Season 11: Episode 2 - Diplomatic Disaster

Started by Kyle Briggs, June 01, 2016, 05:44:19 AM

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Since arriving in Sickbay, Laassul had little asked of him. A few shipmates were coming in for various reasons, but it seemed like many of them had someone by whom they preferred to be treated. That's fine with me, Laassul thought to himself. Just then, his thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.

Quote from: Niosa Obrea on July 05, 2016, 11:24:14 PM



With one hand pressed against her face she sought out the nearest medic with her free hand, "Excuse me, sir."  Her hand reached for and found the strong shoulder of an Orion medic and she decided to keep it there.  After all, it was an Orion.  Green wasn't really her favorite color but muscle was.  "You must do something about this awful headache."  She blinked her black almost pupiless eyes at him and pouted under the pain.  "Please, before my head splits in half."

Laassul turned around to look for the owner of the hand. Well hello there, he thought to himself as he discovered the civilian Betazoid woman. After briefly contemplating leaving his shoulder underneath her hand, he gently pulled away.

"I'm very sorry to hear about your headache, madam," Laassul said more quietly than he might normally speak. "Are you resting well? Are you staying hydrated? I'm certainly willing to take care of the pain, but more importantly, we really should try to figure out why you have a headache."

Laassul turned around and picked up a tricorder that was lying on a table behind him.

"Do you mind if I give you a quick scan?"

Race: Orion

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on July 01, 2016, 04:54:34 AM

Briefing Room

"Briggs here, Commander. I'll be your contact now while Commander Wu is dealing with the other issue." he said. "You're clear for launch. Go get our people, Eli." he added.

[Shuttlecraft Aegeus]

Leela nodded as she heard the Captain through the shuttles communication system. She opened a signal back to the Dscovery. "Acknowledged Captain, we'll get 'em back." With a single fluid movement she closed the channel and began the final steps for departure. Unsure of what they would find, she felt apprehension with each command. Part of her was thrilled to for the excitement this mission would bring. However, the experiences of her past hosts lead her to fear the worst. Juval and Preta both had done more than their fair share of these types of search and rescue missions. Unfortunately their experiences did not give Leela high levels of confidence in the safe return of the missing officers.

The shuttle hovered above the deck plates of the hangar bay as red lights and an alarm sounded, indicating it was time for departure. As the shuttle exited the Discovery Leela activated the external sensors and began scanning the grid where the metallic fragments.

"Commander Ferris. I've gotten a lock on the metallic fragments we located on the bridge."

Leela adjusted the ships approach angle.

"Sir, I've adjusted our approach vector. We should reach the planets atmosphere in approximately 1 min. I'm activating the shields and preparing for entry. Arlan, can you confirm the shield frequency?"

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Arlan Opran


Arlan felt lost - he'd been swept along in the mess of things and Safefta had been gone and then returned.  Leela had dragged him into the Aegeus and now he was sitting at the tactical position of a shuttle.  And now she was asking him about the shield frequency.

He checked his board and started pulling the numbers down.  "We're shifting across standard frequencies.  Sending that output to the main board now."

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Arlan Opran on July 06, 2016, 11:57:30 AM


Arlan felt lost - he'd been swept along in the mess of things and Safefta had been gone and then returned.  Leela had dragged him into the Aegeus and now he was sitting at the tactical position of a shuttle.  And now she was asking him about the shield frequency.

He checked his board and started pulling the numbers down.  "We're shifting across standard frequencies.  Sending that output to the main board now."

"Good, that should do it." Leela initiated a quick scan of the planet, looking for things that they could have missed from the Discovery. As the data flashed on her screen she nodded. "Everything looks good, guys. Preparing the thrusters for re-entry."

Leela made the necessary adjustments. This wasn't an impossible landing but she knew it would require the gentle finesse of a seasoned pilot. "Looks like we're all set, Commander, would you like to take us in?"

