Season 11: Episode 4 - Warped Reality

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 04, 2016, 05:33:24 PM

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Quote from: Alexander Wu on September 11, 2016, 08:07:15 AM

[Main Engineering]

Rolling his eyes, Alex listened in on Bixox's conversation with the helmsman while his team leaders went through their assigned daily duties. As far as he knew, they were wasting their time ferrying diplomats across a star system, which didn't necessarily constitute an emergency. "Ms.Bixox." He called over, waving her towards them. "I've got a job for you; engine efficiency has gone down 1.2% since yesterday's shift, and the gamma shift couldn't seem to pinpoint why. I'd like you to go over their findings, as well as come up with differential reasons of your own. Oh, and if the bridge calls again asking for an increase in speed, please remind them that unless we're facing an emergency, Federation protocols still state that we're to limit our cruising warp...I'm already having to put a major diagnostic on hold so we can be glorified taxi drivers. Let's not make more work for ourselves."


Sassa, having not heard anything back from the Engineering department, nor having been notified of any increase in power hailed them once again.

=/\=Helm to Engineering, can you confirm power increase to Warp 7.5 please. The Captain requires that we get to our destination quicker than previously intended.  If there are problems please advise.  Helm out. =/\=

She didn't like to be 'stroppy' but her Vulcan efficiency thought they should at least acknowledge her hail and/or inform her of any problems they were having with completing the request.

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 09, 2016, 07:21:03 AM

"I don't want anymore of these sensor glitches. Can you partner with ops and run a level one diagnostic on the navigation sensors, please." Leela ordered. She picked her tea back up and took another sip. Damn. It's cold. She thought.

Lennox nodded, "Yes, ma'am." With that, he headed for the turbo-lift, but was greeted by the face of Klablax but he looked preoccupied.

[Turbolift -> Ops]

Lennox exited the lift, walking up to the door and knocking on it's frame as he took a look around. "'Ello? 'He captain wants me te pair up an' run level one diagnostics on navi sensors."

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 12, 2016, 01:15:35 AM


Klabax threw his head back and groaned. Carter and Rojas had just been telling him of... an outburst by his direct superior, Lieutenant Commander Reyes. "OK, I'll take care of it. Sorry she did this to you." he said, and spun on his heel toward the door. He turned as he was almost there. "Uhhh... she went to the Bridge I'm pretty sure, but I'm not sure where she is now."

He exited, and thought to himself in the turbolift. It was so... unlike Reyes.


Klabax entered the bridge, and looked around. From the looks he was seeing, it looked like Reyes had been through here too, and had given the people up here the same earful. Something was definitely up. He'd served with Reyes for a while, but this... this was something new. He walked over to Lieutenant Filitov, wanting to see how things were going. She was at her station, so he walked over.

"Lieutenant." he said, smiling and nodding. "Have you happened to hear how the inventory of cargo bay two is going?"


Katcha turned and smiled at her superior.

"I've not heard Commander. I've been helping Commander Tekin with Commander Reyes and with the Diplomats requests." She replied respectfully, having no real idea what he was on about.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on September 12, 2016, 05:17:37 PM

Lennox nodded, "Yes, ma'am." With that, he headed for the turbo-lift, but was greeted by the face of Klablax but he looked preoccupied.

[Turbolift -> Ops]

Lennox exited the lift, walking up to the door and knocking on it's frame as he took a look around. "'Ello? 'He captain wants me te pair up an' run level one diagnostics on navi sensors."


"Affirmative Mr. Ainsley.  I have initiated it but we can calibrate together." Sassa gave what she hoped was a reassuring look.  Smiles looked strange on Vulcan features.

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on September 11, 2016, 09:47:02 PM


Katcha nodded.

"Aye Commander. I'll be on the Bridge if you need me Sir." She replied, giving Reyes a smile, hoping she would get better soon. She then headed out of Sickbay and back up to the Bridge.


Katcha entered the Bridge and went straight up to the Captain.

"Commander Tekin's compliments Ma'am. He has asked me to advise you that he has relieved Commander Reyes for duty for today and is making sure she is getting some rest. Lieutenant Black is covering for her in her absence. I have also passed the requests to the Commander and he says he will deal with them once he has seem Commander Reyes safely to her quarters." She reported, wondering what else could go wrong.

"Acknowledged Ms Fillitov. Thank you for the update. Please assist with the diagnostics, the helm controls have been acting up." Leela ordered.

