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S:5 E:11 - He Who Dies Pays All Debts

Started by Ian Galloway, January 22, 2023, 04:44:25 PM

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Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 26, 2023, 04:50:34 PM

[Shuttle Harmsway - Over Fereginar]

Ian took in the news about the jamming of communications and sensors without surprise. It was a standard procedure after all. The input from T'Kel he actually had to divert some attention to as it was his wildly acrobatic dodging down the streets of the capital that had kept them out of the line of fire so far. If he broke cover to climb to be more visible to the friendly ships in orbit, he ran into the near certainty that he would be unable to dodge all the fire from the three ships pursuing them.

"Risks and rewards. Risks and rewards."

He mulled over absently as he sideslipped down another alley to avoid yet another volley of fire from the Romulans. He took a deep breath and set his jaw as he made his decision.

"Mister McNair, the weapons are yours and you are weapons free on those bloody Romulans. First order of business is ta prepare a half dozen photons ta launch without power, but at full yield. As soon as we climb clear of the Tower of Commerce, I want you ta fire them with a five second delay fuse. That should scatter their targetin' array just long enough for us ta get high enough ta get noticed by someone on our side."

Ian didn't wait for an acknowledgement as he banked hard and took the main street over the Sacred Marketplace. He then pitched upward in a vertical climb up the front face of the Tower of Commerce, as soon as they roared past its highest peak he barked.


[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Shuttle "Harmsway" | Tower of Commerce | Fereng | Ferenginar]

"Here, I can help you out, Lieutenant," T'Kel told McNair. She had the console on the other end and was ready to launch the torpedoes with Mister McNair, per the Captain's specifications.

At Galloway's orders, T'Kel looked back at McNair and nodded and helped with the torpedo launch.

The torpedoes detonated and had the desired effect. The Consulate ships seemed to be confused as T'Kel could see. "Well done, Captain," she said. "We have a good opening. We'd best get up quickly."

She had her eyes on the sensors and was keeping an eye out for more Romulans, but as they broke orbit, T'Kel detected a massive ship, very akin in look to the Scimitar-class dreadnought. The huge ships were rare, but they were dangerous. They certainly could induce fear, as she recalled from information on Romulan ships.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:19:07 AM

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Shuttle "Harmsway" | Tower of Commerce | Fereng | Ferenginar]

"Here, I can help you out, Lieutenant," T'Kel told McNair. She had the console on the other end and was ready to launch the torpedoes with Mister McNair, per the Captain's specifications.

At Galloway's orders, T'Kel looked back at McNair and nodded and helped with the torpedo launch.

The torpedoes detonated and had the desired effect. The Consulate ships seemed to be confused as T'Kel could see. "Well done, Captain," she said. "We have a good opening. We'd best get up quickly."

She had her eyes on the sensors and was keeping an eye out for more Romulans, but as they broke orbit, T'Kel detected a massive ship, very akin in look to the Scimitar-class dreadnought. The huge ships were rare, but they were dangerous. They certainly could induce fear, as she recalled from information on Romulan ships.

[Shuttle SS Harmsway - Over Ferenginar]

When the photons began to detonate, Ian began evasive maneuvers as he fed full power to the shuttle's sublight drive to climb as fast as possible. With their targeting scanners scrambled, the Romulans didn't land a single hit and soon they were in the Challenger's shuttlebay.

Ian powered down the shuttle and raced for the turbolift. However, when he entered the bridge, he did so with deliberate slowness as he relieved CatalÁ¡n and took center seat. Even though he was boiling inside to know what was going on, he remembered one of his professor's at the Academy core mantra, 'a captain must always project an air of a non-anxious presence.' On running through the display built into the arm of the command chair, he frowned.

"A bloody Scimitar-Class? just what we don't need."

It was at this point that Lieutenant Davenport at tactical said.

"Captain, I logged an odd signal coming from a civilian ship that was tractored aboard the Romulan ship. It is a series of pulses."

"Let me hear it."

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[S.S Abandon-All-Hope - Deck One - Bridge]

As the tractor beam took hold of the ship, Lahr changed up his message:  .-. --- -- ..- .-.. .- -. / ... .... .. .--. / -...- / -- --- --- --. .. . / -- .. --. .-

Ian's face scrunched up as he translated the dots and dashes.

"What in the south side of Sihnon is a Moogie Miga?"


Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 01, 2023, 11:57:45 AM

[Shuttle SS Harmsway - Over Ferenginar]

When the photons began to detonate, Ian began evasive maneuvers as he fed full power to the shuttle's sublight drive to climb as fast as possible. With their targeting scanners scrambled, the Romulans didn't land a single hit and soon they were in the Challenger's shuttlebay.

Ian powered down the shuttle and raced for the turbolift. However, when he entered the bridge, he did so with deliberate slowness as he relieved CatalÁ¡n and took center seat. Even though he was boiling inside to know what was going on, he remembered one of his professor's at the Academy core mantra, 'a captain must always project an air of a non-anxious presence.' On running through the display built into the arm of the command chair, he frowned.

"A bloody Scimitar-Class? just what we don't need."

It was at this point that Lieutenant Davenport at tactical said.

"Captain, I logged an odd signal coming from a civilian ship that was tractored aboard the Romulan ship. It is a series of pulses."

"Let me hear it."

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[S.S Abandon-All-Hope - Deck One - Bridge]

As the tractor beam took hold of the ship, Lahr changed up his message:  .-. --- -- ..- .-.. .- -. / ... .... .. .--. / -...- / -- --- --- --. .. . / -- .. --. .-

Ian's face scrunched up as he translated the dots and dashes.

"What in the south side of Sihnon is a Moogie Miga?"

[USS Challenger]

Evan had never been happier to get out of a shuttle, which was normally his preferred mode of travel. "œGott sei dank," he muttered to himself as the captain bolted straight for the turbolift. Evan slowly followed, unable to get his legs to move faster as his brain continued to process what had just happened. He wasn't sure why, but it felt like his presence was needed on the bridge, if only to keep the captain's head from bursting. The man's vibes were definitely off.

A few moments later, Evan made it to the bridge, greeted by the sound of the captain yelling, "œWhat in the south side of Sihnon is a Moogie Miga?" Excellent question.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on March 26, 2023, 04:50:34 PM

[Shuttle Harmsway - Over Fereginar]

Ian took in the news about the jamming of communications and sensors without surprise. It was a standard procedure after all. The input from T'Kel he actually had to divert some attention to as it was his wildly acrobatic dodging down the streets of the capital that had kept them out of the line of fire so far. If he broke cover to climb to be more visible to the friendly ships in orbit, he ran into the near certainty that he would be unable to dodge all the fire from the three ships pursuing them.

"Risks and rewards. Risks and rewards."

He mulled over absently as he sideslipped down another alley to avoid yet another volley of fire from the Romulans. He took a deep breath and set his jaw as he made his decision.

"Mister McNair, the weapons are yours and you are weapons free on those bloody Romulans. First order of business is ta prepare a half dozen photons ta launch without power, but at full yield. As soon as we climb clear of the Tower of Commerce, I want you ta fire them with a five second delay fuse. That should scatter their targetin' array just long enough for us ta get high enough ta get noticed by someone on our side."

Ian didn't wait for an acknowledgement as he banked hard and took the main street over the Sacred Marketplace. He then pitched upward in a vertical climb up the front face of the Tower of Commerce, as soon as they roared past its highest peak he barked.


Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:19:07 AM

[Lieutenant Commander T'Kel | Shuttle "Harmsway" | Tower of Commerce | Fereng | Ferenginar]

"Here, I can help you out, Lieutenant," T'Kel told McNair. She had the console on the other end and was ready to launch the torpedoes with Mister McNair, per the Captain's specifications.

At Galloway's orders, T'Kel looked back at McNair and nodded and helped with the torpedo launch.

The torpedoes detonated and had the desired effect. The Consulate ships seemed to be confused as T'Kel could see. "Well done, Captain," she said. "We have a good opening. We'd best get up quickly."

She had her eyes on the sensors and was keeping an eye out for more Romulans, but as they broke orbit, T'Kel detected a massive ship, very akin in look to the Scimitar-class dreadnought. The huge ships were rare, but they were dangerous. They certainly could induce fear, as she recalled from information on Romulan ships.

[Shuttle 'Harmsway']

Buck had jolted to one side as the shuttle lurched, evasively trying to outrun the welcome party that they had on their tail. He had settled himself into the seat, locking himself in place with the belt as he found his hands on the controls of the firepower. He targeted the one in the middle first, then the ones on the wings - sporadically seeing whether he had hit or simply caused them to readjust to the firepower headed their way. They were certainly out numbered and with potential avenues to explore closing on them, they were playing a game of scrappy survival. Which by far was not the worst idea in the world, the Captain was buying them time.

"Copy that, Cap!" Said just as his body lurched once more to the side as the vessel banked hard.

T'Kel was quick on the assist, and for once he nodded, a grin on his face as he felt the gravity pull him back into his seat, his muscles resisting the pressing nature of the steep climb they were making until the words they were waiting for had all but barked from Captain Galloway's mouth.

"Torpedoes away." Buck pressed down on the button.

Their victory would be short lived for sure as they broke through the atmosphere and into orbit. Buck raised a brow as the radar detected what looked to be a massive ship. He didn't place it immediately but judging by each of the other's reactions - this was not one of their back up ships that the Federation had sent.

This vessel was far more deadly than that. "Could someone give me the run down on what on Earth that ship is?"

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Buehler on April 01, 2023, 02:57:05 PM

[USS Challenger]

Evan had never been happier to get out of a shuttle, which was normally his preferred mode of travel. "œGott sei dank," he muttered to himself as the captain bolted straight for the turbolift. Evan slowly followed, unable to get his legs to move faster as his brain continued to process what had just happened. He wasn't sure why, but it felt like his presence was needed on the bridge, if only to keep the captain's head from bursting. The man's vibes were definitely off.

A few moments later, Evan made it to the bridge, greeted by the sound of the captain yelling, "œWhat in the south side of Sihnon is a Moogie Miga?" Excellent question.

Quote from: Buck McNair on April 01, 2023, 03:20:56 PM

[Shuttle 'Harmsway']

Buck had jolted to one side as the shuttle lurched, evasively trying to outrun the welcome party that they had on their tail. He had settled himself into the seat, locking himself in place with the belt as he found his hands on the controls of the firepower. He targeted the one in the middle first, then the ones on the wings - sporadically seeing whether he had hit or simply caused them to readjust to the firepower headed their way. They were certainly out numbered and with potential avenues to explore closing on them, they were playing a game of scrappy survival. Which by far was not the worst idea in the world, the Captain was buying them time.

"Copy that, Cap!" Said just as his body lurched once more to the side as the vessel banked hard.

T'Kel was quick on the assist, and for once he nodded, a grin on his face as he felt the gravity pull him back into his seat, his muscles resisting the pressing nature of the steep climb they were making until the words they were waiting for had all but barked from Captain Galloway's mouth.

"Torpedoes away." Buck pressed down on the button.

Their victory would be short lived for sure as they broke through the atmosphere and into orbit. Buck raised a brow as the radar detected what looked to be a massive ship. He didn't place it immediately but judging by each of the other's reactions - this was not one of their back up ships that the Federation had sent.

This vessel was far more deadly than that. "Could someone give me the run down on what on Earth that ship is?"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was sincerely getting tired of being behind the information curve. All he had was what he could see and what the sensors were telling him. Since he didn't have solid answers, answering the two lieutenants questions would give him time to think.

"That Kraken of a ship seems ta be a modification of a Scimitar-Class battleship. Up until now, Starfleet Intelligence thought only one had been built back in 2379. It was the flagship of a rebellion leader named Shinzon, it was destroyed by the USS Enterprise-E shortly after it was discovered. This one does na seem right, the schematics I've seen didn't have all those extra wings."

Ian paused to collect his thoughts, then continued.

"Lieutenant Davenport, those series of pulses are an ancient form of communication called Morse Code. The long and short pulses were a long recognized means of communications that form letters and numbers. Morse has gotten us out of many a jam. These translate as 'Romulan Ship equals Moogie Miga'. Now what that means, I have no idea, but the use of Morse tells me the other half of our away team is bein' held on that monster.

"Lieutenant Davenport, hail the Moogie Miga. We need ta ken who we are dealin' with. Ops, on a separate encrypted channel, contact the fleet, both Starfleet and the Ferengi ta go ta battlestations and prepare ta fight that Scimitar."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:18:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]
The ship in orbit was tractored into the very maw of the ship, and as it drew closer, Nira recognized it as a Scimitar-class dreadnought. Admiral Gillespie had given her, Galloway and T'Kel some intelligence packets regarding powerhouse Romulan ships when they last met, and this was one of them, but she never thought she'd see it with her own eyes, let alone the way it was deployed. Somehow, it struck Nira was something like some kind of mobile array.

