Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Dem Broadshire

[Engineering "" Sickbay "" Beta Bridge | USS Discovery]

"œAh Kinley, you can send the message without me. I will be in sickbay trying to assist" He paused and looked around at the severely damaged ship, before playfully saying "œthis". Dem had walked to sickbay a few paces behind Lek, still sore from being kicked out from flying the ship. Even though even Dem acknowledged that it was a little out of his wheelhouse, he felt like he could have probably flown it for the remainder of the battle. They had made it to sickbay, and there were people everywhere. Red and Gold uniformed officers were dotted around the entire room, with physicians darting between all of them, juggling their livelihoods in the palm of their hands. He heard a familiar voice behind him. "œHello there Mr Broadshire. I must say, you haven't done an excellent job at keeping this ship together" Doctor Betaika smirked. "œGive us a hand will you? I'm aware now the fighting's over you could report for duty a little later than expected". Dem turned to face his closest friend on the ship. He looked tired. Weary of the constant stream of officers walking through his doors. Having already had the idea himself, he said "œMy thoughts exactly", eager to do anything to help, and most importantly in his own wheelhouse where he felt in control. He spent the next hour trying to wrestle with the waves of casualties from the brutal battle.", eager to do anything to help, and most importantly in his own wheelhouse where he felt in control. He spent the next hour trying to wrestle with the waves of casualties from the brutal battle.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 30, 2023, 11:03:06 PM

[Beta bridge]
The Comms station chimed out of the blue: A message from the Challenger! It looked like they made it out of the mess as well! "œReceiving a hail from the Challenger, putting it on screen now. she said, all the while transmitting it down to the rest of the crew and the captain on the lower decks. =/\= "œThis is Discovery reading you, loud and clear. Glad you've made it, Sir." =/\= she said, answering the call.

Some Time Later

Dem heard the ships intercom system activate, and the voice of Kinley, presumably opening communications with Challenger. Dem felt a wave of relief wash over him. Finally, they were not alone. He looked across the now less crowded room at Betaika who had also heard it. He nodded at Dem, indicating he would need to get up there. He practically ran to the bridge, smiling for the first time that day. The turbolift took longer than usual to get to the Beta bridge (Lateral Turbo shaft 4 collapsed during the fight), but when he arrived he saw the kind face of Captain Galloway on the viewscreen.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 29, 2023, 03:06:31 AM

[as Kirayoshi]
[Breen Base]

Those were really big torpedoes Thought Kirayoshi as they arrived in the room. Keeping his phaser out, he scanned the room. With the Commander's telepathic orders, he nodded and sized up one of the shorter Breen, near the back. He was an engineer, not a fighter, but sizing up the Breen, he aimed for one of the weak spots in their armor; near the neck, and fired. A hiss escaped from the armor, It was a big enough distraction to kick the Breen's legs out from under them, sending their weapon skittering away. However, the Breen tossed out a dagger that caught Kirayoshi in the arm "Augh! That's it, ya bloody son of a- He clenched his arm to try and stop the bleeding.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 29, 2023, 08:21:26 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Jael got Rayek's telepathic order. I hear - ish - you, Commander, she answered with a thought of her own.

She figured to try the same thing as earlier: Point blank. But her Breen shifted the moment she put the barren to his chest and only ended up hitting a side. Gas was steaming out from his suit. In fury, the Breen grabbed Jael's throat and lifted her up. But Jael brought her disruptor to his head. Her clumsy fumbling caused the disruptor's settings to go higher than usual, and as such, the resultant beam caused a decapitation.

Jael collapsed on the floor and looked up to see the suit of the Breen she saw crumple, smoke emitting from the neck, and the helmet landing near it. It prompted her to look around.

What, not even the Breen could bring the temperature of a Borg ship down to their liking,
she thought shrewdly.

During his quick glance around the torpedo bay, Rayek attention was immediately caught by Lt Sherem's prone position on the floor beside the unmoving steaming pile of Breen armour.  O'Brien's opponent also was venting steam though it seemed to be far more mobile than Sherem's.  In fact, it was in the process of regaining its' feet.  The manner in which O'Brien held tightly to his arm even through the armor, suggested to Rayek that the engineer had been injured.  'Not good.'  The Romulan frowned narrowing his gaze to see more detail.

Sure enough, Rayek eyes spotted a steady drip of crimson blood fall from O'Brien's elbow onto the floor of the Borg torpedo room.  From behind, Rayek couldn't tell if O'Brien had managed to keep hold of his own weapon or not.  The Commander deemed the situation  serious.

Rayek once more raised his opponent's disruptor aiming it - this time towards O'Brien's Breen.  That its suit was leaking steam likely meant it too was dying, but leaving it to die on it's own put his team at continued risk.

Unfortunately, from Rayek's current position O'Brien was partially in the path of his aim.  The Romulan could see the Breen assessing the situation and tensing to move in for a rush attack against the engineer.

Rayek sent a silent order to O'Brien.  ~tele ~"Tuck and roll left, Lieutenant!"  Rayek intended to waited full second's count before pressing the trigger on the Breen disruptor.  Since he couldn't be absolutely sure of O'Brien's reaction time or compliance with his order, Rayek would begin his firing high - over O'Brien's head and  cut straight down onto the oncoming Breen while the engineer rolled out of the way.  That was the plan... if the O'Brien listened.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on July 29, 2023, 08:21:26 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base]

"Just a handful, Dranik," Rebecca replied, having downed a Jem'Hadar in point blank, and he was the only one she got. "Secure the door, don't let anybody in. I'll see about contacting tr'Lhoell and the rest. Gohun, get the systems online, we'll need to get this ready for our departure. Scan for Federation ships while you're at it, but if the fleet's already here, find Discovery or Challenger and then open communications. Oh, one more thing..."

