Season 15: Episode 1 - Dominion Rising pt 1

Started by Rayek trLhoell, April 05, 2023, 01:14:47 AM

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Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 01, 2023, 04:21:29 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

In the blink of an eye, Nevir went from being the diplomatic Captain to the commander of a warship.  Nothing that would risk harm to the station, but disable it... after all, he was still Starfleet.  But the Gul had quickly decided he didn't need to act under the rules of engagement due to some perceived notion about their people's shared past. What's worst, he was a threat to the sector.  So the Bajoran captain treated him like a threat.

"Coordinate our attacks with Gamma, we'll take high and they take low.  Signal Beta and Challenger to put themselves between the station and the Intrepid."

As they made their pass, though, the message seemed to finally click.  The Bajoran didn't react or banter, he just watched the station move with the fluidity of a starship.  Looking more like the skeleton of a Borg sphere retreating through a transwarp conduit than a Cardassian station. After the green faded, he allowed himself to take a breath.

"Stand down from red alert.  Send a message to the Admiral that the station has retreated for now, and we're going to be doing a systems check and returning to the rendevous point." he ordered, waiting for the view screen to split into three... Challenger, Beta, and Gamma.

"Rayek, Dem, begins a systems check but get your hulls ready for automated reintegration.  We don't have time for a manual connection.  Ian, what is your status?"

[Gamma Battle Bridge | USS Discovery (Gamma hull)]
The bridge rocked and bulkheads squirmed. Dem flinched as sparks peppered the vacant first officers chair. He had no idea how Captains could keep so calm under the pressure. Everyone onboard depended on a singular figure. What if the shot was critical? What if it hit the warp drive, sending the ship into a million pieces? His face was cringed, before realising that the current hit was not critical. He brought himself back into the present in just enough time to see the imposing station slip away though a trans warp corridor.

He hit the arm of his chair, and impulsively shouted "œBlast!". He listened into the open communications line. "œYou heard the captain, prepare for reintegration to the other hulls".

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Quote from: Lek on May 01, 2023, 10:46:55 AM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

All things considered, Lek was pleased. The emergency separation had gone better than he thought it would and he made note to recommend commendations for every member of the EVA team that participated on the outside of the hull as the battle started. When Rayek called, he replied.

"We are holding our own Commander. A few of the hull plates where we attached the tow cables showed some strain, but those have been reinforced. We're just about finished replicating the quick release cables that will allow us to connect and disconnect to Challenger much faster now. We'll be ready in 15 minutes regardless of which option you need."

Lek's report on the cabling system wasn't exactly what Rayek had been concerned about when he'd queried about the damage taken, but he appreciated that they wouldn't have the same issues again if the Captains decided to use the same method again to finish up the journey to DS9.

=/\= "Good to hear." =/\= he responded.  A glance to his chair's display showed him that Lek hadn't missed reporting any damage -  there just had been no damage to report.  All that shaking had been impacts to the shields over Challenger - their bulk making them the easier target for the station to hit.  =/\= "tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 01, 2023, 04:21:29 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

In the blink of an eye, Nevir went from being the diplomatic Captain to the commander of a warship.  Nothing that would risk harm to the station, but disable it... after all, he was still Starfleet.  But the Gul had quickly decided he didn't need to act under the rules of engagement due to some perceived notion about their people's shared past. What's worst, he was a threat to the sector.  So the Bajoran captain treated him like a threat.

"Coordinate our attacks with Gamma, we'll take high and they take low.  Signal Beta and Challenger to put themselves between the station and the Intrepid."

As they made their pass, though, the message seemed to finally click.  The Bajoran didn't react or banter, he just watched the station move with the fluidity of a starship.  Looking more like the skeleton of a Borg sphere retreating through a transwarp conduit than a Cardassian station. After the green faded, he allowed himself to take a breath.

"Stand down from red alert.  Send a message to the Admiral that the station has retreated for now, and we're going to be doing a systems check and returning to the rendevous point." he ordered, waiting for the view screen to split into three... Challenger, Beta, and Gamma.

"Rayek, Dem, begin a systems check but get your hulls ready for automated reintegration.  We don't have time for a manual connection.  Ian, what is your status?"

The incoming order from Captain Tekin for automated reintegration was a bit of a surprise but the Romulan acknowledged the order with a nod.

=/\= "Yes, sir." =/\=

Rayek looked over towards Ops where Ensign Lorut had returned to after her task of uncoupling the ODN cable.

"Ensign Lorut, assist Mr. Banan as he arranges the hull for reintegration and make a hull-wide announcement for all stations to stand down from red alert to blue."   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 01, 2023, 06:55:51 PM

[Gamma Battle Bridge | USS Discovery (Gamma hull)]
The bridge rocked and bulkheads squirmed. Dem flinched as sparks peppered the vacant first officers chair. He had no idea how Captains could keep so calm under the pressure. Everyone onboard depended on a singular figure. What if the shot was critical? What if it hit the warp drive, sending the ship into a million pieces? His face was cringed, before realising that the current hit was not critical. He brought himself back into the present in just enough time to see the imposing station slip away though a trans warp corridor.

He hit the arm of his chair, and impulsively shouted "œBlast!". He listened into the open communications line. "œYou heard the captain, prepare for reintegration to the other hulls".

Dersch looked up and said "Copy That, Man really wished we could really show them...Not like we couldn't" and Stood down red alert

Lorut Vila

USS Discovery-Deck 6 to Aft Airlock

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 30, 2023, 11:35:47 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Rayek glanced over briefly to watch as the torpedoes sped off and then detonated -  one after the other until the area was so charged with particles that sensors were having a hard time getting clear readings of the station.    That should make tracking them while they ran their strifing lines a little more difficult.

"Your targetting may be affected as well Mr. Dranik, but do the best you can." Rayek called out in encouragement towards the Sec/Tac Hirogen crewman, before turning his attention towards the main door as it slid open.