Nira was snapped back to reality at Zhuk's question, of which Cloten and his "gang" laughed mirthlessly. Gath retorted, "We're already allied in this endeavor, we just weren't aware of it."

Lahr wasn't at all confident in this alliance but it was all they presently had and if the Commander supported it then...  what did they have to lose at this point.  They were prisoners one way or another.
Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:18:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Shuttlebay >- Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Naturally, the ringleader had to be there when they arrived. Moogie Miga was even more disgusting in person, and was so obviously overweight that she had her own ride in the form of a hovercraft, like a throne metallically fused to a hover cart, only Nira strongly suspected that the whole thing used to be a Work Bee.

"Welcome aboard the flagship of the Miga Clan, the Deepfake!" Miga creaked.

Worse than the sight of the Moogie Clan leader, was her smell, like something was rotting in the folds of her skin.  The Andorian's antenna folded back and Lahr was forced to cease his Morse Code in order to hold his nose.  If he didn't he be gracing the shuttlebay deck with his half-digested meal.
Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:18:00 AM

Finally, they arrived at the Bridge. It wasn't just the immense size that took Nira's breath away. At the back of the room was a long technological cylinder, extending from the floor to the ceiling. Nira had a distinct impression that the thing extended above and below a few more decks, like a warp core, only this core didn't strike her as energy generating.

Before the core stood a tall, lithe Ferengi. He even had attractive-looking features, but the Ferengi wrinkles, bald bumpy head and huge ears ruined the image. The way he was dressed, he certainly looked the part of a Nagus.

"Yaga! There you are, my boy!" Miga said. "Gentlemen...and feeemale," Miga added, looking at Nira with a sneer, "allow me to present the man whose performance you interrupted! The Puppetmaster himself! My firstborn! Yaga!"

Once more Lahr (and the others) were led as prisoner from the massive ship's shuttlebay to the Bridge.  The corridors with its databanks was very eerie.  'What were they being used for?' he wondered

Upon arriving at the bridge, they met with the puppeteer of Dokan.  The Moogie's own son. The man was positively tall in comparison to every other Ferengi he's ever met, and Lahr couldn't help but wonder if maybe the man might be a hybrid.

After another glance at the Moogie, Lahr gave a shudder.  Maybe she adopted?

Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:18:00 AM

He then approached Nira, Lahr, Zhuk and Cloten. "But then, what an honor for witnesses of the Federation to join us."

He laughed at the expressions on their face and added, "Oh, I bet you are wondering how I accomplished all this. What a remarkable story, am I right, Moogie?"

He then stepped to the center of the bridge like an actor on a stage and began.

Then Lahr's worst nightmare happened. 'Yada Yada' Yaga - Lahr's nickname for the showman - began spouting a 'bad guy' monologue on why and how they got to this point.  The Andorian rolled his eyes and suffered through  storytime - still holding his nose all the while.
Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:18:00 AM

Nira made aside glances at Lahr and Zhuk. This was a man who was taking his megalomania too far. The way he was talking, one would think that he was very much supplanting the Blessed Exchequer in divinity. She could only hope Captain Galloway and the Challenger got Lahr's call for help in time, or if the assassins could do something to the ship...

After a while, he noticed the Commander's side glances towards him.  Probably wondering if there had been any response to his coded message.  He gave a slight shake of his head to indicate no.  It was all he was able to do at the moment - at least until the Commander ordered otherwise... his role was to stay silent and follow her lead.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:18:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]
The ship in orbit was tractored into the very maw of the ship, and as it drew closer, Nira recognized it as a Scimitar-class dreadnought. Admiral Gillespie had given her, Galloway and T'Kel some intelligence packets regarding powerhouse Romulan ships when they last met, and this was one of them, but she never thought she'd see it with her own eyes, let alone the way it was deployed. Somehow, it struck Nira was something like some kind of mobile array.

Nira was snapped back to reality at Zhuk's question, of which Cloten and his "gang" laughed mirthlessly. Gath retorted, "We're already allied in this endeavor, we just weren't aware of it."

"However, they won't likely expect us," said Visa silkily. "I propose we hide ourselves and find a way to...weaken our giant new friend."

"We got plenty of places to hide and sneak out, Visa," Cloten said, "but if this is the Miga Clan we're dealing with, we'd best watch ourselves, a Syndicate war can be extremely messy."

"Agreed, Cloten," Xinor replied. "Then you can be escorted when the big matriarch comes to collect."

Cloten shrugged. Nira, meanwhile, leaned over to whisper in Bink's ear: "What do you know of the Miga Clan?"

"Dangerous Ferengi gang," Bink replied. "Active for more than fifty years. Moogie Miga was, at first, defied Ferengi law by wearing clothes before moving up to more dangerous crap. In spite of her size, she very easily tends to disappear. We Eliminators and Liquidators always knew she'd be out for the seat of Nagus looks like it could've arrived."

"So she's a radical," Nira said. "But how did she get all that information, let alone a topnotch android like 'Dokan?'"

"Your guess is as good as mine," Bink said with a shrug.

"Right," said Nira. She looked at Lahr and could see he was making contact in Morse Code, with the device she had gifted him at his promotion. Clever man, she thought to herself with praise.

Once docked in the massive shuttlebay, the assassins went into hiding, leaving only Cloten with Nira, Lahr and Zhuk and Bink to meet a troop of Nausicaans who ordered them along with them and lifted up "Dokan" as easily as lifting a sack.

Zhuk frowned at the mirthful laughter that he was met with. At least, though, it seemed as if they were on tow with it. Excellent. It meant that it opened some avenues for their escape. For now, though, it was a waiting game as the ship was brought inside the larger vessel, and a plan was concocted. It seemed, though, as if they had gotten the short end of the stick. Still, Zhuk got prepared to play his role to the best of his ability, when everyone moved over to hide, and were met with a set of burly Nausicaans that ordered him to follow them, picking the android up with ease.

Out of the frying pan.

Into the fire.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 01, 2023, 12:18:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Shuttlebay >- Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Naturally, the ringleader had to be there when they arrived. Moogie Miga was even more disgusting in person, and was so obviously overweight that she had her own ride in the form of a hovercraft, like a throne metallically fused to a hover cart, only Nira strongly suspected that the whole thing used to be a Work Bee.

"Welcome aboard the flagship of the Miga Clan, the Deepfake!" Miga creaked.

What an appropriate name, Nira thought, looking at Dokan for a moment, given Dokan really wasn't what he appeared to be.

"Come along now, idiots, you are, after all, most Very Important Prisoners!" she said, wheezing a chuckle at her own bad joke.

Once again, Nira had the impression that the ship seemed more like a mobile array. She got that inkling once she followed Miga through the first corridors. Every bit of wall that didn't consist of doors, windows or replicators was covered with computer servers, like if Borg hull had lined the walls inside. Lights came in the form of glowing data nodes, almost exactly like the inside of a Borg ship, though torches lined the walls at times, the only other form of light inside.

What further surprised Nira was who inhabited the ship, not just crew. Orions and Deltans lounged in carpeted lean-tos engaged in debauched activity. Nausicaans, Kzinti and huge Orion bouncers patrolled around. Ferengi were busy doing maintenance or conducting inventory. If it wasn't for the people, Nira would've assumed that she would've imagined if Bedouins had found a Borg ship and decided to call it home. It wasn't just a mobile array, but also a mobile Ishtar Bazaar.

Finally, they arrived at the Bridge. It wasn't just the immense size that took Nira's breath away. At the back of the room was a long technological cylinder, extending from the floor to the ceiling. Nira had a distinct impression that the thing extended above and below a few more decks, like a warp core, only this core didn't strike her as energy generating.

Before the core stood a tall, lithe Ferengi. He even had attractive-looking features, but the Ferengi wrinkles, bald bumpy head and huge ears ruined the image. The way he was dressed, he certainly looked the part of a Nagus.

"Yaga! There you are, my boy!" Miga said. "Gentlemen...and feeemale," Miga added, looking at Nira with a sneer, "allow me to present the man whose performance you interrupted! The Puppetmaster himself! My firstborn! Yaga!"

Yaga gave a theatrical bow. "Ah. And you brought the android. Good."

This was the second Ferengi whose unexpected voice surprised Nira. He was smooth-talking for a Ferengi, and he could've passed for a salesman with a forked tongue, and Nira was even expecting a forked tongue to flick out; the big ears on Yaga certainly bore semblance to a cobra's hood.

The Nausicaans set "Dokan" down and adjusted him in a sitting position. Yaga got to work on him and the android shifted its camouflage. The ears shortened, as did the hair. The eyes and skin lightened until, finally, the original android form was shown. It was extremely different from any android, even of Soong make. His eyes, skin and hair were whitened...whitened in a blank kind of way.

"Remarkable, isn't it?" Yaga said. "A pity the performance had to end so soon. It was even entertaining to watch various Romulans try to bump him off."

"So it's you, alright," Bink sneered.

"Ah, Bink, my old friend," Yaga said smoothly. "Glad we can meet again. I wish Bock could be here to enjoy this."

"And I am surprised you're actually alive," Bink sputtered quietly. "We thought you died when Hobus..."

"You wish," Yaga retorted. He then approached Nira, Lahr, Zhuk and Cloten. "But then, what an honor for witnesses of the Federation to join us."

He laughed at the expressions on their face and added, "Oh, I bet you are wondering how I accomplished all this. What a remarkable story, am I right, Moogie?"

He then stepped to the center of the bridge like an actor on a stage and began.

"For years, the Miga Clan has evaded Ferengi justice. Decades, even. I, the best and first of Miga's sons, was unfortunate to be the first caught. However, the war with the Dominion had ended and a new Nagus took command.

"Now, if Zek was still in charge, I would've been a bloodstain in the Sacred Marketplace," Yaga said slyly before turning bitterly critical. "I had even expected that old man, a man who matched Moogie in shrewdness. Instead, the Nagus before me was Rom. A fool that I was amazed was even made Zek's successor. And in that, I was fortunate. Rather than execute me, Rom took the more...lenient approach by exiling me...he even 'assigned' me a position in the Ferengi embassy of Romulus.

"I would've been miserable, but what I saw was opportunity," added Yaga, licking his lips with an insane grin, like he had stepped into a Scheherazade treasure cave. "I was at Romulus to witness Shinzon come and go like a plume puffing from Mount Tubatuba. And, like Mount Tubatuba, he left quite an impact. I had freedom, access...plenty enough to get me into the right places and acquire...certain things. This ship, for instance," he added, gesturing around, "it's based off the Scimitar design...there were plenty more like this that Shinzon destroyed to ensure he met no threat. But this one, he missed. And it's the only other ship like the Scimitar designed to incorporate a Thalaron core."

Nira let out a gasp and looked at the computer core...surely this whole ship wasn't powered by Thalaron Radiation...but Yaga chuckled at her reaction.

"I said it was designed. I put in something in its place, with help of some Miga boys smuggled into Romulan space. In its place...a computer core to uplink to the Romulan central network hub. I've had more than half a decade to load every dirty secret of the Romulan Star Empire. And it led me and the clan to more stuff...including the android."

Patting the android, he continued. "You know, the idea was based off the very idea that brought Shinzon into existence in the first place. Decades ago, a plan was conceived to insert Romulan sleeper agents in the form of cloned copies of key Federation commanding officers. The first of the officers chosen to be replaced was Jean-Luc Picard. So, the intelligence operatives got ahold of his DNA while in attendance at a wedding and came up with a clone designed to accelerate with age until he was the exact age of Picard and then replaced. Unfortunately, when a new government on Romulus was rotated in, the plan was abandoned, out of concern that if the Federation discovered the plan, it would lead to war. So the boy was exiled into the Pits of Remus...and by the Blessed Exchequer, he not only survived, he became a powerful ruler of his own right.

Of course, the idea of disguised sleeper agents wouldn't crop up again until the Dominion threat came about and paranoia of Changelings infiltrating the Alpha Quadrant came about. That's when the Tal Shiar decided to make use of synthetic drones instead of clones - less time-consuming than a clone, anyway. Only a dozen of these things were ever made before Hobus destroyed Romulus."

"And speaking of Romulus," Nira interrupted, "your connection wouldn't have done much good, that network hub went with the rest of Romulus."

"Oh, I had gotten plenty, Nira," Yaga said, coming close to Nira...ugh, she could smell his breath, was there a particular dipping sauce made of swamp gunk for tube grubs? "And it gave me links to every other major network hub in the old Star Empire. Anyway, the time and effort taken into these androids was as much as a typical shipyard can take on a squadron of starships, but it was well worth the effort to acquire at least one of these."

"And what about the real Dokan?" asked Nira.

