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Season 11: Episode 4 - Warped Reality

Started by Kyle Briggs, September 04, 2016, 05:33:24 PM

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Kyle Briggs

Quote from: Levinia Black on September 19, 2016, 02:53:59 PM

"I'm not sure...I could stun her? I guess I better go find out?"

"Hold on a second." Kyle said as he stepped back into Sickbay. "I'll come with you." He grabbed a Medical tricorder and followed Vinnie down the hall after Reyes.
Quote from: Levinia Black on September 19, 2016, 02:53:59 PM

"Now hold on one minute, ma'am. I'm here to arrest you, you're in deep trouble, the CO, XO and all the high rankers are out for your blood!  Give me a good reason why I shouldn't drop you right now?"

Kyle couldn't believe they wanted to arrest Kali. He was sure there was an explanation for her behavior. He turned on the tricorder and began scanning the Commander.
Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 19, 2016, 07:54:50 PM

"Alrighty," Kali took a deep dramatic breath and gestured to Kyle. "Are you out for my blood? No? Then there it is." She gave Levinia a serious look. "That's my Captain right there. You're not a security officer, and I'm damned as hell not your Security Chief." She punched up the video and sent it to Levinia's PADD. "Something happened last shift with the anomaly and I think that's what caused the role swap. I don't know why I was singled out, but I'm gonna find out. Something was in Engineering when it happened."

The turbolift finally arrived. "A couple things are gonna go down. We can either get this sorted out before we throw out the swapped diplomats on an already stressed negotiation table and screw up this star system, or we can just let it happen and deal with why the Federation's databases clearly don't match the ship's and get not just 'Captain Kaz' but our real Captain here in trouble."

Kyle was now truly worried about Kali. There was most definitely something wrong. "I'm. I'm not a Captain. Really Commander. We should return to Sickbay for a full exam." he begged.
Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 19, 2016, 07:54:50 PM

"Or, third option," she grinned stupidly at Kyle. "You buy me dinner before strapping me back into bed." She almost held it in. Damn. "The biobed."

Kyle blushed. He didn't know if the Commander knew just how attractive he found her but she sure was making it seem like she did. "Ma'am. That was just a, um, a slip of the tongue." he said as his adams apple bopped uup and down from a huge gulp. He tried to change the subject. "Vinnie? What are we doing?" he asked his old friend.

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Kyle Briggs on September 20, 2016, 02:30:55 AM

Kyle was now truly worried about Kali. There was most definitely something wrong. "I'm. I'm not a Captain. Really Commander. We should return to Sickbay for a full exam." he begged

The turbolift doors opened and Kali gave Kyle her absolute attention - an attention deserving of those of high rank and respect. "Yes you are," she told him and hoped that the conviction of her words threw him off. "You are the Captain. And while it's cute to see you wave a tricorder around, I'd like to get you back on that comfy command chair, thanks. No, seriously - that is really cute." He probably wouldn't remember after this whole switcheroo was over. She could afford to act a bit glib.

Then an idea hit her. "Bixox is down in Engineering, isn't she? She's got all the mind screwy powers of Vulcan! Come with me down and watch her do a mind meldy thing. Then we'll see if I'm telling the truth. Sound reasonable enough?"

Whether they followed her or not, Kali got into the turbolift and headed down to Engineering. "Anyone seen Wu or Bixox?" she yelled out eagerly as she trotted off the lift. "I got a doozy for ya!"

Leela Kaz

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 17, 2016, 03:05:40 AM

[First Officer Commander Tekin Nevir - VIP guest quarters]

=/\= "Tekin to Bridge.  Captain, the delegation leak is serious.  They are considering pulling out of the talks.  Whatever Reyes did.. vital information was sent from this ship to the meeting location for the other two delegations." =/\=

Captain Leela Kaz, Commanding Officer


Leela stood up and tapped her communicator. =/\="Kaz to Nevir, keep those diplomats in line. They cant be pulling out, we've come to far. Do what you can... I'm going to find Miss Reyes and see if I can put an end to this, once and for all.=/\=

She moved towards the turbolift. =/\=Kaz to Briggs, what's your location? Are you with commander Reyes?"=/\=

As Leela stepped towards the turbolift she looked back. "Sassa you have the bridge. Don't let anything else fall apart." She added as stepping onto the lift.

"If you want to know who you are, it's important to know who you've been." - Jadzia Dax[/center]

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 20, 2016, 03:40:33 AM

The turbolift doors opened and Kali gave Kyle her absolute attention - an attention deserving of those of high rank and respect. "Yes you are," she told him and hoped that the conviction of her words threw him off. "You are the Captain. And while it's cute to see you wave a tricorder around, I'd like to get you back on that comfy command chair, thanks. No, seriously - that is really cute." He probably wouldn't remember after this whole switcheroo was over. She could afford to act a bit glib.

