

Leanna Mazal

Quote from: Lyric McDaniels on November 08, 2018, 10:19:32 PM

[Red Phoenix - P-ways]

Lyric's mouth opened and closed, a bit like a fish gaping out of water. She twisted at the hem of her sweater.

"Th-thank you, Ms. Leanna. That's really very kind of you." There weren't many on the Starbase that had been as nice to her as Leanna had been, even from when they first met. Even years after the Dominion War, the Changeling was often distrusted because of her abilities.

"Do you really think I can be fancy and sophisticated like you?" Despite her age, she had still led a fairly sheltered life.

Quote from: Judy Eastman on November 08, 2018, 10:43:40 PM


Ooh, petting! This was a good day to be a corgo indeed. Bridge and Tunnel both loved any and all attention they got, and more was absolutely merrier. They rubbed against Lyric's feet, licked her palms, and generally allowed their floofy, chubby (in Tunnel's case, more pregnant than just chubby) selves be petted. They were overjoyed.

"Oh, no, keep petting them. They're very sweet, even though they shed like crazy."
Judy paused, took off her sunglasses out of politeness (she dropped the leashes in the process, but the dogs weren't going anywhere), and then returned to talking.
"Oh, yeah, introductions. I'm Judy. Technically Lieutenant Judy Eastman, Chief of Science on the Tempest, but I lost taste for titles decades ago. Even my intern here is supposed to call me Judy."
Judy pointed at Dihiq, behind her. He was growing increasingly unnerved, as he was surrounded by multiple people.
"I need to use the bathroom!" He shot off hurriedly, then set down Judy's purse and darted away. Judy picked it back up.
"Dihiq is... a very unique guy," Judy explained the young Klingon's existence in the most euphemistic manner possible. She had long since learned to compartmentalize her opinion of Dihiq and separate it from her general conduct.

[Red Phoenix - Passageway]

Leanna smiled as Lyric processed her offer before thanking her then commenting about making her just as fancy and sophisticated like her. She thought it was very sweet of Lyric to say that and besides she always liked to help people and the Engineer wasn't any different. Lea saw past who she was and enjoyed being around her and considered the Changeling as a friend.

" Your welcome Lyric and I'm here to help anytime " she replied " As for you looking fancy and sophisticated, we'll have no problem doing that" she added before Lyric became distracted. The reason for her distraction soon came apparent as the most adorable and fluffy corgis approached them with their owner and didn't blame Lyric's reaction to the dogs as she herself loved animals.

Lea also noticed how much more relaxed Lyric became and it was nice to see her that way as she spoke to the dogs and introduced herself to their owner. As the older woman replied to Lyric, Lea couldn't resist petting the corgis and it made her realise just how much she wanted to have a pet and knew that Ari would love it too.

Once the introductions were done, Lea then introduced herself to Judy, although not before one last pet of the dogs and the sudden disappearance of Dihiq who she immediately felt sorry for. " Pleased to meet you Judy, I'm Leanna Mazal, owner of the Red Phoenix and Puzzles Bar on the Columbus and Dihiq does appear to be quite unique " she stated.

" I was just about to go with Lyric to help her choose an outfit for the mission if you would like to join us before we land" she offered wanting to be polite and at the same time it also meant more time with the dogs.

Leanna Mazal

[Red Phoenix Bridge]

[NPCs - Phoenix Crew]

The co ordinates given by the rude traffic controller had proved to be more than accurate as S'Ree followed the designated flight plan through the main area of the resort. Although Oliver had been more than a little hesitant convinced that they would end up in the middle of nowhere as revenge for him being a little more forceful than usual, however soon relaxed as more of the resort came into view.

No doubt this was designed to not only show off but also entice visitors with what was on offer before they even landed so they would then immediately head for the many attractions plus the glitz and glamour without dropping off their luggage.

However for the crew of the Phoenix there would be no indulging in what the resort had to offer as their orders were clear. Drop off both Passengers and supplies before picking up a shipment then wait for Leanna and the others to return but to also be prepared for a quick exit. Oliver took this seriously as did the rest of his crew even the distrusting Idris and wasn't about to jeopardise them.

So a few minutes later, they reached their landing spot, noticing the commercial and private craft that adorned either side of the bay allocated to the Phoenix and with S'Ree's expert skill, the Freighter set down with ease.

" Excellent as always S'Ree now its time to inform Lea and the others and start the plan"Oliver said more to himself but the others understood as he then opened a ship wide communication.

