Season 8, Mission 7: Heroes

Started by Scott Bradley, December 04, 2012, 07:14:26 PM

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Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 06, 2013, 06:51:08 PM

Shelaf looked up at the door, placing a PADD he had in his hand on the desk. "Good day, crewman. I was just about to head up to the bridge. Walk up with me." Shelaf stood up, easing his tall frame from behind the desk. He paced past the crewman and gestured for him to follow. "It should be a quiet day for us today, unless stuff goes badly wrong." He stated "Are you settled in?"

Revek quickly turned and followed him out matching pace a half step behind and to the left of his superior, "Yes Master Chief, the only hiccup I've encountered since i've been here is getting environmental to set my room to a comfortable level but that has been taken care of. Besides that I've just been going over the ships history and some of the key personnel files..."

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on January 07, 2013, 12:52:05 AM

Revek quickly turned and followed him out matching pace a half step behind and to the left of his superior, "Yes Master Chief, the only hiccup I've encountered since i've been here is getting environmental to set my room to a comfortable level but that has been taken care of. Besides that I've just been going over the ships history and some of the key personnel files..."

Shelaf chuckled aloud. "Oh, she's got a history." He said, brushing his hand against a nearby bulkhead. "Find anything interesting?"

Scott Bradley

It had been a few hours since the Discovery had arrived in orbit of the planet. All over the globe she had crews in shuttles  gathering the pieces of the Hornblower. Scott's away team where in the largest city on the northern continent. Looking around Scott was reminded of early 20th century earth. The inhabitants had internal combustion engines and had even discovered flight.

His team was nearby, Archangel and a couple of her engineers, and Lee. The local clothing was very odd, but allowed them plenty of room to conceal there equipment, and each member was scanning for any alien materials. Sitting by a fountain, Scott waited for the team to draw closer, taking there time so they would not draw attention.

" Report, anyone got anything? Looking around at some of the advanced pieces of technology they must have found part of the Hornblower. "

Zarr Non Kof

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 07, 2013, 05:45:46 PM

It had been a few hours since the Discovery had arrived in orbit of the planet. All over the globe she had crews in shuttles  gathering the pieces of the Hornblower. Scott's away team where in the largest city on the northern continent. Looking around Scott was reminded of early 20th century earth. The inhabitants had internal combustion engines and had even discovered flight.

His team was nearby, Archangel and a couple of her engineers, and Lee. The local clothing was very odd, but allowed them plenty of room to conceal there equipment, and each member was scanning for any alien materials. Sitting by a fountain, Scott waited for the team to draw closer, taking there time so they would not draw attention.

" Report, anyone got anything? Looking around at some of the advanced pieces of technology they must have found part of the Hornblower. "

Hearing the captain's question, Zarr thought about the readings he had found.

"Captain, while on our sweep I picked up some energy readings that is unlike anything the ship scanners picked up from orbit. Considering that this planets development is around the 1920s of Earth, this is very illogical."

Species: Vulcan

"Computer, compute to the last digit the value of PI" -- Spock


Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 07, 2013, 04:54:55 AM

Shelaf chuckled aloud. "Oh, she's got a history." He said, brushing his hand against a nearby bulkhead. "Find anything interesting?"

Revek tensed at the laugh but quickly decided it wasn't derisive, "Yes Master Chief, a mutiny... Permission to speak freely?" Revek stared at the phaser burns that adorned the halway and thought to himself "After everything that has happened and my first ship just went through a mutiny... either fate has a sick sense of humor or I'm missing a piece of this puzzle"

Grace Masters

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on January 08, 2013, 09:46:34 AM

Revek tensed at the laugh but quickly decided it wasn't derisive, "Yes Master Chief, a mutiny... Permission to speak freely?" Revek stared at the phaser burns that adorned the halway and thought to himself "After everything that has happened and my first ship just went through a mutiny... either fate has a sick sense of humor or I'm missing a piece of this puzzle"

Seeing that the normal people were not currently on the bridge, Grace decided to be slightly assertive, something that she had not found herself able to do for some time now, but she was ready to get back into her life.

=/Masters to Master Chief Greegy, I'm ready to return to active duty, requesting assignment\= She said over the Comm, and took up a temporary position to the side of the turbolift. Out of the way of anyone coming or going, but in ready to go where ever ordered.

Set phasers to kill.

Scott Bradley

Quote from: Zarr Non Kof on January 07, 2013, 06:38:17 PM

Hearing the captain's question, Zarr thought about the readings he had found.

"Captain, while on our sweep I picked up some energy readings that is unlike anything the ship scanners picked up from orbit. Considering that this planets development is around the 1920s of Earth, this is very illogical."

