S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit

Started by Ian Galloway, December 03, 2022, 01:38:13 PM

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Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 06, 2022, 05:16:08 AM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth chuckled "No prob, boss... Boffin babysitting is what I do best!" she grinned at Ian.  "One tiny question... Roll out red carpet or just make sure they're not killing each other?!"

"Any time Nira, tho I normally dealt with his wife who was positively charming.  As memory recalls that particular Praetor was erm... more likely to have us for dinner as in the meat course rather than as guests!  We soon sorted him out and his wife became Praetor for a while then retired with what was left of her children somewhere remote but... " the CSO dropped her voice conspiratorially, not so any of the DH's couldn't hear or the Captain for that matter, more for dramatic effect.

"...she still corresponds now and then, I think out of gratefulness for helping save her remaining children and well... saving her from the ignominy of a divorce and loss of rank.  She still has some useful contacts should they ever need to be activated!"  Ruth gave a sly wink and touched the side of her nose to indicate this was privileged information.

It seemed that Nira had the same questions about what to do with the delegates. Ruth linked arms with the XO and said "I'm an old hand at this both as having been a delegate myself at these things and as command staff... we'll sort this out between us.  For now I suggest we hie it down to the Transporter Room and start welcoming our guests then send them off a pair at a time with one of our Ensigns to the Officers Mess... which we alert before hand to put out some nibbles and drink... if that's acceptable, Captain?"

She was quite sure given Ian's normal epithet of 'boffins', he would probably be more than happy to put in a brief appearance for politeness sake but then 'hibernate' in his Ready Room until it was all over.

"Best bib and tucker time, aka the torture outfit aka our dress whites and then boffin sitting eh, Ms. Said?"

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian rose to indicate the briefing was over, but took time to reply to Ruth's question before he left.

"No need for dress whites, we'll save that for the openin' ceremony of the conference. For now, just treat them like any other dignitary, they are just scientists nae heads of state."

Ian then returned to the bridge and the command chair. He brought up the list of scientists and compared that with Grelak's list of who had beamed aboard so far.

"Fourteen down, sixteen ta go. Decent progress for this lot."

He then turned to updating the current status and fuel consumption reports, the bane of his existence.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO2 Grelek - Transporter chief
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 05, 2022, 12:57:50 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Lieutenant Adelle Booker from Ops had the bridge while the department heads were in their meeting and fielded the call from Grelak.

=/\= "Mister Grelak, Bridge, I am sending you a list of 30 VIPs that will be coming aboard over the next two hours. See to it that they are expedited aboard and escorted to VIP quarters on Deck Two, Security will assist you. Bridge out." =/\=

Grelek took one look at the list of 30 delegates and forwarded on it on to both officers McNair and T'Prith, requesting their immediate assistance with assigning VIP rooms, and with the appropriate room preparation.  If the Vulcan felt any emotion at all, it might be slight annoyance that no advance warning had been issued to the Ops staff on this matter.

With the VIP rooms still pending, Grelek began beaming up the delegates.  The Vulcan had junior Ops crewman store their carry-on luggage in the adjoining transporter room, out of sight for the moment but under watch of a security crewman.  He then had junior security personnel escort the delegates to the lounge to await their room assignments.

As he beamed up each new delegate, Grelek updated his list of arrivals.  Once the rooms were assigned, the Vulcan would tag that information onto the list for each of reference.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2022, 01:01:42 PM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian rose to indicate the briefing was over, but took time to reply to Ruth's question before he left.

"No need for dress whites, we'll save that for the openin' ceremony of the conference. For now, just treat them like any other dignitary, they are just scientists nae heads of state."

Ian then returned to the bridge and the command chair. He brought up the list of scientists and compared that with Grelak's list of who had beamed aboard so far.

"Fourteen down, sixteen ta go. Decent progress for this lot."

He then turned to updating the current status and fuel consumption reports, the bane of his existence.

Nearly half had already arrived within the first 10 minutes.  It seemed some of the delegates were eager to be set forth.  The Vulcan hoped that while aboard the visiting scientists might be willing to hold informal 'armchair' discussions about their work with any interested crew.

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Quote from: Buehler on December 05, 2022, 08:21:12 PM


Evan followed the nurse's gaze as she pulled up examples on screen. "Verdammt. I always seem to miss the fun." He watched the feed with uncontained amusement, snorting by way of laughter. "You should see Germans during Oktoberfest," he told her with a grin. "Some years it seems like people have beer for blood!"

It was reassuring to hear the supplies had been replaced. There were times he'd had to work with next to nothing, like the time their ship had crashed and his pregnant wife died in his arms... Gott sei dank, it was a mass dream or illusion that had been inflicted upon the entire crew, but emotional toll was real. A dour expression briefly flickered across his face at the thought, but he forced as laugh as he said, "Five years is quite impressive. Some days I have enough trouble staying in one spot for five minutes. But trouble is just my cup of tea! We would have nothing to do if no one scraped their knees."

Chloe smiled at the German doctor and laughed at his comparison of the PSI 2000 virus with Oktoberfest.  Having grown up on Earth, she of course had heard of the yearly festival; but had never seen the appeal in drinking oneself into a stupor.  Before she could reply back to the doctor's acknowledgment of her time on board, their conversation was interrupted by the EMH.
Quote from: Nira Said on December 05, 2022, 11:30:05 PM

[EMH Mark XII-ish | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The EMH had just entered Sickbay and was in time to see Nurse Davies speaking to a man he didn't meet before. Judging from the uniform, he could see he was a new medical officer. He heard them talking, and perked up at mention of the PSI-2000 Polywater Virus, mentioned in association with Oktoberfest.

"How appropriate," he remarked in passing as he put away the medical equipment he brought in. "Both those things have quite the propensity for mass intoxication...ah, you'll have to excuse me, I just got back from my assigned rounds...thank God for holo-emitters...can get around quickly...oh," he said, looking at the new doctor, "I'm an EMH, incidentally. A...complicated kind of fellow. If you have a need to name me...call me Ishmael. Or Doctor Ishmael if you prefer..."

Chloe nodded a greeting to the EMH.  "Hello Doctor. She chose not to use the name - as she'd found it reminded her too much of the novel Moby Dick that she'd had to write a book report on in Highschool.  It had been the most tedious book she'd had the unwelcome chance to read.  Give her a historical fantasy or current-era romance novel anyday!

"How were the rounds? Anything notable?"

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]

Lahr glanced at the chronometer on his display and stared at the progress bar of the diagnostic in dismay.  At this rate he'd be here at this one task all shift.  He stifled another yawn. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2022, 01:01:42 PM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian rose to indicate the briefing was over, but took time to reply to Ruth's question before he left.

"No need for dress whites, we'll save that for the openin' ceremony of the conference. For now, just treat them like any other dignitary, they are just scientists nae heads of state."

Ian then returned to the bridge and the command chair. He brought up the list of scientists and compared that with Grelak's list of who had beamed aboard so far.

