Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Quote from: M'Nia on September 10, 2023, 08:43:21 PM

"On it sir!" Came m'nia's reply. She had to admit, whoever hooked up those holoemitters was good! Especially , well who knows what kind of pressure they were under and what kind of danger they were facing while doing it. She put those thoughts aside for now as she started on the impulse engines. She heard the familiar sound as they started up and came to life.  As soon as they were powered up, then they could start on the warp engines. once they were safely away from here, perhaps she could study the ship and see what the had done to her. Maybe someone came up with some sort of improvisation that she could use in the future. Who knows what secrets the ship held?

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

With M'Nia and Gohun's assistance, soon the Jupiter's impulse engine had powered up giving the ship additional power, and more importantly, the ability to maneuver. Once he was comfortable that everything was stable, Lek spoke through the comm link on his suit.

=/\= "Lek to bridge. We have impulse. We are beginning the initiation process on the warp core, that's going to take at least an hour. However, based on everything I've seen so far, we should be warp capable at that time. Lek out." =/\=

Alt of Ian Galloway

Zavrol Gohun

Now that the holograms were taken care of Gohun was positive that nothing else could go wrong on the mission. No sir nothing but smooth sailing from here. In fact he should announce that to the rest of the away team. "Now that the holograms are off we should have no more problems this mission." It was at that point that Gohun saw the impulse engines start. The next step was to get the warp core online.

Lorut Vila


USS Jupiter

With the slip streams online, and Comms up, Lorut was feeling pretty good. She was a very capable computer tech, and she did her job. She still didn't see why her interpersonal skills mattered if she could do this. This is what she was hired to do, right?!

She radioed back to the Discovery, now that they all had the ability to do so.

=/\= Jupiter to Discovery, I am opening a public channel....can you hear me? =/\=

She listened for a response.

=/\=Excellent. I'll be uploading and sending the Captain's Logs ASAP. =/\=

She turned to Dersch. "How are you at system administration?" She asked. Where the HELL did Reid go? Hopefully. the strange woman was ok.

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 12, 2023, 10:59:16 AM

USS Jupiter

With the slip streams online, and Comms up, Lorut was feeling pretty good. She was a very capable computer tech, and she did her job. She still didn't see why her interpersonal skills mattered if she could do this. This is what she was hired to do, right?!

She radioed back to the Discovery, now that they all had the ability to do so.

=/\= Jupiter to Discovery, I am opening a public channel....can you hear me? =/\=

She listened for a response.

=/\=Excellent. I'll be uploading and sending the Captain's Logs ASAP. ==/\==

She turned to Dersch. "How are you at system administration?" She asked. Where the HELL did Reid go? Hopefully. the strange woman was ok.

[USS Jupiter | Bridge | Ensign J.B Dersch | SEC/TAC |

"I don't Know, Use to using Tactical that's about it, But I will do my best, Where do you want me" Dersch asked Vila. He stood and watched the Surrounding Bridge just in case the Crew came back. He was doing this but he had other Officers watching but he didn't want to be Sure about them, They did tend to Appear any where and Disappear as fast as they Showed.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Rayek trLhoell

Quote from: Captain Tekin

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]
The Captain sat still as Dem came by, and did his best not to grimace. If that medical tricorder picked up anything, it would make command and managing their status that much harder. Like all Captains, it would be easier if they were just above such health concerns. Of course, nothing said Bajoran stubborn thinking like picturing himself above health concerns
Luckily, the Captain for the moment had no health issues... it seemed that the bridge itself was safe from harm. At least, except for one person.
"Doctor.. you came from sickbay... did you make sure to clear yourself?"
Meanwhile, solar output from the star was increasing a bit, to the point that the dorsal shields were lit up, and the shields were registering energy being absorbed. The Jupiter was mostly obscured by Discovery, so at the very least they wouldn't be hit by the same output.
"Dem... how bad are the symptoms in Sickbay? The actual symptoms

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Rayek paid little heed to the doctor as Lt Broadshire made his way around the Bridge.  The Risan's absurd offer to drop his pants didn't faze the Romulan, because Rayek had his attention on the EV suit bio readings, which were showing on a nearby panel.

