Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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J.B Dersch

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 05, 2023, 10:50:32 PM

USS Jupiter

"Calm down, you won't die. I am an excellent shot; the Militia ensured that," she said. She holstered the weapon, though, and sighed. It wasn't like her to react like this. She was normally tense to real danger, yes, but she didn't believe in ghosts. If she didn't believe in the Prophets, why would she believe in ANYTHING?! "Besides, you'd be better than what already haunts me," she said.



Yeah, sure. She'd do that immediately after she found a tap-dancing hippopotamus. =/\=Yes, ma'am, we'll see what we can do.=/\=

The lights flickered a bit, but not before her focus was interrupted. A phaser beam fired out in Sydney's direction, from Lt. Tragnar's weapon. Hadn't she just complained about Vila's firing willy-nilly at nothing?! At least...nothing that Vila could see. Yet.
She was still eyeballing the other two women. Why was she not seeing the same things?!

"Alright, if you're ok...I don't see anything right now"¦what was it?" She asked. Maybe because she lacked faith of any kind? Maybe because she was Bajoran. She had no idea.

She sighed deeply, but turned back to her console. The data was running, but no dice just yet. Her idea hadn't panned out. That's ok, she had more tricks up her sleeve.

Suddenly, she was startled out of her thoughts by a booming voice.

"Repel the Intruders!"  The voice sounded over the comm system.   Suddenly a team of security personnel appeared at the entrance to the Bridge, each with a phaser that they held in hand.   Behind them stood a person in Whites.  "No one messes with my girl, Jupiter, and gets away with it!  Surrender now or face the consequences!"

Vila simply picked up her phaser, which was sitting next to her on the console that she presumed was for the Helmsman, and fired in the direction of the...beings. They apparated then disappeared.

"See?" She said, with a shrug. "Run an override for the Captain's Logs. I am going to the Ready Room to see if I can find anything else. Perhaps his or her personal Hologram machine has something," she said. She looked around. "Security, I need an escort," she said, rolling her eyes. She could probably handle herself but she didn't need Reid or Tragnar tattling that she went alone. Hell, her personality alone was probably what was repelling the "ghosts."

"I can escort you Mrs. Vila, Helga, Stay here and watch the others, I want the rest of the Team here, while I escort Mrs. Vila" Dersch said to the others then moved with Reid to her Destination.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on 5 hours  ago

PO2 Helga Tragnar

Even before Dersch's order, Helga had her phaser rifle up and firing at the white-uniformed figure bearing down on Reid - carefully aimed to not be anywhere near the Operations officer- but as expected for ghosts, even these more manifested apparitions were not at all affected by the energy beam.  It passed through them as readily as it would an EMH.

Shouldering her firearm, Helga then vaulted over obstacles in her way to attempt a sidelong tackle of the uniformed officer as he swung his saber down towards Reid...

If Helga had been watching she'd have seen Lorut's phaser beam, like others previously, go right through her target seemingly to no effect.  The beam had instead struck the far corner of the bridge close to the viewscreen, where a layer of frost had been forming on the wall.  Except this time, the Bridge personnel all flickered and disappeared, just as Helga would have grabbed the saber-wielding ghost.   They were gone!  However, the 'ghostly' Captain's voice continued to speak over the intercom. "Leave while you can! Remain and you too shall die."

Damn this keeps getting, How are we supposed to attack them with Phasers if the damn things don't work! He just couldn't warp his head around all the things going on, And Plus this ships Mystery Crew just keep getting weirder...No Life forms are picked up on the the Tricoders or even scanners...This might be the Most Deadlist mission yet!

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on September 05, 2023, 03:50:58 PM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Tanner watched the Ferengi go from 0-60 with an idea, "Do you need an extra pair of hands?" She asked, "I'm not an engineer but I'm not entirely useless either." She looked about at the other Security officers, "And I'm not doing anything else."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 06, 2023, 05:03:24 AM

Meanwhile in [USS Jupiter - Engineering]

Grazerite's were generally a very patient and slow-paced people. Despite his warning, the bull-like Chief Engineer didn't order the security personnel to attack immediately, he seemed to observe and listen as Lek and the others discussed their predicament. But when the Ferengi took hold of the power conduit, his eyes flared.  "Safeties off!  Stun only! Take aim! Fire!" bellowed the Grazerite 'ghostly' engineer.