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Jiseth on July 05, 2016, 09:47:13 PM

It still made little sense. A cascading failure from a part so deep in systems and subsystems that no one would notice a problem until it went. Like an aneurysm for a machine. Her brown furrowed as she placed her gloves into her helmet which she held upside down by the brim in one hand.

"Alright... So it's not a fine example of local gentry out to get the scary imperialists. It means it was one of us. Not here, but a member of the crew. Except... Why now? Why a shuttle? Unless... Unless they needed to test whatever they were doing. If they could get to an Argo, they could probably get to somewhere more vital. Take out the whole damn ship."

The Bajoran leaned back his head against the cave wall.  She had a point, and it wasn't something that he liked to hear.

"It probably depends on that chip.  I don't think the shuttle was the target, I think it was a means of disposal.  Destroy a shuttle, and there would be no question as to the chip itself.. it would just be one of many fragments.  Speculations won't do any good, though.  Its out of our hands.  Hold on." he said, standing up and walking over to Sukal at the head of the cave.  Nevir was almost instantly soaked, but he was looking for characteristics in the sky and the ground.  The mountain was in full eruption mode, with constant and small explosions.  The sky, however, was starting to look as if the main portion of the storm was over them.  Nevir walked back to Jiseth.

"I think the eye should be over us momentarily... its moving a bit faster than I expected.  That eye is our best bet if we want to try to get a signal out.  Though I don't envy the pilot who is crazy enough to try to run through it."

Niosa Obrea

Quote from: Laassul on July 06, 2016, 02:46:58 AM


Since arriving in Sickbay, Laassul had little asked of him. A few shipmates were coming in for various reasons, but it seemed like many of them had someone by whom they preferred to be treated. That's fine with me, Laassul thought to himself. Just then, his thoughts were interrupted by a hand on his shoulder.

Laassul turned around to look for the owner of the hand. Well hello there, he thought to himself as he discovered the civilian Betazoid woman. After briefly contemplating leaving his shoulder underneath her hand, he gently pulled away.

"I'm very sorry to hear about your headache, madam," Laassul said more quietly than he might normally speak. "Are you resting well? Are you staying hydrated? I'm certainly willing to take care of the pain, but more importantly, we really should try to figure out why you have a headache."

Laassul turned around and picked up a tricorder that was lying on a table behind him.

"Do you mind if I give you a quick scan?"


Niosa turned towards the nearest biobed and in a whirl of skirts and elegance sat down.  She placed her hands on either side of herself and sighed, "I know why I have the headache, by the way, I'm Niosa Obrea."  She offered the Orion her name, "Daughter of the Seventh House, Holder of the Cup of Brea, yada yada yada."

She brought her fingers up to her temple and moaned, "It's all these minds and feelings.  Every once in awhile they become overwhelming."  Niosa opened her eyes and looked up at him helplessly.  "I know there is something you can do, my darling, please do it?  Please, scan away then."




Quote from: Niosa Obrea on July 06, 2016, 06:20:27 PM


Niosa turned towards the nearest biobed and in a whirl of skirts and elegance sat down.  She placed her hands on either side of herself and sighed, "I know why I have the headache, by the way, I'm Niosa Obrea."  She offered the Orion her name, "Daughter of the Seventh House, Holder of the Cup of Brea, yada yada yada."

As Obrea spun around, Laassul looked down and watched as folds of colorful fabric lightly whipped against the side of one of his legs. He looked up at her and wondered to himself what it must be like to feel the emotions of a passerby--not have a sense of the emotional state of someone, which almost anyone could do, but to actually feel the emotion as though it was his own. How would it be to feel anger course through his veins without understanding the anger?

His mental escapade was interrupted by the sound of Obrea's voice. After she said her name, he furrowed his brow slightly. If you know why you have a headache, then what am I supposed to do? He had thought the thought before he realized that she could very well have "heard" it.

