Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 04, 2023, 05:12:17 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Four - Transporter Room Four >> USS Discovery - Deck 8 - Transporter Room]

The engineering team from Challenger arrived in Transporter Room 5 on Deck 8.  Lahr stepped off the transporter pad and was a bit disappointed that no one was there to greet them - just the transporter chief.    Lahr gave the fellow petty officer a slight up nod in greeting.

"Where can I find Lieutenant Commander Lek?"

There was a slight pause as the Petty officer queried the computer.. which lagged in responding due to all the system damage it had sustained.

"It says the Commander is registered in Sickbay at the moment sir."

Well, that wasn't helpful.  "Okay.. who's the Assistant Chief of Engineering."

"That would be Lieutenant Gianetti"

Lahr grinned.  He remembered the Italian from Challenger.   "Excellent, thanks. And where is he right now? Hopefully not in Sickbay as well.."

"No sir, he's down in Engineering."

Perfect! That's the one they needed to coordinate with.  Lahr nodded to the helpful transporter chief "Thank you." before he tapped his comm badge.

=/\= "CPO ch'Verret to Lieutenant Gianetti.  Heya, I'm aboard with a team of engineers looking to assist.  Where do you need us most?" =/\=

[Engineering - USS Discovery] - [Lieutenant Giancarlo Gianetti]

Gianetti looked up from the pool table and looked harried as he tried to coordinate the multiple ongoing repairs.

"What? Oh, glad to have you. We've just got the main bridge resealed with forcefields. It would be a big help if you can check it out and see what's left and place some hull patches to fully seal the breaches."

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 04, 2023, 04:21:02 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Rayek having finished his conversation with Lt Cmdr Sisko, looked over to the Bajoran and nodded, passing off the console which he'd hacked into, to her for her to finish sabotaging the torpedoes.   He was impressed with how quickly she had everything completed.

He took note of the button she indicated.   "Excellent job, Ensign Lorut.  Your next task is to help get Lieutenant O'Brien out of here and to the nearest transporter room, in case Lieutenant Commander Sisko isn't able to locate our transporter enhancers. Junior Lieutenant Sherem will guard you both..."

Though it might seem that Rayek was sacrificing himself, he wasn't.  He'd assessed the team and determined he would be the fastest at moving through the halls at a full sprint to the awaiting transporter room.  He had greatest chance of
Hearing the engineer's helpful comment, Rayek couldn't resist commenting.  "I hope so... but it shouldn't take this long to secure a lock.  Head out with Lorut and Sherem to make for the transporter room.  That's an order."

Rayek had hoped to hear back from Sisko quickly regarding the transporter locks... but as the seconds ticked by with no word back, the need to get the others away and out of there was growing.

Once they were out the door Rayek began a two-minute countdown, during which he called Sisko.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Sisko.  The rest of the team are headed to the nearest transporter room.  They're going to need your ships coordinates and shield frequency, if you haven't secured the lock on our transporter enhancers yet." =/\=

At discovering that she had them on lock all this time, Rayek grimaced before he pressed the button Vila had indicated.
=/\= "Beam us out now." =/\=

[To the transporter pad]
[As Kirayoshi]

Kirayoshi nodded to the commander as he made his way to the transporter pad. As much as he'd like to stay and really see this place be fully incapacitated, he wasn't in any condition to be staying behind. "œAlright, sir.   He said, ignoring the only slightly dulled pain in his arm.

Coming to the transporter Pad, he did a quick look over the system. It was still working, as far as he could tell. "œLooks like she's ready to teleport us  if we need."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Lorut Vila

Day 3, Breen Ship, Torp Bay-Transporter Room


Excellent job, Ensign Lorut.  Your next task is to help get Lieutenant O'Brien out of here and to the nearest transporter room, in case Lieutenant Commander Sisko isn't able to locate our transporter enhancers. Junior Lieutenant Sherem will guard you both...

She didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed O'Brien by his good arm, pulling him along. "Hope you did your PTs lately," she said, going full speed out of the door. "Keep up, we have a Cardassian on our tails," she said. She was still tense as could be, but the last statement was more or less a joke. "But don't worry, I've outrun them before, and I can again," she said. They were halfway down the corridor already.

"Shrem, book it like you're hunting my people again," she called. "Don't let me get away. AGAIN," she laughed. It was an odd habit she had-laughing at inappropriate times. Oh well. A minute later, they were at the Transporter pads. "Shoot, I am out of shape," she breathed.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 02, 2023, 11:12:41 PM

Day 3, Torpedo Bay

She stepped forward, offering her first-aid kit to the Counselor-it was likely useless, but she spoke up anyway. "Maybe try the gauze as a tourniquet," she said. "If you have this, I'll get on the task of getting these to go BOOM," she said, moving out of the way. She knew that too many hands made for the Devil's work, but she was still a bit concerned-she wasn't a total monster, and besides, she knew his mother, and knew that the woman would've appreciated it.

