Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Neva Cordon

Neva wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, tool still in hand. It broke her Engineer's heart to see such a beautiful ship so battered and broken. She sat back on her heels and traded the tool for a water bottle, sipping sparingly. Replacing the bottle with another tool in her hand, she went back to work. A click and whirring woosh heralded power returning a few minutes later, causing a triumphant hiss to erupt from her.
After a quick look around, Neva's joy deflated to resignation as she
put her tools away. Throwing the kit around her neck and whistling her captain's battle music off-key, she crawled to the next section and went back to work.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:05 hrs)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 06, 2023, 06:40:40 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge >- Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]
The door just shut as Jael and the security detail moved out.

As small as the ship was, they were so unfamiliar with it that they had gotten lost. Jael was quite surprised that there was no other Jem'Hadar aboard, much less a Changeling to get the jump on them. Among the times they had bumbling around getting lost, they ran into Rayek. Fortunately, once they got together, they were able to find Engineering much more easily. Rayek even handled the lock, and they went in guns blazing.

Jael managed to get a good look: She especially noticed a Vorta skulking behind them, sporting a visual sensor display. His enraged shouting and distracted look made it all the more easier to zero in on him visually.

"Founders blast these intruders!" he shouted. He turned his head and virtually flinched; Jael could see the display glowing so brightly, for one insane moment, she thought they had ended up with Melek Nor through a transwarp conduit and damn near a star's corona. And then followed a rumbling that caused Jael to hit the floor, but she rolled to Rayek's side to avoid the incoming fire.

"What?!? How?!? Founders help the Breen, how did THAT happen?!?"

Jael had followed Rayek's lead and laid on the floor just as he spoke, determining to evade the fire. The full comment caused Jael look aside at Rayek.

"I think it worked," whispered Jael.

"Our Cardassian ally looks to be doing better," added the Vorta. "Ah, damn the retreat order, we have to come to his aid. Take care of the intruders!"

Jael got a good look at the Vorta and what he's doing when she followed Rayek to the "pool table" and got to his side, seeing he was nursing a graze.

"Commander," she whispered, "I think I know who's fighting with Gohun from another computer. His goons are going to make it tricky to get to him..."

She got another fast look as she fired. She could see a Breen alongside the Vorta as well as the smattering of Jem'Hadar. She managed to see she had downed a Jem'Hadar before diving down. And then another surprised cry from the Vorta.

"What's happening? The Federation are bombarding the reactor...! NO! THE CARDASSIANS! What an implosion, they've been swallowed into transwarp nothingness!"

Jael raised her eyebrow facial structures and looked at Rayek. "Looks like Father is gone, too," she whispered. "Now that I would've loved to see."

Jael's sideline comment as to who Gohun's opponent was, had Rayek taking another quick look.  Fvadt!  He'd missed seeing the Vorta and its Jem'Hadar protectors.   Jael was likely right.  They needed to take out the Vorta, but anytime he attempted to peek out and take aim, he was spotted by the Jem'Hadar whose job it was, obviously, to protect their Vorta.  Their covering fire forced him to duck back to avoid being shot.

The bits of intel dropped as the Vorta reacted to the events of first the Breen base blowing up, and then the Nor-station imploded, gave Rayek a pretty good picture of the battle right now.   Seemed the Federation and their allies were winning.   That was good news, but it didn't help them any here and now.

That the Cardassian beside him hated her father so much that she openly stated that she'd have loved to see his demise, seemed cold.  Rayek, while not having a close relationship with his father (something Rayek hoped to improve upon with his own son Fvienn) he still had respected his father.  He'd couldn't imagine being pleased to hear of his death.

"You can celebrate later.  For now, I'll provide covering fire for you.  I need you to move up and get a shot on the Vorta." he whispered.

He waited for an acknowledgement before edging out from behind the console, drawing the fire of the Breen and Jem'Hadar.  He fired back but whereas he was twitchy in attempting to not get hit, the Jem'Hadar acted as a barrier between the Vorta and its enemies, the Federation invaders.

The Romulan could hear the weapons fire from Dranik and Dersch but they must have gone in towards the other side of the engineering room, so he didn't have eyes on them.

What they needed was an advantage...

