Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Lorut Vila


USS Discovery
Transporter Room 1


We need you on the bridge. Everyone else will be with me in Engineering. Sound like a plan?

She nodded. It made the most sense that she be hands-on the systems, instead of parked behind a console.


The scans indicated no life signs, but we won't know what's on there until we get on there. So, be ready for anything. We've got this.

Vila was always prepared; she'd been taught, throughout her life, that danger lurked around every corner and that you couldn't let your guard down. EVER. A moment later, they apparated in an empty, eerily-quiet transporter room. This must be the Jupiter.

USS Jupiter
Transport Room-Corridors


Team One, headed to Engineering, that's me and Petty Officer Dranik's team. We've got Lt. Commander Garrison, Ensign Lorut,  Ensign M'Nia and Ensign Vila. Team Two, heading to the Bridge with Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Tragnar's team. They've got Ensign Reid and  Lt. Commander Lek.

As they arrived, Vila moved to the back-easier to let security die first. Luckily, she had gotten her phaser ready. They didn't know she still had her (non-standard, Bajoran-Militia-issue) contraband one. She wouldn't pull it out unless she needed to-she was mouthy, and highly anxious, but she wasn't stupid.

She nodded to the one called Lachlan. By all means, go first! She'd learned years ago, and maybe some day, she'd offer it as a life lesson-to NEVER go first-it was how you ended up dead, or captured. Going last was preferable, always.

She followed the others out, and into the corridor, heading for what she presumed was engineering.


Did you just see that?

Vila looked at the Scientist.

"No, ma'am, but...I'll keep an eye out," she said. She withdrew her phaser from the holster attached to the EV suit. She moved with a quickness and litheness that defied her age and general persnickety-ness. She remained to the rear flank, but her brown eyes scanned the horizons ahead-her height giving her an advantage.

"It's best to keep moving forward, ma'am," she said, quietly. She hoped the woman would just trust her, but if she had to explain, she would. "Engineering should it Deck ten, Reid?" She asked. She hadn't gotten out her tricorder-Vila preferred to play it by intuition. It hadn't let her down yet.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun materiased in the middle of a dark empty room. For some reason Gohun was all alone in this room. Perhaps a transporter malfunction he didn't have time to think about it. Also very dark if Gohun didn't know any better he would have guessed that he was in void space. It was very dark in this room. Gohun reached out with his mind he sensed the away team they were near and no one else. At least no one Gohun could sense. The room had nor air and that only amplified the tension. The reality is that sound does not travel in space. In space no one can hear you scream.
Fo but one thing was sure and that was he needed light. With that Gohun turned towards to room and sudden movement caught his eye. In a split second he fired at the movement and destroyed a lamp. It was a good thing that sound did not travel in space. Gohun examined the room no phaser or energy weapon marks. It was as if the crew had all just left. There had to be clues somewhere. Turning around Gohun saw a door and walked towards it. The door seemed to strain but it opened and the rest of the away team was there. Looking at them it was obvious that they had started doing readings.
"ummm that room seems clear"

Rayek trLhoell

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 28, 2023, 12:57:13 PM

USS Discovery
Transporter Room 1

She sighed, but radioed back. =/\= I'll do my very best. Commander Garrison. Got it. =/\=

Unaware of the tensions below in the transporter room, Rayek was feeling that maybe Lorut just needed to see some action to settle in.  She seemed to thrive on it.  Maybe withholding Away Team missions could be used as a deterrent with her?
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 28, 2023, 10:22:44 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir was surprised to see Rayek reentering the bridge, and turned back to the viewscreen until the XO took a seat.  "Does this mean you gave command to Dem?" he asked, looking over a PADD.  On it was the service record of Lorut Vila.

Rayek paused a moment at the Captain's question, before resuming his path to his Executive Officer's seat.  In a low conversational tone that was intended to not travel the entirety of the bridge, he answered.  "No, Captain.  I felt it best to put Lieutenant Commander Garrison in charge.  Lieutenant Broadshire has yet, to my knowledge, even been on an Away Team since coming aboard.   I didn't feel it appropriate to put him in charge."

He noted the file on the PADD.  He nodded towards it and lowered his tone further.  "A little light reading?" he quipped before glancing to the Captain's ready room.  "Did you want to discuss now or after the mission?"

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room One]

Quote from: Dranik on August 28, 2023, 10:58:44 AM

USS Discovery
Transporter Room

After hearing that they would need EVA suits, Dranik had sent Korvox to grab four of them. After he had come back with the suits and ceased his grumbling about why he had been sent for them instead of someone else, Dranik and his squad had put on their EVA suits. His three squad members listened to him as he described the mission. Korvox looked excited, Tyn looked somewhat intrigued and Orosith had no discernible expression on her face and instead of saying anything, checked the settings on her hand phaser.

