Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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En Route to the Armory
USS Discovery

"Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One."

Dranik had been on his third large cup of Raktajino when the message had come through and all signs of exhaustion had left him. He had immediately contacted his team and instructed them to meet him at the armory. As he arrived, he could already see Korvox and Orosith geared up and waiting for him. "Good morning, Sir." Korvox said with a large grin as he checked over the settings on his phaser rifle. Orosith simply nodded at Dranik and began checking over her hand phaser to make sure it had a full charge.

Dranik looked around the armory and couldn't help but notice that Tyn was not there yet. "Did anyone hear from Tyn yet?" The Hirogen asked as the Andorian came running around the corner. "Apologies. I was taking care of something." Tyn looked around in confusion. Any idea what's going on?"

"No clue." Korvox replied as Dranik grabbed a phaser rifle and a hand phaser and attached the hand phaser to his belt. Dranik looked at his team and motioned for them to move out. "I figure we'll get the information once we get to the transporter room. Let's move out."

"Aye, Sir!" The three said as they left the armory and set out for the transporter room.

Hirogen Male

Tekin Nevir

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The ship reached the nebula and sailed in, leaving the viewscreen to fade as it compensated for the change in environment before coming back.  Communications and long-range sensors went out as the ship had to switch to short-range, and started to follow the source of the sensor reading.

"Graham, one-quarter impulse.  Garrison, begin a search scanning pattern." he ordered, watching the darkened hue of the bridge turn to yellow as the alert was initiated by Rayek.

It took some time, about an hour or so, but a ping on the sensors finally gave them a direction, and Nevir ordered a course change.  He watched as the dust parted to show a darkened hull of a Federation starship.  It looked completely powered down, but he didn't need to see the name on the ship to know that it wasn't the Titan.

"That's... not a Constituion III class. Kinley, what is that?"

Tanner Lachlyn

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room One]

Tanner had made a brief stop at her quarters to grab a hairclip. Usually when on duty her hair was held in a ponytail but when the possibility of an away mission came up, that was a liability. Her hair was whipped into a bun and clipped in place with a handy fastener that could also double as a weapon if need be.

Packed and prepped, Tanner entered the transporter room. She'd never had a conversation with Dranik or his team, but it was a small ship so she knew who he was. There were also regular ship rumours that made it clear that he and his team were an asset. She nodded a mute greeting to the transporter tech as she walked past to put her items down. Now to wait for the others.

Sydney Reid

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 13 | Cryptology Lab]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 23, 2023, 11:20:54 PM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell

=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One."=/\=

Rayek acknowledged the recommendation from Science with a nod, glanced to the Captain for his approval, before calling for "Full shields" and a precautionary "Yellow Alert"

NPC Lieutenant Danjar-Torra Addams

"Crew compliment size, standard armament payload, the ship's cruising and max speeds... that sort of thing.  If you can find a ship schematic that would be ideal." Torra answered, leaving Vila to do that research while she operated the tractor beam and got the probe settled into the Cargo Bay on Deck 10.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 24, 2023, 02:47:51 PM

The ship reached the nebula and sailed in, leaving the viewscreen to fade as it compensated for the change in environment before coming back.  Communications and long-range sensors went out as the ship had to switch to short-range, and started to follow the source of the sensor reading.

"Graham, one-quarter impulse.  Garrison, begin a search scanning pattern." he ordered, watching the darkened hue of the bridge turn to yellow as the alert was initiated by Rayek.

It took some time, about an hour or so, but a ping on the sensors finally gave them a direction, and Nevir ordered a course change.  He watched as the dust parted to show a darkened hull of a Federation starship.  It looked completely powered down, but he didn't need to see the name on the ship to know that it wasn't the Titan.

"That's... not a Constituion III class. Kinley, what is that?"

The situation was growing increasingly serious. At almost the same time that Commander Rayek was requesting Security to prepare boarding teams, the light strips near the top of the bulkheads suddenly began to illuminate a pulsing yellow at his command. Sydney's lab was suddenly cast in a slight, golden hue that broke through the bright, white light, drawing her attention momentarily away from the work she was doing. With the probe having been pulled in and probably already set up for M'Nia to start to examine, the temporary Comms Officer watched as the long-range subspace signals dropped away.