"The Romulan ambassador to Ferenginar and I were good friends," said Yaga. "He also kept close tabs on the Hobus star. He allowed me to leave with the...acquisitions made for the Miga Clan, his back turned...and a week later, he went along with the rest of Romulus, but the simulation made of him still existed in the android's memory banks. It was very easy to claim I died with the rest of Romulus and conduct my plan."

"By what, overriding Ferenginar's economy with an auction of dirty secrets?" Nira retorted.

"An auction to buy my way into position of Nagus," answered Yaga. "And when there were too many people threatening to snoop in on me...well, the android is as handy a weapon as he is a puppet."

Nira shuddered. Even his scheme of overthrowing a government was definitely of Ferengi nature. Bink, of course, spoke up.

"The hanging...of course, you were getting revenge at the same time," he said. "The Miga Clan was famous for hanging people, but to do it from the Tower of Commerce...?"

"Yes, one of the Liquidators close to the Nagus and set me on my way to the 'embassy,'" snarled Yaga quietly. "The Tower of Commerce unfortunately stinks worse than a sweating Antican."

"Hey!" snarled Cloten.

"Ah yes, easy to forget you, Cloten," Yaga said, wagging his finger. "But can you even imagine that you'd be as clever as I am, to know as much as I do? Knowledge is power, it's what the Miga Clan phrase easily, something that deserves being added to the Rules of Acquisition. And with so much knowledge, I could very well unite all the Romulan factions under my control, almost as easily as Shinzon easily took control of the Star Empire, and that I will once I become Nagus. Yes, knowledge is power, very...much...indeed."

Nira made aside glances at Lahr and Zhuk. This was a man who was taking his megalomania too far. The way he was talking, one would think that he was very much supplanting the Blessed Exchequer in divinity. She could only hope Captain Galloway and the Challenger got Lahr's call for help in time, or if the assassins could do something to the ship...

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Zhuk's eyes opened wide once the Nausicaans finally escorted them to their final destination: the meeting of the 'Big Mama' Miga. She was gigantic, her form needing to be carried by some sort of repurposed cargo unit. He felt an intense sense of discomfort, as he considered that was no form of living. His sensitive nose was too assaulted by the retch she produced, though he managed to remain with a serious expression. It made his mind began to get flush with ideas as to how he could deal with Miga and her cronies. He wasn't too sure how much he would be able to resist.

The name surprised him, momentarily deviating his train of thought. The Deepfake, eh? Its not the name he would have chosen for a vessel like this, but he supposed that it was a fitting one. Something far more impressive would have been his choice. The Stupefier. Specter. Phantasm. The Simulacrum. Oh well, he supposed that not everyone had his creativity. At her bad joke, he could only let a soft chuckle, as he wandered forward.

His confidence slowly began to erode at noticing more Orions within the ship, along many other races that populated the ship. An escape into this mess was unlikely, that with the strange machinery all around, constantly checked by its tripulants. It was most peculiar, but he doubted he would be able to make a quick gettaway, and then assist the rest of his fellow officers. And he truly didn't want to have to face a burly Orion male. That was for sure. His fur raised up, being a visual indicator of his state of mind.

Within the bridge, his mouth became agape as he gazed at the massive cylinder that dominated its central section. Impressive, certainly. He wondered how many years took to build it. His attention, however, soon shifted towards the Ferengi by the name of "Yaga", who turned out to be strangely handosme. Also Miga's son, apparently. His left ear flicked, as he picked up the fact that it was apparently an 'old pal' of Bink's.

Shame that it turned out that he was playing with scum.

"I am quite amused that my act has been outed by thy perceptive natures. That also irks me significantly." Zhuk answered, to Yaga's approach as he presented himself towards the trio that were reunited there. He had to give it to him, though, he was significantly amused by his theatrical expressions. In fact, he was glad he had found a kindred soul when it came to such an act.

A shame his loyalties lied elsewhere. At least, Yaga had Zhuk's rapt attention as he told his story, listening intently to every detail. Man, this individual truly was a deluded megalomaniac. That was a rather unconventional, very convoluted plan. Quite smart, of course, but risky, in his opinion. At least, he could praise Yaga for being able to get advantage of every opportunity.

He struggled to think on a way to one-up him, though.

When Nira looked over at him, he too shook his head. He had no way of finding out if the Challenger knew what was happening. No escape ideas, either- though maybe he could do something else to confound his enemies.

"Quite an... intelligent plan." He placed his hands on his back, making a pause before he continued. "That said, I do have a few critiques before you dispose of us, or whatever you have dastardly planned," He cleared his throat, as he spoke, "I personally would have provided Dokan with more than a one-dimensional personality. The man surely was mysterious, but perhaps a little more life behind those eyes could have been breathed. If I recall, he lacked anything but a monotone expression at most instances, except when we finally discovered whomst he really was. Perhaps, it would have been better to make him friendlier, in order to make contacts that would be able to be played like puppets, and pitted against those whomst were his enemies. That way, you would have created much more discord amongst the ranks than I believe you caused."

A soft smirk became plastered in his face."Of course, that is just my humble opinion. Otherwise, I have to say, you are an absolute genius. A shame that you lack the grace and distinction of your mother. She truly knows how to make a grandiose entrance~ Yours lacks... hm... how would I say it...?"

He spun his hand on the air, as to give emphasis to his words "In layman's terms, a little... 'oomph'. Your appearance from within the... area you were in could have been benefitted by more spectacle, besides the introduction your lovely mother offered. Again, I have studied plays for a while, so I am just offering a couple of pointers for the next individuals that come across you."

Zhukdra'shar then turned towards Miga, placing his best critique pose, hand on his hip, and fingers lightly extended towards her. "And you dear. The only thing that has significantly diminished my experience, is the name of the ship. Deepfake? Really? I believe someone as grandiose as yours could have come up with something nicer. I have a few ideas myself, in this brief time that I have spent accompanied by your tough bodyguards. Mayhaps I should... offer them to you, hm?"

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 02, 2023, 02:08:14 AM

Lahr wasn't at all confident in this alliance but it was all they presently had and if the Commander supported it then...  what did they have to lose at this point.  They were prisoners one way or another.

Worse than the sight of the Moogie Clan leader, was her smell, like something was rotting in the folds of her skin.  The Andorian's antenna folded back and Lahr was forced to cease his Morse Code in order to hold his nose.  If he didn't he be gracing the shuttlebay deck with his half-digested meal.
Once more Lahr (and the others) were led as prisoner from the massive ship's shuttlebay to the Bridge.  The corridors with its databanks was very eerie.  'What were they being used for?' he wondered

Upon arriving at the bridge, they met with the puppeteer of Dokan.  The Moogie's own son. The man was positively tall in comparison to every other Ferengi he's ever met, and Lahr couldn't help but wonder if maybe the man might be a hybrid.

After another glance at the Moogie, Lahr gave a shudder.  Maybe she adopted?

Then Lahr's worst nightmare happened. 'Yada Yada' Yaga - Lahr's nickname for the showman - began spouting a 'bad guy' monologue on why and how they got to this point.  The Andorian rolled his eyes and suffered through  storytime - still holding his nose all the while.
After a while, he noticed the Commander's side glances towards him.  Probably wondering if there had been any response to his coded message.  He gave a slight shake of his head to indicate no.  It was all he was able to do at the moment - at least until the Commander ordered otherwise... his role was to stay silent and follow her lead.
Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 02, 2023, 05:36:37 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Zhuk frowned at the mirthful laughter that he was met with. At least, though, it seemed as if they were on tow with it. Excellent. It meant that it opened some avenues for their escape. For now, though, it was a waiting game as the ship was brought inside the larger vessel, and a plan was concocted. It seemed, though, as if they had gotten the short end of the stick. Still, Zhuk got prepared to play his role to the best of his ability, when everyone moved over to hide, and were met with a set of burly Nausicaans that ordered him to follow them, picking the android up with ease.

Out of the frying pan.

Into the fire.

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Zhuk's eyes opened wide once the Nausicaans finally escorted them to their final destination: the meeting of the 'Big Mama' Miga. She was gigantic, her form needing to be carried by some sort of repurposed cargo unit. He felt an intense sense of discomfort, as he considered that was no form of living. His sensitive nose was too assaulted by the retch she produced, though he managed to remain with a serious expression. It made his mind began to get flush with ideas as to how he could deal with Miga and her cronies. He wasn't too sure how much he would be able to resist.

The name surprised him, momentarily deviating his train of thought. The Deepfake, eh? Its not the name he would have chosen for a vessel like this, but he supposed that it was a fitting one. Something far more impressive would have been his choice. The Stupefier. Specter. Phantasm. The Simulacrum. Oh well, he supposed that not everyone had his creativity. At her bad joke, he could only let a soft chuckle, as he wandered forward.

His confidence slowly began to erode at noticing more Orions within the ship, along many other races that populated the ship. An escape into this mess was unlikely, that with the strange machinery all around, constantly checked by its tripulants. It was most peculiar, but he doubted he would be able to make a quick gettaway, and then assist the rest of his fellow officers. And he truly didn't want to have to face a burly Orion male. That was for sure. His fur raised up, being a visual indicator of his state of mind.

Within the bridge, his mouth became agape as he gazed at the massive cylinder that dominated its central section. Impressive, certainly. He wondered how many years took to build it. His attention, however, soon shifted towards the Ferengi by the name of "Yaga", who turned out to be strangely handosme. Also Miga's son, apparently. His left ear flicked, as he picked up the fact that it was apparently an 'old pal' of Bink's.

Shame that it turned out that he was playing with scum.

"I am quite amused that my act has been outed by thy perceptive natures. That also irks me significantly." Zhuk answered, to Yaga's approach as he presented himself towards the trio that were reunited there. He had to give it to him, though, he was significantly amused by his theatrical expressions. In fact, he was glad he had found a kindred soul when it came to such an act.

A shame his loyalties lied elsewhere. At least, Yaga had Zhuk's rapt attention as he told his story, listening intently to every detail. Man, this individual truly was a deluded megalomaniac. That was a rather unconventional, very convoluted plan. Quite smart, of course, but risky, in his opinion. At least, he could praise Yaga for being able to get advantage of every opportunity.

He struggled to think on a way to one-up him, though.

When Nira looked over at him, he too shook his head. He had no way of finding out if the Challenger knew what was happening. No escape ideas, either- though maybe he could do something else to confound his enemies.

"Quite an... intelligent plan." He placed his hands on his back, making a pause before he continued. "That said, I do have a few critiques before you dispose of us, or whatever you have dastardly planned," He cleared his throat, as he spoke, "I personally would have provided Dokan with more than a one-dimensional personality. The man surely was mysterious, but perhaps a little more life behind those eyes could have been breathed. If I recall, he lacked anything but a monotone expression at most instances, except when we finally discovered whomst he really was. Perhaps, it would have been better to make him friendlier, in order to make contacts that would be able to be played like puppets, and pitted against those whomst were his enemies. That way, you would have created much more discord amongst the ranks than I believe you caused."

A soft smirk became plastered in his face."Of course, that is just my humble opinion. Otherwise, I have to say, you are an absolute genius. A shame that you lack the grace and distinction of your mother. She truly knows how to make a grandiose entrance~ Yours lacks... hm... how would I say it...?"

He spun his hand on the air, as to give emphasis to his words "In layman's terms, a little... 'oomph'. Your appearance from within the... area you were in could have been benefitted by more spectacle, besides the introduction your lovely mother offered. Again, I have studied plays for a while, so I am just offering a couple of pointers for the next individuals that come across you."

Zhukdra'shar then turned towards Miga, placing his best critique pose, hand on his hip, and fingers lightly extended towards her. "And you dear. The only thing that has significantly diminished my experience, is the name of the ship. Deepfake? Really? I believe someone as grandiose as yours could have come up with something nicer. I have a few ideas myself, in this brief time that I have spent accompanied by your tough bodyguards. Mayhaps I should... offer them to you, hm?"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Bink continued to scowl at Yaga. Their friendship was, after all, one of more the same way an old enemy greets each other. Then, when Zhuk spoke up, Yaga turned and laughed.

"One dimensional?" he chuckled. "That is just a puppet, even if it's a dead giveaway. But why should there even so much as be life in him? He's not even an organic lifeform. Besides, 'Deepfake' is a perfect word. It, of course, refers to a person who alters his or her image to appear as something else to spread false information. Believe me, it was only after we acquired the android and learned its capabilities that we named the ship thus, because the android is a perfect walking deepfake, and the ship a perfect harvester for information."

"You won't get away with this," snarled Nira.

"No crap," Bink said in agreement. "The Liquidators will stop you. And I will personally haul you off the roof of the Tower of Commerce myself."

