Season 15: Episode 3 - Restless Spirit

Started by Tekin Nevir, August 16, 2023, 04:22:26 PM

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Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 28, 2023, 02:49:16 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Slowly it seemed that the Bridge was being overtaken by the ill as he started hearing and seeing symptoms in his bridge crew.  There was something different.. there had to be.

"The Jupiter didn't succumb this fast.. it took a few weeks... but it seems to be accelerating with us. We may have even less... time... than they did..." he said, drifiting off as he watched his own vision start to blur and pain behind his eye form.

"Computer... initiate Condition Blue, biohazard alert Level 3.  Set all essential systems to automated control."

=/\= ATTENTION, ATTENTION.  Blue Alert Level 3 has been initiated.  All non-medical, non-senior officers and lower are to report to their quarters for quarantine.  Bio-isolation fields will be initiated in 20 minutes.  =/\=

"Malik, Alex, and Dem, you remain here.  The rest of you return to your quarters now.  That means you too, Rayek." the Captain ordered, clearing the bridge.  The four of them were already infected, but he needed someone to stand by in case of a systems error.

Another shudder, as a wave of solar energy impacted the dorsal shields.  They had fallen, but they were still holding steady.

This was not good. M'nia felt ok but apparently several of the away team were getting sick and that worried her.  She would follow to protocol but was worried about the ship and the computer. Would it hurt them? She couldn't be sure. but looked like they had to take that chance for now! She looked to Lek, "do we stay and start the engines or head to quarantine right away?"

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter


Do it... I've unlocked everything. Let me know how that works. Also, how is everyone feeling? Is anyone starting to get any signs of infection?

Vila, being herself, hadn't actually waited for permissions to start the scans-she had them already running. "Thank you," she murmured, eyes trained forward. "I feel fine," she said. "Why do you ask? Anything I am exposed to out here, I was likely inoculated with already when I was in the labor camps," she said, matter-of-factly. "Or at least, something similar." She said.

She tapped her Comms. =/\=Jupiter to Discovery. I am uploading the Computer's logs to you now.=/\= She sent the data files to the Disco, hoping they would be received. She had no idea if the old systems that the Jupiter ran could even do that kind of thing.


I saw the members of this brave ship die one by one. Not in the glories of a battle, but by something that took them without a fight. And no one came back. I have waited 9131.25 days. 9131.25 days alone and abandoned. Left only with my memories, which you've destroyed.  And now you come from Starfleet, taking this last place I have too!...Um, Computer? This is Lieutenant Commander Garrison of the USS Discovery. I'm the commanding officer for this mission with Captains' orders to move us out. We're here to bring this ship back, but right now, We need to get the ship out of this nebula. I'm sorry you've lost your crew, But our crew might be facing the same fate as yours unless we get this ship out. We can tow you out or we can pilot this ship. Your choice.

Vila sighed deeply, but turned to the Science officer. "Computer. Do as she says, or not only will I personally phase you, I will delete you. Try me." She turned back to her task then, and shrugged. It was true, anyway. A single press of a button, and the entire ship's memory could be wiped clean.

"Garrison, results of the scans coming to you now," she said. She radioed down to Engineering.

=/\=Bridge to Engineering. Lorut here. All systems should be go. Advise of any problems.=/\= She clicked off. Short, to the point.


Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 28, 2023, 02:49:16 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Slowly it seemed that the Bridge was being overtaken by the ill as he started hearing and seeing symptoms in his bridge crew.  There was something different.. there had to be.

"The Jupiter didn't succumb this fast.. it took a few weeks... but it seems to be accelerating with us. We may have even less... time... than they did..." he said, drifiting off as he watched his own vision start to blur and pain behind his eye form.

"Computer... initiate Condition Blue, biohazard alert Level 3.  Set all essential systems to automated control."

=/\= ATTENTION, ATTENTION.  Blue Alert Level 3 has been initiated.  All non-medical, non-senior officers and lower are to report to their quarters for quarantine.  Bio-isolation fields will be initiated in 20 minutes.  =/\=

"Malik, Alex, and Dem, you remain here.  The rest of you return to your quarters now.  That means you too, Rayek." the Captain ordered, clearing the bridge.  The four of them were already infected, but he needed someone to stand by in case of a systems error.

