Season 11: Episode 4 - Warped Reality

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 04, 2016, 05:33:24 PM

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Aretah Bixox

Quote from: Sassa on September 14, 2016, 01:17:25 PM


=/\=Helm to Engineering.  The Captain would like me to advise you that, and I quote 'that, she is more than aware of the rules. But her order stands. We can certainly muster 7.5 from the engines.' please advise if there is any reason why we can't.  Helm out.=/\=

The problem with being both Vulcan and Betazoid was sometimes her emotions ran so high they slipped over her Vulcan shields. Aretah's eyes slipped skyward as waves of annoyance flowed off of her. Taking a deep breath, she reigned the annoyance in, and glanced at the warp core sensors, and engine read outs. Everything was fine on her end. =/\= Helm, if there is a problem it is with your console. Do you need me to come up there and check it?=/\= She made sure to cut the com line before muttering to herself, "Or come up and show you how to increase speed?" Honestly, if she had the clearance she would just reroute helm control to her station and increase their speed herself, but that was the helm's job. That's why they even had a helm.

Klabax Cottle

Quote from: Kachina Filitov on September 13, 2016, 06:45:47 PM


Katcha nodded.

"Aye Captain." She replied, going over to the secondary ops station and began to run as many diagnostics as she could think of on the helm.

What she found puzzled her, it was like there was a glitch but it it was not always in the same place. She decided to seek advice. She turned to where Cottle was standing.

"Commander, can you take a look at these helm diagnostics. They make no sense to me." She said in a low tone.

Quote from: Sassa on September 14, 2016, 01:03:35 AM


=/\=Acknowledged Engineering, Thank you. Helm out=/\=

'...and I don't need to be told how to do my job...' Sassa thought to herself, but like the good efficient Vulcan she was passed the information to the Captain.

"Ma'am, Engineering advises that Federation Protocol states we are to limit our cruising warp, except in the case of an emergency...."  she left it hanging without saying '...and I thought the Captain's word was final and getting to Melian is an emergency right now or the Captain is going to get mighty grouchy.'

"It seems to be mostly navigational, I've started that one but I'd be grateful for assistance on recalibrating and so on... I've only got one pair of hands!" Sassa said smiling up at Ops.


"Of course." he said, and sauntered over to the console. He punched up the diagnostic, and began checking it out. Katcha was right, it just didn't make sense.

He punched up two comparative diagrams, each showing a glitch, but the place kept moving. "Maybe the diagnostic's damaged... call down to Engineering and have one of their programmers check it out." he said, shrugging his shoulders. His voice was low as well, matching her tone.

"Tell you what," he said, countering himself, "I'll call down, if you would rather re calibrate the helm?" he said, leaving the option to do either she wanted. He had an alert pop up on the screen, informing him that his rosters had been modified. He rolled his eyes and looked at it.

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 14, 2016, 03:09:32 AM


What she should do right now is crack open the base plate of the PADD and pull at the memory core. Her fingers itched to busy themselves and start tinkering again. She felt like a child again, lost and unable to release the anxiety; only pulling apart delicate machinery and making it stronger, faster, was the only way to relieve herself of it.

But Kali was too busy staring at her Captain who was taking orders from Sukal like it was the most natural thing in the world. Before he could even catch her staring, Kali busied herself with her PADD and collected her thoughts in a log. Her fingers stilled as she typed, wondering if sabotage was the only option. She had to stop them from reaching Melian. What she needed was time to fix this.

So she let Sukal deliberate on her 'condition' while unwittingly giving her access to as much access codes to the ship a Second Officer would have. Every so often she would prove she wasn't insane by tapping into her coding skills - something she was pretty sure her security counterpart wouldn't be able to take advantage of. She bypassed Cottle's immaculate ship rosters on all diplomats and decided a little debate never hurt anyone.

A few virtual doors later led her to the confidential email files. She purged the privacy lock and made some of it viewable to anyone with a PADD nearby. It wasn't enough to dissolve negotiations, but it might cause a very angry fist fight that would keep Black too busy to deal with anything suspicious. Feeling happily like herself again, Kali wiped her handiwork off the optic board and started work on a remote access to Engineering's main console.

"Oh for..." he called out, his fingers working quick, but it was too late. She'd already worked her way past his files and onto Engineering. He called over to the CO. "Captain, Reyes is wreaking havoc on our files and computers! She's already hacked and made classified data public access, on the diplomats." he said, his voice even still but he knew the Captain could tell inside he was very annoyed, angry even.