Then an idea hit her. "Bixox is down in Engineering, isn't she? She's got all the mind screwy powers of Vulcan! Come with me down and watch her do a mind meldy thing. Then we'll see if I'm telling the truth. Sound reasonable enough?"

Whether they followed her or not, Kali got into the turbolift and headed down to Engineering. "Anyone seen Wu or Bixox?" she yelled out eagerly as she trotted off the lift. "I got a doozy for ya!"

[Commander Tekin Nevir - Engineering]

It wasn't long after Kali made her entrance and started yelling that the turbolift on the other side of the Engineering deck opened up, and the now red faced and red-shirted first officer made his way into his old realm.  Main Engineering.  Unfortunately, this particular visit was not anything good, as evident by the phaser in his hand.  It didn't take long for the Bajoran to find his target, flanked by Briggs and Black.  He could only hope that they had no real involvement.

"Reyes!" he shouted, walking towards her with phaser out.  "I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.  I figured you were burnt out... but when I said take a break, I never expected you would do anything like this.  Do you have any idea what you've done?!  You've jeopardized this entire mission!"

Quote from: Leela Kaz on September 20, 2016, 05:26:42 AM

Captain Leela Kaz, Commanding Officer


Leela stood up and tapped her communicator. =/\="Kaz to Nevir, keep those diplomats in line. They cant be pulling out, we've come to far. Do what you can... I'm going to find Miss Reyes and see if I can put an end to this, once and for all.=/\=

Of course.. Leela would respond to him now.  =/\= "Captain, the diplomats are refusing to see me right now.  And after this, I'm not sure if they will speak to anyone not you.  I'm currently in Engineering right now." =/\= he said, sighing.  This situation had to be defused quickly.  Kali's future depended on it.

Nevir raised the phaser, glancing down at Black.  "Now please.. I'm asking you as your friend.  Stand down.... I need you to come with me.  Before you throw away your career.  Briggs, return to Sickbay, I want to keep you off this as much as possible."

Alexander Wu

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 20, 2016, 03:40:33 AM

The turbolift doors opened and Kali gave Kyle her absolute attention - an attention deserving of those of high rank and respect. "Yes you are," she told him and hoped that the conviction of her words threw him off. "You are the Captain. And while it's cute to see you wave a tricorder around, I'd like to get you back on that comfy command chair, thanks. No, seriously - that is really cute." He probably wouldn't remember after this whole switcheroo was over. She could afford to act a bit glib.

Then an idea hit her. "Bixox is down in Engineering, isn't she? She's got all the mind screwy powers of Vulcan! Come with me down and watch her do a mind meldy thing. Then we'll see if I'm telling the truth. Sound reasonable enough?"

Whether they followed her or not, Kali got into the turbolift and headed down to Engineering. "Anyone seen Wu or Bixox?" she yelled out eagerly as she trotted off the lift. "I got a doozy for ya!"

[Main Engineering]

Somewhat stifled about being told to stay put, Alex had begun a level 5 diagnostic on the warp core, after asking Bixox to start the level 3 on their power conversion conduits. Unfortunately, with the ship at warp, there was very little they could do in terms of visual inspections, and so far, all the readings came back normal with the usual wear and tear. Nothing to indicate why they were so much slower than they should have been. This damn diplomacy is running down my engines, he grumbled silently, we're supposed to be a fighting cruiser, not a glorified transgalactic shuttle.

Reyes bursting in caused many a head to turn, including Alex's. He was surprised to see Levinia and Kyle tagging along behind her, and for a crazy moment, he thought they were here for their weekly billiards tourney, and that he was late. "Kali, not that I don't appreciate you visiting, but we're a little busy right now." Alex mentioned, mildly vexed. Throwing an inquisitive look towards her two escorts, he waved at Bixox to come over, seeing as how she had mentioned her by name. "What's so important you couldn't say over comms?"

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 20, 2016, 06:42:52 AM

[Commander Tekin Nevir - Engineering]

It wasn't long after Kali made her entrance and started yelling that the turbolift on the other side of the Engineering deck opened up, and the now red faced and red-shirted first officer made his way into his old realm.  Main Engineering.  Unfortunately, this particular visit was not anything good, as evident by the phaser in his hand.  It didn't take long for the Bajoran to find his target, flanked by Briggs and Black.  He could only hope that they had no real involvement.

