Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 27, 2023, 09:22:01 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering]

Nevir allowed himself a sigh of relief when he felt the ship lurch forward into the warp and the report that their shot hit.  He allowed himself a moment of hope before he allowed reality to take over with his own knowledge and experience.  Standing over the pool table, he adjusted screens and displays so that he can see both in and out of the ship.  The other two bridges were out for the moment since they had taken life-support and power from those areas.  Tactically foolish, but they didn't have the power to separate at the time.

"Don't get too excited... never turn your back on a Breen." he reminded, as he pointed towards the sensor dot with the Breen ship's specifications.  It had entered warp and was trying to catch up.  And they were sitting with a slightly unstable warp bubble from engines that were cold-restarted. They certainly weren't traveling at their most efficient.

"Now we just need to find a way to shake them... bringing them to the fleet is not an option... and for all we know, the Breen chased Challenger back as well.  I wish we had time to fix the conduits, but we'll just have to make do with what we have." he stated, as he started to fall back on his engineering courses.  A good Captain knew his ship, and he was thankfully no exception.

But the Prophets may have finally smiled down on him and his crew, when the sensors noted another ship within range... and it was hailing them.  With a Romulan signature.

"Open a channel." he ordered and almost dropped when he heard the voice.

"Captain Tekin?  This is Commander Pelau of the Romulan Warbird Tekohk.  I heard you are having Breen issues?"

He looked at his officers and smiled.  "Unfortunately so.  They seem to have upgraded their energy weapon since the War.  We had to shut down the warp core and our power relay system is shot.  Even now, I'm not sure how much we can get from the drive now."

"Then perhaps this is a case where our singularity drive is more appropriate.  Drop out of warp, we're nearly on top of you."

The Captain turned to Dem and Kinley.  "I'll pull us from warp.  Kinley, transmit all information on the Breen to the Tekohk and coordinate with their tactical officer.  Dem, transfer power from the warp engines to the shields as best as you can and bring us about.  Dropping warp in 3... 2.... 1.... now!"

The Discovery dropped out of subspace and struggled to keep its pitch, but started making its turn.  The Breen ship was close behind and immediately started firing.  Nevir braced, but it turned out he didn't need to.  The Breen weapons hit a barrier way sooner than the reach of Discovery's shields, giving the Breen a moment of confusion when a Valdore-class warbird decloaked and began firing.

"Good.. let's finish this." he stated, as Discovery turned and began to fire on the now outnumbered Breen vessel.

[Main Engineering]
The ping of her PADD alerted Kinley that someone had heard them and was calling back.
Turning on the hailing frequencies, she was both surprised and relieved to see the bridge of a Romulan warbird on screen.  They weren't out of the woods yet, but now they had better odds. At the request of Captain Tekin, Kinley immediately began bringing in all of the research she had done before they had left the bridge on this ship.
Got it, sir. Sending all the files we have on this Breen ship now."
She said as she got in contact with the officer on the Romulan ship. =/\= Discovery to Tekohk, We've done a significant amount of damage to their starboard flanks, so try aiming there. =/\=

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


Jem'Hadar Fighter

Dranik was about to try and take the Jem'Hadar by surprise when Gohun opened fire on them. Dranik let out a low growl as he grabbed the breen rifle and took careful aim at the Jem'Hadar Elder and squeezed off a shot that took the Elder in the center of the chest. Moments later, he found himself forced to discharge his weapon as another Jem'Hadar came running at him with a bladed weapon. The shot took the Jem'Hadar right through the head just as he was getting a little too close to comfort.

"How many more?"

Hirogen Male

Lorut Vila

Breen Ship, Day 3


"Excuse me, Ensign?  You are NOT in command here. Nor are you a Security team member.  I gave you a task and you ignored it to assume a role that is not yours."  He pulled his arm free and took in his surroundings.

She simply shrugged.

"Fine, feel free to die out here, but I don't wish to. If you think I am about to let some overgrown salamander best me, think again," she said. She held up her PADD. "There. Transmission complete. No signals to send it anywhere," she said. She handed the PADD to the Commander. "Hold this a moment, please," she said. After a moment, the contraband Phaser-her ex-husbands-was hidden again under the metal collar piece, held in place by a tiny magnet. She snatched the PADD back from the Commander, falling to the back to follow the others out. She knew she'd be in trouble later, but did he DIE? No.

They were FINALLY headed down the corridor when the virus-meant to disable the entire ship-kicked in, and they lost gravity. Luckily, her training kicked in, and instead of panic, she simply let herself float a bit.

A little later, they were stopped, and it was decided that they should break off into two teams. She continued forward with the Commander, O'Brien, and the security guy whose name she couldn't recall.


Well, that won't be too hard to get to," Rebecca Sisko said. "We can just Peter Pan our way down there if we have to.

She had no better ideas, so she shrugged, and went along with it. She knew who Peter Pan was, and she knew what the reference was-fifteen years of being married to a human male taught a girl a thing or two.

Finally, they were close to the torpedo bay. She was excited for this-maybe TOO excited. She took a few breaths inwardly to calm herself down. She didn't need to do anything rash. Again.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 27, 2023, 09:22:01 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering]

Nevir allowed himself a sigh of relief when he felt the ship lurch forward into the warp and the report that their shot hit.  He allowed himself a moment of hope before he allowed reality to take over with his own knowledge and experience.  Standing over the pool table, he adjusted screens and displays so that he can see both in and out of the ship.  The other two bridges were out for the moment since they had taken life-support and power from those areas.  Tactically foolish, but they didn't have the power to separate at the time.

"Don't get too excited... never turn your back on a Breen." he reminded, as he pointed towards the sensor dot with the Breen ship's specifications.  It had entered warp and was trying to catch up.  And they were sitting with a slightly unstable warp bubble from engines that were cold-restarted. They certainly weren't traveling at their most efficient.

"Now we just need to find a way to shake them... bringing them to the fleet is not an option... and for all we know, the Breen chased Challenger back as well.  I wish we had time to fix the conduits, but we'll just have to make do with what we have." he stated, as he started to fall back on his engineering courses.  A good Captain knew his ship, and he was thankfully no exception.

