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S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit

Started by Ian Galloway, December 03, 2022, 01:38:13 PM

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Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 09, 2022, 08:40:42 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Transporter Room One | Deck Four | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira had been looking at the list of VIPs as she arrived, and she nodded with a smile at Zhuk, glad to see he was the security detail at the transporter room at the arrival of the guests. She wondered where Ruth was...then decided she was probably greeting and escorting VIPs at one of the other transporter rooms on the deck.

So it was usual: she greeted the VIPs warmly upon their arrivals with, "Welcome aboard the Challenger. I am Commander Said, First Officer. Allow me to escort you to your quarters." Then she would guide them to deck two and give them their assigned quarters. So far, the one with the dagger points had been left alone; Nira wanted to leave it for last so she could give Lahr time to work on it.

At one point, upon return, Nira nodded in understanding at Grelek's words, and she figured any one of the eight will be beaming aboard through any one of the other transporter rooms when Commander T'Kel called her, that one Doctor Mudak Tarkan from Risa, and Nira recalled his name as being part of the science delegation, was requesting permission to dock with Challenger.

Nira was glad for the room; in fact, having seen the size of Challenger's shuttlebay, she was sure it could fit something a Romulan Bird of Prey if they got shuttles out of the way.

"His permission is granted," said Nira. "I'll be along shortly to meet him and escort him to his quarters, assuming Commander Sigurdsdottir doesn't beat me to him. Said out."

Turning back to Grelek, she said, "Well, hopefully the last seven will make their departure schedules in time as well, though they'll potentially make it aboard depending on the transporter's range. Zhuk, you know what to do with the remaining guests," she added, knowing that Zhuk accompanied her on one or two times when there were bigger groups, mostly to ensure nobody breaks off from the groups. She handed Zhuk a copy of the VIP list and what quarters they're assigned and headed for the Main Shuttlebay to greet Doctor Tarkan.

Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas awaited patiently the arrival of Lieutenant Commander Said, while bidding his time by glancing around the Transporter Room, taking note of its features. When she finally arrived, he answered her smile with one of his own, content that she seemingly was glad to see him. As the VIPs arrived, he made sure to remain with his hands on his back, standing upright with his chest puffed up, making sure that the transition was smooth, directing them towards Nira as she welcomed them if it was required.

He dutifully accompanied the larger groups of scientists twice alongside with Nira, heading over towards the rooms, making sure he remembered their location in order to be able to guide the next batch if it was necessary. Soon, he proved to be right in this assumption, as he was soon asked by Nira to carry on with the remaining scientists who were yet to arrive. He gave her a gracious nod, answering with: "Of course, Lieutenant Commander. It shalt be done."

Taking the VIP list provided, he made sure to give it a look-over in order to determine who was still scheduled to be transported, while Nira took her leave, summoned over to apparently escort someone important from Risa who had docked with the Challenger. At Grelek's raise of his eyebrow, Zhuk offered a silent thumbs up, before a chime came into the Vulcan's console, and he promptly returned to it, while Zhuk glanced forward, ready to receive the VIPs.

Soon enough, the remaining scientists made themselves visible, all thanks to Grelek's impeccable job, whom Zhuk was glad to have as a partner, at least when it came to this situation. Though he of course couldn't speak for all Vulcans, Grelek did showcase what he had heard of them as a species: their dependability and focus to carry on their duties with maximum efficency. And he was glad to see it first hand. Once all were reunited, the Caitian made sure to speak up, calling for their attention with his hands.

"Greetings, esteemed members of the scientific board. I am Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, and I will be your escort towards your carefully-prepared accommodations. If you have any question or petition, do feel free to inform me or any other Security officer how we can make your stay here more pleasant. We hope that you enjoy your time here. Do be kind enough to follow me, now." Zhuk mrowled with grace and distinction, hoping to make a good impression within these acute minds that were now accompanying them, especially the Caitian researcher. He hadn't had much opportunity to interact with those of his own species, and he hoped that this would be an opportunity to do so. He then turned around, and guided them towards their respective rooms, with a small smile in his snout present at all times.

Once everyone was accounted for, Zhuk decided to contact both of his superiors, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel, to determine how he should proceed, and Lieutenant Commander Said, to inform her that he had finished with his assigned task. In the meanwhile, he busied himself by patrolling the rooms where he had just left the scientists, in case they require something they had not accounted for, or wanted to be fixed.

=/\="Greetings, Lieutenant Commander Said. I hope that the meeting with the Risian scientist went flawlessly. I have finished with the escorting of the remaining key individuals to their respective rooms. Everything remained within expected parameters, without much of an issue. Is there anything else you wish for me to do?"=/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 10, 2022, 12:48:52 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Although it was close, the last of the scientists were aboard within the two hour limit they'd been given. The scientists were a diverse group that mirrored the usual diversity of the Federation. There were twelve humans, three Vulcans, three Andorians, two Bolians, a Denobulan couple, along with single representatives from eight other species.

Given the wide range of cultures, there were some clashes over what would be considered acceptable behavior aboard the Challenger when they varied with what was considered normal on their homeworlds. Nira was able to sort through most of these differences and Ian only had to get involved personally to resolve one issue. The Efrosian scientist Xin-ghoratreii wanted to bring a personal guard, but when he couldn't offer a reason why, Ian had had to say no, although he allowed the scientist to carry a ceremonial dagger in a nod to his warrior culture.

With their passengers aboard, Ian was on the bridge making the final coordination with Starbase 153. Once they were cleared for departure, the Challenger moved away slowly until a half million kilometers from the starbase and went to her maximum cruise speed of warp 8.2.

Now under way, Ian could marginally relax. In as much as any starship captain would relax when on the Romulan boarder. Especially knowing he had a personal nemesis waiting to get even for multiple humiliations meted out by Ian.

"What I'd like more than anything would be some stick time in a Tomahawk right now, but no time for the holodeck at the moment."

He thought as he watched the stars streaking by on the viewscreen, which he always found rather soothing. His revelry was interrupted by the gruff female voice of Doctor Shuv Brofath, the Tellerite scientist who had barged onto the bridge.

"Captain. That unbalanced harmonic on transitioning to warp is unacceptable. I believe I need to speak to your chief engineer, but for them to allow such a thing means only you would be able to take action on my concerns."

Ian winced as no species in the Federation could be as grating on the nerves as a Tellerite.

"Doctor Brofath. I assure you, my Chief Engineer, Dashlish Tharn is as fine an engineer as exists in all of Starfleet. It is a well known fact that all ships have their idiosyncrasies and for a ship as old as the Challenger, they tend ta have more than most. This ship has endured more than most and was once nearly almost written off from damage sustained in a previous mission. Regardless of that, I wouldn't trust any other ship in the fleet more than I trust this one. Her warp speed 'shimmy' is well noted in the maintenance logs and poses no threat. It's just part of her charm."

"'Part of her charm?' That is preposterous! Are you telling me you intend to take no action on this matter?"

"In a word... no."

"I will note this in my report captain."

"So noted Doctor. Perhaps since I cannae help you with this matter, I can make it up ta you. If'n you can make your way ta Deck Three and the Officer's Mess. It is my understandin' the crew has managed ta make a very fine Tellarite linguine."

"I doubt it."

"Never know until you try."

"I believe I will do so, but do not think this is the end of this 'shimmy' matter."

"I understand, enjoy the linguine."

Brofath didn't answer this, being content to just grunt and depart. When the turbolift doors closed, Ian sighed and said.

"Commander T'Kel, perhaps the good doctor needs a wee bit more watchin' than the others."

"Understood Sir."

Ian then dismissed the matter, fully confident that T'Kel would take care of the matter.

=/\= "Greetings, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel. I have finished with escorting the remaining scientists to their assigned rooms. How else may I be of assistance within the vessel?" =/\=

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Nira Said

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 09, 2022, 06:01:32 PM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]

Lahr lowered his antennae slightly at the mild correction.  Oops...  "Yes ma'am, I'll be sure to remember that in the future."  he acknowledged.

Roozh! How he missed the times Ruth would just give him carte-blanche to get things done.  There had been definite perks to being the Captain's favorite at the time.