"Reyes!" he shouted, walking towards her with phaser out.  "I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.  I figured you were burnt out... but when I said take a break, I never expected you would do anything like this.  Do you have any idea what you've done?!  You've jeopardized this entire mission!"

Of course.. Leela would respond to him now.  =/\= "Captain, the diplomats are refusing to see me right now.  And after this, I'm not sure if they will speak to anyone not you.  I'm currently in Engineering right now." =/\= he said, sighing.  This situation had to be defused quickly.  Kali's future depended on it.

Nevir raised the phaser, glancing down at Black.  "Now please.. I'm asking you as your friend.  Stand down.... I need you to come with me.  Before you throw away your career.  Briggs, return to Sickbay, I want to keep you off this as much as possible."

With the sudden appearance of Tekin, Alex threw his hands in the air in exasperation. His day had just gone from bad, to weird, to worse. "Okay, will someone tell me what the hell is going on!" Bristling with a mixture of frustration and instantaneous rage, he instinctively stepped forwards, placing himself between Tekin and Kali. "When in all that's holy did everyone get so phaser happy? May as well start passing them out in the lounge, free type-twos with every order of cheesy nachos! Commander, with all due respect, put your bloody popgun away. There's two hundred thousand metric tons of pressure built up in that warp core, and I don't feel like cleaning up another mess."

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. The hottest place in Hell is reserved for those who remain neutral in times of great moral conflict." -MLK, Jr.


Quote from: Kachina Filitov on September 19, 2016, 10:46:27 PM


Katcha laughed at Mackenzie's remark. Soon however, have re-routed the power and de-activated the replicators, she was bored again. Soon a tune began going through her her mind. She then began to say the words out loud.

"Ey, ukhnem!
Ey, ukhnem!
Yeshcho razik, yeshcho da raz!
Ey, ukhnem!
Ey, ukhnem!
Yeshcho razik, yeshcho da raz!
Razovyom my beryozu,
Razovyom my kudryavu!
Ai-da, da ai-da,
Ai-da, da ai-da,
Razovyom my kudryavu.
Razovyom my kudryavu.
Ey, ukhnem!
Ey, ukhnem!
Yeshcho razik, yeshcho da raz!
My po berezhku idyom,
Pesnyu solnyshku poyom.
Ai-da, da ai-da,
Ai-da, da ai-da,
Pesnyu solnyshku poyom.
Ey, Ey, tyani kanat silney!
Pesnyu solnyshku poyom.
Ey, ukhnem!
Ey, ukhnem!
Yeshcho razik, yeshcho da raz!
Ekh, ty, Volga, mat'-reka,
Shiroka i gluboka,
Ai-da, da ai-da,
Ai-da, da ai-da,
Volga, Volga, mat'-reka
Ey, ukhnem!
Ey, ukhnem!
Yeshcho razik, yeshcho da raz!
Ey, ukhnem!
Ey, ukhnem!"

(Translation -
Yo, heave ho!
Yo, heave ho!
Once more, once again, still once more
Yo, heave ho!
Yo, heave ho!
Once more, once again, still once more
Now we fell the stout birch tree,
Now we pull hard: one, two, three.
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Now we pull hard: one, two, three.
Now we pull hard: one, two, three.
Yo, heave ho!
Yo, heave ho!
Once more, once again, still once more
As we walk along the shore,
To the sun we sing our song.
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
To the sun we sing our song.
Hey, hey, let's heave a-long the way
to the sun we sing our song
Yo, heave ho!
Yo, heave ho!
Once more, once again, still once more
Oh, you, Volga, mother river,
Mighty stream so deep and wide.
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Ay-da, da, ay-da!
Volga, Volga, mother river.
Yo, heave ho!
Yo, heave ho!
Once more, once again, still once more
Yo, heave ho!
Yo, heave ho!)

She didn't know where she had heard it before. But she continued to hum the tune.


"You have to be really glad that's in Russian and not Klingon... no offence to the fine Klingons in the Federation, but if you sang that in Klingon it would sound more like 'I'm going to kill you, let me split your head with this weapon, we will drink the blood from your skull...'  Trust me, I was in the Academy with a friendly one and she said their motivational songs were more like mass murder rallying calls!"  Sassa remarked of Katchina's singing.

For all she was Vulcan, she had developed a rather comic streak, and one of sarcasm having shared quarters with the aforementioned Klingon and a Scot from Glasgow....

"Your singing is good however.  Maybe we should form a choir on the Discovery... but find enough for 2, the second one being the bad singers who are hired to sing at every opportunity to get rid of people we don't want on board, a new, non-hostile... well, we wouldn't be shooting them, just assaulting their ears.... weapon system!" she remarked a smirk chasing the Vulcan's features was a very strange sight.