He tapped his commbadge. =/\= Computer, revoke computer access for Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, and remove her from active duty rosters. Authorization Cottle-7-08-Epsilon-Chi=/\= he said. He essentially put her under arrest, but only the Captain had the final authority to send in security.

"Captain, I must formally request that Commander Reyes is detained. She has broken at least five Starfleet and Federation regulations right off the top of my head." he said, walking down to stand on the same level of the Bridge as the Captain.

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate

Lennox Ainsley

Quote from: Sassa on September 12, 2016, 08:50:20 PM


"Affirmative Mr. Ainsley.  I have initiated it but we can calibrate together." Sassa gave what she hoped was a reassuring look.  Smiles looked strange on Vulcan features.

Lennox nodded, looking over the navigation sensors, his brow furrowing lightly as he read the diagnostics on it, "'As everythin' been goin' alrigh' wit' 'he sensors?"

"Corvis oculum corvi non eruit."

Kachina Filitov

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 14, 2016, 02:44:00 PM


"Of course." he said, and sauntered over to the console. He punched up the diagnostic, and began checking it out. Katcha was right, it just didn't make sense.

He punched up two comparative diagrams, each showing a glitch, but the place kept moving. "Maybe the diagnostic's damaged... call down to Engineering and have one of their programmers check it out." he said, shrugging his shoulders. His voice was low as well, matching her tone.

"Tell you what," he said, countering himself, "I'll call down, if you would rather re calibrate the helm?" he said, leaving the option to do either she wanted. He had an alert pop up on the screen, informing him that his rosters had been modified. He rolled his eyes and looked at it.

"I'll take the Helm Commander." Katcha replied before noticing that more was going on.
Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 14, 2016, 02:44:00 PM

"Oh for..." he called out, his fingers working quick, but it was too late. She'd already worked her way past his files and onto Engineering. He called over to the CO. "Captain, Reyes is wreaking havoc on our files and computers! She's already hacked and made classified data public access, on the diplomats." he said, his voice even still but he knew the Captain could tell inside he was very annoyed, angry even.

He tapped his commbadge. =/\= Computer, revoke computer access for Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, and remove her from active duty rosters. Authorization Cottle-7-08-Epsilon-Chi=/\= he said. He essentially put her under arrest, but only the Captain had the final authority to send in security.

"Captain, I must formally request that Commander Reyes is detained. She has broken at least five Starfleet and Federation regulations right off the top of my head." he said, walking down to stand on the same level of the Bridge as the Captain.

'Uh Oh!' Katcha thought to herself. 'Reyes is in deep trouble.'

She went over to the helm.

"Right, let's see what's going on!" She asked.

Species: Human
Alt Account of Lizzie Vaughan

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 14, 2016, 03:09:32 AM


What she should do right now is crack open the base plate of the PADD and pull at the memory core. Her fingers itched to busy themselves and start tinkering again. She felt like a child again, lost and unable to release the anxiety; only pulling apart delicate machinery and making it stronger, faster, was the only way to relieve herself of it.

But Kali was too busy staring at her Captain who was taking orders from Sukal like it was the most natural thing in the world. Before he could even catch her staring, Kali busied herself with her PADD and collected her thoughts in a log. Her fingers stilled as she typed, wondering if sabotage was the only option. She had to stop them from reaching Melian. What she needed was time to fix this.

So she let Sukal deliberate on her 'condition' while unwittingly giving her access to as much access codes to the ship a Second Officer would have. Every so often she would prove she wasn't insane by tapping into her coding skills - something she was pretty sure her security counterpart wouldn't be able to take advantage of. She bypassed Cottle's immaculate ship rosters on all diplomats and decided a little debate never hurt anyone.

A few virtual doors later led her to the confidential email files. She purged the privacy lock and made some of it viewable to anyone with a PADD nearby. It wasn't enough to dissolve negotiations, but it might cause a very angry fist fight that would keep Black too busy to deal with anything suspicious. Feeling happily like herself again, Kali wiped her handiwork off the optic board and started work on a remote access to Engineering's main console.


Nevir turned and was just about to leave Reyes.  She didn't need to be escorted to her quarters... yet.  He only got to the door when his comm went off.

