Season 11: Episode 4 - Warped Reality

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 04, 2016, 05:33:24 PM

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Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 06, 2016, 06:43:54 PM

"Good morning Lieutenant." Leela acknowledged, setting her tea to the side. "I do have something for you." She stood up and handed the Science Officer a PADD. "Take a look at this. It's an uncharted type J nebula not far from Melian. Once we drop off the ambassador id like to go take a look. Let's get some long range scans going."

Lennox nodded, taking the PADD and checking the statistics. He looked through, trying to see whether there would be more to work with before he handed the PADD back to her.

"Aye, ma'am. Ye want me fer anythin' else?"

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 08, 2016, 04:34:43 AM


Kali almost went through the sliding doors of the turbolift and stopped at the scene before her. There by the captain's chair was not their male captain but their female Chief Engineering Officer - and way too comfortable in the seat of command. If this was some kind of test to humiliate her, she had to begrudgingly clap for their commitment.

"Alright, I have to admit the uniforms is a really nice touch," she said through her sarcastic applause. "Really. You're all taking this practical joke through the exosphere. I respect that."

Where was the balloons and an unraveling banner that said Á¢â,¬ËœPsyche!' in clumsy lettering? She looked up at the overhead lights and found nothing of that sort. "Ah, ah, ah!" Kali wagged her finger at one of them before they could speak. "Let me guess - this is some kind of test Lt. Sukal made up. Well the joke's on him. I've been working at those damn shift rosters and believe me - every single officer's rank, job, and favorite hot beverage is literally tattooed to my eyelids."

"Let's see here..." Her eyes rove over Nevir's pips and red uniform. "Oh my, one hell of a promotion you got XO, but you're Chief Science Officer. And I think you actually like that position. Too easy - moving on!"

Filitov's rank and uniform gave her pause. "Operations? Or Engineering? Doesn't matter. Masquerade's over, Cinderella. Trade those shoes for your wings, because you're Flight Control Chief... Acting Chief? ...I think you're still Chief."

"And you-!" She pointed at Lennox with dramatic betrayal. "Now this is just sad. The deception! How could you let them convince you to take the piss out of me, Len?! And a science console to boot!"

Lennox frowned as Kali had turned onto him with dramatic betrayal, tilting his head to one side as he listened to the woman rant. "Are ye outta yer mind? I ain't takin' the piss wit' ye, lass. I've always been in science," He watched her exit as he turned back to their commanding officer with a confused expression. "I-I dunno 'hat she's on 'bout."

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 08, 2016, 06:10:05 AM

Kali flinched at Nevir's serious tone. Before she could even open her mouth to defend herself, Nevir escorted her out with Filitov in tow, and she suddenly felt lightheaded and a bit sick.

"I'm not kidding, Commander!" she demanded through the heaviness in her throat. Loss of control, panic - her PTSD was kicking in. "This isn't funny! You can't-"

But he just kept continuing.

"I'm not the security chief! I'm not!" Her voice was starting to crack. Sukal wasn't a doctor - he was her superior on deck 15. Next level of the disorder: fear. This time her voice did crack. "I didn't earn that rank! I'm just an operations crewman-"

He just kept going like she was supposed to know all these things. Her breathing was turning erratic. If she couldn't get a hold of herself in time, she was going to have a full-blown panic attack.

Hold it together.
If she couldn't call on her Starfleet training for times like these, she was really going to turn into an ugly mess. Nothing was making sense. And if this really was a joke, she wanted off this blasted ship. No one could be this mean-spirited - not the entire crew.

She covered her mouth and stilled her thoughts. Let's say this was really happening, Kali. Mirror universe, an advanced trickster god, hell - pod people be damned - what was she going to do?

First priority is to the Captain. And if not the Captain, the XO - the real ones, or at least the ones real to her. Secure, reanalyze, regroup. Her breathing slowed down as the objective was repeated in her head over and over.

"S-sorry, Tekin..." Kali furiously wiped her eyes. "My thing. You know. The stress of the mission probably triggered it." And if PTSD wasn't in this universe's medical file, well now it was. "I think I'm gonna throw up."