The team of Jupiter security personnel began firing at the 'invaders' - Lek, Tanner, Kinley and the Discovery security team that was in engineering.  Thankfully, most of the Away Team had decent cover by this point, and Jupiter's security were doing their best to not hit the surrounding engines so the exchange of weapons fire was rather sporadic and cautious.

Phaser beams aimed towards the Jupiter 'ghosts' simply passed through harmlessly.  Most of the Jupiter phaser shots missed... all but one which struck Crewman Orosith, stunning the Orion female enough that she collapsed in a heap beside Dranik.

Suddenly over intercom came the warning. "Leave while you can! Remain and you too shall die."

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Before Lek could ask the security lieutenant if she knew the difference between a self-sealing stem bolt from a raktajino, things with the ghosts escalated. He ducked behind the pool table and connected his make-shift EMP generator and shouted.

"I've had just about enough of you!"

There was a bright flash and he hoped that his plan had worked. The generator was small and wouldn't reach beyond engineering, if it worked at all. He peered around the pool table cautiously to see if the pulse had had its intended results.

Quote from: Sydney Reid on September 06, 2023, 06:33:29 AM

[USS Jupiter | Bridge]

Setting the pry bar down to be within quick reach, Sydney tapped her commbadge right before she got to work on the Lockout Encryptions.

=/\= "Commanders Garrison and Lek. I believe these"¦'ghosts' might function in the same way as our hologram system on the Discovery. Once we started to regain power, they seemed to increase in strength and the ability to physically interact with us. While we need the power to activate systems, we may want to limit power to only the necessary systems we need. Deflector Shield Emitters should be safe given their nature, but I think it would be inadvisable to divert power to the Life Support and Lighting Systems, given how widely spread they are within the Jupiter's bulkheads. Our EV suits should continue to provide necessary life support and vision, and the deflectors will shield us from spatial radiation. I may be able to get communications up, but I think, after that, I should try to get us access to the Flight Control systems. I can't be sure, but there were no reports of anything like what we're seeing in the Flight Recorder, meaning it probably happened after they entered the nebula. I'd advise we exit it as soon as we can"¦before this former crew returns. Any advisements, Commanders?" =/\=

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek listened to the Ops feemale and based on what he'd seen, he could accept she might be on to something. He would funnel all available power to shields if the ghosts of engineering had been dealt with. If they hadn't, he'd figure something out.

Alt of Ian Galloway


USS Jupiter

Dranik snarled at the ghostly crew of the Jupiter as one of their phaser's stun blasts connected to Orosith and dropped her. He turned to look at Lek and saw that the Ferengi was planning. Hopefully he had guessed Lek's next course of action correctly. Korvox bared his teeth at the ghostly crew as Dranik grabbed Orosith and pulled her out of the way before checking her vital signs. "Stunned but still breathing."

Hirogen Male


Quote from: Lek on September 06, 2023, 01:07:35 PM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Before Lek could ask the security lieutenant if she knew the difference between a self-sealing stem bolt from a raktajino, things with the ghosts escalated. He ducked behind the pool table and connected his make-shift EMP generator and shouted.

"I've had just about enough of you!"

There was a bright flash and he hoped that his plan had worked. The generator was small and wouldn't reach beyond engineering, if it worked at all. He peered around the pool table cautiously to see if the pulse had had its intended results.

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek listened to the Ops feemale and based on what he'd seen, he could accept she might be on to something. He would funnel all available power to shields if the ghosts of engineering had been dealt with. If they hadn't, he'd figure something out.

M'nia was not liking the way things were escalating. Whatever these things were, they were getting more aggressive. It was unnerving, her tail was flicking back and forth like crazy. She continued her work, powering up the ship and hoped these things were harmless Noone had been hurt yet. She should focus on her job. Easier said than done with these ghosts or whatever running around

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lorut Vila


USS Jupiter
Bridge-Ready Room

Security led her out of the Bridge, as Reid got to work. She was still nonplussed, firmly believing that they were all having a bad dream or something.  She refused to acknowledge anything else for the time being. She was silent as they moved across the hall, and a couple of quick back-and-forths with the computer, and a threatening from HER about blasting the Computer into the last century, and they were in.