While she may not have been able to feel the ship moving or had a viewscreen to see what they were moving into, the steady and quick reduction of incoming Starfleet signals that normally populated the list that had come with the newest upgrades relayed to Sidney the danger and isolation that came with what the Discovery was wading into. They were now alone. There was no calling out for backup. There were no nearby Starfleet patrol ships to rescue them if something went wrong. This was exactly the kind of situation that the Ensign's Papa had told her would happen. While there wasn't a clear danger, yet, there was no doubting the vulnerable position the crew found itself in.

Going through the necessary steps to do everything she could to ensure the limitation of the long-range comms was isolated to only one bandwidth or another, Sydney focused on keeping her breathing even and steady as she could feel her heart starting to pick up pace in her chest. Momentarily glancing around, wishing that STEVE was there to bring him some semblance of calm, the woman whispered to herself, "It's okay, Syd. This is the kinda stuff that Starfleet does. This is all normal. They've all done this before. Everything will be fine." While she couldn't really be sure of that, she had a responsibility to do her best work when the pressure was on, just like every other member of Discovery's crew.

But as the Captain's concern became evident in his voice as the Bridge seemed to set their sights on whatever they had detected in the nebula, Sydney found herself asking out loud, "What? What is it? even though she still had herself muted, which was doing a great job of not letting anyone else see how anxious she was in this unfamiliar situation.


Quote from: Lek on August 23, 2023, 01:21:53 PM

[Main Engineering --> Auxiliary Cargo Room - Deck Ten - USS Discovery]

Given the nature of the decoy, Lek decided he'd join the new Caitian engineer in the examination of the probe. She would do all the work, he was going to observe her in action and as backup if anything went wrong. On arriving, Lek gave the Caitian his best toothy smile.

"Okay Ensign, what is your first step?"

"Well Lt. commander, I have ascertained it is a starfleet probe but it has been jury rigged. My next step is to make sure the thing isn't booby trapped. This very well could be a trap set for us." She took the tricorder and did a full security scan. Anything that might be dangerous. Any explosives, any device set up so it would harm them if they opened the probe.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 24, 2023, 02:47:51 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The ship reached the nebula and sailed in, leaving the viewscreen to fade as it compensated for the change in environment before coming back.  Communications and long-range sensors went out as the ship had to switch to short-range, and started to follow the source of the sensor reading.

"Graham, one-quarter impulse.  Garrison, begin a search scanning pattern." he ordered, watching the darkened hue of the bridge turn to yellow as the alert was initiated by Rayek.

It took some time, about an hour or so, but a ping on the sensors finally gave them a direction, and Nevir ordered a course change.  He watched as the dust parted to show a darkened hull of a Federation starship.  It looked completely powered down, but he didn't need to see the name on the ship to know that it wasn't the Titan.

"That's... not a Constitution III class. Kinley, what is that?"


As the Discovery delved into the nebula, going into yellow alert, Kinley kept the scanners running, mapping the major chunks of dust and space debris they encountered as they went deeper inside the cloud. So far, it was your typical J-class, albeit without the ionized gas. It was unusual, but not out of the ordinary. Perhaps a place of planetary formation, given how it was so closely situated to its nearby star. Her crew was already giving initial scans of the various elements they were getting from their preliminary samples. Something she'd geek out about later when they were out of this dust cloud.

The energy source she was tracking grew closer and closer until they finally came to a stop. It wasn't the Titan, that was for sure. "œOn it!" she piped.

It was an old ship. Still Federation, by all appearances.  A Miranda-class ship, it was still in pretty good shape, after being in this nebula for who-knew-how-long, but there didn't seem to be any indications of any life signs aboard, and barely any energy readings coming from it. She looked at any known lost ships in the Starfleet annals that might have been lost around this area.

The USS Jupiter. This was near their last known location, albeit they had strayed significantly from their intended destination. No indication as to how or why they ended up in this dust cloud.

"œIt looks like we've found the Jupiter, Sir. It's been missing for years."

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Rayek trLhoell

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 24, 2023, 02:47:51 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The ship reached the nebula and sailed in, leaving the viewscreen to fade as it compensated for the change in environment before coming back.  Communications and long-range sensors went out as the ship had to switch to short-range, and started to follow the source of the sensor reading.

"Graham, one-quarter impulse.  Garrison, begin a search scanning pattern." he ordered, watching the darkened hue of the bridge turn to yellow as the alert was initiated by Rayek.

