Season 15: Episode 2 - Dominion Rising part 2

Started by Rayek trLhoell, June 07, 2023, 02:16:19 AM

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Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 11, 2023, 04:23:29 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:05 hrs)

Rayek glanced to Jael at her various suggestions. He was tempted to point out that they were down here clearing out the enemy nest because Gohun and the others on the Bridge were having trouble maintaining access to any of the controls because of the damn Vorta.  Like as if the Vorta would make it easy for them to lower the ship's shields.

No, they needed to clear this space out themselves, and given the sensitive nature of the engineering controls... a grenade was not a wise idea either.

His answer to Jael was just a single shake of his head.

For a moment, Rayek felt frustratingly trapped unable to do anything against the Jem'Hadar.  The genetically-engineered warriors were superior in speed, strength, constitution.. their only weakness had been ketracel-white and now perhaps not even that.  They were brutal - as evidenced by how harshly they had dealt with resistance on Betazed.

Oh wait!  That was it!  Telepathy! Rayek suddenly had a plan.

Rayek gestured to Jael to be ready with her disruptor.  He mouthed 'Vorta'.   While she took care of the 'leader', Rayek would aim for the nearest Jem'Hadar... and hope that Dranik and Dersch recognized the opening and did the same.

With his hand he counted down from Five... Four....   Rayek reached out with his mind throughout the room.   He dismissed the mental presences of those he knew - Jael, Dranik and Dersch, and focused his intent on every other mind and rather than reading their thoughts, he used a Reman trick he'd been taught during his time in the Tal'Shiar, implanting an idea -

Three - his count down continued

- something simple, something not contrary to their warrior nature but rather used that nature to bring them out into the open where his security team could have clear shots on them, and leaving the Vorta unprotected.   ~tele~ Step out and issue a challenge to your opponent.


The implanted thought was soft, subtle, yet compelling.

Almost as if as one, the Jem'Hadar warriors moved out from behind the engineering consoles that made aiming on them difficult, and called out to the Federation intruders to accept an honorable death at their hands.   The Vorta lifted his head from his task, shocked with their actions.


Rayek stood up from his cover and fired on the Jem'Hadar he'd selected as his target.  His dishonorable action infuriated the Jem'Hadar, who took two steps towards him before the concentrated disruptor fire took the Jem'Hadar down.

Rayek changed targets - to one who was lifting his weapon to take aim at Jael - recognizing her as a threat to his Vorta leader.  As the Romulan fired he changed his telepathic implanted thought to a more urgent order.  ~tele~ Hold your fire!

The order worked, causing the all the Jem'Hadar to hesitate in firing.  This hesitation gave Rayek the time he needed to drop that warrior.

As the Romulan looked for his next target, he took stock of what Jael and the others were doing.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael saw Rayek mouth the word "Vorta." She nodded in understanding, she knew he wanted her to target him. And whatever happened, the opening proved opportune. The Jem'Hadar scooted, of sorts, giving themselves away, leaving the Vorta vulnerable...and Jael took her shot at the pointed-eared eel. The shot made a searing passage through his neck and he collapsed, wriggling until death claimed him.

Jael sent another shot at a Jem'Hadar and ducked down. Of course, the openings for Dranik and Dersch ensured an ending to the gunfight.

Once the battle was over and the Jem'Hadar lay in scorching heaps, Jael looked back at Rayek with a giggle.

"That was amazing!" she said. "Your telepathy, of course...I heard how the Dominion were expelled from Betazed, it was mentioned how the Jem'Hadar were vulnerable to telepathy...Holy Prophets, it makes me wonder if Nira...Commander Said..."

Then she shook her head and corrected herself. "No. I stand corrected. Nira would be a dead woman if she tried that en masse. Fifteen thousand Betazoids never woke up from comas after that mass telepathic attack that liberated Betazed."

Not to mention it was a rare indication of the least amount of casualties in the Federation during the Dominion War, she added to herself inwardly.

A comm came in from Commander Sisko. "Bridge to tr'Lhoell. I guess you got the Vorta. We had a brief problem, some shrouded Jem'Hadar, but it's all taken care of. We got a souvenir to bring home to remember the battle by."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 10, 2023, 10:31:56 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Captain's Log, Supplemental

My theory on the experimental weapon used on Discovery seems to be accurate based on analysis of the weapon.  In a typical adversarial cycle, it seemed our ability to render their deadly power weapon during the War only inspired them to do the same on our own countermeasures. I have since transmitted sensor logs and analysis to Starfleet for them to assess and make recommendations.  I wish I could say we figured it out for them, but in this case it was nothing short of the Prophet's will that we survive.

The damage to Discovery is extensive, but with the resilience of both my crew, and of the Challenger, we are able to get vital systems back up and running.  Warp power has been restored, and the main power distribution systems have been reset.

Nevir was not in his normal position.  He didn't yet know the status of his helm officers like Alex, so while he let them recover, he was the one at the controls.  It was certainly a change, but a Captain was no captain if he didn't know how to work his own ship.

