S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 -  Beta Hull - Battle Bridge]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 22, 2023, 10:21:21 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian waited less than a minute before he could feel the deckplates humming as the extra power flooded the ship. It took about another minute for Tharn, Lek, CatalÁ¡n, and the Beta hull Ops officer to balance the power load. It was one more minute before the four were satisfied with the structural integrity field and Tharn growled.

"Ready Captain."

Ian looked at the ship's readouts on his command chair and did a double take at the combined hull strength he was seeing.

"I bet the the yard apes at Utopia Planetia that built this old girl would never believe these readin's." He activated the comm.  =/\= "Commander, we are showin' ready for warp. Given your engines are available, we have full emergency speed available, warp 9.88 whenever you give the order." =/\=

=/\= "All Beta Hull and Challenger crew: Prepare for maximum warp.  Hold on, this might get bumpy." =/\=

He looked back towards flight officer.  "Now, Mr. Bok-char."

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2023, 11:25:13 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The flow of information was like a roller coaster and Ian was struggling to keep up with the data that was hitting him from all sides.

"Life was so much easier when all I had ta do was drive."

He thought as the Romulan contacted him about separating the ships. He replied.

=/\= "My engineerin' team is on it, will contact you when they have a solution. Challenger out." =/\=

As he knew Tharn was on the call, when he closed the connection to the Discovery, he then spoke directly to the chief engineer.

=/\= "Tell me you have a plan Dashlish." =/\=

=/\= "I do, but you won't like it. We made those connections to the Discovery rock solid. It's going to take at least twenty minutes to cut all the cables with fusion torches. We're stuck at impulse until that's complete." =/\=

=/\= "Go ahead and get started." =/\=

Sighing, Ian thought.

"Gillespie did this on purpose."

Quote from: Lek on April 21, 2023, 11:41:03 AM

[Engineering - USS Discovery]

When the captain spoke of a flaw in his plan, it was like a lash across his back as he was right. The current coupling method for the ships was designed for the most efficient use of the slipstream, not for battle. It embarrassed him that he'd not accounted for needing to separate the ships quickly. He could take some solace in that if there had been a more extensive briefing or more time, he might have included emergency separation, but there had been neither, now he had to come up with a new plan, again on the fly, with no time.

He wracked his brain to think of a quick way to separate the ships, but they'd been hooked together with strength in mind, not with a breakaway capacity. It was simple to create such a mechanism, but they didn't have time for that.

"It would be better if we could just stay connected....wait...."

He grabbed his PADD again and did some quick calculations and hit his combadge.

=/\= "Commander, Lek here. Separating the ships will take no less than twenty minutes in their current configuration and can't be done at warp. It would then take at least as long to reconnect the ships once this encounter is over and I don't think the admiral will give us that sort of time. I can have quick release connectors replicated, but then we'd have to install them on both ships, which would take at least an hour. As I know that is unacceptable, I have proposal.

"The Challenger has two warp core. I suggest she bring the second core online and put the entire output of that second core into our combined structural integrity field. That much power will actually exceed the tensile strength of both ships beyond their individual rating. It will make us solid enough not only for warp travel, but some pretty decent impulse maneuverability. We can implement this plan with no delay and bring the hybrid Discoverenger into action immediately." =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 21, 2023, 08:51:56 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian blinked at the Ferengi's suggestion and quickly went over the information he sent via a data file. After confirming the figures, he whistled in amazement.

"Bloody hell, this is Captain Scott level engineerin'.

Still shaking his head as he replied.

=/\= "This is brilliant work Commander. I approve this plan. Captain Tekin?" =/\=

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 22, 2023, 04:02:57 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Bridge]

=/\= "Commander tr'Lhoell actually.  I have command of the Beta Hull," the Romulan pointed out to the Challenger's Captain.  "I also approve of the plan.  Commander Lek, coordinate with the Commander Tharn." =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 22, 2023, 10:21:21 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian waited less than a minute before he could feel the deckplates humming as the extra power flooded the ship. It took about another minute for Tharn, Lek, CatalÁ¡n, and the Beta hull Ops officer to balance the power load. It was one more minute before the four were satisfied with the structural integrity field and Tharn growled.

"Ready Captain."

Ian looked at the ship's readouts on his command chair and did a double take at the combined hull strength he was seeing.

"I bet the the yard apes at Utopia Planetia that built this old girl would never believe these readin's." He activated the comm.  =/\= "Commander, we are showin' ready for warp. Given your engines are available, we have full emergency speed available, warp 9.88 whenever you give the order." =/\=

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 22, 2023, 11:39:11 PM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell

=/\= "All Gamma Hull and Challenger crew: Prepare for maximum warp.  Hold on, this might get bumpy." =/\=

He looked back towards flight officer.  "Now, Mr. Bok-char."

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly caught off-guard by the news that detaching from the cables wasn't as easy as it sounded. Of course, she understood about Alpha and Gamma hulls proceeding while Beta was left behind.

But then, Lek's news of there being two warp cores on the Challenger made Nira perk up in surprise. That was something that she was unaware of...on the other hand, again, Challenger was so big she didn't get to know all of it.

"Good to hear, Tharn," added Nira, "and if there are any engineers out there to get the cables cut as fast as possible, you'd best get them back there."

Nira heard a grunt of assent from the Tellarite in acknowledgement. She sat at her chair for a moment, marveling at Lek's genius. It was also shocking at how contrary Tharn was to Lek. Tharn may know her stuff, but she made "Bones" McCoy look like B'Lanna Torres. Lek, on the other hand, he was a true miracle worker, a genius worthy of Vulcan.

They were soon at warp and, after an exceptionally rocky ride, managed to arrive at the coordinates minutes after Discovery's Alpha and Gamma Hulls and the Intrepid.

"We've arrived at the coordinates," said T'Kel. "Discovery's Alpha and Gamma hulls and the Intrepid are holding position...Most of the trading fleet, escorts included, has been destroyed by..." there was such a long pause that Nira looked at T'Kel, whose eyes seemed to be flying as if trying to determine of the sensors were working correctly before she finally responded, "this is highly improbable."

"What is?" asked Nira.

"You better see for yourselves," said T'Kel, pulling up the viewscreen and setting it to maximum magnification.

What everybody in the small task force saw made anybody who was seeing what they see on the viewscreens made everybody watching drop their jaws...in fact, Nira was sure jaws were dropping on the bridges of the other ships. As T'Kel indicated, most of the Tarkalia Triangle fleet had been destroyed. Only three of the trading ships were left and trying to scatter, only to keep on getting grazed by torpedo volleys. The remainder of the escorts, all Inquiry-class starships (no doubt from the so-called cookie-cutter fleet), were all taking a beating. One was venting plasma in a way that the plasma was bursting and another had it's saucer on fire. The weaponry attacking them were all Cardassian weaponry, but it was the attackers that took them by surprise.

When Nira heard the distress call about being under attack, she had at first assumed that the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet had come under attack, the first kind of raiders that came to mind were Tzenkethi raiders, although they would've had to have been exceptionally bold to attack such a heavily protected trading and cargo fleet like the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet.

