S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit

Started by Ian Galloway, December 03, 2022, 01:38:13 PM

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Buck McNair

[Deck 2 - VIP corridors - USS Challenger]

Buck had been wandering around, ensuring that everything was in order and finishing off his list of what needed to be replenished the next time they had the chance to stop and stock up. He greeted the VIPs as they passed through as their individual groups, answering questions should they have any.

=/\= McNair to Commander Said, I'm headed down to Sickbay - do you require anything? =/\=

Buck spoke into his comm badge as he headed down to the turbolift to sick bay.


He smiled as the doors to the lift opened up as he walked on out. There was a lot that he had to check off on his holopad and he was not going to settle until he got everything sorted. "Hello," McNair greeted those in sickbay. "Just coming to make a list of needs, anything required the next time we stop to stock up?"

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Captain's Log Supplemental. We are enterin' the Safe Transit Corridor and are one half light year from the rendezvous coordinates. Since the scientists have come aboard, virtually the entire Science department has been deeply ensconced within every lab on the ship, with particular interest in the Cetacean lab. It seems the three ladies there have might quite the impression. This is also true for Hyperion who seems ta have done the impossible, earn a complement from Doctor Brothath.

"Even though this is meant ta be a chance ta strengthen ties with the Romulan Free State, there are still many splinter factions of the former Romulan Empire that would love ta find a Federation starship stationary and with her shields down. As a result, I am keepin' the ship at yellow alert and the Security department on intruder alert status.

"We will reach our destination in four hours and twenty minutes. After rendezvousin' with the Romulan Science Vessel Doval and the usual exchange of pleasantries, there will be a formal openin' ceremony held in 'The Lounge' for all the scientists. Even though I'm nae one for in depth scientific discussion, I am lookin' forward ta learnin' more about Romulans who aren't a git like Thelal. End Log."

On closing his log, Ian couldn't quiet the thoughts of they were very much about ta enter the lion's den. Out loud he said.

"Mister Randell, full active sensor scans. I want anyone hidin' under cloak ta ken we are on guard. Helm, steady as she goes."

At this point, there was nothing to do but wait and Ian hated waiting.

Nira Said

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 13, 2022, 06:50:45 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | VIP and Guest Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

T'Kel's voice caught Zhukdra'shar a little off-guard during his patrol, even though he had petitioned for an assignment. Not because it was sudden, but rather, because he didn't expect to be given command of a Security Team, and with a task as important as watching the VIPs. Of course, not that it was unwelcome, and in fact, he was more than happy to prove himself capable within the Security department. He had to atone for past experiences, like that trip over at Kaamo VI, and his defeat at the hands of that Romulan assassin.

Hitting his furred cheeks to psych himself up, tail wagging furiously behind him, he took a moment to take a deep breath, an answer, with a stoic, serious tone.

=/\= "Acknowledged. I shalt head there immediately." =/\=

On his way to the VIP rooms, Zhuk managed to see Lieutenant Commander Said with the group of scientists, once he had exited the turbolift. They were apparently being taken for a tour within the ship. He offered a polite nod towards her, deciding not to be more overt with a wave or spoken words, considering that things had to remain professional, and he had to keep her from being distracted. He eyed the VIPs once more, making sure they seemed to be comfortable, before moving past them in order to reach their quarters.

There, he met up with Security Team Five, and offered a short, brisk nod to each one of them indicating them to form up. Then, hands on his back, began parading himself in front of them, stating: "Greetings, gentlemen and ladies. I suspect that you all know our current task. But if not, I shalt make you a reminder. We are to maintain the VIP Quarters secure, and our current invitees safe. I want patrols around Deck 2 each forty-five minutes, with at least two individuals remaining around this area. I also want scans to be made each hour-and-a-half at the general premises, to make sure no one has snuck on board, or otherwise any device has been planted. Likewise, I am subject to this same guidelines, and I shalt assist on them too."

Making a meaningful pause, he stopped in front of the Security Team, and nodded "Very well, let us proceed."

Quote from: Buck McNair on December 17, 2022, 06:06:42 AM

[Deck 2 - VIP corridors - USS Challenger]

Buck had been wandering around, ensuring that everything was in order and finishing off his list of what needed to be replenished the next time they had the chance to stop and stock up. He greeted the VIPs as they passed through as their individual groups, answering questions should they have any.

=/\= McNair to Commander Said, I'm headed down to Sickbay - do you require anything? =/\=

Buck spoke into his comm badge as he headed down to the turbolift to sick bay.


He smiled as the doors to the lift opened up as he walked on out. There was a lot that he had to check off on his holopad and he was not going to settle until he got everything sorted. "Hello," McNair greeted those in sickbay. "Just coming to make a list of needs, anything required the next time we stop to stock up?"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Tour Group | Throughout the Ship | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

When Nira noticed Ruth still didn't budge from where she was, even when she came up to whisper to her, all Nira could do was raise an eyebrow until it dawned on Ruth that she was supposed to lead a group herself, and that she was tardy.

Once they were all finished, Nira brought the VIPs back to their quarters. Then she met with Zhuk to ask for a report. Then, in answer to Mister McNair's call, she replied, "Hold on that for the time being, I'll check the list later.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 17, 2022, 12:59:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Captain's Log Supplemental. We are enterin' the Safe Transit Corridor and are one half light year from the rendezvous coordinates. Since the scientists have come aboard, virtually the entire Science department has been deeply ensconced within every lab on the ship, with particular interest in the Cetacean lab. It seems the three ladies there have might quite the impression. This is also true for Hyperion who seems ta have done the impossible, earn a complement from Doctor Brothath.

"Even though this is meant ta be a chance ta strengthen ties with the Romulan Free State, there are still many splinter factions of the former Romulan Empire that would love ta find a Federation starship stationary and with her shields down. As a result, I am keepin' the ship at yellow alert and the Security department on intruder alert status.

"We will reach our destination in four hours and twenty minutes. After rendezvousin' with the Romulan Science Vessel Doval and the usual exchange of pleasantries, there will be a formal openin' ceremony held in 'The Lounge' for all the scientists. Even though I'm nae one for in depth scientific discussion, I am lookin' forward ta learnin' more about Romulans who aren't a git like Thelal. End Log."

On closing his log, Ian couldn't quiet the thoughts of they were very much about ta enter the lion's den. Out loud he said.

"Mister Randell, full active sensor scans. I want anyone hidin' under cloak ta ken we are on guard. Helm, steady as she goes."

At this point, there was nothing to do but wait and Ian hated waiting.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It had been five days since their guests had come aboard. The pleasantries were all good, and many of the scientists diverted themselves by making observations in the various science-based sections f the ship, from Astrometrics to the Cetacean lab, though Doctors Tavran and Sugon had kept trying to talk her into joining them for a meal. Then there was the fact that Ruth and T'Lara were so frequently absent, Lieutenant Randall had been forced to assume bridge duty. From where the computer had located Ruth and T'Lara, Nira could presume that they had become so busy that they didn't have time for bridge duties.