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 08, 2023, 06:29:01 PM

Neva wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, tool still in hand. It broke her Engineer's heart to see such a beautiful ship so battered and broken. She sat back on her heels and traded the tool for a water bottle, sipping sparingly. Replacing the bottle with another tool in her hand, she went back to work. A click and whirring woosh heralded power returning a few minutes later, causing a triumphant hiss to erupt from her.
After a quick look around, Neva's joy deflated to resignation as she
put her tools away. Throwing the kit around her neck and whistling her captain's battle music off-key, she crawled to the next section and went back to work.

Lahr, working in the same area as Neva, heard the quiet off-key whistling as the sound activated the mute feature of his earbuds.  He felt a slight twinge of pride at the sound.  It was because of him, that the Captain even bothered to sound a battle tune now.  He'd been the one to prompt for it initially.  As battle music something he and Ruth had always one - given her love of Wagner's 'Ride of the Valkyries'.

Still, the DJ in him was rather glad that others appreciated the music.

"Catchy tune, ain't it?" Lahr called over to the other engineer, as he finished welding his panel into place.   He seen her drinking water earlier and wished he'd thought to bring some.  He wiped forehead with the sleeve of his uniform, and slicked back his hair before trying to make more conversation during his momentary break.

"Did you know that the song has lyrics?" he asked.  Then without prompting offered a friendly idea. "Here... let me call it up on my PADD and play a mix of archived recordings."

The first song that played was the one that Lahr knew of - a patriotic song that inspired warriors.

As it played Lahr, upped the volume a bit and then started back to work, moving onto the next panel.

Then next song however, was by a different band and their version of the lyrics was humorously different.

Lahr didn't understand many of the jokes, though it was clear that the audience in the recording did, but he found himself laughing along at learning that kilts were worn with nothing underneath.   The Andorian could appreciate the comment about the frozen twosome.

Realizing that maybe the ensign might not have an open mind about such comical music, Lahr looked over to Neva and gave a slight apologetic shrug.  "Sorry...  hope you weren't too bothered by the tune or its unconventional lyrics."

A few minutes later a third version of the song played.

Out of all three, Lahr genuinely like those played by the Corries.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Neva Cordon

Neva bounced in place when Lahr called out to her, making her juggle her tool a moment. She'd let out a small yelp of surprise before laughingly answering. "Yeah it is! I'd never heard of a captain or ship doing that. I like it though." Her brow furrowed and she looked down the shaft at him. "Words?!? You gotta be kidding! I used to watch video with my Dad when he'd make corned beef & cabbage for us for Earth's St. Patrick's Day. The tattoos of bagpipes playing were amazing to watch!"
When he played the songs, Neva's eyes widened. She stopped working and cocked her head to listen. She laughed hard at the kilts part and a couple others during the second song. At the end of each song, she'd tap her fist a couple times over her heart then stop & bow her head a moment.
Looking up, she turned back to her work and smirked. "Don't worry, I loved it!" She chuckled. "Pull up the song 'The Scotsman' and tell me what you think!"
Neva dropped the tool into her kit and replaced the panel. Doing her earlier move, she headed over to where Lahr was working. Sitting down beside him, she pulled off her kit and opened it. She passed the bottle of water to him. "If you don't drink soon, your Andorian ass won't help any of us!" She smiled encouragingly.

Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 09, 2023, 02:16:30 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:05 hrs)

Jael's sideline comment as to who Gohun's opponent was, had Rayek taking another quick look.  Fvadt!  He'd missed seeing the Vorta and its Jem'Hadar protectors.   Jael was likely right.  They needed to take out the Vorta, but anytime he attempted to peek out and take aim, he was spotted by the Jem'Hadar whose job it was, obviously, to protect their Vorta.  Their covering fire forced him to duck back to avoid being shot.

The bits of intel dropped as the Vorta reacted to the events of first the Breen base blowing up, and then the Nor-station imploded, gave Rayek a pretty good picture of the battle right now.   Seemed the Federation and their allies were winning.   That was good news, but it didn't help them any here and now.

That the Cardassian beside him hated her father so much that she openly stated that she'd have loved to see his demise, seemed cold.  Rayek, while not having a close relationship with his father (something Rayek hoped to improve upon with his own son Fvienn) he still had respected his father.  He'd couldn't imagine being pleased to hear of his death.

"You can celebrate later.  For now, I'll provide covering fire for you.  I need you to move up and get a shot on the Vorta." he whispered.