She crossed to the computer. "Do you want help, sir?" She said. She was no longer keeping a low voice-the Breen knew they were here, and there wasn't any point now. She pulled off the mask, and got to work, rerouting power to the torpedoes. "Rig them like old bombs from Earth is the plan, I guess," she said, to no one in particular. She pushed some buttons. "Counselor, how are you doing with Gimpy McGee?" She asked. "As soon as the Commander pushes that button," she pointed, "We'll have three minutes to get our sixes out of here or we'll meet the Prophets, and let me tell you what the Prophets have ever done for me-NOTHING. So let's start heading out. Commander, on your order...." she looked to tr'Lhoell for any last-minute things he had before he gave the order to jump.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 04, 2023, 10:33:47 PM

Day 3, Breen Ship, Torp Bay-Transporter Room

She didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed O'Brien by his good arm, pulling him along. "Hope you did your PTs lately," she said, going full speed out of the door. "Keep up, we have a Cardassian on our tails," she said. She was still tense as could be, but the last statement was more or less a joke. "But don't worry, I've outrun them before, and I can again," she said. They were halfway down the corridor already.

"Shrem, book it like you're hunting my people again," she called. "Don't let me get away. AGAIN," she laughed. It was an odd habit she had-laughing at inappropriate times. Oh well. A minute later, they were at the Transporter pads. "Shoot, I am out of shape," she breathed.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 04, 2023, 04:21:02 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Base - Computer Core room] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Rayek having finished his conversation with Lt Cmdr Sisko, looked over to the Bajoran and nodded, passing off the console which he'd hacked into, to her for her to finish sabotaging the torpedoes.   He was impressed with how quickly she had everything completed.

He took note of the button she indicated.   "Excellent job, Ensign Lorut.  Your next task is to help get Lieutenant O'Brien out of here and to the nearest transporter room, in case Lieutenant Commander Sisko isn't able to locate our transporter enhancers. Junior Lieutenant Sherem will guard you both..."

Though it might seem that Rayek was sacrificing himself, he wasn't.  He'd assessed the team and determined he would be the fastest at moving through the halls at a full sprint to the awaiting transporter room.  He had greatest chance of
Hearing the engineer's helpful comment, Rayek couldn't resist commenting.  "I hope so... but it shouldn't take this long to secure a lock.  Head out with Lorut and Sherem to make for the transporter room.  That's an order."

Rayek had hoped to hear back from Sisko quickly regarding the transporter locks... but as the seconds ticked by with no word back, the need to get the others away and out of there was growing.

Once they were out the door Rayek began a two-minute countdown, during which he called Sisko.

=/\= "tr'Lhoell to Sisko.  The rest of the team are headed to the nearest transporter room.  They're going to need your ships coordinates and shield frequency, if you haven't secured the lock on our transporter enhancers yet." =/\=

At discovering that she had them on lock all this time, Rayek grimaced before he pressed the button Vila had indicated.
=/\= "Beam us out now." =/\=

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Jael pursed her lips at Lorut. This had to have been the most atheist Bajoran she had ever met, pretty much the exact opposite religious stance Jael had. Still, she kept cover as they proceeded, and she prayed to the Prophets, briefly going so far as to praying to the Emissary that his daughter act quickly...

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 04, 2023, 12:25:40 PM

Gohun was already at the engineering station when the order to lock the bridge was given. Unfortunately someone in engineering was trying to lock the bridge out from the rest of the ship. Had Gohun not been given the orders to loch down the bridge he would not have noticed but now it was a battle of who could code the best. While Gohun has been dong this longer the Jem'Hadar knew the computer layout better. So the battle went back and forth. The turbolift would start and stop. "œThere  are people in the engineering area who are also trying to take control of the ships. I keep locking them out they keep locking me out.'

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base Proximity]

", looks like we missed them," said Rebecca. "Pity there's no incapacitating gas, but we can't risk the rest of the team, but we could surprise them."

At the order to beam-out, Rebecca replied to Rayek, "Acknowledged, Commander." She initiated the transport, locking onto the enhancers. A moment later, they were aboard.

"Welcome aboard, Commander," she called to Rayek. "Be advised, there are hostiles in the engineering section, they're trying to take control of the ship. But I don't think they know you're aboard, yet," she added, smiling grimly. "I'll try to keep us out of the battle...and away from the base."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Transporter Room | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base Proximity]

Jael was relieved at the change of scenery and that the rest of the team were aboard, though surprised at Rebecca's notification of hostiles in Engineering. She looked aside at Rayek at her news.