"Fourteen down, sixteen ta go. Decent progress for this lot."

He then turned to updating the current status and fuel consumption reports, the bane of his existence.

[Briefing Room - Challenger-A]

"Just scientists...I'll remember that next time you need your chief boffin to save the day, Captain!" Ruth said chuckling.  She knew Ian didn't mean it nastily but she couldn't resist the tease.

"But I'll let you off this time since you said we don't need the constrictor suits just yet!  Anything but that!  I'd even willingly be on Lek's hull inspection duty or toothbrush duty rather than that!" the Commander grinned, referencing the previous Chief Engineer of the Challenger Lt. Lek, a bit of a curmudgeon until you knew him but a brilliant engineer.

Turning to Nira she said "Well, I guess that's our cue to go welcome some Scientists, get them settled.  We could rope in the twins if they aren't busy... I know Arya isn't and it'll be a good exercise for her as a young science Ensign to meet other scientists, Katya could be posted with Security detail... for same reasons.  Neither have had much experience when it comes to 'big wigs'!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 06, 2022, 05:16:08 AM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth chuckled "No prob, boss... Boffin babysitting is what I do best!" she grinned at Ian.  "One tiny question... Roll out red carpet or just make sure they're not killing each other?!"

"Any time Nira, tho I normally dealt with his wife who was positively charming.  As memory recalls that particular Praetor was erm... more likely to have us for dinner as in the meat course rather than as guests!  We soon sorted him out and his wife became Praetor for a while then retired with what was left of her children somewhere remote but... " the CSO dropped her voice conspiratorially, not so any of the DH's couldn't hear or the Captain for that matter, more for dramatic effect.

"...she still corresponds now and then, I think out of gratefulness for helping save her remaining children and well... saving her from the ignominy of a divorce and loss of rank.  She still has some useful contacts should they ever need to be activated!"  Ruth gave a sly wink and touched the side of her nose to indicate this was privileged information.

It seemed that Nira had the same questions about what to do with the delegates. Ruth linked arms with the XO and said "I'm an old hand at this both as having been a delegate myself at these things and as command staff... we'll sort this out between us.  For now I suggest we hie it down to the Transporter Room and start welcoming our guests then send them off a pair at a time with one of our Ensigns to the Officers Mess... which we alert before hand to put out some nibbles and drink... if that's acceptable, Captain?"

She was quite sure given Ian's normal epithet of 'boffins', he would probably be more than happy to put in a brief appearance for politeness sake but then 'hibernate' in his Ready Room until it was all over.

"Best bib and tucker time, aka the torture outfit aka our dress whites and then boffin sitting eh, Ms. Said?"

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 06, 2022, 01:01:42 PM

[Briefing Room - USS Challenger]

Ian rose to indicate the briefing was over, but took time to reply to Ruth's question before he left.

"No need for dress whites, we'll save that for the openin' ceremony of the conference. For now, just treat them like any other dignitary, they are just scientists nae heads of state."

Ian then returned to the bridge and the command chair. He brought up the list of scientists and compared that with Grelak's list of who had beamed aboard so far.

"Fourteen down, sixteen ta go. Decent progress for this lot."

He then turned to updating the current status and fuel consumption reports, the bane of his existence.

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 07, 2022, 05:39:35 AM

[Briefing Room - Challenger-A]

"Just scientists...I'll remember that next time you need your chief boffin to save the day, Captain!" Ruth said chuckling.  She knew Ian didn't mean it nastily but she couldn't resist the tease.

"But I'll let you off this time since you said we don't need the constrictor suits just yet!  Anything but that!  I'd even willingly be on Lek's hull inspection duty or toothbrush duty rather than that!" the Commander grinned, referencing the previous Chief Engineer of the Challenger Lt. Lek, a bit of a curmudgeon until you knew him but a brilliant engineer.

Turning to Nira she said "Well, I guess that's our cue to go welcome some Scientists, get them settled.  We could rope in the twins if they aren't busy... I know Arya isn't and it'll be a good exercise for her as a young science Ensign to meet other scientists, Katya could be posted with Security detail... for same reasons.  Neither have had much experience when it comes to 'big wigs'!"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira nodded in understanding; the dress whites will wait until later, though she wasn't sure what was wrong with the dress uniforms. They fit her okay. Of course, having learned to make dresses herself, with help of the replicator, she was able to get the right sizes on her.

"It'll be a first for me as well," Nira said to Ruth. "But feel free to bring the twins along if you'd like, but like you said, if they're not busy."

She never hung around Arya and Katya much, but she felt it was a good idea, not to mention with Katya as a Security officer, she'd be handy in being security detail in the transporter room the guests will come in.

Seeing that the briefing was over, Nira rose. "Well, I'm going to conduct an inspection of the VIP quarters, see how well they are. I'll be sending along some officers to see they'll be functioning within normal parameters as well. I'll meet you at the transporter room to greet the coming guests when I'm done, Commander. Just a simple checking."

As she left the briefing room and headed to the turbolift, Nira tapped her comm badge. "Mister ch'Verret, Mister McNair, Mister Groff, report to Deck Two, we have some quarters to inspect."

Commander T'Kel looked up at Nira in passing. Seeing as they were expecting guests, she decided to send her officers to work.

"Mister Mrekrerhas, report to Transporter Room One for Security Detail," she ordered. It was a start, and Commander Said especially spoke highly of Zhuk.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Thus far, of the VIP quarters, only one of them needed a bit of a tune-up, not just a clean-up. As it transpired, they were the quarters where Nira confronted Nirreen, the Tal Shiar assassin who looked like her. Nira still never forgot the confrontation, and drilled in martial arts, swordplay and hand to hand combat whenever she got a chance to spar, and that was outside holodeck time. Nira especially never forgot that Nirreen, despite her resemblances, was a pure-blooded Romulan, particularly since she bled green.

Nira could see that while the quarters were cleaned up and the blood washed away, there were still some things that needed fixing. Plus, the two impressions on the floor where Nira had pinned Nirreen with her knives.

"Sorry about that, Commander," said Crewman Groff, the Bolian she asked to come along. He was a part of the maintenance crew helping to fix up the quarters. "We've been meaning to get somebody to fix up that plating, but we have been hearing that Commander Tharn had been in a bad mood..." He looked over at Lahr with some sympathy. Nira could understand why: The poor Andorian was certainly bearing the brunt of the Chief Engineer's wrath. Nira never forgot passing Lahr on the way to the holodeck cleaning with a toothbrush and she felt sorry for him. She brought him along mostly to get an Engineer's opinion, but she felt that Lahr needed something to do outside what Tharn had in mind for him.

"Yeah, my knives would likely do that, particularly if they're made from the same metal as Klingon blades," said Nira. "But being knives, at least they didn't get far."

"Yeah, the only way a mek'leth or a bat'leth could sink into a plating would be if it was extra-heated, though it would have to...not melt in the process," the Bolian replied in agreement.

