S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 22, 2023, 10:44:23 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian had to think about his response to Rin's statement about the importance of the war to him. He'd never thought of it in those terms before and he had to reflect for a moment to be able to reply.

"Well Ensign, I can't say the war has personal importance ta me directly. I've always had a draw ta that era since I was a wee bairn and I cannae say why. I've been fascinated by flight for as long and there was just summat about the planes of that time that caught my imagination.

"The planes may have been the lure, but once I started ta study that time, from 1930 ta 1945, I was consumed. It was a very turbulent time and, while no scholar, I believe I'm fairly well versed in the era."

Three days later.

The Challenger had dropped out of warp and could see the Breen station on sensors. It was time for the 'show' of pursuing Cloten's ship. The long wait was over, it was time for action.

"Red Alert. Battlestations. Raise Point of Impact Shields. Helm, full impulse. Attack pattern Gamma Two ta starboard. T'Kel, full load on the photons, we have ta make this look real, but perhaps be a wee bit off target for once. I'm sure'n the away team will appreciate that."

At that point, the Challenger drove a straight course on Cloten's ship, firing four torpedoes at maximum range. At 250,000 km distance from the target, she executed a one quarter-roll and dove hard off the galactic plane. Once 50,000 km below the plane, she banked back to port as she circled to fly around to Cloten's flank firing a pair of phasers as she closed. Thanks to T'Kel's excellence marksmanship, Cloten's ship was rocked by four near misses by the photons, but taking two solid phaser hits on her starboard shields.

[Bridge - USS Challenger-Three days ago]

RIn would think a little bit as they would seem to be interested with the captain. He was facinating to her learning more about them their facination with planes and flying machines of all different types. Hers was completely different. Her favourite thing was completely different to them. Mostly because of her mother teaching her at a young age at about alien plants and bugs. Which was the whole premise of her research. She couldn't blame the captain for being engrossed in something when they found it.
"Well I can't blame you... if it interests you it interests you. I am the same... like my sister loves learn about Alien alcohols and I love alien bugs and plant life... mostly because of my mother."

Three days later.

Rin would listen to their briefing as they would be used to this situation. This was exactly in the simulations. Keep the ship ready for all eventuallities. Monitor the ships movement in space and calculations running through her mind. Keeping a steady heading and making sure that all the systems were proper. "Keeping the planned distance and heading." She would report her hands on the controls knowing this was meant to be a show rather than an actual battle but to always expect the unexpected.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 21, 2023, 06:38:40 PM

[Captain's Ready Room - USS Challenger]

Ian noted the message he'd received and read through it quickly. He thought for no more than a moment before replying.

"She's in your division, so far as her doctor clears her to do work, I will defer to whatever you decide until she's completed her hold."

Ian hit send and returned to the datawork that seemed to multiply whenever he stopped working as it never seemed like he ever made any headway against the never ending pile.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

[3 days prior]

Ruth smiled, glad that Ian knew her well enough to trust her judgement and knowing she wouldn't go against the advice of the medical personnel.

She would set the Ensign to doing a jigsaw she wanted completed to put on the wall in her quarters... useful but not 'work' so keeping the right side of the docs!

She sent back a simple acknowledgement and continued engaging with those in Sickbay a while.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 22, 2023, 10:44:23 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Three days later.

The Challenger had dropped out of warp and could see the Breen station on sensors. It was time for the 'show' of pursuing Cloten's ship. The long wait was over, it was time for action.

"Red Alert. Battlestations. Raise Point of Impact Shields. Helm, full impulse. Attack pattern Gamma Two ta starboard. T'Kel, full load on the photons, we have ta make this look real, but perhaps be a wee bit off target for once. I'm sure'n the away team will appreciate that."

At that point, the Challenger drove a straight course on Cloten's ship, firing four torpedoes at maximum range. At 250,000 km distance from the target, she executed a one quarter-roll and dove hard off the galactic plane. Once 50,000 km below the plane, she banked back to port as she circled to fly around to Cloten's flank firing a pair of phasers as she closed. Thanks to T'Kel's excellence marksmanship, Cloten's ship was rocked by four near misses by the photons, but taking two solid phaser hits on her starboard shields.

[Corridor by Head, Deck 4 - USS Challenger-A]

[Present Day]

Coming out of the head (one too many cups of Ratkajino), Ruth felt the ship drop out of warp.  This was something she felt as much as she felt like she could almost feel the ship 'breathing'.  It was something that any pilot would say you get a 'feel' for the bird you're flying, and Ruth had started in the Flight Department.

"Aye, aye.  Well girl,.." she said patting the side of the corridor like the ship would respond to her, which in it's way it did, to both her when it was hers and now to Ian. "...it's go time!"

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than the lights in the corridor turned red and the klaxxon sounded.

"Least I had some kind of warning!" she muttered as she cursed mildly in Icelandic getting a smirk off a crewmember who might not have known what she said but knew enough that if the CSO was swearing in Icelandic, she wasn't happy about something.  The smirk dropped a little when he saw that she'd noticed.

Ruth bestowed a wry smile on the crewman, jerking her head towards the red lights as if to say 'bloody noise'.

"Computer, mute klaxxon in all Science labs.  Authorization Victor, Alpha, Lima, Kilo, India, Romeo, India, Echo, One, Three, Siggy." the CSO yelled over the klaxxon.