"You're in no position to make threats, Bink," Yaga said smoothly. "And, Commander, I already have. Now, you'd think all those ships out there can combine against this ship and be a match. But just look at them out there. No trace of mobilization, even if we've been on sensors."

Nira followed his gesture to the viewscreen and could see the bulks of Romulan and Ferengi ships huddling together in fleet groups. Even the Romulan ships seem to not do a thing, and Nira had the distinct impression that they were scared out of their wits at the sight of the huge ship bearing semblance to a clone who made an impression on the Romulan Star Empire before Hobus came along.

"Oh yes, too scared to face a ghost in the past," Yaga said with twisted amusement. "And our own people even more afraid that we'd turn our guns on them...Now, I would've waited for the end of the auction, but circumstances have prompted the plan be accelerated. It seems that force is going to have to be required rather than profit. I'm so eager to anticipate the first move..."

Just then, something fluctuated in a console or two, and there was a hum.

"What's going on?" shrilled Moogie Miga.

"That's what I was wondering, Moogie," a Ferengi at a console replied.

"Nephew, what do you think internal sensors are for?!?"

"Ah yes," Yaga said calmly. "It occurred to me that there would be more of Cloten's thugs that we may have missed..."

"Who are you calling thugs?" Cloten snarled. "We all had a mutual agreement!"

"Yes, and you had to get Federation types mixed up in all of this," Yaga said. "Now, we better see what the problem is, and I'm spent up to go monologuing further..."

Suddenly, he froze, and he cocked his ear in a different direction....and a moment later, the bridge door opened by itself, followed by a familiar wooden staff with a golden Ferengi head slamming onto the floor past the door frame.

"No!" Yaga shouted, losing his cool for the first time. Even some of his underlings seemed to stumble. "It can't be him! It's not him!"

"You're right! It'sh not!"

The rest of the Ferengi revealed himself, with his own personal guard of Nausicaans and flanked by a pair of Eliminators, a Ferengi who looked like a beaver.

"Bock!" said Nira, never more glad to see a Ferengi in her life.

"The Grand Proshee at your shervish!" Bock said. "What, did you think the Nagush himshelf would've taken the effort to come in the middle of a hoshtile ship...? And the Miga Clan of all people..."

"How the hell did you get on our ship," shrilled Miga.

"Why, 'Moogie,'" said Bock, emphasizing the title with such disgust, it may as well have been on par with an obscenity, "everybody hash had eyesh on thish monshter shinsh it decloaked and swallowed a ship whole. Then we find the shieldsh drop, we beam as fasht ash we can on the bridge, and lo and behold."

He made a gesture: Ta da! But the enemy numbers certainly outnumbered his group further.

"This will be even better," Miga cackled. "A hostage for negotiation to the government, the Grand Proxy in our hands! We can still make a profit after all."

But Yaga had the same inkling Nira had, but it was she who voiced it quietly to Lahr and Zhuk: "I think our new 'friends' have taken out the shields."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 01, 2023, 11:57:45 AM

[Shuttle SS Harmsway - Over Ferenginar]

When the photons began to detonate, Ian began evasive maneuvers as he fed full power to the shuttle's sublight drive to climb as fast as possible. With their targeting scanners scrambled, the Romulans didn't land a single hit and soon they were in the Challenger's shuttlebay.

Ian powered down the shuttle and raced for the turbolift. However, when he entered the bridge, he did so with deliberate slowness as he relieved CatalÁ¡n and took center seat. Even though he was boiling inside to know what was going on, he remembered one of his professor's at the Academy core mantra, 'a captain must always project an air of a non-anxious presence.' On running through the display built into the arm of the command chair, he frowned.

"A bloody Scimitar-Class? just what we don't need."

It was at this point that Lieutenant Davenport at tactical said.

"Captain, I logged an odd signal coming from a civilian ship that was tractored aboard the Romulan ship. It is a series of pulses."

"Let me hear it."

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[S.S Abandon-All-Hope - Deck One - Bridge]

As the tractor beam took hold of the ship, Lahr changed up his message:  .-. --- -- ..- .-.. .- -. / ... .... .. .--. / -...- / -- --- --- --. .. . / -- .. --. .-

Ian's face scrunched up as he translated the dots and dashes.

"What in the south side of Sihnon is a Moogie Miga?"

Quote from: Buck McNair on April 01, 2023, 03:20:56 PM

[Shuttle 'Harmsway']

Buck had jolted to one side as the shuttle lurched, evasively trying to outrun the welcome party that they had on their tail. He had settled himself into the seat, locking himself in place with the belt as he found his hands on the controls of the firepower. He targeted the one in the middle first, then the ones on the wings - sporadically seeing whether he had hit or simply caused them to readjust to the firepower headed their way. They were certainly out numbered and with potential avenues to explore closing on them, they were playing a game of scrappy survival. Which by far was not the worst idea in the world, the Captain was buying them time.

"Copy that, Cap!" Said just as his body lurched once more to the side as the vessel banked hard.

T'Kel was quick on the assist, and for once he nodded, a grin on his face as he felt the gravity pull him back into his seat, his muscles resisting the pressing nature of the steep climb they were making until the words they were waiting for had all but barked from Captain Galloway's mouth.

"Torpedoes away." Buck pressed down on the button.

Their victory would be short lived for sure as they broke through the atmosphere and into orbit. Buck raised a brow as the radar detected what looked to be a massive ship. He didn't place it immediately but judging by each of the other's reactions - this was not one of their back up ships that the Federation had sent.

This vessel was far more deadly than that. "Could someone give me the run down on what on Earth that ship is?"

Quote from: Buehler on April 01, 2023, 02:57:05 PM

[USS Challenger]

Evan had never been happier to get out of a shuttle, which was normally his preferred mode of travel. "œGott sei dank," he muttered to himself as the captain bolted straight for the turbolift. Evan slowly followed, unable to get his legs to move faster as his brain continued to process what had just happened. He wasn't sure why, but it felt like his presence was needed on the bridge, if only to keep the captain's head from bursting. The man's vibes were definitely off.

A few moments later, Evan made it to the bridge, greeted by the sound of the captain yelling, "œWhat in the south side of Sihnon is a Moogie Miga?" Excellent question.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 01, 2023, 04:12:51 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was sincerely getting tired of being behind the information curve. All he had was what he could see and what the sensors were telling him. Since he didn't have solid answers, answering the two lieutenants questions would give him time to think.

"That Kraken of a ship seems ta be a modification of a Scimitar-Class battleship. Up until now, Starfleet Intelligence thought only one had been built back in 2379. It was the flagship of a rebellion leader named Shinzon, it was destroyed by the USS Enterprise-E shortly after it was discovered. This one does na seem right, the schematics I've seen didn't have all those extra wings."

Ian paused to collect his thoughts, then continued.

"Lieutenant Davenport, those series of pulses are an ancient form of communication called Morse Code. The long and short pulses were a long recognized means of communications that form letters and numbers. Morse has gotten us out of many a jam. These translate as 'Romulan Ship equals Moogie Miga'. Now what that means, I have no idea, but the use of Morse tells me the other half of our away team is bein' held on that monster.

"Lieutenant Davenport, hail the Moogie Miga. We need ta ken who we are dealin' with. Ops, on a separate encrypted channel, contact the fleet, both Starfleet and the Ferengi ta go ta battlestations and prepare ta fight that Scimitar."

Just as Bock was surrounded, another Ferengi called out: "Moogie! We're being hailed!"

"Finally!" Miga muttered. "Is it one of our fellow Ferengis deciding to call to grovel? Or a Romulan wondering if he's seeing a ghost?"

"Neither, Moogie," the Ferengi said nervously. "It's a hyoomaan ship, the Challenger."

Nira looked at Zhuk and Lahr and beamed at them with praise. Miga growled and opened the channel to show Captain Galloway on the viewscreen.

"What do you want, hyoomaan?" snarled Miga.

"Wait...I recognize you," Yaga pointed out, then his face dawning in recognition. "St. John whatshisname, is it? Or...well, well, if I know the hacked Romulan databases very well, you must be dear Nira Said's superior. Captain Galloway, I believe. The Romulan Free State has such good friends, but are certainly even more familiar with your first officer, especially at the Tryka system."

Nira winced. Of course Yaga would know about the Tal Shiar plot framing Discovery.

"Now, don't get any ideas of beaming your comrades or even your new friends in the Ferengi government from the bridge, not with transport inhibitors around here, even with the shields down..."

Just then, more hails began coming in...the next one to come was another familiar face to Nira...

"Why, Praetor Nakir, what a delight!" Yaga called in delight.

"Who the devil are you?" the part-Reman zealot snarled. "A ship that looks like the flagship of Shinzon, yet i see there are no followers of Shinzon aboard...just a bunch of Ferengi..."

Then a third person came on the viewscreen alongside the images of Captain Galloway and Praetor Nakir, and it was General Vellal herself.

"Well, well, well," she said coolly. "Ferengi manning a dreadnought. Praetor, I'm sure I speak for my own Praetor, but I get the feeling we've all been tricked."

Yaga let out a toothy baring...Nira couldn't tell whether he was smiling or grimacing...more likely the former when he said, "Excuse me, but I have an audience to meet."

Nira curled her lip at him. In spite of being a dangerous Ferengi con man, it was becoming all too apparent that the man was a camera-mugger, he can't resist the spotlight, which somewhat explained why he explained his own plot so easily...and now, he's extremely distracted, and he even seemed to momentarily forget the shields were down. And that, for all his cleverness, was his big glaring weakness.

Nira turned to Lahr, Zhuk and Cloten and began to make some significant gestures: First, she looked at them to get their attention, then pointed her eyes at the computer core, which was all guarded by Ferengi, as opposed to the Nausicaans flanking the doorway and occasional paces on the bridge. Then, she subtly put her hands up, gently patting her ears before rubbing her hands down, but the message was clear: Go for the ears. She made a square with her hands to indicate the core, and finally, she made a finger gun that pulled the trigger, which would be the most poignant of all. Cloten winced silently, and Nira knew why: Every dirty Romulan secret too good to have was there, and destroying it was like flushing a planet's worth of profit down a black hole.

Finally, Nira extended her fingers and curled one finger into a fist at a time on her hands, a silent countdown...she was counting on not just Yaga's being distracted as a camera-mugger, but also on the fact that he's likely to forget that, in spite of the transport inhibitors on the bridge, she had a feeling the whole Miga Clan's going to have company outside the doorstep to their inner sanctum extremely soon...

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 03, 2023, 12:46:52 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Bink continued to scowl at Yaga. Their friendship was, after all, one of more the same way an old enemy greets each other. Then, when Zhuk spoke up, Yaga turned and laughed.

"One dimensional?" he chuckled. "That is just a puppet, even if it's a dead giveaway. But why should there even so much as be life in him? He's not even an organic lifeform. Besides, 'Deepfake' is a perfect word. It, of course, refers to a person who alters his or her image to appear as something else to spread false information. Believe me, it was only after we acquired the android and learned its capabilities that we named the ship thus, because the android is a perfect walking deepfake, and the ship a perfect harvester for information."

"You won't get away with this," snarled Nira.

"No crap," Bink said in agreement. "The Liquidators will stop you. And I will personally haul you off the roof of the Tower of Commerce myself."

"You're in no position to make threats, Bink," Yaga said smoothly. "And, Commander, I already have. Now, you'd think all those ships out there can combine against this ship and be a match. But just look at them out there. No trace of mobilization, even if we've been on sensors."

Nira followed his gesture to the viewscreen and could see the bulks of Romulan and Ferengi ships huddling together in fleet groups. Even the Romulan ships seem to not do a thing, and Nira had the distinct impression that they were scared out of their wits at the sight of the huge ship bearing semblance to a clone who made an impression on the Romulan Star Empire before Hobus came along.

"Oh yes, too scared to face a ghost in the past," Yaga said with twisted amusement. "And our own people even more afraid that we'd turn our guns on them...Now, I would've waited for the end of the auction, but circumstances have prompted the plan be accelerated. It seems that force is going to have to be required rather than profit. I'm so eager to anticipate the first move..."

Just then, something fluctuated in a console or two, and there was a hum.

"What's going on?" shrilled Moogie Miga.

"That's what I was wondering, Moogie," a Ferengi at a console replied.

"Nephew, what do you think internal sensors are for?!?"

"Ah yes," Yaga said calmly. "It occurred to me that there would be more of Cloten's thugs that we may have missed..."

"Who are you calling thugs?" Cloten snarled. "We all had a mutual agreement!"

"Yes, and you had to get Federation types mixed up in all of this," Yaga said. "Now, we better see what the problem is, and I'm spent up to go monologuing further..."

Suddenly, he froze, and he cocked his ear in a different direction....and a moment later, the bridge door opened by itself, followed by a familiar wooden staff with a golden Ferengi head slamming onto the floor past the door frame.