Quote from: Niosa Obrea on July 06, 2016, 06:20:27 PM

She brought her fingers up to her temple and moaned, "It's all these minds and feelings.  Every once in awhile they become overwhelming."  Niosa opened her eyes and looked up at him helplessly.  "I know there is something you can do, my darling, please do it?  Please, scan away then."

Caught off-guard by Obrea's use of a term of endearment, Laassul had to remind himself that he wasn't working with someone whose world was controlled in every way by rank. He held the tricorder up a bit higher where Obrea might feel compelled to look at it.

"I'm sure you've seen one of these before? This is all I need to do." As he said that, Laassul moved near the Betazoid and ran the tricorder's probe along the contour of her body, with a slight pause near her head. "Aaaand...according to the tricorder, you came to Sickbay even thought you knew that a few hours alone in your quarters would have done wonders for your head."

Laassul smiled at Obrea.

"These things are usually right," he said as he held the tricorder up in front of himself.

Race: Orion

Kyle Briggs


Despite the murder investigation and the fact a second shuttle had to be sent after the first, Kyle sat in his command chair and released a sigh of relief. He'd much rather be here than back in those damned negotiations.

Quote from: Leela Kaz on July 06, 2016, 06:42:23 AM

Leela nodded as she heard the Captain through the shuttles communication system. She opened a signal back to the Discovery. "Acknowledged Captain, we'll get 'em back."

He had no doubt in his mind that they would do just that. He had worked with Eli for years and trusted the man completely. And he had picked a good team to accompany him. This part of their issues were going well. He just hoped things were going just as well for his XO.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 06, 2016, 06:16:12 PM

The Bajoran leaned back his head against the cave wall.  She had a point, and it wasn't something that he liked to hear.

"It probably depends on that chip.  I don't think the shuttle was the target, I think it was a means of disposal.  Destroy a shuttle, and there would be no question as to the chip itself.. it would just be one of many fragments.  Speculations won't do any good, though.  Its out of our hands.  Hold on." he said, standing up and walking over to Sukal at the head of the cave.  Nevir was almost instantly soaked, but he was looking for characteristics in the sky and the ground.  The mountain was in full eruption mode, with constant and small explosions.  The sky, however, was starting to look as if the main portion of the storm was over them.  Nevir walked back to Jiseth.

"I think the eye should be over us momentarily... its moving a bit faster than I expected.  That eye is our best bet if we want to try to get a signal out.  Though I don't envy the pilot who is crazy enough to try to run through it."

"It's either Wu or Ferris flying down. They're good, I'll just owe them drinks after this."

She offered a slight smirk, but her attention focused to the buggy. A transmitter was just, in simplest terms, a battery and antenna. Given their rather dire lack of sunlight to use the solar panels again compounded with the torrential downpour, Jiseth was hesitant to start burning through volts. However, their tracks would have surely been washed away by now and sending out a signal would be their only method with a decent probability of working.

Briskly heading to Sukal and the buggy, she took the device he had been working on and placed it in the passenger seat. Hopping into the driver position and backing up the vehicle was an easy matter of heading towards the bright light along a small corridor of green glow sticks. Stopping just short of the streams coming down like small waterfalls off the top of the cavern mouth, the Romulan crawled back to the rear seat.

"Might be a good idea to grab the flash lights and try to get their attention that way once they get low enough!"

Taking one of the power lines that went to a solar panel, she plugged it into the access panel to the active fuel cell on the buggy. The other end went to the transmitter. Sukal had been kind enough to not close the circuit and two wires stuck out from it. Contact between them would be what was needed to send out a signal which was not dissimilar from ancient telegraphs. Aiming the dish upward, she made sure to run through the Morse alphabet in her head before setting about tapping the wires together.

... --- ... / ... --- ... / ... --- ... / -.. .- -- -. / .. - / ... --- ...

James A. Hawke

[Briefing Room]

James sat on the table of the conference room.  As he passed the PADD he noticed that there was silent which the crew was processing.  As he finished he noticed a crewmen at the end wearing yellow.

