Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek was peripherally aware of the battle they were in and was a little surprised that the captain hadn't ordered Multi-Vector. It made his job easier as the three hulls together could share power and shields making the whole much stronger than the individual sections. Based on the power needs of the shields at the moment, having more power was a good thing.

He knew the plan was not to get deeply engaged with the enemy ships in this fight, so the word to go to warp had to come soon. Anticipating this order, he had the engines primed and ready. He just needed the word and the Discovery would be somewhere else.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kinley Garrison


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - BRIDGE] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 3 16:00hrs)

Once more the senior officers were called up to the Bridge mid-afternoon on the third day of their trek through the Badlands.

The somewhat odd plan was to have the Only 'captive' escape and call for 'Daddy' to save him.  The idea being it would convince Sherem and his underlings that Cloten, H'Riss (the Caitian's alias) and the 'Breen mercenaries' (them) could be trusted.  Rayek had his doubts but he had orders and he was fairly confident in his ability to make it work.   Rayek stood in the background letting Commander Said do the majority of dealing with the Antican.  They seemed to have an understanding of one another - even if it was mainly through Nira's threats.

Three days aboard Cloten's ship had given Rayek ample opportunity to discreetly tie in his PADD to the Antican's comm system so that he could track and trace any outgoing calls.   So far, there had been no messages to either the smuggler fleet or the Breen about their plans.

Rayek, who like his entire team, had worn the Breen suit constantly these past three days in order to be more familiar with its weight and movement limitations, rolled his eyes - unseen within his helmet - at the Antican's ordering the others about.

The fact that Melek Nor was not here could spell disaster for their plans.

The rest of his team were down in the Cargo Bay, ready for any situation.  If the commander of the base fell for this deception, the entire group might be beamed to the base to fill in holes among the base own personnel.  If he did not fall for their ruse, then they would use the three Federation ships to fight their way onto the base.    Being invited aboard would be less costly in Federation lives.

As they arrived on the Bridge and had visual confirmation of the Breen base, Rayek heard via his in-ear comm, the 'call for help'.   It was only afterwards it was noted that Melek Nor - and its owner Gul Sherem - was not present.   That put a wrench in their plans.   But with the call given there wasn't much to do but continue the ruse.

If nothing else, both teams could potentially get aboard the base and 'wait' for Sherem to return.  Not an ideal plan, but it seemed they might have to improvise.

From then on, Rayek watched the scene play out before him studying the Breen Thot on the screen and his Vorta master.

Despite the upgraded universal translator, Rayek his drilled him team to speak as little as possible.  Short answers if absolutely necessary.  That way there would far less chance of the translator coming across a term it couldn't translate.

He realized belatedly he should have emphasized that to Commander Said and her team as well.

Her first statement, short as it was translated really well and Rayek couldn't tell that it was pieced together by a miniature computer.   However, her continued explanation, made him wince inside his suit.  The translation came out somewhat stalled and garbled at times.

Rayek tried his best to do damage control.   "Hoobz, your vocoder is broken again."  He could only hope his own words translated well.

At hearing the number of ships being sent out to intercept their 'pursuers', Rayek felt a momentary flash of panic for his wife and son still on board the Discovery.  No matter how much he had entreated Tess to disembark at DS9 she had refused.  He let the topic after that first day, concerned that further argument would only stress her more - putting both her and their unborn at risk.

Needing to forewarn the Discovery about the incoming ships, with a specific jaw movement inside the helmet Rayek activated his comm and quietly began clacking his teeth in Morse Code - again using Pig Latin to further obscure the message.

.- .-. -. .. -. --. .-- .- -.-- .-.-.- / .... .-. . . - .- -.-- / .-. . . -. -... .- -.-- / .-. ..- .. ... . .-. ... -.-. .- -.-- / -. -.-. --- -- .. -. --. .. .- -.-- .-.-.-


[USS Discovery-bridge (Day-1~8:00)]

"œUnderstood commander." Alex proceeded to back away at two meters per second while only using the thrusters to start. At one hundred meters he went to one quarter impulse as he began the course and adjusted the heading. It was important that they got to their destination in a timely fashion.


