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S:5 E:10 - The Galloway Gambit

Started by Ian Galloway, December 03, 2022, 01:38:13 PM

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Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 28, 2022, 10:32:34 AM

[The Lounge --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian finished greeting the Romulan scientists and then moved to talk to Doctor Gong. He had just asked Shang which of the experiments he was most interested in exploring when Senator Kindota, with Thelal tagging along, approached, Thelal's expression as smug as ever as he spoke directly to Ian, completely ignoring the Gong and Kindota.

"It is interesting to see such an antique in person. One would think a ship this old would be part of a space museum display."

Ian was surprised Thelal would take the 'antique' route after getting out witted on this topic so many times. This made Ian smile as he replied.

"It is easy ta underestimate the Challenger if'n you get fixated on the age of the hull. The Trailblazer-Class is a major upgrade that makes this ship more than capable of holdin' her own against much newer designs like, let's say a Norexan-Class, which she has done on several occasions."

Thelal's cheeks darkened at Ian's jibe and he replied in a far less jovial tone.

"I wonder if the Captain's hand to hand skills match his faith in his ship. After all, humans are so fragile."

"I wonder indeed. However, ta quote Sun Tzu, 'For ta win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. Ta subdue the enemy without fightin' is the acme of skill.'"

Before Thelal could reply, there was a bright flash outside the ship followed immediately by the Red Alert sounding and Ian receiving an immediate call from Lieutenant Espana.

"Captain to the bridge. Captain to the bridge."

Based on Thelal's insufferable expression, as Ian began to move, he tapped his combadge.

"Computer, execute transport of designated individuals."


As he exited the Lounge, Ian had a moment of pure malicious joy at the startled expression on Thelal's face as the annular confinement beam took him. Rushing for the turbolift, Ian arrived on the bridge within moments and barked.


Espada looked panicked as he yielded the command chair.

"The Doval has been destroyed!"

"By who?"

"We did."

"We did what!"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was keeping an eye on Nirreen, but the more she watched Nirreen, the more she had an inkling that she should be watching Thelal instead: if Nirreen was now moving in a way to stand out more in the crowd rather than disappear into it, then  Nirreen wants more attention drawn toward her than Thelal.

As Nira watched him covertly as she talked briefly to Doctor Galen Benev, she glanced at Thelal, moving off to Captain Galloway. Nira could glimpse their conversation as he butted in before she took her eyes off of him. Probably just the usual exchange of insults for the Captain to parry...

Her eyes found Nirreen again, glancing out the the science ship Doval...and then suddenly, Nira saw something fly from Challenger at the Doval, and in a bright flash, the Doval was gone in a burst of debris, followed by a Red Alert and a series of gasps. Nira instantly had her eyes on Nirreen, who turned and smiled smugly.

Nira thought in horror...who the hell on Challenger fired that torpedo?!?

She whirled around and saw Thelal disappear in a transporter beam - that made Nira breathe a sigh of relief, she figured he'd be heading to the brig - and Captain Galloway heading out of the Lounge. That meant it was up to Nira to handle things here at the Lounge...and then she realized Nirreen was still there.

"Computer lock on Nirreen and beam her to the brig," Nira said quietly.

=/\="Unable to comply. Transport unsuccessful." =/\=

Nira could definitely see the beam trying to get Nirreen and dissipating. Nirreen, however, only smiled wider at Nira, and she tapped her hand on an elaborate belt...Nira was so focused on her face and upper body, she realized she completely missed the belt, and she saw that it had a big decorative center on it...but as much as it looked like a jewel, it was much too technological...

...A transport inhibitor, Nira thought. Probably designed for mobility...

And then Nirreen lifted a boot to the window sill, tapped it against the window, and it extended a blade as the boot moved away. She tapped the heel on the sill and the boot blade withdrew. The message was pure and simple: Try to remove it and you'll get a fatal kick.

"So much for the Federation trying to make friends," Nirreen then said loudly, enough to get the crowd's attention. "Are they really here to make friends with us? ."

"Are you saying that the starship just fired on the Doval?!?" demanded a scientist.

Ya shar-moo-ta! Nira cursed inwardly in Arabic. So this is what you're going to do...

"You saw with your own eyes!" said Nirreen in a theatrical gesture out the window to the debris that was the Doval. "How dare the Federation imprison you here for your secrets!" she added, her expression impassive but her eyes narrowed.

"Bull[spoiler]SHIT[/spoiler]!" called out Doctor Washburn. "The Federation would never dare!"

"I do agree," said Doctor Tavran, "but it's only the fault of the Challenger. How do we know there aren't people on this ship who'd open fire out of anger?"

"You have a point raised, Tavran," said Sunik. "Look at Captain Galloway. Quite the temper indeed."

"Nonsense, Sunik!" cried another Romulan, specifically a security bodyguard. "Why, this ship has done the Free State a few services before!"

Nira raised an eyebrow and wondered if this man was with more friendly ships. But then, Doctor Brothath burst out, "Does it matter?!? This is a trick by the Romulans!"

"You're one to talk, you pig," snarled a different Romulan scientist. "The Challenger tricked us! Not we tricking you!"

Brothath responded by sending a sucker punch at the Romulan, but Nira rushed between the two.

"All right, stop it! Everybody!" She snapped. It was understandable, she was feeling so many tempers flaring, now she felt like she just stepped into proton explosion. "Look, all this is not helping, this starship will get to the bottom of whoever was responsible for firing upon the Doval!"

"I agree with the Commander," said Doctor Isim. "She doesn't know who did it, she's telling the truth."

"Maybe she's not in on Galloway's plot!" snapped a Romulan bodyguard next to Nirreen.

"Well, it doesn't matter," a Vaxian retorted. "The Romulans won't let you get away with this."

"Rank stooges!" snapped Doctor Halverstrom.

The Vaxians suddenly made for their weapons, but Nirreen raised a hand and said, "Stand down."

Nirreen stepped toward Nira and stared her in the eyes. With an accusatory expression. Nira did notice Senator Kindota was staring suspiciously at Nirreen, and Nira could figure why: Why was a simple aide giving orders to members of their vassal?

"You do bear in mind that the Captain faces responsibility for the actions of a crew?" Nirreen said coolly. "Because if you all aren't charged for murder...he will," she finished with a smile.

Nira felt a rush of horror. It was the Tryka incident all over again, and Captain Tekin was put on trial for it...and Nirreen was a crucial player in it as well as she was when she impersonated Nira.

"I can promise everybody that we'll find whoever is responsible and that they will be punished accordingly," said Nira to the crowd, trying to sooth feelings. She had to admit, she never dealt with an angry crowd before. But she did keep Nirreen in the corner of her sight, even as she made a skeptical expression.

Oh, she's good. Too good...but to be expected in a Tal Shiar agent.

Meanwhile, another Romulan scientist approached Sunik and said, "Doctor, why aren't you reining in your aide?"

But Sunik could only shrug and stare blankly.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 8 - The Lounge]

Lahr got his count.  All the Romulans were present, but his toast was completely ignored as a second later the Romulan ship exploded silently outside, visible through the Lounge's 'windows'.  Chaos reigned.  Red Alert was called.  From his position, standing on a chair, Lahr had clear sight of Thelal as he was taken over by a transporter effect.  The fact that the Captain, who was headed to the exit, smiled at the sight of the Romulan transporting away, relieved Lahr somewhat.

But Lahr watched afterwards, as the situation devolved with accusations back and forth as to whom destroyed the Doval.  Commander Said attempted to gain control but Lahr could see the situation getting quickly out of hand.   Stepping down from his chair, Lahr moved to the exit to secure it - not really his department anymore but there were too few security present to be able to secure things alone.  And with the Red Alert... getting more security to the Lounge would take time since securing the ship from attack would take precedence.

For the moment, Lahr could help out here.  Damage Control Team One could do without him for a short while.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)


Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on December 28, 2022, 02:36:36 AM

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 8 - The Lounge]

Lahr, being of average height, couldn't see the entire party's attendees at a single glance like he needed to, so taking up a champagne flute Lahr stepped up onto a chair and raised his voice.  "Attention everyone!"

He raised his glass high in the air as he slowly looked over the room, mentally doing a headcount of anyone not ship staff, specifically noting the number of Romulans in attendance. He was checking to see if any of their numbers were inexplicably missing.

"To Science!" he toasted.


Evan found him making more and more small talk with strangers as the event went on as a sense of unease continued to rise in him. There was a reason he didn't attend many parties. He despised small talk, especially with people he didn't know. So there was a small measure of relief when an andorian member of the crew stood on a chair to toast the delegation. "œNaturwissenschaft!" Evan exclaimed in kind, raising a drink he had forgotten was in his hand.