When she then heard "Cardassian Pirates," her mind adjusted, figuring at best, they'd be mostly beat-up Galors like the kind she discovered Jael Sherem infiltrating on her Officer Exchange. Of course, maybe more than just a few Galors...maybe a swarm of Hidekis to go with them, maybe some Keldons, or, at most, a Hutet or two, the most powerful Cardassian ships at that time.

She was not expecting, however, to see a huge spindly platform that everybody had come to associate with the most important outpost in the Federation within proximity to the Cardassian neck of the woods.

"What in Allah's name...what am I saying, how in Allah's name did a Nor-class station get out here?"

"I'm not going to be surprised if the fleet's held position because they're as stunned as we are," said T'Kel, "and, before you comment, Vulcans do have their own ways of expressing surprise."

Nira gasped suddenly as a volley destroyed the burning Inquiry-class and another blew a section of the saucer of the one venting plasma.

A hail came in from one of the Inquiry-classes, the USS Facsimile, and a weary-looking man was looking at the viewscreen...

"This is Captain Swansen of the Facsimile. Thank God you're hear, notwithstanding what you look like. We're the only ones left. It's just us and the Replicant left, and the Replicant's leaking plasma. You're surprised at the sight of the Nor, aren't you? It just came out of nowhere, it just blows my mind..."

Nira looked at Captain Galloway. Reassurances were made and meantime, Nira looked at T'Kel.

"Got a good look at the station?" she asked.

"I'm analyzing the station as we speak," T'Kel said. "It's definitely of the same makeup as a Nor-class station, and it seems to possess as much heavy firepower as Deep Space Nine, if not more...that's especially puzzling...Commander, Captain...I think that station's seen us, but it's not opening fire on us or any of Discovery's vectors. In fact, it's even stopped firing."

"Are we as strange-looking as we appear to be?" asked Nira. "Attached to Beta Hull as we are?"

"It's possible," said T'Kel with a shrug.

"Sounds like we could use this to our advantage, Captain," said Nira, turning to the Captain. "We may have a chance to stall them. It'll allow time for the trading fleet to get away, as well as time to detach from Beta Hull."

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2023, 12:24:04 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly caught off-guard by the news that detaching from the cables wasn't as easy as it sounded. Of course, she understood about Alpha and Gamma hulls proceeding while Beta was left behind.

But then, Lek's news of there being two warp cores on the Challenger made Nira perk up in surprise. That was something that she was unaware of...on the other hand, again, Challenger was so big she didn't get to know all of it.

"Good to hear, Tharn," added Nira, "and if there are any engineers out there to get the cables cut as fast as possible, you'd best get them back there."

Nira heard a grunt of assent from the Tellarite in acknowledgement. She sat at her chair for a moment, marveling at Lek's genius. It was also shocking at how contrary Tharn was to Lek. Tharn may know her stuff, but she made "Bones" McCoy look like B'Lanna Torres. Lek, on the other hand, he was a true miracle worker, a genius worthy of Vulcan.

They were soon at warp and, after an exceptionally rocky ride, managed to arrive at the coordinates minutes after Discovery's Alpha and Gamma Hulls and the Intrepid.

"We've arrived at the coordinates," said T'Kel. "Discovery's Alpha and Gamma hulls and the Intrepid are holding position...Most of the trading fleet, escorts included, has been destroyed by..." there was such a long pause that Nira looked at T'Kel, whose eyes seemed to be flying as if trying to determine of the sensors were working correctly before she finally responded, "this is highly improbable."

"What is?" asked Nira.

"You better see for yourselves," said T'Kel, pulling up the viewscreen and setting it to maximum magnification.

What everybody in the small task force saw made anybody who was seeing what they see on the viewscreens made everybody watching drop their jaws...in fact, Nira was sure jaws were dropping on the bridges of the other ships. As T'Kel indicated, most of the Tarkalia Triangle fleet had been destroyed. Only three of the trading ships were left and trying to scatter, only to keep on getting grazed by torpedo volleys. The remainder of the escorts, all Inquiry-class starships (no doubt from the so-called cookie-cutter fleet), were all taking a beating. One was venting plasma in a way that the plasma was bursting and another had it's saucer on fire. The weaponry attacking them were all Cardassian weaponry, but it was the attackers that took them by surprise.

When Nira heard the distress call about being under attack, she had at first assumed that the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet had come under attack, the first kind of raiders that came to mind were Tzenkethi raiders, although they would've had to have been exceptionally bold to attack such a heavily protected trading and cargo fleet like the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet.

When she then heard "Cardassian Pirates," her mind adjusted, figuring at best, they'd be mostly beat-up Galors like the kind she discovered Jael Sherem infiltrating on her Officer Exchange. Of course, maybe more than just a few Galors...maybe a swarm of Hidekis to go with them, maybe some Keldons, or, at most, a Hutet or two, the most powerful Cardassian ships at that time.

She was not expecting, however, to see a huge spindly platform that everybody had come to associate with the most important outpost in the Federation within proximity to the Cardassian neck of the woods.

"What in Allah's name...what am I saying, how in Allah's name did a Nor-class station get out here?"

"I'm not going to be surprised if the fleet's held position because they're as stunned as we are," said T'Kel, "and, before you comment, Vulcans do have their own ways of expressing surprise."

Nira gasped suddenly as a volley destroyed the burning Inquiry-class and another blew a section of the saucer of the one venting plasma.

A hail came in from one of the Inquiry-classes, the USS Facsimile, and a weary-looking man was looking at the viewscreen...

"This is Captain Swansen of the Facsimile. Thank God you're hear, notwithstanding what you look like. We're the only ones left. It's just us and the Replicant left, and the Replicant's leaking plasma. You're surprised at the sight of the Nor, aren't you? It just came out of nowhere, it just blows my mind..."

Nira looked at Captain Galloway. Reassurances were made and meantime, Nira looked at T'Kel.

"Got a good look at the station?" she asked.

"I'm analyzing the station as we speak," T'Kel said. "It's definitely of the same makeup as a Nor-class station, and it seems to possess as much heavy firepower as Deep Space Nine, if not more...that's especially puzzling...Commander, Captain...I think that station's seen us, but it's not opening fire on us or any of Discovery's vectors. In fact, it's even stopped firing."

"Are we as strange-looking as we appear to be?" asked Nira. "Attached to Beta Hull as we are?"

"It's possible," said T'Kel with a shrug.

"Sounds like we could use this to our advantage, Captain," said Nira, turning to the Captain. "We may have a chance to stall them. It'll allow time for the trading fleet to get away, as well as time to detach from Beta Hull."

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sat staring at the carnage he was seeing and even though he could clearly see what was happening, the reality of it was overwhelming. Tactically, he immediately knew that the force that had just arrived did not have the firepower to defeat a Nor-Class space station. Their only option was to protect the freighters long enough for them to escape or to rescue their crews at the very least. In response to Nira's suggestion, he said.

"It would take too long ta separate us. Once again, we just don't have the bloody time."

Ian knew Captain Tekin was the senior officer on the scene and that kept him from immediately issuing orders. Instead, he opened a private channel to Discovery's Alpha hull.

