S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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Quote from: Lina Knight on June 19, 2023, 09:42:56 PM

Lina's ears flick hearing the ships ai speak up "ah, hyperion was it? my research is going alright I suppose, nothing too important of note. That's not to say learning more of different fauna and flora of all worlds isn't a good idea. just it's nothing ground breaking in our learning."

[Science Lab - USS Challenger]

As Hyperion's face was immobile, he could not use expressions. He could however modulate his voice and that was the only way he could express what passed for emotions.

"Science is a comprehensive field of study. To truly understand any element of science takes decades. As each sub-section of science is always adding data, one must devote many hours to staying current on any topic. My specialties of study are astrometrics, astronomy, and cosmology. I have amassed eighty gigaquads of data over the 250 years of my existence. What is it you endeavor to learn?"

Lina Knight

Lina felt herself deflate a bit hearing all the grand stuff that Hyperion has done in the pursuit of science, though being an advanced AI that could calculate much faster than a human in a nanosecond it wasn't a surprise. she thought on Hyperion's question a bit as she wondered herself about what drove her. "well, I guess since I was just a kit science always intrigued me, especially being a bit of a scientific anomaly myself. a human caitian hybrid isn't very common after all. so I wanted to learn more about how the various biomes of planets and systems worked. and the various stories the different life of each can teach us. there's still so much we don't know about the vast universe that could change everything we know about science." she smiled a bit as she studied a micro organism under a microscope a bit before adding a solution which caused it to become moldy and colorful

                   Female half-Caitian


Quote from: Lina Knight on June 20, 2023, 05:34:19 PM

Lina felt herself deflate a bit hearing all the grand stuff that Hyperion has done in the pursuit of science, though being an advanced AI that could calculate much faster than a human in a nanosecond it wasn't a surprise. she thought on Hyperion's question a bit as she wondered herself about what drove her. "well, I guess since I was just a kit science always intrigued me, especially being a bit of a scientific anomaly myself. a human caitian hybrid isn't very common after all. so I wanted to learn more about how the various biomes of planets and systems worked. and the various stories the different life of each can teach us. there's still so much we don't know about the vast universe that could change everything we know about science." she smiled a bit as she studied a micro organism under a microscope a bit before adding a solution which caused it to become moldy and colorful

[Science Lab]

Hyperion's expression remained fixed as he processed Lina's answer before replying.

"The goal you seek will exceed your lifespan by several orders of magnitude. It remains however, a topic worth studying, especially given the wide range of biological species you will encounter will serving on Challenger. I have logged many new astrometric discoveries since my rescue from the nebula I was trapped in. Hopefully, you will be able to avoid such a fate as mine."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir


[Lt. Ruth Siggurdsdottir - CSO Office 0ffice - Deck 4 >> Deck 7 Sickbay]

Having arrived about 45 seconds before the Challenger departed DS9, Ruth had barely had half a minute to herself.

Being away for a while from the ship always had it's disadvantages and for her, the main three were these:

Firstly, because she had really wanted to teach the extended lecture series 'Comparisons of Reman, Romulan and Vulcan Languages and their impacts within the Federation and Trade' back at the Academy, she had taken a demotion to Lieutenant since it was limited to that rank.  She wasn't so bothered about that, she was still the Chief of Science on the Challenger and that meant she was where she wanted to be and with Lahr... not that she'd seen him yet.

Secondly, the mountain of PADDs she had to read and sign off on... which also included the subject matter of the third 'issue'.

Thirdly, (and the reason for her not having done more than dumped her bag in her quarters, had a quick sonic shower even though she preferred 'wet' showers, and got a fresh uniform on, then sent a quick message to Ian to say that she'd made it... just!) was that her reading material on the shuttle from the Academy to DS9 had been the personnel files for some new faces on her staff.

Ruth prided herself on getting to know her staff and endeavouring to help them be the best version of themselves, but to do that she needed to know both their service backgrounds, and get to know them off duty where possible to know what made them 'tick'.

"So," she mused to herself, muttering out aloud. "...two new minions.." she looked around quickly and grinned to herself.  Anyone that knew her, knew that she was only 'superior' to her staff when rank and position was something which had to be observed, for example 'Bridge Decorum'.

Ensign Lina Knight seemed to be a bread and butter 'Earth' type physicist with mathematics thrown in for good measure "Well, that's good, when I can delegate maths it always pleases me!" she said still talking to herself out aloud, smiled and sent a quick message.

TO: Ens. L. Knight, Sciences, USS Challenger-A
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO, USS Challenger-A
Re: Getting to know you


Just checking in with everyone as I've not long got back to the ship.  I'd like to formally welcome you to the Challenger and get to know you a little better as I do with all newcomers to the Science family.  Would you be available sometime after your shift for about 30 mins or so, or sometime tomorrow during shift.

My door is always (metaphorically and literally, unless I'm having a private meeting with someone!) open.  Please drop by anytime, just give me a heads up so I can grab a fresh Ratkajino!

Regards, Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir.


The second new Ensign wasn't so cut and dried.  An Only?!  Well she knew Kyan MacKenzie from various Yuletide meetings on several stations, the twins were friends with her fellow CSO Hrafn Falleg's eldest Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, so the trio and their associates liked meeting up for pizzas and such when they all had shore leave together, and from serving with him on the Challenger.  But what was this?

