Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Lorut Vila

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 10, 2023, 12:33:02 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

At Ensign Lorut's report and attempt at humor, Rayek looked over frowning that she was at her Ops station rather than in the holodeck going over more scenarios for the infiltration.   He called up on his PADD the day's roster, and discovered he had he neglected to update it for the planned mission.   No wonder she was here on the Bridge instead of training.

"Thank you, Ensign.  Speaking of Cardassians... can you confirm if our Cardassian guest, Legate Sherem, has arrived on board?  If so, invite the Legate, along with Lieutenant Commander Sisko and Lieutenant O'Brien, to the Bridge to witness our departure from Deep Space Nine."  It was a courtesy thing.

"Then message those on the Away Team to meet in Holodeck One in ten minutes to continue our Breen scenarios."

Vila nodded "Yes, sir, can do," she replied, and then brought up her PADD. Locating the man on the computer, she sighed deeply. Indeed, he WAS aboard. She took a deep inhale and then an exhale. She could do this. Quickly, she radioed to the ops office. ==/\==Please have Legate Sherem ready to be escorted to the Bridge with his party. He's currently waiting in the Senior Officer's Lounge. I'll be there in a moment to collect him.==/\==

Finally, she tapped out a quick message to the rest of the Away team to meet at the Holodeck for training. She clicked off, and then turned back to Commander tr'Lhoell. "Sir, the Balding Eagle is on the way to Olympus, and I will report to the Holodeck."

She ducked out, and headed for the Lounge to collect her charges, practicing her boxed breathing that the damn Counselor from the Academy had taught her to deal with her problems. She couldn't blow this, and she had to be mature and respectful. She wasn't eight anymore, and while things weren't OK for her, the Legate didn't know her and so she would give him that grace.

She found the man in the Lounge, with Captain Sisko and Chief O'Brien. She knew the Chief, sort of, through her ex-husband, and smiled warmly. "Sirs, please follow me to the Bridge to watch the departure launch. Ens. Lorut Vila," she said, by way of introduction. She smiled as best she could at the Captain and O'Brien-the Legate got a colder stare.

Her lack of respect for the Legate was well earned. Still, she knew in public settings, she'd need to check herself.

A minute later, they were met by Command, and she ducked out to head for the Holodeck. She was going to need considerably more Kanar by the end of the week.

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 10, 2023, 02:33:20 AM


Kinley nodded and waved over an ensign to take over her position. Before scrutenizing the recording carefully. If she hadn't been told it was the Breen Language, she would have had to say that it sounded more like gibberish. It sounded impossible, for certain, but given the facts that all languages had some subconscious patterns to them, it had to have some sort of Rosetta Stone out there. "œSure thing. I'll get on it right away." Looking around, she spotted the first Ops person she could see. Ensign"¦ Lorut, is it? I'd like your assistance with this. There's gotta be some sort of pattern here that we can decipher,  if you could meet me in the science labs."

[Science lab 1]
[ a few minutes later]
Kinnley nodded to the small assembled team she had made. "œSo, we have a pretty much indecipherable language so far, and the translator can't figure it out"¦ yet. Does anyone have any ideas on how to learn it?"

Vila made a face. "I can do my best, but I am Ops, not Diplomatic Corps, and I don't speak lizard, contrary to what you've maybe heard. That ship sailed when the Cardassians finally left Bajor," she said, slightly annoyed. She had work to do and she was no scientist. She just wanted to blow things up and put them back together. Still, she sighed and followed the Science officer. "Lead the way," she said.

Inside the lab, she sat down, listening. "Same way we learned to speak as toddlers-exposure. Send the files to our PADDs or even subdermal transmitters. We can all practice and listen throughout our day." It made the most logical sense, but then she wasn't great at logic, was she? If she were, her lift might not be this messy.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 09, 2023, 12:34:32 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

He remained silent as she started in with an explanation almost immediately.  Good, she realized she did wrong.  He leaned back as she finished her tale and then sighed.

"I sympathized, Jael. But you are not here as a friend to a wronged Cardassian.  As long as you wear that uniform, you are a Starfleet officer, and part of that means your actions do not just reflect on you, but on me and on Starfleet as a whole. Chewing out the diplomatic leader of a people for a personal matter, not even really related to their position, was wholly inappropriate.  And to be frank, it makes me question your duty in this mission." he stated, crossing his arms.

"Whether you like it or not, Garak is a leader to his people.  And you don't get the leeway of cultural understanding like the Klingons do with their Starfleet officers. If you can't separate your personal matters from the mission, then you will be relieved.  Is that understood?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Captain's Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Suddenly, Jael was wishing Tekin had yelled at her. The calm words hurt her a lot worse than his shout. The fact of risking removal from the mission was the worst blow of all.

"I understand, Captain," she said. "And, again, I apologize. This is a matter of bringing down my father. I have no intention of making this personal, not in this chance to bury the last of the Dominion's influence that's scarred the Cardassian union."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 10, 2023, 12:33:02 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Rayek turned his head to look over towards Dr. Broadshire, then paused.  There was something 'off' about the junior Lieutenant but couldn't quite place his finger on what it was.   Being unable to identify the reason for his feeling bothered the Romulan and he frowned ever so slightly.

"I didn't take shore leave.  That is a luxury for the crew." He had spent his time studying what little was known about the Breen and prepping the Away Team for any situation they might face.

His attention then turned to the stations reports coming in.

"Thank you, Lieutenant.  For the moment pass off your station to a junior, I have a task for you."

With a few taps on his PADD a incomprehensible static sound was played.  "That... to our understanding is the Breen language.  It eludes Federation - and Romulan - attempts to decipher it.  I'd like for you to gather as many Science and Ops personnel as you can and see if you can do what the Universal Translators can't.  Which is figure out the basics of Breen communication.  For this mission we're being told to communicate using Federation Standard - as that is a common tongue among mercenaries... but that I feel will raise suspicion when we are on the Breen base.   I'd like to have even a rudimentary understanding of their language if at all possible.  Pull whatever personnel you need... other than the Away Team members."

