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Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Lorut Vila


USS Jupiter
Bridge -
USS Discovery Brig

Vila tossed back. =/\=Whatever, it's a turn of phrase. Closing the airlock is the point, unless you want us all floating out in hyperspace. MY people can survive. I don't know about yours.=/\= Vila used to think that her ex-husband was the king of the idiots, but the Chief Engineer might actually hold that title. How did he even get that spot?!

She had returned to the Bridge when her task was done-correctly, by herself-and asked the others assembled to help her out. "Chief?. I understand it's not your forte but I can't run all the consoles myself. I am just one Bajoran with two hands," she said. "Also, Lt. MacLachlan, you'll need to cover one. Just make sure it stays on. I'll do the rest." She sat back down.

After a few minutes, she was suddenly in a place she didn't recognize. Her phaser was disabled, too. Good thing for her, her buck knife was still safely in her boot.

"WHAT THE HELL?" She yelled.

She looked around. It took her brain a moment to register where she was. The Brig. She looked at the sensor panel by the "door" in the small cell she was in. Could she disable it? She could try. Shouldn't be much harder to disable than those damned shielded biobeds the Spoonheads used when she was a child. When they did those things to her. She'd broken away once. Of course, she didn't get far, but she was bigger now with a lot less to lose.

She fell silent, knowing that if she continued in her rage, she'd be heard. She moved towards the cell door, and, using her left hand, worked the buck knife through the door. Her arms were long, but maybe not long enough. She didn't know yet. All the while, she kept an eye out for a guard-a real one. A holo one was easily disabled. A real one would require something else entirely.

Rayek trLhoell

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on October 11, 2023, 01:26:13 PM

USS Jupiter
Bridge -
USS Discovery Brig

Vila tossed back. =/\=Whatever, it's a turn of phrase. Closing the airlock is the point, unless you want us all floating out in hyperspace. MY people can survive. I don't know about yours.=/\= Vila used to think that her ex-husband was the king of the idiots, but the Chief Engineer might actually hold that title. How did he even get that spot?!

She had returned to the Bridge when her task was done-correctly, by herself-and asked the others assembled to help her out. "Chief?. I understand it's not your forte but I can't run all the consoles myself. I am just one Bajoran with two hands," she said. "Also, Lt. MacLachlan, you'll need to cover one. Just make sure it stays on. I'll do the rest." She sat back down.

After a few minutes, she was suddenly in a place she didn't recognize. Her phaser was disabled, too. Good thing for her, her buck knife was still safely in her boot.

"WHAT THE HELL?" She yelled.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 10, 2023, 06:21:32 AM

Figuring where the beam initiated from and where the beam sent Lorut was something a trained science officer could do easily with just a glance at the controls and display.  As it was, Helga opted to querying the computer verbally.  "Computer.  What ship did that transport beam come and where did it transport Ensign Lorut to?"

The voice of the AI answered in a pleasant tone.  "Transport initiated from the USS Jupiter.".   Helga raised an eyebrow at that response.

The AI continued to answer the second part of her question.  "The ensign was transported to the Brig."  Helga blinked in surprise and dared to ask.  "Why?"

"The transport was ordered by the Lieutenant Commander in Engineering.". Helga sighed - knowing exactly who the AI was talking about despite the Away Team having to Lt Commanders.  This was Lek's doing.  Hmph... Helga didn't yet know what had prompted the animosity between the two but Lek it seemed had had enough of the woman.  She just wished he'd waited until the ship was out of the nebula.  If there were any navigation or powerflow problems, Helga was up on the Bridge alone now and with her limited enlisted training, she didn't know how to work any of them.

As if on cue, an alert chimed on the console recently vacated by Lorut.   "Just great."

She activated her helmet comms.  =/\= "Tragnar to Commander Lek.  I hope you've sent someone up to replace Lorut.  Her station has a warning going off."=/\=

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]
Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 10, 2023, 09:57:43 AM

[USS Discovery]

To the more coherent observers, Malik appeared to walk towards and into the viewscreen. Seemingly confused as to why he couldn't pass through the wall.

The beach was right there, but something was blocking him like an invisible wall. Malik smashed his fists against the barrier trying to break through, "Let me in! Let me innn!" he yelled.

While Rayek waited on a response from Jupiter, he noted the Risian pilot get to his feet.  'Oh? Was he improving?'  After a moment or two of watching Lieutenant Grippen stagger about Rayek decided that the man was likely hallucinating.  This was confirmed a moment later when the pilot began banging on the viewscreen.

If not for the quarantine forcefield surrounding the Bridge, Rayek would have had the pilot beamed to Sickbay.  The pounding echoed in his ears ramping up the headache that was already present.

The Romulan wondered if he could get away with stunning the pilot to get him to stop... and claim it was for the man's own safety.  Eh, probably not.  Normally disruptive individuals would be handled by the security team that was shift on the Bridge; but like most, they too had succumbed to the illness.  That left just Rayek.  The Romulan stood up on unsteady legs and walked towards the pilot.

"Mr. Grippen!  I need you to get a grip on yourself.  Return to your seat."  Rayek reached out to the man to help guide him back.

Quote from: Lek on October 10, 2023, 11:46:39 AM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

After dealing with the Vila 'problem' Lek got the message from Discovery that they we're NOT moving fast enough. This was an annoyance as he'd reported a couple times already that Jupiter was warp capable. He sighed and muttered.

"Okay, guess it's time to take charge."

He looked to Gohun and M'Nia and added.

"Prepare for warp five while I access Discovery via her command code. Looks like whatever is happening over there is getting worse and we're running out of time."

When the two ensigns signaled their readiness, Lek nodded and the two ships flickered with pseudomotion and went to warp.

It was as he was dealing with the Risian pilo,t at that moment, that the starfield view on the front screen suddenly changed to show the colorful streams indicative of warp travel.  What the...?!

Rayek looked over to Tekin.  But the Captain didn't seem to be in a state capable of activating the warp drive.

"Mr. Graham, what's going on? Did you jump us to warp?"

Rayek wasn't all that upset, since he had been hoping to go faster to get out quicker. He just needed to remind the human Helmsman that it was important to follow the chain of comment when it came to that sort of thing.

When it came to light that the Helmsman hadn't done so and was locked out of the controls, Rayek released Lieutenant Grippen to check the nearest console.   Someone had initiated the remote control of the ship, without the Captain's authorization.  Did they believe the Bridge completely incapacitated?  Well, almost - but not quite.

He would need to check the user's ID to figure out who had done so.  There were only 5 people aboard the ship with the access to that feature: the Captain, Rayek himself, Commander Thane, Lt Commander Lek, and Lt Commander Garrison; even Dr. Broadshire as Second Officer in-training, didn't have the authorization code to remote control the entire ship.  But finding out who had done so was a task for another time.