She pushed at a tab heading on her PADD to read what looked to be a medical note. 'On a 72hr Psych hold?!' the CSO thought to herself, there's got to be more to it than this.

Ruth carefully read everything [OOC: Basically everything I read HERE ] and shrugged thinking there had to be more than the cut and dried to this, and the best way was to go to source.  Both the Ensign, the Ship's Counsellor and the CMO...all of whom were located in the Sickbay... or least she could leave messages for them there.

Grabbing herself a Ratkajino on route she took the turbolift to the Sickbay.

Ruth smiled as she exited the turbolift and spotted, through the Sickbay's glass, the shock of white hair, blue antennae and skin of her favourite person, beside the bed of what appeared to be a little girl. 'Thank Odin I read the file before coming up here!' she thought to herself.

Not seeing Jess or Evan around she walked over holding a finger to her lips to warn the Ensign in the bed to keep schtum so she could surprise Lahr.

"Rhooz!" she said suddenly and jokingly, just behind Lahr's ear, "If I'd had my axes on me you'd have been dead had you not been blue!" she winked at Melly in the bed giving her a warm smile.

"Don't worry Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, honestly that name is nearly as bad as mine...". Transferring the mug of Ratkajino to her left hand, she held out her right hand to introduce herself "Lt. Sigurdsdottir, Ruth... the Chief Science Officer on this here beauty of a ship, Chief Ch'Verret's partner and your boss!"  she quickly remembered what she had read in the file and thought the chi... no young woman... '"Ensign.." she was safe with that !!' she thought to herself.

She added "Oh it's ok, I'm just surprised to find Lahr here willingly and not covered in blood.  Sickbay isn't somewhere he visits normally unless he's half dead... these days at least!" she added, getting a little jab in at Lahr about his relationship with Chloe.  So far as she knew however, he'd been faithful to her ever since they'd got together after Will's death.

[OOC: Anything with Lahr/Melly will be conducted on the Holodeck as copying this there.  Responses to Lina/Ian/any medical staff etc who want to tag me will be answered here]

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Cargo Bay One | S.S. Abandon All Hope]


M'nia did indeed understand. She trusted Zhuk not to seriously hurt her but he had to make it look good. "Roowrr!" she said as he shoved her. It was all part of the act. "How dare you lay your hands on me! I am an ambasador!"


[Commander Nira Said | Cargo Bay One >- Bridge | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Cloten was certainly right about how it wasn't pretty. As she inspected the team, she told Savar in a whisper, "When we get back from this, Imzadi, we are having a good long shower."

Savar nodded. With his Vulcan sense of smell, he just kept wrinkling his nose like he was going to sneeze at any time. Nira then looked at Doctor Fellows and gave a reassuring nod. "It's okay, we won't be too long on this ship, Doctor," she said.

At the bridge, she looked on at the performance Zhuk and M'Nia gave, as did Mackenzie. They were playing their parts well. Now it was her turn to "perform."

"Then I advise you cooperate, Ambassador," said "Hubs," voice electronically amplified. "The same goes for you, boy. Don't try to make things worse for you than it already is."

"Otherwise, you could end up in a bit of trouble," said another Breen that Nira remembered was Belvedere. Oh, he was really good at being threatening.

'H'Riss' grinned wide over at Ensign M'nia's reaction to his own acting. Oh yeah. She already liked her, and now even more. To have someone who understood his craft made him extremely happy if the tail wagging behind him was any indication of it. Though of course, it was for only a few seconds, as he returned to his paper proper, fighting the urge to show how excited he was, especially as Nira and Beldevere too began to play along.

Yes. It was all coming together so, so nicely~


[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

Now that they were on the way, following the smuggling fleet, and the viewscreen deactivated, Nira removed her face section of the helmet so as to talk to Cloten. She gestured for Commanders tr'Lhoell, Belvedere and Sisko to do the same, and they conferred in a huddle surrounding Cloten.

"œOkay, we're on the way," she said. "œHow long do you estimate we'll be at our destination?"

"œThe Breen station," said Cloten, "œin the Panora system's Kuiper Belt, currently occupied by the Breen, currently focused on raids on Veloz Prime to soften for conquering, and popular home turf for Old Man Nehor Sherem"¦I got ears, don't I?"

"œAs long as your ears are used correctly," said Nira in a hard way. "œHow long until we get ther?"

"œThree days."

Nira actually stared, gobsmacked, at a loss of words for a moment, before she said in quiet menace, "œWhat?" One could swear the whole bridge could've gotten so cold, the only way it could've gotten colder would be if it was a room for an unsuited Breen.

"œYou heard me. Three days."

Rebecca looked on at the exchange and admired how Cloten wasn't so much as quailing under Nira's gaze, those black eyes bringing to mind cold dark pits. She could even see Belvedere shivering, actually looking nervous at Nira's expression. Father would've liked this officer, she thought, bearing to mind how people often were intimidated by Benjamin Sisko.

"œYou could explain why in Allah's name why we're proceeding that damn slowly," said Nira, her fury evident in her near hissing whisper.

Cloten shrugged and spoke. "œBear in mind, this is a fleet that's moving at the normal pacing of a typical trading fleet. That's because it's supposed to look like a trading fleet on the outside, so it has to move like that. Nobody will look twice at a normal-moving trading fleet, and the only way one would figure out where it's going would be if one was really paying attention. Like your ships. And Deep Space Nine, now. We're maintaining our usual pacing so we don't look suspicious to Starfleeters. And now, to Breen. And Dominion.

