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Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Alexander Graham

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 30, 2023, 02:58:58 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain nodded, keeping his voice reasonably low.  "My thoughts exactly, Number One.  We'll see what happens after this recovery.  If I need to, I'll step in." he stated, turning back and putting the PADD away. He looked ahead when Torra called out the update.

"Inform the field techs... that transporter was working before they got their hands on our systems." he stated, shaking his head.  It was at that point that another report came in, this time from Science.

"Sir, I'm getting some weird fluctuations from the nearby star."

"Helm, put us between the Jupiter and the star.  Prepare a class 3 solar probe and fire it towards the star to monitor it." the Captain ordered, as he tapped his comm.

=/\= "Discovery to away team.  Be advised we are monitoring some unusual activity from the star.  We're moving Discovery to protect you guys.  Recommend you get deflector systems up as a higher priority." =/\=

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œUnderstood captain." He worked on getting them between Jupiter and the star. He wondered how the away team was doing on their mission. He hoped that the away team would be safe while they are on their mission.

J.B Dersch

     [USS Jupiter- Enroute To bridge -Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC

After some high climbing of the Stairs. They finally made it. "ch'Azaahzel, I will clear the left part of the Bridge, You Clear Right,  Tragnar, Jensen, Curry, Lek, Reid Stand by for all Clear"
He then opened the hatched and Jumped out the rifle up ready and did a scan of the Left side of the bridge. "Clear Left" Then Movement..Wait minute, That's not our uniform...Did I just see a ghost? Great We are on a haunted ship.. He stood his ground and looked again and didn't see the Uniformed Officer. Well, Lets hope we don't Anger it.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Sydney Reid

[USS Jupiter | Bridge Away Team]

Sydney tried not to beam too much after getting the nod from Commander Garrison for her quick thinking, even if her previous answer had thoroughly confused the Ops Ensign. Discovery had not detected any life signs on the ship prior to beaming over, and even her tricorder only picked up the members of the away team upon use of it. Once Mr. Gohun had been located and returned with to the rest of the Away Team, the team exited the darkened Transporter Room and started down the halls en route to their designated destinations.

Between the Navigational HUD and the Ambient Light Amplification, the silent halls of the Jupiter surely seemed a little less eerie than at first. The only sounds were the footsteps and breaths of her fellow crewmates as they made their way through. Having not picked up a Phaser to replace her forgotten one, if only to ensure no one caught her ill-equipped, Sydney kept her tricorder in hand as she continued to scan. With the Security Team primarily taking the lead as they moved swiftly through, the Ensign was next to last in the quickly moving file with Petty Officer Helga Tragnar taking the anchor position to cover the team's rear.

Half focused on her tricorder and making sure to follow the EV-suited crewman in front of her as she glanced around to take in the deserted ship, Sydney paused a step as she swore she caught something out of the corner of her eye, turning her head to look down a short, dark, adjoining corridor, but didn't see anything or any evidence something had been there. It was curious, but no more curious than what Kinley had claimed upon their arrival. Perhaps it was just nerves, given that it seemed the Commander's elevation to Mission Leader had come as a bit of a surprise to all. A ship that had been missing and presumed destroyed for over twenty years certainly shouldn't feel inviting to anyone.

Turning a corner, Sydney could have sworn she saw something down the opposite stretch from the direction the team was moving, causing her to halt and look off in silent focus, trying to spot anything that seemed out of place. She even went as far as to toggle off and on her ALA system on her helmet before the presence of something behind her caused her to turn quickly and let out a loud, "Ahh!" with her eyes going wide. Reaching out at what had seemingly surprised her, she found her hand coming to rest on the Petty Officer's EV-suited arm, which immediately changed her look of fright to one of smiling embarrassment as she let out a feigned chuckle.

"Sor"¦Sorry, Tragnar. I thought"¦Nevermind," she tried to apologize, but quickly realized she was still gripping the Security NCO's arm. Giving it a small squeeze as she forced a smile, the human tried to gloss over the awkward moment by giving the woman's bicep a small squeeze through the suit and commented, "Wow. You must really work out. Quite, uh.., solidly built," with an enthusiastic nod before turning back around to continue following the rest of the team.

She had to pick her pace up for a few steps to catch up with the others after her brief stop but quickly was back in formation as the team continued to push on towards the Bridge. Shuffling quickly down the corridors, Sydney was being even more observant of her surroundings given her previous glimpse of something out of the ordinary. It wasn't until they came to another intersection that she caught the visage of something coming towards her, causing her to turn her head quickly to see a semi-transparent, yellow-shouldered man walking towards her with his eyes down on a rather antiquated-looking PADD.