=/\= "Engineering to Bridge. All systems green. Impulse and warp engines are at the ready." =/\=

Rayek was surprised to have junior Lieutenant T'Farr report in for Engineering rather than Lek.  He wondered if the Ferengi were upset at him for having selected a junior engineer to go on the Away Mission, rather than him.  That didn't sound at all something that Lek complain about though.  But if so, it wouldn't matter - Rayek had his reasons.

Lek was the best engineer they had and he needed the Ferengi to ensure the ship, which his wife and son were on, was kept in the best condition possible as the potential for this mission to end up in full blown battle was high.   He'd tried to convince Tess yesterday to accept a medical transfer to DS9 but she pointed out that with the Borg transwarp no place could be considered safe.   She wasn't wrong about that.  Still, he worried.

At Ensign Lorut's report and attempt at humor, Rayek looked over frowning that she was at her Ops station rather than in the holodeck going over more scenarios for the infiltration.   He called up on his PADD the day's roster, and discovered he had he neglected to update it for the planned mission.   No wonder she was here on the Bridge instead of training.

"Thank you, Ensign.  Speaking of Cardassians... can you confirm if our Cardassian guest, Legate Sherem, has arrived on board?  If so, invite the Legate, along with Lieutenant Commander Sisko and Lieutenant O'Brien, to the Bridge to witness our departure from Deep Space Nine."  It was a courtesy thing.

"Then message those on the Away Team to meet in Holodeck One in ten minutes to continue our Breen scenarios."

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Rebecca had just arrived on the bridge with Legate Sherem. She had to admit, Rahab Sherem was the most Bajoran-like Cardassian, in terms of religious fervor, she had ever seen. She was glad that she didn't begin fawning over her and worship her like some priestess - of which she was definitely not - like most devout Bajorans that crossed her path. Which not just brought about her scowling but also her aversion of avoiding the public.

At least Mama Kassidy had her quiet little settlement on Bajor where she had intended to least, specifically with her father. She was glad it was so out of the way that Bajorans didn't stop there like a tourist trap.

They had arrived just as Commander tr'Lhoell was asking for them and Kirayoshi.

"You called?" asked Rahab with amusement.

So maybe Rahab can crack jokes better than Garak can. Maybe, maybe not, what does Rebecca know?

Still, she felt right at home. This was a stern ship. She couldn't imagine Malik Belvedere on this ship, not with his bubbly attitude. She had seen Captain Tekin and she wouldn't be surprised if Malik melted into a puddle of humiliation if Captain Tekin stared him down too long. Of course, Ulysses Vaughn was just as stern, as was his father, Elias, from what Rebecca had seen of him when she was little.

"If you're wondering where Mister O'Brien is, chances are, he could be down in Engineering," Rebecca told Commander tr'Lhoell.

At that moment, a young Cardassian officer emerged from the ready room. She gave a nod and a slight smile and said, "Hello, mother."

"Well, don't mind me, Jael," said Rahab. "But promise you won't embarrass any more officials from or leading the Detapa Council. Wel...maybe Dukat would've been more deserving of it if he was still alive."

If it was possible for a Cardassian to blanch with a pale face, Jael would. Instead, she settled for looking sick and grimaced.

"Not in this uniform," she said uneasily. "Nor ever."

"Glad you recognized your mistake," said Rahab, tapping her shoulder in reassurement. "Oh, and Jael, look who's here with me. The Daughter of the Emissary."

Rebecca cringed for a nanosecond and curled her lip a tad. She never liked being reminded of that title. She wondered how much her father tired of that title.

"Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko, thank you very much," she said coldly.

"Well, good to meet you face to face, but we do have our respective duties," said Jael. "I got your message, Commander," she said to Commander tr'Lhoell. "I'll see you down at Holodeck One."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Jess Willard on June 11, 2023, 12:18:36 AM

[Counselors Office - USS Discovery]

Knowing how precious space aboard a starship could be it felt odd she had her own office space as an ensign. Of course, the alternative was meeting people in their quarters and she had to admit that this certainly was the preferred option for her after the last time. Especially after the last time. With the limited time she's had from the time she arrived at DS9 to now, she had barely had the opportunity to even sit down, let alone arrange the office the way she'd like it. But with the nerves of her first mission also being her first away mission she'd tried to keep herself busy arranging her office and doing mindless work. But then she heard the door open from behind her. "Sorry, I'm not quite ready to start having sessions with the crew yet. You'll have to come back once everyone is back from the upcoming away mission. I haven't even gotten my office set up." The door hissed closed, but there wasn't a peep from whoever had slipped in behind her. So she spoke again as she moved some items on her desk. "If you want to set something up we can get you on the books for once I'm back. Just make sure to hail me once the away team arrives again."

Still nothing. Complete radio silence. Had she misheard the door? Had it opened and closed in error? She pivoted silently on her heels and looked at where she assumed would be eye level but there was no one there. However, finally, she looked down. Well, that certainly explained why there was no audible reply to her. In front of her, a small hologram velociraptor. "Oh. Hey there. You lost little guy?"

[counselor's office]
[as Steve]

It took a moment, but the counselor human finally noticed him. He squeaked and shook his head. Putting the little barrette down, he shook his collar that indicated that he was a therapy animal, trying to ask her to look and see if he could help. it was very hard when you couldn't exactly tell them. He nudged her leg with his nose. He was a very good boy.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


[Moon Dancer-USS Discovery-Hallway-on way to Bridge]

True to her name, Moon Dancer flittered through the hallways on her way to the Bridge, excited to play 'second chair' on flying such a marvelous ship! While she was slightly sad for missing her chance at the main Helm, she was was content to be of service however she was able to be!
"Ooooohhhh! This is going to be so much FUN!!!" Moon squeaked excitedly.   

