Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)

Quote from: Jess Willard on July 01, 2023, 02:42:18 PM

[Breen Base]

Jessica's eyes scanned the corridor for a moment as her mind scanned through all the possibilities. "The suits provide a very small amount of insulation from radiation. But I'm putting a strong emphasis on very small there. If we were able to get to a med bay it's something I could absolutely treat safely very quickly..." Her voice trailed off for a brief moment as she thought of all the variables. "Short term exposure won't do any damage we won't be able to treat later, assuming we're only exposed very briefly I should be able to make an innoculation that delays most side effects at least until we're out of danger. Long term damage won't be an issue so long as we all get treatment as soon as we're home. Likely the worst of it will be some added discomfort until we're safe. will be worse but we can cross that bridge when we get there."

The counselor's information was good enough for the Romulan.

"Thank you, Counselor." he acknowledged with a nod, which was awkward in the Breen suit.

He looked around at his team.  They were trusting him to make the best decision not only for the mission but for their safe return home.   He too had loved ones waiting for him.  This was not a suicide mission.

"Alright.  We don't have time to seek out a medbay, treatment will have to be after the fact.  Now, it's just a matter of if we can get past the door without alerting anyone."  Rayek looked to the engineers and Ops officer.

Rayek didn't assign the task to a specific person as he figured each individual knew better than him or anyone else their capabilities. "I want that hatch open.  Work together if it will help.. just get it done."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 02, 2023, 01:31:05 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)

The counselor's information was good enough for the Romulan.

"Thank you, Counselor." he acknowledged with a nod, which was awkward in the Breen suit.

He looked around at his team.  They were trusting him to make the best decision not only for the mission but for their safe return home.   He too had loved ones waiting for him.  This was not a suicide mission.

"Alright.  We don't have time to seek out a medbay, treatment will have to be after the fact.  Now, it's just a matter of if we can get past the door without alerting anyone."  Rayek looked to the engineers and Ops officer.

Rayek didn't assign the task to a specific person as he figured each individual knew better than him or anyone else their capabilities. "I want that hatch open.  Work together if it will help.. just get it done."

[Breen ship]
Kirayoshi nodded and began to rummage through his tools., then perked as he thought of something.  "œWhat if we trigger the fire alert systems? That'll distract "˜em long enough for us to jaunt through some radioactivity, and we can get through in all the commotion.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on June 28, 2023, 05:59:48 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Cargo Bay] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:15hrs)

Not pausing in his task of carrying out the crate of smuggled cargo, Rayek walked past the 'called out' O'Brian and Lorut, as Kirayoshi responded back.  Being practical, there was no way that if they were discovered now that they could make it to the computer core.  So it was crucial that he not give himself away by getting involved if by chance O'Brian and Lorut had somehow been discovered.

The key to this mission was their disguises not their melee skills.

The crash and clatter of assorted electronic parts and stem bolts drew the Romulan's attention briefly.  But more importantly, it drew the attention of the true Breen who started 'yelling' at the disguised O'Brian.  The limits of the Universal Translator were discovered when half the man's words were nothing but electronic garbled noise.

".....! Save me from careless ......! Pick that up now, you ......!"

The Breen turned to towards Lorut. "You help xem."

Then the static volume lowered and bits and pieces could be heard as the Breen strode past the other away members exiting the ship as he entered Cloten's cargo bay.  ".. things done right... do it yourself... "

Relieved at the break they had been given, Rayek dropped his cargo off and immediately headed to the muster point - the stairwell - while the true Breen continued to unload Cloten's ship

Once everyone had gathered, Rayek signaled Jael to take point and looked to Lorut to direct their route.  The only way the Romulan was able to distinguish her from any other of the team was that on his visual display her surname was noted.

"You know the route best.  Keep in constant comms with Lieutenant Sherem and guide her to the core."

The route through the corridors and levels of the Breen base were not direct nor very intuitive.  In some cases, to go up to the next deck, the team had to travel down two, across from port to starboard, and then back up again because of sealed bulkheads and other blockages.   Thankfully these blockages had been listed on the schematic and should have been accounted for when Lorut picked out the routes they would take.   The Bajoran Ops ensign had done so well enough in practice in the Holodeck, that Rayek had confidence she would do likewise in the field.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 02, 2023, 01:31:05 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)

The counselor's information was good enough for the Romulan.