Katcha looked at the deathly pale Security Chief.

"We'd best take her to Sickbay Sir. Her PTSD must be playing up again." She said to Nevir, not liking the look of the Security Chief and figuring she would be better off in the Doctor's care.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Kyle Briggs

[Sickbay.....Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Quote from: Levinia Black on September 08, 2016, 12:32:04 PM

Levinia chuckled at Kyle's overwhelming belief in her abilities.  Yeah, she could hold her own and all that martial arts training helped.  Plus a few moves Tanibak had shown her, not to mention what her cousin Á¢â,¬ËœSmudge' had taught her.   "Yeah well, if I were on duty last night they would have given second thoughts, right?"  She took the offered PADD and reviewed it, knowing everything was alright but still she had that need to read everything.  Her eyes and brain worked quickly as she took in the injuries without question.  Everything seemed to be in order and the injuries were consistent with a brawl.

"Oh, he's still adjusting."  Levinia sighed and lost her smile at the thought of her child.  She handed the PADD back to Kyle once she signed it and continued,  "You know, the death of a parent is hard for him but I'm getting him counseling.  He's stubborn like his old man though, and as tight lipped.  I could swear he was Tal Shiar as well."  Instead of asking to see the two brig bound officers, however, she gave herself some time to touch base with her old friend.  The last thing she wanted was to be consumed by her own grief and her late husband's memory was always tearing at her.

"Remember that time with Will...and we were WWI pilots?"  She chuckled, "You looked good in leather and a silk scarf...."  Levinia teased, " you still have that outfit?"

Kyle smiled at the thought of Vinnie taking on the two brawlers from the night before. The idea of her tiny body moving around and beating the crap out of them provoked a chuckle. He couldn't help it. "I would have paid to have seen you whoop up on'em." he told her.

They moved the conversation on to Alanoth. Kyle had been able to spend a little time with him but not as much as he would have liked. Vinnie was one of Kyle's best friends and he and Tanibak had had a few good times together. Enough for Kyle to have considered him a friend. So he found that he had wanted to help Vinnie as much as he could, any way he could. "Just give him some time." he suggested. "I'm sure he'll talk about it when he's ready. Maybe he needs some recreation time. Speaking of holodecks, why don't we plan a picnic or something?" he asked. "And I can wear the outfit if you'd like." he teased with a wink. "The girls love that thing. I'm never getting rid of it." he added.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 08, 2016, 06:10:05 AM

Kali flinched at Nevir's serious tone. Before she could even open her mouth to defend herself, Nevir escorted her out with Filitov in tow, and she suddenly felt lightheaded and a bit sick.

"I'm not kidding, Commander!" she demanded through the heaviness in her throat. Loss of control, panic - her PTSD was kicking in. "This isn't funny! You can't-"

But he just kept continuing.

"I'm not the security chief! I'm not!" Her voice was starting to crack. Sukal wasn't a doctor - he was her superior on deck 15. Next level of the disorder: fear. This time her voice did crack. "I didn't earn that rank! I'm just an operations crewman-"

He just kept going like she was supposed to know all these things. Her breathing was turning erratic. If she couldn't get a hold of herself in time, she was going to have a full-blown panic attack.

Hold it together.
If she couldn't call on her Starfleet training for times like these, she was really going to turn into an ugly mess. Nothing was making sense. And if this really was a joke, she wanted off this blasted ship. No one could be this mean-spirited - not the entire crew.

She covered her mouth and stilled her thoughts. Let's say this was really happening, Kali. Mirror universe, an advanced trickster god, hell - pod people be damned - what was she going to do?

First priority is to the Captain. And if not the Captain, the XO - the real ones, or at least the ones real to her. Secure, reanalyze, regroup. Her breathing slowed down as the objective was repeated in her head over and over.

"S-sorry, Tekin..." Kali furiously wiped her eyes. "My thing. You know. The stress of the mission probably triggered it." And if PTSD wasn't in this universe's medical file, well now it was. "I think I'm gonna throw up."

