Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Lorut Vila

~~Breen Ship, Day 3~~


Thank you, Lieutenant Sherem.  Run a scan.  See if you can find where the nearest weapons' bay might be.  Large ordnance - torpedo warheads and the like.

Torpedo warheads?! Was he serious?? She was about to ask him what was happening when they were found out. A moment later, her phaser was out, and she had it trained on the Breen. As Dranik took care of one, she took out the other. He had more firepower than she did; she didn't like the rifles, preferring the small size and portability of the phaser. She had hers set to max, and a moment later, the Breen guard was gone. The third and final one was trying to call for backup, but she took HIM out before he could.

"Commander, threat eliminated," she said. She felt oddly calm-she had about 38 years of pent up aggression and pain that she just let out. She sighed deeply. "Hurry it up," she said. Her request was answered by O'Brien.


The last firewall crumbled as he finished typing in, letting the computer get the full viral payout the team had prepared. "œWe're in! Phase three is downloading as we speak!." he whispered. Suddenly, a ringing noise came through, causing Kirayoshi to jump, just a little. What was that? An alarm? He tensed, grabbing his weapon just in case. The computer flashed and showed the virus had finished downloading "œVirus is in. We should probably get outta here.

She didn't need to wait for permission-she led them out, pulling the Commander out with her, as if he were a child or her husband or something. "Let's go," she said. She moved quickly, the same rage she'd let out driving her still.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 23, 2023, 08:29:40 PM

[As Steve]
Steve was peering at Chief Lek when suddenly, the Ferengi woke up with a start, and shrieked in fear, almost sending the little raptor flying halfway across the medbay. He wasn't expecting to spook anyone, for sure, so he cocked his head inquisitively. At least it looked like he was feeling better. There were a bunch of people who looked like they needed help.
Nurse R'Lyah jumped a little as Chief Lek woke up, very loudly. "œYou're not dead yet," she stated, scanning him with a scanner. Life signs appeared pretty good, asides from a mild concussion.  "œ You look alright enough," she noted with her clinical gaze. "œYou aren't seeing things. That's Steve. He's a therapy raptor, according to Lieutenant Garrison."

Doctor Betaika

[Sickbay | USS Discovery]
Betaika looked up from another patient to see Lek awake with a start. That dam dinosaur scaring the life out of him. He took one last look at his patient's bio signs, and all were within normal parameters. A young human female had fallen from the second story of engineering. She was close to internal haemorrhaging. Luckily, the staff under him had worked swiftly to repair her injuries.  Betaika walked over to the Ferengi. "œGood afternoon Mr Lek. Sorry to awake you with a start. When I found you in engineering you were looking poorly. How are you feeling?" Betaika calmly spoke, giving the side eye to the somewhat unwelcome lizard. Just as he said that the ship rocked, worse than before. Betaika, now a frail old man desperately grappled for something that would stop him from hitting the floor. For the moment it had died down, and Betaika righted himself from his compromising position of holding on to a nearby biobed. He observed many damage control teams sprinting out of sickbay in search of injured personnel.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 23, 2023, 09:01:52 PM

~~Breen Ship, Day 3~~
Torpedo warheads?! Was he serious?? She was about to ask him what was happening when they were found out. A moment later, her phaser was out, and she had it trained on the Breen. As Dranik took care of one, she took out the other. He had more firepower than she did; she didn't like the rifles, preferring the small size and portability of the phaser. She had hers set to max, and a moment later, the Breen guard was gone. The third and final one was trying to call for backup, but she took HIM out before he could.

"Commander, threat eliminated," she said. She felt oddly calm-she had about 38 years of pent up aggression and pain that she just let out. She sighed deeply. "Hurry it up," she said. Her request was answered by O'Brien.
She didn't need to wait for permission-she led them out, pulling the Commander out with her, as if he were a child or her husband or something. "Let's go," she said. She moved quickly, the same rage she'd let out driving her still.

[Comms -> Main Engineering]

Kinley nodded, grateful to get his authorization. Hopefully, they would be able to get backup soon, at least from somewhere. If not, there was a pretty good chance they might be toast. She pulled up a PADD and connected it to the Comms controls, in the event that someone called back. Her specialty wasn't exactly in engineering, but right now, they needed to just survive.

[Breen Base]
Kirayoshi wasn't expecting it, but he appreciated the extra help getting out of the control room. The virus already was beginning to affect the systems here, sending the lights to flicker on and off. He checked for a signal from the Discovery to beam them out,  but got nothing. Either they were too deep in the base to get any sort of signal, or the Discovery was too far away to get ahold of. Either thought was troubling, to say the least. "œI can't get any signal to get us beamed out. Or hear the ship at all."
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 23, 2023, 12:30:06 AM

[Breen Base]
[As Kirayoshi]

The last firewall crumbled as he finished typing in, letting the computer get the full viral payout the team had prepared. "œWe're in! Phase three is downloading as we speak!." he whispered. Suddenly, a ringing noise came through, causing Kirayoshi to jump, just a little. What was that? An alarm? He tensed, grabbing his weapon just in case. The computer flashed and showed the virus had finished uploading "œVirus is in. We should probably get outta here."

The virus was secondary in his mission priorities.   "Did we get the complete database?  We don't leave until that is fully downloaded." he queried, his attention on the engineers and Ops rather than the security team at their backs guarding them.
Quote from: Dranik on July 23, 2023, 09:19:23 AM

Computer Core Room

His attention however didn't stay with odd sound long as it was then that another roving patrol appeared around the corner and saw their fellow Breen guards trussed up in the hallway.  Seeing the open door that Dersch and Dranik were keeping watch through, they raised their weapons and fired at those inside the room.

Dranik immediately pointed his rifle at one of the Breen firing into the Core room and upped the setting on it to maximum stun before taking carefully aimed shots at the Breen guards in an effort to force them to take cover so they wouldn't be able to fire constantly into the core room.

"Come on..." He growled as he lined up a shot on one of the Breen guards and managed to get a shot that hit him straight in the helmet.

