Season 11: Episode 4 - Warped Reality

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 04, 2016, 05:33:24 PM

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Aretah Bixox

[Hallway enroute to Engineering]

Aretah's mass of wavy dark hair had been pinned back quite neatly long before she began the walk to Engineering. Her padd was in her hand as she read over the information she had downloaded this morning. As much as she disliked it, the young woman had always been an early riser. At least that meant she was rarely, if ever, late for a duty shift.

The soft sound the door to engineering made as it slid open almost made her smile as she passed through it.


Just as she approached her station, the call came down from the Bridge to increase their speed. Aretah could not help rolling her eyes at the request. Everything they had? Easy, but not very efficient. =/\=Engineering to Flight control, please restate your request. For example, if the Captain would like Warp 9.8 we can manage ten hours at best. How in a hurry are we to reach Melian?=/\=

Alexander Wu

[Main Engineering]

Unlike the rest of the ship's complement, Engineering didn't have the luxury to sit around or dim the lights during gamma shift. It was the best time to catch up on routine maintenance, since it was almost guaranteed that nothing catastrophic would occur while the senior staff were all asleep. No one would ever admit, but it was widely believed that the Captain scheduled all the excitement during Alpha shift. Nobody liked being woken up by a red alert while falling out of bed onto their ass.

Clambering out of a jeffries tube, Alex wiped his hands off his trousers, rolling his shoulders expansively after being constricted in the narrow workways. He made it a habit of showing up at least an hour early, knowing it was important to work with his night team. Adjusting his workbelt and rolling down his sleeves to appear more 'professional', Alex took a quick sweep of main engineering, noting the changeovers. With the replicator in constant demand for coffee, he decided to get his own later after the line cleared.

Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 07, 2016, 12:56:22 AM


Just as she approached her station, the call came down from the Bridge to increase their speed. Aretah could not help rolling her eyes at the request. Everything they had? Easy, but not very efficient. =/\=Engineering to Flight control, please restate your request. For example, if the Captain would like Warp 9.8 we can manage ten hours at best. How in a hurry are we to reach Melian?=/\=

Ahh, Bixox. A young officer who showed signs of promise, albeit with some attitude. Passing by on his way to the warp core, Alex patted her on the back and flashed a quick thumbs up. "You tell them, girl." He muttered softly, stopping at the 'tombstone'. From there, the entire ship's functions were accessible, everything from environmental settings to warp core pressure. "Good night Gamma shift, and good morning Alpha." Alex announced to the alternating stream of personnel crossing paths at the bay doors. "Team leaders on me, day's not getting any younger."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Kyle Briggs



Quote from: Sukal on September 06, 2016, 04:13:48 PM

"Good morning, Kyle. I saw we had two fights last night on Gamma, but nothing else serious.  Anything you need to bring to my attention?"

Kyle turned as Doctor Sukal entered and spoke. "Morning, Doc. Not really anything to do with the brawlers. I just finished reading the report. They were so drunk, they barely even landed any punches on each other. One bumped his head as he tripped over his own feet and the other scrapped his knuckles on the bulk head when he missed a punch. They're all treated, bandaged and ready for lock up." Kyle replied as he extended a PADD to the Doctor. "And here are today's physicals."

Klabax Cottle

[Lieutenant Commander Klabax Cottle, Chief of Ops, Third Officer] [spoiler]Damn that's a long title[/spoiler]


Klabax was standing in his golden uniform outside the holodeck. The Denobulan sleep cycle needed such little sleep it was almost comical, so he was able to work around the clock sometimes. Currently, he had taken over the project of installing new hardware on the holodeck. He had the paperwork stacked in front of him, requisition forms, install orders, and instructions... and he loved it. The parts had been ordered from the Starbase, but just now they were able to be installed. With the engineers that had been subtly drafted... and by stubtly the Ops personell were obviously tampering with the duty rosters... were hard at work, as Klabax supervised. With nothing else going on, he took his PADD, grabbed his cup of coffee, and set to work on requisition forms for Medical. They wanted... some weirded out contraption. There likely was no need for it, but he would make them happy anyways.