Nira looked around at Lahr and McNair for their opinions. "Anything else you found that needs fixing up? We'll be having guests coming aboard soon."

Well, soon may be less than two hours, but Nira would be surprised if some of the guests didn't come early.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 07, 2022, 05:39:35 AM

[Briefing Room - Challenger-A]

"Just scientists...I'll remember that next time you need your chief boffin to save the day, Captain!" Ruth said chuckling.  She knew Ian didn't mean it nastily but she couldn't resist the tease.

"But I'll let you off this time since you said we don't need the constrictor suits just yet!  Anything but that!  I'd even willingly be on Lek's hull inspection duty or toothbrush duty rather than that!" the Commander grinned, referencing the previous Chief Engineer of the Challenger Lt. Lek, a bit of a curmudgeon until you knew him but a brilliant engineer.

Turning to Nira she said "Well, I guess that's our cue to go welcome some Scientists, get them settled.  We could rope in the twins if they aren't busy... I know Arya isn't and it'll be a good exercise for her as a young science Ensign to meet other scientists, Katya could be posted with Security detail... for same reasons.  Neither have had much experience when it comes to 'big wigs'!"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2022, 10:46:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira nodded in understanding; the dress whites will wait until later, though she wasn't sure what was wrong with the dress uniforms. They fit her okay. Of course, having learned to make dresses herself, with help of the replicator, she was able to get the right sizes on her.

"It'll be a first for me as well," Nira said to Ruth. "But feel free to bring the twins along if you'd like, but like you said, if they're not busy."

She never hung around Arya and Katya much, but she felt it was a good idea, not to mention with Katya as a Security officer, she'd be handy in being security detail in the transporter room the guests will come in.

Seeing that the briefing was over, Nira rose. "Well, I'm going to conduct an inspection of the VIP quarters, see how well they are. I'll be sending along some officers to see they'll be functioning within normal parameters as well. I'll meet you at the transporter room to greet the coming guests when I'm done, Commander. Just a simple checking."

As she left the briefing room and headed to the turbolift, Nira tapped her comm badge. "Mister ch'Verret, Mister McNair, Mister Groff, report to Deck Two, we have some quarters to inspect."

Commander T'Kel looked up at Nira in passing. Seeing as they were expecting guests, she decided to send her officers to work.

"Mister Mrekrerhas, report to Transporter Room One for Security Detail," she ordered. It was a start, and Commander Said especially spoke highly of Zhuk.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Thus far, of the VIP quarters, only one of them needed a bit of a tune-up, not just a clean-up. As it transpired, they were the quarters where Nira confronted Nirreen, the Tal Shiar assassin who looked like her. Nira still never forgot the confrontation, and drilled in martial arts, swordplay and hand to hand combat whenever she got a chance to spar, and that was outside holodeck time. Nira especially never forgot that Nirreen, despite her resemblances, was a pure-blooded Romulan, particularly since she bled green.

Nira could see that while the quarters were cleaned up and the blood washed away, there were still some things that needed fixing. Plus, the two impressions on the floor where Nira had pinned Nirreen with her knives.

"Sorry about that, Commander," said Crewman Groff, the Bolian she asked to come along. He was a part of the maintenance crew helping to fix up the quarters. "We've been meaning to get somebody to fix up that plating, but we have been hearing that Commander Tharn had been in a bad mood..." He looked over at Lahr with some sympathy. Nira could understand why: The poor Andorian was certainly bearing the brunt of the Chief Engineer's wrath. Nira never forgot passing Lahr on the way to the holodeck cleaning with a toothbrush and she felt sorry for him. She brought him along mostly to get an Engineer's opinion, but she felt that Lahr needed something to do outside what Tharn had in mind for him.

"Yeah, my knives would likely do that, particularly if they're made from the same metal as Klingon blades," said Nira. "But being knives, at least they didn't get far."

"Yeah, the only way a mek'leth or a bat'leth could sink into a plating would be if it was extra-heated, though it would have to...not melt in the process," the Bolian replied in agreement.

Nira looked around at Lahr and McNair for their opinions. "Anything else you found that needs fixing up? We'll be having guests coming aboard soon."

Well, soon may be less than two hours, but Nira would be surprised if some of the guests didn't come early.

[Transporter Room One - USS Challenger]

If Grelek were one of the immature species, he'd likely be highly annoyed by now after coordinating the transports of more than thirty individuals, some with families with the other three transporter rooms on deck four over the past hour and forty-five minutes.

Fortunately for him, once those beaming aboard completed the transporter cycle, his part in the chaos was over as the escort duties fell on Security, Ops, and Science departments. He eyed the first officer as she returned to the transporter room after getting her last charge settled in the VIP quarters on deck two.

"Sir, so far, twenty-two of the scientists have come aboard. Per the Admiral's timeline, we only have fifteen minutes to get the last eight transported if we are to meet our scheduled departure time."

Before Nira could reply, she received a call from T'Kel on the bridge.

"Commander Said. I am receiving a docking request from a small ship. The registry is Risian and the occupant of the ship is one Doctor Mudak Tarkan who is listed as a member of the Federation science delegation. There is room for his ship in the Main Shuttlebay on deck 19. Do you wish me to grant permission?"


[Personal Quarters - USS Challenger]

"It is acceptable to be back on a starship..." T'Lara sat cross-legged, a candle flickering in front of her. Her meditation had ended a half hour ago, and after the relative chaos that had been a steady presence ever since coming aboard this vessel, the Vulcan found it beneficial to take some extra time to record her thoughts in a log. She had received correspondence about the briefing, but had declined to attend. Ruth would be able to fill her in later, and she had already learned of the conference taking place here. Perhaps it would be a good opportunity to reacquaint herself with the social norms of a starfleet life. Since leaving command of the Discovery, she'd found herself almost completely embracing the Vulcan way of life. She was lucky to have Ruth by her side to handle all the extra talking. It was strange, to think that during her time as an executive officer, making relationships with the crewmembers was almost more important than her academic knowledge and skill. There were bound to be at least a few Vulcans in this group of scientists coming aboard, she should be able to approach them to discuss the latest scientific advances.

"I will report on the conference proceedings as the days progress. End log." T'Lara stood, centering all her focus and weight on the balls of her feet for a moment before leaving to change into her uniform.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."


Quote from: Nira Said on December 05, 2022, 11:30:05 PM

[EMH Mark XII-ish | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The EMH had just entered Sickbay and was in time to see Nurse Davies speaking to a man he didn't meet before. Judging from the uniform, he could see he was a new medical officer. He heard them talking, and perked up at mention of the PSI-2000 Polywater Virus, mentioned in association with Oktoberfest.

"How appropriate," he remarked in passing as he put away the medical equipment he brought in. "Both those things have quite the propensity for mass intoxication...ah, you'll have to excuse me, I just got back from my assigned rounds...thank God for holo-emitters...can get around quickly...oh," he said, looking at the new doctor, "I'm an EMH, incidentally. A...complicated kind of fellow. If you have a need to name me...call me Ishmael. Or Doctor Ishmael if you prefer..."

