S:5 E:12 - Dominion Rising

Started by Ian Galloway, April 07, 2023, 11:22:13 AM

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Nira Said

Quote from: Kina Nural on April 27, 2023, 01:16:24 AM

[Bridge / USS Challenger]
Kina forced herself to smile. Sherem was one of those stuck in the old ways, the old Cardassia. But her home changed from the war, it was different, better. He wanted to return Cardassia back to a Dominion stronghold, and she would first break her oath and kill every single Jem'hadar with him than let Cardassia go back to the way it was.

She looked at him and kept her calm. "œThat's rather humorous, because from what I am seeing, my father is the only one not talking in insanities. However given the company you're currently keeping, one would have to assume you are." She gripped the PADD tight, anger was flowing through her. She was ready to snap, and when he spoke down to a hero, it happened.

Kina's eyes and voice became hard as she glared at Sherem. "œElim Garak is more of a Cardassian than you will ever be. And my father stood up against the Dominion when our people attacked Rodman III. My father proved his loyalty to our people. As well as every Cardassian who died freeing us. And you stand there with the same"¦..things that killed our people. You are no Cardassian."

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 27, 2023, 01:04:12 PM

[Bridge - USS Challenger - Lieutenant Evan Randell]

Randell was about to chastise the new ensign for her behavior, but as she whispered her findings, he held his rebuke in check as the information more than compensated for her actions. He nodded to her and whispered a quick "Good work Ensign." Before sending the data on the station in a coded burst transmission to the Discovery's hulls and the Intrepid. If they could disable the station's transwarp, then the convoy could escape.

[Bridge - USS Challenger - Captain Ian Galloway]

Ian watched his bridge devolve into chaos as the children danced and an ensign, without leave, got into a shouting match with a Cardassian with delusions of grandeur even grander than usual.

"I believe the term my Gaffer used ta use was 'It's Bedlam in here.'"

He thought as he forced himself to hold his tongue. If the situation were in any way different, he'd have intervened by now to stop this nonsense. Ensign's didn't skip on a Starfleet bridge and they damn sure didn't intrude on a conversation between ship commanders without permission.

However, these actions, along with Tekin's extended dialog, were keeping Sherem from firing or pursuing the freighters. While Gillespie had signaled that reinforcements were on the way, at the moment, if the station opened fire, the Discoverenger would have to fight a holding action long enough for the freighters to scatter.

"We'll likely go down like the HMS Rawalpindi or HMS Jarvis Bay, but it will be a braw fight if'n it comes ta that. Should we survive, I will be talkin' ta both Ensign Myne and Ensign Nural about what is appropriate on a Starfleet bridge."

He fumed internally as he waited for the word to fire.

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 27, 2023, 09:23:14 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

The Bajoran stood there, defiantly, not speaking and not reacting.  The same defiant stance that many of his people held in the latter days of the Occupation; when the tides had turned.  He took the hits in stride, not even reacting to his own people speaking.  He was just letting the Cardassian coil the rope he was using to hang himself.

"Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it, Sheram.  Dukat failed to learn that lesson and it cost him his life. You are presently on that same path." he stated, standing at rest as he spoke quietly and carefully.

"As you have stated you are unaffiliated with Cardassia, I no longer have to treat you as a representative of Cardassia.  Which means you are forfeited any and all rights afforded to rogue military elements.  Both the Federation and the new Cardassia have strict laws in regard to pirates.  So I will afford you the opportunity once to leave this system and turn yourself in to Cardassia.  Otherwise, we will be forced to act in defense.  And trust me when I say that Discovery is no mere rebel ship." he said, allowing just that one hint of acid in his voice.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 28, 2023, 09:58:44 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

Ian could hear the change in tone in his former captain's voice and knew things were about to happen and happen quickly. He muted the channel and quietly began issuing orders.

"The time for antics is over, especially from ensigns. Tactical, load the aft photons, fused for proximity burst. Your objective is ta obscure the sensors of that station. Bring phasers ta ready. Your target for them are those energy transfer pylons at the bottom of the station. Ops, point of impact shields ta full. Engineerin', have EVA teams ready ta sever the towin' cables should this plan go south."

With orders given, he waited for the moment Tekin said to fire or Sherem broke off and he just didn't see Sherem breaking off.

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with amazement at the way Nurse Nural became impassioned. Old Man Sherem, on the other hand, only curled his lips and hardened his eyes.

"Traitors. All of them, and Damar was the worst of them all. I curse the day Dukat made him, who was but a lowly freighter man, his right hand," he growled. Turning back to Tekin, he retorted, "The only difference between me and Dukat was that Dukat was an impassioned fool who especially let the Bajoran religion get the best of him. That is why I am still here."

At Tekin's offer to surrender, Sherem only looked around at his Ops, his expression and body language like as if, in his view, Tekin had asked a predictably stupid offer. Then he laughed mockingly, and everybody except the Jem'Hadar laughed with him.