Scott ran his hands through the water in the fountain. The architecture was clearly alien, but had its own subtle beauty. He looked around the crowd, people watching. These people where going about there daily lives not knowing there where alien among them. Scott laughed slightly, being anonymous in the crowd was a welcome change. He turned his head at the young crewmans report.

" So they've obviously found parts of the Hornblower's wreckage. They must have reverse  engineered some of the technology. That's a problem. "

Scott ran his hands through his hair, before contemplating there next move.

" Archangel, Lee, Given the information available how much of there technological advancement could be put down to the Hornblower? "

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 08, 2013, 05:07:39 PM

Scott ran his hands through the water in the fountain. The architecture was clearly alien, but had its own subtle beauty. He looked around the crowd, people watching. These people where going about there daily lives not knowing there where alien among them. Scott laughed slightly, being anonymous in the crowd was a welcome change. He turned his head at the young crewmans report.
" So they've obviously found parts of the Hornblower's wreckage. They must have reverse  engineered some of the technology. That's a problem. "
Scott ran his hands through his hair, before contemplating there next move.
" Archangel, Lee, Given the information available how much of there technological advancement could be put down to the Hornblower? "

Archangel was uncomfortable.  It felt very strange to be out of uniform, and mingling with a pre-warp society was a little stressful.  Sickbay had done a good job, concealing her more alien features and adding others to help her blend in, but it was still a little surprising every time she caught sight of herself in a reflective surface.  Also, there were elements everywhere that screamed of cultural contamination by the Hornblower.

She spotted the captain and a few others from their scouting party gathered around a fountain.  It was fairly easy to spot them.  Although they looked just like any other random person on the planet, there was something just a little... disquieting about them.  Nothing you could see at first glance.  It was like looking at a tapestry that had a single broken thread.  She discreetly checked her tricorder as she approached them, keeping the device as hidden as she could.  After assimilating the information that she needed, she looked up at the rest of the group, fighting the urge to scratch at the prosthetics keeping her pointed ears concealed.  Stowing the tricorder out of sight, she gave Captain Bradley her report.
"By the early 20th century, Earth was developing the internal combustion engine as well as starting to test flight with what I believe were called 'aircraft', so those areas of development would be on course if not for the fact that the people here have advanced a lot further for the time than humans had.  That probably had something to do with finding the Hornblower.  There are all sorts of small things as well: pieces of medical equipment, information, even a phaser-style weapon."  She shook her head.  "It looks like only lack of access to the same materials used on star ships stopped this culture from imitating even more."

Scott Bradley

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on January 09, 2013, 03:48:52 PM

Archangel was uncomfortable.  It felt very strange to be out of uniform, and mingling with a pre-warp society was a little stressful.  Sickbay had done a good job, concealing her more alien features and adding others to help her blend in, but it was still a little surprising every time she caught sight of herself in a reflective surface.  Also, there were elements everywhere that screamed of cultural contamination by the Hornblower.

She spotted the captain and a few others from their scouting party gathered around a fountain.  It was fairly easy to spot them.  Although they looked just like any other random person on the planet, there was something just a little... disquieting about them.  Nothing you could see at first glance.  It was like looking at a tapestry that had a single broken thread.  She discreetly checked her tricorder as she approached them, keeping the device as hidden as she could.  After assimilating the information that she needed, she looked up at the rest of the group, fighting the urge to scratch at the prosthetics keeping her pointed ears concealed.  Stowing the tricorder out of sight, she gave Captain Bradley her report.
"By the early 20th century, Earth was developing the internal combustion engine as well as starting to test flight with what I believe were called 'aircraft', so those areas of development would be on course if not for the fact that the people here have advanced a lot further for the time than humans had.  That probably had something to do with finding the Hornblower.  There are all sorts of small things as well: pieces of medical equipment, information, even a phaser-style weapon."  She shook her head.  "It looks like only lack of access to the same materials used on star ships stopped this culture from imitating even more."

Scott grunted and muttered something under his breath. The fact these people had been reverse engineering federation technology just made the mission that more difficult.

" We've got to try and establish what exactly happened and how much wreckage made it down here. Lee have the Discovery do a full orbital sweep, look for the black box.

Archangel and the rest of us will head to a local library, see if we can find any reports of the Hornblower's crash. "

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on January 08, 2013, 09:46:34 AM

Revek tensed at the laugh but quickly decided it wasn't derisive, "Yes Master Chief, a mutiny... Permission to speak freely?" Revek stared at the phaser burns that adorned the halway and thought to himself "After everything that has happened and my first ship just went through a mutiny... either fate has a sick sense of humor or I'm missing a piece of this puzzle"

Shelaf opened his mouth to reply, when Grace's call came through. He tapped his combadge to reply. =/\= Masters, you've been on the ship long enough to know how we work. Look on the duty roster and find out for yourself. If something comes up, i'll give you a call. =/\= He told her, his reprimand delivered in a calm tone of voice. He turned to Revek.