He waited for an acknowledgement before edging out from behind the console, drawing the fire of the Breen and Jem'Hadar.  He fired back but whereas he was twitchy in attempting to not get hit, the Jem'Hadar acted as a barrier between the Vorta and its enemies, the Federation invaders.

The Romulan could hear the weapons fire from Dranik and Dersch but they must have gone in towards the other side of the engineering room, so he didn't have eyes on them.

What they needed was an advantage...

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael had noticed Rayek's reaction. She made a note to tell him later that Nehor Sherem was an evil man, and not just in terms of family.

"What if we set these disruptors to overload and use them as grenades?" asked Jael in the teensiest whisper she can manage, one quiet enough to sound just so soft in a Vulcan's - or a Romulan's - ear. "Or probably one of them? And we lobby them at the Jem'Hadar? Or we get Sisko to drop our shields so Federation reinforcements can beam in?"

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

As if it didn't get hairy enough, a door to the bridge opened and a pair of Jem'Hadar de-shrouded and attacked. Rebecca heard the bolts fire and ducked just in time. She whirled around and shot a phaser...and missed.

"Lorut! Gohun! Yoshi!" she shouted. She had to get back to the console, but now these shrouded lizards added more complications. She forgot about the damn shrouds.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 08, 2023, 12:51:47 PM

~~Day 3, Jem'Hader Ship
1200 Hours~~~

She nodded, and slid in front of the console. She tapped away at the computer. "Shields seem to be up, but intermittent. Let me try something-" she said. She tapped some more, and a moment later, she spoke again. "They have polarized beam weapons. I am going to initiate cloak for that..should give some support to the shield. I hope." She said. It made a bit of sense-if you cloaked your weapons, it cut power to unnecessary things, and thus, the shield could be stronger.

Vila, however, didn't wait for a response. "Go. I'll stay here and try to keep it online. Remember that these fighters have personal cloaking devices, as well. I'd look for one if you have time. Likely going to be hidden in the hull panels," she said. "Don't look surprised; my ex-husband was an Engineer. He hid or left stuff in the panels all the time for safety reasons," she said. The smartest thing he'd ever done, honestly.
Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 09, 2023, 11:17:29 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael had noticed Rayek's reaction. She made a note to tell him later that Nehor Sherem was an evil man, and not just in terms of family.

"What if we set these disruptors to overload and use them as grenades?" asked Jael in the teensiest whisper she can manage, one quiet enough to sound just so soft in a Vulcan's - or a Romulan's - ear. "Or probably one of them? And we lobby them at the Jem'Hadar? Or we get Sisko to drop our shields so Federation reinforcements can beam in?"

[Lieutenant Commander Rebecca Sisko | Bridge | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

As if it didn't get hairy enough, a door to the bridge opened and a pair of Jem'Hadar de-shrouded and attacked. Rebecca heard the bolts fire and ducked just in time. She whirled around and shot a phaser...and missed.

"Lorut! Gohun! Yoshi!" she shouted. She had to get back to the console, but now these shrouded lizards added more complications. She forgot about the damn shrouds.

[Breen Ship]
[As Kirayoshi]

Kirayoshi nodded as he started looking for the secret panels Lorut mentioned. Odds are that something similar existed, but he wasn't sure. However, his attention was diverted by a group of Jem'Hadar coming in. With his arm all tied up and still hurting like nobody's business, he couldn't do much, except fumble for his phaser, and"¦ he noticed a pipeline, probably holding coolant of some kind. Something that could be used to overwhelm the conduits and blind the enemies, if he was guessing right. It was a shot, if anything. "œDuck!" he yelled to the others, before shooting at the pipe, drenching the assailants in coolant and steam

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Tekin Nevir

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Captain's Log, Supplemental

My theory on the experimental weapon used on Discovery seems to be accurate based on analysis of the weapon.  In a typical adversarial cycle, it seemed our ability to render their deadly power weapon during the War only inspired them to do the same on our own countermeasures. I have since transmitted sensor logs and analysis to Starfleet for them to assess and make recommendations.  I wish I could say we figured it out for them, but in this case it was nothing short of the Prophet's will that we survive.

The damage to Discovery is extensive, but with the resilience of both my crew, and of the Challenger, we are able to get vital systems back up and running.  Warp power has been restored, and the main power distribution systems have been reset.

