Season 15: Episode 1 - Dominion Rising pt 1

Started by Rayek trLhoell, April 05, 2023, 01:14:47 AM

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Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 08, 2023, 02:15:48 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

It was only as Rayek checked the roster to see who would be arriving that he noted that Jael, listed on shift for Alpha was already present.  The Cardassian seemed very much a go-getter, which the Romulan appreciated.  "Good day, Miss Sherem. It is good to see another who arrives early for their shift.  What is the status of the tactical systems?"

It was a rather unnecessary question since the ship hadn't seen any action in several months while in drydock.  But as he would need to report on all systems to the Captain when the Bajoran arrived, he might as well have the most up-to-date information.

"I was looking over the security roster and noticed that the new ensign... Mr. Dersch... is assigned to the Weapons Locker.  I want you to oversee his training on the Bridge.  Today might be a good day for that.  You can assign Tragnar to take over in the Armory."

When Chief Petty Officer Graham arrived a minute later, Rayek acknowledged his arrival with a nod.  "Good morning, Mr. Graham.  Please report your station's status as soon as possible."

The First Officer then looked over to the engineering section where the Vulcan Petty Officer Surak from Gamma Shift was still working.  Rayek knew Lek tended to remain with his precious engines, and because of the nanite incident on the Valdore it had been thought best to keep a closer watch on the El-Aurian, so it was Ensign Gohun who has assigned to the Bridge during Alpha shift.  It had only been a minute since Dem's call so Rayek could be patient.

Ms. Addams arrived then offering him a slight dip of her head in greeting before taking up the Operations station.   It took her only a few moments to look over her displays to offer up her report.  "All systems nominal, Commander."

Lastly, he looked over the Science station where the Vulcan science officer, Savel, should be arriving shortly to do his mandatory Bridge time.   Rayek was getting better at not displaying is bias against most Vulcans, but his time spent conjoined with one hadn't helped his opinion of them in the least.

Rayek glanced at his chronometer, several minutes had passed since his call to the Captain, with no acknowledgement or arrival.  However, just as the Executive Officer was contemplating calling on the computer to locate the Captain, he received a summons from the man.

That Tekin had been in his Ready Room this entire time shouldn't have been surprising to the Romulan - many Captains worked long hours before and after their standard Alpha shift, but for some reason Rayek hadn't expected that of the Bajoran.

Rayek stood up from his seat and looked a moment between Torra and Dem.  By rank, Torra was senior, but she wasn't the one he was training to be Second officer.   "Mr. Broadshire, you have conn.   Keep track of personnel and message me when all crew have reported in to their stations or are back on board."

He then moved to the back of the Bridge and entered the Captain's Ready Room.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

At the Captain's question, Rayek reported out the status' of each individual system.   Summarizing at the end with an overarching statement.  "The ship is ready to launch."

Then because the man hadn't indicated that he'd seen the newest comm from Headquarters, the Romulan pointed it out.  "Orders have come in priority one.  We are being sent to Ferenginar to meet up with several other ships.  I've had Lt Commander Lek begin preparations on the Quantum Slipstream drive."

[Bridge | USS Discovery]
"œYes sir" Dem could not help but smile at the captains "œhiding in plain sight" ploy. He looked over and rather awkwardly moved to sit in the first officers' chair. He looked over the bridge. A strange feeling washed over him, like he was just standing back, watching a holo novel. But instead, he was really sitting on the bridge, right in the "œaction".
After a few moments, the atmosphere on the bridge turned from energised to awkward. Should he make small talk? Is that what the commanding officer should do? Dem quickly reminded himself that he as not the commanding officer. He was in training and a junior grade. After glancing down at his console to learn barely 70 percent of alpha shift were at their posts, Dem decided to bite the bullet and speak.

"œSo, Savel. How are you enjoying your first assignment on Discovery? Oh, and excellent job by the way for your work on exchange. We managed to get out of a pretty tight spot."


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 06, 2023, 10:22:30 PM

While the junior Lieutenant did that, Rayek contacted Lek, the Chief Engineer.   =/\= "tr'Lhoell to Lt Cmdr Lek. How long would it take to prep the quantum slipstream drive?  The ship may be called to leave Starbase 153 ahead of schedule." =/\=

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek somehow seemed to be everywhere as the warp core came to full power. He never intruded into what his people were doing, he trusted them too much for that, but he somehow managed to be in the right place at the right time when one of them had a question. Although his actions added to the mystique of a Starfleet engineer being a miracle worker, the truth was all in the lobes. He could hear subsonic and hypersonic emissions from the ship's systems and simply knew where to be because of it.

When the call from the bridge came in, he replied.

"Depends on how well the yard apes did their jobs Commander. Based off of what I've seen and double checked myself, I believe we can Quantum as soon as we are cleared from the starbase."

Alt of Ian Galloway


Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 08, 2023, 09:13:37 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]
"œYes sir" Dem could not help but smile at the captains "œhiding in plain sight" ploy. He looked over and rather awkwardly moved to sit in the first officers' chair. He looked over the bridge. A strange feeling washed over him, like he was just standing back, watching a holo novel. But instead, he was really sitting on the bridge, right in the "œaction".
After a few moments, the atmosphere on the bridge turned from energised to awkward. Should he make small talk? Is that what the commanding officer should do? Dem quickly reminded himself that he as not the commanding officer. He was in training and a junior grade. After glancing down at his console to learn barely 70 percent of alpha shift were at their posts, Dem decided to bite the bullet and speak.

"œSo, Savel. How are you enjoying your first assignment on Discovery? Oh, and excellent job by the way for your work on exchange. We managed to get out of a pretty tight spot."

Savel checked a few more things at his station before he heard Dem speaking, which caused his focus to shift toward the acting Second Officer.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. The crew did well to succeed." Turning fully to face Dem before continuing. "My time on board the Discovery has been acceptable." A glance was offered to the ready room where he assumed the Captain and XO might be. "Lieutenant, if I may ask a question. Why was alpha shift called to the bridge earlier than scheduled?"

Vulcan - Male Savel Personnel File

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Savel on April 09, 2023, 06:02:57 PM

Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Savel checked a few more things at his station before he heard Dem speaking, which caused his focus to shift toward the acting Second Officer.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. The crew did well to succeed." Turning fully to face Dem before continuing. "My time on board the Discovery has been acceptable." A glance was offered to the ready room where he assumed the Captain and XO might be. "Lieutenant, if I may ask a question. Why was alpha shift called to the bridge earlier than scheduled?"