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 06, 2022, 04:14:12 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Chloe smiled at the German doctor and laughed at his comparison of the PSI 2000 virus with Oktoberfest.  Having grown up on Earth, she of course had heard of the yearly festival; but had never seen the appeal in drinking oneself into a stupor.  Before she could reply back to the doctor's acknowledgment of her time on board, their conversation was interrupted by the EMH.

Chloe nodded a greeting to the EMH.  "Hello Doctor. She chose not to use the name - as she'd found it reminded her too much of the novel Moby Dick that she'd had to write a book report on in Highschool.  It had been the most tedious book she'd had the unwelcome chance to read.  Give her a historical fantasy or current-era romance novel anyday!

"How were the rounds? Anything notable?"


It had been awhile since he'd served on a ship with an EMH, but there was something about them that reminded him of specters, morbidly fascinated by disturbing afflictions. In a way, Evan could sympathize. They revelled in the obscure, devouring every bit of new data with an unholy passion. He could get the same way with his hyperfixations. Maybe whoever invented the program had adhd. AI, in his opinion, tended to have the essence of their creator. Everything, even technology, grew organically when set free over time. 'Organic', in its original meaning, pertained to "serving as a means or vessel". Then it came to mean organisms composed of carbon, because scientists are weird (he would know; he was married to one). But that was beside the point. He was getting lost in thought again.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ishmael," Evan replied, amused by the choice of name. Judging by Nurse Davies' reaction, she had to read a certain book in school. If she thought Moby Dick was bad, she should try Metamorphosis by Kafka. That was truly the stuff of nightmares.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2022, 10:46:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As she left the briefing room and headed to the turbolift, Nira tapped her comm badge. "Mister ch'Verret, Mister McNair, Mister Groff, report to Deck Two, we have some quarters to inspect."

Commander T'Kel looked up at Nira in passing. Seeing as they were expecting guests, she decided to send her officers to work.

"Mister Mrekrerhas, report to Transporter Room One for Security Detail," she ordered. It was a start, and Commander Said especially spoke highly of Zhuk.

Lahr had no clue why the Commander called on him and McNair for such a task.   Normally, if there was an issue with her quarters then a repair requisition was submitted and it would be assigned to an engineering crewman to fix in order of priority.  That the Commander was skipping the queue was, he supposed, a perk of the job.

=/\= "Yes, ma'am.  Be right there!" =/\= Lahr acknowledged the orders and set about arranging for someone else to babysit the diagnostic. Once he had that set up, Lahr grabbed up a toolbelt and set off to go find Commander Said.

It was only after arriving on Deck Two, that Lahr was 'brought up to speed' on the VIP situation.  Ah! That made sense too.   The Andorian set to work looking over the rooms he was delegated to be inspect.  Lahr looked at each based on the species it was being assigned to.

For any Vulcan delegates, Lahr increased the rooms overall temperature by 10 degrees and decreased its humidity by 10%.  Since increasing gravity was a bit more troublesome, he left a 'calling card' out of the table letting the assigned scientist know the option was available and simply had to be requested.

For Caitians, the Andorian had the bed raised and additional pillows set out for comfort.

Species by species the rooms were set up meet their needs.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2022, 10:46:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Thus far, of the VIP quarters, only one of them needed a bit of a tune-up, not just a clean-up. As it transpired, they were the quarters where Nira confronted Nirreen, the Tal Shiar assassin who looked like her. Nira still never forgot the confrontation, and drilled in martial arts, swordplay and hand to hand combat whenever she got a chance to spar, and that was outside holodeck time. Nira especially never forgot that Nirreen, despite her resemblances, was a pure-blooded Romulan, particularly since she bled green.

Nira could see that while the quarters were cleaned up and the blood washed away, there were still some things that needed fixing. Plus, the two impressions on the floor where Nira had pinned Nirreen with her knives.

"Sorry about that, Commander," said Crewman Groff, the Bolian she asked to come along. He was a part of the maintenance crew helping to fix up the quarters. "We've been meaning to get somebody to fix up that plating, but we have been hearing that Commander Tharn had been in a bad mood..." He looked over at Lahr with some sympathy. Nira could understand why: The poor Andorian was certainly bearing the brunt of the Chief Engineer's wrath. Nira never forgot passing Lahr on the way to the holodeck cleaning with a toothbrush and she felt sorry for him. She brought him along mostly to get an Engineer's opinion, but she felt that Lahr needed something to do outside what Tharn had in mind for him.

"Yeah, my knives would likely do that, particularly if they're made from the same metal as Klingon blades," said Nira. "But being knives, at least they didn't get far."

"Yeah, the only way a mek'leth or a bat'leth could sink into a plating would be if it was extra-heated, though it would have to...not melt in the process," the Bolian replied in agreement.

Nira looked around at Lahr and McNair for their opinions. "Anything else you found that needs fixing up? We'll be having guests coming aboard soon."

Well, soon may be less than two hours, but Nira would be surprised if some of the guests didn't come early.

It was only while finishing up on the last room that Lahr was asked if he'd found anything that needed fixing up.
Lahr blinked at the Commander a few times.  "Um. Sorry ma'am.   I just went ahead and did the adjustments that were needed.  I didn't think to get your approval for each one.  So we're all good here.  Ready for rush."

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Quote from: Buehler on December 08, 2022, 12:12:35 AM


It had been a while since he'd served on a ship with an EMH, but there was something about them that reminded him of specters, morbidly fascinated by disturbing afflictions. In a way, Evan could sympathize. They revelled in the obscure, devouring every bit of new data with an unholy passion. He could get the same way with his hyperfixations. Maybe whoever invented the program had ADHD. AI, in his opinion, tended to have the essence of their creator. Everything, even technology, grew organically when set free over time. 'Organic', in its original meaning, pertained to "serving as a means or vessel". Then it came to mean organisms composed of carbon, because scientists are weird (he would know; he was married to one). But that was beside the point. He was getting lost in thought again.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ishmael," Evan replied, amused by the choice of name. Judging by Nurse Davies' reaction, she had to read a certain book in school. If she thought Moby Dick was bad, she should try Metamorphosis by Kafka. That was truly the stuff of nightmares.

Shortly after the two doctors greeted one another, the Medical Chief Dr. Fellows returned with information about the ship hosting a Scientific Conference in the middle of the Safe Transit Corridor.   Chloe found that news very interesting.

"I hope Ops will remember to download the medical information of the delegates coming aboard."  Having their medical history on hand would be of help especially such information as known allergies or current medications. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Enlisted Crew Mess Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2022, 10:46:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira nodded in understanding; the dress whites will wait until later, though she wasn't sure what was wrong with the dress uniforms. They fit her okay. Of course, having learned to make dresses herself, with help of the replicator, she was able to get the right sizes on her.