One down.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 23, 2023, 09:01:52 PM

~~Breen Ship, Day 3~~
Torpedo warheads?! Was he serious?? She was about to ask him what was happening when they were found out. A moment later, her phaser was out, and she had it trained on the Breen. As Dranik took care of one, she took out the other. He had more firepower than she did; she didn't like the rifles, preferring the small size and portability of the phaser. She had hers set to max, and a moment later, the Breen guard was gone. The third and final one was trying to call for backup, but she took HIM out before he could.

"Commander, threat eliminated," she said. She felt oddly calm-she had about 38 years of pent up aggression and pain that she just let out. She sighed deeply. "Hurry it up," she said. Her request was answered by O'Brien.

She didn't need to wait for permission-she led them out, pulling the Commander out with her, as if he were a child or her husband or something. "Let's go," she said. She moved quickly, the same rage she'd let out driving her still.

The Romulan was stunned when Ensign Lorut ignored his orders, leaving her position to go to the doorway and fire out of it with a weapon that she hadn't been issued.  None in the team had been issued firearms which was why Dranik was using the breen rifle he had picked up from the downed guard.   Where she had hidden the Federation phaser in her Breen suit was baffling to Rayek, but then he didn't really have time to worry about the ensign playing at being a security team member.  If she wouldn't do the task he assigned her, then he would have to locate the armament cache himself.   Not an easy task without a scanner, or with the base computers beginning to fail.   Concentrating on the memorized base schematics, Rayek tried to recall where the nearest torpedo bay was and the most expedient route there.

However, just as he was dredging up that information, he felt a tug at his arm.   "Excuse me, Ensign?  You are NOT in command here. Nor are you a Security team member.  I gave you a task and you ignored it to assume a role that is not yours."  He pulled his arm free and took in his surroundings.

He would deal with reprimanding her later.  He had a base to destroy.

"Sherem, take point.  The corridor that those guards came down... lead us to the far end then take a left at the T-intersection.  We going to take control of the torpedo bay."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 23, 2023, 11:11:10 PM

[Breen Base]
Kirayoshi wasn't expecting it, but he appreciated the extra help getting out of the control room. The virus already was beginning to affect the systems here, sending the lights to flicker on and off. He checked for a signal from the Discovery to beam them out,  but got nothing. Either they were too deep in the base to get any sort of signal, or the Discovery was too far away to get ahold of. Either thought was troubling, to say the least. "œI can't get any signal to get us beamed out. Or hear the ship at all."

O'Brien's remark that they couldn't make contact with the ship was troubling, but fortunate in its own way.    "We can't leave yet.  We have to ensure this base is completely destroyed.   Leaving the base intact with the borg ship within, can't be allowed."

That's when the corridor they were in suddenly lost gravity.  Phase one of the  virus - randomly altering the bases gravity.  Fvadt!  They didn't have time for this!

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was on edge already. The plan was working up to this point but they were in a place where they could not beam out. Looking around the room Gohun gathered his thoughts and spoke.
"œ We knew that beaming out of the room would not work. We would not need these elaborate disguises if it was possible to just beam in and out. Also, with the radiation leak, we should not go back because the radiation will also stop transporter functions. We have two choices that I see. We can go forward and find a better place to teleport from which may or may not happen. We can sneak forward and steal a shuttle and escape that way." Gohun said this in hopes of doing the more dangerous and fun mission but this was not going to happen. Suddenly one of the group grabbed a phaser out of thin air and started disintegrating guards. What the hell!! That made things easier as the station was probably aware of where they were and probably the entire station at this point.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 24, 2023, 03:55:13 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)
The virus was secondary in his mission priorities.   "Did we get the complete database?  We don't leave until that is fully downloaded." he queried, his attention on the engineers and Ops rather than the security team at their backs guarding them.
The Romulan was stunned when Ensign Lorut ignored his orders, leaving her position to go to the doorway and fire out of it with a weapon that she hadn't been issued.  None in the team had been issued firearms which was why Dranik was using the breen rifle he had picked up from the downed guard.   Where she had hidden the Federation phaser in her Breen suit was baffling to Rayek, but then he didn't really have time to worry about the ensign playing at being a security team member.  If she wouldn't do the task he assigned her, then he would have to locate the armament cache himself.   Not an easy task without a scanner, or with the base computers beginning to fail.   Concentrating on the memorized base schematics, Rayek tried to recall where the nearest torpedo bay was and the most expedient route there.
However, just as he was dredging up that information, he felt a tug at his arm.   "Excuse me, Ensign?  You are NOT in command here. Nor are you a Security team member.  I gave you a task and you ignored it to assume a role that is not yours."  He pulled his arm free and took in his surroundings.
He would deal with reprimanding her later.  He had a base to destroy.
"Sherem, take point.  The corridor that those guards came down... lead us to the far end then take a left at the T-intersection.  We going to take control of the torpedo bay."
O'Brien's remark that they couldn't make contact with the ship was troubling, but fortunate in its own way.    "We can't leave yet.  We have to ensure this base is completely destroyed.   Leaving the base intact with the borg ship within, can't be allowed."

That's when the corridor they were in suddenly lost gravity.  Phase one of the  virus - randomly altering the bases gravity.  Fvadt!  They didn't have time for this!

Gohun started to float in the air as one does with gravity. Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. In this case, gravity would keep the away team on the floor had it been on. Unfortunately, without gravity, the away team was going in directions that they were not meaning to go. This was not the main problem the main problem was gravity was going off and on meaning they had to stay close to the ground.


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 23, 2023, 08:29:40 PM

[As Steve]
Steve was peering at Chief Lek when suddenly, the Ferengi woke up with a start, and shrieked in fear, almost sending the little raptor flying halfway across the medbay. He wasn't expecting to spook anyone, for sure, so he cocked his head inquisitively. At least it looked like he was feeling better. There were a bunch of people who looked like they needed help.
Nurse R'Lyah jumped a little as Chief Lek woke up, very loudly. "œYou're not dead yet," she stated, scanning him with a scanner. Life signs appeared pretty good, asides from a mild concussion.  "œ You look alright enough," she noted with her clinical gaze. "œYou aren't seeing things. That's Steve. He's a therapy raptor, according to Lieutenant Garrison."

