Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Tanner Lachlyn

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 21, 2023, 08:56:20 AM

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]

"I will, Tomorrow should be a better day," He said and went back to his checks and then he felt the ship Change course, and Head in a Different heading...We have changed course...This can't be good...New Mission, New Dangers....Great...But hey I live for those types of dangers!. He pulled out a Rifle and Checked and Loaded it and put it back in the Locker and did it again after checking it off the list. Then Back to another One. "Hey Tanner, What made you join Star Fleet? Was it a Long Time Dream or Something Last minute?" This answer will be really different from me, Ever since I was at least 15 I wanted to join Star Fleet and Reach for the Stars, And Also find my Parents, But hey I found out who My Parents are...Worthless Pieces Of....ARGH! Damn Parents are just a huge head ache! Should have just told them that I don't know who they are but they sent me the original Birth Certificate, So they were legit. Now Thats enough of them.. He also was creating Some Lockers just for Away Missions, And have everything ready for them in those Lockers then trying to get them from Multiple Lockers, But in One Locker, So Go to that one locker and there everything you need.

Having left briefly to send the message, Tanner had returned to the weapons locker to help finish the task JB had laid out. They'd been working quietly when the question came up and Tanner paused, rifle in hand and looked over at him, "œNot a long-time dream."

She put the rifle back and marked the locker as completed, "œI went to college on Earth but the thought of living there, at the time, was slowly becoming a nightmare. I have a large dysfunctional family and they are always having functions, which were basically mandatory to attend."

Tanner thought back to the day her Uncle Arthur ripped into her about her attitude and choices. He'd basically given her an ultimatum; join Starfleet and get off Earth or lose the chip on her shoulder and stay on Earth.  He had added that Starfleet might allow the right kind of space between her and select family members to cool off and learn to get along. She highly doubted it at the time but six years later, he was right. At least partially.

"œI joined Starfleet to get away." Tanner paused, "œSounds selfish, but it turned out for the best."

No matter how many times she answer this question, it still left her feeling unsure. People either understood or they didn't. Some got offended as family, to them, was an entirely different system and the thought of running from one was unheard of. She looked at JB, "œWhat about you?" 


[USS Discovery-B |engineering]

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 22, 2023, 11:29:01 AM

Sydney was momentarily left speechless as she found it curious how the Caitian always seemed quite excited to interact with her. While she was fairly certain, the Ops Officer was sure M'Nia had seemed so ever since they first met. It was curious, but there wasn't time to ponder it. They had work to do.

=/\="Good..I mean thank you. Give me one second"¦"=/\=

Checking the transporter logs, it seemed that a target for the probe had already been selected. Luckily it seemed Sydney wasn't the only one thinking something could be learned from the probe.

=/\="Okay, M'Nia. It's going to be arriving any moment in a shielded, auxiliary cargo room on Deck Ten. Sending you the location now."=/\=

It was probably only a few seconds after the woman said it that the Engineering Ensign's PADD beeped with a notification of where to go to find the probe.

=/\="Just be careful. We don't know what they did to get it to replicate the Titan's signature, so they could have rigged it with countermeasures to delay or disable whatever ship found it. Hence the shielded room. Let me know when you have uploaded the data. If you need any help, contact me and I'll see if I can walk you through it from here. Reid out."=/\=

"Gotcha! I'll be careful!" With that she began to gather up what tools she needed or thought she might need, a tricorder and she was off to probe the probe. It only took a few minutes to get to where the probe was being held. She took out the tricorder and began to scan it. It looked somewhat jury rigged, especially to the trained eye. Still, it looked like a starfleet probe. She was going to have to do some up close inspection to see if it was actually from the titan or not.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 22, 2023, 03:04:57 PM

Having left briefly to send the message, Tanner had returned to the weapons locker to help finish the task JB had laid out. They'd been working quietly when the question came up and Tanner paused, rifle in hand and looked over at him, "œNot a long-time dream."

She put the rifle back and marked the locker as completed, "œI went to college on Earth but the thought of living there, at the time, was slowly becoming a nightmare. I have a large dysfunctional family and they are always having functions, which were basically mandatory to attend."

Tanner thought back to the day her Uncle Arthur ripped into her about her attitude and choices. He'd basically given her an ultimatum; join Starfleet and get off Earth or lose the chip on her shoulder and stay on Earth.  He had added that Starfleet might allow the right kind of space between her and select family members to cool off and learn to get along. She highly doubted it at the time but six years later, he was right. At least partially.