The Challenger was being pummeled as it set course away. T'Kel could cringe if she wasn't Vulcan.

"We're catching fire. Shields are holding at eighty percent, however, Captain," T'Kel reported. "But...these new ships seem to display quite a firepower."

Challenger was certainly taking fire from the two Breen/Dominion cruisers while the third is engaging the Discovery. Once Melek Nor arrived, the new guillotine ships would be the least of their worries.

"Still, we won't have made it look easy for Cloten and his old ship," T'Kel reported. "All three of us have put quite a bit of damage on the smuggling fleet's rear shields. Cloten's at 15%...

And then, it came. Melek Nor appeared from a transwarp conduit just above the Breen station. It certainly didn't help matters look better; with that massive skull-looking station, it was easy to imagine the Nor design like a crown. A notification pulled her eyes down to her console.

"We have acknowledgements from the Valiant, they're pulling out," T'Kel called, "And the looks of things from the sensors, they're going to overtake us. We've get to hear from the Discovery."


Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 0900 Hours]

Dem stepped onto the bridge, energised to start his shift, especially on such a big day. The wheels were put in motion for the plan to work - they just needed to enact it. He observed on the main viewscreen with a display of Cloten's ship in transit, flecks of stars wisping past the tattered hull. He assumed they were monitoring them just in case they had to step in to aid. Dem slowly walked to the second officer chair, making a bold decision despite not really being asked. He thought that it would not be logical to sit in a visitor chair and ostracise himself away from the captain. Dem turned towards Tekin, already at his post. "œMorning sir. I hope you are well rested. May I ask what the plan is for today?" Dem questioned, trying to get comfortable in his surprisingly uncomfortable seat. Tekin appeared calm, in control. In fact in every possible situation he seemed unphased, even when hell was raining loose on the ship. Dem wished he had some of his cool headedness. "œAt least next time things go south, the captain will be in command, and not me" Dem thought, relieved at his epiphany that he would have less responsibility.

(OOC, I'm going to go ahead and describe the scene so we can hurry up. I hope that I'm not stepping on too many toes)
[Bridge, day 3]

Kinley turned, typing in her computer.  . "œ I'm getting a message from the Commander. We might have Breen cruisers on the way. How do your systems read?" She knew they were coming close to something big. The sensors were picking several ships up ahead far ahead, and they didn't all look Federation. "œCaptain. I'm picking several ships up ahead on the scanners. Mark 473.78. It looks like the Challenger is up ahead as well. I'd say we should get ready and go into red alert."

There were several ships weaving through the fray as the Discovery came onto the scene. Several Dominion ones were on the scene.

As the ship moved into position, Kinley stood up and waved over Ensign Rajagopalan to help man the scanners for her. With the battle coming up closer in the viewport, Kinley turned to Dem and the Captain, "œAlright, I'd recommend covering for the Challie. Keep some of the fire off them." she said, going off her past experiences in command. "œ

[As Kirayoshi ]
[ Abandon all hope]
As the ship moved into the hangar, Kirayoshi regretted not replicating a piece of velcro to put in his helmet to itch his nose., like the astronauts his da' once told him about did. He heard the commander's coded message. That wasn't good. Looking over at the commander, he nodded. They had to get there soon.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 25, 2023, 04:08:44 PM

(OOC, I'm going to go ahead and describe the scene so we can hurry up. I hope that I'm not stepping on too many toes)
[Bridge, day 3]

Kinley turned, typing in her computer.  . "œ I'm getting a message from the Commander. We might have Breen cruisers on the way. How do your systems read?" She knew they were coming close to something big. The sensors were picking several ships up ahead far ahead, and they didn't all look Federation. "œCaptain. I'm picking several ships up ahead on the scanners. Mark 473.78. It looks like the Challenger is up ahead as well. I'd say we should get ready and go into red alert."

