Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Malik Grippen


Another voice... Kinley?  She was a smart one... she would have made a good command officer... until she mentioned how he looked.  He opened his eyes a bit, not realizing they had been closed.  Jupiter was back online.  Good.  Maybe they can survive...

"Get out of here, Kinley.  We'll be right behind you.  Malik-" his voice cracked as his throat seemed dry, and he coughed.  "Set a course to follow... let the ship do it... in case you become incapacitated."


After hearing Tekins dire response, Dem was not filled with much confidence. His anxiety over the events, along with the onset of symptoms rendered him basically helpless in this crisis. Dem tried as hard as he could to tune out the distractions surrounding him, even going as far as to block his ears. Attempting to solely concentrate on the problem at hand, Dem started to sift through the little data that the computer had amassed on the virus. While starting to ponder a suppressant to the symptoms of the disease, Dem started sneezing uncontrollably. One after the next, barely having enough time to take in a breath before his mouth opened for the next one. Sneezing was common in Bajoran pregnancies, but the species will sneeze more than a human would during a typical illness. After the sneezes appeared to stop, Dem found him whispering to himself that he can no longer carry on. "œMallik, cross reference the data from this virus with previous cures of type 3C viral contaminations. See if the computer can recommend some compounds that can reduce the effects of the disease." Dem told Mallik, deciding to reach out for help before giving up. Eventually, Dem lay still on the desk, shivering, closing his eyes hoping that it would all be over.

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Mr Graham, you heard the captain. Plot a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get us the heck out of here..."

The Risan then turned with hazy vision to the doctor, tinnitus continuing to ring in his years. Something about the virus? None of what the doc said made sense in Malik's added brain, it was just a blur of words. As the ship's doctor lay on his terminal, so to did Malik's body finally give up and he slumped out of the chair onto the hard bridge floor with a soft thud.

"I'm just going to lay here for a bit..." Malik curled up into a ball and closed his eyes ready to accept death and blessed relief from this virus.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


Quote from: Lek on October 04, 2023, 07:31:02 PM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek blinked and turned to face M'Nia and replied with a chuckle.

"You do realize that woman is a sociopath? I'm fairly certain no one was designated first officer for this mission. Based off of standard procedure and seniority. I am the senior officer aboard which would make Commander Garrison first officer. Ensign Vila is not in the chain of command.

"However, as Commander Garrison was put her in command of this away team, that makes the Commander the Captain and me First Officer. Do not allow that confused woman to get you in trouble. I do concur we need to get underway, but do not accept any other orders unless they come from me or Commander Garrison. If she tries again, beam her directly to the brig."

"I see. I understand Sir. Perhaps you should talk to Cmdr garrison about it? At any rate let's get her moving! " She kind of felt sorry for the ship. It was self aware now and had been alone for so long. She really had no idea what would happen but hopefully things would work out ok.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 05, 2023, 09:16:25 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Mr Graham, you heard the captain. Plot a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get us the heck out of here..."

The Risan then turned with hazy vision to the doctor, tinnitus continuing to ring in his years. Something about the virus? None of what the doc said made sense in Malik's added brain, it was just a blur of words. As the ship's doctor lay on his terminal, so to did Malik's body finally give up and he slumped out of the chair onto the hard bridge floor with a soft thud.

"I'm just going to lay here for a bit..." Malik curled up into a ball and closed his eyes ready to accept death and blessed relief from this virus.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

In truth, Dem was feeling ok. The virus was knocking him around, but not at a level where he felt like he would not make it. Paralysing fear consumed him however, which can be as deadly as any virus. Over and over Dem eerily whispered, like a mantra, "œI don't want to die. I don't want to die". He was shaking all over, hoping that somehow, someone would find a cure to this pandemic. After what seemed like minutes, he opened his eyes. While tears were welling, a few blinks cleared them enough to see the control panel, with his eyes parallel to the contour of the screen (for Dem still had his head on the control panel). Moving his hand to the environmental controls, he slowly started to input commands, ordering computer to flood the ship with as many known symptom reducing compounds as possible "" eventually something would clear the heads of the bridge crew so a cure could be found. While he was doing this, he felt the vibrations of the impulse engines activating through his head planted right next to an interconnected bulkhead. Dem closed his eyes, praying to the prophets that he would survive.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun felt rather useless. The engines were prime and ready to go. The crew of the Discovery were starting to feel sick one could only assume it was some kind of radiation not normally scanned for or in fact a form that was not discovered yet. Still anything was better than sitting and doing nothing. It could also be a combination of known radiations that normally are not found together. So Gohun started to look at the sensor readings.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 05, 2023, 09:16:25 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Mr Graham, you heard the captain. Plot a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get us the heck out of here..."