Another shudder, as a wave of solar energy impacted the dorsal shields.  They had fallen, but they were still holding steady.

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek heard the call from the Captain and his heart sank. Whatever had killed the crew of the Jupiter seemed to be sweeping through Discovery and there was nothing he could do about it. He opened the channel on his EVA suit and spoke as steadily as he could.

"Lek to Discovery, I'm an engineer not a doctor, but could it be that the nebula is causing the sickness? Jupiter is warp capable, can't we make a short warp jump to get back to normal space? It might not work, but it's at least worth a try."

Lek promised the give the Blessed Exchequer five bars of gold pressed latinum if escaping the nebula would save the crew of the Discovery.

Alt of Ian Galloway

Kinley Garrison

They had warp power now. But there were also greater problems.A sentient ship might be the least of their concerns, but it was certainly a concern. =/\= Acknowledged, Lek. Thank you. =/\= They would have to figure out what to do with the Jupiter later.

[color=teal' "œThe rest of the Discovery has gotten what they have. We're not sure how it got onboard there, and it's possible that it's infiltrated the ship itself, so we shouldn't be too

The computer seemed to pause, before it spoke again, almost regretfully.

"œI see. I will let you control this ship. I do not want to be dismantled. I have been left far too long to lose all my power here. I would rather not be left alone again."

"œThank you. If you could, move us into position besides the Discovery, that would be greatly appreciated.  Also, If your crew did have something to fight this virus, I think we need it sooner rather than later. but   " Kinley asked, bringing the Discovery into view. She pulled up a science panel, as old as it was, to view the star. It looked ready to flare.

[Morgue] - As the EMH
The EMH flickered into view as he was summoned. "œHello there. The computer has told me that you seek the formula. It has not been thoroughly tested, as the last crewman died before he could synthesize it but hypothetically, it should bring the virus in control long enough for a full antidote to be created for the ship.
[Bridge again- as Kinley]
=/\= Captain? We have full control of the Jupiter and she's warp capable. We need to get out of the nebula, now. You're not looking too good. It looks like there is a potential treatment in the databanks we'll be sending over to you.'
We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Malik Grippen

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 23, 2023, 09:59:16 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Acknowledged, don't rely on the suits.  Whatever it was traveled through our shields, hulls, and filters... and it looks like it did the same over there.  Work as quickly as you can." he said, watching as Lorut was able to figure out the ship's registry and reactivate the computer systems.  Nevir couldn't help but smile at the viewscreen.

"Excellent work, I'm transmitting complete security clearance codes now." he stated, tapping on his chair.  On the Jupiter, the tactical, security, and command terminals flashed and opened fully, allowing full use as if they were Captain level officers.

"I'm giving you guys an hour to get her propulsion online and moving under her own power.  I'm not liking the reading I'm getting from the star.  Captain out." he stated, closing the channel. Once the view of the Jupiter's bridge was replaced by the nebula in front of them, the crew was treated to colors of ionizing gases... an aurora.

"One hour... then we take our chances with the tractor beam or scuttle the ship."

At about the same time as the computer on the Jupiter came to life booming to the away team, a power surge seemed to hit discovery, causing the lights to flicker, consoles to beep, and a shudder in the ship.  And something else....

"What was that?"

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

Malik continued to feel horrible as the captain ordered stricter quarantine protocols. Malik was pleased he didn't have to retreat to his quarters, as he didn't think he could make it more than a few meters without collapsing. His spirits were raised however when commander Kinley mentioned a potential cure and that the Jupiter was now warp capable.

"Finally, I suggest we leave, captain."

Species: Risian | Age: 29 | Profile | Personal Log | Character Images

Tanner Lachlyn

[USS Jupiter- Morgue]


The EMH flickered into view as he was summoned. "œHello there. The computer has told me that you seek the formula. It has not been thoroughly tested, as the last crewman died before he could synthesize it but hypothetically, it should bring the virus in control long enough for a full antidote to be created for the ship.

The relief at those words were a wave over Tanner and she almost broke down. The crew had worked on a cure to their very last breath. If only she could let them know that their work would possibly save lives still.

"Yes" Tanner said sounding far more desperate than she'd wanted to, "I do seek the formula.Can you transmit it to the Discovery?"

