Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 11, 2023, 11:52:30 AM

The Ensign simply shook her head. "Sir...sadly. There isn't," she said. "We're going to need to make a run for it. Don't worry, I managed to spend a year outrunning the Cardassians and then later, my ex-husband. This is a cakewalk," she said. "But. We need to be quiet, and move as fast as possible." She said. "Gohun?" She said. "Let's go," she said, power-walking out of the room. The trick was to exude confidence-like you owned the place.

She was interrupted.
She flicked an eyebrow of interest.

"Do it," she said, not waiting for the Commander. She was antsy to move but still knew that it was dangerous to be brash, so she was waiting. But not for long. Idle Vila was a dangerous Vila.
Hypothetically, it would work. "Well, try it, I guess. Commander, you staying? I can go ahead, I don't mind." She lived for danger.

The Breen had seemingly caught on to them, and they were forced to hide in the nooks and crannies of the corridors. She wished she'd paid a bit more attention to the set up of the tubes and walls-being INSIDE the walls would be a much easier means to complete their task. She was only Ops, though, not an Engineer. Finally, the Breen seemed satisified that they weren't intruders, and she carefully crept towards her target. Once she was there, it would only take a few moments to extract what she needed and get the hell out.

But there were guards. A curse in Bajoran-she didn't say it but definitely thought it. Security would need to help, but maybe she could sly talk her way in. She wished she was an empath-it would be *so* much easier to communicate, but alas, Bajorans hadn't figured that part of their brains out yet. She'd need to communicate the old fashioned way. In a near-whisper, she spoke into her subdermal transmitter.

==^==Commander. I can try to sweet-talk my way in.==^==

Rayek, his attention still on the guards around the corner, held up a hand in a shushing gesture to forestall the Lorut's suggestion.   When he glanced back towards the team, he fixed the Ops officer with a disbelieving stare (not that she could see that, given his helmet).
=/\= "No, Ensign.  We can't risk you at the moment.  Nor do I think 'sweet-talk' translates well into Breen.  Wait here with O'Brien, Willard and Gohun.   If any of you have a way of blocking the local communications down here that would be useful, but otherwise, leave the guards to us." =/\=

Rayek then selected out his security crew - Sherem, Dersch, Dranik - motioning them to him. He also motioned for Sisko to join them.

=/\= "We will approach the pair as if we are a patrolling unit - just like we practiced in the holodeck - then once we are passing in front of them, we engage and hit hard.  They cannot be allowed to sound an alarm.  No energy weapons usage or sensors will detect the discharge.  Understood?  Good.  Form up!" =/\=

Their 'form' consisted of him and junior Lt. Sherem upfront, Lt Commander Sisko immediately behind them a pace and Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Dranik a pace behind her.  This spacing ensured that both guards could be taken down quickly by multiple opponents.  Sisko, in the middle between the two, could assess which pair needed assistance more to take down their designated guard.

During the practice sessions in the holodeck, Rayek had initially assumed that role - but realized quickly that the younger officer had the swiftest reflexes between them.  Strategy trumped ego.. and thus, Rayek assigned the role to her.  The key to this was working as team. Coordinating attacks with partner was not easy which is why Rayek had drilled the team as often as possible over the past several days.

Now it was time to see how well they truly worked together.

With a nod and a forward gesture, Rayek led the four other members in disguise down the corridor towards the computer core and the awaiting guards.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 09, 2023, 09:09:16 PM

Kinley bolted into action and handed Dem the med kit before racing back to her station. She looked at the ship and began running a comparison to every single known Breen ship type. The decent news was that there wasn't another large blast like the first one. At best, it might have fried something on the enemy's end. At worst, it was just reloading. She sincerely hoped it wasn't the latter. Her computer chimed. She finally got a confirmed readout of the enemy ship on its power readings. It wasn't spiking right now, so that probably was a good sign.    "œI've got a lock on it now. I think it's a Gor Taan class. I'm reading only steadily gaining power fluctuations from it, so we've got some time in case it reloads whatever it's got for its missile system, but I wouldn't count on it for long. Aim for the rear deflectors. They seem to be drawing power to their front ones. She told Alex as she continued to type. Her head was still pounding from that hit, but it wasn't important. Not yet. She could take care of herself when the ship wasn't actively getting blasted to bits.  Shaking off the mild vertigo, she nodded.

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1645 hours]
The Bridge doors hissed open and medical officers started run to the downed officer. Dem sighed a breath of relief and immediately briefed the officers on the type of injury and preliminary treatment. As fast as the young officers entered, Dem made his way back to his chair in between blasts. Dem took a moment to focus on the screen in front of him, his mind foggy from the different lighting conditions and relentless warnings, alarms and sounds of destruction. He heard Kinly's report, and he remembered from his Breen information pack that they were one of the most powerful ships, especially in full attack posture. Dem was lucky that he sat down when he did because another volley of torpedoes from this infamous attacker peppered the hull. To Dem, it seemed like the ship was rocking but he was still, watching the blurred shapes of officers gripping their consoles and pieces of deck plating being cast aside by the hit. A shrew voice cut Dem out of his state. "œEPS conduits on decks 6 through 8 are down. Minor hull breaches on deck 7." The ensign stated, his nerves most likely not worn off from the earlier blast. "œThis can't continue. We need options. Any ideas?" Dem posed to the Bridge crew, hoping to find a plan before they turn into dust.