She wasn't sure what she expected to find. But it wasn't this. In front of her, sword trained at her head, was a being in whites, rank PIPs said he was the Captain.

Zavrol Gohun

Gohun stood in silence for a moment before grabbing a phaser and aiming it at one of the ghosts. When the ghost did not respond Gohun realised that pointing a phaser at a fellow Starfleet officer was not that bright. With that he lowered his phaser and started to look at the officers. From records this appeared that this was the chief engineer.
Looking at Lek "Sir I could rig some sort of trapping mechanism like a small container. But I guess that this would only be done if they became a nuisance. I would like to point out that the more energy we get from ships repairs the more substantial the phantoms get."
Gohum was sure that no one would know the movie Ghostbusters. So he was probably safe on that end. With that Gohun went to the control panel that was best for impulse engines and turned on the computer. As the screen light up he recognised the software. Slowly shaking his head no one was really trained on this anymore. Meaning they would all be learning on the fly.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 06, 2023, 09:37:08 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

All had been going well until his console chimed in protest, this pesky nebula was proving itself to be quite extraordinary. The sensor data clearly showed a sudden increase in ferocity of 'nebulonic-turbulence', as if the presence of the two ships angered the great cloud. The cause wasn't clear, it could take weeks to accurately model a nebula of this size weather patterns. What was clear however, there was now a risk to the safety of both vessels.

He turned to the bridge-centre, "Sirs, sensors are detecting increased levels of nebula disturbance heading towards both vessels. Recommend we advise the Jupiter to get their engines working sooner rather than later. Or we could tractor then out. Vacating the area as soon we can is preferable, or it's going to get 'choppy'. The nebula is unpredictable."

As the ship's doctor approached Malik's position, he spoke up. "Do I need to be naked for this examination, doctor?" For a Risan, being naked was as comfortable as pie. He was fully prepared to drop his pants in front of the bridge crew.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Starting to open his tricorder, he heard Maliks absurd request. Taking a few moments to ponder, considering he sounded serious, Dem decided to treat him accordingly. "œAh, no it is just a tricorder scan. The captain is very strict on the uniform regulations here." Dem replied seriously, before turning into a laugh, which he covered up with a small cough. "œ37.1, well within normal range. Well done."

Dem continued to walk around the bridge, repetitiously taking tricorder scans. While he was mainly just checking internal temperature, he took a brief look at the rest of their biosigns for any discrepancies. While pacing across the bridge, Dem found that he could not look at the far wall. The wall that was blown into space on their previous mission. The more he tried to, the more he couldn't. His mind was in gridlock, not allowing him to re-live any of the memories. "œCome on Dem. Look at the bloody wall. Look at it." He repeated in his mind, to no avail. Casting this from his mind, he arrived at the captains chair and opened his tricorder, preparing to scan. 

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 06, 2023, 06:32:47 PM

USS Jupiter
Bridge-Ready Room

Security led her out of the Bridge, as Reid got to work. She was still nonplussed, firmly believing that they were all having a bad dream or something.  She refused to acknowledge anything else for the time being. She was silent as they moved across the hall, and a couple of quick back-and-forths with the computer, and a threatening from HER about blasting the Computer into the last century, and they were in.

She wasn't sure what she expected to find. But it wasn't this. In front of her, phaser rifle trained at her head, was a being in whites, rank PIPs said he was the Captain.

Ensign JB Dersch | USS Jupiter
Bridge-Ready Room

Dersch looked at the Captain and thought. Great...This is going to be fun then leaned in to whisper to Vila. "When I say jump to the left jump. Going to try something" He lifted his Rifle up and waited then said. "NOW!" As Vila moved to the Left he lunged with all his might at the Captain knocking him down, and dropping his weapon in the process. Good, Now its time for the thing Dersch lifted the butt of the rifle and slammed it into the head of the captain. Ending the tiny scuffle quickly. After getting up and Rechecking his weapons he looked to Vila. "Lets go."