"Leave and turn myself into Cardassia?" he chortled, both mirthlessly and mockingly. "I've seen how the Prometheus class works, but even three separate hulls are not enough against me? And you to defend yourself? You'll try to make me turn tail, let alone face me? You and what navy?"

Suddenly, Tactical let out a beeping and T'Kel called out. "Captain, Commander, a trio of Inquiry-class starships have just dropped out of warp off the port bow...and another ship has just dropped out of slipstream..."

Indeed, the huge Odyssey-class USS Davis easily extended barely as long as both Challenger and Beta Hull of Discovery combined.

"Two more ships have dropped out of warp just a lightyear behind the Inquiry-starships," added T'Kel. "The Shamshir and the Lich Lord. They'll catch up as soon as possible."

Nira was smiling smugly at Old Man Sherem right now. The timing couldn't have been better. However, it was still up to Tekin to permit the fleet to let loose their flashbangs. She did, of course, look at Captain Galloway to wonder about notifying their reinforcements to fire similar weapons they had in mind.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar



While Zhukdra'shar remained with his attention focused upon the console, his left ear flicked as he heard the voice of a child apparently claiming to be an Ensign. He turned around to confirm this, surprise visible on his face as he didn't expect an actual tyke to come within the Bridge. Immediately, he turned towards her, seriously: "Apologies, little girl, but I must petition for you to abandon the premises at once. We are caught within a very delicate situation"

Myne smiled and waved to the officer but continued on to where she was assigned, it was a common issue to be mistaken for a child. Something that at times could be a benefit.

He was quite surprised though, to overhear the technicalities being spoken about the technology being used within the station, by no one else but the literal child that had walked into the Bridge. It vexed him how she could be so knowledgeable. Was she a genius of some kind? He surely didn't knew of anyone like that back in the Academy. Didn't matter, he supposed.

As the Captain asked to make time by stalling Gul Sherem, Zhuk wondered if he should attempt to trick him with a theatre play, using the knowledge about Cardassia that he had. He decided against it, though, worrying that his act might be too convincing, or unexpected, rather. That could cause chaos within the cabin, and make things worse. Instead, he limited himself to overhearing more technical jargon accompanied by 'cute' conduct carried out by the new Science Ensign.

He found it more than obnoxious, but again, spoke not of it.

Once her chair had been vanquished by the other Only, Myne leaned over to whisper to the Cat alien with a question, "Are you a Kzinti Sir? I was owned by the Kzinti for nearly twenty Terran years? I know some techniques to help should you have any fur knots. I am happy to be of service."
Female Only

Danjar-Torra Addams

Quote from: Tekin Nevir on April 29, 2023, 10:18:43 PM

[USS Discovery - Deck 1 - Main Bridge]

Nevir stood firm, and before he could respond, Ops called out incoming warp signatures... Federation.  Now their two ships were five, and the attention of the Federation was on this particular issue.  He planned to stall long enough for the convoy to get away, but now... now he had the means to support his words.

"As you can see, Gul Sheren, that would be Starfleet.  I gave you an opportunity to solve this in the Federation-approved way.  Now... we'll get a little bit more nostalgic.  Discovery out." he stated, closing the channel.  He took his seat and crossed his legs.

"Target weapons and defenses.  Begin a strafing run on the station.  Let them know we aren't going to be pushed around.  Fire when ready." he stated, giving his order to attack.

Torra relayed Tekin's orders to all the Hulls and informed Challenger and the reinforcement ships of the intent to engage. 
Danjar-Torra's Bio - Grazerite female 6'6' (1.98m) - Alt of ShranLahr ch'Verret

Ian Galloway

Quote from: Danjar-Torra Addams on April 30, 2023, 01:09:21 AM

Torra relayed Tekin's orders to all the Hulls and informed Challenger and the reinforcement ships of the intent to engage.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As soon as Tekin gave the order to fire, Ian echoed the command.


It galled Ian to no end to be stuck behind the Discovery when he so wanted to 'Thatch Weave' with Beta hull. However, he knew that it was impossible to separate the ships in less than twenty minutes.


He muttered as he re-evaluated the original plan. After less than a minute of reflection, he activated the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Dashlish, we're goin' ta execute an emergency separation. Get crews out there with phasers and cut those tow cables, but leave the hard points. Ops, reel in those ODN cables. Engineerin', begin replicatin' detachable cables for when this fight is over, we're goin' have ta have the capability ta reconnect quickly." =/\=

He closed the channel and added.

"Helm, stand by for independent maneuverin'!"

Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas


Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Quote from: Nira Said on April 29, 2023, 12:26:36 AM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Nira watched with amazement at the way Nurse Nural became impassioned. Old Man Sherem, on the other hand, only curled his lips and hardened his eyes.