The Bajoran that approached the command seat was a face that Rayek recognized, but not from his time on Discovery.  No, hers was a younger face when he'd known her on the Lionheart.  "Miss Lorut?" he asked in confusion before realizing that in this time and this dimension she would have no knowledge of him.   Nor was this the time to reminisce.  He shook his head to focus.

The Beta Hull shook as despite the disruption to the station's sensors, the ship with Challenger attached came under fire from manual tracking.  Rayek gripped his armrest to keep from being jostled from the command seat.

"Gohun, keep those shields up!"

He then turned his attention back to the Bajoran ensign.

"Ensign Lorut, I need to you go to the aft airlock and manually disconnect the hardline connecting our computer core with that of Challenger's, gather the hardline and then seal the airlock.   Mr. Banan, contact Challenger to be sure they do likewise on their end."

"Aye sir."  the Chief of Ops answered, but then noted something on the ships external sensor.   "Commander, seems you were right, I'm showing activity on Challenger's hull.  An EVA welding team."

Rayek was wide-eyed in disbelief on who would be crazy enough to be on the hull during a battle like this.  "Acknowledged Chief. You'd best hurry, Ensign. Seems like Challenger is impatient."

No sooner had the ensign taken off than Banan reported out that Melek Nor had gone - lost to their sensors in a transwarp conduit.  Rayek was relieved. But then opened a comm.

=/\= "Lek, what's the damage like?" =/\=

"Miss Lorut?" She looked at him with a head tilt but nodded. "Yes, sir, that's there a problem?" She asked. Romulans were weeeeeiiiirrrrdd. He seemed to collect himself-poor man must be stressed out. "Ensign Lorut, I need to you go to the aft airlock and manually disconnect the hardline connecting our computer core with that of Challenger's, gather the hardline and then seal the airlock.

"Yes sir," she replied, firmly as she left the room, heading for the aft airlock with a speed that belied her age. On the way, she pulled out her tricorder and decoupler, just in case. Once there, she found the hallways sealed hermetically-a good thing because she wouldn't need an EV suit. She worked quickly, pulling the cords out with a strength that surprised even herself-but then she was well trained, and had learned how to channel her anger at the Universe. They came out with ease-whomever had secured them to begin with had done a good job. Stowing the cords in a supply cubby built into the hull, she secured THAT door. The airlock was a bit hairier-she'd have to work quickly so as not to lose oxygen. She did, using her decoupler to make the job move faster, and soon, she heard the distinct "hissss" of the airlock unsealing. A moment later, she pressed some buttons, and the hallway was back to "normal." She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and then leaned against the wall as she radioed back to Commander trLhoell. =^=Sir, task completed.=^=
She gasped for air from holding her breath-she needed to calm down but what a way to begin your first duty session. =^=On my way back to your location, should I bring the connector hoses with me or leave them here?=^=

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 02, 2023, 01:28:22 PM

USS Discovery-Deck 6 to Aft Airlock
"Miss Lorut?" She looked at him with a head tilt but nodded. "Yes, sir, that's there a problem?" She asked. Romulans were weeeeeiiiirrrrdd. He seemed to collect himself-poor man must be stressed out. "Ensign Lorut, I need to you go to the aft airlock and manually disconnect the hardline connecting our computer core with that of Challenger's, gather the hardline and then seal the airlock.

"Yes sir," she replied, firmly as she left the room, heading for the aft airlock with a speed that belied her age. On the way, she pulled out her tricorder and decoupler, just in case. Once there, she found the hallways sealed hermetically-a good thing because she wouldn't need an EV suit. She worked quickly, pulling the cords out with a strength that surprised even herself-but then she was well trained, and had learned how to channel her anger at the Universe. They came out with ease-whomever had secured them to begin with had done a good job. Stowing the cords in a supply cubby built into the hull, she secured THAT door. The airlock was a bit hairier-she'd have to work quickly so as not to lose oxygen. She did, using her decoupler to make the job move faster, and soon, she heard the distinct "hissss" of the airlock unsealing. A moment later, she pressed some buttons, and the hallway was back to "normal." She let out a breath she hadn't realized she'd been holding, and then leaned against the wall as she radioed back to Commander trLhoell. =^=Sir, task completed.=^=
She gasped for air from holding her breath-she needed to calm down but what a way to begin your first duty session. =^=On my way back to your location, should I bring the connector hoses with me or leave them here?=^=

While still in the thick of battle with Melek Nor, Rayek heard the Bajoran ensign's call, reporting that she had completed her task.  Within moments of that announcement, Challenger detached, only to witness the escape of the station through a transwarp conduit.

The answer to that question seemed quite obvious to Rayek.  What need would he have for an ODN cable on the battle bridge?   =/\=  "No, that won't be necessary.  Leave them handy there.  We may be reconnecting the two ships soon enough.  Our destination is DS9.  We either slipstream together 20 minutes, or the warp-only ships like Challenger will take nearly a week to arrive." =/\=

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 02, 2023, 01:57:22 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

The incoming order from Captain Tekin for automated reintegration was a bit of a surprise but the Romulan acknowledged the order with a nod.

=/\= "Yes, sir." =/\=

Rayek looked over towards Ops where Ensign Lorut had returned to after her task of uncoupling the ODN cable.

"Ensign Lorut, assist Mr. Banan as he arranges the hull for reintegration and make a hull-wide announcement for all stations to stand down from red alert to blue."

Leaving the two Ops to prep the ship, Rayek selfishly took a moment to check on his wife and son.   He pressed behind his ear activating the 'silent mode' on his in-ear comm device.  He silently mouthed his query to Tess, the device reading his jaw movements to discern the message.   He was visibly relieved to hear that both she and Fvienn were fine.  Endearments were exchanged before the Romulan returned his attention to the activity on the bridge.