"Just an obvious reminder, this is not a training simulation. this is the real deal." Dranik stated. "Remember training simulation seventeen because that's the closest one to our current situation." His squad members nodded.

News of needing EV suits was greeted with the expected reaction - grumbles, followed by acceptance.  Helga sent the most junior crewman to fetch the gear.  She was still getting into her suit when the officers began arriving.

She was thrilled to see Lek.  They rarely got out on Away Teams together.  Maybe having tr'Lhoell as a Commander wouldn't be so bad if he was willing to team the two of them up more often.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 27, 2023, 04:20:34 PM

Once she arrived at the Transport room, the last to arrive, she smiled at Lek "We meet again, Commander. I hope that you're keeping my Latinum safe!"

Quote from: Sydney Reid on August 27, 2023, 05:23:38 PM

"I'm happy to see you will be joining us, Commander Lek. It makes me feel better about our chances to get that old ship working."

Quote from: Lek on August 27, 2023, 05:40:07 PM

[Transporter Room - Discovery]

Lek scowled at Lorut, but chose to reply with a cold icyness.

"Ensign. I see you are determined to end your day in the brig. As for your latinum, I am not for sale, least of all to a disrespectful excuse of an officer, therefore your money is still on the deck of engineering.

"Honestly, I pity you because you're already over your head, but seem to be genetically incapable of not digging yourself deeper. I have no idea what demon you are running from, but I sincerely wish you peace, because I don't think I've ever seen anyone so afraid to fit in."

He then studiously began to ignore Vila and Sydney in favor of his small talk with M'Nia.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on August 28, 2023, 12:57:13 PM

She simply shrugged a little. "Sorry, sir, I didn't realize I was here to fit in. I thought I was here to run a computer system, that honestly could use an update or five," she said. "So, I am sorry that I am not friendly, but...again. Being friends with others distracts from my job-to keep myself alive and the systems up and running. I'll do my job, I can guarantee you that.." She said.

Helga was a bit surprised by Lek's reaction to the two Ops officers initially.   She knew Lek and he was normally not this pointed in his dismissal of those around him.   She frowned watching the interaction.  There was some history here between the three that she was missing.  She'd have to ask Lek about it later, since he seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with one of his junior engineers - a female Caitian.   For now, Helga would keep an eye on the Bajoran... and the Caitian.
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 27, 2023, 10:23:01 PM

Gohun seemed to be walking into awkward social situations all day long. Guinan would know what to say. She was more the mother healing type. Gohun was more of a jerk. Suddenly it dawned on Gohun they were just small talking. He would rather know the reason they were there.
Gohun " Excuse me sir did I miss the mission briefing?"

Quote from: Lek on August 28, 2023, 11:10:34 AM

[Transporter Room One - USS Discovery]

Lek brightened at M'Nia question, because like most engineers, 'talking shop' was their passion and it was a very welcome diversion from the toxicity of the sad Lorut.

"Power systems. Doesn't matter, warp, impulse, fusion, even internal combustion, if it generates power, I can make it sing. After that, deflectors. I think my proudest accomplishment in my career is when the fleet adopted a design I call point of impact shielding. How about you Ensign, what can you make sing?"

However, before the Caitian could reply, Gohun arrived.

"No you have not. Gist is, they've found a long missing starship. USS Jupiter, Miranda-Class, missing since the outbreak of the Dominion War. We're to try and get her operational while the others try to figure out what happened. Now you know as much as the rest of us Mister Gohun."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 28, 2023, 02:17:09 PM

[Transporter room]

With everyone here now, she noted a ping on her PADD; A note from the XO, saying that she was in charge of the mission for now. Okay. Bit of a change in plans, but she could handle it. She could handle it. At least that's what she tried to tell herself. Getting into her business mode, she nodded and got people's attention, noting the tension in the air.

"œYou're just on time, Mr. Gohun. So, I've just gotten a message from the XO. He's not going to be beaming onboard with us, so he assigned me as head of the mission. We need to beam on, clear the Jupiter of any potential boarders, and inspect the ship to see if we can fly her out of here. In the best-case scenario, we can get the ship moving out of this nebula and out to base. If not, we'll tow the ship instead.  If we can retrieve the computer files and the black box on the ship, that will be our main target, so if you guys could investigate that, I'd appreciate that.  She said, looking at the team. She indicated to  Dersch, Tragnar, Sydney, and Commander Lek.   "œWe need you on the bridge. Everyone else will be with me in Engineering. Sound like a plan?"