"Traitors. All of them, and Damar was the worst of them all. I curse the day Dukat made him, who was but a lowly freighter man, his right hand," he growled. Turning back to Tekin, he retorted, "The only difference between me and Dukat was that Dukat was an impassioned fool who especially let the Bajoran religion get the best of him. That is why I am still here."

At Tekin's offer to surrender, Sherem only looked around at his Ops, his expression and body language like as if, in his view, Tekin had asked a predictably stupid offer. Then he laughed mockingly, and everybody except the Jem'Hadar laughed with him.

"Leave and turn myself into Cardassia?" he chortled, both mirthlessly and mockingly. "I've seen how the Prometheus class works, but even three separate hulls are not enough against me? And you to defend yourself? You'll try to make me turn tail, let alone face me? You and what navy?"

Suddenly, Tactical let out a beeping and T'Kel called out. "Captain, Commander, a trio of Inquiry-class starships have just dropped out of warp off the port bow...and another ship has just dropped out of slipstream..."

Indeed, the huge Odyssey-class USS Davis easily extended barely as long as both Challenger and Beta Hull of Discovery combined.

"Two more ships have dropped out of warp just a lightyear behind the Inquiry-starships," added T'Kel. "The Shamshir and the Lich Lord. They'll catch up as soon as possible."

Nira was smiling smugly at Old Man Sherem right now. The timing couldn't have been better. However, it was still up to Tekin to permit the fleet to let loose their flashbangs. She did, of course, look at Captain Galloway to wonder about notifying their reinforcements to fire similar weapons they had in mind.

Quote from: myne on April 29, 2023, 06:48:58 PM

Myne smiled and waved to the officer but continued on to where she was assigned, it was a common issue to be mistaken for a child. Something that at times could be a benefit.

Once her chair had been vanquished by the other Only, Myne leaned over to whisper to the Cat alien with a question, "Are you a Kzinti Sir? I was owned by the Kzinti for nearly twenty Terran years? I know some techniques to help should you have any fur knots. I am happy to be of service."

A few minutes ago...
Zhukdra'shar was somewhat surprised by the whispered words that were relayed to him by the small child who sat by the Science console. Considering the distance, he was surprised to hear them, his fine audition managing to pick it up in between the ruckus that permeated around the Bridge. A concerned look soon was visible on his face.

"A slave? Just like him?" He thought, as his own memories as a slave to the Orions and then as a bodyguard for a wealthy Romulan. But, 20 years? That didn't make sense. She was a child. He had grown after all that time. So was she not a kid? He was confused, and decided to ask for proper clarification later. Still, he couldn't help but feel concerned about her previous life, and decided that perhaps he was being a little too tough on her.

"Negative. I am not Kzinti. As far as I am aware, Kzinti are... our more aggressive cousins. I am a Caitian. You need not comb my hair..." He whispered back, as he hummed for a moment, considering the offer once more, "But... such a technique would be... welcomed to learn, I suppose. I am sorry that you had to experience slavery, though. So did I." And with that, he returned to his duties upon the console.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 30, 2023, 10:15:36 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As soon as Tekin gave the order to fire, Ian echoed the command.


It galled Ian to no end to be stuck behind the Discovery when he so wanted to 'Thatch Weave' with Beta hull. However, he knew that it was impossible to separate the ships in less than twenty minutes.


He muttered as he re-evaluated the original plan. After less than a minute of reflection, he activated the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Dashlish, we're goin' ta execute an emergency separation. Get crews out there with phasers and cut those tow cables, but leave the hard points. Ops, reel in those ODN cables. Engineerin', begin replicatin' detachable cables for when this fight is over, we're goin' have ta have the capability ta reconnect quickly." =/\=

He closed the channel and added.

"Helm, stand by for independent maneuverin'!"

At the orders of Captain Galloway, Zhuk proceeded to fire the photon torpedoes towards the sensors of the station, all that he could fire at once, hoping to overwhelm its defenses to eliminate all or most of them. Soon, he too got the phasers of the Challenger to work, firing them against the bottom pilons, hoping to eliminate them in order for the energy to fall. He kept his breath as he waited to see the results of his marksmanship...

Zhuk's Biography and Career Service: Caitian (Male). 5'3'' ft (160 cm). Main Character.
NPCs: Crewman Zala Ferengi (Female)


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]


"Negative. I am not Kzinti. As far as I am aware, Kzinti are... our more aggressive cousins. I am a Caitian. You need not comb my hair..." He whispered back, as he hummed for a moment, considering the offer once more, "But... such a technique would be... welcomed to learn, I suppose. I am sorry that you had to experience slavery, though. So did I." And with that, he returned to his duties upon the console.

Ensign Myne smiled weakly and said, "After the first half dozen enslavements... you get used to it."


At the orders of Captain Galloway, Zhuk proceeded to fire the photon torpedoes towards the sensors of the station, all that he could fire at once, hoping to overwhelm its defenses to eliminate all or most of them. Soon, he too got the phasers of the Challenger to work, firing them against the bottom pilons, hoping to eliminate them in order for the energy to fall. He kept his breath as he waited to see the results of his marksmanship...