The noise stopped and she breathed a sigh of relief.  "That's better isn't it?!" she said to the crewman who winked, nodded his thanks and scuttled off.

Walking at double speed (it was unbecoming for an officer to run while on duty unless there was some actual seen danger) she hit her commbadge.

=/\=En route, Captain be there in 3, possibly less. Sigurdsdottir out =/\= she tapped to kill that message and then sent another.

=/\=Ensigns Knight and Pwllgwyngyll to to bridge, meet me there, I will assign others to take over any pressing tasks as necessary. =/\=

Melly was now out of her 72hr hold and had had a long chat with Ruth about decorum on the Bridge and such.  This would be a test as much for her as for Melly, as her reputation as CSO was also on the line. A million thoughts were going through her head as she entered the turbolift and ordered it to the bridge.


The doors swished open at the Bridge and she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"So, we're now playing 'Don't kill the away team but make it look good!' are we?!" she asked with a grin at Ian.  "I've got my two new Ensigns Knight and Pwllgwnngyll coming up so they get some battle and bridge experience, but if we need them elsewhere we can relocate them."

It was a subtle way for Ruth to let him know she was well aware that with Melly it might be a fight or flight, probably more the latter, but sometimes baby birds needed pushed out of the nest in order to fly.  She was putting her confidence in Melly, believing if she'd got through the Academy, she could get through a battle.

"What's our status? I'm mostly here to observe the Ensigns I'm going to see what they can do but I'm here to step in at a moment's notice should that be required."

She knew leaving it to Ensigns wasn't often the best policy but they had to get the experience in.  Sure she could monitor from her office or the Astrometrics lab, but for the first time, she had made an inward promise to Melly that she'd be there to metaphorically hold her hand so she didn't panic.  Some other time when there wasn't a battle she'd send the girl up on her own, maybe when Kyan was on duty there so she had a familiar face... by stages.

But now... they had to get through this, together.

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."



[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir, CSO - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

[3 days prior]

Ruth smiled, glad that Ian knew her well enough to trust her judgement and knowing she wouldn't go against the advice of the medical personnel.

She would set the Ensign to doing a jigsaw she wanted completed to put on the wall in her quarters... useful but not 'work' so keeping the right side of the docs!

She sent back a simple acknowledgement and continued engaging with those in Sickbay a while.

[Ensign Myne - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne was hard at work and humming as she diligantly did the puzzle. Her face was focused as she examined each piece and carefully made sure nothing was out of place. Even something this mundane she would work hard to complete. She had to make a good impression on her boss and all! She would have it done, and the PADD project in suitable time.


=/\=En route, Captain be there in 3, possibly less. Sigurdsdottir out =/\= she tapped to kill that message and then sent another.

=/\=Ensigns Knight and Pwllgwyngyll to to bridge, meet me there, I will assign others to take over any pressing tasks as necessary. =/\=

Melly was now out of her 72hr hold and had had a long chat with Ruth about decorum on the Bridge and such.  This would be a test as much for her as for Melly, as her reputation as CSO was also on the line. A million thoughts were going through her head as she entered the turbolift and ordered it to the bridge.


The doors swished open at the Bridge and she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

"So, we're now playing 'Don't kill the away team but make it look good!' are we?!" she asked with a grin at Ian.  "I've got my two new Ensigns Knight and Pwllgwnngyll coming up so they get some battle and bridge experience, but if we need them elsewhere we can relocate them."

It was a subtle way for Ruth to let him know she was well aware that with Melly it might be a fight or flight, probably more the latter, but sometimes baby birds needed pushed out of the nest in order to fly.  She was putting her confidence in Melly, believing if she'd got through the Academy, she could get through a battle.

"What's our status? I'm mostly here to observe the Ensigns I'm going to see what they can do but I'm here to step in at a moment's notice should that be required."

She knew leaving it to Ensigns wasn't often the best policy but they had to get the experience in.  Sure she could monitor from her office or the Astrometrics lab, but for the first time, she had made an inward promise to Melly that she'd be there to metaphorically hold her hand so she didn't panic.  Some other time when there wasn't a battle she'd send the girl up on her own, maybe when Kyan was on duty there so she had a familiar face... by stages.

But now... they had to get through this, together.

[Ensign Myne - Science Lab - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had the briefing from her new boss. The lady was most kind and encouraging as well as firm. She went over all the things that a Only might do that could upset someone like Captain Galloway. So she knew not to hop or skip or giggle.

She slowly entered the bridge sending a happy nod to her boss CSO Ruth before assuming the open science station 3. Before turning the chair she leaned down to find the movement lock so it would not spin as Big Brother taught her. Turning the chair she then locked it in place to crawl up onto the chair and begin preparations.

"Ensign Myne reporting for duty", she said aloud, still using her 'slave name'. Her hair was back in pigtails but they were not as bouncey as before. But otherwise she looked the same as before save a crinkle from something she wore to prevent issues do to panic. A small concession so to speak that would not interfeeer.

"Transwarp warning system scanning and activated. Will alert when the warning goes off. Also prepping the program for the gravity well image from the deflector incase. It will not interfeer with existing deflector activity.", she said firmly.

Then she whimpered hearing the joke about not killing Kyan but she focused back on her work. She was here to prove herself and she would.