[Bridge | RFS Valadore]
Dem had gotten so used to a pointy eared officer to be a Romulan, and was quite surprised when he replied in an calm and controlled voice. He liked him. When he posed the question however, he was not exactly sure of the answer. "œAh, very good. I'm sorry, I don't know much, only that we will be en route to a different location to address a pressing issue. I believe it to be classified at the moment. Sorry I can't be much help." Dem stopped himself from rambling. Considering that the commander and Captain were in their ready room, it suggested a classified problem. Additionally, he had noted that they will be getting underway shortly. He connected the dots for the fellow members of the crew. He glanced down at his console once more. 80 percent. only a few more sluggish officers need to report in.

"And Alexander is it? I believe you had the distinct pleasure of being conjoined, is that correct?" Dem stated with a hint of light hearted optimism.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 08, 2023, 02:15:48 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

It was only as Rayek checked the roster to see who would be arriving that he noted that Jael, listed on shift for Alpha was already present.  The Cardassian seemed very much a go-getter, which the Romulan appreciated.  "Good day, Miss Sherem. It is good to see another who arrives early for their shift.  What is the status of the tactical systems?"

It was a rather unnecessary question since the ship hadn't seen any action in several months while in drydock.  But as he would need to report on all systems to the Captain when the Bajoran arrived, he might as well have the most up-to-date information.

"I was looking over the security roster and noticed that the new ensign... Mr. Dersch... is assigned to the Weapons Locker.  I want you to oversee his training on the Bridge.  Today might be a good day for that.  You can assign Tragnar to take over in the Armory."

When Chief Petty Officer Graham arrived a minute later, Rayek acknowledged his arrival with a nod.  "Good morning, Mr. Graham.  Please report your station's status as soon as possible."

The First Officer then looked over to the engineering section where the Vulcan Petty Officer Surak from Gamma Shift was still working.  Rayek knew Lek tended to remain with his precious engines, and because of the nanite incident on the Valdore it had been thought best to keep a closer watch on the El-Aurian, so it was Ensign Gohun who has assigned to the Bridge during Alpha shift.  It had only been a minute since Dem's call so Rayek could be patient.

Ms. Addams arrived then offering him a slight dip of her head in greeting before taking up the Operations station.   It took her only a few moments to look over her displays to offer up her report.  "All systems nominal, Commander."

Lastly, he looked over the Science station where the Vulcan science officer, Savel, should be arriving shortly to do his mandatory Bridge time.   Rayek was getting better at not displaying is bias against most Vulcans, but his time spent conjoined with one hadn't helped his opinion of them in the least.

Rayek glanced at his chronometer, several minutes had passed since his call to the Captain, with no acknowledgement or arrival.  However, just as the Executive Officer was contemplating calling on the computer to locate the Captain, he received a summons from the man.

That Tekin had been in his Ready Room this entire time shouldn't have been surprising to the Romulan - many Captains worked long hours before and after their standard Alpha shift, but for some reason Rayek hadn't expected that of the Bajoran.

Rayek stood up from his seat and looked a moment between Torra and Dem.  By rank, Torra was senior, but she wasn't the one he was training to be Second officer.   "Mr. Broadshire, you have conn.   Keep track of personnel and message me when all crew have reported in to their stations or are back on board."

He then moved to the back of the Bridge and entered the Captain's Ready Room.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Seeing Rayek calling her attention to Tactical, Jael got to work checking the systems. It took her a bit, but she was able to get to know the Discovery's own tactical systems since her departmental transfer.

"Phaser systems and torpedo launchers are looking operational, Commander," she said. "Photon and quantum torpedoes are stocked and ready if we ever get into action. Tactical overall functioning within normal parameters."

Hearing about the new security officer, Dersch, Jael nodded. "Understood. I'll call him up shortly, show him the bridge functions. If I may," she added, stepping over to Rayek so she could speak very quietly, seeing it was a good chance to let him know, "I'd like to talk to you or Captain Tekin or both when you're able to. With Moset's reemergence, I feel that I need to provide what I know of another Cardassian just as dangerous that I have the misfortune of being related to."

She was, of course, referring to her father, but knowing how Rayek and Tekin were busy, that was why she said "when you're able to."

Then she returned to Tactical just as Alex Graham came to the bridge. Recalling Mister Dersch, she tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Sherem to Mister Dersch. Please report to Tactical on the bridge." =/\=

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 10, 2023, 08:51:49 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Seeing Rayek calling her attention to Tactical, Jael got to work checking the systems. It took her a bit, but she was able to get to know the Discovery's own tactical systems since her departmental transfer.

"Phaser systems and torpedo launchers are looking operational, Commander," she said. "Photon and quantum torpedoes are stocked and ready if we ever get into action. Tactical overall functioning within normal parameters."

Hearing about the new security officer, Dersch, Jael nodded. "Understood. I'll call him up shortly, show him the bridge functions. If I may," she added, stepping over to Rayek so she could speak very quietly, seeing it was a good chance to let him know, "I'd like to talk to you or Captain Tekin or both when you're able to. With Moset's reemergence, I feel that I need to provide what I know of another Cardassian just as dangerous that I have the misfortune of being related to."

She was, of course, referring to her father, but knowing how Rayek and Tekin were busy, that was why she said "when you're able to."

Then she returned to Tactical just as Alex Graham came to the bridge. Recalling Mister Dersch, she tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Sherem to Mister Dersch. Please report to Tactical on the bridge." =/\=

he had just checked off the last of the 1st list when his comm badge beeped and he heard Lt. Sherem's voice
=/\="Lieutenant Sherem to Mister Dersch. Please report to Tactical on the bridge." =/\=

He tapped his own comm badge and replied
=/\="On my way Lieutenant" =/\=
He turned the padd off and stuck it in his pocket and made his way to the bridge.
Within 12 minutes he walks onto the bridge, ready for whatever awaited him

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 08, 2023, 02:15:48 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

At the Captain's question, Rayek reported out the status' of each individual system.   Summarizing at the end with an overarching statement.  "The ship is ready to launch."

Then because the man hadn't indicated that he'd seen the newest comm from Headquarters, the Romulan pointed it out.  "Orders have come in priority one.  We are being sent to Ferenginar to meet up with several other ships.  I've had Lt Commander Lek begin preparations on the Quantum Slipstream drive."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

Nevir nodded at the status update.  It was almost like Discovery was a brand-new ship.  Just that thought caused him to turn in his seat to see the three gold statues on one of his shelves.  Put there by the team who refitted the ship.  One of them was more familiar, it was technically his first command, NCC-78393-A, the Akira-Class model.  The second was of a Nova-class science vessel, the originator of the NCC-78393 call tag.  And the third was an ancient gold model of a Crossfield class ship from the 22nd century.  NCC-1031, another science vessel that was a victim of the Klingon War.

Nevir turned back just as Rayek mentioned their new mission.  He pushed aside a couple of PADDs and picked a third, turning it one with his thumb while he looked it over.  "Right, it just came in but I only glanced at it.  Ferenginar... probably one of the last worlds to ever consider joining the Federation.  But we're being sent there with other ships... and other ships are being sent to other weird missions." he stated with a sigh.  He shook his head.