With the foul beast of a chair stationary, Myne held to the top and peered at the viewscreen. What if her calculations were wrong she thought. Three pylons would stop the use of the transwarp do to power drain but would it effect life support? Was there civilians who might be hurt? Would the Cardassian grup shudder life support to reinforce power?

She held the chair now with one hand, the other moving up to paw at the side of her face with her knuckles as a nervous tick. If innocents were hurt she would never forgive herself, but then there were innocents on the convoy. So the pawing became faster and more agressive as she held her breath watching. "Got to stay positive, no second guessing.", she whimpered quietly as she looked on worriedly.

Female Only

Nira Said

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 30, 2023, 10:15:36 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As soon as Tekin gave the order to fire, Ian echoed the command.


It galled Ian to no end to be stuck behind the Discovery when he so wanted to 'Thatch Weave' with Beta hull. However, he knew that it was impossible to separate the ships in less than twenty minutes.


He muttered as he re-evaluated the original plan. After less than a minute of reflection, he activated the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Dashlish, we're goin' ta execute an emergency separation. Get crews out there with phasers and cut those tow cables, but leave the hard points. Ops, reel in those ODN cables. Engineerin', begin replicatin' detachable cables for when this fight is over, we're goin' have ta have the capability ta reconnect quickly." =/\=

He closed the channel and added.

"Helm, stand by for independent maneuverin'!"

Quote from: Zhukdrashar Mrekrerhas on April 30, 2023, 11:32:48 AM

Lieutenant Junior Grade Zhukdra'shar Mrekrerhas | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

At the orders of Captain Galloway, Zhuk proceeded to fire the photon torpedoes towards the sensors of the station, all that he could fire at once, hoping to overwhelm its defenses to eliminate all or most of them. Soon, he too got the phasers of the Challenger to work, firing them against the bottom pylons, hoping to eliminate them in order for the energy to fall. He kept his breath as he waited to see the results of his marksmanship...

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The weapons flew free. Challenger's own created the desired effect of a flashbang. The others hit around the marks and especially around the reactors. Nira could see from a viewscreen pulled up from her chair, seeing as how Old Man Sherem was still on the viewscreen and reeling in surprise, which was why communications are still connected with him. The old man's reaction was priceless, and judging from the smirks she was seeing around the bridge and the feelings of elation, Nira wasn't the only one to notice.

"Gul, sensors are down!" called an officer on their Ops. "We're taking fire from...everywhere!"

"Fire manually!" snarled the old man.

By the time the station began raining fire, the Inquiries were making strafing runs, the newly arrived Lich Lord was unloading a payload mixture of photon and quantum torpedoes, and the Davis was practically circling and bombarding like an ancient galleon. The news of the cables to be disconnected quickly made Nira worry about any EV-suited engineers on the hull, but the cables were quickly disconnected and Challenger was able to join the Davis in broadsiding the station, among its other trademark sucker-punch maneuvers. Of course, the varied blind fire shooting off everywhere meant every ship got hit at least once.

After a moment, T'Kel spoke up. "Captain, Commander, I'm not sure how much longer we can hold up against that thing, even with our shields. We're already taking fire. The Intrepid is already dead in the water and on fire, and the Xerox has been destroyed."

"McNair, unmute the channel," said Nira grimly. Then, adding loudly, "T'Kel, Zhuk, how soon can we get below the station and target the Borg signature on the station and thus the transwarp system?"

Now that really got a reaction not just from the old man but also his lackeys. Even the Jem'Hadar; Nira can definitely see them flinching and widening their eyes.

"Sir, the transwarp!" called the Glinn. "Even if we finished off that merchant fleet...!"

"I realize that, glinn!" snarled Sherem. He turned back at the captains and snarled, "You won this round. Next time, expect the full brunt of the Dominion, Jem'Hadar and Breen alike, behind my back!"

He cut communications to all Starfleet frequencies. The station came on the viewscreen, and Nira was satisfied further to see that something that looked like green smoke was billowing from the reactor at the bottom of the station, while shields were flickering from the constant Federation fire, while one pylon was catching fire, shields just coming off. But then, the reactor glowed an unusual green hue, and in a green flash, the whole station disappeared into a transwarp conduit.

"Holy Allah, he wasn't lying when he said he rigged that thing with a transwarp coil," Nira said in amazement.

First Officer, Outpost Solaere
"Reading the mind can be like reading a book at times. Sometimes it is a lot more preferable to skim the pages, but one needs to immerse himself or herself totally into it to discover the truth, if necessary."
NPC: Savar

ShranLahr ch'Verret

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 5 - Airlock >> Saucer Hull]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on April 30, 2023, 10:15:36 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As soon as Tekin gave the order to fire, Ian echoed the command.


