S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit

Started by Ian Galloway, December 03, 2022, 01:38:13 PM

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Ian Galloway

[Starbase 153 - Admiral Gillespie's Office]

Ian sat with the Admiral while enjoying a cup of tea. Real Earl Grey, not replicated, using actual tea bags in a very fine set of china. Gillespie had called Ian to his office for a briefing and had really broken out the hospitality.

Not being a suspicious sort by nature, the VIP treatment rather telegraphed that something was up and Ian figured he was about to hear news that was either very bad or he was not going to like. However, the tea was good enough that he engaged in the proper small talk and waited for the other shoe to drop.

"I ken full well that we're kindred spirits Captain, so Scotsman ta Scotsman, I'll nae draw this out."

"Here it comes." Ian thought.

"As part of the continued push ta strengthen ties with the Romulan Free State, the Federation Council has convened a science conference for both governments ta have their best minds discuss the very cuttin' edge of scientific discovery and theories..."

"Nae so bad, but I'm bein' served high tea for a reason." Was what crossed Ian's mind.

"And I've chosen the Challenger ta host that conference."

"And there it drops in the bloody pot."

Is what Ian thought, but his actual reply was a far more diplomatic.

"We'd be honored Admiral. Just need ta know when and where you need us."

"I'm sure you ken the Safe Transit Corridor between Otorin III and Outpost K-12."

"Aye Admiral."

"Figured you would and as you ken of it, you should also ken that it's a two parsecs long and one wide as an officially authorized passage across the Neutral Zone. The conference will be held at the halfway point between Otorin III and Outpost K-12. How long will it take Challenger ta get there?"

Ian did a quick calculation in his head and replied.

"A shade over five days at maximum cruise Admiral."

"Very well then. The Federation contingent of scientists are already here on the starbase. Figure two hours ta get such august individuals aboard Challenger, I will thus inform the Free State ta be at the rendezvous in six days. Any questions Captain?"

"No Sir."

"I sense a distinct lack of truth in that, but I would have given the same answer if I were in your position. Very well, Ian me lad, off you go."

"Thank you for the very fine tea Admiral."

Gillespie offered a jaunty wave, his attention already on the monitor on his desk. Ian knew a dismissal when he saw one and exited the admiral's office at a brisk pace. Once outside, he tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Galloway ta Challenger. Beam me directly ta the bridge." =/\=

When Ian arrived, T'Kel was in the command chair and rose with a prim.


As she surrendered the bridge to Ian.

"Thank you T'Kel."

Ian sat and tapped the comm system on the arm of the command chair.

=/\= "All department heads, this is the Captain. Report ta the Briefin' Room immediately." =/\=

Ian then stood and made his way to the briefing room, with T'kel returning to the command chair to stand watch.

Nira Said

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said/Private Detective Trixie Hill | Holosuite Four/Mayflower penthouse | Deck Three/San Francisco, 1941 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira enjoyed dancing programs, but she also enjoyed mystery programs. She had to admit, she never had a chance to get back to a mystery program, least of all on the Challenger. Plus, she wanted to try this slight departure.

She wasn't simply Miss Marple or Nancy Drew. She had taken on a gender-switched version of "The Big Goodbye," where the protagonist was not Dixon Hill, but rather a woman: Patricia "Trixie" Hill. She had to admit, she hadn't been back in Trixie Hill's high heels in a long time. It would prove refreshing. She had to admit, she could see Ian's "Flying Tigers" and instantly got a whiff of nostalgia.

"Buy ya a drink?" a man with a thick accent said. Nira...that is, Trixie, she recognized him as Nicky's consigliere. Well, one of them.

"You know, a pretty dame like yous should not be pokin' her nose in the bizness of da Nose," he added. But Trixie was aware she was stepping into the turf of the Nose.

"I'm aware," Trixie retorted. "But Nick could not have invited me otherwise. Now, am I to expect Nicky or not?"

"He's expectin' ya," the consigliere replied. Of course, as much as he's also maitre d of the hotel below, it was a front, and he was in the inner circle of the Nose...

Then she got the call from Captain Galloway. Perking up, Nira hastily told the holosuite, "Computer, end program."

Emerging from the holosuite, dressed in fancy dress wear expected in Trixie Hill, Nira made her way to her quarters to change. It was a good thing her quarters were on the way to the bridge.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Back in full uniform, though having to zip up her outer uniform just as she stepped into the bridge, in a hurry as she was, Nira looked at Ia...no, T'Kel.

"Lieutenant?" Nira asked. "Ah, he's waiting in the briefing room, isn't he?"

At the Vulcan's nod, Nira proceeded to the briefing room. "Captain," Nira said as she entered, nodding at Ian. "Ian. I'd wonder what Admiral Gillespie is assigning us, but then again, it may be best to wait until the department heads get here."

She knew Admiral Gillespie was still on the starbase, she ran into him when she and Savar were shopping on the station's promenade and ended up having lunch with him, frequently being referred to as "laddie" and "lassie" as both were.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


[USS Challenger - Personal Quarters]

There was nothing like a well made bed to make one feel at home, the crisp, charcoal grey sheets wrapped tightly around the mattress, undisturbed by the body that lay atop. Evan breathed in that all too familiar starship smell and sighed. He knew it wasn't good for his back to have his legs dangling off the side, the crooks of his knees resting on the edge of the bed, but he was content. Until a chirp from the other side of the room caused him to stir.

