Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 18, 2023, 11:58:57 PM

[Science labs]
[not concurrent with time at the moment ]

Kinley nodded, pacing the floor. "œBrilliant! So That's our plan. We get every recording we can get our hands on, and see if we can download them to the Unimatrix and get the computers to analyze it." She turned to Betaika as he handed her the files from the Romulans.   "œThank you. This is going to help a lot.  As soon as we can get it to reasonably replicate their speech patterns, we're going to need to use your knowledge of their grammar to make it sound reasonably accurate. We don't have a Breen to test it against, so we're going to have to hope our simulations are good enough to at least ask where to go to the bathroom in Breen"¦ metaphorically speaking. "
Nodding to Ensign Lorut, she nodded. "œI agree. The sooner we get that transmitted to them, the better. If you can handle that transmission, that would be great."

"œI'll help you guys out with integrating the computer code systems. They're going out pretty soon, so we need to hurry."

[A little bit later]

They managed to get the systems up. Now all that was left to do was test it. She'd rather have more tests before going to a field test, but this was going to have to do. =/\="œCommander Tr'Lhoell, we're ready with the new translator program for you to try out. =/\=

Doctor Betaika

[Science Lab 1 | USS Discovery]

The Doctor spent the past few hours systematically sorting, renaming and tagging files to build the data base. While some would consider it boring, the astute old man found peace in such a simple task, occasionally humming a tune, or thinking about old friends long gone. At around two hours in, Betaika spoke to Lorut. "œI think I would be best if you went to the away team festivities now." The doctor turned to Kinley "œI think we can handle the rest of the process" . After more work, Kinley found it to be time to send off the finished product. Betaika smiled conservatively, proud at the work they had completed.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 16, 2023, 04:43:36 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]  (PRIOR to Undocking from DS9)

With Rayek's attention focused on the unexpected arrival of the Caitian hybrid on the Bridge, the Romulan First Officer had completely missed the tense few moments that passed between Lt Jael's mother - the Cardassian Legate - and the Bajoran Ensign escorting her.

Rayek had been waiting for the Caitian hybrid in the flight uniform to answer him.   But it was security at the door that spoke first, clearly coming to the rescue of the 'damsel-in-distress'.   "She's the new flight officer, sir. Her transfer papers are signed by Admiral Gillespie himself. " The crewman sounded a bit in awe of the man, but then continued with his explanation.  "We checked with Chief Malloy and she's assigned Ensign Moon Dancer - that's her name - " the crewman pointed out while smiling towards the cat-eared beauty.   "- to 2nd chair at Helm.  Apparently, the Chief wants CPO Graham to familiarize her with the MVA protocols."

Rayek glanced over towards talkative security crewman.  "Thank you Crewman." The man's name was Edwin Clarke - normally a quiet man.  Given the man's sudden reaction, Rayek almost wondered if the other species in the woman's geneology was Orion.  The Romulan gave a slight sigh before turning towards the felinoid.

"Welcome aboard Ensign Moon Dancer." Rayek offered in greeting.  "You can take your seat.  Though for future reference, I prefer it if you respond yourself when asked a direct question, rather than getting information from your would-be suitor."

Rayek turned back towards the touring group and noticed that the Captain had arrived on the Bridge at some point without it being called out. Neither Captain Torngate, nor Captain Solluk had been partial to that archiac naval protocol.  Rayek had yet to determine if it was something that Tekin preferred to ignore as well.  As such he called out, "Captain on the Bridge!"

Rayek could see Dem and Vila keeping their Cardassian guest occupied.

"Ensign Lorut.  If you would... call the Away Team down to the Holodeck to resume scenarios.     They had anywhere from 6 to 12 hrs before the smuggler fleet were to arrive... he wasn't going to have his team waste that time.

Recalling that Garrison had tried to request the Bajoran Ops ensigns aid, he added. "You can join us after you've offered your assistance to Lieutenant Garrison and the Breen translator team."

With everyone present or on their way, Rayek waited for the Captain's orders to undock. The manuever was smooth and handled with expert care by the Flight personnel.

"You're just in time to join my team for a bit of scenario practice.  You and Ensign Lorut will be our key personnel in retrieving the data and implanting the virus into the computer." Rayek then looked towards Lt Commander Siska.  He was uncertain what role she intended to play in the mission.  Strategic Operations generally was a planning position not a field role; so, what was he supposed to do with her?

"Commander Sisko, I hope you'll join us as well."

Rayek gave a last nod to Dr. Broadshire, certain that the man had things under control.

[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck] (4 hrs AFTER undocking)

A timer he had set on his PADD went off alerting him to the fact that the team deserved a break.

"Computer - pause program."

Over the course of the past 4 hours Rayek had run simulation after simulation with the Away Team and in each scenario their disguises were always questioned by the Breen station staff when the current Universal Translators failed to translate the Breen language completely.

During the last hour, Rayek had the holodeck computer bypass and ignore the communications flaw in their plan, just so the team could actually reach the base for once and practice beyond that part of the scenario.   The results were varied.

"Good work everyone.  Take a half hour break.".

Rayek, in the meantime, would check in with Lieutenant Garrison to see if she and her team had made any headway with upgrading the translators -  it was clear communications were a crucial element of this mission.

He made his way to the Science Labs.

Quote from: MoonDancer on June 20, 2023, 12:52:58 AM

=/\=Once more the doors to the turbolift open and he glanced over, noting the arrival of an unfamiliar felinoid... a Caitian hybrid he reasoned, given the mostly human features.  Distracted from the Legate, he watched as Security checked the Caitian woman's credentials and surprisingly allowed her entrance.

"Mr. Broadshire, if you would be so kind as to tour the Legate around the Bridge."

Rayek then stepped away and moved to intercept the Caitian.  "Who are you?  And who authorized your assignment to the Bridge?" =/\=

[Moon Dancer - Bridge - USS Discovery]

Moon eeped slightly at the angry words as a man walked into her way.

[Yeesh, Scare Master much?] Moon thought, suppressing a hiss.