Her stomach seemed to preemptively flop as she thought of beaming onboard. She wasn't going to lie. She hated the thought of using the transporter. It inevitably made her feel sick and disoriented, Every. Single. Time. But she wasn't going to call for a shuttle just for that. She nodded, looking over the team. "œThe scans indicated no life signs, but we won't know what's on there until we get on there. So, be ready for anything. We've got this. She said with a grin to boost morale as she nodded to the transporter chief to beam them out.

Helga listened to the mission goals and noted her team's specific orders to head to the Bridge.   "Yes ma'am!"

Given the size of the entire Away team it took a three beam outs of 6 team members each to get all 18 members over.   The two security teams beamed over first and second each with a senior officer to secure the transporter room.

Once that was done, they called back for the rest of the Engineers and Ops personnel to come over.

The small room filled quickly and it was difficult to get an accurate head count, which is why Helga missed the fact that one of the engineers hadn't made it across.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 28, 2023, 02:17:09 PM

[USS Jupiter - Transporter room]

As predicted after using the Transporter, Kinley was feeling a bit queasy from the sudden disorientation. Like the transporter mixed up the contents of her lunch in the process of recreating her.  Not the best start to a mission, but she'd live. Probably. Recomposing herself, she did a scan of the area with her tricorder.

It was dark in the derelict, seriously outdated ship, though, surprisingly, there were still lights on the ship in places. Life support was barely here, however, as it was pretty cold inside, but overall, the air in here was still barely breathable. With each step, you could see several layers of dust get disturbed with each footprint they made. The place was in pristine condition otherwise.

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, a flash of movement ran past; Someone in a bright yellow Engineer's uniform seemed to be headed quickly somewhere.
And then he was gone.

Turning fast, and peering into the undisturbed hallways, Kinley tried seeing where the person went, to no luck. Nothing was there.  "œDid you just see that? she asked.

When they started to file out into the Hallway, she tried to a count and frowned when it didn't add up to 18.  Had she miscounted?  She leaned over to Ensign Dersch her team lead.  "I only count 17... are we missing someone?"
Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 28, 2023, 06:28:29 PM

[USS Jupiter - Transporter room]

Tanner hadn't seen anything, but the thought of something surviving in this atmosphere made her skin crawl. Shaking her head, she looked to the others, "œAlright," She looked to Kinley, "œLieutenant Commander, as you've stated, we're breaking up into two teams." Unsure of the experience of everyone involved she decided a generic explanation made sense, "œWe have an open comms channel. That means we can all hear each other, so keep the chatter low. "

Tanner motioned to the door leading out of the room, "œAll of you should have a standard phaser, if you don't let me know and we'll equip you." They'd transported over some extra equipment which Tanner motioned to. There were extra phasers but also first aid kits and supplies. "œTeam One, headed to Engineering, that's me and Petty Officer Dranik's team. We've got Lt. Commander Garrison, Ensign Lorut,  Ensign M'Nia and Ensign Vila. Team Two, heading to the Bridge with Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Tragnar's team. They've got Ensign Reid and  Lt. Commander Lek."

Tanner added, "œI expect you to allow security to be the first through a door. We're a team but it just makes sense to be safe.Please, allow us to do our jobs."

She looked to Lt.Commander Garrison for any extra comments before saying, "œAre we all on the same page?"   

Her attention was split as junior Lieutenant Lachlyn gave them their orders.   Helga however was trying to do a recount and see who was missing.  As Lachlyn listed off personnel, Helga picked out the individual... all accounted for.   Why had she thought there was 18 back on the Discovery?
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on August 29, 2023, 12:19:58 AM

Gohun materiased in the middle of a dark empty room. For some reason Gohun was all alone in this room. Perhaps a transporter malfunction he didn't have time to think about it. Also very dark if Gohun didn't know any better he would have guessed that he was in void space. It was very dark in this room. Gohun reached out with his mind he sensed the away team they were near and no one else. At least no one Gohun could sense. The room had nor air and that only amplified the tension. The reality is that sound does not travel in space. In space no one can hear you scream.
Fo but one thing was sure and that was he needed light. With that Gohun turned towards to room and sudden movement caught his eye. In a split second he fired at the movement and destroyed a lamp. It was a good thing that sound did not travel in space. Gohun examined the room no phaser or energy weapon marks. It was as if the crew had all just left. There had to be clues somewhere. Turning around Gohun saw a door and walked towards it. The door seemed to strain but it opened and the rest of the away team was there. Looking at them it was obvious that they had started doing readings.
"ummm that room seems clear"

Given the Commander's earlier 'sighting' and the eerieness of the empty corridors, when one of the doors began to slowly open, Helga pulled her phaser and had it trained towards the noise, she flicked on its flashlight beam and in its path was Gohun.   Oh!  That's who was missing!