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 12, 2023, 03:15:08 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

Rayek, his attention still on the guards around the corner, held up a hand in a shushing gesture to forestall the Lorut's suggestion.   When he glanced back towards the team, he fixed the Ops officer with a disbelieving stare (not that she could see that, given his helmet).
=/\= "No, Ensign.  We can't risk you at the moment.  Nor do I think 'sweet-talk' translates well into Breen.  Wait here with O'Brien, Willard and Gohun.   If any of you have a way of blocking the local communications down here that would be useful, but otherwise, leave the guards to us." =/\=

Rayek then selected out his security crew - Sherem, Dersch, Dranik - motioning them to him. He also motioned for Sisko to join them.

=/\= "We will approach the pair as if we are a patrolling unit - just like we practiced in the holodeck - then once we are passing in front of them, we engage and hit hard.  They cannot be allowed to sound an alarm.  No energy weapons usage or sensors will detect the discharge.  Understood?  Good.  Form up!" =/\=

Their 'form' consisted of him and junior Lt. Sherem upfront, Lt Commander Sisko immediately behind them a pace and Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Dranik a pace behind her.  This spacing ensured that both guards could be taken down quickly by multiple opponents.  Sisko, in the middle between the two, could assess which pair needed assistance more to take down their designated guard.

During the practice sessions in the holodeck, Rayek had initially assumed that role - but realized quickly that the younger officer had the swiftest reflexes between them.  Strategy trumped ego.. and thus, Rayek assigned the role to her.  The key to this was working as team. Coordinating attacks with partner was not easy which is why Rayek had drilled the team as often as possible over the past several days.

Now it was time to see how well they truly worked together.

With a nod and a forward gesture, Rayek led the four other members in disguise down the corridor towards the computer core and the awaiting guards.

Dersch Nodded and Formed up along with the others ready for whatever came next. If it came to a Fight, Dersch was ready, He was hopping it didn't come to that, But it looked like it. He took his place and Stood Ready to Move. well This is my first away mission so far its been a Interesting one to put it at that

Zavrol Gohun

Away team
Gohun configured his scanner to block transmissions in a short-range area. This means that the guards would not be able to call for help. Unfortunately, this also meant that there translators were non functioning somehow. Gohun would have to figure this out as the guards were in combat with the security team. Unfortunately there were two more guards that were hidden from the aways teams view and they were going to get the security team from behind. Gohun did what any brave warrior would do. the He pulled his arm back and threw the must cowboy haymaker one could ever throw and wow it landed. It hit right in the sport Gohun aimed to hit. Right in the metal helmet of the Breen Security guard. The sound was a weird metal bong with some bone breaking as either the metal helmet would give or Gohuns arm would give.
Fortunately Gohun brough something to help with small fractures as he keeps breaking bones on away missions. Right now he grabbed the guards rifle and smashed it back into its face. It was at that point the other guard hit Gohun in the stomach putting Gohun down for a second or so.


Breen Base
Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance

Dranik rushed the guard that had hit Gohun in the stomach. He immediately grabbed the guard and slammed him repeatedly into the wall before hitting him with an uppercut. He grabbed the guard's rifle and quickly visually scanned the area to make sure there were no more guards.

He looked at Gohun. "Are you alright?"

Hirogen Male

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 12, 2023, 03:15:08 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

Rayek, his attention still on the guards around the corner, held up a hand in a shushing gesture to forestall the Lorut's suggestion.   When he glanced back towards the team, he fixed the Ops officer with a disbelieving stare (not that she could see that, given his helmet).
=/\= "No, Ensign.  We can't risk you at the moment.  Nor do I think 'sweet-talk' translates well into Breen.  Wait here with O'Brien, Willard and Gohun.   If any of you have a way of blocking the local communications down here that would be useful, but otherwise, leave the guards to us." =/\=

Rayek then selected out his security crew - Sherem, Dersch, Dranik - motioning them to him. He also motioned for Sisko to join them.

=/\= "We will approach the pair as if we are a patrolling unit - just like we practiced in the holodeck - then once we are passing in front of them, we engage and hit hard.  They cannot be allowed to sound an alarm.  No energy weapons usage or sensors will detect the discharge.  Understood?  Good.  Form up!" =/\=

Their 'form' consisted of him and junior Lt. Sherem upfront, Lt Commander Sisko immediately behind them a pace and Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Dranik a pace behind her.  This spacing ensured that both guards could be taken down quickly by multiple opponents.  Sisko, in the middle between the two, could assess which pair needed assistance more to take down their designated guard.

During the practice sessions in the holodeck, Rayek had initially assumed that role - but realized quickly that the younger officer had the swiftest reflexes between them.  Strategy trumped ego.. and thus, Rayek assigned the role to her.  The key to this was working as team. Coordinating attacks with partner was not easy which is why Rayek had drilled the team as often as possible over the past several days.

Now it was time to see how well they truly worked together.