=/\= "Bridge to Engineering.  I have helm controls at the ready, standing by on your order.  Kinley, Dem, what's your status?" =/\=


Coming onto the bridge, Kinley had just gotten back from the science labs. They had lost a lot of data and science in the attack, including their biocultures, much to ensign Rajagopalan's dismay, but overall, the main labs weren't lost. Coming back onto the bridge, Kinley noticed Tekin on the Helm. "œ Just did a check-up on the science labs, sir. We lost a few computers and our entire Bioculture systems incubator in the attack, but things are overall operational. Also, the communications grid has been repaired and I've gotten confirmation that Engineering has been working on the scanners that got busted now.  she reported crisply. "Haven't checked up on medical just yet."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:10 hrs)

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 11, 2023, 07:06:44 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael saw Rayek mouth the word "Vorta." She nodded in understanding, she knew he wanted her to target him. And whatever happened, the opening proved opportune. The Jem'Hadar scooted, of sorts, giving themselves away, leaving the Vorta vulnerable...and Jael took her shot at the pointed-eared eel. The shot made a searing passage through his neck and he collapsed, wriggling until death claimed him.

Jael sent another shot at a Jem'Hadar and ducked down. Of course, the openings for Dranik and Dersch ensured an ending to the gunfight.

Once the battle was over and the Jem'Hadar lay in scorching heaps, Jael looked back at Rayek with a giggle.

"That was amazing!" she said. "Your telepathy, of course...I heard how the Dominion were expelled from Betazed, it was mentioned how the Jem'Hadar were vulnerable to telepathy...Holy Prophets, it makes me wonder if Nira...Commander Said..."

Then she shook her head and corrected herself. "No. I stand corrected. Nira would be a dead woman if she tried that en masse. Fifteen thousand Betazoids never woke up from comas after that mass telepathic attack that liberated Betazed."

Not to mention it was a rare indication of the least amount of casualties in the Federation during the Dominion War, she added to herself inwardly.

A comm came in from Commander Sisko. "Bridge to tr'Lhoell. I guess you got the Vorta. We had a brief problem, some shrouded Jem'Hadar, but it's all taken care of. We got a souvenir to bring home to remember the battle by."

The battle ended quicker than Rayek had thought possible.  His tactic had worked.  The Vorta, and the Jem'Hadar were dead.

He was surprised by Jael's praise.  He hadn't wanted to use his ability in that manner ever again.  But he'd run out of other options.

It was only as he listened to Jael describe the tragic outcome of the mass telepathic attack on Betazoid that had inspired his attempt, did he realized that what he'd done had more risk to himself than he'd first thought.  He was not a strong telepath by any stretch of the imagination.  He would have thought a naturally telepathic species would have fared better than him, with his aberrant genetics.

Recognizing that he still hadn't responded to her comments, Rayek gave a slight shrug.  "I was running out of workable ideas.  It seemed the best option.   I'm glad it worked."  He then looked to each of his team.  "Good job, everyone.  Secure the room and let's contact the Bridge to let them know they are good to get us out of here."

But before he could open a channel, Sisko contacted him, with news that there are been yet more cloaked Jem'Hadar... of course!  Fvadt!  And he'd left the Bridge basically undefended.  The Romulan scowled at his own mistake.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked then afterwards gave orders for the Bridge team to arrange for a meet up with the nearest Federation vessel.   Meanwhile, he and his security would a more thorough check of the ship and make sure there were no other Dominion forces aboard.

[USS Discovery] (Day 4 09:00)

It took hours after their debrief for Rayek to be able to arrange for a ship to return them to the Discovery, since the Jem'Hadar ship had been confiscated shortly after their meet up with the Valiant. Hearing about how badly Discovery had been damaged, Rayek was nearly beside himself with worry over Tess and Fvienn.

From the moment the team transported aboard, Rayek was all but running through the corridors in his haste to check on his family.

What he learned upon arrival prompted his absence from all duties for an entire week while he grieved with his wife over the loss of their unborn daughter.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila

Jem'Hadar Ship-Discovery
Day 3

Finally, it was all over. Comms had been restored, the Jem'hader were dead, along with their Vorta leader. Melek Nor had exploded, taking war criminals with it.

Upon their return to the Discovery, she was forced into Medical. She'd taken a couple of good hits. Still, she was looking forward to some time at DS9-this time, she'd go home.

IF she was allowed to. She recognized that while her actions saved lives, she was wrong and fully expected punishment for it.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 12, 2023, 10:32:16 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[Jem'Hadar ship - Engineering] - AWAY TEAM (DAY 3 17:10 hrs)

The battle ended quicker than Rayek had thought possible.  His tactic had worked.  The Vorta, and the Jem'Hadar were dead.

He was surprised by Jael's praise.  He hadn't wanted to use his ability in that manner ever again.  But he'd run out of other options.

It was only as he listened to Jael describe the tragic outcome of the mass telepathic attack on Betazoid that had inspired his attempt, did he realized that what he'd done had more risk to himself than he'd first thought.  He was not a strong telepath by any stretch of the imagination.  He would have thought a naturally telepathic species would have fared better than him, with his aberrant genetics.

Recognizing that he still hadn't responded to her comments, Rayek gave a slight shrug.  "I was running out of workable ideas.  It seemed the best option.   I'm glad it worked."  He then looked to each of his team.  "Good job, everyone.  Secure the room and let's contact the Bridge to let them know they are good to get us out of here."