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on September 08, 2016, 11:57:58 PM


Katcha looked at the deathly pale Security Chief.

"We'd best take her to Sickbay Sir. Her PTSD must be playing up again." She said to Nevir, not liking the look of the Security Chief and figuring she would be better off in the Doctor's care.


His security chief did exactly what he tried to avoid.  She broke down.  The mission took another victim.  Even Filitov took note.  Nevir sighed and nodded.

"Computer, Sickbay." he said, as the lift stopped and then moved to go to a different destination.

"I honestly hoped you were selling yourself short, Kali.  I personally presented your promotion last year.  Both the Captain and I were impressed.  The damned Ambassadors can wait.  My crew comes first." he said, waiting in silence until the lift opened to Sickbay's deck.


The trip entered right into Sickbay with Nevir practically leading Kali.  His eyes traveled, and he smirked as he spotted an old friend.

"Mr. Briggs.  A little help over here.  Get Dr. Sukal." he said, leading Kali to a bed, and helping her if she accepted it onto the bed.

He took a step back to let the medical doctors take a look, his face changing from stern to caring.  As they did their work, he turned and went over to a computer, to bring up the Starfleet records.  Maybe if she saw that it was real, she would calm down.  He uploaded it to a PADD and stood up.

"Lieutenant" he said, going to Kachina first.  "While we take care of this, start looking into what they asked for.  See how much was can actually offer." he said, nodding to her and walking around next to Kyle.

"I'm glad to see you weren't involved in that fight last night.  Starfleet still hasn't forgiven me or Kaz for protecting you." he said, as he handed a PADD over.

"Here, Kali, take a look.  Its all there.  Your rank, your assignments, promotional stardates.  I even have the picture we had taken when we promoted you.  Hopefully this will help." he said.  Being hopeful.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Sassa on September 08, 2016, 01:27:58 PM


Largely trying to ignore the fracas with the XO and Ms Reyes she answered the Captain.

"Acknowledged, Ma'am" Sassa snapped off and got straight onto Engineering.

=/\=Helm to Engineering, Captain Kaz indicates Warp 7.5 for a few days will be sufficient, thank you.  Helm out=/\=

She settled down to await the boost to power.  In the meantime she plotted several different courses to their destination, most only shaved mere minutes, or perhaps an hour at most off their destination.  However one took a whole day off but it was through an asteroid belt.

"Ma'am, I have been calculating various routes to Melian, one of which would get us there 23hours and 43 mins sooner, however it is through an asteroid belt, I am confident that myself or anyone of our flight operatives could get us through safely, it's not a particularly dense asteroid belt, although Sciences could predict that better.  I have sent the plotted course to your arm PADD for you to look at Ma'am, it's easier to see what I mean on a diagram."

Captain Leela Kaz, Commanding Officer


Leela looked to the readings as they appeared on the readout in front of her, something didn't seem quite right. "Lieutenant, looks like you've got a sensor ghost there. Recalibrate your sensors and try again. I think you'll find that you asteroid field is a large accumulation of dust. But yes, I wont bulk at ending this torture 23 hours early." Leela confirmed.

The Trill listened intently as Commander Reyes was carted from the bridge by Tekin and Kachina. Poor thing. She thought to herself as Commander Reyes was escorted from the bridge destined for sickbay. "I think shes starting to lose it." She muttered under her breathe.

Quote from: Lennox Ainsley

Lennox nodded, taking the PADD and checking the statistics. He looked through, trying to see whether there would be more to work with before he handed the PADD back to her.

"Aye, ma'am. Ye want me fer anythin' else?"

"I don't want anymore of these sensor glitches. Can you partner with ops and run a level one diagnostic on the navigation sensors, please." Leela ordered. She picked her tea back up and took another sip. Damn. It's cold. She thought.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Levinia Black

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 09, 2016, 01:27:05 AM

[Sickbay.....Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Kyle smiled at the thought of Vinnie taking on the two brawlers from the night before. The idea of her tiny body moving around and beating the crap out of them provoked a chuckle. He couldn't help it. "I would have paid to have seen you whoop up on'em." he told her.