The Risan then turned with hazy vision to the doctor, tinnitus continuing to ring in his years. Something about the virus? None of what the doc said made sense in Malik's added brain, it was just a blur of words. As the ship's doctor lay on his terminal, so to did Malik's body finally give up and he slumped out of the chair onto the hard bridge floor with a soft thud.

"I'm just going to lay here for a bit..." Malik curled up into a ball and closed his eyes ready to accept death and blessed relief from this virus.

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

"œUnderstood Captain." Alex plotted a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get them out of there. He didn't want to waste any time as he had a feeling that things could get much worse for them. He was curious to know what kind of information that the away team found. He hoped that Lieutenant Grippen would be alright.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 01, 2023, 09:01:52 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

While everything was going on around him, Dem felt dizzy. Like he was loosing his grip on reality. He placed his head gently on the comm panel, overwhelmed with yet more imminent danger. Dem only lifted his head up it up to reply to Malik, informing him that no cure has been found for this mystery disease, or even the common cold. And plus, the ships in lockdown, meaning it would be very hard to get to sickbay. Just after Dem relied to Malik, Tekin initialised harsher lockdown procedures. Checking some information on his comm panel, Dem quickly turned around, destabilising his balance. Dem began to speak, with his voice wavering. "œSir, 70 percent of the non-essential crew are in lockdown. I have completely sealed of the bridge with forcefields."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 01, 2023, 12:53:58 AM

[Morgue] - As the EMH
The EMH flickered into view as he was summoned. "œHello there. The computer has told me that you seek the formula. It has not been thoroughly tested, as the last crewman died before he could synthesize it but hypothetically, it should bring the virus in control long enough for a full antidote to be created for the ship.

[Bridge again- as Kinley]
=/\= Captain? We have full control of the Jupiter and she's warp capable. We need to get out of the nebula, now. You're not looking too good. It looks like there is a potential treatment in the databanks we'll be sending over to you.'
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 02, 2023, 05:55:51 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

While he had the cough, the symptom that was really hitting the Captain was fatigue.  His arms and legs hurt, but he didn't feel like he could move them. Nor did he want to.  He was basically frozen in the Captain's chair, feeling like he was already passed a century of age.

"L-Lek?  Aren't you supposed to be on Jupiter?" he mumbled, his voice sounding weaker and more raspy.  "A nebula... we're in a nebula..."

Another voice... Kinley?  She was a smart one... she would have made a good command officer... until she mentioned how he looked.  He opened his eyes a bit, not realizing they had been closed.  Jupiter was back online.  Good.  Maybe they can survive...

"Get out of here, Kinley.  We'll be right behind you.  Malik-" his voice cracked as his throat seemed dry, and he coughed.  "Set a course to follow... let the ship do it... in case you become incapacitated."

"We have to find out why we were hit so fast and so suddenly... Dem... if we can't get sickbay to respond, the away team might have to.. or we activate our own..." he said, trying to speak.  But he was so tired.

Slowly, the Discovery pitched up to align with the galactic plane, and it moved to follow the Jupiter out of the nebula.  Now to see if they would even make it out before the crew succumbed.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 01, 2023, 11:47:28 PM

Kinley nodded, glad that the crew found the treatment as she sent it over. =/\= Agreed. It's better than nothing, I suppose. At least it will help give us time. =/\= she said as she sent over the formula to the medbay. =/\= Garrison to medbay. Sending in the formula for an antiviral. It should help stem the outbreak. Try it out .=/\=

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 03, 2023, 03:04:32 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

After hearing Tekins dire response, Dem was not filled with much confidence. His anxiety over the events, along with the onset of symptoms rendered him basically helpless in this crisis. Dem tried as hard as he could to tune out the distractions surrounding him, even going as far as to block his ears. Attempting to solely concentrate on the problem at hand, Dem started to sift through the little data that the computer had amassed on the virus. While starting to ponder a suppressant to the symptoms of the disease, Dem started sneezing uncontrollably. One after the next, barely having enough time to take in a breath before his mouth opened for the next one. Sneezing was common in Bajoran pregnancies, but the species will sneeze more than a human would during a typical illness. After the sneezes appeared to stop, Dem found him whispering to himself that he can no longer carry on. "œMalik, cross reference the data from this virus with previous cures of type 3C viral contaminations. See if the computer can recommend some compounds that can reduce the effects of the disease." Dem told Malik, deciding to reach out for help before giving up. Eventually, Dem lay still on the desk, shivering, closing his eyes hoping that it would all be over.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 05, 2023, 09:16:25 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Mr Graham, you heard the captain. Plot a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get us the heck out of here..."