"œBesides, we're heading for the Badlands, after all," said Cloten with a placating gesture, holding his hands up. "œWe have to take things slowly. Warp speed limits and all."

The silence was so total, a pin could've been heard. Nira finally breathed out, albeit it was short and tempered like a bull's.

"œFine," said Nira. "œBut in our maintaining our disguises, we will be watching you. If we catch you and your crew doing anything to give us away"¦"

"œYou'll kill me?" said Cloten in an unimpressed forestalling deadpan, looking at Kyan as he said it, remembering his words.

"œNo, but we'll make sure you'll regret it," hissed Nira. "œWe might even impound your ship and haul it back to Daystrom ourselves."

Now that got a reaction out of Cloten. The only indication in his deadpanness was his widening eyes.

"œYou wouldn't dare," he said in a squeak trying to sound like a growl.

"œWe. Very. Much," said Nira, looking around at her comrades.

"œNow the question is, what the hell are we going to do in this craphole?" asked Rebecca.

"œDon't worry, I got a holodeck on this ship," said Cloten. "œYou can run your usual programs and crap, and we won't be watching. It may have one or two bugs, though, so let my engineers know if it starts crapping out or you end up facing random animal women or Vulcan Love Slave characters instead of the usual goons you expect to fight in your program."

"œWell, all the same, we'll have to notify our ships of our slow progress," said Nira. "œHmmm"¦I think we can send a disguised transmission to let them know of our slow progress, and then when we arrive, the boy," she added, nodding at Kyan, "œwill "˜escape,' of sorts, find a terminal and transmit a call for help."

"œThis has to be the best snow job that I've been a part of," said Cloten with a manic grin. "œAnd the irony is on where the Breen come from."

"œYou realize that both teams are going to hate the idea of staying here three days," said Rebecca. "œThey can hardly stand this ship for three minutes."

"œThe fleet's preparing to make the warp jump," the helmsman called.

"œMatch their course and speed," Cloten said. "œWarp 8.5 until we get to the Badlands."

And with that, the fleet entered warp. Nira turned to Commander tr'Lhoell and said, "œLooks like we have some bad news to break to our teams. And we'll have to arrange a schedule for how long each team drills in Cloten's holodeck."

"œAnd our services are at your disposal," added Cloten.

Nira curled her lips. She didn't want to know about the services he had in mind. She hated to think what was going to be on the menu when the next meal came.

"œCommanders," she whispered to tr'Lhoell and Rebecca (she still couldn't place a finger on Belvedere, something was off about him), "œLet's inform our ships. Now, just to make sure, do any of you know Morse Code?"

Zhuk took a deep breath as he prepared to arrive at the station, an ear focused over at the conversation Cloten and Nira were having. Three days of traveling. Ugh. He did not enjoy being confined within this vessel. Everything was so crude and crass and smelled really bad. Some of his initial energy was zapped almost instantly at the statement. He would have to endure this travel, and he was not that certain that he would be able to do it. But perhaps, if he focused on something else, time would go by faster.

He couldn't disagree with Cloten, though, as what he was saying was true. They had to keep a low profile. Oh, the price of keeping an act! That re-motivated him. His ear flicked over as he overheard something about 'bugs' on the Holodeck that had been lent for them to practice. He was especially interested in those 'animal women'. Vulcans were interesting, too. Something that he had been curious about ever since he had joined Starfleet was how similar Vulcan hormones were to Caitian ones. Hm.

Though maybe he should focus on the mission at hand. Yes.

If something odd happened, well. All the better, he supposed~.


Meanwhile, M'nia Whispering so only cloten could hear asked the captain, cloten, "OK so you're in on the plan but the rest of the crew? are they in the plan or do we need to keep up the act in front of them?" a genuine concern. She didn't want to screw up but she was still nervous. She wanted this to work. Zhuk was great! He knew exactly how to play it She was pretty sure she knew what to do and yeah she was eager to prove herself but so much was riding on this. She looked to Zhuk. He seemed to have it down. She remembered what he said. Just commit to the role and she'll be fine. She wasn't sure she trusted Cloten but  he knew what would happen if he double crossed them! She trusted Zhuk. He would protect her if need be.

He felt someone looking over at him, and he turned, finding M'nia. He offered her a nod, and a confident smile, puffing out his chest slightly. He imagined that perhaps she was too discouraged by staying three days in this heap. But he wanted to help her remain strong for the daunting task ahead.

The question was certainly interesting, though, and he waited patiently for the response of Cloten and Nira.


[Deej Cloten | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

"I wondered when you were going to bring that up," said Cloten. "And why Miss Said here is so willing...Most of the crew know as well as I do. And there aren't a lot of crew left on this ship, anyhow. With exception to a few promises I had to make, the promise of payment has bought their silence. How do the Ferengi put it? Greed is eternal?"

"He is right," said Nira, especially to the others. "Our being here, after all, plus a widespread sense of knowing. Nonetheless, some security precautions are on hand..."

She looked over at the heavily branded Galen Mal, who scowled from Tactical.

