Season 11: Episode 4 - Warped Reality

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 04, 2016, 05:33:24 PM

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Kyle Briggs

[Main Engineering - Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Kyle stood by being even more confused than ever. He really liked Reyes and wanted to help her. Then Tekin came in and ordered back to Sickbay. He owed the XO a lot and almost left but was drawn back into the conversation. He continued scanning Kali with hopes of finding some reason for her delusions. Him as Captain. What kind of alien plants had she been eating? he thought. His scans kept coming up negative. There was nothing wrong with Reyes, mentally or physically. That was a shame. He was hoping to return her to Sickbay instead of her getting led away to the Brig. He watched as she and the First Officer spoke. He watched the video she had and after some thought, started giving out his orders.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 21, 2016, 11:50:35 PM

"You really made a mess today, Kali.... but if this pans out, then I can't afford to dismiss it.  Especially if you think something is on board.  Alright, go with Briggs and Bixox to Sickbay, Aretah, do what you need to, and then I want a full report.  Black, Mackenzie, I want you to stay with Reyes.  She is still currently relieved of duty, so you two are on security detail.  Levinia, this means you are still acting Chief, but I want you to not delegate this one.  Wu, do a sweep of engineering for Kali's phantom.  If there is any chance that something else could be effecting the engines, then I think we need to drop out of warp.  The Ambassadors are in no rush... the Captain and I are going to have fun trying to convince them to trust us and continue with the talks."

"Aye, Sir." Kyle replied as they headed back for Sickbay. This was what he wanted in the first place. Something told him that Kali didn't belong behind bars. He led the way with Reyes and her escorts and Bixox following. They crowded into a lift fr the short ride from Deck Fifteen to Deck Four. Along the way, he noticed a difference in Reyes stance. Her body had quickly become rigid.

"Is everything alright, Commander?" he asked.

The lift halted and they slowly filed out and headed down the corridor.


"We'll use biobed two." Kyle said as they entered. "I'm going to inform Doctor Sukal of our plans. We'll be right back." He made his way to the CMO's office and rapped his knuckles on the jam of the open door. "Sir. Reyes is back and we have some orders form Commander Tekin." He quickly filled the Doctor in on what was going to happen.



Sassa drummed her well manicured nails on the edge of the console in sheer boredom.  She was running every type of scan she could and had even contemplated recalibrating the 2nd console next to her to play chess with the Russian Ops officer.

Deciding to strike up a conversation she said "Ms. Filitov, you were singing in Russian before and your family name is Russian, so logic is that at least genetically you are, so what city were you born in? Have you ever seen, and forgive my pronunciation, I'm no linguist, the Kirov-skee bal-et?!"  She made a valiant stab at the pronunciation and got it mostly right.

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 22, 2016, 04:36:13 AM


"We'll use biobed two." Kyle said as they entered. "I'm going to inform Doctor Sukal of our plans. We'll be right back." He made his way to the CMO's office and rapped his knuckles on the jam of the open door. "Sir. Reyes is back and we have some orders form Commander Tekin." He quickly filled the Doctor in on what was going to happen.

Kyan had never been a fan of sickbay...or doctors for that matter. Always they were poking, prodding, hypospraying, and their work places were always cold. Definitely not the place the little security officer wanted to be. Needless to say, his phaser was still drawn, and his jacket was open enough so that he could get at it's twin should one of the sawbones try to have him for a patient. Presently though, they were content to work over Lieutenant Reyes whilst he and Lieutenant Black stood sentinel at the doorway. Although is Kyan had his druthers, he'd have been back up on the bridge being bored. Bordom was definitely preferable to being in the sickbay. Definitely.

Leela Kaz

[Engine Room]

Leela walked into the engine room with a purpose. She had had enough of this foolishness unfolding aboard her ship and she was ready to take control of the situation. As the doors closed behind her she looked around the room and honed in on Tekin and Kali.

"Commander, i'll deal with the ambassadors one things are under control down here. Now can someone please tell me what the hell is going on down here?" She asked.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 23, 2016, 08:55:18 PM

[Engine Room]

Leela walked into the engine room with a purpose. She had had enough of this foolishness unfolding aboard her ship and she was ready to take control of the situation. As the doors closed behind her she looked around the room and honed in on Tekin and Kali.

"Commander, i'll deal with the ambassadors one things are under control down here. Now can someone please tell me what the hell is going on down here?" She asked.

Just as he predicted, the Captain was on her way, and she showed up just as Nevir had given orders.  Luckily for the two of them, he still held the PADD with the footage.