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 23, 2023, 10:35:41 PM

Doctor Betaika

[Sickbay | USS Discovery]
Betaika looked up from another patient to see Lek awake with a start. That dam dinosaur scaring the life out of him. He took one last look at his patient's bio signs, and all were within normal parameters. A young human female had fallen from the second story of engineering. She was close to internal haemorrhaging. Luckily, the staff under him had worked swiftly to repair her injuries.  Betaika walked over to the Ferengi. "œGood afternoon Mr Lek. Sorry to awake you with a start. When I found you in engineering you were looking poorly. How are you feeling?" Betaika calmly spoke, giving the side eye to the somewhat unwelcome lizard. Just as he said that the ship rocked, worse than before. Betaika, now a frail old man desperately grappled for something that would stop him from hitting the floor. For the moment it had died down, and Betaika righted himself from his compromising position of holding on to a nearby biobed. He observed many damage control teams sprinting out of sickbay in search of injured personnel.

[Sickbay --> Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek looked wide-eyed from the nurse to the doctor and barked.

"A therapy raptor? What sort of lunatic thinks a giant carnivorous lizard is comforting? I'm getting out of here and going back to engineering where the only dangerous thing is a warp core breach!"

Lek rushed out of sickbay before anyone could reply, he did feel a lot better than the last time he left and he hoped that this time, he'd stay conscious.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on July 20, 2023, 02:16:10 PM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek was stunned to see just how bad things had gotten while he was out. He'd never lost a bridge before and it stung to know that he couldn't say that any more. It was clear that continuing this fight was pointless. He wasn't a great tactician, but he was a Ferengi and he knew the value of knowing when to run. He bypassed most of the standard procedures of warp core initiation in order to make the process go as quickly as possible. He risked causing a breach, but at the rate they were taking damage, it was even odds as to whether he caused the breach or the Breen did. He connected the last of the relays and looked up to see Giancarlo give him a thumbs up on the dilithium crystals. It was now or it was time to head for the escape pods.

The warp core crackled in a most alarming way and even threw off bolts of ionic discharge as power flowed in faster than the intermix chamber was meant to handle. Lek's hands flew across the pool table as he balanced the mind numbing amount of power radiating from the core. Outside the ship's the nacelles didn't flicker to life, they flared to life and made the ship seem like the core had breached for a moment. But the core did not breach, the warp engine thrummed with only just barely restrained fury.

Lek immediately shunted power to shields, structural integrity, and to movement. There was no need to try and run faster than the limits imposed by the nature of the space in the Badlands, thus, establishing and maintaining warp five only created a small demand of 10% of the overall power. The chief concern was stopping the damage they were taking from the Breen weapons, so Lek even channeled life support into the shields.

"We have two hours of residual heat and an hour before oxygen levels become a problem. We need shields now, so there is a later for air and heat."

The shields then spiked from 22% to 140% as the entire output from the fusion reactors, the impulse drive, and 70% of Discovery's combined warp core surged into the shield emitters. Lek knew there would be hell to pay for pushing that much power into them, but again, survive now, so there could be repairs later. The remaining 20% of the warp core went into reinforcing the structural integrity field to keep the ship from suffering further damage to the hull from the pounding she'd already sustained.

The Discovery was now warp capable and could escape. That was all Lek could do at the moment, as he saw the Captain and a flight officer he didn't know enter Engineering, the surge of adrenaline that had kept him on his feet finally ran out and he slumped to the deck next to the pool table.

"Get us out of here!"

He growled at Tekin as the room began to fade again.

"Aww dammit, not again."

Lek mumbled as the room went dark.

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Main Engineering (Lower Level)]

Nevir walked in with Alex and other Bridge crew just as he saw Lek barely up.  Before he could say anything, he watched his Chief Engineer go down again, and he instead rushed over to the pool table as medical immediately stepped in and got him to safety. He rushed over to the table and looked over the systems of the ship currently active.  Deck 1 was flashing red with failures, and he tried to ignore that as he immediately started typing in commands into the drive to prepare the run he was planning.

But he stopped... Lek said to get them out of there, and he was clearly acting desperate with his initial plan.  Now they had warp power again.  And if they could purge the power transfer systems.... they could recover the ship.

Expecting Alex to stand across from him, the Captain of the Discovery began plotting a course, and felt the inertial dampeners weakening as the ship once again started to move under its own power.  With the warp engines back online he could divert some energy to the shields, but not much.  It would have to do.

The Captain looked up to see Dem and Kinley return, and he could only hope that it meant comms were able to be re-established.  "Good... we're altering that strafing run.  One run, hit or miss we are out of here.  Don't even bother with a destination, just get us out of here as soon as we fire.  We can course correct later." he ordered, watching as his crew got to work in Engineering, instead of the bridge.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 21, 2023, 06:57:12 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

Rayek gave a nod to his security team as they made it back to the Computer core room before the random gravity fluctuations began.

From the doorway where he was keeping watch, Rayek glanced back towards the three officers working together to access the Breen central computer core, so that the team could download what was believed to be Dominion plans for some manner of offensive against the Federation.    To ensure they didn't miss anything, the team was ordered to download the entire system.

At the same time to aid in their task a virus was being uploaded to the Breen systems to cause havoc and eventually wipe their entire system.   Timing was crucial so that the virus didn't wipe information before they had the chance to download it.

With his keen Vulcanoid hearing, Rayek had been listening to the Breen transmission with a growing frown.  That the station was built around Borg ship was of tremendous surprise.  Did it also have transwarp capabilities?  That thought was worrisome.

Initially, the mission plan had been to just download the Dominion plans, and implant the computer virus to wipe the plans from the computer and so that during the chaos they could escape.  Now Rayek was thinking that to ensure the safety of all Federation planets that this base would need to be completely destroyed just as much as the Cardassian Nor station.   But how to do so, if at the core of the base as a Borg ship?

One thing at a time... First the download, then the virus, then destroy the station.  "Thank you, Lieutenant Sherem.  Run a scan.  See if you can find where the nearest weapons' bay might be.  Large ordnance - torpedo warheads and the like."  They would need large explosives to take out this base.

The odd and out of place noise drew Rayek's attention.  "What sort of alarm is that?"

His attention however didn't stay with odd sound long as it was then that another roving patrol appeared around the corner and saw their fellow Breen guards trussed up in the hallway.  Seeing the open door that Dersch and Dranik were keeping watch through, they raised their weapons and fired at those inside the room.