As her feet stopped moving, Sydney suddenly realized the ghostly figure wasn't stopping as it came right at her as if on a collision path. Just as she came face to face with the figure, the woman let out a loud scream of fright, "AHHH!!!" and literally jumped up and back into the Petty Officer behind her. Tragnar a seasoned Security Member, had reacted blindingly quickly to catch the Ensign in her arms, causing her phaser rifle to fall, yet not hit the floor thanks to the sling attached to it. Wrapping her arms around the Human-Klingon, Sydney looked to find where the ghostly crewman had gone, finding nothing there; not even footprints in the undisturbed dusty corridor.

It was only then she turned to look at the other woman's face, noticing first the ridges on her forehead before the look of curious annoyance on her face. Offering a wide, yet clearly forced smile to her, Sydney tried to compliment the Petty Officer brightly, "Wow. You're really strong. You must be spending a lot of time in the gym. Maybe we should"¦" It seemed Tragnar had enough of the Ops Ensign as she dropped Sydney to the floor, causing the Ensign to land with a dull thud on her rear-end and a moaning, "Owww..," as she turned to her side and reached a hand back to rub her offended butt cheek.

Sydney only remained on the ground for a moment, especially after looking up to see the Human-Klingon staring down at her after returning her phaser rifle to a readied position in front of her, before forcing herself up quickly enough it was almost as if she'd 'hopped' to her feet. Having to reach over to pick up her dropped tricorder, the Ops Officer continued to reach back one hand in an attempt to rub the dull ache from her behind as she held up the diagnostic device in the other; doing her best to appear as if she hadn't just made a complete fool of herself.

To put it simply, Sydney's first Away Mission was not going well. The optics were bad, especially compared to all of the hardened Security personnel who didn't seem the least bit fazed by the quickly growing number of unusual, undetectable, but clearly visible apparitions. Sticking with the group, the woman tried to do her best to keep quiet and act like what she was seeing wasn't all that odd, but in truth, she was completely creeped out and couldn't wait to get to the Bridge and get the Jupiter back online. Perhaps it was the answer to their ghostly problem"¦


[Transporter Room --> Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek was fascinated to be aboard a Miranda. They had all gone out of service by the time he joined the fleet, so he'd only seen schematics and an occasional civilian version converted to cargo hauler in passing since graduating the Academy. As he made his way toward engineering, he too saw the apparitions of the ship's crew and found them to be more pitiful and scary as he thought.

"They should have been before the Blessed Exchequer in the Divine Treasury bidding for their new lives, but since the Federation doesn't acquire profit, they didn't have money to bid with, so they are trapped still doing the last thing they did before they died. If this doesn't justify profit, nothing does."

On arriving in Engineering, he went straight to the ship's pool table and found everything was shut down. Not destroyed or disabled, just shut down. Like everything had been put into standby mode and then as power drained from the backup batteries, the ship's computer slowly shut everything down.

=/\= "Lek to Commander Kinley, I think we can bring her home." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Lek on August 31, 2023, 11:35:06 AM

[Transporter Room --> Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek was fascinated to be aboard a Miranda. They had all gone out of service by the time he joined the fleet, so he'd only seen schematics and an occasional civilian version converted to cargo hauler in passing since graduating the Academy. As he made his way toward engineering, he too saw the apparitions of the ship's crew and found them to be more pitiful and scary as he thought.

"They should have been before the Blessed Exchequer in the Divine Treasury bidding for their new lives, but since the Federation doesn't acquire profit, they didn't have money to bid with, so they are trapped still doing the last thing they did before they died. If this doesn't justify profit, nothing does."

On arriving in Engineering, he went straight to the ship's pool table and found everything was shut down. Not destroyed or disabled, just shut down. Like everything had been put into standby mode and then as power drained from the backup batteries, the ship's computer slowly shut everything down.