With a nod and a forward gesture, Rayek led the four other members in disguise down the corridor towards the computer core and the awaiting guards.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on July 13, 2023, 08:50:06 AM

Dersch Nodded and Formed up along with the others ready for whatever came next. If it came to a Fight, Dersch was ready, He was hopping it didn't come to that, But it looked like it. He took his place and Stood Ready to Move. well This is my first away mission so far its been a Interesting one to put it at that

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 14, 2023, 03:34:54 PM

Away team
Gohun configured his scanner to block transmissions in a short-range area. This means that the guards would not be able to call for help. Unfortunately, this also meant that there translators were non functioning somehow. Gohun would have to figure this out as the guards were in combat with the security team. Unfortunately there were two more guards that were hidden from the aways teams view and they were going to get the security team from behind. Gohun did what any brave warrior would do. the He pulled his arm back and threw the must cowboy haymaker one could ever throw and wow it landed. It hit right in the sport Gohun aimed to hit. Right in the metal helmet of the Breen Security guard. The sound was a weird metal bong with some bone breaking as either the metal helmet would give or Gohuns arm would give.
Fortunately Gohun brough something to help with small fractures as he keeps breaking bones on away missions. Right now he grabbed the guards rifle and smashed it back into its face. It was at that point the other guard hit Gohun in the stomach putting Gohun down for a second or so.

Quote from: Dranik on July 14, 2023, 06:46:36 PM

Breen Base
Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance

Dranik rushed the guard that had hit Gohun in the stomach. He immediately grabbed the guard and slammed him repeatedly into the wall before hitting him with an uppercut. He grabbed the guard's rifle and quickly visually scanned the area to make sure there were no more guards.

He looked at Gohun. "Are you alright?"

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

This was one part she was anticipating. In their practices, it was simple: Hit them fast and leave non standing. The hatred of Breen stemmed strongly in Cardassians, and it stemmed still in Jael. Plus, Rebecca Sisko had more expertise in combat than Jael, so Jael didn't mind if Sisko was better than Jael was. But Jael opted for something simple. Just approach face to face and then blast the Breen in front of her point blank.

Rebecca, on the other hand, engaged the Breen alongside Rayek, just as they practiced. And it was over in the blink of an eye.

"We got 'em," she said. She allowed a brief smile that made her glad she was wearing a helmet.

Jael, of course, looked over at Gohun, hands on her hips though arms relaxed, loosened a bit, but giving a slight disapproval.

"Fisticuffs? Really? Thank the Prophets the big lug had your back," she said, nodding at Dranik, gesturing in relief.

"Thanks for saving Gohun's bacon, Mister Dranik," complimented Rebecca. She had to admit, she enjoyed being around the Hirogen. As one who had commonly encountered races from the Gamma Quadrant, she found it a nice change meeting somebody from the Delta Quadrant...aside from the occasional liberated Borg like Annika "Seven of Nine" Hansen. Then, remembering his favorite food from the time of getting to know him (and the rest of the team), she added, "And I owe you a pigs-in-a-blanket lunch when we get out of here."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Kinley Garrison


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Emergency Stairwell & Service Tunnels] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

With Jael having moved off help aid in guarding the back, it opened up space for O'Brien to work alongside Gohun.  Still, it was a tight fit in the service tunnel; and the Romulan whose coping mechanism for stress and impatience was pacing, found the enclosed space even more aggravating.

This could explain why he reacted so poorly when Mr. O'Brien instead of pulling out another cutting tool to assist Gohun, instead pulled out a couple of robot spiders.  Reading about the incident on the Valdore with the nanobots, and watching security footage regarding the near takeover of the Romulan ship was still very fresh in the Romulan's mind.

"Where did you get those?!" he hissed drawing further away from the wall where the two engineers were working.  Thankfully, it took only a moment of closer observation to see that these were human designed robots and not Borg nanoprobes.  Still the Romulan was leery.

However, O'Brien's explanation said it all.  It could potentially help.  But perhaps not in the way that O'Brien intended.  Time for subtly was over the - the order to open up the wall had already been given.  Each second that they split their focus meant more exposure to the lethal radiation leak.

"Have those assist Mr. Gohun with opening up the wall.  If unable, then you assist - with a cutting tool."  Rayek was relying on Lorut to be able to trick the system into not setting off alarms.  He trusted the Bajoran more than a pair of spider-bots.  Though they were a good back-up...just in case.

It seemed like forever that that two engineers and the robots worked on the wall.  Yet Rayek could see by his helmet's chronometer than no more than five minutes had passed.  Which was four minutes more than he had originally intended when he made the decision to enter the blocked area.   They should have gone around he realized... but hindsight is always 20/20 the humans say.

That feeling of needing to itch kept growing, and Rayek wondered if it was a symptom of the radiation exposure, but the Romulan didn't dare ask Dr. Willard.

Finally, the cutting was complete and the piece of wall was carefully brought inside the service tunnel and set aside rather than having it pushed through to clatter loudly onto the corridor floor.   No alarms sounded.  So far so good.

The Breen helmet sensors didn't detect anything in the corridor presently and with a gesture for the engineers and others to keep back, Rayek took point and crept carefully out.   A quick glance in either direction confirmed the sensors accuracy.

"It's clear for the moment.  Everybody out." He ordered quietly then moved to the end of the corridor to keep watch, and there around the corner were the next obstacles.   A pair of Breen guards standing watch outside the computer core.

It was time for his security personnel to show their stuff.

[Breen base]
[As Kirayoshi]

Kirayoshi nodded to Ensign Lorut and Commander Tr'Lhoell as he prepared the bots for cutting through instead. The little bots sprang into life and began slowly cutting through the hull. The guards were starting to catch wind of their shenanigans now, so he ordered the bots to hurry up. And increased the power input to them. It very well could fry them, but judging by the fighting he heard behind him, there wasn't a lot of time for worrying about that. His fingers flew over the tiny controller, organizing the bots to go faster.
Moments later, the entryway was cleared, leaving an open hole for them to go through, and just in time. The radiation was definitely making him need to sneeze. Let's get in!