Quote from: Nira Said on December 28, 2022, 02:05:28 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"I can promise everybody that we'll find whoever is responsible and that they will be punished accordingly," said Nira to the crowd, trying to sooth feelings. She had to admit, she never dealt with an angry crowd before. But she did keep Nirreen in the corner of her sight, even as she made a skeptical expression.

Oh, she's good. Too good...but to be expected in a Tal Shiar agent.

Meanwhile, another Romulan scientist approached Sunik and said, "Doctor, why aren't you reining in your aide?"

But Sunik could only shrug and stare blankly.

All hell broke loose when the klaxons blared and flashing lights drowned them all in a light red as blood. The barely contained agitation erupted into the open like a burst ulcer as accusations flew back and forth. Evan couldn't make out anything said in the cacophony of voices, not that it was necessary. It was clear enough from the sharp tones that if they didn't get things under control soon, they very well might have a bloodbath on their hands. Evan downed his drink in one go, wishing it had alcohol in it, before setting the glass aside. There were too many different species present to be able to sedate them safely all at once, even if he had the means to do so.

While he had little idea about what was causing the chaos, there was one person in the room who definitely would. With some difficulty, Evan managed to push his way through the crowd over to the first officer. "œWhat do you need me to do to help, Commander?" he asked.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 28, 2022, 01:13:47 PM

[The Lounge --> Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian finished greeting the Romulan scientists and then moved to talk to Doctor Gong. He had just asked Shang which of the experiments he was most interested in exploring when Senator Kindota, with Thelal tagging along, approached, Thelal's expression as smug as ever as he spoke directly to Ian, completely ignoring the Gong and Kindota.

"It is interesting to see such an antique in person. One would think a ship this old would be part of a space museum display."

Ian was surprised Thelal would take the 'antique' route after getting out witted on this topic so many times. This made Ian smile as he replied.

"It is easy ta underestimate the Challenger if'n you get fixated on the age of the hull. The Trailblazer-Class is a major upgrade that makes this ship more than capable of holdin' her own against much newer designs like, let's say a Norexan-Class, which she has done on several occasions."

Thelal's cheeks darkened at Ian's jibe and he replied in a far less jovial tone.

"I wonder if the Captain's hand to hand skills match his faith in his ship. After all, humans are so fragile."

"I wonder indeed. However, ta quote Sun Tzu, 'For ta win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. Ta subdue the enemy without fightin' is the acme of skill.'"

Before Thelal could reply, there was a bright flash outside the ship followed immediately by the Red Alert sounding and Ian receiving an immediate call from Lieutenant Espana.

"Captain to the bridge. Captain to the bridge."

Based on Thelal's insufferable expression, as Ian began to move, he tapped his combadge.

"Computer, execute transport of designated individuals."


As he exited the Lounge, Ian had a moment of pure malicious joy at the startled expression on Thelal's face as the annular confinement beam took him. Rushing for the turbolift, Ian arrived on the bridge within moments and barked.


Espada looked panicked as he yielded the command chair.

"The Doval has been destroyed!"

"By who?"

"We did."

"We did what!"

Quote from: Nira Said on December 28, 2022, 02:05:28 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was keeping an eye on Nirreen, but the more she watched Nirreen, the more she had an inkling that she should be watching Thelal instead: if Nirreen was now moving in a way to stand out more in the crowd rather than disappear into it, then  Nirreen wants more attention drawn toward her than Thelal.

As Nira watched him covertly as she talked briefly to Doctor Galen Benev, she glanced at Thelal, moving off to Captain Galloway. Nira could glimpse their conversation as he butted in before she took her eyes off of him. Probably just the usual exchange of insults for the Captain to parry...

Her eyes found Nirreen again, glancing out the the science ship Doval...and then suddenly, Nira saw something fly from Challenger at the Doval, and in a bright flash, the Doval was gone in a burst of debris, followed by a Red Alert and a series of gasps. Nira instantly had her eyes on Nirreen, who turned and smiled smugly.

Nira thought in horror...who the hell on Challenger fired that torpedo?!?

She whirled around and saw Thelal disappear in a transporter beam - that made Nira breathe a sigh of relief, she figured he'd be heading to the brig - and Captain Galloway heading out of the Lounge. That meant it was up to Nira to handle things here at the Lounge...and then she realized Nirreen was still there.

"Computer lock on Nirreen and beam her to the brig," Nira said quietly.

=/\="Unable to comply. Transport unsuccessful." =/\=

Nira could definitely see the beam trying to get Nirreen and dissipating. Nirreen, however, only smiled wider at Nira, and she tapped her hand on an elaborate belt...Nira was so focused on her face and upper body, she realized she completely missed the belt, and she saw that it had a big decorative center on it...but as much as it looked like a jewel, it was much too technological...

...A transport inhibitor, Nira thought. Probably designed for mobility...

And then Nirreen lifted a boot to the window sill, tapped it against the window, and it extended a blade as the boot moved away. She tapped the heel on the sill and the boot blade withdrew. The message was pure and simple: Try to remove it and you'll get a fatal kick.

"So much for the Federation trying to make friends," Nirreen then said loudly, enough to get the crowd's attention. "Are they really here to make friends with us? ."

"Are you saying that the starship just fired on the Doval?!?" demanded a scientist.

Ya shar-moo-ta! Nira cursed inwardly in Arabic. So this is what you're going to do...

"You saw with your own eyes!" said Nirreen in a theatrical gesture out the window to the debris that was the Doval. "How dare the Federation imprison you here for your secrets!" she added, her expression impassive but her eyes narrowed.

"Bull[spoiler]SHIT[/spoiler]!" called out Doctor Washburn. "The Federation would never dare!"

"I do agree," said Doctor Tavran, "but it's only the fault of the Challenger. How do we know there aren't people on this ship who'd open fire out of anger?"

"You have a point raised, Tavran," said Sunik. "Look at Captain Galloway. Quite the temper indeed."

"Nonsense, Sunik!" cried another Romulan, specifically a security bodyguard. "Why, this ship has done the Free State a few services before!"

Nira raised an eyebrow and wondered if this man was with more friendly ships. But then, Doctor Brothath burst out, "Does it matter?!? This is a trick by the Romulans!"

"You're one to talk, you pig," snarled a different Romulan scientist. "The Challenger tricked us! Not we tricking you!"

Brothath responded by sending a sucker punch at the Romulan, but Nira rushed between the two.

"All right, stop it! Everybody!" She snapped. It was understandable, she was feeling so many tempers flaring, now she felt like she just stepped into proton explosion. "Look, all this is not helping, this starship will get to the bottom of whoever was responsible for firing upon the Doval!"

"I agree with the Commander," said Doctor Isim. "She doesn't know who did it, she's telling the truth."

"Maybe she's not in on Galloway's plot!" snapped a Romulan bodyguard next to Nirreen.

"Well, it doesn't matter," a Vaxian retorted. "The Romulans won't let you get away with this."

"Rank stooges!" snapped Doctor Halverstrom.

The Vaxians suddenly made for their weapons, but Nirreen raised a hand and said, "Stand down."

Nirreen stepped toward Nira and stared her in the eyes. With an accusatory expression. Nira did notice Senator Kindota was staring suspiciously at Nirreen, and Nira could figure why: Why was a simple aide giving orders to members of their vassal?

"You do bear in mind that the Captain faces responsibility for the actions of a crew?" Nirreen said coolly. "Because if you all aren't charged for murder...he will," she finished with a smile.

Nira felt a rush of horror. It was the Tryka incident all over again, and Captain Tekin was put on trial for it...and Nirreen was a crucial player in it as well as she was when she impersonated Nira.

"I can promise everybody that we'll find whoever is responsible and that they will be punished accordingly," said Nira to the crowd, trying to sooth feelings. She had to admit, she never dealt with an angry crowd before. But she did keep Nirreen in the corner of her sight, even as she made a skeptical expression.

Oh, she's good. Too good...but to be expected in a Tal Shiar agent.

Meanwhile, another Romulan scientist approached Sunik and said, "Doctor, why aren't you reining in your aide?"

But Sunik could only shrug and stare blankly.

At not receiving a response from Nira, Zhukdra'shar focused back on Thelal, not letting go of him. Not that easily, at least. Surprisingly, however, his target ended up coming close to Captain Galloway, beginning to strike a conversation with him. As his audition picked up those same dismissive, snobbish attitude as when he was in the Bridge, he couldn't help but fully determine that they were the same men. A hand carefully trailed down in order to grasp at his type-2 hand phaser, though outwardly, Zhuk remained nonchalant.

Suddenly, though, his eyes perceived a bright flash just outside the ship, and he assumed a more alert stance, as the Red Alert blared. The order was given by the Captain, and Thelal was gone, safely captured. What came next, though, shook Mrekrerhas to the core.

They had been the ones to destroy the Doval. But how, he couldn't believe it. It just wasn't possible. Unless someone had accessed the ship. But how?