=/\= "Lek to Commander Kinley, I think we can bring her home." =/\=

M'nia followed him. After seeing what he saw her curiosity was aroused. "Now that's quite odd. Why is everything shut down?"  She began an examination of everything to see if there was any damage. "Sir, if we can rig up some power, maybe we can access the logs and see if we can find out what happened! I admit, this doesn't feel right!" her hackles were up! Something strange happened to the crew and she didn't like this one bit! She kept her eyes and ears open for any signs of danger!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Malik Grippen

[1.5 years earlier...Horgan Island Villa, Risa]

Malik read the memorial padd held in his hand, 'In memory of Leif Grippen, Father, Nobleman of Risa, your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure, you are loved beyond words and missed beyond measure.'. it still felt far to surreal here, surrounded by his family and close friends at the wake of his father's funeral. Only two weeks earlier he had been aboard his new posting on the USS Discovery following transfer from the Challenger when the subspace communication arrived notifying him of his father's accident. He had been granted a leave of absence and made his way with all possible speed back home. He hadn't arrived in time, his Father, Leif, passing peacefully away in the medical facility. He had never gotten to say farewell and that was eating the Risan pilot up inside. The feeling of guilt and failure of not being by his father's side was overwhelming. For Risans, the bonds of family were everything.

His sister, Taja, also a Starfleet officer placed a reassuring hand on his arm. "There was nothing you could have done, with the accident, and you arrived as quickly as you could..." Her words of reassurance fell on deaf ears as Malik remembered the last talk he'd had with his father, he had just been telling him of his latest adventures and the new woman in his life. Perhaps if he hadn't of joined Starfleet and remained home to run the family tourist excursion business with his father, it could have been prevented. Perhaps. It was far too late for that, he thought, as he pulled his sister in for a hug more for her benefit than his. He only felt guilt, regret and failure. A feeling the exacting pilot had rarely experienced.

[USS Discovery, Bridge, Present day]

Malik strode out onto the bridge and glanced at the viewscreen. They were in some sort of nebula, a class J by the looks of it. An ancient looking Starfleet ship was on magnification apparently having seen better days. Noticing the captain and first officer, the Risan made his way over and stood to attention before them.

"Sir's, Lieutenant Malik Grippen reporting for duty as ordered."

His uniform was pressed to within an inch of its life, pips shining. His hair sculpted to god-like perfection. Malik had always prided himself on his immaculate presentation and following his return to active service at least outwardly, not a lot had changed in that regard. Inwardly however, Malik had grown through grief and came out the other side a more rounded and experienced individual. His return to Starfleet had been long overdue and even though he had lost contact with most of his former shipmates, he was excited to form new bonds of fellowship.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Tanner Lachlyn

[USS Jupiter - Engineering]

Creepy. That was what this scenario was. Pure and absolute ick.

However, from a Security standpoint, the strange figures they were seeing weren't attacking them so the only thing that could be done was to observe. As the engineers were doing their thing, Tanner motioned to the rest of the Security team to clear the other levels. She stayed near Lek and walked around the ghostly Engineering space.

Two figures appeared in the corner. Arguing. She couldn't make out the words as the ethereal voices murmured but there was no questioning that they had been raised. The separated. One storming off in a huff. The other staring at a PADD.

Tanner turned to leave when something caught her eye. The scene had begun again.

Speaking through the open comms, "Has anyone else noticed that the figures are repeating? I just watched an argument between two engineers that concluded and then they were right back at it."

Rayek trLhoell


PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Corridors]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 30, 2023, 06:49:00 PM

[USS Jupiter, Transporter room]
Kinley nodded, somewhat confused at what she had just seen. "œI"¦ I don't know what I saw. It looked like an engineer, yellow shirt and all, but he wasn't one of ours. Either way, we need to move out. "

Kinley gave an approving nod to the teams as they moved in position to head out when she got a communication from the Captain.

=/\= "œWill do, Sir. We noticed a weird blip with the transporters as well. One of the team was sent to a different room than the others. I will keep you informed.  Also, something weird's here. I'm pretty positive that I saw no life signs when I scanned this place last, but there might be something or someone here. Not sure yet. Garrison Out." =/\= she reported.

Quote from: J.B Dersch on August 31, 2023, 08:26:33 AM

[USS Jupiter- Enroute To bridge -Ensign J.B Dersch - SEC/TAC

After some high climbing of the Stairs. They finally made it. "ch'Azaahzel, I will clear the left part of the Bridge, You Clear Right,  Tragnar, Jensen, Curry, Lek, Reid Stand by for all Clear"

He then opened the hatched and Jumped out the rifle up ready and did a scan of the Left side of the bridge. "Clear Left" Then Movement..Wait minute, That's not our uniform...Did I just see a ghost? Great We are on a haunted ship.. He stood his ground and looked again and didn't see the Uniformed Officer. Well, Lets hope we don't Anger it.

From her rearguard position Helga couldn't see much ahead of her and so far as yet there was nothing behind.  Everyone around her though was getting jumpy.   Notably the Operations officer traveling with them to the Bridge who seemed to startle at everything.  At one point the officer let out a shriek like Helga had only ever heard from Lek.