When the Commander pointed out the blade marks that she remarked on not two minutes prior, Lahr looked to her in confusion.  Then it dawned on him.  "Oh?! You want me to fix them.  Uh.. yeah.  Of course.  Sorry, for the confusion, you'd asked about OTHER things besides this that needed working on.   But yeah, don't worry.  I'll get this taken care of and it won't be no carpet hiding.   Lahr's on the job.  It'll get done right.   Just gimme 20 minutes with it."   Lahr then shooed the whole lot of them out of the room so he could get to work.

After they left Lahr set to work, first checking the deckplate's toughness - its yield and tensile strength.  Then he selected on from his bag the best fit welding rod.  For such small holes he'd only need a dot of weld on each to repair the damage. The most crucial part would be smoothing the patch quickly so the floor and weld blended seamlessly.
To do the smoothing Lahr took out a tiny fine-grained grinder.  With everything he needed - Lahr did the patch.   The repair was done in less that 2 minutes.

Lahr ran his hand over the patch, checking for burrs or inconsistencies but it was smooth. He was satisfied with the work.  He crouched low to the floor and took selfie of himself with the patched area in the background.   His cheesy grin and one thumb up said it all.   He sent the pic to the Commander with the text.  'What's next?'

PO2 Grelek - Transporter chief
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 4 - Transporter Room 1]

Grelek's request for additional personnel to assist with the greeting and escort of the VIP scientists was answered in the form of Ensign Mrekrerhas.    Grelek returned the Caitian's nod perfunctorily, and when waited for the next beam up request.  Before that occurred Commander Said joined them - finally.   That over half the VIP's were already on board, prior to her arrival suggested that there had been some miscommunication going on.

Grelek looked to the Caitian after the Commander left, raising a single eyebrow in silent comment.

A moment later a chime on his console, indicated another beam up was being requested.  Grelek returned to his job and let the Caitian focus on doing his own.

Quote from: Buck McNair on December 10, 2022, 11:56:16 AM

[Mess hall > Bridge > Deck 2]

Buck had placed his tray back into the designated area to be cleaned and washed, feeling rather full as he checked the time on his holopad - realising that it was close to shift change and began to make way to his station on the bridge. He had heard about the dignitaries who would be joining them for the next leg of the journey, and by the by, sounded like a lot of work because baby-sitting them tended to be more mentally taxing than anything. Approaching the bridge, he went to find himself by the Ops station, nodding at the others briefly before logging himself in. Taking a brief moment for the change over, the screen popped up with his details and eventually allowed for him to do all the necessary tasks.

He skimmed through the files, briefly, of the dignitaries and their rooms and of their luggage. They had to keep track of a fair few new faces, schedules, to ensure that operations would continue as normal.

Transporters were holding and functioning as normal - a good sign.

Even with the amount of use they were getting in a short span of time.

The call to Deck two made him jump. "Aye, on route." He hurried on over, considering that there was a time on the clock to check the VIP quarters.

Soon enough, he was approaching the Commander and took a view of what a job the cleaning crew had done from the mess that they had suffered from only a short while ago. "There is only so much we can achieve in a short turn around..." He scratched at his chin as he took another look around. "Couple of the chairs had been replaced and plants. But I'm sure the minute decorative element won't hinder their comfort too much, commander. However, saying that I can have another inspection of the quarters and jot down a list of what needs to be done."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 10, 2022, 12:48:52 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Although it was close, the last of the scientists were aboard within the two hour limit they'd been given. The scientists were a diverse group that mirrored the usual diversity of the Federation. There were twelve humans, three Vulcans, three Andorians, two Bolians, a Denobulan couple, along with single representatives from eight other species.

Given the wide range of cultures, there were some clashes over what would be considered acceptable behavior aboard the Challenger when they varied with what was considered normal on their homeworlds. Nira was able to sort through most of these differences and Ian only had to get involved personally to resolve one issue. The Efrosian scientist Xin-ghoratreii wanted to bring a personal guard, but when he couldn't offer a reason why, Ian had had to say no, although he allowed the scientist to carry a ceremonial dagger in a nod to his warrior culture.

With their passengers aboard, Ian was on the bridge making the final coordination with Starbase 153. Once they were cleared for departure, the Challenger moved away slowly until a half million kilometers from the starbase and went to her maximum cruise speed of warp 8.2.

Now under way, Ian could marginally relax. In as much as any starship captain would relax when on the Romulan boarder. Especially knowing he had a personal nemesis waiting to get even for multiple humiliations meted out by Ian.

"What I'd like more than anything would be some stick time in a Tomahawk right now, but no time for the holodeck at the moment."

He thought as he watched the stars streaking by on the viewscreen, which he always found rather soothing. His revelry was interrupted by the gruff female voice of Doctor Shuv Brofath, the Tellerite scientist who had barged onto the bridge.

"Captain. That unbalanced harmonic on transitioning to warp is unacceptable. I believe I need to speak to your chief engineer, but for them to allow such a thing means only you would be able to take action on my concerns."

Ian winced as no species in the Federation could be as grating on the nerves as a Tellerite.

"Doctor Brofath. I assure you, my Chief Engineer, Dashlish Tharn is as fine an engineer as exists in all of Starfleet. It is a well known fact that all ships have their idiosyncrasies and for a ship as old as the Challenger, they tend ta have more than most. This ship has endured more than most and was once nearly almost written off from damage sustained in a previous mission. Regardless of that, I wouldn't trust any other ship in the fleet more than I trust this one. Her warp speed 'shimmy' is well noted in the maintenance logs and poses no threat. It's just part of her charm."

"'Part of her charm?' That is preposterous! Are you telling me you intend to take no action on this matter?"

"In a word... no."

"I will note this in my report captain."

"So noted Doctor. Perhaps since I cannae help you with this matter, I can make it up ta you. If'n you can make your way ta Deck Three and the Officer's Mess. It is my understandin' the crew has managed ta make a very fine Tellarite linguine."

"I doubt it."

"Never know until you try."

"I believe I will do so, but do not think this is the end of this 'shimmy' matter."

"I understand, enjoy the linguine."

Brofath didn't answer this, being content to just grunt and depart. When the turbolift doors closed, Ian sighed and said.

"Commander T'Kel, perhaps the good doctor needs a wee bit more watchin' than the others."

"Understood Sir."

Ian then dismissed the matter, fully confident that T'Kel would take care of the matter.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Shuttlebay >- VIP Corridor | Deck Nineteen >- Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As she waited for Doctor Tarvan to arrive, Nira got the image of Lahr's completed work, with Lahr acknowledging it in a self image...or selfie, for short. She smiled at the efficiency. She wrote back:

Well done. You did an excellent job. The next order of business is to double-check the quarters for Doctor Schiziilr, see how warm and humid it so it'll be to his liking.

She recalled that Schiziilr was one of the three alien races from the Rigel system, specifically a Chelon from Rigel III, one of the enormous bipedal turtles; the humanoids were known as the Jelna. She studied up on the Chelon, and was aware that they liked humid and warm weather, and that was something that was necessary for Schiziiler.

So far, Nira had plenty of dealings with the dignitaries as they settled in; only Xin-ghoratreii the Efrosian had to be referred to Captain Galloway regarding his bodyguard. She was certainly surprised by the doctor; she never met much Efrosians and recalled that they could be stubborn, but certainly not a warrior society. Checking out her quarters list, Nira noticed that Doctor Xin-ghoratreii was given the quarters she fought Nirreen in. How appropriate for a warrior-minded man to get those quarters, Nira thought to herself.

Aside from Xin-ghoratreii, Tarvan and Schiziilr, there were five single representatives from Federation member races: Galen Benev from Bajor, who strongly reminded Nira of Tekin Nevir, except Galen was taller than Tekin and looked more like a bodybuilder; Heeda Isim from Betazed, whose name and appearance made Nira strongly assume she was Arabic; Jirra from Orion and Sugon from Delta IV, both of whom were bald, attractive and studied pheromones, using their own to experiment on, both assuring Nira and everybody around them that they had their pheromones under control, particularly Jirra, aware that her own pheromones can be strong; and Brothath from Tellar, who struck Nira as more bad-tempered than Commander Tharn. Nira was back in time from escorting Doctor Tarvan to meet Brothath and Isim and escort them, though Nira felt that Brothath's grumpiness could burn her if it was actual heat.