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Alexander Graham

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex took a closer look at the scans and it was clear that it seemed to be a dire situation. He hoped that they were able to avoid things getting rather choppy. He didn't mind having to have his temperature checked. He felt that it was better to be safe than sorry. He chuckled as he heard the naked remark to Lieutenant Broadshire.

Kinley Garrison



=/\=Yes, ma'am, we'll see what we can do.=/\=

Kinley nodded, ducking behind a console as the Grazerite and his security detail came in, engaging the team. She made a few shots, only to find them uselessly passing through, leaving the much-less-ghostly ghosts unharmed.  Turning to the stunned crewman to try and wake her, and if needed, bring out the medkit, she got a message from the Discovery

=/\= "Commander, you have your orders.  Focus on those. We will provide you with additional details later. Is that understood?" =/\=

"œOkay, sir. Keep us posted if we can do anything. =/\= she said, as she made sure the Orion was okay. Good news, it looked like she was just stunned a bit. Tucking the woman behind the console, Kinley nodded before hearing Reid come in.


=/\= "Commanders Garrison and Lek. I believe these"¦'ghosts' might function in the same way as our hologram system on the Discovery. Once we started to regain power, they seemed to increase in strength and the ability to physically interact with us. While we need the power to activate systems, we may want to limit power to only the necessary systems we need. Deflector Shield Emitters should be safe given their nature, but I think it would be inadvisable to divert power to the Life Support and Lighting Systems, given how widely spread they are within the Jupiter's bulkheads. Our EV suits should continue to provide necessary life support and vision, and the deflectors will shield us from spatial radiation. I may be able to get communications up, but I think, after that, I should try to get us access to the Flight Control systems. I can't be sure, but there were no reports of anything like what we're seeing in the Flight Recorder, meaning it probably happened after they entered the nebula. I'd advise we exit it as soon as we can"¦before this former crew returns. Any advisements, Commanders?" =/\=

A lightbulb seemed to go off in Kinley's head. Holograms! No wonder they weren't affected by the phasers!  She diverted her eyes from the flash of Lek's makeshift EMP. It did the trick. The ghost crew was gone, at least for now, as the surrounding area went dark  "œIt worked! she said, heading to a nearby computer console.  "œIt looks like they might be holograms. We might be able to disable the hologrametric systems
=/\= "œIt looks like the ghosts are holograms, or something similar to them. We might be able to disable the hologram systems. What's your status guys? =/\= "œ  she asked, while tapping into the main computer systems, and really hoped she had enough clearance to get into them.
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter
Captain's Ready Room

The apparition disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Dersch," she said, moving forward. She got to work on the holomachine, looking for any kind of indication that there was a message that would explain what the hell was going on.

She saved the previous five messages, several years old, to her PADD to send to the Disco when she was able. She looked around for the Guard. He was staring at the wall. Another "vision." She needed to talk to Ben about getting a transfer away from these weirdos.

"Dersh! Look alive!" She said, loudly. "Back to the Bridge, I need to get these to Commander tr'Lhoell." She moved for the door, the man in tow. She hoped. She was fully capable of fighting her way out, but she was trying here. A moment later, she was back on the Bridge.

"Where's Sydney?" She asked. A few others had joined them. She sat back down at the console she had just occupied, and sent the files to her Department Chief.

A comms came through. Great, Comms was up, that Ferengi was good for something, apparently.


It looks like the ghosts are holograms, or something similar to them. We might be able to disable the hologram systems. What's your status guys?

She KNEW it! She knew that it wasn't real. She was many things, but crazy wasn't one.

She tapped back a message to Kinley.

=/\=Lorut, Dersh are fine. I have systems up and running. No location on Reid. She's MIA.=/\=

A few keystrokes later, and Vila had hacked into the systems. Around her, consoles buzzed to life.

She tapped her Comms again, opening a general channel.