Female Only

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


[Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas, posing as Mercenary H'Riss | Cargo Bay One | S.S. Abandon All Hope | Panora System - in the Kuiper Belt | Badlands]

Quote from: Nira Said on June 21, 2023, 09:18:31 PM

First Officer's Log, 78166.22. After a long journey, and multiple drills where some random opponents on the holodeck look more like pleasure slaves and less like Jem'Hadar (and Cloten had better get that blasted thing fixed), we're on approach to the Panora system, what with the pace slowing down now that we are in the Badlands. It's imperative we keep our character, despite the impatience we have. We may have delayed too long. Even if Cloten's own crew are silent and loyalty bought, I'm still wary of the possibility that something is going to go wrong.

[Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | S.S. Abandon-All-Hope]

"We've entered visual range," Galen Mal called from his own console.

"On screen," said Cloten casually. "And maximum magnification."

The Breen station appeared, highlighted by the Badlands in the background, which, here, seemed to unusually look like the power of gasoline fire rather than typical flames as most of the Badlands do.

"Impressive, ain't it?" said Cloten. "The Breen Dreadnaughts share the same design, only this thing's a load bigger..."

"...Except for one problem," said Nira. "Where the hell is Melek Nor?"

True enough, the station operated by the Cardassian head spook turned pirate wasn't there. It wasn't floating anywhere.

"Must be out for a raid," said Cloten with a shrug. "Get on your disguises, y'all."

Nira looked back at the other officers. Rayek, Belvedere and Sisko had their disguises put on, and Zhuk had brought back up M'Nia. Kyan was waiting for the right cue...

Once their helmets were on, Cloten ordered a hail to the station. What came on was a Breen Thot and a Vorta, which certainly confirmed any Dominion involvement. The Thot wasn't Malgh; Nira recalled the battle "scars" and whatnot. He looked instead to be just a generic Breen Thot. Having never seen a Vorta before except on files, it unnerved Nira how much like a Vulcan a Vorta can look. He had the hair, and the tips of the ears were pointed, but under the ears, the comparison ended. The ears certainly looked like gills under the pointed tips, and there seemed to be a purple poisonous visage about him. Even the eyes were purple.

"Welcome back to Panora, Misster Cloten," said the Vorta smoothly and silkily, talking so much like an oily-voiced snake, Nira half expected the Vorta flick a forked tongue from his lips. Nira could definitely here the impediment in the Vorta's voice that sounded disturbingly like a slight hiss.

"Pleasure's all mine, Mister Neyos," said Cloten. "Where's the old man?"

"Gul Sherem is currently occupied with a raid on Qu'Vat," Neyos said. "A bit of vengeance he wanted to inflict on the Klingons for the attacks that prompted Dukat to turn to us. At the same time, he's using it to also make fun at the Klingons by informing them that by zipping back from one quadrant to another, he's virtually untouchable."

Under her helmet, Nira frowned. She had wondered if, by attacking with a transwarp-rigged station, Old Man Sherem was going to taunt the Klingons with that. She was sure he was going to provoke them into going all the way to the Badlands, and thus he'd pick them off if a fleet tried to make their way. Cloten seemed to think the same way, hence his next words.

"Klingons?" asked Cloten. "He's back to raiding Klingons?"

"He hasn't just been attacking around Federation boundaries," Neyos said. "He likes to head to Klingon space now and again. He doesn't raid too frequently, just to keep the Klingons jumpy. And, as I said, he's taking revenge on the Klingons."

"Fine," Cloten said. "Anyway, we have the merchandise you wanted. And we even have ourselves a bonus or two."

His grin widened as he gestured to Zhuk and M'Nia, the latter roughly bringing her forward.

"Meet H'riss, and his 'friend,' one Ambassador R'Naia," said Cloten as smoothly as Neyos. "She's got a lot of information you'd like very much to know. Ship and fleet positions for Federation ships around the border, and it's something I think the Old Man would like."

"Perhaps we'd like it, too?" asked Neyos, raising an eyebrow.

"Correct. And the fact that he had a whole bunch of Breen to back him up," he added, gesturing to "Hubs" and the other Breen behind him, "it's a big matter, an important find. Plus, we have a little insurance to go with it, as an additional bonus," said Cloten, using his signal word. "And his name is..."

Right on cue, a Nausicaan appeared on the bridge, hauling a cursing Kyan playing the part of angry whinging boy held hostage.

"Boss! Kid got loose!" he snarled. "We found him calling his father! He's telling us where we've gone!"

"What?!?" said Cloten. "You should've kept a better guard! But it won't matter, he's too late!"

"What in Founders' name are you...?" asked Neyos, but then Galen called out from the console.

"Federation ship detected incoming!" he said. "It's the Valiant! Two other Federation ships are following some light-years behind that ship!... Boss, Captain Vaughn's demanding his son back!"

"That boy is Ulysses Vaughn's son?" asked Neyos in surprise.

"Like Cloten said, insurance," said Nira as "Hubs." "A Captain's son guarantees we're left well enough alone when we met up with Cloten. We weren't expecting the boy to take matters into his own hands."

"Then Captain Vaughn is going to be in for a surprise," said Neyos in a pleasantly homicidal voice. "Send some attack ships against the Valiant. As for the other two incoming ships, send a trio of cruisers against them."

That didn't sound good to Nira. She kept her body language neutral, but she was worried about the Challenger and the Discovery.