When Beta hull was ready, Rayek addressed the still open channel,  "Beta hull is ready for automated reintegration."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: J.B Dersch on May 02, 2023, 08:12:08 AM

Dersch looked up and said "Copy That, Man really wished we could really show them...Not like we couldn't" and Stood down red alert

[Gamma Battle Bridge | USS Discovery (Gamma hull)]

"Yeah, me to." While Dem said one thing, he meant something completely different. He was scared out of his wits. He had been in a firefight before, but this felt different. His choices would define the life and death of the crew. He heard the commander inform the ship that their segment was ready for integration, so Dem followed suit.

=/\="Gamma Hull ready for automatic integration"=/\= Dem said in an unfaltering voice, trying to disguise his new insecurity.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 01, 2023, 04:21:29 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

In the blink of an eye, Nevir went from being the diplomatic Captain to the commander of a warship.  Nothing that would risk harm to the station, but disable it... after all, he was still Starfleet.  But the Gul had quickly decided he didn't need to act under the rules of engagement due to some perceived notion about their people's shared past. What's worst, he was a threat to the sector.  So the Bajoran captain treated him like a threat.

"Coordinate our attacks with Gamma, we'll take high and they take low.  Signal Beta and Challenger to put themselves between the station and the Intrepid."

As they made their pass, though, the message seemed to finally click.  The Bajoran didn't react or banter, he just watched the station move with the fluidity of a starship.  Looking more like the skeleton of a Borg sphere retreating through a transwarp conduit than a Cardassian station. After the green faded, he allowed himself to take a breath.

"Stand down from red alert.  Send a message to the Admiral that the station has retreated for now, and we're going to be doing a systems check and returning to the rendevous point." he ordered, waiting for the view screen to split into three... Challenger, Beta, and Gamma.

"Rayek, Dem, begins a systems check but get your hulls ready for automated reintegration.  We don't have time for a manual connection.  Ian, what is your status?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Jael's and Gid's Quarters | Deck One >- Deck Six | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

For the rest of her shift, everything just passed like a blur, but her father was still very much on her mind. By the time she was relieved, she made a beeline for her quarters. And it wasn't just the fact that she needed solitude to enjoy a meal, given facing her father. No, she needed a word.

The moment she arrived, she called up her mother. Prophets, it had been a long time. The call, of course, took a little longer than expected, giving Jael enough time to enjoy an uneasy mean of hasparat with yamok sauce. She had barely finished when her mother came through.

"Jael!" she called. "You've been a long time."

"Things have been busy, mother," said Jael wearily. "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to get in touch with you..."

"Well, you did miss a great deal," said Rahab Sherem. "Remember Helem Kimnor?"

"Your old first officer?" asked Jael. "How could I forget? I wouldn't have minded him being Gid's and my father, he's been that close..."

"Well, we've been getting closer," Rahab replied. "So close that I decided to marry him."

Jael perked up. "Really?"

"Yes. He proposed just after the diplomatic conference when you departed. And I was thinking, 'it's about damn time.'"

"I heartily agree," she said.

"And what's more...well, it's just first development now, but we're expecting," Rahab added with a smile.

"Really? I could have a new sibling?"

"Very much."

"Well, congratulations, mother," said Jael with a smile.

"Thank you, my daughter. And this on top of my being made a legate...Now, can you tell me what's wrong?" asked Rahab with concern.

She must've seen Jael's expression. Or maybe it was the eyes. Or it may be that Rahab still possessed the motherly concern that came with a child's worry.

"He's back, mother," Jael said. "Father. He's back."

That was enough to wipe the smile off Rahab's face. "When?"

"A few hours ago," Jael explained. "He had been attacking a critical trade fleet along the Tzenkethi border. For some months, he's been coordinating piracy, but now there's a first instance of his attacking with Melek Nor."

Rahab pursed her lips. "We've been hearing rumors of piracy along our borders. And he'd been away for so long...we haven't been able to catch up to him. I had even hoped he would've warped away to the Andromeda Galaxy by now with his toys."

"Well, we don't know many details, mother," Jael said. "We're heading for Deep Space Nine right now."

"Oh, you are?" said Rahab, perking up with interest. "What a coincidence, so are we. I'm escorting a very important man over to Deep Space Nine in the next couple of days. I'm going with Legate Nural to escort him."

"Somebody from the Detapa Council?" Jael asked.

Rahab put a finger to her lips in answer, and Jael didn't need to hear words to know that gesture. Then Rahab replied, "Whatever's happening, he'll potentially explain more. And we can coordinate how to deal with that monster once and for all."

Jael smiled all the wider. A fleet of Federation starships are coming to Deep Space Nine, and there's a Cardassian delegation that will be there as well? Some sort of potential alliance? Assistance in purging the last of the Dominion influence from the Union?"

"I'm looking forward to that, mother," she said. "We'll talk more when you get there. Jael out."

Quote from: Nira Said on May 04, 2023, 12:27:02 AM

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78151.18. The return to the initial fleet was uneventful and repairs were made in time. The Samshir has towed the Intrepid to Tellar for decommissioning, and with the destruction of the Xerox, that's three ships down. Well, four, as the Davis has taken over escorting the Tarkalia Triangle fleet for further protection, and hopefully the sight of a huge ship like that will dissuade any further pirates. Unfortunately, we haven't heard the last of Gul Sherem and his Borg-rigged platform, and I dread the potential of having to face him again.

Hopefully we can coordinate with Lieutenant Jael Sherem from over on Discovery to determine what is known about her father we don't. Admiral Gillespie has informed us that there will be more answers at Deep Space Nine. Which implies something is happening around the station's neck of the woods, if not this side of the Federation.

We've dropped out of slipstream just a lightyear away per Admiral Gillespie's order, which is understandable, seeing as we don't want to scare the station with the arrival of a slipstream-towed fleet. It's totally fine, this means we'll be in for a sight when we arrive.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael wanted to be on the bridge for when they arrived. It was a sight for sore eyes to see the station approaching...