[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1645 hours]
The Bridge doors hissed open and medical officers started run to the downed officer. Dem sighed a breath of relief and immediately briefed the officers on the type of injury and preliminary treatment. As fast as the young officers entered, Dem made his way back to his chair in between blasts. Dem took a moment to focus on the screen in front of him, his mind foggy from the different lighting conditions and relentless warnings, alarms and sounds of destruction. He heard Kinly's report, and he remembered from his Breen information pack that they were one of the most powerful ships, especially in full attack posture. Dem was lucky that he sat down when he did because another volley of torpedoes from this infamous attacker peppered the hull. To Dem, it seemed like the ship was rocking but he was still, watching the blurred shapes of officers gripping their consoles and pieces of deck plating being cast aside by the hit. A shrew voice cut Dem out of his state. "œEPS conduits on decks 6 through 8 are down. Minor hull breaches on deck 7." The ensign stated, his nerves most likely not worn off from the earlier blast. "œThis can't continue. We need options. Any ideas?" Dem posed to the Bridge crew, hoping to find a plan before they turn into dust.

Kinley nodded, looking at the schematics. It was looking more hopeless by the minute, but she didn't want to think about that.  "œThere seems to be thermal exhaust ports. Can we force them to overheat their systems with a concentrated fire? If their biology is something to go off of, they may be susceptible to overheating, that is if they aren't wearing their suits.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor outside the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

Quote from: J.B Dersch on July 13, 2023, 08:50:06 AM

Dersch Nodded and Formed up along with the others ready for whatever came next. If it came to a Fight, Dersch was ready, He was hopping it didn't come to that, But it looked like it. He took his place and Stood Ready to Move. well This is my first away mission so far it's been an Interesting one to put it at that

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 14, 2023, 03:34:54 PM

Away team
Gohun configured his scanner to block transmissions in a short-range area. This means that the guards would not be able to call for help. Unfortunately, this also meant that their translators were non-functioning somehow. Gohun would have to figure this out as the guards were in combat with the security team. Unfortunately, there were two more guards that were hidden from the away's teams view and they were going to get the security team from behind. Gohun did what any brave warrior would do. He pulled his arm back and threw the most cowboy haymaker one could ever throw and wow it landed. It hit right in the spot Gohun aimed to hit. Right in the metal helmet of the Breen Security guard. The sound was a weird metal bong with some bone breaking as either the metal helmet would give or Gohun's arm would give.
Fortunately, Gohun brought something to help with small fractures as he keeps breaking bones on away missions. Right now, he grabbed the guard's rifle and smashed it back into its face. It was at that point the other guard hit Gohun in the stomach putting Gohun down for a second or so.

Quote from: Dranik on July 14, 2023, 06:46:36 PM

Breen Base
Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance

Dranik rushed the guard that had hit Gohun in the stomach. He immediately grabbed the guard and slammed him repeatedly into the wall before hitting him with an uppercut. He grabbed the guard's rifle and quickly visually scanned the area to make sure there were no more guards.

He looked at Gohun. "Are you alright?"

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 16, 2023, 02:31:07 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

This was one part she was anticipating. In their practices, it was simple: Hit them fast and leave non standing. The hatred of Breen stemmed strongly in Cardassians, and it stemmed still in Jael. Plus, Rebecca Sisko had more expertise in combat than Jael, so Jael didn't mind if Sisko was better than Jael was. But Jael opted for something simple. Just approach face to face and then blast the Breen in front of her point blank.

Rebecca, on the other hand, engaged the Breen alongside Rayek, just as they practiced. And it was over in the blink of an eye.

"We got 'em," she said. She allowed a brief smile that made her glad she was wearing a helmet.

Jael, of course, looked over at Gohun, hands on her hips though arms relaxed, loosened a bit, but giving a slight disapproval.

"Fisticuffs? Really? Thank the Prophets the big lug had your back," she said, nodding at Dranik, gesturing in relief.

"Thanks for saving Gohun's bacon, Mister Dranik," complimented Rebecca. She had to admit, she enjoyed being around the Hirogen. As one who had commonly encountered races from the Gamma Quadrant, she found it a nice change meeting somebody from the Delta Quadrant...aside from the occasional liberated Borg like Annika "Seven of Nine" Hansen. Then, remembering his favorite food from the time of getting to know him (and the rest of the team), she added, "And I owe you a pigs-in-a-blanket lunch when we get out of here."

The combat at the computer core entrance was swift from Rayek's perspective.  One moment, Rayek was engaged in melee combat, using his armored fist and Vulcanoid strength to hit hard and fast into the suspected 'weak points' in the Breen armor with Commander Sisko as his partner instead of the expected Jael; the next moment, the guard was down.  The Romulan looked around to take stock of the rest of the battle and saw that somehow Gohun, their engineer, had gotten involved in the battle and had to be saved by the Hirogen, Dranik, while dealing with two additional guards that had unexpectedly arrived on scene.

Dersch and Jael were on the last guard and before Rayek could question what the hell she was doing, Jael fired on the guard point blank with an energy weapon; something he had tried to drill into the team to not do, in order to avoid setting off any potential weapon discharge alarms.  Had she been paying attention at all during their training sessions?!

The Romulan grit his teeth inside his Breen mask as he tamped down on the urge to knock some sense into the Cardassian there in the hall, as not only did she fail to follow orders, but she mocked those who did.  Fisticuffs indeed.  His fist clenched... but the area was barely secure and more guards were likely on their way now because of her thoughtless action.  This was not the time nor the place for a physical reprimand.