After three days of grueling training, with some pleasant sights every now and again within the holodeck, and difficult sleep due to the ship's conditions, Zhuk could finally see it""the Panora system's Kuiper Belt. And floating on the void of space, a juggernaut of Breen origin. Zhuk couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine as he approached, gently holding M'nia by the shoulder as he gazed at it through the bridge's main screen.

He was shocked by the sheer size and might of it, but at the same time, he was intrigued by it. By this moment, he had fully processed what had been said and realized that there was no Cardassian station here. This realization bothered him considerably, and he hoped that this would not end up catapulting the mission into failure. They would have to trust Cloten's word that it would return from its raids to Klingon space.

He got into character, offering a big smirk as he tightened his grip on M'nia's arm slightly. Just to show off. He waited for introductions to be done, and for himself to be properly referred to, before his grin widened, and he offered a respectful vow towards the Vorta and the Breen Thot that accompanied him.

"It is a pleasure to meet'cha, Mistah Neyos. But yes, I got'chu somethin' nice 'ere. Ain't that right, cutie?" He offered a cruel laugh as he pulled her forward, to show her off better, and to sell his character even further. He made a pause to let Cloten continue, changing his expression to an annoyed one as the disguised 'son of Ulises Vaughn' was brought forth by a Nausicaan.

"You kiddin'?! Them Federates are 'ere?!" Came the annoyed voice of 'H'Riss' after orders had been used to fight them and hunt them down by the Vorta. He let out an amused chuckle, though, as he rubbed a claw through her chin.

"Don't you worry none, pretteh theng. You're not goin' back with 'em. N' yer gonna sing like an Arcturian dog-bird soon enough, yes? Hehehe..."

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Lina Knight

Lina would be getting some food during her break between work when the alert happened, realizing quickly this wasn't a drill this time she quickly went to the bridge to meet up with her coworker and their commanding officer. She did her best to move with a purpose and haste without making any mistakes or getting in the way. She'd soon arrive at the bridge "ma'am Lina Night reporting. awaiting orders to work as needed." she said normal pep and eagerness gone replaced with a focused and ready soldier

                   Female half-Caitian

Kyan Mackenzie


:: S.S. Abandon All Hope | Bridge ::

Kyan made a point of offering meek resistance to the Nausicaan named Kejoligar who held him. He knew from their brief interactions before coming to the bridge that the man wasn't overly excited about helping Starfleet, which was just another reason to keep him within arm's reach.


"œThen Captain Vaughn is going to be in for a surprise." Said Neyos in a pleasantly homicidal voice. "œSend some attack ships against the Valiant. As for the other two incoming ships, send a trio of cruisers against them."

Kyan bristled at the mention of sending ships to attack his "œdad". "œThe Valiant is gonna destroy all your stupid attack ships!" Kyan blurted out, pulling away from his "œcaptor". Kejoligar hauled him back with a yank of his arm.

"œDon't you worry none, pretteh thing. You're not going back with "˜em. N' yer gonna sing like an Arcturian dog-bird soon enough, yes? Hehehe"¦"

"œLeave her alone!" Kyan yelled at Zhuk. "œYer gonna be sorry you ever messed with us you mangy, one eyed jerk!" Kejoligar replied by yanking on his arm again. The boy glared up at him defiantly "œGet off me ya grasshopper faced idjit!" Kyan demanded in his best "œAmerican-ish" accent as he squirmed and struggled against the Nausicaan that held his arm. "œJust wait til my dad gets done with those ships! Yer all gonna be screwed!"

"œKeep quiet boy." The Nausicaan growled, smacking him in the back of the head with an open hand. "œThe Vorta is going to see to your father."

He briefly saw stars, and almost forgot his role for a moment, turning to face the man. A Gaelic curse died on his lips and a stiff front kick was halted when the ship rocked violently from the Challenger's "œtoo close for comfort" torpedo misses and subsequent phaser shots. Kyan briefly made eye contact with the Nausicaan, who looked down at him with a smug "œWhat are going to do?" expression. So he decided to get into the part himself.

He gave the ne'er-do-well a cheeky grin as if to say "œTwo can play this game." Then he bit the arm with which the Nausicaan was holding his.

Surprised, he let go and cursed loudly. Kyan made use of the opportunity and bolted for the door. Nevermind that he didn't have anywhere to go. It was all a show anyway. He didn't make it far. Suddenly he was whiplashed back when the man grabbed the back of his shirt collar and yanked him back. The shirt ripped along the shoulder seam almost to the top of his left sleeve, but the Nausicaan was able to pull him back and grabbed him a little more forcefully by the arm again. Kyan thought he might hit him again, and made a show of flinching and covering up. But the Nausicaan didn't.

"œYou're not going anywhere boy!" he growled instead. "œAnd if you try anything else I'll tie you up."

Another goon piped up. "œMight be a good idea anyway."

While Kyan had no intention of letting himself get tied up, he wasn't in much of a position to DO anything about it. Luckily another phaser hit rocked the ship and the matter was dropped for more pressing concerns.

Ian Galloway

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian held tightly to the arms of the command chair as Ensign Amaya banked hard to port to come around for a second pass at the Abandon All Hope. T'Kel, was firing phasers as each array could bear, but never concentrating her fire enough to prevent from overloading the smuggler's shields.

It was at this moment the Vulcan spoke in her typical completely unflappable tone.

"Captain, three Breen cruisers approaching at full impulse on an intercept course. Bearing 147 Mark 20."

