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Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Sydney Reid

[USS Discovery-B | Deck 6 | Transporter Room One]

Quote from: M'Nia on August 26, 2023, 08:57:01 PM

"Well maybe they wanted the best so they selected you my dear Sydney!" She said with a big smile. She was always happy to see Sydney!

Even if M'Nia was probably correct in her assessment, it didn't make the Ops Ensign feel any more confident about the mission ahead. Luckily, it seemed the Caitian's attention was quickly drawn to others"¦
Quote from: Lek on August 27, 2023, 04:00:37 PM

Lek noted first the Reid feemale and then the Lorut feemale enter and he rolled his eyes in annoyance and thought.

"Well, so much for this away team being peaceful. I think I'd rather have to face Jem'Hadar and Cardassians."

He said nothing, making small talk with M'Nia. She was young, but seemed a highly motivated engineer.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 27, 2023, 04:20:34 PM

Once she arrived at the Transport room, the last to arrive, she smiled at Lek "We meet again, Commander. I hope that you're keeping my Latinum safe!" She said. "I am ready." She radioed back to tr'Lhoell. =/\= Sir, myself and Ensign Reid have reported to the Transporter room.=/\=

After their exchange in the Turbolift, Sydney wasn't sure why she was surprised by Vila's reaction to coming face-to-face with the Ferengi Chief Engineer, but she couldn't stop herself from blinking hard and pushing out the air in her lungs to conceal her reaction to how her fellow Ops Officer decided to continue the disrespect towards Lek. Despite the confrontation, it seemed the slight walk had done nothing to calm the rebellious, offensive nature of the Bajoran. Sydney wasn't sure if she was someone the cryptologist could rely on if things went badly, regardless of the claims Vila had made. Lorut was proving herself to be one who could benefit from seeing the ship's counselor.

If only to break the tension before it could boil over into something akin to what she'd walked into before, Sydney looked to the Ferengi and called out, "I'm happy to see you will be joining us, Commander Lek. It makes me feel better about our chances to get that old ship working." She wasn't sure if the kind words would help his view of her, but at least she hoped it would stifle any future hostilities.

Turning to Kinley, Sydney was a bit more certain of the count in the room. "I believe we're just waiting on Commander tr'Lhoell, Commander Garrison." What the Ops Ensign didn't know was that the XO had other plans, and a different Commander, in mind for the Away Team's mission.


Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 27, 2023, 04:20:34 PM

USS Discovery.

Once she arrived at the Transport room, the last to arrive, she smiled at Lek "We meet again, Commander. I hope that you're keeping my Latinum safe!" She said. "I am ready." She radioed back to tr'Lhoell. ==^==Sir, myself and Ensign Reid have reported to the Transporter room.==^==

[Transporter Room - Discovery]

Lek scowled at Lorut, but chose to reply with a cold icyness.

"Ensign. I see you are determined to end your day in the brig. As for your latinum, I am not for sale, least of all to a disrespectful excuse of an officer, therefore your money is still on the deck of engineering.

"Honestly, I pity you because you're already over your head, but seem to be genetically incapable of not digging yourself deeper. I have no idea what demon you are running from, but I sincerely wish you peace, because I don't think I've ever seen anyone so afraid to fit in."

He then studiously began to ignore Vila and Sydney in favor of his small talk with M'Nia.

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Lek on August 27, 2023, 05:40:07 PM

[Transporter Room - Discovery]

Lek scowled at Lorut, but chose to reply with a cold icyness.

"Ensign. I see you are determined to end your day in the brig. As for your latinum, I am not for sale, least of all to a disrespectful excuse of an officer, therefore your money is still on the deck of engineering.

"Honestly, I pity you because you're already over your head, but seem to be genetically incapable of not digging yourself deeper. I have no idea what demon you are running from, but I sincerely wish you peace, because I don't think I've ever seen anyone so afraid to fit in."

He then studiously began to ignore Vila and Sydney in favor of his small talk with M'Nia.