"œI joined Starfleet to get away." Tanner paused, "œSounds selfish, but it turned out for the best."

No matter how many times she answer this question, it still left her feeling unsure. People either understood or they didn't. Some got offended as family, to them, was an entirely different system and the thought of running from one was unheard of. She looked at JB, "œWhat about you?" 

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]

"I Did this to Prove My Parents who I didn't know at the time  that I was better than they had thought of me when I was born, And Plus, The Pay is good, and its all going right back to Earth for my Wife and Daughter" And It will stay that way, Till I die, Star Fleet is My Life, At Some Ponit they will get moved here but when? Don;t Know

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tanner Lachlyn

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 23, 2023, 08:50:03 AM

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]

"I Did this to Prove My Parents who I didn't know at the time  that I was better than they had thought of me when I was born, And Plus, The Pay is good, and its all going right back to Earth for my Wife and Daughter" And It will stay that way, Till I die, Star Fleet is My Life, At Some Ponit they will get moved here but when? Don;t Know

Tanner eyed JB and took a moment to imagine him with a kid, "How old?" She asked curiously, "Is your daughter, I mean."

Having a family while in Starfleet always appeared to be a logistical nightmare, at least to Tanner. Before they'd passed, Tanner had loved every moment at home with her family. She valued that time and their loss had solidified the idea that if Tanner was going to ever have children, they wouldn't ever come second to her work and they'd never been out of arms reach.

"It must be hard to be so far from them," She added the passing comment quietly.

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 23, 2023, 01:06:47 PM

Tanner eyed JB and took a moment to imagine him with a kid, "How old?" She asked curiously, "Is your daughter, I mean."

Having a family while in Starfleet always appeared to be a logistical nightmare, at least to Tanner. Before they'd passed, Tanner had loved every moment at home with her family. She valued that time and their loss had solidified the idea that if Tanner was going to ever have children, they wouldn't ever come second to her work and they'd never been out of arms reach.

"It must be hard to be so far from them," She added the passing comment quietly.

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]

"She is one, I waited to Join till she turned one, So it made it easy on Kate" He replyied and he heard her say It Must Be hard. and he said "It is hard, but I am here supporting them, and Kate keeps in contact with me, Plus Soon I will be seeing if she would like to come here with me, Once I have talked to Commander  trLhoell about it, Should be too hard of a Problem, but I am getting word that we are Searching for a Ship, Possibly rogue? Any other Ideas you have heard?" If we are chasing a Rogue ship..Man thats not good, And the Question I would ask first is WHY did it Go Rogue?

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


[Main Engineering --> Auxiliary Cargo Room - Deck Ten - USS Discovery]

Given the nature of the decoy, Lek decided he'd join the new Caitian engineer in the examination of the probe. She would do all the work, he was going to observe her in action and as backup if anything went wrong. On arriving, Lek gave the Caitian his best toothy smile.

"Okay Ensign, what is your first step?"

Alt of Ian Galloway

Tanner Lachlyn

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 23, 2023, 01:12:32 PM

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]

"She is one, I waited to Join till she turned one, So it made it easy on Kate" He replyied and he heard her say It Must Be hard. and he said "It is hard, but I am here supporting them, and Kate keeps in contact with me, Plus Soon I will be seeing if she would like to come here with me, Once I have talked to Commander  trLhoell about it, Should be too hard of a Problem, but I am getting word that we are Searching for a Ship, Possibly rogue? Any other Ideas you have heard?" If we are chasing a Rogue ship..Man thats not good, And the Question I would ask first is WHY did it Go Rogue?

Tanner shook her head, "I asked the XO for any info we might need to be prepared but haven't heard anything back yet." She shrugged, "We'll hear whenever they're ready to tell us. You know how it goes."

Turning back to the previous comments Tanner added, "I'm grateful for the ability to communicate across the quadrants. I'm sure you miss them both. You're right though, it shouldn't be an issue to have them around. There are others with families aboard."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 23, 2023, 01:46:25 PM

Tanner shook her head, "I asked the XO for any info we might need to be prepared but haven't heard anything back yet." She shrugged, "We'll hear whenever they're ready to tell us. You know how it goes."

Turning back to the previous comments Tanner added, "I'm grateful for the ability to communicate across the quadrants. I'm sure you miss them both. You're right though, it shouldn't be an issue to have them around. There are others with families aboard."