"It'll be a first for me as well," Nira said to Ruth. "But feel free to bring the twins along if you'd like, but like you said, if they're not busy."

She never hung around Arya and Katya much, but she felt it was a good idea, not to mention with Katya as a Security officer, she'd be handy in being security detail in the transporter room the guests will come in.

Seeing that the briefing was over, Nira rose. "Well, I'm going to conduct an inspection of the VIP quarters, see how well they are. I'll be sending along some officers to see they'll be functioning within normal parameters as well. I'll meet you at the transporter room to greet the coming guests when I'm done, Commander. Just a simple checking."

As she left the briefing room and headed to the turbolift, Nira tapped her comm badge. "Mister ch'Verret, Mister McNair, Mister Groff, report to Deck Two, we have some quarters to inspect."

Commander T'Kel looked up at Nira in passing. Seeing as they were expecting guests, she decided to send her officers to work.

"Mister Mrekrerhas, report to Transporter Room One for Security Detail," she ordered. It was a start, and Commander Said especially spoke highly of Zhuk.

The Caitian's ears swished as he overheard the summon of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said over to Transporter Room One, to serve as Security detail. Immediately, he finished the last forkful of food, and swallowed, taking his tray to the food replicator, in order for the inorganic items produced to be recycled. Then, with surprising swiftness and fleetness, he made his way towards the Transporter Room One.

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It had been a boon that the Transporter Room One was in the same deck as the mess hall, for he arrived quickly to his assigned spot. Meeting up with Grelek, he promptly offered a polite bow to him, hoping that the Vulcan managing the Transporter Room knew that he was appreciated in a sense. Or at least, that is what he tried to imply, considering that he still felt at a big loss on how to interact with Vulcans. For now, he proceeded to wait for the arrival of the VIPs. And his instructions on how to proceed.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 08, 2022, 12:40:01 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]

Lahr had no clue why the Commander called on him and McNair for such a task.   Normally, if there was an issue with her quarters then a repair requisition was submitted and it would be assigned to an engineering crewman to fix in order of priority.  That the Commander was skipping the queue was, he supposed, a perk of the job.

=/\= "Yes, ma'am.  Be right there!" =/\= Lahr acknowledged the orders and set about arranging for someone else to babysit the diagnostic. Once he had that set up, Lahr grabbed up a toolbelt and set off to go find Commander Said.

It was only after arriving on Deck Two, that Lahr was 'brought up to speed' on the VIP situation.  Ah! That made sense too.   The Andorian set to work looking over the rooms he was delegated to be inspect.  Lahr looked at each based on the species it was being assigned to.

For any Vulcan delegates, Lahr increased the rooms overall temperature by 10 degrees and decreased its humidity by 10%.  Since increasing gravity was a bit more troublesome, he left a 'calling card' out of the table letting the assigned scientist know the option was available and simply had to be requested.

For Caitians, the Andorian had the bed raised and additional pillows set out for comfort.

Species by species the rooms were set up meet their needs.

It was only while finishing up on the last room that Lahr was asked if he'd found anything that needed fixing up.

Lahr blinked at the Commander a few times.  "Um. Sorry ma'am.   I just went ahead and did the adjustments that were needed.  I didn't think to get your approval for each one.  So we're all good here.  Ready for rush."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"That's okay," said Nira gently. "You did okay. Just be sure to remember to ask for approval in the future," she added, with a friendly smile; she was determined not to be grumpy with Lahr, unlike Tharn. If she wasn't happy with him, it would have to be something else.

She certainly wondered if Lahr even noticed the two points in the floor where she stabbed Nirreen int he hands...but then, she spotted them with keen observation, and not a lot of people had the same level of observation, unless they were looking hard enough.

"Well, it's understandable if you haven't spotted those, of course," she said, indicating to those points. "From when I confronted that Romulan lookalike when she boarded...though if need be, that can be covered with carpeting if it has to be fixed in a hurry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some VIPs to greet."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 08, 2022, 08:14:19 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Enlisted Crew Mess Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Caitian's ears swished as he overheard the summon of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said over to Transporter Room One, to serve as Security detail. Immediately, he finished the last forkful of food, and swallowed, taking his tray to the food replicator, in order for the inorganic items produced to be recycled. Then, with surprising swiftness and fleetness, he made his way towards the Transporter Room One.

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It had been a boon that the Transporter Room One was in the same deck as the mess hall, for he arrived quickly to his assigned spot. Meeting up with Grelek, he promptly offered a polite bow to him, hoping that the Vulcan managing the Transporter Room knew that he was appreciated in a sense. Or at least, that is what he tried to imply, considering that he still felt at a big loss on how to interact with Vulcans. For now, he proceeded to wait for the arrival of the VIPs. And his instructions on how to proceed.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 07, 2022, 02:39:24 PM

[Transporter Room One - USS Challenger]

If Grelek were one of the immature species, he'd likely be highly annoyed by now after coordinating the transports of more than thirty individuals, some with families with the other three transporter rooms on deck four over the past hour and forty-five minutes.

Fortunately for him, once those beaming aboard completed the transporter cycle, his part in the chaos was over as the escort duties fell on Security, Ops, and Science departments. He eyed the first officer as she returned to the transporter room after getting her last charge settled in the VIP quarters on deck two.

"Sir, so far, thirty-two of the scientists have come aboard. Per the Admiral's timeline, we only have fifteen minutes to get the last eight transported if we are to meet our scheduled departure time."

Before Nira could reply, she received a call from T'Kel on the bridge.

"Commander Said. I am receiving a docking request from a small ship. The registry is Risian and the occupant of the ship is one Doctor Mudak Tarkan who is listed as a member of the Federation science delegation. There is room for his ship in the Main Shuttlebay on deck 19. Do you wish me to grant permission?"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Four | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had been looking at the list of VIPs as she arrived, and she nodded with a smile at Zhuk, glad to see he was the security detail at the transporter room at the arrival of the guests. She wondered where Ruth was...then decided she was probably greeting and escorting VIPs at one of the other transporter rooms on the deck.

So it was usual: she greeted the VIPs warmly upon their arrivals with, "Welcome aboard the Challenger. I am Commander Said, First Officer. Allow me to escort you to your quarters." Then she would guide them to deck two and give them their assigned quarters. So far, the one with the dagger points had been left alone; Nira wanted to leave it for last so she could give Lahr time to work on it.

At one point, upon return, Nira nodded in understanding at Grelek's words, and she figured any one of the eight will be beaming aboard through any one of the other transporter rooms when Commander T'Kel called her, that one Doctor Mudak Tarkan from Risa, and Nira recalled his name as being part of the science delegation, was requesting permission to dock with Challenger.

Nira was glad for the room; in fact, having seen the size of Challenger's shuttlebay, she was sure it could fit something a Romulan Bird of Prey if they got shuttles out of the way.

"His permission is granted," said Nira. "I'll be along shortly to meet him and escort him to his quarters, assuming Commander Sigurdsdottir doesn't beat me to him. Said out."