He was called over by one of the Engineers, so he sauntered over and looked at the work. It looked solid enough and so Klabax turned on the holodeck, grinning like a child as it kicked on. He ran it through a battery of tests, noting any flaws and sending the Engineers back to work, much to the annoyance of said engineers.

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate

Kali Reyes


[Deck 15 - Ops]

Unless her mind was playing tricks on her, Anderson had smiled demurely at her in science blues without so much as a hello passing through; she wasn't even going the right direction. Weirded out, Kali looked at her cup of coffee, sighed, and then tossed it straight into the nearest trash receptacle. Replicated coffee was now on her official list of things that messed with her delicate quarter-Vulcan mind.

What the hell was going on?

When she reached the Ops department, she found Lieutenant Sukal absent from supervising and a whole other shift of crewman she had never seen before ever in this particular deck. The only one she recognized was Crewman Carter - and he was commandeering her workspace like he owned it.

Two weeks ago he had been Nurse Carter - the sheepish medical assistant that dealt with her whining and burnt fingers during that console malfunction. Unless everyone got department changes and a promotion scramble, something was very wrong here.

Did she miss a shift or something?!

"Commander?" Carter asked in surprise. "What are you doing down here?"

"Getting real tired of this commander crap," Kali answered irritably. "Starfleet humor sucks."


"Don't what me," she growled. "Get off of my station!"

Carter looked at his neighboring crewman for guidance. "Is she drunk?"

"Forgot her coffee again, I bet," Ensign Rojas joked. "You didn't lose another security officer down here, did you? Don't worry about it. You're going to be late for your shift, Commander."

Alright, she'll bite. She propped a hand on her hip in defiance. "And just where do you think I belong, Ensign?"

"The Bridge, of course. Can't function without their Chief of Security," Carter said with a friendly grin.

Chief of Security?! "That's not..." Kali flopped hard on a chair before she felt dizzy. It felt like the floor itself was bottoming out from right under her. She cupped her face with both hands in the hope that this was just a weird glitch in the matrix or a very bizarre dream. "Yes, yes, you're all very funny. Let's make fun of the crewman! Switching uniforms? This whole - whatever! This is so Academy level, you guys. Tell the Captain he's had his fun, but the hazing is officially over."

Carter raised an eyebrow. "He?"

Kali peeked at him hard through her fingers. "Unless the Captain turned into a space slug...?"

"Captain Kaz is a she," he answered with a concerning frown. "Commander, I think you should go to Sickbay. You're not making sense."

"He made Kaz the Captain?" she repeated flatly. "This I got to see." Regardless of the spinning floor, she unsteadily got to her feet and stormed for the turbolift.

Carter tried to follow her. "Commander-"

He was stopped by a sharp prod of his chest. "Don't. You. Even. Buster." she warned and shouted Á¢â,¬ËœBridge!' at the ceiling lights until the doors closed between them. Carter and Rojas shared a look again and then reached for a console.

"Operations to Bridge," Rojas announced. "Lieutenant Commander Reyes is... well we don't know what's going on with her, but she's mad. Just a heads up - she's headed your way, Captain. Maybe call Medical, too?"   


Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 07, 2016, 12:56:22 AM

[Hallway enroute to Engineering]

Aretah's mass of wavy dark hair had been pinned back quite neatly long before she began the walk to Engineering. Her padd was in her hand as she read over the information she had downloaded this morning. As much as she disliked it, the young woman had always been an early riser. At least that meant she was rarely, if ever, late for a duty shift.

The soft sound the door to engineering made as it slid open almost made her smile as she passed through it.


Just as she approached her station, the call came down from the Bridge to increase their speed. Aretah could not help rolling her eyes at the request. Everything they had? Easy, but not very efficient. =/\=Engineering to Flight control, please restate your request. For example, if the Captain would like Warp 9.8 we can manage ten hours at best. How in a hurry are we to reach Melian?=/\=


Sassa resisted the urge to say 'The Captain would have liked us there yesterday...' and instead turned to the Captain.