"Thank you, Counselor." he acknowledged with a nod, which was awkward in the Breen suit.

He looked around at his team.  They were trusting him to make the best decision not only for the mission but for their safe return home.   He too had loved ones waiting for him.  This was not a suicide mission.

"Alright.  We don't have time to seek out a medbay, treatment will have to be after the fact.  Now, it's just a matter of if we can get past the door without alerting anyone."  Rayek looked to the engineers and Ops officer.

Rayek didn't assign the task to a specific person as he figured each individual knew better than him or anyone else their capabilities. "I want that hatch open.  Work together if it will help.. just get it done."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 02, 2023, 10:38:08 PM

[Breen ship]
Kirayoshi nodded and began to rummage through his tools., then perked as he thought of something.  "œWhat if we trigger the fire alert systems? That'll distract "˜em long enough for us to jaunt through some radioactivity, and we can get through in all the commotion.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem |Breen Cargo Bay |  Breen Station]

In her suit, Jael scowled. That hullabaloo about radiation? They didn't have the time.

"In all fairness," she said quietly, "we need to get to our objective as fast as possible..."

She got to work in helping pry the hatch open, though Lieutenant O'Brien made a suggestion that made her turn to face him.

"What fire alarm systems?" she snapped quietly. "Any alarm will mean trouble, and heightened security will make the job harder."

THIS is the man whose father is the famous Hero of Setlik III? Jael thought to herself in unbelief. If he was actually there, he wouldn't last one damn minute. And she concentrated back on getting the hatch open, looking back every so often for actual Breen incoming.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Zavrol Gohun

Space station
Gohun listened. Just in case anyone forgot he hated wearing the disguise it felt like a coffin. That wasn't important at this moment Gohun also took the time to disengage the auto translator. With a little amusement Gohun said. "All spaceships have some sort of site supplement system. We could just trigger the fire drill that should distract the guards for as long as we need."
Gohun was still a little annoyed that his super complicated walk on the outside of space station plan. That would have been fun but instead they would have to do the boring way. Oh well there's always the next time the team breaks into a Breen base.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 02, 2023, 10:38:08 PM

[Breen ship]
Kirayoshi nodded and began to rummage through his tools., then perked as he thought of something.  "œWhat if we trigger the fire alert systems? That'll distract "˜em long enough for us to jaunt through some radioactivity, and we can get through in all the commotion.

Inside his suit, Rayek's expression turned to one of disbelief at the suggestion.  They were trying NOT to set off alarms.  Had he not made that point clear?

Before he could respond, Jael spoke up.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 02, 2023, 10:52:19 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem |Breen Cargo Bay |  Breen Station]

In her suit, Jael scowled. That hullabaloo about radiation? They didn't have the time.

"In all fairness," she said quietly, "we need to get to our objective as fast as possible..."

She got to work in helping pry the hatch open, though Lieutenant O'Brien made a suggestion that made her turn to face him.

"What fire alarm systems?" she snapped quietly. "Any alarm will mean trouble, and heightened security will make the job harder."

THIS is the man whose father is the famous Hero of Setlik III? Jael thought to herself in unbelief. If he was actually there, he wouldn't last one damn minute. And she concentrated back on getting the hatch open, looking back every so often for actual Breen incoming.

Rayek nodded in agreement with Jael.  Time was of the essence;  as was their being able to move about base unhampered.
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 03, 2023, 03:50:20 AM

Space station
Gohun listened. Just in case anyone forgot he hated wearing the disguise it felt like a coffin. That wasn't important at this moment Gohun also took the time to disengage the auto translator. With a little amusement Gohun said. "All spaceships have some sort of site supplement system. We could just trigger the fire drill that should distract the guards for as long as we need."
Gohun was still a little annoyed that his super complicated walk on the outside of space station plan. That would have been fun but instead they would have to do the boring way. Oh well there's always the next time the team breaks into a Breen base.

Rayek shook his helmeted head in a clear negating way.  "No fire alarm.  No fire drill.  And no setting off the SECURITY ALARM by opening the hatch before they have those door sensors off line." Rayek emphasized the last part as he pulled Jael away from the door to wait until Lorut and the others to completed their task.   He continued his quiet speech.  "To every other Breen on this station this is just another work day with nothing of importance going on until AFTER we have downloaded the database and AFTER we have uploaded the virus into their computer to shut their systems down.  Is that clear?" he asked looking about to the team one by one.