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 23, 2023, 11:41:27 PM

[Weapons Locker -  USS Discovery]
=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One."=/\=

=/\= Alpha One here, we'll be ready.=/\= Tanner tapped her badge and motioned for JB to check in, "œAlright Alpha Two." She said to him while picking up her PADD to fire off a message to Dranik, "œLet's load up and get going. We've got a transporter to get to."

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 24, 2023, 08:01:02 AM

[Weapons Locker - USS Discovery - Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC ]
=/\="Security Teams Alpha One and Two, collect boarding gear from the armory and stand-ready in Transporter Room One.=^=

=^=Alpha 2 Here, Copy that, Getting Ready now=^=
Dersch then started to grab the gear needed and also messaged Petty Officer Tragnar  to get the Crew Ready and Grab boarding Gear and Weapons and meet in Transporter Room 1. "Well This ain't good if they need 2 Teams, Well lets see what the day brings us"

Rayek was pleased with the quick replies of the two team leaders.  Despite how short a time they had all been working together, he felt could trust that they would have their teams standing ready in no time at all.

Having overheard the Grazerite's instruction earlier to Ensign Lorut, Rayek looked over to the pair of Operations officers.  "Have that briefing on Shaw and the Titan-A to the two boarding teams within 10 minutes."

The one thing Rayek had been quick to notice on Discovery, was that it lacked a delineated space for the staging of Away Teams or Security Boarding Teams.  On Challenger,  the Phaser Range had often been used as such, but there was no equivalent on the Discovery, instead the teams just had to wait it out in the Transporter Room.  Not a terrible thing if you were being sent off immediately.  However, not all stagings were so fortunate, and today was such a day.

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room One]

The first ten minutes of a boarding team staging, was focused on having the personnel gather together & check their gear.  And Helga did exactly that.  She was geared up and ready.  She stood in eager anticipation for some action.

Normal after the gear was checked, roles were assigned.  This mission however was a bit of a mystery at least - no one seemed to know what ship they were gathering to board.  But this wasn't Helga first time boarding, so she knew in time someone would contact them with info.  And sure enough, after about 10 minutes, they received an intercom call from Commander tr'Lhoel, the Chief of their department, and a mission brief sent to their personal PADDs.

=/\= "Upon leaving Katra station, Discovery received standing orders from Starfleet Command to be on the watch for the USS Titan-A commanded by Captain Shaw, and to apprehend the ship and Captain if we locate them.  A short while ago we intercepted a beacon that appears to have been dropped by the Titan-A, and we are on course to hopefully locate and intercept them.   Please read the briefing provided which will give you some specifications of the ship and a layout of her key locations.

As with all forced boardings, there will be next to no warning of when we will have a transporter window, so you will have to remain alert and move swiftly called to get into position on the transporter pad.  We will try to get you as close to the Bridge and Engineering - one team each - to make gaining control of the ship swift. Glohhaasi' mnekha*" =/\= (*good hunting)

The transporter room didn't have chairs to sit on, so Helga leaned against the wall in her gear and studied the briefing in close detail.  She might not have time to glance at the schematic again if she were in a bit of a firefight and had to find her way to the Bridge or Engineering by just memory.

Thirty minutes later and Helga was still leaning against that same wall.  The Klingon hybrid couldn't be patient much longer.  "What's taking so long?"

[Meanwhile, earlier on Deck 10 - Auxiliary Cargo Bay]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 24, 2023, 06:41:01 PM

"Well Lt. commander, I have ascertained it is a starfleet probe but it has been jury rigged. My next step is to make sure the thing isn't booby trapped. This very well could be a trap set for us." She took the tricorder and did a full security scan. Anything that might be dangerous. Any explosives, any device set up so it would harm them if they opened the probe.

M'Nia's tricorder scan for any explosives, or hazardous foreign substances or devices that might trigger upon opening the beacon came back as negative.

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 24, 2023, 02:47:51 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

It took some time, about an hour or so, but a ping on the sensors finally gave them a direction, and Nevir ordered a course change.  He watched as the dust parted to show a darkened hull of a Federation starship.  It looked completely powered down, but he didn't need to see the name on the ship to know that it wasn't the Titan.

"That's... not a Constitution III class. Kinley, what is that?"

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 24, 2023, 10:33:37 PM


As the Discovery delved into the nebula, going into yellow alert, Kinley kept the scanners running, mapping the major chunks of dust and space debris they encountered as they went deeper inside the cloud. So far, it was your typical J-class, albeit without the ionized gas. It was unusual, but not out of the ordinary. Perhaps a place of planetary formation, given how it was so closely situated to its nearby star. Her crew was already giving initial scans of the various elements they were getting from their preliminary samples. Something she'd geek out about later when they were out of this dust cloud.