Ok M'nia was going to stay far away from that fight! "So Lt. Cmdr, do you have a specialty in engineering? Some part you like more than anything?"She continued  making small talk with Lek.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Zavrol Gohun


Location all over the place
Gohun was about to respond to the hail but the com was cut off. With great speed, Gohun went to put on an environmental suit. In reality he would rather use a personal shield that the Borg had or even the suits that the Breen used those were far more mobile. It had more flexibility and it looked better but Gohun was stuck putting on the environment suit. From there Gohun went to the armory and checked out a phaser rifle. He started to wonder what the mission was about. No time to think about that Gohun had to sign out an engineering kit. From there Gohun arrived at shuttle bay one to notice that no one else was in the room. That's weird he thought.
" Computer locate Commander Lek"
Computer "Commander Lek is currently located in transporter room one". With that Gohun ran to the transporter room."

Quote from: Lek on August 27, 2023, 05:40:07 PM

[Transporter Room - Discovery]

Lek scowled at Lorut, but chose to reply with a cold icyness.

"Ensign. I see you are determined to end your day in the brig. As for your latinum, I am not for sale, least of all to a disrespectful excuse of an officer, therefore your money is still on the deck of engineering.

"Honestly, I pity you because you're already over your head, but seem to be genetically incapable of not digging yourself deeper. I have no idea what demon you are running from, but I sincerely wish you peace, because I don't think I've ever seen anyone so afraid to fit in."

He then studiously began to ignore Vila and Sydney in favor of his small talk with M'Nia.

Gohun seemed to be walking into awkward social situations all day long. Guinan would know what to say. She was more the mother healing type. Gohun was more of a jerk. Suddenly it dawned on Gohun they were just small talking. He would rather know the reason they were there.
Gohun " Excuse me sir did I miss the mission briefing?"

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Three - s'Lhoell]

After making his announcement to Lieutenant Commander Garrison, Rayek got out of his EV suit - a much quicker process than donning it.  He then took a moment to assure Tess that he would be just up on the Bridge, before making his way back to the turbolift.  He hoped disappointing Tekin would be easier than disappointing Tess.

He walked slowly as he tapped away on his PADD explaining to Garrison, in a special brief to her, the mission objectives.   He also summarized his intent for Ensign Lorut.


Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 27, 2023, 04:20:34 PM

USS Discovery

Once she arrived at the Transport room, the last to arrive, she smiled at Lek "We meet again, Commander. I hope that you're keeping my Latinum safe!" She said. "I am ready." She radioed back to tr'Lhoell. ==^==Sir, myself and Ensign Reid have reported to the Transporter room.==^==

Unaware of the tension her words and attitude had brought to the Transporter room, Rayek was just impressed that she called in at all.

=/\= "Thank you Ensign.  Lieutenant Commander Garrison will be in charge.  The Captain and myself will be monitoring the EV suit camera and audio... so be on your best behavior, Ensign. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

It was then that the turbolift doors opened and Rayek stepped out onto the Bridge once more. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 26, 2023, 12:14:32 PM

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room One]

EVA suits were the most awkward things to move in, but Tanner acknowledged their value when investigating a decades old ship and begrudgingly wiggled her way into one. She was grateful to have the engineers tagging along. If they could figure out what happened to the Jupiter, maybe they could get it powered up which would remove the requirement for their extra layer of clothing.

Giving a nod of acknowledgement to Sydney, she made her way over to the second team leader. They needed to figure out their plan of action before everyone arrived and they were set to beam over.

"œEnsign Dersch," Tanner said as she picked up her helmet, "œWe're going to need to keep the extra teams safe as we don't know what's over there. I suggest we escort the engineers to engineering first, then we can sweep the rest of the ship and make our way to the bridge. We can leave some security in Engineering."

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room One]
"Sounds Good, How many should we leave in Engineering, 3? Or 4? I say 4" Dersch said. Well, EVA suits, Great, Well lets get suited up and ready He started to recheck his Rifle, and recheck his Pistol at his side. The EVA Suits did protect us but they made being a Security Officer suck, Can't exactly move fast in them. And Limits out Line of Site.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 28, 2023, 04:59:10 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck Three - s'Lhoell]

After making his announcement to Lieutenant Commander Garrison, Rayek got out of his EV suit - a much quicker process than donning it.  He then took a moment to assure Tess that he would be just up on the Bridge, before making his way back to the turbolift.  He hoped disappointing Tekin would be easier than disappointing Tess.