=/\="Commander, we have an issue with the Ambassadors... it seems a glitch just released their files to the public.. and they are not happy about it.  Threatening to pull out of the talks as well."=/\=

"A glitch?  On a starship?  For the love of the Prophets..." he muttered, tapping his commbadge.

=/\= "Understood, I'm on my way." =/\= he said, walking out.  He headed for the ambassador quarters, and hit his badge again.

=/\= "Tekin to Bridge.  I need a security sweep on all systems.  The ambassadors are saying that their private files just became public on the ship's computer.  And I bet they are goin to blame the other parties and then us.  Find out what happened.  I'll be there shortly." =/\=  he said, still unaware that it was Reyes.

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 14, 2016, 02:43:27 PM

The problem with being both Vulcan and Betazoid was sometimes her emotions ran so high they slipped over her Vulcan shields. Aretah's eyes slipped skyward as waves of annoyance flowed off of her. Taking a deep breath, she reigned the annoyance in, and glanced at the warp core sensors, and engine read outs. Everything was fine on her end. =/\= Helm, if there is a problem it is with your console. Do you need me to come up there and check it?=/\= She made sure to cut the com line before muttering to herself, "Or come up and show you how to increase speed?" Honestly, if she had the clearance she would just reroute helm control to her station and increase their speed herself, but that was the helm's job. That's why they even had a helm.


Frowning, Alex tapped his own commbadge while stopping Infront of the warp coil controls, reviewing over the readout. Nope...that says 7.5. Someone's not doing their job up there. Curiously, the reported speed was lower. Nevertheless, they had been asked to sustain warp for weeks now, and with their constant travel, necessary maintenance and diagnostics weren't being done.

Peering up at the core, Alex shook his head. Enough was enough, and the incessant demands from the helmsman was starting to grate on his patience. =/\="Bridge, this is Wu. We're making revolutions for Warp 7.5, however I confirm that our forward momentum is significantly less. We're not sure why yet, but we've been running the engines above normal cruising speed for several weeks now, shuttling the ambassadors. I strongly advise we shut down to perform a major diagnostic and maintenance when we arrive at our next destination. Meanwhile, this is the best speed I recommend unless there's an actual emergency."=/\=

Studying the sensor readouts, he reckoned it was almost as though they had picked up several hundred tons of drag overnight. Moving the data over to a PADD, Alex handed it over to Bixox to review. "Take a look at that, it'll be our first priority. Give me a second, just need to make a quick call."

With the unexpected workload that he now for saw coming, Alex had yet another worry; he was going to get off work late. Stepping off into an alcove, he made sure noone was behind him as he tapped his commbadge again. =/\="Wu to Reyes. Kali, I'm sorry, but something's come up and I'll probably be working late tonight. I know it took you weeks to book that holodeck time, and I'd hate to have to cancel...would you mind waiting a little bit? Shouldn't be more than an hour, tops."=/\=

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.

Safefta Pardek

[Science Lab 1 - Chief Science Officer]

A little tinkering here and there had brought her previously malfunctioning centrifuge back to normal operation. However, amidst its whirring it dawned upon the Romulan that there was truly very little left to be done. Constant travel through scientifically dead regions of space was draining. She supposed this went unnoticed by many departments, whose functions were still needed for basic ship operations.

Down in the labs it was another matter. Safefta glanced over at a row of neatly ordered slides and petri dishes that held the week's samples. She sighed-- there wasn't even any reorganizing to be done. Her mind wandered to the astrometrics scans from their recent journey through the nebula. She mentally shrugged. While it was hardly likely to be noteworthy, it would be something to do.

She opened the files and began to scan over them visually. It was all very normal. Star clusters, space debris, cosmic activity of varying varieties... all very ordinary. She was halfway through a review of the ship's path when a distortion caught her eye. ... That is unusual... though partially annoyed at the apparent error in her data, it meant she had something to do for at least another hour. She left the reports open on the console to go get a cup of tea before she sat back down to get to work. One might as well be comfortable, she figured.

Species: Romulan/Vulcan Hybrid. | 4'8" | For a full biography, click my signature block.

Levinia Black

[ Security Officer Lt. (JG) Black]

Levinia frowned at the tension on the bridge.  It seemed the bridge officers were annoyed and things were going bumpy but she said nothing.