They had played like a fiddle, and Zhukdra'shar's anger began to rose exponentially.

Soon, the whole lounge became a mess of shouts and accusations, and he had to step in, trying to calm the scientists down. "We do not know what has transpired, but let me reassure them that we shalt do everything in our power to determine the real culprit behind this heinous attack. Please, remain calm."

Zhuk spoke to a few agitated Romulans, though he had a hunch to look for the Tal Shiar agent who was most likely behind this whole ordeal, alongside Nira. It took him a bit, but eventually, he could follow the voices over to the Lieutenant Commander and a gathering of individuals, Romulan and otherwise. Noticing the position Said was in, he decided to speak up, as instinct once more bid him to do so.

"The USS Challenger has thus far carried forth an exemplary service, and I believe this time will be no different. I fully trust in the expertise and knowledge of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said, Captain Galloway, and the Senior Officers of this vessel. Thereby, I beg for you to do so too. As a member of Security, I shalt carry myself with all the property as it's expected, and I can reassure you that my fellow Security officers shalt do the same. If we truly are at fault, you have our promise that the culprits will be dealt appropriately, as per Starfleet regulation. I would also believe that Romulan cooperation is a must, so with Lieutenant Nira's permission," He made a pause, shrinking slightly, ears going low on his head, as he realized that maybe he was overstepping his boundaries here as a mere Ensign, "I invite our allies to help us discover the true masterminds of this horrid act, and to allow our upstanding members to clear their names of any wrongdoings."

He placed a hand over his chest, and the other behind his back, looking at the crowd to determine their reaction, squinting just slightly as he noticed Nireen again. Nira could pick up conflicting emotions coming from Zhuk at this point. Nervousness for his speech, but also anger and a certain degree of infatuation coming once he set his eyes towards the Tal Shiar agent...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"What do you mean we destroyed the Doval?"

Ian asked in an icily cold voice that made Espada cringe.

"The torpedo that destroyed them launched from Challenger. Sensors confirm this Sir."

Ian's gaze wheeled on Lieutenant JG Rachel Davenport at Tactical.

"Sir, we have not fired. The targeting sensors and all weapons are all on standby and have not been activated either from here or Auxiliary Control."

Ian was reeling with the implications of how bad this looked and knew who was responsible, he just didn't know how yet. This thought led to confirming the whereabouts of Thelal and Nirreen.

"Computer. Location of designated individuals?"

"Subject Thelal is in the brig. Subject Nirreen is in the Lounge."

Gritting his teeth, Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander T'Kel, you are ta take Nirreen into custody immediately. I don't bloody care who objects. Take her conscious if possible, dead if needs be." =/\=

=/\= "Acknowledged." =/\=

As Ian's attention returned to trying to figure out what happened, he felt one tiny bit of relief in that he knew regardless of what Nirreen did next, she would not elude T'Kel.

"Shields up. Ops, I want a level ten force field around the Lounge, only permeable ta personnel wearin' a Starfleet combadge that matches its logged DNA. Nobody is leavin' this ship without my say so. Tactical, initiate a hand count of every bloody torpedo in the ship. Both physical count and scanned. If'n someone managed ta replace a fired torpedo, it will nae show as live as anti-matter cannae be replicated. Science, full active scans at maximum strength, even if'n you have ta burn holes in the fabric of space ta do it, find me elevated neutrinos or tachyons. There is a cloaked ship out there some where and I mean ta find it."

Ian's mind was racing as he tried to think of any other option that would explain what had happened, because the ramifications were staggering and he was not going to let the fledgling alliance between the Federation and the Romulan Free State fail on his watch. Knowing he had to also show diplomacy at this moment, he added.

"Lieutenant Davenport, have Doctors Gong and Surith escorted ta the bridge. I've got some arses ta kiss."

Nira Said

Quote from: Buehler on December 29, 2022, 07:14:56 PM


Evan found him making more and more small talk with strangers as the event went on as a sense of unease continued to rise in him. There was a reason he didn't attend many parties. He despised small talk, especially with people he didn't know. So there was a small measure of relief when an andorian member of the crew stood on a chair to toast the delegation. "œNaturwissenschaft!" Evan exclaimed in kind, raising a drink he had forgotten was in his hand.

All hell broke loose when the klaxons blared and flashing lights drowned them all in a light red as blood. The barely contained agitation erupted into the open like a burst ulcer as accusations flew back and forth. Evan couldn't make out anything said in the cacophony of voices, not that it was necessary. It was clear enough from the sharp tones that if they didn't get things under control soon, they very well might have a bloodbath on their hands. Evan downed his drink in one go, wishing it had alcohol in it, before setting the glass aside. There were too many different species present to be able to sedate them safely all at once, even if he had the means to do so.

While he had little idea about what was causing the chaos, there was one person in the room who definitely would. With some difficulty, Evan managed to push his way through the crowd over to the first officer. "œWhat do you need me to do to help, Commander?" he asked.

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on December 30, 2022, 07:26:11 PM

[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

At not receiving a response from Nira, Zhukdra'shar focused back on Thelal, not letting go of him. Not that easily, at least. Surprisingly, however, his target ended up coming close to Captain Galloway, beginning to strike a conversation with him. As his audition picked up those same dismissive, snobbish attitude as when he was in the Bridge, he couldn't help but fully determine that they were the same men. A hand carefully trailed down in order to grasp at his type-2 hand phaser, though outwardly, Zhuk remained nonchalant.

Suddenly, though, his eyes perceived a bright flash just outside the ship, and he assumed a more alert stance, as the Red Alert blared. The order was given by the Captain, and Thelal was gone, safely captured. What came next, though, shook Mrekrerhas to the core.

They had been the ones to destroy the Doval. But how, he couldn't believe it. It just wasn't possible. Unless someone had accessed the ship. But how?

They had played like a fiddle, and Zhukdra'shar's anger began to rose exponentially.

Soon, the whole lounge became a mess of shouts and accusations, and he had to step in, trying to calm the scientists down. "We do not know what has transpired, but let me reassure them that we shalt do everything in our power to determine the real culprit behind this heinous attack. Please, remain calm."

Zhuk spoke to a few agitated Romulans, though he had a hunch to look for the Tal Shiar agent who was most likely behind this whole ordeal, alongside Nira. It took him a bit, but eventually, he could follow the voices over to the Lieutenant Commander and a gathering of individuals, Romulan and otherwise. Noticing the position Said was in, he decided to speak up, as instinct once more bid him to do so.

"The USS Challenger has thus far carried forth an exemplary service, and I believe this time will be no different. I fully trust in the expertise and knowledge of Lieutenant Commander Nira Said, Captain Galloway, and the Senior Officers of this vessel. Thereby, I beg for you to do so too. As a member of Security, I shalt carry myself with all the property as it's expected, and I can reassure you that my fellow Security officers shalt do the same. If we truly are at fault, you have our promise that the culprits will be dealt appropriately, as per Starfleet regulation. I would also believe that Romulan cooperation is a must, so with Lieutenant Nira's permission," He made a pause, shrinking slightly, ears going low on his head, as he realized that maybe he was overstepping his boundaries here as a mere Ensign, "I invite our allies to help us discover the true masterminds of this horrid act, and to allow our upstanding members to clear their names of any wrongdoings."

He placed a hand over his chest, and the other behind his back, looking at the crowd to determine their reaction, squinting just slightly as he noticed Nireen again. Nira could pick up conflicting emotions coming from Zhuk at this point. Nervousness for his speech, but also anger and a certain degree of infatuation coming once he set his eyes towards the Tal Shiar agent...

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira felt relief when Zhuk and Doctor Buehler came to her side to help. To the doctor, she said, "I'm not sure yet...the Romulan Brothath punched, see if he's all right..."

Nira looked at Zhuk and was glad to see he was adding words to help sooth the crowd. He then kept his eyes on Nirreen...what was that she was feeling from Zhuk? She was surprised to see the same sort of feeling Savar had that, if it was any more potent, it would be the Caitian equivalent of Pon Farr.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 31, 2022, 10:31:20 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"What do you mean we destroyed the Doval?"

Ian asked in an icily cold voice that made Espada cringe.

"The torpedo that destroyed them launched from Challenger. Sensors confirm this Sir."

Ian's gaze wheeled on Lieutenant JG Rachel Davenport at Tactical.

"Sir, we have not fired. The targeting sensors and all weapons are all on standby and have not been activated either from here or Auxiliary Control."

Ian was reeling with the implications of how bad this looked and knew who was responsible, he just didn't know how yet. This thought led to confirming the whereabouts of Thelal and Nirreen.

"Computer. Location of designated individuals?"

"Subject Thelal is in the brig. Subject Nirreen is in the Lounge."

