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Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Rayek trLhoell


PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter - Bridge]

Quote from: Dranik on September 01, 2023, 10:12:10 AM

USS Jupiter

I have been on many hunts. I doubt I will ever forget this one. Dranik thought as he and his team stared at the ghostly apparitions. Korvox, upon seeing them had nearly pulled his weapon out by instinct alone but Dranik had been able to catch him and instruct him to put the phaser rifle away. Tyn had simply narrowed his eyes at them and stared as though he was trying to figure out what the ghostly crew was going to do next. Orosith's hand had briefly gone to her hand phaser but had managed to restrain herself.

Dranik instructed his squad to keep a very close eye on the engineering team in case the ghostly crew were to turn hostile. I don't know if they are vulnerable to phaser fire. Let's hope we don't have to find out.

The incident between ch'Azaahzel and his apparition, heard over the open comms gave answer to Dranik's silent wondering.  Phaser fire had no effect on them.
Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on September 01, 2023, 02:05:18 AM

"œAntimatter reaction is at zero. We will have to restart the engine and that could take hours sir"

Quote from: Lek on September 01, 2023, 10:23:21 AM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

It didn't take a telepath to see that the ghostly images of the Jupiter's former crew were affecting the away team. They were disturbing to him too, but he had an engineering task before him and that allowed him to put other thoughts aside. Perhaps if he could get the others occupied, they might settle down too.

"Alright. I get seeing these images is upsetting, but these images are replays of the past. Those in them are either dead or out of phase or who knows what, all that is important is they cannot harm you. Now, we've been sent here to do a task, let's get to that task.

"Ensign M'nia and Gohun, you are both correct, we need power and yes, it's going to take some time to get the warp core restarted. So, we will take this slow. Our primary task is to get the fusion generators going, which will give us plenty of power for life support. Once the generators are online and stable, we will move to the impulse drive and finally the warp core. This is all basic stuff, focus on the task and let the past be in the past."

Lek wasn't an inspirational sort, he was an engineer, not a poet, but he hoped he'd struck the right tone with the others as he began the first stages of the startup sequence for the fusion generations.

Quote from: Sydney Reid on September 01, 2023, 05:33:25 PM

[USS Jupiter | Bridge Away Team]

Once the team making their way to the Jupiter's Bridge arrived, Sydney left the Security Team alone so they could secure the area. The whole contingent had continued to encounter the ghostly apparitions the entire way up to the central control hub of the ship. Besides fluctuations in the temperature of individual areas and corners of the otherwise lifeless ship, the only thing Sydney's tricorder picked up with the slight spikes of faint power readings coming from what little remained in the sputtering batteries of the emergency lighting. For all intents and purposes, the Jupiter was dead, both in functionality and crew, despite the repeating phantoms that seemed to have no apparent source or cause that the computer scientist could detect.

The eerie feeling of the ship had most likely been what kept anyone from snickering at the skittish Ops Officer given her clear fright over the open comms. Oddly enough, it was the voice of Commander Lek that had brought her focus, reminding Sydney of the mission that the entire Away Team was on. Bringing up the Miranda-Class blueprints on the display on her forearm, the Ensign was accompanied by one of the Security Team members as she opened up the large panels that flanked each side of the Bridge, scanning the massive emergency batteries stationed behind each before calling over the open channel, "Reid to Engineering Team. Both of the Emergency Battery Banks are completely drained. I'm not going to be able to get any of the consoles online up here until you restore power. Moving to secure the Flight Recorder."

Looking at the blueprints again, and flipping back and forth between the first and second decks, Sydney walked the main floor of the Bridge slowly, using a combination of the EV suit's ALA and a wrist-mounted light until she came around to the front side of the large, centrally-located console that sat a combination of Helm and Navigation systems. While the seam of the panel was barely perceptible, when Sydney stood in front of it, her eyes coming up to see the empty Captain's Chair over the console, she gave a slight shrug before she tucked away her tricorder and knelt down in front of it.

Pulling the simple tool from the pack on her EV suit, the Ops Officer wedged the prying bar into the seam, wiggling it several times until she found enough purchase to give it a solid push and cause the panel to pop off. Placing the tool back before picking up and moving the slab of paneling aside, she shined her light on the cavity she'd uncovered. Reaching in and carefully pulling on the obvious handle, the large, cube-like unit slid out of its housing, exposing the numerous connections all running to it but most certainly the large one it had been settled into that had connected it to the main computer core situated directly below it.

Setting the Data Recorder on the floor, Sydney retrieved her tricorder again and gave it a wave over the device before calling over the comms, "Reid, here. I have secured the Jupiter's Flight Recorder. It appears to be intact and undamaged." Tipping it this way and that to allow her to look over all of its sides, she flashed her light into the recorder's housing, leaning in to examine the walls of it before confirming, "There are no signs of any malfunction to any of the connections on it or its housing. I believe I can assume it was recording until the ship suffered the complete loss of power to all systems."

The woman's breathing was heavy as she worked to continue to manipulate the heavy device in the awkwardness of the EV suit. Unlocking the interface panel nestled into the top of it, she pressed a few of the simple buttons before giving it one last scan. Rocking back to sit on her heel, the effort was evident in her voice as she called over, "Commander Garrison, the Flight Recorder's power supply is dead, but I might be able to connect a secondary power source to initiate some level of temporary recovery of the data to see what the last logs were. Do I have authorization to proceed?"

If Kinley gave the Operations Officer the needed permission to do so, Sydney would look up to one of the Security Team members and request the power supply from their phaser rifle. While she wasn't sure how long it would last or how much data she would be able to retrieve, it was probably their best option until those in Engineering were able to get some form of power flowing through the Jupiter's systems once again. Retrieving two short cables from her small tool pouch, the first would connect the phaser power supply to the Flight Recorder, while the second would allow her to interface the cube with the control panel and simplistic processor housed within her EV suit. If nothing else, she might be able to broadcast the last few minutes of the former Jupiter's Logs to the rest of the Away Team over the open comm channel.

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 01, 2023, 06:58:37 PM

=/\= "œ Great. Let's bring her back to life then, Commander. Once we get main power up, let's focus on the deflectors. I'd rather us not be fried by a burst of solar radiation.
Coming in behind everyone, Kinley nodded to Tanner. "œThey are repeating. And I've been noticing a couple of them collapsing too. Their last moments, maybe?"

=/\= Let's do it. The more we know about what happened here, the more we can better understand where the crew of the Jupiter went or what they were doing." =/\=

Helga, assigned to keep watch down along the corridor leading up to bridge, stood in the its wedged open doorway as she listened to Lek's motivational speech.  The Klingon hybrid grinned a shark-toothed smile at his wisdom.  Lek really was getting better with people!

The hallway remained empty but a new movement caught by her peripheral vision spotted what looked like a figure in white.   Helga turned to glance at what she suspected was yet another looping replay.