Because as they say... when it rains; it pours.  The Bridge received a comm message from Lieutenant Addams.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 10, 2023, 06:21:32 AM

=/\= "Sickbay to the Bridge.  As you know we've received the treatment from Jupiter's files.  The treatment was initially replicated and tested on the Iaba 'lab' rats.  Initial results were good so the doctors all agreed to move onto a live trial - one of their own since no patients here are conscious to volunteer.   I'll keep in touch with his progress. But um...  Patient Zero has succumb to the illness, he's being kept alive via the biobed automations. =/\= she informed.

Torra lowered her already quiet voice, and continued glancing back to the cluster of remaining vulcanoid doctors; even they looked tired and weary.

=/\= "The remaining doctors are split regarding the logic and ethics of calling the time of death, just so that they can give the treatment.  Some guidance from Command, I think would be helpful." =/\=

Rayek audibly groaned to hear that the damn Vulcan doctors were taking their sweet time in actually using the treatment provided.

=/\= "You've got to be kidding?!" =/\= Rayek complained aloud, something he normally wouldn't do.

=/\= "The rest of the crew doesn't have time for the ethics of Vulcans!  Give Patient Zero the treatment. In lieu of next of kin, I'm authorizing it.  Also send up a few doses of the treatment to the bridge.  I'll be a volunteer, and I suspect I'm not the only one." =/\=

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay >>> Deck 1 - Bridge]

Torra silently questioned the wisdom of rushing the treatment testing. But she understood why.  Each life was precious and when the known result of doing nothing was death, then it made it easier to take risks.

The Grazerite nodded her head in acknowledgement of her orders from the ship's First Officer.   The comm closed and Torra approached the knot of Vulcans who had stopped their discussion.  She wondered how much of the conversation they had heard.  Given the notoriety of Vulcan hearing probably all of it.   Still Torra repeated the Commander's orders.

"I'll take a half dozen doses up to the Bridge and monitor their condition from there."  There was silence for a moment while the Vulcans looked between one another before the eldest among them nodded.

It took a minute for Torra to gather the treatment doses, then another 5 minutes to temporarily take down the forcefield that Dr. Broadshire had set up to quarantine the Bridge.   Then she activated the site-to-site transport to arrive on the Bridge.  She was surprised to see they were at warp.

Torra headed towards Rayek, but looking around addressed the rest of the Bridge - or at least those that were conscious enough to hear her.  "I have a six doses of the treatment that needs to be tested.  Do I have any volunteers other than Commander tr'Lhoell?"

She met eyes with the haggard looking Romulan as she pulled out the hypospray.  He nodded and presented his arm to her.  With a hiss the medication was delivered.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 13, 2023, 03:31:53 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

The voice of the AI answered in a pleasant tone.  "Transport initiated from the USS Jupiter.".   Helga raised an eyebrow at that response.

The AI continued to answer the second part of her question.  "The ensign was transported to the Brig."  Helga blinked in surprise and dared to ask.  "Why?"

"The transport was ordered by the Lieutenant Commander in Engineering.". Helga sighed - knowing exactly who the AI was talking about despite the Away Team having to Lt Commanders.  This was Lek's doing.  Hmph... Helga didn't yet know what had prompted the animosity between the two but Lek it seemed had had enough of the woman.  She just wished he'd waited until the ship was out of the nebula.  If there were any navigation or powerflow problems, Helga was up on the Bridge alone now and with her limited enlisted training, she didn't know how to work any of them.

As if on cue, an alert chimed on the console recently vacated by Lorut.   "Just great."

She activated her helmet comms.  =/\= "Tragnar to Commander Lek.  I hope you've sent someone up to replace Lorut.  Her station has a warning going off."=/\=

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

While Rayek waited on a response from Jupiter, he noted the Risian pilot get to his feet.  'Oh? Was he improving?'  After a moment or two of watching Lieutenant Grippen stagger about Rayek decided that the man was likely hallucinating.  This was confirmed a moment later when the pilot began banging on the viewscreen.

If not for the quarantine forcefield surrounding the Bridge, Rayek would have had the pilot beamed to Sickbay.  The pounding echoed in his ears ramping up the headache that was already present.

The Romulan wondered if he could get away with stunning the pilot to get him to stop... and claim it was for the man's own safety.  Eh, probably not.  Normally disruptive individuals would be handled by the security team that was shift on the Bridge; but like most, they too had succumbed to the illness.  That left just Rayek.  The Romulan stood up on unsteady legs and walked towards the pilot.

"Mr. Grippen!  I need you to get a grip on yourself.  Return to your seat."  Rayek reached out to the man to help guide him back.

It was as he was dealing with the Risian pilo,t at that moment, that the starfield view on the front screen suddenly changed to show the colorful streams indicative of warp travel.  What the...?!

Rayek looked over to Tekin.  But the Captain didn't seem to be in a state capable of activating the warp drive.

"Mr. Graham, what's going on? Did you jump us to warp?"

Rayek wasn't all that upset, since he had been hoping to go faster to get out quicker. He just needed to remind the human Helmsman that it was important to follow the chain of comment when it came to that sort of thing.

When it came to light that the Helmsman hadn't done so and was locked out of the controls, Rayek released Lieutenant Grippen to check the nearest console.   Someone had initiated the remote control of the ship, without the Captain's authorization.  Did they believe the Bridge completely incapacitated?  Well, almost - but not quite.

He would need to check the user's ID to figure out who had done so.  There were only 5 people aboard the ship with the access to that feature: the Captain, Rayek himself, Commander Thane, Lt Commander Lek, and Lt Commander Garrison; even Dr. Broadshire as Second Officer in-training, didn't have the authorization code to remote control the entire ship.  But finding out who had done so was a task for another time.

Because as they say... when it rains; it pours.  The Bridge received a comm message from Lieutenant Addams.

Rayek audibly groaned to hear that the damn Vulcan doctors were taking their sweet time in actually using the treatment provided.

=/\= "You've got to be kidding?!" =/\= Rayek complained aloud, something he normally wouldn't do.

=/\= "The rest of the crew doesn't have time for the ethics of Vulcans!  Give Patient Zero the treatment. In lieu of next of kin, I'm authorizing it.  Also send up a few doses of the treatment to the bridge.  I'll be a volunteer, and I suspect I'm not the only one." =/\=

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay >>> Deck 1 - Bridge]

Torra silently questioned the wisdom of rushing the treatment testing. But she understood why.  Each life was precious and when the known result of doing nothing was death, then it made it easier to take risks.

