Season 15: Episode 1 - Dominion Rising pt 1

Started by Rayek trLhoell, April 05, 2023, 01:14:47 AM

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Alexander Graham

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 20, 2023, 06:34:52 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Very well Captain.  Stand by." the Captain stated, as all systems were ready to go.

"Alright, activate the quantum slipstream.  Let's ride." he stated, giving his order for the ships to go to slipstream.  Almost immedaitely he noticed how difficult this thing was.  The ride to Ferenginar was steady, peaceful... this one was not.  It was back to their testing phase.  He had to grip his chair.  But to his amazement, the journey was thankfully fast and both ships exited the stream.

"I want a complete systems check while the fleet recharges.  The Admiral is probably wai-" he didn't get to finish the sentence as Ops noted a distress signal.. followed by the Admiral hailing them.  Of course he wanted the two of them to investigate.  He was sure he was on the Admiral's shit hit list right now.  But the Admiral's order opened a giant glaring issue with Lek's plan, one that Nevir realized about the same time as Galloway did.

=/\= "That's probably why the prick ordered our two ships to respond.  Prophets..." =/\= he responded, shaking his head. He turned to his science officer.

"Bring up the current ship layout on screen." he ordered, as the image of Galloway was replaced with a schematic of Discovery, highlighting the points of contact between her and the Challenger.

"We lucked out... if the lower arms were one deck lower, Gamma would be out of commission.  Inform the Challenger that we will separate and go on ahead.  We'll keep Lek on the upper engineering deck and see if he can figure out how to quickly disconnect the Beta hull and reattach it.. or if we should return to the Admiral's plan.  I will take Gamma remotely with us, and then Mr. Broadshire, you will be assuming command of Gamma.  Rayek, you will take Beta once it arrives."

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  Lek, we've discovered a flaw in your plan, and we've been ordered to respond to a distress signal.  I'm separating Alpha and Gamma hulls to go on ahead with the Intrepid.  Beta and the Challenger will have to act as one until we can disconnect the ships. I want you to stay on Beta and work on a solution.  Bridge out.=/\=

"Well, Mr th'Lhoell, Mr Broadshire.  You get to see a close up of the Prometheus class's claim to fame." he stated, standing up.

"Computer, activate multi-vector assault mode.  Begin separation sequence.  Automate Gamma hull.  Voiceprint authorization Captain Tekin Nevir."

The computer chimed its acknowledgment and the lights on the ship dimmed to a blue hue.

Multi-vector Mode has been enabled.  Initiating decoupling sequence. Auto separation in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Separation sequence in progress.

The ship shook as it separated, with both the top and bottom sections moving away from the center.  The Ops station showed the sequence as complete and was able to confirm that Gamma Hull was remotely taking orders from the Main Bridge. The Captain turned back and took his seat.

"Helm, set a course for the source of the distress system.  Maximum warp." he stated, as both Alpha and Gamma hulls turned in unison and activated their own different warp engines.

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œUnderstood Captain Nevir." He didn't hesitate to set a course for the distress signal with maximum warp. He hoped nothing would go wrong when they went to see what was going on. He had to wonder what the possibility would be that they might be going into a trap. He was just going to have to trust the teams judgment on this.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 20, 2023, 06:34:52 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Very well Captain.  Stand by." the Captain stated, as all systems were ready to go.

"Alright, activate the quantum slipstream.  Let's ride." he stated, giving his order for the ships to go to slipstream.  Almost immedaitely he noticed how difficult this thing was.  The ride to Ferenginar was steady, peaceful... this one was not.  It was back to their testing phase.  He had to grip his chair.  But to his amazement, the journey was thankfully fast and both ships exited the stream.

"I want a complete systems check while the fleet recharges.  The Admiral is probably wai-" he didn't get to finish the sentence as Ops noted a distress signal.. followed by the Admiral hailing them.  Of course he wanted the two of them to investigate.  He was sure he was on the Admiral's shit hit list right now.  But the Admiral's order opened a giant glaring issue with Lek's plan, one that Nevir realized about the same time as Galloway did.

=/\= "That's probably why the prick ordered our two ships to respond.  Prophets..." =/\= he responded, shaking his head. He turned to his science officer.

"Bring up the current ship layout on screen." he ordered, as the image of Galloway was replaced with a schematic of Discovery, highlighting the points of contact between her and the Challenger.

"We lucked out... if the lower arms were one deck lower, Gamma would be out of commission.  Inform the Challenger that we will separate and go on ahead.  We'll keep Lek on the upper engineering deck and see if he can figure out how to quickly disconnect the Beta hull and reattach it.. or if we should return to the Admiral's plan.  I will take Gamma remotely with us, and then Mr. Broadshire, you will be assuming command of Gamma.  Rayek, you will take Beta once it arrives."

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  Lek, we've discovered a flaw in your plan, and we've been ordered to respond to a distress signal.  I'm separating Alpha and Gamma hulls to go on ahead with the Intrepid.  Beta and the Challenger will have to act as one until we can disconnect the ships. I want you to stay on Beta and work on a solution.  Bridge out.=/\=

"Well, Mr th'Lhoell, Mr Broadshire.  You get to see a close up of the Prometheus class's claim to fame." he stated, standing up.

"Computer, activate multi-vector assault mode.  Begin separation sequence.  Automate Gamma hull.  Voiceprint authorization Captain Tekin Nevir."

The computer chimed its acknowledgment and the lights on the ship dimmed to a blue hue.

Multi-vector Mode has been enabled.  Initiating decoupling sequence. Auto separation in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Separation sequence in progress.

The ship shook as it separated, with both the top and bottom sections moving away from the center.  The Ops station showed the sequence as complete and was able to confirm that Gamma Hull was remotely taking orders from the Main Bridge. The Captain turned back and took his seat.