"Bloody Hell, that was fast. Hard to starboard. Evasive Pattern Omega 1! T'Kel, when we come out of the maneuver, your target is the lead cruiser. No more charades this time, hit them and gut them!"


As the Challenger went into the trademark steep dive of the Omega pattern, Ian hoped that their plan would hold up, because they were fully committed now.


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 22, 2023, 10:44:23 AM

Three days later.

The Challenger had dropped out of warp and could see the Breen station on sensors. It was time for the 'show' of pursuing Cloten's ship. The long wait was over, it was time for action.

"Red Alert. Battlestations. Raise Point of Impact Shields. Helm, full impulse. Attack pattern Gamma Two ta starboard. T'Kel, full load on the photons, we have ta make this look real, but perhaps be a wee bit off target for once. I'm sure'n the away team will appreciate that."

At that point, the Challenger drove a straight course on Cloten's ship, firing four torpedoes at maximum range. At 250,000 km distance from the target, she executed a one quarter-roll and dove hard off the galactic plane. Once 50,000 km below the plane, she banked back to port as she circled to fly around to Cloten's flank firing a pair of phasers as she closed. Thanks to T'Kel's excellence marksmanship, Cloten's ship was rocked by four near misses by the photons, but taking two solid phaser hits on her starboard shields.


With the ensign Melly successfully out of the 72 hour hold, sickbay was a lot quieter. She might not realize it, but the crew was already rather fond of her. It was only a matter of time before she saw the worth in herself that others could already see.

He was just finishing up the case notes when the klaxon of the red alert jarred him from his thoughts. Evan closed the file, bringing up a short to-do list he had written to stay organized during a red alert. Quickly working through each item, he got sickbay ready should any casualties come through.

There are no politics in medicine. Just try to save the idiots.



[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne was unsure of what would happen but she kept a grip on the chair allowing her to reach the panels. She was ready and watching the read outs to alert when a transwarp conduit opened. With a deep breath her eyes focused as she tried to not think about if Kyan might be hurt.

Then it happened.

Turning to the Captain, "Captain Galloway! Sensors just detected a transwarp conduit opening! It'll open in twenty seconds!"

She braced and wished she could have wrote the program to give longer, but she went from a five second window to a twenty. So that was progress. Now to be a strong girl and make everyone proud.

Female Only


Quote from: Kyan Mackenzie on June 23, 2023, 04:23:13 AM

:: S.S. Abandon All Hope | Bridge ::

Kyan made a point of offering meek resistance to the Nausicaan named Kejoligar who held him. He knew from their brief interactions before coming to the bridge that the man wasn't overly excited about helping Starfleet, which was just another reason to keep him within arm's reach.

Kyan bristled at the mention of sending ships to attack his "œdad". "œThe Valiant is gonna destroy all your stupid attack ships!" Kyan blurted out, pulling away from his "œcaptor". Kejoligar hauled him back with a yank of his arm.

"œLeave her alone!" Kyan yelled at Zhuk. "œYer gonna be sorry you ever messed with us you mangy, one eyed jerk!" Kejoligar replied by yanking on his arm again. The boy glared up at him defiantly "œGet off me ya grasshopper faced idjit!" Kyan demanded in his best "œAmerican-ish" accent as he squirmed and struggled against the Nausicaan that held his arm. "œJust wait til my dad gets done with those ships! Yer all gonna be screwed!"

"œKeep quiet boy." The Nausicaan growled, smacking him in the back of the head with an open hand. "œThe Vorta is going to see to your father."

He briefly saw stars, and almost forgot his role for a moment, turning to face the man. A Gaelic curse died on his lips and a stiff front kick was halted when the ship rocked violently from the Challenger's "œtoo close for comfort" torpedo misses and subsequent phaser shots. Kyan briefly made eye contact with the Nausicaan, who looked down at him with a smug "œWhat are going to do?" expression. So he decided to get into the part himself.

He gave the ne'er-do-well a cheeky grin as if to say "œTwo can play this game." Then he bit the arm with which the Nausicaan was holding his.

Surprised, he let go and cursed loudly. Kyan made use of the opportunity and bolted for the door. Nevermind that he didn't have anywhere to go. It was all a show anyway. He didn't make it far. Suddenly he was whiplashed back when the man grabbed the back of his shirt collar and yanked him back. The shirt ripped along the shoulder seam almost to the top of his left sleeve, but the Nausicaan was able to pull him back and grabbed him a little more forcefully by the arm again. Kyan thought he might hit him again, and made a show of flinching and covering up. But the Nausicaan didn't.

"œYou're not going anywhere boy!" he growled instead. "œAnd if you try anything else I'll tie you up."

Another goon piped up. "œMight be a good idea anyway."

While Kyan had no intention of letting himself get tied up, he wasn't in much of a position to DO anything about it. Luckily another phaser hit rocked the ship and the matter was dropped for more pressing concerns.

"Oh you guys are real brave! Picking on a little kid! And you H'riss are a disgrace to Caitians everywhere!" she looked over to Kyan, "you ok kiddo?" So far so good. Everyone was playing their part. Now if they cold convince the breen. She knew a lot was ridding on this. Zhuk was really hamming it up. She had to remember  not to smile. She wasn't supposed to be having fun. Still she would be glad when this is over. She really didn't like Nausicaans much but they really haven't given her much reason too. They had a bad reputation, a well earned bad reputation. As for the breen, well who knows! Easily one of the most mysterious races. not much was known about them!
Her tail flicked back and forth, more out of nervousness than anything else but they didn't need to know that. Still she would carry on and hope that it all worked out ok.