The ghostly figure was a man in appeared to be formal dress whites, complete with saber and full regalia. The Captain perhaps? Or a visiting Admiral?  Whoever he had been, the figure was headed to the Command Chair.  Or rather where the chair had been, as by this time Sydney had removed the seat to access the data recorder and was working to power it up with one of the other crewmen's rifle's power supply.

Helga was just about to turn away from the scene to get back to her assigned task of watching the hallway, when she saw the figure draw the saber and raise it as if to strike down on the seat where Sydney was working.

Training kicked in and Helga shouted a warning "Blade!"

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 01, 2023, 02:58:35 AM

[A couple hours later - current time]
[Primary medbay]
[As Nurse R'Lyah]

The Andorian Nurse's antennae twitched in consternation as a fourth blue-shirted scientist ended up down here in the medbays, with the same symptoms as the others; sudden onset of fever, chills, convulsions, and collapse leading to unconsciousness. All within a short period of time. This had the hallmark of something she hadn't seen before, something that could be really bad if it kept up.  The Doctor on duty, Dr Sluchaynyy seemed to know it too, and he ordered her to set up quarantine and triage stations, all the while, muttering some choice words in Russian.

=/\= Keptin, we have issue. We may have outbreak on our hands. Prepare ze ship for quarantine. =/\=

Rayek heard this and frowned.  An outbreak?  That was the last thing they needed now.  But in this type of situation, protocol said the medical department and her chief had final say.   However, Sluchaynyy wasn't chief.    'Where was Commander Thane?' Rayek wondered.
Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 01, 2023, 05:53:56 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

The Allegheny, a venerable Danube-class shuttle from what Malik recalled. The name wasn't one he recognised, but was most likely of human nomenclature. Starfleet had far too many Human-named things in his opinion. For once he'd like to see a "˜USS Suraya Bay' or "˜USS Temtibi Lagoon', but that was wishful thinking.

"Aye sir, right away."

As he was about to leave, he overheard the hail come from medical about a possible quarantine situation. If the ship was about to be placed under quarantine, no one could leave or return.

He looked to the Romulan First Officer, "Commander, quarantine protocols state I cannot leave the ship, and put the away team at risk of any possible infection. What are your orders?"

While he listened for the Captain's response to Dr. Sluchaynyy's announcement, Rayek turned to looked towards the lieutenant that had just been given orders to prep a shuttle, intending to call the Risan back, but Lieutenant Grippen was already looking towards him and seeking new orders.

At the moment, until he received more details Rayek had no indication of how broad and restrictive the medical department was needing the quarantine to be; and there was no telling how long the quarantine situation might last.   Since there was potential for it to be a lockdown situation.  Rayek couldn't allow the Flight officer to leave the bridge until he knew more.

"Yes, I am aware." Rayek responded while he considered how best to make use of the additional flight officer.

Helm was already manned by CPO Graham.   That left just one free station.

"For the time being, you can sit the project station" which was located to the Captain's left, just behind the VIP seat "and assist Mr. Graham with maintaining our protective position relative to the USS Jupiter.  You can use medium range sensors to map the area ahead; forewarn of any strong nebula eddies, that might jostle the ship out of optimum position."

With that taken care of Rayek turned to listen into the Captain's conversation with Medical as Dr. Sluchanynyy explained the situation down in Sickbay.  What he heard worried him, especially since Tess had mentioned having another check-up sometime today... Had she already been down to Sickbay?  Or was there time to steer her away and prevent a possible exposure?  He had to try!

Tapping behind his ear, Rayek activated his silent-mode comm as he turned away from the Captain briefly to make his call.

He mouthed 'ciccino to e'lev' to open an immediate silent comm on her end to his wife.  The discreet comm set up having been designed back during their 'honeymoon phase' when it was exciting and risque to have intimate conversations with one another while in the midst of some boring formal occasion.

The moment he heard the comm open, he mouthed his message to her; using his hand splayed in front of his mouth to be even more discreet and less obvious to those on the bridge who might be looking his way.   'Tess, if you haven't already gone to your doctor's appointment.  Don't go.  Sickbay is in the midst of an outbreak.  The ship's about to be quarantined, so I may not be home when expected.'

It was at this point that Ensign Rajagopalan of the Science department announced that the probe that had been called for earlier was finally ready to launch.  He explained apologetically that there had been some issue with programming the probe that had delayed its launch til now.

"Permission to launch?"

Rayek glanced over to the man and refrained from grimacing.  'I-jol au, e'lev.  I have to go.  I'll call again soon.' A double tap behind his ear close the comm and took him off silent mode.  His hand dropped from in front of his mouth.

Rayek nodded.  "Proceed."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter

Vila moved with the rest, but at a slightly quick pace. It was a bit creepy, even though the woman was mostly skeptical of things like ghosts, temporal beings, and things like that. Hell, she counted the current Kai as among her most mortal enemies, so it really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone. Still, the presence of "goosebumps" on her arms was notable.

She could see...things. People. Maybe they were people? If they were people, they were weird. Maybe humans. She never really understood humans. They were...quaint. Oh, sure, she loved her husband, but...still. He wasn't exactly the model of advanced races. She raised her phaser. "Do you...never mind." She trailed off. She was already disliked, better not make it worse by people thinking she was alsolosing her ever-loving mind.

Something-or someone-touched her, and reflexively, she fired off a shot. It ricocheted off the wall. Damn it. She shrugged when they looked at her. "Someone was handsy. They needed to know it's not ok," she said, coolly. Finally, FINALLY, they arrived at the Bridge. She was able to focus then.


Great. Let's bring her back to life then, Commander. Once we get main power up, let's focus on the deflectors. I'd rather us not be fried by a burst of solar radiation.

Vila nodded in agreement; she wasn't about to go out like that, either. "Commander Garrison, I can take the far consoles," she said, indicating with the hand not clutching her phasers to a bank of computers against the far wall, where the Helmspeople and navigators usually sat. "If Reid wants to cover the Command consoles. Then I can double back to Science and Astrometrics," she said. She waited the Scientist's approval, trying to not tap her foot impatiently. It wasn't so much out of annoyance, just...she needed to be DOING things.

Finally, she was allowed to get started, and as she approached the consoles, she thought about the best way to approach it. Head on, as usual. She took a seat, and worked quickly, tapping away. It took every ounce of her skills, and the last iotas of her patience, but she was finally able to get some life. "Computers are running on a very small amount of life, ma'am. Whatever signals we picked up drained the life out of the support systems. Any word from Engineering about how long it may be?" She asked, hopefully. "I'll do what I can."

"Do we have Comms up yet, Reid?" She asked. "I need to get this to the Discovery before we lose everything." She said, plainly. Her tone was even-this was the only time she was decent-working.