Emily thought for a moment and then addressed Kinley, "Commander, the formula this EMH speaks of will be of use. I suggest we alert sickbay and get them prepped to synthesize the antiviral. As it's not tested, we have no way of knowing but I'd like to hope.

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 26, 2023, 04:26:51 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

Malik watched with blurred vision as the ship's doctor appeared to be acting strangely, maybe he to was infected. The Risan was about to ask to be excused from duty so he could collapse, when the Discovery was hit by a power surge of some kind causing Malik's console to flicker for a moment. He wasn't a scientist or an engineer, so he didn't really know what had just occurred - but it probably wasn't good. The captain asked what it was, but Malik's terminal had little to offer.

"It appears to have been a power surge of some kind, captain, the origin *cough* I'm unable to determine. It doesn't appear to have caused any damage to the ship. *cough cough*."

He then turned to the ship's doctor, "Doc, if there's a treatment you can give us to get rid of this sickness please do. My throat feels dry as sand."

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 28, 2023, 02:49:16 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Slowly it seemed that the Bridge was being overtaken by the ill as he started hearing and seeing symptoms in his bridge crew.  There was something different.. there had to be.

"The Jupiter didn't succumb this fast.. it took a few weeks... but it seems to be accelerating with us. We may have even less... time... than they did..." he said, drifiting off as he watched his own vision start to blur and pain behind his eye form.

"Computer... initiate Condition Blue, biohazard alert Level 3.  Set all essential systems to automated control."

=/\= ATTENTION, ATTENTION.  Blue Alert Level 3 has been initiated.  All non-medical, non-senior officers and lower are to report to their quarters for quarantine.  Bio-isolation fields will be initiated in 20 minutes.  =/\=

"Malik, Alex, and Dem, you remain here.  The rest of you return to your quarters now.  That means you too, Rayek." the Captain ordered, clearing the bridge.  The four of them were already infected, but he needed someone to stand by in case of a systems error.

Another shudder, as a wave of solar energy impacted the dorsal shields.  They had fallen, but they were still holding steady.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

While everything was going on around him, Dem felt dizzy. Like he was loosing his grip on reality. He placed his head gently on the comm panel, overwhelmed with yet more imminent danger. Dem only lifted his head up it up to reply to Malik, informing him that no cure has been found for this mystery disease, or even the common cold. And plus, the ships in lockdown, meaning it would be very hard to get to sickbay. Just after Dem relied to Malik, Tekin initialised harsher lockdown procedures. Checking some information on his comm panel, Dem quickly turned around, destabilising his balance. Dem began to speak, with his voice wavering. "œSir, 70 percent of the non-essential crew are in lockdown. I have completely sealed of the bridge with forcefields."

Kinley Garrison

Quote from: Tanner Lachlyn on October 01, 2023, 07:06:05 PM

[USS Jupiter- Morgue]

The relief at those words were a wave over Tanner and she almost broke down. The crew had worked on a cure to their very last breath. If only she could let them know that their work would possibly save lives still.

"Yes" Tanner said sounding far more desperate than she'd wanted to, "I do seek the formula.Can you transmit it to the Discovery?"

Emily thought for a moment and then addressed Kinley, "Commander, the formula this EMH speaks of will be of use. I suggest we alert sickbay and get them prepped to synthesize the antiviral. As it's not tested, we have no way of knowing but I'd like to hope.

Kinley nodded, glad that the crew found the treatment as she sent it over. =/\= Agreed. It's better than nothing, I suppose. At least it will help give us time. =/\= she said as she sent over the formula to the medbay. =/\= Garrison to medbay. Sending in the formula for an antiviral. It should help stem the outbreak. Try it out .=/\=

We're in Starfleet here. Weird is part of the job description.

Click the badge to read my bio.

Tekin Nevir

Quote from: Lek on September 29, 2023, 09:18:23 PM

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek heard the call from the Captain and his heart sank. Whatever had killed the crew of the Jupiter seemed to be sweeping through Discovery and there was nothing he could do about it. He opened the channel on his EVA suit and spoke as steadily as he could.

"Lek to Discovery, I'm an engineer not a doctor, but could it be that the nebula is causing the sickness? Jupiter is warp capable, can't we make a short warp jump to get back to normal space? It might not work, but it's at least worth a try."