She found what she was looking for: A virtual sensory display. Generally, this was the equivalent of a viewscreen, but there were generally two: One for the Vorta, one for the Jem'Hadar First, the commanders of each Jem'Hadar ship. It was small and helmet-like, typical for Jem'Hadar fighters; there was a bigger variant, one with a shoulder-mount, but those were reserved for bigger ships. Why it was was just one more big mystery.

"You'll need this, Dranik," she said. "It's a virtual sensory display, it's used on Dominion ships to see the space outside. If reinforcements arrive, you'll be able to see them coming. But, when the rest of the team arrive, you should see them, too. I'd wear it, but if a human wears one of these, particularly for a while, he or she will come down with a headache."

Once she gave the device to Dranik, she called Rayek. "Sisko to Commander tr'Lhoell. We secured a ship. No shuttle, I'm afraid, but we got the next best thing. We'll try to reach out to the Federation fleet. Meantime...well, as they say on Earth, we'll keep the getaway car warmed up for you. Please make sure you notify us when you get here...a code or something to let us know it's you."

As she talked, she momentarily wondered: If there were two headsets and one's for the Vorta...then where's the Vorta?

The voice of Rebecca Sisko in his ear was unexpected and caused him to hesitate a second longer than he had intended before fired towards the Breen.  The former Tal'Shiar was keenly aware that his poor timing could potentially have given the Breen time to counter and dodge his maneuver - putting O'Brien or himself at risk.

Rayek was also keenly aware that while he was dealing with this immediate situation to assist the engineer, he had yet to determine how Ensign Lorut and Dr. Willard had fared.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Alexander Graham on July 29, 2023, 12:54:49 AM

[USS Discovery-medbay ->engineering]

Alexander spent the past five to ten minutes in the sickbay getting checked out and making sure everything is okay to go. When he was okay to go he made his way down towards engineering. He planned on talking to lieutenant commander Lek about taking over the helm. He was sure that he could pick up where the lieutenant commander left off.

[Engineering --> Outside Sickbay - USS Discovery]

Lek nodded to Graham and handed over helm duties to an actual pilot before falling in to follow the Captain to sickbay. When they arrived, Tekin walked in unconcerned, but Lek stopped at the door and looked around to see if the lizard was still around. Hurt or not, Lek was fully prepared to bolt if necessary and his entire body language made that feeling abundantly clear.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Lorut Vila

Breen Ship, Day 3, Lower Engineering-Torpedo Bay


Rayek blinked, frowning at the 'talk-back' from the Bajoran woman.  When she handed him the data PADD, his hands automatically accepted and he watched as she returned the phaser to its' hiding spot.  She seemed not in the least bit concerned about his ability to make her assignment on the Discovery harder.  His recollection of the other universe's version of her was of a rather pleasant youth aboard the USS Lionheart.  He wondered if the change was from earned life experiences or if her youth here had been scarring.

HIs musings were abruptly cut short as she snatched back the PADD from his hands.  In a quiet tone to just hear he spoke.  "We will discuss your attitude back on the ship after this mission is complete."

She shrugged. "Can't wait for that," she said. She moved to the back. She didn't exactly mean to behave this way-her PTSD was triggered and she couldn't help but react. She was tense-if it weren't for this stupid costume, the others would see just how tight her jaw was set, and how locked her knees were. She tried to remember the breathing techniques she'd tried to learn from her last counseling jag, but really? What could box breathing accomplish right now, other than to piss her off further because she wasn't immediately good at it right away?! Not much.

She followed the rest until they were forced to separate, and she handed off the PADD to Sisko, before heading for the torpedos. The good part.


hank the Prophets the alcoves are empty," Jael whispered as she noticed some alcoves in passing, but at one, she had to double-take. One alcove had something like a cold storage unit, only it looked more like a tank containing some kind of cold liquid, akin to Terran liquid nitrogen, though Jael figured this would be something way colder.

"Some kind of cold fusion generator, drawing power from the Borg?" she asked curiously. "It would be like the Breen to dabble with cold fusion." And she led on.

It was becoming apparent, however, that the more they progressed, the more tubes there were, especially connecting what had been Borg data nodes. It seemed less green and more bluish green, if anything.

Finally, they reached the torpedo bay. Jael briefly wondered if the nitrogen tubes would've guided them, but decided that sensors would've been better served; trying to follow one such tube would eventually lead to getting them lost.

Inside was something that would've looked like an Engineering section on a ship, or like a reactor in a Nor-class station. The thing in the middle of the room certainly looked like a big cold fusion generator, seated atop a squat pillar with drone alcoves attached, only they were loaded with torpedoes that seem to be charged with cold fusion. More nitrogen tubes snaked around, leading over to a disruptor array.

The room was deserted except for a handful of Breen who looked to be system monitors, just simply standing behind a console. One looked up and nodded a greeting.

"Hello there," he called. "Don't think I've seen you around here before."

"We're new," Jael responded, hoping to assuage suspicion. "This looks...intriguing."

"It certainly is, what with all the Borg technology helping to power all this," came the reply. "Though we have that Cardassian Sherem to thank for showing us how to utilize it."

"I see," said Jael, glad to be wearing a helmet to hide pursed lips. "Anything we can do to help?"

"Ordinarily, it wouldn't be necessary," said the Breen. "Automation makes it so at least one can operate the system here. The extra help can be appreciated, though, we have to get these weapons ready; the Cardassians are on our doorstep and Federation Starfleet is incoming. We'll need to get them ready as efficiently as possible."

