Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Rayek trLhoell

Quote from: Tekin Nevir

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]
A conflict of regulations... on one hand, protecting the ship. On tr other, possible quarantine issues with the ship. Instinct told him t move the ship. Experience and expertise told him that the star wasn't yet a threat to the ship.
"I'll take that under advisement. I'm sure the away team is aware but they seem to have their hands full. And the only way to get a tractor beam lock is to expose them to potentially damaging radiation. That star is getting ready to go, but not yet... hold position and divert additional power to dorsal and deflector shields We'll stay until Jupiter is able to move under her own power." he stated, shaking his head.

The Captain's decision to remain was risky, however Rayek had long become familiar with how the Federation and Starfleet in particular tended to accept an inordinate amount of risk when they felt there was gain enough and when key individuals were involved.  Lek tended to be one such individual.  Rayek also had the belief that Lieutenant Kinley and the new Operations personnel were also those types that would rise to the challenges facing them and overcome them.   Rayek also had every confidence in the skills of the security teams he had assembled.  They were all good people and would ensure the safety of the Away Teams.

The Romulan acknowledged the Captain's order with a nod ordering Torra to divert the additional power as requested by then Captain. Then it was his turn to be scanned by the doctor.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir

He looked in concern at Rayek, raising an eyebrow. "There is still the question of how anything could have gone aboard... let alone why our XO is showing symptoms. I'll handle the Jupiter. Rayek you have the bridge as long as you are fit for duty.
=/\= "Discovery to Jupiter, we read you. Transfer signal to channel
Alpha 3, I'll be in my ready room to receive the logs." =/\=
The Captain left his chair quickly and went into his room.

The Romulan blinked as his request regarding quarantine was ignored and instead he was ordered to remain in command of the Bridge until deemed unfit for duty.

Well, given that the only one who could counter the Captain's order was the Chief Medical Officer or in this case his second since Thane himself had contracted the illness, Rayek settled himself into his seat.

"Sorry doctor, it seems I'm still needed here on the Bridge.  I will inform you if I begin to feel ill, but as of right now I am fully capable of performing my duties.  If this illness is something contagious or airborne fetch me a mask.  I'll wear it to prevent its spread, but otherwise I recommend you look into the cause of this illness."

In the quiet of the bridge afterwards, Rayek listened to the two pilots talk - and couldn't help but swallow wondering if his suddenly dry, scratchy throat was all in his head. 

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Malik Grippen


[Bridge, USS Discovery]

Malik continued to monitor the star's activity and nebula currents with concern, he hoped Lek on the Jupiter would get the engines running soon otherwise they would all be turned into dust. The Risan coughed, trying to clear the tightness in his throat but it only made it worse. It definitely wasn't in his imagination, his throat was starting to feel like sandpaper. He cursed inwardly at the no cupholders protocol, a drink would be most welcome right now.

He turned to the rest of the bridge crew, "Do we actually know what this supposed virus is? Or how it got aboard so quickly after we arrived."

He felt vulnerable and powerless to do anything. Then his vision started to go blurry, the Risan wiped his eyes trying to focus them but that only caused tinnitus to start ringing in his ears. How was it that he felt this awful, this quickly? "Is anyone else seeing double or is that just me...ughh..."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Tanner Lachlyn

[USS Jupiter - Engineering]

With the knowledge that the transparent figures weren't going to harm them, Tanner had her team stand down. Now it was time to explore and search the decks.

"Let's make our way down. I've noted some areas to check and they should show up on your visor display. Recreation, medical, cargo bays..."Tanner said with a nod, "I for one have no desire to check the morgue but we need to."

She nodded to the team and motioned for them to head out.

"Hey," She said to Lek, "I've left behind one security officer. Use them if you need an extra pair of hands." Tanner grinned, "Security is good at lifting things."

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 16, 2023, 03:00:20 PM

[Bridge, USS Discovery]

Malik continued to monitor the star's activity and nebula currents with concern, he hoped Lek on the Jupiter would get the engines running soon otherwise they would all be turned into dust. The Risan coughed, trying to clear the tightness in his throat but it only made it worse. It definitely wasn't in his imagination, his throat was starting to feel like sandpaper. He cursed inwardly at the no cupholders protocol, a drink would be most welcome right now.

He turned to the rest of the bridge crew, "Do we actually know what this supposed virus is? Or how it got aboard so quickly after we arrived."

He felt vulnerable and powerless to do anything. Then his vision started to go blurry, the Risan wiped his eyes trying to focus them but that only caused tinnitus to start ringing in his ears. How was it that he felt this awful, this quickly? "Is anyone else seeing double or is that just me...ughh..."