"Helm, set a course for the source of the distress system.  Maximum warp." he stated, as both Alpha and Gamma hulls turned in unison and activated their own different warp engines.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 20, 2023, 08:26:09 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

"Mr. Banan open a channel to Engineering and to Challenger. "

=/\= "Captain Galloway as you know we need a way to uncouple Challenger from Discovery's Beta hull swiftly.   I'd like our two crews to brainstorm ideas together.  Are there any ideas at all short of cutting the cables? And if not, how long will it take to cut through the cables?" =/\=

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

When the captain spoke of a flaw in his plan, it was like a lash across his back as he was right. The current coupling method for the ships was designed for the most efficient use of the slipstream, not for battle. It embarrassed him that he'd not accounted for needing to separate the ships quickly. He could take some solace in that if there had been a more extensive briefing or more time, he might have included emergency separation, but there had been neither, now he had to come up with a new plan, again on the fly, with no time.

He wracked his brain to think of a quick way to separate the ships, but they'd been hooked together with strength in mind, not with a breakaway capacity. It was simple to create such a mechanism, but they didn't have time for that.

"It would be better if we could just stay connected....wait...."

He grabbed his PADD again and did some quick calculations and hit his combadge.

=/\= "Commander, Lek here. Separating the ships will take no less than twenty minutes in their current configuration and can't be done at warp. It would then take at least as long to reconnect the ships once this encounter is over and I don't think the admiral will give us that sort of time. I can have quick release connectors replicated, but then we'd have to install them on both ships, which would take at least an hour. As I know that is unacceptable, I have proposal.

"The Challenger has two warp core. I suggest she bring the second core online and put the entire output of that second core into our combined structural integrity field. That much power will actually exceed the tensile strength of both ships beyond their individual rating. It will make us solid enough not only for warp travel, but some pretty decent impulse maneuverability. We can implement this plan with no delay and bring the hybrid Discoverenger into action immediately." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 20, 2023, 06:34:52 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Very well Captain.  Stand by." the Captain stated, as all systems were ready to go.

"Alright, activate the quantum slipstream.  Let's ride." he stated, giving his order for the ships to go to slipstream.  Almost immedaitely he noticed how difficult this thing was.  The ride to Ferenginar was steady, peaceful... this one was not.  It was back to their testing phase.  He had to grip his chair.  But to his amazement, the journey was thankfully fast and both ships exited the stream.

"I want a complete systems check while the fleet recharges.  The Admiral is probably wai-" he didn't get to finish the sentence as Ops noted a distress signal.. followed by the Admiral hailing them.  Of course he wanted the two of them to investigate.  He was sure he was on the Admiral's shit hit list right now.  But the Admiral's order opened a giant glaring issue with Lek's plan, one that Nevir realized about the same time as Galloway did.

=/\= "That's probably why the prick ordered our two ships to respond.  Prophets..." =/\= he responded, shaking his head. He turned to his science officer.

"Bring up the current ship layout on screen." he ordered, as the image of Galloway was replaced with a schematic of Discovery, highlighting the points of contact between her and the Challenger.

"We lucked out... if the lower arms were one deck lower, Gamma would be out of commission.  Inform the Challenger that we will separate and go on ahead.  We'll keep Lek on the upper engineering deck and see if he can figure out how to quickly disconnect the Beta hull and reattach it.. or if we should return to the Admiral's plan.  I will take Gamma remotely with us, and then Mr. Broadshire, you will be assuming command of Gamma.  Rayek, you will take Beta once it arrives."

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  Lek, we've discovered a flaw in your plan, and we've been ordered to respond to a distress signal.  I'm separating Alpha and Gamma hulls to go on ahead with the Intrepid.  Beta and the Challenger will have to act as one until we can disconnect the ships. I want you to stay on Beta and work on a solution.  Bridge out.=/\=

"Well, Mr th'Lhoell, Mr Broadshire.  You get to see a close up of the Prometheus class's claim to fame." he stated, standing up.

"Computer, activate multi-vector assault mode.  Begin separation sequence.  Automate Gamma hull.  Voiceprint authorization Captain Tekin Nevir."

The computer chimed its acknowledgment and the lights on the ship dimmed to a blue hue.

Multi-vector Mode has been enabled.  Initiating decoupling sequence. Auto separation in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Separation sequence in progress.

The ship shook as it separated, with both the top and bottom sections moving away from the center.  The Ops station showed the sequence as complete and was able to confirm that Gamma Hull was remotely taking orders from the Main Bridge. The Captain turned back and took his seat.

"Helm, set a course for the source of the distress system.  Maximum warp." he stated, as both Alpha and Gamma hulls turned in unison and activated their own different warp engines.

[Brige "" Gamma Battle Bridge | USS Discovery]
"œOh Crap" was Dem's first thought as Tekin gave the order for him to command gamma hull. However, Dem returned to his forged "œcaptains voice" as soon as the was information processed. "œGraham and Dersch, will you please join me in the gamma bridge?" Dem gave a curt nod to the captain as he departed though an emergency turbolift.
Emergency turbolifts were some of the fasted moving machinery on the ship, because with only three destinations and the most direct route they could hit 100 kilometres per hour. This was a fundamental problem for Dem who was anticipating time to collect his thoughts before continuing.
The doors opened with a hiss, and he saw the bridge that he was destined to command. He walked over to his chair and met it with a smile on his face. He rotated towards an ensign who had assumed operations. "œOps, make sure everyone is at their gamma stations. Dersch, run some diagnostics on phasers and proton torpedos. Graham, prepare for separation" A moment later, the captains voice dispersed around the stark grey battle bridge, and they had separated.

Broadshire was flying by the seat of his pants, and now he is in command of a ship.

"œGraham, maintain course and speed of the alpha hull, with a 500 meter gap."

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 -  Gamma Hull - Battle Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on April 21, 2023, 11:14:53 AM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

When the captain spoke of a flaw in his plan, it was like a lash across his back as he was right. The current coupling method for the ships was designed for the most efficient use of the slipstream, not for battle. It embarrassed him that he'd not accounted for needing to separate the ships quickly. He could take some solace in that if there had been a more extensive briefing or more time, he might have included emergency separation, but there had been neither, now he had to come up with a new plan, again on the fly, with no time.

He wracked his brain to think of a quick way to separate the ships, but they'd been hooked together with strength in mind, not with a breakaway capacity. It was simple to create such a mechanism, but they didn't have time for that.

"It would be better if we could just stay connected....wait...."

He grabbed his PADD again and did some quick calculations and hit his combadge.