"That position, Mr Scott, would not only be unavailing but also undignified."

Klabax Cottle


It had taken Klabax more time than he would like to have admitted to find the source of the singing the first time. He had looked around and not seen anything, until he saw the diminutive figure of the child at the security console. He recognized the person from the roster files, and went back to his work, containing any leaks and trying to find reasons for the diplomatic parties to remain in the conference. He was finding such efforts futile, as he would have done the same thing if there places were reversed.

He looked around as a new tune punctured the atmosphere of the bridge. The song was not one that Klabax recognized, but regardless he was listening. He kept his mouth shut, however, and kept to his work. He checked the status of the Brig, and saw that Reyes had not been detained and checked in. He checked her commbadge, and saw that she was in Engineering. Engineering! Of all the places!

=/\= Bridge to Engineering, why is Commander Reyes in Engineering? Security is to detain her.=/\= he said, trying to find out why security had let her get that far. He knew that himself, and the captain, had several questions for Reyes as to her actions today. A simple snap of her mind would barely explain that.

Klabax Cottle~Denobulan Male

Alt Account of Dylan Torngate

Levinia Black

[Engineering apparently?? Security Officer Lt (JG) Black]

Levinia followed Kali instead of tackling her and dragging her to the brig.  She gave her boss the benefit of the doubt but things escaladed real quick and before she knew it phasers were drawn out and people were screaming at each other.  Added to that Cottle's grumpy old voice blared through for a report on Kali's detention.

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!!!" Levinia screamed and stood in the center of them all, small but formidable.  She frowned at Tekin and shook her head.  Of all the crazy.  Why is he carrying a phaser anyway?  "No one is shooting anyone."  She placed a hand on the phaser and lowered it, "Sir."

Levinia then tapped her combadge and responded to the bridge.

=^= This is Lt. Black, situation is contained and Reyes is in MY custody. =^=

That taken care off she looked around at the faces of her friends.  Alex and Kyle went back a long time and she knew them well, Tekin was new to her but he seemed like a reasonable if not very intelligent guy.  "I have allowed Kali to come down here."  She half lied and half told the truth, she could have stunned her at any time.  "She says she has evidence to prove her theory and as her friends we could at least hear it?"

Vinnie took out a couple of restraints and showed them to Kali, "Besides, she's not going anywhere, so explain, ma' have five minutes."

Terran (Human) - click banner for bio

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Alexander Wu

Reyes bursting in caused many a head to turn, including Alex's. He was surprised to see Levinia and Kyle tagging along behind her, and for a crazy moment, he thought they were here for their weekly billiards tourney, and that he was late. "Kali, not that I don't appreciate you visiting, but we're a little busy right now." Alex mentioned, mildly vexed. Throwing an inquisitive look towards her two escorts, he waved at Bixox to come over, seeing as how she had mentioned her by name. "What's so important you couldn't say over comms?"


Kali tried not to pout with happiness that she's now got her XO and Captain all in one place. It was starting to feel like the old Discovery again. "Sorry," she said and even meant it. "Comm's disabled." Which was half-true; Cottle really put a wrench in her little coding sabotage earlier. "Okay, so just... bear with me here. I need this ship to turn back around for the anomaly whether Captain Kaz wants it or not. Because something really funky happened going through it and now everyone's gone topsy-turvy! And it's seriously, seriously, seriously difficult being the only one aware of this so for just once - just ONCE I would like someone to look at me like I'm not stir crazy!"

Quote from: Klabax Cottle

=/\= Bridge to Engineering, why is Commander Reyes in Engineering? Security is to detain her.=/\=

"There's also that," Kali added with a grimace. Then she saw Tekin storm for her and gratefully hid behind her XO. Oh god this wasn't helping her case one bit, was it?
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 20, 2016, 06:42:52 AM

"Reyes!" he shouted, walking towards her with phaser out.  "I was giving you the benefit of the doubt.  I figured you were burnt out... but when I said take a break, I never expected you would do anything like this."

"Yeah, well if you knew me by now, you really shouldn't have been surprised," Kali whimpered comically over Alex's shoulder. Two shots at the brig on two different ships - not including a starbase that one time. This was becoming an alarming (but not surprising) habit she was forming.
Quote from: Levinia Black

"SHUT UP ALL OF YOU!!!!" Levinia screamed and stood in the center of them all, small but formidable.  She frowned at Tekin and shook her head.  Of all the crazy.  Why is he carrying a phaser anyway?  "No one is shooting anyone."  She placed a hand on the phaser and lowered it, "Sir."