But the Prophets may have finally smiled down on him and his crew, when the sensors noted another ship within range... and it was hailing them.  With a Romulan signature.

"Open a channel." he ordered and almost dropped when he heard the voice.

"Captain Tekin?  This is Commander Pelau of the Romulan Warbird Tekohk.  I heard you are having Breen issues?"

He looked at his officers and smiled.  "Unfortunately so.  They seem to have upgraded their energy weapon since the War.  We had to shut down the warp core and our power relay system is shot.  Even now, I'm not sure how much we can get from the drive now."

"Then perhaps this is a case where our singularity drive is more appropriate.  Drop out of warp, we're nearly on top of you."

The Captain turned to Dem and Kinley.  "I'll pull us from warp.  Kinley, transmit all information on the Breen to the Tekohk and coordinate with their tactical officer.  Dem, transfer power from the warp engines to the shields as best as you can and bring us about.  Dropping warp in 3... 2.... 1.... now!"

The Discovery dropped out of subspace and struggled to keep its pitch, but started making its turn.  The Breen ship was close behind and immediately started firing.  Nevir braced, but it turned out he didn't need to.  The Breen weapons hit a barrier way sooner than the reach of Discovery's shields, giving the Breen a moment of confusion when a Valdore-class warbird decloaked and began firing.

"Good.. let's finish this." he stated, as Discovery turned and began to fire on the now outnumbered Breen vessel.

[Engineering | USS Discovery]

As soon as Kinley confirmed the hit, Dem breathed a sigh of relief. Moderate damage to the starboard flank- that would have to do. Dem wasted no time in setting in a new course and engaging at maximum warp. Considering the amount of damage they had been delt, according to Dem's readout maximum speed was a little over warp five. They were not out of the woods yet. Dem was feeling anxious, and his knees were starting to feel limp from the constant rollercoaster of danger he bore witness to. He didn't join Starfleet for the danger. In fact, he didn't join to pilot a starship away from a Breen attack cruiser either. He planned to join for a few years to get some qualifications to build a humble medical practice. That's worked out pretty well. Dem's thought spiral was cut short when he heard a communication from a Romulan Warbird. Tekin quickly ordered Dem to drop out of warp, and he gladly complied, punching in a few sequences to take them out of warp. The starboard guidance computer suddenly went offline a few moments before dropping out of warp. However, the few seconds before the backups kicked in was all Discovery needed to roll uncontrollably. Dem brought the pitch controls into manual and tried to physically correct the overshoot as they started to turn. His fingers were getting sweaty and tired from just hitting that many commands to bring the ship around. Considering the amount of training he had gotten for piloting Starships, this was well above his paygrade.


Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 28, 2023, 04:12:06 AM

[Engineering | USS Discovery]

As soon as Kinley confirmed the hit, Dem breathed a sigh of relief. Moderate damage to the starboard flank- that would have to do. Dem wasted no time in setting in a new course and engaging at maximum warp. Considering the amount of damage they had been delt, according to Dem's readout maximum speed was a little over warp five. They were not out of the woods yet. Dem was feeling anxious, and his knees were starting to feel limp from the constant rollercoaster of danger he bore witness to. He didn't join Starfleet for the danger. In fact, he didn't join to pilot a starship away from a Breen attack cruiser either. He planned to join for a few years to get some qualifications to build a humble medical practice. That's worked out pretty well. Dem's thought spiral was cut short when he heard a communication from a Romulan Warbird. Tekin quickly ordered Dem to drop out of warp, and he gladly complied, punching in a few sequences to take them out of warp. The starboard guidance computer suddenly went offline a few moments before dropping out of warp. However, the few seconds before the backups kicked in was all Discovery needed to roll uncontrollably. Dem brought the pitch controls into manual and tried to physically correct the overshoot as they started to turn. His fingers were getting sweaty and tired from just hitting that many commands to bring the ship around. Considering the amount of training he had gotten for piloting Starships, this was well above his paygrade.

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Just as Lek entered engineering after fleeing the carnivorous lizard in sickbay, he was thrown to one side as the ship rolled. He snarled as he bounced off the bulkhead.

"Who's flying this thing!"

On seeing a blue uniform at the makeshift helm, he surged across the compartment and shoved Dem out of the way.

"You're a doctor not a helmsman!"

Lek wasn't a helmsman either, but he did know how Discovery operated, and figured he had a better chance of flying the ship than a doctor. He looked over at Tekin and growled.

"I want it known, that this is a bad idea to keep fighting. We should be making a run for it while the Romulan keeps them busy."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 28, 2023, 04:12:06 AM

[Engineering | USS Discovery]

As soon as Kinley confirmed the hit, Dem breathed a sigh of relief. Moderate damage to the starboard flank- that would have to do. Dem wasted no time in setting in a new course and engaging at maximum warp. Considering the amount of damage they had been delt, according to Dem's readout maximum speed was a little over warp five. They were not out of the woods yet. Dem was feeling anxious, and his knees were starting to feel limp from the constant rollercoaster of danger he bore witness to. He didn't join Starfleet for the danger. In fact, he didn't join to pilot a starship away from a Breen attack cruiser either. He planned to join for a few years to get some qualifications to build a humble medical practice. That's worked out pretty well. Dem's thought spiral was cut short when he heard a communication from a Romulan Warbird. Tekin quickly ordered Dem to drop out of warp, and he gladly complied, punching in a few sequences to take them out of warp. The starboard guidance computer suddenly went offline a few moments before dropping out of warp. However, the few seconds before the backups kicked in was all Discovery needed to roll uncontrollably. Dem brought the pitch controls into manual and tried to physically correct the overshoot as they started to turn. His fingers were getting sweaty and tired from just hitting that many commands to bring the ship around. Considering the amount of training he had gotten for piloting Starships, this was well above his paygrade.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 27, 2023, 07:24:42 PM

[Main Engineering]
The ping of her PADD alerted Kinley that someone had heard them and was calling back.
Turning on the hailing frequencies, she was both surprised and relieved to see the bridge of a Romulan warbird on screen.  They weren't out of the woods yet, but now they had better odds. At the request of Captain Tekin, Kinley immediately began bringing in all of the research she had done before they had left the bridge on this ship.
Got it, sir. Sending all the files we have on this Breen ship now."
She said as she got in contact with the officer on the Romulan ship. =/\= Discovery to Tekohk, We've done a significant amount of damage to their starboard flanks, so try aiming there. =/\=

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering]

This was going to be a rough final battle, not because of the challenge, but because of the ship's weakened systems.  Inertial dampeners were at minimum survivable levels, and here was the Bridge crew working from Engineering, without the Chief Engineer.  But they had hope, and that was enough.