Begrudgingly, he rose and groaned, wondering why he felt so damn old sometimes. The noise was coming from his personal communication device; a call was waiting. Evan tapped the screen and smiled. "œSchatzi! Wie geht's dir und die Kinder?" Ach. That's why he felt so old. Children were harsh on a man's body.

Many light years away, T'Ra Jones was glad to see her husband had made it safely to his ship, but she did not envy him. Too many years of politics and tight spaces. No, she was more than content to be back home on Vulcan, where her mother could help keep an eye on the kids. "œMir geht's gut," she replied. "œT'Sa," their eldest, "œis growing bored with school. We may have to move her up in levels. And the twins... well--" delighted shrieks from T'Muh and Strossus perforated the background, "œ-- "˜double trouble' would be and apt description." With T'Ra being half human, half Vulcan, and Evan a proud (human) German, the kids were more human than Vulcan and as such could be a handful at times.

"œKann ich sie sehen?" Evan asked.

T'Ra briefly closed her eyes, bracing herself for what was to come. "œStorssus, T'Muh," she called. The twins came bounding over, climbing over their mother with their clumsy toddler movements. T'Ra grimaced.

"œVatti! Vatti!" the kids cried in unison.

"œTime for your nap," T'Ra interrupted. Though perhaps that was just an excuse to go take a nap herself, Evan joked to himself.

"œWell, mein Liebling," he remarked, "œI suppose I should let you go. Ich vermiss dich sehr."

"œUnd ich dir," she replied. "œBis spaeter, Liebchen." And with that, the screen went dark. Evan fancied a nap himself, but it was about time he introduced himself to the head of his department. So, with a tired shrug, he made his way out of his quarters, to the turbolift, and upon arriving in sickbay, the CMO was nowhere to be found. Lovely.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]

Lahr sat at his monitoring station in Main Engineering watching the display as the EPS system ran its diagnostic mode. He raised his arms high above his head as he stretched, easing his sore arm muscles.   Who knew that three days of scrubbing the hull - with a broom not a toothbrush - would test one's physical endurance.

The movement prompted a stifled yawn and his antennae swayed sleepily.  He'd been out the night before with his Security buddies - Burke, Skaggarg and Gnarld - playing poker, and the game had run late because Lahr had cajoled the others to continue to play over and over again as he really didn't want to end the night on a losing streak.  He'd lost every game and it showed in the poor state of credit account.

Yule was gonna be skinny this year.  The Andorian wondered if Ruth would be content if he just tied a bow on his antennae and gifted himself to her.  She might find that amusing... Right?

Lahr gave a sigh and hoped the others might let him join the next game with an IOU.

His thoughts on those prospects were diverted when the Andorian overheard the comm to Commander Tharn from the Captain ordering all Department Heads to the briefing room.   The Andorian's antennae perked.  "Have a good meeting, Ma'am" he called out pleasantly as the Tellerite scowled at the interruption to her day.

"Shove it, ch'Verret... or you'll be scrubbing the hull again!" the Tellerite warned.

Tharn had gotten wind from someone that he'd thought the EMH 'upgrade' was her idea.   Her payback was assigning him to cleaning the hull.  Lahr had done three straight days of that before today finally being permitted back into Main Engineering to sit at a monitoring station.   Lahr almost preferred the hull scrubbing.  Almost.

"Yes, ma'am!  I'll be on my best behaviour while you are away. I promise!"  Lahr cheerily replied back because he knew it annoyed her.   The Tellerite harumphed at his taunt but couldn't be bothered to waste more of her time on him.  She left Engineering for the briefing.

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Chloe was sitting at the Nursing Station reviewing the latest medical journal since Sickbay was happily empty of patients, and while the Dr.  Fellows was called away to a briefing of the Department Heads.

Quote from: Buehler on December 03, 2022, 08:49:15 PM

"œUnd ich dir," she replied. "œBis spaeter, Liebchen." And with that, the screen went dark. Evan fancied a nap himself, but it was about time he introduced himself to the head of his department. So, with a tired shrug, he made his way out of his quarters, to the turbolift, and upon arriving in sickbay, the CMO was nowhere to be found. Lovely.

She looked up from her PADD when the doors to Sickbay opened.  The fact that Chloe didn't recognize the face of the medical officer entered suggested to Chloe that this was the new doctor that Jessica had told her would be joining them.

"Dr.  Buehler?"  She questioned, momentarily waiting for a sign of confirmation before greeting him fully.   She stood up and walked over offering out a handshake.

"Hello! Welcome aboard Challenger! I'm Nurse Davies.  It's a pleasure to be working with you, doctor.  You just missed Dr. Fellows, she was called to a briefing meeting.  But you are welcome to settle in and look about while you wait for her return."

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 03, 2022, 01:38:13 PM

Ian sat and tapped the comm system on the arm of the command chair.

=/\= "All department heads, this is the Captain. Report ta the Briefin' Room immediately." =/\=

Ian then stood and made his way to the briefing room, with T'kel returning to the command chair to stand watch.