That taken care off she looked around at the faces of her friends.  Alex and Kyle went back a long time and she knew them well, Tekin was new to her but he seemed like a reasonable if not very intelligent guy.  "I have allowed Kali to come down here."  She half lied and half told the truth, she could have stunned her at any time.  "She says she has evidence to prove her theory and as her friends we could at least hear it?"

Vinnie took out a couple of restraints and showed them to Kali, "Besides, she's not going anywhere, so explain, ma' have five minutes."

Even Kali was pretty startled at Levinia's outburst. It reminded her of a tiny explosive from a polaron cannon. "Um, yep. I've got some pretty damning evidence. Two of them. Maybe three if Bixox wants to take a whack at it." She poked her own temple for emphasis. "Simply put? You're all screwed - department wise. I think that anomaly messed everything up. Yesterday, this big guy here was my XO..." Kali patted Alex on the shoulder. "And now he's my Engineering Chief. It's really vexing!"

Aretah Bixox

Quote from: Alexander Wu on September 15, 2016, 01:04:27 AM

Studying the sensor readouts, he reckoned it was almost as though they had picked up several hundred tons of drag overnight. Moving the data over to a PADD, Alex handed it over to Bixox to review. "Take a look at that, it'll be our first priority. Give me a second, just need to make a quick call."

Mentally, Aretah huffed lightly at the need to go over the readouts, but outwardly she was completely calm once again. Work was work, after all. She still thought the Helm just needed to 'step on the gas' so to speak.
Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 20, 2016, 03:40:33 AM

Whether they followed her or not, Kali got into the turbolift and headed down to Engineering. "Anyone seen Wu or Bixox?" she yelled out eagerly as she trotted off the lift. "I got a doozy for ya!"

Quote from: Alexander Wu on September 20, 2016, 06:49:34 AM

[Main Engineering]
Throwing an inquisitive look towards her two escorts, he waved at Bixox to come over, seeing as how she had mentioned her by name. "What's so important you couldn't say over comms?"

Hearing her name, as mispronounced as it was, Aretah looked over to see what was going on. When Wu beckoned her over, she came, still waiting for some explanation as to what was going on.
Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 20, 2016, 03:24:16 PM

..."Um, yep. I've got some pretty damning evidence. Two of them. Maybe three if Bixox wants to take a whack at it." She poked her own temple for emphasis. "Simply put? You're all screwed - department wise. I think that anomaly messed everything up. Yesterday, this big guy here was my XO..." Kali patted Alex on the shoulder. "And now he's my Engineering Chief. It's really vexing!"

Even amongst the people talking over comms and half-yelling, and completely ignoring drawn phasers, Aretah kept her gaze on Kali's face. As high strung as the situation was becoming, she sensed zero deception coming from the Second Officer. Clearing her throat softly, she said firmly, "She appears to be telling the truth; or at least the truth as she knows it." Looking to the security officers, she continued, "If it will clear things up, I am willing to perform a mind meld to ascertain the full truth of the situation."

Tekin Nevir

[Commander Tekin Nevir - Main Engineering]

There was protocol to follow, and a certain code of ethics that was violated.  However, he knew these people for a long time... and made sure to get to know the new ones that came in.  He wasn't close with everyone, but he made sure he could trust everyone under his command.  Kali was no exception... nor Alex and neither was Vinny for that matter.  It was honestly the only thing that calmed him, and he slowly lowered his weapon.

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 20, 2016, 03:24:16 PM


"There's also that," Kali added with a grimace. Then she saw Tekin storm for her and gratefully hid behind her XO. Oh god this wasn't helping her case one bit, was it?

"Yeah, well if you knew me by now, you really shouldn't have been surprised," Kali whimpered comically over Alex's shoulder. Two shots at the brig on two different ships - not including a starbase that one time. This was becoming an alarming (but not surprising) habit she was forming.

"Kali, I don't know what you're talking about... you've been independant, sure.. but never have you acted against this ship and the Federation like this.  When Starfleet hears about this.. its over for you.. the Captain is no doubt on her way here." he said, putting his phaser away.  He turned and nodded to Levinia, acknowledging her 5 minutes.

"Alright.. what is this about?"

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 20, 2016, 03:24:16 PM


Even Kali was pretty startled at Levinia's outburst. It reminded her of a tiny explosive from a polaron cannon. "Um, yep. I've got some pretty damning evidence. Two of them. Maybe three if Bixox wants to take a whack at it." She poked her own temple for emphasis. "Simply put? You're all screwed - department wise. I think that anomaly messed everything up. Yesterday, this big guy here was my XO..." Kali patted Alex on the shoulder. "And now he's my Engineering Chief. It's really vexing!"