The Grazerite nodded her head in acknowledgement of her orders from the ship's First Officer.   The comm closed and Torra approached the knot of Vulcans who had stopped their discussion.  She wondered how much of the conversation they had heard.  Given the notoriety of Vulcan hearing probably all of it.   Still Torra repeated the Commander's orders.

"I'll take a half dozen doses up to the Bridge and monitor their condition from there."  There was silence for a moment while the Vulcans looked between one another before the eldest among them nodded.

It took a minute for Torra to gather the treatment doses, then another 5 minutes to temporarily take down the forcefield that Dr. Broadshire had set up to quarantine the Bridge.   Then she activated the site-to-site transport to arrive on the Bridge.  She was surprised to see they were at warp.

Torra headed towards Rayek, but looking around addressed the rest of the Bridge - or at least those that were conscious enough to hear her.  "I have a six doses of the treatment that needs to be tested.  Do I have any volunteers other than Commander tr'Lhoell?"

She met eyes with the haggard looking Romulan as she pulled out the hypospray.  He nodded and presented his arm to her.  With a hiss the medication was delivered.

[Engineering --> Brig - USS Jupiter]

Once Lek was comfortable that the two ships were stable at warp, he turned to face M'Nia.

"Ensign, you are in charge here until I get back. Keep us at warp 5. I'll have us accelerate to 7 when I get back. I will be down in the brig, if anything goes sideways, sing out."

He then made his way for the turbolift, tapping his combadge while en route.

=/\= "Lek to Bridge, it is my intention to resolve the Vila issue. If I can, she will be returned to you shortly. If I can't come up with an answer, you are Starfleet, you will figure out an answer. Lek out."

Lek arrived in the brig and was glad for two things, the force field and that looks could not kill. Figuring the direct approach was the only viable option given how angry Vila was, he spoke without preamble.

"Honestly, I have no idea how we got to this point. Ever since you blew into Engineering on Discovery you have wanted to fight. Given I didn't even know who you were, your actions were more baffling than anything. Then we ended up on Jupiter and it seemed like you decided to escalate things from insubordination straight to mutiny. Given the only thing that has changed since we first met is I happen to know your name now. I'm still baffled by your behavior. Thing is, I'm not going to ask you to like me, as I do not require your approval. All I am asking is that, as an ensign, I have the authority to tell you what to do. If you can follow my orders and keep a civil tongue while you do, we're good. What you say about me outside of my hearing, but do remember the lobes, I don't care. Have we got a deal or do you get to spend the rest of the trip here?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 13, 2023, 03:31:53 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

The voice of the AI answered in a pleasant tone.  "Transport initiated from the USS Jupiter.".   Helga raised an eyebrow at that response.

The AI continued to answer the second part of her question.  "The ensign was transported to the Brig."  Helga blinked in surprise and dared to ask.  "Why?"

"The transport was ordered by the Lieutenant Commander in Engineering.". Helga sighed - knowing exactly who the AI was talking about despite the Away Team having to Lt Commanders.  This was Lek's doing.  Hmph... Helga didn't yet know what had prompted the animosity between the two but Lek it seemed had had enough of the woman.  She just wished he'd waited until the ship was out of the nebula.  If there were any navigation or powerflow problems, Helga was up on the Bridge alone now and with her limited enlisted training, she didn't know how to work any of them.

As if on cue, an alert chimed on the console recently vacated by Lorut.   "Just great."

She activated her helmet comms.  =/\= "Tragnar to Commander Lek.  I hope you've sent someone up to replace Lorut.  Her station has a warning going off."=/\=

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

While Rayek waited on a response from Jupiter, he noted the Risian pilot get to his feet.  'Oh? Was he improving?'  After a moment or two of watching Lieutenant Grippen stagger about Rayek decided that the man was likely hallucinating.  This was confirmed a moment later when the pilot began banging on the viewscreen.

If not for the quarantine forcefield surrounding the Bridge, Rayek would have had the pilot beamed to Sickbay.  The pounding echoed in his ears ramping up the headache that was already present.

The Romulan wondered if he could get away with stunning the pilot to get him to stop... and claim it was for the man's own safety.  Eh, probably not.  Normally disruptive individuals would be handled by the security team that was shift on the Bridge; but like most, they too had succumbed to the illness.  That left just Rayek.  The Romulan stood up on unsteady legs and walked towards the pilot.

"Mr. Grippen!  I need you to get a grip on yourself.  Return to your seat."  Rayek reached out to the man to help guide him back.

It was as he was dealing with the Risian pilo,t at that moment, that the starfield view on the front screen suddenly changed to show the colorful streams indicative of warp travel.  What the...?!

Rayek looked over to Tekin.  But the Captain didn't seem to be in a state capable of activating the warp drive.

"Mr. Graham, what's going on? Did you jump us to warp?"

Rayek wasn't all that upset, since he had been hoping to go faster to get out quicker. He just needed to remind the human Helmsman that it was important to follow the chain of comment when it came to that sort of thing.

When it came to light that the Helmsman hadn't done so and was locked out of the controls, Rayek released Lieutenant Grippen to check the nearest console.   Someone had initiated the remote control of the ship, without the Captain's authorization.  Did they believe the Bridge completely incapacitated?  Well, almost - but not quite.

He would need to check the user's ID to figure out who had done so.  There were only 5 people aboard the ship with the access to that feature: the Captain, Rayek himself, Commander Thane, Lt Commander Lek, and Lt Commander Garrison; even Dr. Broadshire as Second Officer in-training, didn't have the authorization code to remote control the entire ship.  But finding out who had done so was a task for another time.

Because as they say... when it rains; it pours.  The Bridge received a comm message from Lieutenant Addams.

Rayek audibly groaned to hear that the damn Vulcan doctors were taking their sweet time in actually using the treatment provided.

=/\= "You've got to be kidding?!" =/\= Rayek complained aloud, something he normally wouldn't do.

=/\= "The rest of the crew doesn't have time for the ethics of Vulcans!  Give Patient Zero the treatment. In lieu of next of kin, I'm authorizing it.  Also send up a few doses of the treatment to the bridge.  I'll be a volunteer, and I suspect I'm not the only one." =/\=

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay >>> Deck 1 - Bridge]

Torra silently questioned the wisdom of rushing the treatment testing. But she understood why.  Each life was precious and when the known result of doing nothing was death, then it made it easier to take risks.

The Grazerite nodded her head in acknowledgement of her orders from the ship's First Officer.   The comm closed and Torra approached the knot of Vulcans who had stopped their discussion.  She wondered how much of the conversation they had heard.  Given the notoriety of Vulcan hearing probably all of it.   Still Torra repeated the Commander's orders.