[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

As the fusion generators showed no signs of damage, it proved to be a trivial matter and less than ten minutes of effort before they groaned to life after being dormant for so long. After the initial signs of protest, the generators began to hum with power and all indications were that they were functioning normally. This was evident to everyone as lights and systems began to blink to life after their long hibernation. Lek then tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lek to Kinley, we have power, enough to give us some shields, not weapons grade, but enough to protect us from any radiation. It will take about an hour before life support can warm the ship up and provide enough oxygen for us to get out of these suits. Now, we're going to start work in the impulse engines to see if we can get her mobile. Lek out." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Lek on September 01, 2023, 10:23:21 AM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

It didn't take a telepath to see that the ghostly images of the Jupiter's former crew were affecting the away team. They were disturbing to him too, but he had an engineering task before him and that allowed him to put other thoughts aside. Perhaps if he could get the others occupied, they might settle down too.

"Alright. I get seeing these images is upsetting, but these images are replays of the past. Those in them are either dead or out of phase or who knows what, all that is important is they cannot harm you. Now, we've been sent here to do a task, let's get to that task.

"Ensign M'nia and Gohun, you are both correct, we need power and yes, it's going to take some time to get the warp core restarted. So, we will take this slow. Our primary task is to get the fusion generators going, which will give us plenty of power for life support. Once the generators are online and stable, we will move to the impulse drive and finally the warp core. This is all basic stuff, focus on the task and let the past be in the past."

Lek wasn't an inspirational sort, he was an engineer, not a poet, but he hoped he'd struck the right tone with the others as he began the first stages of the startup sequence for the fusion generations.

"Ok you got it!" M'nia said. This whole scene was weird. What ever was going on these phantoms didn't seems to be able to see them. So she would take a deep breath and head over to the fusion generators. After a quick examination, like everything else they seemed intact. She initiated the start up sequence on the first one. It would take several minutes to get going and get anywhere near full power but it was a good start. "Ok, first generator has started. Gohun, how goes it with you?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Alexander Graham


[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex looked at the chief flight officer as he said "œI know this must probably be weird given that you are a higher rank Lieutenant but I look forward to working with you." He thought that maybe the information that came from the project station could be useful if he had to make adjustments. When it came time he would communicate with Lieutenant Grippen to see what's going on with what he can't see. He figured that he could learn a lot from working with the chief flight officer.

Zavrol Gohun

Quote from: M'Nia on September 02, 2023, 06:39:53 PM

"Ok you got it!" M'nia said. This whole scene was weird. What ever was going on these phantoms didn't seems to be able to see them. So she would take a deep breath and head over to the fusion generators. After a quick examination, like everything else they seemed intact. She initiated the start up sequence on the first one. It would take several minutes to get going and get anywhere near full power but it was a good start.

Gohun sat in the engineering section of the ship. The dead sound of nothingness echoing in his environmental suit. Gohun knew what he had to do. He had to restart the generator and eventually get the antimatter reaction working. While the technique of doing this faster was known only a few could pull the execution of the execution off. Gohun was a good engineer but not really capable of doing working that kind of miracle. For now, all he could do is turn the generator on and flood the area with power. The problem was it was a slow process. It was his job to get the second reactor working. Unfortunately Gohun put a little to much power almost overloading the station that he was standing at. When the second reactor started the station next to him gained power and started signaling red alert and just as quickly it stopped. Next the section of the ship came to life and the ship started the giving readings that happened right before the ship lost power.
Quote from: M'Nia on September 02, 2023, 06:39:53 PM

"Ok, first generator has started. Gohun, how goes it with you?"[/color]

Gohun looked over and spoke "Second generator started power restored to this area."

Sydney Reid

[USS Jupiter | Bridge Away Team]

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 01, 2023, 06:58:37 PM

=/\= Let's do it. The more we know about what happened here, the more we can better understand where the crew of the Jupiter went or what they were doing." =/\=

Quote from: Sydney Previous

Once Kinley gave the Operations Officer the needed permission to do so, Sydney looked up to one of the Security Team members and requested the power supply from their phaser rifle. While she wasn't sure how long it would last or how much data she would be able to retrieve, it was probably their best option until those in Engineering were able to get some form of power flowing through the Jupiter's systems once again. Retrieving two short cables from her small tool pouch, the first would connect the phaser battery to the Flight Recorder, while the second would allow her to interface the cube with the control panel and simplistic processor housed within her EV suit. If nothing else, she might be able to broadcast the last few minutes of the former Jupiter's Logs to the rest of the Away Team over the open comm channel.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 02, 2023, 06:51:20 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
The hallway remained empty but a new movement caught by her peripheral vision spotted what looked like a figure in white.   Helga turned to glance at what she suspected was yet another looping replay.

The ghostly figure was a man in appeared to be formal dress whites, complete with saber and full regalia. The Captain perhaps? Or a visiting Admiral?  Whoever he had been, the figure was headed to the Command Chair.  Or rather where the chair had been, as by this time Sydney had removed the seat to access the data recorder and was working to power it up with one of the other crewmen's rifle's power supply.

Helga was just about to turn away from the scene to get back to her assigned task of watching the hallway, when she saw the figure draw the saber and raise it as if to strike down on the seat where Sydney was working.

Training kicked in and Helga shouted a warning "Blade!"

Sydney hadn't really been paying attention to her surroundings as she worked to retrieve the most recent logs from the Flight Recorder before the rifle's power supply was depleted. Even if the large, obsidian-colored box was little more than a massive memory storage device, it still took a great deal of power to access, and the jury-rigged power supply was certainly being pushed beyond its usual limitations. She'd just accessed and was sending off the most recent Bridge Logs via the open comm channel to Commander Kinley using the touchpad on her forearm when she heard the Security Team member's loud warning.

Looking up in confusion, Sydney's eyes went wide as she saw the white-clad apparition swinging a saber down at her, causing the woman to let out a loud scream, "AAAAAHHHH!!!" as she reacted by raising her arm in defense, reflexively closing her eyes in preparation for the pain that was to be expected from the attack.

No pain came, leaving the Ops Officer in a guarded position, yet had rolled backward onto her back, but only far enough to the length of the cable connecting her to the Flight Recorder. Frozen in shock for a moment, Sydney's eyes slowly opened and she lowered her arm to find the white-clad apparition to have disappeared. Rolling forward back to a kneeling position, the woman's head swiveled around quickly, looking for the disappearing man, before turning her gaze to Petty Officer Tragnar to call out in confusion, "What??? What was it???

Waiting for the Security member's answer, if one was even offered given how pathetically skittish she'd already proven to be, it was clear things were moving quickly as the first flickers of power started to light up the numerous consoles on the Bridge, and Ensign Lorut began conversing with the Mission Commander over the open comms.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 02, 2023, 01:44:16 PM

Vila nodded in agreement; she wasn't about to go out like that, either. "Commander Garrison, I can take the far consoles," she said, indicating with the hand not clutching her phasers to a bank of computers against the far wall, where the Helmspeople and navigators usually sat. "If Reid wants to cover the Command consoles. Then I can double back to Science and Astrometrics," she said. She waited for the Scientist's approval, trying to not tap her foot impatiently. It wasn't so much out of annoyance, just...she needed to be DOING things.