Gritting his teeth, Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander T'Kel, you are ta take Nirreen into custody immediately. I don't bloody care who objects. Take her conscious if possible, dead if needs be." =/\=

=/\= "Acknowledged." =/\=

As Ian's attention returned to trying to figure out what happened, he felt one tiny bit of relief in that he knew regardless of what Nirreen did next, she would not elude T'Kel.

"Shields up. Ops, I want a level ten force field around the Lounge, only permeable ta personnel wearin' a Starfleet combadge that matches its logged DNA. Nobody is leavin' this ship without my say so. Tactical, initiate a hand count of every bloody torpedo in the ship. Both physical count and scanned. If'n someone managed ta replace a fired torpedo, it will nae show as live as anti-matter cannae be replicated. Science, full active scans at maximum strength, even if'n you have ta burn holes in the fabric of space ta do it, find me elevated neutrinos or tachyons. There is a cloaked ship out there some where and I mean ta find it."

Ian's mind was racing as he tried to think of any other option that would explain what had happened, because the ramifications were staggering and he was not going to let the fledgling alliance between the Federation and the Romulan Free State fail on his watch. Knowing he had to also show diplomacy at this moment, he added.

"Lieutenant Davenport, have Doctors Gong and Surith escorted ta the bridge. I've got some arses ta kiss."

Nira saw T'Kel approach and Mister Blackfeather appearing and going through an erected force field - apparently, only those with comm badges can enter - and T'Kel told Nirreen, "You're coming with us."

"I don't think so, Vulcan," said Nirreen, quiet yet menacingly.

"I suggest you do as she says...Trinam Nirreen."

Nirreen raised some eyebrows and turned to see Senator Kindota scowling at her.

"Took you long enough, Senator," she said. "I thought you were smarter than this."

"You're right, Nirreen," said Nira. "You're not going anywhere...on this ship. You're as much a prisoner as Thelal is."

"And yet I have certain freedoms, unlike Thelal," she said. "You know full well what I am capable of."

Nira could tell that if T'Kel would curl her lips, she would. But Savar was within earshot, hearing everything, and Nira can see him doing exactly that. And Nira could see what Nirreen meant; with her martial arts skills, if she proved a challenged to Nira, she hated to think what she could do with a squad of security officers. But then, she noticed more security officers coming in, and two of them, two of the new junior officer transfers, were a pair of Ariolos, both of whom were like centaurs of mythology.

"Well, I'd like to see you match the strength of an Ariolos' kick," said Nira. "Keep her surrounded, Security, don't let her leave your sight a moment."

Just then, a sudden cry rang out and a body fell. Nira whirled and saw somebody fall dead.

"Doctor, come with me," she said to Doctor Buehler. She took him over and saw that Doctor Sunik was having a heart attack. He made some spasms, clutching his heart, for a moment before he died.

"Doctor, see what happened," she said.

Buehler's examination showed that Doctor Sunik had indeed suffered fatal cardiac arrest, but it was what caused the heart attack that told a different story. Sunik was injected with an artificial poison administered in his blood system and designed in a way to block off blood flow once it got to the heart, much as how fat could block off a heart if fatty foods are constantly consumed. The injection point was extremely hard to find, but there was a puncture in an artery that was so small, it was barely bigger than a skin pore.

"And it probably blocks the flow simultaneously," said Nira when she was informed thus, thinking that Sunik looked to be in good condition and was certainly far from fat despite his age.

She headed out of the lounge and saw the security attachment escorting Nirreen to the brig down the corridor. She went up to her and glared at her.

"Sunik's dead...but he was killed by a poison triggering a heart attack," she said with a glare.

"I told you, Nira," said Nirreen sweetly, "if I was here to kill somebody, he'd already be dead. Sunik was a dead man walking the moment he stepped on the transporter padd; it just took until now for his body to realize it. Just a little brush, that was all. He was my ticket aboard, and his usefulness has run his course."

"How could you," said Nira coldly.

"It was easy," retorted Nirreen with a shrug. "We arranged it in advance. The perfect body to add to those on the Doval. Besides, he needed to go sooner or later; better that than having to endure Bendii until he is rendered an inconherent vegetable before going to a lifeless shell."

"You realized you just confessed?" said T'Kel.

"Does it matter, Vulcan?" Nirreen sneered. "I'd like very much to see how Nira is going to help her crew get out of this one; I completely missed how she had a part in getting her previous starship and her captain back at the Tryka System. Besides, I was intrigued by what Thelal could do; the whole time I collaborated with him on his ship, I have not seen him do one smart thing yet."

"This is Thelal's plot, not yours?" said Nira in surprise.

"I could honestly come up with a crippling smear like Thelal's at the age of a teenager," retorted Nirreen, "it certainly shows the difference between a common fleet officer and a Tal Shiar agent like me. But I'm certainly interested in seeing how Thelal will carry this through."

Nira narrowed her eyes and kept staring after her as she continued on her way. She was definitely sure Nirreen is not going to say anything more than what she had said now, nor was she expecting her to. And the way she talked certainly sounded like she was older than she let on; but then again, given Nirreen was a Romulan and aged as much as Vulcans do, Nira was sure Nirreen was old enough to be a young aunt of thirty or forty.

Nirreen, of course, briefly had some recollection of her own: Barely an ulhan of eighteen when the Dominion War broke out shortly after the nonagression pact the Romulans made, then hastily made a decurion when the Romulans declared war when Vreenak was apparently murdered by Cardassians. Nirreen certainly didn't want to fight the Dominion, partly because she shared the bulk of many Romulans' opinions for Dominion support, partly because she was young and new to war. She never forgot facing Jem'Hadar firsthand at Benzar and being impressed by their fighting skill and their technology, including their shroud. She could learn their ways...and someday, what the Tal Shiar can learn about the Dominion, they can use against the Federation.

Nirreen was already smiling. She looked around the security detachment. The Ariolos would prove no problem; there were ways of breaking a horse's legs, no matter the planet of origin. But she was already finding a weak link in the Caitian. He just can't stop staring at her, and not just in a hostile way.

She knew who that Caitian was. She fought him when she fought Nira, this could be the closest thing to one of Nira's hatchet-men. She was sure he knew about Romulans in the past. Then again, she had known plenty of Romulans who kept slaves, even after Hobus destroyed Romulus. Caitian, Orion, Reman, the occasional Acamarian. Her own brother had a harem of mostly Orions and a couple of Caitians. Nirreen never had her own slaves, she regarded keeping servants a waste of time, but she knew plenty enough.

She turned back at the Caitian and smiled more pleasantly, making a slight shoulder roll as she moved. If he was the weak link in this security escort, she hoped to use the weakness to her advantage.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Buck McNair

[USS Challenger - Lounge]

Buck had only just finished the glass that he had raised in toast to science when he had clocked onto what Lahr had done, rather effortlessly rallying those who gathered in the lounge to do a headcount. It was subtle and had given them all the information they needed to conduct a smooth gathering of information. However things and the atmosphere began to change rapidly within moments of their toast; it had not been as subtle as the toast and certainly not--

They had what?

Murmurs seemed to have gone around, the crew of the Challenger and their respective scientist VIPs, all began to reel from the information that the Challenger had fired upon the Doval. Buck blinked away the spots that had come from glancing out of the window at the moment something had fired upon the Doval.

He sharply glanced upwards as the Red Alert began to blare.

The sound would haunt him for the rest of his career at Starfleet.

Buck searched the crowd for Nira, trying to locate where exactly she was looking at; which was soon to be the doppelganger. He could have kicked himself for not noticing earlier as he was going through the personnel files. It would have to wait as the Romulans seemed to be at each other's throats, as Buck went to try and intercept and be another blocking force if anyone else wanted to rise to the bait as the scientists bickered among one another. He could take a punch and throw one if they wanted to try it. His eyes darted between the scientists, Nira, Lahr and Zhuk as they all began to attempt to reel in the emotions.

The history behind the Challenger was certainly something for a night time read the next time Buck found some spare time on his hands.

He watched as Nira escorted the doppelganger and a few others away, standing amongst the remainders, his eyes darting between the ones closest to him to ensure they weren't about to kick off again. "Alright, we all settled? Commander Said and Captain Galloway and the rest of the crew will get to the bottom of what's happened. Only if we can get you all to calm down in the meantime please."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Ensign Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on December 31, 2022, 10:31:20 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"What do you mean we destroyed the Doval?"

Ian asked in an icily cold voice that made Espada cringe.

"The torpedo that destroyed them launched from Challenger. Sensors confirm this Sir."

Ian's gaze wheeled on Lieutenant JG Rachel Davenport at Tactical.

"Sir, we have not fired. The targeting sensors and all weapons are all on standby and have not been activated either from here or Auxiliary Control."