=/\="Kaz to Nevir. I received your update. Please extend my well wishes for a speedy recovering to Ms Reyes."=/\=

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Levinia Black

[Sickbay - as Lt (JG) Security Officer Black]

Levinia frowned as she quietly observed the higher ranking officer talk.  Commander Tekin seemed baffled and upset but that was just how she felt as well.  She felt a bit disconcerned that the object of all of their confusion was no one else but her stable and reliable leader Chief Reyes.  The woman was as solid as stone and now she sounded like a lunatic.  Levinia was no expert on head trauma but perhaps the chief had hit herself soundly somewhere?  She wasn't about to voice her opinion, again she was no expert on the medical problems of the other officers.

Her eyes briefly flickered over to her friend Kyle who, upon instructions from the CMO, began to attend to Chief Reyes.   She stepped back and allowed medical to work on her boss and although the two detained brawlers were not forgotten, Chief Reyes' condition took precedence.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 11, 2016, 08:41:47 PM

"Kali... I think maybe you need some rest.. if Dr. Sukal agrees.  I'm gonna relieve you for now.  Go into your quarters, or the holodeck, and give yourself some relaxation to clear your head.  You've been working the hardest of all of us this past week, you deserve a break.  Lt. Black, can I can count on you to take over for Reyes?"  he said, waiting for her answer and then turning to Kachina.

Levinia turned to the Bajoran officer and nodded, "Aye sir, I'm on it."  She then turned to Reyes and gave her a comforting but nervous little smile.  Keeping an eye on Chief Reyes, Levinia called for backup for someone else to see to the two brawlers while she followed Tekin's orders to take charge of Security.

She then turned to Reyes and confirmed, "Don't worry about Security, ma'am, just..."  Levinia furrowed her brow as she tried to find the right words, "...get better."  She nodded and left Sickbay in order to get to Security and start making arrangements with the current shift of officers and crewmen. 

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Aretah Bixox

Quote from: Alexander Wu on September 07, 2016, 02:57:02 AM

[Main Engineering]

Ahh, Bixox. A young officer who showed signs of promise, albeit with some attitude. Passing by on his way to the warp core, Alex patted her on the back and flashed a quick thumbs up. "You tell them, girl." He muttered softly, stopping at the 'tombstone'.

[Main Engineering]

As she waited for a response from the Helm, Aretah began going over the readouts to ensure everything was running smoothly. A small wave of feedback brushed against her shields when the Lieutenant patted her on the back; she ignored it as she glanced over her shoulder and gave him a light nod. In all honesty, she had expected to be reprimanded for being short with the Flight Controller, but it seemed that her attempts to curb her tongue had succeeded.

Quote from: Sassa on September 08, 2016, 01:27:58 PM


=/\=Helm to Engineering, Captain Kaz indicates Warp 7.5 for a few days will be sufficient, thank you.  Helm out=/\=

She looked back to her console as the helm finally responded. Was it really so difficult to get direct orders like that? Engineering could not just 'go faster'. It did not work that way. Sighing internally, Aretah stroked the buttons of the console; coaxing more power from the engines. Without an emergency to thrust them into higher warps, she did not mind letting the engines take their time ramping up. Before she had a chance to give Helm the go ahead, the Lieutenant was talking to her again.
Quote from: Alexander Wu on September 11, 2016, 08:07:15 AM

[Main Engineering]

"Ms.Bixox." He called over, waving her towards them. "I've got a job for you; engine efficiency has gone down 1.2% since yesterday's shift, and the gamma shift couldn't seem to pinpoint why. I'd like you to go over their findings, as well as come up with differential reasons of your own. Oh, and if the bridge calls again asking for an increase in speed, please remind them that unless we're facing an emergency, Federation protocols still state that we're to limit our cruising warp...I'm already having to put a major diagnostic on hold so we can be glorified taxi drivers. Let's not make more work for ourselves."