It was instinct then to protect and Helga scooped her up, just like she would Lek.  But when Helga looked to face whatever had scared the officer.  There was nothing there.   Helga dropped her there and then.

"Movement Right!" she heard ch'Azaahzel call.  Helga readied her phaser rifle "Stop right there" he ordered.   She could make out the taller Andorian's antenna swivelled back and forth clearly distressed.

"I'll fire!" he warned then fired off a shot down the hall.  Still keeping an eye behind Helga waited with baited breath for a report of what had just occurred.

When the Andorian seemed to just stare ahead in disbelief, Helga prompted for an explanation.  "ch'Azaahzel, report!"

"Uh...yessir! I mean ma'am.  I saw two... apparitions?...of what looked like security personnel running towards the team.  I gave warning.  Then didn't stop or even slow down, so I fired.  My phaser beam went right through them.  No effect.  Then they just disappeared.   I don't get it...  oh Roozh."

Helga turned to looked toward the Andorian and saw that he was looking back down the hall.  "They're back at the end of the hall; running towards us again.... Orders?"

Helga grunted.  "Continue left... towards the Bridge.  Do not engage unless they pose a threat." It felt wrong to say such but for the moment it seemed the best way forward.

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on August 31, 2023, 06:13:08 PM

[USS Jupiter - Engineering]

Creepy. That was what this scenario was. Pure and absolute ick.

However, from a Security standpoint, the strange figures they were seeing weren't attacking them so the only thing that could be done was to observe. As the engineers were doing their thing, Tanner motioned to the rest of the Security team to clear the other levels. She stayed near Lek and walked around the ghostly Engineering space.

Two figures appeared in the corner. Arguing. She couldn't make out the words as the ethereal voices murmured but there was no questioning that they had been raised. The separated. One storming off in a huff. The other staring at a PADD.

Tanner turned to leave when something caught her eye. The scene had begun again.

Speaking through the open comms, "Has anyone else noticed that the figures are repeating? I just watched an argument between two engineers that concluded and then they were right back at it."

=/\= "Yeah.  Same up here.  Could they be stuck in some out-of-phase time-loop?" =/\=  the Security crewman asked, before being given the stink eye from Tragnar for trying to think outside his department.

"Crewman, focus on your job, let the officers focus on theirs!"

The Andorian's antennae twitched but he shut up.

Quote from: Lek on August 31, 2023, 11:35:06 AM

[Transporter Room --> Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek was fascinated to be aboard a Miranda. They had all gone out of service by the time he joined the fleet, so he'd only seen schematics and an occasional civilian version converted to cargo hauler in passing since graduating the Academy. As he made his way toward engineering, he too saw the apparitions of the ship's crew and found them to be more pitiful and scary as he thought.

"They should have been before the Blessed Exchequer in the Divine Treasury bidding for their new lives, but since the Federation doesn't acquire profit, they didn't have money to bid with, so they are trapped still doing the last thing they did before they died. If this doesn't justify profit, nothing does."

On arriving in Engineering, he went straight to the ship's pool table and found everything was shut down. Not destroyed or disabled, just shut down. Like everything had been put into standby mode and then as power drained from the backup batteries, the ship's computer slowly shut everything down.

=/\= "Lek to Commander Kinley, I think we can bring her home." =/\=

Quote from: M'Nia on August 31, 2023, 12:04:30 PM

M'nia followed him. After seeing what he saw her curiosity was aroused. "Now that's quite odd. Why is everything shut down?"  She began an examination of everything to see if there was any damage. "Sir, if we can rig up some power, maybe we can access the logs and see if we can find out what happened! I admit, this doesn't feel right!" her hackles were up! Something strange happened to the crew and she didn't like this one bit! She kept her eyes and ears open for any signs of danger!

In Engineering, while the Away Team was looking over the consoles to determine the best way to start the engines, an odd scene was playing out in the corner of the room - a ghostly figure seemed to inexplicably collapse and was attended to by his nearby coworkers.   Their calls for help muted and muffled by whatever means was keeping them trapped in that time.   Moments after the collapse the apparition shimmered away and then the scene repeated.

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on August 30, 2023, 02:58:58 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain nodded, keeping his voice reasonably low.  "My thoughts exactly, Number One.  We'll see what happens after this recovery.  If I need to, I'll step in." he stated, turning back and putting the PADD away. He looked ahead when Torra called out the update.