He walked slowly as he tapped away on his PADD explaining to Garrison, in a special brief to her, the mission objectives.   He also summarized his intent for Ensign Lorut.

Unaware of the tension her words and attitude had brought to the Transporter room, Rayek was just impressed that she called in at all.

=/\= "Thank you Ensign.  Lieutenant Commander Garrison will be in charge.  The Captain and myself will be monitoring the EV suit camera and audio... so be on your best behavior, Ensign. tr'Lhoell out." =/\=

It was then that the turbolift doors opened and Rayek stepped out onto the Bridge once more.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir was surprised to see Rayek reentering the bridge, and turned back to the viewscreen until the XO took a seat.  "Does this mean you gave command to Dem?" he asked, looking over a PADD.  On it was the service record of Lorut Vila.


USS Discovery
Transporter Room

After hearing that they would need EVA suits, Dranik had sent Korvox to grab four of them. After he had come back with the suits and ceased his grumbling about why he had been sent for them instead of someone else, Dranik and his squad had put on their EVA suits. His three squad members listened to him as he described the mission. Korvox looked excited, Tyn looked somewhat intrigued and Orosith had no discernible expression on her face and instead of saying anything, checked the settings on her hand phaser.

"Just an obvious reminder, this is not a training simulation. this is the real deal." Dranik stated. "Remember training simulation seventeen because that's the closest one to our current situation." His squad members nodded.

Hirogen Male


Quote from: M'Nia on August 27, 2023, 07:52:50 PM

Ok M'nia was going to stay far away from that fight! "So Lt. Cmdr, do you have a specialty in engineering? Some part you like more than anything?"She continued  making small talk with Lek.

[Transporter Room One - USS Discovery]

Lek brightened at M'Nia question, because like most engineers, 'talking shop' was their passion and it was a very welcome diversion from the toxicity of the sad Lorut.

"Power systems. Doesn't matter, warp, impulse, fusion, even internal combustion, if it generates power, I can make it sing. After that, deflectors. I think my proudest accomplishment in my career is when the fleet adopted a design I call point of impact shielding. How about you Ensign, what can you make sing?"

However, before the Caitian could reply, Gohun arrived.

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 27, 2023, 10:23:01 PM

Location all over the place
Gohun was about to respond to the hail but the com was cut off. With great speed, Gohun went to put on an environmental suit. In reality he would rather use a personal shield that the Borg had or even the suits that the Breen used those were far more mobile. It had more flexibility and it looked better but Gohun was stuck putting on the environment suit. From there Gohun went to the armory and checked out a phaser rifle. He started to wonder what the mission was about. No time to think about that Gohun had to sign out an engineering kit. From there Gohun arrived at shuttle bay one to notice that no one else was in the room. That's weird he thought.
" Computer locate Commander Lek"
Computer "Commander Lek is currently located in transporter room one". With that Gohun ran to the transporter room."
Gohun seemed to be walking into awkward social situations all day long. Guinan would know what to say. She was more the mother healing type. Gohun was more of a jerk. Suddenly it dawned on Gohun they were just small talking. He would rather know the reason they were there.
Gohun " Excuse me sir did I miss the mission briefing?"

"No you have not. Gist is, they've found a long missing starship. USS Jupiter, Miranda-Class, missing since the outbreak of the Dominion War. We're to try and get her operational while the others try to figure out what happened. Now you know as much as the rest of us Mister Gohun."
Alt of Ian Galloway

Lorut Vila


USS Discovery
Transporter Room 1


Thank you Ensign.  Lieutenant Commander Garrison will be in charge.  The Captain and myself will be monitoring the EV suit camera and audio... so be on your best behavior, Ensign. tr'Lhoell out.

She sighed, but radioed back. =/\= I'll do my very best. Commander Garrison. Got it. =/\=

Thank the Prophets she was wearing an EV suit and helmet because the face she'd made would've soured milk. Still, she was determined to do her best. Everyone in their group had returned from the Breen ship alive, hadn't they?! That had to account for something on her part to show an ability to work with others. So long as she had a task, and was allowed to do her job within those parameters, she should be fine. She looked at the scientist.