Turning back to Grelek, she said, "Well, hopefully the last seven will make their departure schedules in time as well, though they'll potentially make it aboard depending on the transporter's range. Zhuk, you know what to do with the remaining guests," she added, knowing that Zhuk accompanied her on one or two times when there were bigger groups, mostly to ensure nobody breaks off from the groups. She handed Zhuk a copy of the VIP list and what quarters they're assigned and headed for the Main Shuttlebay to greet Doctor Tarkan.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 06, 2022, 04:14:12 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Chloe smiled at the German doctor and laughed at his comparison of the PSI 2000 virus with Oktoberfest.  Having grown up on Earth, she of course had heard of the yearly festival; but had never seen the appeal in drinking oneself into a stupor.  Before she could reply back to the doctor's acknowledgment of her time on board, their conversation was interrupted by the EMH.

Chloe nodded a greeting to the EMH.  "Hello Doctor. She chose not to use the name - as she'd found it reminded her too much of the novel Moby Dick that she'd had to write a book report on in Highschool.  It had been the most tedious book she'd had the unwelcome chance to read.  Give her a historical fantasy or current-era romance novel anyday!

"How were the rounds? Anything notable?"

Quote from: Buehler on December 08, 2022, 12:12:35 AM


It had been awhile since he'd served on a ship with an EMH, but there was something about them that reminded him of specters, morbidly fascinated by disturbing afflictions. In a way, Evan could sympathize. They revelled in the obscure, devouring every bit of new data with an unholy passion. He could get the same way with his hyperfixations. Maybe whoever invented the program had adhd. AI, in his opinion, tended to have the essence of their creator. Everything, even technology, grew organically when set free over time. 'Organic', in its original meaning, pertained to "serving as a means or vessel". Then it came to mean organisms composed of carbon, because scientists are weird (he would know; he was married to one). But that was beside the point. He was getting lost in thought again.

"Pleasure to meet you, Ishmael," Evan replied, amused by the choice of name. Judging by Nurse Davies' reaction, she had to read a certain book in school. If she thought Moby Dick was bad, she should try Metamorphosis by Kafka. That was truly the stuff of nightmares.

[EMH Mark XII-ish/Doctor Ishmael | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Right, sorry, couldn't resist using opening line," said the EMH, or rather, Doctor Ishmael. "If you'd like you can call me Ish, for short...given what my systems are."

He was, after all, referring to his systems and why his appearance was so like that of an EMH Mark Twelve. Turning back to Nurse Davies, he gave his report.

"Nothing too serious. Regular required inoculations for those of the crew due for some, and Mister Blackfeather twisted an ankle while he was sparring. Other than that, just the usual. If you won't be needing me, I'll be powering down until my next shift assigned via computer."

Naturally, he had been programmed to appear at certain times, particularly to make his rounds, unless his services in an emergency were called for.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2022, 08:40:42 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"That's okay," said Nira gently. "You did okay. Just be sure to remember to ask for approval in the future," she added, with a friendly smile; she was determined not to be grumpy with Lahr, unlike Tharn. If she wasn't happy with him, it would have to be something else.

She certainly wondered if Lahr even noticed the two points in the floor where she stabbed Nirreen int he hands...but then, she spotted them with keen observation, and not a lot of people had the same level of observation, unless they were looking hard enough.

"Well, it's understandable if you haven't spotted those, of course," she said, indicating to those points. "From when I confronted that Romulan lookalike when she boarded...though if need be, that can be covered with carpeting if it has to be fixed in a hurry. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some VIPs to greet."

Lahr lowered his antennae slightly at the mild correction.  Oops...  "Yes ma'am, I'll be sure to remember that in the future."  he acknowledged.

Roozh! How he missed the times Ruth would just give him carte-blanche to get things done.  There had been definite perks to being the Captain's favorite at the time.

When the Commander pointed out the blade marks that she remarked on not two minutes prior, Lahr looked to her in confusion.  Then it dawned on him.  "Oh?! You want me to fix them.  Uh.. yeah.  Of course.  Sorry, for the confusion, you'd asked about OTHER things besides this that needed working on.   But yeah, don't worry.  I'll get this taken care of and it won't be no carpet hiding.   Lahr's on the job.  It'll get done right.   Just gimme 20 minutes with it."   Lahr then shooed the whole lot of them out of the room so he could get to work.

After they left Lahr set to work, first checking the deckplate's toughness - its yield and tensile strength.  Then he selected on from his bag the best fit welding rod.  For such small holes he'd only need a dot of weld on each to repair the damage. The most crucial part would be smoothing the patch quickly so the floor and weld blended seamlessly.
To do the smoothing Lahr took out a tiny fine-grained grinder.  With everything he needed - Lahr did the patch.   The repair was done in less that 2 minutes.

Lahr ran his hand over the patch, checking for burrs or inconsistencies but it was smooth. He was satisfied with the work.  He crouched low to the floor and took selfie of himself with the patched area in the background.   His cheesy grin and one thumb up said it all.   He sent the pic to the Commander with the text.  'What's next?'

PO2 Grelek - Transporter chief
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1]

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 08, 2022, 08:14:19 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Enlisted Crew Mess Hall | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Caitian's ears swished as he overheard the summon of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said over to Transporter Room One, to serve as Security detail. Immediately, he finished the last forkful of food, and swallowed, taking his tray to the food replicator, in order for the inorganic items produced to be recycled. Then, with surprising swiftness and fleetness, he made his way towards the Transporter Room One.

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

It had been a boon that the Transporter Room One was in the same deck as the mess hall, for he arrived quickly to his assigned spot. Meeting up with Grelek, he promptly offered a polite bow to him, hoping that the Vulcan managing the Transporter Room knew that he was appreciated in a sense. Or at least, that is what he tried to imply, considering that he still felt at a big loss on how to interact with Vulcans. For now, he proceeded to wait for the arrival of the VIPs. And his instructions on how to proceed.

Grelek's request for additional personnel to assist with the greeting and escort of the VIP scientists was answered in the form of Ensign Mrekrerhas.    Grelek returned the Caitian's nod perfunctorily, and when waited for the next beam up request.  Before that occurred Commander Said joined them - finally.   That over half the VIP's were already on board, prior to her arrival suggested that there had been some miscommunication going on.
Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 07, 2022, 02:39:24 PM

[Transporter Room One - USS Challenger]

If Grelek were one of the immature species, he'd likely be highly annoyed by now after coordinating the transports of more than thirty individuals, some with families with the other three transporter rooms on deck four over the past hour and forty-five minutes.

Fortunately for him, once those beaming aboard completed the transporter cycle, his part in the chaos was over as the escort duties fell on Security, Ops, and Science departments. He eyed the first officer as she returned to the transporter room after getting her last charge settled in the VIP quarters on deck two.

"Sir, so far, twenty-two of the scientists have come aboard. Per the Admiral's timeline, we only have fifteen minutes to get the last eight transported if we are to meet our scheduled departure time."