He then turned to Gohun and gestured to the engineer's helmet as he reached out to him telepathically.

~tel~ "Your vocal translator seems to be not functioning.  Can you still understand us?" ~tel~ he checked in concern.   It wouldn't do to have one of the team unable to understand the orders given.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zavrol Gohun

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 03, 2023, 04:44:57 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)
He then turned to Gohun and gestured to the engineer's helmet as he reached out to him telepathically.

~tel~ "Your vocal translator seems to be not functioning.  Can you still understand us?" ~tel~ he checked in concern.   It wouldn't do to have one of the team unable to understand the orders given.

Gohun nodded his head with a sort of sadness. I bet a planted explosive idea would probably be out of the question at this point. We have an obstacle that we cannot go under. Or got over or even around. The only option was to go straight through and hope that they were not noticed. What if they were able to plant a sound in the crews heads. Not a lot just enough to distract them long enough to sneak by.  Looking over Gohun turned his translator on.
"œOk we have other options. I can trick the sensors to not detect our presence. Or we could sneak up on the engineering team and kill them dump the bodies and moving on. (Gohun said the second one really fast) Finally we could Just sneak by the work crew that will be working as long as we look natural we should be ok."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 29, 2023, 12:07:45 AM

[Bridge, Day 3]
They had done their jobs. The away teams were in position and they were safe for the moment. She could still see their general positions flashing on the simulated base maps pulled up onto the screen. They seemed to be going deeper into the base. None of them had been lost yet, but it was impossible to tell what they were really up to.  Breathing a sigh of relief, Kinley straightened her hair, which had slipped from her ponytail during the chaos of battle. Red alert was down for now, but there was no assurance that the threat was gone yet. "œI still have the general locations of the away team on screen, Sir. No sign of any enemies right now, though we're still scanning in case they pursue." she reported.

[Breen Ship]
[As Kirayoshi]

Kirayoshi couldn't hear half of what the Breen was saying, but he certainly got the gist of it, no universal translator needed. Nodding, he began picking up some of the fallen self-sealing stem bolts. It was lucky this crate only had hardware. He wasn't sure if the Breen would make him mop the decks if it was something liquid. He could see the other away team members moving forwards, deeper into the labyrinthine hallways. It worked. The Breen was heading away from them. As soon as he was sure he was out of view, he shoved the open crate to the side and grabbed a different one. Hopefully, he wasn't too far behind

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on June 29, 2023, 01:28:16 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1615 Hours]

Dem instinctively covered his face as an explosion emanated from somewhere behind him. It was far enough away, but his arms and face did feel the warmth of the blast. Tekin acted swiftly after this and eventually Discovery warped away from the numerous attackers, leaving the small infiltration team on their own. Dem swifty communicated to all decks for a damage report and status update. "œAll hands are reporting in sir. Minor injuries, 2 major from a plasma discharge on deck 6. All essential systems are running within normal parameters." Dem said, surprised that they did not take much damage. He did have to remember that probably a lot of the essential systems had been disrupted at one point, but that's why backups and auxiliary procedures exist.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Understood." he commented, as soon as Discovery was away and all was calm.  At least for now while they warped.  With the away team started and their own ship not so heavily damaged, he could get damage control teams back on the bridge.

"We should be at the rendevous point within 36 minutes.  I want eyes on the mission chronometer before we-"


The ship rocked as if something hit it, nearly throwing the Captain out of his chair.  It seemed they didn't shake off everyone.  Sensor started to show a pursuing vessel, Breen in origin, and it had hit the ship with a proximity charge or unusual makeup.

"Report!  Red alert!" he ordered, as the ship shuddered again. The rounds weren't doing more than shaking the ship... except it wasn't the weapons that shook the ship.

Alarms went off in Engineering and the display showed an instability... the warp bubble was having trouble maintaining itself.  It was about to throw the ship out of warp.  If it didn't just collapse altogether and rip the ship apart.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 04, 2023, 03:10:25 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Understood." he commented, as soon as Discovery was away and all was calm.  At least for now while they warped.  With the away team started and their own ship not so heavily damaged, he could get damage control teams back on the bridge.