"What are we waiting for? Let's roll." She'd grow bored fast, and a bored Vila was a dangerous one-something it seemed that her boss was figuring out. HOPEFULLY, as she got a few more sessions with the counselor under her and she and Ben figured out whatever it was that they were doing...she could calm down.

For now? She remained ever vigilant, aware that danger could lurk where you least expected it.

She'd learned to keep silent, at least.



Ensign. I see you are determined to end your day in the brig. As for your latinum, I am not for sale, least of all to a disrespectful excuse of an officer, therefore your money is still on the deck of engineering....Honestly, I pity you because you're already over your head, but seem to be genetically incapable of not digging yourself deeper. I have no idea what demon you are running from, but I sincerely wish you peace, because I don't think I've ever seen anyone so afraid to fit in.

She simply shrugged a little. "Sorry, sir, I didn't realize I was here to fit in. I thought I was here to run a computer system, that honestly could use an update or five," she said. "So, I am sorry that I am not friendly, but...again. Being friends with others distracts from my job-to keep myself alive and the systems up and running. I'll do my job, I can guarantee you that.." She said. She was a good, hard worker-the Cardassians had long ago ensured that, and it was also true that being too friendly was a dangerous distraction-hence why the Fleet wasn't keen on married folks working directly together, for example. It was too messy.

She wanted to add in a jab about how it was nice that her boss had been his best man, but that some bigwigs had stood up for hers, but decided against it. She really was tired of fighting, and just wanted to get started so she could come back and get some sleep and as much Kanar as she could find.

Kinley Garrison


[Transporter room]

Kinley grinned sheepishly. Somewhere between where she got her stuff equipped, the fight with the Breen, and now, she lost that suit. Or never had received one in the first place. That was entirely possible too. She smiled back to the eager ensign. "œ That would be greatly appreciated. I'm not sure where mine went or if they gave it at all when I got my uniform, and I don't often go out of the labs all that much, much less the ship. 
She nodded to M'Nia "œ Pleasure to meet you." 

With everyone here now, she noted a ping on her PADD; A note from the XO, saying that she was in charge of the mission for now. Okay. Bit of a change in plans, but she could handle it. She could handle it. At least that's what she tried to tell herself. Getting into her business mode, she nodded and got people's attention, noting the tension in the air.

"œYou're just on time, Mr. Gohun. So, I've just gotten a message from the XO. He's not going to be beaming onboard with us, so he assigned me as head of the mission. We need to beam on, clear the Jupiter of any potential boarders, and inspect the ship to see if we can fly her out of here. In the best-case scenario, we can get the ship moving out of this nebula and out to base. If not, we'll tow the ship instead.  If we can retrieve the computer files and the black box on the ship, that will be our main target, so if you guys could investigate that, I'd appreciate that.  She said, looking at the team. She indicated to  Dersch, Tragnar, Sydney, and Commander Lek.   "œWe need you on the bridge. Everyone else will be with me in Engineering. Sound like a plan?"

Her stomach seemed to preemptively flop as she thought of beaming onboard. She wasn't going to lie. She hated the thought of using the transporter. It inevitably made her feel sick and disoriented, Every. Single. Time. But she wasn't going to call for a shuttle just for that. She nodded, looking over the team. "œThe scans indicated no life signs, but we won't know what's on there until we get on there. So, be ready for anything. We've got this. She said with a grin to boost morale as she nodded to the transporter chief to beam them out.

[USS Jupiter - Transporter room]

As predicted after using the Transporter, Kinley was feeling a bit queasy from the sudden disorientation. Like the transporter mixed up the contents of her lunch in the process of recreating her.  Not the best start to a mission, but she'd live. Probably. Recomposing herself, she did a scan of the area with her tricorder.

It was dark in the derelict, seriously outdated ship, though, surprisingly, there were still lights on the ship in places. Life support was barely here, however, as it was pretty cold inside, but overall, the air in here was still barely breathable. With each step, you could see several layers of dust get disturbed with each footprint they made. The place was in pristine condition otherwise.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, a flash of movement ran past; Someone in a bright yellow Engineer's uniform seemed to be headed quickly somewhere.
And then he was gone.