Quote from: Sassa on September 12, 2016, 12:49:24 PM


=/\=Helm to Engineering, can you confirm power increase to Warp 7.5 please. The Captain requires that we get to our destination quicker than previously intended.  If there are problems please advise.  Helm out. =/\=

Even as Lt Wu was speaking, Aretah's mind was racing ahead to figure out what could possibly causing the decrease in efficiency. As she nodded to acknowledge the protocol reminder, her thoughts were interrupted by another hail from the helm. Under the surface, the young woman was fuming at the helm's impatience, but outwardly she simply glanced at Lt. Wu before tapping her com badge. =/\=Engineering to Helm, the engines are warmed up and ready to go.=/\= It took every ounce of willpower not to quip something about how that should be evident on their consoles up there, or even that patience is a virtue. The tiniest hint of mischief flickered through her gaze as she spoke again. =/\=Also, I have been instructed to remind you Federation Protocol states we are to limit our cruising warp, except in the case of an emergency. Please advise if such a situation occurs.=/\= To the Lieutenant, she said, "I will get right that evaluation, sir."

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 13, 2016, 05:29:58 AM

"Acknowledged Ms Fillitov. Thank you for the update. Please assist with the diagnostics, the helm controls have been acting up." Leela ordered.

=/\="Kaz to Nevir. I received your update. Please extend my well wishes for a speedy recovering to Ms Reyes."=/\=


Katcha nodded.

"Aye Captain." She replied, going over to the secondary ops station and began to run as many diagnostics as she could think of on the helm.

What she found puzzled her, it was like there was a glitch but it it was not always in the same place. She decided to seek advice. She turned to where Cottle was standing.

"Commander, can you take a look at these helm diagnostics. They make no sense to me." She said in a low tone.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan


Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 13, 2016, 03:26:16 PM

[Main Engineering]

As she waited for a response from the Helm, Aretah began going over the readouts to ensure everything was running smoothly. A small wave of feedback brushed against her shields when the Lieutenant patted her on the back; she ignored it as she glanced over her shoulder and gave him a light nod. In all honesty, she had expected to be reprimanded for being short with the Flight Controller, but it seemed that her attempts to curb her tongue had succeeded.

She looked back to her console as the helm finally responded. Was it really so difficult to get direct orders like that? Engineering could not just 'go faster'. It did not work that way. Sighing internally, Aretah stroked the buttons of the console; coaxing more power from the engines. Without an emergency to thrust them into higher warps, she did not mind letting the engines take their time ramping up. Before she had a chance to give Helm the go ahead, the Lieutenant was talking to her again.
Even as Lt Wu was speaking, Aretah's mind was racing ahead to figure out what could possibly causing the decrease in efficiency. As she nodded to acknowledge the protocol reminder, her thoughts were interrupted by another hail from the helm. Under the surface, the young woman was fuming at the helm's impatience, but outwardly she simply glanced at Lt. Wu before tapping her com badge. =/\=Engineering to Helm, the engines are warmed up and ready to go.=/\= It took every ounce of willpower not to quip something about how that should be evident on their consoles up there, or even that patience is a virtue. The tiniest hint of mischief flickered through her gaze as she spoke again. =/\=Also, I have been instructed to remind you Federation Protocol states we are to limit our cruising warp, except in the case of an emergency. Please advise if such a situation occurs.=/\= To the Lieutenant, she said, "I will get right that evaluation, sir."

=/\=Acknowledged Engineering, Thank you. Helm out=/\=

'...and I don't need to be told how to do my job...' Sassa thought to herself, but like the good efficient Vulcan she was passed the information to the Captain.

"Ma'am, Engineering advises that Federation Protocol states we are to limit our cruising warp, except in the case of an emergency...."  she left it hanging without saying '...and I thought the Captain's word was final and getting to Melian is an emergency right now or the Captain is going to get mighty grouchy.'



Katcha nodded.

"Aye Captain." She replied, going over to the secondary ops station and began to run as many diagnostics as she could think of on the helm.

What she found puzzled her, it was like there was a glitch but it was not always in the same place. She decided to seek advice. She turned to where Cottle was standing.

"Commander, can you take a look at these helm diagnostics. They make no sense to me." She said in a low tone.

"It seems to be mostly navigational, I've started that one but I'd be grateful for assistance on recalibrating and so on... I've only got one pair of hands!" Sassa said smiling up at Ops.

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 10, 2016, 04:00:12 AM

"Right away, Doctor." Kyle responded. He moved a couple of beds over and began setting it up. He wasn't entirely sure what was happening but if he read it right, there seemed to be what he thought of as a little bit of fear in Commander Reyes' eyes. And anger. But it was the fear that worried him. She was one of the toughest people he knew. "The bed's ready, Doctor." he called as the last screen switched to show the necessary readouts.