"No!" Yaga shouted, losing his cool for the first time. Even some of his underlings seemed to stumble. "It can't be him! It's not him!"

"You're right! It'sh not!"

The rest of the Ferengi revealed himself, with his own personal guard of Nausicaans and flanked by a pair of Eliminators, a Ferengi who looked like a beaver.

"Bock!" said Nira, never more glad to see a Ferengi in her life.

"The Grand Proshee at your shervish!" Bock said. "What, did you think the Nagush himshelf would've taken the effort to come in the middle of a hoshtile ship...? And the Miga Clan of all people..."

"How the hell did you get on our ship," shrilled Miga.

"Why, 'Moogie,'" said Bock, emphasizing the title with such disgust, it may as well have been on par with an obscenity, "everybody hash had eyesh on thish monshter shinsh it decloaked and swallowed a ship whole. Then we find the shieldsh drop, we beam as fasht ash we can on the bridge, and lo and behold."

He made a gesture: Ta da! But the enemy numbers certainly outnumbered his group further.

"This will be even better," Miga cackled. "A hostage for negotiation to the government, the Grand Proxy in our hands! We can still make a profit after all."

But Yaga had the same inkling Nira had, but it was she who voiced it quietly to Lahr and Zhuk: "I think our new 'friends' have taken out the shields."
Just as Bock was surrounded, another Ferengi called out: "Moogie! We're being hailed!"

"Finally!" Miga muttered. "Is it one of our fellow Ferengis deciding to call to grovel? Or a Romulan wondering if he's seeing a ghost?"

"Neither, Moogie," the Ferengi said nervously. "It's a hyoomaan ship, the Challenger."

Nira looked at Zhuk and Lahr and beamed at them with praise. Miga growled and opened the channel to show Captain Galloway on the viewscreen.

"What do you want, hyoomaan?" snarled Miga.

"Wait...I recognize you," Yaga pointed out, then his face dawning in recognition. "St. John whatshisname, is it? Or...well, well, if I know the hacked Romulan databases very well, you must be dear Nira Said's superior. Captain Galloway, I believe. The Romulan Free State has such good friends, but are certainly even more familiar with your first officer, especially at the Tryka system."

Nira winced. Of course Yaga would know about the Tal Shiar plot framing Discovery.

"Now, don't get any ideas of beaming your comrades or even your new friends in the Ferengi government from the bridge, not with transport inhibitors around here, even with the shields down..."

Just then, more hails began coming in...the next one to come was another familiar face to Nira...

"Why, Praetor Nakir, what a delight!" Yaga called in delight.

"Who the devil are you?" the part-Reman zealot snarled. "A ship that looks like the flagship of Shinzon, yet i see there are no followers of Shinzon aboard...just a bunch of Ferengi..."

Then a third person came on the viewscreen alongside the images of Captain Galloway and Praetor Nakir, and it was General Vellal herself.

"Well, well, well," she said coolly. "Ferengi manning a dreadnought. Praetor, I'm sure I speak for my own Praetor, but I get the feeling we've all been tricked."

Yaga let out a toothy baring...Nira couldn't tell whether he was smiling or grimacing...more likely the former when he said, "Excuse me, but I have an audience to meet."

Nira curled her lip at him. In spite of being a dangerous Ferengi con man, it was becoming all too apparent that the man was a camera-mugger, he can't resist the spotlight, which somewhat explained why he explained his own plot so easily...and now, he's extremely distracted, and he even seemed to momentarily forget the shields were down. And that, for all his cleverness, was his big glaring weakness.

Nira turned to Lahr, Zhuk and Cloten and began to make some significant gestures: First, she looked at them to get their attention, then pointed her eyes at the computer core, which was all guarded by Ferengi, as opposed to the Nausicaans flanking the doorway and occasional paces on the bridge. Then, she subtly put her hands up, gently patting her ears before rubbing her hands down, but the message was clear: Go for the ears. She made a square with her hands to indicate the core, and finally, she made a finger gun that pulled the trigger, which would be the most poignant of all. Cloten winced silently, and Nira knew why: Every dirty Romulan secret too good to have was there, and destroying it was like flushing a planet's worth of profit down a black hole.

Finally, Nira extended her fingers and curled one finger into a fist at a time on her hands, a silent countdown...she was counting on not just Yaga's being distracted as a camera-mugger, but also on the fact that he's likely to forget that, in spite of the transport inhibitors on the bridge, she had a feeling the whole Miga Clan's going to have company outside the doorstep to their inner sanctum extremely soon...

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's lip curled in disgust at the sight of the being he figured had to be Miga, but when the male Ferengi spoke, he smiled.

"Yes, StJohn Dalrymple and I are one and the same. However, what I want is very simple. Return my people unharmed and this becomes an internal matter for the Ferengi government ta handle. On the other hand, do anything ta harm any of my crew and I will rain down Hell's own fury upon you.

"If'n you don't believe me, understand this, there are several dozen ships ready ta fire on you at this moment, especially as your shields are down. All it would take is a single spark ta reduce that behemoth of yours ta rapidly coolin' plasma.

"The choice is yours Miga, release all Starfleet personnel and live, harm them and your miserable existence ends now. You have five minutes."

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 01, 2023, 04:12:51 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian was sincerely getting tired of being behind the information curve. All he had was what he could see and what the sensors were telling him. Since he didn't have solid answers, answering the two lieutenants questions would give him time to think.

"That Kraken of a ship seems ta be a modification of a Scimitar-Class battleship. Up until now, Starfleet Intelligence thought only one had been built back in 2379. It was the flagship of a rebellion leader named Shinzon, it was destroyed by the USS Enterprise-E shortly after it was discovered. This one does na seem right, the schematics I've seen didn't have all those extra wings."

Ian paused to collect his thoughts, then continued.

"Lieutenant Davenport, those series of pulses are an ancient form of communication called Morse Code. The long and short pulses were a long recognized means of communications that form letters and numbers. Morse has gotten us out of many a jam. These translate as 'Romulan Ship equals Moogie Miga'. Now what that means, I have no idea, but the use of Morse tells me the other half of our away team is bein' held on that monster.

"Lieutenant Davenport, hail the Moogie Miga. We need ta ken who we are dealin' with. Ops, on a separate encrypted channel, contact the fleet, both Starfleet and the Ferengi ta go ta battlestations and prepare ta fight that Scimitar."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

He was grateful to be back on the Challenger, where the floor wasn't going to cause him to upturn the contents of his meal at any moment. He was back at his station, reading and watching whatever was coming to the screen as he listened to Captain Galloway's explanation of the ship they were faced with. "Right...could someone have replicated the plans for this ship? Intelligence might have missed copies?" Buck blurted out, a train of thought that he could not stop from asking.

"On it," Buck replied as he swiped his screen on to set up an encrypted channel which his supervisor was assisting with. "Setting up and sending out a prepared message o both Starfleet and the Ferengi." Buck glanced over his work and then to Commander Catalan who both gave the nod as the message was sent, opening the channel which read:

Ops from Challenger to Starfleet and the Ferengi fleet. This is an encrypted channel, we're headed to battle stations. Cap'n Galloway's orders. Ready to take the Scimitar.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Deepfake]

Quote from: Nira Said on April 03, 2023, 12:46:52 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Bink continued to scowl at Yaga. Their friendship was, after all, one of more the same way an old enemy greets each other. Then, when Zhuk spoke up, Yaga turned and laughed.

"One dimensional?" he chuckled. "That is just a puppet, even if it's a dead giveaway. But why should there even so much as be life in him? He's not even an organic lifeform. Besides, 'Deepfake' is a perfect word. It, of course, refers to a person who alters his or her image to appear as something else to spread false information. Believe me, it was only after we acquired the android and learned its capabilities that we named the ship thus, because the android is a perfect walking deepfake, and the ship a perfect harvester for information."

"You won't get away with this," snarled Nira.

"No crap," Bink said in agreement. "The Liquidators will stop you. And I will personally haul you off the roof of the Tower of Commerce myself."

"You're in no position to make threats, Bink," Yaga said smoothly. "And, Commander, I already have. Now, you'd think all those ships out there can combine against this ship and be a match. But just look at them out there. No trace of mobilization, even if we've been on sensors."

Nira followed his gesture to the viewscreen and could see the bulks of Romulan and Ferengi ships huddling together in fleet groups. Even the Romulan ships seem to not do a thing, and Nira had the distinct impression that they were scared out of their wits at the sight of the huge ship bearing semblance to a clone who made an impression on the Romulan Star Empire before Hobus came along.

"Oh yes, too scared to face a ghost in the past," Yaga said with twisted amusement. "And our own people even more afraid that we'd turn our guns on them...Now, I would've waited for the end of the auction, but circumstances have prompted the plan be accelerated. It seems that force is going to have to be required rather than profit. I'm so eager to anticipate the first move..."

Just then, something fluctuated in a console or two, and there was a hum.

"What's going on?" shrilled Moogie Miga.

"That's what I was wondering, Moogie," a Ferengi at a console replied.

"Nephew, what do you think internal sensors are for?!?"

"Ah yes," Yaga said calmly. "It occurred to me that there would be more of Cloten's thugs that we may have missed..."

"Who are you calling thugs?" Cloten snarled. "We all had a mutual agreement!"

"Yes, and you had to get Federation types mixed up in all of this," Yaga said. "Now, we better see what the problem is, and I'm spent up to go monologuing further..."

Suddenly, he froze, and he cocked his ear in a different direction....and a moment later, the bridge door opened by itself, followed by a familiar wooden staff with a golden Ferengi head slamming onto the floor past the door frame.

"No!" Yaga shouted, losing his cool for the first time. Even some of his underlings seemed to stumble. "It can't be him! It's not him!"

"You're right! It'sh not!"

The rest of the Ferengi revealed himself, with his own personal guard of Nausicaans and flanked by a pair of Eliminators, a Ferengi who looked like a beaver.

"Bock!" said Nira, never more glad to see a Ferengi in her life.

"The Grand Proshee at your shervish!" Bock said. "What, did you think the Nagush himshelf would've taken the effort to come in the middle of a hoshtile ship...? And the Miga Clan of all people..."

"How the hell did you get on our ship," shrilled Miga.

"Why, 'Moogie,'" said Bock, emphasizing the title with such disgust, it may as well have been on par with an obscenity, "everybody hash had eyesh on thish monshter shinsh it decloaked and swallowed a ship whole. Then we find the shieldsh drop, we beam as fasht ash we can on the bridge, and lo and behold."

He made a gesture: Ta da! But the enemy numbers certainly outnumbered his group further.

"This will be even better," Miga cackled. "A hostage for negotiation to the government, the Grand Proxy in our hands! We can still make a profit after all."

But Yaga had the same inkling Nira had, but it was she who voiced it quietly to Lahr and Zhuk: "I think our new 'friends' have taken out the shields."
Just as Bock was surrounded, another Ferengi called out: "Moogie! We're being hailed!"

"Finally!" Miga muttered. "Is it one of our fellow Ferengis deciding to call to grovel? Or a Romulan wondering if he's seeing a ghost?"

"Neither, Moogie," the Ferengi said nervously. "It's a hyoomaan ship, the Challenger."

Nira looked at Zhuk and Lahr and beamed at them with praise. Miga growled and opened the channel to show Captain Galloway on the viewscreen.

"What do you want, hyoomaan?" snarled Miga.

"Wait...I recognize you," Yaga pointed out, then his face dawning in recognition. "St. John whatshisname, is it? Or...well, well, if I know the hacked Romulan databases very well, you must be dear Nira Said's superior. Captain Galloway, I believe. The Romulan Free State has such good friends, but are certainly even more familiar with your first officer, especially at the Tryka system."

Nira winced. Of course Yaga would know about the Tal Shiar plot framing Discovery.

"Now, don't get any ideas of beaming your comrades or even your new friends in the Ferengi government from the bridge, not with transport inhibitors around here, even with the shields down..."

Zhukdra'shar was delighted with himself when he managed to make Yaga speak some more about how wrong he was. Unfortunately, his mood soon turned dour as he did not managed to distract him as much as he hoped. A shame, but there was little that he could do now to try and make some time.

It was by this moment, however, that one of the crooks reported something wrong going on with the ship, which got the attention of both Miga and Yaga, though the latter soon rationalized that they had more visitors than expected. So, it did seemed as if Cloten's pack of no-gooders were doing something, after all. It seemed as if hope wasn't that lost, after all.

And things turned further in their favor as Bock, a squad of Nausicaans of his own, and two Eliminators barged into the bridge. Nira's words brought into the light something that had already been confirmed, that the shields were out. And this, certainly gave them a bit of an edge. If the Challenger didn't move in to engage, then Bock and his squad would aid them. Even if that wasn't the case, he was sure that the confusion would end up benefitting them.