Thankfully however, their attempts to call for backup met with silence.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 24, 2023, 03:55:13 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

The virus was secondary in his mission priorities.   "Did we get the complete database?  We don't leave until that is fully downloaded." he queried, his attention on the engineers and Ops rather than the security team at their backs guarding them.

The Romulan was stunned when Ensign Lorut ignored his orders, leaving her position to go to the doorway and fire out of it with a weapon that she hadn't been issued.  None in the team had been issued firearms which was why Dranik was using the breen rifle he had picked up from the downed guard.   Where she had hidden the Federation phaser in her Breen suit was baffling to Rayek, but then he didn't really have time to worry about the ensign playing at being a security team member.  If she wouldn't do the task he assigned her, then he would have to locate the armament cache himself.   Not an easy task without a scanner, or with the base computers beginning to fail.   Concentrating on the memorized base schematics, Rayek tried to recall where the nearest torpedo bay was and the most expedient route there.

However, just as he was dredging up that information, he felt a tug at his arm.   "Excuse me, Ensign?  You are NOT in command here. Nor are you a Security team member.  I gave you a task and you ignored it to assume a role that is not yours."  He pulled his arm free and took in his surroundings.

He would deal with reprimanding her later.  He had a base to destroy.

"Sherem, take point.  The corridor that those guards came down... lead us to the far end then take a left at the T-intersection.  We going to take control of the torpedo bay."

O'Brien's remark that they couldn't make contact with the ship was troubling, but fortunate in its own way.    "We can't leave yet.  We have to ensure this base is completely destroyed.   Leaving the base intact with the borg ship within, can't be allowed."

That's when the corridor they were in suddenly lost gravity.  Phase one of the  virus - randomly altering the bases gravity.  Fvadt!  They didn't have time for this!

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

Jael had to look over between Lorut and Kirayoshi and Gohun when Rayek asked if the database was uploaded. It would be Prophets-awful embarrassing if they initiated the Cascade Virus before they copied the database. And judging from Rayek's reaction to Lorut after his reaction at Jael earlier...that should happen, Jael would not be surprised if Rayek started raging like a virtual volcano of a Pah-Wraith.

Jael focused on the job of scanning as she took point, and the scan showed promise.

"Okay, Commander," she said. "The torpedo bay is just a few levels below. And it's within the Borg ship, though the torpedo tubes have been elongated to extend out through the Breen portions. As to the transwarp, I'm detecting nothing from the transwarp chambers...I think it's safe to assume the coil has been removed. I wouldn't be surprised if that had been transferred to Melek Nor. Nor would I be surprised if that devil of a Father Dearest took it himself."

She ensured to say "Father Dearest" with wonton sarcasm to indicate her dislike toward her father.

Naturally, she put two and two together when Rayek asked about the torpedo bay and his utmost desire to destroy the base.

"I think I have a good idea how you want to accomplish that, Commander," Jael said, keeping her relish down. "You want to detonate the torpedoes, don't you? Or set them off in a way that they'll be coming back here..."

Just then, the gravity adjusted and they were all floating.

"Well, that won't be too hard to get to," Rebecca Sisko said. "We can just Peter Pan our way down there if we have to."

"Peter P...?" asked Jael. "Wait, never mind, I think I know what you mean."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 24, 2023, 03:55:13 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

The virus was secondary in his mission priorities.   "Did we get the complete database?  We don't leave until that is fully downloaded." he queried, his attention on the engineers and Ops rather than the security team at their backs guarding them.

The Romulan was stunned when Ensign Lorut ignored his orders, leaving her position to go to the doorway and fire out of it with a weapon that she hadn't been issued.  None in the team had been issued firearms which was why Dranik was using the breen rifle he had picked up from the downed guard.   Where she had hidden the Federation phaser in her Breen suit was baffling to Rayek, but then he didn't really have time to worry about the ensign playing at being a security team member.  If she wouldn't do the task he assigned her, then he would have to locate the armament cache himself.   Not an easy task without a scanner, or with the base computers beginning to fail.   Concentrating on the memorized base schematics, Rayek tried to recall where the nearest torpedo bay was and the most expedient route there.

However, just as he was dredging up that information, he felt a tug at his arm.   "Excuse me, Ensign?  You are NOT in command here. Nor are you a Security team member.  I gave you a task and you ignored it to assume a role that is not yours."  He pulled his arm free and took in his surroundings.

He would deal with reprimanding her later.  He had a base to destroy.

"Sherem, take point.  The corridor that those guards came down... lead us to the far end then take a left at the T-intersection.  We going to take control of the torpedo bay."

O'Brien's remark that they couldn't make contact with the ship was troubling, but fortunate in its own way.    "We can't leave yet.  We have to ensure this base is completely destroyed.   Leaving the base intact with the borg ship within, can't be allowed."

That's when the corridor they were in suddenly lost gravity.  Phase one of the virus - randomly altering the base's gravity.  Fvadt!  They didn't have time for this!

[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

Once Everyone was in the Core Room Dersch relax a little more knowing there should be no more firefights now that they have trapped themselves in this Box, Well now we don't have to worry about getting shot at He looked to the Commander and asked: "Want us to Secure the Area and do a Sweep, To make sure no one is hiding?"  As he asked this he thought If I was a Breen in hiding where would I hide and If Not would I try to jump out and risk my life to kill the intruders alone?

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 24, 2023, 03:02:10 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Main Engineering (Lower Level)]

Nevir walked in with Alex and other Bridge crew just as he saw Lek barely up.  Before he could say anything, he watched his Chief Engineer go down again, and he instead rushed over to the pool table as medical immediately stepped in and got him to safety. He rushed over to the table and looked over the systems of the ship currently active.  Deck 1 was flashing red with failures, and he tried to ignore that as he immediately started typing in commands into the drive to prepare the run he was planning.

But he stopped... Lek said to get them out of there, and he was clearly acting desperate with his initial plan.  Now they had warp power again.  And if they could purge the power transfer systems.... they could recover the ship.

Expecting Alex to stand across from him, the Captain of the Discovery began plotting a course, and felt the inertial dampeners weakening as the ship once again started to move under its own power.  With the warp engines back online he could divert some energy to the shields, but not much.  It would have to do.