[CSO Office - USS Challenger - A]

After a delightful few days in the holodeck with Lahr, and the status quo had been somewhat rectified.

Rectified so much, that when the Captain's hail came thru, it was almost a welcome break from being eyeballs deep in PADD reports to catch up on.

"Ian, you're a life saver!" the Commander muttered to thin air. Then stood, straightened her tunic, took a brush out of the side draw of her desk and ran it through her red locks to get some semblance of regularity to the mop, and made her way to the turbolift via the replicator for a fresh cup of Ratkajino... the only thing keeping her going right now.

[Briefing Room]

Striding in looking fit for duty...which she was bar a few night sleep that couldn't be caught up on she waved her mug vaguely in Ian's direction.  "Can I get you anything before we start Ian or is it to be a 'Listen up, this is what we're doing, dismiss' kind of briefing?!" Ruth asked with a grin.

"Wait, let me guess..." she teased her old friend, waggling a mischievous finger in the Captain's direction. "...the Reman praetor has invited us all to Yuletide lunch... hmmm perhaps not...knowing him we would be the lunch in question!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 03, 2022, 04:48:43 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Back in full uniform, though having to zip up her outer uniform just as she stepped into the bridge, in a hurry as she was, Nira looked at Ia...no, T'Kel.

"Lieutenant?" Nira asked. "Ah, he's waiting in the briefing room, isn't he?"

At the Vulcan's nod, Nira proceeded to the briefing room. "Captain," Nira said as she entered, nodding at Ian. "Ian. I'd wonder what Admiral Gillespie is assigning us, but then again, it may be best to wait until the department heads get here."

She knew Admiral Gillespie was still on the starbase, she ran into him when she and Savar were shopping on the station's promenade and ended up having lunch with him, frequently being referred to as "laddie" and "lassie" as both were.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 04, 2022, 08:21:30 AM

[CSO Office - USS Challenger - A]

After a delightful few days in the holodeck with Lahr, and the status quo had been somewhat rectified.

Rectified so much, that when the Captain's hail came thru, it was almost a welcome break from being eyeballs deep in PADD reports to catch up on.

"Ian, you're a life saver!" the Commander muttered to thin air. Then stood, straightened her tunic, took a brush out of the side draw of her desk and ran it through her red locks to get some semblance of regularity to the mop, and made her way to the turbolift via the replicator for a fresh cup of Ratkajino... the only thing keeping her going right now.

[Briefing Room]

Striding in looking fit for duty...which she was bar a few night sleep that couldn't be caught up on she waved her mug vaguely in Ian's direction.  "Can I get you anything before we start Ian or is it to be a 'Listen up, this is what we're doing, dismiss' kind of briefing?!" Ruth asked with a grin.

"Wait, let me guess..." she teased her old friend, waggling a mischievous finger in the Captain's direction. "...the Reman praetor has invited us all to Yuletide lunch... hmmm perhaps not...knowing him we would be the lunch in question!"

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian arched an eyebrow as Nira's use of his first name and made a mental note to talk to her about that later as the rest of the department heads took their seats. He looked out at the assembled leadership of the Challenger. In addition to Nira, from Flight, Lieutenant Hector Espada. Ops, Lieutenant Commander Fernando CatalÁ¡n. Science, Commander Ruth Sigurdsdottir. Security, the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander T'Kel. Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn. Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Jessica Fellows, and Ship's Counselor, Lieutenant Gemma Mills.

"No need Ruth, this will be short as there isn't much to brief. The Federation Council, in it's infinite wisdom, has decided that ta better ties with the Romulan Free State, the Challenger will host a science conference between thirty of our best boffins and thirty of theirs. In six days time, we're ta meet at the half way point of the Safe Transit Corridor between Otorin III and Outpost K-12. There, the 'Hundred Pound Heads' will have two days ta rhapsodize over whatever they like ta talk about before the conference concludes.

"The Federation boffins are reportin' aboard as we speak and per Admiral Gillespie's orders, we have two hours ta get their esteemed arses aboard and on our way. Nira and Ruth, the bulk of lookin' after our charges will fall most heaviest on you two. Our newly promoted Lieutenant Commander T'Kel will have ta station additional security on the VIP quarters on deck two ta keep them safe and from goin' walkabout. There are a lot of eyes on this mission, so we have ta represent the best of the Federation. I trust you all will manage your departments accordingly. That's all I have. Any questions?"

Buck McNair

[Deck 3 - Kitchen - USS Challenger]

"Mac! Whatever am I going to do with you hovering around?!"

Buck leaned against the doorway, a sheepish grin on his features. There was a lot which he could have done with his spare time but today he had decided his next stop from the gym was to figure out whether or not there was something that he could find from the kitchen. Granted, there were food synthesisers that would create any meal he wished to have today but there was nothing more than bugging the chefs about what they could cook on board and knowing what was in their itinerary.

"I'm hungry, what can I say?" He chuckled.

Granted, there was also word spreading that crew who weren't on the bridge were going to be pinged for baby-sitting duty and that was something Buck wished to avoid. "Look, a bird told me that you've stashed cake somewhere--"

"Don't you even consider it, Mister McNair. Now off with you, go to the synthesiser if you want your cake." The chef jabbed back, good-naturedly.