But before he could open a channel, Sisko contacted him, with news that there are been yet more cloaked Jem'Hadar... of course!  Fvadt!  And he'd left the Bridge basically undefended.  The Romulan scowled at his own mistake.

"Is everyone okay?" he asked then afterwards gave orders for the Bridge team to arrange for a meet up with the nearest Federation vessel.   Meanwhile, he and his security would a more thorough check of the ship and make sure there were no other Dominion forces aboard.

[USS Discovery] (Day 4 09:00)

It took hours after their debrief for Rayek to be able to arrange for a ship to return them to the Discovery, since the Jem'Hadar ship had been confiscated shortly after their meet up with the Valiant. Hearing about how badly Discovery had been damaged, Rayek was nearly beside himself with worry over Tess and Fvienn.

From the moment the team transported aboard, Rayek was all but running through the corridors in his haste to check on his family.

What he learned upon arrival prompted his absence from all duties for an entire week while he grieved with his wife over the loss of their unborn daughter.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 12, 2023, 11:59:02 PM

Jem'Hadar Ship-Discovery
Day 3

Finally, it was all over. Comms had been restored, the Jem'hader were dead, along with their Vorta leader. Melek Nor had exploded, taking war criminals with it.

Upon their return to the Discovery, she was forced into Medical. She'd taken a couple of good hits. Still, she was looking forward to some time at DS9-this time, she'd go home.

IF she was allowed to. She recognized that while her actions saved lives, she was wrong and fully expected punishment for it.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

"Ah, well, sometimes some ideas come at the spur of the moment," Jael said with a shrug. "My brother, Gid, he once said that it's why Engineers are often called miracle workers."

The comm Rayek sent was answered immediately by Sisko. "Understood, Commander...okay, I found one. The Starship Himishi's the closest, I'm sending in a transmission."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Jael and Gid's Quarters | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

The debrief took Prophets-awful long, too long for Jael's liking. She was glad to have gotten back to the Discovery via the Himishi. She wasn't sure how well used she can get to those new Alita-class starships.

Still, she had a chance to relax, though she passed through the Discovery's ruined bridge. It pained her to see it like this. Still, she was glad she didn't have any immediate duties.

But when she got word of her mother's fatal wound, she was shocked. She had the news of her being on life support, but it only delayed the inevitable. For the rest of the day, she sobbed horribly.

Quote from: Nira Said on August 11, 2023, 06:30:06 PM

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78193.3. We're taking the most time we have of our remaining stay on Deep Space Nine before we have to make our return to the Romulan border. A time for shore leave is good for us for recuperation. Unfortunately, it's going to be marring to some. Before I have to join in on celebrating our victory, I have to be there for a fellow officer as she spends her last moments with a dying loved one.

[Commander Nira Said | Infirmary | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Nira had just walked into the infirmary just as Jael had almost bumped into her in a run, with her adopted Bajoran brother Gid in tow. Both have been summoned as Rahab Sherem spends her last dying moments in life.

"Mother!" she shouted. "I came as soon as I could! I wish I would've come sooner...!"

"It's all right, my little Jael," said Rahab soothingly on her deathbed. "I don't have much time left, in spite of what the good doctor has done. I wanted you to be there...along with the good woman who did so much to ensure I came back in one piece."

Nira grimaced at her words, and looked around with her eyes to ]see Doctor Bashir watching nearby, then back at Rahab.

"I'm sorry, Legate. Not necessarily in one piece..."

"Be it as it may, it's left peace to my family," said Rahab with a sigh.

"Not to us!" said Jael worriedly, gesturing to her and Gid. "Doctor, isn't there...?"

"I'm sorry, but there isn't anything I can do more," Doctor Bashir said. "Her wound was much too severe. The best I could do was give time. It's inevitable her time is up, that's why you were called here."

"Oh, Prophets!" wailed Jael, her tears welling.

"It's all right," said Rahab quietly, smiling reassuredly. "We could be together for the last time. At least I could die knowing that Nehor's death was assured...thanks to you, Nira," she added, looking at Nira.

"Believe me, Legate, I didn't want to take a life," said Nira, looking down. "But that man was evil..."

"I understand," said Rahab. "And for that, I thank you. Many Bajorans will want to thank you, Nira."

"But I hope not in a way to supplant Benjamin Sisko in the eyes of..."

"I know. The Bajorans regard Sisko as the Emissary. You're no Moses or Joan of Arc, Nira," said Rahab. And then she gasped. Jael came to her side, a hand taking her mother's.

"Mother!" said Jael, tears streaming.

"My know where to put me when I die," said Rahab with a reassuring smile.

"Yes, but..."

"Then show how our hearts belong to Bajor," said Rahab. "Be a part of Bajor, my children."

"We will," said Gid.

"Thank you, my children," said Rahab. "And...thank you, Nira."

She laid her head back, her hand still in Jael's, her eyes closing. Then, she let out a smile. " was so good. I was glad to be there...I will always treasure that moment...I bid farewell to I bid farewell to memory..."

She fell silent. Her smile was wide. And then her hand slipped from Jael's hand and draped limply over the bed. Rahab Sherem died with an amused smile on her face, feeling peaceful in spite of the wound. Nira had already figured she was replaying Nehor Sherem being sucked out into space like he was falling from a tower.