"Sounds like we have a little bit left to do, Commander," she said, readying her weapon, but standing by for orders.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar Ship - Bridge] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 04, 2023, 08:30:23 PM

[To the transporter pad]
[As Kirayoshi]

Kirayoshi nodded to the commander as he made his way to the transporter pad. As much as he'd like to stay and really see this place be fully incapacitated, he wasn't in any condition to be staying behind. "œAlright, sir.   He said, ignoring the only slightly dulled pain in his arm.

Coming to the transporter Pad, he did a quick look over the system. It was still working, as far as he could tell. "œLooks like she's ready to teleport us  if we need."

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 04, 2023, 10:33:47 PM

Day 3, Breen Base, Torp Bay-Transporter Room

She didn't need to be told twice. She grabbed O'Brien by his good arm, pulling him along. "Hope you did your PTs lately," she said, going full speed out of the door. "Keep up, we have a Cardassian on our tails," she said. She was still tense as could be, but the last statement was more or less a joke. "But don't worry, I've outrun them before, and I can again," she said. They were halfway down the corridor already.

"Shrem, book it like you're hunting my people again," she called. "Don't let me get away. AGAIN," she laughed. It was an odd habit she had-laughing at inappropriate times. Oh well. A minute later, they were at the Transporter pads. "Shoot, I am out of shape," she breathed.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 04, 2023, 11:40:19 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Torpedo Bay | Breen Base]

Jael pursed her lips at Lorut. This had to have been the most atheist Bajoran she had ever met, pretty much the exact opposite religious stance Jael had. Still, she kept cover as they proceeded, and she prayed to the Prophets, briefly going so far as to praying to the Emissary that his daughter act quickly...

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base Proximity]

", looks like we missed them," said Rebecca. "Pity there's no incapacitating gas, but we can't risk the rest of the team, but we could surprise them."

At the order to beam-out, Rebecca replied to Rayek, "Acknowledged, Commander." She initiated the transport, locking onto the enhancers. A moment later, they were aboard.

"Welcome aboard, Commander," she called to Rayek. "Be advised, there are hostiles in the engineering section, they're trying to take control of the ship. But I don't think they know you're aboard, yet," she added, smiling grimly. "I'll try to keep us out of the battle...and away from the base."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Transporter Room | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter | Breen Base Proximity]

Jael was relieved at the change of scenery and that the rest of the team were aboard, though surprised at Rebecca's notification of hostiles in Engineering. She looked aside at Rayek at her news.

"Sounds like we have a little bit left to do, Commander," she said, readying her weapon, but standing by for orders.

At arriving on the Jem'Hadar ship, Rayek nodding his thanks to Lieutenant Commander Sisko.  The news of hostiles in the engineering was concerning and he nodded to Lieutenant Sherem at her comment.  "Take Dranik, and Dersch - make sure each as a proper weapon.  Then head down to engineering. Rout out those hostiles.  I'll be there shortly."

Rayek then turned to the others who were beamed off the Base with him.  "Lorut, O'Brien assist Ensign Gohun with the Bridge controls.  See if you can help keep those hostiles for regaining ship controls."

As the Security detail left to deal with the Breen resistance, Rayek turned toward Sisko.  "While I assist my team, I need you to get a message out to the entire fleet to disengage from attacking that base.  Those torpedoes are all timed to explode simultaneously.   I don't want any of our ships caught in the blast....  including yourselves, so move us away from here using whatever means you can."

Then he left to support the security team, but not before picking up O'Brien's engineering tool kit.  "I'm going to borrow this. It might come in handy down below."

Quote from: Nira Said on August 05, 2023, 12:32:18 AM

[Admiral Kira Nerys | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"Admiral, we're getting a transmission from Commander Sisko!" called Nuyu.

"Put her through," said Kira, and a moment later, Rebecca's voice came in on audio.

"Sisko to Starfleet ships, friendlies aboard this ship, do not engage!"

"Kira to Sisko," called Kira, suddenly remembering when she used to make calls to her father in the old days...


Returning to reality, Kira said, "Yes, are you all out?"

"Affirmative," Rebecca said. "Commander tr'Lhoell is currently tied up elsewhere on the ship, but he'll get to you shortly. Meantime, you'd best get clear of the Breen station. Otherwise, if anybody's around that station within a minute or so, they won't be needed warp speed to fly through space."

"Not a problem, anyway," said Kira, "we haven't been getting too close to that monster anyway."

Quote from: Nira Said on August 05, 2023, 12:32:18 AM

[Admiral Kira Nerys | Bridge | Deck One | USS Valiant NCC-74210-B]

"Admiral, there's some kind of transmission being sent to all friendly ships!" called Nuyu. "The Breen base is about to blow!"