"You need to stick with the group.  Which assignment are you - Bridge or Engineering?"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 28, 2023, 06:28:29 PM

[USS Jupiter - Transporter room]

Tanner hadn't seen anything, but the thought of something surviving in this atmosphere made her skin crawl. Shaking her head, she looked to the others, "œAlright," She looked to Kinley, "œLieutenant Commander, as you've stated, we're breaking up into two teams." Unsure of the experience of everyone involved she decided a generic explanation made sense, "œWe have an open comms channel. That means we can all hear each other, so keep the chatter low. "

Tanner motioned to the door leading out of the room, "œAll of you should have a standard phaser, if you don't let me know and we'll equip you." They'd transported over some extra equipment which Tanner motioned to. There were extra phasers but also first aid kits and supplies. "œTeam One, headed to Engineering, that's me and Petty Officer Dranik's team. We've got Lt. Commander Garrison, Ensign Lorut,  Ensign M'Nia and Ensign Vila. Team Two, heading to the Bridge with Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Tragnar's team. They've got Ensign Reid and  Lt. Commander Lek."

Tanner added, "œI expect you to allow security to be the first through a door. We're a team but it just makes sense to be safe.Please, allow us to do our jobs."

She looked to Lt.Commander Garrison for any extra comments before saying, "œAre we all on the same page?"   

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room -Ensign JB Dersch]

After Suiting Up In the EVA Suit He listened. Tanner Got down to the Point, Don't get in our way Unless you want to die. Man Let me tell them straight, It will be very mean.. When she said Are we on the same page. Dersch Smiled and said "Yea I got the Idea" He started to take looks at the Officers under his command, Making sure to remember who they looked like.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 29, 2023, 05:11:45 AM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room One]

News of needing EV suits was greeted with the expected reaction - grumbles, followed by acceptance.  Helga sent the most junior crewman to fetch the gear.  She was still getting into her suit when the officers began arriving.

She was thrilled to see Lek.  They rarely got out on Away Teams together.  Maybe having tr'Lhoell as a Commander wouldn't be so bad if he was willing to team the two of them up more often.

Helga was a bit surprised by Lek's reaction to the two Ops officers initially.   She knew Lek and he was normally not this pointed in his dismissal of those around him.   She frowned watching the interaction.  There was some history here between the three that she was missing.  She'd have to ask Lek about it later, since he seemed to be engrossed in a conversation with one of his junior engineers - a female Caitian.   For now, Helga would keep an eye on the Bajoran... and the Caitian.

Helga listened to the mission goals and noted her team's specific orders to head to the Bridge.   "Yes ma'am!"

Given the size of the entire Away team it took a three beam outs of 6 team members each to get all 18 members over.   The two security teams beamed over first and second each with a senior officer to secure the transporter room.

Once that was done, they called back for the rest of the Engineers and Ops personnel to come over.

The small room filled quickly and it was difficult to get an accurate head count, which is why Helga missed the fact that one of the engineers hadn't made it across.

When they started to file out into the Hallway, she tried to a count and frowned when it didn't add up to 18.  Had she miscounted?  She leaned over to Ensign Dersch her team lead.  "I only count 17... are we missing someone?"
Her attention was split as junior Lieutenant Lachlyn gave them their orders.   Helga however was trying to do a recount and see who was missing.  As Lachlyn listed off personnel, Helga picked out the individual... all accounted for.   Why had she thought there was 18 back on the Discovery?

Given the Commander's earlier 'sighting' and the eerieness of the empty corridors, when one of the doors began to slowly open, Helga pulled her phaser and had it trained towards the noise, she flicked on its flashlight beam and in its path was Gohun.   Oh!  That's who was missing!

"You need to stick with the group.  Which assignment are you - Bridge or Engineering?"