Jael buried her face on the side of her mother's body, letting out a wail of grief. Gid hugged Jael from behind and Nira gave a soft reassuring pat on Jael's shoulder, a tear down her own face.

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-40117-A]

=/\="Captain Tekin? Commander tr'Lhoell? I need to talk to you when you're both able to." =/\=

More than a week later, between the journey back to Deep Space Nine on tetherhooks and finally being at Rahab's bedside when she died, Jael was face to face with Captain Tekin and Rayek. Her eyes were red...or as typical of Cardassians...with tears. She had been in such extreme mourning. And there had been something more to catalyze her decision.

"Captain. Commander. I'm glad we could have this meeting," said Jael. She brought over her PADD.

"Sirs, I wish to tender my resignation. I've done some things as of late that have been offensive. In fact, plenty of things I have done for half the time since my graduation at the Academy have made me pull out my resignation papers. I had been feeling strongly of whether I even belong in Starfleet. However, something, some circumstance, had kept me from submitting them.

"But now I have a good strong reason to make my resignation now," said Jael. "I'm sure you'd know by now, whether from Nira Said or from Julian mother was killed by my father. Shot cruelly. Nira risked her life to bring her dying self from Melek Nor, and Doctor Bashir delayed her death as long as he could, long enough that we could say goodbye. But there's a reason for my tendering my resignation in light of my mother's death.

"You see," she continued, "my mother married her former first officer, Helem Kimnor. He was killed during the battle of Panora. She had been expecting a baby...and Doctor Bashir arranged for it to be born early to save my new baby brother, to keep him from dying with my mother. And this is why I must resign. I have a sibling to raise, to act as his mother in my own mother's place. But I don't have the time to raise a child while I am an officer. Oh, even if I could pull it off, like you would, Commander," she added, nodding at Rayek, remembering his wife and child, whom she had often seen in passing, "the pressure I've felt as an officer is too much on me. Amidst my inner turmoil of my wanting to belong...well, I just can't.

"I intend to bury my mother at Bajor," said Jael. "It's what she wants. But I intend to raise my baby brother on Earth. Earth was my one true home. Not Bajor. Nor Cardassia. I'm not welcome on Bajor because many Bajorans haven't forgiven the Cardassians for the Occupation. Nor would I be welcome on Cardassia because I still carry the Sherem name, and in light of his death, it would be as hurtful a reminder as the Occupation was to Bajoran memory."

And she put the PADD on the desk and slid it over to the two Commanding Officers.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 11, 2023, 11:28:28 PM


Coming onto the bridge, Kinley had just gotten back from the science labs. They had lost a lot of data and science in the attack, including their biocultures, much to ensign Rajagopalan's dismay, but overall, the main labs weren't lost. Coming back onto the bridge, Kinley noticed Tekin on the Helm. "œ Just did a check-up on the science labs, sir. We lost a few computers and our entire Bioculture systems incubator in the attack, but things are overall operational. Also, the communications grid has been repaired and I've gotten confirmation that Engineering has been working on the scanners that got busted now.  she reported crisply. "Haven't checked up on medical just yet."

[Sickbay | USS Discovery]

Dem heard through the open channel Tekins request and Kinleys response. "œAh, just down in medical now sir. We lost 8 officers. 6 officers are in critical condition. Another 20 have substantial injuries." Dem tried to keep emotionally detached through his traumatic report. He picked up is PADD and walked out of sickbay to the bridge, trying to put it all behind him.

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Three - XO Quarters]

A week of mourning didn't seem long enough but it was all that he was allotted by his commission contract, unless he wanted to claim medical stress leave.  However, if he did that the higher ups in Starfleet might question his suitability as Executive Officer.  No, he needed to return to work.  The ship and crew needed it's full Command Team more than ever; even Tess pointed that out to him when he'd broached the idea of him taking additional time off if she needed him there with her.

So, in imitation of a normal day, Rayek had gotten up early, showered, dressed and made breakfast for the three of them.  After breakfast, he gathered his comm badge and PADD.  A quick glance at his inbox showed he had over 153 messages to respond to.  He tucked his PADD away for later and bid Fvienn and Tess goodbye with hugs and kisses.  Despite his desire and intent to return to share a meal at his lunch break, Rayek didn't promise to do so, in the likely chance that he would be too busy when the time came.  He hoped Tess understood.

[USS Discovery - Deck Two - XO's office]
In his office while attempting to sort through the 153 messages, for a moment, Rayek missed the organizational skills of the Vulcan aide, Sorik, who had been assigned to him briefly while aboard the RFS Valdore.

After addressing the most critical messages and signing off on several transfer requests and new assignments, Rayek finally got around to his own after-action report.  Given the risks involved with the mission, the Romulan recommended commendations for the entire team - despite individual reckless actions.... those he would address separately.

Also amid the XO's messages were a number of promotion notifications that the Captain must have sought approval for during Rayek's week long bereavement leave.  Some, he felt were wholly deserved - others he had his doubts about; but as the decision had already been made there was little point to questioning the reasons why afterwards.  He would hand out the promotions later that afternoon if he could get through the bulk of his messages.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 13, 2023, 12:52:43 AM

=/\="Captain Tekin? Commander tr'Lhoell? I need to talk to you when you're both able to." =/\=

Sherem's request to meet with him and the Captain, came at an opportune time, since he needed to speak with her anyways in regards to a couple of things.