=/\= "Commander, Lek here. Separating the ships will take no less than twenty minutes in their current configuration and can't be done at warp. It would then take at least as long to reconnect the ships once this encounter is over and I don't think the admiral will give us that sort of time. I can have quick release connectors replicated, but then we'd have to install them on both ships, which would take at least an hour. As I know that is unacceptable, I have proposal.

"The Challenger has two warp core. I suggest she bring the second core online and put the entire output of that second core into our combined structural integrity field. That much power will actually exceed the tensile strength of both ships beyond their individual rating. It will make us solid enough not only for warp travel, but some pretty decent impulse maneuverability. We can implement this plan with no delay and bring the hybrid Discoverenger into action immediately." =/\=

As Rayek was waiting on those on either bridge to offer a suggestion, Lek spoke up. The Romulan stifled a smirk, as once again Lek proved his superior engineering ability.  Was there anything the Ferengi couldn't do?

"Ensign Savel, can you confirm the numbers?" Rayek was rather certain it would work but it was best to check with one that was more mathematically robotic.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2023, 08:51:56 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked at the Ferengi's suggestion and quickly went over the information he sent via a data file. After confirming the figures, he whistled in amazement.

"Bloody hell, this is Captain Scott level engineerin'.

Still shaking his head as he replied.

=/\= "This is brilliant work Commander. I approve this plan. Captain Tekin?" =/\=

"Commander tr'Lhoell actually.  I have command of the Beta Hull." the Romulan pointed out to the Challenger's Captain.  "I also approve of the plan.  Commander Lek, coordinate with the Commander Tharn."

Rayek then turned to Ensign Gohun.  "Inform me the moment, the field is strong enough to attain warp with our connected ships."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 22, 2023, 04:02:57 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

=/\= "Commander tr'Lhoell actually.  I have command of the Beta Hull," the Romulan pointed out to the Challenger's Captain.  "I also approve of the plan.  Commander Lek, coordinate with the Commander Tharn." =/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian waited less than a minute before he could feel the deckplates humming as the extra power flooded the ship. It took about another minute for Tharn, Lek, CatalÁ¡n, and the Beta hull Ops officer to balance the power load. It was one more minute before the four were satisfied with the structural integrity field and Tharn growled.

"Ready Captain."

Ian looked at the ship's readouts on his command chair and did a double take at the combined hull strength he was seeing.

"I bet the the yard apes at Utopia Planetia that built this old girl would never believe these readin's." He activated the comm.  =/\= "Commander, we are showin' ready for warp. Given your engines are available, we have full emergency speed available, warp 9.88 whenever you give the order." =/\=

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 -  Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 22, 2023, 10:21:21 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian waited less than a minute before he could feel the deckplates humming as the extra power flooded the ship. It took about another minute for Tharn, Lek, CatalÁ¡n, and the Beta hull Ops officer to balance the power load. It was one more minute before the four were satisfied with the structural integrity field and Tharn growled.

"Ready Captain."

Ian looked at the ship's readouts on his command chair and did a double take at the combined hull strength he was seeing.

"I bet the the yard apes at Utopia Planetia that built this old girl would never believe these readin's." He activated the comm.  =/\= "Commander, we are showin' ready for warp. Given your engines are available, we have full emergency speed available, warp 9.88 whenever you give the order." =/\=

Rayek, who had left the command seat to observe the process from a step or two behind the Ops officer during the few minute wait, glanced over towards the engineering station to see if Gohun concurred.

He moved back to the Command chair and sat fully back into the seat.

"Helm, set course for the coordinates of the distress call"

He then and tapped open a comm line.

=/\= "All Beta Hull and Challenger crew: Prepare for maximum warp.  Hold on, this might get bumpy." =/\=

He looked back towards flight officer.  "Now, Mr. Bok-char."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: J.B Dersch on April 20, 2023, 11:56:10 AM

Dersch watched and looked out the view screen as they Completed the jump, Before they had jumped he had been really tensed in the Body but now that they were out he slowly untensed the body, All while watching Sherem work the Console

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 20, 2023, 06:34:52 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Very well Captain.  Stand by." the Captain stated, as all systems were ready to go.

"Alright, activate the quantum slipstream.  Let's ride." he stated, giving his order for the ships to go to slipstream.  Almost immedaitely he noticed how difficult this thing was.  The ride to Ferenginar was steady, peaceful... this one was not.  It was back to their testing phase.  He had to grip his chair.  But to his amazement, the journey was thankfully fast and both ships exited the stream.

"I want a complete systems check while the fleet recharges.  The Admiral is probably wai-" he didn't get to finish the sentence as Ops noted a distress signal.. followed by the Admiral hailing them.  Of course he wanted the two of them to investigate.  He was sure he was on the Admiral's shit hit list right now.  But the Admiral's order opened a giant glaring issue with Lek's plan, one that Nevir realized about the same time as Galloway did.

=/\= "That's probably why the prick ordered our two ships to respond.  Prophets..." =/\= he responded, shaking his head. He turned to his science officer.

"Bring up the current ship layout on screen." he ordered, as the image of Galloway was replaced with a schematic of Discovery, highlighting the points of contact between her and the Challenger.

"We lucked out... if the lower arms were one deck lower, Gamma would be out of commission.  Inform the Challenger that we will separate and go on ahead.  We'll keep Lek on the upper engineering deck and see if he can figure out how to quickly disconnect the Beta hull and reattach it.. or if we should return to the Admiral's plan.  I will take Gamma remotely with us, and then Mr. Broadshire, you will be assuming command of Gamma.  Rayek, you will take Beta once it arrives."

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  Lek, we've discovered a flaw in your plan, and we've been ordered to respond to a distress signal.  I'm separating Alpha and Gamma hulls to go on ahead with the Intrepid.  Beta and the Challenger will have to act as one until we can disconnect the ships. I want you to stay on Beta and work on a solution.  Bridge out.=/\=

"Well, Mr th'Lhoell, Mr Broadshire.  You get to see a close up of the Prometheus class's claim to fame." he stated, standing up.

"Computer, activate multi-vector assault mode.  Begin separation sequence.  Automate Gamma hull.  Voiceprint authorization Captain Tekin Nevir."

The computer chimed its acknowledgment and the lights on the ship dimmed to a blue hue.

Multi-vector Mode has been enabled.  Initiating decoupling sequence. Auto separation in ten seconds. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One.