"Inform the field techs... that transporter was working before they got their hands on our systems." he stated, shaking his head.  It was at that point that another report came in, this time from Science.

"Sir, I'm getting some weird fluctuations from the nearby star."

"Helm, put us between the Jupiter and the star.  Prepare a class 3 solar probe and fire it towards the star to monitor it." the Captain ordered, as he tapped his comm.

=/\= "Discovery to away team.  Be advised we are monitoring some unusual activity from the star.  We're moving Discovery to protect you guys.  Recommend you get deflector systems up as a higher priority." =/\=

Number One.  The appellation was intended to convey a sense of respect and trust.  Yet Rayek had long disliked the term.  He'd had another alpha-numeric instead of name once, years before he switched sides to the Federation.   Back in Faicol-lhui.  Hated and reviled by his Praetor, for the crime of being born with a telepathic gift that Romulans should not have, he had been cast aside to a mining prison when his service was deemed no longer needed.

Rayek would always prefer to be called by rank or name, never a number.   But  Captain Tekin did not know this and there was no reason for the Bajoran to question what his First Officer would prefer to be called, so Rayek kept his flinch internal and focused on what the Captain was saying.

He nodded his head in agreement. "That would be appreciated sir, if needed."

He listened as science reported odd activity from the nearby star.  Before he could even recommend a plan of action to the Captain, Tekin had the situation dealt with, issuing orders directly to the departments needed.
"Sir, I recommend doubling the shields on the star-ward side as a precaution until the probe's readings are back and analysed."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on August 30, 2023, 06:49:00 PM

=/\= "œWill do, Sir. We noticed a weird blip with the transporters as well. One of the team was sent to a different room than the others. I will keep you informed.  Also, something weird's here. I'm pretty positive that I saw no life signs when I scanned this place last, but there might be something or someone here. Not sure yet. Garrison Out." =/\= she reported.

Garrison's suggestion that they were not alone over on the Jupiter was concerning to the Romulan.  Should he have another Security Team to aid in securing the vessel?

"Once the probe is sent towards the star, do another scan of the Jupiter and send those reading to Commander Kinley."

Quote from: Alexander Graham on August 30, 2023, 10:22:57 PM

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œUnderstood captain." He worked on getting them between Jupiter and the star. He wondered how the away team was doing on their mission. He hoped that the away team would be safe while they are on their mission.

Quote from: Malik Grippen on August 31, 2023, 03:04:46 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge, Present day]

Malik strode out onto the bridge and glanced at the viewscreen. They were in some sort of nebula, a class J by the looks of it. An ancient looking Starfleet ship was on magnification apparently having seen better days. Noticing the captain and first officer, the Risan made his way over and stood to attention before them.

"Sir's, Lieutenant Malik Grippen reporting for duty as ordered."

Rayek looked towards the Risian pilot curiously.  He hadn't called on the man, nor had the Captain.   "As ordered?" he queried back.

It was then that Danjar-Torra, the Grazerite who had been busy assisting Science with preparing the probe turned in her seat.  "Sorry sirs, that was me.  I figured we'd want our two best pilots on hand, given the how dense this nebula is becoming.   Also, we might want to have a pilot on standby to retrieve the Away Team if the Transporters aren't functioning properly."

She hunched her shoulders and dipped her horned head apologetically.

Rayek couldn't help but wish the woman would have more self-confidence.  "You did well, Lieutenant and a shuttle on standby is an excellent idea." he acknowledged then turned to the Risian pilot.

"Lieutenant Grippen, as Mr. Graham has Helm under control.  You'll be assigned to prepare a shuttle to be on standby.  Prepare the Allegheny.  She should have room enough for a third security team as well as the original Away Team. "

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Zavrol Gohun


Gohun was more than scared at this point the ghostly scenes were not terrifying. Gohun scanned the areas but as far as the tricorders were concerned the images did not exist. Gohun reached out with his mind but all he sense was despair at not being able to purchase their way into the afterlife. That really made no sense why would they be upset about that?
The weirdest thing is that time seemed normal to Gohun. One would think a time loop would meant that time was looping but in fact time was not looping. None of this made any sense to Gohun. As he walked he saw time repeat itself over and over again. Gohun watched the birthday celebration over and over again. When he arrived at engineering with the rest of team Gohun. Though it was not called that for some reason. It was called team engineering probably for clarity.
On the way Gohun noticed a child running though the hallway to the right chasing what appeared to be a puppy. Then the child ran into a man causing the man to spill coffee and fall down.  Only for the scene to start over and over again. The worse part was the scenes in and of themselves were not scary. It was the fact that they were repeating over and over that made the situation somewhat tense. When they finally arrived at engineering Gohun saw a replay of a medical emergency and then started to assess what was going wrong with the power on the ship.
Unfortunately it appeared that the anti matter, matter reaction was cold. It was cold "Colder than a banker's heart on foreclosure day at the widows' and orphans' home." It is so cold snowmen are migrating south. It is so cold I could cut glass with my nipples. It is so cold it feels like I'm breathing liquid oxygen. It is so cold my campfire froze. Any rate
"œAntimatter reaction is at zero. We will have to restart the engine and that could take hours sir"