"Between that and the directive for Frontier Day, I swear Starfleet is playing a prank on us.  So soon after... well, its just strange." he stated, standing up.  There were some things that he was privy to as a high-ranking senior officer that he was expected to keep under wrap.

"Well... the rains of Ferenginar await, XO.  Let's take this new girl and stretch her legs."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir took his seat in the center chair, looking at the display on his seat with the ship status.  "Oh, Reyek, did you know that we no longer have to inform the crew that we are going past Warp 9?" he asked with a smirk, as he tapped the all-comm on his chair, hearing the chime that sounded throughout the ship.

=/\= "Crew of the Discovery, this is the Captain speaking.  Prepare for Quantum Slipstream and secure all stations." =/\=

"Ops, inform the station of our departure.  Helm, remove all moorings and set a course for Ferenginar." he stated, watching as the ship disconnected from the Starbase and moved to a safe distance.


Dem Broadshire

[Bridge | USS Discovery]
Just as Tekin hoped on the bridge, he instinctively jumped out of his chair and started to walk back to the visitor chair. Off to the side, but still in all the action. Realising that he only had one job, he promptly stated "œAll alpha shift officers have reported to their stations sir" Dem sat down and a grin formed on his face. This will be a great adventure.


Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on April 10, 2023, 12:54:12 AM

[Bridge | RFS Valadore]
Dem had gotten so used to a pointy eared officer to be a Romulan, and was quite surprised when he replied in an calm and controlled voice. He liked him. When he posed the question however, he was not exactly sure of the answer. "œAh, very good. I'm sorry, I don't know much, only that we will be en route to a different location to address a pressing issue. I believe it to be classified at the moment. Sorry I can't be much help." Dem stopped himself from rambling. Considering that the commander and Captain were in their ready room, it suggested a classified problem. Additionally, he had noted that they will be getting underway shortly. He connected the dots for the fellow members of the crew. He glanced down at his console once more. 80 percent. only a few more sluggish officers need to report in.

"And Alexander is it? I believe you had the distinct pleasure of being conjoined, is that correct?" Dem stated with a hint of light hearted optimism.

Savel simply nodded slightly at the Lieutenant's response. "I see." Then he turned back to fully face his console, monitoring it until he heard the Captain coming onto the bridge. His focus then shifted to pay attention to any orders that might come there way, along with any answers as to what the ship and crew were preparing for now.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 10, 2023, 06:46:31 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir took his seat in the center chair, looking at the display on his seat with the ship status.  "Oh, Reyek, did you know that we no longer have to inform the crew that we are going past Warp 9?" he asked with a smirk, as he tapped the all-comm on his chair, hearing the chime that sounded throughout the ship.

=/\= "Crew of the Discovery, this is the Captain speaking.  Prepare for Quantum Slipstream and secure all stations." =/\=

"Ops, inform the station of our departure.  Helm, remove all moorings and set a course for Ferenginar." he stated, watching as the ship disconnected from the Starbase and moved to a safe distance.


The science officer raised one of his distinctive brows at the Captain's orders which revealed their destination and the seeming importance that they arrive there quickly. The orders were silently acknowledged before he turned back to his station, checking the consoles again to make sure everything was set for the start of their next mission.
Vulcan - Male Savel Personnel File

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (minutes earlier)

Quote from: Lek on April 09, 2023, 11:48:15 AM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]
When the call from the bridge came in, he replied.

"Depends on how well the yard apes did their jobs Commander. Based off of what I've seen and double checked myself, I believe we can Quantum as soon as we are cleared from the starbase."

Rayek was quite familiar with the Ferengi engineer's dedication to his work; and understood why he double checked the work done by the engineers at the starbase.  The starbase personnel's lives were not on the line if a part failed, theirs would be.
"That is excellent to hear!  I anticipate that will be the case once the Captain arrives on the Bridge.  How much longer do you anticipate your department will be at the double checks?  Do you need assistance from those that might be cross-trained? "
Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 10, 2023, 08:51:49 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Seeing Rayek calling her attention to Tactical, Jael got to work checking the systems. It took her a bit, but she was able to get to know the Discovery's own tactical systems since her departmental transfer.

"Phaser systems and torpedo launchers are looking operational, Commander," she said. "Photon and quantum torpedoes are stocked and ready if we ever get into action. Tactical overall functioning within normal parameters."

Hearing about the new security officer, Dersch, Jael nodded. "Understood. I'll call him up shortly, show him the bridge functions. If I may," she added, stepping over to Rayek so she could speak very quietly, seeing it was a good chance to let him know, "I'd like to talk to you or Captain Tekin or both when you're able to. With Moset's reemergence, I feel that I need to provide what I know of another Cardassian just as dangerous that I have the misfortune of being related to."

She was, of course, referring to her father, but knowing how Rayek and Tekin were busy, that was why she said "when you're able to."

Then she returned to Tactical just as Alex Graham came to the bridge. Recalling Mister Dersch, she tapped her comm badge.

=/\="Lieutenant Sherem to Mister Dersch. Please report to Tactical on the bridge." =/\=

When junior Lieutenant Sherem approached and spoke quietly to him, Rayek slowly nodded, his response was equally quiet.    "If you refer to your father, the Captain and I are aware, and we likely have just much intel on him as yourself, but I will bring up your request to speak with the Captain."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 10, 2023, 06:46:31 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

Nevir nodded at the status update.  It was almost like Discovery was a brand-new ship.  Just that thought caused him to turn in his seat to see the three gold statues on one of his shelves.  Put there by the team who refitted the ship.  One of them was more familiar, it was technically his first command, NCC-78393-A, the Akira-Class model.  The second was of a Nova-class science vessel, the originator of the NCC-78393 call tag.  And the third was an ancient gold model of a Crossfield class ship from the 22nd century.  NCC-1031, another science vessel that was a victim of the Klingon War.

Nevir turned back just as Rayek mentioned their new mission.  He pushed aside a couple of PADDs and picked a third, turning it on with his thumb while he looked it over.  "Right, it just came in but I only glanced at it.  Ferenginar... probably one of the last worlds to ever consider joining the Federation.  But we're being sent there with other ships... and other ships are being sent to other weird missions." he stated with a sigh.  He shook his head.

"Between that and the directive for Frontier Day, I swear Starfleet is playing a prank on us.  So soon after... well, its just strange." he stated, standing up.  There were some things that he was privy to as a high-ranking senior officer that he was expected to keep under wrap.

"Well... the rains of Ferenginar await, XO.  Let's take this new girl and stretch her legs."

Rayek also thought the request was rather odd.  Three ships with Quantum slipstream being sent to Ferenginar.   To a location where there were three ships without Slipstream already present.  In fact, odd was a mild description.