As much as Nira, on the first day out from the Starbase, figured that it was good of them to promote themselves scientifically, and thus she'd let it pass, after a continued absence for almost a week, Nira was becoming irritated with them. Forcing to adjust the scheduling and the rosters for officers to cover their shifts took about as much time as having to deal with the VIPs and her other duties on the ship.

Seated on her chair next to Captain Galloway, she had a pleasant enough expression until her eyes caught Ruth's and T'Lara's names, and then her face contorted to a scowl. Once again, they have failed to show up and have failed to notify the command staff that they are still busy. But then, she softened her expression and sighed. Of course they're entitled help the scientists out, but does that mean they have to spend every waking moment around them? Nira could even tell from Sugon's expression that he in particular looked torn: He can't decide between asking Nira out or to enjoy being with T'Lara more...but then, T'Lara was a woman beautiful enough to turn heads.

Nira looked around the bridge, nodding at Zhuk and T'Kel at Tactical as they worked in the midst of yellow alert, given the chances with the splinter Romulan groups, now that they were in Romulan space; and to McNair at one of the Ops stations next to Commander Catalan. She then typed a message to Lahr:

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Said

Have you been hearing anything from Commander Sigurdsdottir lately?

She felt it was short enough, plus she knew that Lahr was close to Ruth, now that she had gotten to know the crew well enough.

Then she looked over to Lieutenants Randall and Savar and said, "It would appear our CSOs are going to be absent once again."

"Yeah, tell us something we don't know," muttered Randall sarcastically as he worked on the sensors.

"There I concur, Lieutenant," said Savar, looking at his immediate superior and nodding in agreement.

Nira could tell her Vulcan Imzadi wasn't happy with Ruth and T'Lara, either. Still, Savar had been of excellent help to Lieutenant Randall, managing the science duties together, even helping Randall ease off the load on his back. Nira appreciated his hard work.

Deciding to change the subject, Nira looked over to Captain Galloway and said, "So, who are we expecting in the Romulan delegation?"

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2022, 02:14:50 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Tour Group | Throughout the Ship | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Seated on her chair next to Captain Galloway, she had a pleasant enough expression until her eyes caught Ruth's and T'Lara's names, and then her face contorted to a scowl. Once again, they have failed to show up and have failed to notify the command staff that they are still busy. But then, she softened her expression and sighed. Of course they're entitled help the scientists out, but does that mean they have to spend every waking moment around them? Nira could even tell from Sugon's expression that he in particular looked torn: He can't decide between asking Nira out or to enjoy being with T'Lara more...but then, T'Lara was a woman beautiful enough to turn heads.

Nira looked around the bridge, nodding at Zhuk and T'Kel at Tactical as they worked in the midst of yellow alert, given the chances with the splinter Romulan groups, now that they were in Romulan space; and to McNair at one of the Ops stations next to Commander Catalan. She then typed a message to Lahr:

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Said

Have you been hearing anything from Commander Sigurdsdottir lately?

She felt it was short enough, plus she knew that Lahr was close to Ruth, now that she had gotten to know the crew well enough.

Then she looked over to Lieutenants Randall and Savar and said, "It would appear our CSOs are going to be absent once again."

"Yeah, tell us something we don't know," muttered Randall sarcastically as he worked on the sensors.

"There I concur, Lieutenant," said Savar, looking at his immediate superior and nodding in agreement.

Nira could tell her Vulcan Imzadi wasn't happy with Ruth and T'Lara, either. Still, Savar had been of excellent help to Lieutenant Randall, managing the science duties together, even helping Randall ease off the load on his back. Nira appreciated his hard work.

Deciding to change the subject, Nira looked over to Captain Galloway and said, "So, who are we expecting in the Romulan delegation?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked as Nira spoke as he found himself unconsciously staring at the viewscreen as if he could see the trouble that he felt was brewing just outside the limit of his vision.

"Just as with the Federation delegation, Admiral Gillespie's staff sent a list of Romulan Free State delegates, but as I didn't ken any of our people, I really bloody well don't ken their people. Based by the long list of accomplishments attached to each person's file, they are clearly as esteemed as our lot, but that's about all I know.

"I'm sure they will get along well with our people because these boffins speak their own language. Only thing the scientists might have a conflict about is if'n someone were ta steal someone else's research and not quote them."


Quote from: Buck McNair on December 17, 2022, 06:06:42 AM

[Deck 2 - VIP corridors - USS Challenger]

Buck had been wandering around, ensuring that everything was in order and finishing off his list of what needed to be replenished the next time they had the chance to stop and stock up. He greeted the VIPs as they passed through as their individual groups, answering questions should they have any.

=/\= McNair to Commander Said, I'm headed down to Sickbay - do you require anything? =/\=

Buck spoke into his comm badge as he headed down to the turbolift to sick bay.


He smiled as the doors to the lift opened up as he walked on out. There was a lot that he had to check off on his holopad and he was not going to settle until he got everything sorted. "Hello," McNair greeted those in sickbay. "Just coming to make a list of needs, anything required the next time we stop to stock up?"


As the doors to sickbay opened once again, Evan turned to see who his next target was. Smiling back at the ensign, he had to force his brain back to English mode in addition to remembering whether there was anything they needed. Nurse Davies had said they had recently restocked after the psi 2000 crisis. "œÁ,,Á¤Á¤Á¤Á¤Á¤hm," Evan started, "œmaybe a couple coffees or a cadaver." He paused for half a second before laughing, "œNah, we're all set here."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support Area || 5 days out]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2022, 02:14:50 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It had been five days since their guests had come aboard. The pleasantries were all good, and many of the scientists diverted themselves by making observations in the various science-based sections f the ship, from Astrometrics to the Cetacean lab, though Doctors Tavran and Sugon had kept trying to talk her into joining them for a meal. Then there was the fact that Ruth and T'Lara were so frequently absent, Lieutenant Randall had been forced to assume bridge duty. From where the computer had located Ruth and T'Lara, Nira could presume that they had become so busy that they didn't have time for bridge duties.
Nira looked around the bridge, nodding at Zhuk and T'Kel at Tactical as they worked in the midst of yellow alert, given the chances with the splinter Romulan groups, now that they were in Romulan space; and to McNair at one of the Ops stations next to Commander Catalan. She then typed a message to Lahr:

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Said

Have you been hearing anything from Commander Sigurdsdottir lately?

She felt it was short enough, plus she knew that Lahr was close to Ruth, now that she had gotten to know the crew well enough.