"Ma'am, exactly how soon would you like to be in Melian? Engineering indicates they can give you Warp 9.8 but only for 10 hours at best."

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Levinia Black

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 07, 2016, 03:24:40 AM


Kyle turned as Doctor Sukal entered and spoke. "Morning, Doc. Not really anything to do with the brawlers. I just finished reading the report. They were so drunk, they barely even landed any punches on each other. One bumped his head as he tripped over his own feet and the other scrapped his knuckles on the bulk head when he missed a punch. They're all treated, bandaged and locked up." Kyle replied as he extended a PADD to the Doctor. "And here are today's physicals."

[ Security Lt (JG)]

Levinia walked into Sickbay and took a quick look around to access the room.  Her eyes took in the medical staff and some of the patients but then quickly landed on Kyle Briggs.  A smile pulled on her lips as she walked over to him and the CMO.  Decorum stated that she greet the higher ranking officer first so she nodded to the Vulcan, "Lt. Sukai..."  Vinnie then grinned at Kyle, "Mr. Briggs...."  She allowed the salutation to hang in the air for a few seconds before stating her reason for being there.  "I've come to pick up the two miscreants, if they're ready to spend a couple of days in the brig that is."  The small security officer stood as straight as she could but still could not match the height of the two men.  There was no denying that she was attentive to her job and would perform it as well as ever.

She placed a small hand on her phaser and nodded, "Will I need backup?"  Levinia grinned, "The report said they didn't really inflict that much damage but still.  I'm going to have to investigate where they got intoxicating alcohol since the Discovery should only be carrying synthol.  Hmmmm interesting isn't it?"  She fought the urge to rub her chin in thought but the idea of an investigation, even a small one such as the search for contraband was intriguing.  Perhaps her day wouldn't be completely boring after all.

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 07, 2016, 04:12:43 AM

He was stopped by a sharp prod of his chest. "Don't. You. Even. Buster." she warned and shouted Á¢â,¬ËœBridge!' at the ceiling lights until the doors closed between them. Carter and Rojas shared a look again and then reached for a console.

"Operations to Bridge," Rojas announced. "Lieutenant Commander Reyes is... well we don't know what's going on with her, but she's mad. Just a heads up - she's headed your way, Captain. Maybe call Medical, too?"


Nevir turned to the Captain and sighed.  "Reyes too?  I swear these people are messing with the entire crew." he said, shaking his head.  Personnel was his responsibility as First Officer.  Which meant that unless the Captain wanted a personal hand.. this was his responsibility.

He thought about calling Reyes but figured in this case he should wait for her to arrive.  Reyes was a good Chief, he would hate to soil her record with such a minor infraction.  Still.. he should be ready just in case.

=/\= "Bridge to Sickbay, stand by, we may have a burnt out Security Chief." =/\=

Kyle Briggs

[Sickbay....Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Quote from: Levinia Black on September 07, 2016, 02:38:11 PM

"Lt. Sukai...Mr. Briggs....I've come to pick up the two miscreants, if they're ready to spend a couple of days in the brig that is. Will I need backup? The report said they didn't really inflict that much damage but still.  I'm going to have to investigate where they got intoxicating alcohol since the Discovery should only be carrying synthol.  Hmmmm interesting isn't it?"

Kyle smiled at Vinnie. It seemed as if he had known her forever. And he could never get used to seeing her in a Security role. Her tiny stature made it something to see. Everyone always took her for granted due to her size but he had seen her take down some gorilla's in the time they had served together.

"I don't think you'll need assistance. Hell, you'd probably take both of them out on their best day. They'd be fools to try anything with you." Kyle said. "Let me get your signature here." he told her as he extended a PADD to her. This would show the transfer from Sickbay to Security for paperwork reasons. "So. How's little Alan doing?" he asked as she signed the PADD.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on September 06, 2016, 09:38:15 PM


Katcha smirked slightly.