"Relax," said Cloten. "It didn't take much to promise him; any opportunity to go against Nehor Sherem is welcome to him, he's so determined for revenge. Any opportunity, hell, he'd do it for free. I mean, pick out a still-bloodthirsty Occupation-era Bajoran, ask who they hate most among Cardassians, point him in the right direction, and he'd make a beeline, Dominion, Badlands, fleet patrols, all of the above be damned."

Nira had to admit, she was a little bothered by the casual, if not excited, way Cloten put it out. All the better reason to watch him.

Zhuk's dichroic eye not currently covered by his eyepatch wandered over to find Galen Mal once more. He couldn't help but chuckle slightly. The Bajoran assassin only targeted Cardassians. He remembered him very well. He supposed he would be an asset to the mission. While he wasn't too fond of those that targeted Cardassians, he did suppose that this situation called for it.

An advantage they had over Gul Sherem and his mooks, he supposed. And what if he didn't return from the job? All the better, he supposed. Less scum in the universe.

He wondered whether to ask another question to Cloten himself, but truly, what he could ask? The thought of him asking him if it was believable that he was his previous character's brother went through his mind. 'T'Riss' and 'H'Riss' have been concocted after all to capitalize on what he saw as a success on his previous mission. Then again, perhaps it was a bit of a gamble to let him know exactly what was his train of thought.

He did not want him to know his tactics. Instead, he decided to ask something different.

"Considering that we shalt be busy within the confines of your... colorful vessel, esteemed Cloten, mayhaps you have something amongst your great vault of curiosities that could be lent, hm?" He got a little closer, though his serious expression had returned.

"Have you got any large, discarded weapons that could be imposing for me to employ within this mission? I would offer to repair it even, if it is non-functional."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Lina Knight

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 20, 2023, 06:04:46 PM

[Lt. Ruth Siggurdsdottir - CSO Office 0ffice - Deck 4 >> Deck 7 Sickbay]

Having arrived about 45 seconds before the Challenger departed DS9, Ruth had barely had half a minute to herself.

Being away for a while from the ship always had it's disadvantages and for her, the main three were these:

Firstly, because she had really wanted to teach the extended lecture series 'Comparisons of Reman, Romulan and Vulcan Languages and their impacts within the Federation and Trade' back at the Academy, she had taken a demotion to Lieutenant since it was limited to that rank.  She wasn't so bothered about that, she was still the Chief of Science on the Challenger and that meant she was where she wanted to be and with Lahr... not that she'd seen him yet.

Secondly, the mountain of PADDs she had to read and sign off on... which also included the subject matter of the third 'issue'.

Thirdly, (and the reason for her not having done more than dumped her bag in her quarters, had a quick sonic shower even though she preferred 'wet' showers, and got a fresh uniform on, then sent a quick message to Ian to say that she'd made it... just!) was that her reading material on the shuttle from the Academy to DS9 had been the personnel files for some new faces on her staff.

Ruth prided herself on getting to know her staff and endeavouring to help them be the best version of themselves, but to do that she needed to know both their service backgrounds, and get to know them off duty where possible to know what made them 'tick'.

"So," she mused to herself, muttering out aloud. "...two new minions.." she looked around quickly and grinned to herself.  Anyone that knew her, knew that she was only 'superior' to her staff when rank and position was something which had to be observed, for example 'Bridge Decorum'.

Ensign Lina Knight seemed to be a bread and butter 'Earth' type physicist with mathematics thrown in for good measure "Well, that's good, when I can delegate maths it always pleases me!" she said still talking to herself out aloud, smiled and sent a quick message.

TO: Ens. L. Knight, Sciences, USS Challenger-A
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO, USS Challenger-A
Re: Getting to know you


Just checking in with everyone as I've not long got back to the ship.  I'd like to formally welcome you to the Challenger and get to know you a little better as I do with all newcomers to the Science family.  Would you be available sometime after your shift for about 30 mins or so, or sometime tomorrow during shift.

My door is always (metaphorically and literally, unless I'm having a private meeting with someone!) open.  Please drop by anytime, just give me a heads up so I can grab a fresh Ratkajino!

Regards, Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir.


The second new Ensign wasn't so cut and dried.  An Only?!  Well she knew Kyan MacKenzie from various Yuletide meetings on several stations, the twins were friends with her fellow CSO Hrafn Falleg's eldest Ruthie Falleg-Tekin, so the trio and their associates liked meeting up for pizzas and such when they all had shore leave together, and from serving with him on the Challenger.  But what was this?

She pushed at a tab heading on her PADD to read what looked to be a medical note. 'On a 72hr Psych hold?!' the CSO thought to herself, there's got to be more to it than this.

Ruth carefully read everything [OOC: Basically everything I read HERE ] and shrugged thinking there had to be more than the cut and dried to this, and the best way was to go to source.  Both the Ensign, the Ship's Counsellor and the CMO...all of whom were located in the Sickbay... or least she could leave messages for them there.

Grabbing herself a Ratkajino on route she took the turbolift to the Sickbay.

Ruth smiled as she exited the turbolift and spotted, through the Sickbay's glass, the shock of white hair, blue antennae and skin of her favourite person, beside the bed of what appeared to be a little girl. 'Thank Odin I read the file before coming up here!' she thought to herself.

Not seeing Jess or Evan around she walked over holding a finger to her lips to warn the Ensign in the bed to keep schtum so she could surprise Lahr.

"Rhooz!" she said suddenly and jokingly, just behind Lahr's ear, "If I'd had my axes on me you'd have been dead had you not been blue!" she winked at Melly in the bed giving her a warm smile.