Five days of being hidden away at the far end of the Upper Engineering deck, scheduled on double shifts (Gamma and Alpha) to watch for fluctuations in the power grid had taken it's toll on the usually cheery and social Andorian.  Now, he was temperamental and surly like most of his kind.  So when the Commander texted him asking about Ruth, whom he hadn't seen more than in passing in the past 5 days, it only seemed to rub salt on a gaping wound.

He texted his response, with hard and forceful taps on his PADD.  His antennae unseen by anyone twitched in agitation.

To: Lieutenant Commander Said
From: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret

No.  Have you? Maybe you should check with her new 'science-guy' bestie.

Lahr didn't name anyone specific, since in all honesty he was rather jealous of the whole lot of them.  The few moments he had seen Ruth she'd been glowing with enthusiasm as she talked animatedly about some new and upcoming science - which to him sounded like a foreign language.

He was happy that she was happy, but worried that she'd realize just how poorly he compared to any one of them.

He sent the message, stifling a yawn. His sleep during the Beta shift hadn't been good since Ruth wasn't by his side keeping the nightmares at bay.  The only good aspect of being kept out of sight was that no one could see just how poorly he was looking. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir


Quote from: Buehler on December 16, 2022, 04:43:15 PM


The faint woosh instantly caught Evan's attention, causing him to look over to the main door as it parted to admit an officer wearing maroon. He knew the color came from the French word for chestnut, but his mind always linked it with the English verb, wondering if senior officers were at a higher risk of being marooned because of it. Processing speech wasn't his strong suit, but the unmistakable sound of his mother tongue instantly brought a smile to his face.

"œNett Sie endlich kennen zu lernen, Commander," Evan replied. "œEs geht mir gut, danke. Es fÁ¼hlt mich gut an, wieder auf einem Schiff zu sein. Kann ich Ihnen irgendwie helfen, oder sind Sie nur hier, um sich zu verstecken?" he joked, then added, "œWir kÁ¶nnen uns duzen, wenn Sie wollen."

[Sickbay - USS Challenger]

"Passt zu mir, Evan, ich bin Ruth ... manchmal nennen mich die Leute Siggy, weil mein Nachname fÁ¼r manche so umstÁ¤ndlich auszusprechen ist!" the Commander gave the Doctor a wry smile then reverted to Federation standard.

"I'm just doing the tour with these guys, I'm a bit behind too so I'd better get a wiggle on, trying to juggle things."  She turned to the delegates "Anyone need to ask something of the doctor, hopefully you are all in perfect health, but if you aren't this is the place to be!"

Quote from: Buck McNair on December 17, 2022, 06:06:42 AM

[Deck 2 - VIP corridors - USS Challenger]

Buck had been wandering around, ensuring that everything was in order and finishing off his list of what needed to be replenished the next time they had the chance to stop and stock up. He greeted the VIPs as they passed through as their individual groups, answering questions should they have any.

=/\= McNair to Commander Said, I'm headed down to Sickbay - do you require anything? =/\=

Buck spoke into his comm badge as he headed down to the turbolift to sick bay.


He smiled as the doors to the lift opened up as he walked on out. There was a lot that he had to check off on his holopad and he was not going to settle until he got everything sorted. "Hello," McNair greeted those in sickbay. "Just coming to make a list of needs, anything required the next time we stop to stock up?"

"Ratkajino, 3 weeks in Norway skiing with a certain blue man of mine and ... " she grinned at McNair.  "No thanks Buck, all good with me."
Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2022, 02:14:50 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Tour Group | Throughout the Ship | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

When Nira noticed Ruth still didn't budge from where she was, even when she came up to whisper to her, all Nira could do was raise an eyebrow until it dawned on Ruth that she was supposed to lead a group herself, and that she was tardy.

Once they were all finished, Nira brought the VIPs back to their quarters. Then she met with Zhuk to ask for a report. Then, in answer to Mister McNair's call, she replied, "Hold on that for the time being, I'll check the list later.
[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It had been five days since their guests had come aboard. The pleasantries were all good, and many of the scientists diverted themselves by making observations in the various science-based sections f the ship, from Astrometrics to the Cetacean lab, though Doctors Tavran and Sugon had kept trying to talk her into joining them for a meal. Then there was the fact that Ruth and T'Lara were so frequently absent, Lieutenant Randall had been forced to assume bridge duty. From where the computer had located Ruth and T'Lara, Nira could presume that they had become so busy that they didn't have time for bridge duties.

As much as Nira, on the first day out from the Starbase, figured that it was good of them to promote themselves scientifically, and thus she'd let it pass, after a continued absence for almost a week, Nira was becoming irritated with them. Forcing to adjust the scheduling and the rosters for officers to cover their shifts took about as much time as having to deal with the VIPs and her other duties on the ship.

Seated on her chair next to Captain Galloway, she had a pleasant enough expression until her eyes caught Ruth's and T'Lara's names, and then her face contorted to a scowl. Once again, they have failed to show up and have failed to notify the command staff that they are still busy. But then, she softened her expression and sighed. Of course they're entitled help the scientists out, but does that mean they have to spend every waking moment around them? Nira could even tell from Sugon's expression that he in particular looked torn: He can't decide between asking Nira out or to enjoy being with T'Lara more...but then, T'Lara was a woman beautiful enough to turn heads.

Nira looked around the bridge, nodding at Zhuk and T'Kel at Tactical as they worked in the midst of yellow alert, given the chances with the splinter Romulan groups, now that they were in Romulan space; and to McNair at one of the Ops stations next to Commander Catalan. She then typed a message to Lahr:

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Said

Have you been hearing anything from Commander Sigurdsdottir lately?

She felt it was short enough, plus she knew that Lahr was close to Ruth, now that she had gotten to know the crew well enough.

Then she looked over to Lieutenants Randall and Savar and said, "It would appear our CSOs are going to be absent once again."

"Yeah, tell us something we don't know," muttered Randall sarcastically as he worked on the sensors.

"There I concur, Lieutenant," said Savar, looking at his immediate superior and nodding in agreement.

Nira could tell her Vulcan Imzadi wasn't happy with Ruth and T'Lara, either. Still, Savar had been of excellent help to Lieutenant Randall, managing the science duties together, even helping Randall ease off the load on his back. Nira appreciated his hard work.

Deciding to change the subject, Nira looked over to Captain Galloway and said, "So, who are we expecting in the Romulan delegation?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Having had to try juggling herself the last week, Ruth was frazzled more than her hair as she stepped onto the Bridge, with an extra large cup of Ratkajino which had been the only thing that was keeping her going lately... she'd had about an hour of sleep in her chair in the office per night.

The whoosh of the turbolift doors signalled her entrance she seemed to get a bit of a frosty response.