Finally, she was allowed to get started, and as she approached the consoles, she thought about the best way to approach it. Head on, as usual. She took a seat, and worked quickly, tapping away. It took every ounce of her skills, and the last iotas of her patience, but she was finally able to get some life. "Computers are running on a very small amount of life, ma'am. Whatever signals we picked up drained the life out of the support systems. Any word from Engineering about how long it may be?" She asked, hopefully. "I'll do what I can."

"Do we have Comms up yet, Reid?" She asked. "I need to get this to the Discovery before we lose everything." She said, plainly. Her tone was even-this was the only time she was decent-working.

Recovering from her position on the floor, Sydney tried to transmit as much data as she could before the rifle's power supply depleted and the Flight Recorder shut down once again. Exhaling heavily as she moved to disconnect her cables from the box, the Ops Officer closed the interface panel on its top before standing. Calling over to the Security Member who had handed over the power supply, she offered it back and requested, "Secure the Flight Recorder for transport back to Discovery."

Vila had been quick to get moving on restoring systems control once the console began to power up, leaving Sydney a step behind as she called back, "Not yet, Lorut. Moving to do so now." Tucking her cables away as she moved quickly over to the Communication Station, the Operations Officer began to enter what commands she could but quickly found there to be a lack of access. Frowning at what was being presented in front of her, Sydney called out over the open comms, "We have limited systems control. While we should be able to get minimal systems online, there appears to be a Command Lockout in place."

Thinking quickly Sydney directed her attention to the Mission Commander, "Reid to Garrison. If we want to get full control of the Jupiter we're going to need Command Codes to override the lockout, so we're going to need a Command-Level Officer to unlock the controls. Either that or"¦I could try to get us around it. The computer's security protocols are nearly twenty years out of date. I may be able to open full access, but it will take time. Orders, Commander?"

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 01, 2023, 02:58:35 AM

[Shortly after the ship entered the Nebula]
[Primary science labs]
[As Ensign Derek Jensen, science division]

Ensign Jensen looked at the incoming samples they were beaming into the quarantine units with a shrug. What a lot of space rock. he noted, looking at the pieces of dust and debris that the CSO had asked the teams to get samples of. Just your base carbon and other metals. Check that off for another dull nebula. Unfortunately, he never seemed to be able to get the cool assignments, like going to explore an abandoned ship. Those lucky ducks. he thought as he prepared to make a sample to put under the microscope. Placing the crumbly, dusty rock on a plate, his hands slipped, accidentally dropping the slide, shattering it, and releasing a faint cloud of dust that spread through the lab. Now he'd have to clean that up. Great. He thought as he began cleaning up the lab. His shift was almost over anyhow. Maybe he'd get a drink after this. He'd need one to explain to the Chief that he botched up."¦

[A couple hours later - current time]
[Primary medbay]

[As Nurse R'Lyah]

The Andorian Nurse's antennae twitched in consternation as a fourth blue-shirted scientist ended up down here in the medbays, with the same symptoms as the others; sudden onset of fever, chills, convulsions, and collapse leading to unconsciousness. All within a short period of time. This had the hallmark of something she hadn't seen before, something that could be really bad if it kept up.  The Doctor on duty, Dr Sluchaynyy seemed to know it too, and he ordered her to set up quarantine and triage stations, all the while, muttering some choice words in Russian.

=/\= Keptin, we have issue. We may have outbreak on our hands. Prepare ze ship for quarantine. =/\=

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 02, 2023, 06:51:20 AM

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Rayek heard this and frowned.  An outbreak?  That was the last thing they needed now.  But in this type of situation, protocol said the medical department and her chief had final say.   However, Sluchaynyy wasn't chief.    'Where was Commander Thane?' Rayek wondered.

While he listened for the Captain's response to Dr. Sluchaynyy's announcement, Rayek turned to looked towards the lieutenant that had just been given orders to prep a shuttle, intending to call the Risan back, but Lieutenant Grippen was already looking towards him and seeking new orders.

At the moment, until he received more details Rayek had no indication of how broad and restrictive the medical department was needing the quarantine to be; and there was no telling how long the quarantine situation might last.   Since there was potential for it to be a lockdown situation.  Rayek couldn't allow the Flight officer to leave the bridge until he knew more.

"Yes, I am aware." Rayek responded while he considered how best to make use of the additional flight officer.

Helm was already manned by CPO Graham.   That left just one free station.

"For the time being, you can sit the project station" which was located to the Captain's left, just behind the VIP seat "and assist Mr. Graham with maintaining our protective position relative to the USS Jupiter.  You can use medium range sensors to map the area ahead; forewarn of any strong nebula eddies, that might jostle the ship out of optimum position."

With that taken care of Rayek turned to listen into the Captain's conversation with Medical as Dr. Sluchanynyy explained the situation down in Sickbay.  What he heard worried him, especially since Tess had mentioned having another check-up sometime today... Had she already been down to Sickbay?  Or was there time to steer her away and prevent a possible exposure?  He had to try!

Tapping behind his ear, Rayek activated his silent-mode comm as he turned away from the Captain briefly to make his call.

He mouthed 'ciccino to e'lev' to open an immediate silent comm on her end to his wife.  The discreet comm set up having been designed back during their 'honeymoon phase' when it was exciting and risque to have intimate conversations with one another while in the midst of some boring formal occasion.

The moment he heard the comm open, he mouthed his message to her; using his hand splayed in front of his mouth to be even more discreet and less obvious to those on the bridge who might be looking his way.   'Tess, if you haven't already gone to your doctor's appointment.  Don't go.  Sickbay is in the midst of an outbreak.  The ship's about to be quarantined, so I may not be home when expected.'

It was at this point that Ensign Rajagopalan of the Science department announced that the probe that had been called for earlier was finally ready to launch.  He explained apologetically that there had been some issue with programming the probe that had delayed its launch til now.

"Permission to launch?"

Rayek glanced over to the man and refrained from grimacing.  'I-jol au, e'lev.  I have to go.  I'll call again soon.' A double tap behind his ear close the comm and took him off silent mode.  His hand dropped from in front of his mouth.

Rayek nodded.  "Proceed."

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain frowned.  This was the last thing he needed.  First the Titan, then the ruse, then this ship... it was just one thing after another.

"Apparently the Prophets are testing me..." he stated, tapping the comm on his chair.  =/\= "Bridge to Sickbay.  Where is Commander Thane?" =/\=

Unfortunately, while he was trying to clarify, he did have to take quick action.  Quarantine was not a joke. So after he was satisfied with the call from Sickbay, he took action.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. We are initiating biohazard quarantine Alert Level 1.  All non-essential personnel are confined to quarters." =/\=

"Computer, initiation biohazard alert Level 1.  Voiceprint authorization Tekin five five Beta Charlie." he stated, as the ship was bathed in blue light. 

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter
Bridge (accidentally)

Vila was fast to get a pathway into the Jupiter's systems. A moment later, a loud sigh escaped the Bajoran. "The Prophets must enjoy messing with my head," she muttered. "Reid, the systems are about 20 years out of date. What the HELL is going on?!" How long had this ship been just floating out here, without being shot out of the sky or something?!