Then there were the groups, twelve humans, three Vulcans, three Andorians, two Bolians, and a Denobulan couple. It made an even thirty.

Nira perked up at Zhuk's call and replied, "Acknowledged, Zhuk. Thank you for notifying me. I will be checking with our guests to see how they're settling in. Check with Commander T'Kel for any further assignments. And meeting Doctor Tarvan, the Risian dignitary, it went well."

Nira made her rounds and checked with the VIPs. She was surprised to find Doctor Brothoth gone, only to find her storming back to her quarters just as she was moving away from the VIP quarters. Nira wondered what riled Brothoth so badly, and then she made her report.

=/\="Commander Said to Captain Galloway: Everybody's settled in...although I can say differently about Brothath, from what I can see. The only bits of criticism is that Doctor Schiziilr regards the atmosphere in his quarters off by two degrees and Doctor Tarvan wants two or three horga'hns in his quarters to go with his jungle foliage decor. Also, Doctors Jirra and Galen wanted me to pass on complements about how Ensign Mrekrerhas was a good guide." =/\=

She was correct in that Tarvan had muttered about the lack of horga'hns in his quarters to go with the artificial foliage decorating his quarters. Schiziilr's criticism about the humidity was definitely something only a scientist of his caliber would comment on, the amount of detail orientation certainly impressed Nira. She was also interested in the compliments about Zhuk from Doctors Jirra and Galen.

=/\="I should also report that I just saw Doctor Brothath in passing and she looked really angry...well, angrier than average for a Tellarite. I was wondering what was the matter." =/\=

As she continued, she wondered where Ruth had gone to. And thinking of Ruth reminded her that she was due to discuss duty shifts between her and T'Lara.

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 09, 2022, 06:01:32 PM

NPC Lieutenant JG Chloe Davies - Head Nurse
[USS Challenger - Deck Seven - Sickbay]

Normally, the EMH would report to the Medical Chief first, but as it was Chloe who'd asked about his rounds, it made sense for him to face her... she guessed.   At his half question, half statement of shutting down, Chloe looked to Dr. Fellows, who shook her head.

"You're good to power down."  Then to Dr. Buehler after the EMH disappeared she commented.  "Must be nice not needing to find 'busy-work' during these lulls."

Quote from: Buehler on December 10, 2022, 12:15:40 AM


Evan was also eager to read medical information of the visiting delegates. Although Nurse Davies was probably interested in the standard data, he was curious to see if any personality quirks were noted. The mind was a fascinating thing. Science and medicine had come so far in explaining how the rest of the body worked, but the mind would almost certainly remain an enigma for all time, and it was unlikely they'd ever have a machine that could crack the code. Even his Vulcan wife, who could read his thoughts with a touch, couldn't explain why his brain worked the way it did. Even now, Evan could feel the ever present link between them, pulling him gently towards her like a witch's lure...

"Ish," Evan chuckled at the suggestion. "That would just make me itch." Listening to the report as it was given, he tried not feel at odds with his surroundings, unsure of how he fit into the grand scheme of things on the ship. The only way to find his niche was to work with his fellows. "I quite agree," he told the nurse. "I hate having nothing to do. It makes my feet hurt."

[EMH Mark XII-ish/Doctor Ishmael | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Of course," said Ish with a smile. "I'll see you all in a few hours, unless I'm called in an emergency. Computer, deactivate EMH Program."

And with that, he disappeared as he turned himself off.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck Two - VIP Quarters]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2022, 10:48:28 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Shuttlebay >- VIP Corridor | Deck Nineteen >- Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As she waited for Doctor Tarvan to arrive, Nira got the image of Lahr's completed work, with Lahr acknowledging it in a self image...or selfie, for short. She smiled at the efficiency. She wrote back:

Well done. You did an excellent job. The next order of business is to double-check the quarters for Doctor Schiziilr, see how warm and humid it so it'll be to his liking.

She recalled that Schiziilr was one of the three alien races from the Rigel system, specifically a Chelon from Rigel III, one of the enormous bipedal turtles; the humanoids were known as the Jelna. She studied up on the Chelon, and was aware that they liked humid and warm weather, and that was something that was necessary for Schiziiler.

Lahr was gathering up his tools after his repair when he heard the ping of an incoming text message to his PADD.   It was from Commander Said.  The Andorian read through the new orders and his antennae perked at the Commander's praise of his work.

He was bit surprised that an engineer was being tagged on clearly and Ops task but he supposed she was merely assigning it to the first person to be done their previous assignment.  Lahr responded back with a text acknowledging his task.

"As you wish!"

Belatedly realizing the sub-culture reference he inadvertently used.  He considered going back into the message to edit it to something like 'consider it done' or just a plain 'Yes, ma'am' ...  but then that might draw attention to the phrase.  Best to just leave it.  It was unlikely the Commander would be familiar with the archaic 'movie culture reference' of that particular phrase.   Lahr just hoped Ruth wouldn't catch wind of his accidentally using it with another woman.   She might be so upset to use her axes on him.

With that threatening image in mind, Lahr hurried off to the quarters assigned to Doctor Schiziilr.  The name sounded Rigellian.   A quick check of the boarding list confirmed this guess.

The wave warm humid air that greeted his arrival to the assigned quarters was enough to have Lahr dripping in sweat in just seconds.   He moved to the room's wall console and checked the environmental controls.   Yep, it was set to Rigellian norms.    Ugh.  He was glad he didn't live on Rigel III.  This would be unbearable after a short time.

Then Lahr pondered how cold and dry the Chelon scientist must find everywhere else.   Poor guy! Well, he hoped the doctor appreciate the home-like settings of this quarters.

Lahr quickly left glad to be out that sauna.  He messaged back to the Commander via text.   "All is good in Dr. Schiziilr's quarters. Environmental controls set to Rigellian norm."  Then queried if there were any other tasks for him, but all seemed to have be in order and he was released back to Main Engineering in preparation for the upcoming jump to warp.

[USS Challenger-A - Deck Thirteen - Main Engineering]
Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2022, 10:48:28 PM

Nira made her rounds and checked with the VIPs. She was surprised to find Doctor Brothoth gone, only to find her storming back to her quarters just as she was moving away from the VIP quarters. Nira wondered what riled Brothoth so badly, and then she made her report.

=/\="Commander Said to Captain Galloway: Everybody's settled in...although I can say differently about Brothath, from what I can see. The only bits of criticism is that Doctor Schiziilr regards the atmosphere in his quarters off by two degrees and Doctor Tarvan wants two or three horga'hns in his quarters to go with his jungle foliage decor. Also, Doctors Jirra and Galen wanted me to pass on complements about how Ensign Mrekrerhas was a good guide." =/\=

She was correct in that Tarvan had muttered about the lack of horga'hns in his quarters to go with the artificial foliage decorating his quarters. Schiziilr's criticism about the humidity was definitely something only a scientist of his caliber would comment on, the amount of detail orientation certainly impressed Nira. She was also interested in the compliments about Zhuk from Doctors Jirra and Galen.

=/\="I should also report that I just saw Doctor Brothath in passing and she looked really angry...well, angrier than average for a Tellarite. I was wondering what was the matter." =/\=

As she continued, she wondered where Ruth had gone to. And thinking of Ruth reminded her that she was due to discuss duty shifts between her and T'Lara

Lahr was back at his same EPS system console - whose progress bar on the diagnostic had seemed to barely have moved in the 2 hours he'd been occupied elsewhere.

Oh well, the distraction working on the VIP rooms had been nice, even if he had go back to the Rigellian doctor's room repeatedly to adjust the environmental controls to Dr. Schiziilr's satisfaction.   It was to the point that Lahr had even checked to be sure the controls were working properly - which they were.  It was just the doctor liked his settings more humid that standard Rigellian.

As Lahr settle back into his seat to watch the diagnostic screen, he wondered how Ruth's day was going. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: Nira Said on December 10, 2022, 10:48:28 PM

[EMH Mark XII-ish/Doctor Ishmael | Sickbay | Deck Seven | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Of course," said Ish with a smile. "I'll see you all in a few hours, unless I'm called in an emergency. Computer, deactivate EMH Program."