Quote from: Joseph Bryan on July 05, 2016, 04:05:41 AM

"Sir, right-"

"here sir ..."

As he finished he looked at the crew member and said "Ahhh you must be Mr. Bryan...I apologize for not noticing you before.  I was busy on writing notes and in the lecture.  I am glad you made it here.  I want you to introduce you with Ensign Brooks"

James then turned into Ensign Brook and mentioned "Ensign Brooks, meet Mr. Bryan"

Hawke waited until the both of them got to know each other.
As they finished he talked to Mr. Bryan

"Mr. Bryan, Thank you for being here.  My apologies, I did not mean to ignore you. I have an important assignment for you.  I want you to head into the Mess Room and take detail readings of coordinates in the room.  Make sure everyone sees you taking detail data.  If someone asks you what you are doing, you are to first refuse and if they are charming and convincing accept any help or explain that the DATA is going to Mr. Brooks to rebuild the sensor data by comm pins.  It is very important to appear confident that this plan will work."

The trap was being set and now the million dollar question.  "Doctor Vaughan,  Do you have someone that you want to interview...who do you think is the most likely suspect?"  James finished his question.  He wanted the Doctor because she would able to point at someone that would be strong enough to survive the plan.  It was a risky plan but with time running out it was the only one.

Quote from: Dimitri Brooks on July 05, 2016, 03:45:53 PM

"Time of death? Whose? When?"

James then looked at Mr. Brooks and responded "Approximately three and a half hours ago Lieutenant Timothy Hobbs  was murdered.  The killer is on the ship as we speak.  Given the fact that we have a diplomatic envoy on the ship, we need to wrap this up as quickly as possible.  I think the Killer is on a list of suspects that we have compiled.   Given the nature of the poison, the Doctor here as been able to deduce the approximate time of the crime and that he ingested the poison.  You are to find where everyone was by their comm signals where they were at the time of the crime by their comm signals since we don't have sensor data. I believe that this plan would help us find the killer AS LONG as we still have all the comm badges"  James was acting giving clues to anyone that was listening how to foil their plan.

"Everyone, this might be our only change to find the killer.  We owe it to Lieutenant Hobbs, to find the truth whenever it may lead.  We can't mess this up.  The stakes are high...but I believe that this will work.  We have our assignments, let's carry out the plan.

He turned to the Doctor and said "Since you are the Senior Officer for this plan, it is your show from now on...I think you should dismiss everyone" As he finished he gave a warm smile.  She would be leading them to carry out this plan.

Click on the Badge to see bio

Niosa Obrea

Quote from: Laassul on July 07, 2016, 03:10:54 AM


As Obrea spun around, Laassul looked down and watched as folds of colorful fabric lightly whipped against the side of one of his legs. He looked up at her and wondered to himself what it must be like to feel the emotions of a passerby--not have a sense of the emotional state of someone, which almost anyone could do, but to actually feel the emotion as though it was his own. How would it be to feel anger course through his veins without understanding the anger?

His mental escapade was interrupted by the sound of Obrea's voice. After she said her name, he furrowed his brow slightly. If you know why you have a headache, then what am I supposed to do? He had thought the thought before he realized that she could very well have "heard" it.

Caught off-guard by Obrea's use of a term of endearment, Laassul had to remind himself that he wasn't working with someone whose world was controlled in every way by rank. He held the tricorder up a bit higher where Obrea might feel compelled to look at it.

"I'm sure you've seen one of these before? This is all I need to do." As he said that, Laassul moved near the Betazoid and ran the tricorder's probe along the contour of her body, with a slight pause near her head. "Aaaand...according to the tricorder, you came to Sickbay even thought you knew that a few hours alone in your quarters would have done wonders for your head."

Laassul smiled at Obrea.

"These things are usually right," he said as he held the tricorder up in front of himself.