Ian was reeling with the implications of how bad this looked and knew who was responsible, he just didn't know how yet. This thought led to confirming the whereabouts of Thelal and Nirreen.

"Computer. Location of designated individuals?"

"Subject Thelal is in the brig. Subject Nirreen is in the Lounge."

Gritting his teeth, Ian tapped his combadge.

=/\= "Lieutenant Commander T'Kel, you are ta take Nirreen into custody immediately. I don't bloody care who objects. Take her conscious if possible, dead if needs be." =/\=

=/\= "Acknowledged." =/\=

As Ian's attention returned to trying to figure out what happened, he felt one tiny bit of relief in that he knew regardless of what Nirreen did next, she would not elude T'Kel.

"Shields up. Ops, I want a level ten force field around the Lounge, only permeable ta personnel wearin' a Starfleet combadge that matches its logged DNA. Nobody is leavin' this ship without my say so. Tactical, initiate a hand count of every bloody torpedo in the ship. Both physical count and scanned. If'n someone managed ta replace a fired torpedo, it will nae show as live as anti-matter cannae be replicated. Science, full active scans at maximum strength, even if'n you have ta burn holes in the fabric of space ta do it, find me elevated neutrinos or tachyons. There is a cloaked ship out there some where and I mean ta find it."

Ian's mind was racing as he tried to think of any other option that would explain what had happened, because the ramifications were staggering and he was not going to let the fledgling alliance between the Federation and the Romulan Free State fail on his watch. Knowing he had to also show diplomacy at this moment, he added.

"Lieutenant Davenport, have Doctors Gong and Surith escorted ta the bridge. I've got some arses ta kiss."

Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2022, 02:00:55 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira felt relief when Zhuk and Doctor Buehler came to her side to help. To the doctor, she said, "I'm not sure yet...the Romulan Brothath punched, see if he's all right..."

Nira looked at Zhuk and was glad to see he was adding words to help sooth the crowd. He then kept his eyes on Nirreen...what was that she was feeling from Zhuk? She was surprised to see the same sort of feeling Savar had that, if it was any more potent, it would be the Caitian equivalent of Pon Farr.

Nira saw T'Kel approach and Mister Blackfeather appearing and going through an erected force field - apparently, only those with comm badges can enter - and T'Kel told Nirreen, "You're coming with us."

"I don't think so, Vulcan," said Nirreen, quiet yet menacingly.

"I suggest you do as she says...Trinam Nirreen."

Nirreen raised some eyebrows and turned to see Senator Kindota scowling at her.

"Took you long enough, Senator," she said. "I thought you were smarter than this."

"You're right, Nirreen," said Nira. "You're not going anywhere...on this ship. You're as much a prisoner as Thelal is."

"And yet I have certain freedoms, unlike Thelal," she said. "You know full well what I am capable of."

Nira could tell that if T'Kel would curl her lips, she would. But Savar was within earshot, hearing everything, and Nira can see him doing exactly that. And Nira could see what Nirreen meant; with her martial arts skills, if she proved a challenged to Nira, she hated to think what she could do with a squad of security officers. But then, she noticed more security officers coming in, and two of them, two of the new junior officer transfers, were a pair of Ariolos, both of whom were like centaurs of mythology.

"Well, I'd like to see you match the strength of an Ariolos' kick," said Nira. "Keep her surrounded, Security, don't let her leave your sight a moment."

Just then, a sudden cry rang out and a body fell. Nira whirled and saw somebody fall dead.

"Doctor, come with me," she said to Doctor Buehler. She took him over and saw that Doctor Sunik was having a heart attack. He made some spasms, clutching his heart, for a moment before he died.

"Doctor, see what happened," she said.

Buehler's examination showed that Doctor Sunik had indeed suffered fatal cardiac arrest, but it was what caused the heart attack that told a different story. Sunik was injected with an artificial poison administered in his blood system and designed in a way to block off blood flow once it got to the heart, much as how fat could block off a heart if fatty foods are constantly consumed. The injection point was extremely hard to find, but there was a puncture in an artery that was so small, it was barely bigger than a skin pore.

"And it probably blocks the flow simultaneously," said Nira when she was informed thus, thinking that Sunik looked to be in good condition and was certainly far from fat despite his age.

She headed out of the lounge and saw the security attachment escorting Nirreen to the brig down the corridor. She went up to her and glared at her.

"Sunik's dead...but he was killed by a poison triggering a heart attack," she said with a glare.

"I told you, Nira," said Nirreen sweetly, "if I was here to kill somebody, he'd already be dead. Sunik was a dead man walking the moment he stepped on the transporter padd; it just took until now for his body to realize it. Just a little brush, that was all. He was my ticket aboard, and his usefulness has run his course."

"How could you," said Nira coldly.

"It was easy," retorted Nirreen with a shrug. "We arranged it in advance. The perfect body to add to those on the Doval. Besides, he needed to go sooner or later; better that than having to endure Bendii until he is rendered an inconherent vegetable before going to a lifeless shell."

"You realized you just confessed?" said T'Kel.

"Does it matter, Vulcan?" Nirreen sneered. "I'd like very much to see how Nira is going to help her crew get out of this one; I completely missed how she had a part in getting her previous starship and her captain back at the Tryka System. Besides, I was intrigued by what Thelal could do; the whole time I collaborated with him on his ship, I have not seen him do one smart thing yet."

"This is Thelal's plot, not yours?" said Nira in surprise.

"I could honestly come up with a crippling smear like Thelal's at the age of a teenager," retorted Nirreen, "it certainly shows the difference between a common fleet officer and a Tal Shiar agent like me. But I'm certainly interested in seeing how Thelal will carry this through."

Nira narrowed her eyes and kept staring after her as she continued on her way. She was definitely sure Nirreen is not going to say anything more than what she had said now, nor was she expecting her to. And the way she talked certainly sounded like she was older than she let on; but then again, given Nirreen was a Romulan and aged as much as Vulcans do, Nira was sure Nirreen was old enough to be a young aunt of thirty or forty.

Nirreen, of course, briefly had some recollection of her own: Barely an ulhan of eighteen when the Dominion War broke out shortly after the nonagression pact the Romulans made, then hastily made a decurion when the Romulans declared war when Vreenak was apparently murdered by Cardassians. Nirreen certainly didn't want to fight the Dominion, partly because she shared the bulk of many Romulans' opinions for Dominion support, partly because she was young and new to war. She never forgot facing Jem'Hadar firsthand at Benzar and being impressed by their fighting skill and their technology, including their shroud. She could learn their ways...and someday, what the Tal Shiar can learn about the Dominion, they can use against the Federation.

Nirreen was already smiling. She looked around the security detachment. The Ariolos would prove no problem; there were ways of breaking a horse's legs, no matter the planet of origin. But she was already finding a weak link in the Caitian. He just can't stop staring at her, and not just in a hostile way.

She knew who that Caitian was. She fought him when she fought Nira, this could be the closest thing to one of Nira's hatchet-men. She was sure he knew about Romulans in the past. Then again, she had known plenty of Romulans who kept slaves, even after Hobus destroyed Romulus. Caitian, Orion, Reman, the occasional Acamarian. Her own brother had a harem of mostly Orions and a couple of Caitians. Nirreen never had her own slaves, she regarded keeping servants a waste of time, but she knew plenty enough.

She turned back at the Caitian and smiled more pleasantly, making a slight shoulder roll as she moved. If he was the weak link in this security escort, she hoped to use the weakness to her advantage.

Ensign Zhukdra'shar adopted a neutral stance once more, taking a breath of relief as his ears returned to their usual spot. It was still hard to keep his eyes from Nireen, however. Fortunately, his infatuation was nothing as grave as a Pon Farr event for a Vulcan. That said, Caitians did experience several hormonal cycles, one of which required for them to be intimate at least once a year, or else be driven crazy from the hormones. For now, though, that wasn't too much of a concern, though. Zhuk was a hundred-percent devoted to keeping an eye on Nireen. Even if he did think that she was pretty. Ugh.

Still, at the entry of T'Kel, and the orders for Nireen to be escorted to the bridge, Zhuk wasted no time on doing so, taking position just behind her as she exchanged fighting words with Nira and a senator scowled back at her. It was by this point that he fully heard her name being spoken out loud, 'Trinam Nireen'. Certainly charming, if she wasn't a duplicitous backstabbing assassin. His body tensed up, fur rising up, eyes darting from side to side and back then at her, to make sure no one would suddenly attempt to free her out from being surrounded by the Challenger's Security team, or she tried to fight them off one by one.

Gazing over at the pair of Ariolos, though, made him fall into a more relaxed stance. They were certainly intimidating. Zhuk would never dream of even daring to bother one of them. Much less the two together.

Then, he heard a cry.