Several suits showed elevated heart rates.  While this was concerning, it might have been more so if not for  the remark made by Commander Garrison about ghosts.  While the he did not put much stock into the afterlife, Rayek was aware that for many, even just the suggestion of ghosts was a frightening thing.   Rayek gave a slight shiver.

That could be what was happening here.  Derelict ship and hyperactive imaginations.

His attention was diverted from the bio readings when it came his turn to be scanned by the doctor.   Expecting a clean bill of health, he was surprised when his readings came up showing him with a slight fever.

"I feel fine. Are you certain you have the unit calibrated properly?"

Yet even as he tried to dismiss the readings as erroneous, Rayek knew he couldn't chance remaining on the bridge if he was becoming ill.

"Doctor, I respect that until I can be deemed clear of whatever illness this is, that I need to be kept isolated and quarantined.   I request that I be permitted to be quarantined in my office rather than in Sickbay. "œ

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 06, 2023, 09:37:08 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

All had been going well until his console chimed in protest, this pesky nebula was proving itself to be quite extraordinary. The sensor data clearly showed a sudden increase in ferocity of 'nebulonic-turbulence', as if the presence of the two ships angered the great cloud. The cause wasn't clear, it could take weeks to accurately model a nebula of this size weather patterns. What was clear however, there was now a risk to the safety of both vessels.

He turned to the bridge-centre, "Sirs, sensors are detecting increased levels of nebula disturbance heading towards both vessels. Recommend we advise the Jupiter to get their engines working sooner rather than later. Or we could tractor then out. Vacating the area as soon we can is preferable, or it's going to get 'choppy'. The nebula is unpredictable."

As the ship's doctor approached Malik's position, he spoke up. "Do I need to be naked for this examination, doctor?" For a Risan, being naked was as comfortable as pie. He was fully prepared to drop his pants in front of the bridge crew.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

A conflict of regulations... on one hand, protecting the ship.  On the other, possible quarantine issues with the ship.  Instinct told him to move the ship.  Experience and expertise told him that the star wasn't yet a threat to the ship.

"I'll take that under advisement.  I'm sure the away team is aware, but they seem to have their hands full.  And the only way to get a tractor beam lock is to expose them to potentially damaging radiation.  That star is getting ready to go, but not yet... hold position and divert additional power to dorsal and deflector shields.  We'll stay until Jupiter is able to move under her own power." he stated, shaking his head.

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 12, 2023, 10:59:16 AM

USS Jupiter

With the slip streams online, and Comms up, Lorut was feeling pretty good. She was a very capable computer tech, and she did her job. She still didn't see why her interpersonal skills mattered if she could do this. This is what she was hired to do, right?!

She radioed back to the Discovery, now that they all had the ability to do so.

=/\= Jupiter to Discovery, I am opening a public channel....can you hear me? =/\=

She listened for a response.

=/\=Excellent. I'll be uploading and sending the Captain's Logs ASAP. ==/\==

She turned to Dersch. "How are you at system administration?" She asked. Where the HELL did Reid go? Hopefully. the strange woman was ok.

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on September 12, 2023, 01:35:07 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Rayek paid little heed to the doctor as Lt Broadshire made his way around the Bridge.  The Risan's absurd offer to drop his pants didn't faze the Romulan, because Rayek had his attention on the EV suit bio readings, which were showing on a nearby panel.

Several suits showed elevated heart rates.  While this was concerning, it might have been more so if not for  the remark made by Commander Garrison about ghosts.  While the he did not put much stock into the afterlife, Rayek was aware that for many, even just the suggestion of ghosts was a frightening thing.   Rayek gave a slight shiver.

That could be what was happening here.  Derelict ship and hyperactive imaginations.