"We should be at the rendevous point within 36 minutes.  I want eyes on the mission chronometer before we-"


The ship rocked as if something hit it, nearly throwing the Captain out of his chair.  It seemed they didn't shake off everyone.  Sensor started to show a pursuing vessel, Breen in origin, and it had hit the ship with a proximity charge or unusual makeup.

"Report!  Red alert!" he ordered, as the ship shuddered again. The rounds weren't doing more than shaking the ship... except it wasn't the weapons that shook the ship.

Alarms went off in Engineering and the display showed an instability... the warp bubble was having trouble maintaining itself.  It was about to throw the ship out of warp.  If it didn't just collapse altogether and rip the ship apart.

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

After the shooting stopped, Lek relaxed as the demands for power decreased sharply. Damage throughout the ship was trivial with repair teams already dispatched to take care of those minor issues.

One moment, all was well, the next found Lek's laying on his back with his ears ringing and him wincing from multiple strident alarms. As the lay there, he was confused, but he had enough of his senses to realize he was concussed because while he knew he was supposed to do something, he just couldn't quite remember what that might be.

When he opened his eyes, he wished he hadn't, but again the confusion set in as nothing was where it was supposed to be, to include his own feet which seemed to be above his head in a tangle.

"œDammit, why am I upside down?"

He growled as he untangled himself from the corner of engineering where he'd fetched up after whatever had happened.

"œWhy isn't important, what happened is the bigger question."

He mumbled as he staggered back to his feet and looked around engineering and staggered over to the ship's pool table and slammed his hand down on the mute function, silencing all the klaxons.

"œI didn't know it was possible for so many alarms to go off at once."

He snarled as he shook his head to get his eyes to focus on the main engineering console. He paled as he was finally able to process what was happening and he forced his hands to enter a critical set of commands. When he was done, several of the most glaring indicators shifted from red to yellow. Unfortunately, his actions had immediate impact throughout the ship as the primary systems shut down. He hit his combadge.

=/\= "œCaptain, we're down to the fusion generators. Whatever that was scrambled the warp cores and I had to take them offline before they breached.

"Impulse is also offline, so all we have for maneuvering is thrusters. Once I can string together what happened, I will let you know. Lek out." =/\=

Lek switched channels and added.

"œEngineering to sickbay, I have multiple casualties. Transporters are offline. I need a medical team here on the double."

He shut down comes and moved to the ware core intermix chamber.

"œWhat have the bloody Breen come up with now?"

He wondered as he began trying to sort out what, if anything, was possible to repair.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 04, 2023, 03:10:25 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Understood." he commented, as soon as Discovery was away and all was calm.  At least for now while they warped.  With the away team started and their own ship not so heavily damaged, he could get damage control teams back on the bridge.

"We should be at the rendevous point within 36 minutes.  I want eyes on the mission chronometer before we-"


The ship rocked as if something hit it, nearly throwing the Captain out of his chair.  It seemed they didn't shake off everyone.  Sensor started to show a pursuing vessel, Breen in origin, and it had hit the ship with a proximity charge or unusual makeup.

"Report!  Red alert!" he ordered, as the ship shuddered again. The rounds weren't doing more than shaking the ship... except it wasn't the weapons that shook the ship.

Alarms went off in Engineering and the display showed an instability... the warp bubble was having trouble maintaining itself.  It was about to throw the ship out of warp.  If it didn't just collapse altogether and rip the ship apart.

Quote from: Lek on July 04, 2023, 03:49:02 PM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

After the shooting stopped, Lek relaxed as the demands for power decreased sharply. Damage throughout the ship was trivial with repair teams already dispatched to take care of those minor issues.

One moment, all was well, the next found Lek's laying on his back with his ears ringing and him wincing from multiple strident alarms. As the lay there, he was confused, but he had enough of his senses to realize he was concussed because while he knew he was supposed to do something, he just couldn't quite remember what that might be.

When he opened his eyes, he wished he hadn't, but again the confusion set in as nothing was where it was supposed to be, to include his own feet which seemed to be above his head in a tangle.

"œDammit, why am I upside down?"

He growled as he untangled himself from the corner of engineering where he'd fetched up after whatever had happened.

"œWhy isn't important, what happened is the bigger question."

He mumbled as he staggered back to his feet and looked around engineering and staggered over to the ship's pool table and slammed his hand down on the mute function, silencing all the klaxons.