Jael looked back at Rayek and her group; the fleet was coming.

Thank the Prophets she was wearing a mask because the look she shot the Romulan could melt ice. Clearly, she'd need the phaser. A moment later, something entered her head. What the hell?

~tele ~ "Take out the Breen.  Counselor, hang back.  Lorut, you have the phaser, you get her Breen as well as your own.  I've got the one on at the far back right."

Men needed to figure their lives out or something; hadn't he just dressed her down for that very thing?! Still, she didn't argue, she simply fished the weapon from its hiding spot, and took her stance. She wasn't reckless when it wasn't necessary, and so she made sure that no friendlies were in the way as she aimed and fired the weapon directly into the Breen's chest, and second hit in the face. The animal fell, and she fired a final time, just to ensure he was dead. Overkill? Likely. Did she care? No. She slipped the weapon back under the metal headpiece, and then spoke quietly. "Should I help out O'Brien?" From under the costume, she produced a first-aid kit-it was basic, two band-aids, some ointment, and gauze. She took the weapon off the Breen that she'd felled; unsure if he was still alive or not, but at least she'd be at the advantage. She fought her way forward; aiming for the secondary Breen, but the Cardassian had been faster. Weren't they always meddling, though?!

The Breen that Sherem had killed steamed near her, but there was one behind it; the one she'd gotten wasn't dead. He grabbed for her, and while she'd managed to get mostlyaway, her foot had twisted in an ugly way, and damn, that hurt. She was too old to fight like this. Something in her memory clicked, though, and she stabbed the butt-end of the weapon into him, and then fired a final shot. She sat up, and then tried to stand gingerly. Damn it.

Danjar-Torra Addams

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Torra was still mentally reeling from the loss of the Bridge.  The damage taken because of the new Breen weapon was mind-boggling.  That Discovery was able, with aid from the Romulan warbird, fight didn't change the fact that they were hurting bad.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 29, 2023, 11:32:06 AM

When word came in that Discovery had been located, Ian perked up with an idea that was most unbecoming of a Starfleet officer.

"Sod the admiral, we may nae be cleared ta go look for the Discovery, but he dinnae say we couldn't stumble upon her."

Out loud, he ordered.

"Ops, signal the fleet our course is 242 mark 85 as able based on current threat assessment. Once you've done that, send a tight beam ta Discovery that we're on our way. Helm, thread the needle, best speed you can manage. T'Kel, continue what you are doin' blast us a passage."

The Challenger began a very careful dance in the direction of the Discovery, 'Scotland the Brave' still blaring out over all channels in defiance of the odds and the situation.


[Admiral Kira Nerys | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]
"Admiral, Challenger's breaking formation!" Nuyu called from his station.

"On screen," requested Kira.

Indeed, she could see the Challenger heading off. Was it possible they found the Discovery?

"Do we go after them?" asked Captain Vaughn.

"No, Ulysses," Kira answered. "The Discovery's overdue, they'll see what happened. If for ill, maybe a rescue. I can respect that. But they're not going alone. Hail the Quagmire, the Shinobu, and the Eddington, inform their captains to accompany the Challenger."

Tactical got in the hailing frequencies, and Kira got the holo-screens displaying three ships in a row, the Duderstadt-class Quagmire, the Akira-class Shinobu, and the Sagan-class Eddington.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on July 30, 2023, 11:03:06 PM

[Beta bridge]
The Comms station chimed out of the blue: A message from the Challenger! It looked like they made it out of the mess as well! "œReceiving a hail from the Challenger, putting it on screen now. she said, all the while transmitting it down to the rest of the crew and the captain on the lower decks. =/\= "œThis is Discovery reading you, loud and clear. Glad you've made it, Sir." =/\= she said, answering the call.

Torra's large bovine ears flicked at the wailing that accompanied Challenger's approach.

The Grazerite checked her console.  "Lieutenant, four ships approaching." Torra listed out their names and classes to the Science officer who'd been handed conn, while the Captain was still down in Engineering and the Second officer in Sickbay attending to the injured - or at least he had been...

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on July 31, 2023, 12:33:06 AM

Some Time Later

Dem heard the ships intercom system activate, and the voice of Kinley, presumably opening communications with Challenger. Dem felt a wave of relief wash over him. Finally, they were not alone. He looked across the now less crowded room at Betaika who had also heard it. He nodded at Dem, indicating he would need to get up there. He practically ran to the bridge, smiling for the first time that day. The turbolift took longer than usual to get to the Beta bridge (Lateral Turbo shaft 4 collapsed during the fight), but when he arrived he saw the kind face of Captain Galloway on the viewscreen.

While greetings between the ships were made, Discovery received a farewell from the Romulan warbird which then faded from sight as they cloaked.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 29, 2023, 07:33:10 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian saw the three ships joining him and figured he'd have to answer for his actions, but he was committed to this course of action. Checking the display on the command chair, he figured he could plead they were at the within their assigned sector, just the very edge of that sector and that evasive maneuvers had taken them this direction. Noting the names of the three ships moving to support them, Ian ordered.

"Ops, signal the Quagmire, Shinobu, and the Eddington ta form a defensive screen ta protect
Discovery. Also signal Discovery ta take up position in the center of our formation."

"We're being directed by Challenger to take position in the center of their formation." Torra remarked after having received the call from Challenger's Ops.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on July 31, 2023, 11:48:54 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sucked in a breath when he got a good look at Discovery's damage and hoped the casualties didn't match what the ship looked like. He'd never seen Discovery looking so broken before and it pained him to his core to think about what she'd been through.

"Bloody hell, she's paid the devil this day."