They moved the conversation on to Alanoth. Kyle had been able to spend a little time with him but not as much as he would have liked. Vinnie was one of Kyle's best friends and he and Tanibak had had a few good times together. Enough for Kyle to have considered him a friend. So he found that he had wanted to help Vinnie as much as he could, any way he could. "Just give him some time." he suggested. "I'm sure he'll talk about it when he's ready. Maybe he needs some recreation time. Speaking of holodecks, why don't we plan a picnic or something?" he asked. "And I can wear the outfit if you'd like." he teased with a wink. "The girls love that thing. I'm never getting rid of it." he added.

[Sickbay...Lt. (JG) Security Officer]

Levinia nodded and sighed while trying not to lose her expression to sorrow.  "Yeah, we'll work on that."  Her smile returned as Kyle went on about how good he looked as a fighter pilot.  She had to admit that he just about looked good in anything but wouldn't say so out loud.  Instead she crossed her arms defensively and lifted her chin, "A picnic, huh?  Why does everyone want to picnic?"  She gave him a chuckle but didn't actually say no to the idea when some commotion broke out.

Instinctively, Levinia went on alert her hand hovering over her phaser for a moment before deciding the threat was non existent.  Instead she saw the Bajoran named Tekin bringing in her boss and this worried Levinia.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 09, 2016, 01:40:59 AM


The trip entered right into Sickbay with Nevir practically leading Kali.  His eyes traveled, and he smirked as he spotted an old friend.

"Mr. Briggs.  A little help over here.  Get Dr. Sukal." he said, leading Kali to a bed, and helping her if she accepted it onto the bed.

He took a step back to let the medical doctors take a look, his face changing from stern to caring.  As they did their work, he turned and went over to a computer, to bring up the Starfleet records.  Maybe if she saw that it was real, she would calm down.  He uploaded it to a PADD and stood up.

"Lieutenant" he said, going to Kachina first.  "While we take care of this, start looking into what they asked for.  See how much was can actually offer." he said, nodding to her and walking around next to Kyle.

"I'm glad to see you weren't involved in that fight last night.  Starfleet still hasn't forgiven me or Kaz for protecting you." he said, as he handed a PADD over.

"Here, Kali, take a look.  Its all there.  Your rank, your assignments, promotional stardates.  I even have the picture we had taken when we promoted you.  Hopefully this will help." he said.  Being hopeful.

Levinia made her way over to Kali and frowned, "Ma'am..."  She addressed her boss, " everything alright?" 

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 09, 2016, 07:21:03 AM

Captain Leela Kaz, Commanding Officer


Leela looked to the readings as they appeared on the readout in front of her, something didn't seem quite right. "Lieutenant, looks like you've got a sensor ghost there. Recalibrate your sensors and try again. I think you'll find that you asteroid field is a large accumulation of dust. But yes, I wont bulk at ending this torture 23 hours early." Leela confirmed.

The Trill listened intently as Commander Reyes was carted from the bridge by Tekin and Kachina. Poor thing. She thought to herself as Commander Reyes was escorted from the bridge destined for sickbay. "I think shes starting to lose it." She muttered under her breathe.

"I don't want anymore of these sensor glitches. Can you partner with ops and run a level one diagnostic on the navigation sensors, please." Leela ordered. She picked her tea back up and took another sip. Damn. It's cold. She thought.


Sassa quickly recalibrated the sensors and scanned again.

"Affirmative, Ma'am.  My apologies.  However, that does make my life easier and might even shave a few more minutes off that time, especially if Engineering manage to give us 7.5 or better."

She looked to Ops and realised that Ms Filitov had escorted Ms Reyes to Sickbay with Mr. Tekin.  She started the diagnostic on the Navigation sensors, knowing how to do it and figuring that she could fill Katchina in once she got back.

"Diagnostic underway Ma'am" she reported

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 09, 2016, 01:40:59 AM


His security chief did exactly what he tried to avoid.  She broke down.  The mission took another victim.  Even Filitov took note.  Nevir sighed and nodded.