He looked up as Lek suddenly returned back to Engineering and almost unceremoniously shoved Dem away. They were too busy for him to say anything, and it gave someone the ability to man another system.  Nevir shook his head until he was addressed personally by his Chief.

"We're not in the habit of leaving our troubles at the feet of another.  They came to help us, not face an unknown new ship on their own.  Besides, the battle is now on our side." he stated.  And it was true, the Breen weren't firing very much at them at all, and with the warp power back on their shields were stronger.

While the warbird didn't directly answer, it was clear from their attack pattern that Kinley's message was heard.  The bridge crew worked like an oiled machine while trying to act as assistant to the warbird.  The battle turned, as the two ships started to overpower the Breen vessel, to the point that the Breen ship was starting to turn to get out of there.  Nevir was determined, however, and had Kinley target their warp drive.  Soon enough, the ship was disabled.

"Hail the Breen vessel," he ordered, but a power surge from the ship told them that the Breen would rather destroy their own ship than let it fall into enemy hands, and both Discovery and the Tekohk had to back away as the ship exploded.  But... it was over.  Nevir gave a sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

"Good work, all of you.  Set a course for the rendevous point with the fleet, and get a message out to the Admiral of our status and that we have guests coming with us.  Let's get some repair teams working on the power systems as a top priority.  Mr. Broadshire, you have the conn.  Er... we can restore power to one of the battle bridges if you would prefer.  I'll be in Sickbay. And Lek, delegate your work crews and then leave them with your Assistant.  You are coming with me; I know for a fact that you would put the ship above your own health, and I'm not about to send you to the Divine Treasury with just a broken ship to barter with." he stated, giving his thanks to the Romulans before heading up to see the status of the crew.

He expected to see casualties, but still, the amount of injured and what he could only assume were bags of bodies in the morgue were still unsettling.  As soon as he stepped in, everyone froze for a moment before getting back to work, and immediately medical officers started scanning him for his own injuries. He waved them off a bit, but ended up also being escorted to a biobed for treatment.  But.. at least he dragged the Ferengi with him to actually try and recover.

"We just survived an encounter with a new Breen weapon. I think that makes us better than the Defiant back in the war." he stated, trying to inject some humor into his Chief Engineer.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 28, 2023, 12:23:25 AM

Breen Ship, Day 3
She simply shrugged.

"Fine, feel free to die out here, but I don't wish to. If you think I am about to let some overgrown salamander best me, think again," she said. She held up her PADD. "There. Transmission complete. No signals to send it anywhere," she said. She handed the PADD to the Commander. "Hold this a moment, please," she said. After a moment, the contraband Phaser-her ex-husbands-was hidden again under the metal collar piece, held in place by a tiny magnet. She snatched the PADD back from the Commander, falling to the back to follow the others out. She knew she'd be in trouble later, but did he DIE? No.

Rayek blinked, frowning at the 'talk-back' from the Bajoran woman.  When she handed him the data PADD, his hands automatically accepted and he watched as she returned the phaser to its' hiding spot.  She seemed not in the least bit concerned about his ability to make her assignment on the Discovery harder.  His recollection of the other universe's version of her was of a rather pleasant youth aboard the USS Lionheart.  He wondered if the change was from earned life experiences or if her youth here had been scarring.

HIs musings were abruptly cut short as she snatched back the PADD from his hands.  In a quiet tone to just here he spoke.  "We will discuss your attitude back on the ship after this mission is complete."

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 27, 2023, 03:07:46 AM

Gohun had training in zero gravity but really didn't do as good as other people. The key to zero gravity is not that you float it is that you go in any direction that momentum starts you. It was also making Gohun feel a little motion sick but that was ok because he had many nights of hangover training to compare. As Gohun floated up and down he finally managed to grab the floor.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 27, 2023, 03:04:21 AM

[As Kirayoshi]
[Breen base]

He knew what to expect, as the virus would affect the gravity systems next, but it still was a surprise as he suddenly began floating off of the ground. At the mention of Peter Pan, from those old Earth shows he used to watch with his sister, he grinned as he had to resist the urge to do a flip midair. "œ "œI get that reference. We might never land if we get started." he quipped,  before looking at his tools. "œThe torpedo bay shouldn't be too far ahead.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 28, 2023, 12:23:25 AM

They were FINALLY headed down the corridor when the virus-meant to disable the entire ship-kicked in, and they lost gravity. Luckily, her training kicked in, and instead of panic, she simply let herself float a bit.

A little later, they were stopped, and it was decided that they should break off into two teams. She continued forward with the Commander, O'Brien, and the security guy whose name she couldn't recall. She had no better ideas, so she shrugged, and went along with it. She knew who Peter Pan was, and she knew what the reference was-fifteen years of being married to a human male taught a girl a thing or two.

A short while later as the two teams were about to split up, Rayek had Lorut hand off the data PADD to Lieutenant Commander Sisko to have her send the downloaded files to the Fleet from the shuttles comm system.

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 26, 2023, 10:25:14 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Computer Core >- Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Seeing as she was going to play guide, Jael led the way. "Okay, all, this way," she said. "We're going to be heading into the Borg section of the base, so there's a good chance it'll be a maze."