He muttered. The command chair pinged and Ian read Ruth's message, which, despite how he was feeling, made him bark a short chuckle.

"A bollickin' is the least of my worries. Ops, contact Discovery and see if'n they need repair crews or medical assistance. Let them ken our sickbay is at their disposal."

As the small task force was on the outer edge of the battle, things had quieted down marginally, they were still taking occasional fire, but if any Breen ship dared to get to close, they were met by the combined firepower of four Starfleet ships and considering one of those ships was an Akira, which could lay down a barrage of twelve torpedoes on any axis, the Breen only tried to attack the squadron once and paid for it with the loss of two cruisers reduced to rapidly cooling plasma. Content the battle was under control, Ian hit the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Bridge ta sickbay, stand by ta receive critical casualties and make arrangements ta form an away team should Discovery ask for help." =/\=

Looking at the larger battle, Melek Nor was looked decidedly the worse for wear and that made Ian cringe and growl.

"Come on Nira, evacuate, you nae have much time."

Once more Challenger's Ops contacted the Discovery.  Torra open a comm to Tekin.  "Challenger is offering engineering and medical assistance in the form of away teams if needed...  and their sickbay is at our disposal."  Torra waited to hear from either the Captain or Discovery's second officer for her orders.
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on July 31, 2023, 06:24:33 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 16:55 hrs)

During his quick glance around the torpedo bay, Rayek attention was immediately caught by Lt Sherem's prone position on the floor beside the unmoving steaming pile of Breen armour.  O'Brien's opponent also was venting steam though it seemed to be far more mobile than Sherem's.  In fact, it was in the process of regaining its' feet.  The manner in which O'Brien held tightly to his arm even through the armor, suggested to Rayek that the engineer had been injured.  'Not good.'  The Romulan frowned narrowing his gaze to see more detail.

Sure enough, Rayek eyes spotted a steady drip of crimson blood fall from O'Brien's elbow onto the floor of the Borg torpedo room.  From behind, Rayek couldn't tell if O'Brien had managed to keep hold of his own weapon or not.  The Commander deemed the situation  serious.

Rayek once more raised his opponent's disruptor aiming it - this time towards O'Brien's Breen.  That its suit was leaking steam likely meant it too was dying, but leaving it to die on it's own put his team at continued risk.

Unfortunately, from Rayek's current position O'Brien was partially in the path of his aim.  The Romulan could see the Breen assessing the situation and tensing to move in for a rush attack against the engineer.

Rayek sent a silent order to O'Brien.  ~tele ~"Tuck and roll left, Lieutenant!"  Rayek intended to waited full second's count before pressing the trigger on the Breen disruptor.  Since he couldn't be absolutely sure of O'Brien's reaction time or compliance with his order, Rayek would begin his firing high - over O'Brien's head and  cut straight down onto the oncoming Breen while the engineer rolled out of the way.  That was the plan... if the O'Brien listened.

The voice of Rebecca Sisko in his ear was unexpected and caused him to hesitate a second longer than he had intended before fired towards the Breen.  The former Tal'Shiar was keenly aware that his poor timing could potentially have given the Breen time to counter and dodge his maneuver - putting O'Brien or himself at risk.

Rayek was also keenly aware that while he was dealing with this immediate situation to assist the engineer, he had yet to determine how Ensign Lorut and Dr. Willard had fared.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 31, 2023, 06:13:40 PM

Breen Ship, Day 3, Lower Engineering-Torpedo Bay
She shrugged. "Can't wait for that," she said. She moved to the back. She didn't exactly mean to behave this way-her PTSD was triggered and she couldn't help but react. She was tense-if it weren't for this stupid costume, the others would see just how tight her jaw was set, and how locked her knees were. She tried to remember the breathing techniques she'd tried to learn from her last counseling jag, but really? What could box breathing accomplish right now, other than to piss her off further because she wasn't immediately good at it right away?! Not much.

She followed the rest until they were forced to separate, and she handed off the PADD to Sisko, before heading for the torpedos. The good part.

Thank the Prophets she was wearing a mask because the look she shot the Romulan could melt ice. Clearly, she'd need the phaser. A moment later, something entered her head. What the hell?
Men needed to figure their lives out or something; hadn't he just dressed her down for that very thing?! Still, she didn't argue, she simply fished the weapon from its hiding spot, and took her stance. She wasn't reckless when it wasn't necessary, and so she made sure that no friendlies were in the way as she aimed and fired the weapon directly into the Breen's chest, and second hit in the face. The animal fell, and she fired a final time, just to ensure he was dead. Overkill? Likely. Did she care? No. She slipped the weapon back under the metal headpiece, and then spoke quietly. "Should I help out O'Brien?" From under the costume, she produced a first-aid kit-it was basic, two band-aids, some ointment, and gauze. She took the weapon off the Breen that she'd felled; unsure if he was still alive or not, but at least she'd be at the advantage. She fought her way forward; aiming for the secondary Breen, but the Cardassian had been faster. Weren't they always meddling, though?!

The Breen that Sherem had killed steamed near her, but there was one behind it; the one she'd gotten wasn't dead. He grabbed for her, and while she'd managed to get mostlyaway, her foot had twisted in an ugly way, and damn, that hurt. She was too old to fight like this. Something in her memory clicked, though, and she stabbed the butt-end of the weapon into him, and then fired a final shot. She sat up, and then tried to stand gingerly. Damn it.