Not yet, Lorut. Moving to do so now....

"Thank you!" The Bajoran said. She tapped her Comms. =/\=Commander...I've lost the rest, I think I took a wrong turn, but anyway. I am here on the Bridge with Ensign Reid. We're trying to get the systems back online. DO you have any experience with old Earth computers, by chance?=/\= She had an idea. If they could program it back into a more simple computer language, they may be able to override the systems that way-a backdoor shortcut, if you will.

=/\= Specifically, binary code? I have a suspicion that the base language that the Federation was using at the time is based on it; if I can backdoor in to the Helm console, I might be able to get into the "black box." Awaiting orders. =/\=  She waited for Garrison to respond.

She turned to Sydney. "I am in, kind of. I can run an update with my current authorizations. I hope it understands Bajoran. We weren't really a part of the Federation twenty years ago, though,'s worth a try." She sighed, but tapped some buttons. "Let me know if you get anywhere. We can piggyback off each others' work." The amount of time it would take was a bit disappointing-she was going to have to sit awhile, and idle hands were the devil's hands or however that went. Still, anything else was too much to try without express permission-what if she accidentally launched a weapon? She wouldn't be able to recover from that, and she was already on thin ice.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 02, 2023, 06:51:20 AM

While he listened for the Captain's response to Dr. Sluchaynyy's announcement, Rayek turned to looked towards the lieutenant that had just been given orders to prep a shuttle, intending to call the Risan back, but Lieutenant Grippen was already looking towards him and seeking new orders.

At the moment, until he received more details Rayek had no indication of how broad and restrictive the medical department was needing the quarantine to be; and there was no telling how long the quarantine situation might last.   Since there was potential for it to be a lockdown situation.  Rayek couldn't allow the Flight officer to leave the bridge until he knew more.

"Yes, I am aware." Rayek responded while he considered how best to make use of the additional flight officer.

Helm was already manned by CPO Graham.   That left just one free station.

"For the time being, you can sit the project station" which was located to the Captain's left, just behind the VIP seat "and assist Mr. Graham with maintaining our protective position relative to the USS Jupiter.  You can use medium range sensors to map the area ahead; forewarn of any strong nebula eddies, that might jostle the ship out of optimum position."

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Aye, commander." Malik made his way over to the project station and logged in. He initiated the standard, repeating sensor sweep of their local vicinity and the results were quickly displayed on his screen. Nebulas weren't typically known for volatile movements, but there were exceptions. The class J they were situated in held no special significance in the Starfleet database and the scan results thus far, were satisfactory.

Quote from: Alexander Graham on September 02, 2023, 11:45:27 PM

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex looked at the chief flight officer as he said "œI know this must probably be weird given that you are a higher rank Lieutenant but I look forward to working with you." He thought that maybe the information that came from the project station could be useful if he had to make adjustments. When it came time he would communicate with Lieutenant Commander Grippen to see what's going on with what he can't see. He figured that he could learn a lot from working with the chief flight officer.

Malik had already reviewed the personnel files of the Discovery's Flight Department and recognised the CPO. Younger than Malik, born on Earth in a place called 'Cauliflower', or something like that. Earth place names were confusing to him seemingly random letters strung together, not like Risa place names that made sense. Malik understood that Mr Graham had worked his way up through the ranks over the past five years to become an accomplished and well respected member of the crew.

"That's some smooth sailing, Mr Graham. I'm sending you the latest scan data on the nebula, there doesn't appear to be any cause for...", a warning tone on Malik's terminal cut him off. As the scan range steadily increased outwards from the ship, it detected an unusually disturbed pocket of nebula turbulence 200km to starboard. It was steadily making its way towards both vessels. The Discovery could no doubt handle it, but it could pose a risk to the Jupiter without inertial dampers or artificial gravity online to soften the turbulence.

"Mr Graham, check the latest scan data, we'll need to adjust course to avoid that."

He turned to the captain and first officer as the quarantine lighting and warning tone sounded out across the ship, "Sirs, sensors are detecting unusually strong Nebula eddies 200km, at bearing 95 mark 7. It may pose a risk to the Jupiter without essential systems online, eta to impact is estimated within next two hours."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 03, 2023, 04:35:30 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Aye, commander." Malik made his way over to the project station and logged in. He initiated the standard, repeating sensor sweep of their local vicinity and the results were quickly displayed on his screen. Nebulas weren't typically known for volatile movements, but there were exceptions. The class J they were situated in held no special significance in the Starfleet database and the scan results thus far, were satisfactory.

Malik had already reviewed the personnel files of the Discovery's Flight Department and recognised the CPO. Younger than Malik, born on Earth in a place called 'Cauliflower', or something like that. Earth place names were confusing to him seemingly random letters strung together, not like Risa place names that made sense. Malik understood that Mr Graham had worked his way up through the ranks over the past five years to become an accomplished and well respected member of the crew.

"That's some smooth sailing, Mr Graham. I'm sending you the latest scan data on the nebula, there doesn't appear to be any cause for...", a warning tone on Malik's terminal cut him off. As the scan range steadily increased outwards from the ship, it detected an unusually disturbed pocket of nebula turbulence 200km to starboard. It was steadily making its way towards both vessels. The Discovery could no doubt handle it, but it could pose a risk to the Jupiter without inertial dampers or artificial gravity online to soften the turbulence.

"Mr Graham, check the latest scan data, we'll need to adjust course to avoid that."

He turned to the captain and first officer as the quarantine lighting and warning tone sounded out across the ship, "Sirs, sensors are detecting unusually strong Nebula eddies 200km, at bearing 95 mark 7. It may pose a risk to the Jupiter without essential systems online, eta to impact is estimated within next two hours."

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex smiled at the compliment of his flying skills. He nodded as he was ready to look at the scans of the nebula as soon as he got it. The tone of Malik's voice likely meant that there was something found that was a serious concern. "œUnderstood Mr. Grippen judging from the scans it looks like it could be slightly concerning." He looked at the scans and swiftly calculated the adjustment so that they could avoid running into it. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before something possibly concerning happened.

Rayek trLhoell


PO2 Helga Tragnar
[USS Jupiter- Corridors] (earlier)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 02, 2023, 01:44:16 PM

USS Jupiter

Something-or someone-touched her, and reflexively, she fired off a shot. It ricocheted off the wall. Damn it. She shrugged when they looked at her. "Someone was handsy. They needed to know it's not ok," she said, coolly. Finally, FINALLY, they arrived at the Bridge. She was able to focus then.

It took a lot of self-control for Helga not to snatch the phaser away from the trigger-happy Bajoran.  "Do us all a favor, ma'am.... Double check that you have that thing on stun.  I'll haunt you myself in revenge if you get me killed."

