Season 11: Episode 2 - Diplomatic Disaster

Started by Kyle Briggs, June 01, 2016, 05:44:19 AM

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James A. Hawke

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on June 25, 2016, 09:15:47 PM

Briefing Room

Lizzie turned to James.

"There are no specific storage conditions for the toxin except that, if you don't want to risk contamination you need to store it under level 4 biohazzard conditions. This would mean a portable vessel with its own power supply and security seals. It does not vaporise and is only poisonous if ingested or otherwise got into the stomach. Injection or dermal absorption is not effective. Unless you can get the victim to eat it, you have to inject it directly into the stomach. However if you get some on your skin, you risk ingesting it as at this concentration it is toxic from 50 parts per Billion and washing in anything other than a decontamination shower will not remove it." She replied.

[Briefing Room]
James stood silent for a second.  He placed both hands on the table.  He looked at the dark brown on the table and pondered.  He looked up and said to Lizzie "Doing a  physical shipwide search would take days and that is time that we don't have.  Doctor, would many Scientist have a Level 4 Biohazzard Container on the ship? Maybe looking for those containers while conducting interviews would increase our odds."

Click on the Badge to see bio

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on June 27, 2016, 07:42:12 PM

[Briefing Room]
James stood silent for a second.  He placed both hands on the table.  He looked at the dark brown on the table and pondered.  He looked up and said to Lizzie "Doing a  physical shipwide search would take days and that is time that we don't have.  Doctor, would many Scientist have a Level 4 Biohazzard Container on the ship? Maybe looking for those containers while conducting interviews would increase our odds."

Briefing Room

Lizzie thought for a moment.

"None that I'm aware of. We don't have a level 4 biohazzard facility on this ship! You typically only find them on Starbases and dedicated science vessels. It would not be hard to upgrade one of our science labs into a level 4, but it would be obvious and I would certainly be aware of it. If the culprit is using a portable device, finding it with sensors would be next to impossible. Assuming there is any left and the container has not been recycled." She paused for a moment. "There is however one chance. When people report back onboard, their baggage is typically recorded by security. They could not had beamed it aboard as the bio filters would have recorded it at notified security. What we are looking for is a box about the size of a suitcase that would only be able to be carried by two hands, unless the person was very strong. Too strong for it to have been a Human. Can you access those records?" She asked.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 26, 2016, 05:28:08 AM

Eli felt no need to recap his troubles to his superior. The simple fact was, the answers were elusive and Eli was stumped by the problem, and Alex's worried mirrored the growing frustrating within Eli.

I can't fail again.

"Of course, sir. I'll make the preparations. Also, I would recommend a small security detail."

With that, Eli left Alex to his headaches and moved in to his own. If he had his choice, it would be a small detachment, but the risk to the shuttles was great enough. Eli didn't like the fact that he would have to include more crewmembers, and exposed them to greater danger.

Quote from: Leela Kaz on June 27, 2016, 04:51:04 AM

"Acknowledged sir." Although the circumstances weren't joyous Leela was thrilled at the prospect of a little adventure. She looked to Arlan and smiled. Then back to Commander Wu. "When do we leave?"

[Backpost - Bridge]

"Take Opran with you." Alex glanced over towards the man at tactical. "Ensign, hand over your station, you'll be joining Commander Ferris and Ensign Kaz on this mission. Eli, take your team below and get ready."

[Briefing Room]

Listening to the arguments of Hawke and Vaughan, Alex's grip on the back of his chair tightened, frowning at the two officers. "Commander Pardek has more reasons than all of us combined to hate the Romulan Empire, I can give you a personal guarantee that she would not be collaborating or contacting them for any reason. And doctor, your role is to investigate what killed Lieutenant Hobbs, and how it may have occurred. You report that to me. It's my job to talk to Captain Briggs, who will brief Starfleet. Do not overstep your boundaries, lieutenant."

He took a deep breath, switching his gazes between both. Both equally logical, both experts in their field. And both ignoring the question that was staring them in the face. "Let's take a tactical pause on how, and take a look at why. Why would anyone want to kill Lieutenant Hobbs? From the ship's records, he was reasonably well liked, and there were no complaints or issues with his subordinates. The section on Deck 6 he was found was just outside the primary computer core. The first thought that comes to my mind was that Hobbs walked in on someone doing something that they weren't supposed to. Hawke, have we made any progress with the sabotaged sensor logs yet?"