[USS Jupiter- Transporter Room -Ensign JB Dersch]

After Securing the Transporter Room And Rest of the Team Beamed over, Dersch Recheck his rifle and Did a Quick Check, When Helga asked  "I only count 17... are we missing someone?". He thought a  minute. Yes,..Crap, See if you can find out who it was. He started to go through the list when Helga found the missing Pearson. "You need to stick with the group.  Which assignment are you - Bridge or Engineering?" He looked over to see Gohun. "Come on Ensign, Stay together, Or Something happens," Dersch then motioned for The Bridge Security Team to Take up positions outside in the Hall. He popped out into the Corridor weapon raised, "Clear Right". And He waited For a Response from the other Security Officer for a Clear Left.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tanner Lachlyn

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 29, 2023, 08:39:36 AM

[USS Jupiter- Transporter Room -Ensign JB Dersch]

After Securing the Transporter Room And Rest of the Team Beamed over, Dersch Recheck his rifle and Did a Quick Check, When Helga asked  "I only count 17... are we missing someone?". He thought a  minute. Yes,..Crap, See if you can find out who it was. He started to go through the list when Helga found the missing Pearson. "You need to stick with the group.  Which assignment are you - Bridge or Engineering?" He looked over to see Gohun. "Come on Ensign, Stay together, Or Something happens," Dersch then motioned for The Bridge Security Team to Take up positions outside in the Hall. He popped out into the Corridor weapon raised, "Clear Right". And He waited For a Response from the other Security Officer for a Clear Left.

Tanner gave the all-clear command and they all moved forward.  It was eerie when one was used to a busy ship with crew constantly coming and going, to see a derelict one.  Aside from the lights from their suits, it was dark and even though their temperature was regulated, she felt cold.

"Staircase is up ahead," She said quietly, "Thanks to our suits, the path is easy enough to follow. You should all have the layouts programmed into your helmets."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 29, 2023, 01:46:32 PM

Tanner gave the all-clear command and they all moved forward.  It was eerie when one was used to a busy ship with crew constantly coming and going, to see a derelict one.  Aside from the lights from their suits, it was dark and even though their temperature was regulated, she felt cold.

"Staircase is up ahead," She said quietly, "Thanks to our suits, the path is easy enough to follow. You should all have the layouts programmed into your helmets."

[USS Jupiter- Enroute To Bridge -Ensign JB Dersch]

"Copy That, See you later, Alpha 2 Lets Roll" He said as he started to Enter the star case, He did a Qiuck over peek looking up and down, "All Clear, Lets Move, Stay Alert, Can't be for sure we are alone, Scanners are flawed sometimes." He made his way up the stairs first putting him before the others. "Helga Bring up the Rear, and have one of the others bring up the rear as well with you, The Other will be with me Up front. Lets keep the Ops/Engineering Officers in the Middle"

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Sydney Reid

[USS Jupiter | Transporter Room - Adjoining Cooridors] (Before Everyone Split Off)

Looking at the status of the lighting on the Jupiter, Sydney idly commented, "I don't think we'll be using the Turbolifts unless we get the power on"¦" It was just then that the Ops Officer had one of those 'Lightbulb Moments' as she mumbled a curse in Romulan - because their cursing was so much more extravagant than Federation Standard's - to herself and announced, "Wait. We have everything we need for this."

Bringing her forearm control panel up, Sydney quickly started poking and swiping through the various options, taking advantage of the wealth of data that had been provided to them. It only took her a minute to locate the desired destinations of the two teams, and then plot the most efficient courses for each before transmitting the data to the group of personnel all in close proximity in and just outside the Transporter Room they'd arrived in.

"There," she said confidently. "If you activate your HUDs, it should guide you to the most direct route to where each team is going." Glancing over at Commander Garrison, Sydney was looking for even the slightest hint of praise from the Science Officer. In her nervousness about being on her first Away Mission, and the fact she was so used to her implants, she'd forgotten just how advanced these new EV suits were, and how much they were capable of.


Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 29, 2023, 01:54:13 PM

[USS Jupiter- Enroute To Bridge -Ensign JB Dersch]

"Copy That, See you later, Alpha 2 Lets Roll" He said as he started to Enter the star case, He did a Quick over peek looking up and down, "All Clear, Lets Move, Stay Alert, Can't be for sure we are alone, Scanners are flawed sometimes." He made his way up the stairs first putting him before the others. "Helga Bring up the Rear, and have one of the others bring up the rear as well with you, The Other will be with me Up front. Lets keep the Ops/Engineering Officers in the Middle"

"Yes please. I know I'd feel safer in the middle." this ship was old. It would be interesting to look at the engines and see what they were like. M'nia was curious to see if they could get the old girl going again! She would certainly try. Nothing like a nice challenge to make her brain work.She followed with her group. She was anxious to get to work. She would not distract the security by talking it them unnecessarily. That was not a smart thing to do! She kept looking at the HUD to make  sure they were going the right way.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 29, 2023, 05:11:45 AM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Unaware of the tensions below in the transporter room, Rayek was feeling that maybe Lorut just needed to see some action to settle in.  She seemed to thrive on it.  Maybe withholding Away Team missions could be used as a deterrent with her?