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 11, 2023, 01:03:52 PM

Vila made a face. "I can do my best, but I am Ops, not Diplomatic Corps, and I don't speak lizard, contrary to what you've maybe heard. That ship sailed when the Cardassians finally left Bajor," she said, slightly annoyed. She had work to do and she was no scientist. She just wanted to blow things up and put them back together. Still, she sighed and followed the Science officer. "Lead the way," she said.

Inside the lab, she sat down, listening. "Same way we learned to speak as toddlers-exposure. Send the files to our PADDs or even subdermal transmitters. We can all practice and listen throughout our day." It made the most logical sense, but then she wasn't great at logic, was she? If she were, her lift might not be this messy.

[Science Labs]
Kinley nodded to Lorut. "œIndeed.  Even if you don't have any ideas in the area of science, you know computers better than I do.  To get this started, and fast, we need to get as many disciplines as we can on the case. Maybe someone has the answer." She paused a moment, ruminating over what the Ensign just said. "œThough, you do have a point about the exposure"¦ That's certainly a thought. For the away team, that might be too long, but maybe not for the computers, even if it was extremely basic."
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 11, 2023, 05:26:07 AM

Doctor Betaika
[Promenade | Deep Space Nine]

Betaika looked solemnly at the reflection of himself in the concave windows that dotted the promenade. His hair was greying, still slicked back like it always was, but Betaika found that he lacked character. When people look at him, they just see an old man. Last time he was at the station, he was a starry eyed, young, brainwashed member of the Tal Shiar, reluctantly siding with the federation during the Dominion War. He even saw one of the Doctors, Bashir, he thought, dining with the leader of the new Cardassia. He turned his attention to the promenade and observed that once he was changed into a federation uniform, members of the public just thought he is another Vulcan officer. He even considered speaking homogenous drone like his distant ancestors do. While he perceived it as a disgrace, he found it a necessary evil to fit in. He has had more disgusted looks than most. His PADD vibrated in his pocket, and he calmly took it out. An officer, Kinley has called him to the science labs to attempt to understand the Breen language. For the first time that day, he smiled. He has dealt with a lot of Breen.

30 minutes later

[Science Lab 1 | Discovery]

As the officer posed the question to the group, Betaika calmly interjected. "œI was present as a medical supervisor to some Breen interrogations conducted by the empire. Not my proudest days, but it can provide some insight. While of course we could not decode it we noticed a few things. It appears to have a similar structure to standard, but they always phrase each sentence in a way that conveys the most valuable information first, and extra details at the end. Very direct. I am sure that Lorut here could take that into account if trying to make a rudimentary translator."

Kinley nodded."That's perfect! So, at least there's a sort of grammar to what they're saying. We'll need to analyze that somehow. Do we know of any cultural things that they do? Or similar things  such as biology or ecology that we can cross-analyze? "  She asked the team.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 11, 2023, 01:00:41 PM

Vila nodded, realizing too late he couldn't see her. ==/\==Yes, sir, can do,==/\== she replied, and then brought up her PADD. Locating the woman on the computer, she sighed deeply. Indeed, she WAS aboard. She took a deep inhale and then an exhale. She could do this. Quickly, she radioed to the ops office. ==/\==Please have Legate Sherem ready to be escorted to the Bridge with her party. She's currently waiting in the Senior Officer's Lounge. I'll be there in a moment to collect her.==/\==

Finally, she tapped out a quick message to the rest of the Away team to meet at the Holodeck for training. She clicked off, and then radioed back to Commander tr'Lhoell. ==/\==Sir, the Balding Eagle is on the way to Olympus, and I will report to the Holodeck.==/\==

Rayek listened to Ensign Lorut follow through on his orders, arranging for the Legate and other guests to be escorted up, and them moments later felt his PADD vibrate with the arrival in his inbox of a message regarding the Holodeck training.   He nodded in satisfaction at the quality and timeliness of her work.

However, the Bajoran's odd reference to a balding raptor took a moment to decipher.  The only reason he was able to figure it out was that in his youth he'd played many 21st century 'first person shooter games' which often used the code of Eagle in game to refer to the President of the then United States.  Olympus if he wasn't mistaken was name of the mountain on which folklore had the Greek gods residing... obviously reference to the Bridge.  Interesting.  =/\= "Acknowledged Ensign." =/\=

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 11, 2023, 01:00:41 PM

She ducked out, and headed for the Lounge to collect her charges, practicing her boxed breathing that the damn Counselor from the Academy had taught her to deal with her problems. She couldn't blow this, and she had to be mature and respectful. She wasn't eight anymore, and while things weren't OK for her, the Legate didn't know her and so she would give him that grace.

She found the woman in the Lounge, with Lt Commander Sisko and Chief O'Brien. She knew the Chief, sort of, through her ex-husband, and smiled warmly. "Sirs, please follow me to the Bridge to watch the departure launch. Ens. Lorut Vila," she said, by way of introduction. She smiled as best she could at the Lt Commander and O'Brien-the Legate got a colder stare.

Her lack of respect for the Legate was well earned. Still, she knew in public settings, she'd need to check herself.

A minute later, they were met by Command, and she ducked out to head for the Holodeck. She was going to need considerably more Kanar by the end of the week.

Rayek rose from his First Officer's seat and did a circuit around the bridge while he waited for the arrival of the Legate and the Discovery's other guests.  Then he did a second circuit.  What was taking so long?

"Computer, locate Legate Sherem." he inquired as the doors to the turbolift opened.

The computer responded with "Legate Sherem is in turbolift one - arriving on the bridge."

Quote from: Jael Sherem on June 11, 2023, 02:22:54 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Rebecca had just arrived on the bridge with Legate Sherem. She had to admit, Rahab Sherem was the most Bajoran-like Cardassian, in terms of religious fervor, she had ever seen. She was glad that she didn't begin fawning over her and worship her like some priestess - of which she was definitely not - like most devout Bajorans that crossed her path. Which not just brought about her scowling but also her aversion of avoiding the public.