"Its Kali.  She's convinced that we are not where we are supposed to be.  I'm trying not to endorse her delusions... but she has brought up some points that need to be address.  If anything, her convictions are enough for her to throw her life away, and that alone tells me there has to be some merit."  he said, handing her the PADD so she could review the footage.

"Safefta's estimations were lower than expected.  Our shields did nothing to stop the anomaly from hitting the entire crew.  We have to take into consideration that others may be affected.  But what's more is the footage from Engineering.  Kali pointed out a shadow moving around the warp core.  We may have a possible stowaway.  I've ordered a full sweep of Main Engineering just in case."

He took a breath, and shook his head.  "I think at this point, the mission is a wash.  Or at least a secondary priority.  I recommend we call a meeting of the senior officers, plus Lt. Black.  If anything, if we can prove Kali is suffering from a delusion, we can work on getting underway.  I know you don't want to hear this, Captain... but I have a feeling we should drop out of warp.  If the anomaly was this strong to hit all decks with full shields, I'm concerned if anything may have happened to the warp core."

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 21, 2016, 11:50:35 PM

"You really made a mess today, Kali.... but if this pans out, then I can't afford to dismiss it.  Especially if you think something is on board.  Alright, go with Briggs and Bixox to Sickbay, Aretah, do what you need to, and then I want a full report.  Black, Mackenzie, I want you to stay with Reyes.  She is still currently relieved of duty, so you two are on security detail.  Levinia, this means you are still acting Chief, but I want you to not delegate this one.  Wu, do a sweep of engineering for Kali's phantom.  If there is any chance that something else could be effecting the engines, then I think we need to drop out of warp.  The Ambassadors are in no rush... the Captain and I are going to have fun trying to convince them to trust us and continue with the talks." he said, shaking his head.

"I'll talk to Kaz, I think this deserves a meeting with the department heads.  If anything, to get to the bottom of this and decide what to do about you, Kali.  Alex, if you need extra hands, I haven't forgotten everything about Engineering yet." he said, waiting for them to get started... and dreading having to talk to the Captain.

[Main Engineering]

Somewhat surprised that Tekin had ordered Bixox to go with Kali to sickbay, Alex hesitated, but decided it wasn't worth arguing. Maybe the commander figured that she needed a friend more than Discovery needed an engineer right now. "Aye sir, I'll let you know." He was already running scans on the engines themselves, but now decided to focus his attention on the console. The initial scans from his tricorder were intriguing to say the least.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 24, 2016, 12:30:47 AM

Just as he predicted, the Captain was on her way, and she showed up just as Nevir had given orders.  Luckily for the two of them, he still held the PADD with the footage.

"Its Kali.  She's convinced that we are not where we are supposed to be.  I'm trying not to endorse her delusions... but she has brought up some points that need to be address.  If anything, her convictions are enough for her to throw her life away, and that alone tells me there has to be some merit."  he said, handing her the PADD so she could review the footage.

"Safefta's estimations were lower than expected.  Our shields did nothing to stop the anomaly from hitting the entire crew.  We have to take into consideration that others may be affected.  But what's more is the footage from Engineering.  Kali pointed out a shadow moving around the warp core.  We may have a possible stowaway.  I've ordered a full sweep of Main Engineering just in case."

He took a breath, and shook his head.  "I think at this point, the mission is a wash.  Or at least a secondary priority.  I recommend we call a meeting of the senior officers, plus Lt. Black.  If anything, if we can prove Kali is suffering from a delusion, we can work on getting underway.  I know you don't want to hear this, Captain... but I have a feeling we should drop out of warp.  If the anomaly was this strong to hit all decks with full shields, I'm concerned if anything may have happened to the warp core."

"Commander, I'm picking up traces of tetryon radiation, not high enough to be detected during normal sensor sweeps or pose a hazard. They seem to have concentrated around the warp core controls. And according to a partial diagnostic, our warp core is currently generating enough power for our engines to operate at warp 7.5, but some of that power is being siphoned off, which is the cause for our reduced speed. I concur with Commander Tekin, we should drop out of warp until I can find out where that power's going to, and what Commander Reyes saw in that recording. Perhaps even consider doubling back and re-investigating that nebula, since it's where our troubles started."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Aretah Bixox

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 21, 2016, 04:59:25 AM

[Commander Tekin Nevir - Main Engineering]
"Alright... lets say for the moment that you're right.  We have the information from Lt.  Pardek.  The science team found oscillations as we past through; nothing harmful, and nothing that changed our minds.  Even if it did, how could it have altered the computers with the exact precision of our memories?  I'm no scientist, but even with the rudimentary knowledge I have, it doesn't sound right."