[USS Jupiter- Bridge] (present)

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 02, 2023, 01:44:16 PM

Vila nodded in agreement; she wasn't about to go out like that, either. "Commander Garrison, I can take the far consoles," she said, indicating with the hand not clutching her phasers to a bank of computers against the far wall, where the Helmspeople and navigators usually sat. "If Reid wants to cover the Command consoles. Then I can double back to Science and Astrometrics," she said. She waited the Scientist's approval, trying to not tap her foot impatiently. It wasn't so much out of annoyance, just...she needed to be DOING things.

Finally, she was allowed to get started, and as she approached the consoles, she thought about the best way to approach it. Head on, as usual. She took a seat, and worked quickly, tapping away. It took every ounce of her skills, and the last iotas of her patience, but she was finally able to get some life. "Computers are running on a very small amount of life, ma'am. Whatever signals we picked up drained the life out of the support systems. Any word from Engineering about how long it may be?" She asked, hopefully. "I'll do what I can."

"Do we have Comms up yet, Reid?" She asked. "I need to get this to the Discovery before we lose everything." She said, plainly. Her tone was even-this was the only time she was decent-working.

Quote from: Sydney Reid on September 03, 2023, 10:03:28 AM

[USS Jupiter | Bridge Away Team]

Sydney hadn't really been paying attention to her surroundings as she worked to retrieve the most recent logs from the Flight Recorder before the rifle's power supply was depleted. Even if the large, obsidian-colored box was little more than a massive memory storage device, it still took a great deal of power to access, and the jury-rigged power supply was certainly being pushed beyond its usual limitations. She'd just accessed and was sending off the most recent Bridge Logs via the open comm channel to Commander Kinley using the touchpad on her forearm when she heard the Security Team member's loud warning.

Looking up in confusion, Sydney's eyes went wide as she saw the white-clad apparition swinging a saber down at her, causing the woman to let out a loud scream, "AAAAAHHHH!!!" as she reacted by raising her arm in defense, reflexively closing her eyes in preparation for the pain that was to be expected from the attack.

A phaser beam lanced out and pierced the white apparition as it faded away.  Helga ran toward Sydney to check on her and if nothing else block any further attacks...  "Are you okay?"
Quote from: Sydney Reid on September 03, 2023, 10:03:28 AM

No pain came, leaving the Ops Officer in a guarded position, yet had rolled backward onto her back, but only far enough to the length of the cable connecting her to the Flight Recorder. Frozen in shock for a moment, Sydney's eyes slowly opened and she lowered her arm to find the white-clad apparition to have disappeared. Rolling forward back to a kneeling position, the woman's head swiveled around quickly, looking for the disappearing man, before turning her gaze to Petty Officer Tragnar to call out in confusion, "What??? What was it???

Waiting for the Security member's answer, if one was even offered given how pathetically skittish she'd already proven to be, it was clear things were moving quickly as the first flickers of power started to light up the numerous consoles on the Bridge, and Ensign Lorut began conversing with the Mission Commander over the open comms.

Helga gave Sydney and visual once over, but thankfully the woman didn't appear injured... maybe just a bit embarrassed.   At the quest of 'what was it?'  Helga could only shake her head.

"I'm not sure.  It seemed like just another of the replaying scenes at first... but then it seemed to directly target you."

Seeing that the officer was fine, Helga moved back to her position by the door to watch the hall once more, though she kept glancing back waiting for the loop of the Captain to reappear.  Weird that it hadn't done so immediately like all the rest.

Quote from: Sydney Reid on September 03, 2023, 10:03:28 AM

Recovering from her position on the floor, Sydney tried to transmit as much data as she could before the rifle's power supply depleted and the Flight Recorder shut down once again. Exhaling heavily as she moved to disconnect her cables from the box, the Ops Officer closed the interface panel on its top before standing. Calling over to the Security Member who had handed over the power supply, she offered it back and requested, "Secure the Flight Recorder for transport back to Discovery."

Vila had been quick to get moving on restoring systems control once the console began to power up, leaving Sydney a step behind as she called back, "Not yet, Lorut. Moving to do so now." Tucking her cables away as she moved quickly over to the Communication Station, the Operations Officer began to enter what commands she could but quickly found there to be a lack of access. Frowning at what was being presented in front of her, Sydney called out over the open comms, "We have limited systems control. While we should be able to get minimal systems online, there appears to be a Command Lockout in place."

Thinking quickly Sydney directed her attention to the Mission Commander, "Reid to Garrison. If we want to get full control of the Jupiter we're going to need Command Codes to override the lockout, so we're going to need a Command-Level Officer to unlock the controls. Either that or"¦I could try to get us around it. The computer's security protocols are nearly twenty years out of date. I may be able to open full access, but it will take time. Orders, Commander?"

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 03, 2023, 01:52:17 PM

USS Jupiter
Bridge (accidentally)

Vila was fast to get a pathway into the Jupiter's systems. A moment later, a loud sigh escaped the Bajoran. "The Prophets must enjoy messing with my head," she muttered. "Reid, the systems are about 20 years out of date. What the HELL is going on?!" How long had this ship been just floating out here, without being shot out of the sky or something?!

"Thank you!" The Bajoran said. She tapped her Comms. =/\=Commander...I've lost the rest, I think I took a wrong turn, but anyway. I am here on the Bridge with Ensign Reid. We're trying to get the systems back online. DO you have any experience with old Earth computers, by chance?=/\= She had an idea. If they could program it back into a more simple computer language, they may be able to override the systems that way-a backdoor shortcut, if you will.

=/\= Specifically, binary code? I have a suspicion that the base language that the Federation was using at the time is based on it; if I can backdoor in to the Helm console, I might be able to get into the "black box." Awaiting orders. =/\=  She waited for Garrison to respond.

She turned to Sydney. "I am in, kind of. I can run an update with my current authorizations. I hope it understands Bajoran. We weren't really a part of the Federation twenty years ago, though,'s worth a try." She sighed, but tapped some buttons. "Let me know if you get anywhere. We can piggyback off each others' work." The amount of time it would take was a bit disappointing-she was going to have to sit awhile, and idle hands were the devil's hands or however that went. Still, anything else was too much to try without express permission-what if she accidentally launched a weapon? She wouldn't be able to recover from that, and she was already on thin ice.

Helga listened to the two officers banter back and forth, the hall way was quiet... same with the bridge.  There was no sign of the Captain apparition, which she supposed was a good thing. But it was weird, because every other crew sighting had looped..  So why didn't this one?

Lights suddenly flickered and came on overhead as well as on several consoles, as they began to power up.

Quote from: Lek on September 02, 2023, 01:54:50 PM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

=/\= "Lek to Kinley, we have power, enough to give us some shields, not weapons grade, but enough to protect us from any radiation. It will take about an hour before life support can warm the ship up and provide enough oxygen for us to get out of these suits. Now, we're going to start work in the impulse engines to see if we can get her mobile. Lek out." =/\=

Helga grinned to hear Lek's sexy voice over the comm.  Soon he'd have this bucket of a ship fully-powered and on its way out of this nebula.