The energy source she was tracking grew closer and closer until they finally came to a stop. It wasn't the Titan, that was for sure. "œOn it!" she piped.

It was an old ship. Still Federation, by all appearances.  A Miranda-class ship, it was still in pretty good shape, after being in this nebula for who-knew-how-long, but there didn't seem to be any indications of any life signs aboard, and barely any energy readings coming from it. She looked at any known lost ships in the Starfleet annals that might have been lost around this area.

The USS Jupiter. This was near their last known location, albeit they had strayed significantly from their intended destination. No indication as to how or why they ended up in this dust cloud.

"œIt looks like we've found the Jupiter, Sir. It's been missing for years."

The name of the ship sounded only vaguely familiar probably because the ship had been missing for so long, it would have been listed on Katra's lost ships bulletin.

If this was Jupiter they had an obligation to find out what happened to it, download its 'black box' and log files.

"Permission to send the awaiting boarding teams and a more rounded Away team to check it out sir?"

As he awaited the Captain's go ahead, he was already thinking who was best to send over.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 25, 2023, 05:23:07 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room One]

The first ten minutes of a boarding team staging, was focused on having the personnel gather together & check their gear.  And Helga did exactly that.  She was geared up and ready.  She stood in eager anticipation for some action.

Normal after the gear was checked, roles were assigned.  This mission however was a bit of a mystery at least - no one seemed to know what ship they were gathering to board.  But this wasn't Helga first time boarding, so she knew in time someone would contact them with info.  And sure enough, after about 10 minutes, they received an intercom call from Commander tr'Lhoel, the Chief of their department, and a mission brief sent to their personal PADDs.

=/\= "Upon leaving Katra station, Discovery received standing orders from Starfleet Command to be on the watch for the USS Titan-A commanded by Captain Shaw, and to apprehend the ship and Captain if we locate them.  A short while ago we intercepted a beacon that appears to have been dropped by the Titan-A, and we are on course to hopefully locate and intercept them.   Please read the briefing provided which will give you some specifications of the ship and a layout of her key locations.

As with all forced boardings, there will be next to no warning of when we will have a transporter window, so you will have to remain alert and move swiftly called to get into position on the transporter pad.  We will try to get you as close to the Bridge and Engineering - one team each - to make gaining control of the ship swift. Glohhaasi' mnekha*" =/\= (*good hunting)

The transporter room didn't have chairs to sit on, so Helga leaned against the wall in her gear and studied the briefing in close detail.  She might not have time to glance at the schematic again if she were in a bit of a firefight and had to find her way to the Bridge or Engineering by just memory.

Thirty minutes later and Helga was still leaning against that same wall.  The Klingon hybrid couldn't be patient much longer.  "What's taking so long?"

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room One]

Dersch nodded after she finished and then said, "I don't Know, Must have a Good reason for keeping us." He was ready for whatever came next. Which seems to be boarding the USS Titan...Maybe...
But what did the Ship and Its Captain due if We are hunting them...

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 24, 2023, 05:23:24 PM

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room One]

Tanner had made a brief stop at her quarters to grab a hairclip. Usually when on duty her hair was held in a ponytail but when the possibility of an away mission came up, that was a liability. Her hair was whipped into a bun and clipped in place with a handy fastener that could also double as a weapon if need be.

Packed and prepped, Tanner entered the transporter room. She'd never had a conversation with Dranik or his team, but it was a small ship so she knew who he was. There were also regular ship rumours that made it clear that he and his team were an asset. She nodded a mute greeting to the transporter tech as she walked past to put her items down. Now to wait for the others.

When she walked in he nodded to her. "Well Hello, Small World.." He said with a Laugh. This should Fun, But I kinda want this to be hard But not too Hard that we get hurt.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 24, 2023, 10:33:37 PM


As the Discovery delved into the nebula, going into yellow alert, Kinley kept the scanners running, mapping the major chunks of dust and space debris they encountered as they went deeper inside the cloud. So far, it was your typical J-class, albeit without the ionized gas. It was unusual, but not out of the ordinary. Perhaps a place of planetary formation, given how it was so closely situated to its nearby star. Her crew was already giving initial scans of the various elements they were getting from their preliminary samples. Something she'd geek out about later when they were out of this dust cloud.