At least Mama Kassidy had her quiet little settlement on Bajor where she had intended to least, specifically with her father. She was glad it was so out of the way that Bajorans didn't stop there like a tourist trap.

They had arrived just as Commander tr'Lhoell was asking for them and Kirayoshi.

"You called?" asked Rahab with amusement.

So maybe Rahab can crack jokes better than Garak can. Maybe, maybe not, what does Rebecca know?

Still, she felt right at home. This was a stern ship. She couldn't imagine Malik Belvedere on this ship, not with his bubbly attitude. She had seen Captain Tekin and she wouldn't be surprised if Malik melted into a puddle of humiliation if Captain Tekin stared him down too long. Of course, Ulysses Vaughn was just as stern, as was his father, Elias, from what Rebecca had seen of him when she was little.

"If you're wondering where Mister O'Brien is, chances are, he could be down in Engineering," Rebecca told Commander tr'Lhoell.

At that moment, a young Cardassian officer emerged from the ready room. She gave a nod and a slight smile and said, "Hello, mother."

"Well, don't mind me, Jael," said Rahab. "But promise you won't embarrass any more officials from or leading the Detapa Council. Wel...maybe Dukat would've been more deserving of it if he was still alive."

If it was possible for a Cardassian to blanch with a pale face, Jael would. Instead, she settled for looking sick and grimaced.

"Not in this uniform," she said uneasily. "Nor ever."

"Glad you recognized your mistake," said Rahab, tapping her shoulder in reassurement. "Oh, and Jael, look who's here with me. The Daughter of the Emissary."

Rebecca cringed for a nanosecond and curled her lip a tad. She never liked being reminded of that title. She wondered how much her father tired of that title.

"Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko, thank you very much," she said coldly.

"Well, good to meet you face to face, but we do have our respective duties," said Jael. "I got your message, Commander," she said to Commander tr'Lhoell. "I'll see you down at Holodeck One."

Rayek turned to face the turbolift and saw the Legate and DS9 Strategic Operations Officer step off onto the bridge.  He waved off security as he approached.

In response to the Legate's question about his calling after her, Rayek nodded his head once. "Yes, I did.  I apologize for not welcoming you earlier.  However, I thought you might appreciate a view from the Bridge while we undocked."

Though the ship wasn't going far just to one of Bajor's moons, Derna, to hide in its gravitational shadow until Cloten's fleet arrived.  When that might actually be, Rayek hadn't been informed.

Before Rayek could query about the absence of Mr. O'Brien, Commander Sisko anticipated his question.

His attention briefly wavered as the doors to the Captain's Ready Room opened and Jael exited.  He watched the exchange between mother and daughter with a neutral expression, though he thought it was rather poor form for the Legate to bring up her daughter's behaviour, on the Bridge of all places after.  The Romulan didn't intervene, but nodded as the Lieutenant used his orders to make an escape.  "I will join you shortly." he answered Jael.

Rayek then turned to the guests once more. "Allow me to introduce, Doctor Dem Broadshire, Discovery's Second Officer." For the sake of brevity, Rayek left out the 'in training' part of Broadshire's title.   Lieutenant Broadshire will be available to assist you in my absence, Legate."

Quote from: MoonDancer on June 11, 2023, 07:19:58 PM

[Moon Dancer-USS Discovery-Hallway-on way to Bridge]

True to her name, Moon Dancer flittered through the hallways on her way to the Bridge, excited to play 'second chair' on flying such a marvelous ship! While she was slightly sad for missing her chance at the main Helm, she was was content to be of service however she was able to be!
"Ooooohhhh! This is going to be so much FUN!!!" Moon squeaked excitedly.

Once more the doors to the turbolift open and he glanced over, noting the arrival of an unfamiliar felinoid... a Caitian hybrid he reasoned, given the mostly human features.  Distracted from the Legate, he watched as Security checked the Caitian woman's credentials and surprisingly allowed her entrance.

"Mr. Broadshire, if you would be so kind as to tour the Legate around the Bridge."

Rayek then stepped away and moved to intercept the Caitian.  "Who are you?  And who authorized your assignment to the Bridge?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Cargo Bay One] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (twelve hours later)

Quote from: Nira Said on June 11, 2023, 07:57:16 PM

First Officer's Log, supplemental. The expected smuggling fleet, after less than a day of waiting, has been reported to arrive in the outskirts of the Bajor system. After a little negotiation with Cloten, both teams are waiting in his ship with our disguises ready, and we are prepared for the first step in our infiltration.

[Commander Nira Said | Cargo Bay One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

"œAbout time it got here," said Nira as she was putting on her Breen suit. She looked around and could see how nervous the teams were. Either that or they were scowling with varied negative emotions, ranging from disgusted to disgruntled, at Cloten's decor, particularly after spending half a day aboard after drills.

It was partly out of the fact how Cloten can demonstrate how much of a genocidal maniac he can look, at least when it came to Antican-Selay relations, what with the Selay skulls and bones often decorating"¦well, almost every part of the ship. Luckily, only Cloten's quarters and those of his guests - which used to be the senior officer quarters - were decorated with Selay leather beds. The two infiltration teams were temporarily quartered in what used to be the enlisted quarters, though it was obvious it was the quarters for his thugs, and it showed, judging from the smell and the filthiness. Her own quarters Cloten gave her, Nira wasn't sure what was staining the walls, and she in all Allah-to-goodness didn't want to know. The attaches from Deep Space Nine still remained in their usual quarters until they were ready and they beamed over.

Now that the fleet had arrived, Nira was sure everybody wanted to be off as fast as possible, though it was up to both the First Officers of Challenger and Discovery to keep the patience.

"œSmells nicer in this suit than the rest of the dahm ship," sneered Molly O'Brien as she put on her helmet.

"œThe smell is the least of it," snapped Rebecca Sisko. "œThe number of indications of crimes committed I counted between here and the transporter room, they could be enough to put away the little psycho from now until Sol goes nova."