=/\= "Captain, I suggest we provide covering fire in the form of proximity fused photons. Since we can't hurt that beastie, I propose we blind it with massed volleys of the photons. Just long enough for the freighters ta go ta warp. If'n they can't then we have Intrepid make a quick pass and beam off their crews and then we go ta warp." =/\=

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Armory | Deck 9 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar proceeded to run a few drills to get the current Security shift ready for any eventuality, once he had acquired the information he needed to do so by Lieutenant Commander T'Kel. So, he instructed the Security personnel how to escort people to safety in case of damage to the ship from the slipspace travel, where to take engineers to critical areas that could necessitate repairs, and of course, how to act in case they found any damage on sections of the ship, making sure to try and extinguish any fires and inform others so that the proper repairs could be made.

Content enough, he was about to partake in another drill with the rest of Security, when he was contacted by T'Kel, whomst asked for assistance on the Bridge. Nodding, he turned to the rest of the shift, and stated, "Excellent job, I must say. I believe we are all but ready to confront any happenstance, should it arrive. For now, it seems that I am required elsewhere..." For a moment, he wondered wheter to assign them to keep practicing these tasks, but he decided to be a little more lenient for the time being. He had faith on the engineers, and he was confident on his department's capabilities, "You are free to resume thy duties as you see fit. Dismissed."

Zhukdra'shar then headed over to the bridge, beginning to assist T'Kel on determining what could be jamming the sensors, and hopefully, discover who the culprits were behind this raid and get the upper hand on them.

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2023, 12:24:04 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira was certainly caught off-guard by the news that detaching from the cables wasn't as easy as it sounded. Of course, she understood about Alpha and Gamma hulls proceeding while Beta was left behind.

But then, Lek's news of there being two warp cores on the Challenger made Nira perk up in surprise. That was something that she was unaware of...on the other hand, again, Challenger was so big she didn't get to know all of it.

"Good to hear, Tharn," added Nira, "and if there are any engineers out there to get the cables cut as fast as possible, you'd best get them back there."

Nira heard a grunt of assent from the Tellarite in acknowledgement. She sat at her chair for a moment, marveling at Lek's genius. It was also shocking at how contrary Tharn was to Lek. Tharn may know her stuff, but she made "Bones" McCoy look like B'Lanna Torres. Lek, on the other hand, he was a true miracle worker, a genius worthy of Vulcan.

They were soon at warp and, after an exceptionally rocky ride, managed to arrive at the coordinates minutes after Discovery's Alpha and Gamma Hulls and the Intrepid.

"We've arrived at the coordinates," said T'Kel. "Discovery's Alpha and Gamma hulls and the Intrepid are holding position...Most of the trading fleet, escorts included, has been destroyed by..." there was such a long pause that Nira looked at T'Kel, whose eyes seemed to be flying as if trying to determine of the sensors were working correctly before she finally responded, "this is highly improbable."

"What is?" asked Nira.

"You better see for yourselves," said T'Kel, pulling up the viewscreen and setting it to maximum magnification.

What everybody in the small task force saw made anybody who was seeing what they see on the viewscreens made everybody watching drop their jaws...in fact, Nira was sure jaws were dropping on the bridges of the other ships. As T'Kel indicated, most of the Tarkalia Triangle fleet had been destroyed. Only three of the trading ships were left and trying to scatter, only to keep on getting grazed by torpedo volleys. The remainder of the escorts, all Inquiry-class starships (no doubt from the so-called cookie-cutter fleet), were all taking a beating. One was venting plasma in a way that the plasma was bursting and another had it's saucer on fire. The weaponry attacking them were all Cardassian weaponry, but it was the attackers that took them by surprise.

When Nira heard the distress call about being under attack, she had at first assumed that the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet had come under attack, the first kind of raiders that came to mind were Tzenkethi raiders, although they would've had to have been exceptionally bold to attack such a heavily protected trading and cargo fleet like the Tarkalia Triangle trading fleet.

When she then heard "Cardassian Pirates," her mind adjusted, figuring at best, they'd be mostly beat-up Galors like the kind she discovered Jael Sherem infiltrating on her Officer Exchange. Of course, maybe more than just a few Galors...maybe a swarm of Hidekis to go with them, maybe some Keldons, or, at most, a Hutet or two, the most powerful Cardassian ships at that time.

She was not expecting, however, to see a huge spindly platform that everybody had come to associate with the most important outpost in the Federation within proximity to the Cardassian neck of the woods.

"What in Allah's name...what am I saying, how in Allah's name did a Nor-class station get out here?"

"I'm not going to be surprised if the fleet's held position because they're as stunned as we are," said T'Kel, "and, before you comment, Vulcans do have their own ways of expressing surprise."

Nira gasped suddenly as a volley destroyed the burning Inquiry-class and another blew a section of the saucer of the one venting plasma.

A hail came in from one of the Inquiry-classes, the USS Facsimile, and a weary-looking man was looking at the viewscreen...

"This is Captain Swansen of the Facsimile. Thank God you're hear, notwithstanding what you look like. We're the only ones left. It's just us and the Replicant left, and the Replicant's leaking plasma. You're surprised at the sight of the Nor, aren't you? It just came out of nowhere, it just blows my mind..."

Nira looked at Captain Galloway. Reassurances were made and meantime, Nira looked at T'Kel.

"Got a good look at the station?" she asked.

"I'm analyzing the station as we speak," T'Kel said. "It's definitely of the same makeup as a Nor-class station, and it seems to possess as much heavy firepower as Deep Space Nine, if not more...that's especially puzzling...Commander, Captain...I think that station's seen us, but it's not opening fire on us or any of Discovery's vectors. In fact, it's even stopped firing."

"Are we as strange-looking as we appear to be?" asked Nira. "Attached to Beta Hull as we are?"

"It's possible," said T'Kel with a shrug.

"Sounds like we could use this to our advantage, Captain," said Nira, turning to the Captain. "We may have a chance to stall them. It'll allow time for the trading fleet to get away, as well as time to detach from Beta Hull."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 23, 2023, 10:39:16 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sat staring at the carnage he was seeing and even though he could clearly see what was happening, the reality of it was overwhelming. Tactically, he immediately knew that the force that had just arrived did not have the firepower to defeat a Nor-Class space station. Their only option was to protect the freighters long enough for them to escape or to rescue their crews at the very least. In response to Nira's suggestion, he said.

"It would take too long ta separate us. Once again, we just don't have the bloody time."

Ian knew Captain Tekin was the senior officer on the scene and that kept him from immediately issuing orders. Instead, he opened a private channel to Discovery's Alpha hull.

=/\= "Captain, I suggest we provide covering fire in the form of proximity fused photons. Since we can't hurt that beastie, I propose we blind it with massed volleys of the photons. Just long enough for the freighters ta go ta warp. If'n they can't then we have Intrepid make a quick pass and beam off their crews and then we go ta warp." =/\=

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

While Zhukdra'shar aided T'Kel on attempting to unjam the sensors. Finally, through hard work, he managed to do so. A little bit too late, though, as they came onto the coordinates that the distress call had came from. At T'Kel's call for attention, Zhuk turned, gazing at the viewscreen to gasp at what he found upon it.

What the heck was a station like Deep Space 9 doing here?! Supporting an attack on some merchant vessels. Implausible, incredible! How?! He couldn't comprehend it, and yet, it was there. Was this the big menace that had been told about before?