"Greetings.  Sorry for you not having me around for a bit but I haven't yet discovered a way to split myself in 10 directions.  I delegate, but I run out of people I can delegate to.  Ensign A. Sigurdsdottir is 'babysitting' the Science delegates I've been detailed to. I have report PADD piles as long as my arm, ... still and that's without working my down time.  Certain persons won't have seen more than a few red hairs on my hairbrush and a flash of teal as I tear out of the door."  Ruth paused and sighed heavily.  She felt that Nira was still off with her about something.

"So I'm curious, this corridor, my spidey-sense is tingling, anything should I know?"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | VIP and Guest Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2022, 02:14:50 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Tour Group | Throughout the Ship | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

When Nira noticed Ruth still didn't budge from where she was, even when she came up to whisper to her, all Nira could do was raise an eyebrow until it dawned on Ruth that she was supposed to lead a group herself, and that she was tardy.

Once they were all finished, Nira brought the VIPs back to their quarters. Then she met with Zhuk to ask for a report. Then, in answer to Mister McNair's call, she replied, "Hold on that for the time being, I'll check the list later.

Carrying on with his duties to the best of his capability, Zhuk made sure that the VIP rooms were secure until the arrival of Lieutenant Commander Said, alongside the rest of the VIPs. She then politely asked him for a report. He was more than happy to provide one.

"So far, Security Team Five has been patrolling Deck Two in lapses of forty-five minutes, and an analysis of the area has been carried at intervals of hour-and-a-half. Thus far, we have failed to detect any foreign materials, dangerous items, or any sort of unwelcome presences within the VIP quarters. Fortunately, we do not have anything grave to report, Lieutenant Comamnder." Zhukdra'shar gave her a solemn nod, reassuring her that everything was in order...

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 17, 2022, 12:59:25 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Captain's Log Supplemental. We are enterin' the Safe Transit Corridor and are one half light year from the rendezvous coordinates. Since the scientists have come aboard, virtually the entire Science department has been deeply ensconced within every lab on the ship, with particular interest in the Cetacean lab. It seems the three ladies there have might quite the impression. This is also true for Hyperion who seems ta have done the impossible, earn a complement from Doctor Brothath.

"Even though this is meant ta be a chance ta strengthen ties with the Romulan Free State, there are still many splinter factions of the former Romulan Empire that would love ta find a Federation starship stationary and with her shields down. As a result, I am keepin' the ship at yellow alert and the Security department on intruder alert status.

"We will reach our destination in four hours and twenty minutes. After rendezvousin' with the Romulan Science Vessel Doval and the usual exchange of pleasantries, there will be a formal openin' ceremony held in 'The Lounge' for all the scientists. Even though I'm nae one for in depth scientific discussion, I am lookin' forward ta learnin' more about Romulans who aren't a git like Thelal. End Log."

On closing his log, Ian couldn't quiet the thoughts of they were very much about ta enter the lion's den. Out loud he said.

"Mister Randell, full active sensor scans. I want anyone hidin' under cloak ta ken we are on guard. Helm, steady as she goes."

At this point, there was nothing to do but wait and Ian hated waiting.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 17, 2022, 02:14:50 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It had been five days since their guests had come aboard. The pleasantries were all good, and many of the scientists diverted themselves by making observations in the various science-based sections f the ship, from Astrometrics to the Cetacean lab, though Doctors Tavran and Sugon had kept trying to talk her into joining them for a meal. Then there was the fact that Ruth and T'Lara were so frequently absent, Lieutenant Randall had been forced to assume bridge duty. From where the computer had located Ruth and T'Lara, Nira could presume that they had become so busy that they didn't have time for bridge duties.

As much as Nira, on the first day out from the Starbase, figured that it was good of them to promote themselves scientifically, and thus she'd let it pass, after a continued absence for almost a week, Nira was becoming irritated with them. Forcing to adjust the scheduling and the rosters for officers to cover their shifts took about as much time as having to deal with the VIPs and her other duties on the ship.

Seated on her chair next to Captain Galloway, she had a pleasant enough expression until her eyes caught Ruth's and T'Lara's names, and then her face contorted to a scowl. Once again, they have failed to show up and have failed to notify the command staff that they are still busy. But then, she softened her expression and sighed. Of course they're entitled help the scientists out, but does that mean they have to spend every waking moment around them? Nira could even tell from Sugon's expression that he in particular looked torn: He can't decide between asking Nira out or to enjoy being with T'Lara more...but then, T'Lara was a woman beautiful enough to turn heads.

Nira looked around the bridge, nodding at Zhuk and T'Kel at Tactical as they worked in the midst of yellow alert, given the chances with the splinter Romulan groups, now that they were in Romulan space; and to McNair at one of the Ops stations next to Commander Catalan. She then typed a message to Lahr:

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Said

Have you been hearing anything from Commander Sigurdsdottir lately?

She felt it was short enough, plus she knew that Lahr was close to Ruth, now that she had gotten to know the crew well enough.

Then she looked over to Lieutenants Randall and Savar and said, "It would appear our CSOs are going to be absent once again."

"Yeah, tell us something we don't know," muttered Randall sarcastically as he worked on the sensors.

"There I concur, Lieutenant," said Savar, looking at his immediate superior and nodding in agreement.

Nira could tell her Vulcan Imzadi wasn't happy with Ruth and T'Lara, either. Still, Savar had been of excellent help to Lieutenant Randall, managing the science duties together, even helping Randall ease off the load on his back. Nira appreciated his hard work.

Deciding to change the subject, Nira looked over to Captain Galloway and said, "So, who are we expecting in the Romulan delegation?"

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Five days had passed after Zhukdra'shar had been assigned to Security Team Five and had been tasked with maintaining a watch over VIP quarters. Fortunately, nothing had transpired in this time, and had been reassigned back to his post next to Lieutenant Commander T'Kel at the Tactical Console. It gave him a sense of pride to be in such an important position, especially as an Ensign, so he did his best to carry on his duties to the best of his abilities. It was also nice to be with T'Kel though, as he did found her company to be a pleasant one.

He said nothing most of the time, though, too concentrated to think on idle chatter to share with her. Plus, he knew he had to be on his guard in case some unwelcome ships came in their direction. With how their last Romulan encounter had gone, he had a hunch that they would make their appearance sooner or later. And he was craving some good ol' retribution after the defeat by Nira's cheap copy.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Captain's Log, Supplemental. The Challenger has reached the coordinates of the rendezvous and the Romulan Science Vessel Doval was nice enough to de-cloak as soon as we arrived. Hails were exchanged and I am about ta leave the bridge ta meet the first wave of the Romulan Free State's contingent of scientists. As this will be the first time I've met a Romulan face ta face who wasn't tryin' ta kill me, this encounter will be most interestin'. End Log."