The Captain looked up to see Dem and Kinley return, and he could only hope that it meant comms were able to be re-established.  "Good... we're altering that strafing run.  One run, hit or miss we are out of here.  Don't even bother with a destination, just get us out of here as soon as we fire.  We can course correct later." he ordered, watching as his crew got to work in Engineering, instead of the bridge.

[Engineering | USS Discovery]

As the pair waked through the hallways of the ship, Dem found unusual comfort in the fact that he was walking in the centre of the hull. He felt protected, like the many layers of bulkhead and corridors surrounding him offered a safeguard from incoming fire. Realistically, that was not the case. Dem eventually found his way to engineering and while most of the corridors were deserted, engineering was like a hive of activity with many worker bees running around to keep this ship together. Dem saw where the senior staff were congregated, near the back of engineering. As soon as they arrived, the plan was once again sent into motion. Alex had assumed the temporary weapons station, previously an antimatter flow control station. Dem placed the responsibility of con officer on himself. For some reason, he was drawn to having his hands on the wheel. For once toady, he just wanted to feel in control of something. "œOk. Moving into our first, and last run. 30 seconds until in weapons range. 20 seconds." Dem nervously tapped a buttonless section of his console, waiting out the longest 20 seconds of his life. "œ10 seconds. In firing range." Dem sharply exhaled in anticipation. He heard the distinctive sound of the weapons being fired. Their one shot at hitting the exhaust. Everyone went quiet on the crowded deck. Dem looked up before laying in the course, trying to find out if they had succeeded.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

Quote from: J.B Dersch on July 25, 2023, 09:01:01 AM

[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:50 hrs)

Once Everyone was in the Core Room Dersch relax a little more knowing there should be no more firefights now that they have trapped themselves in this Box, Well now we don't have to worry about getting shot at He looked to the Commander and asked: "Want us to Secure the Area and do a Sweep, To make sure no one is hiding?"  As he asked this he thought If I was a Breen in hiding where would I hide and If Not would I try to jump out and risk my life to kill the intruders alone?

Rayek appreciated the Ensign's offer to secure the area and would have agreed if plans hadn't changed with the news of the Borg ship being at the center of the Breen base.  Priorities changed.
Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 24, 2023, 06:37:51 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

Jael had to look over between Lorut and Kirayoshi and Gohun when Rayek asked if the database was uploaded. It would be Prophets-awful embarrassing if they initiated the Cascade Virus before they copied the database. And judging from Rayek's reaction to Lorut after his reaction at Jael earlier...that should happen, Jael would not be surprised if Rayek started raging like a virtual volcano of a Pah-Wraith.

Confirmation that they had the database downloaded, meant that they could now destroy this place but first Rayek needed to ensure that Starfleet got the package before he got too far into his plan.   But how to do that with comms down occupied his thoughts.
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 24, 2023, 05:44:54 AM

Gohun was on edge already. The plan was working up to this point but they were in a place where they could not beam out. Looking around the room Gohun gathered his thoughts and spoke.
"œ We knew that beaming out of the room would not work. We would not need these elaborate disguises if it was possible to just beam in and out. Also, with the radiation leak, we should not go back because the radiation will also stop transporter functions. We have two choices that I see. We can go forward and find a better place to teleport from which may or may not happen. We can sneak forward and steal a shuttle and escape that way." Gohun said this in hopes of doing the more dangerous and fun mission but this was not going to happen. Suddenly one of the group grabbed a phaser out of thin air and started disintegrating guards. What the hell!! That made things easier as the station was probably aware of where they were and probably the entire station at this point. Gohun started to float in the air as one does with gravity. Gravity is the force by which a planet or other body draws objects toward its center. In this case, gravity would keep the away team on the floor had it been on. Unfortunately, without gravity, the away team was going in directions that they were not meaning to go. This was not the main problem the main problem was gravity was going off and on meaning they had to stay close to the ground.

Gohun's suggestions had been offered at a rather busy time, but they hadn't gone unnoticed;  and they even offered up an alternative means of communication with Discovery.
Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 24, 2023, 06:37:51 PM

Jael focused on the job of scanning as she took point, and the scan showed promise.

"Okay, Commander," she said. "The torpedo bay is just a few levels below. And it's within the Borg ship, though the torpedo tubes have been elongated to extend out through the Breen portions. As to the transwarp, I'm detecting nothing from the transwarp chambers...I think it's safe to assume the coil has been removed. I wouldn't be surprised if that had been transferred to Melek Nor. Nor would I be surprised if that devil of a Father Dearest took it himself."

She ensured to say "Father Dearest" with wonton sarcasm to indicate her dislike toward her father.

Naturally, she put two and two together when Rayek asked about the torpedo bay and his utmost desire to destroy the base.

"I think I have a good idea how you want to accomplish that, Commander," Jael said, keeping her relish down. "You want to detonate the torpedoes, don't you? Or set them off in a way that they'll be coming back here..."

Just then, the gravity adjusted and they were all floating.

"Well, that won't be too hard to get to," Rebecca Sisko said. "We can just Peter Pan our way down there if we have to."

"Peter P...?" asked Jael. "Wait, never mind, I think I know what you mean."

It was jarring to hear that the torpedo bay that he was heading them towards was part of the Borg ship.   Lieutenant Sherem's assurance that the transwarp coils were not present didn't lessen his need to destroy the base.   How had he not seen it prior?  He'd studied the schematics provided, yet hadn't recognized the Borg layout at all.  The Romulan frowned at his lapse.

Was his focus not what it should be because Tess and Fvienn - his pregnant wife and son - were present on the ship?  Discovery was not a Galaxy-class ship with a large contingent of civilians.  The Prometheus-class was a warship and Rayek struggled with knowing that by keeping his family with him on Discovery he was risking them.  He'd tried to convince Tess of this, but his wife was headstrong and when she refused to accept his suggestion of her returning to Baku to have the baby, there was nothing he could do to dissuade her.   Besides which, she outranked him.

Focusing back on the mission at hand, Rayek knew that to be effective the team would have to split up.  One group to head to the Torpedo Bay, the other to security their extraction.  Mr. Gohun's suggestion of stealing a shuttle was not altogether a bad idea, but ideally the transporter enhancers inside their Breen suits should be enough for Discovery to pick up on.   The away team just needed a means of letting Discovery know that they were ready for pick up.   A shuttles comm system, if not linked to the bases computer, should be able to send out a signal.