And there it was. The only way they knew they haven't seen Melek Nor again was the glowing aperture off in the distance that the proximity to the station was famous for: The Bajoran Wormhole, or as the Bajorans called it, the Celestial Temple.

Jael smiled in nostalgia. She never forgot that she was born towards the end of the Occupation, and more than that, she was born on that very station when it was known as Terok Nor. She only smiled in nostalgia in recalling Rahab's stories about the station, and how it evolved into one of the most critical outposts in the Federation. Still, considering she had no memory of the station, she looked forward seeing it inside now that she was an adult.
"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (near AR-558)

Once the hulls were integrated, Discovery assisted in the rescue efforts and repair work to be done on the Intrepid.  During this time, Engineering and Ops working together - with more than 5 minutes to plan - designed quick release and retracting tow cables and an ODN to use during the last leg of their slipstream 'guiding' Challenger.

This was done because of the complications encountered by the other slipstream guides.   One of the guided ships, on the way to AR-558, had nearly been thrown out of slipstream and afterwards had inquired to Discovery about their design for the tow cable system.  Admiral Gillespie was less than pleased with yet another pair of ships, altering his plan.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (arrival at Deep Space Nine)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on May 04, 2023, 08:33:42 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael wanted to be on the bridge for when they arrived. It was a sight for sore eyes to see the station approaching...

And there it was. The only way they knew they haven't seen Melek Nor again was the glowing aperture off in the distance that the proximity to the station was famous for: The Bajoran Wormhole, or as the Bajorans called it, the Celestial Temple.

Jael smiled in nostalgia. She never forgot that she was born towards the end of the Occupation, and more than that, she was born on that very station when it was known as Terok Nor. She only smiled in nostalgia in recalling Rahab's stories about the station, and how it evolved into one of the most critical outposts in the Federation. Still, considering she had no memory of the station, she looked forward seeing it inside now that she was an adult.
After over a year spent 'on loan' to Romulan Free State, it was refreshing to return to a very familiar place.  During his three years assigned to Katra Station, which was located just a week's travel on the Gamma Quadrant side of the wormhold, Rayek had become very familiar with their closest neighbouring station.  Deep Space 9 was where he had first encountered bowling -  a recreational activity that he hoped to bring to Discovery, once there was time for relaxation.

Having dropped out of slipstream at the edge of the Bajoran system, Rayek called for status reports from all stations and from Challenger, before looking to Captain Tekin.

"The ships are ready to disengage the cables on your order, Captain."

After that, Rayek called on Ensign Lorut to contact the station and arrange for docking.

"Mr. Graham, take us in nice and easy."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila


While still in the thick of battle with Melek Nor, Rayek heard the Bajoran ensign's call, reporting that she had completed her task.  Within moments of that announcement, Challenger detached, only to witness the escape of the station through a transwarp conduit.

The answer to that question seemed quite obvious to Rayek.  What need would he have for an ODN cable on the battle bridge?   =/\=  "No, that won't be necessary.  Leave them handy there.  We may be reconnecting the two ships soon enough.  Our destination is DS9.  We either slipstream together 20 minutes, or the warp-only ships like Challenger will take nearly a week to arrive." =/\=


No, that won't be necessary.  Leave them handy there.  We may be reconnecting the two ships soon enough.  Our destination is DS9.  We either slipstream together 20 minutes, or the warp-only ships like Challenger will take nearly a week to arrive." =/\=

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 02, 2023, 01:57:22 am
Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

The incoming order from Captain Tekin for automated reintegration was a bit of a surprise but the Romulan acknowledged the order with a nod.

=/\= "Yes, sir." =/\=

Rayek looked over towards Ops where Ensign Lorut had returned to after her task of uncoupling the ODN cable.

"Ensign Lorut, assist Mr. Banan as he arranges the hull for reintegration and make a hull-wide announcement for all stations to stand down from red alert to blue."

Leaving the two Ops to prep the ship, Rayek selfishly took a moment to check on his wife and son.   He pressed behind his ear activating the 'silent mode' on his in-ear comm device.  He silently mouthed his query to Tess, the device reading his jaw movements to discern the message.   He was visibly relieved to hear that both she and Fvienn were fine.  Endearments were exchanged before the Romulan returned his attention to the activity on the bridge.When Beta hull was ready, Rayek addressed the still open channel,  "Beta hull is ready for automated reintegration."


After that, Rayek called on Ensign Lorut to contact the station and arrange for docking.

"Mr. Graham, take us in nice and easy."

Vila hurried back after stowing the hoses and they disengaged from the other docks. She got to work quickly, securing hull panels and coordinating with Banan to integrate between Ops and Engineering. After a moment, she tapped her comm badge to an open channel. ==^==ALL HANDS. STAND DOWN FROM YOUR STATIONS. PREPARE TO DROP OUT OF WARP. YELLOW ALERT KLAXONS==^== She braced for the impact, and, after a moment, she stepped back, letting out a sigh.

They were stagnant a moment, so she could catch her breath, and dream a moment that she might get an opportunity while at DS9 to pop over to Bajor and check in on Mama Lorut. She wasn't about to ask, though-she didn't want the questions. She had lived a bit at DS9, before her and Tom had split-he was the Asst. Chief Science Officer, and hoped that no one she knew was still there. It would be too hard to explain that she had had a slightly major midlife crises and joined the Fleet as a sort of final f*ck you to him. Mature? Not at all. Fun? Definitely.

Finally, it was time to arrange for docking, and she opened a channel again. "Ens. Lorut Vila, USS Discovery, requesting permission to dock...Commander  tr'Lhoell at the Helm today...Roger. Lorut out". She turned. "Sirs, we're cleared to dock." She stepped back; this one was automated so she wouldn't need the hoses again just yet.