While temporal anomalies were not exactly Aretah's specialty, she could easily understand that in order for whatever had happened to affect them shipwide, the cause must have simply paused time to do it. No one would likely have noticed it, especially if the entire crew fell asleep in that moment. Still, she kept silent of her observations. What did she know? She was just an Engineering Ensign; it was her pointy ears and the heritage they came with that even had her involved in this debacle.
Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 21, 2016, 05:23:17 AM

"I don't really like people putting their mental fingers in my head, but if it'll get someone listening to me for once..." Kali uneasily gestured to the counselor. "Have at it, doc."

Had she been human and ten years younger, Aretah likely would have blushed at Kali referring to her as doctor. How had she known? It had been her childhood dream to study medicine before she had fallen in with the engineering crowd. Numbers and fuel cells were a lot easier to work with than 'people' and their fickle emotions.

Keeping outwardly calm, and putting those thoughts from her mind, she waited patiently for the higher ups to finish their discussion and followed them onto the turbo lift.

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 22, 2016, 03:51:34 AM

Kali was ready to faint in terror right there on the spot. Annnnnnd - she did.

Somehow as the group packed themselves into the turbolift, Aretah found herself standing quite close to Kali. It was a lucky thing she did as no one else seemed to have noticed the moment the other woman apparently snapped under pressure. It was as if her father's antique television had been playing a program that had suddenly glitched and only played what he had called 'white noise' instead. That was the only way Aretah could explain the sudden lack of emotions and thought echoes coming from the woman next to her.

Moving quickly, she pulled Kali bodily against her; supporting her weight before her legs gave out on her. It took a moment for Aretah to find her voice as the lift came to a halt and the others began to exit. "The Commander is definitely not alright," she huffed lightly as she adjusted her hold. Normally, she would not manhandle someone of such higher rank than she was, but time had just become of the essence so to speak. Luckily, between her moderately enhanced strength and Kali's size, lifting the commanding officer into her arms was not a hard thing to do.

Pushing her way out of the lift, if necessary, Aretah carried Kali over to the biobed and laid her down before stepping out of the way so the doctor could examine her first. The mind meld could wait for the moment.

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 25, 2016, 07:49:56 PM

Somehow as the group packed themselves into the turbolift, Aretah found herself standing quite close to Kali. It was a lucky thing she did as no one else seemed to have noticed the moment the other woman apparently snapped under pressure. It was as if her father's antique television had been playing a program that had suddenly glitched and only played what he had called 'white noise' instead. That was the only way Aretah could explain the sudden lack of emotions and thought echoes coming from the woman next to her.

Moving quickly, she pulled Kali bodily against her; supporting her weight before her legs gave out on her. It took a moment for Aretah to find her voice as the lift came to a halt and the others began to exit. "The Commander is definitely not alright," she huffed lightly as she adjusted her hold. Normally, she would not manhandle someone of such higher rank than she was, but time had just become of the essence so to speak. Luckily, between her moderately enhanced strength and Kali's size, lifting the commanding officer into her arms was not a hard thing to do.

Pushing her way out of the lift, if necessary, Aretah carried Kali over to the biobed and laid her down before stepping out of the way so the doctor could examine her first. The mind meld could wait for the moment.


Before Kali conked out like a communications array losing power, everything doubled including the officers frog-marching her back to Sickbay. Like a dizzy spell, but not. Aretah's pips had fixed itself for a split second and the soft red of Tekin's collar was a cool blue. Then she saw the rapidly approaching metal floor and then just blackness. She really did faint this time.

And then it was like she was careening through space without stars or a winding highway at night without another car's rear lights ahead or reflective markers to guide her. Before it became too much for her to stand with all this emptiness there was a flicker of blue lightning in her vision - only she was wrong. It wasn't lightning.

She reached out and pressed her hands along a cool curve of glass and watched little electric blue currents dance along the surface where she touched. It was like she was in a full-sized plasma ball or something. The fizzy energy quickly came together and shaped itself in a way Kali couldn't comprehend aside from the voice. It sounded like a young female child.

You're not happy.

"Damn right I'm not!" she snarled.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Your kind is not compatible with the methods my creators programmed me with.

If Kali could blink in confusion, she would have right now. "Did you screw with my head?"

I gave you a dream to soothe your mind and strengthen your confidence. Because you helped me. You are still helping me. You must take me back to the Cradle.

A vision popped in Kali's head. She had come down last night because she was unable to sleep. The hum of the warp core would have probably soothed it. The ship was deep into the anomaly and Kali found an alarming looking child with translucent skin whose very veins ignited with the plasma blue electricity. A walking plasma ball, Kali had thought. She thought of running from the scary-looking child, but she was still just a kid, so she handed off her uniform jacket instead to cover up.