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]
"yea, It kinda weird not having a Toddler running around asking for all of you attention" He laughed, He sure did miss them, Plus He can tell her in pearson about his parents. "So nothing yet....I have a bad feeling the SEC/TAC Officers are going to be needed.....Last mission was not the best, but I did bring back a Souvenir," He grabbed a Breen Phaser Rifle out of the Specail Weaposn locker, "I put it in here, Didn't want it in my qauters, When we get to earth I am taking it to a Weapons Range, Plus, I want to show Kate how to shoot. Want to come?"

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 22, 2023, 12:52:39 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

So it wasn't yet over... shame.  Nevir sighed, and changed his order.  "Alter course for intercept.  I need a full analysis of that nebula before we fly in.  Looks like there is a nearby red supergiant about a system over, so let's be careful.  If Titan is hiding in there, its a good location."


Cracking her knuckles, Kinley began running the scanners, picking up the spectrometry. Likely this was some kind of Dark nebula, a Class-J to be precise. One of those ones that didn't really emit too much in terms of light, aside from the occasional flash of ionized gas, and were noticeable from how they blocked light instead. A lot of dense dust and rocks. It was a bit of a miracle that their sensors were able to pick up anything in there, much less an energy signal. No one would have noticed if there was a ship in there.

"œI'd recommend we take lots of caution, with full shields up, There's a lot of dust, and debris in here. I'm not reading a lot of ionized gas, so it likely is safe enough to traverse through, assuming we don't crash into some asteroid or get lost. She reported, sending a note to her science team to prepare to sample the dust cloud.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Sydney Reid


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 22, 2023, 03:20:03 PM

"Gotcha! I'll be careful!"

A slight exhale of relief escaped Sydney as she closed the comms connection to M'Nia. She had every reason to believe that the engineer could handle it. What she didn't know was that none other than the Chief Engineer himself had decided to accompany the Caitian, ensuring that the job would get done. Soon, the cryptologist would receive the data she sought. For now, her attention turned to the open comms line to the Bridge as the familiar Chief Science Officer's voice drew her attention.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 23, 2023, 04:05:34 PM

"œI'd recommend we take lots of caution, with full shields up, There's a lot of dust, and debris in here. I'm not reading a lot of ionized gas, so it likely is safe enough to traverse through, assuming we don't crash into some asteroid or get lost."

Sydney's hands froze over the console she'd been constantly manipulating. While she had noticed the sudden changes in course and been listening in on the bridge, what Kinley was describing told the Ops Officer that, if nothing else, Comms was going to be problematic if the ship entered such an area of space. Beyond that, the Science Officer's almost nonchalant evaluation of the ship's chances didn't bring Sydney any sense of calm. Kinley certainly had tons more experience cruising on a ship in space than the new Ensign, so maybe should take cues from the senior officer. If the CSO wasn't too concerned, then Sydney needn't be.

For the moment all the Ops officer could do was continue to monitor for any signs of signals, as well as occasionally glance at the data stream of the new upgrades.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 22, 2023, 03:44:52 AM

[As Ensign Murphy]

Ensign Murphy was really trying to stay awake as he helped pilot the ship. However, he didn't want the captain or XO to realize, so instead of getting a good night sleep as he should have, he was instead trying his luck on five cups of coffee. Not a very good combination.  As twitchy as he was, he was copiloting the ship along with Graham.
He jumped slightly as the captain ordered the ship to move at full speed towards this nebula.

Looking at the scanners ahead, he turned to Graham, trying to see if he was seeing the same thing. "œThis- this nebula seems pretty thick, don't you think?"œ he asked. He knew just how dangerous these sorts of nebulae could be if they didn't fly carefully

[As Kinley]

Kinley nodded as she tapped a few systems and recalibrated the scanners to focus on a different wavelength of light, and different frequencies of particles, especially known Federation materials.  projecting the screen onto the main computers. "œGot something here. "œ she said, noting the faint energy signature flashing through the dense clouds of stellar matter. It was deep in there, but it was an energy signature. And it would have matched with the estimated size of one of the Neo-Connies. "œthere's a faint energy signature coming from there. It's not moving however, and definitely matches the profile of what we're looking at.""œ

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

"Yeah it looks pretty thick to me. I would say that it may look concerning but I don't want to making any assumptions just yet. What is your opinion on the matter Ensign Murphy?" Alex altered the course so that they could intercept. It may be a good idea if they proceed with some caution.