The energy source she was tracking grew closer and closer until they finally came to a stop. It wasn't the Titan, that was for sure. "œOn it!" she piped.

It was an old ship. Still Federation, by all appearances.  A Miranda-class ship, it was still in pretty good shape, after being in this nebula for who-knew-how-long, but there didn't seem to be any indications of any life signs aboard, and barely any energy readings coming from it. She looked at any known lost ships in the Starfleet annals that might have been lost around this area.

The USS Jupiter. This was near their last known location, albeit they had strayed significantly from their intended destination. No indication as to how or why they ended up in this dust cloud.

"œIt looks like we've found the Jupiter, Sir. It's been missing for years."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 25, 2023, 05:23:07 AM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Rayek was pleased with the quick replies of the two team leaders.  Despite how short a time they had all been working together, he felt could trust that they would have their teams standing ready in no time at all.

Having overheard the Grazerite's instruction earlier to Ensign Lorut, Rayek looked over to the pair of Operations officers.  "Have that briefing on Shaw and the Titan-A to the two boarding teams within 10 minutes."

The one thing Rayek had been quick to notice on Discovery, was that it lacked a delineated space for the staging of Away Teams or Security Boarding Teams.  On Challenger,  the Phaser Range had often been used as such, but there was no equivalent on the Discovery, instead the teams just had to wait it out in the Transporter Room.  Not a terrible thing if you were being sent off immediately.  However, not all stagings were so fortunate, and today was such a day.

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room One]

The first ten minutes of a boarding team staging, was focused on having the personnel gather together & check their gear.  And Helga did exactly that.  She was geared up and ready.  She stood in eager anticipation for some action.

Normal after the gear was checked, roles were assigned.  This mission however was a bit of a mystery at least - no one seemed to know what ship they were gathering to board.  But this wasn't Helga first time boarding, so she knew in time someone would contact them with info.  And sure enough, after about 10 minutes, they received an intercom call from Commander tr'Lhoel, the Chief of their department, and a mission brief sent to their personal PADDs.

=/\= "Upon leaving Katra station, Discovery received standing orders from Starfleet Command to be on the watch for the USS Titan-A commanded by Captain Shaw, and to apprehend the ship and Captain if we locate them.  A short while ago we intercepted a beacon that appears to have been dropped by the Titan-A, and we are on course to hopefully locate and intercept them.   Please read the briefing provided which will give you some specifications of the ship and a layout of her key locations.

As with all forced boardings, there will be next to no warning of when we will have a transporter window, so you will have to remain alert and move swiftly called to get into position on the transporter pad.  We will try to get you as close to the Bridge and Engineering - one team each - to make gaining control of the ship swift. Glohhaasi' mnekha*" =/\= (*good hunting)

The transporter room didn't have chairs to sit on, so Helga leaned against the wall in her gear and studied the briefing in close detail.  She might not have time to glance at the schematic again if she were in a bit of a firefight and had to find her way to the Bridge or Engineering by just memory.

Thirty minutes later and Helga was still leaning against that same wall.  The Klingon hybrid couldn't be patient much longer.  "What's taking so long?"

[Meanwhile, earlier on Deck 10 - Auxiliary Cargo Bay]

M'Nia's tricorder scan for any explosives, or hazardous foreign substances or devices that might trigger upon opening the beacon came back as negative.

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

The name of the ship sounded only vaguely familiar probably because the ship had been missing for so long, it would have been listed on Katra's lost ships bulletin.

If this was Jupiter they had an obligation to find out what happened to it, download its 'black box' and log files.

"Permission to send the awaiting boarding teams and a more rounded Away team to check it out sir?"

As he awaited the Captain's go ahead, he was already thinking who was best to send over.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The USS Jupiter... that caught his attention.  The Captain stood up, looking as the Miranda-class vessel came into view.  She was tilted, powered off, and from the hull she had been adrift in this nebula for a long time.  Not surprisingly considering how old that ship was, and how long its been lost.

"The Jupiter... I know that ship... it was before I was an officer.  Pre-Dominion war.  That was one of the ships that the Jem'hadar never mentioned on their initial casualty list. It was en route to New Bajor right before we were introduced to the Dominion..." the Captain stated, as his XO spoke up behind him. He turned around.