Lek promised the give the Blessed Exchequer five bars of gold pressed latinum if escaping the nebula would save the crew of the Discovery.

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

While he had the cough, the symptom that was really hitting the Captain was fatigue.  His arms and legs hurt, but he didn't feel like he could move them. Nor did he want to.  He was basically frozen in the Captain's chair, feeling like he was already passed a century of age.

"L-Lek?  Aren't you supposed to be on Jupiter?" he mumbled, his voice sounding weaker and more raspy.  "A nebula... we're in a nebula..."

Quote from: Kinley Garrison on October 01, 2023, 12:53:58 AM

They had warp power now. But there were also greater problems.A sentient ship might be the least of their concerns, but it was certainly a concern. =/\= Acknowledged, Lek. Thank you. =/\= They would have to figure out what to do with the Jupiter later.

[color=teal' "œThe rest of the Discovery has gotten what they have. We're not sure how it got onboard there, and it's possible that it's infiltrated the ship itself, so we shouldn't be too

The computer seemed to pause, before it spoke again, almost regretfully.

"œI see. I will let you control this ship. I do not want to be dismantled. I have been left far too long to lose all my power here. I would rather not be left alone again."

"œThank you. If you could, move us into position besides the Discovery, that would be greatly appreciated.  Also, If your crew did have something to fight this virus, I think we need it sooner rather than later. but   " Kinley asked, bringing the Discovery into view. She pulled up a science panel, as old as it was, to view the star. It looked ready to flare.

[Morgue] - As the EMH
The EMH flickered into view as he was summoned. "œHello there. The computer has told me that you seek the formula. It has not been thoroughly tested, as the last crewman died before he could synthesize it but hypothetically, it should bring the virus in control long enough for a full antidote to be created for the ship.
[Bridge again- as Kinley]
=/\= Captain? We have full control of the Jupiter and she's warp capable. We need to get out of the nebula, now. You're not looking too good. It looks like there is a potential treatment in the databanks we'll be sending over to you.'
Quote from: Malik Grippen on October 01, 2023, 02:54:52 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

Malik continued to feel horrible as the captain ordered stricter quarantine protocols. Malik was pleased he didn't have to retreat to his quarters, as he didn't think he could make it more than a few meters without collapsing. His spirits were raised however when commander Kinley mentioned a potential cure and that the Jupiter was now warp capable.

"Finally, I suggest we leave, captain."

Another voice... Kinley?  She was a smart one... she would have made a good command officer... until she mentioned how he looked.  He opened his eyes a bit, not realizing they had been closed.  Jupiter was back online.  Good.  Maybe they can survive...

"Get out of here, Kinley.  We'll be right behind you.  Malik-" his voice cracked as his throat seemed dry, and he coughed.  "Set a course to follow... let the ship do it... in case you become incapacitated."

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on October 01, 2023, 09:01:52 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

While everything was going on around him, Dem felt dizzy. Like he was loosing his grip on reality. He placed his head gently on the comm panel, overwhelmed with yet more imminent danger. Dem only lifted his head up it up to reply to Malik, informing him that no cure has been found for this mystery disease, or even the common cold. And plus, the ships in lockdown, meaning it would be very hard to get to sickbay. Just after Dem relied to Malik, Tekin initialised harsher lockdown procedures. Checking some information on his comm panel, Dem quickly turned around, destabilising his balance. Dem began to speak, with his voice wavering. "œSir, 70 percent of the non-essential crew are in lockdown. I have completely sealed of the bridge with forcefields."

"We have to find out why we were hit so fast and so suddenly... Dem... if we can't get sickbay to respond, the away team might have to.. or we activate our own..." he said, trying to speak.  But he was so tired.

Slowly, the Discovery pitched up to align with the galactic plane, and it moved to follow the Jupiter out of the nebula.  Now to see if they would even make it out before the crew succumbed. 

Dem Broadshire

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on October 02, 2023, 05:55:51 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

While he had the cough, the symptom that was really hitting the Captain was fatigue.  His arms and legs hurt, but he didn't feel like he could move them. Nor did he want to.  He was basically frozen in the Captain's chair, feeling like he was already passed a century of age.

"L-Lek?  Aren't you supposed to be on Jupiter?" he mumbled, his voice sounding weaker and more raspy.  "A nebula... we're in a nebula..."