Nevir was not in his normal position.  He didn't yet know the status of his helm officers like Alex, so while he let them recover, he was the one at the controls.  It was certainly a change, but a Captain was no captain if he didn't know how to work his own ship.

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  I have helm controls at the ready, standing by on your order.  Kinley, Dem, what's your status?" =/\=


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 10, 2023, 10:31:56 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir was not in his normal position.  He didn't yet know the status of his helm officers like Alex, so while he let them recover, he was the one at the controls.  It was certainly a change, but a Captain was no captain if he didn't know how to work his own ship.

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  I have helm controls at the ready, standing by on your order.  Kinley, Dem, what's your status?" =/\=

[Main Engineering - USS Challenger]

Lek had been waiting for the order from the Captain and replied immediately.

=/\= "Engineering here Captain. Best I can give you is warp 6, but we are ready whenever you are. Discovery may not be at her best, but she knows what she has to do and will get us where we need to go. Lek out." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun saw the enemies uncloak and heard the call for help. Looking around he remembered his favorite life saying. "œWhat is best in life?" "œTo crush your enemies, See them driven before you, And to hear the lamentation of their women!". The sad thing is that Jem'Hadar are hatched so not lamenting.
With that completely health well adjusted thought in his head Gohun reached for the Jem'Hadar weapon that he looted earlier. Unfortunately the Jem'Hadar ran up to Gohun making shooting the soldier impossible. This is when Gohun took the blade side of the blaster and stabbed it right where the human heart would be then he pulled the trigger firing through the soldier killing the one behind. It was at that moment Gohun remembered that a Jem'Hadar's heart is not in the same place. In sheer desperation Gohun swung the weapon and decapitated the Jem'Hadar. Leaving only on soldier remaining.

Lorut Vila


Day 3, Jem'Hader Ship

She watched in interest as Melek Nor exploded. Something stirred inside of her, but she didn't have time to sit with it. A voice shouting at her brought her down to Earth. Figuratively, of course.

The doors to the Bridge opened. She turned.


"Lorut! Gohun! Yoshi!" she shouted. She had to get back to the console, but now these shrouded lizards added more complications. She forgot about the damn shrouds.

She didn't wait. She pulled the Phaser from its hiding spot-this time, under her bra-and fired once. She tossed it onto the Console table in front of her, and opted for the Breen rifle she'd liberated earlier. She fired on the final standing Jem'Hadar. It fell, but she wasn't stupid enough to think that that was the end of it. She moved forward, taking a graze to her left arm as she did-indeed, he hadn't died. She got a bit closer, and fired again three times.

"I think he's dead, Chief," she said, when the noise died down. "I'm hit." She turned around.

"We're on with the Challenger," she said. "Where's the Romulan?"

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:05 hrs)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 09, 2023, 11:17:29 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael had noticed Rayek's reaction. She made a note to tell him later that Nehor Sherem was an evil man, and not just in terms of family.

"What if we set these disruptors to overload and use them as grenades?" asked Jael in the teensiest whisper she can manage, one quiet enough to sound just so soft in a Vulcan's - or a Romulan's - ear. "Or probably one of them? And we lob it at the Jem'Hadar? Or we get Sisko to drop our shields so Federation reinforcements can beam in?"

Rayek glanced to Jael at her various suggestions. He was tempted to point out that they were down here clearing out the enemy nest because Gohun and the others on the Bridge were having trouble maintaining access to any of the controls because of the damn Vorta.  Like as if the Vorta would make it easy for them to lower the ship's shields.

No, they needed to clear this space out themselves, and given the sensitive nature of the engineering controls... a grenade was not a wise idea either.

His answer to Jael was just a single shake of his head.

For a moment, Rayek felt frustratingly trapped unable to do anything against the Jem'Hadar.  The genetically-engineered warriors were superior in speed, strength, constitution.. their only weakness had been ketracel-white and now perhaps not even that.  They were brutal - as evidenced by how harshly they had dealt with resistance on Betazed.

Oh wait!  That was it!  Telepathy! Rayek suddenly had a plan.

Rayek gestured to Jael to be ready with her disruptor.  He mouthed 'Vorta'.   While she took care of the 'leader', Rayek would aim for the nearest Jem'Hadar... and hope that Dranik and Dersch recognized the opening and did the same.