"Order the fleet to pull back," said Kira, and Nuyu worked frantically.

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ignoring Ruth Sigurdsdottir's banter and Captain Galloway's favored motivational battle music, T'Kel kept her focus on the battle, and not just with firing weapons. She looked up in time to notice the new swarm of Jem'Hadar fighters, corvettes and even a couple more battleships emerge from docking maws...for want of a better word. She noticed a particular Jem'Hadar fighter breaking formation...and then the transmission.

"Captain, we're getting a fleetwide order to pull back, the Breen station is ready to detonate. That must be Commander tr'Lhoell's team," T'Kel added logically.

The friendlies got clear of the proximity just in time; even the Legacy had to break off its bombardment. The explosion was enormous enough to bear semblance to a supernova, and plenty of enemy ships weren't so lucky. Any ship caught in the blast had no chance, but there will still plenty of enemy ships left, though a good deal of them had been flown apart or split apart by the shockwave, like the carrier. Melek Nor, its Ops sheared mostly off, was sent flying by the shockwave, a pylon ripped off in the process. Given it wasn't directly above the Breen station and wasn't very close to it, it was the reason why.

In spite of its being flung about, the station was mostly intact and its automated turrets kept on firing. Pirates under Sherem - the remaining forces, spread somewhat more apart - were rallying remaining Jem'Hadar and Breen least, under them, given Breen and Dominion forces were mostly in retreat.

"Sir, Melek Nor is still intact," she said. "Sherem's pirates are rallying around it. I recommend we next target the transwarp reactor, it should well and truly finish it off."

Jem'Hadar Ship - Outside Engineering]

Down in the bowels of the Jem'Hadar ship, Rayek at a sprint had caught up to the security team and together they found the entrance to the engineering section locked.  Obviously, whoever was in engineering were wanting to keep the Federation invaders out.

Moving to the wall panel beside the door, Rayek used the borrowed tools to pop open the panel.  He studied to layout of the door mechanism a moment before figuring out how the pneumatics worked on this design.  "Take cover and be ready to move in. I'm opening the door." he quietly informed.

A second later the door slid open and the doorway was crisscrossed with no fewer than 4 disruptor beams.  From his position flat against the opened wall panel, Rayek didn't have a good view into the room.  He didn't dare fire randomly, because that would risk the engines and might get them blow to hell, so instead he dropped to the floor halfway in front of the door.  The enemy might mistake that to be he'd been hit, yet from there the beams were firing above him while he took sideways aim on the nearest Breen inside the room.

He fired and then immediately curled himself and rolled in through the doorway - one roll, two roll before coming up in a low crouch and sprinted towards where the Breen had fallen and the cover it had been attempting to use.   He heard the air to his right sizzle and at the same moment he felt the searing heat at his ear.  It was painful but not incapacitating.  The smell of burnt hair assaulted his nose but he kept running until he achieved cover.   Only then as he ducked behind the engineering 'pooltable' did he feel pat at his head to determine how badly he'd been grazed

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 06, 2023, 02:18:22 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Ship - Bridge] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

At arriving on the Breen ship, Rayek nodding his thanks to Lieutenant Commander Sisko.  The news of hostiles in the engineering was concerning and he nodded to Lieutenant Sherem at her comment.  "Take Dranik, and Dersch - make sure each as a proper weapon.  Then head down to engineering. Rout out those hostiles.  I'll be there shortly."

Rayek then turned to the others who were beamed off the Base with him.  "Lorut, O'Brien assist Ensign Gohun with the Bridge controls.  See if you can help keep those hostiles for regaining ship controls."

As the Security detail left to deal with the Breen resistance, Rayek turned toward Sisko.  "While I assist my team, I need you to get a message out to the entire fleet to disengage from attacking that base.  Those torpedoes are all timed to explode simultaneously.   I don't want any of our ships caught in the blast....  including yourselves, so move us away from here using whatever means you can."

Then he left to support the security team, but not before picking up O'Brien's engineering tool kit.  "I'm going to borrow this. It might come in handy down below."

Breen Ship - Outside Engineering]

Down in the bowels of the Jem'Hadar ship, Rayek at a sprint had caught up to the security team and together they found the entrance to the engineering section locked.  Obviously, whoever was in engineering were wanting to keep the Federation invaders out.

Moving to the wall panel beside the door, Rayek used the borrowed tools to pop open the panel.  He studied to layout of the door mechanism a moment before figuring out how the pneumatics worked on this design.  "Take cover and be ready to move in. I'm opening the door." he quietly informed.