"Don't worry Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, honestly that name is nearly as bad as mine...". Transferring the mug of Ratkajino to her left hand, she held out her right hand to introduce herself "Lt. Sigurdsdottir, Ruth... the Chief Science Officer on this here beauty of a ship, Chief Ch'Verret's partner and your boss!"  she quickly remembered what she had read in the file and thought the chi... no young woman... '"Ensign.." she was safe with that !!' she thought to herself.

She added "Oh it's ok, I'm just surprised to find Lahr here willingly and not covered in blood.  Sickbay isn't somewhere he visits normally unless he's half dead... these days at least!" she added, getting a little jab in at Lahr about his relationship with Chloe.  So far as she knew however, he'd been faithful to her ever since they'd got together after Will's death.

[OOC: Anything with Lahr/Melly will be conducted on the Holodeck as copying this there.  Responses to Lina/Ian/any medical staff etc who want to tag me will be answered here]

Lina nods softly at the kind albeit cold logic of hyperions words "thank you. that helps a bit weirdly." she'd check her messages seeing a ping surprised to see there's a new coworker. and apparently a vet of the ship at that as she texts 'I greatly appreciate the extention of good will. i hope we can get to know each other very well in our time together in the service of the Federation ma'am. I'll take that offer to always be welcome in your office to heart' she smiled softly sighing at the surprise and gets back to work
                   Female half-Caitian

Kyan Mackenzie

Quote from: Nira Said on June 19, 2023, 11:42:24 PM

"Actually, yeah, Baby-Face can have his own room," said Cloten, surprising Nira with his easily agreeing. "And he'll be perfectly fine. It's not a good idea to underestimate him, and the crew know about Baby-Face from Katra. Most of them," he added, nodding at Galen Mal.

Kyan always felt like a gangster from Earth's 1920s when Cloten called him "Baby Face". Although, given the fact that some of them had names like "Shorty" or "Bugsy" or "Fartsniffer Jones", he was satisfied with Cloten's moniker. Maybe someday he'd get a pinstriped suit and one of those little hats. Although, when it came to Earth's organized crime gangs, he liked the Yakuza more. At least they used swords. Finally, he glanced over at Galen Tal. The two made eye contact and the Onlie grinned and nodded at him. "Aye. We know each other from Katra so we do.
Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas

"Considering that we shalt be busy within the confines of your... colorful vessel, esteemed Cloten, mayhaps you have something amongst your great vault of curiosities that could be lent, hm?" He got a little closer, though his serious expression had returned.

"Have you got any large, discarded weapons that could be imposing for me to employ within this mission? I would offer to repair it even, if it is non-functional."

That was a good idea. Kyan had been impressed with the Caitian on the Challenger during the battle with Melok Nor, and it seemed he was full of good ideas. "Smart thinking! "Kyan offered. "Sure and it might be good to get some handheld weapons too, tae be carrying in, and if things go south ye can give em over tae everyone else who ain't got none goin in."

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

[Copied and trimmed from Holodeck post HERE]

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

Ruth giggled then her PADD pinged.  She held up one finger, and scanned the message.

Quote from:  Lina Knight

Lina nods softly at the kind albeit cold logic of hyperions words "thank you. that helps a bit weirdly." she'd check her messages seeing a ping surprised to see there's a new coworker. and apparently a vet of the ship at that as she texts 'I greatly appreciate the extention of good will. i hope we can get to know each other very well in our time together in the service of the Federation ma'am. I'll take that offer to always be welcome in your office to heart' she smiled softly sighing at the surprise and gets back to work

She nodded and said "That can wait until I'm done here,..."  she turned to Melly in the bed, glanced around, turned back to Melly and conspiratorially whispered, "You haven't seen this, but we don't want this gorgeous blue man to have droopy antennae do we, now?!"

[...sometime later in the conversation...]

"Anyhow, I'll check with the Captain, the CMO, Dr Buehler or anyone else who is going to want to know about this but, while it might be mundane work there is a lot of data stuff that needs well... it's test results, they need logged in the right places and a report of the findings typed up.  Reckon you're up for that?  Like I say I'll have to get it cleared with certain people but if you're anything like me, you're going to be..."

Her mind quickly amended the words 'fit to be caged' to what she did say eventually, thinking on her feet as a responsible DH, the girl had been enslaved, she may have been caged, she didn't want to put back any progress being made to Melly being free in her mind as well as her body.

"...ah bored to tears in here with nothing to do.  Or you can see it as 3 days off and I can bring you puzzles and games to play, get some of the other Science staff to come in and play cards, chat or whatever... or some mixture of the two?!  After all even on full duties you'd only be working an 8 hour shift!"

She tapped some buttons on her PADD, sending a message first to the Captain, copied to the CMO, Dr. Buehler and Ship's Counsellor, and then a second to Lina.

TO: Captain I. Galloway, CO. USS Challenger-A
cc. Lt. J. Fellows, CMO, Lt. E. Buehler - Medical, Lt. G. Mill - Counsellor

Re: Patient Ensign M. Pwllgwyngyll /72 hr psych hold.

I have, in my capacity as CSO been to visit Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, and welcome her to the Science Department.  From what I can see she is of sound mind (inasfar as I can determine from chatting with her) enough to carry out basic tasks like data inputting of test results.