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 28, 2016, 01:34:15 AM

[Backpost - Bridge]

"Take Opran with you." Alex glanced over towards the man at tactical. "Ensign, hand over your station, you'll be joining Commander Ferris and Ensign Kaz on this mission. Eli, take your team below and get ready."


"Aye sir." She looked at the two men assigned to accompany her on this rescue operation. "Well gentlemen, care to escort a young lady to a formidable planet full of the unknown?" She chuckled in her half-hearted attempt to diffuse what was a tense situation.


Leela entered the shuttlebay and looked around the room. Commander Wu's orders had created a domino effect that sent the flight teams into launch mode. Several officers were seen giving final system checks and one final look over prior to departure. Noticing all the activity revolving around one particular type-9 craft, Leela assumed that was their ride. "What do you say, boys! Looks like the Aegeus awaits us." With a slight grin she gave a pat on the back to Arlan and forged ahead towards the shuttle.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Jiseth on June 23, 2016, 03:15:26 PM

Stepping out of the vehicle, Jiseth calmly and quietly went about inflating the dome-shaped tent. It was large enough for five people so they'd each have plenty room. After it was in a proper shape, she took her hand phaser and with the lowest setting and widest spread began to heat the material. As she stepped around, bathing it in orange rays, the fabric became a rigid shell and changed color from a vibrate orange to a pale yellow.

Next she set up the lighting sticks inside their habitat which filled it with an eerie green glow and laid out the three sleeping bags for them to use. More lighting sticks were placed inside the cavern so that they did not waste any of the buggy's battery keeping the headlights on. Last but not least she took the rain water collector and set it up just outside the entrance of the cavern,hammering the support spikes into the dirt to keep the wind from blowing it over, before returning.

Reaching into the buggy, Jiseth clawed out several ration backs and hydration bottles, one of which she tossed to Sukal. The other she plopped into Tekin's lap as she sat down next to him. There was a hiss following the clicking of her helmet seal being released and she slowly removed it from her head. Her face has beads of sweat scattered about and some strands of hair stuck to her skin. She released the locks on the gloves as well, freeing her hands to breathe a bit as she began to open the wrapping to her food.

"I know that look... I've got a 2-year old back on the ship. Going to have to apologize to her for missing dinner, but this little excursion will lead to a fun bedtime story I think. That in mind we have a couple of options... The remote link from the buggy to the Theseus may not be able to bring a shuttle back from the dead, but we can at least mess with the torpedoes. Magazine had four loaded. Could detonate a couple to cause the volcano to erupt away from us or at least punch a hole to vent gases and buy us time. The rest we send up towards space like signal flares."

[Unknown Cave]

Nevir smirked, and shook his head.  Kids... "I have two.  Twins in fact.  But I haven't been able to see them in weeks..." he said, opening his food packet and taking a bite.  "They are with their mother right now.  And while daddy is being investigated, mommy isn't talking to him..." he said, taking a drink.  It was a struggle to remain calm.

"If this weren't an occupied planet, I would agree with you, but their Science Academy has known about this.  We knew about this.  The natural processes here are perfectly monitored.  I don't want to cause a diplomatic incident by interfering.  This mission was just for observation.  No, I'm afraid the best we can do is wait it out.  Besides, by now Discovery should be aware that we are missing.  The best I can think of is getting that transmitter working.  Its probably the only thing that will break through the storm turbulence"


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 28, 2016, 06:37:39 AM

Nevir smirked, and shook his head.  Kids... "I have two.  Twins in fact.  But I haven't been able to see them in weeks..." he said, opening his food packet and taking a bite.  "They are with their mother right now.  And while daddy is being investigated, mommy isn't talking to him..." he said, taking a drink.  It was a struggle to remain calm.

"If this weren't an occupied planet, I would agree with you, but their Science Academy has known about this.  We knew about this.  The natural processes here are perfectly monitored.  I don't want to cause a diplomatic incident by interfering.  This mission was just for observation.  No, I'm afraid the best we can do is wait it out.  Besides, by now Discovery should be aware that we are missing.  The best I can think of is getting that transmitter working.  Its probably the only thing that will break through the storm turbulence"

"Perfectly monitored..."

