Season 8, Mission 7: Heroes

Started by Scott Bradley, December 04, 2012, 07:14:26 PM

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Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 14, 2013, 05:42:21 PM

An idea dawned on Shelaf. "Y'know, we joke about this, but sometimes being overt is better than covert. If people are found sneaking about, they might be caught and questions might be asked. But if we bust straight, in take it in front of everyone, and escape, people will think it's just local gangsters." He said to Alan, eager to get the officer's opinion.

Revek re-did the analysis for a fifth time and was certain this was no hiccup in the system, "Master Chief that might not be the best idea, apologies if I am speaking out of turn but you should look at these reading I found while doing a thorough analysis of the scanner readings. There are minute, and I mean absolutely miniscule, traces of nadion particles that are a fraction of a percent over what should occur due to quantum probability laws. Master Chief, someone down there has phasers and they aren't ours."

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on January 15, 2013, 12:54:50 AM

Revek re-did the analysis for a fifth time and was certain this was no hiccup in the system, "Master Chief that might not be the best idea, apologies if I am speaking out of turn but you should look at these reading I found while doing a thorough analysis of the scanner readings. There are minute, and I mean absolutely miniscule, traces of nadion particles that are a fraction of a percent over what should occur due to quantum probability laws. Master Chief, someone down there has phasers and they aren't ours."

Shelaf looked crestfallen. "Makes sense. They would have recovered them from the wreck." he paused a moment. "The technology used to create those phasers is over one hundred years old. It'll be flawed. Alan, could you see if Scott can get ahold of one of the planet's phasers so we can study it?"

Grace Masters

Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 15, 2013, 01:15:27 PM

Shelaf looked crestfallen. "Makes sense. They would have recovered them from the wreck." he paused a moment. "The technology used to create those phasers is over one hundred years old. It'll be flawed. Alan, could you see if Scott can get ahold of one of the planet's phasers so we can study it?"

Grace stood at the auxilary tactical station, a bit flustered at her superiors earlier rebuke and assigning a lower ranking crewman to the main board over her. As Lt. Christopher was ranking officer on the bridge, Grace directed a question at him. "lieutenant, if they have phaser technology, even old tech down there, should we perhaps prepare a second away team in case something goes bad down there?"

Set phasers to kill.

Scott Bradley

Quote from: Zarr Non Kof on January 14, 2013, 08:09:54 PM

Zarr thought about everything they found while down on the planet. How far could they have logically gotten reverse engineering Hornblower parts? They didn't even have basic computers yet. The highest technological break threw they had was a primitive automobile. They logically made some advancement or we wouldn't have detected the energy signature.

The initial scan records from that era indicated consistency with the technology being around 160 years prior to now. Only 100 years have passed so they had made 60 years of advancement ahead of time. With the data sent up earlier the sensors should be calibrated to detect any Hornblower technology used by them for their accelerated advancement. We should be able to beam them up with virtually no contamination to the public. Since their government already covered up their existence, only they will know.

"Captain, Here is my report on all the information we have gathered and my recommendation on possible action."

Scott rubbed the lower half of his face with his right hand as he looked over the data gathered. They would somehow have to find any remaining technology and remove it without interfering with the development of this civilization, a massive problem as they had already been exposed to tech beyond there level.

" I'm open to suggestions. "


Quote from: Grace Masters on January 15, 2013, 01:56:43 PM

Grace stood at the auxilary tactical station, a bit flustered at her superiors earlier rebuke and assigning a lower ranking crewman to the main board over her. As Lt. Christopher was ranking officer on the bridge, Grace directed a question at him. "lieutenant, if they have phaser technology, even old tech down there, should we perhaps prepare a second away team in case something goes bad down there?"

Revek bristled at the jump in the chain of command, though he was indeed junior to the female sec/tac crewman on the bridge and he was not particularly attached to MC Greegy, Tre'el knew better than to skip the enlisted links in the chain and go right to the ranking officer on deck. As such he directed his next statement to Master Chief Greegy. "Master Chief that might be a good idea, would you like me to head down to deck 8 and prep a Q.R.F.?"

Zarr Non Kof

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 15, 2013, 06:18:08 PM

Scott rubbed the lower half of his face with his right hand as he looked over the data gathered. They would somehow have to find any remaining technology and remove it without interfering with the development of this civilization, a massive problem as they had already been exposed to tech beyond there level.