Only Commander Belvedere shrugged as he got his suit on, smiling as he got ready. Alone of the teams, Nira still felt nothing out of him. He was confusing, or if he was shielding thoughts, he had a damn good mind shield. Then she noticed him shaking.

"œNervous, plenty, Commander?" she asked.

"œOh, don't mind me," Belvedere said. "œMedication can last me for a while. Hopefully it won't take too long."

"œMedication?" asked Nira.

"œSlight internal condition as a child. Long as I keep taking my medicines, I can be okay. Sometimes I like to test myself by going without long periods."

Nira frowned in befuddlement, then looked over at Zhuk, M'Nia and Mackenzie with pity. None of them were going to be wearing the suits, given the parts they're playing. Then at Jael, Dranik, Gohun, Counselor Willard and Ensign Lorut for Commander tr'Lhoell's team, then at her own team, those who will be in Breen suits. When Kina and McNair had some issues to take care of, Nira had to change her team around at the last minute, replacing them with Doctor Fellows and Lieutenant Savar. Nira felt a little better that her Imzadi was a part of the team, it made her feel reassured. Doctor Fellows was particularly more open when it came to sparing medical personnel, especially since CMOs came on away missions as well.

Nira never saw much of Doctor Fellows, but she liked her. She reflected briefly that she should've assigned her on her first ever away team as First Officer, as opposed to Head Nurse Chloe Davies, given her past relationship with Lahr"¦then again, Nira reflected that she was unaware of their relationship and how it broke apart, being new. She then returned to reality and turned to Discovery's XO.

"œGot your"¦information?" she asked Commander tr'Lhoell, holding up her PADD, which will be containing the false files, along with the payload of viruses ready to be unloaded into the respective computers of the bases to be infiltrated.

Rayek had donned his suit without comment or complaint.  This by far not being even close to the worst attire he'd had to wear for a mission.

He could understand Commander Sisko's frustration at all the evidence of criminal activity they were being asked to ignore - but it was for a greater good.

At Commander Said's query, Rayek nodded.  "Yes, I have."  His PADD, he had tucked into a storage compartment in his suit.  Also in the compartment, was a Romulan designed device that would mask the power signature of the PADD and give off false bio readings for those within a 10 m radius of it.  Setting it to resemble a Breen lifesign had been tricky, but he'd had some help.

[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Bridge]
Quote from: Nira Said on June 11, 2023, 07:57:16 PM

[Deej Cloten | Bridge | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Cloten looked up as four Breen appeared with the two "œprisoners," along with "œH'Riss," who was really the same Caitian posing as Nira's bodyguard. Of course, Cloten knew who it really was under the suits. The two starships' First Officers, plus two bigwigs from Deep Space Nine. These were going to be the spokesmen of the Breen.

Well. Here we are," said a Breen who looks more like one Cloten knew. "œHubs" was a Breen mercenary Cloten had known before his untimely demise led Cloten to acquire his suit. Of course, Cloten had plenty of Breen suits in his armory in the event his thugs needed disguises when working in Breen space.

"œI can understand you okay," Cloten said. "œAnd other Breen should."

Cloten was especially impressed by how the Romulan conjured up translators that can understand, and if need be, can also cause the voice filters to speak Breen. He was glad for that; none of the suits he had came with translators.

"œHail the lead ship, boys," Cloten said.

The captain of the lead ship, a heavily scarred Andorian, leered from the viewscreen.

"œCloten," he drawled. "œRoohz, I thought you were going to be late."

"œYou took your damn time getting here, bug," snapped Cloten.

"œGood," muttered the Andorian. "œHope you got the stuff for the old man to go with the crap we've been hauling."

"œThat and a lot more," said Cloten, stepping aside to show the Breen and their prisoners, with H'Riss.

"œWhat's this?"

"œMeet H'Riss, and his fellow comrades from Breen," said Cloten. "œThey've brought us something that can bring in a little extra profit."

"œI thought you didn't take slaves, Cloten," said the Andorian.

"œI don't," sneered Cloten. "œThey're the result of a snatch job. The Caitian woman here has something that can be of very special interest to the old man. Along with the kid."

"œHe the son of somebody important?" he asked.


"œWell, that's perfectly fine," the Andorian said with a shrug. "œI guess that's why the Syndicate picks shifty Andorians when working with the Breen. Okay, let's bring "˜em to Melek Nor, then."

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

From the moon's shadow, where the Challenger, the Discovery, and the Valiant were lying in wait, T'Kel was watching Cloten's ship and the smuggling fleet from her sensors.

"œCaptain," she said, "œThe fleet is moving off. They're setting course to the system we're expecting."

Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 12, 2023, 03:51:18 AM

Kyan had dismissed the transporter technician after she'd qued up the sequence. So when Deej Cloten materialized on the padd, he found  himself alone in the transporter room with Katra's former Security Chief, who sat perched on the railing in front of the console. He was unarmed, having come straight from the holodeck, but that wasn't something that the Antican smuggler would have suspected, given how infrequently it actually occurred. The Only smiled at Cloten's greeting and hopped off the railing.

"Sure." He replied casually. "But first, we need tae have a talk about something." Kyan's eyes narrowed and his voice took on an edge that was evident even with his pre-pubescent pitch. "Da computer seems tae think yer gonna betray us so it does." He shrugged. "Ah course....I 'm not after believing it so, since I know ye." He paused and made eye contact with  loten before going on. "But if the computer has the right of it...and you ARE after switching sides on us....not that ye are of course...but...if you did......"

He thought about leaving the threat unspoken. After all, Cloten knew what he was going to say. But then Kyan was about as subtle as a Klingon in a bar brawl.

"I'll fookin kill ya before ye see any of the money they'd be paying ya." He deadpanned before switching gears and returning to his more casual demeanor. "So we got that out of the way...let's go see  Commander Said!"