He found a time in his and the Captain's schedule and booked her in for later that afternoon.

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 13, 2023, 12:52:43 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-40117-A]

More than a week later, between the journey back to Deep Space Nine on tetherhooks and finally being at Rahab's bedside when she died, Jael was face to face with Captain Tekin and Rayek. Her eyes were red...or as typical of Cardassians...with tears. She had been in such extreme mourning. And there had been something more to catalyze her decision.

"Captain. Commander. I'm glad we could have this meeting," said Jael. She brought over her PADD.

"Sirs, I wish to tender my resignation. I've done some things as of late that have been offensive. In fact, plenty of things I have done for half the time since my graduation at the Academy have made me pull out my resignation papers. I had been feeling strongly of whether I even belong in Starfleet. However, something, some circumstance, had kept me from submitting them.

"But now I have a good strong reason to make my resignation now," said Jael. "I'm sure you'd know by now, whether from Nira Said or from Julian mother was killed by my father. Shot cruelly. Nira risked her life to bring her dying self from Melek Nor, and Doctor Bashir delayed her death as long as he could, long enough that we could say goodbye. But there's a reason for my tendering my resignation in light of my mother's death.

"You see," she continued, "my mother married her former first officer, Helem Kimnor. He was killed during the battle of Panora. She had been expecting a baby...and Doctor Bashir arranged for it to be born early to save my new baby brother, to keep him from dying with my mother. And this is why I must resign. I have a sibling to raise, to act as his mother in my own mother's place. But I don't have the time to raise a child while I am an officer. Oh, even if I could pull it off, like you would, Commander," she added, nodding at Rayek, remembering his wife and child, whom she had often seen in passing, "the pressure I've felt as an officer is too much on me. Amidst my inner turmoil of my wanting to belong...well, I just can't.

"I intend to bury my mother at Bajor," said Jael. "It's what she wants. But I intend to raise my baby brother on Earth. Earth was my one true home. Not Bajor. Nor Cardassia. I'm not welcome on Bajor because many Bajorans haven't forgiven the Cardassians for the Occupation. Nor would I be welcome on Cardassia because I still carry the Sherem name, and in light of his death, it would be as hurtful a reminder as the Occupation was to Bajoran memory."

And she put the PADD on the desk and slid it over to the two Commanding Officers.

[USS Discovery - Deck One - Captain's Ready Room]

Rather than sit for this meeting, Rayek had opted to remain standing At Ease to the side of the Captain's desk.  He had his hands clasped behind him.  He look much like a stoic guard.

The Lieutenant's appearance, with her red-rimmed eyes from crying, though understandable in light of her own familial loss, reflected poorly on the officer he felt.  Not that Rayek had fared any better at refraining from tears throughout his time of mourning.  No.  He merely had used eye drops earlier to keep his eyes clean and clear for moments like now.

The announcement of her resignation, caught him off guard.  The Romulan First Officer listened as she listed all the reasons why this was the best decision for her.  He had learned that morning about the tragic passing of her mother, but nothing in the file at all had mentioned the premature birth of a sibling.

When she slid over the PADD, Rayek reached out to look it over to be sure this wasn't some sort of prank.  After a moment to check that the resignation form was indeed valid Rayek, handed it to the Captain.   "It appears to be in order, sir."

He paused a moment looking towards the Captain seeking the Bajoran's go-ahead before he turned back to address the Cardassian officer.

"I can't speak to your inner turmoil of belonging - though I understand it well enough - but from Starfleet's perspective, despite your various infractions, you are viewed to be a worthy officer.  Before this resignation can be accepted, your form needs to be updated with your correct rank, Lieutenant Sherem."

As he spoke, stressing her promoted rank, Rayek brought forward from behind his back, the small pip box containing a solid gold pin.  He motioned her to rise and once she was standing, he stepped forward to remove the black center pip and replaced it with the solid pip that noted her thereafter as a Lieutenant.

"Starfleet thanks you for your service; and in regards to your resignation, wishes you well along your chosen path."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 14, 2023, 06:07:06 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell [USS Discovery - Deck Two - XO's office]
In his office while attempting to sort through the 153 messages, for a moment, Rayek missed the organizational skills of the Vulcan aide, Sorik, who had been assigned to him briefly while aboard the RFS Valdore.

After addressing the most critical messages and signing off on several transfer requests and new assignments, Rayek finally got around to his own after-action report.  Given the risks involved with the mission, the Romulan recommended commendations for the entire team - despite individual reckless actions.... those he would address separately.

Also amid the XO's messages were a number of promotion notifications that the Captain must have sought approval for during Rayek's week long bereavement leave.  Some, he felt were wholly deserved - others he had his doubts about; but as the decision had already been made there was little point to questioning the reasons why afterwards.  He would hand out the promotions later that afternoon if he could get through the bulk of his messages.

Sherem's request to meet with him and the Captain, came at an opportune time, since he needed to speak with her anyways in regards to a couple of things.

He found a time in his and the Captain's schedule and booked her in for later that afternoon.

[USS Discovery - Deck One - Captain's Ready Room]

Rather than sit for this meeting, Rayek had opted to remain standing At Ease to the side of the Captain's desk.  He had his hands clasped behind him.  He look much like a stoic guard.