There were several ships weaving through the fray as the Discovery came onto the scene. Several Dominion ones were on the scene.

As the ship moved into position, Kinley stood up and waved over Ensign Rajagopalan to help man the scanners for her. With the battle coming up closer in the viewport, Kinley turned to Dem and the Captain, "œAlright, I'd recommend covering for the Challie. Keep some of the fire off them." she said, going off her past experiences in command. "œ

[As Kirayoshi ]
[ Abandon all hope]
As the ship moved into the hangar, Kirayoshi regretted not replicating a piece of velcro to put in his helmet to itch his nose., like the astronauts his da' once told him about did. He heard the commander's coded message. That wasn't good. Looking over at the commander, he nodded. They had to get there soon.

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1600 hours]

After a relatively uneventful day, things started to get intense pretty fast. Discovery had launched into action very swiftly after detecting incoming ships. "œAlex, Moon, attack pattern delta. We don't want to be in one place for to long at a time." Dem stated confidently, even surprising himself. He turned to face the security station, currently operated by an officer that he didn't know. "œSecurity, fire weapons at your discretion". Dem ordered, trying to preserve his previous confidence. The ship took a sharp right turn, putting some stress on Dem's body. Even though there were inertial dampeners, you can still pull a few G's on a starship. Occasionally, the ship would rock, and sparks would plume from a ruptured conduit. Dem would always instinctively wince, fearing the worst, before launching back into action. At this point in time though it seemed like smooth sailing. No essential systems were damaged, and the small fleet was doing a sufficient job at carving though the Dominion forces. Dem was about to order the science officer to find weaknesses in the enemy ships, before realising that Kinley was technically a higher rank so he decided to use a calmer tone. "œKinley, would you mind scanning for weak spots in armor? There might be something we can punch through."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 25, 2023, 08:38:52 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1600 hours]

After a relatively uneventful day, things started to get intense pretty fast. Discovery had launched into action very swiftly after detecting incoming ships. "œAlex, Moon, attack pattern delta. We don't want to be in one place for to long at a time." Dem stated confidently, even surprising himself. He turned to face the security station, currently operated by an officer that he didn't know. "œSecurity, fire weapons at your discretion". Dem ordered, trying to preserve his previous confidence. The ship took a sharp right turn, putting some stress on Dem's body. Even though there were inertial dampeners, you can still pull a few G's on a starship. Occasionally, the ship would rock, and sparks would plume from a ruptured conduit. Dem would always instinctively wince, fearing the worst, before launching back into action. At this point in time though it seemed like smooth sailing. No essential systems were damaged, and the small fleet was doing a sufficient job at carving though the Dominion forces. Dem was about to order the science officer to find weaknesses in the enemy ships, before realising that Kinley was technically a higher rank so he decided to use a calmer tone. "œKinley, would you mind scanning for weak spots in armor? There might be something we can punch through."

[USS Discovery-bridge (Day 3 ~16:00)]

"œUnderstood Lieutenant Broadshire." Alex had a feeling that things were going to get interesting and maybe not in a good way. He proceeded to do the moon attack pattern delta. Ideally it wasn't going to be ideal to stay in one place especially with things seemingly getting interesting.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 25, 2023, 08:38:52 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1600 hours]

After a relatively uneventful day, things started to get intense pretty fast. Discovery had launched into action very swiftly after detecting incoming ships. "œAlex, Moon, attack pattern delta. We don't want to be in one place for to long at a time." Dem stated confidently, even surprising himself. He turned to face the security station, currently operated by an officer that he didn't know. "œSecurity, fire weapons at your discretion". Dem ordered, trying to preserve his previous confidence. The ship took a sharp right turn, putting some stress on Dem's body. Even though there were inertial dampeners, you can still pull a few G's on a starship. Occasionally, the ship would rock, and sparks would plume from a ruptured conduit. Dem would always instinctively wince, fearing the worst, before launching back into action. At this point in time though it seemed like smooth sailing. No essential systems were damaged, and the small fleet was doing a sufficient job at carving though the Dominion forces. Dem was about to order the science officer to find weaknesses in the enemy ships, before realising that Kinley was technically a higher rank so he decided to use a calmer tone. "œKinley, would you mind scanning for weak spots in armor? There might be something we can punch through."

