Season 8, Mission 7: Heroes

Started by Scott Bradley, December 04, 2012, 07:14:26 PM

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Lee Armstrong

Quote from: Alan Christopher on January 12, 2013, 11:43:27 AM

Alan pressed a button on the helm console, opening communications with the away team.

=/\= Discovery to Armstrong. =/\=

" Go ahead Lee. "

" We need you to make a full sweep in orbit of the planet, look for the black box of the Hornblower, or anything that might indicate why they went down. "

Alan Christopher

Quote from: Lee Armstrong on January 12, 2013, 08:02:23 PM

" We need you to make a full sweep in orbit of the planet, look for the black box of the Hornblower, or anything that might indicate why they went down. "

" Will do. We'll contact you if we find anything. "

Alan ended the communication, and slowly took the Discovery out of her standard orbit. The great ship glided gracefully away from the planet, before beginning her search. Lee turned himself around and faced the Chief.

" Chief can you oversee the scan for the black box? Should be a standard Miranda class flight recorder. "

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Alan Christopher on January 12, 2013, 08:04:51 PM

" Will do. We'll contact you if we find anything. "

Alan ended the communication, and slowly took the Discovery out of her standard orbit. The great ship glided gracefully away from the planet, before beginning her search. Lee turned himself around and faced the Chief.

" Chief can you oversee the scan for the black box? Should be a standard Miranda class flight recorder. "

Shelaf nodded. "A standard Miranda class flight recorder that plummeted into a planet then lay there for 100 years. That'll be easy." He remarked, wandering over to the science console, and fiddling with the controls for a moment or two. It didn't take long for a result to come back.

"Ok, looks like we've got a result. Um, one problem." he remarked, downloading the scan results onto a PADD then walking back over to Alan. "It's slap bang in the middle of the planets largest population centre."

Alan Christopher

Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 12, 2013, 08:09:04 PM

Shelaf nodded. "A standard Miranda class flight recorder that plummeted into a planet then lay there for 100 years. That'll be easy." He remarked, wandering over to the science console, and fiddling with the controls for a moment or two. It didn't take long for a result to come back.

"Ok, looks like we've got a result. Um, one problem." he remarked, downloading the scan results onto a PADD then walking back over to Alan. "It's slap bang in the middle of the planets largest population centre."

Alan took the padd and checked over the scans. Smack bang in the middle of the city the captain was in.

" Now the Captain is going to love this. Just how in the hell are we going to get it back in the middle of a city? The transporters are struggling to get a clean lock on this planet. " 

Scott Bradley

Quote from: Zarr Non Kof on January 09, 2013, 05:37:41 PM

"Lieutenant, it's a logical assumption that the power source reading would be consistent with reverse engineered technology from the Hornblower reengineered using local material. But without a basic understanding of the tech, such progress would be inevitability slow."

"Captain, I found some newspaper references to what the locals called Á¢â,¬Ëœfire rain' that corresponds with the time frame of when the Hornblower crashed. It goes on to say that the government quickly dismissed it as a meteor shower but wouldn't let any civilians near the crash sites. I also found so written interviews with eyewitnesses where they stated that they had seen horse drawn carriages hauling things away for months.

Scott looked at the data in the young crewman's tricorder, reading over the headlines Scott's eyebrow arched.

" Good work Cremwan Kof. This fits in with the time of the Hornblower's destruction. Looks to me like we've got a Roswell type situation on our hands. "

Archangel Koris

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 13, 2013, 10:35:59 AM

Scott looked at the data in the young crewman's tricorder, reading over the headlines Scott's eyebrow arched.

" Good work Cremwan Kof. This fits in with the time of the Hornblower's destruction. Looks to me like we've got a Roswell type situation on our hands. "

Archangel, having been listening to the exchange, frowned slightly.
"A Roswell type situation, sir?  I'm not sure I'm familiar with that concept."

Scott Bradley

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on January 13, 2013, 10:49:45 AM

Archangel, having been listening to the exchange, frowned slightly.
"A Roswell type situation, sir?  I'm not sure I'm familiar with that concept."

" Forgive me Lieutenant. Roswell is a place on Earth, The Unites States.  "

Scott moved to allow her to sit down next to him, he tried to remember most of the details of the story.

" In the mid 20th century, people in Roswell New Mexico claimed that an Alien craft crashed, and that it was covered up by the government at the time. Now while we don't know if it was true, it certainly matches this sort of situation.

Nobody here is aware of life on other planets. "

Zarr Non Kof

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 13, 2013, 11:18:14 AM

"Forgive me Lieutenant. Roswell is a place on Earth, The Unites States.  "

Scott moved to allow her to sit down next to him, he tried to remember most of the details of the story.

"In the mid-20th century, people in Roswell New Mexico claimed that an Alien craft crashed, and that it was covered up by the government at the time. Now while we don't know if it was true, it certainly matches this sort of situation.

Nobody here is aware of life on other planets. "


Zarr made a mental note to research the situation when he returns to earth.

"Captain, the crew aboard the ship should be able to use the info from my tri-corder to fine tune the sensors and pinpoint what's left of the Hornblower's parts used to reverse-engineer the power source we've detected."

Species: Vulcan

"Computer, compute to the last digit the value of PI" -- Spock

Scott Bradley

Quote from: Zarr Non Kof on January 13, 2013, 01:22:24 PM


Zarr made a mental note to research the situation when he returns to earth.

"Captain, the crew aboard the ship should be able to use the info from my tri-corder to fine tune the sensors and pinpoint what's left of the Hornblower's parts used to reverse-engineer the power source we've detected."