"My name's Moon Dancer, Sir, and I'm for lack of a better description, second chair to flying this beautiful bird," Moon lowered her head respectfully, trying not to cause too much trouble her first day aboard.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

With the understanding of who the Caitian on the bridge was doing there, Nevir relaxed, but internally he frowned.  The Admiral approved a transfer and apparently didn't tell him.  Just another example of the sudden micromanaging and ignorance of normal protocol that he had started to notice.  Still, he was sure the transfer file was probably in his Ready Room.  Either way, he didn't have the inclination, nor more importantly the authority to challenge it.

"Very well, Ensign please take the second chair."

Of course, Rayek had noticed him at that time and called out is entrance.  The Captain raised a hand to signal the entire bridge.

"As you were.  Commander, if we are ready to go I would like to get underway.  Prepare for undocking.  Helm, set a course for the first checkpoint and prepare.  Ops, obtain clearance from the station and pull out moorings and interlock.  All stations prepare for departure." he ordered, watching as the ship acted, returning them to their mission.

Some time later....

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main bridge]

There wasn't much for the ship to do.  It would take time for the civilian ship to get into position, and it wasn't like Discovery could convincingly run a chase for a few days without catching it. So instead, while his first officer handled the away team, the Captain was preparing the ship for combat.  That included running drills to get the crew back into the possible military mindset again.

"We are going to run another drill in an hour, and I want good results.  I want updates from all departments prior to the drill." he stated, in a comm to all department heads.  Closing the channel, he stared out into the star-filled void in front of them, getting comfortable again.

"This is the worst part.  The waiting."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 20, 2023, 12:31:50 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

With the understanding of who the Caitian on the bridge was doing there, Nevir relaxed, but internally he frowned.  The Admiral approved a transfer and apparently didn't tell him.  Just another example of the sudden micromanaging and ignorance of normal protocol that he had started to notice.  Still, he was sure the transfer file was probably in his Ready Room.  Either way, he didn't have the inclination, nor more importantly the authority to challenge it.

"Very well, Ensign please take the second chair."

Of course, Rayek had noticed him at that time and called out is entrance.  The Captain raised a hand to signal the entire bridge.

"As you were.  Commander, if we are ready to go I would like to get underway.  Prepare for undocking.  Helm, set a course for the first checkpoint and prepare.  Ops, obtain clearance from the station and pull out moorings and interlock.  All stations prepare for departure." he ordered, watching as the ship acted, returning them to their mission.

Some time later....

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main bridge]

There wasn't much for the ship to do.  It would take time for the civilian ship to get into position, and it wasn't like Discovery could convincingly run a chase for a few days without catching it. So instead, while his first officer handled the away team, the Captain was preparing the ship for combat.  That included running drills to get the crew back into the possible military mindset again.

"We are going to run another drill in an hour, and I want good results.  I want updates from all departments prior to the drill." he stated, in a comm to all department heads.  Closing the channel, he stared out into the star-filled void in front of them, getting comfortable again.

"This is the worst part.  The waiting."

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"Aye Captain." Alexander set a course for the checkpoint as he prepared for the departure. He was going to train the ensign in the second chair on the MVA protocols that were suggested but that was going to have to wait. Getting the good results from the drill that they were going to run was more important to him at the moment. He thought that maybe if there was time he could train the ensign after the drill.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 20, 2023, 03:08:50 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]
Dem looked around, and no one motioned to continue or stop the tour, not even the Legate. "œWell, if you could come along this way, here are our science stations"¦" Dem continued to guide the Legate on a painstakingly boring and uninteresting tour, until finally he had reached the last station. "œThat finishes the bridge, if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask me." The Legate promptly left, which unburdened Dem of the annoying responsibility "" for now. Trying to keep his professionalism, he sat down of the visitor chair and sighed. Dem looked over at Tekin, calmy sitting in his chair, and it dawned on him that he hadn't really gotten to know the powerful figure. Making sure the Legate had left the bridge, Dem stated "œFew. Well, that was a nightmare. May I ask why exactly she is onboard?"

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir looked over at the other officer, and merely gave a small smirk.  "The Cardassian Union has a vested interest in this operation.  They are here to see it through, and the Legate is our representative.  That said, the truth is something you will come to understand very well... we were ordered to."

Zavrol Gohun

After being escorted back to the cargo bay Gohun had the idea that he would have to just relax in the cargo bay. When the group decided to have a meeting.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 18, 2023, 03:50:58 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Bridge] - AWAY TEAM ONLY

Once everyone was gathered, Rayek tested the new translators to get across the information as he had the suit translate his Federation standard to Breen.

=/\= "Phase One plan has begun.  Smuggle fleet is moving - we aboard are Breen mercenaries.  I know suit is unhappy,  however wear at all times... until mission done.  ETA to Breen base and Melek Nor...  three days.  How understood?" =/\=

Turning off the translator Rayek had one more thing he needed to address and he didn't want to risk miscommunications.  He lowered his voice as he spoke so that ideally the sound wouldn't travel any further than their close group in corner of the large bay.

"If we encounter difficulties on the Base and I need to issue orders privately - I would like advance permission to contact each of through telepathy. I am a trained telepath - though my ability has a limited range"

Gohun looked up and started speaking " El-Aurians were empathic, and also possessed a limited form of telepathy whereby they could, with difficulty, project an image of themselves into the mind of another person. I can send pictures but not speaking"
Gohun looked around the room "I could try sending picture words"

Lorut Vila


Rayek nodded at Chief O'Brien's query.  "We all should have the schematics downloaded into our suit... so if we get split up each can find their way around.  In addition, Ensign Lorut should have the schematic memorized, isn't that right, Ensign?" He looked Lorut meaningfully.  Memorizing the schematic had been her 'punishment' for arriving late to the briefing the day before.

Later when O'Brien stated he was good with Rayek's telepathy, the Romulan nodded appreciatively.  So far, the group was being quite accommodating.   He looked to those remaining who had yet to answer him:  the El-Aurian - Ensign Gohun;  the Human - Ensign Dersch; and the Cardassian - junior Lieutenant Sherem - daughter to the very same Gul they were hoping to capture.

Because of the Badlands through which they would be traveling, they had three days until they arrived at the Breen base around which Melek Nor was supposed to found.  Rayek hoped by then they would be far more cohesive a team than they were presently.

"Let's get back to training. Ensign Lorut will be our guide to the base's computer core. Dersch you will take point.  I will backing you up.  Ops and Engineering personnel will be follow.  Jael, you and Dranik will guard our 6 o'clock."