She was too old for this.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 04, 2023, 10:37:35 PM

Vila hurried back after stowing the hoses and they disengaged from the other docks. She got to work quickly, securing hull panels and coordinating with Banan to integrate between Ops and Engineering. After a moment, she tapped her comm badge to an open channel. ==^==ALL HANDS. STAND DOWN FROM YOUR STATIONS. PREPARE TO DROP OUT OF WARP. YELLOW ALERT KLAXONS==^== She braced for the impact, and, after a moment, she stepped back, letting out a sigh.

They were stagnant a moment, so she could catch her breath, and dream a moment that she might get an opportunity while at DS9 to pop over to Bajor and check in on Mama Lorut. She wasn't about to ask, though-she didn't want the questions. She had lived a bit at DS9, before her and Tom had split-he was the Asst. Chief Science Officer, and hoped that no one she knew was still there. It would be too hard to explain that she had had a slightly major midlife crises and joined the Fleet as a sort of final f*ck you to him. Mature? Not at all. Fun? Definitely.

Finally, it was time to arrange for docking, and she opened a channel again. "Ens. Lorut Vila, USS Discovery, requesting permission to dock...Commander  tr'Lhoell at the Helm today...Roger. Lorut out". She turned. "Sirs, we're cleared to dock." She stepped back; this one was automated so she wouldn't need the hoses again just yet.

She was too old for this.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 04, 2023, 09:28:32 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (near AR-558)

Once the hulls were integrated, Discovery assisted in the rescue efforts and repair work to be done on the Intrepid.  During this time, Engineering and Ops working together - with more than 5 minutes to plan - designed quick release and retracting tow cables and an ODN to use during the last leg of their slipstream 'guiding' Challenger.

This was done because of the complications encountered by the other slipstream guides.   One of the guided ships, on the way to AR-558, had nearly been thrown out of slipstream and afterwards had inquired to Discovery about their design for the tow cable system.  Admiral Gillespie was less than pleased with yet another pair of ships, altering his plan.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (arrival at Deep Space Nine)

After over a year spent 'on loan' to Romulan Free State, it was refreshing to return to a very familiar place.  During his three years assigned to Katra Station, which was located just a week's travel on the Gamma Quadrant side of the wormhold, Rayek had become very familiar with their closest neighbouring station.  Deep Space 9 was where he had first encountered bowling -  a recreational activity that he hoped to bring to Discovery, once there was time for relaxation.

Having dropped out of slipstream at the edge of the Bajoran system, Rayek called for status reports from all stations and from Challenger, before looking to Captain Tekin.

"The ships are ready to disengage the cables on your order, Captain."

After that, Rayek called on Ensign Lorut to contact the station and arrange for docking.

"Mr. Graham, take us in nice and easy."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Once the ship was reformed, and they were attached to the Challenger again, the journey to DS9 was thankfully uneventful. The slipstream was still very much shakey and unstable, but before he knew it, they were suddenly at the warp point.  About ten minutes till they made the final warp to DS9.

"Signal to Challenger, and release the cables.  We have ten minutes before warp." he ordered, as he looked over another PADD.  Soon they were pushing through at warp and revealed themselves to the old station where Nevir was closest to calling home.

Deep Space Nine... the station of the Emissary.  The gateway to the Gateway of the Celestial Temple.  The source of the Federation's greatest defeat and greatest victory.  He was young when the Occupation ended, and the Dominion War was a big part of his early life.  His first assignment out of the Academy was here on the station, before he had a first ship post.  It was short, but it was home.

Before the Captain could say anything, his Ops Ensign suddenly spoke up, surprising him.  Especially since she took the comms.

"Ensign... only the command crew has the authority to change the ship's alert level.  And yellow alert is for unknown threats and combat readiness.  Not for dropping out of warp for docking.  Unless you think there is a threat at Deep Space Nine."

Luckily, his XO did order the docking authority, and when they got the all-clear, he nodded at the Ensign.  "Alright, helm bring us to upper docking pylon 3 and begin docking procedures," he ordered, waiting for the ship to dock.

"Secure stations.  Rayek, get the first team for shore leave, and then I assume join us in the boardroom when called.  I will be going straight to Ops." he stated, standing up and going to the turbolift to leave.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge] (near AR-558)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 04, 2023, 10:37:35 PM

Vila hurried back after stowing the hoses and they disengaged from the other docks. She got to work quickly, securing hull panels and coordinating with Banan to integrate between Ops and Engineering. After a moment, she tapped her comm badge to an open channel. ==^==ALL HANDS. STAND DOWN FROM YOUR STATIONS. PREPARE TO DROP OUT OF WARP. YELLOW ALERT KLAXONS==^== She braced for the impact, and, after a moment, she stepped back, letting out a sigh.

They were stagnant a moment, so she could catch her breath, and dream a moment that she might get an opportunity while at DS9 to pop over to Bajor and check in on Mama Lorut. She wasn't about to ask, though-she didn't want the questions. She had lived a bit at DS9, before her and Tom had split-he was the Asst. Chief Science Officer, and hoped that no one she knew was still there. It would be too hard to explain that she had had a slightly major midlife crises and joined the Fleet as a sort of final f*ck you to him. Mature? Not at all. Fun? Definitely.

When he heard the Ensign Lorut's voice over the ship wide intercom, Rayek sighed.  Clearly there had been a misunderstanding of his orders.

Rayek tapped his comm to override =/\= "Correction:  All hands, prepare for Hull Integration.  Blue Alert." =/\=     He would need to remind the Ensign of the Color codes and have her practice them until she could do them in her sleep.

Unfortunately, her comm must have been sent to all three hulls because the Captain interjected next.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 05, 2023, 06:47:06 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Ensign... only the command crew has the authority to change the ship's alert level.  And yellow alert is for unknown threats and combat readiness."