"Yes, Captain." Rayek answered, acknowledging Tekin's use of slang, then brought up one additional item. "I should mention, Junior Lieutenant Sherem has requested to speak to you and I about her father.  Nothing urgent apparently but she feels she has intel that we should know about the man."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 10, 2023, 06:46:31 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir took his seat in the center chair, looking at the display on his seat with the ship status.  "Oh, Rayek, did you know that we no longer have to inform the crew that we are going past Warp 9?" he asked with a smirk, as he tapped the all-comm on his chair, hearing the chime that sounded throughout the ship.

=/\= "Crew of the Discovery, this is the Captain speaking.  Prepare for Quantum Slipstream and secure all stations." =/\=

"Ops, inform the station of our departure.  Helm, remove all moorings and set a course for Ferenginar." he stated, watching as the ship disconnected from the Starbase and moved to a safe distance.


The Romulan who had followed the Captain out onto the Bridge took his seat to the Captain's right.  Rayek was reminded of the ancient military phrase of 'right-hand-man' to describe the position of the Commander.  It also seemed to have an ancient biblical reference as well, at least according to what he'd read.  The right hand supposedly being superior.  Having trained himself to be ambidextrous, Rayek found that assumption humorous.

When Tekin offered a bit of trivia in regards to Command obligations, Rayek quirked an eyebrow.  While it may not be requirement, the Romulan thought the crew responded better to being kept informed as opposed to being kept in the dark as to the mission details.  Having risen up through the enlisted ranks, Rayek knew the troubles and trials associated with not being privy to mission details.

"No, I was not aware.  It would seem I need to review procedural standards in my spare time." he answered honestly.  Having been assigned to the Romulan Free State for the past year, Rayek was certain there would be other procedural changes that had been made while he'd been away.  He would need locate these and learn them quickly.

Despite the Captain's mention of procedural change, the Bajoran did end up making the ship-wide call.  Rayek nodded approvingly.

Rayek then glanced about the bridge watching the various console displays as each system reported out station secured and ready.   This being the first time he worked alongside the Captain, Rayek was unfamiliar with his Tekin's style of commanding.   Some Commanders, like Admiral Rellek and Riov tr'Siedhri were very hands-off and pretty much every order had to be issued by him once a decision had been made.   Whereas Captain Solluk had been very involved with all aspects of Katra Station, but had made sure that he allowed Rayek, as First Officer, a voice in the decision making, and the pair eventually learned to work in tandem with amazing results.  The same had been true when his wife was Captain of the Amalthea.   They had made an amazing Command Team - at least until Rayek broke orders...  He couldn't afford to do that here, this time had to abide by the rules.

As Tekin issued orders to Ops and Helm directly, Rayek nodded slightly to himself. So, the Bajoran Captain was the 'hands-on' type of leader, knowing this Rayek would adjust his own methods so that he could support the Captain.

He listened to Torra call to Starbase 153 with the notification and receive confirmation back.  The same with Helm with the moorings.

This being Rayek's first slipstream, he was uncertain what to expect - and having had previous head trauma that had aggravated his telepathic abilities, he wasn't about to take unnecessary chances.  He activated his seat's restraints in preparation.

Quote from: Savel on April 10, 2023, 07:50:12 PM

Ensign Savel
[USS Discovery | Bridge]

Savel simply nodded slightly at the Lieutenant's response. "I see." Then he turned back to fully face his console, monitoring it until he heard the Captain coming onto the bridge. His focus then shifted to pay attention to any orders that might come there way, along with any answers as to what the ship and crew were preparing for now.

The science officer raised one of his distinctive brows at the Captain's orders which revealed their destination and the seeming importance that they arrive there quickly. The orders were silently acknowledged before he turned back to his station, checking the consoles again to make sure everything was set for the start of their next mission.

Then came the moment.  Power was routed through the ship's main deflector to create a quantum field around the ship allowing it to break through the quantum barrier to travel at extreme velocity.   It wasn't instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination; but a distance of 100 years (which was approximately what the distance was between Starbase 153 and Ferenginar) would take only about 20 minutes in comparison to 12 days at Discovery's alternate option of warp 9.9 cruising speed,  or 5 hours if Discovery traveled at emergency speed of warp 9.999.

Rayek had anticipated some jolt or bump to announce the 'breaking' through the quantum barrier, but the transition was so smooth that it was hardly noticeable.  He felt a little embarrassed by his seat restraint preparation - which he quickly slipped out of at the first available opportunity.

"Is slipstream always this smooth?" Rayek wondered aloud.  Because this was his first time, Rayek gave into his curiosity a bit and got up from his seat to walk over towards the engineering station, where he watched the engineers work.

Twenty minutes later, Lieutenant Addams called out their coming out of quantum slipstream.  "We have arrived at Ferenginar."  Having experienced it for the first time, Rayek was impressed. The quantum slipstream drive was revolutionary

Those at their stations would see a small fleet of Federation ships in orbit of the Ferengi homeworld.  There was the Carlson, the Intrepid, the Lirpa, the Spector and, Rayek's first Starfleet assigned ship, the Challenger - all having standard warp drives, and only used warp 9 in dire emergencies.  How long it had taken these ships to arrive at Ferenginar? the Romulan wondered.  Potentially weeks. Especially the Lirpa which Rayek, last knew to be assigned to Katra Station, located 20 light-years from the worm hole on the Gamma Quadrant side. What had possibly brought the Interceptor Class vessel 120 ly from its home base?

Also amid the fleet were other slipstream capable vessels such as the USS Scott, and the USS Legacy, commanded by none other than Admiral Gillespie.  Rayek had read many impressive things about the man.

"Lieutenant Addams, hail the Legacy and inform Admiral Gillespie, that Discovery has arrived and that we stand ready for additional orders."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 11, 2023, 04:43:09 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (minutes earlier)

Rayek was quite familiar with the Ferengi engineer's dedication to his work; and understood why he double checked the work done by the engineers at the starbase.  The starbase personnel's lives were not on the line if a part failed, theirs would be.
"That is excellent to hear!  I anticipate that will be the case once the Captain arrives on the Bridge.  How much longer do you anticipate your department will be at the double checks?  Do you need assistance from those that might be cross-trained? "

When junior Lieutenant Sherem approached and spoke quietly to him, Rayek slowly nodded, his response was equally quiet.    "If you refer to your father, the Captain and I are aware, and we likely have just much intel on him as yourself, but I will bring up your request to speak with the Captain."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

Rayek also thought the request was rather odd.  Three ships with Quantum slipstream being sent to Ferenginar.   To a location where there were three ships without Slipstream already present.  In fact, odd was a mild description.