"I'll take a half dozen doses up to the Bridge and monitor their condition from there."  There was silence for a moment while the Vulcans looked between one another before the eldest among them nodded.

It took a minute for Torra to gather the treatment doses, then another 5 minutes to temporarily take down the forcefield that Dr. Broadshire had set up to quarantine the Bridge.   Then she activated the site-to-site transport to arrive on the Bridge.  She was surprised to see they were at warp.

Torra headed towards Rayek, but looking around addressed the rest of the Bridge - or at least those that were conscious enough to hear her.  "I have a six doses of the treatment that needs to be tested.  Do I have any volunteers other than Commander tr'Lhoell?"

She met eyes with the haggard looking Romulan as she pulled out the hypospray.  He nodded and presented his arm to her.  With a hiss the medication was delivered.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Before he even realized it, the Captain has already faded.  An unconscious slump in the Captain's chair as Discovery jumped to warp with the Jupiter to put some distance between the nebula and them.  The Captain's lifesigns were weakening, and he was clearly in no condition to do... anything. 


Quote from: Lek on October 13, 2023, 11:11:54 AM

[Engineering --> Brig - USS Jupiter]

Once Lek was comfortable that the two ships were stable at warp, he turned to face M'Nia.

"Ensign, you are in charge here until I get back. Keep us at warp 5. I'll have us accelerate to 7 when I get back. I will be down in the brig, if anything goes sideways, sing out."

He then made his way for the turbolift, tapping his combadge while en route.

=/\= "Lek to Bridge, it is my intention to resolve the Vila issue. If I can, she will be returned to you shortly. If I can't come up with an answer, you are Starfleet, you will figure out an answer. Lek out."

Lek arrived in the brig and was glad for two things, the force field and that looks could not kill. Figuring the direct approach was the only viable option given how angry Vila was, he spoke without preamble.

"Honestly, I have no idea how we got to this point. Ever since you blew into Engineering on Discovery you have wanted to fight. Given I didn't even know who you were, your actions were more baffling than anything. Then we ended up on Jupiter and it seemed like you decided to escalate things from insubordination straight to mutiny. Given the only thing that has changed since we first met is I happen to know your name now. I'm still baffled by your behavior. Thing is, I'm not going to ask you to like me, as I do not require your approval. All I am asking is that, as an ensign, I have the authority to tell you what to do. If you can follow my orders and keep a civil tongue while you do, we're good. What you say about me outside of my hearing, but do remember the lobes, I don't care. Have we got a deal or do you get to spend the rest of the trip here?"

"You got it !" M'nia said. Now as long as the Jupiter behaved herself and stayed at warp 5 they'd be good. She double checked everything to make sure it was working properly. She wondered just what Lorut's problem with Lek was? What her problem in general was? Well that was between them for now.  As long as it didn't affect the operation of the ship. Right now her responsibility was engineering. She didn't like to take things for granted, especially in engineering. Still she seemed to be running alright!

She had an idea, perhaps the Ship would like to talk to someone. She has been lonely at times and the poor jupiter had been by herself for a while, a very long while. Perhaps she could use someone to talk to. She called up, "Jupiter, computer, are you there?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Tanner Lachlyn

Returning to Discovery had been a bit of a shock. Although Jupiter had been creepy and empty, it was expected as it was an abandoned ship. Seeing Discovery barren, was not expected. It was jarring. So many staff had been quarantined as the sickness spread.

Given their suits had kept them safe on Jupiter, Tanner had requested that the Security teams keep them on when aboard Discovery. Especially since the antiviral was almost ready, if Sickbay gave them the thumbs up, Security would begin escorting medical around the ship or, if need be, they'd dispense it themselves.

Now she stood, waiting to hear.

Lorut Vila


USS Jupiter

She had given up trying to manipulate the panel-her arms simply weren't long enough, and Bajorans hadn't yet figured out that kind of technology. She was actually sort of surprised that the Cardassian's hadn't installed some kind of gadgetry or something, but no dice-or at least, as far as she knew. She only knew about the sterilization.

She was lying on the bench, ready to nap. At least it was quiet here. She could sleep a bit, and then make another plan.

She was interrupted in her thoughts.


"Honestly, I have no idea how we got to this point. Ever since you blew into Engineering on Discovery you have wanted to fight. Given I didn't even know who you were, your actions were more baffling than anything. Then we ended up on Jupiter and it seemed like you decided to escalate things from insubordination straight to mutiny. Given the only thing that has changed since we first met is I happen to know your name now. I'm still baffled by your behavior. Thing is, I'm not going to ask you to like me, as I do not require your approval. All I am asking is that, as an ensign, I have the authority to tell you what to do. If you can follow my orders and keep a civil tongue while you do, we're good. What you say about me outside of my hearing, but do remember the lobes, I don't care. Have we got a deal or do you get to spend the rest of the trip here?

Vila considered tossing the knife at him through the cell door, but thought again. She wasn't really mad at HIM, per se, just everyone and everything. She thought for a moment.

"It wasn't my intention to be combative. YOU were that way. I was just looking for a quiet place to have coffee because the Ops room gets a little noisy. The Romulan likes to hear himself talk," she said. "YOU chose to escalate it. I was calm." She was. For HER. "And about earlier-it was too late. I HAD to get the door shut, I am just a computer specialist, and with these outdated programs, I doubted that it would work remotely. I didn't want to be sucked out into a nebula. If you wish to, be my guest," she said. She sighed deeply. "I am TRYING to make this work. If you let me out of here, I will do my best to stay away from you and keep my mouth shut," she said. That was the best she could offer for the moment.
"œWe can discuss a suitable solution and consequences later. I need to answer that console issue. I can walk YOU through it as a secondary option, as well."


Quote from: Lorut Vila on October 13, 2023, 02:35:02 PM

USS Jupiter

She had given up trying to manipulate the panel-her arms simply weren't long enough, and Bajorans hadn't yet figured out that kind of technology. She was actually sort of surprised that the Cardassian's hadn't installed some kind of gadgetry or something, but no dice-or at least, as far as she knew. She only knew about the sterilization.

She was lying on the bench, ready to nap. At least it was quiet here. She could sleep a bit, and then make another plan.

She was interrupted in her thoughts.

Vila considered tossing the knife at him through the cell door, but thought again. She wasn't really mad at HIM, per se, just everyone and everything. She thought for a moment.