It was this thing again... the bridge outburst.  He couldn't help but sigh hearing her bring it up again.  This is why she threw her career away?  Because she woke up thinking everyone was wrong?  They all had the records to prove it.  He was going to cut her off when Bixox spoke up.
Quote from: Aretah Bixox on September 21, 2016, 02:57:01 AM

Even amongst the people talking over comms and half-yelling, and completely ignoring drawn phasers, Aretah kept her gaze on Kali's face. As high strung as the situation was becoming, she sensed zero deception coming from the Second Officer. Clearing her throat softly, she said firmly, "She appears to be telling the truth; or at least the truth as she knows it." Looking to the security officers, she continued, "If it will clear things up, I am willing to perform a mind meld to ascertain the full truth of the situation."

That changed things.  No deception?  She believes it true?  How deep did this burn out go?  Still, he promised her the time until the Captain arrived... and with the Vulcan offering her support, he had to do the right thing.

"Alright... lets say for the moment that you're right.  We have the information from Lt.  Pardek.  The science team found oscillations as we past through; nothing harmful, and nothing that changed our minds.  Even if it did, how could it have altered the computers with the exact precision of our memories?  I'm no scientist, but even with the rudimentary knowledge I have, it doesn't sound right."

Kali Reyes

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 21, 2016, 04:59:25 AM

[Commander Tekin Nevir - Main Engineering]

There was protocol to follow, and a certain code of ethics that was violated.  However, he knew these people for a long time... and made sure to get to know the new ones that came in.  He wasn't close with everyone, but he made sure he could trust everyone under his command.  Kali was no exception... nor Alex and neither was Vinny for that matter.  It was honestly the only thing that calmed him, and he slowly lowered his weapon.

"Kali, I don't know what you're talking about... you've been independant, sure.. but never have you acted against this ship and the Federation like this.  When Starfleet hears about this.. its over for you.. the Captain is no doubt on her way here." he said, putting his phaser away.  He turned and nodded to Levinia, acknowledging her 5 minutes.

Kali tried to ignore the niggling sensation of rejection. Of course she'd be booted from Starfleet for this. It wasn't any different than the multiple boarding schools she was kicked out of. Still, her teeth started to worry at her bottom lip and she seriously wondered if this would be her last mission aboard the Discovery.

"Guess it is over," she admitted, "but it got you all here, didn't it? So I guess it was worth the career toss." It wasn't even her career on the line. She didn't deserve the title of Second Officer or Chief of Security. And maybe Tekin did deserve to be XO one day, but not at the cost of Alex's.

This was deception. And despite the disappointment, she was sure Grey would agree with her on this.


"Alright... lets say for the moment that you're right.  We have the information from Lt.  Pardek.  The science team found oscillations as we past through; nothing harmful, and nothing that changed our minds.  Even if it did, how could it have altered the computers with the exact precision of our memories?  I'm no scientist, but even with the rudimentary knowledge I have, it doesn't sound right."

She offered Tekin her PADD as a 'gesture' of peace. "Okay, yeah that's what I thought too. So I don't think all of the anomaly is to blame. I sent the vids to Klabax and Safeta, but I don't know if they just tossed it. Look at 0230 to 0237 on all decks. The late shift is working, yeah? Then after 0234? Boom! All knocked out! Then the vids conk out around the five minute mark. And once the screen comes back it's 0237, everyone's up like nothing happened!"

"I think something on this ship is trying to be clever," she continued and eagerly pointed out the blurry figure still awake and moving in the engineering vid. "It's sentient, it has to be. That's the only explanation I can think of with the computers. I dunno why, but yeah. Look, I know it sounds stupid, but maybe if it's still hiding around the warp core..." Well, just what the hell would she do? Yell at it to fix everything? She wasn't exactly sure. This wasn't her league at all.

Quote from: Aretah Bixox

Even amongst the people talking over comms and half-yelling, and completely ignoring drawn phasers, Aretah kept her gaze on Kali's face. As high strung as the situation was becoming, she sensed zero deception coming from the Second Officer. Clearing her throat softly, she said firmly, "She appears to be telling the truth; or at least the truth as she knows it." Looking to the security officers, she continued, "If it will clear things up, I am willing to perform a mind meld to ascertain the full truth of the situation."

"I don't really like people putting their mental fingers in my head, but if it'll get someone listening to me for once..." Kali uneasily gestured to the counselor. "Have at it, doc."