Lt JG. M'nia / Female Caitian

Lina Knight

Lina quickly got to work on her station making sure to not miss anything less it cause the end of all of them, high stress situations weren't fun but best not let it get the best of her before she braced for the warp from myne's alert careful not to miss anything still as scans were important and could mean a lot of different issues.

                   Female half-Caitian


Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 23, 2023, 12:16:55 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian held tightly to the arms of the command chair as Ensign Amaya banked hard to port to come around for a second pass at the Abandon All Hope. T'Kel, was firing phasers as each array could bear, but never concentrating her fire enough to prevent from overloading the smuggler's shields.

It was at this moment the Vulcan spoke in her typical completely unflappable tone.

"Captain, three Breen cruisers approaching at full impulse on an intercept course. Bearing 147 Mark 20."

"Bloody Hell, that was fast. Hard to starboard. Evasive Pattern Omega 1! T'Kel, when we come out of the maneuver, your target is the lead cruiser. No more charades this time, hit them and gut them!"


As the Challenger went into the trademark steep dive of the Omega pattern, Ian hoped that their plan would hold up, because they were fully committed now.

[Flight deck - Uss Challenger]

RIn would then smile on her face now this is what she was waiting for as she sat up and cricked her neck. Her body seeming to change from one that was rather meek and nervous trying to please the others to a bit more confident and skilled. This was her training a full battle as they would start to read the movements of the enemy ships. Of course she was planning on following the main heading that she had done before but now they had finally shown themselves. "Hold on tight everyone!" She would smile as they would follow the captains instructions to a T as she would be turning the ship with speed. Her thoughts would start to be completely focussed on the job at hand as she would be now completely focussed on piloting the ship as her breaths slowed. She was in the zone as they would go into the deep dive of the evasive maneuvers. "I'll be getting you all a good shot when I can."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on June 23, 2023, 07:19:12 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne was unsure of what would happen but she kept a grip on the chair allowing her to reach the panels. She was ready and watching the read outs to alert when a transwarp conduit opened. With a deep breath her eyes focused as she tried to not think about if Kyan might be hurt.

Then it happened.

Turning to the Captain, "Captain Galloway! Sensors just detected a transwarp conduit opening! It'll open in twenty seconds!"

She braced and wished she could have wrote the program to give longer, but she went from a five second window to a twenty. So that was progress. Now to be a strong girl and make everyone proud.

Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 24, 2023, 01:13:05 AM

[Flight deck - Uss Challenger]

RIn would then smile on her face now this is what she was waiting for as she sat up and cricked her neck. Her body seeming to change from one that was rather meek and nervous trying to please the others to a bit more confident and skilled. This was her training a full battle as they would start to read the movements of the enemy ships. Of course she was planning on following the main heading that she had done before but now they had finally shown themselves. "Hold on tight everyone!" She would smile as they would follow the captains instructions to a T as she would be turning the ship with speed. Her thoughts would start to be completely focussed on the job at hand as she would be now completely focussed on piloting the ship as her breaths slowed. She was in the zone as they would go into the deep dive of the evasive maneuvers. "I'll be getting you all a good shot when I can."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

At Mel's warning, Ian felt his stomach tighten, three Breen cruisers was fair game for the Challenger and the Discovery, the arrival of Sherem however, tipped the balance far beyond what the two ships could handle, even if Discovery went Multi-Vector. The Valiant was holding its own against the Attack Fighters, but it was clearly time to break off and let the away team take over from here.

"Bloody good Work Ensign Pwllgwyngyll. Helm hard over, make your course 95 mark 115. Evasive Pattern Alpha Three. T'Kel, shift ta coverin' fire, photons set for proximity detonation. Let's put a wall of interference between us and those cruisers! Fernando, hail the Discovery and Valiant. Warn them of Sherem and that we are breakin' off as planned."

Ian only half heard the "Aye Captains" from the crew as they acknowledged their orders as he plotted their escape in his head. They'd made the attack look pretty good with the starboard shields on the Abandon All Hope were down to just 15%. It was all they could do from the outside. The rest of the mission was in the hands of the away team.

Ruth Sigurdsdottir

Quote from: myne on June 22, 2023, 10:00:57 PM

[Ensign Myne - Sickbay, Deck 7 - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne was hard at work and humming as she diligantly did the puzzle. Her face was focused as she examined each piece and carefully made sure nothing was out of place. Even something this mundane she would work hard to complete. She had to make a good impression on her boss and all! She would have it done, and the PADD project in suitable time.

[Ensign Myne - Science Lab - USS Challenger-A]

Ensign Myne had the briefing from her new boss. The lady was most kind and encouraging as well as firm. She went over all the things that a Only might do that could upset someone like Captain Galloway. So she knew not to hop or skip or giggle.

She slowly entered the bridge sending a happy nod to her boss CSO Ruth before assuming the open science station 3. Before turning the chair she leaned down to find the movement lock so it would not spin as Big Brother taught her. Turning the chair she then locked it in place to crawl up onto the chair and begin preparations.

"Ensign Myne reporting for duty", she said aloud, still using her 'slave name'. Her hair was back in pigtails but they were not as bouncey as before. But otherwise she looked the same as before save a crinkle from something she wore to prevent issues do to panic. A small concession so to speak that would not interfeeer.