The sudden loss of gravity didn't detract the Romulan from his planning.  Though he had no clue who Peter Pan was - a human sounding name so possibly some less than famous admiral -  Rayek was very familiar with how to move in zero gravity.  He and the away team had practiced in the holodeck with this weightless scenario at least twice during their days of waiting for the mission to get the greenlight.

Floating, Rayek followed Jael on her route towards the Torpedo Bay.

However as they got to the junction he'd specified, he paused floating.
"Lt Cmdr Sisko, if you would please take command of Ensigns Dersch and Gohun, and Petty Officer Dranik.  I would like you four to find a shuttle and take control of it.  Contact the Discovery.  If they can beam us out as we destroy the base, great!  If not, then we will need to make our own escape in the midst of the chaos.   The rest of us, will continue to the Torpedo Bay and sabotage the base more permanently."

He waited a moment in case any of them had any questions, then nodded to each of the leaving teammembers.   "Glohhaasi' mnekha*"  (*Good hunting)

The two teams split and Rayek indicated for Jael to continue them down towards the Torpedo Bay.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 26, 2023, 06:51:57 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

Rayek appreciated the Ensign's offer to secure the area and would have agreed if plans hadn't changed with the news of the Borg ship being at the center of the Breen base.  Priorities changed.

Confirmation that they had the database downloaded, meant that they could now destroy this place but first Rayek needed to ensure that Starfleet got the package before he got too far into his plan.   But how to do that with comms down occupied his thoughts.

Gohun's suggestions had been offered at a rather busy time, but they hadn't gone unnoticed;  and they even offered up an alternative means of communication with Discovery.

It was jarring to hear that the torpedo bay that he was heading them towards was part of the Borg ship.   Lieutenant Sherem's assurance that the transwarp coils were not present didn't lessen his need to destroy the base.   How had he not seen it prior?  He'd studied the schematics provided, yet hadn't recognized the Borg layout at all.  The Romulan frowned at his lapse.

Was his focus not what it should be because Tess and Fvienn - his pregnant wife and son - were present on the ship?  Discovery was not a Galaxy-class ship with a large contingent of civilians.  The Prometheus-class was a warship and Rayek struggled with knowing that by keeping his family with him on Discovery he was risking them.  He'd tried to convince Tess of this, but his wife was headstrong and when she refused to accept his suggestion of her returning to Baku to have the baby, there was nothing he could do to dissuade her.   Besides which, she outranked him.

Focusing back on the mission at hand, Rayek knew that to be effective the team would have to split up.  One group to head to the Torpedo Bay, the other to security their extraction.  Mr. Gohun's suggestion of stealing a shuttle was not altogether a bad idea, but ideally the transporter enhancers inside their Breen suits should be enough for Discovery to pick up on.   The away team just needed a means of letting Discovery know that they were ready for pick up.   A shuttles comm system, if not linked to the bases computer, should be able to send out a signal.

The sudden loss of gravity didn't detract the Romulan from his planning.  Though he had no clue who Peter Pan was - a human sounding name so possibly some less than famous admiral -  Rayek was very familiar with how to move in zero gravity.  He and the away team had practiced in the holodeck with this weightless scenario at least twice during their days of waiting for the mission to get the greenlight.

Floating, Rayek followed Jael on her route towards the Torpedo Bay.

However as they got to the junction he'd specified, he paused floating.
"Lt Cmdr Sisko, if you would please take command of Ensigns Dersch and Gohun, and Petty Officer Dranik.  I would like you four to find a shuttle and take control of it.  Contact the Discovery.  If they can beam us out as we destroy the base, great!  If not, then we will need to make our own escape in the midst of the chaos.   The rest of us, will continue to the Torpedo Bay and sabotage the base more permanently."

He waited a moment in case any of them had any questions, then nodded to each of the leaving teammembers.   "Glohhaasi' mnekha*"  (*Good hunting)

The two teams split and Rayek indicated for Jael to continue them down towards the Torpedo Bay.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Computer Core >- Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Seeing as she was going to play guide, Jael led the way. "Okay, all, this way," she said. "We're going to be heading into the Borg section of the base, so there's a good chance it'll be a maze."

As they proceeded, they eventually came to an extraordinary expanse of space. In the middle: A Borg sphere, with so much walkways, cables, tubes and clamps attached that it would've fooled anybody into thinking it was the station's reactor. At least, that's what they were seeing from looking up and down, not that they could see the whole sphere. Jael directed to one walkway under one such tube; it had to have been a torpedo tube.

And just like that, the scenery changed from Breen organic decor to Borg cybernetic metal.

"Thank the Prophets the alcoves are empty," Jael whispered as she noticed some alcoves in passing, but at one, she had to double-take. One alcove had something like a cold storage unit, only it looked more like a tank containing some kind of cold liquid, akin to Terran liquid nitrogen, though Jael figured this would be something way colder.

"Some kind of cold fusion generator, drawing power from the Borg?" she asked curiously. "It would be like the Breen to dabble with cold fusion." And she led on.

It was becoming apparent, however, that the more they progressed, the more tubes there were, especially connecting what had been Borg data nodes. It seemed less green and more bluish green, if anything.

Finally, they reached the torpedo bay. Jael briefly wondered if the nitrogen tubes would've guided them, but decided that sensors would've been better served; trying to follow one such tube would eventually lead to getting them lost.

Inside was something that would've looked like an Engineering section on a ship, or like a reactor in a Nor-class station. The thing in the middle of the room certainly looked like a big cold fusion generator, seated atop a squat pillar with drone alcoves attached, only they were loaded with torpedoes that seem to be charged with cold fusion. More nitrogen tubes snaked around, leading over to a disruptor array.

The room was deserted except for a handful of Breen who looked to be system monitors, just simply standing behind a console. One looked up and nodded a greeting.

"Hello there," he called. "Don't think I've seen you around here before."

"We're new," Jael responded, hoping to assuage suspicion. "This looks...intriguing."

"It certainly is, what with all the Borg technology helping to power all this," came the reply. "Though we have that Cardassian Sherem to thank for showing us how to utilize it."