His attention was diverted from the bio readings when it came his turn to be scanned by the doctor.   Expecting a clean bill of health, he was surprised when his readings came up showing him with a slight fever.

"I feel fine. Are you certain you have the unit calibrated properly?"

Yet even as he tried to dismiss the readings as erroneous, Rayek knew he couldn't chance remaining on the bridge if he was becoming ill.

"Doctor, I respect that until I can be deemed clear of whatever illness this is, that I need to be kept isolated and quarantined.   I request that I be permitted to be quarantined in my office rather than in Sickbay. "œ

He looked in concern at Rayek, raising an eyebrow.  "There is still the question of how anything could have gone aboard... let alone why our XO is showing symptoms.  I'll handle the Jupiter.  Rayek you have the bridge as long as you are fit for duty."

=/\= "Discovery to Jupiter, we read you.  Transfer signal to channel Alpha 3, I'll be in my ready room to receive the logs." =/\=

The Captain left his chair quickly and went into his room, waiting for the doors to close before taking a seat as his computer console opened up.

=/\= "Lorut, this is the Captain.  Ready to receive logs.  Be advised that we are shielding you from increasing radiation; not to put a rush, but this star isn't going to last long." =/\= he stated, as he waited.

Sure enough, the mission logs came in, and the Captain started reading them.  As they weren't locked, they were also available to the Jupiter, but the story told was familiar to each ship for different reasons.


Logs of the USS Jupiter

Captain's Log, Captain Th'rachar (Andorian Male)

"œ... we have just left the wormhole.  Should take another day or so before we reach New Bajor and drop off these supplies.  We ended up taking on an additional passenger at DS9; a Ved-dek from the Bajoran religious temple. I guess it beats plan B"¦ I know when I spoke with Commander Sisko his first officer Major Kira was threatening to go with us.  I have nothing against the woman, but she is not my first choice for a First Officer on what is effectively a Federation Space Sta-"

Log two

"œWe encountered debris en route from an unknown ship.  Well two ships.  One had a Federation signature, but it was too badly damage to make sure what ship its from.  The debris is small enough that I don't think it was an entire ship, maybe a shuttle.  There is still so much we don't know about the Gamma Quadrant.  There has been talk of some sort of alliance known as Dominion, and my standing orders are to be ready for first contact with this group.  Federation ready, that is.  Diplomacy.  Though to be fair, this isn't exactly a top of the line-"

The room shakes, lighting turns to red, and a call for the Captain to come to the bridge, then the log cuts.

Log 3

"œI don't know how we are still alive.  Unknown ships that wouldn't respond to hails and immediately started firing.  Our shields were practically useless, and our weapons were weak.  Warp drive was taken out first"¦ they knew about our type of ships.  I think they were the same as the debris we found.  By luck we were able to get our engines past safety limits and made it to a nebula.  Long range communications are out, the best we can do is sent a distress signal to New Bajor and see if it reaches.  The alien vessels are holding outside of the nebula so we're going to have to wait it out in here.  The nearby star is sending out interesting radiation into the nebula that is masking us.  We'll take assessment of casualties and damage in the meantime.  We already lost Lieutenant Mayra; she was taken out when the tactical console blew.  So at the very least we ae down a Chief Tactical Officer"¦"

Log 4

"œNearly 50.  Out of a crew of 120.  Included in that is the Chief Tactical Officer, the Chief Engineer, and Transporter Chief.  Command Raine is in critical condition in Sickbay, so I am technically also down a First Officer. Its going to take a few days to get the warp drive online. Deck 6 of the forward saucer has been sealed off to conserve power, but I have crews patching the holes from the outside."