Jiseth leaned her head back against the cool rock of the cave wall as her eyes looked upward as he chewed. The one thing she hated more than their current predicament was the possibility of stranding another shuttle team on this puberty ravaged rock of a planet. Perhaps it was good old Romulan paranoia and racism at work, but she found herself rather distrustful of the intentions of those occupying the planet.

"...I don't like this. This feeling I get whenever I look at the situation. Can't risk another shuttle coming and looking for us if the same thing happens to them. If there was something wrong with our Argo then it was in a place not easy to find. What I'm more apt to believe is that system which controls all this weather and geological movement saw us come in and though of us as foreign object, no different than white blood cells going after something to protect the body. Worse, what if they can bring the ship down too?"

The Romulan stopped herself there, it was almost becoming a rant. Information deprivation was the hallmark of good warfare and if a civilization that could move mountains was making first contact, it in a troubling way made her question who was really the superior one during this diplomatic interaction. If that is what it could be called. She had not actually seen an example of their species in the flesh. Nonetheless, she sighed and shifted her attention back to the Bajoran.

"I apologize... I did not mean to change the subject so quickly, especially since I know what it's like to be investigated. Have your whole life, every little decision, under the microscope. I missed seeing my daughter born because of it. Her birthdays. Zero isn't much for holidays, but she understands the sentimental reasons behind them. My daughter's name is Callion. She's got my ridges and ears and has her other mother's frost white hair. What are your twins like?"

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 28, 2016, 01:34:15 AM

[Backpost - Bridge]

"Take Opran with you." Alex glanced over towards the man at tactical. "Ensign, hand over your station, you'll be joining Commander Ferris and Ensign Kaz on this mission. Eli, take your team below and get ready."

[Briefing Room]

Listening to the arguments of Hawke and Vaughan, Alex's grip on the back of his chair tightened, frowning at the two officers. "Commander Pardek has more reasons than all of us combined to hate the Romulan Empire, I can give you a personal guarantee that she would not be collaborating or contacting them for any reason. And doctor, your role is to investigate what killed Lieutenant Hobbs, and how it may have occurred. You report that to me. It's my job to talk to Captain Briggs, who will brief Starfleet. Do not overstep your boundaries, lieutenant."

He took a deep breath, switching his gazes between both. Both equally logical, both experts in their field. And both ignoring the question that was staring them in the face. "Let's take a tactical pause on how, and take a look at why. Why would anyone want to kill Lieutenant Hobbs? From the ship's records, he was reasonably well liked, and there were no complaints or issues with his subordinates. The section on Deck 6 he was found was just outside the primary computer core. The first thought that comes to my mind was that Hobbs walked in on someone doing something that they weren't supposed to. Hawke, have we made any progress with the sabotaged sensor logs yet?"

Briefing Room

Lizzie looked back at Wu and almost had to bite her tongue to keep from responding as she would have preferred. She took a deep breath.

"With all due respect Commander. My job as Acting Coroner is to conduct an investigation and a hearing into this matter before handing it over to the investigations team at the Starbase. This supersedes all other authority on this ship and you cannot order me to do otherwise." She paused and took another breath. "With regards to the list that Lieutenant Hawke has drawn up, we need to interview everyone on it. I understand you have known Commander Pardek for a long time, but if she is not interviewed the questions will be asked of me and of you. I am not accusing anyone at the moment, but I do need more information and interviewing is the best way to start. I will then need to  review the list to see if there are any others on board, crew or otherwise who would have a motive to want Lieutenant Hobbs dead. It would not have taken a lot of skill to kill in this way and it could well be that a previously unsuspected person had the motive and opportunity." She finished, staring at Wu her eyes unflinching.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Jiseth on June 28, 2016, 12:57:19 PM

"Perfectly monitored..."

Jiseth leaned her head back against the cool rock of the cave wall as her eyes looked upward as he chewed. The one thing she hated more than their current predicament was the possibility of stranding another shuttle team on this puberty ravaged rock of a planet. Perhaps it was good old Romulan paranoia and racism at work, but she found herself rather distrustful of the intentions of those occupying the planet.