"It wasn't my intention to be combative. YOU were that way. I was just looking for a quiet place to have coffee because the Ops room gets a little noisy. The Romulan likes to hear himself talk," she said. "YOU chose to escalate it. I was calm." She was. For HER. "And about earlier-it was too late. I HAD to get the door shut, I am just a computer specialist, and with these outdated programs, I doubted that it would work remotely. I didn't want to be sucked out into a nebula. If you wish to, be my guest," she said. She sighed deeply. "I am TRYING to make this work. If you let me out of here, I will do my best to stay away from you and keep my mouth shut," she said. That was the best she could offer for the moment.
"œWe can discuss a suitable solution and consequences later. I need to answer that console issue. I can walk YOU through it as a secondary option, as well."

[Brig --> Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek listened to the female's reasoning for her actions and all of it made sense except for one part which he questioned sardonically.

"All of what you just said made sense except thinking main engineering would be a quiet place for a cup of coffee. However, I suppose that is a matter of perspective. In any case, I've heard enough."

Lek moved to the control pedestal and deactivated the force field to Vila's cell.

"I believe you are needed on the bridge and I know I'm needed in Engineering. I do hope you can work through whatever it is you are running from, because while you can run from your demons, my experience tells me that if you do run, you'll just die tired."

The then showed henwas willing to trust Vila by turning his back to her as he left the brig.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 13, 2023, 03:31:53 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

While Rayek waited on a response from Jupiter, he noted the Risian pilot get to his feet.  'Oh? Was he improving?'  After a moment or two of watching Lieutenant Grippen stagger about Rayek decided that the man was likely hallucinating.  This was confirmed a moment later when the pilot began banging on the viewscreen.

If not for the quarantine forcefield surrounding the Bridge, Rayek would have had the pilot beamed to Sickbay.  The pounding echoed in his ears ramping up the headache that was already present.

The Romulan wondered if he could get away with stunning the pilot to get him to stop... and claim it was for the man's own safety.  Eh, probably not.  Normally disruptive individuals would be handled by the security team that was shift on the Bridge; but like most, they too had succumbed to the illness.  That left just Rayek.  The Romulan stood up on unsteady legs and walked towards the pilot.

"Mr. Grippen!  I need you to get a grip on yourself.  Return to your seat."  Rayek reached out to the man to help guide him back.

It was as he was dealing with the Risian pilo,t at that moment, that the starfield view on the front screen suddenly changed to show the colorful streams indicative of warp travel.  What the...?!

Rayek looked over to Tekin.  But the Captain didn't seem to be in a state capable of activating the warp drive.

"Mr. Graham, what's going on? Did you jump us to warp?"

Rayek wasn't all that upset, since he had been hoping to go faster to get out quicker. He just needed to remind the human Helmsman that it was important to follow the chain of comment when it came to that sort of thing.

When it came to light that the Helmsman hadn't done so and was locked out of the controls, Rayek released Lieutenant Grippen to check the nearest console.   Someone had initiated the remote control of the ship, without the Captain's authorization.  Did they believe the Bridge completely incapacitated?  Well, almost - but not quite.

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
Torra headed towards Rayek, but looking around addressed the rest of the Bridge - or at least those that were conscious enough to hear her.  "I have a six doses of the treatment that needs to be tested.  Do I have any volunteers other than Commander tr'Lhoell?"

She met eyes with the haggard looking Romulan as she pulled out the hypospray.  He nodded and presented his arm to her.  With a hiss the medication was delivered.

[USS Discovery]

The beach was right there, why couldn't he reach it? He started to get angry, pounding harder on the viewscreen when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Malik spun ready to deliver a punch to the beach-denier when the familiar Vulcan-sounding voice jolted him from his hallucination just enough for him to stay his fist. The Risan rubbed his eyes and turned back to the beach, which was now just the regular viewscreen once again. "I...apologise. I must have been hallucinating?"

Malik slowly staggered back to his terminal and slumped down in the chair, when someone offered 'treatment'. Malik raised a weak arm in the air, "Right here!..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the captain slumped in the centre seat appearing very much unalive. It appeared Bajorans suffered even worse than Risans at the hands of this mysterious illness.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter


"All of what you just said made sense except thinking main engineering would be a quiet place for a cup of coffee. However, I suppose that is a matter of perspective. In any case, I've heard enough."
"I believe you are needed on the bridge and I know I'm needed in Engineering. I do hope you can work through whatever it is you are running from, because while you can run from your demons, my experience tells me that if you do run, you'll just die tired."

"Trust me, death seems more and more appealing as the days go by," she said. She straightened her uniform. "Thank you," she said. It hurt her to say it, but she did need to. She followed the man out of the brig. He led her to the Bridge. She resumed her spot at the Ops console.

"We're entering the edge of the Nebula," she said, her eyes already scanning the data. "Sensors aren't happy about it," she said. She looked at the computer and spoke loudly. "WHAT DID I SAY, AI?" She asked. "Right yourself." She probably appeared that she was losing her already-tenuous grip on reality but she wasn't. The ship's computer was pushing back. She assumed he hadn't met a Bajoran before-tenacity was in their genes.

A bit later, the pushbacks stopped, and Vila had rerouted the systems. =/\=All Discovery personnel. All systems are back online. Prepare for a bit of instability as we near the edge of the Nebula.=/\= She clicked off her badge.

"Commander Garrison, we will be at the edge of the Nebula in under one hour. I don't know about you, but I am ready to go back," Vila said. She turned to the other woman on the Bridge.

"You did fine, Petty Officer," she said. "Impressive." It was the only thing that Vila would say-the highest form of praise that Vila would give was that she was impressed. It took a lot to impress her these days. "I don't know where you're supposed to be, but if you need to return elsewhere, I think I can handle things here with the Commander," she said to Tragnar.

Rayek trLhoell

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

Quote from: Lek on October 13, 2023, 11:11:54 AM

[Engineering --> Brig - USS Jupiter]

Once Lek was comfortable that the two ships were stable at warp, he turned to face M'Nia.

"Ensign, you are in charge here until I get back. Keep us at warp 5. I'll have us accelerate to 7 when I get back. I will be down in the brig, if anything goes sideways, sing out."

He then made his way for the turbolift, tapping his combadge while en route.

=/\= "Lek to Bridge, it is my intention to resolve the Vila issue. If I can, she will be returned to you shortly. If I can't come up with an answer, you are Starfleet, you will figure out an answer. Lek out."

Helga huffed at Lek's response - sometimes she understood why others had a hard time getting along with him.

But he wasn't wrong.  She was Starfleet and if that meant temporarily learning the Ops role to keep the ship on task, she'd do it.

"Computer, give me a layman's understanding of what the alerts are trying warn against... and give me step by step instructions on how to correct for the problem."

[short while later.... ]
Quote from: Lorut Vila on October 14, 2023, 06:20:51 PM

USS Jupiter

She resumed her spot at the Ops console.