The fuming Romulan looked towards the two engineers and ensign Lorut.  "This is the last door between us and the computer core.  Get it open and get us inside, by any means.  We're out of time and we just lost the element of surprise."

"Lieutenant Sherem, hand over your weapon to Petty Officer Dranik." His tone was abrupt with her.

"Dranik, Dersch, you will keep this corridor clear of all who approach." he ordered, before adding a slight warning.  "Her weapon's discharge may have activated a silent alarm, so you can thank Lieutenant Sherem if more guards show up here ready for a fight.  No matter what, they can't be allowed to get past you."  he emphasized the importance of this.  "Use whatever force is necessary."  He was certain they both knew what that meant.

The Romulan turned lastly to Sherem. "Your job now is to protect these three" Rayek indicated O'Brien, Gohun and Lorut,  "while they get into the computer core and upload the database.  Is that simple enough for you to understood?" He doubted it.  The Cardassian had a penchant for doing the opposite of his orders.

Well, not for long, if he had any say in it.

While the others attended to their tasks, Rayek began securing the Breen.  Three were unconscious.  However, the one that Jael had blasted point blank, Rayek could get no lifesign reading from.  Had the weapon been set on a lethal setting from the start?

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Emperor J.B Dersch

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 17, 2023, 03:53:11 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor outside the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)

The combat at the computer core entrance was swift from Rayek's perspective.  One moment, Rayek was engaged in melee combat, using his armored fist and Vulcanoid strength to hit hard and fast into the suspected 'weak points' in the Breen armor with Commander Sisko as his partner instead of the expected Jael; the next moment, the guard was down.  The Romulan looked around to take stock of the rest of the battle and saw that somehow Gohun, their engineer, had gotten involved in the battle and had to be saved by the Hirogen, Dranik, while dealing with two additional guards that had unexpectedly arrived on scene.

Dersch and Jael were on the last guard and before Rayek could question what the hell she was doing, Jael fired on the guard point blank with an energy weapon; something he had tried to drill into the team to not do, in order to avoid setting off any potential weapon discharge alarms.  Had she been paying attention at all during their training sessions?!

The Romulan grit his teeth inside his Breen mask as he tamped down on the urge to knock some sense into the Cardassian there in the hall, as not only did she fail to follow orders, but she mocked those who did.  Fisticuffs indeed.  His fist clenched... but the area was barely secure and more guards were likely on their way now because of her thoughtless action.  This was not the time nor the place for a physical reprimand.

The fuming Romulan looked towards the two engineers and ensign Lorut.  "This is the last door between us and the computer core.  Get it open and get us inside, by any means.  We're out of time and we just lost the element of surprise."

"Lieutenant Sherem, hand over your weapon to Petty Officer Dranik." His tone was abrupt with her.

"Dranik, Dersch, you will keep this corridor clear of all who approach." he ordered, before adding a slight warning.  "Her weapon's discharge may have activated a silent alarm, so you can thank Lieutenant Sherem if more guards show up here ready for a fight.  No matter what, they can't be allowed to get past you."  he emphasized the importance of this.  "Use whatever force is necessary."  He was certain they both knew what that meant.

The Romulan turned lastly to Sherem. "Your job now is to protect these three" Rayek indicated O'Brien, Gohun and Lorut,  "while they get into the computer core and upload the database.  Is that simple enough for you to understood?" He doubted it.  The Cardassian had a penchant for doing the opposite of his orders.

Well, not for long, if he had any say in it.

While the others attended to their tasks, Rayek began securing the Breen.  Three were unconscious.  However, the one that Jael had blasted point blank, Rayek could get no lifesign reading from.  Had the weapon been set on a lethal setting from the start?

As soon as Dersch heard the Commander say "Use whatever force is necessary", he thought Well he just gave the Go to Kick some butt, and No Limits to it, This is gonna be fun He took up a Defense Position On the Opsiste side of Dranik and stood ready. "Dranik, You Ready for this?" He was just trying to ready him self for possibility that there would be more than just 3 or 4 Guards coming but more.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun had fought a good fight. It appeared that his life was going to come to a end. The breen guard raised its weapon and prepared to fire. There was nothing Gohun could do in the time remaining. It was like everything was going in slow motion as he saw the guard slowly start to squeeze the trigger that would end his life.

Quote from: Dranik on July 14, 2023, 06:46:36 PM

Breen Base
Corridor around the corner form the Computer Core entrance

Dranik rushed the guard that had hit Gohun in the stomach. He immediately grabbed the guard and slammed him repeatedly into the wall before hitting him with an uppercut. He grabbed the guard's rifle and quickly visually scanned the area to make sure there were no more guards.
He looked at Gohun. "Are you alright?"

Gohun looked at his hand in some pain. "œDon't hit metal with your hand. The metal will not give but your hand will give." Looking over the bodies Gohun noted that the stray shots that the guards fired were on kill. Which was unfortunate because Gohun could block the communications but blocking sensors across the entire ship was an entirely different thing. Unfortunately, ever since the Enterprise A ships in the federation had sensors that would go off if someone would shoot a phaser off. Gohun hoped that this ship did not have the same thing.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 16, 2023, 02:31:07 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]
"Fisticuffs? Really? Thank the Prophets the big lug had your back," she said, nodding at Dranik, gesturing in relief.
"Thanks for saving Gohun's bacon, Mister Dranik," complimented Rebecca. She had to admit, she enjoyed being around the Hirogen. As one who had commonly encountered races from the Gamma Quadrant, she found it a nice change meeting somebody from the Delta Quadrant...aside from the occasional liberated Borg like Annika "Seven of Nine" Hansen. Then, remembering his favorite food from the time of getting to know him (and the rest of the team), she added, "And I owe you a pigs-in-a-blanket lunch when we get out of here."