{Discovery Bridge, Day 3]

Kinley nodded to Dem, bracing herself against the bulkhead as the ship banked hard to begin interception tactics. The other ships were beginning to notice the Discovery now, shooting blasts of energy at them instead of the Challenger.  "œSure thing!" she nodded as the ship rumbled from several close calls. One of the blasts hit the ship pretty hard, along one of the nacelles, but they were still maintaining attack velocity. Running a different scan of the ships, she tried searching for some areas of weakness.  "œThe ships seem to be weakest at their wing joints." she said, skimming over her various screens. "œIf we can aim for them and hit hard enough, we might be able to stun them long enough to get something harder into their shields. If we needed to, maybe even could get the Multi-Vector systems going."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 25, 2023, 08:38:52 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1600 hours]

After a relatively uneventful day, things started to get intense pretty fast. Discovery had launched into action very swiftly after detecting incoming ships. "œAlex, Moon, attack pattern delta. We don't want to be in one place for to long at a time." Dem stated confidently, even surprising himself. He turned to face the security station, currently operated by an officer that he didn't know. "œSecurity, fire weapons at your discretion". Dem ordered, trying to preserve his previous confidence. The ship took a sharp right turn, putting some stress on Dem's body. Even though there were inertial dampeners, you can still pull a few G's on a starship. Occasionally, the ship would rock, and sparks would plume from a ruptured conduit. Dem would always instinctively wince, fearing the worst, before launching back into action. At this point in time though it seemed like smooth sailing. No essential systems were damaged, and the small fleet was doing a sufficient job at carving though the Dominion forces. Dem was about to order the science officer to find weaknesses in the enemy ships, before realising that Kinley was technically a higher rank so he decided to use a calmer tone. "œKinley, would you mind scanning for weak spots in armor? There might be something we can punch through."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 25, 2023, 10:06:24 PM

{Discovery Bridge, Day 3]

Kinley nodded to Dem, bracing herself against the bulkhead as the ship banked hard to begin interception tactics. The other ships were beginning to notice the Discovery now, shooting blasts of energy at them instead of the Challenger.  "œSure thing!" she nodded as the ship rumbled from several close calls. One of the blasts hit the ship pretty hard, along one of the nacelles, but they were still maintaining attack velocity. Running a different scan of the ships, she tried searching for some areas of weakness.  "œThe ships seem to be weakest at their wing joints." she said, skimming over her various screens. "œIf we can aim for them and hit hard enough, we might be able to stun them long enough to get something harder into their shields. If we needed to, maybe even could get the Multi-Vector systems going."

Quote from: Alexander Graham on June 25, 2023, 09:55:16 PM

[USS Discovery-bridge (Day 3 ~16:00)]

"œUnderstood Lieutenant Broadshire." Alex had a feeling that things were going to get interesting and maybe not in a good way. He proceeded to do the moon attack pattern delta. Ideally it wasn't going to be ideal to stay in one place especially with things seemingly getting interesting.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir gripped his chair as the bridge shook.  Dem was handling combat very well, and it made leading a bit easier.  Especially for what was quickly becoming a more serious issue than just a faux chase.  The Breen ships were never something to scoff at, and it would appear that the Breen have only continued to progress.

"We'll hold off on the MVA for the time being.  One solid target right now is better than three smaller targets.  Remember we are here to get the away team on board."

"Find that weak point and target it, Mr. Broadshire. Let's try to bat these ships away.  Miss Garrison, do we have an update from Challenger or other sources?"