This was the same positions they had been practicing all day yesterday.

Vila shrugged noncommittally. She HAD memorized it, but she would let the Romulan know it. Not yet. Playing too many cards at once was how people figured you out. She wasn't interested in that. Still, she confidently walked forward after setting her Phaser to phase-just in case. If she was going to play Chicken, she might as well be prepared. Besides, she hadn't yet learned much about anyone here-her trust was low and her walls were up.

"Yes, sir," came her response. Short and simple. She led them towards the corridor and down towards the lab where the main computer system was. The route was clear, but a bit dim, and she realized she should've prepared to bring a flashlight or headlamp or something. Oh, well. "It's just down this corridor, past the main Engineering office. They seem to have put both Ops and Engineering together." Which made sense, but she was just Bajoran, so what did she know about logic?

A bit later, the group was in the room, and, while it was cramped, there was just enough space. She got to work, fiddling with controls, tools spread out. "I might need to open a panel," she said. She looked at O'Brien. "Where's your father when you need him?" She remarked lightly, but a moment later, the console responded. "Commander, sir? Do you want to use your codes or shall I?" She asked. The woman was calm and collected. She had little qualms about going UC ever, and, in fact, it kind of thrilled her. The safe danger was a bit of fun her brain had needed.



Rayek had been waiting for the Caitian hybrid in the flight uniform to answer him.   But it was security at the door that spoke first, clearly coming to the rescue of the 'damsel-in-distress'.   "She's the new flight officer, sir. Her transfer papers are signed by Admiral Gillespie himself. " The crewman sounded a bit in awe of the man, but then continued with his explanation.  "We checked with Chief Malloy and she's assigned Ensign Moon Dancer - that's her name - " the crewman pointed out while smiling towards the cat-eared beauty.   "- to 2nd chair at Helm.  Apparently, the Chief wants CPO Graham to familiarize her with the MVA protocols."

Rayek glanced over towards talkative security crewman.  "Thank you Crewman." The man's name was Edwin Clarke - normally a quiet man.  Given the man's sudden reaction, Rayek almost wondered if the other species in the woman's geneology was Orion.  The Romulan gave a slight sigh before turning towards the felinoid.

"Welcome aboard Ensign Moon Dancer." Rayek offered in greeting.  "You can take your seat.  Though for future reference, I prefer it if you respond yourself when asked a direct question, rather than getting information from your would-be suitor."

Rayek turned back towards the touring group and noticed that the Captain had arrived on the Bridge at some point without it being called out. Neither Captain Torngate, nor Captain Solluk had been partial to that archiac naval protocol.  Rayek had yet to determine if it was something that Tekin preferred to ignore as well.  As such he called out, "Captain on the Bridge!"

Moon blushed a little at the suiter comment.

"Thank you, Sir. I'm sorry, Sir," Moon again lowered her head, glancing quickly at the Security Guard curiously.

[Ok...that was VERY weird!] Moon thought, although, she was a bit curious as to whether there might be something there.

Moon snapped to attention as Rayek called attention to the Captain's presence.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 20, 2023, 02:32:13 AM


(time skip 4 hrs)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck] (4 hrs AFTER undocking) DAY 1 ~12:00

Perfect timing! Rayek was already headed to the Science lab where the computer had noted the Lieutenant was.   The Romulan tapped his comm badge.
=/\= "Acknowledged.  Am on my way." =/\=

He arrived at the lab two minutes later.  "What have you got for me?" he asked.

(Hopefully this finishes out the science labs section so it's a little easier.

[Science Labs, day 1, 12:00]

"œThank you doctor. We can take it from here now. "œ said Kinley as the Commander came into the room. Standing up straight, she handed him the chip that held the dataset. "œWe've got a  Breen Translation database made for the Universal Translator that should be able to provide next to real-time translation and if necessary, a way to imitate their speech that should be fluent enough for comprehension and communication. It definitely needs more testing, and we probably don't want to have them talk too much, but I believe it will do the job for now."œ she said, finishing up her report with an enthusiastic nod.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 20, 2023, 12:31:50 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

With the understanding of who the Caitian on the bridge was doing there, Nevir relaxed, but internally he frowned.  The Admiral approved a transfer and apparently didn't tell him.  Just another example of the sudden micromanaging and ignorance of normal protocol that he had started to notice.  Still, he was sure the transfer file was probably in his Ready Room.  Either way, he didn't have the inclination, nor more importantly the authority to challenge it.

"Very well, Ensign please take the second chair."

Of course, Rayek had noticed him at that time and called out is entrance.  The Captain raised a hand to signal the entire bridge.

"As you were.  Commander, if we are ready to go I would like to get underway.  Prepare for undocking.  Helm, set a course for the first checkpoint and prepare.  Ops, obtain clearance from the station and pull out moorings and interlock.  All stations prepare for departure." he ordered, watching as the ship acted, returning them to their mission.

Some time later....

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main bridge]

There wasn't much for the ship to do.  It would take time for the civilian ship to get into position, and it wasn't like Discovery could convincingly run a chase for a few days without catching it. So instead, while his first officer handled the away team, the Captain was preparing the ship for combat.  That included running drills to get the crew back into the possible military mindset again.

"We are going to run another drill in an hour, and I want good results.  I want updates from all departments prior to the drill." he stated, in a comm to all department heads.  Closing the channel, he stared out into the star-filled void in front of them, getting comfortable again.

"This is the worst part.  The waiting."

[Bridge,  day 1, 1800]

As the translator program was completed and given to the away team, Kinley returned to the bridge to find Captain Tekin on the deck. "œYup, the waiting is the worst "œ she said, finishing that sentence. She had been preparing the program in the computers, making one final test before the crew moved out. It worked well so far. "œComputers are ready, Sir. "œ

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 21, 2023, 09:42:04 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir looked over at the other officer, and merely gave a small smirk.  "The Cardassian Union has a vested interest in this operation.  They are here to see it through, and the Legate is our representative.  That said, the truth is something you will come to understand very well... we were ordered to."