Buck gave a two fingered salute and resigned from his position by the door and typed in his meal order in the synthesiser just as the call for departmental heads to attend the briefing. He glanced up, thought on the notion and then brought his tray to the mess hall. Lieutenant Commander Catalan surely had this in the bag, and probably had very little need for him to be present in the meeting.

Of course, it would fall upon the next highest ranked officer to take up position on the bridge.

Lieutenant Booker, assuming.

So with that all figured out in his mind, he began to tuck into his first meal of the day.


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 03, 2022, 10:08:56 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Chloe was sitting at the Nursing Station reviewing the latest medical journal since Sickbay was happily empty of patients, and while the Dr.  Fellows was called away to a briefing of the Department Heads.

She looked up from her PADD when the doors to Sickbay opened.  The fact that Chloe didn't recognize the face of the medical officer entered suggested to Chloe that this was the new doctor that Jessica had told her would be joining them.

"Dr.  Buehler?"  She questioned, momentarily waiting for a sign of confirmation before greeting him fully.   She stood up and walked over offering out a handshake.

"Hello! Welcome aboard Challenger! I'm Nurse Davies.  It's a pleasure to be working with you, doctor.  You just missed Dr. Fellows, she was called to a briefing meeting.  But you are welcome to settle in and look about while you wait for her return."


Evan turned his head sharply at the noise. His brain running half a second behind his ears, it took him a moment to process it as speech. A bright, chirpy young gal, perhaps American? "Ah, pleasure to meet you, Frau Davies," he replied, shaking her hand with a smile.

"If not for your presence, I might have mistaken this for a morgue." He chuckled at the thought; it had been awhile since he'd felt this alive. The distinct smell of disinfectant, the faint hum of equipment... it felt like home. "But no doubt we'll have plenty of work on our hands once the chief returns," he mused, itching for something to do.

Changing gears, Evan attempted to make small talk. "So, how long have been posted to the Challenger? Anything noteworthy happen lately?"

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 04, 2022, 10:09:32 AM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian arched an eyebrow as Nira's use of his first name and made a mental note to talk to her about that later as the rest of the department heads took their seats. He looked out at the assembled leadership of the Challenger. In addition to Nira, from Flight, Lieutenant Hector Espada. Ops, Lieutenant Commander Fernando CatalÁ¡n. Science, Commander Ruth Sigurdsdottir. Security, the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander T'Kel. Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn. Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Jessica Fellows, and Ship's Counselor, Lieutenant Gemma Mills.

"No need Ruth, this will be short as there isn't much to brief. The Federation Council, in it's infinite wisdom, has decided that ta better ties with the Romulan Free State, the Challenger will host a science conference between thirty of our best boffins and thirty of theirs. In six days time, we're ta meet at the half way point of the Safe Transit Corridor between Otorin III and Outpost K-12. There, the 'Hundred Pound Heads' will have two days ta rhapsodize over whatever they like ta talk about before the conference concludes.

"The Federation boffins are reportin' aboard as we speak and per Admiral Gillespie's orders, we have two hours ta get their esteemed arses aboard and on our way. Nira and Ruth, the bulk of lookin' after our charges will fall most heaviest on you two. Our newly promoted Lieutenant Commander T'Kel will have ta station additional security on the VIP quarters on deck two ta keep them safe and from goin' walkabout. There are a lot of eyes on this mission, so we have ta represent the best of the Federation. I trust you all will manage your departments accordingly. That's all I have. Any questions?"

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 04, 2022, 08:21:30 AM

[CSO Office - USS Challenger - A]

After a delightful few days in the holodeck with Lahr, and the status quo had been somewhat rectified.

Rectified so much, that when the Captain's hail came thru, it was almost a welcome break from being eyeballs deep in PADD reports to catch up on.

"Ian, you're a life saver!" the Commander muttered to thin air. Then stood, straightened her tunic, took a brush out of the side draw of her desk and ran it through her red locks to get some semblance of regularity to the mop, and made her way to the turbolift via the replicator for a fresh cup of Ratkajino... the only thing keeping her going right now.

[Briefing Room]

Striding in looking fit for duty...which she was bar a few night sleep that couldn't be caught up on she waved her mug vaguely in Ian's direction.  "Can I get you anything before we start Ian or is it to be a 'Listen up, this is what we're doing, dismiss' kind of briefing?!" Ruth asked with a grin.

"Wait, let me guess..." she teased her old friend, waggling a mischievous finger in the Captain's direction. "...the Reman praetor has invited us all to Yuletide lunch... hmmm perhaps not...knowing him we would be the lunch in question!"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira saw Ian's eyebrow go up when she mentioned his first name. She gave an apologetic expression but corrected herself when Ruth entered. Of course, she made a little eyebrow raise herself at mention of the Reman praetor.

"You'll have to tell me about this Reman praetor sometime," Nira said to Ruth. "I hope that one's more legitimate sounding than the last Reman we met, and he was also professing to be praetor."

The senior staff arrived soon after, though Nira had to admit that Commander Tharn was looking grumpier than usual; she had been that way the past few days, no doubt that she was still grumpy regarding the new EMH.

Nira listened to Ian raptly and she was taken by surprise by what Admiral Gillespie had ordered them to do: Play host to a science conference.