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - BRIDGE] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:00hrs)

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 22, 2023, 10:44:23 AM

Three days later.

The Challenger had dropped out of warp and could see the Breen station on sensors. It was time for the 'show' of pursuing Cloten's ship. The long wait was over, it was time for action.

"Red Alert. Battlestations. Raise Point of Impact Shields. Helm, full impulse. Attack pattern Gamma Two ta starboard. T'Kel, full load on the photons, we have ta make this look real, but perhaps be a wee bit off target for once. I'm sure'n the away team will appreciate that."

At that point, the Challenger drove a straight course on Cloten's ship, firing four torpedoes at maximum range. At 250,000 km distance from the target, she executed a one quarter-roll and dove hard off the galactic plane. Once 50,000 km below the plane, she banked back to port as she circled to fly around to Cloten's flank firing a pair of phasers as she closed. Thanks to T'Kel's excellence marksmanship, Cloten's ship was rocked by four near misses by the photons, but taking two solid phaser hits on her starboard shields.

Cloten's ship rocked with the shield impacts forcing Rayek to grip onto the edge of a nearby console to keep himself on his feet.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 23, 2023, 02:16:42 AM

[as Kirayoshi]
Day 3
[cargo bay]
The waiting was almost unbearable. Clearly, everyone was as tight as a guitar string. His suit was still fogging up in the visor, and there wasn't anything he could do to fix it. He'd tried.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 24, 2023, 10:08:46 PM

day 3

Vila stood and waited for orders; .... and she was ready. Her subdermal transmitter had been pre-loaded with the language she'd need, and the stupid suits they had to wear were too hot....

==/\Lorut ready==/\== she radioed to the team lead.

=/\= "Hold onto something tight,  Challenger is putting on a good show for the Breen." =/\=

Again Cloten's ship rocked from impacts to the shields but the Romulan noted how Challenger tactical didn't concentrate fire on any one spot - leaving the shields weakened yet still intact.

Quote from: Nira Said on June 24, 2023, 11:10:05 PM

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]
The Challenger was being pummeled as it set course away. T'Kel could cringe if she wasn't Vulcan.

"We're catching fire. Shields are holding at eighty percent, however, Captain," T'Kel reported. "But...these new ships seem to display quite a firepower."

Challenger was certainly taking fire from the two Breen/Dominion cruisers while the third is engaging the Discovery. Once Melek Nor arrived, the new guillotine ships would be the least of their worries.

"Still, we won't have made it look easy for Cloten and his old ship," T'Kel reported. "All three of us have put quite a bit of damage on the smuggling fleet's rear shields. Cloten's at 15%...

And then, it came. Melek Nor appeared from a transwarp conduit just above the Breen station. It certainly didn't help matters look better; with that massive skull-looking station, it was easy to imagine the Nor design like a crown. A notification pulled her eyes down to her console.

"We have acknowledgements from the Valiant, they're pulling out," T'Kel called, "And the looks of things from the sensors, they're going to overtake us. We've yet to hear from the Discovery."

Then seemingly out of the blue a Cardassian Nor station appeared out of a transwarp conduit.   Melek Nor.    Rayek felt a sense of relief - at least this mission now had a chance of success.
Quote from: Nira Said on June 24, 2023, 11:10:05 PM

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Nira was certainly surprised at the sight of Melek Nor arriving. She felt uneasy as Melek Nor directed a massive disruptor beam at the ships' direction. A moment later, two hails coming in from the Breen station and Melek Nor came in simultaneously.

"Looks like I came back just in time," Gul Sherem said, leering at the crew. "Now what's all this, Cloten?"

"Some extra gifts, according to Mister Cloten," Neyos said. "Headed by an exceptionally whimsical Caitian traitor."

"Is that so?" said Sherem with deadpanned interest. "Did that have to do with the Valiant, the Challenger and the Discovery chasing you?"