And with that, he disappeared as he turned himself off.


"œParting is such sweet sorrow," Evan mused as the EMH disappeared into nothing. There was a bit of truth to the saying. Kissing his wife and three kids goodbye to run off to some random corner of space... but he had to follow the dopamine. And just like the AI doctor, he would see them again. But a soft chirp at one of the nearby consoles reminded him of the task at hand. Ops had delivered. The medical files of the incoming delegates had finally trickled in. Evan perused the list of names. Roughly half of the scientists were human, they would be easy enough, and he was pleasantly surprised to see a fellow German among them. Though with the last name of "˜Krebs', German for "˜cancer', he had to wonder if that was what led the man to study science.

Moving on down the list, Evan was glad to see a few Vulcans among them. Too bad T'Ra wasn't one of them. A random thought popped into his head, a memory. He had just proposed to her with a bouquet of chocolate roses. She smiled at the gesture and ate one, but despite his insistence, she refused to eat any more. That was how he learned that "œVulcans become intoxicated on sugar. Can you believe that?" He wasn't talking to anyone in particular, just thinking out loud as he continued to skim the various files to make sure there wasn't anything that could land them in a life or death situation.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[CSO's Office - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth sat heavily onto her chair in the office after carefully setting down her mug of Ratkajino.  To say she'd needed the beverage was an understatement.

Arya tagged behind, Katya was supervising some straggling delegates get to them to their designated quarters.

Wielding a mug herself, Arya indicated to the other chair with a gesture of her mug, silently.  After
the CSO nodded, picked up her own mug, took a large swig and sighed, Arya spoke.

"Is it always like this?" she asked sipping her hot chocolate blowing to cool it before sips.

"Worse normally to be fair, this lot are positively angels in their requests.  And that there is one indicator that I'm just a bit out of practice with this juggling regular work and extra, once in a blue moon, plaster a smile to your face and be polite all day type duties.  Sure, I know they're Scientists so it's going to be fun having other people to bounce ideas off and I hope you take the opportunity to speak with as many as you can, it's good to learn other people's perspectives on things..."

Arya's eyes went wide at the idea of her speaking to people, she was quite shy and these were respected scientists.

"You forget, I'm also Doctor Ruth Sigurdsdottir, Xenolinguistics and Astrosciences. you're not scared to talk to me!"

"No but you're my big sister, I don't have a problem talking to you even in CSO mode as my boss, but I get tongue tied talking to Captain Galloway if I don't remind myself that I know him pretty well and for all of the slightly gruff exterior he's got a heart and is fair, I'm a wimp when it comes to those further up the executive ladder than myself."

"You've got to get out of that.  I was an Ensign once upon a time.  I reached the rank of Captain, ok that didn't work out for reasons you know very well... but I'm still a Commander, that's pretty big, and one day, if you apply yourself, you'll be sitting where I am, or in a centre chair on the Bridge so you need to get used to not being a deer in headlights when it comes to authoritive figures.  Here's a tip..."

The red-haired Commander took another swig of coffee then set the mug back down, swallowed then spoke again.

"You and Katya always loved school, adored your teachers... they were authority figures, just most of them weren't in uniform.  You both said you loved the Academy... they were ALL in uniform bar a few of the Vulcans who are retired from Starfleet in terms of duty, just stay on in a voluntary position to teach because their knowledge is irreplaceable.  It's all very well recording their knowledge onto datachips or holo archives but you can't debate a point and form new ideas with a datachip.  The interaction is important.  Loran and Varen would tell you the same.  Sometimes you'll have half the ideas and someone else can fill in the gaps for you.  You and Katya do that all the time.  But your instructors at the Academy...some of the most impressive Scientists ever, both those called only to teach which is in itself a laudable occupation, and those who taught from the position of having previously served in Starfleet in various capacities and learned invaluable lessons about how to apply all the knowledge in real situations.  Experience is important.  Thus think of the delegates, at least somewhere in the back of your mind, as teachers.  Respect them above all else and from what I've seen so far of them, I don't think, if you catch them in a quiet moment, any of them would object to discussing a few theories with you or you asking their opinions on finer points of an experiment.  You have the list of delegates and their specialisations, I'm sure you can make your own decisions."

Arya regarded her older sister with head on one side then slowly nodded.  "Yeah hadn't thought of it like that.  It's the same when you go to Science conferences, you don't go there, deliver your lecture and come back... you're there for the entire week and I bet you chat to as many people as you can manage, come back with fresh ideas and stuff.  Yeah..." she broke out into a grin, "I should treat this as a major learning opportunity not a threat.  I might start with the youngest and oldest ones, I feel less scared of the people around my age and those who could be grandparents, or I saw one of them could possibly be even more ancient.  I'm not being cheeky there it wasn't a species known to look ancient from birth, hatching or whatever!"

Ruth chuckled.  "It's ok, I know what you meant, but keep that to yourself, in here, with me, it's fine I'm not going to report you but someone might if any delegate took offence or something.  Right..." she stood draining her mug and replaced it into the recyle.  "Back to the grind."

She tapped her commbadge and hailed Nira.   =/\=Commander Sigurdsdottir to Commander Said, anywhere particular you need myself and Ensign Arya Sigurdsdottir to be?  I think Katya is ferrying any late arrivals to their quarters. Alternatively I'll go up to the Bridge, I need to check in with our new Deputy CSO, thankfully I already know her very well... =/\=

"Who is it?" Arya asked wide eyed wondering if they'd somehow managed to lure Commander Falleg-Tekin away from the Discovery and her husband Captain Tekin.  She missed Ruthie as they'd attended Academy roughly the same time... no surely Ruthie would have told her, they corresponded regularly enough.

"Commander T'Lara..." Ruth winked at Arya with a grin.  "And for all her Vulcan-ness, I've known her let her elfin hair down metaphorically speaking now and then.  That is someone you really need to talk to, she's a brilliant scientist!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway


[USS Challenger - Two Light Years from Starbase 153]

Just a bit over 16 hours after her departure from Starbase 153, the Challenger was cruising along comfortably, even if some of her 30 passengers were not. For the most part, the scientists were settling into life on a starship, but a few were having more issues than others. Most of the issues resolved around small things like the hum of engines causing sleeplessness, the replicators not having a specific food item or not quite making it correctly.

However, none of the scientists made unreasonable demands. Several of them wanted to tour the ship and this duty fell to Nira, Ruth, and T'Kel. Having drawn lots, which resulted in a withering eyebrow raise from T'Kel, from the sheer randomness of the selection process, it happened that the Vulcan was the first who had to shepherd a group of 14 scientists around the ship, which ended on the bridge.

Even though Ian knew they were coming, when they arrived, he put on his most winning smile and greeted the 'tourists' graciously.

"Welcome ta the Bridge gentlebeings. This is Challenger's command center. Here we direct the ship and provide leadership input ta the crew for whatever mission we happen ta be assigned."

Of course Shuv Brothath the Tellerite was there along with the Andorians Bab Th'aurtaana and Avaraah Sh'eriathol, the Bolian Enavil Ness, the Denobulan couple Unklara and Phlorn, Galen Benev a Bajoran, Heeda Isim a Betazoid, with a contingent of six humans Alia Wakim, Heinrich Krebs, Panju-Apu Bhatt, Adjua Djidade, Newton Washburn, and Gong Shang.

"Captain, I have gone over your ship's astrometric logs and it seems as if you have a very efficient system, one of the most precise I have ever seen. I would like to meet the crewman responsible."

Ian had to admit he was completely stunned by the almost complement from the Tellerite, but had to suppress a smile as he thought of who Shuv wanted to meet.

"I can have that arranged Doctor Brothath. We have a very special crewman assigned ta that task. Let me have the science department make those arrangements."

At that point, T'Kel spoke up.

"This stop concludes our tour, I will escort you back to your quarters."

Surprisingly, the scientists didn't resist and when the turbolift doors closed, Ian sighed in relief.

"Thank the bloody Maker."