"I see," said Jael, glad to be wearing a helmet to hide pursed lips. "Anything we can do to help?"

"Ordinarily, it wouldn't be necessary," said the Breen. "Automation makes it so at least one can operate the system here. The extra help can be appreciated, though, we have to get these weapons ready; the Cardassians are on our doorstep and Federation Starfleet is incoming. We'll need to get them ready as efficiently as possible."

Jael looked back at Rayek and her group; the fleet was coming.

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Hangar Bay >- Jem'Hadar Fighter Bridge | Breen Base >- Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Rebecca, with Dersch, Gohun and Dranik following along, wound their way to the hangar bay. It wouldn't necessarily be a shuttle bay; in point of fact, there were multiple individual bays for different Jem'Hadar and Breen fighters in the bay, each of them looking like one big Borg alcove system.

"Well, no shuttles," Rebecca muttered. "But I think we can make do with the next best thing."

She gestured to the nearest bay, where a Jem'Hadar fighter was enclosed in a docking space.

"Well, if you're wondering why not, well, it's easy to steal one of these," she said to her group with a shrug.

They got to a hatch guarded by a lone Jem'Hadar - overconfident, aren't they, being so secure? Rebecca thought to herself. The Jem'Hadar nodded at the approaching "Breen." Other than that, he didn't acknowledge them. Once inside, there were a handful more Jem'Hadar and they reached the bridge with no trouble. Again, there were only a handful, though one looked up...clearly the First.

"What are you doing here?" asked the First in quiet much surprise as a Jem'Hadar can display.

"Additional attachment to fight alongside our Dominion allies," answered Rebecca.

"Additional crew? I wasn't notified, but it'll be good to have additional backing," said the First as he turned back to his work. "As the Founders will it," he added.

This is tricky, thought Rebecca. The good news was that there were fewer than usual, but they had to be careful when they overpower them, not like that brief skirmish outside the computer core.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 26, 2023, 05:11:12 AM

[Engineering | USS Discovery]

As the pair waked through the hallways of the ship, Dem found unusual comfort in the fact that he was walking in the centre of the hull. He felt protected, like the many layers of bulkhead and corridors surrounding him offered a safeguard from incoming fire. Realistically, that was not the case. Dem eventually found his way to engineering and while most of the corridors were deserted, engineering was like a hive of activity with many worker bees running around to keep this ship together. Dem saw where the senior staff were congregated, near the back of engineering. As soon as they arrived, the plan was once again sent into motion. Alex had assumed the temporary weapons station, previously an antimatter flow control station. Dem placed the responsibility of con officer on himself. For some reason, he was drawn to having his hands on the wheel. For once toady, he just wanted to feel in control of something. "œOk. Moving into our first, and last run. 30 seconds until in weapons range. 20 seconds." Dem nervously tapped a buttonless section of his console, waiting out the longest 20 seconds of his life. "œ10 seconds. In firing range." Dem sharply exhaled in anticipation. He heard the distinctive sound of the weapons being fired. Their one shot at hitting the exhaust. Everyone went quiet on the crowded deck. Dem looked up before laying in the course, trying to find out if they had succeeded.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 24, 2023, 06:37:51 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Corridor near the Computer Core Entrance | Breen Base]

Jael had to look over between Lorut and Kirayoshi and Gohun when Rayek asked if the database was uploaded. It would be Prophets-awful embarrassing if they initiated the Cascade Virus before they copied the database. And judging from Rayek's reaction to Lorut after his reaction at Jael earlier...that should happen, Jael would not be surprised if Rayek started raging like a virtual volcano of a Pah-Wraith.

Jael focused on the job of scanning as she took point, and the scan showed promise.

"Okay, Commander," she said. "The torpedo bay is just a few levels below. And it's within the Borg ship, though the torpedo tubes have been elongated to extend out through the Breen portions. As to the transwarp, I'm detecting nothing from the transwarp chambers...I think it's safe to assume the coil has been removed. I wouldn't be surprised if that had been transferred to Melek Nor. Nor would I be surprised if that devil of a Father Dearest took it himself."

She ensured to say "Father Dearest" with wonton sarcasm to indicate her dislike toward her father.

Naturally, she put two and two together when Rayek asked about the torpedo bay and his utmost desire to destroy the base.

"I think I have a good idea how you want to accomplish that, Commander," Jael said, keeping her relish down. "You want to detonate the torpedoes, don't you? Or set them off in a way that they'll be coming back here..."

Just then, the gravity adjusted and they were all floating.

"Well, that won't be too hard to get to," Rebecca Sisko said. "We can just Peter Pan our way down there if we have to."

"Peter P...?" asked Jael. "Wait, never mind, I think I know what you mean."


Kinley braced herself as the ship went on its' strafing run, looking at her communications systems. No response yet from anyone, but from what the few working scanners were showing, it looked like they might have a clear shot. Assuming that it was even working correctly. At least the ship seemed to be working enough to run away and regroup.  A moment passed in tense silence. From what she could see, It looked like it hit the ship. Enough to slow it for the moment at least. "Looks like it hit, Sir! she piped as the ship booked it away from there.

[As Kirayoshi]
[Breen base]

He knew what to expect, as the virus would affect the gravity systems next, but it still was a surprise as he suddenly began floating off of the ground. At the mention of Peter Pan, from those old Earth shows he used to watch with his sister, he grinned as he had to resist the urge to do a flip midair. "œ "œI get that reference. We might never land if we get started." he quipped,  before looking at his tools. "œThe torpedo bay shouldn't be too far ahead.

It was an absolute maze as the team went deeper into the base. Borg parts seemed to almost choke the hallways with the various pipes and wires interconnecting things. Hopefully, they were headed the right direction. It was starting to get claustrophobic in here.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Zavrol Gohun


Gohun had training in zero gravity but really didn't do as good as other people. The key to zero gravity is not that you float it is that you go in any direction that momentum starts you. It was also making Gohun feel a little motion sick but that was ok because he had many nights of hangover training to compare. As Gohun floated up and down he finally managed to grab the floor.