In any case, he prepared himself to open fire if the systems of the Challenger permitted it, awaiting for orders as he made sure to try and keep an eye with the sensors at the Nor-class station, ears alert and tail swishing behind him in anticipation.

"I am ready to engage at your orders." He stated, preparing himself for what would come.

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)

Rayek trLhoell


Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 23, 2023, 10:40:23 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sat staring at the carnage he was seeing and even though he could clearly see what was happening, the reality of it was overwhelming. Tactically, he immediately knew that the force that had just arrived did not have the firepower to defeat a Nor-Class space station. Their only option was to protect the freighters long enough for them to escape or to rescue their crews at the very least. In response to Nira's suggestion, he said.

"It would take too long ta separate us. Once again, we just don't have the bloody time."

Ian knew Captain Tekin was the senior officer on the scene and that kept him from immediately issuing orders. Instead, he opened a private channel to Discovery's Alpha hull.

=/\= "Captain, I suggest we provide covering fire in the form of proximity fused photons. Since we can't hurt that beastie, I propose we blind it with massed volleys of the photons. Just long enough for the freighters ta go ta warp. If'n they can't then we have Intrepid make a quick pass and beam off their crews and then we go ta warp." =/\=

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 23, 2023, 11:20:43 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge (Alpha Hull)]

The journey was quick, he planned it that way.  Leaving Beta under Rayek was unfortunate, but necessary.  He was at least confident that his ship could handle a couple of raiders.  What he didn't expect was a mobile station to be firing on the convoy.

=/\= "Computer, release the automation on Gamma Hull, and transfer command to the Second Officer." =/\=

With the acknowledgment from the computer, Dem was now in complete control.  He just needed to follow his lead.

"Red Alert!  Shields up and prepare weapons.  Ops, open a channel to the station.  Be ready for evasive manuvers if we are fired upon" he ordered, stepping forward as he watched the impossible battle unfold.

"Nor station, this is Captain Tekin Nevir of the Federation starship Discovery.  This convoy is under the protection of Starfleet.  Call off your attack, or we will take action." he stated, waiting to see what the station would do.  Ian had already called him, but he was still hoping against hope that this could be handled diplomatically.

Yeah, like that ever really worked...

Rayek stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment, listening to Captain Tekin demand the station call off it's attack, before recognizing the reality that this was not a battle that would go in their favor.  Yet Starfleet protocol demanded that they protect those in need - like those trader ships.

Not being privy to the Captain Galloway's private conversation, Rayek was making his own plans.

He opened a comm to the Challenger's bridge, and Lek.

=/\= "Assuming the station doesn't stand down, those traders don't stand a chance to escape without some cover.  Connected -  we are the largest obstacle.  I'm going to have Helm move us between the Nor-class station and those ships.  Lek, we'll need as much power to the shields as possible, transfer power being used for the integrity field to the shields the moment we are in position.  Captain, I suggest you have your tactical personnel launch countermeasures between us and the station once we are in place." =/\=

Quote from: Nira Said on April 23, 2023, 12:24:04 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira gasped suddenly as a volley destroyed the burning Inquiry-class and another blew a section of the saucer of the one venting plasma.

A hail came in from one of the Inquiry-classes, the USS Facsimile, and a weary-looking man was looking at the viewscreen...

"This is Captain Swansen of the Facsimile. Thank God you're hear, notwithstanding what you look like. We're the only ones left. It's just us and the Replicant left, and the Replicant's leaking plasma. You're surprised at the sight of the Nor, aren't you? It just came out of nowhere, it just blows my mind..."

Nira looked at Captain Galloway. Reassurances were made and meantime, Nira looked at T'Kel.

"Got a good look at the station?" she asked.

"I'm analyzing the station as we speak," T'Kel said. "It's definitely of the same makeup as a Nor-class station, and it seems to possess as much heavy firepower as Deep Space Nine, if not more...that's especially puzzling...Commander, Captain...I think that station's seen us, but it's not opening fire on us or any of Discovery's vectors. In fact, it's even stopped firing."

The fact that the station stopped firing at Tekin's request seemed suspicious to the Romulan.

"Helm, move us in... slowly.  We don't want to spook them into engaging again.  Lt Banan, I want to listen on whatever is being said out there.  Code-break the comms if you have to!"

Mrht Heis'he ehl'ein qiuu
Rayek's BIO : Romulan male. 6'1" (1.8m)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 24, 2023, 03:21:33 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Rayek stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment, listening to Captain Tekin demand the station call off it's attack, before recognizing the reality that this was not a battle that would go in their favor.  Yet Starfleet protocol demanded that they protect those in need - like those trader ships.

Not being privy to the Captain Galloway's private conversation, Rayek was making his own plans.

He opened a comm to the Challenger's bridge, and Lek.

=/\= "Assuming the station doesn't stand down, those traders don't stand a chance to escape without some cover.  Connected -  we are the largest obstacle.  I'm going to have Helm move us between the Nor-class station and those ships.  Lek, we'll need as much power to the shields as possible, transfer power being used for the integrity field to the shields the moment we are in position.  Captain, I suggest you have your tactical personnel launch countermeasures between us and the station once we are in place." =/\=

The fact that the station stopped firing at Tekin's request seemed suspicious to the Romulan.

"Helm, move us in... slowly.  We don't want to spook them into engaging again.  Lt Banan, I want to listen on whatever is being said out there.  Code-break the comms if you have to!"

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian mentally kicked himself for excluding Discovery's First Officer from his call to Captain Tekin.

"It's nae like we're hitched ta Alpha hull dammit."

He growled internally before switching his comm settings to include the commanders of all three of Discovery's hulls.

=/\= "Commanders, I'm fine with puttin' our bulk between that bloody station and those freighters, but I think it's barkin' mad ta try and fight a Nor-class with what we have. I believe if'n we fire enough proximity photons, we can bugger up their targetin' system long enough for all of us ta do a runner." =/\=


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Not on the ship two hours and it was already in conflict. Her jonah status seemed to be the case even in the new setting. No matter she thought, she would hurry as fast as her little legs could take her to the bridge. To think the bridge on day one! She didn't know if it was a lack of officers or if a confidence in her record but the moment Lieutenant Evan Randell ordered her to the bridge a bright smile crossed her face. Using her small size, the same as a seven year old human child she weaved and waved threw the other officers in the corridors before into the turbolift.

"Main Bridge please!", she said with a smile. No need for please but why not be nice?

Once the doors opened she smiled from ear to ear stepping out but announced herself, "Ensign Myne, Science. Lieutenant Randell said you needed a science officer. Where am I needed?" She expected the jokes to come but she would smile and do whatever she could to help.

Female Only

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Starfleet Headquarters | Earth ::

~ 3 weeks ago

As he sat, nearly swallowed by the plush chair in front of Admiral Whats-his-name's desk, Kyan's mood got progressively worse. He'd been sitting here, watching the balding bureaucrat chicken peck a padd with his sausage fingers most of the past hour. All while he KNEW he was sinking further and further into this stupid chair.