The Risan then turned with hazy vision to the doctor, tinnitus continuing to ring in his years. Something about the virus? None of what the doc said made sense in Malik's added brain, it was just a blur of words. As the ship's doctor lay on his terminal, so to did Malik's body finally give up and he slumped out of the chair onto the hard bridge floor with a soft thud.

"I'm just going to lay here for a bit..." Malik curled up into a ball and closed his eyes ready to accept death and blessed relief from this virus.

Quote from: Alexander Graham on October 06, 2023, 10:19:14 PM

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

"œUnderstood Captain." Alex plotted a course to follow behind the Jupiter and get them out of there. He didn't want to waste any time as he had a feeling that things could get much worse for them. He was curious to know what kind of information that the away team found. He hoped that Lieutenant Grippen would be alright.

While Rayek waited for the Captain to answer, the doctor, who mustn't have realized that Rayek was still present, sealed off the bridge.  It seemed Rayek got his request after all.   Not that the Captain seemed aware of that fact, given the Bajoran was confused enough to think Lek's comm call meant that the Chief Engineer was on Discovery and not on the USS Jupiter.

It was clear whatever symptoms Rayek was feeling, everyone else on the bridge were feeling them much worse.... and the Captain had wanted him to return to his quarters?!

Within moments of the ship's course being laid in and initiated, the doctor and Risian flight officer both collapsed.   Rayek walked a little unsteadily towards the pair and checked to ensure that they both were at least still breathing.  He carefully re-positioned the doctor on the floor beside the Risian.  The doctor couldn't concuss himself falling if the man were already on the floor, was the Romulan's logic.

Rayek looked over to the remaining pilot wearily.    "Mr. Graham, how severe are your symptoms?  Are you able to pilot the ship out of the nebula?"

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay]

Torra had initially listened to the Captain's orders to return to her quarters and quarantine but prior to actually entering her suite, she paused thinking.   The medical staff would be completely overwhelmed in this situation.   Torra, though she worked in the Ops department now, had prior medical experience from her first few years on the ship.  She'd studied with Dr. Thane and Dr. Sluchaynyy for over 2 years - learning about viruses in order to come up with a cure for the illness that plagued the pirate spaceport community of Iaba - all because she didn't want to see her infected medical rat - now more of a pet - die.

Donny 2.0 is what she'd named the rat. Named for the first man she loved... her husband, Don Addams... but Don was changed after his experience with the T'hunga, and now traveled alone... 'finding himself'.   Torra, as much as she loved her husband, already knew who she was and where she belonged - and that was here on the ship.  And at this particular moment - she knew she was needed in Sickbay.  Torra wasn't ill at all at the moment.  Perhaps her Grazerite immunology was just better adapted to whatever illness this was.  Or perhaps she just hadn't been exposed... whatever the reason, until she did feel sick, Torra had an obligation to assist.  She turned about disobeying the Captain's orders and headed for Sickbay.

At first when she arrived, the Sickbay doors were locked - sealed shut, obviously because of the Quarantine, but Torra knew of ways around that though.  Her training in Security and Ops both provided her the experience she needed to override the Quarantine lockout momentarily... just long enough to dip inside.  She sealed the doors again behind her.

To her dismay, Sickbay seemed to barely have anyone still upright - including the staff!  Dr. Sluchaynyy lay on the floor beside a patient's biobed - Dr. Thane's - one of the first infected.

Torra found the Romulan, Dr. Betaika, at the working at the medical replicator.   He and few others - mainly Vulcan staff were the only ones standing - even if it was a bit unsteadily.  Like her they much have greater resistance to the illness.  Torra walked nearer but remained outside the generally accepted 'danger zone' of 2 meters from him.

"Doctor.  I have some training in the medical department and a good knowledge of virology.  How can I help?"   