Before Nira could reply, she received a call from T'Kel on the bridge.

"Commander Said. I am receiving a docking request from a small ship. The registry is Risian and the occupant of the ship is one Doctor Mudak Tarkan who is listed as a member of the Federation science delegation. There is room for his ship in the Main Shuttlebay on deck 19. Do you wish me to grant permission?"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2022, 08:40:42 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Four | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had been looking at the list of VIPs as she arrived, and she nodded with a smile at Zhuk, glad to see he was the security detail at the transporter room at the arrival of the guests. She wondered where Ruth was...then decided she was probably greeting and escorting VIPs at one of the other transporter rooms on the deck.

So it was usual: she greeted the VIPs warmly upon their arrivals with, "Welcome aboard the Challenger. I am Commander Said, First Officer. Allow me to escort you to your quarters." Then she would guide them to deck two and give them their assigned quarters. So far, the one with the dagger points had been left alone; Nira wanted to leave it for last so she could give Lahr time to work on it.

At one point, upon return, Nira nodded in understanding at Grelek's words, and she figured any one of the eight will be beaming aboard through any one of the other transporter rooms when Commander T'Kel called her, that one Doctor Mudak Tarkan from Risa, and Nira recalled his name as being part of the science delegation, was requesting permission to dock with Challenger.

Nira was glad for the room; in fact, having seen the size of Challenger's shuttlebay, she was sure it could fit something a Romulan Bird of Prey if they got shuttles out of the way.

"His permission is granted," said Nira. "I'll be along shortly to meet him and escort him to his quarters, assuming Commander Sigurdsdottir doesn't beat me to him. Said out."

Turning back to Grelek, she said, "Well, hopefully the last seven will make their departure schedules in time as well, though they'll potentially make it aboard depending on the transporter's range. Zhuk, you know what to do with the remaining guests," she added, knowing that Zhuk accompanied her on one or two times when there were bigger groups, mostly to ensure nobody breaks off from the groups. She handed Zhuk a copy of the VIP list and what quarters they're assigned and headed for the Main Shuttlebay to greet Doctor Tarkan.

Grelek looked to the Caitian after the Commander left, raising a single eyebrow in silent comment.

A moment later a chime on his console, indicated another beam up was being requested.  Grelek returned to his job and let the Caitian focus on doing his own.

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2022, 08:40:42 AM

[EMH Mark XII-ish/Doctor Ishmael | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Right, sorry, couldn't resist using opening line," said the EMH, or rather, Doctor Ishmael. "If you'd like you can call me Ish, for short...given what my systems are."

He was, after all, referring to his systems and why his appearance was so like that of an EMH Mark Twelve. Turning back to Nurse Davies, he gave his report.

"Nothing too serious. Regular required inoculations for those of the crew due for some, and Mister Blackfeather twisted an ankle while he was sparring. Other than that, just the usual. If you won't be needing me, I'll be powering down until my next shift assigned via computer."

Naturally, he had been programmed to appear at certain times, particularly to make his rounds, unless his services in an emergency were called for.

Normally, the EMH would report to the Medical Chief first, but as it was Chloe who'd asked about his rounds, it made sense for him to face her... she guessed.   At his half question, half statement of shutting down, Chloe looked to Dr. Fellows, who shook her head.

"You're good to power down."  Then to Dr. Buehler after the EMH disappeared she commented.  "Must be nice not needing to find 'busy-work' during these lulls."   

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2022, 08:40:42 AM

[EMH Mark XII-ish/Doctor Ishmael | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Right, sorry, couldn't resist using opening line," said the EMH, or rather, Doctor Ishmael. "If you'd like you can call me Ish, for short...given what my systems are."

He was, after all, referring to his systems and why his appearance was so like that of an EMH Mark Twelve. Turning back to Nurse Davies, he gave his report.

"Nothing too serious. Regular required inoculations for those of the crew due for some, and Mister Blackfeather twisted an ankle while he was sparring. Other than that, just the usual. If you won't be needing me, I'll be powering down until my next shift assigned via computer."

Naturally, he had been programmed to appear at certain times, particularly to make his rounds, unless his services in an emergency were called for.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 09, 2022, 06:01:32 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

"I hope Ops will remember to download the medical information of the delegates coming aboard."  Having their medical history on hand would be of help especially such information as known allergies or current medications.
Normally, the EMH would report to the Medical Chief first, but as it was Chloe who'd asked about his rounds, it made sense for him to face her... she guessed.   At his half question, half statement of shutting down, Chloe looked to Dr. Fellows, who shook her head.

"You're good to power down."  Then to Dr. Buehler after the EMH disappeared she commented.  "Must be nice not needing to find 'busy-work' during these lulls."


Evan was also eager to read medical information of the visiting delegates. Although Nurse Davies was probably interested in the standard data, he was curious to see if any personality quirks were noted. The mind was a fascinating thing. Science and medicine had come so far in explaining how the rest of the body worked, but the mind would almost certainly remain an enigma for all time, and it was unlikely they'd ever have a machine that could crack the code. Even his Vulcan wife, who could read his thoughts with a touch, couldn't explain why his brain worked the way it did. Even now, Evan could feel the ever present link between them, pulling him gently towards her like a witch's lure...

"Ish," Evan chuckled at the suggestion. "That would just make me itch." Listening to the report as it was given, he tried not feel at odds with his surroundings, unsure of how he fit into the grand scheme of things on the ship. The only way to find his niche was to work with his fellows. "I quite agree," he told the nurse. "I hate having nothing to do. It makes my feet hurt."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Buck McNair

Quote from: Nira Said on December 07, 2022, 10:46:00 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Briefing Room | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Seeing that the briefing was over, Nira rose. "Well, I'm going to conduct an inspection of the VIP quarters, see how well they are. I'll be sending along some officers to see they'll be functioning within normal parameters as well. I'll meet you at the transporter room to greet the coming guests when I'm done, Commander. Just a simple checking."

As she left the briefing room and headed to the turbolift, Nira tapped her comm badge. "Mister ch'Verret, Mister McNair, Mister Groff, report to Deck Two, we have some quarters to inspect."

Commander T'Kel looked up at Nira in passing. Seeing as they were expecting guests, she decided to send her officers to work.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Quarters | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


Nira looked around at Lahr and McNair for their opinions. "Anything else you found that needs fixing up? We'll be having guests coming aboard soon."

Well, soon may be less than two hours, but Nira would be surprised if some of the guests didn't come early.

[Mess hall > Bridge > Deck 2]

Buck had placed his tray back into the designated area to be cleaned and washed, feeling rather full as he checked the time on his holopad - realising that it was close to shift change and began to make way to his station on the bridge. He had heard about the dignitaries who would be joining them for the next leg of the journey, and by the by, sounded like a lot of work because baby-sitting them tended to be more mentally taxing than anything. Approaching the bridge, he went to find himself by the Ops station, nodding at the others briefly before logging himself in. Taking a brief moment for the change over, the screen popped up with his details and eventually allowed for him to do all the necessary tasks.

