S:5 E:13 - Dominion Rising Part 2

Started by Nira Said, June 27, 2023, 10:03:01 PM

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Ian Galloway


[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"We are at station keeping, one thousand kilometers from the station Sir."

Lieutenant Espada at helm announced.

"Very good Hector. Thank you for the smooth ride."

Ian then tapped the record function on the command chair.

"Captain's Log, Stardate 78190.7. Challenger has just arrived at Deep Space Nine after the escortin' the heavily damaged USS Discovery ta the station. We were fortunate durin' the Battle of the Badlands as the confrontation with the remnant Dominion forces is bein' called. We sustained no damage and only minor injuries. The same cannae be said about our away team. While there were no fatalities, every member came back wounded ta one degree or another. However, none of the injuries were critical and all have returned to duty durin' the week at warp six it took ta reach the station.

"We have two days at the station ta take on supplies, rotate personnel, and for a wee bit of shore leave before we head out on the long trip ta the Romulan border. While this new assignment is nae the most plum task possible, we've established such a presence on the Romulan border that it will almost feel like we're goin' home. Odd how a body can get used ta the most unusual of circumstances. End log."

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 10, 2023, 10:59:42 AM

[Captain's Ready Room - USS Challenger]

As Gillespie spoke, Ian remained silent. His eyes flashed when Nira spoke out of turn, but other than that, he presented the very image of the 'position of parade rest' as Gillespie shouted and announced his punishment. When the admiral finished speaking, Ian replied with a terse.

"Aye Sir, the upgrades will be done immediately."

This seemed to mollify Gillespie enough that he left the ready room with just a gruff.

"See that ye do."

Once the door closed, Ian relaxed from parade rest, but then fixed a hard stare at Nira.

"Commander. You are goin' ta have ta learn when you are in a two way conversation and when you are not. It wasn't your place ta speak ta the admiral that way. We were the ones on the carpet, nae him. At times like that meetin', you're only response ta anything he says is 'Aye Sir'.

"Now, we will be installin' this idiotic program of theirs because we've been ordered ta do so. But there was nae said by the good admiral aboot takin' precautions. I get you're a smart Lass, but you're nae the only smart person aboard Challenger. As soon as he mentioned remote access, my arse puckered. I'll nae be havin' anyone havin' remote access ta my ship that I cannae override.

"So, we will do as ordered, but with a wee bit of caution added. First, the program will be installed in an isolated and removable memory module. There will also be a manual override switch, and I mean an actual mechanical switch, on the bridge and a second in engineerin'. If'n I so much as get a whiff of summat I don't like, I'll order both switches thrown and that module forcibly yanked from the bloody computer. Because you are nae the only one ta see the massive gapin' hole in security this program represents.

"Now, put on the best damn smile you ken and we're ta head out ta the bridge as if we're strollin' through the park on a summer day of blissful joy. Bein' banished from that dog and pony show they're throwin' is nae a punishment ta my mind, but a blessin'. Carry on Commander."

Ian then exited the ready room and reclaimed the command chair from T'Kel while sporting a 'Cheshire Cat' smile before ordering.

"Helm, steady as she goes ta Deep Space Nine. You're ta keep pace with Discovery at whatever speed she can manage."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on August 11, 2023, 10:17:09 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

"We are at station keeping, one thousand kilometers from the station Sir."

Lieutenant Espada at helm announced.

"Very good Hector. Thank you for the smooth ride."

Ian then tapped the record function on the command chair.

"Captain's Log, Stardate 78190.7. Challenger has just arrived at Deep Space Nine after the escortin' the heavily damaged USS Discovery ta the station. We were fortunate durin' the Battle of the Badlands as the confrontation with the remnant Dominion forces is bein' called. We sustained no damage and only minor injuries. The same cannae be said about our away team. While there were no fatalities, every member came back wounded ta one degree or another. However, none of the injuries were critical and all have returned to duty durin' the week at warp six it took ta reach the station.

"We have two days at the station ta take on supplies, rotate personnel, and for a wee bit of shore leave before we head out on the long trip ta the Romulan border. While this new assignment is nae the most plum task possible, we've established such a presence on the Romulan border that it will almost feel like we're goin' home. Odd how a body can get used ta the most unusual of circumstances. End log."

[Commander Nira Said | Captain's Ready Room >- Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira flinched at Ian's stern words, but she calmed when he mentioned the precautions taken in. Still, she made a note to keep an eye on that particular program.

"Of course, sir," said Nira. "And I apologize for speaking out of turn." She had just stood to make her best smile and had been about to leave when she made a last comment. "I would presume Admiral Gillespie was being lenient. He could've very easily had changed over the hull of our ship, after all. As he pointed out, it would've been the worst punishment he could've given. Thank Allah he didn't. Pity we'll be missing the festivities, the 250th anniversary of the launch of the first of Starfleet's exploration vessel."

She sat on the bridge, rubbing the side where she would be permanently scarred. Fortunately, she had plenty of comforts and plenty of friends. She was not alone. And she had plenty of things to do to keep her mind off. Every so often, she would look up at the ruined Discovery and sniffle, trying to prevent a tear. It just broke her heart to see her first true home like that. She wanted very much to get in touch with Torra...maybe at Deep Space Nine.