Kinley Garrison


[Shortly after the ship entered the Nebula]
[Primary science labs]
[As Ensign Derek Jensen, science division]

Ensign Jensen looked at the incoming samples they were beaming into the quarantine units with a shrug. What a lot of space rock. he noted, looking at the pieces of dust and debris that the CSO had asked the teams to get samples of. Just your base carbon and other metals. Check that off for another dull nebula. Unfortunately, he never seemed to be able to get the cool assignments, like going to explore an abandoned ship. Those lucky ducks. he thought as he prepared to make a sample to put under the microscope. Placing the crumbly, dusty rock on a plate, his hands slipped, accidentally dropping the slide, shattering it, and releasing a faint cloud of dust that spread through the lab. Now he'd have to clean that up. Great. He thought as he began cleaning up the lab. His shift was almost over anyhow. Maybe he'd get a drink after this. He'd need one to explain to the Chief that he botched up."¦

[A couple hours later - current time]
[Primary medbay]

[As Nurse R'Lyah]

The Andorian Nurse's antennae twitched in consternation as a fourth blue-shirted scientist ended up down here in the medbays, with the same symptoms as the others; sudden onset of fever, chills, convulsions, and collapse leading to unconsciousness. All within a short period of time. This had the hallmark of something she hadn't seen before, something that could be really bad if it kept up.  The Doctor on duty, Dr Sluchaynyy seemed to know it too, and he ordered her to set up quarantine and triage stations, all the while, muttering some choice words in Russian.

=/\= Keptin, we have issue. We may have outbreak on our hands. Prepare ze ship for quarantine. =/\=

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.


USS Jupiter

I have been on many hunts. I doubt I will ever forget this one. Dranik thought as he and his team stared at the ghostly apparitions. Korvox, upon seeing them had nearly pulled his weapon out by instinct alone but Dranik had been able to catch him and instruct him to put the phaser rifle away. Tyn had simply narrowed his eyes at them and stared as though he was trying to figure out what the ghostly crew was going to do next. Orosith's hand had briefly gone to her hand phaser but had managed to restrain herself.

Dranik instructed his squad to keep a very close eye on the engineering team in case the ghostly crew were to turn hostile. I don't know if they are vulnerable to phaser fire. Let's hope we don't have to find out.

Hirogen Male


Quote from: M'Nia on August 31, 2023, 12:04:30 PM

M'nia followed him. After seeing what he saw her curiosity was aroused. "Now that's quite odd. Why is everything shut down?"  She began an examination of everything to see if there was any damage. "Sir, if we can rig up some power, maybe we can access the logs and see if we can find out what happened! I admit, this doesn't feel right!" her hackles were up! Something strange happened to the crew and she didn't like this one bit! She kept her eyes and ears open for any signs of danger!

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on September 01, 2023, 02:05:18 AM

Gohun was more than scared at this point the ghostly scenes were not terrifying. Gohun scanned the areas but as far as the tricorders were concerned the images did not exist. Gohun reached out with his mind but all he sense was despair at not being able to purchase their way into the afterlife. That really made no sense why would they be upset about that? Oh wait that was Lek he was sensing. Ferengi were a special breed at times.
The weirdest thing is that time seemed normal to Gohun. One would think a time loop would meant that time was looping but in fact time was not looping. None of this made any sense to Gohun. As he walked he saw time repeat itself over and over again. Gohun watched the birthday celebration over and over again. When he arrived at engineering with the rest of team Gohun. Though it was not called that for some reason. It was called team engineering probably for clarity.
On the way Gohun noticed a child running though the hallway to the right chasing what appeared to be a puppy. Then the child ran into a man causing the man to spill coffee and fall down.  Only for the scene to start over and over again. The worse part was the scenes in and of themselves were not scary. It was the fact that they were repeating over and over that made the situation somewhat tense. When they finally arrived at engineering Gohun saw a replay of a medical emergency and then started to assess what was going wrong with the power on the ship.
Unfortunately it appeared that the anti matter, matter reaction was cold. It was cold "Colder than a banker's heart on foreclosure day at the widows' and orphans' home." It is so cold snowmen are migrating south. It is so cold I could cut glass with my nipples. It is so cold it feels like I'm breathing liquid oxygen. It is so cold my campfire froze. Any rate
"œAntimatter reaction is at zero. We will have to restart the engine and that could take hours sir"