She had a headache, but that didn't mean she was completely incompetent and could feel the waves of emotion coming from the Orion.  They were a passionate people and as open as humans in some ways.  Still Niosa was not annoyed, not even when he spoke to her as if she were a child.  Her eyes blinked at him slowly, "If I could fix this headache by myself I would have."

The Betazoid woman leaned on her hand and crossed one of her legs, exposing its bare length.  "This is my first time on a ship with so many undisciplined minds, so you'll forgive me if I get a headache every once in awhile.  I am fully trained in Betazoid mental arts, but I'm not perfect."  She kept a pleasant smile on her face, ignoring what was coming off of him, "So please, can you give me a painkiller adjusted to my Betazoid anatomy?  I would be most grateful." 

Lizzie Vaughan

Quote from: James A. Hawke on July 07, 2016, 05:16:43 PM

[Briefing Room]

The trap was being set and now the million dollar question.  "Doctor Vaughan,  Do you have someone that you want to interview...who do you think is the most likely suspect?"  James finished his question.  He wanted the Doctor because she would able to point at someone that would be strong enough to survive the plan.  It was a risky plan but with time running out it was the only one.
He turned to the Doctor and said "Since you are the Senior Officer for this plan, it is your show from now on...I think you should dismiss everyone" As he finished he gave a warm smile.  She would be leading them to carry out this plan.
Briefing Room

Lizzie looked at Hawke and gave a small smile.

"I don't think it matters who we pick. Anyone on the list has an equal chance, at least at this stage, of being the killer. All we need is what will appear to be a convincing reason for picking this someone. My first instinct is Commander Pardek. Not only does she have the right connections, or at least we can make it appear than way, but without much effort we could give her a backstory too." She paused as she realised she had be musing aloud. She looked at the others. "OK people, if everyone has heard and understood Mr Hawke's instructions I suggest we get to it. Dismissed!" She ordered.

Bio: Lizzie Vaughan Bio
Academy Medical Instructor
In Memorium.


Quote from: James A. Hawke on July 07, 2016, 05:16:43 PM

James sat on the table of the conference room.  As he passed the PADD he noticed that there was silent which the crew was processing.  As he finished he noticed a crewmen at the end wearing yellow.

As he finished he looked at the crew member and said "Ahhh you must be Mr. Bryan...I apologize for not noticing you before.  I was busy on writing notes and in the lecture.  I am glad you made it here.  I want you to introduce you with Ensign Brooks"

James then turned into Ensign Brook and mentioned "Ensign Brooks, meet Mr. Bryan"

Hawke waited until the both of them got to know each other.

As Lieutenant Hawke turned to him, Joseph immediately snapped back into a stiff, straight-backed parade stature once again.

"Not a problem sir. I'm happy to be here sir." The volume of his speech was nominal, but his tone and the pace at which he spoke were clearly from the official cadet training, rather than the casual speech that everyone eventually adopted on starships.

As the Lieutenant introduced him to Ensign Brooks, Joseph made eye contact and gave a quick salute.

Not that anyone needed more evidence that he was completely new, they now had it none-the-less.

"Sir. Nice to meet you sir."

Quote from: James A. Hawke on July 07, 2016, 05:16:43 PM

As they finished he talked to Mr. Bryan
"Mr. Bryan, Thank you for being here.  My apologies, I did not mean to ignore you. I have an important assignment for you.  I want you to head into the Mess Room and take detail readings of coordinates in the room.  Make sure everyone sees you taking detail data.  If someone asks you what you are doing, you are to first refuse and if they are charming and convincing accept any help or explain that the DATA is going to Mr. Brooks to rebuild the sensor data by comm pins.  It is very important to appear confident that this plan will work."

Joseph's eyes occasionally flickered to either side as Lieutenant Hawke spoke. A subtle habit that Joseph had that was indication that he was intently listening and processing what he heard. After the Lieutenant had finished, Joseph nodded as he spoke.

"I can do that sir." Was all he said. But he thought much more.