Log 5

"œCommander Raine passed.  Not from his injuries, but from an illness.  Dr. Pell noted that 5 other crewmen have reported fevers or seizures, and 2 have been found unconscious.  Surprisingly it hasn't been any of the crew that was exposed to the nebula, so that rules out something brought in from outside.  Perhaps its just bad luck.  A terrible way for any officer to go"¦ an illness as opposed to battle. We haven't heard anything from New Bajor either, so there is no reason to think anyone is coming.  I'm planning on sending a probe out of the nebula to see if the alien ships are still waiting.  But we have to find a way to properly shield the probe; the radiation coming from the red giant is affecting the nebula and scrambling improperly shielded instruments.  Our shield are holding, though, so there is something that will work"¦"

Log 6

Note: This is not from the ready room, but the Captain's Quarters

"œDr Oglin is confirmed dead.  That makes nearly the entire Sickbay staff gone. -cough- I have enacted Biohazard protocol, but perhaps it was too late.  We had to prioritize repairing the ship, as much good as that did us.  I have members of ops studying engineering and science studying medicine.  We've also had power shifts throughout the ship.  I enacted the Emergency Medical Hologram as support, but even that seems to have issues with programming.  I had some of the engineering team dismantle the two holodecks on board and take the emitters out.  And our replicators are busy building more; we're going to try to get them installed in the ship so that we can send the EMH anywhere.  As much good as that is going to do; so far this has had a -cough- perfect death rate"¦"

Log 7

"œActing Captain Lieutenant Martin,

On this date, under Starfleet Regulation 19, Section C, and Title 15, Captain Th'ratchar has relieved himself of command and as such, command has now passed to me.  I am a Captain of a dying ship.  A crew of 120 now reduced to 14 in only a few weeks.  As per the Captain's last instructions, I have engaged the biohazard warning beacon.  I have not yet had any symptoms myself, but I fear it is only a matter of time.  I can confirm that the alien vessels have left"¦ probably long since left, and I have been able to use the shuttle to send out a signal to New Bajor.  But I got no reply.  Not even a confirmation that the message had been received.  Its possible that their comm system is also down; we have their replacement parts on board.  Not that it matters.  This ship is not going anywhere; New Bajor will have to wait for the next shipment.  By now they should have noted our absence.  Or at least the absence of the Vedek.  Little to they know he died more than two weeks ago"¦"

Log 8

"œThis may very well be the last log.  -cough- The Captain finally passed away.  I said finally because though that tough bastard held on for nearly a week, by the end he was delirious and rambling.  He's convinced that the aliens have some sort of weapon that killed us.  Ensign T'Sol believes otherwise.  She thinks there is something in the nebula that caused this.  I have relieved her of duty.  Her and the other 5 people still alive.  This ship is quiet.  Its already a ghost ship, and the 6 of us are just waiting to die.  Emphasis on the ghost part.  I was in main Engineering to shut down the warp core since there is no one to maintain it, and I could swear I saw Ensign Carmicheal at the pool table.  He was talking not to me, but to the Chief Engineer.  Despite the fact that they are both dead, and have been for weeks.  The Self Destruct is non-functional, but even if it wasn't we don't want to risk sending whatever virus or bacteria caused this out to be picked up by another ship.  The best thing for us to do is leave the automated bio warning out so that Starfleet knows what happened and doesn't try to board.  If we had engines I could have pushed the ship into the sun.  -cough- Mom, Dad, if this log gets to you"¦"

Log 9

"œThis is the Emergency Medical Hologram.  At 5:53 ship time, the last member of the crew of the USS Jupiter succumbed to an unknown agent and ceased all living functions. Unfortunately this means there is no one here to turn off my program, and all I am doing is contributing to drain of power.  I estimate my program will not have enough power to remain active in 12 years, 7 months, 15 days, 4 hours and 17 minutes.  Life support and other critical systems should expire in 19 years, 4 months, 2 days, and 54 minutes. There is no risk of a core breach or anything that would put the physical ship in danger. I imagine the Jupiter will remain adrift in this location indefinitely, or at least until the nearby red giant finally goes supernova.  Consider this report to the final log of the USS Jupiter NCC 27813.  End Log."

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter


I don't Know, Use to using Tactical that's about it, But I will do my best, Where do you want me?