[Bridge | USS Discovery | 0800 hours - Day 1]

"œUnderstood sir" Dem cheerily stated as the corner of his lips started to rise. "œAt least you were not responsible for their hospitality" Dem instantly regretted saying that. It was probably to candid and opinionated for a commanding officer. He hoped he would let it slide. Over the next few hours, Dem sat in an awkward silence, mostly retreating to the manuals he was given a few days ever. However, he was occasionally interrupted by the Legate requiring something.

1800 Hours

Dem walked back on to the bridge after showing the legate to her quarters and he started rubbing his sore eyes, before realising that his shift was over. He looked up at the captain. "œPermission to leave the bridge sir, I believe that alpha shift has just ended." Dem looked over at Kinley, and noted that she had only just arrived, so he presumed that her shift had just started.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 22, 2023, 02:30:50 AM

(Hopefully this finishes out the science labs section so it's a little easier.

[Science Labs, day 1, 12:00]

"œThank you doctor. We can take it from here now. "œ said Kinley as the Commander came into the room. Standing up straight, she handed him the chip that held the dataset. "œWe've got a  Breen Translation database made for the Universal Translator that should be able to provide next to real-time translation and if necessary, a way to imitate their speech that should be fluent enough for comprehension and communication. It definitely needs more testing, and we probably don't want to have them talk too much, but I believe it will do the job for now."œ she said, finishing up her report with an enthusiastic nod.

[Bridge,  day 1, 1800]

As the translator program was completed and given to the away team, Kinley returned to the bridge to find Captain Tekin on the deck. "œYup, the waiting is the worst "œ she said, finishing that sentence. She had been preparing the program in the computers, making one final test before the crew moved out. It worked well so far. "œComputers are ready, Sir. "œ

Doctor Betaika

After the Commander inspected their product, Betaika saw it best to leave, ending with a curt "œGood night Kinley. It was a pleasure working with you". He started to pace the long walk to his quarters, which was inconveniently on the other side of the hull. While it would be most logical to just take the turbolift, the Romulan thought it wouldn't hurt to get a little more exercise. He had been letting himself go a little latley.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]  (Prior to Undocking from DS9) DAY 1 ~08:00

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 20, 2023, 12:31:50 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]
Of course, Rayek had noticed him at that time and called out is entrance.  The Captain raised a hand to signal the entire bridge.

"As you were.  Commander, if we are ready to go I would like to get underway.  Prepare for undocking.  Helm, set a course for the first checkpoint and prepare.  Ops, obtain clearance from the station and pull out moorings and interlock.  All stations prepare for departure." he ordered, watching as the ship acted, returning them to their mission.

Quote from: Alexander Graham on June 20, 2023, 11:17:03 PM

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"Aye Captain." Alexander set a course for the checkpoint as he prepared for the departure. He was going to train the ensign in the second chair on the MVA protocols that were suggested but that was going to have to wait. Getting the good results from the drill that they were going to run was more important to him at the moment. He thought that maybe if there was time he could train the ensign after the drill.

At the Captain's request, Rayek nodded and began going through each step methodically.
=/\= "Bridge to Engineering. Prepare to undock.  Switch to internal power and have the warp engines on standby." =/\=

Of course, there were several more steps that Rayek was ultimately responsible when it came to the undocking procedure but given the Captain's direct orders to each Bridge station the Romulan took a moment to ensure that no crucial step was missed.

Finally with all systems double checked and all stations still reporting green, Rayek gave the order to undock.

"Back us away, Mr. Graham. Two meters per second, thrusters only to start.  At one hundred meters, go to one quarter impulse and begin course adjusting to your heading."

To deal with the ship's inertia, Rayek had Ops reverse the tractor beam to help them 'push off'.  "Two second burst from the repulsor beam at half power, Ensign Lorut."

Soon the ship was clear and turned about towards where Bajor and her moons orbited.  The ship was to hide in the gravitational shadow of Bajor moon, Derna, to await Cloten's fleet.  The trip there would take a few hours.

"Captain, with your permission, I will be headed to holodeck to continue training with my team.  I leave the Bridge to you and Mr. Broadshire."

(time skip 4 hrs)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck] (4 hrs AFTER undocking)(DAY 1  ~12:00)

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 20, 2023, 03:10:14 AM

Doctor Betaika

[Science Lab 1 | USS Discovery]

The Doctor spent the past few hours systematically sorting, renaming and tagging files to build the data base. While some would consider it boring, the astute old man found peace in such a simple task, occasionally humming a tune, or thinking about old friends long gone. At around two hours in, Betaika spoke to Lorut. "œI think I would be best if you went to the away team festivities now." The doctor turned to Kinley "œI think we can handle the rest of the process" . After more work, Kinley found it to be time to send off the finished product. Betaika smiled conservatively, proud at the work they had completed.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 22, 2023, 02:30:50 AM

[Science Labs, day 1, 12:00]

"œThank you doctor. We can take it from here now. "œ said Kinley as the Commander came into the room. Standing up straight, she handed him the chip that held the dataset. "œWe've got a Breen Translation database made for the Universal Translator that should be able to provide next to real-time translation and if necessary, a way to imitate their speech that should be fluent enough for comprehension and communication. It definitely needs more testing, and we probably don't want to have them talk too much, but I believe it will do the job for now."œ she said, finishing up her report with an enthusiastic nod.

Rayek looked over the basic code for the translation database, ensuring that it was compatible with his own personal in-ear device.  The database was rather well done and it took Rayek all of 5 minutes to upload the new code to his Universal Translator.

"Thank you Lieutenant.  You and your team did an amazing job in such a short span of time.  The Captain will be made aware of your team's good work.  Pass this translation database to Engineering and have them get it installed in all of the translators the Away Team will be using."

(time skip ~ 6 to 8 hours)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - BRIDGE] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 1  ~18:00)

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on June 21, 2023, 10:18:49 AM

After being escorted back to the cargo bay Gohun had the idea that he would have to just relax in the cargo bay.

Rayek watched Gohun and others left the bridge.  He remained, waiting on Discovery's acknowledgement of his Morse Code message. (post #35)
(time skip 30 minutes later)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - CARGO BAY] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 1  ~18:00)

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on June 21, 2023, 10:18:49 AM

When the group decided to have a meeting.Gohun looked up and started speaking " El-Aurians were empathic, and also possessed a limited form of telepathy whereby they could, with difficulty, project an image of themselves into the mind of another person. I can send pictures but not speaking"
Gohun looked around the room "I could try sending picture words"

Rayek had already been aware of the El-Aurian species empathic abilities, but this was the first he had heard of them being limited telepaths.  Rayek considered that.  Humans were not telepathic but could communicate back when he initiated a connection.