Rayek paused a moment at the Captain's question, before resuming his path to his Executive Officer's seat.  In a low conversational tone that was intended to not travel the entirety of the bridge, he answered.  "No, Captain.  I felt it best to put Lieutenant Commander Garrison in charge.  Lieutenant Broadshire has yet, to my knowledge, even been on an Away Team since coming aboard.   I didn't feel it appropriate to put him in charge."

He noted the file on the PADD.  He nodded towards it and lowered his tone further.  "A little light reading?" he quipped before glancing to the Captain's ready room.  "Did you want to discuss now or after the mission?"

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Hmm..." he said, looking over a Rayek.  "Either way, good choice.  I wasn't going to mention this, but both Counselor and Medical staff recommended you take a break from away teams after your ordeal.  Obviously us in command have a reputation for being stubborn, so I wasn't going to order you to do anything you didn't want to do.  If the team can get main power back on I'll head over to put in command codes.  Garrison doesn't have clearance level yet."

His attention was brought back to the PADD when the Romulan commented on it.  He sighed.  "Never had an officer to blatantly combative right in front of me when it came to other officers.  Figured it was the smartest thing to look over her record to see if this is a pattern.  Turns out it is.  Multiple disciplinary actions taken from different command officers.  Captain Baird of the USS T'Pol even recommended discharge from Starfleet.  Obviously, he was overruled.  She has someone looking out for her, thats for sure.  And I think I know why she was transferred here." he stated, leaning back in his chair.

"She's only a few years older than me.  So unfortunately she and I grew up in very similar circumstances.  On Bajor." he stated, not wanting the mention the other part... the Cardassians.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun was rather confused it seemed that the away team was blaming him for being teleported to the other side of a door. This was good news because it meant that might have a better chance at promotion especially if he was competing with people of that intelligence level. No matter. For now, he was going to have to deal with the lack of power on this ship. The only way to do that was to get the antimatter reactors working again. This reminds Gohun had they actually scanned the ship to see if there was any on the ship. It would be funny to get to engineering and have it be empty. Speaking of which why didn't they just beam to engineering? Well this method was more dramatic even if that meant Gohun would have to climb down a lot of stairs.
With that Gohun turned on the night vision mode of his suit put his phaser to maximum and scanned the halls for potential hostiles as they walked. It was hard to put into words the sense of fear the away team was facing. While Gohun made note of the fact there were no lifeform readings on the ship he could not help feel that they were not alone. That there was something in the dark waiting and hungry.

Rayek trLhoell

PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Transporter Room One]

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 29, 2023, 08:39:36 AM

[USS Discovery - Transporter Room -Ensign JB Dersch]

After Suiting Up In the EVA Suit He listened. Tanner Got down to the Point, Don't get in our way Unless you want to die. Man Let me tell them straight, It will be very mean.. When she said Are we on the same page. Dersch Smiled and said "Yea I got the Idea" He started to take looks at the Officers under his command, Making sure to remember who they looked like.

Other than Petty Officer Helga Tragnar, Dersch's team consisted of three crewmen:  Crewmen Lena Jensen and Todd Curry who were Human, and Crewman ThyVess ch'Azaahzel, an Andorian.
Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 29, 2023, 08:39:36 AM

[USS Jupiter- Transporter Room -Ensign JB Dersch]

After Securing the Transporter Room And Rest of the Team Beamed over, Dersch Recheck his rifle and Did a Quick Check, When Helga asked  "I only count 17... are we missing someone?". He thought a  minute. Yes,..Crap, See if you can find out who it was. He started to go through the list when Helga found the missing Pearson. "You need to stick with the group.  Which assignment are you - Bridge or Engineering?" He looked over to see Gohun. "Come on Ensign, Stay together, Or Something happens," Dersch then motioned for The Bridge Security Team to Take up positions outside in the Hall. He popped out into the Corridor weapon raised, "Clear Right". And He waited For a Response from the other Security Officer for a Clear Left.

"Clear left" came the Andorian's call a short moment later, though the chan headed in the direction that the Commander had claimed to have seen something.  At first, he could see nothing, then noticed along the ceiling frost forming, but only in one spot, near to the ship's security camera.

"Commander. This doesn't seem right." ch'Azaahzel commented as a shiver ran down his spine.  He felt cold despite his EV suit.

A scan of the area would show that the air temperature in that one corner was significantly cooler than the rest of the hallway.