So he seemed to have taken time to find out the names of those particular ships, Nira thought to herself. Chances are, he could've briefed them and figured the Challenger could be the most dangerous, hence why it seemed to be taking fire more, she added to herself, recalling watching the battle and seeing how Challenger was taking on more fire from the three cruisers.

"They claim they have a Caitian ambassador with fleet movements," Neyos said, "along with Ulysses Vaughn's son."

"His...son?" said Old Man Sherem, narrowing his eyes, whether suspicion or befuddlement, Nira couldn't tell. "I wasn't aware Captain Vaughn had children."

"Regardless, we think we can get in a little bonus in addition to the usual price for the salvage," Cloten said. "And Mister H'Riss had backing from Breen mercenaries for extra help. The hostages are yours."

"Fine," growled Sherem. "I will be expecting Mister H'Riss and his little gang shortly at our Ops."

"And you will pay us," said Cloten. "Transfer the usual at the same time."

"Plus how many for the hostages?"

Cloten named a figure, enough for the Cardassian officers in the background to balk in surprise.

"That much for a boy and an ambassador?" sneered the old man.

"The kid deserves as much as the ambassador, the son of a prolific officer as he is," said Cloten, taking his willpower from grinning maniacally at the potential scam he was going to pull. Nira, taking care to make sure "Hubs" was looking astonished, turned to him, though under the was a good thing she was wearing a helmet, because if looks could kill...

"Third of what you asked for for the boy," demanded Sherem.

"Deal," said Cloten. Now it was Sherem's turn to be surprised. Nira wondered if the old man was expecting to haggle, though Nira had a good idea why Cloten wasn't haggling: The moment the old man found out he had been had, Cloten will want to get the hell away as fast as possible.

Once the two transmissions were shut off, Cloten said, "Okay, the next step is that we dock with the Breen station and unload. Anybody meeting with the old man will need to head for the transporter room."

"Just the one lone transporter room," added Nira, remembering the layout; after all, Strider-classes, like the starships of their day, had only one transporter room. "Good luck, Commander," she added to Rayek with a nod. Then, getting out her comm badge, she clicked it and said, "Said to Challenger Away team, assemble at the transporter room. It's time."

Rayek, in his guise as a Breen mercenary, listened to the exchange without comment.  To him is seemed that the Gul was a bit suspicious, but in the end agreed to the exchange.  As the Nor station was not his mission, he hoped that Commander took extra care.

The Romulan acknowledged the well-wishing with a nod.  His people didn't believe in luck, which is why the universal translators altered such a statement into 'Good hunting'.  Normally, Rayek struggled with how to respond to such - as there was an expectation from the other of a reciprocal sentiment.  This time however, after nearly 15 years of learning Federation idioms, the Romulan finally felt he had an appropriate response, given the acting the Away Team would be forced to do.     "Break a leg."

[Cargo Bay]
While Challenger's team assembled in the transporter room, Rayek headed down to the Cargo bay to speak to his team directly.   During his absence on the Bridge, all sign of their impromptu living quarters had been removed from the Cargo Bay and only Cloten's smuggled cargo that remained.

"We'll be docking with the Breen station momentarily.  As planned, we will keep out of sight as the first of the cargo is off loaded then one by one slip out from hiding and assume the role of base personnel moving Cloten's cargo from here to their cargo area. We will meet up in the emergency stairwell behind the cargo area.  Try not to look conspicuous."

Rayek signaled for them to hide as the ship's alert system announced an imminent docking.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila


Day 3
Colton's Ship
Somewhere in Deep Space


=/\="Hold onto something tight,  Challenger is putting on a good show for the Breen." =/\=

She grabbed ahold of the nearest table, and hung on for dear life. She was spun around, but managed to remain upright. When the rumble stopped, she moved. She got the information she needed, and went on standby for further orders.