Sydney Reid

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: Alexander Graham on August 23, 2023, 09:56:12 PM

"Yeah it looks pretty thick to me. I would say that it may look concerning but I don't want to making any assumptions just yet. What is your opinion on the matter Ensign Murphy?" Alex altered the course so that they could intercept. It may be a good idea if they proceed with some caution.

"That's what she said"¦" Covering her mouth out of shock at letting such a phrase leave her mouth, the moment only lasted as long as it took for Sydney to remember she'd muted herself to contact M'Nia. Rolling her eyes and letting out the heaviest breath of relief of her life, she didn't know what she would have done if the Captain or XO had heard her. Thankfully, she was sequestered in her lab and not stationed on the Bridge. She'd really have to work on her impulse control before she ever accepted such a posting.

Rayek trLhoell

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge] (enroute to the wormhole)

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 21, 2023, 02:43:18 AM

Gohun personal log
The mission to infiltrate the Breen base was successful and even got me another shiny badge.  While I am excited about this shipwise everything had ground to a halt. I think it has to do with all of the upgrades that are being put into the ship. Many of the upgrades seemed to be Borg technology in nature. Gohun knows because he has been installing the upgrades. While they are not hard upgrades they take time to install.
With that Gohun left to start his day.

His first start was main engineering. He had to grab some parts and go to junction 57 near a pool table where Lek was at this moment. Today was going to be a good day. Gohun finished his coffee placed in a replicator and was ready to head into engineering. It was at that point that Gohun who walked in behind Lek decided to stealthily grab the parts and walk away. Today's not the day to deal with that shit. So much drama on this ship. With that Gohun walked to section of the ship that needed upgrades and started working. Today was going to be a peaceful day.

Quote from: Lek on August 21, 2023, 01:25:37 PM

[Main Engineering - USS Discovery]

Lek had tried and rejected several options to disable the Titan without firing on the ship. Finally, he settled on an idea that would further prove his point about the ship's most recent upgrade. However, to make this happen, he'd need Ops to pull it off.

=/\= "Lek to Bridge. I believe we can use the Fleet Communications Program to our advantage. I think if we can send a counter resonating pulse through the deflector dish, it will initiate a full system reboot. It won't last long, less than a minute, but if we have security teams ready, we can board the Titan and perhaps stop this madness before it gets any worse." =/\=

Lek hoped they would listen. No one wanted to hear what he had to say when the program was installed. However, if his plan worked, it would prevent bloodshed and proof the program was as flawed as he thought it was at the same time.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 21, 2023, 07:29:03 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

He clenched his fist as she confirmed what he suspected.  The Captain walked forward and around the helm, standing in front of the viewscreen.  He looked to be looking for something... and his eyes lit up.

"There!" he stated, turning and walking back to his chair, though he only turned back and stood in front of it.  "Computer, magnify viewscreen."

A box appeared in the center left of the screen, zooming in to see a probe floating in front of them.  As it rotated, he could see the words clearly.


"Ops, get the probe beamed over, and then let's resume course.  Let's also get a distance scan in, in case we can find a warp trail."
The blending of Lek's suggestion and his own paranoid nature had Rayek intending to call his for a boarding team to be at the ready, but their swift arrival and subsequent discovery that that was no ship there, delayed him.
Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 22, 2023, 03:44:52 AM

[As Kinley]

Kinley nodded as she tapped a few systems and recalibrated the scanners to focus on a different wavelength of light, and different frequencies of particles, especially known Federation materials.  projecting the screen onto the main computers. "œGot something here. "œ she said, noting the faint energy signature flashing through the dense clouds of stellar matter. It was deep in there, but it was an energy signature. And it would have matched with the estimated size of one of the Neo-Connies. "œthere's a faint energy signature coming from there. It's not moving however, and definitely matches the profile of what we're looking at."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 22, 2023, 12:52:39 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

So it wasn't yet over... shame.  Nevir sighed, and changed his order.  "Alter course for intercept.  I need a full analysis of that nebula before we fly in.  Looks like there is a nearby red supergiant about a system over, so let's be careful.  If Titan is hiding in there, its a good location."

However, as Commander Garrison pointed out that there was something in the nebula Rayek was determined to not be caught unprepared again.

=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One."=/\=

Security Team Alpha One - was led by Junior Lieutenant Lachlyn and consisted of Petty Officer Dranik and his 3-man team.
Security Team Alpha Two - was led by Ensign Dersch and consisted of Petty Officer Tragnar and her 3-man team.