"Yes, Captain." Rayek answered, acknowledging Tekin's use of slang, then brought up one additional item. "I should mention, Junior Lieutenant Sherem has requested to speak to you and I about her father.  Nothing urgent apparently but she feels she has intel that we should know about the man."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

The Romulan who had followed the Captain out onto the Bridge took his seat to the Captain's right.  Rayek was reminded of the ancient military phrase of 'right-hand-man' to describe the position of the Commander.  It also seemed to have an ancient biblical reference as well, at least according to what he'd read.  The right hand supposedly being superior.  Having trained himself to be ambidextrous, Rayek found that assumption humorous.

When Tekin offered a bit of trivia in regards to Command obligations, Rayek quirked an eyebrow.  While it may not be requirement, the Romulan thought the crew responded better to being kept informed as opposed to being kept in the dark as to the mission details.  Having risen up through the enlisted ranks, Rayek knew the troubles and trials associated with not being privy to mission details.

"No, I was not aware.  It would seem I need to review procedural standards in my spare time." he answered honestly.  Having been assigned to the Romulan Free State for the past year, Rayek was certain there would be other procedural changes that had been made while he'd been away.  He would need locate these and learn them quickly.

Despite the Captain's mention of procedural change, the Bajoran did end up making the ship-wide call.  Rayek nodded approvingly.

Rayek then glanced about the bridge watching the various console displays as each system reported out station secured and ready.   This being the first time he worked alongside the Captain, Rayek was unfamiliar with his Tekin's style of commanding.   Some Commanders, like Admiral Rellek and Riov tr'Siedhri were very hands-off and pretty much every order had to be issued by him once a decision had been made.   Whereas Captain Solluk had been very involved with all aspects of Katra Station, but had made sure that he allowed Rayek, as First Officer, a voice in the decision making, and the pair eventually learned to work in tandem with amazing results.  The same had been true when his wife was Captain of the Amalthea.   They had made an amazing Command Team - at least until Rayek broke orders...  He couldn't afford to do that here, this time had to abide by the rules.

As Tekin issued orders to Ops and Helm directly, Rayek nodded slightly to himself. So, the Bajoran Captain was the 'hands-on' type of leader, knowing this Rayek would adjust his own methods so that he could support the Captain.

He listened to Torra call to Starbase 153 with the notification and receive confirmation back.  The same with Helm with the moorings.

This being Rayek's first slipstream, he was uncertain what to expect - and having had previous head trauma that had aggravated his telepathic abilities, he wasn't about to take unnecessary chances.  He activated his seat's restraints in preparation.

Then came the moment.  Power was routed through the ship's main deflector to create a quantum field around the ship allowing it to break through the quantum barrier to travel at extreme velocity.   It wasn't instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination; but a distance of 100 years (which was approximately what the distance was between Starbase 153 and Ferenginar) would take only about 20 minutes in comparison to 12 days at Discovery's alternate option of warp 9.9 cruising speed,  or 5 hours if Discovery traveled at emergency speed of warp 9.999.

Rayek had anticipated some jolt or bump to announce the 'breaking' through the quantum barrier, but the transition was so smooth that it was hardly noticeable.  He felt a little embarrassed by his seat restraint preparation - which he quickly slipped out of at the first available opportunity.

"Is slipstream always this smooth?" Rayek wondered aloud.  Because this was his first time, Rayek gave into his curiosity a bit and got up from his seat to walk over towards the engineering station, where he watched the engineers work.

Twenty minutes later, Lieutenant Addams called out their coming out of quantum slipstream.  "We have arrived at Ferenginar."  Having experienced it for the first time, Rayek was impressed. The quantum slipstream drive was revolutionary

Those at their stations would see a small fleet of Federation ships in orbit of the Ferengi homeworld.  There was the Carlson, the Eagle, the Intrepid, the Lirpa, the Spector[/i] and, Rayek's first Starfleet assigned ship, the Challenger - all having standard warp drives, and only used warp 9 in dire emergencies.  How long it had taken these ships to arrive at Ferenginar? the Romulan wondered.  Potentially weeks. Especially the Lirpa which Rayek, last knew to be assigned to Katra Station, located 20 light-years from the worm hole on the Gamma Quadrant side. What had possibly brought the Interceptor Class vessel 120 ly from its home base?

Also amid the fleet were other slipstream capable vessels such as the USS Scott, and the USS Legacy, commanded by none other than Admiral Gillespie.  Rayek had read many impressive things about the man.

"Lieutenant Addams, hail the Legacy and inform Admiral Gillespie, that Discovery has arrived and that we stand ready for additional orders."

The Newly Assigned Ensign watched the Bridge with admiration and looked at the other ships around the planet then went back to looking at tactical. He walked up to Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem and said
"Reported As asked"

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 11, 2023, 04:43:09 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (minutes earlier)

Rayek was quite familiar with the Ferengi engineer's dedication to his work; and understood why he double checked the work done by the engineers at the starbase.  The starbase personnel's lives were not on the line if a part failed, theirs would be.
"That is excellent to hear!  I anticipate that will be the case once the Captain arrives on the Bridge.  How much longer do you anticipate your department will be at the double checks?  Do you need assistance from those that might be cross-trained? "

When junior Lieutenant Sherem approached and spoke quietly to him, Rayek slowly nodded, his response was equally quiet.    "If you refer to your father, the Captain and I are aware, and we likely have just much intel on him as yourself, but I will bring up your request to speak with the Captain."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

Rayek also thought the request was rather odd.  Three ships with Quantum slipstream being sent to Ferenginar.   To a location where there were three ships without Slipstream already present.  In fact, odd was a mild description.

"Yes, Captain." Rayek answered, acknowledging Tekin's use of slang, then brought up one additional item. "I should mention, Junior Lieutenant Sherem has requested to speak to you and I about her father.  Nothing urgent apparently but she feels she has intel that we should know about the man."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

The Romulan who had followed the Captain out onto the Bridge took his seat to the Captain's right.  Rayek was reminded of the ancient military phrase of 'right-hand-man' to describe the position of the Commander.  It also seemed to have an ancient biblical reference as well, at least according to what he'd read.  The right hand supposedly being superior.  Having trained himself to be ambidextrous, Rayek found that assumption humorous.

When Tekin offered a bit of trivia in regards to Command obligations, Rayek quirked an eyebrow.  While it may not be requirement, the Romulan thought the crew responded better to being kept informed as opposed to being kept in the dark as to the mission details.  Having risen up through the enlisted ranks, Rayek knew the troubles and trials associated with not being privy to mission details.

"No, I was not aware.  It would seem I need to review procedural standards in my spare time." he answered honestly.  Having been assigned to the Romulan Free State for the past year, Rayek was certain there would be other procedural changes that had been made while he'd been away.  He would need locate these and learn them quickly.

Despite the Captain's mention of procedural change, the Bajoran did end up making the ship-wide call.  Rayek nodded approvingly.