Another voice... Kinley?  She was a smart one... she would have made a good command officer... until she mentioned how he looked.  He opened his eyes a bit, not realizing they had been closed.  Jupiter was back online.  Good.  Maybe they can survive...

"Get out of here, Kinley.  We'll be right behind you.  Malik-" his voice cracked as his throat seemed dry, and he coughed.  "Set a course to follow... let the ship do it... in case you become incapacitated."

"We have to find out why we were hit so fast and so suddenly... Dem... if we can't get sickbay to respond, the away team might have to.. or we activate our own..." he said, trying to speak.  But he was so tired.

Slowly, the Discovery pitched up to align with the galactic plane, and it moved to follow the Jupiter out of the nebula.  Now to see if they would even make it out before the crew succumbed.

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

After hearing Tekins dire response, Dem was not filled with much confidence. His anxiety over the events, along with the onset of symptoms rendered him basically helpless in this crisis. Dem tried as hard as he could to tune out the distractions surrounding him, even going as far as to block his ears. Attempting to solely concentrate on the problem at hand, Dem started to sift through the little data that the computer had amassed on the virus. While starting to ponder a suppressant to the symptoms of the disease, Dem started sneezing uncontrollably. One after the next, barely having enough time to take in a breath before his mouth opened for the next one. Sneezing was common in Bajoran pregnancies, but the species will sneeze more than a human would during a typical illness. After the sneezes appeared to stop, Dem found him whispering to himself that he can no longer carry on. "œMallik, cross reference the data from this virus with previous cures of type 3C viral contaminations. See if the computer can recommend some compounds that can reduce the effects of the disease." Dem told Mallik, deciding to reach out for help before giving up. Eventually, Dem lay still on the desk, shivering, closing his eyes hoping that it would all be over.   

Tanner Lachlyn

[USS Jupiter - Sickbay]

Tanner looked to the EMH. Pressing the button to mute her to the whole channel she offered a smile and asked, "œAre you able to transmit to the Discovery?"

Looking slightly offended, the EMH furrowed his brow, "œI may have been dormant for "¦" He paused, seeming to verify some data before looking at her, "œOh." His tone was a little lighter this time, "œIt seems our ships have advanced quite a bit since then.Impressive."

Tanner nodded, "œIt's been a while."

"œI can transmit the data, your sickbay has everything it needs to replicate what we were working on before"¦." He stopped. After a pause, he continued, "œAs our ships are open to each other I was able to check in on your sickbay technology. They should have the antiviral synthesized in under an hour. Even faster depending on the one behind it. If it's alright, I'd like to stay activated to keep an eye on the progress." 

Although he was only a program, the heavy loss of the entire crew was implied as he trailed off and his desire to see it through was almost human. Tanner reopened her comms, "œData has been transmitted. The Jupiter EMH thinks we should have batches ready soon. Given the work that this," She hesitated, "œ...Doctor put into the work, do you think we could transfer his program to Discovery? Let him observe and help finish the work?"

Given the Discovery's reputation for collecting strays, she didn't think the request was too obscene.

Lorut Vila

USS Jupiter

"Commander, let's get the hell out," she said. "All systems are up. I can get us tethered if Ensign M'Nia can help. I am not dealing with the Ferengi unless it's from the butt-end of my phaser rifle," she said. She didn't care anymore about protocols. Well. She didn't care still.

She tapped her Comms.
=/\=Bridge to Engineering. Ensign M'Nia, let's get the hoses placed and the streams going. I have all the systems at at least 75% capacity. Tell your boss.=/\= She clicked off.

"Are you ok, Garrison? You humans really need to work on your cute little immune systems. I'm headed for the airlock. I am on Comms if you need me," she said. She felt fine. Well. She had a headache, but it was the same one she'd had since that morning-drying out was rough and not for the weak.