Prior to coming here, he'd managed to get himself cleared for duty by one of the blue shirted head shrinks at Starfleet Medical. By now he'd been seeing them for one mishap or another for years. He knew what they wanted. They wanted to see him smiling and telling them everything about his experience being a captive of the Syndicate. He did. Mostly. And they bought it. So here he was, crisp new uniform, new boots, and ready to rejoin the fleet. Whatever.

Kyan had asked to be stationed back with Sirol, who had gone to Deep Space 6. Xasik and Emerald were there too. Truthfully, he wasn't "œok". He was angry. He'd been transported off the Discovery with the Orion lady, and onto a waiting Syndicate ship. Then he'd been thrown in a cell for a while, until the Syndicate decided that someone might want a Miran slave. And in all that time, nary a single rescue attempt from Starfleet.

He knew that they knew that he wasn't dead. How could they not? There wasn't a body. But no one came looking. When he's decided that a rescue wasn't forthcoming, he escaped. But he didn't make it far, because he didn't have a ship. So less than a week later, he was thrown back into a cell. Of course there were some beatings"¦ some mild torture, but that was to be expected. That cycle played itself out a few times before he made it to the auction block.

And who bought him? A human. A skeezy old grup who's decided that he needed a house slave. "œSomebody who can keep the place clean and"¦ whatever else I might require." The last part loomed over him like a cloud as he boarded the man's ship. It wasn't much, a long-range personal shuttle with living space in it. When Kyan asked after where his bed was, he was informed that there was only one. That was when he decided that it was time to go. Eventually, the man decided to turn his back to check something on a console. A few minutes later he found himself on the wrong side of the airlock.

He hadn't told the blue shirts that part. For all they knew Kyan had managed to steal the shuttle when the man left him in it to go and do something else. They were ok with that. That got you kudos. The proverbial pat on the head for cleverness and keeping things civilized. The truth would have gotten him shipped back to Miri's Planet for therapy. He didn't want therapy. He wanted Seles and her people to get what they had coming. And they would"¦ eventually.

But for now, he wanted to get his assignment and go. The Admiral didn't share his sense of urgency.

"œSo when do I leave for DS6?" Kyan asked finally.

The Admiral for his part, carried on pecking at the padd, not even bothering to look up. "œDS6? Who said that?"

"œThat's where I requested."

The sausage fingers quit pecking. The Admiral looked up, a look of mild incredulity salted with conceit etched onto his full features. "Well, we don't assign people based only on where they requested Commander. And DS6 has no need of a Commander."

It was about rank? One little gold pip was going to keep him from where he wanted to be? Kyan had never cared about ranks. But he was in Starfleet. So he'd accepted promotion as a reward for doing a good job and shrugged off demotions when the grups were mad at him. It was all a bit stupid to him. But he played the game because that's what was expected. But at this moment the game had become intolerable. In the little Onlie's mind, he had more than earned the right to go where he wanted. Ranks and positions be damned. "So promote me. Or demote me. I dinnae care. Just send me to DS6 with Sirol and Xasik.

The Admiral arched an eyebrow. "Well, we don't just promote people because they say so, nor do we demote someone without a reason.... so.."

"I know how tae get demoted." Kyan interrupted; the edge on his tone evident even through his chirpy Shetland lilt.

"I don't take your meaning." the admiral offered back evenly.

"I said, if yer not after promoting me, and yer not after demoting me so I can go where I wanna go... then I know how to get meself demoted. And then I'll be the right rank. And then it will nae be a problem."

"Commander, I understand that you've been through an ordeal. And even though you're cleared for duty, you might still have some lingering effects.. but.. "

"Sure and you don't understand nothin." Kyan shot back with more force than he should have. "Yer just a bureaucrat with a bald head and a fat arse." He attempted to stand up from the chair because he was too angry to sit. But he found he couldn't get out on the first try, which made him even more upset. After a few moments of struggling, Kyan finally found his feet and stared daggers at the admiral, who was likely sill processing the Onlie's commentary on the size of his ample backside.

He finally located his voice. "Mister Mackenzie!" the admiral began, keeping his seat, if not his composure. "This attitude is entirely inappropriate. And rather than demote you I've half a mind to take you over my knee!"

Without a word, the only reached behind his back. A moment later his mahogany handled karambit bit into the desk with a loud "thunk". Then, with naked malice dripping off every word..."I. wish. you. would. try."

:: Ready Room | USS Legacy ::

~ Prior to entering the Slipstream

Admiral Gillespie guffawed as he took another pull off the snifter in front of him. "Aye.. Admiral Peters is a rank bureaucrat so he is. Tae hear him tell it, ye all but carved 'im up like a turkey at tanksgivin.

"I never even touched his grup self!" Kyan shrugged. "But I thought that's what it woulda took. Sure and you could nae even get demoted back in the day widdout first breakin a nose or sommat."

Gillespie nodded. "Aye. Times are changin so."

Gillespie, like the diminutive now Lieutenant in front of him had both began they Starfleet careers when the uniforms were burgundy. Of course Gillespie had risen through the ranks with only a little backtracking in his younger days. Kyan's own career progression looked like an EKG reading. That wasn't all they had in common. The admiral's great grandfather, Edain Gillespie, attended the Singing Moon school on Cestus III. He and Kyan had been friends when the elder Gillespie was a boy. Of course he'd gone into Starfleet while Kyan had gone into less...righteous endeavors. But they had kept in contact. Kyan had attended his wedding, and eventually his funeral. He'd first met Hamish Gillespie when he was a toddler. They weren't friends per say, but when he'd heard of the incident in Admiral Peters' office, Peters was able to smooth things over so that instead of being given the boot entirely, Kyan could be placed under his command.

"Well I dinnae like it so. Seems tae me that some of yer fellows might need a boot in their arses. Soft like they are." Kyan opined casually. "As fer meself, I might hafta go buy a freighter or something if it keeps on like it is so."

Gillespie nodded. "Aye... I've thought of it many time meself so I have. But I'm too far now to do something different. It's old I am, and too old fer changes."

The admiral put his glass back on the table between them and sat back in his chair. "As fer yerself, I think I found a good post fer ye."

Kyan's eyes darkened. "I want...."

"Aye! I know what yer wantin boyo... and it ain't tae be!" he interrupted, matching the Onlie's expression "And I'm not Richard Peters either and no mistake. So if you're after keeping that uniform on, ye'll go where I tell ye. Am I clear?"

"Fine." Kyan relented with a sigh, then..."But only because I don't got the latinum tae be getting a good ship right now. And also... cause even though yer old... you prolly might be able tae best me."

Gillespie's demeanor lightened and he laughed again. "I dinnae know about that. But good. I'm after sendin ye over tae the Challenger. They need someone in Security, and Captainn Galloway is a good lad. I think you'll find him a different sort than some of the others so."

Accepting finally that he wasn't going to be seeing Sirol, Xasik, or Emerald for a while, Kyan nodded. "I'll get me stuff then an go over."

"Good." Galloway stood. "Then it's settled. And don't be buttin heads with Galloway! I told ye, he's a good lad. You might even like him."

Kyan rose as well and looked up at the flag officer. "As long as he don't leave me tae rot with the Orions he's got a good lead on that Bajoran Gowk on Discovery."

Rather than defend Captain Tekin, Gillespie opted for an end to the discussion. "Well than mate, it's off yee are."