==/\==Lorut to team. Awaiting further orders ==/\==

Zavrol Gohun

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 22, 2023, 06:59:58 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
(time skip ~ 6 to 8 hours)

[SS Abandon-All-Hope - CARGO BAY] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 1  ~18:00)
Rayek had already been aware of the El-Aurian species empathic abilities, but this was the first he had heard of them being limited telepaths.  Rayek considered that.  Humans were not telepathic but could communicate back when he initiated a connection.
"We'll need to test that.  Send me a message right now warning me of guards approaching.  Can you send to more than one at a time?"

Gohun was not as well trained as some telepaths but he could send a mental image. Gohun concentrated and sent a message to everyone. It was the words Danger guards in red letters. Unfortunately, he probably sent it to everyone in the area. Being just a little annoyed with himself Gohun decided to try again. This time he sent the words to only Rayek.
After that time seemed to get all wibbly wobbly as the next three days fly. Gohun looks over the computer virus. He also looks over the station's diagram looking for structural weaknesses to exploit.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - CARGO BAY] - AWAY TEAM ONLY (DAY 1  ~18:00)

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on June 25, 2023, 11:19:15 PM

Gohun was not as well trained as some telepaths but he could send a mental image. Gohun concentrated and sent a message to everyone. It was the words Danger guards in red letters. Unfortunately, he probably sent it to everyone in the area. Being just a little annoyed with himself Gohun decided to try again. This time he sent the words to only Rayek.

Rayek received the visual... and image of red words popping in his mind momentarily.  It came with a still mental pressure but nothing that he would consider painful.

At first he didn't realize others had also been given the message until commented on such.    Yet Gohun tried again and after ascertaining it was just him who received it, Rayek nodded.  "That could be useful in an emergency.  Thank you, Ensign. However, as most non-telepaths are able to answer back when I initiate a connection, you should be able to reply back to as long as you are within the same room.   My ability is limited in that way."

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on June 25, 2023, 11:19:15 PM

After that time seemed to get all wibbly wobbly as the next three days fly. Gohun looks over the computer virus. He also looks over the station's diagram looking for structural weaknesses to exploit.

From his hiding spot Rayek can see the engineer reviewing the breen base schematics. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)



After a relatively uneventful day, things started to get intense pretty fast. Discovery had launched into action very swiftly after detecting incoming ships. "œAlex, Moon, attack pattern delta. We don't want to be in one place for to long at a time." Dem stated confidently, even surprising himself. He turned to face the security station, currently operated by an officer that he didn't know. "œSecurity, fire weapons at your discretion". Dem ordered, trying to preserve his previous confidence. The ship took a sharp right turn, putting some stress on Dem's body. Even though there were inertial dampeners, you can still pull a few G's on a starship. Occasionally, the ship would rock, and sparks would plume from a ruptured conduit. Dem would always instinctively wince, fearing the worst, before launching back into action. At this point in time though it seemed like smooth sailing. No essential systems were damaged, and the small fleet was doing a sufficient job at carving though the Dominion forces. Dem was about to order the science officer to find weaknesses in the enemy ships, before realising that Kinley was technically a higher rank so he decided to use a calmer tone. "œKinley, would you mind scanning for weak spots in armor? There might be something we can punch through."

"Aye, sir. [Dang! This is getting crazy!]" Moon's hands tightened on the console for a moment before she settled in and got things going where they needed to go. [Meep!] Moon thought with a shiver as the ship weaved about.


[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek was at the ship's pool table and was directing the engineers and Ops personnel like the conductor of an orchestra. Between an intuitive feel for the ship and a skilled ear able to hear harmonics hyoomons could not detect, he kept power flowing and the shields stable.

On the arrival of the space station, Lek knew it was time to go. They'd played their part. The away team had docked and "escaped". Sticking around now only offered one of their opponents a chance to get lucky and hit something important.

"Any day now Captain. Any day."

He muttered and re-routed additional power to the shields.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on June 25, 2023, 10:29:51 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir gripped his chair as the bridge shook.  Dem was handling combat very well, and it made leading a bit easier.  Especially for what was quickly becoming a more serious issue than just a faux chase.  The Breen ships were never something to scoff at, and it would appear that the Breen have only continued to progress.