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 10, 2022, 09:33:02 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Four | Transporter Room One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

=/\= "Greetings, Lieutenant Commander T'Kel. I have finished with escorting the remaining scientists to their assigned rooms. How else may I be of assistance within the vessel?" =/\=

[Outside VIP Quarters - Deck 2 - USS Challenger]

T'Kel had just completed her task of escorting the group of scientists back to their quarters and regardless of her skill at suppressing her emotions, she felt drained by the experience, although she would never admit it. She tapped her combadge in response to the call from Ensign Mrekrerhas.

=/\= "Ensign, report to Deck Two to take control of Security Team Five. Your assignment is to guard the VIP quarters." =/\=

She said in her typically precise and carefully cultivated neutral tone before heading for the bridge to take her place at Tactical.

Nira Said

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 12, 2022, 06:56:52 AM

She tapped her commbadge and hailed Nira.   =/\=Commander Sigurdsdottir to Commander Said, anywhere particular you need myself and Ensign Arya Sigurdsdottir to be?  I think Katya is ferrying any late arrivals to their quarters. Alternatively I'll go up to the Bridge, I need to check in with our new Deputy CSO, thankfully I already know her very well... =/\=

"Who is it?" Arya asked wide eyed wondering if they'd somehow managed to lure Commander Falleg-Tekin away from the Discovery and her husband Captain Tekin.  She missed Ruthie as they'd attended Academy roughly the same time... no surely Ruthie would have told her, they corresponded regularly enough.

"Commander T'Lara..." Ruth winked at Arya with a grin.  "And for all her Vulcan-ness, I've known her let her elfin hair down metaphorically speaking now and then.  That is someone you really need to talk to, she's a brilliant scientist!"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Corridors | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira perked up at hearing Ruth's words. True, she managed to get to know her sisters, Katya and Arya, but she never saw them much. She had had the idea of pairing Katya with Zhuk sometime; she made a note to discuss it with T'Kel.

"Shall we meet at the bridge?" asked Nira. "You can check in quickly with T'Lara and then we can meet the Captain to discuss what's next with the VIPs."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2022, 11:35:28 AM

[USS Challenger - Two Light Years from Starbase 153]

Just a bit over 16 hours after her departure from Starbase 153, the Challenger was cruising along comfortably, even if some of her 30 passengers were not. For the most part, the scientists were settling into life on a starship, but a few were having more issues than others. Most of the issues resolved around small things like the hum of engines causing sleeplessness, the replicators not having a specific food item or not quite making it correctly.

However, none of the scientists made unreasonable demands. Several of them wanted to tour the ship and this duty fell to Nira, Ruth, and T'Kel. Having drawn lots, which resulted in a withering eyebrow raise from T'Kel, from the sheer randomness of the selection process, it happened that the Vulcan was the first who had to shepherd a group of 14 scientists around the ship, which ended on the bridge.

Even though Ian knew they were coming, when they arrived, he put on his most winning smile and greeted the 'tourists' graciously.

"Welcome ta the Bridge gentlebeings. This is Challenger's command center. Here we direct the ship and provide leadership input ta the crew for whatever mission we happen ta be assigned."

Of course Shuv Brothath the Tellerite was there along with the Andorians Bab Th'aurtaana and Avaraah Sh'eriathol, the Bolian Enavil Ness, the Denobulan couple Unklara and Phlorn, Galen Benev a Bajoran, Heeda Isim a Betazoid, with a contingent of six humans Alia Wakim, Heinrich Krebs, Panju-Apu Bhatt, Adjua Djidade, Newton Washburn, and Gong Shang.

"Captain, I have gone over your ship's astrometric logs and it seems as if you have a very efficient system, one of the most precise I have ever seen. I would like to meet the crewman responsible."

Ian had to admit he was completely stunned by the almost complement from the Tellerite, but had to suppress a smile as he thought of who Shuv wanted to meet.

"I can have that arranged Doctor Brothath. We have a very special crewman assigned ta that task. Let me have the science department make those arrangements."

At that point, T'Kel spoke up.

"This stop concludes our tour, I will escort you back to your quarters."

Surprisingly, the scientists didn't resist and when the turbolift doors closed, Ian sighed in relief.

"Thank the bloody Maker."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Cetacean Labs >- Bridge  | Deck One >- Deck Eight >- Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As it transpired, it was time for the tours to begin. While Nira wanted to discuss shift scheduling with Ruth and T'Lara, that was likely going to wait. In a drawing of lots, a time honored traditional selection, T'Kel was the first to be the guide and was guiding fourteen of the delegates. Nira was to go next after T'Kel, and so Nira and Ruth conferred momentarily to decide between themselves who of the two halves of the remaining sixteen to take.

Thus it was, Nira was guiding a group of eight, knowing full well to leave the bridge for last and timing it good enough so that she'd appear after T'Kel left, through the ship. As she took her group through the ship, she nodded at some officers in passing, particularly at Lahr, T'Prith and McNair, and especially at Zhuk as he exited the turbolift as she waited with her group.

By now, Nira was well familiar with the layout of the Challenger, and she especially put a good effort to choose the places on her tour most likely to be of interest to her group, particularly the Cetacean Labs.

"These are our Cetacean labs, ladies and gentlemen," she said as she guided in her group. "Also known as the Aquatic labs, this is where aquatic life forms are studied. Currently, the water tanks are home to three unique dolphins, native to Earth."

The eight scientists looked on in interest. Stett, one of the Vulcans, raised his eyebrows and replied, "Fascinating." Doctor Jirra hummed with interest at the tank, and Doctors Tarkan and Sugon even took a interest in the water tanks, having, for once, taken their eyes off of Nira; the Risian and the Deltan had been staring at Nira since the start of the tour until now, and Nira was sure that it was because she was so beautiful. She wasn't surprised by how interested they were: Tarkan practically grew up around lagoons and aquatic animals, and Sugon was a marine biologist in particular.

Schiziilr was definitely interested in the tanks, and Nira could hear it in his voice as he said, "You actually have more water here?"

"They're only for aquatic life, I'm afraid," said Nira. "I'm sorry, Doctor Schiziilr."

Schiziiler shrugged in understanding. He wore quite a lot of illustrious robes, making Nira to strongly think of a reptilian sheik, although the Chelon had a humidifier suit under all those robes to keep him comfortable, not unlike a suit worn by a Breen or a Tholian, but at the same time, extremely different from such a suit; it was more of a reverse of a coat, something more to keep him comfortably humid like how a coat keeps a warm-blooded humanoid warm in a cold environment.

The Chelon doctor stood in the back to get a good look, given his height, as the other shorter scientists got a good look. The three humans, Doctors Jameson, Ozawa and Telles, were especially grinning in delight upon the sight of the three dolphins that came in to see them. Nira knew all three of them hailed from coastal beach cities from their countries of origin where aquatic animals were plentiful. Nira could definitely tell that Jameson, who was from Florida, and Ozawa, from Okinawa, were definitely holding back squeals of delight as three familiar cetaceans appeared...

"Ah," said Nira, also beaming in delight. "Our resident dolphins have come to say hello!"

Although she wasn't entirely sure. She had gotten to know the three dolphins, mostly through Captain Galloway, but she can never tell when they're coming to say hello or just to exchange quips with their technological means.

"Everyone, these are our resident dolphins, Sarah, Miriam and Ruth. Yes, they're all female, and they're outfitted with devices that they can actually respond back to us. In fact, with enhancements, they are also crucial to the crew as navigation specialists."

Now that definitely held everybody's interest. The two Vulcans again responded simultaneously when the three dolphins talked to the group: "Fascinating."

"How do they work with navigation in that tank?" asked Doctor Telles with interest.

"I think that's more of a question for them," replied Nira as she looked at the three dolphins for answers; that was precisely the question she had always wondered when she first heard of their specialty in navigation. She never could see far into the water tanks, so she couldn't tell whether there were consoles for the dolphins to tap with their noses...

Once the group and the dolphins had conversed with each other, Nira guided them along through the rest of the ship and finally brought the group to the bridge. She was glad to see that T'Kel's group wasn't there, and may have gone before her; Nira could see Ian's body language was an indication that he had met them already, and Nira was sure she see that body language express relief that the group was smaller.