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Kinley Garrison

As the ship moved slowly out of the nebula, finally moving after it's decades-long slumber,  Kinley was keeping an eye on the computer and on the general state of the Discovery crew. The antidote made it to the ship. She had triple checked that to make sure. Hopefully it would work in time.
The computer was quiet right now. Probably glad to be back and doing what they were programmed to do; Run a ship. Once they had the crew out of this nebula and not actively dying due to this virus, then they'd deal with everything else. "œShe's running, alright. Let's get her out of the nebula. Full impulse. =/\= Think our shields can handle the asteroid field? =/\= she asked engineering via comms.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 07, 2023, 11:08:32 PM

As the ship moved slowly out of the nebula, finally moving after it's decades-long slumber,  Kinley was keeping an eye on the computer and on the general state of the Discovery crew. The antidote made it to the ship. She had triple checked that to make sure. Hopefully it would work in time.
The computer was quiet right now. Probably glad to be back and doing what they were programmed to do; Run a ship. Once they had the crew out of this nebula and not actively dying due to this virus, then they'd deal with everything else. "œShe's running, alright. Let's get her out of the nebula. Full impulse. =/\= Think our shields can handle the asteroid field? =/\= she asked engineering via comms.

"OH I think she'll be ok. Lt. cmdr. She's got plenty of power. The shields should hold just fine. She's a good ship and still in good shape. She should hold up just fine!" M'nia said.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 07, 2023, 11:08:32 PM

As the ship moved slowly out of the nebula, finally moving after it's decades-long slumber,  Kinley was keeping an eye on the computer and on the general state of the Discovery crew. The antidote made it to the ship. She had triple checked that to make sure. Hopefully it would work in time.
The computer was quiet right now. Probably glad to be back and doing what they were programmed to do; Run a ship. Once they had the crew out of this nebula and not actively dying due to this virus, then they'd deal with everything else. "œShe's running, alright. Let's get her out of the nebula. Full impulse. =/\= Think our shields can handle the asteroid field? =/\= she asked engineering via comms.

Quote from: M'Nia on October 08, 2023, 12:14:15 AM

"OH I think she'll be ok. Lt. cmdr. She's got plenty of power. The shields should hold just fine. She's a good ship and still in good shape. She should hold up just fine!" M'nia said.

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek was glad M'Nia was on top of things. She really seemed to know her stuff and had excellent potential that he would keep an eye on.

=/\= "The Ensign is correct Commander. If we're just going to use impulse to move, we have the entire output of the warp core for the shields. We're good to go. Hopefully, once weren't out of this forsaken nebula, we'll be free of whatever is making the crew sick." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter
Earlier that afternoon

=/\=ENGINEERING. That wasn't a request. If I gotta slip these streams myself, I will, but so help me, I will NOT be held responsible. The Captain will be notified. You have two minutes.=/\= The Airlock was still open, and these old ships needed it closed manually. When an exact two minutes had passed, Vila pressed a button, pulled some hoses, and stowed them in a panel close by. She didn't care. She hurried back to the bridge.


USS Jupiter

"Helga, can you cover the Science console? I know nothing about that," she said. She slid back into the Ops' seat.

"Commander, I got the airlock shut. BY MYSELF," she added, in an annoyed tone. "We on course for open space." She watched as the consoles spat information at her. "As far as I can tell, we have a few thousand light years to the end of the Nebula field....a couple of hours at warp," she said. She was calmer now, but that damn Ferengi was going to find himself at the other end of her Milita phaser. And she didn't miss.

Tanner Lachlyn

The EMH had been moved over to Discover and Tanner almost wished she could have been there when he'd reactivated in their heavily upgraded new sickbay. A lot had changed in the time since Jupiter was last out.

"I'm heading back to Engineering," Tanner said into the open channel, "I'll have our security team rally there." She switched over to a channel for her team and informed them of the adjustments. With the ship moving and an antiviral being crafted, it would be wise to keep the teams together.


Quote from: Lorut Vila on October 09, 2023, 11:13:45 PM

USS Jupiter
Earlier that afternoon

=/\=ENGINEERING. That wasn't a request. If I gotta slip these streams myself, I will, but so help me, I will NOT be held responsible. The Captain will be notified. You have two minutes.=/\= The Airlock was still open, and these old ships needed it closed manually. When an exact two minutes had passed, Vila pressed a button, pulled some hoses, and stowed them in a panel close by. She didn't care. She hurried back to the bridge.


USS Jupiter

"Helga, can you cover the Science console? I know nothing about that," she said. She slid back into the Ops' seat.