The Lieutenant's appearance, with her red-rimmed eyes from crying, though understandable in light of her own familial loss, reflected poorly on the officer he felt.  Not that Rayek had fared any better at refraining from tears throughout his time of mourning.  No.  He merely had used eye drops earlier to keep his eyes clean and clear for moments like now.

The announcement of her resignation, caught him off guard.  The Romulan First Officer listened as she listed all the reasons why this was the best decision for her.  He had learned that morning about the tragic passing of her mother, but nothing in the file at all had mentioned the premature birth of a sibling.

When she slid over the PADD, Rayek reached out to look it over to be sure this wasn't some sort of prank.  After a moment to check that the resignation form was indeed valid Rayek, handed it to the Captain.   "It appears to be in order, sir."

He paused a moment looking towards the Captain seeking the Bajoran's go-ahead before he turned back to address the Cardassian officer.

"I can't speak to your inner turmoil of belonging - though I understand it well enough - but from Starfleet's perspective, despite your various infractions, you are viewed to be a worthy officer.  Before this resignation can be accepted, your form needs to be updated with your correct rank, Lieutenant Sherem."

As he spoke, stressing her promoted rank, Rayek brought forward from behind his back, the small pip box containing a solid gold pin.  He motioned her to rise and once she was standing, he stepped forward to remove the black center pip and replaced it with the solid pip that noted her thereafter as a Lieutenant.

"Starfleet thanks you for your service; and in regards to your resignation, wishes you well along your chosen path."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Now it was Jael's turn to be taken aback. A promotion? At this time? She was flabbergasted as she stood and had pips changed, but she weighed her options. As a Lieutenant, she'd have a little more prominence...

"I'm...I'm flattered by the promotion, sirs," said Jael. "But leaving so soon just after I've been promoted...I'm a little surprised...maybe my resignation won't be necessary, maybe a transfer to an embassy. Maybe the Cardassian embassy on Earth. A little easier to raise a baby that way...and he still needs care; he may have been born early, but he'll need to fully develop into an infant before going into an incubator..."

She shut up, realizing she was on the verge of rambling. Then she added, "thank you for the promotion."

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 14, 2023, 06:07:06 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Three - XO Quarters]

A week of mourning didn't seem long enough but it was all that he was allotted by his commission contract, unless he wanted to claim medical stress leave.  However, if he did that the higher ups in Starfleet might question his suitability as Executive Officer.  No, he needed to return to work.  The ship and crew needed it's full Command Team more than ever; even Tess pointed that out to him when he'd broached the idea of him taking additional time off if she needed him there with her.

So, in imitation of a normal day, Rayek had gotten up early, showered, dressed and made breakfast for the three of them.  After breakfast, he gathered his comm badge and PADD.  A quick glance at his inbox showed he had over 153 messages to respond to.  He tucked his PADD away for later and bid Fvienn and Tess goodbye with hugs and kisses.  Despite his desire and intent to return to share a meal at his lunch break, Rayek didn't promise to do so, in the likely chance that he would be too busy when the time came.  He hoped Tess understood.

[USS Discovery - Deck Two - XO's office]
In his office while attempting to sort through the 153 messages, for a moment, Rayek missed the organizational skills of the Vulcan aide, Sorik, who had been assigned to him briefly while aboard the RFS Valdore.

After addressing the most critical messages and signing off on several transfer requests and new assignments, Rayek finally got around to his own after-action report.  Given the risks involved with the mission, the Romulan recommended commendations for the entire team - despite individual reckless actions.... those he would address separately.

Also amid the XO's messages were a number of promotion notifications that the Captain must have sought approval for during Rayek's week long bereavement leave.  Some, he felt were wholly deserved - others he had his doubts about; but as the decision had already been made there was little point to questioning the reasons why afterwards.  He would hand out the promotions later that afternoon if he could get through the bulk of his messages.

Sherem's request to meet with him and the Captain, came at an opportune time, since he needed to speak with her anyways in regards to a couple of things.

He found a time in his and the Captain's schedule and booked her in for later that afternoon.

[USS Discovery - Deck One - Captain's Ready Room]

Rather than sit for this meeting, Rayek had opted to remain standing At Ease to the side of the Captain's desk.  He had his hands clasped behind him.  He look much like a stoic guard.

The Lieutenant's appearance, with her red-rimmed eyes from crying, though understandable in light of her own familial loss, reflected poorly on the officer he felt.  Not that Rayek had fared any better at refraining from tears throughout his time of mourning.  No.  He merely had used eye drops earlier to keep his eyes clean and clear for moments like now.

The announcement of her resignation, caught him off guard.  The Romulan First Officer listened as she listed all the reasons why this was the best decision for her.  He had learned that morning about the tragic passing of her mother, but nothing in the file at all had mentioned the premature birth of a sibling.

When she slid over the PADD, Rayek reached out to look it over to be sure this wasn't some sort of prank.  After a moment to check that the resignation form was indeed valid Rayek, handed it to the Captain.   "It appears to be in order, sir."

He paused a moment looking towards the Captain seeking the Bajoran's go-ahead before he turned back to address the Cardassian officer.