It galled Ian to no end to be stuck behind the Discovery when he so wanted to 'Thatch Weave' with Beta hull. However, he knew that it was impossible to separate the ships in less than twenty minutes.


He muttered as he re-evaluated the original plan. After less than a minute of reflection, he activated the comm on the command chair.

=/\= "Dashlish, we're goin' ta execute an emergency separation. Get crews out there with phasers and cut those tow cables, but leave the hard points. Ops, reel in those ODN cables. Engineerin', begin replicatin' detachable cables for when this fight is over, we're goin' have ta have the capability ta reconnect quickly." =/\=

He closed the channel and added.

"Helm, stand by for independent maneuverin'!"

New orders came down from the Bridge to phaser through the cables.  So out them went with the magboots keeping them attached to the hull as the ship was maneuvered into a strafing run.

Roozh! This was madness!? Being out on the hull while in pitched battle!?  Whose idea was this?  Like as if he didn't know....

Quote from: Jael Sherem on April 30, 2023, 11:01:43 PM

[Lieutenant JG Jael Sherem | Bridge | Deck One | USS Discovery NCC-78393-B]

This was Jael's first time letting loose weapon fire from Tactical, but she recalled her practice runs on the holodeck. Plus, she knew where to target. Of course, Jael had time to look up to see her father was still on the viewscreen and reeling in surprise, which was why communications are still connected with him. The old man's reaction was priceless, and Jael's smirk was the widest her smile had ever been.

"Gul, sensors are down!" called an officer on their Ops. "We're taking fire from...everywhere!"

"Fire manually!" snarled the old man.

But Jael was already targeting. She did her best to aim toward the reactor, where she was certain the transwarp coil was assembled, while targeting the defenses and weapons. The weapons were especially easy to target, but not so easy to hit, not with the station firing off randomly - she had seen Challenger fire off the first volley and blow the torpedoes in the station's face. Whatever it was, the flashbang must've disabled their sensors.

All the same, the blind fire meant every ship got hit at least once. Jael felt plenty of jolts more than once, and she could see from the sensors how well the battle was going.

"Captain," she said, "the Challenger's taking hits. Its shields seem to be holding, but I don't know how long they'll hold. The Intrepid's dead in the water and taking fire and one of the Inquiries, the Xerox, has been destroyed. Our own shields...well, Alpha Hull's shields are down to thirty percent. Sir, I advise we target the reactor; if the old man thought that was in danger, I'm confident it'll scare him away..."

But then, she heard Nira asking loudly, "T'Kel, Zhuk, how soon can we get below the station and target the Borg signature on the station and thus the transwarp system?"

Well, Jael thought in admiration. She must've figured from the old man's yammering and the sensors...

Now that really got a reaction not just from the old man but also his lackeys. Even the Jem'Hadar; Jael can definitely see them flinching and widening their eyes.

"Sir, the transwarp!" called the Glinn. "Even if we finished off that merchant fleet...!"

"I realize that, glinn!" snarled Sherem. He turned back at the captains and snarled, "You won this round. Next time, expect the full brunt of the Dominion, Jem'Hadar and Breen alike, behind my back!"

He cut communications to all Starfleet frequencies. The station came on the viewscreen, and Jael had enough time to admire the fleet's handiwork before the reactor glowed an unusual green hue, and in a green flash, the whole station disappeared into a transwarp conduit.

Lahr didn't dare to look up as he made his way to the hard-point, which he'd been ordered to leave intact, lest he see the phaser pulse that would end his life.   The ship shook a few times with the impact of weapons fire to the Point of Impact shielding.   So far the ship hadn't exploded underneath him... so he supposed they must still be functioning well enough.

The Andorian tried to focus on his task of cutting through the cables as ordered, but found that his hand was shaking too badly in reaction to the situation to dare fire.  His partner had to take over.   Inside his helmet, his antennae sank.

Then all of a sudden, the weapons fire around them ceased.  When he glanced up the station was gone - like it had never been.

But by then the last of the cables had been cut and reported to Lahr as the EVA team leader.  Challenger was free.... well except for the docking hatch and the ODN cable.. which he hoped Tharn had passed on.

=/\= "ch'Verret to the Bridge.  Cables are cut. EVA team is returning to the airlock" =/\=

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: ShranLahr ch'Verret on May 01, 2023, 12:15:23 AM

CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Challenger-A - Deck 5 - Airlock >> Saucer Hull]

New orders came down from the Bridge to phaser through the cables.  So out them went with the magboots keeping them attached to the hull as the ship was maneuvered into a strafing run.

Roozh! This was madness!? Being out on the hull while in pitched battle!?  Whose idea was this?  Like as if he didn't know....

Lahr didn't dare to look up as he made his way to the hard-point, which he'd been ordered to leave intact, lest he see the phaser pulse that would end his life.   The ship shook a few times with the impact of weapons fire to the Point of Impact shielding.   So far the ship hadn't exploded underneath him... so he supposed they must still be functioning well enough.