Ian closed his log and rose.

"Mister Espada, you have the bridge."

Ian took the turbolift for the short trip to transporter room one and as soon as he entered, he noted T'Kel had seen to the honor guard and the transporter chief initiated the transport. Six figures appeared on the platform. All Romulans, four older and two younger equally split between males and females. Ian stepped forward and said.

"On behalf of the entire Federation, welcome ta the USS Challenger. I am Captain Ian Galloway. May your stay enlighten both of our peoples and forge long lastin' ties between us."

Ian had fretted a long time over that greeting and hoped it was received in the intention of which it was offered.

"Captain Galloway. I am Doctor Surith. I have the distinction of being nominated our delegation's spokesperson. We are most pleased for this opportunity to meet under these circumstances and look forward to the chance to share both our scientific knowledge and our understanding between our people."

"Welcome aboard Doctor, once all of your people are aboard, there will be a formal welcomin' ceremony. Allow me ta escort you ta our ship's lounge, even though the ceremony is formal, there's no need for it ta be too formal."

Surith seemed a little stiff, but that was understandable given the circumstances and managed a small smile. With the initial greetings successfully made, Ian escorted the the first Romulans to the Lounge personally. After that, Ian handed the rest of the scientists off to Nira as he returned to the bridge.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 17, 2022, 02:29:11 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked as Nira spoke as he found himself unconsciously staring at the viewscreen as if he could see the trouble that he felt was brewing just outside the limit of his vision.

"Just as with the Federation delegation, Admiral Gillespie's staff sent a list of Romulan Free State delegates, but as I didn't ken any of our people, I really bloody well don't ken their people. Based by the long list of accomplishments attached to each person's file, they are clearly as esteemed as our lot, but that's about all I know.

"I'm sure they will get along well with our people because these boffins speak their own language. Only thing the scientists might have a conflict about is if'n someone were ta steal someone else's research and not quote them."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 19, 2022, 11:01:04 AM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck One | Bridge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Five days had passed after Zhukdra'shar had been assigned to Security Team Five and had been tasked with maintaining a watch over VIP quarters. Fortunately, nothing had transpired in this time, and had been reassigned back to his post next to Lieutenant Commander T'Kel at the Tactical Console. It gave him a sense of pride to be in such an important position, especially as an Ensign, so he did his best to carry on his duties to the best of his abilities. It was also nice to be with T'Kel though, as he did found her company to be a pleasant one.

He said nothing most of the time, though, too concentrated to think on idle chatter to share with her. Plus, he knew he had to be on his guard in case some unwelcome ships came in their direction. With how their last Romulan encounter had gone, he had a hunch that they would make their appearance sooner or later. And he was craving some good ol' retribution after the defeat by Nira's cheap copy.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Ah," said Nira. And she pulled up the names. There were twenty scientists in total, though Nira won't be surprised if they brought their own security...it made Nira grateful that the Efrosian scientist didn't bring his bodyguard along; she could imagine the potential standoff of bodyguard vs. bodyguard. Two of the scientists were Vaxians, members of a Romulan vassal planet called Vax. That in particular intrigued Nira; there's little information about the Vaxians in the Federation database.

They must also be among the only vassals remaining with the Romulans after the Hobus Supernova destroyed Romulus, Nira thought, recalling how plenty of Romulan vassals broke off after the destruction of the Romulan capital planet, which is one of the reasons for the breakup of the Romulan Star Empire. Plenty of planets who had felt the oppressive heel of the Romulans reveled in breaking away and thus becoming free. A handful of vassals, however, remained under Romulan rule, knowing full well that being under the Romulan thumb had brought them prosperity, economically and otherwise; breaking off would only lead to ruin, or they wouldn't have the confidence to be independent.

She had been about to speak up when she got the reply from Lahr.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 18, 2022, 09:07:11 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support Area || 5 days out]

Five days of being hidden away at the far end of the Upper Engineering deck, scheduled on double shifts (Gamma and Alpha) to watch for fluctuations in the power grid had taken it's toll on the usually cheery and social Andorian.  Now, he was temperamental and surly like most of his kind.  So when the Commander texted him asking about Ruth, whom he hadn't seen more than in passing in the past 5 days, it only seemed to rub salt on a gaping wound.

He texted his response, with hard and forceful taps on his PADD.  His antennae unseen by anyone twitched in agitation.

To: Lieutenant Commander Said
From: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret

No.  Have you? Maybe you should check with her new 'science-guy' bestie.

Lahr didn't name anyone specific, since in all honesty he was rather jealous of the whole lot of them.  The few moments he had seen Ruth she'd been glowing with enthusiasm as she talked animatedly about some new and upcoming science - which to him sounded like a foreign language.

He was happy that she was happy, but worried that she'd realize just how poorly he compared to any one of them.

He sent the message, stifling a yawn. His sleep during the Beta shift hadn't been good since Ruth wasn't by his side keeping the nightmares at bay.  The only good aspect of being kept out of sight was that no one could see just how poorly he was looking.

Nira could easily see that he was just as irritated as she was. She felt sorry for him. She proceeded to make a reply.

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Nira Said

Sorry to hear that. Haven't heard from her from some time, eith

But she stopped when she saw who had just arrived. She didn't care if she was interrupted and resumed her text in a peculiar way.

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Nira Said

Sorry to hear that. Haven't heard from her from some time, eithNever mind, she just arrived.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 19, 2022, 08:04:45 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Having had to try juggling herself the last week, Ruth was frazzled more than her hair as she stepped onto the Bridge, with an extra large cup of Ratkajino which had been the only thing that was keeping her going lately... she'd had about an hour of sleep in her chair in the office per night.

The whoosh of the turbolift doors signalled her entrance she seemed to get a bit of a frosty response.

"Greetings.  Sorry for you not having me around for a bit but I haven't yet discovered a way to split myself in 10 directions.  I delegate, but I run out of people I can delegate to.  Ensign A. Sigurdsdottir is 'babysitting' the Science delegates I've been detailed to. I have report PADD piles as long as my arm, ... still and that's without working my down time.  Certain persons won't have seen more than a few red hairs on my hairbrush and a flash of teal as I tear out of the door."  Ruth paused and sighed heavily.  She felt that Nira was still off with her about something.

"So I'm curious, this corridor, my spidey-sense is tingling, anything should I know?"

Nira was very surprised at Ruth's appearance, but that surprise was overridden by her irritation at her. She saw Ruth's reaction when she saw her, and she tried to soften her expression into a neutral one, but even so, she still showed how hard she looked, mostly from her eyes. When she spoke, she spoke very gently, very calmly, but with the coldness in her voice, she might as well have sent out puffs of arctic air worthy of Pluto or Andor or Breen Prime.