But with the lights came other problems... the Captain in White was back and he wasn't alone!  With him appeared the what looked like the majority of his Senior Officers - also dressed in their formal dress uniforms - they are spread out across the bridge standing by their respective stations Helga assumed - perhaps haunting them?  Only they didn't look ghostly at all. They appeared solid as a living person.

Once more the Captain raised his saber "Repel the Intruders!" he called.  The order was sounded throughout the ship.

[USS Jupiter - Engineering] (present)
Quote from: M'Nia on September 02, 2023, 06:39:53 PM

"Ok you got it!" M'nia said. This whole scene was weird. Whatever was going on these phantoms didn't seems to be able to see them. So she would take a deep breath and head over to the fusion generators. After a quick examination, like everything else they seemed intact. She initiated the start up sequence on the first one. It would take several minutes to get going and get anywhere near full power but it was a good start. "Ok, first generator has started. Gohun, how goes it with you?"

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on September 03, 2023, 08:25:23 AM

Gohun sat in the engineering section of the ship. The dead sound of nothingness echoing in his environmental suit. Gohun knew what he had to do. He had to restart the generator and eventually get the antimatter reaction working. While the technique of doing this faster was known only a few could pull the execution of the execution off. Gohun was a good engineer but not really capable of doing working that kind of miracle. For now, all he could do is turn the generator on and flood the area with power. The problem was it was a slow process. It was his job to get the second reactor working. Unfortunately Gohun put a little too much power almost overloading the station that he was standing at. When the second reactor started the station next to him gained power and started signaling red alert and just as quickly it stopped. Next the section of the ship came to life and the ship started the giving readings that happened right before the ship lost power.
Gohun looked over and spoke "Second generator started power restored to this area."

"Repel the Intruders!"  The voice sounded over the comm system.   Suddenly a team of security personnel appeared at the entrance to Main Engineering, each with a phaser that they held in hand.   Behind them stood a burly-looking Grazerite with huge bull-like horns in an Engineering yellow uniform.  "No one messes with my girl, Jupiter, and gets away with it!  Surrender now or face the consequences!"

Cmdr. Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 03, 2023, 12:25:23 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain frowned.  This was the last thing he needed.  First the Titan, then the ruse, then this ship... it was just one thing after another.

"Apparently the Prophets are testing me..." he stated, tapping the comm on his chair.  =/\= "Bridge to Sickbay.  Where is Commander Thane?" =/\=

=/\="Kommanderr Thane ees von uf zee patients afflicted, Sir. He just kollapsed.  " =/\=
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 03, 2023, 12:25:23 PM

Unfortunately, while he was trying to clarify, he did have to take quick action.  Quarantine was not a joke. So after he was satisfied with the call from Sickbay, he took action.

=/\= "All hands, this is the Captain. We are initiating biohazard quarantine Alert Level 1.  All non-essential personnel are confined to quarters." =/\=

"Computer, initiation biohazard alert Level 1.  Voiceprint authorization Tekin five five Beta Charlie." he stated, as the ship was bathed in blue light.

Rayek heard the Captain's orders.   At Level 1, Security personnel would be patrolling to ensure non-essential personnel remained in their quarters.
Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 03, 2023, 04:35:30 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Aye, commander." Malik made his way over to the project station and logged in. He initiated the standard, repeating sensor sweep of their local vicinity and the results were quickly displayed on his screen. Nebulas weren't typically known for volatile movements, but there were exceptions. The class J they were situated in held no special significance in the Starfleet database and the scan results thus far, were satisfactory.

Malik had already reviewed the personnel files of the Discovery's Flight Department and recognised the CPO. Younger than Malik, born on Earth in a place called 'Cauliflower', or something like that. Earth place names were confusing to him seemingly random letters strung together, not like Risa place names that made sense. Malik understood that Mr Graham had worked his way up through the ranks over the past five years to become an accomplished and well respected member of the crew.

"That's some smooth sailing, Mr Graham. I'm sending you the latest scan data on the nebula, there doesn't appear to be any cause for...", a warning tone on Malik's terminal cut him off. As the scan range steadily increased outwards from the ship, it detected an unusually disturbed pocket of nebula turbulence 200km to starboard. It was steadily making its way towards both vessels. The Discovery could no doubt handle it, but it could pose a risk to the Jupiter without inertial dampers or artificial gravity online to soften the turbulence.

"Mr Graham, check the latest scan data, we'll need to adjust course to avoid that."

He turned to the captain and first officer as the quarantine lighting and warning tone sounded out across the ship, "Sirs, sensors are detecting unusually strong Nebula eddies 200km, at bearing 95 mark 7. It may pose a risk to the Jupiter without essential systems online, eta to impact is estimated within next two hours."

Rayek rose from his seat to take a look at the console display of helm officer. "Excellent work, Mr. Grippen.  Continue to keep an eye on them, but if the ship is capable of it, Lek will have the Jupiter ready long before then." he assured the Risian pilot.
Quote from: Alexander Graham on September 03, 2023, 11:25:27 PM

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex smiled at the compliment of his flying skills. He nodded as he was ready to look at the scans of the nebula as soon as he got it. The tone of Malik's voice likely meant that there was something found that was a serious concern. He looked at the scans and swiftly calculated the adjustment so that they could avoid running into it. It seemed like it was only a matter of time before something possibly concerning happened.

"Mr. Graham, downpitch your angle by point zero seven.  That'll give the extended shields been coverage over the Jupiter."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: M'Nia on September 02, 2023, 06:39:53 PM

"Ok you got it!" M'nia said. This whole scene was weird. What ever was going on these phantoms didn't seems to be able to see them. So she would take a deep breath and head over to the fusion generators. After a quick examination, like everything else they seemed intact. She initiated the start up sequence on the first one. It would take several minutes to get going and get anywhere near full power but it was a good start. "Ok, first generator has started. Gohun, how goes it with you?"

Quote from: Zavrol Gohun on September 03, 2023, 08:25:23 AM

Gohun sat in the engineering section of the ship. The dead sound of nothingness echoing in his environmental suit. Gohun knew what he had to do. He had to restart the generator and eventually get the antimatter reaction working. While the technique of doing this faster was known only a few could pull the execution of the execution off. Gohun was a good engineer but not really capable of doing working that kind of miracle. For now, all he could do is turn the generator on and flood the area with power. The problem was it was a slow process. It was his job to get the second reactor working. Unfortunately Gohun put a little to much power almost overloading the station that he was standing at. When the second reactor started the station next to him gained power and started signaling red alert and just as quickly it stopped. Next the section of the ship came to life and the ship started the giving readings that happened right before the ship lost power.
Gohun looked over and spoke "Second generator started power restored to this area."

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek monitored the power levels and smiled. The old girl was going to be salvageable. Clearly too old for continued service, but she could be brought home and no longer classified as just 'missing'.