As Lieutenant Commander Nira had instructed, though, he dared not move his eyes from Nireen, instead, his ear being the only part of his body that moved, to try and pick up what was transpiring. Soon, though, the full extent was clear. A Romulan had died, one that went by the name of Doctor Sunik. Apparently, by Nireen's doing. Despicable.

He was more than happy to get going and escort her to the brig. More than anything, because he was hoping that she would remain confined there, her deadly abilities unable to harm anyone. Yet, as they were on their way, he noticed her looking back over at him. Instead of a scowl, or a mocking grin, he found a pleasant smile, followed soon after by a slight shoulder roll.

He blinked, his eyes widening soon after. Was she... trying to flirt with him? No, no, no... He shook his head, attempting to get rid of the conflicting feelings that rose up. He had to concentrate on how she had absolutely humiliated him and broken two of his ribs. Not on how she had silky hair and had pretty eyes. He took a deep breath, and glanced away, though still kept her in his vision periphery. To further attempt to throw her off, he offered a frown over at her.

But considering how perceptive Nireen was... she probably had found her weak link already.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

ShranLahr ch'Verret


PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 8 - The Lounge]

Lahr was grateful when Security reinforcements arrived.  With the added personnel Nireen gave up her scheming plans and seemed placid as she was beginning to be escorted away.  Lahr had a bad feeling about that.

He leaned over towards Zhuk as the Caitian made to join the escort.  "You might want to stun her anyways and check her over for hidden weapons and that transporter inhibitor." he advised sagely eying the Romulan warily. 

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Gong and Surith entered the bridge, Ian rose to face them.

"Doctors. Please grant me the forbearance of a few minutes of your time. First, regardless of appearances, the Challenger did not fire on the Doval. We are still in the early stages of our investigation, but I assure you, we will discover how this happened.

"I say how, because I am sure of the who, namely, the two individuals that infiltrated your delegation Doctor Surith. Not that I assign any blame ta you, this whole thing has the feel of a very high level Tal Shiar plot about it. At this moment, Commander Thelal is in the brig and Nirreen is bein' escorted there ta prevent any further trouble from them.

"We are currently conductin' a very intense sensor scan for cloaked ships as I am certain at least one is out there and responsible for the destruction of the Doval."

"You would blame the victims Captain?"

Surith asked coldly.

"I do not Sir. However, whether it was a Romulan ship or some other party with a cloakin' device, I dinna ken at this moment, but that is what we are scannin' for Doctor."

It was at this point that Lieutenant Randell at the Science One Station spoke up.

"Sir, I've found multiple ion trails, which is no surprise given the heavy traffic of the corridor, but there is also a residual tachyon signature as well."

"Excellent Evan. Lieutenant Davenport, arm three photon torpedo warheads with their yields reconfigured ta high energy burst level six."

"Sir? At that setting, they won't do any damage."

"Aye Lass, they won't but they will reveal just who's out there."

"Are you now covering your tracks Captain by disturbing the local space particles with weapons fire?"

"Nae Doctor Surith, I may not hold advanced degrees in the sciences, but I do ken starships and how they work. Watch and learn Sir."

"Ready to fire Sir."

"Mister Randell, feed the coordinates of that tachyon trail ta Tactical, as soon as you are ready Mister Davenport, fire."

There was a pause of perhaps thirty seconds before the three glowing red orbs lanced out from the Challenger and burst. When they did, the outline of a cloaked ship, a civilian model of Romulan design became visible.

"Ops, snag them with the tractor!"

Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n acted quickly and snared the lurking ship before it could flee and this made Ian smile.

"Hail them."

Unable to escape or hide, the ship dropped its cloak and the image on the viewscreen surprised everyone, the crew were Vaxian! However, before the terrified captain could speak, Randell interrupted.

"Captain, a ship is decloaking 100,000 kilometers of the port beam! It's the Khranu!"

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on January 02, 2023, 12:32:37 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

When Gong and Surith entered the bridge, Ian rose to face them.

"Doctors. Please grant me the forbearance of a few minutes of your time. First, regardless of appearances, the Challenger did not fire on the Doval. We are still in the early stages of our investigation, but I assure you, we will discover how this happened.

"I say how, because I am sure of the who, namely, the two individuals that infiltrated your delegation Doctor Surith. Not that I assign any blame ta you, this whole thing has the feel of a very high level Tal Shiar plot about it. At this moment, Commander Thelal is in the brig and Nirreen is bein' escorted there ta prevent any further trouble from them.

"We are currently conductin' a very intense sensor scan for cloaked ships as I am certain at least one is out there and responsible for the destruction of the Doval."

"You would blame the victims Captain?"

Surith asked coldly.

"I do not Sir. However, whether it was a Romulan ship or some other party with a cloakin' device, I dinna ken at this moment, but that is what we are scannin' for Doctor."

It was at this point that Lieutenant Randell at the Science One Station spoke up.

"Sir, I've found multiple ion trails, which is no surprise given the heavy traffic of the corridor, but there is also a residual tachyon signature as well."

"Excellent Evan. Lieutenant Davenport, arm three photon torpedo warheads with their yields reconfigured ta high energy burst level six."

"Sir? At that setting, they won't do any damage."

"Aye Lass, they won't but they will reveal just who's out there."

"Are you now covering your tracks Captain by disturbing the local space particles with weapons fire?"

"Nae Doctor Surith, I may not hold advanced degrees in the sciences, but I do ken starships and how they work. Watch and learn Sir."

"Ready to fire Sir."

"Mister Randell, feed the coordinates of that tachyon trail ta Tactical, as soon as you are ready Mister Davenport, fire."

There was a pause of perhaps thirty seconds before the three glowing blue orbs lanced out from the Challenger and burst. When they did, the outline of a cloaked ship, a civilian model of Romulan design became visible.

"Ops, snag them with the tractor!"

Lieutenant Commander CatalÁ¡n acted quickly and snared the lurking ship before it could flee and this made Ian smile.

"Hail them."

Unable to escape or hide, the ship dropped its cloak and the image on the viewscreen surprised everyone, the crew were Vaxian! However, before the terrified captain could speak, Randell interrupted.

"Captain, a ship is decloaking 100,000 kilometers of the port beam! It's the Khranu!"

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was worried. Despite the security, she wanted to make sure about Nirreen. In fact, the fact that Nirreen came quietly bothered her.

She found T'Lara among the crowd while Doctors Gong and Surith were taken to the bridge. "Commander," she told her, not caring momentarily about that it was the first time she saw her in a week, "can you handle things here, keep the crowd cool-tempered? I'm heading for the bridge."

She knew that T'Lara was the ranking officer after her, at least to be found. But she found Lahr, McNair, T'Prith, Savar and Buehler and told them the same thing and to help T'Lara soothe the crowd.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Brig | Deck Twelve | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira caught up with the security team a moment later and followed them all the way to the brig. Nirreen was finally locked. It still bothered Nira; there was a good reason for her to come quietly. Nira was satisfied that Nirreen was given a good frisking and found not just the very syringe with filled with poison, complete with a needle that was as thin as a snowflake (Nira, with her careful observation, spotted it and made sure the needle was pointed away from a person), but also a few small daggers. But she warned Security not to remove the transport inhibitor, given her subtle threat earlier. She stared hard at Nirreen as she was put into a cell and a force field erected. Nirreen didn't look at all bothered to be there, and that was all enough to make Nira suspicious further.

"Well?" asked Nirreen after a moment.

"Funny, I would've expected you to break free from your guards," said Nira.

Nirreen only sneered in amusement. "My purpose at the party was already served. Thelal's captivity, however, that was unexpected, but it was a good thing I had this," she added, tapping the transport inhibitor disguised as a belt.

"You knew Captain Galloway would try to beam a suspect to the brig," said Nira.

"Why not?" shrugged Nirreen. "I'm always prepared. Besides, even with my slight...alterations, I figured that if there was somebody who looks like you was found at the party, then there would be a means to remain."

"And your purpose," said Nira uneasily. "You were stirring up tempers at the party, weren't you?"

"The very thing to get them going," said Nirreen. "They'll only flare tempers themselves. Especially those delegates in the Federation. Like the Tellarite, it's easy to get them angry."

"Well, you're in here now, so you'll do no further harm," snapped Nira, but she was still nervous. It must've showed because Nirreen retorted, "Oh really?"

Nira pursed her lips and turned to T'Kel, "Double the guard on her. Keep a constant eye on her..."

Her eyes then fell on Zhuk...she was bothered by the way he was looking at Nirreen, and she could feel the infatuation from him. She was worried that Nirreen would prove too much a distraction.

"Zhuk, you're with me," she said, ordering Zhuk at her side. Might be well, he'll be needed on the bridge with T'Kel there.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira and Zhuk have arrived in time to see a terrified Vaxian on the viewscreen and the news that the Khranu has decloaked. Nira recognized the name instantly...