"I'm glad you were able to get away, Commander," she said. "As much as it's good of you to look after our guests, you needn't take up all of your time. Please be able to inform us in the future if you're not going to be available to cover shifts even on the Bridge. Your department has been missing you in particular."

That was true, in point of fact, and one of the reasons Nira and the whole Science department were irritated at Ruth and her continued absence.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 19, 2022, 01:19:08 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"Captain's Log, Supplemental. The Challenger has reached the coordinates of the rendezvous and the Romulan Science Vessel Doval was nice enough to de-cloak as soon as we arrived. Hails were exchanged and I am about ta leave the bridge ta meet the first wave of the Romulan Free State's contingent of scientists. As this will be the first time I've met a Romulan face ta face who wasn't tryin' ta kill me, this encounter will be most interestin'. End Log."

Ian closed his log and rose.

"Mister Espada, you have the bridge."

Ian took the turbolift for the short trip to transporter room one and as soon as he entered, he noted T'Kel had seen to the honor guard and the transporter chief initiated the transport. Six figures appeared on the platform. All Romulans, four older and two younger equally split between males and females. Ian stepped forward and said.

"On behalf of the entire Federation, welcome ta the USS Challenger. I am Captain Ian Galloway. May your stay enlighten both of our peoples and forge long lastin' ties between us."

Ian had fretted a long time over that greeting and hoped it was received in the intention of which it was offered.

"Captain Galloway. I am Doctor Surith. I have the distinction of being nominated our delegation's spokesperson. We are most pleased for this opportunity to meet under these circumstances and look forward to the chance to share both our scientific knowledge and our understanding between our people."

"Welcome aboard Doctor, once all of your people are aboard, there will be a formal welcomin' ceremony. Allow me ta escort you ta our ship's lounge, even though the ceremony is formal, there's no need for it ta be too formal."

Surith seemed a little stiff, but that was understandable given the circumstances and managed a small smile. With the initial greetings successfully made, Ian escorted the the first Romulans to the Lounge personally. After that, Ian handed the rest of the scientists off to Nira as he returned to the bridge.

Once at the rendezvous, Nira heard Captain Galloway's words as he made his log. She joined with him, knowing that it's a First Officer's duty to greet an incoming party with the Captain. She indicated to Ruth to take her seat, given Espada had the conn. Whether Ruth took the chair or otherwise, Nira didn't care, but just as long as she and Ian were notified in advance that Ruth was going to be continuously absent...she took some breaths, knowing full well she had to look her best before the Romulan delegation. She nodded at McNair as she passed and she looked back around the bridge, noticing T'Kel coming along while Zhuk took her place. She was glad T'Kel was coming along, too.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Four | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira smiled warmly in greeting of the first of the guests. Four old guests and two young ones. Two of the older guests were female, and one of the young ones female, and so on. But when her eyes fell on the young female, she blinked a moment. There was something familiar about her...

...but she was too busy to be a greeter, especially in Captain Galloway's place, as he took the first group to the lounge. Nira was to meet with the next group. Again, the next group were split between male and female, but these ones don't look like scientists.

"Welcome aboard the Challenger," Nira greeted. "I am Lieutenant Commander Nira Said, First Officer of the Challenger. Captain Galloway has brought the first group to the lounge."

"I'm glad to know where we're going to be,"
said the spokesman with a pompous huff, in spite of his heavy lines in his face, like somebody who had a rugged living for a hundred years.

"And you are?"

"Centurion Thelareon," the man replied. "I'm in charge of the delegation's security. But still, somebody has to look after these old fossils," he added with a shrug.

"I imagine so, a centenarian as you are," said Nira humorously, noting Thelareon's age.

The Centurion returned Nira's quip with an amused guffaw and said, "Centenarian and a dozen or so years, but I've certainly seen plenty in my time." And he chuckled with nostalgia as he scratched his head ponderously, showing a scar under one ear.

Nira only smiled, studying him momentarily, getting more of a better look...something in this man's voice and posture looked familiar, much like with the young female scientist with Doctor Surith's group from before.

"Commander T'Kel, if you will accompany the Centurion and his party to the lounge?"

T'Kel nodded and the seven were gone, leaving Nira to continue greeting the rest of delegation.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 19, 2022, 04:30:00 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Ah," said Nira. And she pulled up the names. There were twenty scientists in total, though Nira won't be surprised if they brought their own security...it made Nira grateful that the Efrosian scientist didn't bring his bodyguard along; she could imagine the potential standoff of bodyguard vs. bodyguard. Two of the scientists were Vaxians, members of a Romulan vassal planet called Vax. That in particular intrigued Nira; there's little information about the Vaxians in the Federation database.

They must also be among the only vassals remaining with the Romulans after the Hobus Supernova destroyed Romulus, Nira thought, recalling how plenty of Romulan vassals broke off after the destruction of the Romulan capital planet, which is one of the reasons for the breakup of the Romulan Star Empire. Plenty of planets who had felt the oppressive heel of the Romulans reveled in breaking away and thus becoming free. A handful of vassals, however, remained under Romulan rule, knowing full well that being under the Romulan thumb had brought them prosperity, economically and otherwise; breaking off would only lead to ruin, or they wouldn't have the confidence to be independent.

She had been about to speak up when she got the reply from Lahr.Nira could easily see that he was just as irritated as she was. She felt sorry for him. She proceeded to make a reply.

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Nira Said

Sorry to hear that. Haven't heard from her from some time, eith

But she stopped when she saw who had just arrived. She didn't care if she was interrupted and resumed her text in a peculiar way.

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Nira Said

Sorry to hear that. Haven't heard from her from some time, eithNever mind, she just arrived.
Nira was very surprised at Ruth's appearance, but that surprise was overridden by her irritation at her. She saw Ruth's reaction when she saw her, and she tried to soften her expression into a neutral one, but even so, she still showed how hard she looked, mostly from her eyes. When she spoke, she spoke very gently, very calmly, but with the coldness in her voice, she might as well have sent out puffs of arctic air worthy of Pluto or Andor or Breen Prime.

"I'm glad you were able to get away, Commander," she said. "As much as it's good of you to look after our guests, you needn't take up all of your time. Please be able to inform us in the future if you're not going to be available to cover shifts even on the Bridge. Your department has been missing you in particular."