"Merry Met, and Merry Part, and Merry Met again." Kyan replied, offering his hand, which the Admiral took. Then, as the ancient boy was nearly through the doors... "An keep out o' trouble the now!"

If the Onlie replied at all, it was lost in the doors swooshing closed. It was also moot because Hamish Gillespie was fully aware that Kyan could find trouble no matter where it tried to hide. Ah well, he thought, picking up his glass and draining it. Galloway could hanle it.

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 5 - Airlock]

From his position from the airlock window, Lahr stared out the window airlock window.  He was still dressed in his EV suit - what was the point of taking it off when he might at a moments notice be sent out to uncouple the two ships only to be called back 3 minutes later and told to 'stand-by' again.

When the ships dropped out of warp, at first all Lahr could see was the eft end of the Discovery's Beta Hull.  The way the two ships were coupled together blocked a lot of his foward view.    However as the ships moved forward at impulse turning, the wreckage of a several ships came into view.  The plasma fires were still burning and he could see the running lights on a couple flickering on and off as he figured the Ops and Engineering staff aboard those Inquiry-class ships were attempting to keep their power going to either to.

Lahr had to wonder about the slow approach of the 'Discoverenger'.  You'd think with others in need they would use a bit of speed to lend a hand.  The conjoined ship turned moving alongside some of the ships and it was only then that Lahr caught a glimpse out of the opposite corner of the window of a Nor-class station.

Had they arrived at DS9 already?  That couldn't be possible...  They were just at AR-558 two minutes ago... even at slipstream speed Deep Space 9 was twenty minutes away.   So what station was this?

Lahr pressed his helmeted head against the transparent aluminum of the airlock window and craned his head to keep the station in his view.

Roozh!  He wished he were on the bridge right now and could know what was going on!

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Nira Said

Quote from: myne on April 24, 2023, 10:43:21 PM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Not on the ship two hours and it was already in conflict. Her jonah status seemed to be the case even in the new setting. No matter she thought, she would hurry as fast as her little legs could take her to the bridge. To think the bridge on day one! She didn't know if it was a lack of officers or if a confidence in her record but the moment Lieutenant Evan Randell ordered her to the bridge a bright smile crossed her face. Using her small size, the same as a seven year old human child she weaved and waved threw the other officers in the corridors before into the turbolift.

"Main Bridge please!", she said with a smile. No need for please but why not be nice?

Once the doors opened she smiled from ear to ear stepping out but announced herself, "Ensign Myne, Science. Lieutenant Randell said you needed a science officer. Where am I needed?" She expected the jokes to come but she would smile and do whatever she could to help.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around in surprise to see a child enter the bridge in a uniform. Well, she looked like a child. Still, one can't judge a book by its cover.

"Man Science 3 by Lieutenant Savar, Ensign."

Quote from: Rayek trLhoell on April 24, 2023, 03:18:33 AM

Commander Rayek tr'Lhoell
[USS Discovery - Deck 6 - Battle Bridge (Beta Hull)]

Rayek stared at the screen in disbelief for a moment, listening to Captain Tekin demand the station call off it's attack, before recognizing the reality that this was not a battle that would go in their favor.  Yet Starfleet protocol demanded that they protect those in need - like those trader ships.

Not being privy to the Captain Galloway's private conversation, Rayek was making his own plans.

"Red Alert!" Rayek called out. The klaxon sounded.  "Shields up!  Tactical, prepare torpedo and phaser pulse countermeasures."

He opened a comm to the Challenger's bridge, and Lek.

=/\= "Captain, assuming the station doesn't stand down, those traders don't stand a chance to escape without some cover.  Connected -  we are the largest obstacle.  I'm going to have Helm move us between the Nor-class station and those ships.  Lek, we'll need as much power to the shields as possible, transfer power being used for the integrity field to the shields the moment we are in position.  Commander Said, I suggest you have your tactical personnel launch countermeasures between us and the station once we are in place." =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 23, 2023, 10:39:16 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian sat staring at the carnage he was seeing and even though he could clearly see what was happening, the reality of it was overwhelming. Tactically, he immediately knew that the force that had just arrived did not have the firepower to defeat a Nor-Class space station. Their only option was to protect the freighters long enough for them to escape or to rescue their crews at the very least. In response to Nira's suggestion, he said.

"It would take too long ta separate us. Once again, we just don't have the bloody time."

Ian knew Captain Tekin was the senior officer on the scene and that kept him from immediately issuing orders. Instead, he opened a private channel to Discovery's Alpha hull.

=/\= "Captain, I suggest we provide covering fire in the form of proximity fused photons. Since we can't hurt that beastie, I propose we blind it with massed volleys of the photons. Just long enough for the freighters ta go ta warp. If'n they can't then we have Intrepid make a quick pass and beam off their crews and then we go ta warp." =/\=

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 24, 2023, 11:05:16 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian mentally kicked himself for excluding Discovery's First Officer from his call to Captain Tekin.

"It's nae like we're hitched ta Alpha hull dammit."

He growled internally before switching his comm settings to include the commanders of all three of Discovery's hulls.

=/\= "Commanders, I'm fine with puttin' our bulk between that bloody station and those freighters, but I think it's barkin' mad ta try and fight a Nor-class with what we have. I believe if'n we fire enough proximity photons, we can bugger up their targetin' system long enough for all of us ta do a runner." =/\=

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 23, 2023, 01:42:26 PM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Armory | Deck 9 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Zhukdra'shar proceeded to run a few drills to get the current Security shift ready for any eventuality, once he had acquired the information he needed to do so by Lieutenant Commander T'Kel. So, he instructed the Security personnel how to escort people to safety in case of damage to the ship from the slipspace travel, where to take engineers to critical areas that could necessitate repairs, and of course, how to act in case they found any damage on sections of the ship, making sure to try and extinguish any fires and inform others so that the proper repairs could be made.

Content enough, he was about to partake in another drill with the rest of Security, when he was contacted by T'Kel, whomst asked for assistance on the Bridge. Nodding, he turned to the rest of the shift, and stated, "Excellent job, I must say. I believe we are all but ready to confront any happenstance, should it arrive. For now, it seems that I am required elsewhere..." For a moment, he wondered wheter to assign them to keep practicing these tasks, but he decided to be a little more lenient for the time being. He had faith on the engineers, and he was confident on his department's capabilities, "You are free to resume thy duties as you see fit. Dismissed."

Zhukdra'shar then headed over to the bridge, beginning to assist T'Kel on determining what could be jamming the sensors, and hopefully, discover who the culprits were behind this raid and get the upper hand on them.

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

While Zhukdra'shar aided T'Kel on attempting to unjam the sensors. Finally, through hard work, he managed to do so. A little bit too late, though, as they came onto the coordinates that the distress call had came from. At T'Kel's call for attention, Zhuk turned, gazing at the viewscreen to gasp at what he found upon it.

What the heck was a station like Deep Space 9 doing here?! Supporting an attack on some merchant vessels. Implausible, incredible! How?! He couldn't comprehend it, and yet, it was there. Was this the big menace that had been told about before?

In any case, he prepared himself to open fire if the systems of the Challenger permitted it, awaiting for orders as he made sure to try and keep an eye with the sensors at the Nor-class station, ears alert and tail swishing behind him in anticipation.