"Transwarp warning system scanning and activated. Will alert when the warning goes off. Also prepping the program for the gravity well image from the deflector incase. It will not interfeer with existing deflector activity.", she said firmly.

Then she whimpered hearing the joke about not killing Kyan but she focused back on her work. She was here to prove herself and she would.

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Bridge, Sciences 1 - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth nodded approvingly but briefly at Melly, giviing her a knowing look, but raising her eyebrows and chin a little at the 'slave name'.  It was something they were working on, but least the Ensign had reported correctly and had got on with her duties efficiently.  A slow smile went over her face and she turned to Ian and winked with a 'we have improvement!' kinda look.  It was something to smile about at least, despite the situation.  The diaper crackle she'd heard was a concession but, unless you knew, you wouldn't.

"Do we need your theme tune yet Captain?!" she asked with a wry smile.

She heard the slight whimper and spun back to check on Melly and under the console she patted the Ensign's leg near the knee and gave it a little squeeze of encouragement.  We'd all been there, when you weren't scared in a battle it was more frightening.  The trick was to channel the fear into focus and determination.

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 23, 2023, 02:52:27 AM

Lina would be getting some food during her break between work when the alert happened, realizing quickly this wasn't a drill this time she quickly went to the bridge to meet up with her coworker and their commanding officer. She did her best to move with a purpose and haste without making any mistakes or getting in the way. She'd soon arrive at the bridge "ma'am Lina Night reporting. awaiting orders to work as needed." she said normal pep and eagerness gone replaced with a focused and ready soldier

"Ah Ensign Knight, hi!" she smiled, "Unless Captain Galloway wishes you to do anything specific just do the basic Navigational Scans for now, they seem basic but they are essential."

As Department Head, Ruth was trying to be professional while friendly, more for Melly's benefit but from observing the half-Caitian Ensign in lab conditions she knew that Lina wasn't so chipper as she normally was, so guessed it was uncertainty and a little fear.  However, the girl was being efficient and she had no worries that she'd do her work well.  However, Ruth always worried for those under her direct supervision.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 23, 2023, 12:16:55 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian held tightly to the arms of the command chair as Ensign Amaya banked hard to port to come around for a second pass at the Abandon All Hope. T'Kel, was firing phasers as each array could bear, but never concentrating her fire enough to prevent from overloading the smuggler's shields.

It was at this moment the Vulcan spoke in her typical completely unflappable tone.

"Captain, three Breen cruisers approaching at full impulse on an intercept course. Bearing 147 Mark 20."

"Bloody Hell, that was fast. Hard to starboard. Evasive Pattern Omega 1! T'Kel, when we come out of the maneuver, your target is the lead cruiser. No more charades this time, hit them and gut them!"


As the Challenger went into the trademark steep dive of the Omega pattern, Ian hoped that their plan would hold up, because they were fully committed now.

The CSO fastened her lap strap, motioning to her Ensigns to do the same, quickly.  Being trained as a Fleet pilot as per her first posting, she was more than familiar with Evasive Pattern Omega 1.  She called it the 'Stuka Dive'... only thing missing was the screaming sound the Ju87s made, but she could imagine it in her brain. "Girls, quickly.  Had one too many concussions because I didn't fasten this!" she said wryly.  "Better safe than sorry."
Quote from: myne on June 23, 2023, 07:19:12 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ensign Myne was unsure of what would happen but she kept a grip on the chair allowing her to reach the panels. She was ready and watching the read outs to alert when a transwarp conduit opened. With a deep breath her eyes focused as she tried to not think about if Kyan might be hurt.

Then it happened.

Turning to the Captain, "Captain Galloway! Sensors just detected a transwarp conduit opening! It'll open in twenty seconds!"

She braced and wished she could have wrote the program to give longer, but she went from a five second window to a twenty. So that was progress. Now to be a strong girl and make everyone proud.

Quote from: Lina Knight on June 23, 2023, 09:51:29 PM

Lina quickly got to work on her station making sure to not miss anything less it cause the end of all of them, high stress situations weren't fun but best not let it get the best of her before she braced for the warp from myne's alert careful not to miss anything still as scans were important and could mean a lot of different issues.

Ruth didn't yet know the helmswoman but had to fight a grin coming to her face when the Trill Ensign cricked her neck.  'Oh, this one has fight in her!' she smiled inwardly.  She whispered to the girls either side of her "Hold on, this might get rough!"
Quote from: Rin Amaya on June 24, 2023, 01:13:05 AM

[Flight deck - Uss Challenger]

RIn would then smile on her face now this is what she was waiting for as she sat up and cricked her neck. Her body seeming to change from one that was rather meek and nervous trying to please the others to a bit more confident and skilled. This was her training a full battle as they would start to read the movements of the enemy ships. Of course she was planning on following the main heading that she had done before but now they had finally shown themselves. "Hold on tight everyone!" She would smile as they would follow the captains instructions to a T as she would be turning the ship with speed. Her thoughts would start to be completely focussed on the job at hand as she would be now completely focussed on piloting the ship as her breaths slowed. She was in the zone as they would go into the deep dive of the evasive maneuvers. "I'll be getting you all a good shot when I can."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on June 24, 2023, 07:50:50 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

At Mel's warning, Ian felt his stomach tighten, three Breen cruisers was fair game for the Challenger and the Discovery, the arrival of Sherem however, tipped the balance far beyond what the two ships could handle, even if Discovery went Multi-Vector. The Valiant was holding its own against the Attack Fighters, but it was clearly time to break off and let the away team take over from here.