=RP= Attention all passengers, we have arrived and currently in cool down mode, please prepare to exit the Phoenix when ready and enjoy your stay =RP=



The Emerald Enclave Pleasure Resort, Saiph III

In the known reaches of the Milky Way Galaxy, there were thousands of popular resort destinations.  A few of them were truly famous.  Wrigley's Pleasure Planet was famous throughout the Federation and beyond, being one of a few worlds entirely devoted to recreation.  Risa was another such planet-spanning recreational hotspot, with a native culture that was almost religiously devoted to the spreading and sharing of joy.  Casperian Prime was a contender to Risa, noted as being the 'Vacation Capital of the Horvian Cluster!'

However, there were times when the treasure-laden and twisted luminaries of the Galaxy were not interested in congregating at the bustling epicentre of Galactic escapism.  They wanted something more personally catered.  Less busy.  Less wholesome and pure.  And most importantly: Less likely to accept an extradition request from an aggrieved government.

For such select patrons, places like The Emerald Enclave existed.  Not only could any taste be catered to here, but any patron could be catered to here.  The Orion owners of the Enclave did not care what you had done, as long as you hadn't done it to them.  Ruthless corporatists, despotic warlords, notorious thieves, and mercenary commanders could relax here beside ordinary Galactic denizens with overstuffed bank accounts and a taste for the exotic.

Despite a somewhat notorious reputation, the Enclave was a lot like other resorts.  It had multiple luxury hotels, like The Oasis.  It had a highly-trained staff who were superficially eager to make every dream come true.  Like a well-honed army marching in lockstep, they were a formidable force designed to please every person and empty every purse.

And it was Trovis's job, as manager of the most exclusive resort hotel, to command one battalion of that army and keep them on task.

As the Red Phoenix touched down nearby, he summoned his people with a tap behind his right ear.  Everyone working at the resort enjoyed the use of embedded subdermal communicators.  This allowed them to receive commands without any externally audible clues to disturb the illusion of perfectly trained and coordinated personnel who knew what to do by virtue of supernatural talent.

"Places, people.  We have incoming.  Kazja and Jarn, I want you flanking the door and smiling with all of the allure you can muster.  Your whole demeanor must be an orgasmic promise.  After they get past the grand entrance, I want your Pecs and Bosoms to overwhelm their senses.  Backs arched!  Rina, Sorn, Preta, and Borni, assemble at the counter.  We want these people processed quickly.  No one who can afford to stay here wants to spend one unnecessary moment checking in.  Bellhops!  Grav-sleds at the ready.  Remember that Maintenance hasn't cleared Sled six, so don't use it unless you want an embarrassing mishap.  And you DO NOT WANT an embarrassing mishap.  It will be your last. Understood?  All right."

Monitors behind the front desk kept Trovis appraised of all activity on the landing pad.   Luxury gravhoppers were on hand to take people from the landing area to the resort intake, a distance of a mere 100 yards.  As passengers began to disembark, Trovis noted their dress, their style, their bearing, trying to anticipate needs that might develop or concerns that he should keep in mind.

One passenger caught his eye- and not in a good way.

A big, fat Pakled pushed his way past his betters, rudely boarding a hopper ahead of a gorgeous young woman, and starting his way towards intake.   The man was utterly uncouth in his dress- appearing to be little more than a janitor or low-ranking mechanic.  In moments, his luxury hopper arrived at the front door, and the Pakled heaved himself out of it, trudging in through the entrance of The Oasis hotel, pausing to leer at the statuesque staff members who had been positioned at the front entrance to whet the appetites of people better than he.

To their credit, Kazja and Jarn didn't stare back, though this was quite the display.  They merely smiled invitingly in the usual way, not even a flinch of discomfort to mar their professional performance.

Only the lack of stains on the Pakled's maintenance jumpsuit suggested that the creature might have donned his best apparel.   If he had any luggage with him, it was not apparent.

Trovis tapped Rina on the shoulder, "I'll take this one," the delicate-limbed Saurian told his Orion subordinate.

As the Pakled reached the counter, Trovis took the check-in console.  "SIR, I think you may have mistaken The Oasis for one of the other hotels on site.   Perhaps the Rough Diamond is more to your taste?"

"I am Dotelo," the Pakled announced, uninvited, "Dotelo wants a room."

Trovis nearly recoiled in anticipation of the creature's foul exhalations.  As it turned out, bad odor seemed to be the one sin the Pakled was not guilty of.  Quite a surprise, given the likely habits of such an entity.

"As I said, Sir, the Rough Diamond, or perhaps the Heady Horseman-"

"Dotelo is the best Pakled.  Much money in Salvage Trade.  Deserve best hotel.  You give to Dotelo, Now."

The Saurian's mouth twisted slightly in an expression of extreme displeasure.  "Mister... Dotelo.  I am sure you are quite the figure in Pakled society, but this hotel is reserved for the resort's most exclusive-"

There was a loud clinking sound as the Pakled reached into his pocket and slammed a stack of latinum bars on the countertop.