As they proceeded, they eventually came to an extraordinary expanse of space. In the middle: A Borg sphere, with so much walkways, cables, tubes and clamps attached that it would've fooled anybody into thinking it was the station's reactor. At least, that's what they were seeing from looking up and down, not that they could see the whole sphere. Jael directed to one walkway under one such tube; it had to have been a torpedo tube.

And just like that, the scenery changed from Breen organic decor to Borg cybernetic metal.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 27, 2023, 03:04:21 AM

[As Kirayoshi]
It was an absolute maze as the team went deeper into the base. Borg parts seemed to almost choke the hallways with the various pipes and wires interconnecting things. Hopefully, they were headed the right direction. It was starting to get claustrophobic in here.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 26, 2023, 10:25:14 PM

"Thank the Prophets the alcoves are empty," Jael whispered as she noticed some alcoves in passing, but at one, she had to double-take. One alcove had something like a cold storage unit, only it looked more like a tank containing some kind of cold liquid, akin to Terran liquid nitrogen, though Jael figured this would be something way colder.

"Some kind of cold fusion generator, drawing power from the Borg?" she asked curiously. "It would be like the Breen to dabble with cold fusion." And she led on.

It was becoming apparent, however, that the more they progressed, the more tubes there were, especially connecting what had been Borg data nodes. It seemed less green and more bluish green, if anything.

Finally, they reached the torpedo bay. Jael briefly wondered if the nitrogen tubes would've guided them, but decided that sensors would've been better served; trying to follow one such tube would eventually lead to getting them lost.

Inside was something that would've looked like an Engineering section on a ship, or like a reactor in a Nor-class station. The thing in the middle of the room certainly looked like a big cold fusion generator, seated atop a squat pillar with drone alcoves attached, only they were loaded with torpedoes that seem to be charged with cold fusion. More nitrogen tubes snaked around, leading over to a disruptor array.

The room was deserted except for a handful of Breen who looked to be system monitors, just simply standing behind a console. One looked up and nodded a greeting.

"Hello there," he called. "Don't think I've seen you around here before."

"We're new," Jael responded, hoping to assuage suspicion. "This looks...intriguing."

"It certainly is, what with all the Borg technology helping to power all this," came the reply. "Though we have that Cardassian Sherem to thank for showing us how to utilize it."

"I see," said Jael, glad to be wearing a helmet to hide pursed lips. "Anything we can do to help?"

"Ordinarily, it wouldn't be necessary," said the Breen. "Automation makes it so at least one can operate the system here. The extra help can be appreciated, though, we have to get these weapons ready; the Cardassians are on our doorstep and Federation Starfleet is incoming. We'll need to get them ready as efficiently as possible."

Jael looked back at Rayek and her group; the fleet was coming.

Rayek, backing up the junior Lieutenant Cardassian,  also took note of the change in construction.  When Sherem remarked on the empty alcoves, the Romulan XO nodded his agreement - though it wasn't the Prophets he was thanking.  Rayek was not a particularly religious man, but there were times in the stress of a moment that he would call on the Elements in frustration.  An influence from his mother, he recalled.  His father had held no such beliefs at all.

He too was curious about the cold storage unit.  Sherem's comment of it being a 'cold fusion generator' was technically inaccurate.  Cold fusion referred to a nuclear reaction at 'room temperature' or at least what Human deemed as room temperature 20 Celsius or such.  What seemed to be present here was some sort of sub-zero fusion.

Soon they arrived at the torpedo room, oddly near the center of the borg portion of the Breen base.   There they encountered their first Breen since entering the Core room, no doubt because all other security had been sent to aid in the Melek Nor rebellion.   At the front of their team, Jael responded to the lead Breen's queries.

Rayek acknowledged Jael's pointed glance towards him, at the mention of the incoming Federation Fleet, with a nod.

Their time for subtlety and infiltration was done.   If the Fleet were moving in it was either because Sisko and the shuttle team had managed to get their call through to the Admiral, or the Melek Nor team had.  Either way they needed to take control of this room quickly.  There were 5 Breen in the room besides Rayek and his team.  One Breen per member of his team, though he had his doubts that the counselor would be an effective fighter.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 28, 2023, 12:23:25 AM

Finally, they were close to the torpedo bay. She was excited for this-maybe TOO excited. She took a few breaths inwardly to calm herself down. She didn't need to do anything rash. Again.

Rayek gave a hand signal to the team members behind him to spread out throughout the room.   Telepathically he gave the team their orders.

~tele ~ "Take out the Breen.  Counselor, hang back.  Lorut, you have the phaser, you get her Breen as well as your own.  I've got the one on at the far back right."

As he telepathically spoke, his long stride was moving him into position alongside the Breen he'd 'tagged' as his opponent.

By the time he'd neared 'his' Breen, the others had begun their attack, and his Breen was attempting to pull a  disruptor out to deal with the attack.  Rayek rushed the individual and the Romulan grappled with the Breen's arm to keep the disruptor pointed up and away from his team members.

Romulans, like Vulcans were notably stronger than Humans, but so were Breen within their suits, so the outcome of the weapon grapple was by no means a sure thing.   Face to face, he struggled against the Breen, until an overly simple fighting tactic came to mind.   Rearing back for added momentum, Rayek slammed his helmeted head against his opponents at the junction where the snout of the mask met the with face of the helmet.  A loud crack sounded from both their helmets.   Refrigerant gas escaped from the crack in his opponent's face mask and the Breen officer began to gurgle as if drowning.  Its grip on the disruptor faltered and Rayek quickly took control of it, ending the Breen's suffering by firing on it point blank with its own weapon.

He glanced about to see how the rest of his team was doing.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 28, 2023, 03:16:26 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering]

This was going to be a rough final battle, not because of the challenge, but because of the ship's weakened systems.  Inertial dampeners were at minimum survivable levels, and here was the Bridge crew working from Engineering, without the Chief Engineer.  But they had hope, and that was enough.