"œ I was under the impression that we would not be shooting them to avoid being detected by sensors."
At that point Gohun grabbed a Breen disruptor rifle and put in on lethal setting. They were either about to get mobbed by the entire station or nothing was going to happen. Either way it was time for some cowboy diplomacy.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 17, 2023, 03:53:11 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor outside the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:45 hrs)
The combat at the computer core entrance was swift from Rayek's perspective.  One moment, Rayek was engaged in melee combat, using his armored fist and Vulcanoid strength to hit hard and fast into the suspected 'weak points' in the Breen armor with Commander Sisko as his partner instead of the expected Jael; the next moment, the guard was down.  The Romulan looked around to take stock of the rest of the battle and saw that somehow Gohun, their engineer, had gotten involved in the battle and had to be saved by the Hirogen, Dranik, while dealing with two additional guards that had unexpectedly arrived on scene.
Dersch and Jael were on the last guard and before Rayek could question what the hell she was doing, Jael fired on the guard point blank with an energy weapon; something he had tried to drill into the team to not do, in order to avoid setting off any potential weapon discharge alarms.  Had she been paying attention at all during their training sessions?!
The Romulan grit his teeth inside his Breen mask as he tamped down on the urge to knock some sense into the Cardassian there in the hall, as not only did she fail to follow orders, but she mocked those who did.  Fisticuffs indeed.  His fist clenched... but the area was barely secure and more guards were likely on their way now because of her thoughtless action.  This was not the time nor the place for a physical reprimand.
The fuming Romulan looked towards the two engineers and ensign Lorut.  "This is the last door between us and the computer core.  Get it open and get us inside, by any means.  We're out of time and we just lost the element of surprise."
"Lieutenant Sherem, hand over your weapon to Petty Officer Dranik." His tone was abrupt with her.
"Dranik, Dersch, you will keep this corridor clear of all who approach." he ordered, before adding a slight warning.  "Her weapon's discharge may have activated a silent alarm, so you can thank Lieutenant Sherem if more guards show up here ready for a fight.  No matter what, they can't be allowed to get past you."  he emphasized the importance of this.  "Use whatever force is necessary."  He was certain they both knew what that meant.
The Romulan turned lastly to Sherem. "Your job now is to protect these three" Rayek indicated O'Brien, Gohun and Lorut,  "while they get into the computer core and upload the database.  Is that simple enough for you to understood?" He doubted it.  The Cardassian had a penchant for doing the opposite of his orders.
Well, not for long, if he had any say in it.
While the others attended to their tasks, Rayek began securing the Breen.  Three were unconscious.  However, the one that Jael had blasted point blank, Rayek could get no lifesign reading from.  Had the weapon been set on a lethal setting from the start?

Gohun started to hack into the Breen database this task would take a long time and the more sensitive information might send a red flag to the command station. This is why they were putting a computer virus into the system. Stage one the gravity would go out sporadically on the ship except for this room because Gohun learned his lesson from past adventures and with that the comms were starting to overload with complaints about the gravity on the ship. Stage two would be the lights but that would happen later.
"œ Stage one complete"


Breen Base

"And I owe you a pigs-in-a-blanket lunch when we get out of here."

Dranik visibly perked up at the prospect of his favorite food. "I look forward to it." He said with a large smile beneath his mask.

"Lieutenant Sherem, hand over your weapon to Petty Officer Dranik."

The Hirogen looked over at Lieutenant Sherem. I wouldn't want to be Sherem right now. He thought. He had no desire to get on Rayek's bad side as he held out his hand to Lt. Sherem as he waited for her to hand over her weapon.

"Dranik, Dersch, you will keep this corridor clear of all who approach."

Dranik checked the weapons setting on the breen weapon he had taken and checked the power supply. Almost at full charge. "Acknowledged, sir."

"Her weapon's discharge may have activated a silent alarm, so you can thank Lieutenant Sherem if more guards show up here ready for a fight.  No matter what, they can't be allowed to get past you."  he emphasized the importance of this.  "Use whatever force is necessary."

Dranik nodded. "Understood sir. They will not pass."

"Dranik, You Ready for this?"

Dranik turned to look at Gohun and grinned under his mask. "Yes I am. They won't get past us."

Hirogen Male

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor outside the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

Quote from: J.B Dersch on July 17, 2023, 08:43:28 AM

As soon as Dersch heard the Commander say "Use whatever force is necessary", he thought Well he just gave the Go to Kick some butt, and No Limits to it, This is gonna be fun He took up a Defense Position On the opposite side of Dranik and stood ready. "Dranik, You Ready for this?" He was just trying to ready himself for possibility that there would be more than just 3 or 4 Guards coming but more.

Rayek noted the security team's positions and nodded.  They seemed as ready as they could be.
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 17, 2023, 06:09:48 PM

Gohun had fought a good fight. It appeared that his life was going to come to a end. The Breen guard raised its weapon and prepared to fire. There was nothing Gohun could do in the time remaining. It was like everything was going in slow motion as he saw the guard slowly start to squeeze the trigger that would end his life.