"Playing host to a science conference?" Nira asked. "I'm quite surprised to hear that, Captain; as a member of Starfleet Security, a science conference is bound to be the last thing I'd expect to hear from Admiral Gillespie."

Looking at Ruth for the briefest moment, seeing as they were going to be in charge of taking care of the Federation dignitaries that will be coming onto the Challenger in two days' time. Then she turned back to Ian and said, "What would you like us to do, Captain? Do we need to make sure the VIP quarters are comfortable? And who are we expecting of the Federation dignitaries?"

She couldn't help to make those questions, and her old instinct as an investigator prying had kicked in. The fact that she didn't know what further to do was why her questions stopped short. And even as she asked, it occurred to her that her (and Savar's) quarters were also on Deck Two and, given that she never experienced a conference party staying on a starship before. Mind whirring, and making mental notes to tell Savar as soon as she could, she figured she'd have to rely on site-to-site transport between decks during her downtime to get to the holodecks, she'd want to look her best if she was to go anywhere on Deck Two, particularly if she passed those dignitaries...depending on where in the Federation they came from.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO2 Grelek - Transporter chief
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 10 - Transporter Room 1]

The Vulcan petty officer manning the Challenger's main transporter room while the ship was in the vicinity of Starbase 153 had anticipated a steady flow of outgoing transporter activity as some staff applied for shoreleave.  What he hadn't anticipated shortly after beaming out Admiral Gillespie, is the multitude of calls coming in from the station requesting beam of up various acclaimed scientists.

The Vulcan dispassionately told each to wait while he checked their paperwork, put the calls on hold and queue the rest while he called up to the Bridge.

=/\= "Transporter Room One to the Bridge.  Sirs, we are receiving numerous requests - 10 currently - for beam in of what appear to be VIP personnel.   I've received no orders on this matter but their paperwork appears all valid and signed off by Admiral Gillespie.  What are my orders?" =/\=

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Quote from: Buehler on December 04, 2022, 05:32:20 PM


Evan turned his head sharply at the noise. His brain running half a second behind his ears, it took him a moment to process it as speech. A bright, chirpy young gal, perhaps American? "Ah, pleasure to meet you, Frau Davies," he replied, shaking her hand with a smile.

"If not for your presence, I might have mistaken this for a morgue." He chuckled at the thought; it had been awhile since he'd felt this alive. The distinct smell of disinfectant, the faint hum of equipment... it felt like home. "But no doubt we'll have plenty of work on our hands once the chief returns," he mused, itching for something to do.

Changing gears, Evan attempted to make small talk. "So, how long have been posted to the Challenger? Anything noteworthy happen lately?"

Because Chloe was wearing her commbadge, the Universal Translator in the unit provided the nurse with a translation for the non-standard term 'Frau' based on the computer's awareness of Doctor Buehler's nationality.

Chloe smiled at the doctor's comment about the workload, and nodded.  "That's pretty much it" she agreed.  Then added at his questioning of noteworthy events, "You should have been on board a week ago!  We had every member of the crew come through here to receive treatment for Polywater Intoxication. We only just got our stores back to what they should be."

She returned to her station and called up on her console some of the wilder scenes that had occurred due to the 'Psi 2000 virus'.  Lahr's moshpit and transformation of the Engineering 'Pooltable' into a DJ's mixing table was front and center.

"I've been aboard five years and sadly this isn't the craziest it's been - by far!  You'll see.  This ship had a penchant for trouble."

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]

Lahr, in the meanwhile, was at his station still watching the diagnostic do its thing.

He glanced and couldn't help but notice that Main Engineering was always quieter and less stressful when Commander Tharn was out of the room.  The Andorian recognized that the Tellerite was an amazing Engineer - far better than he could ever hope to be - but her people skills left a lot to be desired. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Enlisted Crew Mess Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

A certain reddish orange furred Caitian currently enjoyed his favorite food, replicated of course. It consisted of spicy Manila and Pacific Razor clams, with a side serving of grilled vegetables. Though his taste buds could definitely tell the difference between real and replicated dishes, he nonetheless enjoyed the delicious meal each time he had an opportunity to do so. While he did try to space his eating of this delicacy, he had been in the mood for something he absolutely adored. The few people over at the Mess Hall could visibly see it by the way that his ears wiggled slightly each time he took a bite, his tail swishing noticeably behind him.

That said, even though he was quite invested on what he saw as a delicacy, loving it ever since he tried it at a restaurant in San Francisco, he remained attentive to his commbadge, having overheard that all Department Heads had been summoned to the briefing room. Considering that Security probably would be involved in whatever situation would soon the Challenger be embroiled in, he knew he had to remain on his paws.

For now, though, the viewport towards the stars and the flavor were nothing short of breathtaking to him, which was the reason as to why he chose this seat within Enlisted Crew Mess Hall. He thought that the view was much better here. And, he certainly enjoyed meeting new people here. And, maybe, sometimes listen in their conversations, with his sharp hearing. It did made him feel a bit dirty, but he truly enjoyed gossip. And he certainly was surprised with the kind of hijinks his fellow crewmembers got themselves in. Slowly, but surely he felt more accepted within the ship, and it gave him more confidence to try and strike more conversations with people. But of course, a healthy dosage of what they and didn't like did not hurt at all, especially to prevent any kind of misunderstandings.