"And last, but not least, welcome to the bridge, everybody," said Nira with a welcoming tone.

Per usual, Schiziilr was the last to exit, being the usually first to enter the turbolift, given his size.  Jirra was the first to exit and laid her eyes first on Captain Galloway, raising an eyebrow upon seeing him. It occurred to Nira that Jirra was surprised by the Captain's looks and decided this was somebody to keep an eye on, just in case. Nira kept silent as Captain Galloway made his introductions and explain about the bridge. Then the scientists gave their usual compliments. Some more especially about Cetacean Labs.

"Your Cetacean labs are fascinating!" Schiziilr said in delight. "I only wish I can take a swim in those tanks myself someday!"

"Yes, I enjoyed the sight of so much water and your aquatic creatures as well," said Doctor Tarkan in equal delight, his attention fully diverted from Nira from being with the dolphins, although Sugon still had his eye on Nira. The three humans especially nodded in agreement.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2022, 11:35:28 AM

[USS Challenger - Two Light Years from Starbase 153]

Just a bit over 16 hours after her departure from Starbase 153, the Challenger was cruising along comfortably, even if some of her 30 passengers were not. For the most part, the scientists were settling into life on a starship, but a few were having more issues than others. Most of the issues resolved around small things like the hum of engines causing sleeplessness, the replicators not having a specific food item or not quite making it correctly.

However, none of the scientists made unreasonable demands. Several of them wanted to tour the ship and this duty fell to Nira, Ruth, and T'Kel. Having drawn lots, which resulted in a withering eyebrow raise from T'Kel, from the sheer randomness of the selection process, it happened that the Vulcan was the first who had to shepherd a group of 14 scientists around the ship, which ended on the bridge.

Even though Ian knew they were coming, when they arrived, he put on his most winning smile and greeted the 'tourists' graciously.

"Welcome ta the Bridge gentlebeings. This is Challenger's command center. Here we direct the ship and provide leadership input ta the crew for whatever mission we happen ta be assigned."

Of course Shuv Brothath the Tellerite was there along with the Andorians Bab Th'aurtaana and Avaraah Sh'eriathol, the Bolian Enavil Ness, the Denobulan couple Unklara and Phlorn, Galen Benev a Bajoran, Heeda Isim a Betazoid, with a contingent of six humans Alia Wakim, Heinrich Krebs, Panju-Apu Bhatt, Adjua Djidade, Newton Washburn, and Gong Shang.

"Captain, I have gone over your ship's astrometric logs and it seems as if you have a very efficient system, one of the most precise I have ever seen. I would like to meet the crewman responsible."

Ian had to admit he was completely stunned by the almost complement from the Tellerite, but had to suppress a smile as he thought of who Shuv wanted to meet.

"I can have that arranged Doctor Brothath. We have a very special crewman assigned ta that task. Let me have the science department make those arrangements."

At that point, T'Kel spoke up.

"This stop concludes our tour, I will escort you back to your quarters."

Surprisingly, the scientists didn't resist and when the turbolift doors closed, Ian sighed in relief.

"Thank the bloody Maker."

[Outside VIP Quarters - Deck 2 - USS Challenger]

T'Kel had just completed her task of escorting the group of scientists back to their quarters and regardless of her skill at suppressing her emotions, she felt drained by the experience, although she would never admit it. She tapped her combadge in response to the call from Ensign Mrekrerhas.

=/\= "Ensign, report to Deck Two to take control of Security Team Five. Your assignment is to guard the VIP quarters." =/\=

She said in her typically precise and carefully cultivated neutral tone before heading for the bridge to take her place at Tactical.

[Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

As she was running diagnostics on various sensors and systems on this ship's computer and familiarizing herself with each one, T'Lara looked up as the group entered the Bridge. She honestly felt she was almost as much a guest on this ship as they were, having come on board so recently. She did recognize a few scientists from the Academy, both Vulcan and Starfleet. They would have plenty of time to catch up later, but it seemed it was time for the group to move on. Overhearing Galloway speak to Brothath, T'Lara deduced the "special crewman" Galloway was referring to, having seen the AI on the roster and knowing its typical location. Hyperion must be it. Knowing that Ruth was currently occupied with showing people around, the deputy chief offered her help.

"Captain, I can accompany Doctor Brothath to see Hyperion in Astrometrics, and anyone else who would like to take part. A shift replacement to fill my absence will be arranged, of course."

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."


Quote from: T'Lara on December 12, 2022, 10:53:23 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger-A]

As she was running diagnostics on various sensors and systems on this ship's computer and familiarizing herself with each one, T'Lara looked up as the group entered the Bridge. She honestly felt she was almost as much a guest on this ship as they were, having come on board so recently. She did recognize a few scientists from the Academy, both Vulcan and Starfleet. They would have plenty of time to catch up later, but it seemed it was time for the group to move on. Overhearing Galloway speak to Brothath, T'Lara deduced the "special crewman" Galloway was referring to, having seen the AI on the roster and knowing its typical location. Hyperion must be it. Knowing that Ruth was currently occupied with showing people around, the deputy chief offered her help.

"Captain, I can accompany Doctor Brothath to see Hyperion in Astrometrics, and anyone else who would like to take part. A shift replacement to fill my absence will be arranged, of course."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian rotated the command chair to face the Science One station.

"That would be most acceptable Commander."

He knew he'd never be a Vulcan, but he did know they didn't indulge in small talk or platitudes.

[Astrometrics Lab - USS Challenger]

Hyperion ignored the opening of the doors to the lab as he was deeply engrossed in the study of Devari Nebula which was only eight light years away and very poorly charted and thus well worth his time. It was only when a gruff voice barked.

"Is this some sort of jest!"

That he pivoted from his station to see the newly arrived science officer Commander T'Lara and an unknown Tellerite female in civilian clothes. Choosing to ignore the civilian, Hyperion turned to face T'Lara.

"How may I be of assistance Commander?"

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Deck Two | VIP and Guest Quarters | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 12, 2022, 11:35:28 AM

[USS Challenger - Two Light Years from Starbase 153]

[Outside VIP Quarters - Deck 2 - USS Challenger]

T'Kel had just completed her task of escorting the group of scientists back to their quarters and regardless of her skill at suppressing her emotions, she felt drained by the experience, although she would never admit it. She tapped her combadge in response to the call from Ensign Mrekrerhas.

=/\= "Ensign, report to Deck Two to take control of Security Team Five. Your assignment is to guard the VIP quarters." =/\=

She said in her typically precise and carefully cultivated neutral tone before heading for the bridge to take her place at Tactical.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 12, 2022, 07:50:10 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Cetacean Labs >- Bridge  | Deck One >- Deck Eight >- Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As it transpired, it was time for the tours to begin. While Nira wanted to discuss shift scheduling with Ruth and T'Lara, that was likely going to wait. In a drawing of lots, a time honored traditional selection, T'Kel was the first to be the guide and was guiding fourteen of the delegates. Nira was to go next after T'Kel, and so Nira and Ruth conferred momentarily to decide between themselves who of the two halves of the remaining sixteen to take.

Thus it was, Nira was guiding a group of eight, knowing full well to leave the bridge for last and timing it good enough so that she'd appear after T'Kel left, through the ship. As she took her group through the ship, she nodded at some officers in passing, particularly at Lahr, T'Prith and McNair, and especially at Zhuk as he exited the turbolift as she waited with her group.

T'Kel's voice caught Zhukdra'shar a little off-guard during his patrol, even though he had petitioned for an assignment. Not because it was sudden, but rather, because he didn't expect to be given command of a Security Team, and with a task as important as watching the VIPs. Of course, not that it was unwelcome, and in fact, he was more than happy to prove himself capable within the Security department. He had to atone for past experiences, like that trip over at Kaamo VI, and his defeat at the hands of that Romulan assassin.

Hitting his furred cheeks to psych himself up, tail wagging furiously behind him, he took a moment to take a deep breath, an answer, with a stoic, serious tone.