Rayek then glanced about the bridge watching the various console displays as each system reported out station secured and ready.   This being the first time he worked alongside the Captain, Rayek was unfamiliar with his Tekin's style of commanding.   Some Commanders, like Admiral Rellek and Riov tr'Siedhri were very hands-off and pretty much every order had to be issued by him once a decision had been made.   Whereas Captain Solluk had been very involved with all aspects of Katra Station, but had made sure that he allowed Rayek, as First Officer, a voice in the decision making, and the pair eventually learned to work in tandem with amazing results.  The same had been true when his wife was Captain of the Amalthea.   They had made an amazing Command Team - at least until Rayek broke orders...  He couldn't afford to do that here, this time had to abide by the rules.

As Tekin issued orders to Ops and Helm directly, Rayek nodded slightly to himself. So, the Bajoran Captain was the 'hands-on' type of leader, knowing this Rayek would adjust his own methods so that he could support the Captain.

He listened to Torra call to Starbase 153 with the notification and receive confirmation back.  The same with Helm with the moorings.

This being Rayek's first slipstream, he was uncertain what to expect - and having had previous head trauma that had aggravated his telepathic abilities, he wasn't about to take unnecessary chances.  He activated his seat's restraints in preparation.

Then came the moment.  Power was routed through the ship's main deflector to create a quantum field around the ship allowing it to break through the quantum barrier to travel at extreme velocity.   It wasn't instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination; but a distance of 100 years (which was approximately what the distance was between Starbase 153 and Ferenginar) would take only about 20 minutes in comparison to 12 days at Discovery's alternate option of warp 9.9 cruising speed,  or 5 hours if Discovery traveled at emergency speed of warp 9.999.

Rayek had anticipated some jolt or bump to announce the 'breaking' through the quantum barrier, but the transition was so smooth that it was hardly noticeable.  He felt a little embarrassed by his seat restraint preparation - which he quickly slipped out of at the first available opportunity.

"Is slipstream always this smooth?" Rayek wondered aloud.  Because this was his first time, Rayek gave into his curiosity a bit and got up from his seat to walk over towards the engineering station, where he watched the engineers work.

Twenty minutes later, Lieutenant Addams called out their coming out of quantum slipstream.  "We have arrived at Ferenginar."  Having experienced it for the first time, Rayek was impressed. The quantum slipstream drive was revolutionary

Those at their stations would see a small fleet of Federation ships in orbit of the Ferengi homeworld.  There was the Carlson, the Intrepid, the Lirpa, the Spector and, Rayek's first Starfleet assigned ship, the Challenger - all having standard warp drives, and only used warp 9 in dire emergencies.  How long it had taken these ships to arrive at Ferenginar? the Romulan wondered.  Potentially weeks. Especially the Lirpa which Rayek, last knew to be assigned to Katra Station, located 20 light-years from the worm hole on the Gamma Quadrant side. What had possibly brought the Interceptor Class vessel 120 ly from its home base?

Also amid the fleet were other slipstream capable vessels such as the USS Scott, and the USS Legacy, commanded by none other than Admiral Gillespie.  Rayek had read many impressive things about the man.

"Lieutenant Addams, hail the Legacy and inform Admiral Gillespie, that Discovery has arrived and that we stand ready for additional orders."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain nodded at the request to speak with Jael, and watched as the bluish hue from space bending heralded their entry into the slipstream.  Rayek seemed amazed, and he smirked.

"It takes nearly perfect calculation and the field needs to remain stable, but with an engineer like Lek, yes, our Slipstream is this smooth.  It did have a learning curve." he stated, while he monitored the stream and communications.

-Arrival at Ferenginar-

The blue hue of space faded like exiting a tunnel, showing not only regular space and stars, but the nearly always cloudy planet orbiting its sun, dancing with lightning around the planet. For a planetary scientist like himself, Ferenginar was a very fun planet to look at.

There were also Federation ships in the system, looking lost among the Ferengi vessels around the planet. They still did not have clear instructions, but at least there was an Admiral here.  Nevir frowned.

"What exactly are we doing here?"

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 11, 2023, 04:43:09 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (minutes earlier)

Rayek was quite familiar with the Ferengi engineer's dedication to his work; and understood why he double checked the work done by the engineers at the starbase.  The starbase personnel's lives were not on the line if a part failed, theirs would be.
"That is excellent to hear!  I anticipate that will be the case once the Captain arrives on the Bridge.  How much longer do you anticipate your department will be at the double checks?  Do you need assistance from those that might be cross-trained? "

When junior Lieutenant Sherem approached and spoke quietly to him, Rayek slowly nodded, his response was equally quiet.    "If you refer to your father, the Captain and I are aware, and we likely have just much intel on him as yourself, but I will bring up your request to speak with the Captain."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Ready Room]

Rayek also thought the request was rather odd.  Three ships with Quantum slipstream being sent to Ferenginar.   To a location where there were three ships without Slipstream already present.  In fact, odd was a mild description.

"Yes, Captain." Rayek answered, acknowledging Tekin's use of slang, then brought up one additional item. "I should mention, Junior Lieutenant Sherem has requested to speak to you and I about her father.  Nothing urgent apparently but she feels she has intel that we should know about the man."

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

The Romulan who had followed the Captain out onto the Bridge took his seat to the Captain's right.  Rayek was reminded of the ancient military phrase of 'right-hand-man' to describe the position of the Commander.  It also seemed to have an ancient biblical reference as well, at least according to what he'd read.  The right hand supposedly being superior.  Having trained himself to be ambidextrous, Rayek found that assumption humorous.

When Tekin offered a bit of trivia in regards to Command obligations, Rayek quirked an eyebrow.  While it may not be requirement, the Romulan thought the crew responded better to being kept informed as opposed to being kept in the dark as to the mission details.  Having risen up through the enlisted ranks, Rayek knew the troubles and trials associated with not being privy to mission details.

"No, I was not aware.  It would seem I need to review procedural standards in my spare time." he answered honestly.  Having been assigned to the Romulan Free State for the past year, Rayek was certain there would be other procedural changes that had been made while he'd been away.  He would need locate these and learn them quickly.

Despite the Captain's mention of procedural change, the Bajoran did end up making the ship-wide call.  Rayek nodded approvingly.

Rayek then glanced about the bridge watching the various console displays as each system reported out station secured and ready.   This being the first time he worked alongside the Captain, Rayek was unfamiliar with his Tekin's style of commanding.   Some Commanders, like Admiral Rellek and Riov tr'Siedhri were very hands-off and pretty much every order had to be issued by him once a decision had been made.   Whereas Captain Solluk had been very involved with all aspects of Katra Station, but had made sure that he allowed Rayek, as First Officer, a voice in the decision making, and the pair eventually learned to work in tandem with amazing results.  The same had been true when his wife was Captain of the Amalthea.   They had made an amazing Command Team - at least until Rayek broke orders...  He couldn't afford to do that here, this time had to abide by the rules.