[Bridge | USS Discovery]
After Dem sat down (sufficiently away from Rayek who he had just diagnosed with symptoms), Mallik voiced his concerns. Dem quickly stood up, and walked towards him while opening his tricorder. Dem tried as hard as he could to focus on the specific task in front of him, but he could not help but think what would happen if he caught the virus. He was afraid to go near anyone. "œHmm." Dem spoke, confused when he started to scan the weary man. "œYour temperature is fine, biosigns normal. Just abnormally stimulated brain activity." Dem had not seen this virus expressed in a Risian yet, so he surmised that it was a different manifestation of the preliminary stages of the virus. "œHow do you feel?" Dem asked, thinking about what he could do.

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[Bridge | USS Discovery]

After Dem sat down (sufficiently away from Rayek who he had just diagnosed with symptoms), Mallik voiced his concerns. Dem quickly stood up, and walked towards him while opening his tricorder. Dem tried as hard as he could to focus on the specific task in front of him, but he could not help but think what would happen if he caught the virus. He was afraid to go near anyone. "œHmm." Dem spoke, confused when he started to scan the weary man. "œYour temperature is fine, biosigns normal. Just abnormally stimulated brain activity." Dem had not seen this virus expressed in a Risian yet, so he surmised that it was a different manifestation of the preliminary stages of the virus. "œHow do you feel?" Dem asked, thinking about what he could do.

Alexander Graham

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 16, 2023, 03:00:20 PM

[Bridge, USS Discovery]

Malik continued to monitor the star's activity and nebula currents with concern, he hoped Lek on the Jupiter would get the engines running soon otherwise they would all be turned into dust. The Risan coughed, trying to clear the tightness in his throat but it only made it worse. It definitely wasn't in his imagination, his throat was starting to feel like sandpaper. He cursed inwardly at the no cupholders protocol, a drink would be most welcome right now.

He turned to the rest of the bridge crew, "Do we actually know what this supposed virus is? Or how it got aboard so quickly after we arrived."

He felt vulnerable and powerless to do anything. Then his vision started to go blurry, the Risan wiped his eyes trying to focus them but that only caused tinnitus to start ringing in his ears. How was it that he felt this awful, this quickly? "Is anyone else seeing double or is that just me...ughh..."

[USS Discovery-Bridge]

Alex looked concerned as seeing double wouldn't be good for a pilot especially the one at the helm. "œMr. Grippen I don't think you are the only one that is seeing double. Is this one of the symptoms from that virus?" He figured that any other questions that he asked could be asked to the medical officer. He had other concerns but he wasn't going to come to conclusions just yet.

J.B Dersch


| Bridge | USS Jupiter | Ensign JB Dersch | SEC/TAC |

=^= Dersch to  Lachlyn, Do want me to take some Officers and Help take a Look Around Or Stay on the Bridge?=^= Dersch was happy with either Response either it would be a No or a yes. Kinda Interested in whats on the Ship, What if we find some of the Real Crew....They can't be alive....Man this is going to be a Interesting Next few hours. Dersch moved over to the Turbo lift doors, Taking a Position next to the Sensor so it didn't keep opening, Standing by for Lachyln's response.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Tekin Nevir

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain suddenly flew out of the Ready Room and made for his chair with a palpable sense of urgency.

"Is the Jupiter's Bridge online?  Good... hail them." he ordered as soon as he heard the affirmative.

It took a bit, but soon they were connected to the Bridge of the Jupiter.

"Kinley... I need a status update.  Have you been able to account for the crew?  Or access the Emergency Medical Hologram?" he asked, taking a deep breath.

"Because whatever happened to the Jupiter... its happening to Discovery."

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on September 16, 2023, 09:19:12 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

After Dem sat down (sufficiently away from Rayek who he had just diagnosed with symptoms), Mallik voiced his concerns. Dem quickly stood up, and walked towards him while opening his tricorder. Dem tried as hard as he could to focus on the specific task in front of him, but he could not help but think what would happen if he caught the virus. He was afraid to go near anyone. "œHmm." Dem spoke, confused when he started to scan the weary man. "œYour temperature is fine, biosigns normal. Just abnormally stimulated brain activity." Dem had not seen this virus expressed in a Risian yet, so he surmised that it was a different manifestation of the preliminary stages of the virus. "œHow do you feel?" Dem asked, thinking about what he could do.

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Abnormal? As in, not-normal? *cough*" Malik's throat tightened up again and his vision continued to go sporadically blurry, it was like all the worst parts of a hangover. "I feel like I've got a case of Vulcan Flu. I contracted it one time after a vigorous jamaharon with a Vulcan tourist...*cough*. You know, I would feel a lot better if we could take some clothes off..."