"We're entering the edge of the Nebula," she said, her eyes already scanning the data. "Sensors aren't happy about it," she said. She looked at the computer and spoke loudly. "WHAT DID I SAY, AI?" She asked. "Right yourself." She probably appeared that she was losing her already-tenuous grip on reality but she wasn't. The ship's computer was pushing back. She assumed he hadn't met a Bajoran before-tenacity was in their genes.

A bit later, the pushbacks stopped, and Vila had rerouted the systems. =/\= All Discovery personnel. All systems are back online. Prepare for a bit of instability as we near the edge of the Nebula. =/\=  She clicked off her badge.

"Commander Garrison, we will be at the edge of the Nebula in under one hour. I don't know about you, but I am ready to go back," Vila said. She turned to the other woman on the Bridge.

"You did fine, Petty Officer," she said. "Impressive." It was the only thing that Vila would say-the highest form of praise that Vila would give was that she was impressed. It took a lot to impress her these days. "I don't know where you're supposed to be, but if you need to return elsewhere, I think I can handle things here with the Commander," she said to Tragnar.

Helga was relieved to see the Ensign back on the Bridge and quickly gave over the console.  "Yeah, he's temperamental." Meaning the ship's AI, not Lek.  She used the male gender because the AI used the voice of the male Captain with which to communicate on the Bridge.

When released from duty here, Helga checked with Lieutenant Lachlyn to see where she was needed next.


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

With a hiss the medication was delivered.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 13, 2023, 11:37:30 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Before he even realized it, the Captain has already faded.  An unconscious slump in the Captain's chair as Discovery jumped to warp with the Jupiter to put some distance between the nebula and them.  The Captain's lifesigns were weakening, and he was clearly in no condition to do... anything.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 14, 2023, 08:42:43 AM

[USS Discovery]

The beach was right there, why couldn't he reach it? He started to get angry, pounding harder on the viewscreen when he felt a hand on his shoulder. Malik spun ready to deliver a punch to the beach-denier when the familiar Vulcan-sounding voice jolted him from his hallucination just enough for him to stay his fist. The Risan rubbed his eyes and turned back to the beach, which was now just the regular viewscreen once again. "I...apologise. I must have been hallucinating?"

Malik slowly staggered back to his terminal and slumped down in the chair, when someone offered 'treatment'. Malik raised a weak arm in the air, "Right here!..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the captain slumped in the centre seat appearing very much unalive. It appeared Bajorans suffered even worse than Risans at the hands of this mysterious illness.

Rayek leaned back in his chair and waited for the treatment to take effect.  He looked up at the overly tall Grazerite as she did a check over his system before moving off towards the Risian pilot.   The Romulan glanced to the Captain, unconscious in the chair beside him.  This wasn't right...

"You need to treat the Captain next." Rayek stated.  Was it just his imagination that the fog in his mind was already beginning to lift?

Torra didn't paused on her route to the pilot, but she did take a position beside the helmsman which allowed her to look towards the Romulan Commander as she continued her work.   "I wish I could, sir; but until the doctors approve it for open usage, I'm limited to only distributing it to volunteers."

The Romulan felt a spur of anger at Torra's words.  That's ridiculous. He's going to die waiting for that approval; and he's in no condition to volunteer!"

The Grazerite hunched her shoulders in response to his outburst.   "I understand your frustration, sir.  This was why there was the disagreement about declaring Patient Zero as dead.  With both Doctor Thane and Sluchaynyy affected by the illness, none of the doctors have the authority to do anything outside of strict laboratory testing procedures. Which are unsuitable at the moment.  We need someone as CMO.  The Jupiter's EMH offered to assume the role but then got into an argument with our EMH." Torra stated with a bit of apologetic shrug.

Rayek grimaced at the situation.

"Which of the remaining doctors is most senior." he asked, praying she wouldn't say the EMH.

"That would be the exchange officer, Dr. Tanar Betaika." Torra supplied helpfully as she administered a dose of the treatment to the Risian pilot.

"The treatment is fast acting, so you should be seeing improvement in just a few minutes." Torra said to the pilot.

Meanwhile, Rayek had come to a decision.

"Computer record.  In the absence of Dr. Thane and Dr. Sluchaynyy due to illness, I , Commander tr'Lhoell, am temporarily promoting Romulan Exchange Officer Tanar Betaika to the position of Chief Medical Officer of the USS Discovery, effective immediately until such time as a more senior medical officer is well enough to fulfil the role.  Computer, recognize authorization of Rayek tr'Lhoell - Three Juliette Four Sierra Seven Three Five Golf Lima"

"Authorization recognized. Promotion of Lieutenant Tanar Betaika to Chief Medical Officer acknowledged. Report sent to Starfleet Command."

Rayek opened an internal comm channel =/\= "tr'Lhoell to Dr. Betaika.  I've just promoted you to Chief Medical Officer.   It is my understanding, that Lieutenant Addams needs a direct order from you to be able to administer the Jupiter treatment to any unconscious patient.   The Captain is presently unconscious and unable to volunteer to take the treatment." =/\=  Rayek informed.

There was a pause before the doctor responded.  =/\= "What are his vitals?" =/\=

Torra, who had finished with the helmsman, approached and scanned the Captain with her medical tricorder.   =/\= "Blood pressure and oxygen levels are critically low, as are his white blood cells.  His autonomic functions are on the verge of shutting down.  He has maybe an hour to live." =/\=

=/\= "Go ahead and administer the treatment to the Captain; as well as to any other whose vitals are weak.  Continue to monitor those patients and send regular updates back to Sickbay so that we can complete the proper testing quickly and get this treatment out to the entire crew." =/\=

Torra smiled appreciatively towards Commander Rayek and acknowledged her orders from Dr. Betaika.

=/\= "Yessir!" =/\=

With Rayek's help, Torra carefully leaned the Captain's head back, exposing his neck and pressed the hypospray with the treatment against his skin.  A hiss sounded as the Captain received his dose.

Torra then went around to the others on the Bridge.  Each had 'weak vitals' in her opinion so each got a dose of the treatment, and when she used up her 6 doses she requested for more to be transported to her location.

Rayek was feeling much better by this time and he knew what he had to do.

"Computer, I want you to monitor all life-signs on the ship and alert Sickbay when one falls to critical levels."  Those would be the individuals who would receive priority treatment.

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on October 13, 2023, 01:42:59 PM

Returning to Discovery had been a bit of a shock. Although Jupiter had been creepy and empty, it was expected as it was an abandoned ship. Seeing Discovery barren, was not expected. It was jarring. So many staff had been quarantined as the sickness spread.

Given their suits had kept them safe on Jupiter, Tanner had requested that the Security teams keep them on when aboard Discovery. Especially since the antiviral was almost ready, if Sickbay gave them the thumbs up, Security would begin escorting medical around the ship or, if need be, they'd dispense it themselves.