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 29, 2023, 05:02:22 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Hmm..." he said, looking over a Rayek.  "Either way, good choice.  I wasn't going to mention this, but both Counselor and Medical staff recommended you take a break from away teams after your ordeal.  Obviously us in command have a reputation for being stubborn, so I wasn't going to order you to do anything you didn't want to do.  If the team can get main power back on I'll head over to put in command codes.  Garrison doesn't have clearance level yet."

His attention was brought back to the PADD when the Romulan commented on it.  He sighed.  "Never had an officer to blatantly combative right in front of me when it came to other officers.  Figured it was the smartest thing to look over her record to see if this is a pattern.  Turns out it is.  Multiple disciplinary actions taken from different command officers.  Captain Baird of the USS T'Pol even recommended discharge from Starfleet.  Obviously, he was overruled.  She has someone looking out for her, thats for sure.  And I think I know why she was transferred here." he stated, leaning back in his chair.

"She's only a few years older than me.  So unfortunately she and I grew up in very similar circumstances.  On Bajor." he stated, not wanting the mention the other part... the Cardassians.

That Tekin had received such advice from Medical and Counseling, yet trusted him enough to make his own decision was a little eye-opening.  Rayek nodded his head slightly in acknowledgement and thanks.

As the Captain chose to discuss Lorut's personnel record there on the Bridge, Rayek leaned in closer so the man wouldn't need to speak as loudly.  Things like this were best kept private.  "I am aware... I am in the process of reviewing all personnel files. Having seen her work during the previous away mission, I can attest that she knows her job and can follow orders.  It is just her interpersonal skills that are lacking."

Having had similar difficulty in fitting, Rayek had hoped to assist the woman overcome her problems, but perhaps he was the wrong person to reach out.

"The humans have a saying:  'A trouble shared is a trouble halved.'  Perhaps she needs someone who understands what she went through."

In his periphery, Rayek could see that the Grazerite at the Ops station suddenly look alarmed as she worked at her console.   Before he could turn towards Lieutenant Addams to ask what was wrong, she spoke up.

"Sirs, Transporter Room 1 reports a system malfunction.  One of the away team members didn't arrive where he was supposed to - but in an adjacent room.  He's fortunate that he didn't end up partially in a wall or floor.  His EV suit monitor shows all bio functions normal, but the Chief is taking Transporter Room One offline until it's determined what went wrong with the transport." Torra informed the Captain and Commander.

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on August 30, 2023, 04:44:41 AM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

That Tekin had received such advice from Medical and Counseling, yet trusted him enough to make his own decision was a little eye-opening.  Rayek nodded his head slightly in acknowledgement and thanks.

As the Captain chose to discuss Lorut's personnel record there on the Bridge, Rayek leaned in closer so the man wouldn't need to speak as loudly.  Things like this were best kept private.  "I am aware... I am in the process of reviewing all personnel files. Having seen her work during the previous away mission, I can attest that she knows her job and can follow orders.  It is just her interpersonal skills that are lacking."

Having had similar difficulty in fitting, Rayek had hoped to assist the woman overcome her problems, but perhaps he was the wrong person to reach out.

"The humans have a saying:  'A trouble shared is a trouble halved.'  Perhaps she needs someone who understands what she went through."

In his periphery, Rayek could see that the Grazerite at the Ops station suddenly look alarmed as she worked at her console.   Before he could turn towards Lieutenant Addams to ask what was wrong, she spoke up.

"Sirs, Transporter Room 1 reports a system malfunction.  One of the away team members didn't arrive where he was supposed to - but in an adjacent room.  He's fortunate that he didn't end up partially in a wall or floor.  His EV suit monitor shows all bio functions normal, but the Chief is taking Transporter Room One offline until it's determined what went wrong with the transport." Torra informed the Captain and Commander.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain nodded, keeping his voice reasonably low.  "My thoughts exactly, Number One.  We'll see what happens after this recovery.  If I need to, I'll step in." he stated, turning back and putting the PADD away. He looked ahead when Torra called out the update.

"Inform the field techs... that transporter was working before they got their hands on our systems." he stated, shaking his head.  It was at that point that another report came in, this time from Science.

"Sir, I'm getting some weird fluctuations from the nearby star."

"Helm, put us between the Jupiter and the star.  Prepare a class 3 solar probe and fire it towards the star to monitor it." the Captain ordered, as he tapped his comm.

=/\= "Discovery to away team.  Be advised we are monitoring some unusual activity from the star.  We're moving Discovery to protect you guys.  Recommend you get deflector systems up as a higher priority." =/\=

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter
Corridor 1

Vila was already annoyed.


"I only count 17... are we missing someone?"