He just had to find the right instant.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 03, 2023, 12:46:52 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]
Just then, more hails began coming in...the next one to come was another familiar face to Nira...

"Why, Praetor Nakir, what a delight!" Yaga called in delight.

"Who the devil are you?" the part-Reman zealot snarled. "A ship that looks like the flagship of Shinzon, yet i see there are no followers of Shinzon aboard...just a bunch of Ferengi..."

Then a third person came on the viewscreen alongside the images of Captain Galloway and Praetor Nakir, and it was General Vellal herself.

"Well, well, well," she said coolly. "Ferengi manning a dreadnought. Praetor, I'm sure I speak for my own Praetor, but I get the feeling we've all been tricked."

Yaga let out a toothy baring...Nira couldn't tell whether he was smiling or grimacing...more likely the former when he said, "Excuse me, but I have an audience to meet."

Nira curled her lip at him. In spite of being a dangerous Ferengi con man, it was becoming all too apparent that the man was a camera-mugger, he can't resist the spotlight, which somewhat explained why he explained his own plot so easily...and now, he's extremely distracted, and he even seemed to momentarily forget the shields were down. And that, for all his cleverness, was his big glaring weakness.

Nira turned to Lahr, Zhuk and Cloten and began to make some significant gestures: First, she looked at them to get their attention, then pointed her eyes at the computer core, which was all guarded by Ferengi, as opposed to the Nausicaans flanking the doorway and occasional paces on the bridge. Then, she subtly put her hands up, gently patting her ears before rubbing her hands down, but the message was clear: Go for the ears. She made a square with her hands to indicate the core, and finally, she made a finger gun that pulled the trigger, which would be the most poignant of all. Cloten winced silently, and Nira knew why: Every dirty Romulan secret too good to have was there, and destroying it was like flushing a planet's worth of profit down a black hole.

Finally, Nira extended her fingers and curled one finger into a fist at a time on her hands, a silent countdown...she was counting on not just Yaga's being distracted as a camera-mugger, but also on the fact that he's likely to forget that, in spite of the transport inhibitors on the bridge, she had a feeling the whole Miga Clan's going to have company outside the doorstep to their inner sanctum extremely soon...

Speaking of the Challenger, he replied to Nira's smile with one of his own, quite happy to be hearing from the Captain again. His ear pivoted towards the direction of Yaga, as he revealed that he knew some event involving the Captain and the Tryka System. Hm. Quite interesting, he had to admit. Maybe he would have to check the records earlier to get a proper picture of whatever had happened there.

In any case, his thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a rather odd individual. One that he didn't quite expect to appear here: Praetor Nakir. Zhuk grimaced at his appearance, as it was quite an unwelcome one. Though it did seemed as if they weren't on league with Miga and her operation. Soon, an older woman came into the screen, a General, by her outfit, though Zhuk couldn't quite recognize it out of the top of his mind.

It didn't matter, he supposed. She wasn't too pleased with the situation, either. Yaga had all but lost, now it was a matter of time of knowing who would enter the fray first to bring him down.

In between the banter, and the tense situation that they were in, Lieutenant Commander Nira managed to grab his', Lahr's and Cloten's attention, making signal gestures and motions to convey the objective: the computer core. It was only guarded by Ferengi, so a strike seemed likely to succeed. A soft smile came into Zhuk, though he frowned slightly over at Cloten's reaction. Though he had to admit that he was somewhat curious as to what it could hold, he was unwilling to allow the Romulans to keep it.

Suddenly, he pushed Cloten to the side, fur raised up and ears pulled back, hissing at him, "What did you say, cur?! I shalt not overhear any more expletives whispered in my direction!"

Then, he winked awkwardly with his one eye over at Lahr real quick, as he sprung forth, landing on his hands, and then proceeding to kick the closest Nausicaan of Miga's. An opening, he hoped, would be made that would allow him, Lahr, and Nira to reach the computer core. He proceeded to land back on his feet, to then make a mad sprint towards the core, all while jumping, zig-zaging and twisting his way through any phaser shots or attempts to stop him.

Soon enough, he had reached the few Ferengi defending the vital section, and drawing his claws, he proceeded to slash at the ears, hoping that would disable them for long enough
while he could make a dent on the machine. He hoped to also gain a better weapon, too.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Dreadnought Deepfake - Bridge]

While Lahr thought it best to keep a low profile, Zhuk took an opposite approach

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 02, 2023, 05:36:37 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

When Nira looked over at him, he too shook his head. He had no way of finding out if the Challenger knew what was happening. No escape ideas, either- though maybe he could do something else to confound his enemies.

"Quite an... intelligent plan." He placed his hands on his back, making a pause before he continued. "That said, I do have a few critiques before you dispose of us, or whatever you have dastardly planned," He cleared his throat, as he spoke, "I personally would have provided Dokan with more than a one-dimensional personality. The man surely was mysterious, but perhaps a little more life behind those eyes could have been breathed. If I recall, he lacked anything but a monotone expression at most instances, except when we finally discovered whomst he really was. Perhaps, it would have been better to make him friendlier, in order to make contacts that would be able to be played like puppets, and pitted against those whomst were his enemies. That way, you would have created much more discord amongst the ranks than I believe you caused."

A soft smirk became plastered in his face."Of course, that is just my humble opinion. Otherwise, I have to say, you are an absolute genius. A shame that you lack the grace and distinction of your mother. She truly knows how to make a grandiose entrance~ Yours lacks... hm... how would I say it...?"

He spun his hand on the air, as to give emphasis to his words "In layman's terms, a little... 'oomph'. Your appearance from within the... area you were in could have been benefitted by more spectacle, besides the introduction your lovely mother offered. Again, I have studied plays for a while, so I am just offering a couple of pointers for the next individuals that come across you."

Zhukdra'shar then turned towards Miga, placing his best critique pose, hand on his hip, and fingers lightly extended towards her. "And you dear. The only thing that has significantly diminished my experience, is the name of the ship. Deepfake? Really? I believe someone as grandiose as yours could have come up with something nicer. I have a few ideas myself, in this brief time that I have spent accompanied by your tough bodyguards. Mayhaps I should... offer them to you, hm?"

It took notable effort for Lahr not to completely bust a gut laughing at the Caitian's critique act.  He bit his tongue in order to not to call out - SNAP! - and instead tried to keep focus on all that was going on and look for opportunity to do something to get out of this mess.
Quote from: Nira Said on April 03, 2023, 12:46:52 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Bink continued to scowl at Yaga. Their friendship was, after all, one of more the same way an old enemy greets each other. Then, when Zhuk spoke up, Yaga turned and laughed.

"One dimensional?" he chuckled. "That is just a puppet, even if it's a dead giveaway. But why should there even so much as be life in him? He's not even an organic lifeform. Besides, 'Deepfake' is a perfect word. It, of course, refers to a person who alters his or her image to appear as something else to spread false information. Believe me, it was only after we acquired the android and learned its capabilities that we named the ship thus, because the android is a perfect walking deepfake, and the ship a perfect harvester for information."

"You won't get away with this," snarled Nira.

"No crap," Bink said in agreement. "The Liquidators will stop you. And I will personally haul you off the roof of the Tower of Commerce myself."

"You're in no position to make threats, Bink," Yaga said smoothly. "And, Commander, I already have. Now, you'd think all those ships out there can combine against this ship and be a match. But just look at them out there. No trace of mobilization, even if we've been on sensors."

Nira followed his gesture to the viewscreen and could see the bulks of Romulan and Ferengi ships huddling together in fleet groups. Even the Romulan ships seem to not do a thing, and Nira had the distinct impression that they were scared out of their wits at the sight of the huge ship bearing semblance to a clone who made an impression on the Romulan Star Empire before Hobus came along.

"Oh yes, too scared to face a ghost in the past," Yaga said with twisted amusement. "And our own people even more afraid that we'd turn our guns on them...Now, I would've waited for the end of the auction, but circumstances have prompted the plan be accelerated. It seems that force is going to have to be required rather than profit. I'm so eager to anticipate the first move..."

Just then, something fluctuated in a console or two, and there was a hum.

"What's going on?" shrilled Moogie Miga.

"That's what I was wondering, Moogie," a Ferengi at a console replied.

"Nephew, what do you think internal sensors are for?!?"

"Ah yes," Yaga said calmly. "It occurred to me that there would be more of Cloten's thugs that we may have missed..."

"Who are you calling thugs?" Cloten snarled. "We all had a mutual agreement!"

"Yes, and you had to get Federation types mixed up in all of this," Yaga said. "Now, we better see what the problem is, and I'm spent up to go monologuing further..."

Suddenly, he froze, and he cocked his ear in a different direction....and a moment later, the bridge door opened by itself, followed by a familiar wooden staff with a golden Ferengi head slamming onto the floor past the door frame.

"No!" Yaga shouted, losing his cool for the first time. Even some of his underlings seemed to stumble. "It can't be him! It's not him!"

"You're right! It'sh not!"

The rest of the Ferengi revealed himself, with his own personal guard of Nausicaans and flanked by a pair of Eliminators, a Ferengi who looked like a beaver.

"Bock!" said Nira, never more glad to see a Ferengi in her life.

"The Grand Proshee at your shervish!" Bock said. "What, did you think the Nagush himshelf would've taken the effort to come in the middle of a hoshtile ship...? And the Miga Clan of all people..."

"How the hell did you get on our ship," shrilled Miga.

"Why, 'Moogie,'" said Bock, emphasizing the title with such disgust, it may as well have been on par with an obscenity, "everybody hash had eyesh on thish monshter shinsh it decloaked and swallowed a ship whole. Then we find the shieldsh drop, we beam as fasht ash we can on the bridge, and lo and behold."

He made a gesture: Ta da! But the enemy numbers certainly outnumbered his group further.

When Bock arrived, Lahr had a momentary flash of hope.   Which fizzled quickly when he noted how outnumbered they were.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 03, 2023, 12:46:52 AM

"This will be even better," Miga cackled. "A hostage for negotiation to the government, the Grand Proxy in our hands! We can still make a profit after all."

But Yaga had the same inkling Nira had, but it was she who voiced it quietly to Lahr and Zhuk: "I think our new 'friends' have taken out the shields."

The Andorian's antennae perked at that possibility.   With the shields down all that was preventing them from being beamed off the ship was the transporter inhibitors.   Lahr glanced about wondering where they might be placed or better yet which console they could be accessed from to disable.

As he glanced about the huge Bridge, his attention was caught by the news of an incoming hail.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 03, 2023, 12:46:52 AM

Just as Bock was surrounded, another Ferengi called out: "Moogie! We're being hailed!"

"Finally!" Miga muttered. "Is it one of our fellow Ferengis deciding to call to grovel? Or a Romulan wondering if he's seeing a ghost?"

"Neither, Moogie," the Ferengi said nervously. "It's a hyoomaan ship, the Challenger."

Nira looked at Zhuk and Lahr and beamed at them with praise. Miga growled and opened the channel to show Captain Galloway on the viewscreen.

"What do you want, hyoomaan?" snarled Miga.

"Wait...I recognize you," Yaga pointed out, then his face dawning in recognition. "St. John whatshisname, is it? Or...well, well, if I know the hacked Romulan databases very well, you must be dear Nira Said's superior. Captain Galloway, I believe. The Romulan Free State has such good friends, but are certainly even more familiar with your first officer, especially at the Tryka system."

Nira winced. Of course Yaga would know about the Tal Shiar plot framing Discovery.

"Now, don't get any ideas of beaming your comrades or even your new friends in the Ferengi government from the bridge, not with transport inhibitors around here, even with the shields down..."

Just then, more hails began coming in...the next one to come was another familiar face to Nira...

"Why, Praetor Nakir, what a delight!" Yaga called in delight.

"Who the devil are you?" the part-Reman zealot snarled. "A ship that looks like the flagship of Shinzon, yet i see there are no followers of Shinzon aboard...just a bunch of Ferengi..."

Then a third person came on the viewscreen alongside the images of Captain Galloway and Praetor Nakir, and it was General Vellal herself.

"Well, well, well," she said coolly. "Ferengi manning a dreadnought. Praetor, I'm sure I speak for my own Praetor, but I get the feeling we've all been tricked."

Yaga let out a toothy baring...Nira couldn't tell whether he was smiling or grimacing...more likely the former when he said, "Excuse me, but I have an audience to meet."

Nira curled her lip at him. In spite of being a dangerous Ferengi con man, it was becoming all too apparent that the man was a camera-mugger, he can't resist the spotlight, which somewhat explained why he explained his own plot so easily...and now, he's extremely distracted, and he even seemed to momentarily forget the shields were down. And that, for all his cleverness, was his big glaring weakness.