Malik then looked to Alex as he replied stating he to was sharing similar symptoms, then watched as the captain came out of the ready room and confirmed the symptoms definitely weren't in their imagination. "We're *cough* not going to be able to pilot *cough cough* the ship, with vision like jello." The thought of Jello triggered a pang of hunger in the Risan's stomach, a feeling that was quickly replaced with nausea.

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter

Vila was still hacking away at the Jupiter's internal systems, trying everything she knew to do. The systems were old, outdated, and slow, only frustrating the already-high strung Bajoran further. So when a hail from the Discovery came, she let out an audible sigh. "Ugh, what now?" Still, she answered the call.

"Commander Garrison, it's Captain Tekin," she said, bringing him up on the Viewscreen. She hadn't actually met the man yet-she'd only been aboard the Discovery for a few weeks, and miraculously had managed to avoid being sent to him. Yet.

It better be good, she muttered under her breath, turning back to her Console to finish her hacks. Soon, she'd be able to beam it all over to Commander tr'Lhoell and get back. She was overdue for a Gin Fizz.

Kinley Garrison


With the knowledge that the transparent figures weren't going to harm them, Tanner had her team stand down. Now it was time to explore and search the decks.

"Let's make our way down. I've noted some areas to check and they should show up on your visor display. Recreation, medical, cargo bays..."Tanner said with a nod, "I for one have no desire to check the morgue but we need to."

She nodded to the team and motioned for them to head out.

"Hey," She said to Lek, "I've left behind one security officer. Use them if you need an extra pair of hands."Tanner grinned, "Security is good at lifting things."

Coming into the pristine-looking medbay, all that could be seen was empty bio-beds and medical tools, seemingly unmoved since the last members of the ship were here. However, like the rest of the ship, there were no bones, no remains of the dead. The EMH flickered into appearance, somberly moving to the rest of the crew almost seeming to be stating the names of the fallen crew , not noticing the officers coming in. "œ-Crewman Trevora, Stardate of vaporization: 22714.9037, Lieutenant T'Rith; Stardate of vaporization"¦"œ He finally seemed to notice the incoming crew. "œHello, Please state the nature of your medical emergency."œ


[As Kinley]


Mr. Dranik, I need your insight as someone who knows tactics. Don't you think it's weird that Orosith was just stunned? It doesn't make much sense unless there's something that doesn't want us here for some reason.

Dranik thought for a moment before responding. "I have a few theories, Sir. Most aren't worth mentioning as they are far too outlandish to be plausible. My first theory is that perhaps whoever or whatever shot Orosith had it's weapon locked to stun somehow. My second theory is that if we are fighting a holographic crew, it's possible they may have rudimentary safety protocols engaged. Or perhaps the crew of the Jupiter rigged up some sort of emergency defense system and that is what we are dealing with now."

The Hirogen shrugged his shoulders. "As I said, I do have a few other theories, sir. I just don't see how they could be plausible."

"œ Intriguing. Like maybe they didn't want us dead, just off the ship. Why, I'm not sure. Something definitely to think about. "œ she said.

"Commander Garrison, it's Captain Tekin," she said, bringing him up on the Viewscreen. She hadn't actually met the man yet-she'd only been aboard the Discovery for a few weeks, and miraculously had managed to avoid being sent to him. Yet.

As the ship computer warmed up, Kinley heard Vila mention that the ship was receiving a hail.
"œ Thank you. I'll take it. Keep trying what you've got. If needs be, look into old command codes in the Starfleet archives from Discovery. Maybe we might be able to find some old code that might work. "œ


"Kinley... I need a status update.  Have you been able to account for the crew?  Or access the Emergency Medical Hologram?" he asked, taking a deep breath.

"Because whatever happened to the Jupiter... its happening to Discovery."

Kinley picked up the hail from the Discovery. It was Tekin, and he looked serious. The Discovery was facing the same thing that killed the crew of the Jupiter ? That wasn't good at all.

=/\= "œ Acknowledged, sir. I have a team scoping out the medbay right now. Will check up with them immediately. So far the away team is negative on any symptoms of what the Jupiter had. Likely since we're still in our suits. We're still working on getting the ship ready to fly. The computer systems are proving hard to work with. Can you send us some old codes from the archives? We'll keep you updated.=/\=

Tapping immediately on her commbadge, she asked Tanner. =/\= This is Garrison here. Have you found anything in medbay? We need to get the EMH's records asap.=/\=

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 18, 2023, 04:46:13 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

"Abnormal? As in, not-normal? *cough*" Malik's throat tightened up again and his vision continued to go sporadically blurry, it was like all the worst parts of a hangover. "I feel like I've got a case of Vulcan Flu. I contracted it one time after a vigorous jamaharon with a Vulcan tourist...*cough*. You know, I would feel a lot better if we could take some clothes off..."