"We'll need to test that.  Send me a message right now warning me of guards approaching.  Can you send to more than one at a time?"

Rayek, a former Tal'Shiar operative, normally kept mental walls up to block telepathic intrusion.  Now he let those walls down partially, while locking away those memorizes and thoughts he did not want others to ever learn of him.

Then it came time to train again.

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Holodeck ~19:00]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 21, 2023, 05:51:17 PM

Vila shrugged noncommittally. She HAD memorized it, but she would let the Romulan know it. Not yet. Playing too many cards at once was how people figured you out. She wasn't interested in that. Still, she confidently walked forward after setting her Phaser to phase-just in case. If she was going to play Chicken, she might as well be prepared. Besides, she hadn't yet learned much about anyone here-her trust was low and her walls were up.

"Yes, sir," came her response. Short and simple. She led them towards the corridor and down towards the lab where the main computer system was. The route was clear, but a bit dim, and she realized she should've prepared to bring a flashlight or headlamp or something. Oh, well. "It's just down this corridor, past the main Engineering office. They seem to have put both Ops and Engineering together." Which made sense, but she was just Bajoran, so what did she know about logic?

A bit later, the group was in the room, and, while it was cramped, there was just enough space. She got to work, fiddling with controls, tools spread out. "I might need to open a panel," she said. She looked at O'Brien. "Where's your father when you need him?" She remarked lightly, but a moment later, the console responded. "Commander, sir? Do you want to use your codes or shall I?" She asked. The woman was calm and collected. She had little qualms about going UC ever, and, in fact, it kind of thrilled her. The safe danger was a bit of fun her brain had needed.

Rayek was not pleased at the vague shrug.  He expected the officers working with him to do as ordered.  This lackadaisical attitude she had could get the entire team killed, if they relied on her to know the way and she didn't.

However, once in the scenario, he found that the did indeed know her way around the Breen base without having to consult a PADD.  From his place as Dersch's backup he wasn't able to watch her as much as he would like since he and Dersch were ahead clearing the way and merely getting directions on which way to go, but it at least seemed to him that she took this mission seriously during the training scenario.

When they got to the core, he had a brief opportunity to watch the Bajoran woman work at hacking access to the computer core.  She was quite skilled.   At her question, Rayek pulled installation device from the inside of his Breen suit where it had been hidden throughout the entire scenario.

"During the mission I will install it."  Rayek did this not out of a sense of power tripping, but because there was a high likelihood that the damage caused from the virus would impact the station to the point of key systems failing including life-support and power to any number of critical systems.  The likelihood of deaths resulting from the plan was high.  Rayek would not pass the responsibility of such deaths onto junior officer if he could avoid it.

"Commander Sisko, Mr. O'Brien, please observe.  You will be my backup if I am unable to proceed with the mission for whatever reason."

Rayek then went on to step by step (without actually doing it) instruct how to upload the virus to the Breen Base computer core.

(timeskip of 3 days)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - BRIDGE] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 3 16:00hrs)

Quote from: Nira Said on June 21, 2023, 09:18:31 PM

First Officer's Log, 78166.22. After a long journey, and multiple drills where some random opponents on the holodeck look more like pleasure slaves and less like Jem'Hadar (and Cloten had better get that blasted thing fixed), we're on approach to the Panora system, what with the pace slowing down now that we are in the Badlands. It's imperative we keep our character, despite the impatience we have. We may have delayed too long. Even if Cloten's own crew are silent and loyalty bought, I'm still wary of the possibility that something is going to go wrong.

Once more the senior officers were called up to the Bridge mid-afternoon on the third day of their trek through the Badlands.

The somewhat odd plan was to have the Only 'captive' escape and call for 'Daddy' to save him.  The idea being it would convince Sherem and his underlings that Cloten, H'Riss (the Caitian's alias) and the 'Breen mercenaries' (them) could be trusted.  Rayek had his doubts but he had orders and he was fairly confident in his ability to make it work.   Rayek stood in the background letting Commander Said do the majority of dealing with the Antican.  They seemed to have an understanding of one another - even if it was mainly through Nira's threats.

Three days aboard Cloten's ship had given Rayek ample opportunity to discreetly tie in his PADD to the Antican's comm system so that he could track and trace any outgoing calls.   So far, there had been no messages to either the smuggler fleet or the Breen about their plans.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 21, 2023, 09:18:31 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

"We've entered visual range," Galen Mal called from his own console.

"On screen," said Cloten casually. "And maximum magnification."

The Breen station appeared, highlighted by the Badlands in the background, which, here, seemed to unusually look like the power of gasoline fire rather than typical flames as most of the Badlands do.

"Impressive, ain't it?" said Cloten. "The Breen Dreadnaughts share the same design, only this thing's a load bigger..."

"...Except for one problem," said Nira. "Where the hell is Melek Nor?"

True enough, the station operated by the Cardassian head spook turned pirate wasn't there. It wasn't floating anywhere.

"Must be out for a raid," said Cloten with a shrug. "Get on your disguises, y'all."

Rayek, who like his entire team, had worn the Breen suit constantly these past three days in order to be more familiar with its weight and movement limitations, rolled his eyes - unseen within his helmet - at the Antican's ordering the others about.

The fact that Melek Nor was not here could spell disaster for their plans.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 21, 2023, 09:18:31 PM

Nira looked back at the other officers. Rayek, Belvedere and Sisko had their disguises put on, and Zhuk had brought back up M'Nia. Kyan was waiting for the right cue...