Separation sequence in progress.

The ship shook as it separated, with both the top and bottom sections moving away from the center.  The Ops station showed the sequence as complete and was able to confirm that Gamma Hull was remotely taking orders from the Main Bridge. The Captain turned back and took his seat.

"Helm, set a course for the source of the distress system.  Maximum warp." he stated, as both Alpha and Gamma hulls turned in unison and activated their own different warp engines.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 22, 2023, 11:39:11 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 -  Gamma Hull - Battle Bridge]

Rayek, who had left the command seat to observe the process from a step or two behind the Ops officer during the few minute wait, glanced over towards the engineering station to see if Gohun concurred.

He moved back to the Command chair and sat fully back into the seat.

"Helm, set course for the coordinates of the distress call"

He then and tapped open a comm line.

=/\= "All Gamma Hull and Challenger crew: Prepare for maximum warp.  Hold on, this might get bumpy." =/\=

He looked back towards flight officer.  "Now, Mr. Bok-char."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael looked over at Dersch and said, "Mister Dersch, you better get to Gamma Hull, they'll need you at Tactical."

Staying at Alpha Hull, recalling that one of the new security hands, Raquel Ruiz, is assigned to Beta Hull, she watched as Alpha Hull detached from the main ship and it and Gamma Hull took off. All the while, Jael was muttering a prayer under her breath: "PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates, PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates..."

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2023, 12:24:04 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly caught off-guard by the news that detaching from the cables wasn't as easy as it sounded. Of course, she understood about Alpha and Gamma hulls proceeding while Beta was left behind.

But then, Lek's news of there being two warp cores on the Challenger made Nira perk up in surprise. That was something that she was unaware of...on the other hand, again, Challenger was so big she didn't get to know all of it.

"Good to hear, Tharn," added Nira, "and if there are any engineers out there to get the cables cut as fast as possible, you'd best get them back there."

Nira heard a grunt of assent from the Tellarite in acknowledgement. She sat at her chair for a moment, marveling at Lek's genius. It was also shocking at how contrary Tharn was to Lek. Tharn may know her stuff, but she made "Bones" McCoy look like B'Lanna Torres. Lek, on the other hand, he was a true miracle worker, a genius worthy of Vulcan.

They were soon at warp and, after an exceptionally rocky ride, managed to arrive at the coordinates a moment after Discovery's Alpha and Gamma Hulls and the Intrepid.

"We've arrived at the coordinates," said T'Kel. "Most of the trading fleet, escorts included, has been destroyed by..." there was such a long pause that Nira looked at T'Kel, whose eyes seemed to be flying as if trying to determine of the sensors were working correctly before she finally responded, "this is highly improbable."

"What is?" asked Nira.

"You better see for yourselves," said T'Kel, pulling up the viewscreen.

What everybody in the small task force saw made anybody who was seeing what they see on the viewscreens made everybody watching drop their fact, Nira was sure jaws were dropping on the bridges of the other ships. As T'Kel indicated, most of the Tarkalia Triangle fleet had been destroyed. Only three of the trading ships were left and trying to scatter, only to keep on getting grazed by torpedo volleys. The remainder of the escorts, all Inquiry-class starships (no doubt from the so-called cookie-cutter fleet), were all taking a beating. One was venting plasma in a way that the plasma was bursting and another had it's saucer on fire. The weaponry attacking them were all Cardassian weaponry, but it was the attackers that took them by surprise.

When Nira heard the distress call about being under attack, she had at first assumed that the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet had come under attack, the first kind of raiders that came to mind were Tzenkethi raiders, although they would've had to have been exceptionally bold to attack such a heavily protected trading and cargo fleet like the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet.

When she then heard "Cardassian Pirates," her mind adjusted, figuring at best, they'd be mostly beat-up Galors like the kind she discovered Jael Sherem infiltrating on her Officer Exchange. Of course, maybe more than just a few Galors...maybe a swarm of Hidekis to go with them, maybe some Keldons, or, at most, a Hutet or two, the most powerful Cardassian ships at that time.

She was not expecting, however, to see a huge spindly platform that everybody had come to associate with the most important outpost in the Federation within proximity to the Cardassian neck of the woods.

"What in Allah's name...what am I saying, how in Allah's name did a Nor-class station get out here?"

At the sight of what was attacking the trading fleet, Jael jumped to her feet like she sat on a cactus. Her fists balled and her eyes widened with shock.

"I knew it!" she hissed. "It's him!"

She couldn't believe what she was seeing - well, nobody on the bridges of Alpha and Gamma and anybody who gets there to reinforce the trading fleet would, and she could see the stunned reactions - but there it was. It was it after all. Melek Nor.

Of course, it made sense. She heard plenty about how the Tarkalia Triangle fleet was beefed up over the past decade or so for protection against Tzenkethi raiders and other pirates, but it was certainly obvious that her father was massacring the lot of them.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2023, 12:24:04 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly caught off-guard by the news that detaching from the cables wasn't as easy as it sounded. Of course, she understood about Alpha and Gamma hulls proceeding while Beta was left behind.

But then, Lek's news of there being two warp cores on the Challenger made Nira perk up in surprise. That was something that she was unaware of...on the other hand, again, Challenger was so big she didn't get to know all of it.

"Good to hear, Tharn," added Nira, "and if there are any engineers out there to get the cables cut as fast as possible, you'd best get them back there."

Nira heard a grunt of assent from the Tellarite in acknowledgement. She sat at her chair for a moment, marveling at Lek's genius. It was also shocking at how contrary Tharn was to Lek. Tharn may know her stuff, but she made "Bones" McCoy look like B'Lanna Torres. Lek, on the other hand, he was a true miracle worker, a genius worthy of Vulcan.

They were soon at warp and, after an exceptionally rocky ride, managed to arrive at the coordinates minutes after Discovery's Alpha and Gamma Hulls and the Intrepid.

"We've arrived at the coordinates," said T'Kel. "Discovery's Alpha and Gamma hulls and the Intrepid are holding position...Most of the trading fleet, escorts included, has been destroyed by..." there was such a long pause that Nira looked at T'Kel, whose eyes seemed to be flying as if trying to determine of the sensors were working correctly before she finally responded, "this is highly improbable."