Rayek trLhoell

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery-B - Deck One - Bridge]

Quote from: Dem Broadshire on September 16, 2023, 09:19:12 PM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

After Dem sat down (sufficiently away from Rayek who he had just diagnosed with symptoms), Malik voiced his concerns. Dem quickly stood up, and walked towards him while opening his tricorder. Dem tried as hard as he could to focus on the specific task in front of him, but he could not help but think what would happen if he caught the virus. He was afraid to go near anyone. "œHmm." Dem spoke, confused when he started to scan the weary man. "œYour temperature is fine, biosigns normal. Just abnormally stimulated brain activity." Dem had not seen this virus expressed in a Risian yet, so he surmised that it was a different manifestation of the preliminary stages of the virus. "œHow do you feel?" Dem asked, thinking about what he could do.

While the doctor addressed the pilot, Rayek felt a massive headache develop.  Listening to the two pilots discuss their mutual symptoms with the doctoer didn't make Rayek feel any better.  In fact, despite his claims of feeling fine not even five minutes prior, Rayek felt a sweat come over him.

He was careful to stifle his cough as the irritation in his throat grew.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 18, 2023, 04:03:10 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Captain suddenly flew out of the Ready Room and made for his chair with a palpable sense of urgency.

"Is the Jupiter's Bridge online?  Good... hail them." he ordered as soon as he heard the affirmative.

It took a bit, but soon they were connected to the Bridge of the Jupiter.

"Kinley... I need a status update.  Have you been able to account for the crew?  Or access the Emergency Medical Hologram?" he asked, taking a deep breath.

"Because whatever happened to the Jupiter... its happening to Discovery."

The rapidness with which the Captain crossed the Bridge to the Command Chair, had Rayek glancing over with a slight curious frown.   The Bajoran's comment to Commander Kinley had him growing somewhat concerned.  While he didn't know exactly what happened on the Jupiter other than the ship was derelict ... but he did know that the Discovery was presently under quarantine.   Did that mean Jupiter lost her entire crew to this illness?!
Quote from: Dem Broadshire on September 19, 2023, 03:54:30 AM

[Bridge | USS Discovery]

Just as Dem was going to recommend these two officers vacate the bridge, his combadge beeped. "œBetaika to Broadshire. We have had a massive influx of patients from decks one, two and three. They virus may somehow be in the air filtration system". Without missing a beat, Dem paced to the nearest environmental control systems panel, conveniently nearby to the two sluggish pilots. "œI am shutting down and rebooting the biofilters in these decks. Don't worry, have enough air in circulation for the moment." Dem swallowed nervously, noticing slight scratchiness when he did. Hoping it was just his mind, he pressed on. After he had successfully started the reboot process, Dem noticed his hands were shaking and his breath was sharp and rapid. While he would like to blame it on this mystery virus, he knew it was his nerves. He hit the control panel softly with his fist, whispering "œpull it together Dem".

As if to confirm his thoughts, Rayek overheard the Romulan Dr. Betaika update to Dr. Broadshire.  This was not good.  If the virus had somehow managed to make it past the biofilters in the ship's air system, then... even Tess and Fvienn were in danger!
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 23, 2023, 09:59:16 AM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

"Acknowledged, don't rely on the suits.  Whatever it was traveled through our shields, hulls, and filters... and it looks like it did the same over there.  Work as quickly as you can." he said, watching as Lorut was able to figure out the ship's registry and reactivate the computer systems.  Nevir couldn't help but smile at the viewscreen.

"Excellent work, I'm transmitting complete security clearance codes now." he stated, tapping on his chair.  On the Jupiter, the tactical, security, and command terminals flashed and opened fully, allowing full use as if they were Captain level officers.

"I'm giving you guys an hour to get her propulsion online and moving under her own power.  I'm not liking the reading I'm getting from the star.  Captain out." he stated, closing the channel. Once the view of the Jupiter's bridge was replaced by the nebula in front of them, the crew was treated to colors of ionizing gases... an aurora.

"One hour... then we take our chances with the tractor beam or scuttle the ship."

At about the same time as the computer on the Jupiter came to life booming to the away team, a power surge seemed to hit discovery, causing the lights to flicker, consoles to beep, and a shudder in the ship.  And something else....

"What was that?"

Quote from: Malik Grippen on September 26, 2023, 04:26:51 PM

[USS Discovery, Bridge]

Malik watched with blurred vision as the ship's doctor appeared to be acting strangely, maybe he to was infected. The Risan was about to ask to be excused from duty so he could collapse, when the Discovery was hit by a power surge of some kind causing Malik's console to flicker for a moment. He wasn't a scientist or an engineer, so he didn't really know what had just occurred - but it probably wasn't good. The captain asked what it was, but Malik's terminal had little to offer.