:: Bridge 1 | S.S. Abandon All Hope ::

Kyan relaxed when the Andorian was replaced on the screen by his ship and the inky black void of space. It had taken him a while to nail down the "scared kid" look, but apparantly it was convincing enough. The real test would be if he had to speak, since his own inflections were vastly different than those of his "father", Captain Vaughn. Hopefully he wouldn't need to try his American accent.

"Welp" he offered to his Caitian "captor"..."There's part one finished so, and now it's on to frying pan so it is!"

Rayek, in his role as Breen team leader, had been anticipated on the Bridge of Cloten's ship.  When Mackenzie dropped his act,  Rayek was tempted point it out to the Only that he should remain in character in case one of Cloten's subordinates thought to spy on his superior to learn his secrets, but the Romulan thought better of the idea. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Jael Sherem on June 11, 2023, 02:22:54 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Captain's Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Suddenly, Jael was wishing Tekin had yelled at her. The calm words hurt her a lot worse than his shout. The fact of risking removal from the mission was the worst blow of all.

"I understand, Captain," she said. "And, again, I apologize. This is a matter of bringing down my father. I have no intention of making this personal, not in this chance to bury the last of the Dominion's influence that's scarred the Cardassian union."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

Nevir looked at her hard, and then finally stood up.  "Be sure you don't.  There will be eyes on you for this mission, and any chance of a jeopardy will be dealt with quickly.  I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, don't give me reason otherwise." he stated, shaking his head.

"Dismissed." he added, waiting for her to leave while he gathered his own thoughts and returned to a PADD with the mission details.  They had a role to play.  He had a role to play. A complicated role, but one nonetheless.

After a bit he left his room and stood on the bridge, looking out the viewscreen. They were well on their way. He glanced at the newer faces, including the Legate another familiar-looking young woman.  He gave a small smile as soon as he recognized her, and then turned to his position in the big chair.  He had just sat down when a newcomer he didn't recognize arrived on the bridge, and he turned to raise an eyebrow.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 12, 2023, 04:14:35 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Rayek listened to Ensign Lorut follow through on his orders, arranging for the Legate and other guests to be escorted up, and them moments later felt his PADD vibrate with the arrival in his inbox of a message regarding the Holodeck training.   He nodded in satisfaction at the quality and timeliness of her work.

However, the Bajoran's odd reference to a balding raptor took a moment to decipher.  The only reason he was able to figure it out was that in his youth he'd played many 21st century 'first person shooter games' which often used the code of Eagle in game to refer to the President of the then United States.  Olympus if he wasn't mistaken was name of the mountain on which folklore had the Greek gods residing... obviously reference to the Bridge.  Interesting.  =/\= "Acknowledged Ensign." =/\=

Rayek rose from his First Officer's seat and did a circuit around the bridge while he waited for the arrival of the Legate and the Discovery's other guests.  Then he did a second circuit.  What was taking so long?

"Computer, locate Legate Sherem." he inquired as the doors to the turbolift opened.

The computer responded with "Legate Sherem is in turbolift one - arriving on the bridge."

Rayek turned to face the turbolift and saw the Legate and DS9 Strategic Operations Officer step off onto the bridge.  He waved off security as he approached.

In response to the Legate's question about his calling after her, Rayek nodded his head once. "Yes, I did.  I apologize for not welcoming you earlier.  However, I thought you might appreciate a view from the Bridge while we undocked."

Though the ship wasn't going far just to one of Bajor's moons, Derna, to hide in its gravitational shadow until Cloten's fleet arrived.  When that might actually be, Rayek hadn't been informed.

Before Rayek could query about the absence of Mr. O'Brien, Commander Sisko anticipated his question.

His attention briefly wavered as the doors to the Captain's Ready Room opened and Jael exited.  He watched the exchange between mother and daughter with a neutral expression, though he thought it was rather poor form for the Legate to bring up her daughter's behaviour, on the Bridge of all places after.  The Romulan didn't intervene, but nodded as the Lieutenant used his orders to make an escape.  "I will join you shortly." he answered Jael.

Rayek then turned to the guests once more. "Allow me to introduce, Doctor Dem Broadshire, Discovery's Second Officer." For the sake of brevity, Rayek left out the 'in training' part of Broadshire's title.   Lieutenant Broadshire will be available to assist you in my absence, Legate."

Once more the doors to the turbolift open and he glanced over, noting the arrival of an unfamiliar felinoid... a Caitian hybrid he reasoned, given the mostly human features.  Distracted from the Legate, he watched as Security checked the Caitian woman's credentials and surprisingly allowed her entrance.

"Mr. Broadshire, if you would be so kind as to tour the Legate around the Bridge."

Rayek then stepped away and moved to intercept the Caitian.  "Who are you?  And who authorized your assignment to the Bridge?"

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem was shocked to be introduced to someone of such importance so promptly. Dem nodded and smiled, trying to hide the churning feeling in his stomach. After Rayek introduced him and discreetly informed him of his duties, Dem gestured rightward towards the tactical stations before leading the Cardassian woman to them. "œHere are the Tactical control stations. You can access up to 18 phaser banks and 7 quantum bust torpedo launchers, as well as Starfleet's latest tactical algorithms. This ship packs a punch, and it sure has been in a lot of scrapes! Dem look approvingly towards the Leggat, hoping he was providing the tour she was after.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 11, 2023, 11:45:04 PM

[Science Labs]
Kinley nodded to Lorut. "œIndeed.  Even if you don't have any ideas in the area of science, you know computers better than I do.  To get this started, and fast, we need to get as many disciplines as we can on the case. Maybe someone has the answer." She paused a moment, ruminating over what the Ensign just said. "œThough, you do have a point about the exposure"¦ That's certainly a thought. For the away team, that might be too long, but maybe not for the computers, even if it was extremely basic."
Kinley nodded."That's perfect! So, at least there's a sort of grammar to what they're saying. We'll need to analyze that somehow. Do we know of any cultural things that they do? Or similar things  such as biology or ecology that we can cross-analyze? "  She asked the team.