Turning fast, and peering into the undisturbed hallways, Kinley tried seeing where the person went, to no luck. Nothing was there.  "œDid you just see that? she asked.

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Sydney Reid


[USS Discovery-B | Deck 6 | Transporter Room One]

For all the good she'd tried to do to help Lorut or see if Commander Lek had found a way to forgive her for the folly of their first encounter, it was clear that the Ferengi was not one to forgive and forget so easily, especially as her fellow Ops Ensign seemed to wish to continue to play with fire with her words and attitude. Even if the Chief Engineer had been in the right as to Vila's disrespect towards him, Sydney was disappointed to see him shutting her out as well, especially given the mission set forth ahead for them. She couldn't blame M'Nia for keeping to her Chief's side of the tensions. It was the smarter move for the junior engineer.

For the life of her, Sydney couldn't remember a time or person that had her feeling more disappointed or shaking her head as much as Ensign Lorut. Keeping her mouth shut, which seemed to be the best course of action at the moment, she was pleased to see her Caitian friend engaging the Ferengi; drawing Lek's attention away from the Bajoran's seemingly constant need to push whatever buttons were within her reach. While Vila was cementing her previous comments during the two Ops Officers' private moment in the Turbolift, Sydney couldn't help but roll her eyes at Lorut's opinion of the Computer Systems. In the cryptologist's opinion, which was based on her overseeing implementation and constant study of the upgrades received at Katra Station, the Discovery's Computers were in tip-top shape.

Thankfully, Commander Garrison interrupted it all with both an answer to Sydney's offer as well as some truly unexpected news. While she may have detected the slight hint of apprehension in Kinley's face upon the Science Officer reading the message she'd received on her PADD, when the Commander revealed the news to all, the Ops Ensign was absolutely delighted at it. Even if advancement wasn't a personal goal of hers, being able to see Kinley take command was certainly something Sydney was going to take notes on. She imagined the mission would go perfectly under the Chief Science Officer's direction, even if she couldn't recognize her own bias was leading her to think that.

As Kinley took command and started to make team assignments, Sydney looked to each of the Security Officers indicated before realizing the Science Commander included her and Commander Lek to be the team to infiltrate the Jupiter's Bridge. Even though she had every confidence in her own ability, and trusted in the abilities of the others, the Ensign was nervous about the idea of having to work with the Ferengi, given their previous, negative interactions. Lek's act of giving her the 'Silent Treatment' despite her attempt to mend relations did little to calm those nerves. Sydney did speak up almost too loudly to confirm, "Yes, Commander," as she tried to maintain her professionalism in the moment.

[USS Jupiter | Transporter Room]

As soon as she beamed aboard, Sydney took note of the vast differences in decor, indicating the age of the ship. The emergency lighting, which still seemed to show the faintest flicker of power in the emergency systems, gave only the slight glow of illumination to not have the teams arrive in utter darkness. Activating the Ambient Light Enhancement of her helmet provided a clearer view of their surroundings than the Miranda-Class's offerings. Glancing around the Transporter Room, Sydney immediately pulled out her tricorder to get a lay of the land. She was about to ask a question to her fellow officers when Kinley's head flicked down one of the derelict hallways"¦

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 28, 2023, 02:17:09 PM

Turning fast, and peering into the undisturbed hallways, Kinley tried seeing where the person went, to no luck. Nothing was there.  "œDid you just see that? she asked.

Turning her head in the same direction, Sydney tried to look for whatever the Science Officer may have seen but found no signs of any movement. The tricorder in her hand didn't seem to register any signs of anything in the immediate area, either. Her voice came slowly as she answered, "...No? What did you see, Commander?" Still looking in the direction the Science Officer was looking, the Ops Officer asked a question directed towards the Chief Engineer, "Commander Lek. Are you familiar with this older model? Which way towards the Bridge?" Of anyone, Sydney assumed the Ferengi would most naturally have an encyclopedic knowledge of the layout of the class on which the Jupiter was built.