The rest of his team were down in the Cargo Bay, ready for any situation.  If the commander of the base fell for this deception, the entire group might be beamed to the base to fill in holes among the base own personnel.  If he did not fall for their ruse, then they would use the three Federation ships to fight their way onto the base.    Being invited aboard would be less costly in Federation lives.
Quote from: Nira Said on June 21, 2023, 09:18:31 PM

Once their helmets were on, Cloten ordered a hail to the station. What came on was a Breen Thot and a Vorta, which certainly confirmed any Dominion involvement. The Thot wasn't Malgh; Nira recalled the battle "scars" and whatnot. He looked instead to be just a generic Breen Thot. Having never seen a Vorta before except on files, it unnerved Nira how much like a Vulcan a Vorta can look. He had the hair, and the tips of the ears were pointed, but under the ears, the comparison ended. The ears certainly looked like gills under the pointed tips, and there seemed to be a purple poisonous visage about him. Even the eyes were purple.

"Welcome back to Panora, Misster Cloten," said the Vorta smoothly and silkily, talking so much like an oily-voiced snake, Nira half expected the Vorta flick a forked tongue from his lips. Nira could definitely here the impediment in the Vorta's voice that sounded disturbingly like a slight hiss.

"Pleasure's all mine, Mister Neyos," said Cloten. "Where's the old man?"

"Gul Sherem is currently occupied with a raid on Qu'Vat," Neyos said. "A bit of vengeance he wanted to inflict on the Klingons for the attacks that prompted Dukat to turn to us. At the same time, he's using it to also make fun at the Klingons by informing them that by zipping back from one quadrant to another, he's virtually untouchable."

Under her helmet, Nira frowned. She had wondered if, by attacking with a transwarp-rigged station, Old Man Sherem was going to taunt the Klingons with that. She was sure he was going to provoke them into going all the way to the Badlands, and thus he'd pick them off if a fleet tried to make their way. Cloten seemed to think the same way, hence his next words.

"Klingons?" asked Cloten. "He's back to raiding Klingons?"

"He hasn't just been attacking around Federation boundaries," Neyos said. "He likes to head to Klingon space now and again. He doesn't raid too frequently, just to keep the Klingons jumpy. And, as I said, he's taking revenge on the Klingons."

"Fine," Cloten said. "Anyway, we have the merchandise you wanted. And we even have ourselves a bonus or two."

His grin widened as he gestured to Zhuk and M'Nia, the latter roughly bringing her forward.

"Meet H'riss, and his 'friend,' one Ambassador R'Naia," said Cloten as smoothly as Neyos. "She's got a lot of information you'd like very much to know. Ship and fleet positions for Federation ships around the border, and it's something I think the Old Man would like."

"Perhaps we'd like it, too?" asked Neyos, raising an eyebrow.

"Correct. And the fact that he had a whole bunch of Breen to back him up," he added, gesturing to "Hubs" and the other Breen behind him, "it's a big matter, an important find. Plus, we have a little insurance to go with it, as an additional bonus," said Cloten, using his signal word. "And his name is..."

Right on cue, a Nausicaan appeared on the bridge, hauling a cursing Kyan playing the part of angry whinging boy held hostage.

"Boss! Kid got loose!" he snarled. "We found him calling his father! He's telling us where we've gone!"

"What?!?" said Cloten. "You should've kept a better guard! But it won't matter, he's too late!"

"What in Founders' name are you...?" asked Neyos, but then Galen called out from the console.

"Federation ship detected incoming!" he said. "It's the Valiant! Two other Federation ships are following some light-years behind that ship!... Boss, Captain Vaughn's demanding his son back!"

"That boy is Ulysses Vaughn's son?" asked Neyos in surprise.

"Like Cloten said, insurance," said Nira as "Hubs." "A Captain's son guarantees we're left well enough alone when we met up with Cloten. We weren't expecting the boy to take matters into his own hands."

"Then Captain Vaughn is going to be in for a surprise," said Neyos in a pleasantly homicidal voice. "Send some attack ships against the Valiant. As for the other two incoming ships, send a trio of cruisers against them."

That didn't sound good to Nira. She kept her body language neutral, but she was worried about the Challenger and the Discovery.

As they arrived on the Bridge and had visual confirmation of the Breen base, Rayek heard via his in-ear comm, the 'call for help'.   It was only afterwards it was noted that Melek Nor - and its owner Gul Sherem - was not present.   That put a wrench in their plans.   But with the call given there wasn't much to do but continue the ruse.

If nothing else, both teams could potentially get aboard the base and 'wait' for Sherem to return.  Not an ideal plan, but it seemed they might have to improvise.

From then on, Rayek watched the scene play out before him studying the Breen Thot on the screen and his Vorta master.

Despite the upgraded universal translator, Rayek his drilled him team to speak as little as possible.  Short answers if absolutely necessary.  That way there would far less chance of the translator coming across a term it couldn't translate.

He realized belatedly he should have emphasized that to Commander Said and her team as well.

Her first statement, short as it was translated really well and Rayek couldn't tell that it was pieced together by a miniature computer.   However, her continued explanation, made him wince inside his suit.  The translation came out somewhat stalled and garbled at times.

Rayek tried his best to do damage control.   "Hoobz, your vocoder is broken again."  He could only hope his own words translated well.

At hearing the number of ships being sent out to intercept their 'pursuers', Rayek felt a momentary flash of panic for his wife and son still on board the Discovery.  No matter how much he had entreated Tess to disembark at DS9 she had refused.  He let the topic after that first day, concerned that further argument would only stress her more - putting both her and their unborn at risk.

Needing to forewarn the Discovery about the incoming ships, with a specific jaw movement inside the helmet Rayek activated his comm and quietly began clacking his teeth in Morse Code - again using Pig Latin to further obscure the message.

.- .-. -. .. -. --. .-- .- -.-- .-.-.- / .... .-. . . - .- -.-- / .-. . . -. -... .- -.-- / .-. ..- .. ... . .-. ... -.-. .- -.-- / -. -.-. --- -- .. -. --. .. .- -.-- .-.-.-

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila

SS Lost-all-hope
Basement labs
~1900 hours


Rayek was not pleased at the vague shrug.  He expected the officers working with him to do as ordered.  This lackadaisical attitude she had could get the entire team killed, if they relied on her to know the way and she didn't.

However, once in the scenario, he found that the did indeed know her way around the Breen base without having to consult a PADD.  From his place as Dersch's backup he wasn't able to watch her as much as he would like since he and Dersch were ahead clearing the way and merely getting directions on which way to go, but it at least seemed to him that she took this mission seriously during the training scenario.