"Dotelo is exclusive.  You give Dotelo exclusive room."

Trovis hesitated.  The fee that the Pakled had so casually planted on the counter was enough for a week's stay, even at the excessive rates of the hotel.  Having such an ill-kept figure at The Oasis might damage their reputation... but losing such a stack of latinum might damage the manager's career.

Finally, after a moment of hesitation, the Saurian smiled- in the way Saurians could.

"... Welcome to The Oasis, Mister Dotelo.  How do you feel about The Presidential Suite?"

The Pakled patted his belly- perhaps his proudest feature?

"Dotelo is Presidential," the Pakled declared.

Trovis typed the room assignment into the system, along with a snapshot of the Pakled's big, dumb face.  A keycard materialized beside the console, atop a small keycard replicator specifically installed for the purpose.   The Saurian picked up the card and held it out.

"Room 942, Mister President.  May your time at The Oasis be everything you imagined."

And nothing I fear, Trovis hoped privately.

Judith Eastman

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 09, 2018, 08:41:46 AM

[Red Phoenix - Passageway]
Lea also noticed how much more relaxed Lyric became and it was nice to see her that way as she spoke to the dogs and introduced herself to their owner. As the older woman replied to Lyric, Lea couldn't resist petting the corgis and it made her realise just how much she wanted to have a pet and knew that Ari would love it too.

Once the introductions were done, Lea then introduced herself to Judy, although not before one last pet of the dogs and the sudden disappearance of Dihiq who she immediately felt sorry for. " Pleased to meet you Judy, I'm Leanna Mazal, owner of the Red Phoenix and Puzzles Bar on the Columbus and Dihiq does appear to be quite unique " she stated.

" I was just about to go with Lyric to help her choose an outfit for the mission if you would like to join us before we land" she offered wanting to be polite and at the same time it also meant more time with the dogs.


"My fashion sense might be a little old for her, but I'd love to help out," Judy answered. Far be it from her to pull the corgis away from a new friend without a good reason.

Quote from: Leanna Mazal on November 09, 2018, 09:48:37 AM

=RP= Attention all passengers, we have arrived and currently in cool down mode, please prepare to exit the Phoenix when ready and enjoy your stay =RP=

Judy nodded as she heard the message.
"Well, let's worry about it at the hotel," she suggested. With a rapid step, she led the group.

[The Oasis, Lobby]

With her attire and features, Judy was rather more similar to a typical customer here than the Pakled. She confidently strode up to the check-in counter, at the stand next to the Pakled, and then deployed her ultimate weapon of disguise - an accent.

"Bonsoir, ma cherie. I gon' need tree of dem dere rooms you got in dis here hotel, for maself and for mes amis," Judy shot off rapidly, in a heavy Cajun accent.
"Excuse me, ma'am?" the Orion manning it asked. It seemed like the universal translator was glitching, because whatever this woman was speaking wasn't any known language.
"Tree rooms, I don' said. Dat's when you go an' take one room an' anoda room, an' den you go an' take one more room an' add dat to dem dere rooms you 'ad before," Judy explained slowly, her Cajun accent growing more irritated.
"Ah. Three rooms. Sorry. Your name, ma'am?" If not for the fat purse, this accented woman would not have been worth the hassle.
"Da name's Judi Bourdreaux," Judy answered, improvising a French surname on the spot. The fact that she resorted to the namesake of Bourdreaux's Butt Paste was sure to give her a laugh later. "Don't go an' wear it out."
"Rooms 2335, 2339, and 2415, ma'am," the Orion answered, handing Judy three newly-replicated keycards.
"Merci beaucoup," Judy answered. "Alors, we got' go to dem dere rooms an' get on wi' our affairs."

As she motioned for Leanna and Lyric to follow along to the elevator, Judy exhaled sharply. This accent was tiring.

Academy Civilian Instructor

"I promised, but I never promised to keep the promise" - Levi Eshkol

Aryn Corliss

[The Oasis, Lobby]

Alec and Aryn followed the others off the Red Phoenix and into the entrance of the hotel. Staying a little way back while Judy checked in, Alec raised one brow and murmured to Aryn, Let's not go quite so far as that, eh? How about just a little posh?

They'd done this many times before - individually, as a pair, and as a couple - but Aryn didn't remember any of those times. The innate ability to take on different personas was there, so with a little guidance, she should be fine.

Posh, Aryn repeated, popping the 'p'. Posh, posh, posh. Her voice changed slightly each time as she tested it out. Posh...posh? The last was questioning.

Alec nodded, then gestured as Judy moved off with Lyric and Lea. The couple stepped up to the check in desk and Alec said, in a much altered accent, Good day, we're the Raxacoricofallipatorians. We have a reservation.