With his hand he counted down from Five... Four....   Rayek reached out with his mind throughout the room.   He dismissed the mental presences of those he knew - Jael, Dranik and Dersch, and focused his intent on every other mind and rather than reading their thoughts, he used a Reman trick he'd been taught during his time in the Tal'Shiar, implanting an idea -

Three - his count down continued

- something simple, something not contrary to their warrior nature but rather used that nature to bring them out into the open where his security team could have clear shots on them, and leaving the Vorta unprotected.   ~tele~ Step out and issue a challenge to your opponent.


The implanted thought was soft, subtle, yet compelling.

Almost as if as one, the Jem'Hadar warriors moved out from behind the engineering consoles that made aiming on them difficult, and called out to the Federation intruders to accept an honorable death at their hands.   The Vorta lifted his head from his task, shocked with their actions.


Rayek stood up from his cover and fired on the Jem'Hadar he'd selected as his target.  His dishonorable action infuriated the Jem'Hadar, who took two steps towards him before the concentrated disruptor fire took the Jem'Hadar down.

Rayek changed targets - to one who was lifting his weapon to take aim at Jael - recognizing her as a threat to his Vorta leader.  As the Romulan fired he changed his telepathic implanted thought to a more urgent order.  ~tele~ Hold your fire!

The order worked, causing the all the Jem'Hadar to hesitate in firing.  This hesitation gave Rayek the time he needed to drop that warrior.

As the Romulan looked for his next target, he took stock of what Jael and the others were doing.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 09, 2023, 06:56:12 PM

Neva bounced in place when Lahr called out to her, making her juggle her tool a moment. She'd let out a small yelp of surprise before laughingly answering. "Yeah it is! I'd never heard of a captain or ship doing that. I like it though." Her brow furrowed and she looked down the shaft at him. "Words?!? You gotta be kidding! I used to watch video with my Dad when he'd make corned beef & cabbage for us for Earth's St. Patrick's Day. The tattoos of bagpipes playing were amazing to watch!"
When he played the songs, Neva's eyes widened. She stopped working and cocked her head to listen. She laughed hard at the kilts part and a couple others during the second song. At the end of each song, she'd tap her fist a couple times over her heart then stop & bow her head a moment.
Looking up, she turned back to her work and smirked. "Don't worry, I loved it!" She chuckled. "Pull up the song 'The Scotsman' and tell me what you think!"
Neva dropped the tool into her kit and replaced the panel. Doing her earlier move, she headed over to where Lahr was working. Sitting down beside him, she pulled off her kit and opened it. She passed the bottle of water to him. "If you don't drink soon, your Andorian ass won't help any of us!" She smiled encouragingly.

At the suggestion of a new song, Lahr paused his work to find the one referenced and played it.   The Andorian laughed so hard his antenna were writhing.

"Am so gonna have to sneak that into the Captain's playlist." Lahr wheezed out between laughs.  Sure, it would me more hull scrubbing but it would be so worth it.

As he wiped tears from his eyes, he noted her holding something out towards him - a water bottle.  He gave the Ensign an appreciative up-nod before taking a long swallow.   Afterwards he handed it back.

"Thanks!  But you don't gotta worry about me.  I figure I'm near indestructible."

He pats his legs.  "Had these near blown right off..  yet the docs managed to regrow them.  You'd never have known right?"

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on August 10, 2023, 11:03:43 AM

[Main Engineering - USS Challenger]

Lek had been waiting for the order from the Captain and replied immediately.

=/\= "Engineering here Captain. Best I can give you is warp 6, but we are ready whenever you are. Discovery may not be at her best, but she knows what she has to do and will get us where we need to go. Lek out." =/\=

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on August 11, 2023, 04:59:08 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

At the suggestion of a new song, Lahr paused his work to find the one referenced and played it.   The Andorian laughed so hard his antenna were writhing.

"Am so gonna have to sneak that into the Captain's playlist." Lahr wheezed out between laughs.  Sure, it would me more hull scrubbing but it would be so worth it.

As he wiped tears from his eyes, he noted her holding something out towards him - a water bottle.  He gave the Ensign an appreciative up-nod before taking a long swallow.   Afterwards he handed it back.

"Thanks!  But you don't gotta worry about me.  I figure I'm near indestructible."

He pats his legs.  "Had these near blown right off..  yet the docs managed to regrow them.  You'd never have known right?"