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 14, 2016, 02:44:00 PM


"Oh for..." he called out, his fingers working quick, but it was too late. She'd already worked her way past his files and onto Engineering. He called over to the CO. "Captain, Reyes is wreaking havoc on our files and computers! She's already hacked and made classified data public access, on the diplomats." he said, his voice even still but he knew the Captain could tell inside he was very annoyed, angry even.

He tapped his commbadge. =/\= Computer, revoke computer access for Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, and remove her from active duty rosters. Authorization Cottle-7-08-Epsilon-Chi=/\= he said. He essentially put her under arrest, but only the Captain had the final authority to send in security.

"Captain, I must formally request that Commander Reyes is detained. She has broken at least five Starfleet and Federation regulations right off the top of my head." he said, walking down to stand on the same level of the Bridge as the Captain.

She sighed and knuckled her forehead as her boss got, once again, into trouble.  Vinnie had absolutely no idea what had gotten into Kali's head but she wanted to find out.  She respected the level headed Security Chief and if there was indeed a conspiracy that was driving her a bit mad, Levinia wanted to investigate it.  She needed to get it from the horse's mouth.  It was obvious that none of the higher ranking officers believed her thus far.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 14, 2016, 07:18:13 PM


=/\= "Tekin to Bridge.  I need a security sweep on all systems.  The ambassadors are saying that their private files just became public on the ship's computer.  And I bet they are goin to blame the other parties and then us.  Find out what happened.  I'll be there shortly." =/\=  he said, still unaware that it was Reyes.

With a sigh Levinia responded.

=^= Acknowledged, sir =^=

Then proceeded to run the scans.  The data was just as Grumpy Cottle had said and just as the visitors had complained about.  Levinia then proceeded to re-install all the firewalls and increased the security levels so that only the Captain and two highest ranking officers could access.  This would keep any itch fingers from getting in without their codes.

And keep Kali busy for now.

Levinia thought as she began to put things back in place she called to Op's, "I've brought the walls up, Commander."  She informed Cottle, "...could you see if all the information has been restored, sir?  Besides the fact that one of the ambassador's has a mistress, I'm not sure what relevant information has been downloaded that could endanger the mission."

After that Levinia called up a replacement so that she could see to Reyes' personally.

=^= Ensign Mackenzie to bridge =^=

"I'm going to go to the Sickbay."  She advised as she waited for Kyan to join her on the bridge.  Levinia's eyes shifted around the bridge and tried to take another reading of the comfort level there.  She chewed on her lower lip as she pondered what in the world was going on.

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Klabax Cottle

Quote from: Levinia Black on September 15, 2016, 01:24:09 PM

Then proceeded to run the scans.  The data was just as Grumpy Cottle had said and just as the visitors had complained about.  Levinia then proceeded to re-install all the firewalls and increased the security levels so that only the Captain and two highest ranking officers could access.  This would keep any itch fingers from getting in without their codes.


Levinia thought as she began to put things back in place she called to Op's, "I've brought the walls up, Commander."  She informed Cottle, "...could you see if all the information has been restored, sir?  Besides the fact that one of the ambassador's has a mistress, I'm not sure what relevant information has been downloaded that could endanger the mission."


Klabax stalked over to a terminal, now visibly fuming at Reyes. He looked over the data and nodded, now slightly appeased. "Thank you, Lieutenant. All appears to be in order." he said, his voice tight. "On to the next crisis now..." he said, his voice low and his tone sarcastic. He looked over the files once himself, to be sure and almost snorted when he saw the email correspondence between the ambassador and the mistress.

"Figures." he said, but kept it at that. He then waited to see what reaction this latest news would bring over the bridge.

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate


Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 14, 2016, 02:43:27 PM

The problem with being both Vulcan and Betazoid was sometimes her emotions ran so high they slipped over her Vulcan shields. Aretah's eyes slipped skyward as waves of annoyance flowed off of her. Taking a deep breath, she reigned the annoyance in, and glanced at the warp core sensors, and engine read outs. Everything was fine on her end. =/\= Helm, if there is a problem it is with your console. Do you need me to come up there and check it?=/\= She made sure to cut the com line before muttering to herself, "Or come up and show you how to increase speed?" Honestly, if she had the clearance she would just reroute helm control to her station and increase their speed herself, but that was the helm's job. That's why they even had a helm.


Sassa suppressed a sigh.  Finally the engines seemed to be online to give the 7.5 Warp the Captain required.  She increased speed but it still only gave them 0.2 Warp more and announced it to the Captain.