=/\= "My apologies, Captain.  I had authorized for the Ensign to announce the drop from Red Alert to Blue on Beta Hull.  I must not have been clear enough in my orders, however.    It will not happen again." =/\=

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (arrival at DS9)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on May 04, 2023, 10:37:35 PM

Finally, it was time to arrange for docking, and she opened a channel again. "Ens. Lorut Vila, USS Discovery, requesting permission to dock...Commander  tr'Lhoell at the Helm today...Roger. Lorut out". She turned. "Sirs, we're cleared to dock." She stepped back; this one was automated so she wouldn't need the hoses again just yet.

She was too old for this.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on May 05, 2023, 06:47:06 PM

Soon they were pushing through at warp and revealed themselves to the old station where Nevir was closest to calling home.

Deep Space Nine... the station of the Emissary.  The gateway to the Gateway of the Celestial Temple.  The source of the Federation's greatest defeat and greatest victory.  He was young when the Occupation ended, and the Dominion War was a big part of his early life.  His first assignment out of the Academy was here on the station, before he had a first ship post.  It was short, but it was home.

Luckily, his XO did order the docking authority, and when they got the all-clear, he nodded at the Ensign.  "Alright, helm bring us to upper docking pylon 3 and begin docking procedures," he ordered, waiting for the ship to dock.

"Secure stations.  Rayek, get the first team for shore leave, and then I assume join us in the boardroom when called.  I will be going straight to Ops." he stated, standing up and going to the turbolift to leave.

No sooner had the ship began to move towards Upper Pylon 3 than they received a call from the station with a correction.  They were now directed to Upper Pylon 2.

"You heard them Mr. Graham.   Upper Pylon 2."

Soon the ship was docked with umblicals attached ready to supply the ship should she need anything, but having just left Starbase 153, earlier that morning, their fueling needs were few.

At the Captain's departing orders, Rayek nodded.  "Yessir."

The first rotation to be granted shore leave was the Alpha shift, which had just finished their work some 15 minutes prior.  The only reason the Bridge crew were still at their stations was because no one had wanted to miss the opportunity to see their arrival at DS9.

=/\= "Alpha shift- First Rotation, hand off your stations and report to the transporter room to begin shore leave, you have 24 hours unless recalled." =/\=

A skeleton Beta shift began arriving to 'sit the bridge' while the ship was docked.

"Mr. Dranik, Mr. Broadshire, before you head off to your leave, would you join me in my office for a moment?"

Of course, he anticipated their affirmative answer.  The moment his relief arrived Rayek signed off and motioned the two to follow and lead them down the corridor past the conference room to the Executive Officer's office.  Having only been in the position and on board a few days the room was rather sterile.  There was nothing on the walls or the desk that bespoke of the First Officer's individuality - it was merely functional.

The one exception was the odd arrangement of furniture - especially the seating for visitors.   There was a comfortable loveseat along the wall towards the opposite corner from the spartan desk - the desk that Rayek proceeded to.  Directly, in front of the desk was a tall, four-legged stool.  An uncomfortable looking thing to sit on with no padding on the seat, no back support.  It was clearly meant for punishment.  Lastly, placed beside the desk, so that close confidential conversations could be easily had, was a typical office style chair - much like Rayek's own desk chair.

Upon entering, Rayek headed straight to his desk and sat down before placing his PADD on the desk surface and opening its screen to Dranik's personnel file.

"Mr. Dranik, you can remain standing. Mr. Broadshire, you are here as a witness, so you may take a seat."  The Romulan gestured to the various seating arrangements he have open to Dem.

Rayek flicked his finger along the screen quickly scrolling until he came to the part that he needed.  "Mr. Dranik, one of my first tasks upon being assigned to the USS Discovery was to review personnel files.  Do you know what I found there?" he asked.

"Evidence that you are long overdue for a promotion." the Romulan stated then reached into a drawer where he had placed the iconic Starfleet insignia box earlier that morning.  He set it on the desk and opened it to display a single chevron insignia.

"You are hearby promoted to the rank of Petty Officer Third Grade. Your appointment carries with it the obligation that you exercise increased authority and responsibility. Occupying now a position of greater authority, you must strive with a renewed dedication toward the valued ideal of service with honor."

Rayek called up the appropriate paperwork on his PADD and walked over towards Dranik."Do you accept this promotion?  If so, sign here your thumb-print."

After that bit of bureaucracy was done, he turned to Lieutenant Broadshire.  "Would you do the honor of affixing his insignia?"

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room >>> Deep Space Nine - Transporter room >>> DS9 Board room]

Fully aware that the other Command officers were waiting on him, Rayek double timed it from his office to the transporter room, where he was beamed off the Discovery and brought onto DS9. From the station's transporter room, Rayek once more double timed it to arrive at the stations main boardroom.  He hoped he hadn't kept the Captain too late.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 06, 2023, 03:57:20 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge] (near AR-558)

When he heard the Ensign Lorut's voice over the ship wide intercom, Rayek sighed.  Clearly there had been a misunderstanding of his orders.

Rayek tapped his comm to override =/\= "Correction:  All hands, prepare for Hull Integration.  Blue Alert." =/\=     He would need to remind the Ensign of the Color codes and have her practice them until she could do them in her sleep.

Unfortunately, her comm must have been sent to all three hulls because the Captain interjected next.

=/\= "My apologies, Captain.  I had authorized for the Ensign to announce the drop from Red Alert to Blue on Beta Hull.  I must not have been clear enough in my orders, however.    It will not happen again." =/\=

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (arrival at DS9)

No sooner had the ship began to move towards Upper Pylon 3 than they received a call from the station with a correction.  They were now directed to Upper Pylon 2.

"You heard them Mr. Graham.   Upper Pylon 2."

Soon the ship was docked with umblicals attached ready to supply the ship should she need anything, but having just left Starbase 153, earlier that morning, their fueling needs were few.

At the Captain's departing orders, Rayek nodded.  "Yessir."