"Computer, Sickbay." he said, as the lift stopped and then moved to go to a different destination.

"I honestly hoped you were selling yourself short, Kali.  I personally presented your promotion last year.  Both the Captain and I were impressed.  The damned Ambassadors can wait.  My crew comes first." he said, waiting in silence until the lift opened to Sickbay's deck.


The trip entered right into Sickbay with Nevir practically leading Kali.  His eyes traveled, and he smirked as he spotted an old friend.

"Mr. Briggs.  A little help over here.  Get Dr. Sukal." he said, leading Kali to a bed, and helping her if she accepted it onto the bed.

He took a step back to let the medical doctors take a look, his face changing from stern to caring.  As they did their work, he turned and went over to a computer, to bring up the Starfleet records.  Maybe if she saw that it was real, she would calm down.  He uploaded it to a PADD and stood up.

"Lieutenant" he said, going to Kachina first.  "While we take care of this, start looking into what they asked for.  See how much was can actually offer." he said, nodding to her and walking around next to Kyle.

"I'm glad to see you weren't involved in that fight last night.  Starfleet still hasn't forgiven me or Kaz for protecting you." he said, as he handed a PADD over.

"Here, Kali, take a look.  Its all there.  Your rank, your assignments, promotional stardates.  I even have the picture we had taken when we promoted you.  Hopefully this will help." he said.  Being hopeful.


Katcha nodded and went over to one of the empty consoles. She quickly activated the Ops systems and produced a report of the current power usage and what could be spared for the diplomats. She downloaded the information onto her PADD before logging out and heading over to where Nevir was standing.

"There's what we are using at the moment and here is what we can spare for our guests." She reported handing over the PADD and indicating the two reports.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan



Sukal had been getting ready to deal with the physicals Mr. Briggs had indicated were to be dealt with when things became rather lively in his domain...rather quickly.  First, there was the arrival of the security officer:  Levinia Black.  She had come to collect the two crew members currently residing in his Sickbay from minor injuries and being drunk.  That, of course, had been no problem at all.  With a slight nod to the woman as she had addressed him; Sukal had let Kyle take care of the signing over.  It was, after all, a minor incident, and there was the sensation that Levinia wanted to talk more to his assistant.

Then, there had come a call from the XO about a burnt out Security this case:  Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes.

=/\= Acknowledged, Commander, =/\= he had answered, and it wasn't long before the XO was brining Kali in along with Kachina Filitov from Ops.  A frown had crossed his face as he went over to them and noticed the XO trying to show Kali her Starfleet if trying to convince her of who she was.  That alone had been disturbing, and more than enough to catch Sukal's attention as he came over.

"What seems to be the problem here?" the CMO addressed both Commander Nevir and Lt. Commander Reyes.  Even as he inquired, Sukal was already passing a tricorder probe slowly over Kali's skull.  "Ensign Briggs, get Bio Bed IV calibrated for one-quarter Vulcan physiology, please," Sukal instructed his assistant as he continued to scan Kali.

"'The first speech censured, the first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably.' Those words were uttered by Judge Aaron Satie as wisdom and warning. The first time any man's freedom is trodden on, we're all damaged."  ~Captain Jean-Luc Picard:  2367

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 09, 2016, 01:40:59 AM

"I honestly hoped you were selling yourself short, Kali.  I personally presented your promotion last year.  Both the Captain and I were impressed.  The damned Ambassadors can wait.  My crew comes first." he said, waiting in silence until the lift opened to Sickbay's deck.

Such a good actor, Kali thought ruefully, but she knew enough about Tekin's care about the crew even when he wasn't XO. She could do nothing but stick to the turbolift walls lest they tried to touch her. The panic attack waned, but she didn't trust herself from lashing out on pure instinct. Already her thoughts were colored with boots caked in blood and dirt and that sheen sound of a Nausicaan blade sliding out of a farmer's (no, Tekin's) chest and oh god-

She tepidly followed the officers out and tried to collect whatever intact brain matter she had left swimming in her skull in a frog march to Sickbay. The department alone was enough to make her want to bolt.