"Increasing speed to 7.0 Warp, Ma'am.  Engineering reports that we have 7.5 but I can't bring that online."

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 14, 2016, 02:44:00 PM


"Of course." he said, and sauntered over to the console. He punched up the diagnostic, and began checking it out. Katcha was right, it just didn't make sense.

He punched up two comparative diagrams, each showing a glitch, but the place kept moving. "Maybe the diagnostic's damaged... call down to Engineering and have one of their programmers check it out." he said, shrugging his shoulders. His voice was low as well, matching her tone.

"Tell you what," he said, countering himself, "I'll call down, if you would rather re calibrate the helm?" he said, leaving the option to do either she wanted. He had an alert pop up on the screen, informing him that his rosters had been modified. He rolled his eyes and looked at it.

"Oh for..." he called out, his fingers working quick, but it was too late. She'd already worked her way past his files and onto Engineering. He called over to the CO. "Captain, Reyes is wreaking havoc on our files and computers! She's already hacked and made classified data public access, on the diplomats." he said, his voice even still but he knew the Captain could tell inside he was very annoyed, angry even.

He tapped his commbadge. =/\= Computer, revoke computer access for Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, and remove her from active duty rosters. Authorization Cottle-7-08-Epsilon-Chi=/\= he said. He essentially put her under arrest, but only the Captain had the final authority to send in security.

"Captain, I must formally request that Commander Reyes is detained. She has broken at least five Starfleet and Federation regulations right off the top of my head." he said, walking down to stand on the same level of the Bridge as the Captain.

"Are you saying Commander Reyes is interfering with the performance of the ship?" Sassa queried.  "Would this account for the discrepancies found between Engineering and my Helm consoles?"
Quote from: Lennox Ainsley on September 14, 2016, 03:36:56 PM

Lennox nodded, looking over the navigation sensors, his brow furrowing lightly as he read the diagnostics on it, "'As everythin' been goin' alrigh' wit' 'he sensors?"

"Apparently not, Mr Ainsley... I was showing an asteroid belt but it turned out to be dust... since I recalibrated there seems to be less problems."
Quote from: Alexander Wu on September 15, 2016, 01:04:27 AM


Frowning, Alex tapped his own commbadge while stopping Infront of the warp coil controls, reviewing over the readout. Nope...that says 7.5. Someone's not doing their job up there. Curiously, the reported speed was lower. Nevertheless, they had been asked to sustain warp for weeks now, and with their constant travel, necessary maintenance and diagnostics weren't being done.

Peering up at the core, Alex shook his head. Enough was enough, and the incessant demands from the helmsman was starting to grate on his patience. =/\="Bridge, this is Wu. We're making revolutions for Warp 7.5, however I confirm that our forward momentum is significantly less. We're not sure why yet, but we've been running the engines above normal cruising speed for several weeks now, shuttling the ambassadors. I strongly advise we shut down to perform a major diagnostic and maintenance when we arrive at our next destination. Meanwhile, this is the best speed I recommend unless there's an actual emergency."=/\=

Studying the sensor readouts, he reckoned it was almost as though they had picked up several hundred tons of drag overnight. Moving the data over to a PADD, Alex handed it over to Bixox to review. "Take a look at that, it'll be our first priority. Give me a second, just need to make a quick call."

With the unexpected workload that he now for saw coming, Alex had yet another worry; he was going to get off work late. Stepping off into an alcove, he made sure noone was behind him as he tapped his commbadge again. =/\="Wu to Reyes. Kali, I'm sorry, but something's come up and I'll probably be working late tonight. I know it took you weeks to book that holodeck time, and I'd hate to have to cancel...would you mind waiting a little bit? Shouldn't be more than an hour, tops."=/\=

=/\=Helm to Engineering, negative, we have the speed 7.0 Warp now.  Thank you, Helm out =/\=   Sassa called down then added =/\=There appears to have been some kind of security override, this could have something to do with the discrepancies noticed.  Will advise as I get more information.  Helm out=/\=

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Sassa on September 15, 2016, 08:06:47 PM


Sassa suppressed a sigh.  Finally the engines seemed to be online to give the 7.5 Warp the Captain required.  She increased speed but it still only gave them 0.2 Warp more and announced it to the Captain.

"Increasing speed to 7.0 Warp, Ma'am.  Engineering reports that we have 7.5 but I can't bring that online."