Would this be permissible/advisable?  I am not seeking to break her from her 72 hour hold, or release her from the Sickbay, merely give her something useful to do while she is there.  I have also offered some puzzles, books and other activities she can do in bed, if this is OK.

I did advise her that I would have to check with yourselves first and thus have not committed myself to anything beyond 'asking' (and a personal promise to visit when I can do so, which I believe doesn't require more than permission from the orderly on duty.)

Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO


TO: Ensign L. Knight
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO
Re:  Meeting

Always a pleasure my dear.  I'm currently holed up in the Sickbay (visiting, don't worry!) Could you update me on what you are presently working on so I don't double you up on something  if you are already usefully employed.

Regards, Ruth


"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 03:03:51 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

She tapped some buttons on her PADD, sending a message first to the Captain, copied to the CMO, Dr. Buehler and Ship's Counsellor, and then a second to Lina.

TO: Captain I. Galloway, CO. USS Challenger-A
cc. Lt. J. Fellows, CMO, Lt. E. Buehler - Medical, Lt. G. Mill - Counsellor

Re: Patient Ensign M. Pwllgwyngyll /72 hr psych hold.

I have, in my capacity as CSO been to visit Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, and welcome her to the Science Department.  From what I can see she is of sound mind (inasfar as I can determine from chatting with her) enough to carry out basic tasks like data inputting of test results.

Would this be permissible/advisable?  I am not seeking to break her from her 72 hour hold, or release her from the Sickbay, merely give her something useful to do while she is there.  I have also offered some puzzles, books and other activities she can do in bed, if this is OK.

I did advise her that I would have to check with yourselves first and thus have not committed myself to anything beyond 'asking' (and a personal promise to visit when I can do so, which I believe doesn't require more than permission from the orderly on duty.)

Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO


TO: Ensign L. Knight
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO
Re:  Meeting

Always a pleasure my dear.  I'm currently holed up in the Sickbay (visiting, don't worry!) Could you update me on what you are presently working on so I don't double you up on something  if you are already usefully employed.

Regards, Ruth


[Captain's Ready Room - USS Challenger]

Ian noted the message he'd received and read through it quickly. He thought for no more than a moment before replying.

"She's in your division, so far as her doctor clears her to do work, I will defer to whatever you decide until she's completed her hold."

Ian hit send and returned to the datawork that seemed to multiply whenever he stopped working as it never seemed like he ever made any headway against the never ending pile.


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 20, 2023, 01:07:01 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's smile was warm as he replied, because he was always pleased to talk with a fellow pilot.

"Excellent Ensign. I've run many people through the Flyin' Tigers program, but I always especially happy ta have a helmsman take a try. I was helm myself and as I nae get ta fly much anymore since goin' down the command track, I use the program ta stay sharp. You see, unlike anything you've ever flown before, the P-40 Tomahawk is completely manual. She predates computers by 50 years, so you have ta truly fly one, because there's nae any assistance ta be had. I'll send you the file for you ta replicate the proper equipment and uniform. We'll meet at holodeck two at 2000."

They would listen with interest. ALl her ships she had been trained with were much more modern computers or information. Rin would have been interested to learn though and would nod. "That would be good to try it out. I will be there on time captain. As I am sure it will be nice to take a break even if it was for training." Even when she was talking to the captain her hands were on the consoles and her eyes were darting between the captain and the readouts with a quiet contemplation. "Before computers... deffinetly going to take some use to... don't blame me if I crash it the first few times." She would actually make a joke and have a smile as well.

Nira Said

First Officer's Log, 78166.22. After a long journey, and multiple drills where some random opponents on the holodeck look more like pleasure slaves and less like Jem'Hadar (and Cloten had better get that blasted thing fixed), we're on approach to the Panora system, what with the pace slowing down now that we are in the Badlands. It's imperative we keep our character, despite the impatience we have. We may have delayed too long. Even if Cloten's own crew are silent and loyalty bought, I'm still wary of the possibility that something is going to go wrong.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

"We've entered visual range," Galen Mal called from his own console.

"On screen," said Cloten casually. "And maximum magnification."

The Breen station appeared, highlighted by the Badlands in the background, which, here, seemed to unusually look like the power of gasoline fire rather than typical flames as most of the Badlands do.

"Impressive, ain't it?" said Cloten. "The Breen Dreadnaughts share the same design, only this thing's a load bigger..."

"...Except for one problem," said Nira. "Where the hell is Melek Nor?"

True enough, the station operated by the Cardassian head spook turned pirate wasn't there. It wasn't floating anywhere.

"Must be out for a raid," said Cloten with a shrug. "Get on your disguises, y'all."

Nira looked back at the other officers. Rayek, Belvedere and Sisko had their disguises put on, and Zhuk had brought back up M'Nia. Kyan was waiting for the right cue...

Once their helmets were on, Cloten ordered a hail to the station. What came on was a Breen Thot and a Vorta, which certainly confirmed any Dominion involvement. The Thot wasn't Malgh; Nira recalled the battle "scars" and whatnot. He looked instead to be just a generic Breen Thot. Having never seen a Vorta before except on files, it unnerved Nira how much like a Vulcan a Vorta can look. He had the hair, and the tips of the ears were pointed, but under the ears, the comparison ended. The ears certainly looked like gills under the pointed tips, and there seemed to be a purple poisonous visage about him. Even the eyes were purple.