The Andorian tried to focus on his task of cutting through the cables as ordered, but found that his hand was shaking too badly in reaction to the situation to dare fire.  His partner had to take over.   Inside his helmet, his antennae sank.

Then all of a sudden, the weapons fire around them ceased.  When he glanced up the station was gone - like it had never been.

But by then the last of the cables had been cut and reported to Lahr as the EVA team leader.  Challenger was free.... well except for the docking hatch and the ODN cable.. which he hoped Tharn had passed on.

=/\= "ch'Verret to the Bridge.  Cables are cut. EVA team is returning to the airlock" =/\=

Quote from: Nira Said on April 30, 2023, 10:45:41 PM

[Lieutenant Commander Nira Said | Bridge | Deck One | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

The weapons flew free. Challenger's own created the desired effect of a flashbang. The others hit around the marks and especially around the reactors. Nira could see from a viewscreen pulled up from her chair, seeing as how Old Man Sherem was still on the viewscreen and reeling in surprise, which was why communications are still connected with him. The old man's reaction was priceless, and judging from the smirks she was seeing around the bridge and the feelings of elation, Nira wasn't the only one to notice.

"Gul, sensors are down!" called an officer on their Ops. "We're taking fire from...everywhere!"

"Fire manually!" snarled the old man.

By the time the station began raining fire, the Inquiries were making strafing runs, the newly arrived Lich Lord was unloading a payload mixture of photon and quantum torpedoes, and the Davis was practically circling and bombarding like an ancient galleon. The news of the cables to be disconnected quickly made Nira worry about any EV-suited engineers on the hull, but the cables were quickly disconnected and Challenger was able to join the Davis in broadsiding the station, among its other trademark sucker-punch maneuvers. Of course, the varied blind fire shooting off everywhere meant every ship got hit at least once.

After a moment, T'Kel spoke up. "Captain, Commander, I'm not sure how much longer we can hold up against that thing, even with our shields. We're already taking fire. The Intrepid is already dead in the water and on fire, and the Xerox has been destroyed."

"McNair, unmute the channel," said Nira grimly. Then, adding loudly, "T'Kel, Zhuk, how soon can we get below the station and target the Borg signature on the station and thus the transwarp system?"

Now that really got a reaction not just from the old man but also his lackeys. Even the Jem'Hadar; Nira can definitely see them flinching and widening their eyes.

"Sir, the transwarp!" called the Glinn. "Even if we finished off that merchant fleet...!"

"I realize that, glinn!" snarled Sherem. He turned back at the captains and snarled, "You won this round. Next time, expect the full brunt of the Dominion, Jem'Hadar and Breen alike, behind my back!"

He cut communications to all Starfleet frequencies. The station came on the viewscreen, and Nira was satisfied further to see that something that looked like green smoke was billowing from the reactor at the bottom of the station, while shields were flickering from the constant Federation fire, while one pylon was catching fire, shields just coming off. But then, the reactor glowed an unusual green hue, and in a green flash, the whole station disappeared into a transwarp conduit.

"Holy Allah, he wasn't lying when he said he rigged that thing with a transwarp coil," Nira said in amazement.

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The battle had gone better than expected, not that it was without losses with the Xerox destroyed and the Intrepid disabled, but they had forced Sherem to retreat. The convoy, while shot up, had mostly survived, so, they had done their duty, but Sherem had said before he left that the next time they saw him, he'd have Dominion and Breen with him. That meant that this thing wasn't over and explained the all fired hurry Gillespie was in. However, there was work to do now. The future was going to have to wait.

"Helm, bring us along side Intrepid."

He then activated the comm system.

=/\= "Engineerin', Ops, and Medical, prepare ta lend assistance ta Intrepid." =/\=


[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne felt a small ping of failure as the station warped away. But she took the Captains order to heart. "Scanning for escape pods from the Xerox." She announced loudly and seriously as she leaned up on her knees to reach the various scan buttons. Scanning... Scanning... "None... no pods..", the Only said before plopping down in her chair. Covering her face and crying as she kicked her legs in frustration and being unable to help those people. Should she have been scanning for pods during the fight? What could she have done different for next time... more grissle and no time to whistle..

Female Only

Buck McNair

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 01, 2023, 10:54:49 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The battle had gone better than expected, not that it was without losses with the Xerox destroyed and the Intrepid disabled, but they had forced Sherem to retreat. The convoy, while shot up, had mostly survived, so, they had done their duty, but Sherem had said before he left that the next time they saw him, he'd have Dominion and Breen with him. That meant that this thing wasn't over and explained the all fired hurry Gillespie was in. However, there was work to do now. The future was going to have to wait.

"Helm, bring us along side Intrepid."

He then activated the comm system.