He finished his meal, finally, and left alone momentarily with his thoughts, he placed a hand on top of his belly, enjoying the pleasant feeling of sleepiness that eating gave him. He momentarily decided to doze off, taking a short nap in his seat, confident that he would be able to wake up at a moment's notice.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 04, 2022, 07:14:44 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira saw Ian's eyebrow go up when she mentioned his first name. She gave an apologetic expression but corrected herself when Ruth entered. Of course, she made a little eyebrow raise herself at mention of the Reman praetor.

"You'll have to tell me about this Reman praetor sometime," Nira said to Ruth. "I hope that one's more legitimate sounding than the last Reman we met, and he was also professing to be praetor."

The senior staff arrived soon after, though Nira had to admit that Commander Tharn was looking grumpier than usual; she had been that way the past few days, no doubt that she was still grumpy regarding the new EMH.

Nira listened to Ian raptly and she was taken by surprise by what Admiral Gillespie had ordered them to do: Play host to a science conference.

"Playing host to a science conference?" Nira asked. "I'm quite surprised to hear that, Captain; as a member of Starfleet Security, a science conference is bound to be the last thing I'd expect to hear from Admiral Gillespie."

Looking at Ruth for the briefest moment, seeing as they were going to be in charge of taking care of the Federation dignitaries that will be coming onto the Challenger in two days' time. Then she turned back to Ian and said, "What would you like us to do, Captain? Do we need to make sure the VIP quarters are comfortable? And who are we expecting of the Federation dignitaries?"

She couldn't help to make those questions, and her old instinct as an investigator prying had kicked in. The fact that she didn't know what further to do was why her questions stopped short. And even as she asked, it occurred to her that her (and Savar's) quarters were also on Deck Two and, given that she never experienced a conference party staying on a starship before. Mind whirring, and making mental notes to tell Savar as soon as she could, she figured she'd have to rely on site-to-site transport between decks during her downtime to get to the holodecks, she'd want to look her best if she was to go anywhere on Deck Two, particularly if she passed those dignitaries...depending on where in the Federation they came from.

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian pursed his lips at Nira's questions as he thought through the options before he replied.

"Deck Two has accommodations for up ta 40 VIPs. Accordin' ta the list provided by Admiral Gillespie's staff, we are ta transport 30 scientists, so there shouldn't be an issue regardin' the quality of the quarters. I'm sure at least some of these pampered popinjays will what special pillows or a specific brand of fizzy water, but they will have ta adjust ta life aboard a starship.

"As for who is representin' the Federation, if'n you check your PADDs you will find the complete list of who's goin' with their accomplishments listed. I'm certain they are all titans in boffin circles, but I nae ken a one of them. I say treat them as you would any dignitaries, we have hosted the President of the Federation after all. Just manage their expectations and we should be able ta muddle through."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 04, 2022, 08:53:40 PM

PO2 Grelek - Transporter chief
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 10 - Transporter Room 1]

The Vulcan petty officer manning the Challenger's main transporter room while the ship was in the vicinity of Starbase 153 had anticipated a steady flow of outgoing transporter activity as some staff applied for shoreleave.  What he hadn't anticipated shortly after beaming out Admiral Gillespie, is the multitude of calls coming in from the station requesting beam of up various acclaimed scientists.

The Vulcan dispassionately told each to wait while he checked their paperwork, put the calls on hold and queue the rest while he called up to the Bridge.

=/\= "Transporter Room One to the Bridge.  Sirs, we are receiving numerous requests - 10 currently - for beam in of what appear to be VIP personnel.   I've received no orders on this matter but their paperwork appears all valid and signed off by Admiral Gillespie.  What are my orders?" =/\=

In the back of his mind, the Vulcan wondered where the Challenger was supposed to house 10 or more VIP's.  It seemed the engineering staff might be called in to do rapid quarter rearrangements.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Adelle Booker from Ops had the bridge while the department heads were in their meeting and fielded the call from Grelak.

=/\= "Mister Grelak, Bridge, I am sending you a list of 30 VIPs that will be coming aboard over the next two hours. See to it that they are expedited aboard and escorted to VIP quarters on Deck Two, Security will assist you. Bridge out." =/\=


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 04, 2022, 08:53:40 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Because Chloe was wearing her commbadge, the Universal Translator in the unit provided the nurse with a translation for the non-standard term 'Frau' based on the computer's awareness of Doctor Buehler's nationality.

Chloe smiled at the doctor's comment about the workload, and nodded.  "That's pretty much it" she agreed.  Then added at his questioning of noteworthy events, "You should have been on board a week ago!  We had every member of the crew come through here to receive treatment for Polywater Intoxication. We only just got our stores back to what they should be."

She returned to her station and called up on her console some of the wilder scenes that had occurred due to the 'Psi 2000 virus'.  Lahr's moshpit and transformation of the Engineering 'Pooltable' into a DJ's mixing table was front and center.

"I've been aboard five years and sadly this isn't the craziest it's been - by far!  You'll see.  This ship had a penchant for trouble."


Evan followed the nurse's gaze as she pulled up examples on screen. "Verdammt. I always seem to miss the fun." He watched the feed with uncontained amusement, snorting by way of laughter. "You should see Germans during Oktoberfest," he told her with a grin. "Some years it seems like people have beer for blood!"