As Tekin issued orders to Ops and Helm directly, Rayek nodded slightly to himself. So, the Bajoran Captain was the 'hands-on' type of leader, knowing this Rayek would adjust his own methods so that he could support the Captain.

He listened to Torra call to Starbase 153 with the notification and receive confirmation back.  The same with Helm with the moorings.

This being Rayek's first slipstream, he was uncertain what to expect - and having had previous head trauma that had aggravated his telepathic abilities, he wasn't about to take unnecessary chances.  He activated his seat's restraints in preparation.

Then came the moment.  Power was routed through the ship's main deflector to create a quantum field around the ship allowing it to break through the quantum barrier to travel at extreme velocity.   It wasn't instantaneous by any stretch of the imagination; but a distance of 100 years (which was approximately what the distance was between Starbase 153 and Ferenginar) would take only about 20 minutes in comparison to 12 days at Discovery's alternate option of warp 9.9 cruising speed,  or 5 hours if Discovery traveled at emergency speed of warp 9.999.

Rayek had anticipated some jolt or bump to announce the 'breaking' through the quantum barrier, but the transition was so smooth that it was hardly noticeable.  He felt a little embarrassed by his seat restraint preparation - which he quickly slipped out of at the first available opportunity.

"Is slipstream always this smooth?" Rayek wondered aloud.  Because this was his first time, Rayek gave into his curiosity a bit and got up from his seat to walk over towards the engineering station, where he watched the engineers work.

Twenty minutes later, Lieutenant Addams called out their coming out of quantum slipstream.  "We have arrived at Ferenginar."  Having experienced it for the first time, Rayek was impressed. The quantum slipstream drive was revolutionary

Those at their stations would see a small fleet of Federation ships in orbit of the Ferengi homeworld.  There was the Carlson, the Intrepid, the Lirpa, the Spector and, Rayek's first Starfleet assigned ship, the Challenger - all having standard warp drives, and only used warp 9 in dire emergencies.  How long it had taken these ships to arrive at Ferenginar? the Romulan wondered.  Potentially weeks. Especially the Lirpa which Rayek, last knew to be assigned to Katra Station, located 20 light-years from the worm hole on the Gamma Quadrant side. What had possibly brought the Interceptor Class vessel 120 ly from its home base?

Also amid the fleet were other slipstream capable vessels such as the USS Scott, and the USS Legacy, commanded by none other than Admiral Gillespie.  Rayek had read many impressive things about the man.

"Lieutenant Addams, hail the Legacy and inform Admiral Gillespie, that Discovery has arrived and that we stand ready for additional orders."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 11, 2023, 07:22:09 PM

The blue hue of space faded like exiting a tunnel, showing not only regular space and stars, but the nearly always cloudy planet orbiting its sun, dancing with lightning around the planet. For a planetary scientist like himself, Ferenginar was a very fun planet to look at.

There were also Federation ships in the system, looking lost among the Ferengi vessels around the planet. They still did not have clear instructions, but at least there was an Admiral here.  Nevir frowned.

"What exactly are we doing here?"

Quote from: J.B Dersch on April 11, 2023, 08:58:22 AM

The Newly Assigned Ensign watched the Bridge with admiration and looked at the other ships around the planet then went back to looking at tactical. He walked up to Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem and said
"Reported As asked"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Of course, Commander," said Jael. "Even if you do have the intel, I feel you'll need intel on Nehor Sherem from my own mouth."

With Rayek in the Captain's Ready Room, Jael was prepared for the arrival of Mister Dersch. He arrived momentarily, and Jael was certainly surprised at how gruff he was for a young man. He could very well long just as old as her adopted Bajoran brother Gid.

"Welcome to the bridge, Ensign," she said. "Glad to meet you. I'd like to introduce you especially to the Tactical controls."

And recalling the lessons she had about starship weaponry and arsenal, she showed Dersch the right buttons for weapons and for sensors, another crucial aspect of Tactical.

After a while, both Command officers re-emerged and Tekin ordered slipstream activated. Jael was especially anticipatory; she heard plenty about Discovery's slipstream drive, but never saw it in action. In a nutshell, it was a little bumpy. At least the slipstream rift, for want of a better word, in view of the viewscreen was blue; Jael especially recalled how her father had salvaged Borg transwarp coils and wondered if his ships were bumpier than slipstream...the thought of Nehor Sherem on a practical roller coaster of a ride through transwarp amused Jael, especially if it was enough of a roller coaster to make him disgorge sixty years worth of yamok sauce.

When they emerged from slipstream and Rayek commented on the "smoothness," Jael chuckled lightly and said, "Well, all things considered, it's quite the ride. It's no Lekarian City roller coaster, of course."

Seeing how many Starfleet ships there are at Ferenginar, including her first ever ship she served on, that certainly gave Jael some befuddlement...then another ship looking like the old Constitution on steroids arrived. And then a transmission exclusively for Discovery's Command Officers.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (earlier during slipstream)

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 11, 2023, 07:22:09 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain nodded at the request to speak with Jael, and watched as the bluish hue from space bending heralded their entry into the slipstream.  Rayek seemed amazed, and he smirked.

"It takes nearly perfect calculation and the field needs to remain stable, but with an engineer like Lek, yes, our Slipstream is this smooth.  It did have a learning curve." he stated, while he monitored the stream and communications.

Rayek smiled - not at all surprised to hear the praise regarding the Ferengi engineer.  Lek was just that good. It was a shame that the Ferengi didn't have more experience with singularity drives, Rayek figured then that Lek might have enjoyed the officer exchange program a bit more.

Recalling that Sheren wanted to speak to them, the Romulan called the Sec/Tac officer over.  "You had information you wanted to share with the Captain and I?"

Rayek didn't suggest leaving the Bridge for this information.  She'd already spoken of her father openly while aboard the Valdore, amid Romulan officers... he figured she should have no qualms about speaking the same here aboard her own ship.

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge] (~15 minutes later - arrival at Ferenginar)
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 11, 2023, 07:22:09 PM

-Arrival at Ferenginar-

The blue hue of space faded like exiting a tunnel, showing not only regular space and stars, but the nearly always cloudy planet orbiting its sun, dancing with lightning around the planet. For a planetary scientist like himself, Ferenginar was a very fun planet to look at.

There were also Federation ships in the system, looking lost among the Ferengi vessels around the planet. They still did not have clear instructions, but at least there was an Admiral here.  Nevir frowned.

"What exactly are we doing here?"

A response to their hail came almost immediately.

"Sir, the Admiral requests that the Captain and First Officer of each ship receive his transmission in the Captain's Ready Room, and not on the Bridge; and for you to signal the ship when ready."  Rayek seemed intrigued by this.  He looked to the Captain and rose from his seat.