"I wish it was only a third Commander!" She replied, rather heavily on the irony, as she concentrated on the readouts.

Captain Leela Kaz, Commanding Officer


Leela sat in her chair as she listened closely to the conversation between the Ms. Fillitov and he Executive Officer. She placed her forehead in the palm of her hand and rubbed it aggressively. With her head still in her hand Leela began to mutter. "For the love of god I need a drink." She lifted her head and looked to Commander Nevir. "Commander, why don't you and Ms Fillitov see to the ambassador and his delegation's needs; and send the ambassador my regards for not dealing with them personally. I'm not looking for a court martial this week."

Quote from: Sassa


Sassa resisted the urge to say 'The Captain would have liked us there yesterday...' and instead turned to the Captain.

"Ma'am, exactly how soon would you like to be in Melian? Engineering indicates they can give you Warp 9.8 but only for 10 hours at best."

"Seeing as we still have several days in our journey; I don't think burning our engines is best. If they can give me 7.5 for the net few days. That would be alright." She said looking down towards the helm.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Kali Reyes



Kali almost went through the sliding doors of the turbolift and stopped at the scene before her. There by the captain's chair was not their male captain but their female Chief Engineering Officer - and way too comfortable in the seat of command. If this was some kind of test to humiliate her, she had to begrudgingly clap for their commitment.

"Alright, I have to admit the uniforms is a really nice touch," she said through her sarcastic applause. "Really. You're all taking this practical joke through the exosphere. I respect that."

Where was the balloons and an unraveling banner that said Á¢â,¬ËœPsyche!' in clumsy lettering? She looked up at the overhead lights and found nothing of that sort. "Ah, ah, ah!" Kali wagged her finger at one of them before they could speak. "Let me guess - this is some kind of test Lt. Sukal made up. Well the joke's on him. I've been working at those damn shift rosters and believe me - every single officer's rank, job, and favorite hot beverage is literally tattooed to my eyelids."

"Let's see here..." Her eyes rove over Nevir's pips and red uniform. "Oh my, one hell of a promotion you got XO, but you're Chief Science Officer. And I think you actually like that position. Too easy - moving on!"

Filitov's rank and uniform gave her pause. "Operations? Or Engineering? Doesn't matter. Masquerade's over, Cinderella. Trade those shoes for your wings, because you're Flight Control Chief... Acting Chief? ...I think you're still Chief."

"And you-!" She pointed at Lennox with dramatic betrayal. "Now this is just sad. The deception! How could you let them convince you to take the piss out of me, Len?! And a science console to boot!"

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 08, 2016, 04:08:49 AM

Captain Leela Kaz, Commanding Officer


Leela sat in her chair as she listened closely to the conversation between the Ms. Fillitov and he Executive Officer. She placed her forehead in the palm of her hand and rubbed it aggressively. With her head still in her hand Leela began to mutter. "For the love of god I need a drink." She lifted her head and looked to Commander Nevir. "Commander, why don't you and Ms Fillitov see to the ambassador and his delegation's needs; and send the ambassador my regards for not dealing with them personally. I'm not looking for a court martial this week."

Nevir smirked, and nodded.  "Aye ma'am, of course.  I'll also take Reyes... if she hasn't snapped yet." he said, as he stood up.

"Alright, Filitov, lets go see what-"

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 08, 2016, 04:34:43 AM


Kali almost went through the sliding doors of the turbolift and stopped at the scene before her. There by the captain's chair was not their male captain but their female Chief Engineering Officer - and way too comfortable in the seat of command. If this was some kind of test to humiliate her, she had to begrudgingly clap for their commitment.

"Alright, I have to admit the uniforms is a really nice touch," she said through her sarcastic applause. "Really. You're all taking this practical joke through the exosphere. I respect that."

Where was the balloons and an unraveling banner that said Á¢â,¬ËœPsyche!' in clumsy lettering? She looked up at the overhead lights and found nothing of that sort. "Ah, ah, ah!" Kali wagged her finger at one of them before they could speak. "Let me guess - this is some kind of test Lt. Sukal made up. Well the joke's on him. I've been working at those damn shift rosters and believe me - every single officer's rank, job, and favorite hot beverage is literally tattooed to my eyelids."