"œI didn't know it was possible for so many alarms to go off at once."

He snarled as he shook his head to get his eyes to focus on the main engineering console. He paled as he was finally able to process what was happening and he forced his hands to enter a critical set of commands. When he was done, several of the most glaring indicators shifted from red to yellow. Unfortunately, his actions had immediate impact throughout the ship as the primary systems shut down. He hit his combadge.

=/\= "œCaptain, we're down to the fusion generators. Whatever that was scrambled the warp cores and I had to take them offline before they breached.

"Impulse is also offline, so all we have for maneuvering is thrusters. Once I can string together what happened, I will let you know. Lek out." =/\=

Lek switched channels and added.

"œEngineering to sickbay, I have multiple casualties. Transporters are offline. I need a medical team here on the double."

He shut down comes and moved to the ware core intermix chamber.

"œWhat have the bloody Breen come up with now?"

He wondered as he began trying to sort out what, if anything, was possible to repair.

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1630 Hours]

The relative calm of the bridge was disrupted with an ear shattering explosion which knocked everyone at least partially out of their chairs. Dem intuitively covered his ears when explosion reverberated through the ship, and everything was still vibrating in the aftermath of the damage. The tension rose once more. "œOne enemy ship is closing on us. We were hit with, something. Not too sure. Kinley could you run a scan on what was just thrown at us?" Dem asked, trying to remain calm when replying to the captains command. The com's system crackled to life, but a lot of interference filtered through. He surmised that primary communications was damaged. Dem keenly listened in to Lek's report on the engineering systems. That would explain what the weapon does. "œAlex, Moon, as you heard we're on maneuvering thrusters. You need to try to evade these ships for as long as possible, understood?" Dem ordered, concerned at their chances of survival up against this Breen warship so heavily damaged.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:30 hrs)

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 04, 2023, 02:37:48 AM

Gohun nodded his head with a sort of sadness. I bet a planted explosive idea would probably be out of the question at this point. We have an obstacle that we cannot go under. Or go over or even around. The only option was to go straight through and hope that they were not noticed. What if they were able to plant a sound in the crews heads. Not a lot just enough to distract them long enough to sneak by.  Looking over Gohun turned his translator on.
"œOk we have other options. I can trick the sensors to not detect our presence. Or we could sneak up on the engineering team and kill them dump the bodies and moving on. (Gohun said the second one really fast) Finally we could Just sneak by the work crew that will be working as long as we look natural we should be ok."

The sad nod of acceptance by Ensign Gohun spoke volumes to the Romulan.  Intentional or not, that one thrived in chaos.  Rayek was grateful his eyeroll was not visible when yet more 'options' were provided.   They had enough options... it was merely the acting upon those options that was problematic.    Rayek needed to let Lorut, O'Brien and Gohun access the door system to unlock it.

When Gohun stated he could trick the sensors not to detect them,  Rayek nodded his approval.  The rapidly spoken second option, while glossed over by Gohun, was a valid tactic - one that Rayek had employed in the past while working for the Tal Shiar.  This however was not a Romulan intelligence mission, this was Starfleet - not the rumored Section 31,  and there were accepted practices that he had to adhere to.

"In this infiltration, we will strive to avoid encounters - thus our using the service tunnels and emergency stairwells.  Where that fails, we will default to attempting to blend in and talk our way through.  Only as a last resort, where our mission objective is at stake or a fellow crewmember is in immediate danger is the taking of life deemed acceptable."

All this should be things the team already knew; things that Starfleet had trained them for at the Academy.

He looked to O'Brien and Lorut working on the door.  "How much longer before you have that security seal unlocked and the hatchway open?"

By the schematics he had memorized, the service tunnel would run 100m along what he now realized was likely the Breen storage area for the station's radioactive waste from their fission engines . The schematics had shown the walls in the area a being double layered.

His plan was.... after moving through that gauntlet of radiation leakage, the team would exit the service tunnels just down the corridor from the main computer core.  Rayek expected guards outside the room, which he figured he and Jael should be able to deal with.  Then once inside it was up to Lorut, O'Brien and Gohun to get him access to the main core.   A quick download of the database and an even quicker up load of the virus and then they would be good to return to the ship with the mission accomplished.   Now he just hoped things went to plan.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on June 27, 2023, 01:01:08 AM

[as Kirayoshi]
[breen ship]

At the sign, he went out and picked up a crate. Don't be suspicious. he thought, trying to maintain the act and and remain calm. , When it was safe, He motioned for Ensign Lorut to follow him. They had to get into the computer core, a place at the end of a labrynth of hallways and corridors.