He skimmed through the files, briefly, of the dignitaries and their rooms and of their luggage. They had to keep track of a fair few new faces, schedules, to ensure that operations would continue as normal.

Transporters were holding and functioning as normal - a good sign.

Even with the amount of use they were getting in a short span of time.

The call to Deck two made him jump. "Aye, on route." He hurried on over, considering that there was a time on the clock to check the VIP quarters.

Soon enough, he was approaching the Commander and took a view of what a job the cleaning crew had done from the mess that they had suffered from only a short while ago. "There is only so much we can achieve in a short turn around..." He scratched at his chin as he took another look around. "Couple of the chairs had been replaced and plants. But I'm sure the minute decorative element won't hinder their comfort too much, commander. However, saying that I can have another inspection of the quarters and jot down a list of what needs to be done."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2022, 08:40:42 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Four | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had been looking at the list of VIPs as she arrived, and she nodded with a smile at Zhuk, glad to see he was the security detail at the transporter room at the arrival of the guests. She wondered where Ruth was...then decided she was probably greeting and escorting VIPs at one of the other transporter rooms on the deck.

So it was usual: she greeted the VIPs warmly upon their arrivals with, "Welcome aboard the Challenger. I am Commander Said, First Officer. Allow me to escort you to your quarters." Then she would guide them to deck two and give them their assigned quarters. So far, the one with the dagger points had been left alone; Nira wanted to leave it for last so she could give Lahr time to work on it.

At one point, upon return, Nira nodded in understanding at Grelek's words, and she figured any one of the eight will be beaming aboard through any one of the other transporter rooms when Commander T'Kel called her, that one Doctor Mudak Tarkan from Risa, and Nira recalled his name as being part of the science delegation, was requesting permission to dock with Challenger.

Nira was glad for the room; in fact, having seen the size of Challenger's shuttlebay, she was sure it could fit something a Romulan Bird of Prey if they got shuttles out of the way.

"His permission is granted," said Nira. "I'll be along shortly to meet him and escort him to his quarters, assuming Commander Sigurdsdottir doesn't beat me to him. Said out."

Turning back to Grelek, she said, "Well, hopefully the last seven will make their departure schedules in time as well, though they'll potentially make it aboard depending on the transporter's range. Zhuk, you know what to do with the remaining guests," she added, knowing that Zhuk accompanied her on one or two times when there were bigger groups, mostly to ensure nobody breaks off from the groups. She handed Zhuk a copy of the VIP list and what quarters they're assigned and headed for the Main Shuttlebay to greet Doctor Tarkan.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Although it was close, the last of the scientists were aboard within the two hour limit they'd been given. The scientists were a diverse group that mirrored the usual diversity of the Federation. There were twelve humans, three Vulcans, three Andorians, two Bolians, a Denobulan couple, along with single representatives from eight other species.

Given the wide range of cultures, there were some clashes over what would be considered acceptable behavior aboard the Challenger when they varied with what was considered normal on their homeworlds. Nira was able to sort through most of these differences and Ian only had to get involved personally to resolve one issue. The Efrosian scientist Xin-ghoratreii wanted to bring a personal guard, but when he couldn't offer a reason why, Ian had had to say no, although he allowed the scientist to carry a ceremonial dagger in a nod to his warrior culture.

With their passengers aboard, Ian was on the bridge making the final coordination with Starbase 153. Once they were cleared for departure, the Challenger moved away slowly until a half million kilometers from the starbase and went to her maximum cruise speed of warp 8.2.

Now under way, Ian could marginally relax. In as much as any starship captain would relax when on the Romulan boarder. Especially knowing he had a personal nemesis waiting to get even for multiple humiliations meted out by Ian.

"What I'd like more than anything would be some stick time in a Tomahawk right now, but no time for the holodeck at the moment."

He thought as he watched the stars streaking by on the viewscreen, which he always found rather soothing. His revelry was interrupted by the gruff female voice of Doctor Shuv Brofath, the Tellerite scientist who had barged onto the bridge.

"Captain. That unbalanced harmonic on transitioning to warp is unacceptable. I believe I need to speak to your chief engineer, but for them to allow such a thing means only you would be able to take action on my concerns."

Ian winced as no species in the Federation could be as grating on the nerves as a Tellerite.

"Doctor Brofath. I assure you, my Chief Engineer, Dashlish Tharn is as fine an engineer as exists in all of Starfleet. It is a well known fact that all ships have their idiosyncrasies and for a ship as old as the Challenger, they tend ta have more than most. This ship has endured more than most and was once nearly almost written off from damage sustained in a previous mission. Regardless of that, I wouldn't trust any other ship in the fleet more than I trust this one. Her warp speed 'shimmy' is well noted in the maintenance logs and poses no threat. It's just part of her charm."

"'Part of her charm?' That is preposterous! Are you telling me you intend to take no action on this matter?"

"In a word... no."

"I will note this in my report captain."

"So noted Doctor. Perhaps since I cannae help you with this matter, I can make it up ta you. If'n you can make your way ta Deck Three and the Officer's Mess. It is my understandin' the crew has managed ta make a very fine Tellarite linguine."

"I doubt it."

"Never know until you try."

"I believe I will do so, but do not think this is the end of this 'shimmy' matter."

"I understand, enjoy the linguine."

Brofath didn't answer this, being content to just grunt and depart. When the turbolift doors closed, Ian sighed and said.

"Commander T'Kel, perhaps the good doctor needs a wee bit more watchin' than the others."

"Understood Sir."

Ian then dismissed the matter, fully confident that T'Kel would take care of the matter.


[Personal Quarters - USS Challenger-A]

Now dressed in a freshly cleaned uniform, T'Lara glanced at herself in the mirror. She did not make a habit of looking at her reflection; vanity was certainly the last thing on her mind. However, the change in color from her previous uniform warranted a few seconds spent in thought. As she advanced in years, she made a habit of documenting changes in rank and areas of study by bringing her mind to focus "in the moment." She had a way of storing these events for further contemplation, almost like a scrapbook of sorts. She didn't know if other Vulcans had this way of remembering the past, but it was a practice she found herself to be particularly fond of. With a quick check of the chronometer to confirm her timing was correct, she set off to begin her shift.

"Computer, lights off," she commanded as the room went black and the door swished her out.

[Bridge - USS Challenger - A]

Knowing that the decks of their ship were full of hustle and bustle, she was pleased the turbolift journey bypassed it all. It seemed she was already reverting back to her human tendencies if she found it agreeable to avoid her old nemesis, small talk. She knew that officers from her previous years of service would request her attention if they saw her, and her sense of duty should require her to deal with it all. Still, it was nice that this could be delayed for at least a little while.

Stepping onto the Bridge, she gave a nod to the captain and the rest of the Bridge crew at their stations, and took a seat.

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."

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