[Breen Base]
[As Kirayoshi]
His arm hurt like nobody's business, but there was no time to lose. That guard may have been dying from the hole he put in its' armor, but they were nowhere near dead yet. Hearing the telepathic voice of the Commander, he immediately ducked out of the way, wincing and breathing sharply in pain as he accidentally jostled the injury.  It was just in time too, as the beam whizzed past him where he once stood.
That was close. The others were dealing with their Breen guards, so he headed back to where the others were and brought out a roll of tape. An engineering staple he always kept in his supplies no matter what he did. The little first aid kit Lorut had probably wouldn't cover it too well. "œMaybe this might help." He offered.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 01, 2023, 06:13:47 AM

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Torra was still mentally reeling from the loss of the Bridge.  The damage taken because of the new Breen weapon was mind-boggling.  That Discovery was able, with aid from the Romulan warbird, fight didn't change the fact that they were hurting bad.

Torra's large bovine ears flicked at the wailing that accompanied Challenger's approach.

The Grazerite checked her console.  "Lieutenant, four ships approaching." Torra listed out their names and classes to the Science officer who'd been handed conn, while the Captain was still down in Engineering and the Second officer in Sickbay attending to the injured - or at least he had been...

While greetings between the ships were made, Discovery received a farewell from the Romulan warbird which then faded from sight as they cloaked.

"We're being directed by Challenger to take position in the center of their formation." Torra remarked after having received the call from Challenger's Ops.

Once more Challenger's Ops contacted the Discovery.  Torra open a comm to Tekin.  "Challenger is offering engineering and medical assistance in the form of away teams if needed...  and their sickbay is at our disposal."  Torra waited to hear from either the Captain or Discovery's second officer for her orders.

[Beta Bridge]

Kinley nodded as she saw the ships on the screen.  It looked like they'd be getting into formation with the others. "œThat's great. I don't think we'll be attacked by any more Breen anytime soon, but I'm not taking any chances with the ship as banged up as is.  Helm, If you could move us into position, let's do that." She said, manning the scanners. She would defer to the others in terms of whether they needed to transfer other people in Medical.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 01, 2023, 06:13:47 AM

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Torra was still mentally reeling from the loss of the Bridge.  The damage taken because of the new Breen weapon was mind-boggling.  That Discovery was able, with aid from the Romulan warbird, fight didn't change the fact that they were hurting bad.

Torra's large bovine ears flicked at the wailing that accompanied Challenger's approach.

The Grazerite checked her console.  "Lieutenant, four ships approaching." Torra listed out their names and classes to the Science officer who'd been handed conn, while the Captain was still down in Engineering and the Second officer in Sickbay attending to the injured - or at least he had been...

While greetings between the ships were made, Discovery received a farewell from the Romulan warbird which then faded from sight as they cloaked.

"We're being directed by Challenger to take position in the center of their formation." Torra remarked after having received the call from Challenger's Ops.

Once more Challenger's Ops contacted the Discovery.  Torra open a comm to Tekin.  "Challenger is offering engineering and medical assistance in the form of away teams if needed...  and their sickbay is at our disposal."  Torra waited to hear from either the Captain or Discovery's second officer for her orders.

[Beta Battle Bridge | USS Discovery]

"œI've been down in sickbay for about an hour. They definitely need help down there." Dem switched the channels to sickbay. "œBetaika, you can start to transport some patients directly to Challenger's sickbay." After an acknowledgement from Betaika, Dem finished his walk to the Command seating. Dem automatically took the first officers chair, and he did not mind that Kinley was still in the big chair. She was a higher rank after all.
As soon as Dem sat down, the gravity of the events that just occurred sunk in. An entire day of battling and hardship, facing death on numerous occasions, Dem just wanted to go into his quarters and curl up in a ball. In fact, he just wanted to get away from any kind of enemy space. He joined Starfleet to help people, gain some qualifications. He didn't join to get blown out of the sky.

Dem started to rub his eyes, the fatigue sinking into his brain. The Battle bridge felt uncanny to sit in. It felt like the main bridge, but for the most part clear of dirt and debris. And of course it is not blown to smithereens in the vacuum of space.

Dem sharply took in a breath before speaking again. "The captain will want a comprehensive damage report. I suggest we get started on that."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on July 31, 2023, 06:13:40 PM

Breen Ship, Day 3, Lower Engineering-Torpedo Bay

Thank the Prophets she was wearing a mask because the look she shot the Romulan could melt ice. Clearly, she'd need the phaser. A moment later, something entered her head. What the hell?
Men needed to figure their lives out or something; hadn't he just dressed her down for that very thing?! Still, she didn't argue, she simply fished the weapon from its hiding spot, and took her stance. She wasn't reckless when it wasn't necessary, and so she made sure that no friendlies were in the way as she aimed and fired the weapon directly into the Breen's chest, and second hit in the face. The animal fell, and she fired a final time, just to ensure he was dead. Overkill? Likely. Did she care? No. She slipped the weapon back under the metal headpiece, and then spoke quietly. "Should I help out O'Brien?" From under the costume, she produced a first-aid kit-it was basic, two band-aids, some ointment, and gauze. She took the weapon off the Breen that she'd felled; unsure if he was still alive or not, but at least she'd be at the advantage. She fought her way forward; aiming for the secondary Breen, but the Cardassian had been faster. Weren't they always meddling, though?!

The Breen that Sherem had killed steamed near her, but there was one behind it; the one she'd gotten wasn't dead. He grabbed for her, and while she'd managed to get mostlyaway, her foot had twisted in an ugly way, and damn, that hurt. She was too old to fight like this. Something in her memory clicked, though, and she stabbed the butt-end of the weapon into him, and then fired a final shot. She sat up, and then tried to stand gingerly. Damn it.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 01, 2023, 10:49:08 PM

[Breen Base]
[As Kirayoshi]
His arm hurt like nobody's business, but there was no time to lose. That guard may have been dying from the hole he put in its' armor, but they were nowhere near dead yet. Hearing the telepathic voice of the Commander, he immediately ducked out of the way, wincing and breathing sharply in pain as he accidentally jostled the injury.  It was just in time too, as the beam whizzed past him where he once stood.
That was close. The others were dealing with their Breen guards, so he headed back to where the others were and brought out a roll of tape. An engineering staple he always kept in his supplies no matter what he did. The little first aid kit Lorut had probably wouldn't cover it too well. "œMaybe this might help." He offered.