"I can't speak to your inner turmoil of belonging - though I understand it well enough - but from Starfleet's perspective, despite your various infractions, you are viewed to be a worthy officer.  Before this resignation can be accepted, your form needs to be updated with your correct rank, Lieutenant Sherem."

As he spoke, stressing her promoted rank, Rayek brought forward from behind his back, the small pip box containing a solid gold pin.  He motioned her to rise and once she was standing, he stepped forward to remove the black center pip and replaced it with the solid pip that noted her thereafter as a Lieutenant.

"Starfleet thanks you for your service; and in regards to your resignation, wishes you well along your chosen path."

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 14, 2023, 08:40:50 AM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

Now it was Jael's turn to be taken aback. A promotion? At this time? She was flabbergasted as she stood and had pips changed, but she weighed her options. As a Lieutenant, she'd have a little more prominence...

"I'm...I'm flattered by the promotion, sirs," said Jael. "But leaving so soon just after I've been promoted...I'm a little surprised...maybe my resignation won't be necessary, maybe a transfer to an embassy. Maybe the Cardassian embassy on Earth. A little easier to raise a baby that way...and he still needs care; he may have been born early, but he'll need to fully develop into an infant before going into an incubator..."

She shut up, realizing she was on the verge of rambling. Then she added, "thank you for the promotion."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

The Captain sat silently listening to the two of them.  It wasn't something he enjoyed doing, expecially when he took the PADD from Rayek and confirmed the word "RESIGNATION".  Jael had already been a recent conversation, and this threw a wrench in their discussion.  He debated whether he was going to go through with their agreed plan... he felt Rayek waiting for his go ahead.

Nevir looked at Jael, down to the PADD, and then looked up at Rayek.  No word, just a single nod.  And Rayek told her of their decision and promoted her.  He waited for her to finish, and then finally opened his mouth.

"Perhaps, a transfer is just what you need.  Embassy yes, a station, something more stable than a ship.  I hate to see you go, but your after-action report told me the entire story.  How about I relieve you of duty here on Discovery, and you can disembark either on DS9 or whichever spacedock we are instructed to go afterwards. Give yourself that time to think hard on what you want to do.  Believe me when I say, as a family man myself I understand the dilemma you have. Not to mention handling other... family arrangements." he said, trying not to reopen the wound of loss.

The Captain finally stood up, and held out his hand.  "It has been a pleasure to have you aboard Lieutenant.  I'm sorry to see you go." he said, reaching down and grabbing the PADD.

"Oh, and for this... let's just say for now, resignation denied.  I relieve you from duty effective immediately, with full recommendation for transfer."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Jael Sherem on August 11, 2023, 07:06:44 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Engineering | Commandeered Jem'Hadar Fighter]

Jael saw Rayek mouth the word "Vorta." She nodded in understanding, she knew he wanted her to target him. And whatever happened, the opening proved opportune. The Jem'Hadar scooted, of sorts, giving themselves away, leaving the Vorta vulnerable...and Jael took her shot at the pointed-eared eel. The shot made a searing passage through his neck and he collapsed, wriggling until death claimed him.

Jael sent another shot at a Jem'Hadar and ducked down. Of course, the openings for Dranik and Dersch ensured an ending to the gunfight.

Once the battle was over and the Jem'Hadar lay in scorching heaps, Jael looked back at Rayek with a giggle.

"That was amazing!" she said. "Your telepathy, of course...I heard how the Dominion were expelled from Betazed, it was mentioned how the Jem'Hadar were vulnerable to telepathy...Holy Prophets, it makes me wonder if Nira...Commander Said..."

Then she shook her head and corrected herself. "No. I stand corrected. Nira would be a dead woman if she tried that en masse. Fifteen thousand Betazoids never woke up from comas after that mass telepathic attack that liberated Betazed."

Not to mention it was a rare indication of the least amount of casualties in the Federation during the Dominion War, she added to herself inwardly.

A comm came in from Commander Sisko. "Bridge to tr'Lhoell. I guess you got the Vorta. We had a brief problem, some shrouded Jem'Hadar, but it's all taken care of. We got a souvenir to bring home to remember the battle by."

He had no idea what Vorta mean't but what ever it was, Something was about to Go down, So he took his Position and readied his rifle

As his opening came he made a qiuck shot at the gaurds left, Ending the Battle within a few moments, He then tunred to the Commander "Didn't know you could do that", Then said to Sherem "Well, That was a new thing I have added to my newly learned list, Seems it keeps getting bigger everyday!" After saying this he begin to Check each Gaurd and push theri weapons away from the body's, Then Asked the Commander a question "Hey Commander, Can I take one of these Rifles, For a  Trophy?"

Lets hope he says yes, Might take it apart, or even make it Worthy of Star Fleet use.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Lorut Vila

Day 3, early evening
USS Discovery

Vila listened as best she could-between the jumbled thoughts in her head, the pain of the phaser shots she took and the injuries from when the Breen had attacked her-she was actually just fighting to stay awake. Finally, it was over, and she dragged herself to medical.

What she really needed was a bottle of Kanar and a week of sleep. Still, she dutifully settled onto the biobed, and awaited further instructions. While she waited, she tapped out a message to Command.

Permission to borrow a shuttle? I'd like to visit Bajor. See my family. I'll be available via Subspace relay, and will return in 36 hours.