Okay, so I'm to take data on the physical layout of the mess hall, but I'm to act as if it's ridiculously important. If anyone approaches me, play it up, and act as if it's top secret. ... Turns out those elective acting credits at the academy weren't just for fun after all.

There was a brief pause in his thoughts before he continued.

Hold on ... if this is to be an act ... does he actually want the data?

"Just to be clear sir." He started, slightly tilting his head to indicate a question was to follow. "I'll be taking readings on the physical layout of the room, but do you actually want that data, or any other data?"

Quote from: James A. Hawke on July 07, 2016, 05:16:43 PM

James then looked at Mr. Brooks and responded "Approximately three and a half hours ago Lieutenant Timothy Hobbs  was murdered.  The killer is on the ship as we speak.  Given the fact that we have a diplomatic envoy on the ship, we need to wrap this up as quickly as possible.  I think the Killer is on a list of suspects that we have compiled.   Given the nature of the poison, the Doctor here as been able to deduce the approximate time of the crime and that he ingested the poison.  You are to find where everyone was by their comm signals where they were at the time of the crime by their comm signals since we don't have sensor data. I believe that this plan would help us find the killer AS LONG as we still have all the comm badges"  James was acting giving clues to anyone that was listening how to foil their plan.

"Everyone, this might be our only change to find the killer.  We owe it to Lieutenant Hobbs, to find the truth whenever it may lead.  We can't mess this up.  The stakes are high...but I believe that this will work.  We have our assignments, let's carry out the plan.

He turned to the Doctor and said "Since you are the Senior Officer for this plan, it is your show from now on...I think you should dismiss everyone" As he finished he gave a warm smile.  She would be leading them to carry out this plan.

As the Lieutenant spoke of what had happened, Josephs eyes widened, his eyebrows raised, and his mouth opened slightly.

A murder? On the ship? It was the first he'd heard of it, and the surprise running through his head was echoed on his face. Now I understand why I've suddenly been given an actors job.

Dimitri Brooks

[Briefing Room]

Quote from: James A. Hawke on July 07, 2016, 05:16:43 PM

James sat on the table of the conference room.  As he passed the PADD he noticed that there was silent which the crew was processing.  As he finished he noticed a crewmen at the end wearing yellow.

As he finished he looked at the crew member and said "Ahhh you must be Mr. Bryan...I apologize for not noticing you before.  I was busy on writing notes and in the lecture.  I am glad you made it here.  I want you to introduce you with Ensign Brooks"

James then turned into Ensign Brook and mentioned "Ensign Brooks, meet Mr. Bryan"

Hawke waited until the both of them got to know each other.
As they finished he talked to Mr. Bryan

"Mr. Bryan, Thank you for being here.  My apologies, I did not mean to ignore you. I have an important assignment for you.  I want you to head into the Mess Room and take detail readings of coordinates in the room.  Make sure everyone sees you taking detail data.  If someone asks you what you are doing, you are to first refuse and if they are charming and convincing accept any help or explain that the DATA is going to Mr. Brooks to rebuild the sensor data by comm pins.  It is very important to appear confident that this plan will work."

The trap was being set and now the million dollar question.  "Doctor Vaughan,  Do you have someone that you want to interview...who do you think is the most likely suspect?"  James finished his question.  He wanted the Doctor because she would able to point at someone that would be strong enough to survive the plan.  It was a risky plan but with time running out it was the only one.

James then looked at Mr. Brooks and responded "Approximately three and a half hours ago Lieutenant Timothy Hobbs  was murdered.  The killer is on the ship as we speak.  Given the fact that we have a diplomatic envoy on the ship, we need to wrap this up as quickly as possible.  I think the Killer is on a list of suspects that we have compiled.   Given the nature of the poison, the Doctor here as been able to deduce the approximate time of the crime and that he ingested the poison.  You are to find where everyone was by their comm signals where they were at the time of the crime by their comm signals since we don't have sensor data. I believe that this plan would help us find the killer AS LONG as we still have all the comm badges"  James was acting giving clues to anyone that was listening how to foil their plan.