"Well, so Thelal may be behind this after all," said Nira. But her attention was long and hard on the terrified Vaxian. She could make a good guess: He's the captain of a ship that destroyed the Doval. And he has been caught. And his terror was definitely a far cry from the two Vaxian scientists part of the Romulan delegation.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


Quote from: Nira Said on January 02, 2023, 01:51:57 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was worried. Despite the security, she wanted to make sure about Nirreen. In fact, the fact that Nirreen came quietly bothered her.

She found T'Lara among the crowd while Doctors Gong and Surith were taken to the bridge. "Commander," she told her, not caring momentarily about that it was the first time she saw her in a week, "can you handle things here, keep the crowd cool-tempered? I'm heading for the bridge."

She knew that T'Lara was the ranking officer after her, at least to be found. But she found Lahr, McNair, T'Prith, Savar and Buehler and told them the same thing and to help T'Lara soothe the crowd.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Brig | Deck Twelve | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira caught up with the security team a moment later and followed them all the way to the brig. Nirreen was finally locked. It still bothered Nira; there was a good reason for her to come quietly. Nira was satisfied that Nirreen was given a good frisking and found not just the very syringe with filled with poison, complete with a needle that was as thin as a snowflake (Nira, with her careful observation, spotted it and made sure the needle was pointed away from a person), but also a few small daggers. But she warned Security not to remove the transport inhibitor, given her subtle threat earlier. She stared hard at Nirreen as she was put into a cell and a force field erected. Nirreen didn't look at all bothered to be there, and that was all enough to make Nira suspicious further.

"Well?" asked Nirreen after a moment.

"Funny, I would've expected you to break free from your guards," said Nira.

Nirreen only sneered in amusement. "My purpose at the party was already served. Thelal's captivity, however, that was unexpected, but it was a good thing I had this," she added, tapping the transport inhibitor disguised as a belt.

"You knew Captain Galloway would try to beam a suspect to the brig," said Nira.

"Why not?" shrugged Nirreen. "I'm always prepared. Besides, even with my slight...alterations, I figured that if there was somebody who looks like you was found at the party, then there would be a means to remain."

"And your purpose," said Nira uneasily. "You were stirring up tempers at the party, weren't you?"

"The very thing to get them going," said Nirreen. "They'll only flare tempers themselves. Especially those delegates in the Federation. Like the Tellarite, it's easy to get them angry."

"Well, you're in here now, so you'll do no further harm," snapped Nira, but she was still nervous. It must've showed because Nirreen retorted, "Oh really?"

Nira pursed her lips and turned to T'Kel, "Double the guard on her. Keep a constant eye on her..."

Her eyes then fell on Zhuk...she was bothered by the way he was looking at Nirreen, and she could feel the infatuation from him. She was worried that Nirreen would prove too much a distraction.

"Zhuk, you're with me," she said, ordering Zhuk at her side. Might be well, he'll be needed on the bridge with T'Kel there.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira and Zhuk have arrived in time to see a terrified Vaxian on the viewscreen and the news that the Khranu has decloaked. Nira recognized the name instantly...

"Well, so Thelal may be behind this after all," said Nira. But her attention was long and hard on the terrified Vaxian. She could make a good guess: He's the captain of a ship that destroyed the Doval. And he has been caught. And his terror was definitely a far cry from the two Vaxian scientists part of the Romulan delegation.

[Lounge - Deck 8 - USS Challenger-A]

It seemed that this amiable meeting that was supposed to be solely about the studies of science had been infiltrated, and the resulting sabotage and nefarious deeds had everyone flustered. T'Lara, calm as ever, observed the behaviors of the individuals around her and immediately wanted to be rid of it all. Taking out her PADD, she began typing a message to Randell offering advice on the sensor sweeps. She was about to finish the message by informing him that she would be there soon to assist, when she heard Nira talking to her. Turning, she detected a slight trace of annoyance on the XO's face underneath her calm, commanding faÁ§ade. The Vulcan paid it no mind however, as she received the order to remain in the lounge.

"Understood, Commander. Inform me if and when I am needed on the Bridge." She added the last part simply because it would not take long to subdue the crowd, and she knew there were other Challenger crewmembers here who were much better suited to the task. T'Lara could provide comfort in a pinch, but she didn't necessarily have the best bedside manner.

She already heard McNair putting forth his attempt, and Lahr was doing his best to secure the area. She simply followed suit. First she directed her message at the people to her immediate right and left, but as voice levels rose she soon discovered that her efforts were futile. With a short sigh, the science officer put her fingers to her lips and let out a shrill whistle. The room fell silent.

"Attention, all of you. No one is in any danger, and the situation is handled. The Bridge crew of this vessel are well trained for events such as the one we are currently involved in. There is no need to panic. I will ask that every one of you stay in this room until further notice. If you need assistance, please address a Challenger crewmember, and they will be able to grant your request," she looked out at the crowd and raised her hand, indicating for the Challenger officers and ensigns to do the same and identify themselves.

"Additional food and drink are available from the replicators, so please help yourselves. I will update you all on the proceedings as I receive news of them, but I repeat: you are all safe here." She gave a perfunctory nod in lieu of a verbal dismissal, and awaited the barrage of voices she knew would be making their way towards her. Words could only do so much when panic had already settled its roots, and since her announcement had next to no details in it they would do even less. She toyed with the idea of holding a meditation/yoga session; at least then there would be even a chance of gaining some level of calm...

"Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic."


Quote from: Nira Said on December 31, 2022, 02:00:55 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira felt relief when Zhuk and Doctor Buehler came to her side to help. To the doctor, she said, "I'm not sure yet...the Romulan Brothath punched, see if he's all right..."
"Doctor, come with me," she said to Doctor Buehler. She took him over and saw that Doctor Sunik was having a heart attack. He made some spasms, clutching his heart, for a moment before he died.

"Doctor, see what happened," she said.

Buehler's examination showed that Doctor Sunik had indeed suffered fatal cardiac arrest, but it was what caused the heart attack that told a different story. Sunik was injected with an artificial poison administered in his blood system and designed in a way to block off blood flow once it got to the heart, much as how fat could block off a heart if fatty foods are constantly consumed. The injection point was extremely hard to find, but there was a puncture in an artery that was so small, it was barely bigger than a skin pore.

"And it probably blocks the flow simultaneously," said Nira when she was informed thus, thinking that Sunik looked to be in good condition and was certainly far from fat despite his age.


Evan nodded sharply, first making his way over to the bar to reach behind the counter for the standard medkit that was usually placed there in case of emergencies such as allergic reactions or heated arguments. No sooner did he have the kit in hand than Commander Nira had redirected him elsewhere. The poor gentleman who had been punched would have to wait his turn to have his face seen to. Triage demanded that a more serious condition be resolved first.

Kneeling down beside the patient, Evan cracked open the kit and pulled out the tricorder. The utter lack of movement and absent rise and fall of the chest already told him that the patient was clinically dead. His tricorder confirmed this, making it clear there was no shockable rhythm with which to bring the man back to life. Evan presented this information to the first officer, bobbing his head in agreement with her suppositions. "œI suspect it was digoxin," he told her, "œa slow acting poison, which means it could have been administered at any point within the last 30 minutes to 2 hours."

Quote from: T'Lara on January 02, 2023, 07:04:50 PM

[Lounge - Deck 8 - USS Challenger-A]
With a short sigh, the science officer put her fingers to her lips and let out a shrill whistle. The room fell silent.

"Attention, all of you. No one is in any danger, and the situation is handled. The Bridge crew of this vessel are well trained for events such as the one we are currently involved in. There is no need to panic. I will ask that every one of you stay in this room until further notice. If you need assistance, please address a Challenger crewmember, and they will be able to grant your request," she looked out at the crowd and raised her hand, indicating for the Challenger officers and ensigns to do the same and identify themselves.

"Additional food and drink are available from the replicators, so please help yourselves. I will update you all on the proceedings as I receive news of them, but I repeat: you are all safe here." She gave a perfunctory nod in lieu of a verbal dismissal, and awaited the barrage of voices she knew would be making their way towards her. Words could only do so much when panic had already settled its roots, and since her announcement had next to no details in it they would do even less. She toyed with the idea of holding a meditation/yoga session; at least then there would be even a chance of gaining some level of calm...

Evan jerked at the sound of a whistle. With all heads turned in one direction, it was easy to find the source. Briefly bowing his head over the deceased, he murmured, "œEs ist hart zu leben; aber hÁ¤rter ist es noch zu sterben. Gott sei mit Ihnen." Rising to his feet, he made his way over to the Vulcan officer. "œI'm Doctor Buehler, the new medical officer," he told her. "œWe will need to move the body to the morgue, but is there anything else I can do to help?"

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.