"Mr. Graham, match our orbit to that of the Legacy, keeping at least 200 km distance.   Mr. Broadshire, you have the bridge once more."

Rayek then followed Tekin into the Ready Room, where they signalled their readiness.  Rayek, rather than move a chair around to the other side of the desk to sit beside the Captain to watch the Admiral's briefing -that's what Rayek anticipated it would be - instead he stood At Ease a step behind and to the side of the Captain's chair.  He had a clear view of computer screen and a good sight line to the entrance of the ready room.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 11, 2023, 11:05:53 PM

A moment later, a grizzled old Scotsman appeared through holocommunication, not just of Challenger, but also over to Discovery and the rest of the fleet.

"Top of the morning, Captains and First Officers," he said. "This is Admiral Gillespie of Starfleet Security. I'm sure yeh're wondering why you are all here. Most of you have been called to Ferenginar to assist the Ferengi fleet in the event of helping sooth over potential explosive situations. Well, the situation has been resolved, thank God, and while normally, the lot of yeh would be on yehr way back to yehr respective general assignments in Romulan space and elsewhere 'seeking oot new life and new civilisations,' yeh lot are required further in the opposite direction.

"Suffice to say," the admiral continued, "a situation has developed around Cardassian and Breen space. Two of Starfleet's best officers have been sent to the New Dominion for information, but there's something rotten in the offing, something that has the potential to involve the old Dominion, but it's something bound to be picked up by the whole of the Great Link, hence why a foremost ambassador to the Federation from the New Dominion, or rather, the New Dominion version of Ambassador Spock..."

He paused for a moment to let it sink in, and Nira was sure he was referring to Odo, former Constable of one of Starfleet's foremost outposts, prominent leader of the New Dominion and overall, an honorable man among the Great Link.

" such," continued Gillespie, "Starfleet has ordered a small fleet to assemble at Starbase Deep Space Nine while the information is ascertained. We are to wait for an additional envoy from the Cardassian government as well, seeing as how they have especially asked for help to exorcise the ghosts Gul Dukat had stained on the pages of Cardassian history.

"Now," he added, making a placating gesture, "I ken many of yeh have traveled a long way to get here at least, pushing engines as such. Well, this is why we have starships powered by quantum slipstream drives for this verry reason. You see, with quantum slipstream drives becoming prominent among the rising generation of starships, Starfleet has felt that there will come times when we'll need starships over in a short amount of time. As such, Starfleet has been conducting experiments with a handful of starships with slipstream drives: Keeping the slipstream rifts open long enough for other non-slipstream ships to follow through. Among these ships was the Starship Scott among the ranks of our fleet right here. They're among the starships that's demonstrated it can guide non-slipstream ships through long distances in a short amount of time.

"Since slipstream can stress some hulls of older ships," Gillespie explained, "especially if they're not outfitted with slipstream drives, it'll be necessary to make breaks between slipstream jumps. The most that's estimated that can be handled is between fifteen and twenty minutes, and ships like the Scott has demonstrated thus. As such, we've arranged a break point in proximity to AR-558, and once the systems of the ships have been given a rest, then we make the rest of the way to Deep Space Nine, where more slipstream-powered ships will join us.

"Now, given we've never had this many ships before attempt a guided jump before, this is why we have three slipstream-powered starships to guide us. Then we'll be met with additional ships, two at most powered by slipstream, and with the addition of those ships, it'll make the slipstream travel easier and smoother for the rest of the journey to Deep Space Nine."

"As such, this is where you are to inform the miracle workers of our fleet in Science, Engineering and Operations to prepare the ships for the potential bumpy ride through the slipstream portals our guides will open for us. And once we get through, that will be where things get interesting."

He stepped back to make a calmer gesture, indicative that he was ending his briefing.

"Now, all have one hour to prepare for the journey, to batten down the hatches, and assume formation."

Turning to an officer to the side, he said, "Proceed with the countdown."

He disappeared from the viewscreen and a new transmission was passed on from the Legacy: A countdown for an hour.

Rayek's expression twitched at the odd, 'rolling' accent the Admiral had.  It made Captain Galloway's Scottish access seen mild in comparison.  This made it more difficult for Rayek to understand what the man was saying.  Federation Standard wasn't Rayek's first language.

He listened to the Admiral talk like a politician, speaking lots but actually saying very little. The Admiral had hinted at a 'situation' involving the Old Dominion but what the situation was had been very vague.  That said, there was a lot of fire power in this assembled fleet.  Someone wanted to be certain the Cardassian's saw this show of force.

"It seems the only reason we were sent here was to 'piggyback' another ship through slipstream to Deep Space Nine.  Or did I miss something?"  he commented once the screen blanked to show just the one hour count down.

Getting down to business Rayek, figured an hour's downtime should be enough for the engineering team to check over the  slipstream drive.  "I'll inform Lek of the hour break.  He'll likely want to check to be sure the drive is ready for the next jump." It was a shame they weren't here longer.  Rayek would have enjoyed pestering Lek into giving him a tour of his favorite spots on the Ferengi homeplanet.

"Is there anything else you'd request of the crew while we are waiting?" the Romulan asked. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 11, 2023, 11:45:53 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"Of course, Commander," said Jael. "Even if you do have the intel, I feel you'll need intel on Nehor Sherem from my own mouth."

With Rayek in the Captain's Ready Room, Jael was prepared for the arrival of Mister Dersch. He arrived momentarily, and Jael was certainly surprised at how gruff he was for a young man. He could very well long just as old as her adopted Bajoran brother Gid.

"Welcome to the bridge, Ensign," she said. "Glad to meet you. I'd like to introduce you especially to the Tactical controls."

And recalling the lessons she had about starship weaponry and arsenal, she showed Dersch the right buttons for weapons and for sensors, another crucial aspect of Tactical.

After a while, both Command officers re-emerged and Tekin ordered slipstream activated. Jael was especially anticipatory; she heard plenty about Discovery's slipstream drive, but never saw it in action. In a nutshell, it was a little bumpy. At least the slipstream rift, for want of a better word, in view of the viewscreen was blue; Jael especially recalled how her father had salvaged Borg transwarp coils and wondered if his ships were bumpier than slipstream...the thought of Nehor Sherem on a practical roller coaster of a ride through transwarp amused Jael, especially if it was enough of a roller coaster to make him disgorge sixty years worth of yamok sauce.

When they emerged from slipstream and Rayek commented on the "smoothness," Jael chuckled lightly and said, "Well, all things considered, it's quite the ride. It's no Lekarian City roller coaster, of course."

Seeing how many Starfleet ships there are at Ferenginar, including her first ever ship she served on, that certainly gave Jael some befuddlement...then another ship looking like the old Constitution on steroids arrived. And then a transmission exclusively for Discovery's Command Officers.

"Thank you" He repilyed
He watched and listened as she went through the controls and studied them

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