What she should do right now is crack open the base plate of the PADD and pull at the memory core. Her fingers itched to busy themselves and start tinkering again. She felt like a child again, lost and unable to release the anxiety; only pulling apart delicate machinery and making it stronger, faster, was the only way to relieve herself of it.

But Kali was too busy staring at her Captain who was taking orders from Sukal like it was the most natural thing in the world. Before he could even catch her staring, Kali busied herself with her PADD and collected her thoughts in a log. Her fingers stilled as she typed, wondering if sabotage was the only option. She had to stop them from reaching Melian. What she needed was time to fix this.

So she let Sukal deliberate on her 'condition' while unwittingly giving her access to as much access codes to the ship a Second Officer would have. Every so often she would prove she wasn't insane by tapping into her coding skills - something she was pretty sure her security counterpart wouldn't be able to take advantage of. She bypassed Cottle's immaculate ship rosters on all diplomats and decided a little debate never hurt anyone.

A few virtual doors later led her to the confidential email files. She purged the privacy lock and made some of it viewable to anyone with a PADD nearby. It wasn't enough to dissolve negotiations, but it might cause a very angry fist fight that would keep Black too busy to deal with anything suspicious. Feeling happily like herself again, Kali wiped her handiwork off the optic board and started work on a remote access to Engineering's main console.

Kyle Briggs

[Sickbay - Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Kyle stood by ready to assist as he watched Doctor Sukal examine Commander Reyes. He wondered what had happened to her. she was usually such a by the book officer. And scary at times. Sometimes, Kyle had found himself wondering who it would be worse to get on the wrong side of. Reyes or Vinnie? the security on the Discovery was definitely some of the best in the fleet. As Sukal was running his scans and reading his PADD, Kyle kept glancing at the Commander. He could see her fingers flying over the PADD that Commander Tekin had given her. she seemed to know exactly what she was doing. Didn't at all appear as if anything was wrong with her. Could she be faking? he thought. Maybe trying to get booted from Starfleet? He continued to try and watch her as he also stayed next to the Doctor in case he was needed. Maybe later, if he got the chance and the nerve, he'd approach her in the guise of a talk and see if he could catch what she was doing on the PADD. Maybe. She still scared him.

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Sassa on September 14, 2016, 01:03:35 AM


=/\=Acknowledged Engineering, Thank you. Helm out=/\=

'...and I don't need to be told how to do my job...' Sassa thought to herself, but like the good efficient Vulcan she was passed the information to the Captain.

"Ma'am, Engineering advises that Federation Protocol states we are to limit our cruising warp, except in the case of an emergency...."  she left it hanging without saying '...and I thought the Captain's word was final and getting to Melian is an emergency right now or the Captain is going to get mighty grouchy.'

"It seems to be mostly navigational, I've started that one but I'd be grateful for assistance on recalibrating and so on... I've only got one pair of hands!" Sassa said smiling up at Ops.

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


Leela scoffed placing her head in her hand. "Of course they have to play by the damned book. Juval was around when that crap was written." She couldn't help but wonder what Juvals reaction would have been. She imagined him storming into the engine room wondering why his orders were being questioned. Leela, however, wasn't Juval. She had more tact but the same bad attitude. "Lieutenant please advise engineering that I am more than aware of the rules. But my order stands. We can certainly mustwr 7.5." Leela paused for a moment. And then began to mutter under her breathe. Or I'll go down there and do it for you.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 14, 2016, 04:40:45 AM

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


Leela scoffed placing her head in her hand. "Of course they have to play by the damned book. Juval was around when that crap was written." She couldn't help but wonder what Juvals reaction would have been. She imagined him storming into the engine room wondering why his orders were being questioned. Leela, however, wasn't Juval. She had more tact but the same bad attitude. "Lieutenant please advise engineering that I am more than aware of the rules. But my order stands. We can certainly mustwr 7.5." Leela paused for a moment. And then began to mutter under her breathe. Or I'll go down there and do it for you.


Kali didn't mean to - she might have coded into the inbound communications to Engineering instead - but she was getting some interesting information about the warp speed struggle from the Bridge. She let out a sheepish exhale and a cringed smirk at the transcribed report. My, my, Captain Kaz. Having trouble keeping your ducks in line?

And Kaz was going to have more problems if Kali had anything to do about it. She switched out the comm for the half-written code hastily made to hack XO Wu's (well, Chief of Engineering's) profile. He can always yell at her later about it when she properly got him back where he belonged as First Officer.