"Welcome back to Panora, Misster Cloten," said the Vorta smoothly and silkily, talking so much like an oily-voiced snake, Nira half expected the Vorta flick a forked tongue from his lips. Nira could definitely here the impediment in the Vorta's voice that sounded disturbingly like a slight hiss.

"Pleasure's all mine, Mister Neyos," said Cloten. "Where's the old man?"

"Gul Sherem is currently occupied with a raid on Qu'Vat," Neyos said. "A bit of vengeance he wanted to inflict on the Klingons for the attacks that prompted Dukat to turn to us. At the same time, he's using it to also make fun at the Klingons by informing them that by zipping back from one quadrant to another, he's virtually untouchable."

Under her helmet, Nira frowned. She had wondered if, by attacking with a transwarp-rigged station, Old Man Sherem was going to taunt the Klingons with that. She was sure he was going to provoke them into going all the way to the Badlands, and thus he'd pick them off if a fleet tried to make their way. Cloten seemed to think the same way, hence his next words.

"Klingons?" asked Cloten. "He's back to raiding Klingons?"

"He hasn't just been attacking around Federation boundaries," Neyos said. "He likes to head to Klingon space now and again. He doesn't raid too frequently, just to keep the Klingons jumpy. And, as I said, he's taking revenge on the Klingons."

"Fine," Cloten said. "Anyway, we have the merchandise you wanted. And we even have ourselves a bonus or two."

His grin widened as he gestured to Zhuk and M'Nia, the latter roughly bringing her forward.

"Meet H'riss, and his 'friend,' one Ambassador R'Naia," said Cloten as smoothly as Neyos. "She's got a lot of information you'd like very much to know. Ship and fleet positions for Federation ships around the border, and it's something I think the Old Man would like."

"Perhaps we'd like it, too?" asked Neyos, raising an eyebrow.

"Correct. And the fact that he had a whole bunch of Breen to back him up," he added, gesturing to "Hubs" and the other Breen behind him, "it's a big matter, an important find. Plus, we have a little insurance to go with it, as an additional bonus," said Cloten, using his signal word. "And his name is..."

Right on cue, a Nausicaan appeared on the bridge, hauling a cursing Kyan playing the part of angry whinging boy held hostage.

"Boss! Kid got loose!" he snarled. "We found him calling his father! He's telling us where we've gone!"

"What?!?" said Cloten. "You should've kept a better guard! But it won't matter, he's too late!"

"What in Founders' name are you...?" asked Neyos, but then Galen called out from the console.

"Federation ship detected incoming!" he said. "It's the Valiant! Two other Federation ships are following some light-years behind that ship!... Boss, Captain Vaughn's demanding his son back!"

"That boy is Ulysses Vaughn's son?" asked Neyos in surprise.

"Like Cloten said, insurance," said Nira as "Hubs." "A Captain's son guarantees we're left well enough alone when we met up with Cloten. We weren't expecting the boy to take matters into his own hands."

"Then Captain Vaughn is going to be in for a surprise," said Neyos in a pleasantly homicidal voice. "Send some attack ships against the Valiant. As for the other two incoming ships, send a trio of cruisers against them."

That didn't sound good to Nira. She kept her body language neutral, but she was worried about the Challenger and the Discovery.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 21, 2023, 06:56:29 PM

They would listen with interest. ALl her ships she had been trained with were much more modern computers or information. Rin would have been interested to learn though and would nod. "That would be good to try it out. I will be there on time captain. As I am sure it will be nice to take a break even if it was for training." Even when she was talking to the captain her hands were on the consoles and her eyes were darting between the captain and the readouts with a quiet contemplation. "Before computers... deffinetly going to take some use to... don't blame me if I crash it the first few times." She would actually make a joke and have a smile as well.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian chuckled at Rin's response, as it showed she was self aware to know she didn't know everything. Pilot's were notorious for thinking they owned the sky.

"If'n you do crash, you wouldn't be the first ta do so. More people do than don't. I'm quite proud ta say I've never pranged a Tomahawk. I've had some horrible landin's and come back shot up pretty badly, but never crashed one.

"I've only been shot down once, but that was in a Blenheim bomber durin' a Battle of Britain scenario. Totally different part of the same war. I look forward to some stick time, who appreciates flyin' in its purest form."


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 21, 2023, 09:22:17 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian chuckled at Rin's response, as it showed she was self aware to know she didn't know everything. Pilot's were notorious for thinking they owned the sky.

"If'n you do crash, you wouldn't be the first ta do so. More people do than don't. I'm quite proud ta say I've never pranged a Tomahawk. I've had some horrible landin's and come back shot up pretty badly, but never crashed one.

"I've only been shot down once, but that was in a Blenheim bomber durin' a Battle of Britain scenario. Totally different part of the same war. I look forward to some stick time, who appreciates flyin' in its purest form."

[Ensign Rin Amaya- Flight deck]

She would give them a chuckle a  bit impressed by the captains skill. However at least they were understanding that she might not be an expert. However this war must have been a facination for the man. It was probably an Earthen war that she hadn't learnt about before or didn't have time to read about. Maybe one day she would chat to him more about the war and learn more about the world that he had left. For her her life was peaceful and sweet. Living with her family and relaxing enjoying her training. Well maybe not the first two. However her flight training was a lot less stressful. "Well we'll have to see and find out when we get the chance. It must mean a lot to you that battle or that war because you made a holodeck based on it. That or you're quite the historian."