"What is?" asked Nira.

"You better see for yourselves," said T'Kel, pulling up the viewscreen and setting it to maximum magnification.

What everybody in the small task force saw made anybody who was seeing what they see on the viewscreens made everybody watching drop their fact, Nira was sure jaws were dropping on the bridges of the other ships. As T'Kel indicated, most of the Tarkalia Triangle fleet had been destroyed. Only three of the trading ships were left and trying to scatter, only to keep on getting grazed by torpedo volleys. The remainder of the escorts, all Inquiry-class starships (no doubt from the so-called cookie-cutter fleet), were all taking a beating. One was venting plasma in a way that the plasma was bursting and another had it's saucer on fire. The weaponry attacking them were all Cardassian weaponry, but it was the attackers that took them by surprise.

When Nira heard the distress call about being under attack, she had at first assumed that the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet had come under attack, the first kind of raiders that came to mind were Tzenkethi raiders, although they would've had to have been exceptionally bold to attack such a heavily protected trading and cargo fleet like the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet.

When she then heard "Cardassian Pirates," her mind adjusted, figuring at best, they'd be mostly beat-up Galors like the kind she discovered Jael Sherem infiltrating on her Officer Exchange. Of course, maybe more than just a few Galors...maybe a swarm of Hidekis to go with them, maybe some Keldons, or, at most, a Hutet or two, the most powerful Cardassian ships at that time.

She was not expecting, however, to see a huge spindly platform that everybody had come to associate with the most important outpost in the Federation within proximity to the Cardassian neck of the woods.

"What in Allah's name...what am I saying, how in Allah's name did a Nor-class station get out here?"

"I'm not going to be surprised if the fleet's held position because they're as stunned as we are," said T'Kel, "and, before you comment, Vulcans do have their own ways of expressing surprise."

Nira gasped suddenly as a volley destroyed the burning Inquiry-class and another blew a section of the saucer of the one venting plasma.

A hail came in from one of the Inquiry-classes, the USS Facsimile, and a weary-looking man was looking at the viewscreen...

"This is Captain Swansen of the Facsimile. Thank God you're hear, notwithstanding what you look like. We're the only ones left. It's just us and the Replicant left, and the Replicant's leaking plasma. You're surprised at the sight of the Nor, aren't you? It just came out of nowhere, it just blows my mind..."

Nira looked at Captain Galloway. Reassurances were made and meantime, Nira looked at T'Kel.

"Got a good look at the station?" she asked.

"I'm analyzing the station as we speak," T'Kel said. "It's definitely of the same makeup as a Nor-class station, and it seems to possess as much heavy firepower as Deep Space Nine, if not more...that's especially puzzling...Commander, Captain...I think that station's seen us, but it's not opening fire on us or any of Discovery's vectors. In fact, it's even stopped firing."

"Are we as strange-looking as we appear to be?" asked Nira. "Attached to Beta Hull as we are?"

"It's possible," said T'Kel with a shrug.

"Sounds like we could use this to our advantage, Captain," said Nira, turning to the Captain. "We may have a chance to stall them. It'll allow time for the trading fleet to get away, as well as time to detach from Beta Hull."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sat staring at the carnage he was seeing and even though he could clearly see what was happening, the reality of it was overwhelming. Tactically, he immediately knew that the force that had just arrived did not have the firepower to defeat a Nor-Class space station. Their only option was to protect the freighters long enough for them to escape or to rescue their crews at the very least. In response to Nira's suggestion, he said.

"It would take too long ta separate us. Once again, we just don't have the bloody time."

Ian knew Captain Tekin was the senior officer on the scene and that kept him from immediately issuing orders. Instead, he opened a private channel to Discovery's Alpha hull.

=/\= "Captain, I suggest we provide covering fire in the form of proximity fused photons. Since we can't hurt that beastie, I propose we blind it with massed volleys of the photons. Just long enough for the freighters ta go ta warp. If'n they can't then we have Intrepid make a quick pass and beam off their crews and then we go ta warp." =/\=

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 23, 2023, 12:38:03 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael looked over at Dersch and said, "Mister Dersch, you better get to Gamma Hull, they'll need you at Tactical."

Staying at Alpha Hull, recalling that one of the new security hands, Raquel Ruiz, is assigned to Beta Hull, she watched as Alpha Hull detached from the main ship and it and Gamma Hull took off. All the while, Jael was muttering a prayer under her breath: "PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates, PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates..."

At the sight of what was attacking the trading fleet, Jael jumped to her feet like she sat on a cactus. Her fists balled and her eyes widened with shock.

"I knew it!" she hissed. "It's him!"

She couldn't believe what she was seeing - well, nobody on the bridges of Alpha and Gamma and anybody who gets there to reinforce the trading fleet would, and she could see the stunned reactions - but there it was. It was it after all. Melek Nor.

Of course, it made sense. She heard plenty about how the Tarkalia Triangle fleet was beefed up over the past decade or so for protection against Tzenkethi raiders and other pirates, but it was certainly obvious that her father was massacring the lot of them.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge (Alpha Hull)]

The journey was quick, he planned it that way.  Leaving Beta under Rayek was unfortunate, but necessary.  He was at least confident that his ship could handle a couple of raiders.  What he didn't expect was a mobile station to be firing on the convoy.

=/\= "Computer, release the automation on Gamma Hull, and transfer command to the Second Officer." =/\=

With the acknowledgment from the computer, Dem was now in complete control.  He just needed to follow his lead.

"Red Alert!  Shields up and prepare weapons.  Ops, open a channel to the station.  Be ready for evasive manuvers if we are fired upon" he ordered, stepping forward as he watched the impossible battle unfold.

"Nor station, this is Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation starship Discovery.  This convoy is under the protection of Starfleet.  Call off your attack, or we will take action." he stated, waiting to see what the station would do.  Ian had already called him, but he was still hoping against hope that this could be handled diplomatically.

Yeah, like that ever really worked...

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 23, 2023, 10:40:23 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sat staring at the carnage he was seeing and even though he could clearly see what was happening, the reality of it was overwhelming. Tactically, he immediately knew that the force that had just arrived did not have the firepower to defeat a Nor-Class space station. Their only option was to protect the freighters long enough for them to escape or to rescue their crews at the very least. In response to Nira's suggestion, he said.