The first rotation to be granted shore leave was the Alpha shift, which had just finished their work some 15 minutes prior.  The only reason the Bridge crew were still at their stations was because no one had wanted to miss the opportunity to see their arrival at DS9.

=/\= "Alpha shift- First Rotation, hand off your stations and report to the transporter room to begin shore leave, you have 24 hours unless recalled." =/\=

A skeleton Beta shift began arriving to 'sit the bridge' while the ship was docked.

"Mr. Dranik, Mr. Broadshire, before you head off to your leave, would you join me in my office for a moment?"

Of course, he anticipated their affirmative answer.  The moment his relief arrived Rayek signed off and motioned the two to follow and lead them down the corridor past the conference room to the Executive Officer's office.  Having only been in the position and on board a few days the room was rather sterile.  There was nothing on the walls or the desk that bespoke of the First Officer's individuality - it was merely functional.

The one exception was the odd arrangement of furniture - especially the seating for visitors.   There was a comfortable loveseat along the wall towards the opposite corner from the spartan desk - the desk that Rayek proceeded to.  Directly, in front of the desk was a tall, four-legged stool.  An uncomfortable looking thing to sit on with no padding on the seat, no back support.  It was clearly meant for punishment.  Lastly, placed beside the desk, so that close confidential conversations could be easily had, was a typical office style chair - much like Rayek's own desk chair.

Upon entering, Rayek headed straight to his desk and sat down before placing his PADD on the desk surface and opening its screen to Dranik's personnel file.

"Mr. Dranik, you can remain standing. Mr. Broadshire, you are here as a witness, so you may take a seat."  The Romulan gestured to the various seating arrangements he have open to Dem.

Rayek flicked his finger along the screen quickly scrolling until he came to the part that he needed.  "Mr. Dranik, one of my first tasks upon being assigned to the USS Discovery was to review personnel files.  Do you know what I found there?" he asked.

"Evidence that you are long overdue for a promotion." the Romulan stated then reached into a drawer where he had placed the iconic Starfleet insignia box earlier that morning.  He set it on the desk and opened it to display a single chevron insignia.

"You are hearby promoted to the rank of Petty Officer Third Grade. Your appointment carries with it the obligation that you exercise increased authority and responsibility. Occupying now a position of greater authority, you must strive with a renewed dedication toward the valued ideal of service with honor."

Rayek called up the appropriate paperwork on his PADD and walked over towards Dranik."Do you accept this promotion?  If so, sign here your thumb-print."

After that bit of bureaucracy was done, he turned to Lieutenant Broadshire.  "Would you do the honor of affixing his insignia?"

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room >>> Deep Space Nine - Transporter room >>> DS9 Board room]

Fully aware that the other Command officers were waiting on him, Rayek double timed it from his office to the transporter room, where he was beamed off the Discovery and brought onto DS9. From the station's transporter room, Rayek once more double timed it to arrive at the stations main boardroom.  He hoped he hadn't kept the Captain too late.

Dranik was slightly nervous, well more than slightly as he was brought into the office. He was worried that he may have done something worth getting him thrown off the ship or thrown in the brig. He was therefor more than slightly confused when the word "promotion" was uttered. He looked bewildered for a moment before realizing this wasn't a joke. A wide grin appeared on his face.

"Do you accept this promotion?  If so, sign here your thumb-print."

"Yes sir!" Dranik responded happily as he signed the padd with his thumbprint. Wait till Ciavil hears about this! He thought cheerfully.

Hirogen Male

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on May 06, 2023, 03:57:20 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge] (near AR-558)

When he heard the Ensign Lorut's voice over the ship wide intercom, Rayek sighed.  Clearly there had been a misunderstanding of his orders.

Rayek tapped his comm to override =/\= "Correction:  All hands, prepare for Hull Integration.  Blue Alert." =/\=     He would need to remind the Ensign of the Color codes and have her practice them until she could do them in her sleep.

Unfortunately, her comm must have been sent to all three hulls because the Captain interjected next.

=/\= "My apologies, Captain.  I had authorized for the Ensign to announce the drop from Red Alert to Blue on Beta Hull.  I must not have been clear enough in my orders, however.    It will not happen again." =/\=

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (arrival at DS9)

No sooner had the ship began to move towards Upper Pylon 3 than they received a call from the station with a correction.  They were now directed to Upper Pylon 2.

"You heard them Mr. Graham.   Upper Pylon 2."

Soon the ship was docked with umblicals attached ready to supply the ship should she need anything, but having just left Starbase 153, earlier that morning, their fueling needs were few.

At the Captain's departing orders, Rayek nodded.  "Yessir."

The first rotation to be granted shore leave was the Alpha shift, which had just finished their work some 15 minutes prior.  The only reason the Bridge crew were still at their stations was because no one had wanted to miss the opportunity to see their arrival at DS9.

=/\= "Alpha shift- First Rotation, hand off your stations and report to the transporter room to begin shore leave, you have 24 hours unless recalled." =/\=

A skeleton Beta shift began arriving to 'sit the bridge' while the ship was docked.

"Mr. Dranik, Mr. Broadshire, before you head off to your leave, would you join me in my office for a moment?"

Of course, he anticipated their affirmative answer.  The moment his relief arrived Rayek signed off and motioned the two to follow and lead them down the corridor past the conference room to the Executive Officer's office.  Having only been in the position and on board a few days the room was rather sterile.  There was nothing on the walls or the desk that bespoke of the First Officer's individuality - it was merely functional.

The one exception was the odd arrangement of furniture - especially the seating for visitors.   There was a comfortable loveseat along the wall towards the opposite corner from the spartan desk - the desk that Rayek proceeded to.  Directly, in front of the desk was a tall, four-legged stool.  An uncomfortable looking thing to sit on with no padding on the seat, no back support.  It was clearly meant for punishment.  Lastly, placed beside the desk, so that close confidential conversations could be easily had, was a typical office style chair - much like Rayek's own desk chair.