The Orion behind the counter blinked slowly, then asked, I'm...sorry. Could you spell that please?

Of course, Alec said with an indulgent smile. R-a-x-a-c-o-r-i-c-o-f-a-l-l-i-p-a-t-o-r-i-u-s. Sounds better to say Raxacoricofallipatorians than Raxacoricofallipatorius's, doesn't it?

Uh, yes, sir, the Orion said, frantically trying to keep up typing in the ridiculously long name. Ah, there it is. Room 2323.

Alec took the offered key card and started toward the lift, realizing partway there that Aryn hadn't followed. He looked back to find her standing, unmoving, in the same spot by the front desk.

Love, are you okay? he asked, gently touching her arm.

Aryn blinked at him and began moving in the direction of the lift. Yes, sorry, she said shortly, knowing her lapse had been noticed and could have given them away. She'd have to be more careful.

The second the ridiculous name had crossed Alec's lips, Aryn had had a flashback to another time they'd used the same name.


Alec and Aryn giggled as they walked up to the check in counter at the hotel in Hawaii. They'd been married for six months and Alec had been shocked when Aryn informed him that she'd never been to Hawaii, despite the many times they'd been on Earth. So off they'd gone, abandoning their plan to visit a binary system that was nearing supernova.

Name, please? the attendant said.

We don't have a reservation. Hope you have a room though. It's Raxacoricofallipatorius. Alec said with a completely straight face. Aryn on the other hand, doubled over with a fit of the giggles, slapping Alec's arm on the way.

Would you mind spelling it? I'll need to put it in the computer.

Sure, no problem. R-a-x-a-c-o-r-i-c-o-f-a-l-l-i-p-a-t-o-r-i-u-s.

Aryn stifled an inelegant snort, tears streaming down her face.

After a few more questions, the attendant said, All right, Mr. and Mrs. Racks-a-koriki-

-fallipatorius, Alec finished helpfully.

Uh, yes. We have a room with a nice view of the mountain. I'm afraid all of the ocean view rooms are taken.

A quick questioning look at Aryn gave him confirmation, as she still wasn't able to speak.Yes, that's fine. Thanks.

Room 273. Upstairs and to the left.

Alec took the key and grabbed their bags.

Once they were out of sight in the lift, Aryn gave her new husband a much harder smack on the arm. Raxacoricofallipatorius?! Are you kidding?

Alec shrugged. What's wrong with Raxacoricofallipatorius? It's a perfectly good word, he said defensively, then grinned. I don't know what came over me, really. I just thought it would be funny.

Well, it was that, Aryn answered begrudgingly, unable to hide her grin.


Quote from: Felicity Ellis on November 08, 2018, 08:21:19 PM

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

Felicity turned to look at Volskene, unable to keep the surprise from her expression when he offered to substitute for their missing engineer. The Tholian had never before offered his help, in fact Felicity expected he might have been purposely avoiding all scenarios wherein he'd be required to do such unchallenging work.

"When it comes to your expertise in subspace mechanics, Volskene, I am quite sure I know none who might claim to be your equal." They continued down the corridor and she found herself shaking her head, though she was obviously pleased. "We would be grateful for the assistance."

It was a day for Tholian surprises, it seemed, because shortly after offering his help, he claimed had no questions. This time, she stopped walking and turned to look at him again, her mouth agape for several moments. Volskene always had questions. Perhaps he was sickly? Did Tholians even get sick?

"I... see." It was all she managed in the end. A slight line between her brows appeared as she frowned, but she said nothing further on the matter and took off again in the direction of the Bridge, via the Mess Hall. "We should be docking soon, let's check and see if Lunn managed to finish those pheromone blockers and pick up the rest of the team."

[Passageways - Red Phoenix]

Pheromone blockers?

Volskene could not even imagine what the use of such a treatment would be. The Tholian was still absolutely confused as he followed the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember back through the bowels of the rundown old ship. Now Volskene had questions. His thoughtspace raced with the threads of conspiracy and deception, binding his movement slightly.

"Explain the purpose of these 'blockers'", Volskene inquired, a hint of suspicion conveyed even in the jangly timbre of his synthesized voice. He continued to ponder the significance of such a measure, trying to deduce what exactly would necessitate the precaution... before a flash of white and yellow revelation shot through him. They were dealing with Orions. Even as a traveller he had heard tell of the alien brigands and their supposed "allure", brought about by their noxious odour. As far as the Tholian was concerned, he wanted to be as far from them as possible. Immunity to their pheromones by way of his incompatible biochemistry certainly didn't hurt. The glow of his carapace flared almost imperceptibly at the epiphany. Volskene stayed silent, giving the Primary Medical Ruling Castemember the chance to confirm his shrewd deduction.

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