"It would take too long ta separate us. Once again, we just don't have the bloody time."

Ian knew Captain Tekin was the senior officer on the scene and that kept him from immediately issuing orders. Instead, he opened a private channel to Discovery's Alpha hull.

=/\= "Captain, I suggest we provide covering fire in the form of proximity fused photons. Since we can't hurt that beastie, I propose we blind it with massed volleys of the photons. Just long enough for the freighters ta go ta warp. If'n they can't then we have Intrepid make a quick pass and beam off their crews and then we go ta warp." =/\=

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 23, 2023, 11:20:43 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge (Alpha Hull)]

The journey was quick, he planned it that way.  Leaving Beta under Rayek was unfortunate, but necessary.  He was at least confident that his ship could handle a couple of raiders.  What he didn't expect was a mobile station to be firing on the convoy.

=/\= "Computer, release the automation on Gamma Hull, and transfer command to the Second Officer." =/\=

With the acknowledgment from the computer, Dem was now in complete control.  He just needed to follow his lead.

"Red Alert!  Shields up and prepare weapons.  Ops, open a channel to the station.  Be ready for evasive manuvers if we are fired upon" he ordered, stepping forward as he watched the impossible battle unfold.

"Nor station, this is Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation starship Discovery.  This convoy is under the protection of Starfleet.  Call off your attack, or we will take action." he stated, waiting to see what the station would do.  Ian had already called him, but he was still hoping against hope that this could be handled diplomatically.

Yeah, like that ever really worked...

Rayek stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment, listening to Captain Tekin demand the station call off it's attack, before recognizing the reality that this was not a battle that would go in their favor.  Yet Starfleet protocol demanded that they protect those in need - like those trader ships.

Not being privy to the Captain Galloway's private conversation, Rayek was making his own plans.

"Red Alert!" Rayek called out. The klaxon sounded.  "Shields up!  Tactical, prepare torpedo and phaser pulse countermeasures."

He opened a comm to the Challenger's bridge, and Lek.

=/\= "Captain, assuming the station doesn't stand down, those traders don't stand a chance to escape without some cover.  Connected -  we are the largest obstacle.  I'm going to have Helm move us between the Nor-class station and those ships.  Lek, we'll need as much power to the shields as possible, transfer power being used for the integrity field to the shields the moment we are in position.  Commander Said, I suggest you have your tactical personnel launch countermeasures between us and the station once we are in place." =/\=

Calling over to the engineering station on the bridge. "Mr. Gohun, be sure to keep those shields powered."

"Tactical, do your best to clear out any incoming torpedoes."   Point of Impact shielding worked best when there was only a single impact site... multiple hits at the same time would deplete their shields quickly - even with the added core powering the shields.

He looked to the Ops Chief, "Contact both Alpha and Gamma hull to inform them of our plan."

"Helm, move us between on my mark."

He gave a moment for each of the departments to get themselves ready.

He glanced over towards science.  His time spent with Hrafn on Katra Station had taught him, even in battle science had it's place.  "Mr. Savel, if you have any brilliant ideas on how we can lessen the impact of their energy weapons, now is the time... I'm open to suggestions."

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2023, 12:24:04 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira gasped suddenly as a volley destroyed the burning Inquiry-class and another blew a section of the saucer of the one venting plasma.

A hail came in from one of the Inquiry-classes, the USS Facsimile, and a weary-looking man was looking at the viewscreen...

"This is Captain Swansen of the Facsimile. Thank God you're hear, notwithstanding what you look like. We're the only ones left. It's just us and the Replicant left, and the Replicant's leaking plasma. You're surprised at the sight of the Nor, aren't you? It just came out of nowhere, it just blows my mind..."

Nira looked at Captain Galloway. Reassurances were made and meantime, Nira looked at T'Kel.

"Got a good look at the station?" she asked.

"I'm analyzing the station as we speak," T'Kel said. "It's definitely of the same makeup as a Nor-class station, and it seems to possess as much heavy firepower as Deep Space Nine, if not more...that's especially puzzling...Commander, Captain...I think that station's seen us, but it's not opening fire on us or any of Discovery's vectors. In fact, it's even stopped firing."

The fact that the station stopped firing at Tekin's request seemed suspicious to the Romulan.

"Helm, move us in... slowly.  We don't want to spook them into engaging again.  Lt Banan, I want to listen on whatever is being said out there.  Code-break the comms if you have to!"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 23, 2023, 12:38:03 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael looked over at Dersch and said, "Mister Dersch, you better get to Gamma Hull, they'll need you at Tactical."

Staying at Alpha Hull, recalling that one of the new security hands, Raquel Ruiz, is assigned to Beta Hull, she watched as Alpha Hull detached from the main ship and it and Gamma Hull took off. All the while, Jael was muttering a prayer under her breath: "PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates, PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates..."

At the sight of what was attacking the trading fleet, Jael jumped to her feet like she sat on a cactus. Her fists balled and her eyes widened with shock.

"I knew it!" she hissed. "It's him!"

She couldn't believe what she was seeing - well, nobody on the bridges of Alpha and Gamma and anybody who gets there to reinforce the trading fleet would, and she could see the stunned reactions - but there it was. It was it after all. Melek Nor.

Of course, it made sense. She heard plenty about how the Tarkalia Triangle fleet was beefed up over the past decade or so for protection against Tzenkethi raiders and other pirates, but it was certainly obvious that her father was massacring the lot of them.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 23, 2023, 11:20:43 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge (Alpha Hull)]

The journey was quick, he planned it that way.  Leaving Beta under Rayek was unfortunate, but necessary.  He was at least confident that his ship could handle a couple of raiders.  What he didn't expect was a mobile station to be firing on the convoy.

=/\= "Computer, release the automation on Gamma Hull, and transfer command to the Second Officer." =/\=

With the acknowledgment from the computer, Dem was now in complete control.  He just needed to follow his lead.

"Red Alert!  Shields up and prepare weapons.  Ops, open a channel to the station.  Be ready for evasive manuvers if we are fired upon" he ordered, stepping forward as he watched the impossible battle unfold.