Nira turned to Lahr, Zhuk and Cloten and began to make some significant gestures: First, she looked at them to get their attention, then pointed her eyes at the computer core, which was all guarded by Ferengi, as opposed to the Nausicaans flanking the doorway and occasional paces on the bridge. Then, she subtly put her hands up, gently patting her ears before rubbing her hands down, but the message was clear: Go for the ears. She made a square with her hands to indicate the core, and finally, she made a finger gun that pulled the trigger, which would be the most poignant of all. Cloten winced silently, and Nira knew why: Every dirty Romulan secret too good to have was there, and destroying it was like flushing a planet's worth of profit down a black hole.

Finally, Nira extended her fingers and curled one finger into a fist at a time on her hands, a silent countdown...she was counting on not just Yaga's being distracted as a camera-mugger, but also on the fact that he's likely to forget that, in spite of the transport inhibitors on the bridge, she had a feeling the whole Miga Clan's going to have company outside the doorstep to their inner sanctum extremely soon...

While most had their attention on the viewscreen which showed Galloway and some elder Romulan, Lahr had begun to sidled his way towards one of the consoles.  He was nearly at the vacant auxiliary station when Nira began her gesturing.  Lahr blinked as he decyphered its meaning.  Then frowned at the countdown.  Aw roozh!
Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 04, 2023, 11:25:05 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Deepfake]

In between the banter, and the tense situation that they were in, Lieutenant Commander Nira managed to grab his', Lahr's and Cloten's attention, making signal gestures and motions to convey the objective: the computer core. It was only guarded by Ferengi, so a strike seemed likely to succeed. A soft smile came into Zhuk, though he frowned slightly over at Cloten's reaction. Though he had to admit that he was somewhat curious as to what it could hold, he was unwilling to allow the Romulans to keep it.

Suddenly, he pushed Cloten to the side, fur raised up and ears pulled back, hissing at him,[/color] "What did you say, cur?! I shalt not overhear any more expletives whispered in my direction!"

Then, he winked awkwardly with his one eye over at Lahr real quick, as he sprung forth, landing on his hands, and then proceeding to kick the closest Nausicaan of Miga's. An opening, he hoped, would be made that would allow him, Lahr, and Nira to reach the computer core. He proceeded to land back on his feet, to then make a mad sprint towards the core, all while jumping, zig-zaging and twisting his way through any phaser shots or attempts to stop him.

Soon enough, he had reached the few Ferengi defending the vital section, and drawing his claws, he proceeded to slash at the ears, hoping that would disable them for long enough
while he could make a dent on the machine. He hoped to also gain a better weapon, too.

As the last finger curled, rather than follow orders, and make some crazy suicidal dash to the computer core, Lahr raised his hands in surrender and with antennae lowered meekly, backed away until his backside was against the console he desired.   The Naussicaan closest to him grunted a laugh at his cowardice before turning his attention to those trying to escape, taking pop shots at both Zhuk and Nira.

Wailed cries of pain could be heard from the Ferengi whose sensitive ears, Zhuk slashed.  Chaos was on the bridge.

This was Lahr's best opportunity.  The Andorian ducked down between the console and the seat in an apparent attempt to avoid being hit by any stray phaser shot.  But in actuality, he was pulling free the panel underneath to access the wiring and see what systems he could gain access to.   His goal was the inhibitors... but at this point anything could be helpful.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 03, 2023, 10:40:18 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's lip curled in disgust at the sight of the being he figured had to be Miga, but when the male Ferengi spoke, he smiled.

"Yes, StJohn Dalrymple and I are one and the same. However, what I want is very simple. Return my people unharmed and this becomes an internal matter for the Ferengi government ta handle. On the other hand, do anything ta harm any of my crew and I will rain down Hell's own fury upon you.

"If'n you don't believe me, understand this, there are several dozen ships ready ta fire on you at this moment, especially as your shields are down. All it would take is a single spark ta reduce that behemoth of yours ta rapidly coolin' plasma.

"The choice is yours Miga, release all Starfleet personnel and live, harm them and your miserable existence ends now. You have five minutes."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 04, 2023, 11:25:05 PM

[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Deepfake]

Zhukdra'shar was delighted with himself when he managed to make Yaga speak some more about how wrong he was. Unfortunately, his mood soon turned dour as he did not managed to distract him as much as he hoped. A shame, but there was little that he could do now to try and make some time.

It was by this moment, however, that one of the crooks reported something wrong going on with the ship, which got the attention of both Miga and Yaga, though the latter soon rationalized that they had more visitors than expected. So, it did seemed as if Cloten's pack of no-gooders were doing something, after all. It seemed as if hope wasn't that lost, after all.

And things turned further in their favor as Bock, a squad of Nausicaans of his own, and two Eliminators barged into the bridge. Nira's words brought into the light something that had already been confirmed, that the shields were out. And this, certainly gave them a bit of an edge. If the Challenger didn't move in to engage, then Bock and his squad would aid them. Even if that wasn't the case, he was sure that the confusion would end up benefitting them.

He just had to find the right instant.

Speaking of the Challenger, he replied to Nira's smile with one of his own, quite happy to be hearing from the Captain again. His ear pivoted towards the direction of Yaga, as he revealed that he knew some event involving the Captain and the Tryka System. Hm. Quite interesting, he had to admit. Maybe he would have to check the records earlier to get a proper picture of whatever had happened there.

In any case, his thoughts were interrupted by the appearance of a rather odd individual. One that he didn't quite expect to appear here: Praetor Nakir. Zhuk grimaced at his appearance, as it was quite an unwelcome one. Though it did seemed as if they weren't on league with Miga and her operation. Soon, an older woman came into the screen, a General, by her outfit, though Zhuk couldn't quite recognize it out of the top of his mind.

It didn't matter, he supposed. She wasn't too pleased with the situation, either. Yaga had all but lost, now it was a matter of time of knowing who would enter the fray first to bring him down.

In between the banter, and the tense situation that they were in, Lieutenant Commander Nira managed to grab his', Lahr's and Cloten's attention, making signal gestures and motions to convey the objective: the computer core. It was only guarded by Ferengi, so a strike seemed likely to succeed. A soft smile came into Zhuk, though he frowned slightly over at Cloten's reaction. Though he had to admit that he was somewhat curious as to what it could hold, he was unwilling to allow the Romulans to keep it.

Suddenly, he pushed Cloten to the side, fur raised up and ears pulled back, hissing at him, "What did you say, cur?! I shalt not overhear any more expletives whispered in my direction!"

Then, he winked awkwardly with his one eye over at Lahr real quick, as he sprung forth, landing on his hands, and then proceeding to kick the closest Nausicaan of Miga's. An opening, he hoped, would be made that would allow him, Lahr, and Nira to reach the computer core. He proceeded to land back on his feet, to then make a mad sprint towards the core, all while jumping, zig-zaging and twisting his way through any phaser shots or attempts to stop him.

Soon enough, he had reached the few Ferengi defending the vital section, and drawing his claws, he proceeded to slash at the ears, hoping that would disable them for long enough
while he could make a dent on the machine. He hoped to also gain a better weapon, too.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on April 05, 2023, 05:08:40 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[Dreadnought Deepfake - Bridge]

While Lahr thought it best to keep a low profile, Zhuk took an opposite approach

It took notable effort for Lahr not to completely bust a gut laughing at the Caitian's critique act.  He bit his tongue in order to not to call out - SNAP! - and instead tried to keep focus on all that was going on and look for opportunity to do something to get out of this mess.

When Bock arrived, Lahr had a momentary flash of hope.   Which fizzled quickly when he noted how outnumbered they were.
The Andorian's antennae perked at that possibility.   With the shields down all that was preventing them from being beamed off the ship was the transporter inhibitors.   Lahr glanced about wondering where they might be placed or better yet which console they could be accessed from to disable.

As he glanced about the huge Bridge, his attention was caught by the news of an incoming hail.

While most had their attention on the viewscreen which showed Galloway and some elder Romulan, Lahr had begun to sidled his way towards one of the consoles.  He was nearly at the vacant auxiliary station when Nira began her gesturing.  Lahr blinked as he decyphered its meaning.  Then frowned at the countdown.  Aw roozh!

As the last finger curled, rather than follow orders, and make some crazy suicidal dash to the computer core, Lahr raised his hands in surrender and with antennae lowered meekly, backed away until his backside was against the console he desired.   The Naussicaan closest to him grunted a laugh at his cowardice before turning his attention to those trying to escape, taking pop shots at both Zhuk and Nira.

Wailed cries of pain could be heard from the Ferengi whose sensitive ears, Zhuk slashed.  Chaos was on the bridge.

This was Lahr's best opportunity.  The Andorian ducked down between the console and the seat in an apparent attempt to avoid being hit by any stray phaser shot.  But in actuality, he was pulling free the panel underneath to access the wiring and see what systems he could gain access to.   His goal was the inhibitors... but at this point anything could be helpful.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Nira heard out the threat by Captain Galloway. Five minutes. Hopefully enough time to get rid of the core, or the data within at least. She finished her countdown and the team began.

Cloten looked at - well, more accurately, looked up at - Zhuk with a baffled expression. But it was just enough to get them going. Zhuk may have been slashing at the Ferengi ears, but Nira felt it was close enough. What she had in mind was the double ear slap, a martial art move designed to do damage to a person's ears with a strike applying five to ten pounds, the kind of strike to potentially even burst a person's ear drums. On a Ferengi, whose ears are extremely sensitive, it was a move that can bring about a lot of physical damage.

Meanwhile, Nira noticed Lahr take to a console nearby. She had seen him feign a surrender, and she could understand what he's doing. She hoped he was working on screwing up another part of the ship.

Finally, the guards knocked off, Nira took a disruptor and took aim, but could barely get a shot or two in before Yaga grabbed her and held her hands behind her back.

"Are you so anxious to be returned to your Captain in pieces?" he said in a pleasant yet homicidal tone. Nira pouted; so much for that working. But looking back at the viewscreen, Nakir and Vellal only glared. She figured Yaga was getting tired of such angry expressions, and the loud noises could've done the trick of getting his attention away from his camera-mugging duties.

Just as Yaga dragged her back, several more bolts shot at the core out of nowhere and kept on firing. Nira turned and could see the ragtag band of "merry" assassins arriving and, seeing as she was targeting this Borgish cube, fired again and again until sparks flew and the computer core died.

Yaga and Miga yowled the loudest at the destruction of the cube, and Yaga had Nira in his hands, but Bock stepped up and had his Nausicaans seize him.

"Come along, Yaga," he said in an equally menacingly pleasant tone of voice, "it ish time we take care of what should have been done a long time ago. Time to show you the Sacred Marketplace from the top of the Tower of Commerce."

And Yaga was dragged away, yowling in protest. The assassins laughed in amusement as the rest of Miga's men surrendered. Visa, of course, turned on Nira.

"I assure you, we may have joined forces temporarily," she said menacingly, "but we will meet again. And we won't be friends."

"Were we ever?" snapped Nira.

Turning back to Lahr, she said, "How's it coming in there?"

Whirling back at Miga, she snapped, "Now, I believe you'll have a couple minutes left to hand us back to my ship?"

Miga could only snarl and plant a transporter unit to beam away. Most of her men followed, leaving some surrendered thugs and a few armed mercenaries...where was Cloten, she realized...?

[Deej Cloten | Bridge | Deck One | S.S Abandon-All-Hope]

Mama Miga wasn't the only one, apparently, with a mobile transport unit. Cloten beamed back to his bridge and ordered his gunner to shoot their way out of the shuttlebay. They were fleeing the scene, and once away from the dreadnought, the Ferengi homeworld and the gathering fleets, Cloten ordered warp speed, then added wearily, "I hate Ferengi."

"First Officer's Log, Stardate 78150.08. The situation at Ferenginar has finally calmed down. Most of the Romulan fleets assembled have begun their journeys back, though some faster than normally expected - no doubt powered by transwarp technologies, as indicated among the final items auctioned off from "Dokan." In any case, the destruction of Yaga's computer core of dirty secrets will have brought some comfort to the Romulans; in my defense, the existence of accumulated knowledge is much too dangerous. The Miga Clan could've caused a lot of damage or even torn the Beta Quadrant apart.

"Still, in light of recent events, we've come out of this with some very new friends, especially in Bock and Bink. A few more Romulans have become friends. But still, the news of an additional Praetor, particularly the Consulate of Cradol and its legion is enough to bring worry. Hopefully the Cradols - religious to the point of being a cult - will be too far away to deal with. Most of the Federation ships already here are remaining, with exception to the Intrepid, the Pathfinder class being sent to be decommissioned in favor of a new Starship Intrepid due for launch. The reason why is becoming apparent..."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Tower of Commerce | Fereng | Ferenginar]

As Nira waited for Bock's final - for the time being - meeting with Captain Galloway to wrap up and for the Captain to step out, she was immersed in speaking with Admiral Gillespie by holo-communication. She was surprised by his call, but was even more taken aback by his news.