Hearing Lorut's voice behind him, Rayek turned at her question about helping O'Brien. The Romulan nodded, stepping out of the way and headed towards the consoles to see if he could figure out the Breen computer system without the engineer or Ops, so they could complete their mission of rigging the torpedoes to blow while still in the bay.  The counselor also aided O'Brien.

"Sisko to Commander tr'Lhoell. We secured a ship. No shuttle, I'm afraid, but we got the next best thing. We'll try to reach out to the Federation fleet. Meantime...well, as they say on Earth, we'll keep the getaway car warmed up for you. Please make sure you notify us when you get here...a code or something to let us know it's you."

As Rayek looked over the foreign console, he opened the comm from Lieutenant Commander Sisko, which he had not responded to earlier.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell.  We've just arrived at the torpedo bay.  It won't take us long to set these to blow.  Can lock onto our suits' transporter enhancers with the ship you got?" =/\=

Being transported aboard would save them a lot of count down time and lessen the chance that their sabotage would be discovered or disabled.

=/\= "If you can.. then launch now.  Keep a lock on us and I'll signal when to transport. I estimate less than 5 minutes. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila

Day 3, Torpedo Bay


Hearing Lorut's voice behind him, Rayek turned at her question about helping O'Brien. The Romulan nodded, stepping out of the way and headed towards the consoles to see if he could figure out the Breen computer system without the engineer or Ops, so they could complete their mission of rigging the torpedoes to blow while still in the bay.  The counselor also aided O'Brien.

She stepped forward, offering her first-aid kit to the Counselor-it was likely useless, but she spoke up anyway. "Maybe try the gauze as a tourniquet," she said. "If you have this, I'll get on the task of getting these to go BOOM," she said, moving out of the way. She knew that too many hands made for the Devil's work, but she was still a bit concerned-she wasn't a total monster, and besides, she knew his mother, and knew that the woman would've appreciated it.

She crossed to the computer. "Do you want help, sir?" She said. She was no longer keeping a low voice-the Breen knew they were here, and there wasn't any point now. She pulled off the mask, and got to work, rerouting power to the torpedoes. "Rig them like old bombs from Earth is the plan, I guess," she said, to no one in particular. She pushed some buttons. "Counselor, how are you doing with Gimpy McGee?" She asked. "As soon as the Commander pushes that button," she pointed, "We'll have three minutes to get our sixes out of here or we'll meet the Prophets, and let me tell you what the Prophets have ever done for me-NOTHING. So let's start heading out. Commander, on your order...." she looked to tr'Lhoell for any last-minute things he had before he gave the order to jump.

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 02, 2023, 08:06:44 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Hearing Lorut's voice behind him, Rayek turned at her question about helping O'Brien. The Romulan nodded, stepping out of the way and headed towards the consoles to see if he could figure out the Breen computer system without the engineer or Ops, so they could complete their mission of rigging the torpedoes to blow while still in the bay.  The counselor also aided O'Brien.

As Rayek looked over the foreign console, he opened the comm from Lieutenant Commander Sisko, which he had not responded to earlier.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell.  We've just arrived at the torpedo bay.  It won't take us long to set these to blow.  Can lock onto our suits' transporter enhancers with the ship you got?" =/\=

Being transported aboard would save them a lot of count down time and lessen the chance that their sabotage would be discovered or disabled.

=/\= "If you can.. then launch now.  Keep a lock on us and I'll signal when to transport. I estimate less than 5 minutes. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 02, 2023, 11:12:41 PM

Day 3, Torpedo Bay

She stepped forward, offering her first-aid kit to the Counselor-it was likely useless, but she spoke up anyway. "Maybe try the gauze as a tourniquet," she said. "If you have this, I'll get on the task of getting these to go BOOM," she said, moving out of the way. She knew that too many hands made for the Devil's work, but she was still a bit concerned-she wasn't a total monster, and besides, she knew his mother, and knew that the woman would've appreciated it.

She crossed to the computer. "Do you want help, sir?" She said. She was no longer keeping a low voice-the Breen knew they were here, and there wasn't any point now. She pulled off the mask, and got to work, rerouting power to the torpedoes. "Rig them like old bombs from Earth is the plan, I guess," she said, to no one in particular. She pushed some buttons. "Counselor, how are you doing with Gimpy McGee?" She asked. "As soon as the Commander pushes that button," she pointed, "We'll have three minutes to get our sixes out of here or we'll meet the Prophets, and let me tell you what the Prophets have ever done for me-NOTHING. So let's start heading out. Commander, on your order...." she looked to tr'Lhoell for any last-minute things he had before he gave the order to jump.

[Breen base]

The counselor did a pretty solid job patching him up with what few medical tools they had at the moment, even taking the liberty to tape his arm to his body to keep him from jostling it. Now that his arm was wrapped tight enough that he probably wasn't gonna bleed out. Probably. Even with one hand, he still was going to do what he could, looking at his device and amplifying the signal that would beam them out of this place. The complex shook, probably the gravity generators failing once and for all. "œI've amped up our tracking signals so they can find us better.'