"...I don't like this. This feeling I get whenever I look at the situation. Can't risk another shuttle coming and looking for us if the same thing happens to them. If there was something wrong with our Argo then it was in a place not easy to find. What I'm more apt to believe is that system which controls all this weather and geological movement saw us come in and though of us as foreign object, no different than white blood cells going after something to protect the body. Worse, what if they can bring the ship down too?"

The Romulan stopped herself there, it was almost becoming a rant. Information deprivation was the hallmark of good warfare and if a civilization that could move mountains was making first contact, it in a troubling way made her question who was really the superior one during this diplomatic interaction. If that is what it could be called. She had not actually seen an example of their species in the flesh. Nonetheless, she sighed and shifted her attention back to the Bajoran.

"I apologize... I did not mean to change the subject so quickly, especially since I know what it's like to be investigated. Have your whole life, every little decision, under the microscope. I missed seeing my daughter born because of it. Her birthdays. Zero isn't much for holidays, but she understands the sentimental reasons behind them. My daughter's name is Callion. She's got my ridges and ears and has her other mother's frost white hair. What are your twins like?"

The idea of the planet's own protective grid having affected the shuttle was intriguing, and disturbing, but truth be told, Nevir almost wished it was the case.  It would leave a better taste in his mouth.  But his instincts were telling him otherwise.

"I can't outright discredit that theory... its certainly a possibility.  But seeing that chip... I'm not sure." he said, shrugging. "I'm no engineer, but this isn't the first time I've been in a shuttle that had a malfunction.  But nothing like this.  There are backups, and redundancies... you should know.  A single overload should not have taken that entire thing down.  We even lost life support... if we weren't already in the atmosphere at the time it would have meant trouble." he said, taking a drink.

"Tidu and Nerys.  They are definitely Bajoran, already growing their nose ridges, but they seemed to have also adopted their mother's Trill traits... faint spots on them." he said, gesturing to the sides of his face, and racing down to at least his chest.

"I'm not if you are aware of my circumstances.. its certainly fueling the rumor mill on the ship.  But I'm being investigated for something I can't remember, have no knowledge of, but apparently left a lot of evidence for... I'm practically considered a traitor.  The only thing saving me from a detention cell on Earth is Captain Briggs.  But once Starfleet hears about this... I wasn't supposed to be allowed on a shuttlecraft.  Worst thing, though, is that since I was found, I've only gotten one message from my wife...." he sighed, shaking his head.

"Divorce proceedings."

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Lizzie Vaughan on June 28, 2016, 04:41:39 PM

Briefing Room

Lizzie looked back at Wu and almost had to bite her tongue to keep from responding as she would have preferred. She took a deep breath.

"With all due respect Commander. My job as Acting Coroner is to conduct an investigation and a hearing into this matter before handing it over to the investigations team at the Starbase. This supersedes all other authority on this ship and you cannot order me to do otherwise." She paused and took another breath. "With regards to the list that Lieutenant Hawke has drawn up, we need to interview everyone on it. I understand you have known Commander Pardek for a long time, but if she is not interviewed the questions will be asked of me and of you. I am not accusing anyone at the moment, but I do need more information and interviewing is the best way to start. I will then need to  review the list to see if there are any others on board, crew or otherwise who would have a motive to want Lieutenant Hobbs dead. It would not have taken a lot of skill to kill in this way and it could well be that a previously unsuspected person had the motive and opportunity." She finished, staring at Wu her eyes unflinching.

[Briefing Room]

"Doctor, your duties as the coroner entitles you to determine the cause, time, and manner of death." Alex snapped, nearly losing his patience with the uppity CMO. "You may report THAT to Starfleet Medical as it is part of your job, and you are authorized to request an inquest. However, as you have already mentioned that this is a homicide and we have already begun that investigation, this is now a Security matter and jurisdiction falls to that department, of which Commander Pardek is head of. Your report has been submitted and noted. It is NOT your job to formulate hearings or sit in on interviews, and my respect for your expertise is the only reason why you haven't already been dismissed." His tone suggested finality, followed up with a warning glance at Vaughan.