Kali mechanically hopped on the edge of the biobed and waited with trembling fingers pressed into her lap. Nothing was different except the people working there. She was going to be sick again.


"Mr. Briggs.  A little help over here.  Get Dr. Sukal." he said, leading Kali to a bed, and helping her if she accepted it onto the bed.

Briggs. She looked up from her hands. Medical gear. Her Captain was a single pip wearing Medical Ensign. Kali's jaw clicked hard, unable to comprehend how her commanding officer with a flair so comfortable in his Captain's chair would ever reduce himself to mere prankster just to rib on a random crewman.

It got even worse when Tekin handed her a PADD with what was obviously a well-doctored or very convincing dossier of her past achievements.

He took a step back to let the medical doctors take a look, his face changing from stern to caring.  As they did their work, he turned and went over to a computer, to bring up the Starfleet records.  Maybe if she saw that it was real, she would calm down.  He uploaded it to a PADD and stood up.


"Lieutenant" he said, going to Kachina first.  "While we take care of this, start looking into what they asked for.  See how much was can actually offer." he said, nodding to her and walking around next to Kyle.

"I'm glad to see you weren't involved in that fight last night.  Starfleet still hasn't forgiven me or Kaz for protecting you." he said, as he handed a PADD over.

"Here, Kali, take a look.  Its all there.  Your rank, your assignments, promotional stardates.  I even have the picture we had taken when we promoted you.  Hopefully this will help." he said.  Being hopeful.

"There was a fight?" Kali croaked, her throat hoarse and overused. The PADD shook in her fingers. Accolades, Academy course completions, tours of duty, all of it amounted to a rapid promotion to Discovery's Chief of Security and Second Officer courtesy of Commander Nevir and Captain Kaz.

And all of it horribly unearned.

Quote from: Levinia Black

Levinia made her way over to Kali and frowned, "Ma'am..."  She addressed her boss, " everything alright?"

Her gaze shifted to Levinia and then to Briggs, who was a damned part of Medical now, and alongside Sukal, who just yesterday ordered her to reshuffle the roster for beta shift the next two weeks. She flinched instinctively at the tricorder whizzing near her temple. "You ever wake up one morning and find your entire house exactly the same, but the people there have changed?"

"The man sitting across from you at the breakfast table is no longer your husband," she continues with a shaky breath, but the Starfleet training kicks in so she keeps firm. "He keeps saying he's your brother-in-law, so he won't hold you like he loves you anymore. Your children won't reach for you because you're not their mom. You're that unapproachable aunt. But you swear you're not. So they think you're crazy. Now it's not a home. Hell if I know what I'm saying, but that's the slice of the problem."

Her gaze focused intently on Kyle - her Captain - before flickering over to Sukal and dropped the PADD beside her. "Psychoanalyze that, doc."

Kyle Briggs

[Sickbay - Medical Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 09, 2016, 01:40:59 AM

"Mr. Briggs.  A little help over here.  Get Dr. Sukal."

Kyle quickly walked over and assisted in getting the Commander on a bio bed as one of the nurses went to get the Doctor. As they sat her down, Commander Tekin walked to his other side.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 09, 2016, 01:40:59 AM

"I'm glad to see you weren't involved in that fight last night.  Starfleet still hasn't forgiven me or Kaz for protecting you."

Kyle slightly flushed. He owed everything to the CO and XO. He had gotten into some trouble over stealing a shuttle and they were working on drumming him out of Starfleet. The two Senior Officers pulled some strings and had gotten Kyle assigned to the Discovery. For this, Kyle was very grateful. He turned his head to face the First Officer. "No, Sir. Not me. Trouble is the last thing I need now a days." he said as he heard Doctor Sukal approach.
Quote from: Sukal on September 10, 2016, 02:16:19 AM

"Ensign Briggs, get Bio Bed IV calibrated for one-quarter Vulcan physiology, please."