In her dumb "costume," the lithe but tall Bajoran found her way into the hallway behind Kirayoshi. She was fast, and had a lot of experience dodging unsavory people, so for her, it was more or less about getting there quickly than getting there unseen. Still, she was careful-she wasn't dumb enough to have the hubris to just haul ass. After what seemed like an eternity, but was actually only a few minutes, they'd arrived at the correct place. "This is it," she said, quietly. She extracted the data crystal she'd use to record what they needed. A bit later, it was ready to go, and she turned to Kirayoshi. "Alert Commander tr'Lhoell, and Captain what's her face, tell them we're getting the hell out," she directed. She was only an Ensign but she had at least fifteen years on this kid, twenty if her math were right, and it was her nature, anyway. She waited a moment for him to complete, and then they headed back the way they came.
Away Team, Day 3

He looked to O'Brien and Lorut working on the door.  "How much longer before you have that security seal unlocked and the hatchway open?"

She fought an urge to give him some kind of sassy reply along the lines of *about the same time it takes the Prophets to decide to end my time on this plane* and simply shrugged. "Should only be another second, sir," she said. Finally, it clicked, and she let out a sigh of relief. "By your leave?" She said.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 04, 2023, 03:10:25 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Understood." he commented, as soon as Discovery was away and all was calm.  At least for now while they warped.  With the away team started and their own ship not so heavily damaged, he could get damage control teams back on the bridge.

"We should be at the rendevous point within 36 minutes.  I want eyes on the mission chronometer before we-"


The ship rocked as if something hit it, nearly throwing the Captain out of his chair.  It seemed they didn't shake off everyone.  Sensor started to show a pursuing vessel, Breen in origin, and it had hit the ship with a proximity charge or unusual makeup.

"Report!  Red alert!" he ordered, as the ship shuddered again. The rounds weren't doing more than shaking the ship... except it wasn't the weapons that shook the ship.

Alarms went off in Engineering and the display showed an instability... the warp bubble was having trouble maintaining itself.  It was about to throw the ship out of warp.  If it didn't just collapse altogether and rip the ship apart.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 04, 2023, 08:05:38 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1630 Hours]

The relative calm of the bridge was disrupted with an ear shattering explosion which knocked everyone at least partially out of their chairs. Dem intuitively covered his ears when the explosion reverberated through the ship, and everything was still vibrating in the aftermath of the damage. The tension rose once more. "œOne enemy ship is closing on us. We were hit with, something. Not too sure. Kinley could you run a scan on what was just thrown at us?" Dem asked, trying to remain calm when replying to the captains command. The com's system crackled to life, but a lot of interference filtered through. He surmised that primary communications was damaged. Dem keenly listened in to Lek's report on the engineering systems. That would explain what the weapon does. "œAlex, Moon, as you heard we're on maneuvering thrusters. You need to try to evade these ships for as long as possible, understood?" Dem ordered, concerned at their chances of survival up against this Breen warship so heavily damaged.

[Bridge, day 3]

It hit them out of the blue. Kinley had her back turned to the computer at the moment. By the time the tactical station had even begun to register a projectile headed toward them, it was too late. With a violent shudder, the impact threw Kinley, slamming her against the console. Shaking it off, she rubbed the side of her head that was still throbbing . Hopefully, that wouldn't be a concussion. she thought. Unfortunately, there was no time to get a medical person to look at it. "œYes sir!" she said, looking over the reports coming in from Engineering as well as the pursuing ship. There was a lot of damage on both the starboard and rear sides. Given the ship that was following them, it could possibly have been some kind of energy-dampener weapon, but this was definitely new. Nothing in similar records so far. "œI think we've been hit by some kind of energy-dampening missile. It's definitely bigger than what's on record, sirs.." Reading the files she was bringing up with well-honed speed, she noted the past encounters that were recorded in the databanks. " I'm reading that the Klingons could do a tritium intermix in their ships to better block Breen blasts, but I'm not sure we can do that. Can we?"