When permission was granted, her eyes shut, and she gave in to the hypospray, despite her own protests that she was fine.

Jael Sherem

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 15, 2023, 08:16:56 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Captain's Ready Room]

The Captain sat silently listening to the two of them.  It wasn't something he enjoyed doing, expecially when he took the PADD from Rayek and confirmed the word "RESIGNATION".  Jael had already been a recent conversation, and this threw a wrench in their discussion.  He debated whether he was going to go through with their agreed plan... he felt Rayek waiting for his go ahead.

Nevir looked at Jael, down to the PADD, and then looked up at Rayek.  No word, just a single nod.  And Rayek told her of their decision and promoted her.  He waited for her to finish, and then finally opened his mouth.

"Perhaps, a transfer is just what you need.  Embassy yes, a station, something more stable than a ship.  I hate to see you go, but your after-action report told me the entire story.  How about I relieve you of duty here on Discovery, and you can disembark either on DS9 or whichever spacedock we are instructed to go afterwards. Give yourself that time to think hard on what you want to do.  Believe me when I say, as a family man myself I understand the dilemma you have. Not to mention handling other... family arrangements." he said, trying not to reopen the wound of loss.

The Captain finally stood up, and held out his hand.  "It has been a pleasure to have you aboard Lieutenant.  I'm sorry to see you go." he said, reaching down and grabbing the PADD.

"Oh, and for this... let's just say for now, resignation denied.  I relieve you from duty effective immediately, with full recommendation for transfer."

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Ready Room | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

"That might be for the best, Captain. I would appreciate it," said Jael. "In fact...I just remembered that there's the Federation embassy on Cardassia. And if I more used my mother's name than my father's, perhaps I could be more welcomed...or if there is a post available on Deep Space Nine, if you say a station would be more stable than a ship, it'll be more acceptable..."

Jael thought long and hard and decided. "Yes, actually, I'll stay on Deep Space Nine. I was born there, after all. My mother felt the most home there before the end of the Occupation, in spite of what happened when it was Terok Nor. It could be a good place to raise a child, too, since it's become friendlier since the days of the Occupation."

Jael nodded and smiled appreciateively. "Thank you, Captain," she said. "It had been an honor serving with the both of you," she added, turning to Rayek. "The Prophets and the Elements smile upon you."

[Lieutenant Jael Sherem | Promenade | Starbase Deep Space Nine]

Jael stood at a window, thinking back to the funeral for her mother. The long ritual rites...and Jael had been surprised at how many Cardassians showed up for the funeral and offered condolences...and not just her old crew from her first ship to the Kalnak. Even Garak had been by to offer condolences himself and Jael thanked him, putting aside her feelings against him. She had been surprised that Admiral Kira recommended the spot for her mother's burial, and when it ended, Kira took her to a nearby grove and revealed why. She felt it touching that Rahab Sherem would be buried within proximity to Tekeny Ghemor, though not necessarily next to him.

Now at a window in the upper Promenade, Jael watched Discovery in docking, and in the distance, the Bajoran Wormhole opening. Somewhere on the other side was Katra Station, among other things. She smiled warmly. Then she sighed and turned away. It was time to go home. To her living quarters...and ready for the start of the new stage of her life, time to be a new surrogate mother. But she made one last look back at Discovery.

"Prophets bless you," she said tearily.

"Two different worlds that used to clash together, yet two birds of a feather that stick together."

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Two -  Executive Officer's Office]

First Officer's Log,

In addition to the promotion of Sherem to Lieutenant, I also have the task of presenting the promotions to others on the ship including Dem Broadshire to Lieutenant; and Kinley Garrison to Lieutenant Commander with the title of Chief of Science.   The former CSO, Lieutenant Halverstrom, unfortunately was one of those severely injured during the attack and is off on Medical Leave for the foreseeable future.

Despite Lt. Cmdr. Garrison's superior rank, I have recommended to the Captain to keep Broadshire on as the Second Officer in training.  I have my reservations regarding the timing of Garrison's return and Admiral Gillespie's assignment of her to Discovery.   I'll be reviewing her file in depth and watching her closely over the next while to determine if my suspicions of her are founded.

Speaking of new personnel, at DS9 we picked up three more: a transfer from Challenger - Ensign M'Nia who will be assisting Lek in Engineering;  a new cryptologist, Ensign Sydney Reid; and a junior Lieutenant to replace Sherem in my Sec/Tac department.   I'll be reviewing their files later tonight and making arrangements for an initial meeting with each of them, separately.

I had anticipated Discovery being docked at Deep Space Nine for several weeks for repairs.   However, orders from Fleet Command indicate a problem with our newest upgrade which can only be fixed elsewhere, so we are to get basic repairs done at DS9 - enough so that we have warp 8 capability.  Only once this is done, will they announce where we are to head for the final repairs.  It seems odd to me but I suppose that their concern is to not disrupt the already tight schedule of whichever drydock we get sent to.

On a personal note, I need to speak to the Captain about my participation on Away Teams for the immediate future.  Tess is understandably upset at my close-call with the Jem'Hadar disruptor and I've promised that I will make efforts to remain on ship more.  I figure this will be a good opportunity for Lieutenant Broadshire and the new CSO.

End log. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

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