That was true, in point of fact, and one of the reasons Nira and the whole Science department were irritated at Ruth and her continued absence.
Once at the rendezvous, Nira heard Captain Galloway's words as he made his log. She joined with him, knowing that it's a First Officer's duty to greet an incoming party with the Captain. She indicated to Ruth to take her seat, given Espada had the conn. Whether Ruth took the chair or otherwise, Nira didn't care, but just as long as she and Ian were notified in advance that Ruth was going to be continuously absent...she took some breaths, knowing full well she had to look her best before the Romulan delegation. She nodded at McNair as she passed and she looked back around the bridge, noticing T'Kel coming along while Zhuk took her place. She was glad T'Kel was coming along, too.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Four | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira smiled warmly in greeting of the first of the guests. Four old guests and two young ones. Two of the older guests were female, and one of the young ones female, and so on. But when her eyes fell on the young female, she blinked a moment. There was something familiar about her...

...but she was too busy to be a greeter, especially in Captain Galloway's place, as he took the first group to the lounge. Nira was to meet with the next group. Again, the next group were split between male and female, but these ones don't look like scientists.

"Welcome aboard the Challenger," Nira greeted. "I am Lieutenant Commander Nira Said, First Officer of the Challenger. Captain Galloway has brought the first group to the lounge."

"I'm glad to know where we're going to be,"
said the spokesman with a pompous huff, in spite of his heavy lines in his face, like somebody who had a rugged living for a hundred years.

"And you are?"

"Centurion Thelareon," the man replied. "I'm in charge of the delegation's security. But still, somebody has to look after these old fossils," he added with a shrug.

"I imagine so, a centenarian as you are," said Nira humorously, noting Thelareon's age.

The Centurion returned Nira's quip with an amused guffaw and said, "Centenarian and a dozen or so years, but I've certainly seen plenty in my time." And he chuckled with nostalgia as he scratched his head ponderously, showing a scar under one ear.

Nira only smiled, studying him momentarily, getting more of a better look...something in this man's voice and posture looked familiar, much like with the young female scientist with Doctor Surith's group from before.

"Commander T'Kel, if you will accompany the Centurion and his party to the lounge?"

T'Kel nodded and the seven were gone, leaving Nira to continue greeting the rest of delegation.

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

After dropping off the first contingent of Romulan scientists, Ian had hustled to his quarters and changed into his dress whites. He arrived back at the Lounge just as the last of the Romulans arrived. He sighed as he wasn't a fan of formal events, but something this big was too big for an informal opening. He moved to the small stage of the lounge and began to speak.

"Welcome delegates, one and all. The purpose of this conference is for the open sharin' of research and ideas between the greatest scientific minds of the Federation and the Romulan Free State. As Captain of the Challenger, I have the honor ta declare these proceedin's ta be open."

As Ian nodded at the ripple of applause, it took every fiber of his being to keep his jaw from dropping open as he suddenly recognized the Romulan standing next to one of the scientists, dressed as a simple Centurion. It was Thelal!

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 19, 2022, 04:56:35 PM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

After dropping off the first contingent of Romulan scientists, Ian had hustled to his quarters and changed into his dress whites. He arrived back at the Lounge just as the last of the Romulans arrived. He sighed as he wasn't a fan of formal events, but something this big was too big for an informal opening. He moved to the small stage of the lounge and began to speak.

"Welcome delegates, one and all. The purpose of this conference is for the open sharin' of research and ideas between the greatest scientific minds of the Federation and the Romulan Free State. As Captain of the Challenger, I have the honor ta declare these proceedin's ta be open."

As Ian nodded at the ripple of applause, it took every fiber of his being to keep his jaw from dropping open as he suddenly recognized the Romulan standing next to one of the scientists, dressed as a simple Centurion. It was Thelal!

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

By now, Nira got to know the ship well enough to distinguish the different lounges, not including the observation lounge. She knew where the crew lounges were below, and then there was THE Lounge.

The last group to arrive consisted of the Vaxians. Nira welcomed them in addition to the coming guests and said, "Ah, you must be the delegates from Vax."

"Indeed we are," one of them replied. "We wanted to make sure all the other Romulan delegates were aboard before we joined in."

"Oh?" asked Nira, and she looked at T'Varn at the transporter controls. Indeed, it was indicated that the Vaxian delegates arrived differently and they beamed aboard simultaneously as the last of the delegates did.

"Interesting adjustments to the transporters," said Nira. She then looked at Mister Blackfeather, one of the security officers in accompaniment, and said, "Escort the delegates to the lounge, if you please, Mister Blackfeather, I need to get on something more formal."

"Blackfeather?" asked the other Vaxian in interest. "He looks more like a human than a bird."

"Never heard that before," said Blackfeather with a shrug. "It's a name from my culture of origin on Earth..."

Nira left Blackfeather describing his own culture to the delegates as she hurried to her quarters. She was busy buttoning her vest on just as she order site-to-site transport to an area near The Lounge and was thus just outside by the time she finished. She nodded at Zhuk as he stood at the doorway as part of the security and was at Captain Galloway's side as he made his speech.

As she applauded with the audience, she noticed something in Captain Galloway's body language. Not only that, but she was feeling some kind of negative emotion from him. She couldn't tell if it was shock, surprise, being disturbed or...she followed his line of sight toward the old Centurion she saw earlier, the one who's in charge of the Romulan delegation's security...

She put in all of her attention and got a better look at him. She managed to get a good look at him as he turned a head to take a drink. She thought a moment why he looked familiar...she recalled back to the Romulans she had seen or met before today and when she recalled the clashes over the information regarding the gravimetric weapon...it hit her like lightning. She had seen him before...if he was less wrinkled, less rugged and had less scarring...

It was Thelal, the rival of Captain Galloway. Or somebody bearing a remarkable resemblance to Thelal...was it even possible he was Thelal's father...? But no, the shape of his head, the pompous body language...there were too many similarities to assume this was Thelal's father...

She subtly approached Zhuk and, nodding at "Thelareon," she whispered to him, "Maintain usual post procedures, but keep an eye on that man."

Then, maintaining a casual outlook, she mingled in the party...but keeping the hell away from Doctors Tavran and Sugon, wherever the hell they were...and then she remembered that she saw another somebody who looked familiar when she greeted the first party...she tried to remember what she looked like, but owing to her attention in greeting the delegates, she didn't give her much thought...all she remembered was that she wore white in particular and had exceptionally long hair...

As she mingled, she spotted her chatting with Doctor Jirra. She recognized the white robes and the long hair tied up in a braid...a braid so long, any longer that braid would be and she would have hair worthy to be a Romulan Rapunzel. She couldn't see her face at first. Then Jirra left and the girl turned and watched the crowd...and Nira saw her face.

Nira had to keep moving to avoid making eye contact, but there was no mistaking. She may have had some work done on her face to look thinner, looked more regal, even altered her lips to look green (or it was just one hell of a lipstick job). But she knew that face anywhere. And she passed from behind her, and she was exactly the same height...

...and Nira remembered she was with Thelal when the Romulan exchanged his insults last time...and that old man, if he was Thelal's father...but how could someone from the Tal Shiar be a valet to a Romulan family? Nira thought. This can't be a coincidence.