It was reassuring to hear the supplies had been replaced. There were times he'd had to work with next to nothing, like the time their ship had crashed and his pregnant wife died in his arms... Gott sei dank, it was a mass dream or illusion that had been inflicted upon the entire crew, but emotional toll was real. A dour expression briefly flickered across his face at the thought, but he forced as laugh as he said, "Five years is quite impressive. Some days I have enough trouble staying in one spot for five minutes. But trouble is just my cup of tea! We would have nothing to do if no one scraped their knees."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 05, 2022, 12:57:50 PM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian pursed his lips at Nira's questions as he thought through the options before he replied.

"Deck Two has accommodations for up ta 40 VIPs. Accordin' ta the list provided by Admiral Gillespie's staff, we are ta transport 30 scientists, so there shouldn't be an issue regardin' the quality of the quarters. I'm sure at least some of these pampered popinjays will what special pillows or a specific brand of fizzy water, but they will have ta adjust ta life aboard a starship.

"As for who is representin' the Federation, if'n you check your PADDs you will find the complete list of who's goin' with their accomplishments listed. I'm certain they are all titans in boffin circles, but I nae ken a one of them. I say treat them as you would any dignitaries, we have hosted the President of the Federation after all. Just manage their expectations and we should be able ta muddle through."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked down at who was coming on her PADD. She could see a fair number of Efrosians, a Tellarite and a Risian.

"Well, I do know Risians to a...certain extent," she said, recalling her relationship with Malek Grippen and getting to know the Risians very well. "I can make sure I can arrange the Risian delegate's accommodations for comfort. In fact, though, I'm going to inspect the VIP quarters once we're finished here and see what can be needed."

She had to admit, though, she never had to arrange VIP quarters for incoming guests before. She did recall being on a security detail when the Free State was formed, back when she was protecting the then-praetor of the Romulan republic formed after the Hobus nova.

"Well....Commander Sigurdsdottir, I'm going to need your expertise to advise me," she said, turning to Ruth. "After all, I never arranged guest accommodations before for something this big." Naturally, she was still new to her role as First Officer and this was something to get used to.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 04, 2022, 08:53:40 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Because Chloe was wearing her commbadge, the Universal Translator in the unit provided the nurse with a translation for the non-standard term 'Frau' based on the computer's awareness of Doctor Buehler's nationality.

Chloe smiled at the doctor's comment about the workload, and nodded.  "That's pretty much it" she agreed.  Then added at his questioning of noteworthy events, "You should have been on board a week ago!  We had every member of the crew come through here to receive treatment for Polywater Intoxication. We only just got our stores back to what they should be."

She returned to her station and called up on her console some of the wilder scenes that had occurred due to the 'Psi 2000 virus'.  Lahr's moshpit and transformation of the Engineering 'Pooltable' into a DJ's mixing table was front and center.

"I've been aboard five years and sadly this isn't the craziest it's been - by far!  You'll see.  This ship had a penchant for trouble."

Quote from: Buehler on December 05, 2022, 08:21:12 PM


Evan followed the nurse's gaze as she pulled up examples on screen. "Verdammt. I always seem to miss the fun." He watched the feed with uncontained amusement, snorting by way of laughter. "You should see Germans during Oktoberfest," he told her with a grin. "Some years it seems like people have beer for blood!"

It was reassuring to hear the supplies had been replaced. There were times he'd had to work with next to nothing, like the time their ship had crashed and his pregnant wife died in his arms... Gott sei dank, it was a mass dream or illusion that had been inflicted upon the entire crew, but emotional toll was real. A dour expression briefly flickered across his face at the thought, but he forced as laugh as he said, "Five years is quite impressive. Some days I have enough trouble staying in one spot for five minutes. But trouble is just my cup of tea! We would have nothing to do if no one scraped their knees."

[EMH Mark XII-ish | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The EMH had just entered Sickbay and was in time to see Nurse Davies speaking to a man he didn't meet before. Judging from the uniform, he could see he was a new medical officer. He heard them talking, and perked up at mention of the PSI-2000 Polywater Virus, mentioned in association with Oktoberfest.

"How appropriate," he remarked in passing as he put away the medical equipment he brought in. "Both those things have quite the propensity for mass intoxication...ah, you'll have to excuse me, I just got back from my assigned rounds...thank God for holo-emitters...can get around quickly...oh," he said, looking at the new doctor, "I'm an EMH, incidentally. A...complicated kind of fellow. If you have a need to name me...call me Ishmael. Or Doctor Ishmael if you prefer..."

Which was true, given that while his systems were adjusted, even with his appearance as the EMH Mark XII, most of his systems were still set at Mark VIII and were left at that. He still hadn't forgiven whoever installed him thus and at Captain Galloway for being so...limited. Still, one advantage of his systems was to be able to make his way around quickly thanks to holo-emitters. Of course, he had earned the respect of the crew for taking care of things in light of the polywater incident and so was rewarded with activation periods in which he can benefit as an additional member of the medical staff, though he was given a function to deactivate himself when there was no need of him for the time being, and he was ready to deactivate himself now that his rounds were finished. He did, however, notice this new doctor with interest and felt it a good idea to get to know him.