So I wouldn't catch a cold.

"I thought you were one of the brats who fell into a plasma cooling system." Kali realized grimly. "I didn't want your parents blaming me for it." She remembered calling security and that was that. The next day she woke up as a Security Chief.

I need to go back to the Cradle.

"The anomaly?"

That's right. You let me into your thoughts so I can survive, but no one would have believed you. You do not run the ship. You are a-

"I'm just a crewman, kid." Kali had told her in the vision. "And we're on a tight schedule."

So the child tried to fix it. It didn't pan out the way she wanted. "Get me out of this damn thing and fix the crew!" Kali demanded.

Take me back to the Cradle. take me back take me back TAKE ME BACK

Kali bolted upwards in terror and found herself under the bright lights of Sickbay. "Oh god! I let that thing- ughhh!" She gripped the sides of her head and violently shook it back and forth.

Kyle Briggs

At the sound of Reyes screams, Kyle came running back to the bio bed that she had been placed in. He reached for the tray kept next to the bed that was stocked with the standard instruments. He retrieved a hypospray and dialed up a small dose of Ambizine. He looked to Bixox before injecting it. "Will a sedative interfere with what you have to do?" he asked. He was nervous. The Doctor hadn't responded yet and Briggs was way out of his element. He was just an ensign. He still found it hard to believe that Kali thought he was the ships Captain. In what messed up universe would someone put him in charge of a crew? he thought. He really liked the Commander. She was funny, beautiful and the toughest woman he had ever known. Including his friend Vinnie. And she was a handful. He smiled at the thought. Maybe if our ranks were a little closer.... he started to think. He stopped the thought and brought his attention back to the here and now. He needed to help save Kali from what ever was happening. He looked over a Bixox as he awaited her reply.

Klabax Cottle


[Bridge, Ops Station]

Klabax had returned to his normal, mundane duties. With nothing else going on at the moment, and with half the ship either talking to or hounding down Reyes, the bridge was pretty quiet. However, as expected, the quiet didn't last long. His console started beeping off the hook, forcing him back to looking at it. What he saw confounded him. Eichner radiation? That was odd. There were no natural sources of said radiation around here anywhere! He tapped his commbadge.

=/\= Bridge to Sickbay, Klabax here. Sensors are picking up low-level amounts of Eichner radiation in your area... not enough to be dangerous but regardless there doesn't seem to be a source. Are you experiencing anything down there?=/\=

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate

Aretah Bixox

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 26, 2016, 12:56:52 AM

At the sound of Reyes screams, Kyle came running back to the bio bed that she had been placed in. He reached for the tray kept next to the bed that was stocked with the standard instruments. He retrieved a hypospray and dialed up a small dose of Ambizine. He looked to Bixox before injecting it. "Will a sedative interfere with what you have to do?" he asked. He was nervous. The Doctor hadn't responded yet and Briggs was way out of his element. He was just an ensign.

A sedative? What about a scan of some sort first? Did he not realize she had been completely unconscious? Knowing it was not her place to question, Aretah held her tongue and only answered the question posed to her. "Not at all." However, there was a note of concern in her gaze when she looked at the Commander. The sedative would not interfere, but both a sedative given without choice and a mind meld could be perceived as a violation on an emotional level.

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 26, 2016, 03:43:02 AM

A sedative? What about a scan of some sort first? Did he not realize she had been completely unconscious? Knowing it was not her place to question, Aretah held her tongue and only answered the question posed to her. "Not at all." However, there was a note of concern in her gaze when she looked at the Commander. The sedative would not interfere, but both a sedative given without choice and a mind meld could be perceived as a violation on an emotional level.

Kali boxed her ears and chased away the electric plasma from her vision. When she finally gained a hold of herself, she realized they were talking about her. She rubbed her face and mumbled. "Back to the cradle... okay, I know this sounds strange. Forget about the cradle." Kali gestured to them. "Turn this ship around! I've got this plasma alien sucker on me and it won't leave me alone until we put it back where it came from! I'm serious - my head! It's eating the thoughts in my head!" An over-exaggeration, but it didn't matter. If that wasn't an incentive for Bixox to get moving, she might as well stick a sign up on her own forehead for help.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 24, 2016, 12:30:47 AM

Just as he predicted, the Captain was on her way, and she showed up just as Nevir had given orders.  Luckily for the two of them, he still held the PADD with the footage.