Now she stood, waiting to hear.

At being informed that the Jupiter security away team had returned, Rayek called for a report.

He listened to the quick brief offered by Lieutenant Lachlyn and acknowledged her request to remain in the EV suit.   "I think that's an excellent idea.  I want your team in Sickbay to assist the treatment efforts.   You'll escort the doctors if they need to treat patients outside of sickbay and generally be on hand to assist."

Not long after this an odd transmission was heard over the comm.  It was Lorut.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on October 14, 2023, 06:20:51 PM

=/\= All Discovery personnel. All systems are back online. Prepare for a bit of instability as we near the edge of the Nebula. =/\=

Rayek altered the ship's status to Yellow Alert in acknowledgment of the warning but didn't remove the quarantine.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Kinley Garrison


Kinley didn't expect the situation to go as it did. She'd make a mental note to talk with Vila when she got the chance. It seemed like there was definitely something going on with her, but that might be something to    With the situation of Vila back on the bridge from being in the Brig briefly, she took note of the computer trying to fight back, not content to be following orders again, probably after decades of doing its' own thing. "œPlease do your job, computer. We will discuss things later once the captain and the others are better." She said, trying to ignore the awkwardness of conversing with something that acted like a petulant kid. =/\=Status report?  Is the medicine working? we are estimating that we should be out of the nebula in an hour or so. =/\=

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 13, 2023, 03:31:53 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

The voice of the AI answered in a pleasant tone.  "Transport initiated from the USS Jupiter.".   Helga raised an eyebrow at that response.

The AI continued to answer the second part of her question.  "The ensign was transported to the Brig."  Helga blinked in surprise and dared to ask.  "Why?"

"The transport was ordered by the Lieutenant Commander in Engineering.". Helga sighed - knowing exactly who the AI was talking about despite the Away Team having to Lt Commanders.  This was Lek's doing.  Hmph... Helga didn't yet know what had prompted the animosity between the two but Lek it seemed had had enough of the woman.  She just wished he'd waited until the ship was out of the nebula.  If there were any navigation or powerflow problems, Helga was up on the Bridge alone now and with her limited enlisted training, she didn't know how to work any of them.

As if on cue, an alert chimed on the console recently vacated by Lorut.   "Just great."

She activated her helmet comms.  =/\= "Tragnar to Commander Lek.  I hope you've sent someone up to replace Lorut.  Her station has a warning going off."=/\=

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

While Rayek waited on a response from Jupiter, he noted the Risian pilot get to his feet.  'Oh? Was he improving?'  After a moment or two of watching Lieutenant Grippen stagger about Rayek decided that the man was likely hallucinating.  This was confirmed a moment later when the pilot began banging on the viewscreen.

If not for the quarantine forcefield surrounding the Bridge, Rayek would have had the pilot beamed to Sickbay.  The pounding echoed in his ears ramping up the headache that was already present.

The Romulan wondered if he could get away with stunning the pilot to get him to stop... and claim it was for the man's own safety.  Eh, probably not.  Normally disruptive individuals would be handled by the security team that was shift on the Bridge; but like most, they too had succumbed to the illness.  That left just Rayek.  The Romulan stood up on unsteady legs and walked towards the pilot.

"Mr. Grippen!  I need you to get a grip on yourself.  Return to your seat."  Rayek reached out to the man to help guide him back.

It was as he was dealing with the Risian pilo,t at that moment, that the starfield view on the front screen suddenly changed to show the colorful streams indicative of warp travel.  What the...?!

Rayek looked over to Tekin.  But the Captain didn't seem to be in a state capable of activating the warp drive.

"Mr. Graham, what's going on? Did you jump us to warp?"

Rayek wasn't all that upset, since he had been hoping to go faster to get out quicker. He just needed to remind the human Helmsman that it was important to follow the chain of comment when it came to that sort of thing.

When it came to light that the Helmsman hadn't done so and was locked out of the controls, Rayek released Lieutenant Grippen to check the nearest console.   Someone had initiated the remote control of the ship, without the Captain's authorization.  Did they believe the Bridge completely incapacitated?  Well, almost - but not quite.

He would need to check the user's ID to figure out who had done so.  There were only 5 people aboard the ship with the access to that feature: the Captain, Rayek himself, Commander Thane, Lt Commander Lek, and Lt Commander Garrison; even Dr. Broadshire as Second Officer in-training, didn't have the authorization code to remote control the entire ship.  But finding out who had done so was a task for another time.

Because as they say... when it rains; it pours.  The Bridge received a comm message from Lieutenant Addams.

Rayek audibly groaned to hear that the damn Vulcan doctors were taking their sweet time in actually using the treatment provided.

=/\= "You've got to be kidding?!" =/\= Rayek complained aloud, something he normally wouldn't do.

=/\= "The rest of the crew doesn't have time for the ethics of Vulcans!  Give Patient Zero the treatment. In lieu of next of kin, I'm authorizing it.  Also send up a few doses of the treatment to the bridge.  I'll be a volunteer, and I suspect I'm not the only one." =/\=

NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck 9 - Sickbay >>> Deck 1 - Bridge]

Torra silently questioned the wisdom of rushing the treatment testing. But she understood why.  Each life was precious and when the known result of doing nothing was death, then it made it easier to take risks.

The Grazerite nodded her head in acknowledgement of her orders from the ship's First Officer.   The comm closed and Torra approached the knot of Vulcans who had stopped their discussion.  She wondered how much of the conversation they had heard.  Given the notoriety of Vulcan hearing probably all of it.   Still Torra repeated the Commander's orders.

"I'll take a half dozen doses up to the Bridge and monitor their condition from there."  There was silence for a moment while the Vulcans looked between one another before the eldest among them nodded.

It took a minute for Torra to gather the treatment doses, then another 5 minutes to temporarily take down the forcefield that Dr. Broadshire had set up to quarantine the Bridge.   Then she activated the site-to-site transport to arrive on the Bridge.  She was surprised to see they were at warp.

Torra headed towards Rayek, but looking around addressed the rest of the Bridge - or at least those that were conscious enough to hear her.  "I have a six doses of the treatment that needs to be tested.  Do I have any volunteers other than Commander tr'Lhoell?"

She met eyes with the haggard looking Romulan as she pulled out the hypospray.  He nodded and presented his arm to her.  With a hiss the medication was delivered.