=/\= "Acknowledged. I shalt head there immediately." =/\=

On his way to the VIP rooms, Zhuk managed to see Lieutenant Commander Said with the group of scientists, once he had exited the turbolift. They were apparently being taken for a tour within the ship. He offered a polite nod towards her, deciding not to be more overt with a wave or spoken words, considering that things had to remain professional, and he had to keep her from being distracted. He eyed the VIPs once more, making sure they seemed to be comfortable, before moving past them in order to reach their quarters.

There, he met up with Security Team Five, and offered a short, brisk nod to each one of them indicating them to form up. Then, hands on his back, began parading himself in front of them, stating: "Greetings, gentlemen and ladies. I suspect that you all know our current task. But if not, I shalt make you a reminder. We are to maintain the VIP Quarters secure, and our current invitees safe. I want patrols around Deck 2 each forty-five minutes, with at least two individuals remaining around this area. I also want scans to be made each hour-and-a-half at the general premises, to make sure no one has snuck on board, or otherwise any device has been planted. Likewise, I am subject to this same guidelines, and I shalt assist on them too."

Making a meaningful pause, he stopped in front of the Security Team, and nodded "Very well, let us proceed."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Nira Said on December 12, 2022, 07:50:10 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | VIP Corridors | Deck Two | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira perked up at hearing Ruth's words. True, she managed to get to know her sisters, Katya and Arya, but she never saw them much. She had had the idea of pairing Katya with Zhuk sometime; she made a note to discuss it with T'Kel.

"Shall we meet at the bridge?" asked Nira. "You can check in quickly with T'Lara and then we can meet the Captain to discuss what's next with the VIPs."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Cetacean Labs >- Bridge  | Deck One >- Deck Eight >- Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As it transpired, it was time for the tours to begin. While Nira wanted to discuss shift scheduling with Ruth and T'Lara, that was likely going to wait. In a drawing of lots, a time honored traditional selection, T'Kel was the first to be the guide and was guiding fourteen of the delegates. Nira was to go next after T'Kel, and so Nira and Ruth conferred momentarily to decide between themselves who of the two halves of the remaining sixteen to take.

Thus it was, Nira was guiding a group of eight, knowing full well to leave the bridge for last and timing it good enough so that she'd appear after T'Kel left, through the ship. As she took her group through the ship, she nodded at some officers in passing, particularly at Lahr, T'Prith and McNair, and especially at Zhuk as he exited the turbolift as she waited with her group.

By now, Nira was well familiar with the layout of the Challenger, and she especially put a good effort to choose the places on her tour most likely to be of interest to her group, particularly the Cetacean Labs.

"These are our Cetacean labs, ladies and gentlemen," she said as she guided in her group. "Also known as the Aquatic labs, this is where aquatic life forms are studied. Currently, the water tanks are home to three unique dolphins, native to Earth."

The eight scientists looked on in interest. Stett, one of the Vulcans, raised his eyebrows and replied, "Fascinating." Doctor Jirra hummed with interest at the tank, and Doctors Tarkan and Sugon even took a interest in the water tanks, having, for once, taken their eyes off of Nira; the Risian and the Deltan had been staring at Nira since the start of the tour until now, and Nira was sure that it was because she was so beautiful. She wasn't surprised by how interested they were: Tarkan practically grew up around lagoons and aquatic animals, and Sugon was a marine biologist in particular.

Schiziilr was definitely interested in the tanks, and Nira could hear it in his voice as he said, "You actually have more water here?"

"They're only for aquatic life, I'm afraid," said Nira. "I'm sorry, Doctor Schiziilr."

Schiziiler shrugged in understanding. He wore quite a lot of illustrious robes, making Nira to strongly think of a reptilian sheik, although the Chelon had a humidifier suit under all those robes to keep him comfortable, not unlike a suit worn by a Breen or a Tholian, but at the same time, extremely different from such a suit; it was more of a reverse of a coat, something more to keep him comfortably humid like how a coat keeps a warm-blooded humanoid warm in a cold environment.

The Chelon doctor stood in the back to get a good look, given his height, as the other shorter scientists got a good look. The three humans, Doctors Jameson, Ozawa and Telles, were especially grinning in delight upon the sight of the three dolphins that came in to see them. Nira knew all three of them hailed from coastal beach cities from their countries of origin where aquatic animals were plentiful. Nira could definitely tell that Jameson, who was from Florida, and Ozawa, from Okinawa, were definitely holding back squeals of delight as three familiar cetaceans appeared...

"Ah," said Nira, also beaming in delight. "Our resident dolphins have come to say hello!"

Although she wasn't entirely sure. She had gotten to know the three dolphins, mostly through Captain Galloway, but she can never tell when they're coming to say hello or just to exchange quips with their technological means.

"Everyone, these are our resident dolphins, Sarah, Miriam and Ruth. Yes, they're all female, and they're outfitted with devices that they can actually respond back to us. In fact, with enhancements, they are also crucial to the crew as navigation specialists."

Now that definitely held everybody's interest. The two Vulcans again responded simultaneously when the three dolphins talked to the group: "Fascinating."

"How do they work with navigation in that tank?" asked Doctor Telles with interest.

"I think that's more of a question for them," replied Nira as she looked at the three dolphins for answers; that was precisely the question she had always wondered when she first heard of their specialty in navigation. She never could see far into the water tanks, so she couldn't tell whether there were consoles for the dolphins to tap with their noses...

Once the group and the dolphins had conversed with each other, Nira guided them along through the rest of the ship and finally brought the group to the bridge. She was glad to see that T'Kel's group wasn't there, and may have gone before her; Nira could see Ian's body language was an indication that he had met them already, and Nira was sure she see that body language express relief that the group was smaller.

"And last, but not least, welcome to the bridge, everybody," said Nira with a welcoming tone.

Per usual, Schiziilr was the last to exit, being the usually first to enter the turbolift, given his size.  Jirra was the first to exit and laid her eyes first on Captain Galloway, raising an eyebrow upon seeing him. It occurred to Nira that Jirra was surprised by the Captain's looks and decided this was somebody to keep an eye on, just in case. Nira kept silent as Captain Galloway made his introductions and explain about the bridge. Then the scientists gave their usual compliments. Some more especially about Cetacean Labs.

"Your Cetacean labs are fascinating!" Schiziilr said in delight. "I only wish I can take a swim in those tanks myself someday!"

"Yes, I enjoyed the sight of so much water and your aquatic creatures as well," said Doctor Tarkan in equal delight, his attention fully diverted from Nira from being with the dolphins, although Sugon still had his eye on Nira. The three humans especially nodded in agreement.

[CSO's Office > Bridge]

=/\= See you there, Sigurdsdottir out =/\= Ruth answered, unusually brief in her comms.

"That's our cue to 'shift butt' and get up to the Bridge she said to Arya with a grin.  "And a quick reminder..." she said with a kindly smile, straightening one of her sister's ensign pips with a motherly touch, "...outside that door it's Commander or Ma'am."

"Yes, boss!" Arya grinned back.  While she was deemed the 'quiet' twin, that was only in comparison to Katya and of course Ruth.

The CSO was about to step out of her room when she was hailed by Crewman Ri.  =/\=Crewman Ri to Commander Sigurdsdottir.  Just thought you'd like to know the delegates are entering the Cetacean Labs, I thought as CSO you'd like to be here, Ma'am. Although the XO and Commander T'Lara was with them, I think Commander T'Lara is heading for Astrometrics I believe, and the rest for the Bridge. =/\=

=/\=Good thinking Ri, and I'll be there hot foot... and thanks, Sigurdsdottir out. =/\=

Ruth jerked her head in the direction of the door in gesture to Arya to tag along since she would have heard all of the conversation and knew Arya loved the dolphins even if she found it very amusing that one was called Ruth.

The human Ruth asked the location of both Lt. Commander Said and Commander T'Lara. She knew how quickly these tours could turn around.

<> the computer chirped.

Ruth made an executive decision.  Since the Bridge was full of Scientists and no senior Science boffin on hand other than Nira, who was there in her capacity as XO, and since Ian had delegated looking after them to herself and the XO she said to Arya "Change of plan... come..." she strode into the corridor then into the turbolift and ordered it to the Bridge.  "Can't leave poor Captain Galloway with a Bridge full of 'boffins' so we'll add 2 more!" she chuckled.  "Least we're his 'tame' boffins!"