A second later the door slid open and the doorway was crisscrossed with no fewer than 4 disruptor beams.  From his position flat against the opened wall panel, Rayek didn't have a good view into the room.  He didn't dare fire randomly, because that would risk the engines and might get them blow to hell, so instead he dropped to the floor halfway in front of the door.  The enemy might mistake that to be he'd been hit, yet from there the beams were firing above him while he took sideways aim on the nearest Breen inside the room.

He fired and then immediately curled himself and rolled in through the doorway - one roll, two roll before coming up in a low crouch and sprinted towards where the Breen had fallen and the cover it had been attempting to use.   He heard the air to his right sizzle and at the same moment he felt the searing heat at his ear.  It was painful but not incapacitating.  The smell of burnt hair assaulted his nose but he kept running until he achieved cover.   Only then as he ducked behind the engineering 'pooltable' did he feel pat at his head to determine how badly he'd been grazed

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

"Acknowledged," said Rebecca from her console. "Oh, Lorut, can you man the visual sensor display in Dranik's place? Be the eyes, otherwise, we'll be flying blind."

Jael was certainly glad they made it to the bridge after the transporter room, a good rendezvous. She inspected Dranik's and Dersch's weapons as Rebecca made her call.

"Sisko to Starfleet ships, get clear of the Breen base, it's going to blow! I repeat, Sisko to Starfleet ships, friendlies aboard this ship, do not engage!"

Jael had been about to give the move-out order when

"Kira to Sisko," called Kira.


Returning to reality, Kira said, "Yes, are you all out?"

"Affirmative," Rebecca said. "Commander tr'Lhoell is currently tied up elsewhere on the ship, but he'll get to you shortly. Meantime, you'd best get clear of the Breen station. Otherwise, if anybody's around that station within a minute or so, they won't be needed warp speed to fly through sp..."

The door just shut as Jael and the security detail moved out.

As small as the ship was, they were so unfamiliar with it that they had gotten lost. Jael was quite surprised that there was no other Jem'Hadar aboard, much less a Changeling to get the jump on them. Among the times they had bumbling around getting lost, they ran into Rayek. Fortunately, once they got together, they were able to find Engineering much more easily. Rayek even handled the lock, and they went in guns blazing.

Jael managed to get a good look: She especially noticced a Vorta skulking behind them, sporting a visual sensor display. His enraged shouting and distracted look made it all the more easier to zero in on him visually.

"Founders blast these intruders!" he shouted. He turned his head and virtually flinched; Jael could see the display glowing so brightly, for one insane moment, she thought they had ended up with Melek Nor through a transwarp conduit and damn near a star's corona. And then followed a rumbling that caused Jael to hit the floor, but she rolled to Rayek's side to avoid the incoming fire.

"What?!? How?!? Founders help the Breen, how did THAT happen?!?"

Jael had followed Rayek's lead and laid on the floor just as he spoke, determining to evade the fire. The full comment caused Jael look aside at Rayek.

"I think it worked," whispered Jael.

"Our Cardassian ally looks to be doing better," added the Vorta. "Ah, damn the retreat order, we have to come to his aid. Take care of the intruders!"

Jael got a good look at the Vorta and what he's doing when she followed Rayek to the "pool table" and got to his side, seeing he was nursing a graze.

"Commander," she whispered, "I think I know who's fighting with Gohun from another computer. His goons are going to make it tricky to get to him..."

She got another fast look as she fired. She could see a Breen alongside the Vorta as well as the smattering of Jem'Hadar. She managed to see she had downed a Jem'Hadar before diving down. And then another surprised cry from the Vorta.

"What's happening? The Federation are bombarding the reactor...! NO! THE CARDASSIANS! What an implosion, they've been swallowed into transwarp nothingness!"

Jael raised her eyebrow facial structures and looked at Rayek. "Looks like Father is gone, too," she whispered. "Now that I would've loved to see."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Lorut Vila


[Day 3, 1700ish, Jem'Hadar fighter]

She had finally let go of the poor O'Brien child as they reached the Transporter. She waited, eyes closed, and once she re-opened them, she let out a breath of relief. She was safe. Mostly. Everyone was accounted for, as well. "We have one for Medical," she called out. She looked around. She recognized Kira Naerys-an Admiral now? Fancy. She didn't know if the woman would remember HER-she was a different woman then. Still married, going by her married name, and was younger and cuter. Her face had filled out, and a tinge of age and the pain and trauma she carried had tightened the lines above her eyes and around her mouth.

She still had work to do, though, so there wasn't time to chat. There clearly wouldn't be time for her to strip off this stupid costume, either. She needed to tell the Romulan that next time he sent a woman away in a hot costume to NOT pick one that was pre-Menopausal. Sheesh.