"We'll hold off on the MVA for the time being.  One solid target right now is better than three smaller targets.  Remember we are here to get the away team on board."

"Find that weak point and target it, Mr. Broadshire. Let's try to bat these ships away.  Miss Garrison, do we have an update from Challenger or other sources?"

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 16:00 hours]

"œYes sir". Dem turned his attention to the console to his left. It took only a few moments to start scanning the ships, but Dem was hindered by the constant rocking about and exchanges of phaser fire that battered the hull. Eventually he found it. A small weakness on one of the ships. The volume level on the bridge had increased significantly, so Dem had to shout to avoid being drowned out by their ship taking damage. "œTactical. There is a small weakness 2 meters from the ventral plasma duct on the ship that is currently at mark 2374.18. Target with proton torpedo."
After a brief acknowledgment from the officer, a shimmer of light arced across the viewscreen, followed by a bright explosion, casting an orange hue across the bridge. Dem smiled at the small victory before being rocked by another phaser volley at the hull. For the amount of damage that the small fleet had been delt, they had destroyed very few of their enemy. Dem had to refocus and remember that this interaction is a mere diversion for the infiltration team. Still, it would be pleasant to get out in one piece.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Lorut Vila on June 25, 2023, 11:09:25 PM

Day 3
Colton's Ship
Somewhere in Deep Space

She grabbed ahold of the nearest table, and hung on for dear life. She was spun around, but managed to remain upright. When the rumble stopped, she moved. She got the information she needed, and went on standby for further orders.

==/\==Lorut to team. Awaiting further orders ==/\==

[as Kirayoshi]
[breen ship]

At the sign, he went out and picked up a crate. Don't be suspicious. he thought, trying to maintain the act and and remain calm. , When it was safe, He motioned for Ensign Lorut to follow him. They had to get into the computer core, a place at the end of a labrynth of hallways and corridors.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[SS Abandon-All-Hope - Cargo Bay >>> Breen Base - Cargo Bay] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:15hrs)

It didn't take long for Cloten's ship to dock with the Breen Base - 10 minutes tops.  Because this was a business transaction, the ship has docked directly onto the Breen's cargo hold.  So when the large bay doors opened it fronted to a Bay far more packed that Cloten's ship if that was possible.

Rayek crouched in wait for the opportune time to slip out of hiding and join the half dozen Breen already moving cargo.  He waited for the few to return to the Breen base before signalling the first individual to go.   He had intended that individual to be one of the more expendable Security personnel but that didn't happen.  Rather a miscommunication occurred.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 27, 2023, 01:01:08 AM

[as Kirayoshi]
[breen ship]

At the sign, he went out and picked up a crate. Don't be suspicious. he thought, trying to maintain the act and remain calm.  When it was safe, He motioned for Ensign Lorut to follow him. They had to get into the computer core, a place at the end of a labyrinth of hallways and corridors.

Rayek would have facepalmed if it were possible do to so in his suit without it making a noise or looking suspicious.   He waited - ready to come out of hiding shooting if the breen in the area took exception to Kirayoshi's presence.  But there was no hostile reaction.   Rayek followed O'Brian's progress over his helmet's display.

It was possible for Rayek to identify Kirayoshi O'Brian from the real Breen because each of their suits had a been installed with the Universal translators which Rayek (and the others on the Away team) could track.

With the plan seeming to be working, Rayek motioned for the others to one by one move out of hiding and make their way to the emergency stairwell, where the plan was to have them meet up again to make their way up 8 levels the central computer core - according to their sneaked-out schematics.

However, no sooner had Rayek in disguise picked up a cargo crate than one of the 'true' Breen approached Commander O'Brian and Ensign Lorut.

There came a shrill metallic, synthesized noise that Rayek's universal translator translated into words.

"You two come with me!"  The Breen gestured the two back towards Cloten's ship. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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