"Now you may have noticed that Commander Pardek, despite being the logical officer to lead this investigation, is not in this meeting." Alex glowered at the two lieutenants. "So believe me when I say that I am taking your list seriously. Lieutenant Hawke, do we have any idea what may have been accessed from the computer core leading up to Lieutenant Hobb's murder?"

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Kyle Briggs

Holodeck/Temp Negotiations Room, (Deck Three)

As Kyle made his way to the turbo lift, he rubbed the back of his neck. He had been in the negotiations for what seemed like forever now but he knew it to only have been several hours. The Dazasanians, as it turned out, were the current issue. They were under the assumption that Starfleet would be building a base there as soon as they got accepted into the Federation. If they got accepted. They didn't seem to understand that that would entail another whole team of negotiators. As Kyle entered the lift, he shook his head.

"Bridge." he said.

They were going to continue after the meal break and he hoped to not have to return. But who knew. This group of Federation diplomats didn't seem to be the brightest stars in the Galaxy. For now, he more important things to worry about.


The doors parted and the first thing he noticed was the absence of the First Officer. The young officer sitting in the center seat began to rise. Kyle waved him down and headed for the briefing room. He knew that's where he would be right now and assumed Alex would be too. The doors parted at his approach.

Briefing Room

He entered to find Alex inside along with the Chief Medical Officer, Mister Hawke from Engineering and the young Crewman Kyle had met earlier put who's name escaped him at the moment. Everyone seemed a bit tense.

"Anything new, Number One?" he asked Alex.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 28, 2016, 06:12:43 PM

The idea of the planet's own protective grid having affected the shuttle was intriguing, and disturbing, but truth be told, Nevir almost wished it was the case.  It would leave a better taste in his mouth.  But his instincts were telling him otherwise.

"I can't outright discredit that theory... its certainly a possibility.  But seeing that chip... I'm not sure." he said, shrugging. "I'm no engineer, but this isn't the first time I've been in a shuttle that had a malfunction.  But nothing like this.  There are backups, and redundancies... you should know.  A single overload should not have taken that entire thing down.  We even lost life support... if we weren't already in the atmosphere at the time it would have meant trouble." he said, taking a drink.

"Tidu and Nerys.  They are definitely Bajoran, already growing their nose ridges, but they seemed to have also adopted their mother's Trill traits... faint spots on them." he said, gesturing to the sides of his face, and racing down to at least his chest.

"I'm not if you are aware of my circumstances.. its certainly fueling the rumor mill on the ship.  But I'm being investigated for something I can't remember, have no knowledge of, but apparently left a lot of evidence for... I'm practically considered a traitor.  The only thing saving me from a detention cell on Earth is Captain Briggs.  But once Starfleet hears about this... I wasn't supposed to be allowed on a shuttlecraft.  Worst thing, though, is that since I was found, I've only gotten one message from my wife...." he sighed, shaking his head.

"Divorce proceedings."

"That's a bit... Harsh."

Jiseth downed her hydration bottle in several large, somewhat audible, gulps. Pity it was not gin, which at times had a rather hateful taste which mirrored the mood of their situation. As time drew on, there was a tinge in her hands. A dark desire to strangle almost every single person aboard the Discovery for the simple reason that they were all up in orbit safe, but most of all dry and warm.

"I'll be honest, Starfleet prisons are pretty much retirement homes unless you really screw up and get sent to a black site. Even then you're allotted a minimal amount of beatings compared to what the Tal Shiar would do to you. Sorry, that's probably not helping... For what it's worth, I've seen traitors and you just don't have the look. You feel too much guilt over something you didn't do. Like if you made a different choice somewhere down the line then somehow magically you wouldn't be in this mess. Hindsight is 20/20 like that, but so is our desire for hope. I'm not a spiritual woman, so advising prayer doesn't mean squat from me, but if you need help then don't be afraid to ask. Teamwork makes the dream work as they say."

She knotted her lips in thought for a moment.

"That chip... Did it look like it burned from the inside out or were the edges more charred than the center?"

Eli Ferris

Quote from: Alexander Wu on June 28, 2016, 01:34:15 AM

[Backpost - Bridge]

"Take Opran with you." Alex glanced over towards the man at tactical. "Ensign, hand over your station, you'll be joining Commander Ferris and Ensign Kaz on this missio

"Aye, sir. We'll do our best."