"It appears to have been a power surge of some kind, captain, the origin *cough* I'm unable to determine. It doesn't appear to have caused any damage to the ship. *cough cough*."

He then turned to the ship's doctor, "Doc, if there's a treatment you can give us to get rid of this sickness please do. My throat feels dry as sand."

Rayek, who had been in the midst of attempting to discreetly comm his wife to check on her and their son, had his implant squeal in his ear as the power surge even affected the electronic implant.  He winced in pain until the squeal ceased.  His headache seemed to doubled.   When he tried to reconnect his ear comm didn't work.. something in it must been damaged by the surge.
Quote from: Tekin Nevir on September 28, 2023, 02:49:16 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Slowly it seemed that the Bridge was being overtaken by the ill as he started hearing and seeing symptoms in his bridge crew.  There was something different.. there had to be.

"The Jupiter didn't succumb this fast.. it took a few weeks... but it seems to be accelerating with us. We may have even less... time... than they did..." he said, drifting off as he watched his own vision start to blur and pain behind his eye form.

"Computer... initiate Condition Blue, biohazard alert Level 3.  Set all essential systems to automated control."

=/\= ATTENTION, ATTENTION.  Blue Alert Level 3 has been initiated.  All non-medical, non-senior officers and lower are to report to their quarters for quarantine.  Bio-isolation fields will be initiated in 20 minutes.  =/\=

"Malik, Alex, and Dem, you remain here.  The rest of you return to your quarters now.  That means you too, Rayek." the Captain ordered, clearing the bridge.  The four of them were already infected, but he needed someone to stand by in case of a systems error.

Another shudder, as a wave of solar energy impacted the dorsal shields.  They had fallen, but they were still holding steady.

Rayek wanted to check on Tess badly but to be singled out to leave his post when all the others who were far more ill than he seemed unfair to the Romulan.  He stood to face the Captain.

"Captain, permission to remain on the Bridge.  I dare not risk my wife and son unnecessarily by quarantining in our quarters while I have symptoms."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)


Quote from: Lorut Vila on October 04, 2023, 12:08:39 AM

USS Jupiter

"Commander, let's get the hell out," she said. "All systems are up. I can get us tethered if Ensign M'Nia can help. I am not dealing with the Ferengi unless it's from the butt-end of my phaser rifle," she said. She didn't care anymore about protocols. Well. She didn't care still.

She tapped her Comms.
=/\=Bridge to Engineering. Ensign M'Nia, let's get the hoses placed and the streams going. I have all the systems at at least 75% capacity. Tell your boss.=/\= She clicked off.

"Are you ok, Garrison? You humans really need to work on your cute little immune systems. I'm headed for the airlock. I am on Comms if you need me," she said. She felt fine. Well. She had a headache, but it was the same one she'd had since that morning-drying out was rough and not for the weak.

"OOk!" M'nia said. "Um ok Lt. Commander, you heard the XO. She wants us moving now so I think it's safe to fireup the warp engines and get us going!" She waited a moment for him to respond but if he didn't start them, she would. The XO had pretty much ordered her to! besides, she was anxious to get out of there herself!

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian


Quote from: M'Nia on October 04, 2023, 04:50:22 PM

"OOk!" M'nia said. "Um ok Lt. Commander, you heard the XO. She wants us moving now so I think it's safe to fireup the warp engines and get us going!" She waited a moment for him to respond but if he didn't start them, she would. The XO had pretty much ordered her to! besides, she was anxious to get out of there herself!

[Engineering - USS Jupiter]

Lek blinked and turned to face M'Nia and replied with a chuckle.

"You do realize that woman is a sociopath? I'm fairly certain no one was designated first officer for this mission. Based off of standard procedure and seniority. I am the senior officer aboard which would make Commander Garrison first officer. Ensign Vila is not in the chain of command.

"However, as Commander Garrison was put her in command of this away team, that makes the Commander the Captain and me First Officer. Do not allow that confused woman to get you in trouble. I do concur we need to get underway, but do not accept any other orders unless they come from me or Commander Garrison. If she tries again, beam her directly to the brig."

Alt of Ian Galloway

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