When they got to the core, he had a brief opportunity to watch the Bajoran woman work at hacking access to the computer core.  She was quite skilled.   At her question, Rayek pulled installation device from the inside of his Breen suit where it had been hidden throughout the entire scenario.

"During the mission I will install it."  Rayek did this not out of a sense of power tripping, but because there was a high likelihood that the damage caused from the virus would impact the station to the point of key systems failing including life-support and power to any number of critical systems.  The likelihood of deaths resulting from the plan was high.  Rayek would not pass the responsibility of such deaths onto junior officer if he could avoid it.

"Commander Sisko, Mr. O'Brien, please observe.  You will be my backup if I am unable to proceed with the mission for whatever reason."

Rayek then went on to step by step (without actually doing it) instruct how to upload the virus to the Breen Base computer core.

She simply stepped aside to let the others work. She wasn't needed yet, so she took her usual post against a wall to observe. You could learn much about people simply by watching them. "Yes, sir," she said. She knew she might be in a bit of trouble for her lack of response about her memorizing/knowing the routes, but really, what was she SUPPOSED to say?! "Gee, thanks for making me do THAT?" Of course not!

She brought up her PADD, on standby, in case it was needed to send a signal or somesuch. "Sir, I am ready to transmit elsewhere, if necessary," she said.

Kinley Garrison


A bit later, the group was in the room, and, while it was cramped, there was just enough space. She got to work, fiddling with controls, tools spread out. "I might need to open a panel," she said. She looked at O'Brien. "Where's your father when you need him?" She remarked lightly, but a moment later, the console responded. "Commander, sir? Do you want to use your codes or shall I?" She asked. The woman was calm and collected. She had little qualms about going UC ever, and, in fact, it kind of thrilled her. The safe danger was a bit of fun her brain had needed.


"During the mission I will install it."  Rayek did this not out of a sense of power tripping, but because there was a high likelihood that the damage caused from the virus would impact the station to the point of key systems failing including life-support and power to any number of critical systems.  The likelihood of deaths resulting from the plan was high.  Rayek would not pass the responsibility of such deaths onto junior officer if he could avoid it.

"Commander Sisko, Mr. O'Brien, please observe.  You will be my backup if I am unable to proceed with the mission for whatever reason."

Rayek then went on to step by step (without actually doing it) instruct how to upload the virus to the Breen Base computer core.

[as Kirayoshi]
[day 1: 18:30]
[Cargo bay]

Kirayoshi nodded to the commander and Vila "œ Sounds like a plan. I'll take the rear."œ At the mention of his dad, he grinned. [color=yellow.] "œLast I heard, he was taking a vacation with Mom somewhere nice like Risa. But he did tell me a few tricks that I've got up my sleeve."œ [/color] he said, nodding in the tight area."œIf you want to, go for it.""œ

He nodded when the commander told them that he'd be backup. Hopefully, that would not be necessary.

Day 3
[cargo bay]
The waiting was almost unbearable. Clearly, everyone was as tight as a guitar string. His suit was still fogging up in the visor, and there wasn't anything he could do to fix it. He'd tried.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Dem Broadshire

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 0900 Hours]

Dem stepped onto the bridge, energised to start his shift, especially on such a big day. The wheels were put in motion for the plan to work - they just needed to enact it. He observed on the main viewscreen with a display of Cloten's ship in transit, flecks of stars wisping past the tattered hull. He assumed they were monitoring them just in case they had to step in to aid. Dem slowly walked to the second officer chair, making a bold decision despite not really being asked. He thought that it would not be logical to sit in a visitor chair and ostracise himself away from the captain. Dem turned towards Tekin, already at his post. "œMorning sir. I hope you are well rested. May I ask what the plan is for today?" Dem questioned, trying to get comfortable in his surprisingly uncomfortable seat. Tekin appeared calm, in control. In fact in every possible situation he seemed unphased, even when hell was raining loose on the ship. Dem wished he had some of his cool headedness. "œAt least next time things go south, the captain will be in command, and not me" Dem thought, relieved at his epiphany that he would have less responsibility.

Lorut Vila


day  1
Disco Ops office


Kirayoshi nodded to the commander and Vila "œ Sounds like a plan. I'll take the rear."œ At the mention of his dad, he grinned. "œLast I heard, he was taking a vacation with Mom somewhere nice like Risa. But he did tell me a few tricks that I've got up my sleeve."œ he said, nodding in the tight area."œIf you want to, go for it."

He nodded when the commander told them that he'd be backup. Hopefully, that would not be necessary.

Vila pulled a small smile. "Good for them. Wish it were me," she remarked, but her CO's impatience was obvious, so she got to work quickly.

------------3 Days Later---------
Cloten's ship

Vila stood and waited for orders; she was ready. Her subdermal transmitter had been pre-loaded with the language she'd need, and the stupid suits they had to wear were too hot, but in a minute, she'd be able to finagle her way into the Ops station, and get what was necessary. Even if she had to shoot her way in, she would.

==/\Lorut ready==/\== she radioed to the team lead.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 22, 2023, 06:59:58 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]  (Prior to Undocking from DS9) DAY 1 ~08:00

At the Captain's request, Rayek nodded and began going through each step methodically.
=/\= "Bridge to Engineering. Prepare to undock.  Switch to internal power and have the warp engines on standby." =/\=

Of course, there were several more steps that Rayek was ultimately responsible when it came to the undocking procedure but given the Captain's direct orders to each Bridge station the Romulan took a moment to ensure that no crucial step was missed.

Finally with all systems double checked and all stations still reporting green, Rayek gave the order to undock.

"Back us away, Mr. Graham. Two meters per second, thrusters only to start.  At one hundred meters, go to one quarter impulse and begin course adjusting to your heading."

To deal with the ship's inertia, Rayek had Ops reverse the tractor beam to help them 'push off'.  "Two second burst from the repulsor beam at half power, Ensign Lorut."

Soon the ship was clear and turned about towards where Bajor and her moons orbited.  The ship was to hide in the gravitational shadow of Bajor moon, Derna, to await Cloten's fleet.  The trip there would take a few hours.

"Captain, with your permission, I will be headed to holodeck to continue training with my team.  I leave the Bridge to you and Mr. Broadshire."