"That ship has been lost for at least 20 years, and there is no telling if there is any power left in her.  Assume this is a recovery mission and not a rescue.  Get an away team together and see if you can get the computer core running.  Find out what happened to the Jupiter." he ordered, granting Rayek's request.  The Captain turned back and looked at the ship.  With the exception of the residue from the dark debris of the nebula, there didn't appear to be any sign of an attack at all.  Which only made things more confusing.


Quote from: M'Nia on August 24, 2023, 06:41:01 PM

"Well Lt. commander, I have ascertained it is a starfleet probe but it has been jury rigged. My next step is to make sure the thing isn't booby trapped. This very well could be a trap set for us." She took the tricorder and did a full security scan. Anything that might be dangerous. Any explosives, any device set up so it would harm them if they opened the probe.

[Auxiliary Cargo Room - USS Discovery]

Lek nodded as the Caitian spoke, his own tricorder in his hand as he too scanned the probe.

"Very good Ensign. Proceed."

He replied in a reassuring tone. This was a good test for a junior engineer. If a Starfleet ship had gone rogue, which he still didn't believe, he wouldn't even entertain the thought that they would go so rogue as to leave a lethal trap behind.

"No, this was meant to trick, delay, and distract, not to kill."

He thought as he waited to see what the young ensign discovered.

Alt of Ian Galloway


"Ok no traps. Let me scan for any communication devices, in case someone wants to be alerted if we open the probe." She scanned and nothing. "Nope No communication devices. So far everything says it's just  probe that has been jury rigged to send out a signal mimicking the titan. I would say this is meant to delay and/or trick us. I think it's safe to open it up now!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Jess Willard

[USS Discovery-B | Counselors Office]

Jess sat quietly in her office. She could hear commotion outside her office, but she knew what the ship's orders were. There wasn't much a counselor could do admittedly outside of having her doors open for the crew that needed it at the time. Of course, she'd be lying if she said that the orders sat well with her; but she couldn't let the people that sat across from her know that. She was to simply listen to the concerns of the crew and guide them so they could continue performing their day-to-day duties.

She/Her - Human


Quote from: M'Nia on August 25, 2023, 11:53:24 AM

"Ok no traps. Let me scan for any communication devices, in case someone wants to be alerted if we open the probe." She scanned and nothing. "Nope No communication devices. So far everything says it's just  probe that has been jury rigged to send out a signal mimicking the titan. I would say this is meant to delay and/or trick us. I think it's safe to open it up now!"

[Auxiliary Cargo Room - USS Discovery]

Lek let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in relief when his supposition was confirmed.

"I knew they wouldn't leave a trap!"

He shouted internally as his belief in the nature of a Starfleet crew was reinforced. He moved next to M'nia.

"Very good Ensign. Open it up and let's get a look at the muckery inside."

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Lek on August 25, 2023, 03:56:49 PM

[Auxiliary Cargo Room - USS Discovery]

Lek let out a breath he didn't know he was holding in relief when his supposition was confirmed.

"I knew they wouldn't leave a trap!"

He shouted internally as his belief in the nature of a Starfleet crew was reinforced. He moved next to M'nia.

"Very good Ensign. Open it up and let's get a look at the muckery inside."

"Thank you!" M'nia took her tools and opened up the man hatch to look inside. "Most of it looks like a standard probe. I think we need to check  the fine tuning on this thing. I am betting they rewired it to emit the titan's signature. HMm I do see some recircuting in here. Definitely looks like someone has been doing some work on here!"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lorut Vila

USS Discovery


Crew compliment size, standard armament payload, the ship's cruising and max speeds... that sort of thing.  If you can find a ship schematic that would be ideal."

Vila nodded. "Yes, ma'am." She typed away, brown eyes scanning the screen in front of her. "Interesting, science ship, huh?" She'd have pegged it for a heavy cruiser, being this far out in space.

"Sirs...It might be helpful to probably already do...the docking ports are in the front, not in the rear. by the Nacelles." This might prove to be a problem if they had to tow it. "There are six whole transport pads, though, so they expected large away teams, which, I suppose, makes sense for it's intended purpose." She was reading the information as the computer spat it at her.

"As far as crew compliment, it can hold 220 crew, but can fit up to 500 if we need to." She sighed. "Just be aware that it boasts six type-7 phaser emitters, two pulse phaser cannons, and two photon torpedo launchers. Just in case it's been previously boarded by...unfriendlies." She was careful to watch her mouth and her words, choosing them carefully.

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