In addition to these security measures Rayek wanted the probe looked at, so he messaged Lek to put a team on it.

He was a little surprised to learn that someone had already ordered the investigation; and that Lek was already on site..... none of which had been run past him, or the Captain from what he'd seen.   The Romulan would definitely need to clarify the meaning of 'chain of command'.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 23, 2023, 04:05:34 PM


Cracking her knuckles, Kinley began running the scanners, picking up the spectrometry. Likely this was some kind of Dark nebula, a Class-J to be precise. One of those ones that didn't really emit too much in terms of light, aside from the occasional flash of ionized gas, and were noticeable from how they blocked light instead. A lot of dense dust and rocks. It was a bit of a miracle that their sensors were able to pick up anything in there, much less an energy signal. No one would have noticed if there was a ship in there.

"œI'd recommend we take lots of caution, with full shields up, There's a lot of dust, and debris in here. I'm not reading a lot of ionized gas, so it likely is safe enough to traverse through, assuming we don't crash into some asteroid or get lost. She reported, sending a note to her science team to prepare to sample the dust cloud.

Rayek acknowledged the recommendation from Science with a nod, glanced to the Captain for his approval, before calling for "Full shields" and a precautionary "Yellow Alert"

As the ship approached the nebula, Rayek moved to the edge of his seat peering into the murky distance.

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams
[USS Discovery - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 22, 2023, 01:44:27 PM

USS Discovery

Vila nodded. "Yes, ma'am," she turned back to her console, and tapped away. Someday, these people would learn that leaving Vila idle was the worst idea-she needed to be always doing something. She was well educated, and her time with the Bajoran militia had fed her need to be constantly stimulated-but also, fed her tension and neurosis. "Lt. Torra, should I look for something specific?" She asked.

Another rogue ship? What the HELL was happening out here?!

"Crew compliment size, standard armament payload, the ship's cruising and max speeds... that sort of thing.  If you can find a ship schematic that would be ideal." Torra answered, leaving Vila to do that research while she operated the tractor beam and got the probe settled into the Cargo Bay on Deck 10.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tanner Lachlyn

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]


"yea, It kinda weird not having a Toddler running around asking for all of you attention" He laughed, He sure did miss them, Plus He can tell her in pearson about his parents. "So nothing yet....I have a bad feeling the SEC/TAC Officers are going to be needed.....Last mission was not the best, but I did bring back a Souvenir," He grabbed a Breen Phaser Rifle out of the Special Weapons locker, "I put it in here, Didn't want it in my quarters, When we get to earth I am taking it to a Weapons Range, Plus, I want to show Kate how to shoot. Want to come?"

Tanner blinked at the last question, "œMe?" He'd just met her and he was extending an invitation to come along with his family. Sure, it was to a weapons range but it was the thought behind it that was endearing. Such an open invitation wasn't something she was use to. It caught her by surprise.

"œI"¦" Tanner found herself at a loss for words, "That's really kind of you to offer, but I've got a pretty hectic schedule. I'll let you know if anything changes."

=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One."=/\=

=/\= Alpha One here, we'll be ready.=/\= Tanner tapped her badge and motioned for JB to check in, "œAlright Alpha Two." She said to him while picking up her PADD to fire off a message to Dranik, "œLet's load up and get going. We've got a transporter to get to."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 23, 2023, 11:41:27 PM

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]

Tanner blinked at the last question, "œMe?" He'd just met her and he was extending an invitation to come along with his family. Sure, it was to a weapons range but it was the thought behind it that was endearing. Such an open invitation wasn't something she was use to. It caught her by surprise.

"œI"¦" Tanner found herself at a loss for words, "That's really kind of you to offer, but I've got a pretty hectic schedule. I'll let you know if anything changes."

=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One."=/\=

=/\= Alpha One here, we'll be ready.=/\= Tanner tapped her badge and motioned for JB to check in, "œAlright Alpha Two." She said to him while picking up her PADD to fire off a message to Dranik, "œLet's load up and get going. We've got a transporter to get to."

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]

"Okay, And offer will still stands" And he went back to  Checking the Lockers. Maybe another time

=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One.=^=

=^=Alpha 2 Here, Copy that, Getting Ready now=^=
Dersch then started to grab the gear needed and also messaged Petty Officer Tragnar  to get the Crew Ready and Grab boarding Gear and Weapons and meet in Transporter Room 1. "Well This ain't good if they need 2 Teams, Well lets see what the day brings us"

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

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