Lina Knight

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 21, 2023, 03:03:51 PM

[Copied and trimmed from Holodeck post HERE]

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Sickbay - Deck 7]

Ruth giggled then her PADD pinged.  She held up one finger, and scanned the message.

She nodded and said "That can wait until I'm done here,..."  she turned to Melly in the bed, glanced around, turned back to Melly and conspiratorially whispered, "You haven't seen this, but we don't want this gorgeous blue man to have droopy antennae do we, now?!"

[...sometime later in the conversation...]

"Anyhow, I'll check with the Captain, the CMO, Dr Buehler or anyone else who is going to want to know about this but, while it might be mundane work there is a lot of data stuff that needs well... it's test results, they need logged in the right places and a report of the findings typed up.  Reckon you're up for that?  Like I say I'll have to get it cleared with certain people but if you're anything like me, you're going to be..."

Her mind quickly amended the words 'fit to be caged' to what she did say eventually, thinking on her feet as a responsible DH, the girl had been enslaved, she may have been caged, she didn't want to put back any progress being made to Melly being free in her mind as well as her body.

"...ah bored to tears in here with nothing to do.  Or you can see it as 3 days off and I can bring you puzzles and games to play, get some of the other Science staff to come in and play cards, chat or whatever... or some mixture of the two?!  After all even on full duties you'd only be working an 8 hour shift!"

She tapped some buttons on her PADD, sending a message first to the Captain, copied to the CMO, Dr. Buehler and Ship's Counsellor, and then a second to Lina.

TO: Captain I. Galloway, CO. USS Challenger-A
cc. Lt. J. Fellows, CMO, Lt. E. Buehler - Medical, Lt. G. Mill - Counsellor

Re: Patient Ensign M. Pwllgwyngyll /72 hr psych hold.

I have, in my capacity as CSO been to visit Ensign Pwllgwyngyll, and welcome her to the Science Department.  From what I can see she is of sound mind (inasfar as I can determine from chatting with her) enough to carry out basic tasks like data inputting of test results.

Would this be permissible/advisable?  I am not seeking to break her from her 72 hour hold, or release her from the Sickbay, merely give her something useful to do while she is there.  I have also offered some puzzles, books and other activities she can do in bed, if this is OK.

I did advise her that I would have to check with yourselves first and thus have not committed myself to anything beyond 'asking' (and a personal promise to visit when I can do so, which I believe doesn't require more than permission from the orderly on duty.)

Please advise at your earliest convenience.

Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO


TO: Ensign L. Knight
FROM: Lt. R. Sigurdsdottir, CSO
Re:  Meeting

Always a pleasure my dear.  I'm currently holed up in the Sickbay (visiting, don't worry!) Could you update me on what you are presently working on so I don't double you up on something  if you are already usefully employed.

Regards, Ruth


Lina smiled feeling a little better knowing her commanding officer was nicer than the cold hard logic of the AI. sending a message back 'I look forward to meeting you ma'am, I do hope we'll get along well.' she sighs before doing more tasks having a new skip to her step feeling a bit happier now that she didn't have to think about the demoralizing words of Hyperion
                   Female half-Caitian

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 21, 2023, 10:29:55 PM

[Ensign Rin Amaya- Flight deck]

She would give them a chuckle a  bit impressed by the captains skill. However at least they were understanding that she might not be an expert. However this war must have been a facination for the man. It was probably an Earthen war that she hadn't learnt about before or didn't have time to read about. Maybe one day she would chat to him more about the war and learn more about the world that he had left. For her her life was peaceful and sweet. Living with her family and relaxing enjoying her training. Well maybe not the first two. However her flight training was a lot less stressful. "Well we'll have to see and find out when we get the chance. It must mean a lot to you that battle or that war because you made a holodeck based on it. That or you're quite the historian."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian had to think about his response to Rin's statement about the importance of the war to him. He'd never thought of it in those terms before and he had to reflect for a moment to be able to reply.

"Well Ensign, I can't say the war has personal importance ta me directly. I've always had a draw ta that era since I was a wee bairn and I cannae say why. I've been fascinated by flight for as long and there was just summat about the planes of that time that caught my imagination.

"The planes may have been the lure, but once I started ta study that time, from 1930 ta 1945, I was consumed. It was a very turbulent time and, while no scholar, I believe I'm fairly well versed in the era."

Three days later.

The Challenger had dropped out of warp and could see the Breen station on sensors. It was time for the 'show' of pursuing Cloten's ship. The long wait was over, it was time for action.

"Red Alert. Battlestations. Raise Point of Impact Shields. Helm, full impulse. Attack pattern Gamma Two ta starboard. T'Kel, full load on the photons, we have ta make this look real, but perhaps be a wee bit off target for once. I'm sure'n the away team will appreciate that."

At that point, the Challenger drove a straight course on Cloten's ship, firing four torpedoes at maximum range. At 250,000 km distance from the target, she executed a one quarter-roll and dove hard off the galactic plane. Once 50,000 km below the plane, she banked back to port as she circled to fly around to Cloten's flank firing a pair of phasers as she closed. Thanks to T'Kel's excellence marksmanship, Cloten's ship was rocked by four near misses by the photons, but taking two solid phaser hits on her starboard shields.

🡱 🡳

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