He glanced at the two ensigns joining him. It annoyed him to no end that there was even more risk to the ship's personnel a probably saboteur and murderer on board. It made their situation even more tenuous than just operation a rescue mission.

The sense of dread felt inescapable.

Quote from: Leela Kaz on June 28, 2016, 05:12:46 AM


"Aye sir." She looked at the two men assigned to accompany her on this rescue operation. "Well gentlemen, care to escort a young lady to a formidable planet full of the unknown?" She chuckled in her half-hearted attempt to diffuse what was a tense situation.


Leela entered the shuttlebay and looked around the room. Commander Wu's orders had created a domino effect that sent the flight teams into launch mode. Several officers were seen giving final system checks and one final look over prior to departure. Noticing all the activity revolving around one particular type-9 craft, Leela assumed that was their ride. "What do you say, boys! Looks like the Aegeus awaits us." With a slight grin she gave a pat on the back to Arlan and forged ahead towards the shuttle.

Eli could appreciate Kaz's enthusiasm, even if he didn't share it completely. It was at least a sign that this team could work, even despite the stress. So, Eli grabbed his PADD, and headed for the shuttle bay.

[Shuttle Bay]

Eli always admired his flight crew's ability to work with Engineering. The flight deck was a bustle of activity, as preparations were made with their shuttle. Leela was right, of course, as many of the technicians completed their final inspections. One officer, the flight deck chief, ran up to Eli with a PADD.

"Commander Ferris, here is the specs. I also outfitted a probe that can be launched in case additional telemetry is needed."

"Thank you." A quick glance showed everything in order.

I expected nothing less

"Looks good. Let's get this ready."

Eli settled in to the cockpit and began his own flight checks, and allowed the rest of his team to do the same.

Once down, he signaled the Bridge.

"Shuttle Aegeus to Bridge. Ready for launch."

James A. Hawke

[Briefing Room]

Hawke listened to both Commander Wu and Lizzie talk.  He noticed the Captain walk in.  James then talked to both of them.  He gave a quick glance at the Captain and said "I am not a senior Officer on this ship, unlike most of you.  With all due respect, we have spent more time talking about this investigation than actually doing it.  An investigation is like combat, there is no one book or strategy so we should stop questioning how do we things and get things done!"
James then decided to give a brief Summary "Commander Wuu is correct, we don't have a motive.  But we can't find a motive unless we talk to people.  So in terms of motive we are in a catch -22.  I am sorry , I am referring an ancient earth novel about paradox requirements".
James turned the monitor on again and said "In terms of where is the sensor data...the answer is would be stupid to just encrypt or delete data,  we are talking about big chucks of data, however moving data it's a lot smarter.  So every system in LCAR's has log files that registers users interface.  Encrypting data would be the most suspicious unless is personal data.  Deleting systems data unless you are in OPS or Engineering is also suspicious.  Moving Data is something that we do every single day, with basic things as holodeck programs.  That is what I would do"

"We can scan the whole ship for that data, but once again we might need to scan personal data.  To use an old earth analogy, we are looking for the VCR Tape, but we don't know where the tape is.  Deleting the tape would be stupid and would give neon sign saying "find me" security."  James looked at his comm badge and picked it up

James shook his head and explained "Lcar's link most systems together.  So is hard to tell who had access.  To give you an example, with the right access I could take a school computer on this ship and turn it into any bridge station...So it could be any individual that have touched our computer since we last came into space dock"

He continued "There are clues...the person is smart,  knows how to hack or have access code,  have to have a background in Engineering, Operations or Science, does not know Human anatomy or poison measurements well,  probably was carrying special biohazard container"
He looked at everyone "We could be played like a sucker, we could be on a trail...the point is we don't know.  We should be careful that we don't fall into this trap of dividing ourselves.  We are arguing, when there is a killer out there!"

James finished "The best way to avoid a trap is to know that there is one...and observing it"

Click on the Badge to see bio

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Eli Ferris on June 29, 2016, 08:23:28 PM

"Aye, sir. We'll do our best."

He glanced at the two ensigns joining him. It annoyed him to no end that there was even more risk to the ship's personnel a probably saboteur and murderer on board. It made their situation even more tenuous than just operation a rescue mission.