Unfortunately, keeping an eye on her was even harder than trying to keep an eye on "Thelareon." Nira had to admit, she knew how to disappear with the crowd. That meant she had to be exceptionally careful, she never knew if she ran into her.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Lounge | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 20, 2022, 05:32:06 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira left Blackfeather describing his own culture to the delegates as she hurried to her quarters. She was busy buttoning her vest on just as she order site-to-site transport to an area near The Lounge and was thus just outside by the time she finished. She nodded at Zhuk as he stood at the doorway as part of the security and was at Captain Galloway's side as he made his speech.

As she applauded with the audience, she noticed something in Captain Galloway's body language. Not only that, but she was feeling some kind of negative emotion from him. She couldn't tell if it was shock, surprise, being disturbed or...she followed his line of sight toward the old Centurion she saw earlier, the one who's in charge of the Romulan delegation's security...

She put in all of her attention and got a better look at him. She managed to get a good look at him as he turned a head to take a drink. She thought a moment why he looked familiar...she recalled back to the Romulans she had seen or met before today and when she recalled the clashes over the information regarding the gravimetric weapon...it hit her like lightning. She had seen him before...if he was less wrinkled, less rugged and had less scarring...

It was Thelal, the rival of Captain Galloway. Or somebody bearing a remarkable resemblance to Thelal...was it even possible he was Thelal's father...? But no, the shape of his head, the pompous body language...there were too many similarities to assume this was Thelal's father...

She subtly approached Zhuk and, nodding at "Thelareon," she whispered to him, "Maintain usual post procedures, but keep an eye on that man."

Then, maintaining a casual outlook, she mingled in the party...but keeping the hell away from Doctors Tavran and Sugon, wherever the hell they were...and then she remembered that she saw another somebody who looked familiar when she greeted the first party...she tried to remember what she looked like, but owing to her attention in greeting the delegates, she didn't give her much thought...all she remembered was that she wore white in particular and had exceptionally long hair...

As she mingled, she spotted her chatting with Doctor Jirra. She recognized the white robes and the long hair tied up in a braid...a braid so long, any longer that braid would be and she would have hair worthy to be a Romulan Rapunzel. She couldn't see her face at first. Then Jirra left and the girl turned and watched the crowd...and Nira saw her face.

Nira had to keep moving to avoid making eye contact, but there was no mistaking. She may have had some work done on her face to look thinner, looked more regal, even altered her lips to look green (or it was just one hell of a lipstick job). But she knew that face anywhere. And she passed from behind her, and she was exactly the same height...

...and Nira remembered she was with Thelal when the Romulan exchanged his insults last time...and that old man, if he was Thelal's father...but how could someone from the Tal Shiar be a valet to a Romulan family? Nira thought. This can't be a coincidence.

Unfortunately, keeping an eye on her was even harder than trying to keep an eye on "Thelareon." Nira had to admit, she knew how to disappear with the crowd. That meant she had to be exceptionally careful, she never knew if she ran into her.

Ensign Mrekrerhas made sure to take his place near the doorway within the Lounge as he was instructed to, offering a nod back towards Lieutenant Commander Said at her own. His ears pivoted and swished constantly, trying to both listed to Captain Galloway's rousing speech, and trying to maintain an eye out for danger or trouble. Indeed, his eyes darted from place to place, towards the ceiling, and the walls, and even the floor, when they weren't observing the Romulan delegates with suspicion. Sometimes, the VIP scientists were also subject to scrutiny.

This got momentarily interrupted as he clapped to acknowledge the speech. What he wasn't counting on was Lieutenant Commander Said approaching stealthily to him, causing one of his ears to turn towards her. After being told to keep a close eye at the man that she nodded towards, he offered a thumbs up of acknowledgement, his attention now fully centered upon him. He squinted his eyes, as he couldn't shake the feeling that he felt... familiar.

Too familiar.

It was that when his eyes went wide, and he gritted his teeth, frowning heavily towards his direction. The man looked almost like the Thelal guy that Challenger had fought before. The Romulan commanding the Kranu. He just couldn't believe it. He quickly relaxed, fearing someone noticing his expression, adopting a more neutral one. His sight never left "Thelal", even as the party began. He wasn't about to let him slink into the crowd. Not until he was ordered to.

Or he determined what was happening here.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


[USS Challenger-Lounge]

T'Prith was rather curious about the new scientists that she was present at the ceremony to meet. She was curious about their credentials and what research they have done so far. There was a part of her who wondered what these scientists were there to do. Her guessing was that it probably had something to do with scientific research. However she just had to wait and see to find out if she was proven right about her assumptions of the scientists.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A  - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support Area]

After sending his snarky message off to Commander Said, Lahr half expected a call shortly thereafter from the Engineering Chief to reprimand him.  Instead what he got was a text message back.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 19, 2022, 04:30:00 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

To: Petty Officer First Class ShranLahr ch'Verret
From: Lieutenant Commander Nira Said

Sorry to hear that. Haven't heard from her from some time, eithNever mind, she just arrived.

Hearing that Ruth had made it up to the bridge, Lahr hoped that meant that Commander Said would be content, and less likely to make a call to his chief.
What the Andorian hadn't expected to receive in his message inbox was an invitation to the Convention's celebratory icebreaker later that afternoon.  He was a bit disappointed he hadn't been asked to DJ/MC the event but it seemed ever since the Polywater incident, he was everyone's bad side.

For like a half-second he considered not going at all, but then scoffed at the idea of him saying no to a party.  He hoped while there he'd get a chance to see Ruth.   As he finished up his Alpha shift he considered what to wear.

[USS Challenger-A  - Deck 8 - The Lounge]
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 19, 2022, 04:56:35 PM

[The Lounge - USS Challenger]

After dropping off the first contingent of Romulan scientists, Ian had hustled to his quarters and changed into his dress whites. He arrived back at the Lounge just as the last of the Romulans arrived. He sighed as he wasn't a fan of formal events, but something this big was too big for an informal opening. He moved to the small stage of the lounge and began to speak.

"Welcome delegates, one and all. The purpose of this conference is for the open sharin' of research and ideas between the greatest scientific minds of the Federation and the Romulan Free State. As Captain of the Challenger, I have the honor ta declare these proceedin's ta be open."

As Ian nodded at the ripple of applause, it took every fiber of his being to keep his jaw from dropping open as he suddenly recognized the Romulan standing next to one of the scientists, dressed as a simple Centurion. It was Thelal!

The invitation had said informal... so there was no need to wear his dress uniform, but that didn't mean Lahr couldn't make a statement by wearing his tux.

He clapped along with the others after the Captain's welcoming speech, the headed out around the room to meet and greet the delegates.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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