Gohun looked at his hand in some pain. "œDon't hit metal with your hand. The metal will not give but your hand will give." Looking over the bodies Gohun noted that the stray shots that the guards fired were on kill. Which was unfortunate because Gohun could block the communications but blocking sensors across the entire ship was an entirely different thing. Unfortunately, ever since the Enterprise A ships in the federation had sensors that would go off if someone would shoot a phaser off. Gohun hoped that this ship did not have the same thing.

"œ I was under the impression that we would not be shooting them to avoid being detected by sensors."  At that point Gohun grabbed a Breen disruptor rifle and put it on lethal setting. They were either about to get mobbed by the entire station or nothing was going to happen. Either way it was time for some cowboy diplomacy.

Seeing his engineering wasting time with a disruptor rifle, Rayek moved to the man's side and held out his hand for the weapon.  "I think you forget what department you are in Mr. Gohun.  Your focus should be that door.   My men will keep you safe.  Trust them."

Once he had Gohun's attention back on the door and the weapon secured in his own hands, Rayek took up a guard position directly in front of those working on the door.

Quote from: Dranik on July 17, 2023, 06:52:04 PM

Breen Base

"And I owe you a pigs-in-a-blanket lunch when we get out of here."

Dranik visibly perked up at the prospect of his favorite food. "I look forward to it." He said with a large smile beneath his mask.

"Lieutenant Sherem, hand over your weapon to Petty Officer Dranik."

The Hirogen looked over at Lieutenant Sherem. I wouldn't want to be Sherem right now. He thought. He had no desire to get on Rayek's bad side as he held out his hand to Lt. Sherem as he waited for her to hand over her weapon.

"Dranik, Dersch, you will keep this corridor clear of all who approach."

Dranik checked the weapons setting on the breen weapon he had taken and checked the power supply. Almost at full charge. "Acknowledged, sir."

"Her weapon's discharge may have activated a silent alarm, so you can thank Lieutenant Sherem if more guards show up here ready for a fight.  No matter what, they can't be allowed to get past you."  he emphasized the importance of this.  "Use whatever force is necessary."

Dranik nodded. "Understood sir. They will not pass."

"Dranik, You Ready for this?"

Dranik turned to look at Gohun and grinned under his mask. "Yes I am. They won't get past us."

The Romulan nodded at the Hirogen's affirmation.  Time would tell if his team could live up to that statement.

Unexpectedly, an electronic squelch sounded from the helmet of one of the down guards.  Rayek frowned, looking to Gohun.  He had thought the engineer had set up a scanner to block transmissions. However, his keen eye noted that the engineer's scanner appeared damaged - likely from the scuffle with the Breen.

"Did anyone catch what that transmission said?" Rayek asked as he turned back on his translator - mentally berating himself for turning it off in the first place.

It was Rebecca who answered.  "They were calling for a status report.  They got a report of weapons fire... and something about rebellion on Melek Nor??"

Rayek considered that a moment - rebellion might be Nira and her team trying to complete there own mission - and being discovered. The Romulan then pointed Jael towards the downed guard.  "Sherem, you caused this mess.  Fix it.  Answer them with a lie that explains the energy signature."

While Jael attempted that, the doors were finally opened to the computer core.  Thankfully the room within was empty.  No techs, no guards just row upon row of Breen computer systems.  It was time for the Ops and the Engineers to do their stuff.   Downloading the entirety of the Changeling database.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 17, 2023, 06:09:48 PM

Gohun started to hack into the Breen database this task would take a long time and the more sensitive information might send a red flag to the command station. This is why they were putting a computer virus into the system. Stage one the gravity would go out sporadically on the ship except for this room because Gohun learned his lesson from past adventures and with that the comms were starting to overload with complaints about the gravity on the ship. Stage two would be the lights but that would happen later.
"œ Stage one complete"

=/\= "Acknowledged.  Dranik, Dersch fall back to the core room." =/\=   Anything outside the room would soon be having difficulty with gravity.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 19, 2023, 02:32:09 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Corridor outside the Computer Core entrance] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

Rayek noted the security team's positions and nodded.  They seemed as ready as they could be.

Seeing his engineering wasting time with a disruptor rifle, Rayek moved to the man's side and held out his hand for the weapon.  "I think you forget what department you are in Mr. Gohun.  Your focus should be that door.   My men will keep you safe.  Trust them."

Once he had Gohun's attention back on the door and the weapon secured in his own hands, Rayek took up a guard position directly in front of those working on the door.

The Romulan nodded at the Hirogen's affirmation.  Time would tell if his team could live up to that statement.

Unexpectedly, an electronic squelch sounded from the helmet of one of the down guards.  Rayek frowned, looking to Gohun.  He had thought the engineer had set up a scanner to block transmissions. However, his keen eye noted that the engineer's scanner appeared damaged - likely from the scuffle with the Breen.

"Did anyone catch what that transmission said?" Rayek asked as he turned back on his translator - mentally berating himself for turning it off in the first place.

It was Rebecca who answered.  "They were calling for a status report.  They got a report of weapons fire... and something about rebellion on Melek Nor??"

Rayek considered that a moment - rebellion might be Nira and her team trying to complete there own mission - and being discovered. The Romulan then pointed Jael towards the downed guard.  "Sherem, you caused this mess.  Fix it.  Answer them with a lie that explains the energy signature."

While Jael attempted that, the doors were finally opened to the computer core.  Thankfully the room within was empty.  No techs, no guards just row upon row of Breen computer systems.  It was time for the Ops and the Engineers to do their stuff.   Downloading the entirety of the Changeling database.