"Let's see here..." Her eyes rove over Nevir's pips and red uniform. "Oh my, one hell of a promotion you got XO, but you're Chief Science Officer. And I think you actually like that position. Too easy - moving on!"

Filitov's rank and uniform gave her pause. "Operations? Or Engineering? Doesn't matter. Masquerade's over, Cinderella. Trade those shoes for your wings, because you're Flight Control Chief... Acting Chief? ...I think you're still Chief."

"And you-!" She pointed at Lennox with dramatic betrayal. "Now this is just sad. The deception! How could you let them convince you to take the piss out of me, Len?! And a science console to boot!"

What he absolutely did not expect in the slightest when he got interrupted was to have Kali suddenly storm onto the bridge in a tirade very unbecoming of a senior officer.  Nevir stood silent, with the rest of the bridge, as she slammed each person she saw with a verbal assault.  The Bajoran was paitent, and then turned to the Captain, giving her the look of 'I'll take care of this.', considering her headache.

"Lieutenant Commander, that is enough!" he said, calm, but firm, as he gestured to Kachina to leave her station and walked over to Kali.  He was going to take her with him anyways, especially after this mishap.

"We are going to see the ambassadors, and you are coming with us.  Especially after that stunt you pulled in Ops.  Let's go.  Lieutenant, with me." he said, herding the two ladies into the turbolift.  He gave the destination to make the lift move, and then decided now it was the time to confront Kali.

"Kali, we really can't have you breaking down on us now.  We are almost done with this mission.  Then things can go back to normal routine.  But I can't afford to lose my security chief now.  Dr. Sukal has enough on his plate as it is."  he said, letting the words hang in the air.  He waited another minute before frowning and then turning to Kali.

"Science?  Really?  You should know the difference between Warp Mechanics and Warp Theory.  I know you weren't around when I was a Department Officer, but surely I told you that I wore gold.  And that whole thing on the Bridge... what was your role, Captain?"

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 08, 2016, 05:00:23 AM

Nevir smirked, and nodded.  "Aye ma'am, of course.  I'll also take Reyes... if she hasn't snapped yet." he said, as he stood up.

"Alright, Filitov, lets go see what-"

What he absolutely did not expect in the slightest when he got interrupted was to have Kali suddenly storm onto the bridge in a tirade very unbecoming of a senior officer.  Nevir stood silent, with the rest of the bridge, as she slammed each person she saw with a verbal assault.  The Bajoran was paitent, and then turned to the Captain, giving her the look of 'I'll take care of this.', considering her headache.

"Lieutenant Commander, that is enough!" he said, calm, but firm, as he gestured to Kachina to leave her station and walked over to Kali.  He was going to take her with him anyways, especially after this mishap.

"We are going to see the ambassadors, and you are coming with us.  Especially after that stunt you pulled in Ops.  Let's go.  Lieutenant, with me." he said, herding the two ladies into the turbolift.  He gave the destination to make the lift move, and then decided now it was the time to confront Kali.

Kali flinched at Nevir's serious tone. Before she could even open her mouth to defend herself, Nevir escorted her out with Filitov in tow, and she suddenly felt lightheaded and a bit sick.

"I'm not kidding, Commander!" she demanded through the heaviness in her throat. Loss of control, panic - her PTSD was kicking in. "This isn't funny! You can't-"

But he just kept continuing.


"Kali, we really can't have you breaking down on us now.  We are almost done with this mission.  Then things can go back to normal routine.  But I can't afford to lose my security chief now.  Dr. Sukal has enough on his plate as it is."  he said, letting the words hang in the air.

"I'm not the security chief! I'm not!" Her voice was starting to crack. Sukal wasn't a doctor - he was her superior on deck 15. Next level of the disorder: fear. This time her voice did crack. "I didn't earn that rank! I'm just an operations crewman-"

He just kept going like she was supposed to know all these things. Her breathing was turning erratic. If she couldn't get a hold of herself in time, she was going to have a full-blown panic attack.