Doctor Betaika

[Science Lab 1 | USS Discovery]

When Kinley posed her question, the room went silent. After a few moments, Betaika spoke again; "œWell with the permission of the current Romulan government, here are a few files that they are allowing to share with you." Betaika placed a PADD on the polished desk with the file on display in the main window. "œIt contains mostly audio recordings of them speaking, and a little bit of security footage during one of their bases from the VhrKeth." Betaika offered. He paused and noted that the universal translator has not picked up that VhrKeth is a casual abbreviation of vhriin'daiel nneiketh, or the Dominion war in Romulan tongue. Betaika promptly corrected himself "œThe Dominion War".

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Jael Sherem on June 11, 2023, 02:22:54 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Captain's Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Suddenly, Jael was wishing Tekin had yelled at her. The calm words hurt her a lot worse than his shout. The fact of risking removal from the mission was the worst blow of all.

"I understand, Captain," she said. "And, again, I apologize. This is a matter of bringing down my father. I have no intention of making this personal, not in this chance to bury the last of the Dominion's influence that's scarred the Cardassian union."
[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Rebecca had just arrived on the bridge with Legate Sherem. She had to admit, Rahab Sherem was the most Bajoran-like Cardassian, in terms of religious fervor, she had ever seen. She was glad that she didn't begin fawning over her and worship her like some priestess - of which she was definitely not - like most devout Bajorans that crossed her path. Which not just brought about her scowling but also her aversion of avoiding the public.

At least Mama Kassidy had her quiet little settlement on Bajor where she had intended to least, specifically with her father. She was glad it was so out of the way that Bajorans didn't stop there like a tourist trap.

They had arrived just as Commander tr'Lhoell was asking for them and Kirayoshi.

"You called?" asked Rahab with amusement.

So maybe Rahab can crack jokes better than Garak can. Maybe, maybe not, what does Rebecca know?

Still, she felt right at home. This was a stern ship. She couldn't imagine Malik Belvedere on this ship, not with his bubbly attitude. She had seen Captain Tekin and she wouldn't be surprised if Malik melted into a puddle of humiliation if Captain Tekin stared him down too long. Of course, Ulysses Vaughn was just as stern, as was his father, Elias, from what Rebecca had seen of him when she was little.

"If you're wondering where Mister O'Brien is, chances are, he could be down in Engineering," Rebecca told Commander tr'Lhoell.

At that moment, a young Cardassian officer emerged from the ready room. She gave a nod and a slight smile and said, "Hello, mother."

"Well, don't mind me, Jael," said Rahab. "But promise you won't embarrass any more officials from or leading the Detapa Council. Wel...maybe Dukat would've been more deserving of it if he was still alive."

If it was possible for a Cardassian to blanch with a pale face, Jael would. Instead, she settled for looking sick and grimaced.

"Not in this uniform," she said uneasily. "Nor ever."

"Glad you recognized your mistake," said Rahab, tapping her shoulder in reassurement. "Oh, and Jael, look who's here with me. The Daughter of the Emissary."

Rebecca cringed for a nanosecond and curled her lip a tad. She never liked being reminded of that title. She wondered how much her father tired of that title.

"Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko, thank you very much," she said coldly.

"Well, good to meet you face to face, but we do have our respective duties," said Jael. "I got your message, Commander," she said to Commander tr'Lhoell. "I'll see you down at Holodeck One."

[As Kirayoshi]
Hearing his commbadge buzz, he nodded. He had to get up to the bridge. Fairly disappointedly, he nodded to the Ferengi before responding "œOn my way." 


Kirayoshi made it just as the ship left. "œAlright, just did a bit of a trip down In engineering, but we're all good here. "œ he nodded at the Commander.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Jael Sherem on June 11, 2023, 02:22:54 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Rebecca had just arrived on the bridge with Legate Sherem. She had to admit, Rahab Sherem was the most Bajoran-like Cardassian, in terms of religious fervor, she had ever seen. She was glad that she didn't begin fawning over her and worship her like some priestess - of which she was definitely not - like most devout Bajorans that crossed her path. Which not just brought about her scowling but also her aversion of avoiding the public.

Vila wasn't far behind them, sent to greet and escort the Legate. She painted on a fake smile-how could she possibly be expected to be NICE to the people who'd treated her and her people so terribly?-and approached the group. "Ens. Lorut Vila. I am assigned to escort you today; your security officer should be around shortly," she said, cooly. She was very clearly Bajoran and very clearly of an age to have lived through-or at least remember-the Occupation.

"Do you need anything before the Captain arrives?" She asked. Her eyes were trained on the Legate, but every ounce of her was forcing herself to not unholster her phaser. Several tense moments (at least for her)passed as she waited for her reply or someone to come along and relieve her.

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 11, 2023, 11:45:04 PM

[Science Labs]
Kinley nodded to Lorut. "œIndeed.  Even if you don't have any ideas in the area of science, you know computers better than I do.  To get this started, and fast, we need to get as many disciplines as we can on the case. Maybe someone has the answer." She paused a moment, ruminating over what the Ensign just said. "œThough, you do have a point about the exposure"¦ That's certainly a thought. For the away team, that might be too long, but maybe not for the computers, even if it was extremely basic."
Kinley nodded."That's perfect! So, at least there's a sort of grammar to what they're saying. We'll need to analyze that somehow. Do we know of any cultural things that they do? Or similar things  such as biology or ecology that we can cross-analyze? "  She asked the team.

Vila shrugged. "Probably it IS too long for the team. For them, I'd suggest sending a lexicon to their subdermal transmitters or in-ears and letting them figure it out from there. We can follow up with written words on a PADD," she said. "Or the transmitters, even." It was the best idea she had at the moment.