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Engineering | USS Discovery ::

Kyan had left the bridge with the intent to corral some diplomats and return them to a proper state of mind. When he arrived at the mess hall however, instead of diplomats, there were crewmen arguing over which one had slept with whome and when. Quite boring to the little Miran's ears. So instead of hanging out there, he went to engineering, where the fugitive Kali was supposed to be. Kyan wasn't ordered to apprehend her - the chief was on that - but he reckoned that if this Kali person was so dangerous, then perhaps he ought to lend a hand.

When the Miran entered Engineering, there were a gaggle of high ranking grups standing about talking, and no one was being arrested. Phasers were out though, so Kyan reached unzipped his jacket and reached into his shoulder holster and produced his own phaser.... just in case. Seeing El Tee Black, he made his way over.

"Merry Met again Lieutenant. I'm here to help the now should it be needed."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 21, 2016, 05:23:17 AM

Kali tried to ignore the niggling sensation of rejection. Of course she'd be booted from Starfleet for this. It wasn't any different than the multiple boarding schools she was kicked out of. Still, her teeth started to worry at her bottom lip and she seriously wondered if this would be her last mission aboard the Discovery.

"Guess it is over," she admitted, "but it got you all here, didn't it? So I guess it was worth the career toss." It wasn't even her career on the line. She didn't deserve the title of Second Officer or Chief of Security. And maybe Tekin did deserve to be XO one day, but not at the cost of Alex's.

Nevir smirked, and folded his arms.  "Alright, now THAT sounds like you.  But I don't want to lose you, Kali.  You're one of the best security officers I've met.  That's why we handpicked you for this assignment.  You have a reputation, and you have younger officers looking up to you." he said, shaking his head.

Almost as if on queue, another security officer entered.  One of the newest.  Nevir had to admit he was still slightly uncomfortable with the Mirans.  He looked like a young boy, but this security officer probably already had decades on the older looking Bajoran.

"Mackenzie, I would prefer you use the hip holsters.  Going into your uniform takes time, and it puts you out of uniform.  Just... as a guideline, please?"

Quote from: Kali Reyes on September 21, 2016, 05:23:17 AM

She offered Tekin her PADD as a 'gesture' of peace. "Okay, yeah that's what I thought too. So I don't think all of the anomaly is to blame. I sent the vids to Klabax and Safeta, but I don't know if they just tossed it. Look at 0230 to 0237 on all decks. The late shift is working, yeah? Then after 0234? Boom! All knocked out! Then the vids conk out around the five minute mark. And once the screen comes back it's 0237, everyone's up like nothing happened!"

"I think something on this ship is trying to be clever," she continued and eagerly pointed out the blurry figure still awake and moving in the engineering vid. "It's sentient, it has to be. That's the only explanation I can think of with the computers. I dunno why, but yeah. Look, I know it sounds stupid, but maybe if it's still hiding around the warp core..." Well, just what the hell would she do? Yell at it to fix everything? She wasn't exactly sure. This wasn't her league at all.

"I don't really like people putting their mental fingers in my head, but if it'll get someone listening to me for once..." Kali uneasily gestured to the counselor. "Have at it, doc."

He had to admit, seeing the footage of his crew entirely knocked out was disturbing to say the least.  It had been partly expected.. but their CSO never mentioned the entire ship.  Science never seemed to have it right.. one of his biggest frustrations with the department in general.

"You're suggesting we picked up a stowaway when we went through that anomaly?" he asked, replaying the footage in his hands.  Even with her explanation, and seeing it himself, it was hard to take in.

"There was a slight possibility from Sukal and Safeta.. but we increased the shields to compensate.  It was possible that some of the crew might be.. how did she put it?  Overloaded?" Nevir looked up at Kali.  Yeah, that's what he thought of her.  At least at the time.

"But not the entire ship."

She mentioned acceptance of the mind meld, which Nevir was not against it.  However, there was one discrepancy.  There seemed to be no changes.  And as he went back to before he went to bed, everything was exactly like his memory.

"Kali.  Look here.  On the Bridge.  That's Lt. Maddock as the watch officer.  He goes out like the rest of the bridge, but when it comes back in... that's still Lt. Maddock.  No one was switched in those missing minutes.  I'm still in the executive officer's quarters.  Kaz has the Captain's Quarters... and even you have the senior officer quarters.  It looks normal."

Still.. this did pose a question, and the footage of Engineering in particular warranted a conversation with the Captain.  Clearly Kali believes... or thinks she believes that they are off.  That Wu was the XO.  Did that mean she still thought of him as a Science Officer?