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œCommander there is nothing concerning going on I made the jump to warp." He was sure that he was fine as he made sure to not worry the commander. He figured as long as he was able to pilot the ship then there shouldn't be a problem. He thought that as long as he closely monitored his symptoms as time progressed then he should be fine. He would have let someone know if things got worse.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on October 15, 2023, 02:55:18 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

Helga huffed at Lek's response - sometimes she understood why others had a hard time getting along with him.

But he wasn't wrong.  She was Starfleet and if that meant temporarily learning the Ops role to keep the ship on task, she'd do it.

"Computer, give me a layman's understanding of what the alerts are trying warn against... and give me step by step instructions on how to correct for the problem."

[short while later.... ]

Helga was relieved to see the Ensign back on the Bridge and quickly gave over the console.  "Yeah, he's temperamental." Meaning the ship's AI, not Lek.  She used the male gender because the AI used the voice of the male Captain with which to communicate on the Bridge.

When released from duty here, Helga checked with Lieutenant Lachlyn to see where she was needed next.


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
and NPC Lt Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

With a hiss the medication was delivered.

Rayek leaned back in his chair and waited for the treatment to take effect.  He looked up at the overly tall Grazerite as she did a check over his system before moving off towards the Risian pilot.   The Romulan glanced to the Captain, unconscious in the chair beside him.  This wasn't right...

"You need to treat the Captain next." Rayek stated.  Was it just his imagination that the fog in his mind was already beginning to lift?

Torra didn't paused on her route to the pilot, but she did take a position beside the helmsman which allowed her to look towards the Romulan Commander as she continued her work.   "I wish I could, sir; but until the doctors approve it for open usage, I'm limited to only distributing it to volunteers."

The Romulan felt a spur of anger at Torra's words.  That's ridiculous. He's going to die waiting for that approval; and he's in no condition to volunteer!"

The Grazerite hunched her shoulders in response to his outburst.   "I understand your frustration, sir.  This was why there was the disagreement about declaring Patient Zero as dead.  With both Doctor Thane and Sluchaynyy affected by the illness, none of the doctors have the authority to do anything outside of strict laboratory testing procedures. Which are unsuitable at the moment.  We need someone as CMO.  The Jupiter's EMH offered to assume the role but then got into an argument with our EMH." Torra stated with a bit of apologetic shrug.

Rayek grimaced at the situation.

"Which of the remaining doctors is most senior." he asked, praying she wouldn't say the EMH.

"That would be the exchange officer, Dr. Tanar Betaika." Torra supplied helpfully as she administered a dose of the treatment to the Risian pilot.

"The treatment is fast acting, so you should be seeing improvement in just a few minutes." Torra said to the pilot.

Meanwhile, Rayek had come to a decision.

"Computer record.  In the absence of Dr. Thane and Dr. Sluchaynyy due to illness, I , Commander tr'Lhoell, am temporarily promoting Romulan Exchange Officer Tanar Betaika to the position of Chief Medical Officer of the USS Discovery, effective immediately until such time as a more senior medical officer is well enough to fulfil the role.  Computer, recognize authorization of Rayek tr'Lhoell - Three Juliette Four Sierra Seven Three Five Golf Lima"

"Authorization recognized. Promotion of Lieutenant Tanar Betaika to Chief Medical Officer acknowledged. Report sent to Starfleet Command."

Rayek opened an internal comm channel =/\= "tr'Lhoell to Dr. Betaika.  I've just promoted you to Chief Medical Officer.   It is my understanding, that Lieutenant Addams needs a direct order from you to be able to administer the Jupiter treatment to any unconscious patient.   The Captain is presently unconscious and unable to volunteer to take the treatment." =/\=  Rayek informed.

There was a pause before the doctor responded.  =/\= "What are his vitals?" =/\=

Torra, who had finished with the helmsman, approached and scanned the Captain with her medical tricorder.   =/\= "Blood pressure and oxygen levels are critically low, as are his white blood cells.  His autonomic functions are on the verge of shutting down.  He has maybe an hour to live." =/\=

=/\= "Go ahead and administer the treatment to the Captain; as well as to any other whose vitals are weak.  Continue to monitor those patients and send regular updates back to Sickbay so that we can complete the proper testing quickly and get this treatment out to the entire crew." =/\=

Torra smiled appreciatively towards Commander Rayek and acknowledged her orders from Dr. Betaika.

=/\= "Yessir!" =/\=

With Rayek's help, Torra carefully leaned the Captain's head back, exposing his neck and pressed the hypospray with the treatment against his skin.  A hiss sounded as the Captain received his dose.

Torra then went around to the others on the Bridge.  Each had 'weak vitals' in her opinion so each got a dose of the treatment, and when she used up her 6 doses she requested for more to be transported to her location.

Rayek was feeling much better by this time and he knew what he had to do.

"Computer, I want you to monitor all life-signs on the ship and alert Sickbay when one falls to critical levels."  Those would be the individuals who would receive priority treatment.

At being informed that the Jupiter security away team had returned, Rayek called for a report.

He listened to the quick brief offered by Lieutenant Lachlyn and acknowledged her request to remain in the EV suit.   "I think that's an excellent idea.  I want your team in Sickbay to assist the treatment efforts.   You'll escort the doctors if they need to treat patients outside of sickbay and generally be on hand to assist."

Not long after this an odd transmission was heard over the comm.  It was Lorut.

Rayek altered the ship's status to Yellow Alert in acknowledgment of the warning but didn't remove the quarantine.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

The carpet of USS Discovery had a pattern. However subtle, it was a geometric, monochromatic zigzagging that spanned across the entire ship. The thoughts of how Dem had never noticed that before (considering his head is not usually pressed against it for an extended period), were the last ones he had before unconsciousness consumed him.

Doctor Betaika

[Sickbay "" Bridge | USS Discovery]

After cutting communication with the bridge, he decided that it would be best to head his way up there. Once the captain is in his chair once more, he can focus on the rest of the crew. After issuing some parting orders with the remaining staff (to administer the medication to any volunteers), he headed up to the bridge. When he stepped onto the bridge, it took him a few moments to register the scene that was the command deck. Some officers slumped across their consoles, with a few more tending to them. He walked towards the commander, with the cure in hand, standing over their fallen captain. Taking a few vitals with his tricorder, he nodded to Rayek to proceed. They may finally get out of this mess.

Malik Grippen

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

Malik sighed with blessed relief as the Grazerite administered him the hypospray, the compound felt cool entering his bloodstream as it worked its way into his core. The positive effect shortly followed, with a respite in the relentless tinnitus and feeling of exhaustion.

"Thank you...", was all he could muster for now as he sucked in big lung fulls of air trying to clear his head. Thankfully Graham was still functioning at helm it seemed. Now with some awareness of his surroundings, Malik watched as Dem slumped unconscious. "May want to jab the doctor next, he doesn't look to good."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.