"By all means, speak freely." He told the crewman, stopping to open a turbolify door and step inside. "Whats up?"

Zarr Non Kof

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on January 09, 2013, 03:48:52 PM

"By the early 20th century, Earth was developing the internal combustion engine as well as starting to test flight with what I believe were called 'aircraft', so those areas of development would be on course if not for the fact that the people here have advanced a lot further for the time than humans had.  That probably had something to do with finding the Hornblower.  There are all sorts of small things as well: pieces of medical equipment, information, even a phaser-style weapon."  She shook her head.  "It looks like only lack of access to the same materials used on star ships stopped this culture from imitating even more."

"Lieutenant, it's a logical assumption that the power source reading would be consistent with reverse engineered technology from the Hornblower reengineered using local material. But without a basic understanding of the tech, such progress would be inevitability slow."
Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 09, 2013, 05:07:43 PM

Scott grunted and muttered something under his breath. The fact these people had been reverse engineering federation technology just made the mission that more difficult.

"We've got to try and establish what exactly happened and how much wreckage made it down here. Lee, have the Discovery do a full orbital sweep, look for the black box.

Archangel and the rest of us will head to a local library, see if we can find any reports of the Hornblower's crash. "

"Captain, I found some newspaper references to what the locals called Á¢â,¬Ëœfire rain' that corresponds with the time frame of when the Hornblower crashed. It goes on to say that the government quickly dismissed it as a meteor shower but wouldn't let any civilians near the crash sites. I also found so written interviews with eyewitnesses where they stated that they had seen horse drawn carriages hauling things away for months.

Species: Vulcan

"Computer, compute to the last digit the value of PI" -- Spock


Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 09, 2013, 05:19:21 PM

Shelaf opened his mouth to reply, when Grace's call came through. He tapped his combadge to reply. =/\= Masters, you've been on the ship long enough to know how we work. Look on the duty roster and find out for yourself. If something comes up, i'll give you a call. =/\= He told her, his reprimand delivered in a calm tone of voice. He turned to Revek.

"By all means, speak freely." He told the crewman, stopping to open a turbolify door and step inside. "Whats up?"

Revek stepped into the turbolift behind the Greegy and stood to the subordinate position to the left, "Sheer speculation Master Chief but... do you have any idea why Starfleet Command would place me here? This ship just went through a mutiny and while the Dominion war ended over ten years ago... Well Master Chief it seems cruel to put a Cardassian on this ship while tensions are already high and I cannot figure out why, any ideas?"

Lee Armstrong

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 09, 2013, 05:07:43 PM

Scott grunted and muttered something under his breath. The fact these people had been reverse engineering federation technology just made the mission that more difficult.

" We've got to try and establish what exactly happened and how much wreckage made it down here. Lee have the Discovery do a full orbital sweep, look for the black box.

Archangel and the rest of us will head to a local library, see if we can find any reports of the Hornblower's crash. "

" Aye sir. "

Lee moved away from the group, taking his time and making sure not to draw attention to himself. Within a few moments he had made his way to a side street, and then onto a alley. He tapped his comm-badge,

=/\= Armstrong to Discovery. =/\=

" This is lieutenant Armstrong, come in Discovery. "

Alan Christopher

Quote from: Lee Armstrong on January 10, 2013, 05:45:54 PM

" Aye sir. "

Lee moved away from the group, taking his time and making sure not to draw attention to himself. Within a few moments he had made his way to a side street, and then onto a alley. He tapped his comm-badge,

=/\= Armstrong to Discovery. =/\=

" This is lieutenant Armstrong, come in Discovery. "

Alan pressed a button on the helm console, opening communications with the away team.

=/\= Discovery to Armstrong. =/\=

" Go ahead Lee. "

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on January 10, 2013, 12:04:05 PM

Revek stepped into the turbolift behind the Greegy and stood to the subordinate position to the left, "Sheer speculation Master Chief but... do you have any idea why Starfleet Command would place me here? This ship just went through a mutiny and while the Dominion war ended over ten years ago... Well Master Chief it seems cruel to put a Cardassian on this ship while tensions are already high and I cannot figure out why, any ideas?"

Shelaf shook his head "I wish I knew the thought process of Command, but unfortunately I'm not blessed with that ability." Shelaf said to Revek. As he finished speaking, the turbolift opened up onto the bridge. He motioned Revek to take the security console and approached Alan at the helm.

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