"Great work you two. Time to start on the Impulse engines. We need some maneuverability on top of the additional power. M'Nia, you track the deuterium injection rate. Gohun, you keep the EPS taps at level three. When you are ready, sing out and I will initiate the startup sequence."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 04, 2023, 05:45:16 AM

[USS Jupiter - Engineering] (present)
"Repel the Intruders!"  The voice sounded over the comm system.   Suddenly a team of security personnel appeared at the entrance to Main Engineering, each with a phaser that they held in hand.   Behind them stood a burly-looking Grazerite with huge bull-like horns in an Engineering yellow uniform.  "No one messes with my girl, Jupiter, and gets away with it!  Surrender now or face the consequences!"

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek looked up from the pool table and blinked in astonishment at the apparitions, not so much as they had appeared, but that they spoke. He looked stunned for a moment before he blinked again and snorted.

"You'd be more scary if you weren't dead. Now, I've got work to do and don't have time for interruptions. I suggest you go find someplace else to haunt or I'll figure out a way to scramble you with an EM pulse. Because while you can't hurt me, an EM pulse will scramble your ectoplasm all over the ship."

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Lek on September 04, 2023, 11:51:48 AM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek monitored the power levels and smiled. The old girl was going to be salvageable. Clearly too old for continued service, but she could be brought home and no longer classified as just 'missing'.

"Great work you two. Time to start on the Impulse engines. We need some maneuverability on top of the additional power. M'Nia, you track the deuterium injection rate. Gohun, you keep the EPS taps at level three. When you are ready, sing out and I will initiate the startup sequence."

'Right!" M'nia took her station and activated her tricorder to track the deuterium injection rate. "Ok lt cmdr.  Ready when you are" she said. Her feline eyes carefully watching for any error, any abnormality. This was very important. She tried to ignore the phantoms. It sounds like they had borders but who or why? well that would have to wait. perhaps once thee power was restored, they could find out the answers.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Sydney Reid

[USS Jupiter | Bridge]

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 04, 2023, 05:45:16 AM

PO2 Helga Tragnar
A phaser beam lanced out and pierced the white apparition as it faded away.  Helga ran toward Sydney to check on her and if nothing else block any further attacks...  "Are you okay?"

Helga gave Sydney and visual once over, but thankfully the woman didn't appear injured... maybe just a bit embarrassed.   At the quest of 'what was it?'  Helga could only shake her head.

"I'm not sure.  It seemed like just another of the replaying scenes at first... but then it seemed to directly target you."

"I'm fine, just"¦" Sydney didn't finish as she pushed herself back up to her previous position, not wanting to further embarrass herself in front of the stone-cold-killer of a Security Officer who had twice now come to her aid, albeit aid that was entirely due to the Ensign's own fear of these unexplainable, ghostly entities.
Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 03, 2023, 01:52:17 PM

"Reid, the systems are about 20 years out of date. What the HELL is going on?!"

"¦She turned to Sydney. "I am in, kind of. I can run an update with my current authorizations. I hope it understands Bajoran. We weren't really a part of the Federation twenty years ago, though,'s worth a try." She sighed but tapped some buttons. "Let me know if you get anywhere. We can piggyback off each others' work."

A small, involuntary chuckle escaped the computer scientist as she called back without turning away from the console she was working at, "This ship was lost during the Dominion War. It hasn't had contact with Starfleet or any of its vessels since then. It probably has been powered down since then, so there was no way for it to get systems updates. Don't worry, Lorut, we got this," Sydney said with an odd air of confidence that she'd not shown since arriving on the Jupiter While her fellow Ops Officer might be thinking she was looking at some foreign bit of code, the coding was quite more familiar to the 'Computer Doctor' from the work she'd done at Daystrom.
Quote from: Lek on September 04, 2023, 11:51:48 AM

"Great work you two. Time to start on the Impulse engines. We need some maneuverability on top of the additional power. M'Nia, you track the deuterium injection rate. Gohun, you keep the EPS taps at level three. When you are ready, sing out and I will initiate the startup sequence."

As Commander Lek's voice came over the open comms channel, Sydney let out a short sigh of disappointment. Turning to glance over to Vila, "Because of the Command-Level Lockout, it seems we're letting Engineering get ahead of us. While they may be able to get all of the systems back online, it won't do us any good if we can't gain control of them. I might be able to start isolating system controls from the lockout and transferring them to you, but it'll be based on the priority of control. Life Support is the easiest. Comms is probably next. Getting us actually able to gain control of major systems like Flight Control is going to take a lot more. Tactical might very well be impossible. I'll start working. Be ready for when control pops up on your console. Hopefully, we can get control of this ship before too long."

While the Cryptologist seemed optimistic about her chances of cracking the twenty-year-old encryptions in place, she didn't realize she wouldn't get the chance as the power returning also brought with it a new wrinkle in the Discovery Crew's recovery operation of the Jupiter...

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 04, 2023, 05:45:16 AM

Helga grinned to hear Lek's sexy voice over the comm.  Soon he'd have this bucket of a ship fully-powered and on its way out of this nebula.

But with the lights came other problems... the Captain in White was back and he wasn't alone!  With him appeared the what looked like the majority of his Senior Officers - also dressed in their formal dress uniforms - they are spread out across the bridge standing by their respective stations Helga assumed - perhaps haunting them?  Only they didn't look ghostly at all. They appeared solid as a living person.

Once more the Captain raised his saber "Repel the Intruders!" he called.  The order was sounded throughout the ship.

Quote from: Lek on September 04, 2023, 11:51:48 AM

"You'd be more scary if you weren't dead. Now, I've got work to do and don't have time for interruptions. I suggest you go find someplace else to haunt or I'll figure out a way to scramble you with an EM pulse. Because while you can't hurt me, an EM pulse will scramble your ectoplasm all over the ship."

The sudden yell caused Sydney to look up from the Comms Console she'd been diligently working at. Momentarily confused, especially as such an announcement was both out of character and beyond the access that she and Lorut had been able to obtain, it wasn't until she heard the Chief Engineer's voice in her helmet that she glanced over to see a Blue-Shouldered Officer in a very retro uniform looking at her as if she had been caught breaking into a vault.

Jumping back, causing her to tumble out of the seat and to the floor, Sydney began scuttling back as she took in the officer. While it certainly looked like the others they'd encountered, this one was clearly much more"¦solid than the others. Her mind tried to make sense of what she was looking at, but couldn't. Suddenly appearing ghosts, or in this case, very real-looking ghosts were beyond anything she'd studied in her years prior or during Starfleet. Glancing Vila's direction, she saw another standing behind her fellow Ops Officer, causing Sydney to yell out, "LORUT! LOOK OUT!"

Finding her back suddenly coming in contact with one of the vertical surfaces on the antiquated Bridge, Sydney pushed herself up onto her feet before reflexively reaching down to where her sidearm should have been. Her head snapped quickly to her hip as she finally remembered she'd forgotten to grab one. Failing to follow the usual Away Team protocol all because of her aversion to such devices was quickly proving to her why such protocols were in place as she found herself without the tools needed to defend either herself or her fellow officers from the suddenly appearing and clearly hostile apparitions.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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