"You really made a mess today, Kali.... but if this pans out, then I can't afford to dismiss it.  Especially if you think something is on board.  Alright, go with Briggs and Bixox to Sickbay, Aretah, do what you need to, and then I want a full report.  Black, Mackenzie, I want you to stay with Reyes.  She is still currently relieved of duty, so you two are on security detail.  Levinia, this means you are still acting Chief, but I want you to not delegate this one.  Wu, do a sweep of engineering for Kali's phantom.  If there is any chance that something else could be effecting the engines, then I think we need to drop out of warp.  The Ambassadors are in no rush... the Captain and I are going to have fun trying to convince them to trust us and continue with the talks." he said, shaking his head.

"I'll talk to Kaz, I think this deserves a meeting with the department heads.  If anything, to get to the bottom of this and decide what to do about you, Kali.  Alex, if you need extra hands, I haven't forgotten everything about Engineering yet." he said, waiting for them to get started... and dreading having to talk to the Captain.

Kali Reyes


Nevir smirked, and folded his arms.  "Alright, now THAT sounds like you.  But I don't want to lose you, Kali.  You're one of the best security officers I've met.  That's why we handpicked you for this assignment.  You have a reputation, and you have younger officers looking up to you." he said, shaking his head.

"As much as I appreciate the vote of confidence, it's kind of lost on someone who's only been an Operations crewman for a few months now." Kali had followed his example and folded her arms, but whereas he did it as a show of solidarity, she did it as a defense mechanism.

"I don't think you even liked me a whole shift ago." She wasn't a senior officer and didn't belong to any inner circle save for the random scuttlebutt that happened in the lower deck. And she won't kid herself now that any of these people genuinely knew her - the real her - not Ms. Hotshot Security Chief Kali who was probably as interesting as a bag of rice.

She wasn't jealous of the awe. Not even a little. Her attention diverted at the sight of a kid in a security uniform. Suspicious. "The stowaway was like yay-high," she noted dryly, her hand raised up just over the boy's head. "Okay, now I'm really confused. I don't remember this one." She thumbed Kyan's direction.


"You're suggesting we picked up a stowaway when we went through that anomaly?" he asked, replaying the footage in his hands.

"Or something you accidentally picked up~" she countered. It was almost petulant the way she said it; her mind hadn't even constructed any of those words.

But Tekin couldn't see what she saw on the feed. He saw the officers continue on after waking up and Lt. Maddock was still in the same place for him, but not for her. It was MacDonald that had suddenly poofed out of existence and Maddock sleepily took her place. But that was hearsay as far as logic was concerned. It was frustrating as hell.

And her? Kali watched herself in the cramped crewman quarters snore herself into oblivion before a flash of light replaced her with a random officer. She flicked her finger for Deck 2's camera to find herself snoring in a bigger bed and ugly pajamas that would have never touched her closet space.

But at least her second bit of evidence was confirmed. "Look here!" she gestured eagerly to the screen. "I know you can't see the switch, but those are the same headphones I put on before bed last night. I'll put an entire freighter's worth of latinum on why I wasn't affected by the switch!" The inner wiring wasn't salvageable, so she had used a plethora of wiring made of different kinds of metal to get the antique headphones to work. One of the materials must have helped filter out whatever mental suggestions used on the rest of the crew.


"You really made a mess today, Kali.... but if this pans out, then I can't afford to dismiss it.  Especially if you think something is on board.  Alright, go with Briggs and Bixox to Sickbay, Aretah, do what you need to, and then I want a full report.  Black, Mackenzie, I want you to stay with Reyes.  She is still currently relieved of duty, so you two are on security detail.  Levinia, this means you are still acting Chief, but I want you to not delegate this one.  Wu, do a sweep of engineering for Kali's phantom.  If there is any chance that something else could be effecting the engines, then I think we need to drop out of warp.  The Ambassadors are in no rush... the Captain and I are going to have fun trying to convince them to trust us and continue with the talks." he said, shaking his head.

"Don't forget my headphones!" she tacked on before the others could lead her off. Going back to sickbay seemed more of a punishment than the brig. Maybe she should have just had a stand off instead...

A disembodied voice reached her ears and no one else's. ~IÁŒ¡'Á¡mÁ¡ sÁŒ§oÁÅ"rry yoÁŒ·uÁÅ¸'reÁËœ notÁ¡ hÁŒ¢apÁŒ¸pÁÂyÁŒ·~ Kali stiffened. It felt like static electricity just shot up her spine. ~I ÁÅ"dÁŒ¡onÁŒ´'t knÁŒ"¢owÁÅ" ÁËœwÁËœhatÁ'"° Á¢toÁËœ Á'"°dÁÂo ÁŒ¢aÁŒµnÁŒ¨ymÁŒ¸oÁÅ¾re~

Oh god. Ghosts now?! Kali was ready to faint in terror right there on the spot. Annnnnnd - she did.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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