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Dranik on July 30, 2023, 02:21:54 PM

"You'll need this, Dranik," she said. "It's a virtual sensory display, it's used on Dominion ships to see the space outside. If reinforcements arrive, you'll be able to see them coming. But, when the rest of the team arrive, you should see them, too. I'd wear it, but if a human wears one of these, particularly for a while, he or she will come down with a headache."

"I can live with a headache if that happens." Dranik replied with a faint smile. Right now a headache was the least of his problems. He hit the controls that would lock down the door and took the virtual sensory display and put it on.

He couldn't help but remember something from his studies on the Dominion and how their chain of command worked. The top of the chain was the founders, then the Vorta and then the Jem'Hadar. So far the only ones they had found aboard the ship were the Jem'Hadar.

"Sir, the only enemies we've found aboard have been Jem'Hadar. I believe it may be prudent to scan the vessel for additional life-signs. We don't know who or what else may be on board."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 02, 2023, 08:06:44 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

As Rayek looked over the foreign console, he opened the comm from Lieutenant Commander Sisko, which he had not responded to earlier.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell.  We've just arrived at the torpedo bay.  It won't take us long to set these to blow.  Can lock onto our suits' transporter enhancers with the ship you got?" =/\=

Being transported aboard would save them a lot of count down time and lessen the chance that their sabotage would be discovered or disabled.

=/\= "If you can.. then launch now.  Keep a lock on us and I'll signal when to transport. I estimate less than 5 minutes. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base]

"I'll see about finding a lock on you, Commander. Sisko out."

Saves trouble of waiting for them anyway if they can get rolling, Rebecca figured. She worked on the console, finding the transporter enhancers. She was glad she knew what she was looking for; they wouldn't be found by any sensor otherwise. It took her a moment, slightly more than a minute. There they were.

"Great, we got them!" she said. "Gohun, lock down the bridge. Dranik, be my eyes as I get this ship launched. I'll get us moving, and while I'm at it, I'll scan for additional lifesigns on the ship, we'll incapacitate them in due course."

She had the transporter lock held on the transporter enhancers at the helm console and she got to work. She was quite surprised to see an automatic authorization to launch; sound of things, it meant having to unload their payload of ships.

Outside, the launching ship was just many swarming out of the hangar, though it took off without the bulk of the Jem'Hadar crew led by their usual Vorta.

"The Founders damn them!" the Vorta snarled. "That's the fifth ship that took off without its crew! Whoever gave that authority too quickly I will drag personally to the Founders!"

"Actually, it was Neyos who authorized it," the Jem'Hadar First replied. The Vorta seethed.

In the "viewscreen" of the virtual sensor display, the ship was clearing the hangar while trailing behind Jem'Hadar fighters in formation flying off to swarm a trio of ships cruising past the lower pylons of Melek Nor above them. The damage to the transwarp-rigged Nor station was evident, though the reactor was glowing and flickering green.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

"Right, Commander, on your order," said Jael to Rayek.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 02, 2023, 11:12:41 PM

Day 3, Torpedo Bay

She stepped forward, offering her first-aid kit to the Counselor-it was likely useless, but she spoke up anyway. "Maybe try the gauze as a tourniquet," she said. "If you have this, I'll get on the task of getting these to go BOOM," she said, moving out of the way. She knew that too many hands made for the Devil's work, but she was still a bit concerned-she wasn't a total monster, and besides, she knew his mother, and knew that the woman would've appreciated it.

She crossed to the computer. "Do you want help, sir?" She said. She was no longer keeping a low voice-the Breen knew they were here, and there wasn't any point now. She pulled off the mask, and got to work, rerouting power to the torpedoes. "Rig them like old bombs from Earth is the plan, I guess," she said, to no one in particular. She pushed some buttons. "Counselor, how are you doing with Gimpy McGee?" She asked. "As soon as the Commander pushes that button," she pointed, "We'll have three minutes to get our sixes out of here or we'll meet the Prophets, and let me tell you what the Prophets have ever done for me-NOTHING. So let's start heading out. Commander, on your order...." she looked to tr'Lhoell for any last-minute things he had before he gave the order to jump.

Rayek having finished his conversation with Lt Cmdr Sisko, looked over to the Bajoran and nodded, passing off the console which he'd hacked into, to her for her to finish sabotaging the torpedoes.   He was impressed with how quickly she had everything completed.

He took note of the button she indicated.   "Excellent job, Ensign Lorut.  Your next task is to help get Lieutenant O'Brien out of here and to the nearest transporter room, in case Lieutenant Commander Sisko isn't able to locate our transporter enhancers. Junior Lieutenant Sherem will guard you both..."

Though it might seem that Rayek was sacrificing himself, he wasn't.  He'd assessed the team and determined he would be the fastest at moving through the halls at a full sprint to the awaiting transporter room.  He had greatest chance of

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 02, 2023, 11:48:37 PM

[Breen base]

The counselor did a pretty solid job patching him up with what few medical tools they had at the moment, even taking the liberty to tape his arm to his body to keep him from jostling it. Now that his arm was wrapped tight enough that he probably wasn't gonna bleed out. Probably. Even with one hand, he still was going to do what he could, looking at his device and amplifying the signal that would beam them out of this place. The complex shook, probably the gravity generators failing once and for all. "œI've amped up our tracking signals so they can find us better.'

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 03, 2023, 08:41:09 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base]

"I'll see about finding a lock on you, Commander. Sisko out."

Saves trouble of waiting for them anyway if they can get rolling, Rebecca figured. She worked on the console, finding the transporter enhancers. She was glad she knew what she was looking for; they wouldn't be found by any sensor otherwise. It took her a moment, slightly more than a minute. There they were.