"Its Kali.  She's convinced that we are not where we are supposed to be.  I'm trying not to endorse her delusions... but she has brought up some points that need to be address.  If anything, her convictions are enough for her to throw her life away, and that alone tells me there has to be some merit."  he said, handing her the PADD so she could review the footage.

"Safefta's estimations were lower than expected.  Our shields did nothing to stop the anomaly from hitting the entire crew.  We have to take into consideration that others may be affected.  But what's more is the footage from Engineering.  Kali pointed out a shadow moving around the warp core.  We may have a possible stowaway.  I've ordered a full sweep of Main Engineering just in case."

He took a breath, and shook his head.  "I think at this point, the mission is a wash.  Or at least a secondary priority.  I recommend we call a meeting of the senior officers, plus Lt. Black.  If anything, if we can prove Kali is suffering from a delusion, we can work on getting underway.  I know you don't want to hear this, Captain... but I have a feeling we should drop out of warp.  If the anomaly was this strong to hit all decks with full shields, I'm concerned if anything may have happened to the warp core."

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


Leela took the PADD and reviewed the information contained on it. "What the hell?" She commented, perplexed by the video feed she was reviewing. She had no recollection of the events she was observing. "Maybe there is something worth looking into."

She took the PADD and tapped it gently with her index finger, as she contemplated their next move. "Go ahead and assemble the team, Commander. Let's get to the bottom of this. Have Mr. Briggs and Kali join us. Perhaps that anomaly was far more than we initially thought."

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 26, 2016, 05:14:34 AM

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


Leela took the PADD and reviewed the information contained on it. "What the hell?" She commented, perplexed by the video feed she was reviewing. She had no recollection of the events she was observing. "Maybe there is something worth looking into."

She took the PADD and tapped it gently with her index finger, as she contemplated their next move. "Go ahead and assemble the team, Commander. Let's get to the bottom of this. Have Mr. Briggs and Kali join us. Perhaps that anomaly was far more than we initially thought."

[Main Engineering]

Nevir nodded, glancing towards Wu.  "Yes, ma'am.  Alex, I'll have the bridge bring us out.  Finish your scan, and meet us on the observation lounge." he said, turning on his heels and going for the turbolift.  He stopped for a moment, turning back to his Chief Engineer.

"First Officer Alexander Wu, hmm?  I could certainly see that; we make the best advisors.  What I can't see is how I'm a science officer to her." he said with a smirk, before heading out of engineering and towards the bridge.

=/\="All senior officers, report to the observation lounge immediately.  Sickbay, make sure Briggs and Reyes are with you.  Tekin out." =/\=


Nevir strolled on the bridge and wasted no time giving orders.  "Helm, bring us out of warp, full stop.  Then I want you to do a full scan on helm controls and a review of our course over the last 2 days.  Ops, full ship scan.  Look for unexplained anomalies that might have been carried from that cloud we passed through.  We may have picked up something on the ship.. something that is currently affecting Commander Reyes.  I'll be in the observation lounge." he said, walking the back and disappearing into the conference room.

=/\="Tekin to Bixox, I need that meld done now.  Alex needs his engineer, and we need to get to the bottom of this." =/\=


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 26, 2016, 08:05:48 PM

[Main Engineering]

Nevir nodded, glancing towards Wu.  "Yes, ma'am.  Alex, I'll have the bridge bring us out.  Finish your scan, and meet us on the observation lounge." he said, turning on his heels and going for the turbolift.  He stopped for a moment, turning back to his Chief Engineer.

"First Officer Alexander Wu, hmm?  I could certainly see that; we make the best advisors.  What I can't see is how I'm a science officer to her." he said with a smirk, before heading out of engineering and towards the bridge.

=/\="All senior officers, report to the observation lounge immediately.  Sickbay, make sure Briggs and Reyes are with you.  Tekin out." =/\=


Nevir strolled on the bridge and wasted no time giving orders.  "Helm, bring us out of warp, full stop.  Then I want you to do a full scan on helm controls and a review of our course over the last 2 days.  Ops, full ship scan.  Look for unexplained anomalies that might have been carried from that cloud we passed through.  We may have picked up something on the ship.. something that is currently affecting Commander Reyes.  I'll be in the observation lounge." he said, walking the back and disappearing into the conference room.

=/\="Tekin to Bixox, I need that meld done now.  Alex needs his engineer, and we need to get to the bottom of this." =/\=


"Aye Commander!" answered Sassa, glad for something to do.  "All Stop." she announced then proceeded to start collating the data Tekin had requested.

"Would you like that sent to your personal PADD or somewhere else once completed Sir?" she asked.

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

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