"I am ready to engage at your orders." He stated, preparing himself for what would come.

Hearing out the ideas of Captain Galloway and Commander tr'Lhoell, Nira nodded in pondering. With all that firepower, a flashbang of sorts can be another way to divert their attention to give the trading fleet time to get away.

Seeing Zhuk standing by at T'Kel's side, Nira said, "Wait for our command, but be ready to launch and detonate some photons per the Captain's specifications."

Tapping her comm badge, she called tr'Lhoell: "Commander tr'Lhoell, our tactical officer is standing by..."

Just then, Ops called that they're receiving a hail. Putting it up, it was clear Challenger was sharing with Discovery a transmission sent from the station. The image showed a gruff Cardassian, but it was clear he was a Dominion sympathizer, judging from the Jem'Hadar in the background along with his Cardassian henchmen.

"Captains. Allow me to introduce myself," Nehor drawled. "I am Gul Sherem, director of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. At least, until my office was liquidated by some upstarts under the thumb of that traitor Damar. And this...this is my masterpiece, Melek Nor. The only mobile station you will ever find. I'm sure your sensors will have noticed Borg signatures here. No, I am no Borg King, I just love the implementation of Borg technology."

Nira perked up. Gul Sherem...? Suddenly, it dawned on Nira: They were talking to Jael's father. He had the same eyes as Jael, though they looked cold enough to induce a Pluto-level chill. His little boast prompted Nira to look at Savar and Myne at Science before looking back.

But getting over her initial shock, she realized that they'll have the time they need to divert the station's attention to not just allow the trading fleet to get away, but was prepared to surprise them with their flashbangs.

Old man Sherem continued speaking and, at the same time, mocking the other ships. "I admit, I was surprised to see a simple formation. And I suppose you were expecting less. I expect no less than a tickle, especially you two hugging it out."

The Cardassians around him laughed; the Jem'Hadar, being bred professional soldiers, did not.

"At least Daddy is separate from the rest of the herd, am I right, Bajoran," added the old man, looking particularly at Tekin. Nira cringed a little; the way he said "Bajoran" at Tekin, he was saying it so scathingly it was like the name "Bajoran" was on par with a derogatory insult. On the other hand, he looked old enough to be a veteran of the Bajoran Occupation. She looked at Captain Galloway with a little worry in her face.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Yes Ma'am!", Myne smiled cheerfully and knew not to question and was quickly hurrying to the science station weaving about with small 'excuses me's' as she passed the different bridge crew deciding to use the fastest most direct route with her small frame. Then the science station, her first impression to make and she hoped she would not make a bad one.

She was a bit short so she turned the chair backwards and got on her knees in the chair and began her scans. She did a scan of the trading fleet then as she heard the Cardassian speak she made a bit of a face. Not a bad one but a cross between a pout and a fuss.

"I spent a year in the collective. Scanning Melek Nor now to identify possible Borg elements.", Myne spoke up loud enough to be heard but her loud voice sounded like a child wanting the adults attention. Base scans would cover the station, Cardassian make typical of most Nor stations. But she was focused on the Borg elements. The power frequencies were similar to the one's she saw as a engineering drone before being rescued.

"Sir, it appears to be Melek Nor has a Borg Transwarp Core supplimenting as a energy reactor. Center Mass is the only area big enough for proper use. I would assume Borg weaponry would be suplimenting the standard loadout so be ready Sir. Shall I pinpoint the exact location or is there other scans I may do?", Myne smiled feeling useful as she balanced on her knees on the chair.

Female Only

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Nira Said on April 25, 2023, 10:11:44 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around in surprise to see a child enter the bridge in a uniform. Well, she looked like a child. Still, one can't judge a book by its cover.

"Man Science 3 by Lieutenant Savar, Ensign."
Hearing out the ideas of Captain Galloway and Commander tr'Lhoell, Nira nodded in pondering. With all that firepower, a flashbang of sorts can be another way to divert their attention to give the trading fleet time to get away.

Seeing Zhuk standing by at T'Kel's side, Nira said, "Wait for our command, but be ready to launch and detonate some photons per the Captain's specifications."

Tapping her comm badge, she called tr'Lhoell: "Commander tr'Lhoell, our tactical officer is standing by..."

Just then, Ops called that they're receiving a hail. Putting it up, it was clear Challenger was sharing with Discovery a transmission sent from the station. The image showed a gruff Cardassian, but it was clear he was a Dominion sympathizer, judging from the Jem'Hadar in the background along with his Cardassian henchmen.

"Captains. Allow me to introduce myself," Nehor drawled. "I am Gul Sherem, director of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. At least, until my office was liquidated by some upstarts under the thumb of that traitor Damar. And this...this is my masterpiece, Melek Nor. The only mobile station you will ever find. I'm sure your sensors will have noticed Borg signatures here. No, I am no Borg King, I just love the implementation of Borg technology."

Nira perked up. Gul Sherem...? Suddenly, it dawned on Nira: They were talking to Jael's father. He had the same eyes as Jael, though they looked cold enough to induce a Pluto-level chill. His little boast prompted Nira to look at Savar and Myne at Science before looking back.

But getting over her initial shock, she realized that they'll have the time they need to divert the station's attention to not just allow the trading fleet to get away, but was prepared to surprise them with their flashbangs.

Old man Sherem continued speaking and, at the same time, mocking the other ships. "I admit, I was surprised to see a simple formation. And I suppose you were expecting less. I expect no less than a tickle, especially you two hugging it out."

The Cardassians around him laughed; the Jem'Hadar, being bred professional soldiers, did not.

"At least Daddy is separate from the rest of the herd, am I right, Bajoran," added the old man, looking particularly at Tekin. Nira cringed a little; the way he said "Bajoran" at Tekin, he was saying it so scathingly it was like the name "Bajoran" was on par with a derogatory insult. On the other hand, he looked old enough to be a veteran of the Bajoran Occupation. She looked at Captain Galloway with a little worry in her face.

Quote from: myne on April 25, 2023, 10:33:12 AM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

"Yes Ma'am!", Myne smiled cheerfully and knew not to question and was quickly hurrying to the science station weaving about with small 'excuses me's' as she passed the different bridge crew deciding to use the fastest most direct route with her small frame. Then the science station, her first impression to make and she hoped she would not make a bad one.

She was a bit short so she turned the chair backwards and got on her knees in the chair and began her scans. She did a scan of the trading fleet then as she heard the Cardassian speak she made a bit of a face. Not a bad one but a cross between a pout and a fuss.

"I spent a year in the collective. Scanning Melek Nor now to identify possible Borg elements.", Myne spoke up loud enough to be heard but her loud voice sounded like a child wanting the adults attention. Base scans would cover the station, Cardassian make typical of most Nor stations. But she was focused on the Borg elements. The power frequencies were similar to the one's she saw as a engineering drone before being rescued.

"Sir, it appears to be Melek Nor has a Borg Transwarp Core supplimenting as a energy reactor. Center Mass is the only area big enough for proper use. I would assume Borg weaponry would be suplimenting the standard loadout so be ready Sir. Shall I pinpoint the exact location or is there other scans I may do?", Myne smiled feeling useful as she balanced on her knees on the chair.