"Science," Vila replied, instantly. "See if you can see anything in the logs that may help us to determine what the hell is happening," she said. "Why are the holoemitters acting up? Why did we get an SOS from a long-dead crew?"

She turned back to the Ops console as a communique came in.


Discovery to Jupiter, we read you.  Transfer signal to channel Alpha 3, I'll be in my ready room to receive the logs...Lorut, this is the Captain.  Ready to receive logs.  Be advised that we are shielding you from increasing radiation; not to put a rush, but this star isn't going to last long...

=/\=Yes, sir. Standby...=/\= A moment later, her PADD confirmed that the Captain had received the logs. There were many-nine in total. She hadn't read them-to her credit, she wasn't a snoop or untrustworthy. She'd simply transferred the codes from the Holoemitter to her PADD, and then back to the Disco.

"Dersch, any luck? I can cover it now," she said. She tapped her Comms again.

=/\= Garrison, this is Lorut. I have power to CONN and the Big Chair, if you want to come up...I am accessing the Science console log. I think it might be able to tell us more. =/\=

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 12, 2023, 04:44:46 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

A conflict of regulations... on one hand, protecting the ship.  On the other, possible quarantine issues with the ship.  Instinct told him to move the ship.  Experience and expertise told him that the star wasn't yet a threat to the ship.

"I'll take that under advisement.  I'm sure the away team is aware, but they seem to have their hands full.  And the only way to get a tractor beam lock is to expose them to potentially damaging radiation.  That star is getting ready to go, but not yet... hold position and divert additional power to dorsal and deflector shields.  We'll stay until Jupiter is able to move under her own power." he stated, shaking his head.

He looked in concern at Rayek, raising an eyebrow.  "There is still the question of how anything could have gone aboard... let alone why our XO is showing symptoms.  I'll handle the Jupiter.  Rayek you have the bridge as long as you are fit for duty."

=/\= "Discovery to Jupiter, we read you.  Transfer signal to channel Alpha 3, I'll be in my ready room to receive the logs." =/\=

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Aye captain. We'll keep her steady as we can."

Malik knew that the Ops officer on duty would take care of the shield increase, hopefully they would hold out before the star went supernova and sent them all to the great pleasure-garden in the sky. The captain seemed assured and the Risan took comfort in that. He watched and listened as the first officer was reported as having a raised temperature. That meant the quarantined bridge was now exposed to the mysterious illness. Malik pressed a palm to his throat trying to judge his temperature, was he running hot? The doc had just taken his temperature and it reported as normal, but if the first officer was infected then so were the rest of the bridge staff now.

Malik watched the viewscreen and saw the USS Jupiter's impulse engines come to life, the away teams were making progress at least. He turned his attention to helm, "Mr Graham, how do you feel? Any new symptoms?"

Malik swallowed, his throat feeling scratchy. Was that new? It was probably just his mind playing tricks.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 12, 2023, 09:15:26 PM

USS Jupiter

"Science," Vila replied, instantly. "See if you can see anything in the logs that may help us to determine what the hell is happening," she said. "Why are the holoemitters acting up? Why did we get an SOS from a long-dead crew?"

She turned back to the Ops console as a communique came in.

=/\=Yes, sir. Standby...=/\= A moment later, her PADD confirmed that the Captain had received the logs. There were many-nine in total. She hadn't read them-to her credit, she wasn't a snoop or untrustworthy. She'd simply transferred the codes from the Holoemitter to her PADD, and then back to the Disco.

"Dersch, any luck? I can cover it now," she said. She tapped her Comms again.

=/\= Garrison, this is Lorut. I have power to CONN and the Big Chair, if you want to come up...I am accessing the Science console log. I think it might be able to tell us more. =/\=

| USS Jupiter | Science Station | Ensign JB Dersch | SEC/TAC |

"Copy that" Replied Dersch.  After a Few moments Vila asked "Dersch, any luck? I can cover it now,".He stepped back and said "No, Which angers the living hell out of me." He took a Step back and Took up the Tactical station.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 13, 2023, 07:09:57 AM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Aye captain. We'll keep her steady as we can."