Malik then looked to Alex as he replied stating he to was sharing similar symptoms, then watched as the captain came out of the ready room and confirmed the symptoms definitely weren't in their imagination. "We're *cough* not going to be able to pilot *cough cough* the ship, with vision like jello." The thought of Jello triggered a pang of hunger in the Risan's stomach, a feeling that was quickly replaced with nausea.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Just as Dem was going to recommend these two officers vacate the bridge, his combadge beeped. "œBetaika to Broadshire. We have had a massive influx of patients from decks one, two and three. They virus may somehow be in the air filtration system". Without missing a beat, Dem paced to the nearest environmental control systems panel, conveniently nearby to the two sluggish pilots. "œI am shutting down and rebooting the biofilters in these decks. Don't worry, have enough air in circulation for the moment." Dem swallowed nervously, noticing slight scratchiness when he did. Hoping it was just his mind, he pressed on. After he had successfully started the reboot process, Dem noticed his hands were shaking and his breath was sharp and rapid. While he would like to blame it on this mystery virus, he knew it was his nerves. He hit the control panel softly with his fist, whispering "œpull it together Dem".

Tanner Lachlyn

Quote from: J.B Dersch on September 18, 2023, 12:50:13 PM

| Bridge | USS Jupiter | Ensign JB Dersch | SEC/TAC |

=^= Dersch to  Lachlyn, Do want me to take some Officers and Help take a Look Around Or Stay on the Bridge?=^= Dersch was happy with either Response either it would be a No or a yes. Kinda Interested in whats on the Ship, What if we find some of the Real Crew....They can't be alive....Man this is going to be a Interesting Next few hours. Dersch moved over to the Turbo lift doors, Taking a Position next to the Sensor so it didn't keep opening, Standing by for Lachyln's response.

Tanner was surprised at the question, as he was a team leader himself, "Go for it." She said with a nod, even though nobody but her could see the motion, "Just make sure to leave someone behind on the Bridge."

J.B Dersch

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on September 19, 2023, 01:04:46 PM

Tanner was surprised at the question, as he was a team leader himself, "Go for it." She said with a nod, even though nobody but her could see the motion, "Just make sure to leave someone behind on the Bridge."

| Bridge | USS Jupiter | Ensign JB Dersch | SEC/TAC Officer |

=^=Copy that=^= He Left Helga in charge on the Bridge and took Crewmen Jensen"Jensen with me, We are going for a field trip" He moved to the Turbolift and Clicked the Medical Deck.Go here first, Then check Security...Then Will go from there. As Doors shut and the Lift started to move, It grinded a Bit from old age but it slowly made the trip. Soon they arrvied at the Medical Bay Deck. They then begun the walk to Medical. Leaving Foot Prints making the hall look even more ghostly or Even Horror like.

  "Nothing Is Unknown If It has not Been Discovered" Lt. JG JB Dersch
| Human Male | Age:28 | 1.82m | Deputy Chief Sec/Tac Officer | Outpost Solaere |

Zavrol Gohun


Having received orders to check the ship for bodies Gohun sets a tricorder to detect movement that both determined if there was a hologram or biological life. Then he took his phaser rifle. With the cheek firmly welded to the stock, eye relief is correct for the sight, the trigger arm is chicken-winged to the side, and the support arm rests against the chest, creating a stable platform for the front of the rifle. Gohun was ready to go from deck to deck searching for remains or examine the holo recordings to determine what happened.
In the past lower decks were used for different things. Cables are typically stashed in this location, which is typically submerged. With a star ship the idea of water is not part of the consideration but the decks are still used for storage. This was the area that Gohun was searching.
It was not surprising to Gohun that he found no bodies. What he did find were things that could not be made with a replicator. Spare parts that would be needed in dire emergencies. After going into several of the rooms Gohun noticed that they were all in place not one thing was missing.


Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on September 16, 2023, 06:37:58 PM

[USS Jupiter - Engineering]

With the knowledge that the transparent figures weren't going to harm them, Tanner had her team stand down. Now it was time to explore and search the decks.

"Let's make our way down. I've noted some areas to check and they should show up on your visor display. Recreation, medical, cargo bays..."Tanner said with a nod, "I for one have no desire to check the morgue but we need to."

She nodded to the team and motioned for them to head out.

"Hey," She said to Lek, "I've left behind one security officer. Use them if you need an extra pair of hands." Tanner grinned, "Security is good at lifting things."

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek gave Tanner a friendly wave as he replied.

"I'll be here. Cold starting the warp core will take at least another hour."

Alt of Ian Galloway

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