Buck McNair

Quote from: T'Lara on January 02, 2023, 07:04:50 PM

[Lounge - Deck 8 - USS Challenger-A]

It seemed that this amiable meeting that was supposed to be solely about the studies of science had been infiltrated, and the resulting sabotage and nefarious deeds had everyone flustered. T'Lara, calm as ever, observed the behaviors of the individuals around her and immediately wanted to be rid of it all. Taking out her PADD, she began typing a message to Randell offering advice on the sensor sweeps. She was about to finish the message by informing him that she would be there soon to assist, when she heard Nira talking to her. Turning, she detected a slight trace of annoyance on the XO's face underneath her calm, commanding faÁ§ade. The Vulcan paid it no mind however, as she received the order to remain in the lounge.

"Understood, Commander. Inform me if and when I am needed on the Bridge." She added the last part simply because it would not take long to subdue the crowd, and she knew there were other Challenger crewmembers here who were much better suited to the task. T'Lara could provide comfort in a pinch, but she didn't necessarily have the best bedside manner.

She already heard McNair putting forth his attempt, and Lahr was doing his best to secure the area. She simply followed suit. First she directed her message at the people to her immediate right and left, but as voice levels rose she soon discovered that her efforts were futile. With a short sigh, the science officer put her fingers to her lips and let out a shrill whistle. The room fell silent.

"Attention, all of you. No one is in any danger, and the situation is handled. The Bridge crew of this vessel are well trained for events such as the one we are currently involved in. There is no need to panic. I will ask that every one of you stay in this room until further notice. If you need assistance, please address a Challenger crewmember, and they will be able to grant your request," she looked out at the crowd and raised her hand, indicating for the Challenger officers and ensigns to do the same and identify themselves.

"Additional food and drink are available from the replicators, so please help yourselves. I will update you all on the proceedings as I receive news of them, but I repeat: you are all safe here." She gave a perfunctory nod in lieu of a verbal dismissal, and awaited the barrage of voices she knew would be making their way towards her. Words could only do so much when panic had already settled its roots, and since her announcement had next to no details in it they would do even less. She toyed with the idea of holding a meditation/yoga session; at least then there would be even a chance of gaining some level of calm...

[USS Challenger - Lounge]

Despite their best efforts, it seemed that people began to raise their voices again and any attempts in calming the crowd was fruitless. He flinched when the sharp trill of a whistle had broke through the room, and all eyes turned to Commander T'Lara, the deputy chief science officer who made the attempt in controlling the crowd; raising her hand and gesturing for the other crew of the Challenger present in the room to do the same.

Buck raised his hand. "Ensign Buck McNair, operations." He introduced himself to the members closest to him as T'Lara continued to speak. Of course a few voices had began to jump in as soon as she had stopped speaking - some wanting their requests to be made to their own accommodations, or ensuring that the luggage they had brought on to the Challenger. "Yes, yes - I'll sort that - okay, could one person at a time please -"

He attempted to make some space for himself. "You want a - what? A new plant for your decor? Okay, I'll make a note of that, ma'am." He was certain that there were going to be a few odd requests, but as someone in charge of ops, he would have to adjust to.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

PO1 ShranLahr ch'Verret[USS Challenger-A - Deck 8 - The Lounge]

Quote from: Buehler on January 02, 2023, 09:00:14 PM

[Lounge]Evan nodded sharply, first making his way over to the bar to reach behind the counter for the standard medkit that was usually placed there in case of emergencies such as allergic reactions or heated arguments. No sooner did he have the kit in hand than Commander Nira had redirected him elsewhere. The poor gentleman who had been punched would have to wait his turn to have his face seen to. Triage demanded that a more serious condition be resolved first. Kneeling down beside the patient, Evan cracked open the kit and pulled out the tricorder. The utter lack of movement and absent rise and fall of the chest already told him that the patient was clinically dead. His tricorder confirmed this, making it clear there was no shockable rhythm with which to bring the man back to life. Evan presented this information to the first officer, bobbing his head in agreement with her suppositions. "œI suspect it was digoxin," he told her, "œa slow acting poison, which means it could have been administered at any point within the last 30 minutes to 2 hours."

Quote from: Nira Said on January 02, 2023, 01:51:57 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | The Lounge | Deck Eight | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was worried. Despite the security, she wanted to make sure about Nirreen. In fact, the fact that Nirreen came quietly bothered her.

She found T'Lara among the crowd while Doctors Gong and Surith were taken to the bridge. "Commander," she told her, not caring momentarily about that it was the first time she saw her in a week, "can you handle things here, keep the crowd cool-tempered? I'm heading for the bridge."

She knew that T'Lara was the ranking officer after her, at least to be found. But she found Lahr, McNair, T'Prith, Savar and Buehler and told them the same thing and to help T'Lara soothe the crowd.

Quote from: T'Lara on January 02, 2023, 07:04:50 PM

[Lounge - Deck 8 - USS Challenger-A]

It seemed that this amiable meeting that was supposed to be solely about the studies of science had been infiltrated, and the resulting sabotage and nefarious deeds had everyone flustered. T'Lara, calm as ever, observed the behaviors of the individuals around her and immediately wanted to be rid of it all. Taking out her PADD, she began typing a message to Randell offering advice on the sensor sweeps. She was about to finish the message by informing him that she would be there soon to assist, when she heard Nira talking to her. Turning, she detected a slight trace of annoyance on the XO's face underneath her calm, commanding faÁ§ade. The Vulcan paid it no mind however, as she received the order to remain in the lounge.

"Understood, Commander. Inform me if and when I am needed on the Bridge." She added the last part simply because it would not take long to subdue the crowd, and she knew there were other Challenger crewmembers here who were much better suited to the task. T'Lara could provide comfort in a pinch, but she didn't necessarily have the best bedside manner.

She already heard McNair putting forth his attempt, and Lahr was doing his best to secure the area. She simply followed suit. First she directed her message at the people to her immediate right and left, but as voice levels rose she soon discovered that her efforts were futile. With a short sigh, the science officer put her fingers to her lips and let out a shrill whistle. The room fell silent.

"Attention, all of you. No one is in any danger, and the situation is handled. The Bridge crew of this vessel are well trained for events such as the one we are currently involved in. There is no need to panic. I will ask that every one of you stay in this room until further notice. If you need assistance, please address a Challenger crewmember, and they will be able to grant your request," she looked out at the crowd and raised her hand, indicating for the Challenger officers and ensigns to do the same and identify themselves.

"Additional food and drink are available from the replicators, so please help yourselves. I will update you all on the proceedings as I receive news of them, but I repeat: you are all safe here." She gave a perfunctory nod in lieu of a verbal dismissal, and awaited the barrage of voices she knew would be making their way towards her. Words could only do so much when panic had already settled its roots, and since her announcement had next to no details in it they would do even less. She toyed with the idea of holding a meditation/yoga session; at least then there would be even a chance of gaining some level of calm...

Lahr secured the Lounge door after Nirreen's escort left then turned his attention the Vulcan commander after she whistled for attention.  Her words of reassurance were... less than reassuring at least in Lahr's opinion.  Someone had just died in their midst from a heart attack, and the Doval had just been fired on and destroyed.  Nothing about this scenario seemed like the officers had any clue what was going on.

When prompted to self-identify as a crewmember, Lahr raised his hand and almost immediately got swarmed by a 'department' of Romulan scientists.  This bunch had been near the body when examined so their questions to Lahr were a bit less easy to answer.

"What happened Dr. Sunik? Was it a heart attack?"
"I overheard their doctor say it was poison."
"Poison!? What about the rest of us?  What if we were poisoned too?"

The clamoring amongst that group rose and Lahr could understand why.   He waved over McNair to watch the door since most of the security team had left with the prisoner escort.   "I'll be right back.  Am gonna see if the doctor can do a scan of the other to help settle them." he informed Buck quietly.

The Andorian hurried through the crowd until he found the new doctor at the Commander's side.

Quote from: Buehler on January 02, 2023, 09:00:14 PM

Evan jerked at the sound of a whistle. With all heads turned in one direction, it was easy to find the source. Briefly bowing his head over the deceased, he murmured, "œEs ist hart zu leben; aber hÁ¤rter ist es noch zu sterben. Gott sei mit Ihnen." Rising to his feet, he made his way over to the Vulcan officer. "œI'm Doctor Buehler, the new medical officer," he told her. "œWe will need to move the body to the morgue, but is there anything else I can do to help?"

The Andorian, still dressed in his tuxedo answered for the Commander.  "Sure is, Doc.  We got a bunch of folks that are concerned they are next on the assassin's hit list.  Think you can do a scan of each for whatever poison killed the Romulan?  It'll help settle them down some....maybe keep them from rioting.  After that, if you need someone to take the body to the morgue, I'm sure McNair or T'Prith from Ops can arrange for that."
Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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