" I'm open to suggestions. "

"Well captain, since their government already has hid it from the public we could beam it up directly from its current location and it would be illogical for them to expose the disappearance because it would expose them as well."

Species: Vulcan

"Computer, compute to the last digit the value of PI" -- Spock

Grace Masters

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on January 15, 2013, 07:19:37 PM

Revek bristled at the jump in the chain of command, though he was indeed junior to the female sec/tac crewman on the bridge and he was not particularly attached to MC Greegy, Tre'el knew better than to skip the enlisted links in the chain and go right to the ranking officer on deck. As such he directed his next statement to Master Chief Greegy. "Master Chief that might be a good idea, would you like me to head down to deck 8 and prep a Q.R.F.?"

Grace looked first to Revek then to the Master Chief. "We could have another away team ready within minutes Master Chief" She said hopeing that her and Revek could get the chance to go down to the planet.

Set phasers to kill.

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Grace Masters on January 15, 2013, 08:38:07 PM

Grace looked first to Revek then to the Master Chief. "We could have another away team ready within minutes Master Chief" She said hopeing that her and Revek could get the chance to go down to the planet.

He turned his back on the two junior crewmen, and looked at Alan. "Your call, boss. For what it's worth, I agree with them." He said, loud enough for them to hear. "If it all goes pear shaped, we could do with a team ready to respond."

Alan Christopher

Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 17, 2013, 04:05:37 PM

He turned his back on the two junior crewmen, and looked at Alan. "Your call, boss. For what it's worth, I agree with them." He said, loud enough for them to hear. "If it all goes pear shaped, we could do with a team ready to respond."

Alan looked at the Chief, then at Masters. What was the right call, the captain and the others could be walking into a trap and not know it.

" Do it, have a squad ready and in a shuttle in ten minutes. But wait for my order. We'll contact the Captain and update him on the situation. "

Lee Armstrong

Quote from: Zarr Non Kof on January 15, 2013, 07:44:50 PM

"Well captain, since their government already has hid it from the public we could beam it up directly from its current location and it would be illogical for them to expose the disappearance because it would expose them as well."

Lee folded his arms.

" He's got a point Captain. If there reverse engineering this technology and have it stored away, then they won't utter a word about it. All we need to do is find it first. "

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Alan Christopher on January 17, 2013, 05:37:01 PM

Alan looked at the Chief, then at Masters. What was the right call, the captain and the others could be walking into a trap and not know it.

" Do it, have a squad ready and in a shuttle in ten minutes. But wait for my order. We'll contact the Captain and update him on the situation. "

"Masters, get on it." Shelaf ordered, gesturing for her to rush. "Alan, can we hail the captain?" He asked, since he had recieved no response to the previous query.


Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 20, 2013, 08:54:38 AM

"Masters, get on it." Shelaf ordered, gesturing for her to rush. "Alan, can we hail the captain?" He asked, since he had recieved no response to the previous query.

Revek turned back to his console, If the Master Chief doesn't want my skill set down there it's his loss. Tre'el began assessing and highlighting appropriate weapons for the second away team to take if they had to respond to a combat situation.

Alan Christopher

Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 20, 2013, 08:54:38 AM

"Masters, get on it." Shelaf ordered, gesturing for her to rush. "Alan, can we hail the captain?" He asked, since he had recieved no response to the previous query.

Alan moved the ship into a lower orbit than they had been in, He wanted to minimize any travelling time for the shuttles. He turned to the new security crewman.

" Crewman tre'el, can you raise the away team? "


Quote from: Alan Christopher on January 22, 2013, 02:24:07 PM

Alan moved the ship into a lower orbit than they had been in, He wanted to minimize any travelling time for the shuttles. He turned to the new security crewman.

" Crewman tre'el, can you raise the away team? "

"One moment sir."

=/\= Bridge to away team, this is Crewman Tre'el speaking for Lt. Christopher. Come in away team. =/\=

Grace Masters

Quote from: Revek Tre'el on January 21, 2013, 11:36:07 PM

Revek turned back to his console, If the Master Chief doesn't want my skill set down there it's his loss. Tre'el began assessing and highlighting appropriate weapons for the second away team to take if they had to respond to a combat situation.

Grace looked at Revek. "What are you standing around for? If we're going down as a potential rescue we should have more than one security member going. Let's get going" She said heading for the lift. If the chief had issue with Revek going she was confident he would let them know. It wasn't until she was in the lift that she realized what she may have just done to herself and she narrowly avoided a panic attack.

Set phasers to kill.

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