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

=/\= "I wouldn't trust her in better hands, Lek.  Going to warp 5.5. Bridge out." =/\=

The captain had signaled Challenger before activating a course plot, and as Discovery finally went to warp, he heard the laughter behind him.

"Laughter on the bridge... a nice change from the silence of space earlier." he called out, turning towards the Challenger crew working on the bridge.

"Status update?"

Neva Cordon


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

At the suggestion of a new song, Lahr paused his work to find the one referenced and played it.   The Andorian laughed so hard his antenna were writhing.

"Am so gonna have to sneak that into the Captain's playlist." Lahr wheezed out between laughs.  Sure, it would me more hull scrubbing but it would be so worth it.

As he wiped tears from his eyes, he noted her holding something out towards him - a water bottle.  He gave the Ensign an appreciative up-nod before taking a long swallow.   Afterwards he handed it back.

"Thanks!  But you don't gotta worry about me.  I figure I'm near indestructible."

He pats his legs.  "Had these near blown right off..  yet the docs managed to regrow them.  You'd never have known right?"

Neva shook her head and laughed with him. When he mentioned the Playlist, she looked at him with interest. "He's got a playlist?? oh that's awesome! You gotta send me that!"
She took the bottle back and capped it before putting it away.
"You did? Wow!" Neva had a new appreciation for medical profession. "My mother was a nurse in Starfleet. She'd love to hear about that." Neva suddenly blushed an hid it by putting her hand over her face and ducking down. "Oh Gods, I'm so sorry! I don't mean to make light of what you dealt with. Just the advances are what my mother would want to hear about."
Her hand slid up her face to wipe sweat away once more. She looked up, across from her, and then back at Lahr. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Think we're done here?"
Female Human/Betazoid
"The first thing you must do is to acknowledge that the fear is yours, and you can bid it come and go at will." Father Master, Darkover MZB

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 11, 2023, 11:33:26 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

=/\= "I wouldn't trust her in better hands, Lek.  Going to warp 5.5. Bridge out." =/\=

The captain had signaled Challenger before activating a course plot, and as Discovery finally went to warp, he heard the laughter behind him.

"Laughter on the bridge... a nice change from the silence of space earlier." he called out, turning towards the Challenger crew working on the bridge.

"Status update?"

Quote from: Neva Cordon on August 11, 2023, 11:59:33 AM

Neva shook her head and laughed with him. When he mentioned the Playlist, she looked at him with interest. "He's got a playlist?? oh that's awesome! You gotta send me that!"
She took the bottle back and capped it before putting it away.
"You did? Wow!" Neva had a new appreciation for medical profession. "My mother was a nurse in Starfleet. She'd love to hear about that." Neva suddenly blushed an hid it by putting her hand over her face and ducking down. "Oh Gods, I'm so sorry! I don't mean to make light of what you dealt with. Just the advances are what my mother would want to hear about."
Her hand slid up her face to wipe sweat away once more. She looked up, across from her, and then back at Lahr. She raised an eyebrow at him. "Think we're done here?"

At the ensign's interest in the Captain's playlist, Lahr chuckled.  "You're a fan of bagpipes too?" He sounded skeptical.  "I created it for him... there's like 11 different remixes of the same song... but he prefers the traditional version.  I even remixed him one with a strong Klingon beat."  Lahr's antenna drooped as he shook his head sadly.   "He wasn't a fan."

When the conversation turned to his legs and she mentioned her mother, Lahr quirked an eyebrow.  He then waved off the woman's apology.  "Nah, it's fine.  I mentioned it first, so it's all good."  His counselor would probably raise an eyebrow at that statement but the Doc wasn't there so his opinion didn't matter.

Lahr looked up when the Discovery's Captain emerged from his Ready room and commented on the laughter.  The Andorian didn't know if the man was being serious or trying to point out that Lahr should have a bit more respect for the work they'd just about finished up.

He gave nod in agreement to the Ensign before he stood up to give his report.  "The ceiling panels have been both welded and bolted on, sealed both inside and out."  The members of DCT1 had contacted him earlier of their progress on the outer hull.

"Structurally, she'll hold together but aesthetically you got a tin can ceiling.  If you want, I can requisition some paint from the Quartermaster and paint you a starscape or nebula on it?"  The Andorian offered a slight grin.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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