"Unless we can find something in the database-maybe someone has since done a more investigative look into their people, and made recordings of the speech." It was worth a try-ANYTHING was.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]  (PRIOR to Undocking from DS9)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 15, 2023, 06:28:32 PM

Vila wasn't far behind them, sent to greet and escort the Legate and his wife. She painted on a fake smile-how could she possibly be expected to be NICE to the people who'd treated her and her people so terribly?-and approached the group. "Ens. Lorut Vila. I am assigned to escort you today; your security officer should be around shortly," she said, cooly. She was very clearly Bajoran and very clearly of an age to have lived through-or at least remember-the Occupation.

"Do you need anything before the Captain arrives?" She asked. Her eyes were trained on the Legate, but every ounce of her was forcing herself to not unholster her phaser. Several tense moments (at least for her) passed as she waited for his her reply or someone to come along and relieve her.

With Rayek's attention focused on the unexpected arrival of the Caitian hybrid on the Bridge, the Romulan First Officer had completely missed the tense few moments that passed between Lt Jael's mother - the Cardassian Legate - and the Bajoran Ensign escorting her.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 12, 2023, 02:20:29 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

Nevir looked at her hard, and then finally stood up.  "Be sure you don't.  There will be eyes on you for this mission, and any chance of a jeopardy will be dealt with quickly.  I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt, don't give me reason otherwise." he stated, shaking his head.

"Dismissed." he added, waiting for her to leave while he gathered his own thoughts and returned to a PADD with the mission details.  They had a role to play.  He had a role to play. A complicated role, but one nonetheless.

After a bit he left his room and stood on the bridge, looking out the viewscreen. They were well on their way. He glanced at the newer faces, including the Legate another familiar-looking young woman.  He gave a small smile as soon as he recognized her, and then turned to his position in the big chair.  He had just sat down when a newcomer he didn't recognize arrived on the bridge, and he turned to raise an eyebrow.

Rayek had been waiting for the Caitian hybrid in the flight uniform to answer him.   But it was security at the door that spoke first, clearly coming to the rescue of the 'damsel-in-distress'.   "She's the new flight officer, sir. Her transfer papers are signed by Admiral Gillespie himself. " The crewman sounded a bit in awe of the man, but then continued with his explanation.  "We checked with Chief Malloy and she's assigned Ensign Moon Dancer - that's her name - " the crewman pointed out while smiling towards the cat-eared beauty.   "- to 2nd chair at Helm.  Apparently, the Chief wants CPO Graham to familiarize her with the MVA protocols."

Rayek glanced over towards talkative security crewman.  "Thank you Crewman." The man's name was Edwin Clarke - normally a quiet man.  Given the man's sudden reaction, Rayek almost wondered if the other species in the woman's geneology was Orion.  The Romulan gave a slight sigh before turning towards the felinoid.

"Welcome aboard Ensign Moon Dancer." Rayek offered in greeting.  "You can take your seat.  Though for future reference, I prefer it if you respond yourself when asked a direct question, rather than getting information from your would-be suitor."

Rayek turned back towards the touring group and noticed that the Captain had arrived on the Bridge at some point without it being called out. Neither Captain Torngate, nor Captain Solluk had been partial to that archiac naval protocol.  Rayek had yet to determine if it was something that Tekin preferred to ignore as well.  As such he called out, "Captain on the Bridge!"

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 13, 2023, 04:41:23 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Dem was shocked to be introduced to someone of such importance so promptly. Dem nodded and smiled, trying to hide the churning feeling in his stomach. After Rayek introduced him and discreetly informed him of his duties, Dem gestured rightward towards the tactical stations before leading the Cardassian woman to them. "œHere are the Tactical control stations. You can access up to 18 phaser banks and 7 quantum bust torpedo launchers, as well as Starfleet's latest tactical algorithms. This ship packs a punch, and it sure has been in a lot of scrapes! Dem look approvingly towards the Leggat, hoping he was providing the tour she was after.

Rayek could see Dem and Vila keeping their Cardassian guest occupied.

"Ensign Lorut.  If you would... call the Away Team down to the Holodeck to resume scenarios.     They had anywhere from 6 to 12 hrs before the smuggler fleet were to arrive... he wasn't going to have his team waste that time.

Recalling that Garrison had tried to request the Bajoran Ops ensigns aid, he added. "You can join us after you've offered your assistance to Lieutenant Garrison and the Breen translator team."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 15, 2023, 01:41:22 AM

[As Kirayoshi]
Hearing his commbadge buzz, he nodded. He had to get up to the bridge. Fairly disappointedly, he nodded to the Ferengi before responding "œOn my way." 

With everyone present or on their way, Rayek waited for the Captain's orders to undock. The manuever was smooth and handled with expert care by the Flight personnel.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 15, 2023, 01:41:22 AM


Kirayoshi made it just as the ship left. "œAlright, just did a bit of a trip down In engineering, but we're all good here. "œ he nodded at the Commander.

"You're just in time to join my team for a bit of scenario practice.  You and Ensign Lorut will be our key personnel in retrieving the data and implanting the virus into the computer." Rayek then looked towards Lt Commander Siska.  He was uncertain what role she intended to play in the mission.  Strategic Operations generally was a planning position not a field role; so, what was he supposed to do with her?

"Commander Sisko, I hope you'll join us as well."

Rayek gave a last nod to Dr. Broadshire, certain that the man had things under control.

[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck] (4 hrs AFTER undocking)

A timer he had set on his PADD went off alerting him to the fact that the team deserved a break.

"Computer - pause program."

Over the course of the past 4 hours Rayek had run simulation after simulation with the Away Team and in each scenario their disguises were always questioned by the Breen station staff when the current Universal Translators failed to translate the Breen language completely.

During the last hour, Rayek had the holodeck computer bypass and ignore the communications flaw in their plan, just so the team could actually reach the base for once and practice beyond that part of the scenario.   The results were varied.

"Good work everyone.  Take a half hour break.".

Rayek, in the meantime, would check in with Lieutenant Garrison to see if she and her team had made any headway with upgrading the translators -  it was clear communications were a crucial element of this mission.

He made his way to the Science Labs.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

🡱 🡳

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