Malik knew that the Ops officer on duty would take care of the shield increase, hopefully they would hold out before the star went supernova and sent them all to the great pleasure-garden in the sky. The captain seemed assured and the Risan took comfort in that. He watched and listened as the first officer was reported as having a raised temperature. That meant the quarantined bridge was now exposed to the mysterious illness. Malik pressed a palm to his throat trying to judge his temperature, was he running hot? The doc had just taken his temperature and it reported as normal, but if the first officer was infected then so were the rest of the bridge staff now.

Malik watched the viewscreen and saw the USS Jupiter's impulse engines come to life, the away teams were making progress at least. He turned his attention to helm, "Mr Graham, how do you feel? Any new symptoms?"

Malik swallowed, his throat feeling scratchy. Was that new? It was probably just his mind playing tricks.

[USS Discovery-bridge]

"œThere's no new symptoms that I know of besides a scratchy throat. I'll make a note if anything new appears in terms of symptoms Mr. Grippen." He wondered if it was a normal symptom or if he was going crazy. He had no idea what symptoms he was supposed to be on the lookout for. He was just going to make note if anything changes from the normal symptoms.

Kinley Garrison




Dranik snarled at the ghostly crew of the Jupiter as one of their phaser's stun blasts connected to Orosith and dropped her. He turned to look at Lek and saw that the Ferengi was planning. Hopefully, he had guessed Lek's next course of action correctly. Korvox bared his teeth at the ghostly crew as Dranik grabbed Orosith and pulled her out of the way before checking her vital signs. "Stunned but still breathing."

Kinley nodded to Dranik as he came over to help with the downed crewman, who was slowly coming to under their care. It was certainly odd that the holograms, or whatever they were were trying to just stun them and tell them to get off the ship. If they were really unwelcome here, why were they not using lethal force? "œMr. Dranik, I need your insight as someone who knows tactics. Don't you think it's weird that Orosith was just stunned? It doesn't make much sense unless there's something that doesn't want us here for some reason. she said, pensively watching the rest of the Engineering team doing their work on the ship,

=/\=Lorut, Dersch are fine. I have systems up and running. No location on Reid. She's MIA.=/\=


=/\= Garrison, this is Lorut. I have power to CONN and the Big Chair, if you want to come up...I am accessing the Science console log. I think it might be able to tell us more. =/\=

Kinley nodded. "œGood. Now that the systems are up, I'll review them and help you see if the computers are working. Clearly, there's something up involving the Hologram systems here. 

Speaking of the hologram systems, she got another communication.


"Your'e Welcome" He said as he took a Defense Spot behind Vila as she worked. Once finished she yelled Look Alive. He ran after her and once on the bridge he took his spot back on the Bridge where he was earlier before escorting Mrs. Vila to the Ready room. =^= Dersch to Commander Garrison, We are going good, Here on the Bridge, But keep having the Sites of What would be either ghosts or Holograms, Are you having the same problems?=^=

=/\= "œ We've gotten the holograms or whatever they are under control with a concentrated EMP blast to short-circuit the holographics system,  Mr Dersch. It seems like they are directly related to that system. =/\=

She turned to the Engineers as they were fixing up the ship. "œIf you've got that under control, keep me in the loop. I'm going to be headed to the bridge to see what I can figure out up there. Mr. Dranik, would you accompany me up there?" she asked, before she received a ping on her PADD. The ship's logs. Taking a quick skim at what she saw from those logs, she realized just what happened here, These people all died here very suddenly from some disease.  Maybe those same people they had seen in the holograms. She wasn't sure why the bodies were nowhere to be seen.