Acknowledged," said Rebecca from her console. Oh, Lorut, can you man the visual sensor display in Dranik's place? Be the eyes, otherwise, we'll be flying blind.

She nodded. "I can do that," she said, settling into the console. "Alright...I have eyes on the target. What do you need from here?"

Rayek trLhoell

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Four - Transporter Room Four >> USS Discovery - Deck 8 - Transporter]

Quote from: Lek on August 04, 2023, 12:40:54 PM

[Engineering - USS Discovery] - [Lieutenant Giancarlo Gianetti]

Gianetti looked up from the pool table and looked harried as he tried to coordinate the multiple ongoing repairs.

"What? Oh, glad to have you. We've just got the main bridge resealed with forcefields. It would be a big help if you can check it out and see what's left and place some hull patches to fully seal the breaches."

"Sure thing!  We can do that no prob!  Can we get authorization to use the  industrial replicators for making the hull patches? Or do you have anyone to spare to send them up to us?"
Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on August 04, 2023, 12:35:09 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottor, CSO: Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ruth nodded briefly at Ian and gave him a sympathetic look.  "A wee dram in the Ready Room would probably be appropriate around now!" she said in a low voice so only he could hear.  "I'm sure someone else could sit in the big chair for a while to give you a little break, Sir.  You've been on full alert a while now!Medicinal!" and gave a wink.

As she stepped into the turbolift she offered up a sincere prayer of thanks to Odin and Freya that the Discovery had made it and a second to Eir1 to hold those injured in her healing hands.  Ruth wanted so badly just to run to Lahr and have a cuddle but professionalism must be observed so instead on the way down she sent him a message to his PADD

TO: CPO Shran'Lahr ch'Verret
FROM: Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO

Hoping you're ok, babe.  Missing you.  I'm going down to the Sickbay to see if I can help triage or anything.  I'll try to find out what I can about Nevir, Hrafn and the kids, anyone else you want me to ask about?  See you when I can.  Remember Á©g elska Á¾ig2


Lahr was on his way up to what remained of the Discovery's Bridge when a notification pinged in his earbuds.  He pulled his PADD and say the EYES ONLY message and grinned.  He slowed his pace a bit a fell a little behind the others so he could open the message in private.

He was a little disappointed that she got his hopes up with the EYES ONLY header... but hadn't written or sent anything that was really worthy of the EYES ONLY designation.  She had definitely been more risque as a Captain, he felt.  Every conversation back then had been charged with innuendo.  He sometimes missed that...

Had they gotten too familiar with one another? Too comfortable?   GASP!  Were they an old married couple!?   His antennae twitched at the notion.  Oh, that was worrisome.  He needed to fix this.. but unfortunately, now was not the right time.  He'd need to think on this and what it meant...  For the moment, Lahr simply replied back with an answer to her question.

Helga and Lek...

He typed one handed on the PADD as he slowly followed Neva into turbolift.  The lift wouldn't get them all the way to the bridge but rather just to Deck Two and from there up they were reliant on jeffries tubes.

Yet even the need to use the jeffries tubes to climb up to the Bridge section, didn't prepare Lahr for shocking sight of the Bridge damage.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

[USS Discovery - Deck 9 - Chief Medical Officer's Office]

There was still blood on his face despite the wound healed, and he looked a bit disheveled, but Nevir was standing at attention in front of the view screen in the CMO's office while the Challenger repair crews helped restore the primary Bridge. To say the brass was unhappy was an understatement, and they really let him have it.

"That ship just left its berth, Captain, and it already has to go back in. And let's not forget that this was a result of you taking her in a diverted direction from the original mission plan."

"You received my report on the new weapon?"

"I did, Captain.  The strength of Discovery lies in her tactical abilities.  Without the ability to shunt power or even have available power, she loses her ability to control torpedoes, charge fires, and most especially utilize her MVA mode.  This is the main issue you should have taken into consideration.  If you cannot equalize a tactical response, it was your obligation to get your ship and crew out of the situation and retreat to reinforcement.  That you got out of that situation was pure luck. And as a result, we are going to have to move up Discovery's timeline to get her refit into the fleet standards.  We didn't even get to test her new systems."

"I understand, sir.  I take full responsibility."

"As you should, Captain.  Return to the rest of Gillespie's fleet.  I'm sure he has a few choice words for you too.  Oh.. and while you are with Challenger, ask Galloway when he's going to turn in that old girl for a sorely needed refit.  Command out."

With that, the channel closed, leaving the Captain of his ship staring at a blank screen in someone else's office.  The doors opened and he turned to see Dr. Thane standing in the doorway, arms crossed.