"Commander, I got the airlock shut. BY MYSELF," she added, in an annoyed tone. "We on course for open space." She watched as the consoles spat information at her. "As far as I can tell, we have a few thousand light years to the end of the Nebula field....a couple of hours at warp," she said. She was calmer now, but that damn Ferengi was going to find himself at the other end of her Milita phaser. And she didn't miss.

[Engineering  - USS Jupiter

Lek heard Vila and sighed. He'd hoped it would come to this, but it clear had and he opened a channel so the entire away team could hear.

=/\= "First off Ensign, I do not take orders from you. Second, if you knew anything about 5he Miranda you would know Jupiter pre-dates slipstream by 80 years. I have enough of your insubordination. Computer, beam Ensign Vila to the brig and deactivate any weapons she has during transport. =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Rayek trLhoell

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on October 09, 2023, 11:13:45 PM

USS Jupiter

=/\=ENGINEERING. That wasn't a request. If I gotta slip these streams myself, I will, but so help me, I will NOT be held responsible. The Captain will be notified. You have two minutes.=/\= The Airlock was still open, and these old ships needed it closed manually. When an exact two minutes had passed, Vila pressed a button, pulled some hoses, and stowed them in a panel close by. She didn't care. She hurried back to the bridge.


USS Jupiter

"Helga, can you cover the Science console? I know nothing about that," she said. She slid back into the Ops' seat.

"Commander, I got the airlock shut. BY MYSELF," she added, in an annoyed tone. "We on course for open space." She watched as the consoles spat information at her. "As far as I can tell, we have a few thousand light years to the end of the Nebula field....a couple of hours at warp," she said. She was calmer now, but that damn Ferengi was going to find himself at the other end of her Milita phaser. And she didn't miss.

The Klingon security crewman had been watching the officers as they got the ship up an running.  The apparitions - or rather holograms - had stopped a while back so Helga and her team were superfluous at the moment.

At the request from the Bajoran ensign for her to sit the Science console, Helga barked a laugh.   "You gotta kidding me, right?  You took four years of in-depth training to learn all the various duties of the Bridge and ship, and how they work together.   I did a 10-week crash on how to subdue people... but sure, I'll give it a try."

Helga sat down at the console, leaning her rifle on the side of the console beside her and began trying to make sense of the sensors.

"So I'm guessing the warning light colours on this station is pretty universal, right?  Green is good, yellow is caution and red is imminent danger?"

It was at that moment Helga heard the familiar pre-cursor to a transporter beam.   Helga grabbed for her rifle and turned to face the transporter in case the ship was being boarded.  But it was the opposite type of transporter, caught in its beam was the Ops officer, Lorut.

Dammit... this was why Security personnel often argued that there should be there be automatic transport inhibitors embedded throughout every ship's bridge.

Figuring where the beam initiated from and where the beam sent Lorut was something a trained science officer could do easily with just a glance at the controls and display.  As it was, Helga opted to querying the computer verbally.  "Computer.  What ship did that transport beam come and where did it transport Ensign Lorut to?"

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

It was quiet on the Bridge with most of its personnel unconscious or too sick to do much of anything.  The pilot Grippen, Dr. Broadshire, the science officer that at the moment Rayek was too sick to recall the name of.  Even the Captain was hanging to consciousness by a thread as the ship moved, mostly by computer automated systems, through the nebula away from the flaring star.

Returning to his seat, there wasn't much Rayek was able to do to assist anyone or anything.   He wanted to call to check on Tess but was afraid of his own reaction should he learn that his wife was in a bad state; so he acted on his second option. He contacted one of the few Vulcan security team members he had - like himself them seemed the least affected by the illness - and directed the Vulcan to check on Tess and Fvienn.  That at least allowed Rayek to tamp down on the desire to check on them himself and focus on ways he could assist the rest of the ship.

With the science officer down, Rayek had the science console mirrored to his PADD, so that he could keep watch on the flaring star.  Fvadt! They were cutting it very close.  The star's readings were growing more and more erratic.

=/\= "Discovery to Jupiter, any chance you can pick up the pace?" =/\=

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay]

Testing the untried treatment took a bit of time.  Despite the urgency of the situation, the Vulcan doctors cautioned that without proper testing they could be doing harm to their patients, killing them more rapidly than by the illness alone.