He looked up as Lek suddenly returned back to Engineering and almost unceremoniously shoved Dem away. They were too busy for him to say anything, and it gave someone the ability to man another system.  Nevir shook his head until he was addressed personally by his Chief.

"We're not in the habit of leaving our troubles at the feet of another.  They came to help us, not face an unknown new ship on their own.  Besides, the battle is now on our side." he stated.  And it was true, the Breen weren't firing very much at them at all, and with the warp power back on their shields were stronger.

While the warbird didn't directly answer, it was clear from their attack pattern that Kinley's message was heard.  The bridge crew worked like an oiled machine while trying to act as assistant to the warbird.  The battle turned, as the two ships started to overpower the Breen vessel, to the point that the Breen ship was starting to turn to get out of there.  Nevir was determined, however, and had Kinley target their warp drive.  Soon enough, the ship was disabled.

"Hail the Breen vessel," he ordered, but a power surge from the ship told them that the Breen would rather destroy their own ship than let it fall into enemy hands, and both Discovery and the Tekohk had to back away as the ship exploded.  But... it was over.  Nevir gave a sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

"Good work, all of you.  Set a course for the rendevous point with the fleet, and get a message out to the Admiral of our status and that we have guests coming with us.  Let's get some repair teams working on the power systems as a top priority.  Mr. Broadshire, you have the conn.  Er... we can restore power to one of the battle bridges if you would prefer.  I'll be in Sickbay. And Lek, delegate your work crews and then leave them with your Assistant.  You are coming with me; I know for a fact that you would put the ship above your own health, and I'm not about to send you to the Divine Treasury with just a broken ship to barter with." he stated, giving his thanks to the Romulans before heading up to see the status of the crew.

He expected to see casualties, but still, the amount of injured and what he could only assume were bags of bodies in the morgue were still unsettling.  As soon as he stepped in, everyone froze for a moment before getting back to work, and immediately medical officers started scanning him for his own injuries. He waved them off a bit, but ended up also being escorted to a biobed for treatment.  But.. at least he dragged the Ferengi with him to actually try and recover.

"We just survived an encounter with a new Breen weapon. I think that makes us better than the Defiant back in the war." he stated, trying to inject some humor into his Chief Engineer.

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek felt chagrined by Tekin's words and simply nodded as he continued to man the helm until the Breen ship was destroyed. When ordered to sickbay, he balked.

"I have the greatest respect for you Sir, but if that lizard is there, you will have to stun me first."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Alexander Graham

[USS Discovery-medbay ->engineering]

Alexander spent the past five to ten minutes in the sickbay getting checked out and making sure everything is okay to go. When he was okay to go he made his way down towards engineering. He planned on talking to lieutenant commander Lek about taking over the helm. He was sure that he could pick up where the lieutenant commander left off.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on July 28, 2023, 03:16:26 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 11 - Lower Main Engineering]

This was going to be a rough final battle, not because of the challenge, but because of the ship's weakened systems.  Inertial dampeners were at minimum survivable levels, and here was the Bridge crew working from Engineering, without the Chief Engineer.  But they had hope, and that was enough.

He looked up as Lek suddenly returned back to Engineering and almost unceremoniously shoved Dem away. They were too busy for him to say anything, and it gave someone the ability to man another system.  Nevir shook his head until he was addressed personally by his Chief.

"We're not in the habit of leaving our troubles at the feet of another.  They came to help us, not face an unknown new ship on their own.  Besides, the battle is now on our side." he stated.  And it was true, the Breen weren't firing very much at them at all, and with the warp power back on their shields were stronger.

While the warbird didn't directly answer, it was clear from their attack pattern that Kinley's message was heard.  The bridge crew worked like an oiled machine while trying to act as assistant to the warbird.  The battle turned, as the two ships started to overpower the Breen vessel, to the point that the Breen ship was starting to turn to get out of there.  Nevir was determined, however, and had Kinley target their warp drive.  Soon enough, the ship was disabled.

"Hail the Breen vessel," he ordered, but a power surge from the ship told them that the Breen would rather destroy their own ship than let it fall into enemy hands, and both Discovery and the Tekohk had to back away as the ship exploded.  But... it was over.  Nevir gave a sigh of relief and finally relaxed.

"Good work, all of you.  Set a course for the rendevous point with the fleet, and get a message out to the Admiral of our status and that we have guests coming with us.  Let's get some repair teams working on the power systems as a top priority.  Mr. Broadshire, you have the conn.  Er... we can restore power to one of the battle bridges if you would prefer.  I'll be in Sickbay. And Lek, delegate your work crews and then leave them with your Assistant.  You are coming with me; I know for a fact that you would put the ship above your own health, and I'm not about to send you to the Divine Treasury with just a broken ship to barter with." he stated, giving his thanks to the Romulans before heading up to see the status of the crew.

He expected to see casualties, but still, the amount of injured and what he could only assume were bags of bodies in the morgue were still unsettling.  As soon as he stepped in, everyone froze for a moment before getting back to work, and immediately medical officers started scanning him for his own injuries. He waved them off a bit, but ended up also being escorted to a biobed for treatment.  But.. at least he dragged the Ferengi with him to actually try and recover.

"We just survived an encounter with a new Breen weapon. I think that makes us better than the Defiant back in the war." he stated, trying to inject some humor into his Chief Engineer.

Quote from: Lek on July 28, 2023, 05:45:23 PM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek felt chagrined by Tekin's words and simply nodded as he continued to man the helm until the Breen ship was destroyed. When ordered to sickbay, he balked.

"I have the greatest respect for you Sir, but if that lizard is there, you will have to stun me first."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 28, 2023, 03:28:58 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

Rayek blinked, frowning at the 'talk-back' from the Bajoran woman.  When she handed him the data PADD, his hands automatically accepted and he watched as she returned the phaser to its' hiding spot.  She seemed not in the least bit concerned about his ability to make her assignment on the Discovery harder.  His recollection of the other universe's version of her was of a rather pleasant youth aboard the USS Lionheart.  He wondered if the change was from earned life experiences or if her youth here had been scarring.