"Nor station, this is Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation starship Discovery.  This convoy is under the protection of Starfleet.  Call off your attack, or we will take action." he stated, waiting to see what the station would do.  Ian had already called him, but he was still hoping against hope that this could be handled diplomatically.

Yeah, like that ever really worked...

[Gamma Battle Bridge | USS Discovery Gamma Hull]
After a pleasant but swift warp trip, Dem could hear the ship come out of slipstream, just as he saw that he was transferred command of the hull. He was frozen in shock at the site. If took a few second for his senses to kick in. The scene displayed on the main viewer. Deep Space Nine attacking a transport colony? The viewscreen had it seem like he was watching a broadcast, and it took him a few seconds to fully comprehend that it was right in front of him, a mere few kilometers away.
He looked at his personal console, and it detailed that the Alpha hull was trying all hailing frequencies. Remembering that he should probably prepare for a skirmish, he issued out some orders.
"œRed alert, battle stations. Ready weapons, I assume the captain will eventually abandon communication efforts with Deep space"¦" Realising that it was clearly not Deep Space Nine, he chose to rephrase,"œThe Cardassian station".
After the ships hails headed a cease fire, Dem was wary. The operations officer, an ensign who he guiltily did not know the name of informed him that the Beta hull had arrived. Dem cautiously sat forward on his seat, watching the standoff unfold.

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 23, 2023, 12:38:03 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Jael looked over at Dersch and said, "Mister Dersch, you better get to Gamma Hull, they'll need you at Tactical."

Staying at Alpha Hull, recalling that one of the new security hands, Raquel Ruiz, is assigned to Beta Hull, she watched as Alpha Hull detached from the main ship and it and Gamma Hull took off. All the while, Jael was muttering a prayer under her breath: "PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates, PleaseProphetsletitbejustpirates..."

At the sight of what was attacking the trading fleet, Jael jumped to her feet like she sat on a cactus. Her fists balled and her eyes widened with shock.

"I knew it!" she hissed. "It's him!"

She couldn't believe what she was seeing - well, nobody on the bridges of Alpha and Gamma and anybody who gets there to reinforce the trading fleet would, and she could see the stunned reactions - but there it was. It was it after all. Melek Nor.

Of course, it made sense. She heard plenty about how the Tarkalia Triangle fleet was beefed up over the past decade or so for protection against Tzenkethi raiders and other pirates, but it was certainly obvious that her father was massacring the lot of them.

With qiuck pace he made it to his Section and maned his battle station


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 24, 2023, 03:18:33 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Rayek stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment, listening to Captain Tekin demand the station call off it's attack, before recognizing the reality that this was not a battle that would go in their favor.  Yet Starfleet protocol demanded that they protect those in need - like those trader ships.

Not being privy to the Captain Galloway's private conversation, Rayek was making his own plans.

"Red Alert!" Rayek called out. The klaxon sounded.  "Shields up!  Tactical, prepare torpedo and phaser pulse countermeasures."

He opened a comm to the Challenger's bridge, and Lek.

=/\= "Captain, assuming the station doesn't stand down, those traders don't stand a chance to escape without some cover.  Connected -  we are the largest obstacle.  I'm going to have Helm move us between the Nor-class station and those ships.  Lek, we'll need as much power to the shields as possible, transfer power being used for the integrity field to the shields the moment we are in position.  Commander Said, I suggest you have your tactical personnel launch countermeasures between us and the station once we are in place." =/\=

Calling over to the engineering station on the bridge. "Mr. Gohun, be sure to keep those shields powered."

"Tactical, do your best to clear out any incoming torpedoes."   Point of Impact shielding worked best when there was only a single impact site... multiple hits at the same time would deplete their shields quickly - even with the added core powering the shields.

He looked to the Ops Chief, "Contact both Alpha and Gamma hull to inform them of our plan."

"Helm, move us between on my mark."

He gave a moment for each of the departments to get themselves ready.

He glanced over towards science.  His time spent with Hrafn on Katra Station had taught him, even in battle science had it's place.  "Mr. Savel, if you have any brilliant ideas on how we can lessen the impact of their energy weapons, now is the time... I'm open to suggestions."

The fact that the station stopped firing at Tekin's request seemed suspicious to the Romulan.

"Helm, move us in... slowly.  We don't want to spook them into engaging again.  Lt Banan, I want to listen on whatever is being said out there.  Code-break the comms if you have to!"

[Engineering - USS Discovery - Beta Hull]

Lek concurred with Rayek's suggestion, the extra power to the structural integrity field needed for the burst of warp travel was now desperately needed to protect the linked ships. The only concern he had was how would the Point of Impact shielding react to the hybrid hull form. He tapped his combadge to speak to the Challenger's chief engineer.

=/\= "Commander Tharn, given the ODN cables we used to link our computer cores for the slipstream, that should allow our Point of Impact systems to merge and share power throughout both hulls. However, as the designer of that system, I never imagined such a use, so we will have to have Ops monitor the power transfer manually while we do the same in engineering." =/\=

=/\= "More work I do not need Commander, but as we haven't got choice until those freighters are safe. I agree. Let's get to it." =/\=

On getting Tharn's concurrence, Lek switched channels.

=/\= "Engineering to Lieutenant Banan, we're about to link the Point of Impact systems of the two ships. In order for the system to work right, you are going to have handle the power transfer manually. We are ready on our end and the system is at your discretion." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 23, 2023, 11:20:43 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge (Alpha Hull)]

The journey was quick, he planned it that way.  Leaving Beta under Rayek was unfortunate, but necessary.  He was at least confident that his ship could handle a couple of raiders.  What he didn't expect was a mobile station to be firing on the convoy.

=/\= "Computer, release the automation on Gamma Hull, and transfer command to the Second Officer." =/\=

With the acknowledgment from the computer, Dem was now in complete control.  He just needed to follow his lead.

"Red Alert!  Shields up and prepare weapons.  Ops, open a channel to the station.  Be ready for evasive manuvers if we are fired upon" he ordered, stepping forward as he watched the impossible battle unfold.

"Nor station, this is Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation starship Discovery.  This convoy is under the protection of Starfleet.  Call off your attack, or we will take action." he stated, waiting to see what the station would do.  Ian had already called him, but he was still hoping against hope that this could be handled diplomatically.