The sense of dread felt inescapable.

Eli could appreciate Kaz's enthusiasm, even if he didn't share it completely. It was at least a sign that this team could work, even despite the stress. So, Eli grabbed his PADD, and headed for the shuttle bay.

[Shuttle Bay]

Eli always admired his flight crew's ability to work with Engineering. The flight deck was a bustle of activity, as preparations were made with their shuttle. Leela was right, of course, as many of the technicians completed their final inspections. One officer, the flight deck chief, ran up to Eli with a PADD.

"Commander Ferris, here is the specs. I also outfitted a probe that can be launched in case additional telemetry is needed."

"Thank you." A quick glance showed everything in order.

I expected nothing less

"Looks good. Let's get this ready."

Eli settled in to the cockpit and began his own flight checks, and allowed the rest of his team to do the same.

Once down, he signaled the Bridge.

"Shuttle Aegeus to Bridge. Ready for launch."

[Shuttle Aegeus]

Leela sat down beside Commander Ferris and began going through the pre=flight sequences for the co-pilot position. The warp and impulse engines looked nominal. She brought the tactical systems online. "Looks good Commander." She glanced at the flight course that had been charted ahead of time, based off the orbital scans of the planet and believed crash sight. "The flight plan has been downloaded by the bridge and looks good. I think we're ready to go sir."

Leela wasn't quite sure what to make of Commander Ferris. He seemed a little to rigid for Leela's preferences but this was a tense situation. From what she could tell, he was the model officer. The kind of person that kept her in check and she could appreciate that.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on June 30, 2016, 12:48:30 AM

[Briefing Room]

Hawke listened to both Commander Wu and Lizzie talk.  He noticed the Captain walk in.  James then talked to both of them.  He gave a quick glance at the Captain and said "I am not a senior Officer on this ship, unlike most of you.  With all due respect, we have spent more time talking about this investigation than actually doing it.  An investigation is like combat, there is no one book or strategy so we should stop questioning how do we things and get things done!"
James then decided to give a brief Summary "Commander Wuu is correct, we don't have a motive.  But we can't find a motive unless we talk to people.  So in terms of motive we are in a catch -22.  I am sorry , I am referring an ancient earth novel about paradox requirements".
James turned the monitor on again and said "In terms of where is the sensor data...the answer is would be stupid to just encrypt or delete data,  we are talking about big chucks of data, however moving data it's a lot smarter.  So every system in LCAR's has log files that registers users interface.  Encrypting data would be the most suspicious unless is personal data.  Deleting systems data unless you are in OPS or Engineering is also suspicious.  Moving Data is something that we do every single day, with basic things as holodeck programs.  That is what I would do"

"We can scan the whole ship for that data, but once again we might need to scan personal data.  To use an old earth analogy, we are looking for the VCR Tape, but we don't know where the tape is.  Deleting the tape would be stupid and would give neon sign saying "find me" security."  James looked at his comm badge and picked it up

James shook his head and explained "Lcar's link most systems together.  So is hard to tell who had access.  To give you an example, with the right access I could take a school computer on this ship and turn it into any bridge station...So it could be any individual that have touched our computer since we last came into space dock"

He continued "There are clues...the person is smart,  knows how to hack or have access code,  have to have a background in Engineering, Operations or Science, does not know Human anatomy or poison measurements well,  probably was carrying special biohazard container"
He looked at everyone "We could be played like a sucker, we could be on a trail...the point is we don't know.  We should be careful that we don't fall into this trap of dividing ourselves.  We are arguing, when there is a killer out there!"

James finished "The best way to avoid a trap is to know that there is one...and observing it"

Briefing Room

Lizzie nodded in agreement.

"I agree with Mr Hawke. We need more information before we can even begin to guess at motive. From my perspective, I need to find out how the poison got on board. I know that whoever brought in onboard is probably the perpetrator but we don't know for certain. As I said there are only a discrete number of ways this substance can be transported safely and all of them are obvious. Even if they disguised the container, it would have been noticed by someone. If Mr Hawke and myself work together, we can probably obtain the information as long as we have your support and authority to question anyone we need. These will not be formal interviews, so there will be no records on anyone's files. Do we have this authority Captain?" Lizzie asked him.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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