"Great, we got them!" she said. "Gohun, lock down the bridge. Dranik, be my eyes as I get this ship launched. I'll get us moving, and while I'm at it, I'll scan for additional lifesigns on the ship, we'll incapacitate them in due course."

She had the transporter lock held on the transporter enhancers at the helm console and she got to work. She was quite surprised to see an automatic authorization to launch; sound of things, it meant having to unload their payload of ships.

Outside, the launching ship was just many swarming out of the hangar, though it took off without the bulk of the Jem'Hadar crew led by their usual Vorta.

"The Founders damn them!" the Vorta snarled. "That's the fifth ship that took off without its crew! Whoever gave that authority too quickly I will drag personally to the Founders!"

"Actually, it was Neyos who authorized it," the Jem'Hadar First replied. The Vorta seethed.

In the "viewscreen" of the virtual sensor display, the ship was clearing the hangar while trailing behind Jem'Hadar fighters in formation flying off to swarm a trio of ships cruising past the lower pylons of Melek Nor above them. The damage to the transwarp-rigged Nor station was evident, though the reactor was glowing and flickering green.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

"Right, Commander, on your order," said Jael to Rayek.

Hearing the engineer's helpful comment, Rayek couldn't resist commenting.  "I hope so... but it shouldn't take this long to secure a lock.  Head out with Lorut and Sherem to make for the transporter room.  That's an order."

Rayek had hoped to hear back from Sisko quickly regarding the transporter locks... but as the seconds ticked by with no word back, the need to get the others away and out of there was growing.

Once they were out the door Rayek began a two-minute countdown, during which he called Sisko.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Sisko.  The rest of the team are headed to the nearest transporter room.  They're going to need your ships coordinates and shield frequency, if you haven't secured the lock on our transporter enhancers yet." =/\=

At discovering that she had them on lock all this time, Rayek grimaced before he pressed the button Vila had indicated.
=/\= "Beam us out now." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Four - Transporter Room Four >> USS Discovery - Deck 8 - Transporter Room]

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on August 01, 2023, 06:13:47 AM

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Once more Challenger's Ops contacted the Discovery.  Torra open a comm to Tekin.  "Challenger is offering engineering and medical assistance in the form of away teams if needed...  and their sickbay is at our disposal."  Torra waited to hear from either the Captain or Discovery's second officer for her orders.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 02, 2023, 01:12:12 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Coordinate repair and medical teams with Discovery's Ops. Stand down from red alert, but keep us at yellow alert with shields up and you can stop broadcastin' Scotland the Brave."


[Engineering - USS Challenger] - [LTCMDR Dashlish Tharn]

All things considered, the ship had come through the fight mostly undamaged. I few conduits overloaded, but other than that, damage was minimal considering the nature of the battle they'd been in. When an unfamiliar voice interrupted her assessment of the ship, Tharn, growled, which was her default manner of speaking, unless she was actually angry, then she became far worse.

"You're who? Oh right, Gamma shift. Right. You think you can help, then be careful what you ask for. Find that worthless sack of poodoo Lahr and lead his repair team over to Discovery and try not to embarrass us with your stunning lack of knowledge. Now get!"

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 03, 2023, 11:57:25 AM

[USS Challenger-Corridor]
Neva nodded, pushing herself away from the wall. Hitting her comm she answered "Uh, ok see you there. Cordon out"
With a quick request of direction from the ship,  she found the nearest turbolift and asked for Deck 4. Thankfully, the turbolift was close.

~~confusion...amusement...cockiness~~ Despite her nervousness, she found that last one quite interesting.  'This should be fun' she thought as the doors opened. She swallowed hard and tried to smile. "Hi, I'm Cadet Neva Cordon." She said simply as she looked at the assembled group.

When heard Lahr give his full rank and called her "Sir," she blushed hard and stammered a reply as she noted each person introduced to her. "Uh...ok...good to meet you all." She then looked back at the one called Chief Petty Officer Lahr with a grateful smile and said "yeah, if you know who to go to that would help so much, thank you!" Neva stepped onto the transporter pad and settled her gear. She then stood to her full, if diminutive at 5'4", height. "Energize when ready please."

The engineering team from Challenger arrived in Transporter Room 5 on Deck 8.  Lahr stepped off the transporter pad and was a bit disappointed that no one was there to greet them - just the transporter chief.    Lahr gave the fellow petty officer a slight up nod in greeting.

"Where can I find Lieutenant Commander Lek?"

There was a slight pause as the Petty officer queried the computer.. which lagged in responding due to all the system damage it had sustained.

"It says the Commander is registered in Sickbay at the moment sir."

Well, that wasn't helpful.  "Okay.. who's the Assistant Chief of Engineering."

"That would be Lieutenant Gianetti"

Lahr grinned.  He remembered the Italian from Challenger.   "Excellent, thanks. And where is he right now? Hopefully not in Sickbay as well.."

"No sir, he's down in Engineering."

Perfect! That's the one they needed to coordinate with.  Lahr nodded to the helpful transporter chief "Thank you." before he tapped his comm badge.

=/\= "CPO ch'Verret to Lieutenant Gianetti.  Heya, I'm aboard with a team of engineers looking to assist.  Where do you need us most?" =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was already at the engineering station when the order to lock the bridge was given. Unfortunately someone in engineering was trying to lock the bridge out from the rest of the ship. Had Gohun not been given the orders to loch down the bridge he would not have noticed but now it was a battle of who could code the best. While Gohun has been dong this longer the Jem'Hadar knew the computer layout better. So the battle went back and forth. The turbolift would start and stop. "œThere  are people in the engineering area who are also trying to take control of the ships. I keep locking them out they keep locking me out.'

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.