=/\= Commanders. I have all consoles up and running. Awaiting further orders.=/\=


Quote from: Kinley Garrison on September 09, 2023, 12:04:11 AM


Kinley nodded, ducking behind a console as the Grazerite and his security detail came in, engaging the team. She made a few shots, only to find them uselessly passing through, leaving the much-less-ghostly ghosts unharmed.  Turning to the stunned crewman to try and wake her, and if needed, bring out the medkit, she got a message from the Discovery

"œOkay, sir. Keep us posted if we can do anything. =/\= she said, as she made sure the Orion was okay. Good news, it looked like she was just stunned a bit. Tucking the woman behind the console, Kinley nodded before hearing Reid come in.

A lightbulb seemed to go off in Kinley's head. Holograms! No wonder they weren't affected by the phasers!  She diverted her eyes from the flash of Lek's makeshift EMP. It did the trick. The ghost crew was gone, at least for now, as the surrounding area went dark  "œIt worked! she said, heading to a nearby computer console.  "œIt looks like they might be holograms. We might be able to disable the hologrametric systems

=/\= "œIt looks like the ghosts are holograms, or something similar to them. We might be able to disable the hologram systems. What's your status guys? =/\= "œ  she asked, while tapping into the main computer systems, and really hoped she had enough clearance to get into them.
Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 09, 2023, 11:18:05 PM

USS Jupiter
Captain's Ready Room

The apparition disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Dersch," she said, moving forward. She got to work on the holomachine, looking for any kind of indication that there was a message that would explain what the hell was going on.

She saved the previous five messages, several years old, to her PADD to send to the Disco when she was able. She looked around for the Guard. He was staring at the wall. Another "vision." She needed to talk to Ben about getting a transfer away from these weirdos.

"Dersh! Look alive!" She said, loudly. "Back to the Bridge, I need to get these to Commander tr'Lhoell." She moved for the door, the man in tow. She hoped. She was fully capable of fighting her way out, but she was trying here. A moment later, she was back on the Bridge.

"Where's Sydney?" She asked. A few others had joined them. She sat back down at the console she had just occupied, and sent the files to her Department Chief.

A comms came through. Great, Comms was up, that Ferengi was good for something, apparently.

She KNEW it! She knew that it wasn't real. She was many things, but crazy wasn't one.

She tapped back a message to Kinley.

=/\=Lorut, Dersh are fine. I have systems up and running. No location on Reid. She's MIA.=/\=

A few keystrokes later, and Vila had hacked into the systems. Around her, consoles buzzed to life.

She tapped her Comms again, opening a general channel.

=/\= Commanders. I have all consoles up and running. Awaiting further orders.=/\=

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

When Lek peered out from his hiding place, the apparitions were all gone and he had to admit, he was surprised as he didn't think the EMP would work. He stood up and heard the reports that the apparitions were holograms and that immediately got his engineering mind to wondering how the crew of the Jupiter managed to pull off the whole thing.

"Miranda's didn't have holoemitters throughout the ship. Had to have been some sort of jury-rigged defense system of some sort. Pretty clever for on the fly engineering."

Whatever had been done, now that they weren't being shot at, they had a task to do, especially as it seemed as if the others had gotten control of the bridge functions.

"M'nia and Gohun, let's get cracking! I want that impulse engine ready so we have some mobility. As soon as we can get out of the nebula the better. Once we have impulse, we'll move to re-starting the warp core."

Alt of Ian Galloway


Quote from: Lek on September 10, 2023, 11:02:23 AM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

When Lek peered out from his hiding place, the apparitions were all gone and he had to admit, he was surprised as he didn't think the EMP would work. He stood up and heard the reports that the apparitions were holograms and that immediately got his engineering mind to wondering how the crew of the Jupiter managed to pull off the whole thing.

"Miranda's didn't have holoemitters throughout the ship. Had to have been some sort of jury-rigged defense system of some sort. Pretty clever for on the fly engineering."

Whatever had been done, now that they weren't being shot at, they had a task to do, especially as it seemed as if the others had gotten control of the bridge functions.

"M'nia and Gohun, let's get cracking! I want that impulse engine ready so we have some mobility. As soon as we can get out of the nebula the better. Once we have impulse, we'll move to re-starting the warp core."