She raised her eyes to the ceiling, and shook her head. She was grateful that the EV suit helmets would block this. Already?! What kind of show were they running here?

"Yeah, that Gofer guy," she murmured, not caring what his name actually was. Finally, he appeared, and they got on their way.


"I don't think we'll be using the Turbolifts unless we get the power on"¦"  "Wait. We have everything we need for this. "There...If you activate your HUDs, it should guide you to the most direct route to where each team is going.

Vila had only done a few simulations in the EV suits, so it took her a moment to realize what the Ensign was talking about, but a few moments after that, she had the visuals on the helmet screen in front of her. "Good idea," she said. She was still training her vision on the horizon, always alert to danger. "Let's continue, please," she said. The more they moved, the harder it would be to become a target. For what? She didn't know.

Kinley Garrison

[USS Jupiter, Transporter room]
Kinley looked through the empty corridors, Not even a footprint to be seen. It was as if no one was there at all. But she could have sworn she saw someone in an old-style yellow engineer uniform race past. The others didn't see it, probably as most of the crew was still beaming onboard.


, "...No? What did you see, Commander?"


"No, ma'am, but...I'll keep an eye out,"

Kinley nodded, somewhat confused at what she had just seen. "œI"¦ I don't know what I saw. It looked like an engineer, yellow shirt and all, but he wasn't one of ours. Either way, we need to move out. " she said, trying to not let the eeriness of the ship get to her. The team was looking to her to set the mood and she didn't want to set the mood on the wrong foot to begin with.

Tanner hadn't seen anything, but the thought of something surviving in this atmosphere made her skin crawl. Shaking her head, she looked to the others, "œAlright," She looked to Kinley, "œLieutenant Commander, as you've stated, we're breaking up into two teams." Unsure of the experience of everyone involved she decided a generic explanation made sense, "œWe have an open comms channel. That means we can all hear each other, so keep the chatter low. "

Tanner motioned to the door leading out of the room, "œAll of you should have a standard phaser, if you don't let me know and we'll equip you." They'd transported over some extra equipment which Tanner motioned to. There were extra phasers but also first aid kits and supplies. "œTeam One, headed to Engineering, that's me and Petty Officer Dranik's team. We've got Lt. Commander Garrison, Ensign Lorut,  Ensign M'Nia, and Ensign Vila. Team Two, heading to the Bridge with Ensign Dersch and Petty Officer Tragnar's team. They've got Ensign Reid and  Lt. Commander Lek."

Tanner added, "œI expect you to allow security to be the first through a door. We're a team but it just makes sense to be safe. Please, allow us to do our jobs."

She looked to Lt.Commander Garrison for any extra comments before saying, "œAre we all on the same page?" 

Kinley nodded. It looked like it and they were all getting ready to head out when someone mentioned that someone was missing; one of the engineers, Mr. Gohun,  had appeared in a room a bit further out. That was odd. Perhaps some interference on the ship? Something to look into, for sure . But no matter. They had to move forward.

"There," she said confidently. "If you activate your HUDs, it should guide you to the most direct route to where each team is going." Glancing over at Commander Garrison, Sydney was looking for even the slightest hint of praise from the Science Officer.

Kinley gave an approving nod to the teams as they moved in position to head out when she got a communication from the Captain.


"Discovery to away team.  Be advised we are monitoring some unusual activity from the star.  We're moving Discovery to protect you guys.  Recommend you get deflector systems up as a higher priority."

=/\= "œWill do, Sir. We noticed a weird blip with the transporters as well. One of the team was sent to a different room than the others. I will keep you informed.  Also, something weird's here. I'm pretty positive that I saw no life signs when I scanned this place last, but there might be something or someone here. Not sure yet. Garrison Out." =/\= she reported.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Kinley Garrison


[On route to Main Engineering]


The ship only seemed to get darker, with only a few flickering lights in the distance as the team passed the small 10-Forward on this ship, but it was not empty. Here there are people cheering, singing Happy Birthday; It's the Second Officer's birthday, and the crew are all giving toasts to their crewmate, laughing and singing and chatting. A lively scene, but not matching the derelict atmosphere of the ship as it stands. The figures seem ghostly; looking very real, but not at all there, like they are ghostly and somewhat transparent. And then, as if rewound from the beginning, the people started again, singing and chatting like nothing happened.

[Towards the bridge]

The ship became busier, as the team went through to the bridge, encountering more ghostly people in old, antiquated uniforms, milling about their days, doing their jobs on the ship, rewinding and looping forever as they did their jobs, leaving no trace or indication that anything went wrong on this derelict ship

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

🡱 🡳

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