Of course, in light of his limited operations, not to mention his deciding to take on a name for himself, he decided to call himself "Ishmael," mostly in light of the word "-ish," in that he was beginning to be referred to as the Mark Twelve-ish, given his operating systems were still set for Mark Eight but had the appearance of the Mark Twelve.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 04, 2022, 10:09:32 AM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian arched an eyebrow as Nira's use of his first name and made a mental note to talk to her about that later as the rest of the department heads took their seats. He looked out at the assembled leadership of the Challenger. In addition to Nira, from Flight, Lieutenant Hector Espada. Ops, Lieutenant Commander Fernando CatalÁ¡n. Science, Commander Ruth Sigurdsdottir. Security, the newly promoted Lieutenant Commander T'Kel. Chief Engineer, Lieutenant Commander Dashlish Tharn. Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant Jessica Fellows, and Ship's Counselor, Lieutenant Gemma Mills.

"No need Ruth, this will be short as there isn't much to brief. The Federation Council, in it's infinite wisdom, has decided that ta better ties with the Romulan Free State, the Challenger will host a science conference between thirty of our best boffins and thirty of theirs. In six days time, we're ta meet at the half way point of the Safe Transit Corridor between Otorin III and Outpost K-12. There, the 'Hundred Pound Heads' will have two days ta rhapsodize over whatever they like ta talk about before the conference concludes.

"The Federation boffins are reportin' aboard as we speak and per Admiral Gillespie's orders, we have two hours ta get their esteemed arses aboard and on our way. Nira and Ruth, the bulk of lookin' after our charges will fall most heaviest on you two. Our newly promoted Lieutenant Commander T'Kel will have ta station additional security on the VIP quarters on deck two ta keep them safe and from goin' walkabout. There are a lot of eyes on this mission, so we have ta represent the best of the Federation. I trust you all will manage your departments accordingly. That's all I have. Any questions?"

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth chuckled "No prob, boss... Boffin babysitting is what I do best!" she grinned at Ian.  "One tiny question... Roll out red carpet or just make sure they're not killing each other?!"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 04, 2022, 07:14:44 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira saw Ian's eyebrow go up when she mentioned his first name. She gave an apologetic expression but corrected herself when Ruth entered. Of course, she made a little eyebrow raise herself at mention of the Reman praetor.

"You'll have to tell me about this Reman praetor sometime," Nira said to Ruth. "I hope that one's more legitimate sounding than the last Reman we met, and he was also professing to be praetor."

The senior staff arrived soon after, though Nira had to admit that Commander Tharn was looking grumpier than usual; she had been that way the past few days, no doubt that she was still grumpy regarding the new EMH.

Nira listened to Ian raptly and she was taken by surprise by what Admiral Gillespie had ordered them to do: Play host to a science conference.

"Playing host to a science conference?" Nira asked. "I'm quite surprised to hear that, Captain; as a member of Starfleet Security, a science conference is bound to be the last thing I'd expect to hear from Admiral Gillespie."

Looking at Ruth for the briefest moment, seeing as they were going to be in charge of taking care of the Federation dignitaries that will be coming onto the Challenger in two days' time. Then she turned back to Ian and said, "What would you like us to do, Captain? Do we need to make sure the VIP quarters are comfortable? And who are we expecting of the Federation dignitaries?"

She couldn't help to make those questions, and her old instinct as an investigator prying had kicked in. The fact that she didn't know what further to do was why her questions stopped short. And even as she asked, it occurred to her that her (and Savar's) quarters were also on Deck Two and, given that she never experienced a conference party staying on a starship before. Mind whirring, and making mental notes to tell Savar as soon as she could, she figured she'd have to rely on site-to-site transport between decks during her downtime to get to the holodecks, she'd want to look her best if she was to go anywhere on Deck Two, particularly if she passed those dignitaries...depending on where in the Federation they came from.

"Any time Nira, tho I normally dealt with his wife who was positively charming.  As memory recalls that particular Praetor was erm... more likely to have us for dinner as in the meat course rather than as guests!  We soon sorted him out and his wife became Praetor for a while then retired with what was left of her children somewhere remote but... " the CSO dropped her voice conspiratorially, not so any of the DH's couldn't hear or the Captain for that matter, more for dramatic effect.

"...she still corresponds now and then, I think out of gratefulness for helping save her remaining children and well... saving her from the ignominy of a divorce and loss of rank.  She still has some useful contacts should they ever need to be activated!"  Ruth gave a sly wink and touched the side of her nose to indicate this was privileged information.

It seemed that Nira had the same questions about what to do with the delegates. Ruth linked arms with the XO and said "I'm an old hand at this both as having been a delegate myself at these things and as command staff... we'll sort this out between us.  For now I suggest we hie it down to the Transporter Room and start welcoming our guests then send them off a pair at a time with one of our Ensigns to the Officers Mess... which we alert before hand to put out some nibbles and drink... if that's acceptable, Captain?"

She was quite sure given Ian's normal epithet of 'boffins', he would probably be more than happy to put in a brief appearance for politeness sake but then 'hibernate' in his Ready Room until it was all over.

"Best bib and tucker time, aka the torture outfit aka our dress whites and then boffin sitting eh, Ms. Said?"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

🡱 🡳

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