Once on the Bridge she sidled up alongside Nira and apologised in a whisper.  "Sorry, got held up doing Reports, managed to grab a Ratkajino tho, so not running on fumes.  I brought along some back up,.."  she said indicating Arya.  "...figured talking to Scientists of other races would do her good." and indeed Arya had got stuck right in there talking to Dr. Schiziilr.

Ruth smiled and turned back to Nira.  "Least she's not being her normal shrinking violet!" she said having a good chuckle at the size difference between the form of Schizillr and the tiny frame of Arya!

"I was going to get over to the Cetacean Labs and say hi to T'Lara but figured the Captain had entrusted the delegates to thee and me so I couldn't desert him in a room full of 'boffins'.  I know well you can hold your own with them, but he would for the most part be nodding, smiling and silently cursing me in Scot under his breath, so I'll make a point of inviting T'Lara for a cuppa in my office and we can catch up later!"

To that end she took out her personal PADD and wrote a quick message to T'Lara.

TO: Commander T'Lara, Deputy CSO
FROM: Commander Sigurdsdottir, CSO
RE: Rendezvous and Briefing

Hi T'Lara

Saw that you were now posted as my deputy, and if it would be agreeable to you please let me know when would be a good time to catch up for a friendly informal chat about work and life.

Also, I have had a change around in the Office, there is an empty desk for you, and you may decorate that side of the office however you see fit.  Welcome!

Hope to catch up soon.  LLAP, Ruth


"So..." she said to Nira, "What fun have we got planned next?!"

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



Having finished running through the med files of all the delegates on board, there was nothing that immediately jumped out at him as noteworthy or concerning. A couple of the human scientists had mild allergies to pollen, but Evan didn't forsee that being an issue on a starship, and even if it was, they were fully stocked on antihistamines. However, that got him thinking...

Evan scooted over to an unused console and pulled up an article that he had started reading prior to coming aboard. There was debate among the medical and scientific communities about the effect that living on a starship had on a body's immune system. Some argued that spending so much time in a sterile environment, where the air was filtered and the food artificial, was detrimental to one's ability to form antibodies for pathogens found in normal day to day civilian life. But between planet-side upbringing and shore leave, Evan figured most people were fine.

Every so often, Evan looked up to see if anyone had walked in to prove him wrong.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[Bridge- USS Challenger - A]

A quick look around the Bridge and Ruth's eyes suddenly came open wide.  "Oh gosh, I thought Commander T'Lara had the rest of the delegates.  Skitt!" she swore mildly under her breath.  "Miscommunication... ok point me at the ones who haven't had the tour and I'll do that, working out a work rota is going to be first priority. Both so we know who's doing what and we don't end up treading on each other's toes, or like this case, forgetting someone.  Oh I think I can work it out...I'll be back soon as I can."

She quickly located the delegates, the ones who looked rather bewildered, then signalled to Arya and plotted the best route possible in her head to allow them to get around quickly enough but have them see the ship and ask any questions.

Quote from: Buehler on December 14, 2022, 09:13:34 PM


Having finished running through the med files of all the delegates on board, there was nothing that immediately jumped out at him as noteworthy or concerning. A couple of the human scientists had mild allergies to pollen, but Evan didn't forsee that being an issue on a starship, and even if it was, they were fully stocked on antihistamines. However, that got him thinking...

Evan scooted over to an unused console and pulled up an article that he had started reading prior to coming aboard. There was debate among the medical and scientific communities about the effect that living on a starship had on a body's immune system. Some argued that spending so much time in a sterile environment, where the air was filtered and the food artificial, was detrimental to one's ability to form antibodies for pathogens found in normal day to day civilian life. But between planet-side upbringing and shore leave, Evan figured most people were fine.

Every so often, Evan looked up to see if anyone had walked in to prove him wrong.

Ruth chatted away to the delegates on route around the ship and finally ended up in the Sickbay.


"And obviously while we hope that none of you will require the services of our medical staff... this is the Sickbay should you need anything.  This is Dr. Buehler, who I'm sure will be more than happy to answer any medical questions you may have." She turned to the doctor and smiled.

"Guten Morgen, Herr Doktor, Hoffentlich lÁ¤uft alles rund? Und ich hoffe auch,  dass Sie haben sich auf dem Challenger gut eingelebt?" she said instantly into German.  While she was billed as a Xenolinguist she was naturally tri-lingual in Icelandic, Norwegian and Federation Standard, she spoke several of the Earthen languages.

She lingered in the Sickbay a while and smiled then muttered under her breath to Arya "The perma smile and being nice to delegates is how you end up becoming Captain Galloway!"  She knew Arya would understand she meant more along the lines of 'a great Captain with a curmudgeonly streak a mile wide when it came to dealing with 'boffins'!!

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger - Deck 12 - Upper Engineering Support Area || Two Light Years from Starbase 153]

Quote from: Nira Said on December 12, 2022, 07:50:10 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge >- Cetacean Labs >- Bridge  | Deck One >- Deck Eight >- Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

As it transpired, it was time for the tours to begin. While Nira wanted to discuss shift scheduling with Ruth and T'Lara, that was likely going to wait. In a drawing of lots, a time honored traditional selection, T'Kel was the first to be the guide and was guiding fourteen of the delegates. Nira was to go next after T'Kel, and so Nira and Ruth conferred momentarily to decide between themselves who of the two halves of the remaining sixteen to take.

Thus it was, Nira was guiding a group of eight, knowing full well to leave the bridge for last and timing it good enough so that she'd appear after T'Kel left, through the ship. As she took her group through the ship, she nodded at some officers in passing, particularly at Lahr, T'Prith and McNair, and especially at Zhuk as he exited the turbolift as she waited with her group.

When it came time for the tours to come through Main Engineering, Commander Tharn was conspicuously absent.  Which was probably for the best since she was undeniably the most unsocial person ever to walk Challenger's Engineering Deck - and that was even over and above Lt Commander Lek!

Lahr when he heard of the tours, had volunteered to be the Engineering spokesperson, but Tharn squashed that notion immediately, assigning him some bland monitoring task that would put him out of the way where he couldn't really talk to anyone.

He did however, once, when coming back from a health break get to see Commander Said, who nodded towards him before steering the tour group away and onto the next section.  The Andorian's antennae drooped slightly as he headed back to his monotonous task.

He completely missed Ruth's tour group, hidden away as he was on the Upper Engineering deck.
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on December 15, 2022, 07:22:27 AM

Ruth chatted away to the delegates on route around the ship and finally ended up in the Sickbay.


"And obviously while we hope that none of you will require the services of our medical staff... this is the Sickbay should you need anything.  This is Dr. Buehler, who I'm sure will be more than happy to answer any medical questions you may have." She turned to the doctor and smiled.

"Guten Morgen, Herr Doktor, Hoffentlich lÁ¤uft alles rund? Und ich hoffe auch,  dass Sie haben sich auf dem Challenger gut eingelebt?" she said instantly into German.  While she was billed as a Xenolinguist she was naturally tri-lingual in Icelandic, Norwegian and Federation Standard, she spoke several of the Earthen languages.

She lingered in the Sickbay a while and smiled then muttered under her breath to Arya "The perma smile and being nice to delegates is how you end up becoming Captain Galloway!"  She knew Arya would understand she meant more along the lines of 'a great Captain with a curmudgeonly streak a mile wide when it came to dealing with 'boffins'!!


The faint woosh instantly caught Evan's attention, causing him to look over to the main door as it parted to admit an officer wearing maroon. He knew the color came from the French word for chestnut, but his mind always linked it with the English verb, wondering if senior officers were at a higher risk of being marooned because of it. Processing speech wasn't his strong suit, but the unmistakable sound of his mother tongue instantly brought a smile to his face.

"œNett Sie endlich kennen zu lernen, Commander," Evan replied. "œEs geht mir gut, danke. Es fÁ¼hlt mich gut an, wieder auf einem Schiff zu sein. Kann ich Ihnen irgendwie helfen, oder sind Sie nur hier, um sich zu verstecken?" he joked, then added, "œWir kÁ¶nnen uns duzen, wenn Sie wollen."

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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