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

It didn't take a telepath to see that the ghostly images of the Jupiter's former crew were affecting the away team. They were disturbing to him too, but he had an engineering task before him and that allowed him to put other thoughts aside. Perhaps if he could get the others occupied, they might settle down too.

"Alright. I get seeing these images is upsetting, but these images are replays of the past. Those in them are either dead or out of phase or who knows what, all that is important is they cannot harm you. Now, we've been sent here to do a task, let's get to that task.

"Ensign M'nia and Gohun, you are both correct, we need power and yes, it's going to take some time to get the warp core restarted. So, we will take this slow. Our primary task is to get the fusion generators going, which will give us plenty of power for life support. Once the generators are online and stable, we will move to the impulse drive and finally the warp core. This is all basic stuff, focus on the task and let the past be in the past."

Lek wasn't an inspirational sort, he was an engineer, not a poet, but he hoped he'd struck the right tone with the others as he began the first stages of the startup sequence for the fusion generations.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Sydney Reid


[USS Jupiter | Bridge Away Team]

Once the team making their way to the Jupiter's Bridge arrived, the Security Team reflexively fanned out to secure the area. The whole contingent had continued to encounter the ghostly apparitions the entire way up to the central control hub of the ship. Besides fluctuations in the temperature of individual areas and corners of the otherwise lifeless ship, the only thing Sydney's tricorder picked up with the slight spikes of faint power readings coming from what little remained in the sputtering batteries of the emergency lighting. For all intents and purposes, the Jupiter was dead, both in functionality and crew, despite the repeating phantoms that seemed to have no apparent source or cause that the computer scientist could detect.

The eerie feeling of the ship had most likely been what kept anyone from snickering at the skittish Ops Officer given her clear fright over the open comms. Oddly enough, it was the voice of Commander Lek that had brought her focus, reminding Sydney of the mission that the entire Away Team was on. Bringing up the Miranda-Class blueprints on the display on her forearm, the Ensign was accompanied by one of the Security Team members as she opened up the large panels that flanked each side of the Bridge, scanning the massive emergency batteries stationed behind each before calling over the open channel, "Reid to Engineering Team. Both of the Emergency Battery Banks are completely drained. I'm not going to be able to get any of the consoles online up here until you restore power. Moving to secure the Flight Recorder."

Looking at the blueprints again, and flipping back and forth between the first and second decks, Sydney walked the main floor of the Bridge slowly, using a combination of the EV suit's ALA and a wrist-mounted light until she came around to the front side of the large, centrally-located console that sat a combination of Helm and Navigation systems. While the seam of the panel was barely perceptible, when Sydney stood in front of it, her eyes coming up to see the empty Captain's Chair over the console, she gave a slight shrug before she tucked away her tricorder and knelt down in front of it.

Pulling the simple tool from the pack on her EV suit, the Ops Officer wedged the prying bar into the seam, wiggling it several times until she found enough purchase to give it a solid push and cause the panel to pop off. Placing the tool back before picking up and moving the slab of paneling aside, she shined her light on the cavity she'd uncovered. Reaching in and carefully pulling on the obvious handle, the large, cube-like unit slid out of its housing, exposing the numerous connections all running to it but most certainly the large one it had been settled into that had connected it to the main computer core situated directly below it.

Setting the Data Recorder on the floor, Sydney retrieved her tricorder again and gave it a wave over the device before calling over the comms, "Reid, here. I have secured the Jupiter's Flight Recorder. It appears to be intact and undamaged." Tipping it this way and that to allow her to look over all of its sides, she flashed her light into the recorder's housing, leaning in to examine the walls of it before confirming, "There are no signs of any malfunction to any of the connections on it or its housing. I believe I can assume it was recording until the ship suffered the complete loss of power to all systems."

The woman's breathing was heavy as she worked to continue to manipulate the heavy device in the awkwardness of the EV suit. Unlocking the interface panel nestled into the top of it, she pressed a few of the simple buttons before giving it one last scan. Rocking back to sit on her heel, the effort was evident in her voice as she called over, "Commander Garrison, the Flight Recorder's power supply is dead, but I might be able to connect a secondary power source to initiate some level of temporary recovery of the data to see what the last logs were. Do I have authorization to proceed?"