Then she made her crew evaluations, particularly noting Zhuk and Kyan...

"You know, Captain, Mister Mackenzie performed well above and beyond on our mission," she said. "It could be a good idea to reinstate his old rank of Lieutenant Commander. Problem is, we would have to do something about the department, it would only put in two leaders in Sec/Tac."

She looked behind her and looked at T'Kel. "Thing is, we got two excellent officers. Perhaps we should think about splitting the Sec/Tac department. T'Kel leading Tactical, Mackenzie Security. After all, Mackenzie has proven an adept Security Officer..."

"...if I may, sirs," said T'Kel. "I wanted to bring this to your attention. Admiral Gillespie had forwarded to me an offer for a post available on the U.S.S. Soval as First Officer."

Nira balked in surprise. "Really? Well, congratulations!" she said in delight.

"Thank you, Commander," said T'Kel. "So dividing Sec/Tac may not be necessary. I would be perfectly fine with handing the reins, as so put on Earth, to Mister Mackenzie. He has had departmental leadership experience on Katra Station, he'll be an ideal leader. Especially with Mister Mrekrerhas as his deputy as he was to me."

"Well, if you do offer yes...we will miss you, T'Kel," said Nira.

"As will I," said T'Kel with a nod.

Nira turned back to Captain Galloway and said, "Looks like we have some personnel work to do."

First Officer's Log, Stardate 78191.1. As we close in on Deep Space Nine, we are in for some crew rotations. The most notable will be T'Kel's promotion to full Commander and transfer to the Starship Soval. That and as Rahab Sherem's condition deteriorates, I can't help but feel we're losing friends in the aftermath of the Battle of Panora. Ensign Myne is among the officers who have transferred off Challenger. However, we have made new friends, especially on the legendary outpost of Deep Space Nine. We have new incoming personnel, including one or two new hands. Despite all this, Ruth Sigurdsdottir is going to prove busy, out of the way as she has her own work. Well. We'll just have to see about how our new Science hands can be in assisting Lieutenant Randall, maybe even taking charge of Science. We'll see what the future holds as we resume our explorations after we take time to rest from what has transpired and we continue our trek into the unknown in the former Romulan Star Empire.

Despite this, I feel uneasy. The Changeling infiltrator disguised as Lieutenant Commander Malachi Belvedere had escaped. The Changeling presence in the Alpha Quadrant is still confirmed. In spite of our return to Romulan space, I feel the need to keep a sharper, cautious eye out. Nehor Sherem and his pirates weren't the only ones using Dominion technology. Mention of pockets not just among the Breen, but also the Kzinti, the Tzenkethi, and certain Romulan factions, that they are sheltering Dominion personnel and technology still bothers me in the back of my mind. Allah help us if they have their own Dominion forces at their disposal to cause the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant trouble. However, seeing as we're due to return to the Romulan sphere of influence, the Breen and the Tzenkethi won't be any more concern to us. The Kzinti would be a little more closer, though very nearly in a diagonal opposite direction from Romulan space.

However, this is another thing concerning to me...the knowledge of salvage operations of Borg technology, especially transwarp coils. Could there be inspiration sparked from the old man's piracy? How do we know there won't be more raids with ships or stations using Borg transwarp technology? What will happen if these hostile forces bear down on us together with such technology at their disposal? What can the Federation do when these hostile forces take advantage of our complacency to spark a new war? I'm bothered by the attitude of Starfleet Command. Maybe it's because I was born in a time of war, born to a generation in a time of war. They wish to ignore the return of the Dominion; accepting it would mean a shattering of the comfort and security since the end of the Dominion War. The attitude of turning a blind eye until it's too late. At least there's many that will be wary. We will have to see fit in our wary eyes, but our return to Romulan space will mean keeping an eye out for Romulan factions influenced by the Dominion. That would also include the so-called Praetors we heard of recently and of whom I would wish to be exceptionally wary of.



[Enarrain Nirreen of House Caligula | War Room | Starbase Draomn | Near the Typhon Expanse]

"THIS is what the Praetors send to speak for them?" howled Kranju-Lord. "A little girl?"

Nirreen smirked as the Kzinti bellowed in amusement. Naturally, she had been among the first to arrive and waiting with Thot Malgh as he hosted the Cold One. And it she was used to reactions whenever she met a new person. She looked around at the small gathering. Kranju-Lord represented factions of the Kzinti Patriarchy who were most hostile to the Federation. Then there was the representative from the Tzenkethi Coalition, Belrenank Tor Tel-AA, who was in the Autarch's inner circle, and then General S'adaar, a recent joiner from the Gorn Hegemony, somebody interested in having a piece of the action.

Each of them represented factions from societies with grudges against the Federation, factions with inclinations leaning toward the Dominion, but not complete national representatives. These were members of their secret society. Nehor Sherem had a place, but now he was dead and gone. Envoys were extended to other peoples, from the Miradorn to the Tholians, but these in particular had been declined. The reasonings were understandable; the Tzenkethi, with their caste societies, hated the Federation and their means of society, on the spot, hence the raids and the most notable war in the past, but that was all there was. Raids. Because they never felt confident in a new full war, not with the Federation as prominent as they were. The Kzinti and the Gorn were long natural enemies, though some in the Hegemony had been expressing interest in peace overtures and even a mutual understanding, though not necessarily an alliance.