"Everyone, this might be our only change to find the killer.  We owe it to Lieutenant Hobbs, to find the truth whenever it may lead.  We can't mess this up.  The stakes are high...but I believe that this will work.  We have our assignments, let's carry out the plan.

He turned to the Doctor and said "Since you are the Senior Officer for this plan, it is your show from now on...I think you should dismiss everyone" As he finished he gave a warm smile.  She would be leading them to carry out this plan.

Quote from: Joseph Bryan on July 08, 2016, 01:58:16 AM

As Lieutenant Hawke turned to him, Joseph immediately snapped back into a stiff, straight-backed parade stature once again.

"Not a problem sir. I'm happy to be here sir." The volume of his speech was nominal, but his tone and the pace at which he spoke were clearly from the official cadet training, rather than the casual speech that everyone eventually adopted on starships.

As the Lieutenant introduced him to Ensign Brooks, Joseph made eye contact and gave a quick salute.

Not that anyone needed more evidence that he was completely new, they now had it none-the-less.
"Sir. Nice to meet you sir."

Brooks gave the crewman a sheepish little look.

"Please, at ease crewman. I don't think I've earned many salutes recently...but a pleasure to meet you."

The scientist looked back up to the other officers in the room.

"Oh, right. That is serious...I assume Medical has someone looking at the poison?"

He glanced at the red-haired doctor. He was still unfamiliar with the majority of the crew Á¢â,¬"œ he had yet to see his own head of department after an initial meeting on the day of his transfer. A fingernail coursed through a patch of stubble on his chin.

"I'm sure the Science Department will have no trouble. I'll have a few crewmen set up shop with me in Sickbay, we'll try to be inconspicuous, but we'll need a terminal or two down there. You've already got all the badges? You're sure they've not been tampered with already?"



Quote from: Niosa Obrea on July 07, 2016, 06:27:41 PM


She had a headache, but that didn't mean she was completely incompetent and could feel the waves of emotion coming from the Orion.  They were a passionate people and as open as humans in some ways.  Still Niosa was not annoyed, not even when he spoke to her as if she were a child.  Her eyes blinked at him slowly, "If I could fix this headache by myself I would have."

The Betazoid woman leaned on her hand and crossed one of her legs, exposing its bare length.  "This is my first time on a ship with so many undisciplined minds, so you'll forgive me if I get a headache every once in awhile.  I am fully trained in Betazoid mental arts, but I'm not perfect."  She kept a pleasant smile on her face, ignoring what was coming off of him, "So please, can you give me a painkiller adjusted to my Betazoid anatomy?  I would be most grateful."

Although Laassul didn't really know Obrea, he already noticed a change in her disposition in the short amount of time that she had been in Sickbay. Her headache might not have been getting any worse, but it certainly wasn't getting any better. I wonder if I'm one of the undisciplined minds she's referring to, Laassul thought to himself. The idea began to eat at him.

After staring indiscriminately at a random spot on Obrea's shirt for a moment, Laassul squeezed his eyes shut before opening them wide and blinking them a few times. "Pardon me, madam. Now, where were we?" He stepped back and reached into a cabinet adjacent to the bed upon which Obrea was sitting. He riffled through a selection of bottles before pulling out one that looked no different from the others.

"Here you go," he said as he held out the bottle for her. "The is some pretty standard stuff, but it should still get the job done, and as you can see on the label, it's designed specifically for Betazoids."

He was about ready to excuse himself when he furrowed his brow and crossed his arms. "Madam, if you don't mind me asking, what makes a mind undisciplined? I just thought...well, with a ship full of undisciplined minds, maybe I could do something to mine that would make it easier to be around." His arms dropped to his side briefly before he brought his right arm up and swept his right hand across his head.

Race: Orion

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