If Kinley gave the Operations Officer the needed permission to do so, Sydney would look up to one of the Security Team members and request the power supply from their phaser rifle. While she wasn't sure how long it would last or how much data she would be able to retrieve, it was probably their best option until those in Engineering were able to get some form of power flowing through the Jupiter's systems once again. Retrieving two short cables from her small tool pouch, the first would connect the phaser power supply to the Flight Recorder, while the second would allow her to interface the cube with the control panel and simplistic processor housed within her EV suit. If nothing else, she might be able to broadcast the last few minutes of the former Jupiter's Logs to the rest of the Away Team over the open comm channel.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 01, 2023, 12:48:08 AM

Rayek looked towards the Risian pilot curiously.  He hadn't called on the man, nor had the Captain.   "As ordered?" he queried back.

It was then that Danjar-Torra, the Grazerite who had been busy assisting Science with preparing the probe turned in her seat.  "Sorry sirs, that was me.  I figured we'd want our two best pilots on hand, given the how dense this nebula is becoming.   Also, we might want to have a pilot on standby to retrieve the Away Team if the Transporters aren't functioning properly."

She hunched her shoulders and dipped her horned head apologetically.

Rayek couldn't help but wish the woman would have more self-confidence.  "You did well, Lieutenant and a shuttle on standby is an excellent idea." he acknowledged then turned to the Risian pilot.

"Lieutenant Grippen, as Mr. Graham has Helm under control.  You'll be assigned to prepare a shuttle to be on standby.  Prepare the Allegheny.  She should have room enough for a third security team as well as the original Away Team. "

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

The Allegheny, a venerable Danube-class shuttle from what Malik recalled. The name wasn't one he recognised, but was most likely of human nomenclature. Starfleet had far too many Human-named things in his opinion. For once he'd like to see a "˜USS Suraya Bay' or "˜USS Temtibi Lagoon', but that was wishful thinking.

"Aye sir, right away."

As he was about to leave he overheard the hail come from medical about a possible quarantine situation. If the ship was about to be placed under quarantine, no one could leave or return.

He looked to the Romulan First Officer, "Commander, quarantine protocols state I cannot leave the ship, and put the away team at risk of any possible infection. What are your orders?"

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Kinley Garrison


Kinley nodded, looking over the ghostly birthday party, forever cycling over and over in an eternal loop. She wasn't going to lie, it was absolutely uncanny how close to reality they looked. Like they came out of a picture. She kept her scanners focused as they went down here. There were these strange energy readings coming from the ship itself, as it was definitely still up, if but on emergency power.

She let the rest of the crew head down to the main engineering, falling behind the rest of the crew as she kept investigating these ghosts, for lack of a better term.  They were completely unphased as she passed her scanner through one of the ghostly crew. Something caught her attention, however; she saw a crewmember seem to suddenly collapse in one of the hallways. How confusing. she thought as she made her way to follow the rest of the away team.

She received good news from Lek as he chimed in on the comms.


"Lek to Commander Kinley, I think we can bring her home."

=/\= "œ Great. Let's bring her back to life then, Commander. Once we get main power up, let's focus on the deflectors. I'd rather us not be fried by a burst of solar radiation.
Coming in behind everyone, Kinley nodded to Tanner. "œThey are repeating. And I've been noticing a couple of them collapsing too. Their last moments, maybe?"


"Reid, here. I have secured the Jupiter's Flight Recorder. It appears to be intact and undamaged." Tipping it this way and that to allow her to look over all of its sides, she flashed her light into the recorder's housing, leaning in to examine the walls of it before confirming, "There are no signs of any malfunction to any of the connections on it or its housing. I believe I can assume it was recording until the ship suffered the complete loss of power to all systems."

The woman's breathing was heavy as she worked to continue to manipulate the heavy device in the awkwardness of the EV suit. Unlocking the interface panel nestled into the top of it, she pressed a few of the simple buttons before giving it one last scan. Rocking back to sit on her heel, the effort was evident in her voice as she called over, "Commander Garrison, the Flight Recorder's power supply is dead, but I might be able to connect a secondary power source to initiate some level of temporary recovery of the data to see what the last logs were. Do I have authorization to proceed?"

=/\= Let's do it. The more we know about what happened here, the more we can better understand where the crew of the Jupiter went or what they were doing." =/\=

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

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