Tanner Lachlyn

[USS Jupiter - Transporter room]


As predicted after using the Transporter, Kinley was feeling a bit queasy from the sudden disorientation. Like the transporter mixed up the contents of her lunch in the process of recreating her.  Not the best start to a mission, but she'd live. Probably. Recomposing herself, she did a scan of the area with her tricorder.

It was dark in the derelict, seriously outdated ship, though, surprisingly, there were still lights on the ship in places. Life support was barely here, however, as it was pretty cold inside, but overall, the air in here was still barely breathable. With each step, you could see several layers of dust get disturbed with each footprint they made. The place was in pristine condition otherwise.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, a flash of movement ran past; Someone in a bright yellow Engineer's uniform seemed to be headed quickly somewhere.
And then he was gone.

Turning fast, and peering into the undisturbed hallways, Kinley tried seeing where the person went, to no luck. Nothing was there.  "œDid you just see that? she asked.

Tanner hadn't seen anything, but the thought of something surviving in this atmosphere made her skin crawl. Shaking her head, she looked to the others, "œAlright," She looked to Kinley, "œLieutenant Commander, as you've stated, we're breaking up into two teams." Unsure of the experience of everyone involved she decided a generic explanation made sense, "œWe have an open comms channel. That means we can all hear each other, so keep the chatter low. "

Tanner motioned to the door leading out of the room, "œAll of you should have a standard phaser, if you don't let me know and we'll equip you." They'd transported over some extra equipment which Tanner motioned to. There were extra phasers but also first aid kits and supplies. "œTeam One, headed to Engineering, that's me and Petty Officer Dranik's team. We've got Lt. Commander Garrison, Ensign Lorut,  Ensign M'Nia and Ensign Vila. Team Two, heading to the Bridge with Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Tragnar's team. They've got Ensign Reid and  Lt. Commander Lek."

Tanner added, "œI expect you to allow security to be the first through a door. We're a team but it just makes sense to be safe.Please, allow us to do our jobs."

She looked to Lt.Commander Garrison for any extra comments before saying, "œAre we all on the same page?"   


Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 28, 2023, 05:49:18 PM

Turning her head in the same direction, Sydney tried to look for whatever the Science Officer may have seen but found no signs of any movement. The tricorder in her hand didn't seem to register any signs of anything in the immediate area, either. Her voice came slowly as she answered, "...No? What did you see, Commander?" Still looking in the direction the Science Officer was looking, the Ops Officer asked a question directed towards the Chief Engineer, "Commander Lek. Are you familiar with this older model? Which way towards the Bridge?" Of anyone, Sydney assumed the Ferengi would most naturally have an encyclopedic knowledge of the layout of the class on which the Jupiter was built.

[Transporter Room - USS Jupiter]

Up until the away team's arrival, Lek had studiously ignored the two ensigns as he had a task before him that did not involve either of them, which made them irrelevant. However, when Reid asked a question, he no longer had a reason to ignore her.

"I have a passing familiarity with the Miranda-Class. The nearest turbolift is to the left of this transporter room."

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Lek on August 28, 2023, 11:10:34 AM

[Transporter Room One - USS Discovery]

Lek brightened at M'Nia question, because like most engineers, 'talking shop' was their passion and it was a very welcome diversion from the toxicity of the sad Lorut.

"Power systems. Doesn't matter, warp, impulse, fusion, even internal combustion, if it generates power, I can make it sing. After that, deflectors. I think my proudest accomplishment in my career is when the fleet adopted a design I call point of impact shielding. How about you Ensign, what can you make sing?"

However, before the Caitian could reply, Gohun arrived.

"No you have not. Gist is, they've found a long missing starship. USS Jupiter, Miranda-Class, missing since the outbreak of the Dominion War. We're to try and get her operational while the others try to figure out what happened. Now you know as much as the rest of us Mister Gohun."

"Aha! Ahem, anyway, mine is propulsion systems. From warp to impulse to slipstream, even singularity drive fascinates me. If I come across a propulsion system that I haven't encountered before, i want to know all about it! What are the principles regarding it. How does it work? Who invented it? how reliable is it? how fast? what limitations does it have?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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