She had just finished speaking to him when she looked up to see Captain Galloway has emerged.

"Captain, glad you're out," she said. "We just got new orders from Admiral Gillespie. He's meeting us in orbit of Ferenginar with four other ships."

She pulled up a holographic list, showing four more ships on the way to meet the Challenger, the Scott and the Carlson: Gillespie's flagship, the Legacy, a Odyssey-class; the Eagle, a type-three Constitution class; the Lirpa, an Interceptor class; and the Spector, an Akira-class.

"Additionally, a fifth ship is en route to join us as well. It's the Discovery," she added, a hint of anticipation in her voice, given they both served on the ship, and to Nira, it was her first particular home. "Gillespie has informed me, and he'll address us when he arrives, that once we're gathered, we're to make our way to AR-558 and then to Deep Space Nine.

"Yes, I know it's a long way off," said Nira, forestalling the likelihood of another month's worth of travel, "but both Discovery and the Scott, along with the Legacy, are outfitted with slipstream drives, and according to Gillespie, he's going to arrange so that the slipstream gates are opened by those ships so they give us a ride. Why we're heading to an old battle site of the Dominion War is beyond me. Heading all the way to the other side of the quadrant...Captain, something must be going on."

[Dynast-Praetor Ratheen of House Caligula | Ethnarch Palace | Cradolore, Ethnarch Capital of the Cradol Consulate | Between the Garidian Republic and Rebena Te Ra at the Federation Border]

Finished with her usual rituals, Praetor Ratheen - full title Dynast Praetor - was meditating when she received the call from her private guards.

"Yes?" she said silkily.

"General Vellal has just returned from Ferenginar, Praetor."

"Thank you," Ratheen said. "Let's allow the General some rest before I meet her about the auction."

"And if she tries to see you without rest?" asked the guard.

"Offer some refreshment, insist she rest. I'll be with her momentarily."

Ratheen sighed wearily. That old woman and the whole legion under her. The Consulate Legion strictly adhered to conducts of honor and morality, like the soldiers of the old Star Empire, but at least they had more religious sense. When one was in the circle of the Ethnarchs, the rituals must be followed. The cult of the Cradol held strongest, but the Consulate was where the teachings of Romulan religion, especially those of the more ancient religion in the days before that usurper Surak, what particularly remains of the ancient rites of ancient Vulcan before Surak. Worship of the Elements. Worship of the Great Brothers. And especially of Cradol, with emphasis of Mnhei'sahe and Lyrrveoth, symbolized now to the Consulate as the spheres held in the Great Bird now that Romulus and Remus no longer existed.

The barren world of Cradolore was like Vulcan in many ways, which was why it was chosen anciently by the House of Caligula - originally called Alu'Gil'Ca, but it was rearranged into Caligula for easier pronunciation - to gather religionists there, in spite of the distance from Romulus. A former site of pilgrimage of sorts. Now the religions of Romulus were to survive there. And the typical use of Borg technology, especially transwarp, proved boons to those among the factions who desired power. Especially the Praetorian Triumvirate.

Ratheen reached to a console, ready for her audience by transmission. She briefly had the impression to ask how her sister Nirreen was doing, but decided against it. She wasn't going to call the other two Praetors to be sociable. In any case, her little sister was going to be too busy in the Tal Shiar, especially when it came to her duties as an intermediary between the Tal Shiar and the Triumvirate, among other factions who could be persuaded or intimidated to their cause.

The transmission activated and showed the faces of the Praetors: young Nakir with his impassioned snarling, and the greatest of them all: Domitian.

"Fellow Praetors," Ratheen said in acknowledgement.

"This has proved an interesting turn of events," Domitian spoke unctuously.

"Calling that interesting is like watching a supernova," sneered Nakir. "It may look glorious, but it's huge, messy and potentially destructive if you get in its way."

"And was it that potentially destructive?" asked Ratheen.

"Why don't you ask your General Vellal sometime?" growled Nakir. "I'm still on my way home and I'm still having headaches. Dealing with Ferengi is a planet-cracking headache."

Ratheen repressed a chuckle. Yes, Nakir was savage but useful. Between the old man Domitian and the snakelike Ratheen, they formed a clamp to keep their rabid dog in check. And there was the fact that a total guarantee to keep Nakir in line was her or Nirreen giving him...satisfaction.

"And yet it ended too early for our tastes," Domitian answered. "Now, I am curious."

"It was an elaborate trick from a former Ferengi ambassador to Romulus," growled Nakir.

"But he did have plenty of secrets in his secret computer?" asked Ratheen.

"Not anymore, and not just that Federation delegates convinced the Ferengi to stop."

"They must've done some digging deeper than down in Remus to unearth the persuasion powerful enough to convince them," Domitian said, the ghost of an amused smile forming on his lips.

"Still, it's a matter of time before those meddlers from the Starship Challenger will be returning to Romulan space," Nakir growled lower. "How long must we continue to watch them?"

"We won't be. Not for the time being," retorted Domitian.

"Praetor Lord?" asked Ratheen.

"I have my sources," Domitian replied. "If things are getting as interesting between the Breen and the Cardassians as they are, based on the networks the hidden sanctuaries, the most prominent meddlers poking their way between our spheres of influence are likely to be...occupied."

"The right lines of communication from one section of one quadrant to another of another quadrant?" asked Ratheen.

"Correct," said Domitian. "This will mean we have more time. Time to lay low, to retreat deeper into the shadows."

"And allow our power to grow," chuckled Nakir hideously.

"Yes. No interference. But complete secrecy. Especially as we host Vreenak's old friends and their friends in turn in hidden sanctuary. Jolan tru, Praetors."

Ratheen smiled as the other two men shut off their transmissions. She was glad the Consulate was far enough away for the Federation not to poke their noses, despite being extended enough for proximity to the Klingon Empire. And she liked Klingons, too, with their religiousity. But for now, as the wise old Praetor had advised: Secrecy. Shadows. Silence.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 06, 2023, 12:00:13 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Dreadnought Deepfake]

Nira heard out the threat by Captain Galloway. Five minutes. Hopefully enough time to get rid of the core, or the data within at least. She finished her countdown and the team began.

Cloten looked at - well, more accurately, looked up at - Zhuk with a baffled expression. But it was just enough to get them going. Zhuk may have been slashing at the Ferengi ears, but Nira felt it was close enough. What she had in mind was the double ear slap, a martial art move designed to do damage to a person's ears with a strike applying five to ten pounds, the kind of strike to potentially even burst a person's ear drums. On a Ferengi, whose ears are extremely sensitive, it was a move that can bring about a lot of physical damage.

Meanwhile, Nira noticed Lahr take to a console nearby. She had seen him feign a surrender, and she could understand what he's doing. She hoped he was working on screwing up another part of the ship.

Finally, the guards knocked off, Nira took a disruptor and took aim, but could barely get a shot or two in before Yaga grabbed her and held her hands behind her back.

"Are you so anxious to be returned to your Captain in pieces?" he said in a pleasant yet homicidal tone. Nira pouted; so much for that working. But looking back at the viewscreen, Nakir and Vellal only glared. She figured Yaga was getting tired of such angry expressions, and the loud noises could've done the trick of getting his attention away from his camera-mugging duties.

Just as Yaga dragged her back, several more bolts shot at the core out of nowhere and kept on firing. Nira turned and could see the ragtag band of "merry" assassins arriving and, seeing as she was targeting this Borgish cube, fired again and again until sparks flew and the computer core died.

Yaga and Miga yowled the loudest at the destruction of the cube, and Yaga had Nira in his hands, but Bock stepped up and had his Nausicaans seize him.

"Come along, Yaga," he said in an equally menacingly pleasant tone of voice, "it ish time we take care of what should have been done a long time ago. Time to show you the Sacred Marketplace from the top of the Tower of Commerce."

And Yaga was dragged away, yowling in protest. The assassins laughed in amusement as the rest of Miga's men surrendered. Visa, of course, turned on Nira.

"I assure you, we may have joined forces temporarily," she said menacingly, "but we will meet again. And we won't be friends."

"Were we ever?" snapped Nira.

Turning back to Lahr, she said, "How's it coming in there?"

Whirling back at Miga, she snapped, "Now, I believe you'll have a couple minutes left to hand us back to my ship?"

Miga could only snarl and plant a transporter unit to beam away. Most of her men followed, leaving some surrendered thugs and a few armed mercenaries...where was Cloten, she realized...?

[Deej Cloten | Bridge | Deck One | S.S Abandon-All-Hope]

Mama Miga wasn't the only one, apparently, with a mobile transport unit. Cloten beamed back to his bridge and ordered his gunner to shoot their way out of the shuttlebay. They were fleeing the scene, and once away from the dreadnought, the Ferengi homeworld and the gathering fleets, Cloten ordered warp speed, then added wearily, "I hate Ferengi."

"First Officer's Log, Stardate 78150.08. The situation at Ferenginar has finally calmed down. Most of the Romulan fleets assembled have begun their journeys back, though some faster than normally expected - no doubt powered by transwarp technologies, as indicated among the final items auctioned off from "Dokan." In any case, the destruction of Yaga's computer core of dirty secrets will have brought some comfort to the Romulans; in my defense, the existence of accumulated knowledge is much too dangerous. The Miga Clan could've caused a lot of damage or even torn the Beta Quadrant apart.

"Still, in light of recent events, we've come out of this with some very new friends, especially in Bock and Bink. A few more Romulans have become friends. But still, the news of an additional Praetor, particularly the Consulate of Cradol and its legion is enough to bring worry. Hopefully the Cradols - religious to the point of being a cult - will be too far away to deal with. Most of the Federation ships already here are remaining, with exception to the Intrepid, the Pathfinder class being sent to be decommissioned in favor of a new Starship Intrepid due for launch. The reason why is becoming apparent..."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Tower of Commerce | Fereng | Ferenginar]

As Nira waited for Bock's final - for the time being - meeting with Captain Galloway to wrap up and for the Captain to step out, she was immersed in speaking with Admiral Gillespie by holo-communication. She was surprised by his call, but was even more taken aback by his news.

She had just finished speaking to him when she looked up to see Captain Galloway has emerged.

"Captain, glad you're out," she said. "We just got new orders from Admiral Gillespie. He's meeting us in orbit of Ferenginar with four other ships."

She pulled up a holographic list, showing four more ships on the way to meet the Challenger, the Scott and the Carlson: Gillespie's flagship, the Legacy, a Odyssey-class; the Eagle, a type-three Constitution class; the Lirpa, an Interceptor class; and the Spector, an Akira-class.

"Additionally, a fifth ship is en route to join us as well. It's the Discovery," she added, a hint of anticipation in her voice, given they both served on the ship, and to Nira, it was her first particular home. "Gillespie has informed me, and he'll address us when he arrives, that once we're gathered, we're to make our way to AR-558 and then to Deep Space Nine.

"Yes, I know it's a long way off," said Nira, forestalling the likelihood of another month's worth of travel, "but both Discovery and the Scott, along with the Legacy, are outfitted with slipstream drives, and according to Gillespie, he's going to arrange so that the slipstream gates are opened by those ships so they give us a ride. Why we're heading to an old battle site of the Dominion War is beyond me. Heading all the way to the other side of the quadrant...Captain, something must be going on."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sat in his ready room cursing his fates as he plowed through the never ending stream of datawork that was his lot as captain to process. Crew reports, fuel consumption reports, status of the replicator mass, and a myriad of other things that were essential for the running of a starship.

He scrunched his eyes closed for a moment and then stood. He walked around the ready room a couple times and said.

"Computer, open Captain's Log."


"Captain's Log, Stardate 78261.8. The crisis at Ferenginar seems ta be over. At least the one concernin' Romulan secret archives. The one over who gets the Deepfake is ongoin' as I speak. After a real donnybrook aboard the Scimitar clone, Moogie Miga escaped via a personal transporter, while her son Yaga was pinched by the Liquidators. Durin' the fight, the ship's computer core containin' the poisonous data from Romulus was destroyed. With those secrets once again secret, the Romulan contingent departed back ta whatever part of the remnant of the Star Empire they came from.

"We were preparin' for the long haul back ta Starbase 153 when Admiral Gillespie informed us that we had a new assignment that would take us ta Deep Space Nine. Why, he wouldn't say, nae even over an encrypted channel. All I ken is more ships are on the way ta include my former ship, the newly upgraded USS Discovery.

"I am most curious ta what this new assignment will be. Fortunately, with the Discovery havin' Slipstream Drive, it will nae be long before she is here. Until then, we wait. End log."

🡱 🡳

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