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


"Acknowledged, i'll take 7.0. I would hate for engineering to have to do something that made them uncomfortable." Leela scoffed slightly, begrudgingly accepting their recommendations.

Quote from: Klabax Cottle

"Oh for..." he called out, his fingers working quick, but it was too late. She'd already worked her way past his files and onto Engineering. He called over to the CO. "Captain, Reyes is wreaking havoc on our files and computers! She's already hacked and made classified data public access, on the diplomats." he said, his voice even still but he knew the Captain could tell inside he was very annoyed, angry even.

He tapped his commbadge. =/\= Computer, revoke computer access for Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, and remove her from active duty rosters. Authorization Cottle-7-08-Epsilon-Chi=/\= he said. He essentially put her under arrest, but only the Captain had the final authority to send in security.

"Captain, I must formally request that Commander Reyes is detained. She has broken at least five Starfleet and Federation regulations right off the top of my head." he said, walking down to stand on the same level of the Bridge as the Captain.

Leela shifted her seat slightly as reports of Reyes attempts to circumvent the system flew through the bridge. "Lock her out now! By all means, take her into custody. Lock her up! Provide me confirmation when she is secured... I'll lead her questioning." Leela added with a slight sigh. She wasn't entirely certain what was happening but she had full intention of getting to the bottom of it. She was willing to court martial her, if it became necessary.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Klabax Cottle

Quote from: Sassa on September 15, 2016, 08:06:47 PM


Sassa suppressed a sigh.  Finally the engines seemed to be online to give the 7.5 Warp the Captain required.  She increased speed but it still only gave them 0.2 Warp more and announced it to the Captain.

"Increasing speed to 7.0 Warp, Ma'am.  Engineering reports that we have 7.5 but I can't bring that online."

"Are you saying Commander Reyes is interfering with the performance of the ship?" Sassa queried.  "Would this account for the discrepancies found between Engineering and my Helm consoles?"

"Apparently not, Mr Ainsley... I was showing an asteroid belt but it turned out to be dust... since I recalibrated there seems to be less problems."

=/\=Helm to Engineering, negative, we have the speed 7.0 Warp now.  Thank you, Helm out =/\=   Sassa called down then added =/\=There appears to have been some kind of security override, this could have something to do with the discrepancies noticed.  Will advise as I get more information.  Helm out=/\=

"Indeed... that could very well account for the discrepancies." he said, beginning to piece together how deep this went.

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 15, 2016, 10:26:41 PM

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


"Acknowledged, i'll take 7.0. I would hate for engineering to have to do something that made them uncomfortable." Leela scoffed slightly, begrudgingly accepting their recommendations.

Leela shifted her seat slightly as reports of Reyes attempts to circumvent the system flew through the bridge. "Lock her out now! By all means, take her into custody. Lock her up! Provide me confirmation when she is secured... I'll lead her questioning." Leela added with a slight sigh. She wasn't entirely certain what was happening but she had full intention of getting to the bottom of it. She was willing to court martial her, if it became necessary.


"Aye Captain." he said. He then tapped his commbadge. =/\= Bridge to security.=/\= he said, then paused to make sure he made contact. =/\= Your orders are to arrest and detain Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, no computer access is authorized.=/\= he said, his voice level, and at the same time intimidating enough to make others know he was not in a joking or jovial mood.

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate


Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 15, 2016, 10:26:41 PM

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


"Acknowledged, i'll take 7.0. I would hate for engineering to have to do something that made them uncomfortable." Leela scoffed slightly, begrudgingly accepting their recommendations.


Sassa barely suppressed a snort at the Captain's comment but momentarily turned to Cottle's voice.

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 15, 2016, 10:44:02 PM

"Indeed... that could very well account for the discrepancies." he said, beginning to piece together how deep this went.

"As soon as you know could you please forward me the information so that we can eliminate or isolate that as a cause.  Of course the recalibration should sort it out assuming that Ms. Reyes is now locked out and no longer able to interfere with our interfaces."

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Kyan Mackenzie


=/\= Ensign Mackenzie to the bridge =/\=

The delta affixed to the front of the Miran's jacket spoke imperatively, disrupting the very important task at hand. The crimson haired boy heaved a sigh.

"And sure you'll be leaving the board as she sits then now while I go up there and see what these grups are about.....won't you?" Kyan asked.