Hold it together.
If she couldn't call on her Starfleet training for times like these, she was really going to turn into an ugly mess. Nothing was making sense. And if this really was a joke, she wanted off this blasted ship. No one could be this mean-spirited - not the entire crew.

She covered her mouth and stilled her thoughts. Let's say this was really happening, Kali. Mirror universe, an advanced trickster god, hell - pod people be damned - what was she going to do?

First priority is to the Captain. And if not the Captain, the XO - the real ones, or at least the ones real to her. Secure, reanalyze, regroup. Her breathing slowed down as the objective was repeated in her head over and over.

"S-sorry, Tekin..." Kali furiously wiped her eyes. "My thing. You know. The stress of the mission probably triggered it." And if PTSD wasn't in this universe's medical file, well now it was. "I think I'm gonna throw up."

Levinia Black

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 08, 2016, 01:36:54 AM

[Sickbay....Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Kyle smiled at Vinnie. It seemed as if he had known her forever. And he could never get used to seeing her in a Security role. Her tiny stature made it something to see. Everyone always took her for granted due to her size but he had seen her take down some gorilla's in the time they had served together.

"I don't think you'll need assistance. Hell, you'd probably take both of them out on their best day. They'd be fools to try anything with you." Kyle said. "Let me get your signature here." he told her as he extended a PADD to her. This would show the transfer from Sickbay to Security for paperwork reasons. "So. How's little Alan doing?" he asked as she signed the PADD.

[ Lt (JG) Security Officer]

Levinia chuckled at Kyle's overwhelming belief in her abilities.  Yeah, she could hold her own and all that martial arts training helped.  Plus a few moves Tanibak had shown her, not to mention what her cousin Á¢â,¬ËœSmudge' had taught her.   "Yeah well, if I were on duty last night they would have given second thoughts, right?"  She took the offered PADD and reviewed it, knowing everything was alright but still she had that need to read everything.  Her eyes and brain worked quickly as she took in the injuries without question.  Everything seemed to be in order and the injuries were consistent with a brawl.

"Oh, he's still adjusting."  Levinia sighed and lost her smile at the thought of her child.  She handed the PADD back to Kyle once she signed it and continued,  "You know, the death of a parent is hard for him but I'm getting him counseling.  He's stubborn like his old man though, and as tight lipped.  I could swear he was Tal Shiar as well."  Instead of asking to see the two brig bound officers, however, she gave herself some time to touch base with her old friend.  The last thing she wanted was to be consumed by her own grief and her late husband's memory was always tearing at her.

"Remember that time with Will...and we were WWI pilots?"  She chuckled, "You looked good in leather and a silk scarf...."  Levinia teased, " you still have that outfit?" 

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 08, 2016, 04:08:49 AM

Captain Leela Kaz, Commanding Officer


"Seeing as we still have several days in our journey; I don't think burning our engines is best. If they can give me 7.5 for the net few days. That would be alright." She said looking down towards the helm.


Largely trying to ignore the fracas with the XO and Ms Reyes she answered the Captain.

"Acknowledged, Ma'am" Sassa snapped off and got straight onto Engineering.

=/\=Helm to Engineering, Captain Kaz indicates Warp 7.5 for a few days will be sufficient, thank you.  Helm out=/\=

She settled down to await the boost to power.  In the meantime she plotted several different courses to their destination, most only shaved mere minutes, or perhaps an hour at most off their destination.  However one took a whole day off but it was through an asteroid belt.

"Ma'am, I have been calculating various routes to Melian, one of which would get us there 23hours and 43 mins sooner, however it is through an asteroid belt, I am confident that myself or anyone of our flight operatives could get us through safely, it's not a particularly dense asteroid belt, although Sciences could predict that better.  I have sent the plotted course to your arm PADD for you to look at Ma'am, it's easier to see what I mean on a diagram."

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

🡱 🡳

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