Yeah, like that ever really worked...

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 24, 2023, 03:18:33 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Rayek stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment, listening to Captain Tekin demand the station call off it's attack, before recognizing the reality that this was not a battle that would go in their favor.  Yet Starfleet protocol demanded that they protect those in need - like those trader ships.

Not being privy to the Captain Galloway's private conversation, Rayek was making his own plans.

"Red Alert!" Rayek called out. The klaxon sounded.  "Shields up!  Tactical, prepare torpedo and phaser pulse countermeasures."

He opened a comm to the Challenger's bridge, and Lek.

=/\= "Captain, assuming the station doesn't stand down, those traders don't stand a chance to escape without some cover.  Connected -  we are the largest obstacle.  I'm going to have Helm move us between the Nor-class station and those ships.  Lek, we'll need as much power to the shields as possible, transfer power being used for the integrity field to the shields the moment we are in position.  Commander Said, I suggest you have your tactical personnel launch countermeasures between us and the station once we are in place." =/\=

Calling over to the engineering station on the bridge. "Mr. Gohun, be sure to keep those shields powered."

"Tactical, do your best to clear out any incoming torpedoes."   Point of Impact shielding worked best when there was only a single impact site... multiple hits at the same time would deplete their shields quickly - even with the added core powering the shields.

He looked to the Ops Chief, "Contact both Alpha and Gamma hull to inform them of our plan."

"Helm, move us between on my mark."

He gave a moment for each of the departments to get themselves ready.

He glanced over towards science.  His time spent with Hrafn on Katra Station had taught him, even in battle science had it's place.  "Mr. Savel, if you have any brilliant ideas on how we can lessen the impact of their energy weapons, now is the time... I'm open to suggestions."

The fact that the station stopped firing at Tekin's request seemed suspicious to the Romulan.

"Helm, move us in... slowly.  We don't want to spook them into engaging again.  Lt Banan, I want to listen on whatever is being said out there.  Code-break the comms if you have to!"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

In point of fact, it didn't take long at all for hailing frequencies to be opened. In fact, the call was received at an instant; the viewscreen flickered on to show a gruff old man for a Cardassian.

Nehor Sherem certainly showed his age; aside from the wrinkles, he would've been a typical middle-aged Cardassian. He wore no armor, though he certainly didn't look to need it. Stealth and subterfuge was her forte, as Jael remembered; armor was only an attention-grabber. His eyes were cold and piercing, and his expression so neutral he'd probably be twelve percent Vulcan if it wasn't for the scowl forming in his mouth.

On his ear was a device that bore quite a resemblance to a Terran hearing aid, but Nehor Sherem was never deaf; quite the contrary, his hearing was acute for a Cardassian. He had the device ever since he was a boy and took pleasure in pretending to be deaf so as to listen in on secrets, but that was before even the Obsidian Order caught on to him, but nowadays, one of the greatest fears about Nehor Sherem was that one never knew if he was listening. In actuality, when he was a great deal younger, he lost a part of his ear in a street fight. The "hearing aid" that he had implanted on his lobe acted as a sort of miniature computer, a connection he has to the Cardassian network. Later, in the Dominion War, he never left home without a visor of the style of what Dominion officers would wear on their ships, almost like a mechanical monocle extended from his shoulder and collar bone. If he had his armor, with that visor, all that would've been needed would've been a few Borg implants on his face and he'd look the part of the very cybernetic collective he had studied. It used to scare Jael so much when she was little, she practically ran into her mother's arms and was sure she never left her embrace when Rahab Sherem took her in her arms and made for Federation space in her-then Hideki-class ship.

Fortunately, thank the Prophets, Nehor Sherem had dispensed with the visor and scowled at Captain Tekin from his own Ops, where in the background, other Cardassian officers, also former and fellow members of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau, plus plenty of Jem'Hadar guards around the bridge, scowled at the viewscreen on his end.

A moment later, the old man turned his scowl upward into a mocking grin. It made Jael flinch; she had come to associate that smile with impending misery, at the very least. Nehor Sherem smiling was just as unnerving as a Vulcan losing emotional control.

"Well, I know about empty-nesters, but certainly a big baby certainly doesn't want to let any of the family go," he said; he spoke with a slight drawl, indicative of his native Mekar, having been born a virtual country boy in the Mekar Wilderness.

"Does mommy dearest need to keep giving baby a hug?" Nehor squealed a little, and chuckled. In the background, his henchmen, at least the Cardassians, laughed along with him; the Jem'Hadar, naturally, didn't.

"You're one to talk, old man!" snapped Jael. "This was pretty much the last time I saw you! Prophets damn you for insulting the ships with that comparison!"

Nehor stopped laughing long enough to get a good look at Jael.

"Well, I'll be damned," he said. "My little has been a long time, look how much you've grown. You've become exactly like your mother...along with her religious affiliation," he added sourly, like the memory of his wife's conversion was still fresh in his mind. "However, father dearest is not speaking to you now..."

He looked over at Captain Tekin and scowled long and hard at him. Jael thought she knew that look; one of the only times she and he were together was when she walked in on him torturing a former Bajoran resistance member he still had prisoner, and when he saw her come in, he practically threw her from the room, but not before she had seen enough to get nightmares, to be outright disturbed by what she had seen.

"But first, I think I need to speak this out to your little baby still hugging you," Nehor said, still mocking but full of wanton spite. He nodded, and a hail was sent over to the Challenger. Once he had gotten online with the Challenger, he spoke.

"Captains. Allow me to introduce myself," Nehor drawled. "I am Gul Sherem, director of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. At least, until my office was liquidated by some upstarts under the thumb of that traitor Damar. And this...this is my masterpiece, Melek Nor. The only mobile station you will ever find. I'm sure your sensors will have noticed Borg signatures here. No, I am no Borg King, I just love the implementation of Borg technology."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

The ship came out of transwarp with a moan. The cables that connect both ships were causing stress on the hall. Looking at the sensor data Gohun noted that the cables were putting an increased pressure on the hull and that was causing the structural integrity to go down. Gohum transferred power to structural integrity to compensate.
"Gohun to Lek. The cables are causing stress on the hull. I am increasing the structural integrity field"

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.