HIs musings were abruptly cut short as she snatched back the PADD from his hands.  In a quiet tone to just here he spoke.  "We will discuss your attitude back on the ship after this mission is complete."

A short while later as the two teams were about to split up, Rayek had Lorut hand off the data PADD to Lieutenant Commander Sisko to have her send the downloaded files to the Fleet from the shuttles comm system.

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Rayek, backing up the junior Lieutenant Cardassian,  also took note of the change in construction.  When Sherem remarked on the empty alcoves, the Romulan XO nodded his agreement - though it wasn't the Prophets he was thanking.  Rayek was not a particularly religious man, but there were times in the stress of a moment that he would call on the Elements in frustration.  An influence from his mother, he recalled.  His father had held no such beliefs at all.

He too was curious about the cold storage unit.  Sherem's comment of it being a 'cold fusion generator' was technically inaccurate.  Cold fusion referred to a nuclear reaction at 'room temperature' or at least what Human deemed as room temperature 20 Celsius or such.  What seemed to be present here was some sort of sub-zero fusion.

Soon they arrived at the torpedo room, oddly near the center of the borg portion of the Breen base.   There they encountered their first Breen since entering the Core room, no doubt because all other security had been sent to aid in the Melek Nor rebellion.   At the front of their team, Jael responded to the lead Breen's queries.

Rayek acknowledged Jael's pointed glance towards him, at the mention of the incoming Federation Fleet, with a nod.

Their time for subtlety and infiltration was done.   If the Fleet were moving in it was either because Sisko and the shuttle team had managed to get their call through to the Admiral, or the Melek Nor team had.  Either way they needed to take control of this room quickly.  There were 5 Breen in the room besides Rayek and his team.  One Breen per member of his team, though he had his doubts that the counselor would be an effective fighter.

Rayek gave a hand signal to the team members behind him to spread out throughout the room.   Telepathically he gave the team their orders.

~tele ~ "Take out the Breen.  Counselor, hang back.  Lorut, you have the phaser, you get her Breen as well as your own.  I've got the one on at the far back right."

As he telepathically spoke, his long stride was moving him into position alongside the Breen he'd 'tagged' as his opponent.

By the time he'd neared 'his' Breen, the others had begun their attack, and his Breen was attempting to pull a  disruptor out to deal with the attack.  Rayek rushed the individual and the Romulan grappled with the Breen's arm to keep the disruptor pointed up and away from his team members.

Romulans, like Vulcans were notably stronger than Humans, but so were Breen within their suits, so the outcome of the weapon grapple was by no means a sure thing.   Face to face, he struggled against the Breen, until an overly simple fighting tactic came to mind.   Rearing back for added momentum, Rayek slammed his helmeted head against his opponents at the junction where the snout of the mask met the with face of the helmet.  A loud crack sounded from both their helmets.   Refrigerant gas escaped from the crack in his opponent's face mask and the Breen officer began to gurgle as if drowning.  Its grip on the disruptor faltered and Rayek quickly took control of it, ending the Breen's suffering by firing on it point blank with its own weapon.

He glanced about to see how the rest of his team was doing.


Even with the Discovery moving away, Kinley still felt the shudder of the shockwave coming from the Breen ship as it self-destructed. It was over.  She released the breath she had been holding the entire battle in one major sigh of relief and slumped in a chair. At some point, she would get that nasty bump she had taken to her head fully taken care of, but right now, they could rest.

It would take a lot of repair work to get this back in order. There was no doubt about that, so she couldn't exactly rest for very long "œI'll help you get a hail to the Admiral with the Fleet.   She said to Dem as she stood back up and ordered an ice pack from the replicator. When Lek mentioned the Lizard, however, she perked up. She didn't know of any Gorn crew at the moment, so odds are, was probably talking about Steve. It didn't surprise her that he would have ended up in Sickbay.

"œSo sorry about that. I'll pick up Steve for you. she said, somewhat embarrassed. She was still figuring out the full ramifications of what that little raptor was capable of.
[Beta Bridge, a bit later. ]

As soon as the Beta Bridge was cleared to be safe, Kinley made her way up there to use the better Comms Station. She was holding Steve on his leash for the time being. Probably safest for now.

And now for the dreaded task of calling to explain just what happened to the Admiralty.
=/\= "œThis is Lieutenant Garrison from the Discovery to the Fleet. We're heading back to the fleet for major repairs after our encounter with the Breen along with the Warbird Tekohk"¦=/\=


[as Kirayoshi]
[Breen Base]

Those were really big torpedoes Thought Kirayoshi as they arrived in the room. Keeping his phaser out, he scanned the room. With the Commander's telepathic orders, he nodded and sized up one of the shorter Breen, near the back. He was an engineer, not a fighter, but sizing up the Breen, he aimed for one of the weak spots in their armor; near the neck, and fired. A hiss escaped from the armor, It was a big enough distraction to kick the Breen's legs out from under them, sending their weapon skittering away. However, the Breen tossed out a dagger that caught Kirayoshi in the arm "Augh! That's it, ya bloody son of a- He clenched his arm to try and stop the bleeding.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 29, 2023, 03:06:31 AM


Even with the Discovery moving away, Kinley still felt the shudder of the shockwave coming from the Breen ship as it self-destructed. It was over.  She released the breath she had been holding the entire battle in one major sigh of relief and slumped in a chair. At some point, she would get that nasty bump she had taken to her head fully taken care of, but right now, they could rest.

It would take a lot of repair work to get this back in order. There was no doubt about that, so she couldn't exactly rest for very long "œI'll help you get a hail to the Admiral with the Fleet.   She said to Dem as she stood back up and ordered an ice pack from the replicator. When Lek mentioned the Lizard, however, she perked up. She didn't know of any Gorn crew at the moment, so odds are, was probably talking about Steve. It didn't surprise her that he would have ended up in Sickbay.