"Told you to clean yourself up before you faced the music.  Repairs crews are up to Deck 2 to restore shields.  You'll be able to see the Bridge soon.  If you'll excuse me, now that things are settling down I need my office."

Nevir sighed and nodded.  "Of course, doctor. Thank you." he said, turning and leaving, and was almost immediately hit with PADDs in his face with ship statuses.  He started to make his way to the turbolift and entered, still reading but this time by himself.

"Computer, Bridge- wait... Status on bridge?"

=/\= Emergency forefields are in place and holding.  Bridge is currently being repressurized.  Emergency hull plating work to begin shortly.  Life support is on standby.  Power is on stand-by.  Gravimetric plating is below minimum levels. =/\=

"Alright, take me to the bridge.  Voiceprint security override."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge/Captain's Ready Room]

He had to manually get the doors open and nearly missed his step as he went from the Standard G to what felt like standing on one of the many moons of the Federation (even if the standard was Earth's moon).  He had to be careful and took slow purposeful steps.  Luckily for him, he wasn't the only one on the bridge.. the repair crews had taken the Jefferies tube since it was safest than the turbolift. He made his way to his ready room and forced the door open, ignoring the blackness of space above him in the deck plating breach that caused them to evacuate the bridge.  No main viewscreen yet either, so he left the bridge.

Entering the ready room, he pulled himself into his chair and restored power to his room.  First, he sent requests for status updates on Engineering and repairs teams. Then brought up the computer console and hailed Challenger.

"Ian, thanks for sending people over.  They want us to start making our way back once warp engines are online and the hull breaches are secured.  I am not looking forward to hearing it from Gillespie.  Oh.. and Command wants me to ask when will you stop delaying getting their hands on Challenger's system."

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Breen station explode and Melek Nor implode, which resulted in the remaining Dominion ships fleeing, he exhaled in relief. He was glad to see the immediate threat to the Alpha Quadrant was over. He was beyond pleased that Challenger had not sustained any meaningful damage. The only sobering remnant of the battle was when he looked at Discovery and saw her hull scored and pitted from heavy damage. It was at that moment that T'Kel informed him that he had an incoming message.

"Anything you need Captain, it's yours. As for the point of impact shieldin', the genius that invented them is aboard your ship. I suggest you kick him in his orange arse and get him ta work. We've been singin' the merits of the system ta Command for a couple years now, perhaps with a couple admirals havin' seen them in action, perhaps the hundred kilo heads will get in their dense skulls ta do summat for a change."

Ian gave Tekin a big pilot's lopsided grin.

"And seein' as how you gave us a lift here, I'm more than prepared ta give you a tow ta Deep Space Nine should you require it. Galloway out."

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun continued to work against the unknow adversary to keep control of the ship. The problem was everything went through engineering which means that he was fighting a losing battle. Suddenly a loud hissing sound came from the air vents. That mean that life support was turned off. It was a good thing that they were un disguise as Breen as they already had artificial atmosphere in their suits.
"œThe bridge has lost life support make sure to keep the Breen helmets on as they are the only thing keeping us alive at the moment."
With that Gohun went back to the losing battle of the hack wars with the unknown adversary.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 07, 2023, 11:32:31 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian watched the Breen station explode and Melek Nor implode, which resulted in the remaining Dominion ships fleeing, he exhaled in relief. He was glad to see the immediate threat to the Alpha Quadrant was over. He was beyond pleased that Challenger had not sustained any meaningful damage. The only sobering remnant of the battle was when he looked at Discovery and saw her hull scored and pitted from heavy damage. It was at that moment that T'Kel informed him that he had an incoming message.

"Anything you need Captain, it's yours. As for the point of impact shieldin', the genius that invented them is aboard your ship. I suggest you kick him in his orange arse and get him ta work. We've been singin' the merits of the system ta Command for a couple years now, perhaps with a couple admirals havin' seen them in action, perhaps the hundred kilo heads will get in their dense skulls ta do summat for a change."

Ian gave Tekin a big pilot's lopsided grin.

"And seein' as how you gave us a lift here, I'm more than prepared ta give you a tow ta Deep Space Nine should you require it. Galloway out."

Nevir laughed.  "Oh, no, not that one.. the one that Command has been absolutely giddy about.  The one we talked about earlier.  They feel like you don't like them anymore." he said with a grin, before letting the channel close.  With that done, he returned to the status reports.

"Bridge to Engineering, power is being restored up here as we speak.  How are we on propulsion?"

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 06, 2023, 02:18:22 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Breen Ship - Bridge] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:00 hrs)

At arriving on the Breen ship, Rayek nodding his thanks to Lieutenant Commander Sisko.  The news of hostiles in the engineering was concerning and he nodded to Lieutenant Sherem at her comment.  "Take Dranik, and Dersch - make sure each as a proper weapon.  Then head down to engineering. Rout out those hostiles.  I'll be there shortly."