=/\= "Engineerin', Ops, and Medical, prepare ta lend assistance ta Intrepid." =/\=

[Bridge | USS Challenger]

As far as casualties and damage reports went, Buck could count his lucky stars that they had not turned out worse. He hadn't crunched the numbers fully yet but they had loss the Xerox and Intrepid seemed to be disabled at the current point. Sherem had left parting words for the rest of the fleet to take in and taste, reminding them all that they would be faced with a bigger and more dangerous foe. Something Buck would want to replay and see whether they could have adapted or altered the outcome with different choices, perhaps something to crunch his free time after their shifts had changed.

Blue eyes glanced up sharply, drawn from his thoughts as the captain hailed Ops again alongside the other departments. Buck began to crunch the stats for the Intrepid compared with amount of medical supplies and beds that they had free - it would be a mass operation to assist another vessel depending on the amount of casualties and or if they needed any further supplies until they managed to restart whatever had disabled them in the first place. "Aye cap'n. Ops at the ready."

Quote from: myne on May 01, 2023, 11:28:05 AM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne felt a small ping of failure as the station warped away. But she took the Captains order to heart. "Scanning for escape pods from the Xerox." She announced loudly and seriously as she leaned up on her knees to reach the various scan buttons. Scanning... Scanning... "None... no pods..", the Only said before plopping down in her chair. Covering her face and crying as she kicked her legs in frustration and being unable to help those people. Should she have been scanning for pods during the fight? What could she have done different for next time... more grissle and no time to whistle..

He could hear the soft sobs of the ensign, grabbing his attention as he looked around the bridge to the Ensign who seemed more than new on the deck. Buck knew and his heart went out to her, certainly there was nothing else they would be able to change now the battle had been done and dusted. They were going to have to move forward and reflect on what they could do better. He would keep them in mind, observing as he stood by his station, his mind back on the task at hand. It would be something that he could have had a hand in helping more but for now, they would need to deal with the aftermath.

Kyan Mackenzie

:: Bridge | USS Challenger ::

After things came to a sudden and, if he was being honest, very UNsatisfying conclusion; No boarding actions? No hand-to-hand with the Jem'Hadar? Really?!; Kyan ordered a post-action systems check and review from the computer. Then he swiveled around and hopped off his chair. Passing the Captain and XO, he walked over to the Tactical station where Mrekrerhas was still working. "Aye.. it's fine shooting you did mate, and no mistake." He clapped the Caitian on the back. "Twas well fought so. Good job!"

Quote from: myne on May 01, 2023, 11:28:05 AM

"None... no pods..", the Only said before plopping down in her chair. Covering her face and crying as she kicked her legs in frustration and being unable to help those people.

"We can get some food later an talk more on it." Kyan said, looking over at the other Onlie. Then we went over to her station. It had been a long time since he'd seen another of his own kind, and he knew people took things differently. He was usually happy to have a proper fight and didn't give alot of thought to the ones who didn't make it. After all, they were in the Summerlands now and not worried over mortal concerns life living and dying. But he also knew that most people didn't see it that way, especially if it were a friend or family member that was gone.

Seeing Myne crying over the battle hit him in a way that he wasn't used to. For a moment, he just looked at her, unsure of what he was meant to be doing. Then, before he knew what he was doing, he reached over and drew her into a hug. "It's ok." he spoke quietly. "Sure and it's a good job ye done. An ye cannae worry on them that's gone the now. They're off in the Summerlands drinking and having fun so. And lots more than that are still here. So it's ok. Ye dinnae hafta cry little sister because ye done good." Patting her on the back he went on in a whisper so only she could hear. "An it's safe the now, an no one's gonna hurt you again. It's me they'll be seein if they try. I promise."

Kina Nural

Quote from: Buck McNair on May 01, 2023, 02:12:57 PM

[Bridge | USS Challenger]

As far as casualties and damage reports went, Buck could count his lucky stars that they had not turned out worse. He hadn't crunched the numbers fully yet but they had loss the Xerox and Intrepid seemed to be disabled at the current point. Sherem had left parting words for the rest of the fleet to take in and taste, reminding them all that they would be faced with a bigger and more dangerous foe. Something Buck would want to replay and see whether they could have adapted or altered the outcome with different choices, perhaps something to crunch his free time after their shifts had changed.

Blue eyes glanced up sharply, drawn from his thoughts as the captain hailed Ops again alongside the other departments. Buck began to crunch the stats for the Intrepid compared with amount of medical supplies and beds that they had free - it would be a mass operation to assist another vessel depending on the amount of casualties and or if they needed any further supplies until they managed to restart whatever had disabled them in the first place. "Aye cap'n. Ops at the ready."

He could hear the soft sobs of the ensign, grabbing his attention as he looked around the bridge to the Ensign who seemed more than new on the deck. Buck knew and his heart went out to her, certainly there was nothing else they would be able to change now the battle had been done and dusted. They were going to have to move forward and reflect on what they could do better. He would keep them in mind, observing as he stood by his station, his mind back on the task at hand. It would be something that he could have had a hand in helping more but for now, they would need to deal with the aftermath.