His cabin mate, the human near grup, Allistair Ellsworth nodded. "Aye, and when you return from that, I'll finish administering the epic arse beating and finally have enough strips to take Ensign Hughes to a proper dinner when we get back to starbase."

Kyan threw on his jacket and hopped off the chair. "Wasting your strips on food for girls when there's perfectly reasonable things to buy at a starbase... epic sadness."

With that, Kyan strode out the hissing doors and into the corridor. Hopefully, he thought with a smile, there would be something fun going on on the bridge that he would get to be a part of.... like a pitched space battle with Klingons or T'zinkethi or something. He couldn't remember the last time he's even had occasion to bring the weapons online, much less to bear on some snarling enemy looking to destroy them. Most likely though it was just so Lieutenant Black could go have a bite to eat or file a report or something.

Still imagining the space battle that would no doubt remain a fantasy, the diminutive Only stepped into the lift. "Main bridge" he called out absently. Seconds later, the doors whisked open and he emerged, trotting over to the tactical/security station.

"Mackenzie here he announced looking up at the Security Chief. "What can I do for you?"

Levinia Black

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 15, 2016, 03:38:09 PM


Klabax stalked over to a terminal, now visibly fuming at Reyes. He looked over the data and nodded, now slightly appeased. "Thank you, Lieutenant. All appears to be in order." he said, his voice tight. "On to the next crisis now..." he said, his voice low and his tone sarcastic. He looked over the files once himself, to be sure and almost snorted when he saw the email correspondence between the ambassador and the mistress.

"Figures." he said, but kept it at that. He then waited to see what reaction this latest news would bring over the bridge.

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 15, 2016, 10:26:41 PM

Captain Leela Kaz - Commanding Officer


"Acknowledged, i'll take 7.0. I would hate for engineering to have to do something that made them uncomfortable." Leela scoffed slightly, begrudgingly accepting their recommendations.

Leela shifted her seat slightly as reports of Reyes attempts to circumvent the system flew through the bridge. "Lock her out now! By all means, take her into custody. Lock her up! Provide me confirmation when she is secured... I'll lead her questioning." Leela added with a slight sigh. She wasn't entirely certain what was happening but she had full intention of getting to the bottom of it. She was willing to court martial her, if it became necessary.

[ Security Officer Lt (JG) Levinia Black]

Levinia nodded at the Commander and cringed as the tension just rose higher than it already was.  The captain seemed stressed out about the situation and Kali was indeed in big trouble.  The petite security officer was about to acknowledge the order when Grumpy Cottle chimed in again.

Quote from: Klabax Cottle on September 15, 2016, 10:44:02 PM


"Aye Captain." he said. He then tapped his commbadge. =/\= Bridge to security.=/\= he said, then paused to make sure he made contact. =/\= Your orders are to arrest and detain Lieutenant Commander Kali Reyes, no computer access is authorized.=/\= he said, his voice level, and at the same time intimidating enough to make others know he was not in a joking or jovial mood.

"Right here, Commander."  Levinia acknowledged and cancelled the security alert he has just requested using her Tactical station.  "I'll see to Reyes personally."  She addressed not only Cottle but the captain as well.  Now the only thing she was waiting for was her replacement.
Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on September 15, 2016, 11:49:32 PM

Still imagining the space battle that would no doubt remain a fantasy, the diminutive Only stepped into the lift. "Main bridge" he called out absently. Seconds later, the doors whisked open and he emerged, trotting over to the tactical/security station.

"Mackenzie here he announced looking up at the Security Chief. "What can I do for you?"

Levinia jumped slightly and looked down at the meniscal security ensign.  It was strange looking down at another officer but she did well to hide her slight shock.  "You're manning Tactical Station."  Vinnie adviced him with a nod and excused herself.

Shorter than usual legs made their way into the turbolift as Levinia went to Á¢â,¬Ëœarrest' Kali Reyes.  It felt odd to be doing that.  She still had no idea what was going on and even though the Captain had said that she would lead the interrogations there were a lot of things left hanging in the air.

[ Security Officer Lt (jg) Black]

The sickbay was exactly how she had left it a few moments ago.  Levinia could not help smile at Kyle as she entered, but it was Kali she had gone down there to see.  She looked around nervously then proceeded to address her former chief now person of interest.  "Ma'am."  Levinia began finding her voice sounded tinny to her own ears.  "How are you doing?"

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

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