"œSo sorry about that. I'll pick up Steve for you. she said, somewhat embarrassed. She was still figuring out the full ramifications of what that little raptor was capable of.
[Beta Bridge, a bit later. ]

As soon as the Beta Bridge was cleared to be safe, Kinley made her way up there to use the better Comms Station. She was holding Steve on his leash for the time being. Probably safest for now.

And now for the dreaded task of calling to explain just what happened to the Admiralty.
=/\= "œThis is Lieutenant Garrison from the Discovery to the Fleet. We're heading back to the fleet for major repairs after our encounter with the Breen along with the Warbird Tekohk"¦=/\=

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian clutched the command chair tightly as the ship rocked from a particularly hard hit. He glanced at the display built into the chair and saw shields were still at 96% and regenerating, which made him smile.

"One day I am goin' ta have ta buy that Ferengi who designed these shields enough scotch ta float the HMS Victory."

When word came in that Discovery had been located, Ian perked up with an idea that was most unbecoming of a Starfleet officer.

"Sod the admiral, we may nae be cleared ta go look for the Discovery, but he dinnae say we couldn't stumble upon her."

Out loud, he ordered.

"Ops, signal the fleet our course is 242 mark 85 as able based on current threat assessment. Once you've done that, send a tight beam ta Discovery that we're on our way. Helm, thread the needle, best speed you can manage. T'Kel, continue what you are doin' blast us a passage."

The Challenger began a very careful dance in the direction of the Discovery, 'Scotland the Brave' still blaring out over all channels in defiance of the odds and the situation.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun grabbed the dagger that he had and stabbed the Jem'Hadar in the neck. Not knowing how many more Jem'Hadar clones there were in the area Gohun went to the engineering counsel. Finger print needed. Gohun cut one of the guards hands off and used it. Retina scan needed. Gohun went to the same guard and cut the eyes out. Finally it asked for a DNA scan. Gohun once again ran to the same guard and cut the guards tongue out. This did the job as systems booted up.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 28, 2023, 03:28:58 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Rayek, backing up the junior Lieutenant Cardassian,  also took note of the change in construction.  When Sherem remarked on the empty alcoves, the Romulan XO nodded his agreement - though it wasn't the Prophets he was thanking.  Rayek was not a particularly religious man, but there were times in the stress of a moment that he would call on the Elements in frustration.  An influence from his mother, he recalled.  His father had held no such beliefs at all.

He too was curious about the cold storage unit.  Sherem's comment of it being a 'cold fusion generator' was technically inaccurate.  Cold fusion referred to a nuclear reaction at 'room temperature' or at least what Human deemed as room temperature 20 Celsius or such.  What seemed to be present here was some sort of sub-zero fusion.

Soon they arrived at the torpedo room, oddly near the center of the borg portion of the Breen base.   There they encountered their first Breen since entering the Core room, no doubt because all other security had been sent to aid in the Melek Nor rebellion.   At the front of their team, Jael responded to the lead Breen's queries.

Rayek acknowledged Jael's pointed glance towards him, at the mention of the incoming Federation Fleet, with a nod.

Their time for subtlety and infiltration was done.   If the Fleet were moving in it was either because Sisko and the shuttle team had managed to get their call through to the Admiral, or the Melek Nor team had.  Either way they needed to take control of this room quickly.  There were 5 Breen in the room besides Rayek and his team.  One Breen per member of his team, though he had his doubts that the counselor would be an effective fighter.

Rayek gave a hand signal to the team members behind him to spread out throughout the room.   Telepathically he gave the team their orders.

~tele ~ "Take out the Breen.  Counselor, hang back.  Lorut, you have the phaser, you get her Breen as well as your own.  I've got the one on at the far back right."

As he telepathically spoke, his long stride was moving him into position alongside the Breen he'd 'tagged' as his opponent.

By the time he'd neared 'his' Breen, the others had begun their attack, and his Breen was attempting to pull a  disruptor out to deal with the attack.  Rayek rushed the individual and the Romulan grappled with the Breen's arm to keep the disruptor pointed up and away from his team members.

Romulans, like Vulcans were notably stronger than Humans, but so were Breen within their suits, so the outcome of the weapon grapple was by no means a sure thing.   Face to face, he struggled against the Breen, until an overly simple fighting tactic came to mind.   Rearing back for added momentum, Rayek slammed his helmeted head against his opponents at the junction where the snout of the mask met the with face of the helmet.  A loud crack sounded from both their helmets.   Refrigerant gas escaped from the crack in his opponent's face mask and the Breen officer began to gurgle as if drowning.  Its grip on the disruptor faltered and Rayek quickly took control of it, ending the Breen's suffering by firing on it point blank with its own weapon.

He glanced about to see how the rest of his team was doing.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 29, 2023, 03:06:31 AM

[as Kirayoshi]
[Breen Base]

Those were really big torpedoes Thought Kirayoshi as they arrived in the room. Keeping his phaser out, he scanned the room. With the Commander's telepathic orders, he nodded and sized up one of the shorter Breen, near the back. He was an engineer, not a fighter, but sizing up the Breen, he aimed for one of the weak spots in their armor; near the neck, and fired. A hiss escaped from the armor, It was a big enough distraction to kick the Breen's legs out from under them, sending their weapon skittering away. However, the Breen tossed out a dagger that caught Kirayoshi in the arm "Augh! That's it, ya bloody son of a- He clenched his arm to try and stop the bleeding.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Jael got Rayek's telepathic order. I hear - ish - you, Commander, she answered with a thought of her own.

She figured to try the same thing as earlier: Point blank. But her Breen shifted the moment she put the barren to his chest and only ended up hitting a side. Gas was steaming out from his suit. In fury, the Breen grabbed Jael's throat and lifted her up. But Jael brought her disruptor to his head. Her clumsy fumbling caused the disruptor's settings to go higher than usual, and as such, the resultant beam caused a decapitation.

Jael collapsed on the floor and looked up to see the suit of the Breen she saw crumple, smoke emitting from the neck, and the helmet landing near it. It prompted her to look around.