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Zavrol Gohun


Location Breem Space Station
Gohun started to pick the electronic lock to the Jeffries Tube. All of his cool plans now to the way side. No boom, no blood no cool spacewalk. While this is a very efficient thing for the party this mission was not like a 007 move where you killed everyone or even if Statfleet had a undercover secret organization. No this was simply picking a lock. The physics of any lock were simple getting the tumblers to line up the hard part was telling the computer that the door was not open and tricking the sensors. With that Gohun started the process of picking the lock.
Gohun thinks that He knows the route they are about to take. The tube goes about 200 feet into empty storage areas. Well there was the storage areas with nuclear waste but Gohun was sure they were not going into those areas. I mean that would be crazy. "œThe lock is almost open, This tube must lead to some valuable stuff if they are willing to put so much security behind the lock. When it opens we will have thirty seconds to get in before the alarm trips." With that Gohun looks around to make sure everyone is ready.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on July 04, 2023, 03:49:02 PM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

After the shooting stopped, Lek relaxed as the demands for power decreased sharply. Damage throughout the ship was trivial with repair teams already dispatched to take care of those minor issues.

One moment, all was well, the next found Lek's laying on his back with his ears ringing and him wincing from multiple strident alarms. As the lay there, he was confused, but he had enough of his senses to realize he was concussed because while he knew he was supposed to do something, he just couldn't quite remember what that might be.

When he opened his eyes, he wished he hadn't, but again the confusion set in as nothing was where it was supposed to be, to include his own feet which seemed to be above his head in a tangle.

"œDammit, why am I upside down?"

He growled as he untangled himself from the corner of engineering where he'd fetched up after whatever had happened.

"œWhy isn't important, what happened is the bigger question."

He mumbled as he staggered back to his feet and looked around engineering and staggered over to the ship's pool table and slammed his hand down on the mute function, silencing all the klaxons.

"œI didn't know it was possible for so many alarms to go off at once."

He snarled as he shook his head to get his eyes to focus on the main engineering console. He paled as he was finally able to process what was happening and he forced his hands to enter a critical set of commands. When he was done, several of the most glaring indicators shifted from red to yellow. Unfortunately, his actions had immediate impact throughout the ship as the primary systems shut down. He hit his combadge.

=/\= "œCaptain, we're down to the fusion generators. Whatever that was scrambled the warp cores and I had to take them offline before they breached.

"Impulse is also offline, so all we have for maneuvering is thrusters. Once I can string together what happened, I will let you know. Lek out." =/\=

Lek switched channels and added.

"œEngineering to sickbay, I have multiple casualties. Transporters are offline. I need a medical team here on the double."

He shut down comes and moved to the ware core intermix chamber.

"œWhat have the bloody Breen come up with now?"

He wondered as he began trying to sort out what, if anything, was possible to repair.

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 04, 2023, 08:05:38 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1630 Hours]

The relative calm of the bridge was disrupted with an ear shattering explosion which knocked everyone at least partially out of their chairs. Dem intuitively covered his ears when explosion reverberated through the ship, and everything was still vibrating in the aftermath of the damage. The tension rose once more. "œOne enemy ship is closing on us. We were hit with, something. Not too sure. Kinley could you run a scan on what was just thrown at us?" Dem asked, trying to remain calm when replying to the captains command. The com's system crackled to life, but a lot of interference filtered through. He surmised that primary communications was damaged. Dem keenly listened in to Lek's report on the engineering systems. That would explain what the weapon does. "œAlex, Moon, as you heard we're on maneuvering thrusters. You need to try to evade these ships for as long as possible, understood?" Dem ordered, concerned at their chances of survival up against this Breen warship so heavily damaged.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 05, 2023, 10:23:15 PM

[Bridge, day 3]

It hit them out of the blue. Kinley had her back turned to the computer at the moment. By the time the tactical station had even begun to register a projectile headed toward them, it was too late. With a violent shudder, the impact threw Kinley, slamming her against the console. Shaking it off, she rubbed the side of her head that was still throbbing . Hopefully, that wouldn't be a concussion. she thought. Unfortunately, there was no time to get a medical person to look at it. "œYes sir!" she said, looking over the reports coming in from Engineering as well as the pursuing ship. There was a lot of damage on both the starboard and rear sides. Given the ship that was following them, it could possibly have been some kind of energy-dampener weapon, but this was definitely new. Nothing in similar records so far. "œI think we've been hit by some kind of energy-dampening missile. It's definitely bigger than what's on record, sirs.." Reading the files she was bringing up with well-honed speed, she noted the past encounters that were recorded in the databanks. " I'm reading that the Klingons could do a tritium intermix in their ships to better block Breen blasts, but I'm not sure we can do that. Can we?"