"Bloody good Work Ensign Pwllgwyngyll. Helm hard over, make your course 95 mark 115. Evasive Pattern Alpha Three. T'Kel, shift ta coverin' fire, photons set for proximity detonation. Let's put a wall of interference between us and those cruisers! Fernando, hail the Discovery and Valiant. Warn them of Sherem and that we are breakin' off as planned."

Ian only half heard the "Aye Captains" from the crew as they acknowledged their orders as he plotted their escape in his head. They'd made the attack look pretty good with the starboard shields on the Abandon All Hope were down to just 15%. It was all they could do from the outside. The rest of the mission was in the hands of the away team.

"Seconded there Melly,.." she said the smile radiating from her face.  She dropped her voice conspiratorially.  "1 Jumja stick earned!"

She turned to Ian "Permission to liaise directly with Discovery CSO or whomever is on Bridge duty, so we can cover more ground and share info, as in they can have our telemetry and us theirs, rather than both doing the same thing!  We're in this together after all."

Ruth held on with one hand and put her hand on the back of Melly's chair as a precaution.
"Remind me to replicate you a booster seat and a folding box for Bridge duty when this is over, you can't bear down on your feet to brace, but a box with some traction on the bottom of it might help.  I'll get Engineering onto it.  No time now though."

While prepping stuff to send info over to the Discovery if needed and running some background scans (not least getting warp signatures of enemy ships to post into the database so they could trace them if anything went south here.)

"If I were human I believe my response would be "go to hell." If I were human."

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Ruth Sigurdsdottir on June 24, 2023, 01:24:54 PM

[Lt. Ruth Sigurdsdottir - Bridge, Sciences 1 - USS Challenger-A]

Ruth nodded approvingly but briefly at Melly, giviing her a knowing look, but raising her eyebrows and chin a little at the 'slave name'.  It was something they were working on, but least the Ensign had reported correctly and had got on with her duties efficiently.  A slow smile went over her face and she turned to Ian and winked with a 'we have improvement!' kinda look.  It was something to smile about at least, despite the situation.  The diaper crackle she'd heard was a concession but, unless you knew, you wouldn't.

"Do we need your theme tune yet Captain?!" she asked with a wry smile.

She heard the slight whimper and spun back to check on Melly and under the console she patted the Ensign's leg near the knee and gave it a little squeeze of encouragement.  We'd all been there, when you weren't scared in a battle it was more frightening.  The trick was to channel the fear into focus and determination.

"Ah Ensign Knight, hi!" she smiled, "Unless Captain Galloway wishes you to do anything specific just do the basic Navigational Scans for now, they seem basic but they are essential."

As Department Head, Ruth was trying to be professional while friendly, more for Melly's benefit but from observing the half-Caitian Ensign in lab conditions she knew that Lina wasn't so chipper as she normally was, so guessed it was uncertainty and a little fear.  However, the girl was being efficient and she had no worries that she'd do her work well.  However, Ruth always worried for those under her direct supervision.

The CSO fastened her lap strap, motioning to her Ensigns to do the same, quickly.  Being trained as a Fleet pilot as per her first posting, she was more than familiar with Evasive Pattern Omega 1.  She called it the 'Stuka Dive'... only thing missing was the screaming sound the Ju87s made, but she could imagine it in her brain. "Girls, quickly.  Had one too many concussions because I didn't fasten this!" she said wryly.  "Better safe than sorry."

Ruth didn't yet know the helmswoman but had to fight a grin coming to her face when the Trill Ensign cricked her neck.  'Oh, this one has fight in her!' she smiled inwardly.  She whispered to the girls either side of her "Hold on, this might get rough!"

"Seconded there Melly,.." she said the smile radiating from her face.  She dropped her voice conspiratorially.  "1 Jumja stick earned!"

She turned to Ian "Permission to liaise directly with Discovery CSO or whomever is on Bridge duty, so we can cover more ground and share info, as in they can have our telemetry and us theirs, rather than both doing the same thing!  We're in this together after all."

Ruth held on with one hand and put her hand on the back of Melly's chair as a precaution.
"Remind me to replicate you a booster seat and a folding box for Bridge duty when this is over, you can't bear down on your feet to brace, but a box with some traction on the bottom of it might help.  I'll get Engineering onto it.  No time now though."

While prepping stuff to send info over to the Discovery if needed and running some background scans (not least getting warp signatures of enemy ships to post into the database so they could trace them if anything went south here.)

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian's eyes never left his console display as he monitored the Challenger's as well as the other ship's movement and distance. He spoke in firm tones as he continued to assess the situation.

"Tis nae the time for battle music. This is all a show and I'll nae sully 'Scotland the Brave' while retreatin'. When we're about ta enter a real fight, I'll have it piped shipwide."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

Star Trek and all related marks, logos and characters are solely owned by CBS Studios Inc. This fan production is not endorsed by, sponsored by, nor affiliated with CBS, Paramount Pictures, or any other Star Trek franchise, and is a non-commercial fan-made production intended for recreational use. No commercial exhibition or distribution is permitted. No alleged independent rights will be asserted against CBS or Paramount Pictures.