"Right away, Doctor." Kyle responded. He moved a couple of beds over and began setting it up. He wasn't entirely sure what was happening but if he read it right, there seemed to be what he thought of as a little bit of fear in Commander Reyes' eyes. And anger. But it was the fear that worried him. She was one of the toughest people he knew. "The bed's ready, Doctor." he called as the last screen switched to show the necessary readouts.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Sassa on September 08, 2016, 01:27:58 PM

=/\=Helm to Engineering, Captain Kaz indicates Warp 7.5 for a few days will be sufficient, thank you.  Helm out=/\=

[Main Engineering]

Rolling his eyes, Alex listened in on Bixox's conversation with the helmsman while his team leaders went through their assigned daily duties. As far as he knew, they were wasting their time ferrying diplomats across a star system, which didn't necessarily constitute an emergency. "Ms.Bixox." He called over, waving her towards them. "I've got a job for you; engine efficiency has gone down 1.2% since yesterday's shift, and the gamma shift couldn't seem to pinpoint why. I'd like you to go over their findings, as well as come up with differential reasons of your own. Oh, and if the bridge calls again asking for an increase in speed, please remind them that unless we're facing an emergency, Federation protocols still state that we're to limit our cruising warp...I'm already having to put a major diagnostic on hold so we can be glorified taxi drivers. Let's not make more work for ourselves."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on September 09, 2016, 07:29:03 PM


Katcha nodded and went over to one of the empty consoles. She quickly activated the Ops systems and produced a report of the current power usage and what could be spared for the diplomats. She downloaded the information onto her PADD before logging out and heading over to where Nevir was standing.

"There's what we are using at the moment and here is what we can spare for our guests." She reported handing over the PADD and indicating the two reports.

Even as he watched his Security Chief, he still had a job to do.  They all do.  He started scanning down the requests, and what the ship could still spare.

"They want new quarters again?  We gave them the largest VIP quarters they have.  And I'm as hell not going to tell the Captain that they want her quarters.  No, this will have to do for now.  And I swear, if they break another replicator... they want industrial replicator use?  What in the hell are they doing in there??  As if this day couldn't get worst, and the shift only just started." he said, lowering the PADD.  He'll deal with them later.

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 10, 2016, 02:49:51 AM

Such a good actor, Kali thought ruefully, but she knew enough about Tekin's care about the crew even when he wasn't XO. She could do nothing but stick to the turbolift walls lest they tried to touch her. The panic attack waned, but she didn't trust herself from lashing out on pure instinct. Already her thoughts were colored with boots caked in blood and dirt and that sheen sound of a Nausicaan blade sliding out of a farmer's (no, Tekin's) chest and oh god-

She tepidly followed the officers out and tried to collect whatever intact brain matter she had left swimming in her skull in a frog march to Sickbay. The department alone was enough to make her want to bolt.


Kali mechanically hopped on the edge of the biobed and waited with trembling fingers pressed into her lap. Nothing was different except the people working there. She was going to be sick again.

Briggs. She looked up from her hands. Medical gear. Her Captain was a single pip wearing Medical Ensign. Kali's jaw clicked hard, unable to comprehend how her commanding officer with a flair so comfortable in his Captain's chair would ever reduce himself to mere prankster just to rib on a random crewman.

It got even worse when Tekin handed her a PADD with what was obviously a well-doctored or very convincing dossier of her past achievements.

He took a step back to let the medical doctors take a look, his face changing from stern to caring.  As they did their work, he turned and went over to a computer, to bring up the Starfleet records.  Maybe if she saw that it was real, she would calm down.  He uploaded it to a PADD and stood up.

"There was a fight?" Kali croaked, her throat hoarse and overused. The PADD shook in her fingers. Accolades, Academy course completions, tours of duty, all of it amounted to a rapid promotion to Discovery's Chief of Security and Second Officer courtesy of Commander Nevir and Captain Kaz.

And all of it horribly unearned.

Her gaze shifted to Levinia and then to Briggs, who was a damned part of Medical now, and alongside Sukal, who just yesterday ordered her to reshuffle the roster for beta shift the next two weeks. She flinched instinctively at the tricorder whizzing near her temple. "You ever wake up one morning and find your entire house exactly the same, but the people there have changed?"