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir gripped tight as Lek's emergency actions to shut down the warp core dropped their speed rapidly.. almost too fast for inertial dampeners to keep up.  Luckily they had power, or the crew would have been a splatter on the viewscreen.  With no engine power and just thrusters, the ship was adrift with only thruster course corrections available.  It was an interesting sight seeing a Prometheus-class vessel struggle to realign itself with the galactic plane.

What was not so interesting was the Breen ship that dropped out of warp nearby.  It seemed the Breen wanted action.

"You mean from back during the war?" the Captain asked Kinley, while the ship shook violently from conventional weapons.  He had to admit, it was similar to the tactic used at the end of the war. It was a fluke solution that was then applied to the rest of the ships.  Or so Nevir thought...?

"The safeguards we developed during the war should have kept that weapon from affecting us.  No.. this is slightly different.  Maybe an upgrade.  We only lost power because Lek did an emergency shutdown... at warp no less."

The ship shook violently again and an explosion at an auxiliary station alerted him to the fact that their shields were not blocking all of the shots.  At least a few of those last shots had hit hull.

"We lost our warp bubble, main power, and shields are fluctuating despite reading at over 50% power.  Main power is clearly from Lek's shutdown, but we are having issues maintaining systems, and we don't have enough power to drive the impulse engines.  The deflectors... Miss Garrison, check the deflectors.  If they can't sustain a field, then that might be the clue we are looking for."

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain, back to battle stations, we are fighting with a handicap.  Damage control teams on standby and evacuate all non-essential locations." =/\=

"Dem, try to divert power from any systems that respond.  Shut down power including life-support once locations are cleared of personnel.  At least as long as we have internal sensors. Divert power to defensive systems.  Helm, bring us about.  Load torpedo bays and set for proximity fuse.  Charge phasers the best you can and return fire."

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 06, 2023, 05:41:08 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir gripped tight as Lek's emergency actions to shut down the warp core dropped their speed rapidly.. almost too fast for inertial dampeners to keep up.  Luckily they had power, or the crew would have been a splatter on the viewscreen.  With no engine power and just thrusters, the ship was adrift with only thruster course corrections available.  It was an interesting sight seeing a Prometheus-class vessel struggle to realign itself with the galactic plane.

What was not so interesting was the Breen ship that dropped out of warp nearby.  It seemed the Breen wanted action.

"You mean from back during the war?" the Captain asked Kinley, while the ship shook violently from conventional weapons.  He had to admit, it was similar to the tactic used at the end of the war. It was a fluke solution that was then applied to the rest of the ships.  Or so Nevir thought...?

"The safeguards we developed during the war should have kept that weapon from affecting us.  No.. this is slightly different.  Maybe an upgrade.  We only lost power because Lek did an emergency shutdown... at warp no less."

The ship shook violently again and an explosion at an auxiliary station alerted him to the fact that their shields were not blocking all of the shots.  At least a few of those last shots had hit hull.

"We lost our warp bubble, main power, and shields are fluctuating despite reading at over 50% power.  Main power is clearly from Lek's shutdown, but we are having issues maintaining systems, and we don't have enough power to drive the impulse engines.  The deflectors... Miss Garrison, check the deflectors.  If they can't sustain a field, then that might be the clue we are looking for."

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain, back to battle stations, we are fighting with a handicap.  Damage control teams on standby and evacuate all non-essential locations." =/\=

"Dem, try to divert power from any systems that respond.  Shut down power including life-support once locations are cleared of personnel.  At least as long as we have internal sensors. Divert power to defensive systems.  Helm, bring us about.  Load torpedo bays and set for proximity fuse.  Charge phasers the best you can and return fire."

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œUnderstood captain." He proceeded to bring the ship about. He made sure to load the torpedo bays and the phasers were charged the best that he could so that he could return fire. He figured that Ensign Moon Dancer could help him with some of that so it could be done quickly and efficiently.

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