[A little bit later]


The way up still had holograms, some of them still in their endless cycle, still harmless but more still seemed to be looking like they were succumbing to whatever had killed them.
Kinley nodded to the crew as she came back up to the Bridge and began perusing the science data they uncovered. It seems like there were some scans that they made of the nebula and even some of the last notes from the scientists trying to study what was going on and to find some kind of a cure before they died. She forwarded those logs to Discovery as well. Maybe they would be useful as well.

"œGreat job guys! Alright, we need to get this ship up and running as soon as possible so we can let Discovery move out before the gravitational eddies overwhelm the ship. Ms. Lorut, I'm giving you and the rest of Ops permission to hack the computer so we can get full command of the ship. Not even sure if any of our current command codes are even going to work on this old thing, so, we're going to have to do this manually .

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter

Vila was still tapping away at the console, forcing the old machines to hum to life. Between her and Engineering, they may have an iota of hope of figuring out what the hell was going on and why the hell it was going on.


"No, Which angers the living hell out of me

"Yeah. Go to the Tactical console. See what you can find out," she said.

Commander Garrison radioed back.


Good. Now that the systems are up, I'll review them and help you see if the computers are working. Clearly, there's something up involving the Hologram systems here.

=/\=Yes, ma'am. So far, I can't find it, but the systems are old and it takes time. =/\= She was good at her job, but she wasn't a magician. She couldn't make something appear that simply didn't exist yet.

We've gotten the holograms or whatever they are under control with a concentrated EMP blast to short-circuit the holographics system...It seems like they are directly related to that system.

She nodded, but returned to her station.

"œ Ms. Lorut, I'm giving you and the rest of Ops permission to hack the computer so we can get full command of the ship. Not even sure if any of our current command codes are even going to work on this old thing, so, we're going to have to do this manually.

She looked up.

"Aye, ma'am. The Command console is up, if you'd like," she said, gesturing to the big chair.

She turned back, pressing some buttons. This would be so much easier if the computer system was newer-she didn't have the several hours it would take to bring them to the present and bring them online. She was going to have to do it the old-fashioned way.


"Commander, you have an override code? If not, I have one," she said. She'd used Ben's-it was the very least he could do.

"I'll need it in a moment," she said. "Enter".

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Lorut Vila on September 14, 2023, 11:31:44 PM

USS Jupiter

"Yeah. Go to the Tactical console. See what you can find out," she said.

| USS Jupiter | Bridge | TAC Station | Ensign JB Dersch |

"Copy that" Dersch said as he took up tactical station. At least no one have gotten hurt on this mission, But it has been quite the Away mission through...Wait till I tell Kate she will freak about the Holograms, She hates those things, But Katie don't

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |


USS Jupiter

"œMr. Dranik, I need your insight as someone who knows tactics. Don't you think it's weird that Orosith was just stunned? It doesn't make much sense unless there's something that doesn't want us here for some reason.

Dranik thought for a moment before responding. "I have a few theories, Sir. Most aren't worth mentioning as they are far too outlandish to be plausible. My first theory is that perhaps whoever or whatever shot Orosith had it's weapon locked to stun somehow. My second theory is that if we are fighting a holographic crew, it's possible they may have rudimentary safety protocols engaged. Or perhaps the crew of the Jupiter rigged up some sort of emergency defense system and that is what we are dealing with now."

The Hirogen shrugged his shoulders. "As I said, I do have a few other theories, sir. I just don't see how they could be plausible."

Hirogen Male


Quote from: Lek on September 11, 2023, 12:18:17 PM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

With M'Nia and Gohun's assistance, soon the Jupiter's impulse engine had powered up giving the ship additional power, and more importantly, the ability to maneuver. Once he was comfortable that everything was stable, Lek spoke through the comm link on his suit.

=/\= "Lek to bridge. We have impulse. We are beginning the initiation process on the warp core, that's going to take at least an hour. However, based on everything I've seen so far, we should be warp capable at that time. Lek out." =/\=

"Well while we're waiting for the warp engines to warm up, i suggest we check the other systems to make sure they are ok. I want to make sure everything is as it should be!" M'nia said.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

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