But Nirreen herself, of noble blood of the Romulan House of Alu'Gil'Ca - or, for the sake of easier pronunciation, Caligula - felt she represented the most prominent of this group. The Prateorian Triumvirate were three factions that had joined together in an effort to restore the old Romulan Star Empire. There was Domitian leading the way, Nirreen's older sister Ratheen heading the religious aspect, and Nakir the Reman in between as their attack dog. Their meeting place at Draomn Starbase was especially perfect. It was an old meeting base known to the Praetors, a cloaked station near the Typhon Expanse, a place where nobody can look. And it was a perfect location for any utilizing Borg transwarp technology.

Yet the bunch had yet to be in of agreement and coordination of their grudge against the Federation...but Nirreen can see something underlying: uncertainty.

"The little girl is more than what she seems, Kranju-Lord," Nirreen said smoothly and confidently. "Besides, none of our respective leaders are here to bandy negotiations rather than us. Not even the Autarch," she added, looking at Belrenank.

"Bet it as it may, a young person can provide most energy," Belrenank said equally smoothly.

"Bah," snarled S'adaar. She let out a growl before continuing, "this had best be worth my time."

"It will be worth the wait, General," Thot Malgh said.

"The wait is over."

Everybody turned to see that the milky substance had talked and then took form into the Cold One.

"Glad you could make it," he said smoothly.

"Be it as it may," Belrenank muttered - he was always fond of saying it, Nirreen observed - "the loss of Nehor Sherem is a great blow."

"Well, 'be it as it may,'" the Cold One sneered, mimicking Belrenank's favorite saying, "it's cheap. Suffice to say, the time is drawing nearer. The end of the Federation will come on the anniversary of when humanity's start of exploration. We will make them regret ever setting foot outside their planet."

"You still do not have your most crucial component," Kranju-Lord snarled.

"The Woman is handling it," the Cold One sneered. "Our task is to mobilize, ready to descend upon the Federation and burn it apart."

"Be it as it may, you're much too confident in that plan," Belrenank harrumphed. "If you didn't order us all to stop our military production with your toys, we would be confident in our readiness."

"Us? Or you, Belrenank?" asked the Changeling. "You have enough now that you can more than just make your raids. All that's needed is to wait for their holiday to turn into horror."

"We can have our fleets ready, but I don't think it'll be wise to descend at once," said Kranju-Lord, looking less ferocious now and more like an animal with a tail between its legs.

The Cold One stared long and hard before he said coldly, "Why?"

"Kranju speaks in terms of Kzinti past experience," Nirreen said. "And I agree with him. The Praetors agree with him. As perfect as your plan is, Lord Founder, it's a plan that can go horribly wrong. Even if your friend can find the boy in time, caution is wise when dealing with the Federation. Particularly humans. And we Romulans especially known in our experience in the past with humans. They tend to, as they so phrase, turn the tables. And when one least expects it."

"Ah," S'adaar snarled. "But I have agents as bounty hunters on the hunt for him. How else do you think I got wind of this?"

"Your excitement for bloodshed is appreciated," Malgh said. "But in light of our recent battle, I say we wait and see, to make sure the Federation will well and truly fall."

"What?" snapped the Cold One.

"Like I said, in light of the recent battle...with the Federation,"
said Malgh. "The Breen have been hit the hardest. Whatever ships we have left, especially made for our cause, we will reserve judgement."

"We are in agreement," Belrenank and Kranju-Lord said, almost at the same time.

"And on behalf of the Praetors," said Nirreen, "I vote we wait and see."

The Cold One scowled at S'adaar. They were the only ones in favor of their planned invasion, but the initial hesitance had been sealed by the details of the battle at Panora.

"Then it's pointless for us to continue like this," said the Cold One. "We adjourn. And we will watch."

Each representative bowed and left the Cold One, still curling his lips. All but Nirreen.

"As Belrenank is so fond of saying, be it as it may," Nirreen added. "The least we can do is guarantee some certain meddlers will be kept busy. Kept out of the way as best as we can."

"That'll be better," the Changeling replied. "Some are no problem. Kira's heart belongs to Bajor. We can keep an eye on certain solids, though some aren't easy to find."

"The legends are for your allies to deal with," Nirreen said. "While you keep the engines warmed up, I and the Praetors can handle things on our end."

"And how would you all ensure that?"

"Because they're due to return to our boundaries soon," said Nirreen with a purr. "We're now more than ready for them. We can definitely ensure they can be kept out of the way. Kept away so as to not interfere."

The Cold One now had some satisfaction. "But this is what the Praetors say, not you yourself?" he added.

"That is what the Praetors deem so," said Nirreen with a smirk. "After all, we have ears everywhere. We are everywhere. And it is our way. We will wait. We will watch. And at the right moment...we will strike."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

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