"The man sitting across from you at the breakfast table is no longer your husband," she continues with a shaky breath, but the Starfleet training kicks in so she keeps firm. "He keeps saying he's your brother-in-law, so he won't hold you like he loves you anymore. Your children won't reach for you because you're not their mom. You're that unapproachable aunt. But you swear you're not. So they think you're crazy. Now it's not a home. Hell if I know what I'm saying, but that's the slice of the problem."

Her gaze focused intently on Kyle - her Captain - before flickering over to Sukal and dropped the PADD beside her. "Psychoanalyze that, doc."

The Commander stood there, listening to his Chief and who he liked to consider his friend.  He sighed as the Doctor looked over her, and as she spoke what sounded like a case of being burnt out to him.  Damn those Ambassadors.

"Kali... I think maybe you need some rest.. if Dr. Sukal agrees.  I'm gonna relieve you for now.  Go into your quarters, or the holodeck, and give yourself some relaxation to clear your head.  You've been working the hardest of all of us this past week, you deserve a break.  Lt. Black, can I can count on you to take over for Reyes?"  he said, waiting for her answer and then turning to Kachina.

"Let the Captain know that I'm relieving Reyes for today, give her time to recharge and relax." he said, turning back to Kali.

"Is that alright to you, Commander?"

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 11, 2016, 08:41:47 PM

Even as he watched his Security Chief, he still had a job to do.  They all do.  He started scanning down the requests, and what the ship could still spare.

"They want new quarters again?  We gave them the largest VIP quarters they have.  And I'm as hell not going to tell the Captain that they want her quarters.  No, this will have to do for now.  And I swear, if they break another replicator... they want industrial replicator use?  What in the hell are they doing in there??  As if this day couldn't get worst, and the shift only just started." he said, lowering the PADD.  He'll deal with them later.

The Commander stood there, listening to his Chief and who he liked to consider his friend.  He sighed as the Doctor looked over her, and as she spoke what sounded like a case of being burnt out to him.  Damn those Ambassadors.

"Kali... I think maybe you need some rest.. if Dr. Sukal agrees.  I'm gonna relieve you for now.  Go into your quarters, or the holodeck, and give yourself some relaxation to clear your head.  You've been working the hardest of all of us this past week, you deserve a break.  Lt. Black, can I can count on you to take over for Reyes?"  he said, waiting for her answer and then turning to Kachina.

"Let the Captain know that I'm relieving Reyes for today, give her time to recharge and relax." he said, turning back to Kali.

"Is that alright to you, Commander?"


Katcha nodded.

"Aye Commander. I'll be on the Bridge if you need me Sir." She replied, giving Reyes a smile, hoping she would get better soon. She then headed out of Sickbay and back up to the Bridge.


Katcha entered the Bridge and went straight up to the Captain.

"Commander Tekin's compliments Ma'am. He has asked me to advise you that he has relieved Commander Reyes for duty for today and is making sure she is getting some rest. Lieutenant Black is covering for her in her absence. I have also passed the requests to the Commander and he says he will deal with them once he has seem Commander Reyes safely to her quarters." She reported, wondering what else could go wrong.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Klabax Cottle


Klabax threw his head back and groaned. Carter and Rojas had just been telling him of... an outburst by his direct superior, Lieutenant Commander Reyes. "OK, I'll take care of it. Sorry she did this to you." he said, and spun on his heel toward the door. He turned as he was almost there. "Uhhh... she went to the Bridge I'm pretty sure, but I'm not sure where she is now."

He exited, and thought to himself in the turbolift. It was so... unlike Reyes.


Klabax entered the bridge, and looked around. From the looks he was seeing, it looked like Reyes had been through here too, and had given the people up here the same earful. Something was definitely up. He'd served with Reyes for a while, but this... this was something new. He walked over to Lieutenant Filitov, wanting to see how things were going. She was at her station, so he walked over.

"Lieutenant." he said, smiling and nodding. "Have you happened to hear how the inventory of cargo bay two is going?"

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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