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 01, 2023, 10:54:49 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The battle had gone better than expected, not that it was without losses with the Xerox destroyed and the Intrepid disabled, but they had forced Sherem to retreat. The convoy, while shot up, had mostly survived, so, they had done their duty, but Sherem had said before he left that the next time they saw him, he'd have Dominion and Breen with him. That meant that this thing wasn't over and explained the all fired hurry Gillespie was in. However, there was work to do now. The future was going to have to wait.

"Helm, bring us along side Intrepid."

He then activated the comm system.

=/\= "Engineerin', Ops, and Medical, prepare ta lend assistance ta Intrepid." =/\=

[Bridge / USS Challenger]

Kina fist tightened hard. She wanted to scream. This man talked praise about Dukat while disowning the life of Damar. It was true and not hidden, that Damar did things during the war, that he worked with the Dominion and Dukat, and when he first turned against the Dominion, it was in pure preservation of his own life. But after that, when he chose to fight for the People of Cardassia, and he gave his life for them, Damar was a hero.

She was ready to speak when the Captain gave the order to attack. Everything moved so fast, she could hardly keep up. Kina looked at the station just in time to see it disappear. If he was in possession of such technology, it could be bad for Cardassia. Hopefully her father knew about this and could do something.

She then heard the captain give orders to prepare to held the Intrepid. With that, her place wasn't on the bridge, but sickbay. She looked to McNair as she immediately made her way to the turbolift. "œBeam all reported injuries to Sickbay. We'll triage there and assist." With that taken care of, she made her way back and prepared for anything.

ShranLahr ch'Verret


CPO ShranLahr ch'Verret
[USS Intrepid - Engineering Section]

Quote from: Ian Galloway on May 01, 2023, 10:54:49 AM

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

The battle had gone better than expected, not that it was without losses with the Xerox destroyed and the Intrepid disabled, but they had forced Sherem to retreat. The convoy, while shot up, had mostly survived, so, they had done their duty, but Sherem had said before he left that the next time they saw him, he'd have Dominion and Breen with him. That meant that this thing wasn't over and explained the all fired hurry Gillespie was in. However, there was work to do now. The future was going to have to wait.

"Helm, bring us along side Intrepid."

He then activated the comm system.

=/\= "Engineerin', Ops, and Medical, prepare ta lend assistance ta Intrepid." =/\=

Being already in an EVA suit, Lahr and his welding team were the first to be beamed over to the Intrepid, specifically the engineering section since scans showed life-support was done.  Life signs were present but fading.

In Main Engineering, they found the ship's Bolian chief engineer with his personal rebreather working to bring back life-support to the ship.   Most of the Intrepid's engineers were either dead or unconscious from lack of oxygen, and the man was quick to issue orders to the arrivals from Challenger.

Together, they had the life support system back up within 3 minutes, rather than the 15 minutes it would have taken the Chief to do alone.

After that, attention was turned to getting the engines back online.

Authorization: Bravo Alpha Delta Alpha Sigma Sigma Six Niner
Lahr's Biography: Andorian chan (male). 5'7" (1.75m)  : Main character
NPC's Lt JG Chloe Davies (Human Female) / Crewman T'Varn (Vulcan transgender)

Ian Galloway

Quote from: myne on May 01, 2023, 11:28:05 AM

[Ensign Myne | Bridge | Deck 1 | USS Challenger NCC-40117-A]

Ensign Myne felt a small ping of failure as the station warped away. But she took the Captains order to heart. "Scanning for escape pods from the Xerox." She announced loudly and seriously as she leaned up on her knees to reach the various scan buttons. Scanning... Scanning... "None... no pods..", the Only said before plopping down in her chair. Covering her face and crying as she kicked her legs in frustration and being unable to help those people. Should she have been scanning for pods during the fight? What could she have done different for next time... more grissle and no time to whistle..

[Bridge - USS Challenger]

As the battle ended faster than expected, Ian's adrenaline battle rush faded just as fast. He saw the new science ensign's tears and was conflicted. Though she appeared to be no more than a child, she was over 200 years old. This made for a puzzling dichotomy. Part of him wanted to comfort her as he would any hurt little girl, but the logical part of him told him she was an Ensign in Starfleet and that tears had no place on the bridge. Regardless of what was appropriate for a Starfleet officer, Ian could not bring himself to be harsh, thus when he spoke, it was in a soft tone.

"The first time you see a ship lost with all hands is hard. Should it ever stop bein' hard, then it is time ta leave the service. A very famous general from Earth said long before even you were born, 'Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won.' If'n you need a moment Lass, you are welcome ta leave the bridge."

🡱 🡳

RPG-D Sci-Fi Avatars RPG Initiative RPGfix RPG Initiative Fodlan Chronicles

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