[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Hangar Bay >- Jem'Hadar Fighter Bridge | Breen Base >- Jem'Hadar Fighter]
Rebecca, with Dersch, Gohun and Dranik following along, wound their way to the hangar bay. It wouldn't necessarily be a shuttle bay; in point of fact, there were multiple individual bays for different Jem'Hadar and Breen fighters in the bay, each of them looking like one big Borg alcove system.
"Well, no shuttles," Rebecca muttered. "But I think we can make do with the next best thing."
She gestured to the nearest bay, where a Jem'Hadar fighter was enclosed in a docking space.

"Well, if you're wondering why not, well, it's easy to steal one of these," she said to her group with a shrug.

They got to a hatch guarded by a lone Jem'Hadar - overconfident, aren't they, being so secure? Rebecca thought to herself. The Jem'Hadar nodded at the approaching "Breen." Other than that, he didn't acknowledge them. Once inside, there were a handful more Jem'Hadar and they reached the bridge with no trouble. Again, there were only a handful, though one looked up...clearly the First.

"What are you doing here?" asked the First in quiet much surprise as a Jem'Hadar can display.

"Additional attachment to fight alongside our Dominion allies," answered Rebecca.

"Additional crew? I wasn't notified, but it'll be good to have additional backing," said the First as he turned back to his work. "As the Founders will it," he added.

This is tricky, thought Rebecca. The good news was that there were fewer than usual, but they had to be careful when they overpower them, not like that brief skirmish outside the computer core.

Gohun looked around the room. If they could take the guards out they could just steal this ship. Today seems like a good idea for rash impulse decisions. Gohun nodded heads with everyone and started blasting. He shot two Jem'Hadar guards killing them before the Jem'Hadar near Gohun could react. At that point Gohun swung at the soldier with his weapon and the Jem'Hadar ducked.
Jem'Hadar "œI am an elder it wont be that easy to take me down."
Gohun tried to swing with his weapon and the Jem'Hadar blocked it unfortunately causing both weapons to be damaged and unable to be used. So Gohun went into his hand-to-hand training. Swinging wildly Gohun misses the Jem'Hadar as the Jem'Hadar punches Gohun in the stomach twice and grabs its weapon with the blade trying to stab Gohun in the stomach area. With no other recourse, Gohun took his weapon and slammed it down breaking the blade of the Jem'Hadar.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 26, 2023, 05:11:12 AM

[Engineering | USS Discovery]

As the pair waked through the hallways of the ship, Dem found unusual comfort in the fact that he was walking in the centre of the hull. He felt protected, like the many layers of bulkhead and corridors surrounding him offered a safeguard from incoming fire. Realistically, that was not the case. Dem eventually found his way to engineering and while most of the corridors were deserted, engineering was like a hive of activity with many worker bees running around to keep this ship together. Dem saw where the senior staff were congregated, near the back of engineering. As soon as they arrived, the plan was once again sent into motion. Alex had assumed the temporary weapons station, previously an antimatter flow control station. Dem placed the responsibility of con officer on himself. For some reason, he was drawn to having his hands on the wheel. For once toady, he just wanted to feel in control of something. "œOk. Moving into our first, and last run. 30 seconds until in weapons range. 20 seconds." Dem nervously tapped a buttonless section of his console, waiting out the longest 20 seconds of his life. "œ10 seconds. In firing range." Dem sharply exhaled in anticipation. He heard the distinctive sound of the weapons being fired. Their one shot at hitting the exhaust. Everyone went quiet on the crowded deck. Dem looked up before laying in the course, trying to find out if they had succeeded.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 27, 2023, 03:04:21 AM


Kinley braced herself as the ship went on its' strafing run, looking at her communications systems. No response yet from anyone, but from what the few working scanners were showing, it looked like they might have a clear shot. Assuming that it was even working correctly. At least the ship seemed to be working enough to run away and regroup.  A moment passed in tense silence. From what she could see, It looked like it hit the ship. Enough to slow it for the moment at least. "Looks like it hit, Sir! she piped as the ship booked it away from there.

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering]

Nevir allowed himself a sigh of relief when he felt the ship lurch forward into the warp and the report that their shot hit.  He allowed himself a moment of hope before he allowed reality to take over with his own knowledge and experience.  Standing over the pool table, he adjusted screens and displays so that he can see both in and out of the ship.  The other two bridges were out for the moment since they had taken life-support and power from those areas.  Tactically foolish, but they didn't have the power to separate at the time.

"Don't get too excited... never turn your back on a Breen." he reminded, as he pointed towards the sensor dot with the Breen ship's specifications.  It had entered warp and was trying to catch up.  And they were sitting with a slightly unstable warp bubble from engines that were cold-restarted. They certainly weren't traveling at their most efficient.

"Now we just need to find a way to shake them... bringing them to the fleet is not an option... and for all we know, the Breen chased Challenger back as well.  I wish we had time to fix the conduits, but we'll just have to make do with what we have." he stated, as he started to fall back on his engineering courses.  A good Captain knew his ship, and he was thankfully no exception.

But the Prophets may have finally smiled down on him and his crew, when the sensors noted another ship within range... and it was hailing them.  With a Romulan signature.

"Open a channel." he ordered and almost dropped when he heard the voice.

"Captain Tekin?  This is Commander Pelau of the Romulan Warbird Tekohk.  I heard you are having Breen issues?"

He looked at his officers and smiled.  "Unfortunately so.  They seem to have upgraded their energy weapon since the War.  We had to shut down the warp core and our power relay system is shot.  Even now, I'm not sure how much we can get from the drive now."

"Then perhaps this is a case where our singularity drive is more appropriate.  Drop out of warp, we're nearly on top of you."

The Captain turned to Dem and Kinley.  "I'll pull us from warp.  Kinley, transmit all information on the Breen to the Tekohk and coordinate with their tactical officer.  Dem, transfer power from the warp engines to the shields as best as you can and bring us about.  Dropping warp in 3... 2.... 1.... now!"

The Discovery dropped out of subspace and struggled to keep its pitch, but started making its turn.  The Breen ship was close behind and immediately started firing.  Nevir braced, but it turned out he didn't need to.  The Breen weapons hit a barrier way sooner than the reach of Discovery's shields, giving the Breen a moment of confusion when a Valdore-class warbird decloaked and began firing.

"Good.. let's finish this." he stated, as Discovery turned and began to fire on the now outnumbered Breen vessel.

🡱 🡳

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Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.