=/\= "Acknowledged.  Dranik, Dersch fall back to the core room." =/\=   Anything outside the room would soon be having difficulty with gravity.

[Breen Ship]
[As Kirayoshi]

Kirayoshi was typing furiously as he disabled the many, many firewalls in the Breen computers. "œOy. Could they have at least put just a little less effort in these computers? he asked, more as a hypothetical than anything. Time was of the essence, and unfortunately, the computers were taking their sweet time to become vulnerable. "œI'm almost done. How's the virus goin' on the downloadin' side? His Dad's accent was sneaking through there a little.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 17, 2023, 12:37:11 AM

[Breen base]
[As Kirayoshi]

Kirayoshi nodded to Ensign Lorut and Commander Tr'Lhoell as he prepared the bots for cutting through instead. The little bots sprang into life and began slowly cutting through the hull. The guards were starting to catch wind of their shenanigans now, so he ordered the bots to hurry up. And increased the power input to them. It very well could fry them, but judging by the fighting he heard behind him, there wasn't a lot of time for worrying about that. His fingers flew over the tiny controller, organizing the bots to go faster.
Moments later, the entryway was cleared, leaving an open hole for them to go through, and just in time. The radiation was definitely making him need to sneeze. Let's get in!

Kinley nodded, looking at the schematics. It was looking more hopeless by the minute, but she didn't want to think about that.  "œThere seems to be thermal exhaust ports. Can we force them to overheat their systems with a concentrated fire? If their biology is something to go off of, they may be susceptible to overheating, that is if they aren't wearing their suits.

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1630]

"œYeah. That might just work. If we make sure to also target their exhaust ports to disable them, we could fry them like rotisserie chicken. Or at least overload the warp core." Dem paused, ethically debating the question. He did take a hypocritic oath, but he also has a responsibility to the safety of the ship. He looked to Tekin for a nod of approval. "œOk- Alex, prepare the cocktail we are going to throw at them. I'm thinking proton torpedoes to disable the exhaust vents, and a wide beam phaser to cook the ship. Do you think that's good? You are the tactical officer after all" Dem winked, disregarding his professionalism. In times of crisis, he had always found that a lighthearted tone calmed his nerves. "œMoon, bring the ship about and prepare to run at their exhaust ports." The ship started to turn, making the pin pricks of starlight on the viewscreen turn into streaks as it started to pan across. Dem questioned the stakes of his decision. Moving to an aggressive attack posture would put the ship in considerable risk, but he hoped the rewards would be worth it. The ship must turn around at some point. Dem could feel his heartbeat getting faster and his fight or flight response kicked in.

The Breen ship fired 3 shots directly at Discovery, and while the sleek ship attempted to roll, two torpedoes glanced of the hull sending tremors through all decks. Dem winced, fearing the worst, letting a few Bajoran curses slip through his teeth. He hoped the captain didn't hear him. Dem didn't even know if Tekin realised he was not a "œreal" Bajoran. The shaking had subsided, meaning that they had survived it. An uncanny sense of relief filled Dem even though they had yet to achieve anything. The worst was yet to come.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 19, 2023, 05:43:48 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery | Day 3 1630]

"œYeah. That might just work. If we make sure to also target their exhaust ports to disable them, we could fry them like rotisserie chicken. Or at least overload the warp core." Dem paused, ethically debating the question. He did take a hypocritic oath, but he also has a responsibility to the safety of the ship. He looked to Tekin for a nod of approval. "œOk- Alex, prepare the cocktail we are going to throw at them. I'm thinking proton torpedoes to disable the exhaust vents, and a wide beam phaser to cook the ship. Do you think that's good? You are the tactical officer after all" Dem winked, disregarding his professionalism. In times of crisis, he had always found that a lighthearted tone calmed his nerves. "œMoon, bring the ship about and prepare to run at their exhaust ports." The ship started to turn, making the pin pricks of starlight on the viewscreen turn into streaks as it started to pan across. Dem questioned the stakes of his decision. Moving to an aggressive attack posture would put the ship in considerable risk, but he hoped the rewards would be worth it. The ship must turn around at some point. Dem could feel his heartbeat getting faster and his fight or flight response kicked in.

The Breen ship fired 3 shots directly at Discovery, and while the sleek ship attempted to roll, two torpedoes glanced of the hull sending tremors through all decks. Dem winced, fearing the worst, letting a few Bajoran curses slip through his teeth. He hoped the captain didn't hear him. Dem didn't even know if Tekin realised he was not a "œreal" Bajoran. The shaking had subsided, meaning that they had survived it. An uncanny sense of relief filled Dem even though they had yet to achieve anything. The worst was yet to come.


The ship shook again., sending one of Kinley's consoles dark.   Kinley looked at the damages the ship was reporting. The eps conduits weren't too much lower.  Several confirmed hits and hull breaches. All looked like they were evacuated at this point, thankfully.  12 reported casualties, so far. She tried bringing up the tactical scans. Nothing. It was dead. Probably hit in the last blast. This is fine. She thought.  "œ EPS is stable at the moment. We've got several hull breaches that have been sealed off for now, decks 5, 8, 9, and 16.  At least 12 casualties reported at the moment, but several more wounded. And we lost the primary tactical scanners. She took a breath, taking a moment to smile at the slight humor Dem was trying to keep, before focusing on the matter at hand.  " We're going in blind. Might as well make it count."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

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