What, not even the Breen could bring the temperature of a Borg ship down to their liking,
she thought shrewdly.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 29, 2023, 01:17:51 PM

Gohun grabbed the dagger that he had and stabbed the Jem'Hadar in the neck. Not knowing how many more Jem'Hadar clones there were in the area Gohun went to the engineering counsel. Finger print needed. Gohun cut one of the guards hands off and used it. Retina scan needed. Gohun went to the same guard and cut the eyes out. Finally it asked for a DNA scan. Gohun once again ran to the same guard and cut the guards tongue out. This did the job as systems booted up.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on July 27, 2023, 03:07:46 AM

Gohun had training in zero gravity but really didn't do as good as other people. The key to zero gravity is not that you float it is that you go in any direction that momentum starts you. It was also making Gohun feel a little motion sick but that was ok because he had many nights of hangover training to compare. As Gohun floated up and down he finally managed to grab the floor.
Gohun looked around the room. If they could take the guards out they could just steal this ship. Today seems like a good idea for rash impulse decisions. Gohun nodded heads with everyone and started blasting. He shot two Jem'Hadar guards killing them before the Jem'Hadar near Gohun could react. At that point Gohun swung at the soldier with his weapon and the Jem'Hadar ducked.
Jem'Hadar "œI am an elder it wont be that easy to take me down."
Gohun tried to swing with his weapon and the Jem'Hadar blocked it unfortunately causing both weapons to be damaged and unable to be used. So Gohun went into his hand-to-hand training. Swinging wildly Gohun misses the Jem'Hadar as the Jem'Hadar punches Gohun in the stomach twice and grabs its weapon with the blade trying to stab Gohun in the stomach area. With no other recourse, Gohun took his weapon and slammed it down breaking the blade of the Jem'Hadar.

Quote from: Dranik on July 27, 2023, 08:47:31 PM

Jem'Hadar Fighter

Dranik was about to try and take the Jem'Hadar by surprise when Gohun opened fire on them. Dranik let out a low growl as he grabbed the breen rifle and took careful aim at the Jem'Hadar Elder and squeezed off a shot that took the Elder in the center of the chest. Moments later, he found himself forced to discharge his weapon as another Jem'Hadar came running at him with a bladed weapon. The shot took the Jem'Hadar right through the head just as he was getting a little too close to comfort.

"How many more?"

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base]

"Just a handful, Dranik," Rebecca replied, having downed a Jem'Hadar in point blank, and he was the only one she got. "Secure the door, don't let anybody in. I'll see about contacting tr'Lhoell and the rest. Gohun, get the systems online, we'll need to get this ready for our departure. Scan for Federation ships while you're at it, but if the fleet's already here, find Discovery or Challenger and then open communications. Oh, one more thing..."

She found what she was looking for: A virtual sensory display. Generally, this was the equivalent of a viewscreen, but there were generally two: One for the Vorta, one for the Jem'Hadar First, the commanders of each Jem'Hadar ship. It was small and helmet-like, typical for Jem'Hadar fighters; there was a bigger variant, one with a shoulder-mount, but those were reserved for bigger ships. Why it was was just one more big mystery.

"You'll need this, Dranik," she said. "It's a virtual sensory display, it's used on Dominion ships to see the space outside. If reinforcements arrive, you'll be able to see them coming. But, when the rest of the team arrive, you should see them, too. I'd wear it, but if a human wears one of these, particularly for a while, he or she will come down with a headache."

Once she gave the device to Dranik, she called Rayek. "Sisko to Commander tr'Lhoell. We secured a ship. No shuttle, I'm afraid, but we got the next best thing. We'll try to reach out to the Federation fleet. Meantime...well, as they say on Earth, we'll keep the getaway car warmed up for you. Please make sure you notify us when you get here...a code or something to let us know it's you."

As she talked, she momentarily wondered: If there were two headsets and one's for the Vorta...then where's the Vorta?

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."


"You'll need this, Dranik," she said. "It's a virtual sensory display, it's used on Dominion ships to see the space outside. If reinforcements arrive, you'll be able to see them coming. But, when the rest of the team arrive, you should see them, too. I'd wear it, but if a human wears one of these, particularly for a while, he or she will come down with a headache."

"I can live with a headache if that happens." Dranik replied with a faint smile. Right now a headache was the least of his problems. He hit the controls that would lock down the door and took the virtual sensory display and put it on.

He couldn't help but remember something from his studies on the Dominion and how their chain of command worked. The top of the chain was the founders, then the Vorta and then the Jem'Hadar. So far the only ones they had found aboard the ship were the Jem'Hadar.

"Sir, the only enemies we've found aboard have been Jem'Hadar. I believe it may be prudent to scan the vessel for additional life-signs. We don't know who or what else may be on board."

Hirogen Male

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 29, 2023, 11:30:52 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian clutched the command chair tightly as the ship rocked from a particularly hard hit. He glanced at the display built into the chair and saw shields were still at 96% and regenerating, which made him smile.

"One day I am goin' ta have ta buy that Ferengi who designed these shields enough scotch ta float the HMS Victory."

When word came in that Discovery had been located, Ian perked up with an idea that was most unbecoming of a Starfleet officer.

"Sod the admiral, we may nae be cleared ta go look for the Discovery, but he dinnae say we couldn't stumble upon her."

Out loud, he ordered.

"Ops, signal the fleet our course is 242 mark 85 as able based on current threat assessment. Once you've done that, send a tight beam ta Discovery that we're on our way. Helm, thread the needle, best speed you can manage. T'Kel, continue what you are doin' blast us a passage."

The Challenger began a very careful dance in the direction of the Discovery, 'Scotland the Brave' still blaring out over all channels in defiance of the odds and the situation.

[Beta bridge]
The Comms station chimed out of the blue: A message from the Challenger! It looked like they made it out of the mess as well! "œReceiving a hail from the Challenger, putting it on screen now. she said, all the while transmitting it down to the rest of the crew and the captain on the lower decks. =/\= "œThis is Discovery reading you, loud and clear. Glad you've made it, Sir." =/\= she said, answering the call.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

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