"On it sir!" Came m'nia's reply. She had to admit, whoever hooked up those holoemitters was good! Especially , well who knows what kind of pressure they were under and what kind of danger they were facing while doing it. She put those thoughts aside for now as she started on the impulse engines. She heard the familiar sound as they started up and came to life.  As soon as they were powered up, then they could start on the warp engines. once they were safely away from here, perhaps she could study the ship and see what the had done to her. Maybe someone came up with some sort of improvisation that she could use in the future. Who knows what secrets the ship held?

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 09, 2023, 11:18:05 PM

USS Jupiter
Captain's Ready Room

The apparition disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. She let out a sigh of relief. "Thank you, Dersch," she said, moving forward. She got to work on the holomachine, looking for any kind of indication that there was a message that would explain what the hell was going on.

She saved the previous five messages, several years old, to her PADD to send to the Disco when she was able. She looked around for the Guard. He was staring at the wall. Another "vision." She needed to talk to Ben about getting a transfer away from these weirdos.

"Dersch! Look alive!" She said, loudly. "Back to the Bridge, I need to get these to Commander tr'Lhoell." She moved for the door, the man in tow. She hoped. She was fully capable of fighting her way out, but she was trying here. A moment later, she was back on the Bridge.

"Where's Sydney?" She asked. A few others had joined them. She sat back down at the console she had just occupied, and sent the files to her Department Chief.

A comms came through. Great, Comms was up, that Ferengi was good for something, apparently.

She KNEW it! She knew that it wasn't real. She was many things, but crazy wasn't one.

She tapped back a message to Kinley.

=/\=Lorut, Dersch are fine. I have systems up and running. No location on Reid. She's MIA.=/\=

A few keystrokes later, and Vila had hacked into the systems. Around her, consoles buzzed to life.

She tapped her Comms again, opening a general channel.

=/\= Commanders. I have all consoles up and running. Awaiting further orders.=/\=

Ensign Dersch-USS Jupiter-Bridge

"Your Welcome" He said as he took a Defense Spot behind Vila as she worked. Once finished she yelled Look Alive. He ran after her and once on the bridge he took his spot back on the Bridge where he was earlier before escorting Mrs. Vila to the Ready room. =^= Dersch to Commander Garrison, We are going good, Here on the Bridge, But keep having the Sites of What would be either ghosts or Holograms, Are you having the same problems?=^=

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on September 07, 2023, 02:48:47 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Starting to open his tricorder, he heard Maliks absurd request. Taking a few moments to ponder, considering he sounded serious, Dem decided to treat him accordingly. "œAh, no it is just a tricorder scan. The captain is very strict on the uniform regulations here." Dem replied seriously, before turning into a laugh, which he covered up with a small cough. "œ37.1, well within normal range. Well done."

Dem continued to walk around the bridge, repetitiously taking tricorder scans. While he was mainly just checking internal temperature, he took a brief look at the rest of their biosigns for any discrepancies. While pacing across the bridge, Dem found that he could not look at the far wall. The wall that was blown into space on their previous mission. The more he tried to, the more he couldn't. His mind was in gridlock, not allowing him to re-live any of the memories. "œCome on Dem. Look at the bloody wall. Look at it." He repeated in his mind, to no avail. Casting this from his mind, he arrived at the captains chair and opened his tricorder, preparing to scan.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain sat still as Dem came by, and did his best not to grimace.  If that medical tricorder picked up anything, it would make command and managing their status that much harder.  Like all Captains, it would be easier if they were just above such health concerns.  Of course, nothing said Bajoran stubborn thinking like picturing himself above health concerns.

Luckily, the Captain for the moment had no health issues... it seemed that the bridge itself was safe from harm.  At least, except for one person.

"Doctor.. you came from sickbay... did you make sure to clear yourself?"

Meanwhile, solar output from the star was increasing a bit, to the point that the dorsal shields were lit up, and the shields were registering energy being absorbed. The Jupiter was mostly obscured by Discovery, so at the very least they wouldn't be hit by the same output.

"Dem... how bad are the symptoms in Sickbay?  The actual symptoms."

🡱 🡳

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