[Bridge - USS Challenger - Captain Ian Galloway]

Ian saw the new ensign enter the bridge and despite the tense tactical situation, he was taken by the nature of the 8 year old woman/child. He'd heard of Onlies and it boggled his mind to know this little girl was alive when the legendary Captain Kirk sat center seat and discovered their tragic world. What he could not make his mind accept was that this ensign, would be 16,000 years old by the time she would appear to be full grown. That was a number beyond recorded time on earth by several orders of magnitude. The implications were mind numbing.

However, crew conundrum or not, he had a job to do as this Sherem began posturing with stereotypical Cardassian arrogance. Muting the channel on his end, Ian said.

"Bloody hell, this wanker does go on. Bloated gas bag."

He then unmuted the channel just in time to hear the ensign's report on the location of the Borg technology on the station.

"Great. Borg transwarp and weaponry. As if a Nor-Class needs any more advantages."

He thought gloomily. Fortunately, as Sherem blathered on, it was giving the surviving freighters time to escape.

"Keep him takin' Tekin, just keep the horse's arse talkin'."

[Bridge - USS Challenger - Lieutenant Evan Randell]

Randell was also taken aback by the arrival of Ensign Myne, but smoothly covered his surprise when she reported on the details of the station.

"If you can get a fix on that transwarp coil Ensign, that would be outstanding."

Kina Nural

Quote from: Nira Said on April 25, 2023, 10:11:44 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira looked around in surprise to see a child enter the bridge in a uniform. Well, she looked like a child. Still, one can't judge a book by its cover.

"Man Science 3 by Lieutenant Savar, Ensign."
Hearing out the ideas of Captain Galloway and Commander tr'Lhoell, Nira nodded in pondering. With all that firepower, a flashbang of sorts can be another way to divert their attention to give the trading fleet time to get away.

Seeing Zhuk standing by at T'Kel's side, Nira said, "Wait for our command, but be ready to launch and detonate some photons per the Captain's specifications."

Tapping her comm badge, she called tr'Lhoell: "Commander tr'Lhoell, our tactical officer is standing by..."

Just then, Ops called that they're receiving a hail. Putting it up, it was clear Challenger was sharing with Discovery a transmission sent from the station. The image showed a gruff Cardassian, but it was clear he was a Dominion sympathizer, judging from the Jem'Hadar in the background along with his Cardassian henchmen.

"Captains. Allow me to introduce myself," Nehor drawled. "I am Gul Sherem, director of the Cardassian Intelligence Bureau. At least, until my office was liquidated by some upstarts under the thumb of that traitor Damar. And this...this is my masterpiece, Melek Nor. The only mobile station you will ever find. I'm sure your sensors will have noticed Borg signatures here. No, I am no Borg King, I just love the implementation of Borg technology."

Nira perked up. Gul Sherem...? Suddenly, it dawned on Nira: They were talking to Jael's father. He had the same eyes as Jael, though they looked cold enough to induce a Pluto-level chill. His little boast prompted Nira to look at Savar and Myne at Science before looking back.

But getting over her initial shock, she realized that they'll have the time they need to divert the station's attention to not just allow the trading fleet to get away, but was prepared to surprise them with their flashbangs.

Old man Sherem continued speaking and, at the same time, mocking the other ships. "I admit, I was surprised to see a simple formation. And I suppose you were expecting less. I expect no less than a tickle, especially you two hugging it out."

The Cardassians around him laughed; the Jem'Hadar, being bred professional soldiers, did not.

"At least Daddy is separate from the rest of the herd, am I right, Bajoran," added the old man, looking particularly at Tekin. Nira cringed a little; the way he said "Bajoran" at Tekin, he was saying it so scathingly it was like the name "Bajoran" was on par with a derogatory insult. On the other hand, he looked old enough to be a veteran of the Bajoran Occupation. She looked at Captain Galloway with a little worry in her face.

[Sickbay / USS Challenger]
Kina couldn't help it. Again, she found herself deep in thought and speculation. Which meant her mind raced with questions, which meant pacing. She paced in sickbay, desperately trying to figure out everything that was going on. She heard from passersby's about Challenger and Discovery leaving the fleet to respond to a threat of pirates. Not ordinary pirate, but Cardassian pirates.

Which only made her wonder more. Cardassian pirates were not heard of, least to her. Cardassian ships obeyed the orders sent down from Central Command. The only one who disobeyed was the traitor Dukat during the war. So what was going on now. She thought about going to the Bridge, see what exactly was happening.

Her thoughts were interrupted with a sound from a medical diagnostic panel. It was odd, because she had no patients. What was going on? Walking up to the panel, she noticed an odd file, subtle, but grabbing her attention. She opened the file and looked inside. Inside was text, encrypted in an older Cardassian code that many forgot about. It took her a moment to decipher the code, and was shocked at what she saw.

[Bridge / USS Challenger]
Her choice was made. She now HAD to go to the Bridge. She downloaded the file onto her PADD and raced out to the turbolift. She just hoped this information would help the captain. Things were already tense, she didn't need to make them worse. As she stepped out of the turbolift onto the bridge, she stopped short to see Sherem on the view screen. Alongside him and his troops were soldiers of Jem'hadar. Why? Cardassians never forgave what they did during the end of the war. Something was up.

She had to play it cool. She had to maintain herself. Do not give anything away. She walked over toward Nira and made a motion to offer her the PADD. "œCommander, I have those medical diagnostics you asked for." She looked over at the view screen and smiled, bringing the PADD behind her back. "œOh. I apologize. Gul Sherem, it is very nice to see you again. It's"¦.been a long time since I last saw you. I don't know if you remember me. I'm Kina, Nural's daughter."



[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The Ensign was bracing on her knees in the chair as she worked on the science panel doing the scans. Hearing the request she then hit a few buttons she raised up on her feet in the chair balancing to hit the buttons on the top of the panel. Lowering back to a safe spot the Only smiled. Rather than saying aloud with the Cardasian in earshot the girl skipped along as if being casual should the Cardasian see her and raised on tiptoes to whisper to Lieutenant Randell. If she did attract the man's attention it would possibly be thought of as a child playing and telling secrets to a parent the Only hoped. Some of the games the older kids had played on Kirk called 'Foolies'.

"Sir. Bottom segment on the underside of the station has a large saucer-like object at coordinates Above this is a cylinder holding it to the bottom of the station surrounded by six energy transfer pylons. The Transwarp core is there, surrounded by the pylons. If three pylons can be destroyed or the main generator in the saucer nodule disabled the drain from the transwarp core would need more emergency power the station has to function with the normal reactor hampered. Doing this should leave the life support but seriously hamper the station. A resonance pulse set to alternate every six milliseconds should pierce any Borg shielding."

She then giggled cutely as she lowered back down to finish the ruse before skipping back to her station to get back in the chair raised up on her knees.

Female Only


[USS challenger-bridge]

T'prith acknowledged lieutenant junior grade Mcnair as she went back to viewing the screen at her station. She proceeded to shunt the power from the integrity fields to the shields. She figured that the situation must be rather dire if the power had to be moved to the shields. If there was any other actions that needed to be taken then she would be prepared to act accordingly.

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RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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