Rayek then turned to the others who were beamed off the Base with him.  "Lorut, O'Brien assist Ensign Gohun with the Bridge controls.  See if you can help keep those hostiles for regaining ship controls."

As the Security detail left to deal with the Breen resistance, Rayek turned toward Sisko.  "While I assist my team, I need you to get a message out to the entire fleet to disengage from attacking that base.  Those torpedoes are all timed to explode simultaneously.   I don't want any of our ships caught in the blast....  including yourselves, so move us away from here using whatever means you can."

Then he left to support the security team, but not before picking up O'Brien's engineering tool kit.  "I'm going to borrow this. It might come in handy down below."

Breen Ship - Outside Engineering]

Down in the bowels of the Breen ship, Rayek at a sprint had caught up to the security team and together they found the entrance to the engineering section locked.  Obviously, whoever was in engineering were wanting to keep the Federation invaders out.

Moving to the wall panel beside the door, Rayek used the borrowed tools to pop open the panel.  He studied to layout of the door mechanism a moment before figuring out how the pneumatics worked on this design.  "Take cover and be ready to move in. I'm opening the door." he quietly informed.

A second later the door slid open and the doorway was crisscrossed with no fewer than 4 disruptor beams.  From his position flat against the opened wall panel, Rayek didn't have a good view into the room.  He didn't dare fire randomly, because that would risk the engines and might get them blow to hell, so instead he dropped to the floor halfway in front of the door.  The enemy might mistake that to be he'd been hit, yet from there the beams were firing above him while he took sideways aim on the nearest Breen inside the room.

He fired and then immediately curled himself and rolled in through the doorway - one roll, two roll before coming up in a low crouch and sprinted towards where the Breen had fallen and the cover it had been attempting to use.   He heard the air to his right sizzle and at the same moment he felt the searing heat at his ear.  It was painful but not incapacitating.  The smell of burnt hair assaulted his nose but he kept running until he achieved cover.   Only then as he ducked behind the engineering 'pooltable' did he feel pat at his head to determine how badly he'd been grazed

[ Breen Ship]
[As Kirayoshi]
Kirayoshi "˜s good arm was a bit sore from being jolted by Lorut, but they still had to keep control of the ship. Nodding as the Commander borrowed his toolkit, Kirayoshi began to try to locate any other life forms and turn on the emergency internal  force field generators, hoping to slow them down enough before they'd head to the bridge. "œForce fields are up on the lower levels! Can we lock down the computer systems down there?""œ he asked
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


[Sickbay --> Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

It took a bit before Lek could be coaxed into believing that sickbay was free of the giant lizard. Once inside, he received treatment for his concussion and was ordered to take things easy. Not exactly and option given the damage the ship had sustained. He'd missed the end of the battle which really didn't upset him, he was just glad the shooting was over and he could start putting things right.

After leaving sickbay, he headed back to main engineering, which was still acting as the bridge given the Alpha hull bridge was still open to space. He was pleased to find that Challenger had sent over repair crews and that they were close to getting the bridge operational again.

After receiving an update from Gianetti, Lek, for once, decided to listen to medical advice and take things easy. He left Giancarlo in charge and headed to his office. Once there, he used his console to keep tabs on the progress and to highlight which areas needed priority, which he notified Gianetti via his PADD.

"We're going to be in space dock awhile before all this is set right."

He sighed, because there was a lot of damage and far too much of it was beyond what they could repair on their own.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Lorut Vila

~~Day 3, Jem'Hader Ship
1200 Hours~~~


Lorut, O'Brien assist Ensign Gohun with the Bridge controls.  See if you can help keep those hostiles for regaining ship controls.

She nodded, and slid in front of the console. She tapped away at the computer. "Shields seem to be up, but intermittent. Let me try something-" she said. She tapped some more, and a moment later, she spoke again. "They have polarized beam weapons. I am going to initiate cloak for that..should give some support to the shield. I hope." She said. It made a bit of sense-if you cloaked your weapons, it cut power to unnecessary things, and thus, the shield could be stronger.

"œForce fields are up on the lower levels! Can we lock down the computer systems down there?""œ he asked.

Vila, however, didn't wait for a response. "Go. I'll stay here and try to keep it online. Remember that these fighters have personal cloaking devices, as well. I'd look for one if you have time. Likely going to be hidden in the hull panels," she said. "Don't look surprised; my ex-husband was an Engineer. He hid or left stuff in the panels all the time for safety reasons," she said. The smartest thing he'd ever done, honestly.

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