" Good work. We have to try and limit this civilizations exposure to our technology. We'll look around for another few hours, then we'll head back to the Discovery to figure out our next move. "

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Alan Christopher on January 13, 2013, 08:21:46 AM

Alan took the padd and checked over the scans. Smack bang in the middle of the city the captain was in.

" Now the Captain is going to love this. Just how in the hell are we going to get it back in the middle of a city? The transporters are struggling to get a clean lock on this planet. "

Shelaf cocked an eyebrow. "Looks like we have a heist to plan. You can drive the getaway car, I'll go get the suits and the fedoras."


Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 12, 2013, 03:44:42 PM

Shelaf shook his head "I wish I knew the thought process of Command, but unfortunately I'm not blessed with that ability." Shelaf said to Revek. As he finished speaking, the turbolift opened up onto the bridge. He motioned Revek to take the security console and approached Alan at the helm.

Revek nodded in response and sat down, immediately logging in and conducting a quick check of all security systems, "All seems in order Master Chief." Tre'el then began analyzing the sensor data for any possible security risks.

Alan Christopher

Quote from: Shelaf Greegy on January 13, 2013, 07:42:11 PM

Shelaf cocked an eyebrow. "Looks like we have a heist to plan. You can drive the getaway car, I'll go get the suits and the fedoras."

Alan laughed at the chiefs quip.

" Yeah, and we can replicate a tommy gun to use instead of a phaser. Stealth and sneaking around never was my style. "

Shelaf Greegy

Quote from: Alan Christopher on January 14, 2013, 01:29:57 PM

Alan laughed at the chiefs quip.

" Yeah, and we can replicate a tommy gun to use instead of a phaser. Stealth and sneaking around never was my style. "

An idea dawned on Shelaf. "Y'know, we joke about this, but sometimes being overt is better than covert. If people are found sneaking about, they might be caught and questions might be asked. But if we bust straight, in take it in front of everyone, and escape, people will think it's just local gangsters." He said to Alan, eager to get the officer's opinion.

Zarr Non Kof

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 13, 2013, 06:57:23 PM

"Good work. We have to try and limit this civilizations exposure to our technology. We'll look around for another few hours, then we'll head back to the Discovery to figure out our next move. "

Zarr thought about everything they found while down on the planet. How far could they have logically gotten reverse engineering Hornblower parts? They didn't even have basic computers yet. The highest technological break threw they had was a primitive automobile. They logically made some advancement or we wouldn't have detected the energy signature.

The initial scan records from that era indicated consistency with the technology being around 160 years prior to now. Only 100 years have passed so they had made 60 years of advancement ahead of time. With the data sent up earlier the sensors should be calibrated to detect any Hornblower technology used by them for their accelerated advancement. We should be able to beam them up with virtually no contamination to the public. Since their government already covered up their existence, only they will know.

"Captain, Here is my report on all the information we have gathered and my recommendation on possible action."

Species: Vulcan

"Computer, compute to the last digit the value of PI" -- Spock

Elvin Jones

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on December 30, 2012, 02:38:39 PM

- T'Koris to Crewmen Jones and Kof, report to sickbay to be kitted out for away detail. -

Elvin had made it but a couple steps from sickbay when T'Koris made the call for him, and a crewman named Kof, to report to sickbay. Within seconds, Elvin entered sickbay for the second time in less than ten minutes and stood where he had just moments before. "Ahem." He gave a slight cough to announce his presence. Much to his delight, the doctor spun around to see who had made the noise. The expression on his face was priceless.

"You again?" Doctor Tam asked. "I suppose you've had a change of heart and decided to come back to help," he added sarcastically.

"No," Elvin retorted. "An away team's goin' down to the surface. A few more will be showing up here soon so we all can be properly prepared. Just the normal disguising ourselves as locals routine. I doubt it'll eat up too much of your precious time, Doc." He smirked. Doctor Tam obviously didn't share this opinion and scowled.

Before long, the others arrived just as he said they would.

Quote from: Archangel T'Koris on January 13, 2013, 10:49:45 AM

Archangel, having been listening to the exchange, frowned slightly.
"A Roswell type situation, sir?  I'm not sure I'm familiar with that concept."

Quote from: Scott Bradley on January 13, 2013, 11:18:14 AM

" Forgive me, Lieutenant. Roswell is a place on Earth, The Unites States.  "

Scott moved to allow her to sit down next to him, he tried to remember most of the details of the story.

" In the mid 20th century, people in Roswell, New Mexico claimed that an Alien craft crashed and that it was covered up by the government at the time. Now while we don't know if it was true, it certainly matches this sort of situation.

Nobody here is aware of life on other planets. "

After necessary changes were made and local attire had been donned, the away team beamed down to the surface. Elvin shuddered upon rematerializing. He disliked transporters and distrusted them as he did a good number of other Starfleet technology, a strange sentimentality for an Engineer to hold. He figured they were psychological after effects or something, which would hopefully fade away with time. One thing was for sure, he didn't want his atoms scattered back and forth space with that gadget. But what struck him as the most odd was that they already thought he was mentally sound enough to go on an away mission. He didn't trust his own sanity, but others did so maybe he wasn't as crazy as he thought he was.

He walked along with the others, listening quietly as they bantered back and forth. When the captain mentioned the Roswell situation, Elvin was just as confused as T'Koris, but the captain's explanation quickly cleared things up. "So are we going to go mingle amidst the locals? That does seem to be the main point of dressing like them. And that way we could see how much the general public knows about where their technology comes from."

Alliance Commander: "Seems odd you'd name your ship after a battle you were on the wrong side of."

Mal: "May have been the losing side. Still not convinced it was the wrong one."

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