This would be a hell of a lot easier if she still had her hacking tool. Alas, she wasn't even sure if it exists anymore here. That's one of the things she'll have to check on once she got out of this infernal Sickbay.

A mute beep from the PADD greeted her ears. First firewall down. Three to go. Hopefully, Bixox wasn't paying too much attention to her auxiliary console. That was the only way Kali could tether to Wu's without being noticed. With the first firewall came a couple of secondary commands for the antimatter chamber. She started tweaking the auxiliary valves here and there to start shutting it down.

Remember Kali, be gentle with the baby, she reminded herself. Don't hurt it too much!

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 14, 2016, 03:42:42 AM

[Sickbay - Ensign Kyle Briggs]

Kyle stood by ready to assist as he watched Doctor Sukal examine Commander Reyes. He wondered what had happened to her. she was usually such a by the book officer. And scary at times. Sometimes, Kyle had found himself wondering who it would be worse to get on the wrong side of. Reyes or Vinnie? the security on the Discovery was definitely some of the best in the fleet. As Sukal was running his scans and reading his PADD, Kyle kept glancing at the Commander. He could see her fingers flying over the PADD that Commander Tekin had given her. she seemed to know exactly what she was doing. Didn't at all appear as if anything was wrong with her. Could she be faking? he thought. Maybe trying to get booted from Starfleet? He continued to try and watch her as he also stayed next to the Doctor in case he was needed. Maybe later, if he got the chance and the nerve, he'd approach her in the guise of a talk and see if he could catch what she was doing on the PADD. Maybe. She still scared him.

Kali froze when she looked up from the PADD and noticed her Captain watching her. It was very difficult for her not to suspiciously throw the screen down on her lap without looking too guilty. She tried to be coy instead, which wasn't too hard; Captain Briggs had always been easy on the eyes.

"Cap- Ensign Briggs," Kali greeted with her best smile. Well, she always did when he was Captain. Occasionally she'd give him a thumbs up too to make things less awkward whenever they shared a turbolift. He and XO Wu always seemed so untouchable to the crew, but they were still human. She tried to remember that every time she casually interacted with them. "You look a bit jumpy," she continued and smoothly placed the PADD on her lap. The half-shod program continued to work on the firewalls without her. "Don't worry, I'm not contagious. Bitey, maybe. But not rabid."

Levinia Black

[Heading to the Security Officer Lt. (JG) Black]

After handling things in Security, the scheduling was all messed up but fixed, Levinia headed to the bridge to man Tactical.  It wasn't her favorite place to be, but with the chief out that was where she needed to be for now.  Her mind whirled with confusion as to what could have possibly be wrong with Chief Reyes. Kali had always been so level headed, tough but fair and Levinia preferred her that way.  The flighty confused creature in sickbay was worrisome but she couldn't concern herself with that for now.


Levinia entered the bridge and walked up to the tactical station.  She relieved the ensign there and activated the console under her direction.  Her eyes did a quick investigation of the status of the ship, her people and basically all she could then they did a once over across the bridge.  The tension on the bridge was very noticeable.   Levinia's attention fell on the captain who did not seem very happy, but she did not interrupt and instead listened to what was being said.

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio


Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 14, 2016, 04:40:45 AM

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


Leela scoffed placing her head in her hand. "Of course they have to play by the damned book. Juval was around when that crap was written." She couldn't help but wonder what Juvals reaction would have been. She imagined him storming into the engine room wondering why his orders were being questioned. Leela, however, wasn't Juval. She had more tact but the same bad attitude. "Lieutenant please advise engineering ." Leela paused for a moment. And then began to mutter under her breathe. Or I'll go down there and do it for you.


"Affirmative Captain." Sassa answered while simultaneously bringing the up to the Warp 6.8 that they could muster at the time.  The engines might be warmed but they weren't getting 7.5 out of them.

"Managing Warp 6.8 at the moment Ma'am."

Opening a channel she contacted Engineering again and before she even sent the message she could almost hear the sigh it would elicit at the other end.

=/\=Helm to Engineering.  The Captain would like me to advise you that, and I quote 'that, she is more than aware of the rules. But her order stands. We can certainly muster 7.5 from the engines.' please advise if there is any reason why we can't.  Helm out.=/\=

"I agree with you Ma'am." Sassa said her sharp Vulcan hearing having picked up the part about going down and getting the engines performing how they should be herself, "...I wonder if there is some problem, if so we could look at re-routing some power from elsewhere if speed is a priority."

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

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