First, the treatment was applied to Torra's small mischief of rats, who were also showing signs of illness.  It wasn't the first time that her 'babies' - Faith, Hope, Charity, Temperance, Joy and Courage had been used as lab rats.  That was how she'd come to be in possession of them.  They had been her test subjects.  They'd been cured once.   She hoped the same could happen a second time.

The results began to show almost as fast as the initial illness symptoms.  The rats went from prone with labored breathing to mobile with normal breathing within 10 minutes.   To ensure no unforeseen side effect, Torra herself scanned each of the rats intensively for anything of concern.    But the treatment seemed to work exactly as predicted.

Next, they needed to test the treatment on a person.  Torra, of course, volunteered but it was deemed best to attempt it on one of the more ill Vulcan medics... a hybrid - one quarter Human on his father's side.

While their test subject received his treatment, Patient Zero went into cardiac arrest and had to be moved back into a biobed that artificial sustained his normal heart rhythm.

With the doctors all busy dealing with the ill, monitoring their 'test subject' colleague, and politely arguing amongst themselves about what to do next,  Torra took the time to inform the Bridge of developments.  Her soft voice tried to project reassurance as she spoke.

=/\= "Sickbay to the Bridge.  As you know we've received the treatment from Jupiter's files.  The treatment was initially replicated and tested on the Iaba 'lab' rats.  Initial results were good so the doctors all agreed to move onto a live trial - one of their own since no patients here are conscious to volunteer.   I'll keep in touch with his progress. But um...  Patient Zero has succumb to the illness, he's being kept alive via the biobed automations. =/\= she informed.

Torra lowered her already quiet voice, and continued glancing back to the cluster of remaining vulcanoid doctors; even they looked tired and weary.

=/\= "The remaining doctors are split regarding the logic and ethics of calling the  time of death, just so that they can give the treatment.  Some guidance from Command, I think would be helpful." =/\=

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Malik Grippen

[USS Discovery]

In his now delirious state, Malik was only vaguely aware of Rayek checking on him and could only offer a quiet moan. Whatever virus was affecting the crew, Risans unfortunately seemed more susceptible to its effects than most. Which was surprising, given the range of species a Risan typically came into intimate contact with, one would have thought their immune system was top tier.

The floor was comfortable, Malik could rest here for a while longer. That was until his feverish mind conjured the hallucination of his warm, sunny home. Malik opened his eyes to see the welcoming and familiar sight of his favourite Risan beach. The golden sands and crystal waves gently rolling onto the shore, yes, this was a welcomed change. The pilot stood then and walked towards the beach...

To the more coherent observers, Malik appeared to walk towards and into the viewscreen. Seemingly confused as to why he couldn't pass through the wall.

The beach was right there, but something was blocking him like an invisible wall. Malik smashed his fists against the barrier trying to break through, "Let me in! Let me innn!" he yelled.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 10, 2023, 06:21:32 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

It was quiet on the Bridge with most of its personnel unconscious or too sick to do much of anything.  The pilot Grippen, Dr. Broadshire, the science officer that at the moment Rayek was too sick to recall the name of.  Even the Captain was hanging to consciousness by a thread as the ship moved, mostly by computer automated systems, through the nebula away from the flaring star.

Returning to his seat, there wasn't much Rayek was able to do to assist anyone or anything.   He wanted to call to check on Tess but was afraid of his own reaction should he learn that his wife was in a bad state; so he acted on his second option. He contacted one of the few Vulcan security team members he had - like himself them seemed the least affected by the illness - and directed the Vulcan to check on Tess and Fvienn.  That at least allowed Rayek to tamp down on the desire to check on them himself and focus on ways he could assist the rest of the ship.

With the science officer down, Rayek had the science console mirrored to his PADD, so that he could keep watch on the flaring star.  Fvadt! They were cutting it very close.  The star's readings were growing more and more erratic.

=/\= "Discovery to Jupiter, any chance you can pick up the pace?" =/\=

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

After dealing with the Vila 'problem' Lek got the message from Discovery that they we're moving fast enough. This was an annoyance as he'd reported a couple times already that Jupiter was warp capable. He sighed and muttered.

"Okay, guess it's time to take charge."

He looked to Gohun and M'Nia and added.

"Prepare for warp five while I access Discovery via her command code. Looks like whatever is happening over there is getting worse and we're running out of time."

When the two ensigns signaled their readiness, Lek nodded and the two ships flickered with pseudomotion and went to warp.

Alt of Ian Galloway

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