(time skip 4 hrs)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Holodeck] (4 hrs AFTER undocking)(DAY 1  ~12:00)

Rayek looked over the basic code for the translation database, ensuring that it was compatible with his own personal in-ear device.  The database was rather well done and it took Rayek all of 5 minutes to upload the new code to his Universal Translator.

"Thank you Lieutenant.  You and your team did an amazing job in such a short span of time.  The Captain will be made aware of your team's good work.  Pass this translation database to Engineering and have them get it installed in all of the translators the Away Team will be using."

(time skip ~ 6 to 8 hours)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - BRIDGE] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 1  ~18:00)

Rayek watched Gohun and others left the bridge.  He remained, waiting on Discovery's acknowledgement of his Morse Code message. (post #35)

(time skip 30 minutes later)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - CARGO BAY] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 1  ~18:00)

Rayek had already been aware of the El-Aurian species empathic abilities, but this was the first he had heard of them being limited telepaths.  Rayek considered that.  Humans were not telepathic but could communicate back when he initiated a connection.

"We'll need to test that.  Send me a message right now warning me of guards approaching.  Can you send to more than one at a time?"

Rayek, a former Tal'Shiar operative, normally kept mental walls up to block telepathic intrusion.  Now he let those walls down partially, while locking away those memorizes and thoughts he did not want others to ever learn of him.

Then it came time to train again.

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Holodeck ~19:00]

Rayek was not pleased at the vague shrug.  He expected the officers working with him to do as ordered.  This lackadaisical attitude she had could get the entire team killed, if they relied on her to know the way and she didn't.

However, once in the scenario, he found that the did indeed know her way around the Breen base without having to consult a PADD.  From his place as Dersch's backup he wasn't able to watch her as much as he would like since he and Dersch were ahead clearing the way and merely getting directions on which way to go, but it at least seemed to him that she took this mission seriously during the training scenario.

When they got to the core, he had a brief opportunity to watch the Bajoran woman work at hacking access to the computer core.  She was quite skilled.   At her question, Rayek pulled installation device from the inside of his Breen suit where it had been hidden throughout the entire scenario.

"During the mission I will install it."  Rayek did this not out of a sense of power tripping, but because there was a high likelihood that the damage caused from the virus would impact the station to the point of key systems failing including life-support and power to any number of critical systems.  The likelihood of deaths resulting from the plan was high.  Rayek would not pass the responsibility of such deaths onto junior officer if he could avoid it.

"Commander Sisko, Mr. O'Brien, please observe.  You will be my backup if I am unable to proceed with the mission for whatever reason."

Rayek then went on to step by step (without actually doing it) instruct how to upload the virus to the Breen Base computer core.

(timeskip of 3 days)

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - BRIDGE] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 3 16:00hrs)

Once more the senior officers were called up to the Bridge mid-afternoon on the third day of their trek through the Badlands.

The somewhat odd plan was to have the Only 'captive' escape and call for 'Daddy' to save him.  The idea being it would convince Sherem and his underlings that Cloten, H'Riss (the Caitian's alias) and the 'Breen mercenaries' (them) could be trusted.  Rayek had his doubts but he had orders and he was fairly confident in his ability to make it work.   Rayek stood in the background letting Commander Said do the majority of dealing with the Antican.  They seemed to have an understanding of one another - even if it was mainly through Nira's threats.

Three days aboard Cloten's ship had given Rayek ample opportunity to discreetly tie in his PADD to the Antican's comm system so that he could track and trace any outgoing calls.   So far, there had been no messages to either the smuggler fleet or the Breen about their plans.

Rayek, who like his entire team, had worn the Breen suit constantly these past three days in order to be more familiar with its weight and movement limitations, rolled his eyes - unseen within his helmet - at the Antican's ordering the others about.

The fact that Melek Nor was not here could spell disaster for their plans.

The rest of his team were down in the Cargo Bay, ready for any situation.  If the commander of the base fell for this deception, the entire group might be beamed to the base to fill in holes among the base own personnel.  If he did not fall for their ruse, then they would use the three Federation ships to fight their way onto the base.    Being invited aboard would be less costly in Federation lives.

As they arrived on the Bridge and had visual confirmation of the Breen base, Rayek heard via his in-ear comm, the 'call for help'.   It was only afterwards it was noted that Melek Nor - and its owner Gul Sherem - was not present.   That put a wrench in their plans.   But with the call given there wasn't much to do but continue the ruse.

If nothing else, both teams could potentially get aboard the base and 'wait' for Sherem to return.  Not an ideal plan, but it seemed they might have to improvise.

From then on, Rayek watched the scene play out before him studying the Breen Thot on the screen and his Vorta master.

Despite the upgraded universal translator, Rayek his drilled him team to speak as little as possible.  Short answers if absolutely necessary.  That way there would far less chance of the translator coming across a term it couldn't translate.

He realized belatedly he should have emphasized that to Commander Said and her team as well.

Her first statement, short as it was translated really well and Rayek couldn't tell that it was pieced together by a miniature computer.   However, her continued explanation, made him wince inside his suit.  The translation came out somewhat stalled and garbled at times.

Rayek tried his best to do damage control.   "Hoobz, your vocoder is broken again."  He could only hope his own words translated well.

At hearing the number of ships being sent out to intercept their 'pursuers', Rayek felt a momentary flash of panic for his wife and son still on board the Discovery.  No matter how much he had entreated Tess to disembark at DS9 she had refused.  He let the topic after that first day, concerned that further argument would only stress her more - putting both her and their unborn at risk.

Needing to forewarn the Discovery about the incoming ships, with a specific jaw movement inside the helmet Rayek activated his comm and quietly began clacking his teeth in Morse Code - again using Pig Latin to further obscure the message.

.- .-. -. .. -. --. .-- .- -.-- .-.-.- / .... .-. . . - .- -.-- / .-. . . -. -... .- -.-- / .-. ..- .. ... . .-. ... -.-. .- -.-- / -. -.-. --- -- .. -. --. .. .- -.-- .-.-.-

[USS Discovery-bridge (Day-1~8:00)]

"œUnderstood commander." Alex proceeded to back away at two meters per second while only using the thrusters to start. At one hundred meters he went to one quarter impulse as he began the course and adjusted the heading. It was important that they got to their destination in a timely fashion.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.