Upon entering, Rayek headed straight to his desk and sat down before placing his PADD on the desk surface and opening its screen to Dranik's personnel file.

"Mr. Dranik, you can remain standing. Mr. Broadshire, you are here as a witness, so you may take a seat."  The Romulan gestured to the various seating arrangements he have open to Dem.

Rayek flicked his finger along the screen quickly scrolling until he came to the part that he needed.  "Mr. Dranik, one of my first tasks upon being assigned to the USS Discovery was to review personnel files.  Do you know what I found there?" he asked.

"Evidence that you are long overdue for a promotion." the Romulan stated then reached into a drawer where he had placed the iconic Starfleet insignia box earlier that morning.  He set it on the desk and opened it to display a single chevron insignia.

"You are hearby promoted to the rank of Petty Officer Third Grade. Your appointment carries with it the obligation that you exercise increased authority and responsibility. Occupying now a position of greater authority, you must strive with a renewed dedication toward the valued ideal of service with honor."

Rayek called up the appropriate paperwork on his PADD and walked over towards Dranik."Do you accept this promotion?  If so, sign here your thumb-print."

After that bit of bureaucracy was done, he turned to Lieutenant Broadshire.  "Would you do the honor of affixing his insignia?"

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room >>> Deep Space Nine - Transporter room >>> DS9 Board room]

Fully aware that the other Command officers were waiting on him, Rayek double timed it from his office to the transporter room, where he was beamed off the Discovery and brought onto DS9. From the station's transporter room, Rayek once more double timed it to arrive at the stations main boardroom.  He hoped he hadn't kept the Captain too late.

[Bridge-Promenade | USS Discovery to Deep Space 9]
After dismissing the Gamma hull crew, he made his way back to the main bridge. On the viewscreen, he saw Deep Space 9's imposing stature looming above the ship. The station that made Bajor so famous. The iconic symbol of the war effort. He sighed. In many ways he did wish that he had grown up on Bajor, so he would not be so disconnected from his people. This mission had really gotten into his head and stirred up some long dormant feelings.

He was brought out of the trance by the First officer calling him to his office. He replied with a curt nod, while also observing this crewman, Dranik. He seemed like a kind sole. After he was directed to sit down, he watched the little "œceremony" in bewilderment. He had no idea that he was invited to observe a promotion! Dem thought the commander must really like him, because he bestowed the honour of placing the rank on his collar. He replied with a calm, "œI would be honoured", before placing it on his neatly kept uniform with a satisfying click. Dem patted his shoulders and whispered "œCongratulations".

As fast as the impromptu ceremony began, it at wrapped up and he was beaming to the station for some shore leave. Well deserved shore leave he thought. As soon as he stepped onto the promenade, he observed the sweeping, curved architecture, angled banisters, and a Grey/Beige colour scheme. Classic Cardi 60's design. He loved it. Making room in the busy schedule that his mind had concocted, he decided to set out the next 20 minutes looking in awe at his surroundings.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - XO's office] (docked at DS9)

Quote from: Dranik on May 06, 2023, 02:55:15 PM

Dranik was slightly nervous, well more than slightly as he was brought into the office. He was worried that he may have done something worth getting him thrown off the ship or thrown in the brig. He was therefor more than slightly confused when the word "promotion" was uttered. He looked bewildered for a moment before realizing this wasn't a joke. A wide grin appeared on his face.

"Do you accept this promotion?  If so, sign here your thumb-print."

"Yes sir!" Dranik responded happily as he signed the padd with his thumbprint. Wait till Ciavil hears about this! He thought cheerfully.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on May 06, 2023, 09:21:13 PM

[Bridge-Promenade | USS Discovery to Deep Space 9]
After dismissing the Gamma hull crew, he made his way back to the main bridge. On the viewscreen, he saw Deep Space 9's imposing stature looming above the ship. The station that made Bajor so famous. The iconic symbol of the war effort. He sighed. In many ways he did wish that he had grown up on Bajor, so he would not be so disconnected from his people. This mission had really gotten into his head and stirred up some long dormant feelings.

He was brought out of the trance by the First officer calling him to his office. He replied with a curt nod, while also observing this crewman, Dranik. He seemed like a kind sole. After he was directed to sit down, he watched the little "œceremony" in bewilderment. He had no idea that he was invited to observe a promotion! Dem thought the commander must really like him, because he bestowed the honour of placing the rank on his collar. He replied with a calm, "œI would be honoured", before placing it on his neatly kept uniform with a satisfying click. Dem patted his shoulders and whispered "œCongratulations".

That Dranik would accept the promotion had not really been in doubt.  The Hirogen was husband and recent father,  Rayek had read - much like himself - so the idea of promotion had probably been on the man's mind for a while a now.  He also noted that Dranik's wife and child were also on ship, perhaps he could arrange for their children to play together - Fvienn need more socializing with children his own age.

His thoughts on that possibility were set aside as Dem congratulated the new Petty Officer.

"Yes, Congratulations, Petty Officer Dranik.  Now go and enjoy your shore leave with your wife.  Dismissed."

After Dranik left he turned then to Dem with a slight grin.  "Handing out the promotions are one of the best perks of this position.  Thank you for your assistance.  Now, you may join the crew on leave for the next while.  Commander Thane has the Bridge. Dismissed, Lieutenant."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


"Yes, Congratulations, Petty Officer Dranik.  Now go and enjoy your shore leave with your wife.  Dismissed."

Dranik smiled at both Rayek and Lt. Broadshire and grinned widely as he left the office. "Thank you, both of you." He said with the same wide smile on his face as he went down to the quarters he shared with Ciavil and their children. The hirogen felt like he was on top of the world at the moment. I should bring the family out somewhere nice tonight. Perhaps that place that Ciavil spoke about a while back. What was it called? Quiriks? Quirks? Quantik or something?

Hirogen Male

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.